The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 25 June 1908

Total Pages: 18
401 418 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 62 401 POSTAGE FROM ENGLAND TO THE FAR EAST. TnBsSSSjBMSSBj Johore, Malay States (Protected— viz., "Ver-ik, Selangor, Xeirri Semhilan and Pahanirh Sarawak, British North Borneo, Lahuan, Straits Settlements. LETTEUS. POST CARDS. NIWSPAPBK.S. Id per oz Id. each. _d. per 2 oz. BOOK faST. COilL. POST. PATTERNS. i per I .z. _d. per
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  • Domestic Occurrences.
    • 29 401 On June 1, 1908, at Shanghai, the wife of Wm. Taylor, a son. On June 3, 1908, at Shanghai, to Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Tyler, a son.
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    • 49 401 Young— Down.— May 25, at Blackpyl, Glamorgan, Allan, son of late J. Stow Young, formerly of Penang, to Hilda Annie Down. On June 1, 1908, at Shanghai, Ethel Maude, youngest daughter of the late Augustus White, to Gordon Stuart Valentine, second son of the late H. S. Bidwell.
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    • 67 401 At No. 37 Prinsep Street, on the 19th inst., Mis9 Amy Amelia Bodestyne, the eldest daughter of the late Benjamin Bodestyne, aged 29 years deeply regretted. The interment took place this morning at Bidadari. Manila and Bangkok papers, please copy. Forbes. May 21, at Boston, U. S. A., Francis
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  • 1071 401 China's Two Per Cent Opium. Smokers. June 19. A telegram to the Singapore Free Press from Hongkong yesterday states that on that day in the Legislative Council at Hongkong, the Clerk of Councils, Mr Clementi, laid on the table an official return regarding the prevalence of opium smoking in China
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  • 852 401 We in the Straits mav be feeling tie present hard times in a specially seats way, for the simple reason, so far as the ports of the Colony are concerned, we do not produce or manufacture, but merely work on a handling commission in the capacity of
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  • Page 401 Advertisements
    • 525 401 CONTENTS. Leaders. China's Two Per Cent Opium Smokers 401 Local Industries Wanted 40 J H.»me Rule for Scotland 402 Mr. Taft for President 402 QoBBBBBf and the Pv-»ce of Europe 402 The Franco-Siamese Delimitation 403 Asiatic teamen in British Shits 403 An Indu trial Wakening 403 Patriotism on 'he Make
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    • 117 401 SINGAPORE FOUNDRY LIMITED. CIVIL MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL ENGINEER?. MOKAMED SULTAN AND TEMPEKiS ROAD, SINGAPORE. Have In hand ready for sale both new and second hand Steam Engines and Boilers and fittings. Centrifugal pumps and pipes. Steam and Donkey Pumps, Saw Mill machineries, Rice machineries, Sago machineries, Tapioca machineries of all
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  • Page 401 Miscellaneous
    • 214 401 THE WEEK. Europe mails of May 29 arrived here on Fudav morning last by the P. O. Devanha and this week's homeward go by the B I. Taroba. A number of Council changes are published. The ex-efficio membership is reduced by cue, in the constitution of the Executive and Legislative
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  • 1223 402 June 20. When about the end of 1885 and the beginning cf 1886 it was rumoured that Mr Gladstone meditate 1 turning to Home Rule for Ireland, this finally signalised by his formal introduction of his Home Rule Bill on April 8-h, 1886, it was plain
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  • 627 402 Although the United States Presidential election does not take place till November the unanimous endorsement at Chicago of Mr Taft's candidature on the part of the Republican party makes Mr Taft virtually the President elect. The Democratic Convention at Denver next month will select Mr Bryan
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  • 1781 402 June *J2. Although a semi-official versim of certain phrases siid to have been used in a speech by the German Emperor the other day minimises these into npre patriotic generalities, yet in what has been given as the original form there is sjuieihing that
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  • 1125 403 June 23. What may be taken as the final settlement of the territorial differences between France and Siam has been successfully concluded by the completion of the frontier delimitation between Siam and French Indo-China as provided for in the protocol added for that object to the
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  • 470 403 I a deference to the London f.g'itati n against Chinese seamen and stokers signing on within the United Kingdom Mr Win?ton Churchill declared that he would issue regulations restricting this practice. One form of the restrictions, applicable also to foreign seamen as well as to
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  • 162 403 We welcome a letter from a correspondent, on the establishment of local industiies, that breathes the true spirit of selfhelp. His letter teems with sensible lOgfastion and he has eood ground for his appeal to Singapore and Penang to Wake up. M We commend his letter to
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  • 601 403 June 24. Xothing can be more noble and beautiful ttan patriotism, and that being so language must fail when it contemplates the perfections of a patriotism that is appreciated as a paying speculation. But it is in this deliriously utilitarian light that a Marila newspaper takes
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  • 533 404 Wl have received from Mr Kishi, Japanese Consul, Singapore, s little pamphlet c rat lining s seiio- of four speeches delivered in Eng i-h on various occasions bv Viscount Kaxi:iu\ who has be' ti appointed Director-General of the Grand Exhibition of Jipm. ll>l2. Those
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  • 1068 404 June 25 To jud^e by what, is going on at the Persian Capital the introduction of a constitution and pirliamentary inst tutions his not brought peace but a sword. The present Shah, Mouamkd A li Mirza, eaily last year gave signs of a reactionary disposition. Much discontent
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  • 65 404 The mortality returns for Singanore for the weekended June -20th show a 'total of 253 deaths. This is a ratio per mille of population of 48.54, coming down towards normal figures again. Fevers of sorts caused 58 deaths, phthisis 33, beri-beri 24 and bronchitis 15. One imported death from small-pox
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  • 977 404 There is no denying tbe fact that the loss of the Cup Tie against the West Kents has been a damper for the Club and their backers. Club members are none the worse for being loyal to their men, and wanting to see them top-side. The native element
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  • 814 405 A wire to Hongkong mentions another attempt to assassinate the Tsar of Russia but gives no details. A number of workmen and engineers left biseho on May 18th by the cruiser ToUwa tot* Makong with a view to floating the training ship Matsnshima. A new steel
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  • 420 405 PROMISSOKY NOTE CASE. The Court of Appeal consisting of Justices Fisher, Braddell and Sercombe Smith yesterday continued the hearing cf the case Ne'h.rUnds Trading Society v. Yeo Cheng Hoe Lim Choo Keng and others (appellants). For the appellants Mr Greenfield; for the a, I. S., respondents. Mr
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  • 148 405 Tho Fire Brigade received a call to a fire at the Hotel dol'Earope yesterday morning, but it proved to bo a false alarm. About 10.30, while some p toh was being pat d >\vn on the roof promenade of the Jiotcl drt .'Europe, S pot boiled
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  • 149 405 The following properties weie sold at Messrs Fornandes Cos Bale Boom in D'Alnn i hist ou Wednesday at 2 '30 pm Twenty freehold building allotments off Gavlarg-rd, total area 40,000 sq ft bought bj L. M. Savan Chetty for $600 Freehold laud and house No. 29 off
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  • 191 405 The B ttilder of May 2 id contains a section, plm, and elevation of the design for the now Liw Quarts at Hongkong, to ba erected as S part of 8 gr up of new public bud lings upon a portion of land reclaimed from the
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  • 968 405 West Kents Beat Club. For the first match of the Cup Ties of 1908, played on the Esplanade last night, it was a little unfortunate for the sustained interest of the competition that two of the strongest teams should have been drawn together. But so it fell that
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  • 199 405 The Governor of Hongkong, Sir F. Luga*-d at the last teeotiug of Legis!a f iva Council mentioned the final decision that the US. fleet would not visit Hongkong although at first his invitation to that fi-et had been accepted through the Imperial Govern ment.
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  • 280 405 Buyers of Industrials and Mining Shares have been more in evidence during the past week, for present rates arc- rather enticing to those wdio are willing to hold for a rise regardless of immediate market f! actuations. MINING}. Tronous owing to adverse reports and large
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  • 114 405 In accordance with the Bsttlemsat Lmd Regulations at Amoy the Senior Con? ill (Dr Mors, Co aaul for Germany) is convening a ratepayers' meeting for the loth inst. at which the following resolutions i:re to be submitted 1. That all Opium Bawling Shops and Houses
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  • 154 405 Up to the present 2 0 persona bare be^n accounted for, in the wreck of the Pnwan. oat of b total of 227 including crew and passengers. The ss. San Cheung was shoot tha first vessel near the ill-fated ship, and she picked up 117 of
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  • 134 405 JUDICIAL REFORMS IN BURMA. Owing to the congestion of work on tho Original side of tiie Chief Court, a proposal has been submitted to the Local Government for the establishment of a new Town Court, with three juices having jurisdiction extending to about three thousand rupees also jurisdiction of a
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  • 332 406 Says the China Mail A gentle nun who has just arrived in the Colony from the scenes of the revolt, in Yunnan, bearing as a trophy a banner of the rebels, speaks in high terms of the physical character of the forces operating against authority in China.
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  • 395 406 Calcutta, June 6. The Yugantar which appears invariably on Saturday suddenly appeared yesterday morning. Thousands of copies had been struck on Thursday daring the day and night before the police got wind of it, and before it had risen to the phenomeual value of a rupee a
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  • 140 406 Allahabad, June 5, A special London cable to the Pioneer says that the India Office Rulwa\s Committee recommends ia addition to the annual fixed sum of 12^ million, of which 71 should be raised in England, should be met by transfsrtieg some lines to Companies raising capital independently
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  • 39 406 From the C/ylon Mail we learn that Mr S. M. Rajasooriab, Ir other cf Mr M. E. Hejesotnish, Inspector Singap re Government wav, has been appointed recentlv as District Engineer P. W D., at Ratnapura, in Ce} lon.
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  • 792 406 Meaning quite well, a Ceylon piper alludes to the present litigation in connection with the Grove estate, Tanjong Katong, as an F.M S. Rubber Estate Case/' Twelve Chinese, who, in order to evade the payment of fare 3 and poll tax, were consigned from Texas to
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  • 240 406 The annual report of the Ban que de l'lndo-Chine for 1907 stats s that the position in tbe whole of Indo-China and CochinChina has sensibly improved in the course of the year. After two successive bad crops, the returns of the year 1907 have been most
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  • 105 406 It is officially announced that Rear- Admiral William Blake Fisher has been selected to succeed Rear-Admiral Sir John Rushworth Jellicoe as Rear- Admiral in the Atlantic Fleet. Rear- Admiral Fisher entered the navy in 18(30. In 1885 he commauded the punitive expedition in the
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  • 103 406 A London daily newspaper that ought to have known better says Bhikshu Amndi Meteyya {nee Macgregor), the monk who has come to England to teach this cr.untry the tenets of Buddhism, attracted a large audience to the Kensington Town Hall, where he delivered a lecture yesterday. The gentleman
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  • 224 406 k SOME RECENT ADDITIONS. A curious crab has just been pres.nted to tho Museum by Mr C. H. Clarke, Inspector of Markets. Irs name is G<>,,;,,3oma cruciferum. Tbe first name refers to the shape of tbe b*»dy which is drawn out into an angle at either side, and
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  • 147 406 A very pretty wedding was solemnised list evening when Mr Rudolf Schmidt, of Messrs Maclain Watson and Company cf Batavia was marri-od to Mis* Loui&a Haderup, daughter of the late Mr Ernst Haderup of Sinnspa*. The ceiemoaytook place at "BarobiaaV P-t»*s_s_ Bold, tin residence o! Dr and
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  • 241 406 Risky Roads. To The Editor, Sir, The Mu-i_ipal Commissi oners yesterday discussed Mount Eliz ibeth R >*d, _.j_d its state of repair. This in itself is not ex. citing, but I desire, since the question of the condition of so-called private roads j| sf present interest to suggest that
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  • 497 406 The following is the Report of the Directors presented at the sixth annual meeting held at Cannon Street Hotel, on Thursday, June 4th, 1908. The Directors have the pleasure to present to the Shareholders the Accounts of the Company Profit and Loss Account and Balance sheet for
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  • 83 406 News has been received af the ssajjkt ef Gob Tat Tui by a Cluaass fruit aellar st the Gambling Farm at BitSJ Passat Thdeceased man is a feats** of Gob Ti'. Pat g of Singapore, an ssrnar of small Boasting vessels and well-known in Chine** etrcles The
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  • 85 406 DEATH OF AN OLD N.Y. K. OFFICER. On Sunday afternoon last, Jane 7th, MEdward Noble, lata chief engineer ef tl e N.Y.K. Kanagawa Maru, died ou board tho Hitachi Maru, between Peuau_r and Colombo. Mr Noble was being invalided home. He succumbed to sof;eaing of the brain and paralysis. Mr
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  • 1017 407 QaasssaSi agunt homines nostri est farrago Juvenal. Whether it was altogether due to the Ksieera letter, (which, according to a French version, commended Lord Esher to limit his energies to the supervision of les lieux d'axsance of Windsor Castle), or whether other causes have intervened! the
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  • 651 407 Marked Increase in Business. When the mail left the Rubber Share Market has btea very active throughout the week, the better prices obtains] of late for raw rnbber in iYfiueirg Lane helping to acemtuale the tff _ct of the investment buying which has been a feature
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  • 132 407 A Paoannaa Japan Experiment. The iacsnft sxperimentsl ran of cold storage cars between Shimonoseki ami o«akn was successful, and in a day or two another trial w.dl be made between Aoinori and Tokyo. The long distance transportation of raw fi=h bv rail has hitherto been impossible
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  • 12 407 His Eieellency tbe Governor is eipjcted to return to Singapore about Wednesday.
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  • 1387 407 The regular general meeting of the Commission was hell yesterday afternoon, there being present, the Deputy President, Mr J. Polglase; Messrs A. W. Biilev, W. Macbean, 0. W. Darbishire, Dr Fowlie, Ong Tek Lim, C. I. Carver, and Cneng Keng Le_\ Mr F. J. Benjafield, Secretary; Dr Middleton,
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  • 423 407 It is understood that a considerable portion of the machinery for the Singapoie branch bie^vor/ of tho a'oove concern has already arrived, and is being instailod at the premises adjoining* and Neave's soda water factory at Tanjong P.: gar. It is probable that the
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  • 786 408 The next Singapore Assizas commence on July 7th. The contract steamers of the BIS N. Co. are exempt from the provisions of the Sunday Labour Ordinance. Bv-:aws for the Botanical Gardens, fraaied loy the Committee, are published in the Government Gazette. Also for the Raffles Library.
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  • 761 408 In the current number of the Government Gazette are published Additional Instructions to the Governor and Commander in Chief of the Straits Sattlements, given at Our Court of St. James's this nineteenth day of May in the Eighth year of our reign." They revoke the Third, and Thirteenth
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  • 114 408 The festi ral of Corpus Christi was celebrated gorgeously at the Roman Catholic churches, yesteuliy. Ovsiog to indisposition, the Bishop of Macao did not celebrate ligh mass at the church of St Joseph, but at its close His Lord-hip pronounced the benediction. A number of young poople made
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  • 431 408 The playing field of the Institution on Saturday was gay with girls, boys, and elders who went to watch the annual athletic sports of the Raffles Institution Athletic Club. Enthusiasm is always a marked feature of these young athletes, and Saturday was no exception, the number of events
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  • 84 408 ()a Saturday evening the Data] Khsir met the Sajratol Muntaha Club in ihe Colman Bhield Competition on the Dual Adab ground, the field as usual being crowded. The Sijratol were the stronger team and in the first half had the game much to themselves, scoring two goals. In
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  • 288 408 Play for the Spring Cup of the S G.C. took place on Saturday and yesterday. There were over thirty players and the result is as follows. The Vi-Di Crp The conditions are 18 holes match play, the top 16 btiog eligible. Capt. Duudas and Dr. Finlavsoii tie for the
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  • 34 408 Two Chinese attempted to steal a few dollars from a Malay iu North Bridge Road on Friday, but the Malay succeeded in capturing one of tha men and handed him over to the police.
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  • 157 408 Engineers Beat Maxims. The S.R E. (v) shot off an eight-a-side match at Balestier on Saturday ti eruoou against the Maxim Company and won by six points. At 200 yds. thsy led by 19 ;at 500 by 35 but Ik) Maxims pulled down the lead at the longest
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  • 377 408 GOLFERS V CRICKETERS. The S. C. C. played the Singapore Golf Club at cricket on Siturday. The thinsticked men were tally ofr' their game, three got bunkered, all bat three foozled the drive, the rest were left on the tee, and the team went down by 131 and 4
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  • 58 408 Detective Sergeant Bourne etargaa a Tamil nanibd Thongs Aaderi a Pdlay balsas Mr Colman, third sassnstrata, on Saturday, on three claries of Pissinai breach ot trust as a servant at the Gtneral }{-> in respect of three saaai of S5 between March and April last, The accused
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  • 62 408 Two Hokien women were arrested on Friday night for assisting in tlo ;n-iL_geui"nt of a Chap Ji Ki lottery at OMO* River Val_€\ Road. Mr Hen sou of the police mentioned the case to Mr Colman, third magistrate, on Saturday, and asked for a postponement till
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  • 14 408 Clothing valued at $25 has been stolen from a Chinese tailor at Clyde Street.
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  • 2163 409 MAEINE COURT OF ENQUIRY. CAPTAINS TICKET SUSPENDED. ♦K_\f^ rine A C Ur of E °q«^7 was held at the Mister Attendant's office, on Saturday t0 r Dquire mtt) the branding in the Pulau Laut 3traits of the British steamer "New Orleans." Mr E. C. Howard District Judge,
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  • 294 409 (Fro;;: a Correspondent^ His Lordship Doin Joa Paulino Az.vedo e Castro, Bishop of Macau, has come and gone. His pastoral visit was a very short one. In spite of the early a' rival of the S. S. Sappho on the morning of the 13 h instant
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  • 324 409 H. B. M.'s Consclae Service Memorial In China. There was recently unveiled at H.B.M.'s Consulate-General, Shanghai, reports the Mercury," in the presence of Sir Pel ha in Warren, K.C.M.G., H.B.M.'s Consul I eneral, a couple of handsome brass tablets, the first one being erected by the members of
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  • 24 409 It is proposed by the Japanese authorities in consonance with the retrenchment policy to discfca-g^ 2000 out of the 9000 men employed at Yokosuka.
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  • 967 409 The mata anjiag" is among the Malays reckoned a man of some offuial standing invested with wide powers, and occupying an envied place in native society, such as it is. To the Kling he is a brother lookel up to as a very clever fellow iudeed, whose principal
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  • 19 410 The Babbtr harvested on Balgownic Estate for May amounted to 3 003 lis drv.
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  • 506 410 E.P.C. McAfee has been promoted to Sergeant. The station master at the railway station at Pasir Pacjing reports that his cooking utensils valued at $4.50 have disappeared. A carriage driven by a Malay syce collided with a rikisha in front of Sepoy Liies polios station on
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  • 190 410 AN ECHO OF THE A LS AG OFF MURDEB CASE. Two daring attempta were made on the 17th and again on Sunday morning to burn down houses at Tunsrgal Bond. The build* iage, No, 117 and 118, belong to Syed Omar Alsagcff, and are constructed of planks and
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  • 51 410 Foil twing is the result cf work at R :ub f r the f>ur weeks ending 20th instant Bukit Kotnan. S one etushed 3,8t 0 tons. G »ld obtainei 845 ounces, urerage p_r ton 435dwt I ikit Malacca. Stone crushed 1,842 tons. Gold obtained 100 ounces, average v^r ton
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  • Correspondence.
    • 352 410 Wake up Singapore and Penang. Sir, —The establishment of local industries offers a field for investment and enterprise which has been too long neglected. A hand to mouth business seems to meet the ambitions of local cipitalists, and they Lave to horns companies the exploitation of the S'raits and Malaya.
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    • 588 410 To The Editor, Dut Str, I aaa mush astonished to see in your paper this morning the remarks of 1 10 Acting President of the Municipal Commissioners as to tbe btato of Moan' Elizabeth Road. In the report of tho Meeting held on Friday, tha 19th iuitant,
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  • 667 410 THREE CINEMATOGRAPH CASES. Question of Appeal in Interpleaders. Having succeeded ia one appeal in which he souerht to have judgment of the Acting Chief Jus-ice, the Hon'ble A. F. G Law, set aside, L. F. Wil is, manager of the Alhambta Cinematograph, was concerned in another,
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  • 155 410 Three detective constables, two Chinese aud a Malay, were before Mr Howard, in the District Court, yesterday, on serious charges. It waa alleged that, on M ay 30 ia a bouse in Fraser Street the accusedcommitted robbiry of 812, the property of Pnun At Fatt, and extortion
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  • 229 410 This clever musical family of Entertainera will return from their Java tour to Singapore on the 29,h inst, and will appear for one night only, Tuesday the 30th inst, at the Teutonia Club, by permission of the Committee. To those who have already b_en present at the
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  • 376 410 A TROUBLESOME CHIEF. From Our Corresfsmdesd, June 13ih, 19**. The principal news here is of trouble with some of the natives of the Pditu.n R.ver. So fir as on be ascertained, a CSTSasa troublesome Chief is the ciuse of all the disturbance. The police ha\e boeu after him,
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  • 117 410 Several thefsa^asa occarind at the S lilors* Hone recently aud rikisha coolies h ivo been lainectad of being the culprits. Oa Sunday night, a rikisha coolie was arrested for trespassing in the boaaa Ho was aaadai ver to the polias. Seraaun MioAfeo nude enquiries aud arrcafad
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  • 80 410 Two Chinesp, a man and a woman, have been poisoned at 83 Waterh o fhiaat A man and his wife aud a friend lived together, and, on Sunday affsWaaa, tiie hataaaal reported to rhe police that his wife and the friend were dead. The husbail was detained by
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  • 90 410 A keenly contested game of hockc was played on the Esplanade laat eveniu* when toe SC.C. mot a combined team "of the KG A. and R. E. Mr Dauglas Robertson acted as ruferee In the first half of the game the Club had most of the pi»v and
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  • 945 411 ACCUSED GETS A LIGHT SENTENCE. _J_J_T^s_l VJUI Hindo b ran amok in a dhohy'a house near the L LT C on May 18 and wounded two people with a knife was before Mr Green^hV second r.r^ f' a eBterd .t y on two chafes of voluntarily causing
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  • 20 411 A HokeJ womaT named Tew Yong, \hi A_iok.ej ntartbeleoChu F K flrcrb.t,_?i h s __2 k„ .h. b» b« dered.
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  • 572 411 We have every reason to be sangoine as to the results of the new arrangement by which the control and management of Swettenham Pier and the Jetty Sheds pass over to the Penang Committee of the Tanjong Pagar Dock Board. As will be seen from an advertisement
    Pinang Gazette  -  572 words
  • 287 411 CASH ON DELIVERY WITH COLONIES AND DEPENDENCIES. The following has been issued from the Post Office To increase the facilities for trade in small articles within the empire, the PostmasterGeneral has been in negotiation with certain of the colonies and dependencies for the establishment of a mutual cash on delivery
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  • 62 411 A Hokien living at 2*2 Niv^n Road reported to the police on Saturday that his house had been entered by burglars and clothing valued at $23. c-0 was stolen. A piir of clogs were founl at tho back door, and thfSD the complainant recognised as having
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  • 48 411 On Friday afternoon at 6 p.m. the Hon'ble J. O. AuthonUz, President of the Sepoy Lines Golf Club, ou behalf of certain members of tbe Cub, presented a handsome canteen to Mr H. Marriott, Secretaiy of the Club, on the occasion of his marriage.
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  • 1932 411 (From Our Special Correspondent.) Loudon, May 29th, 1903. The Tukf. Before thes* notes are iu print, my readers will have learnt the winner of the Derby by cable, so that it is do use going deeply into the prospects for the race. All that has been wrif.ea
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  • 1039 412 What is imagination really Of what does it consist J Some people to this question will answer boldly telling lies but they are the very people who are least fitted to give an unbiassed opinion on the subject. In our copy-books we learnt to write with
    O.M.K.  -  1,039 words
  • 947 412 Batavia, June 15th. The average Englishman is convinced that what he does not know about the art of colonisation is not worth knowing, and it must be admitted that, even if unamiable, the prejudice is not wholly unreasonable. Yet the Dutch in this country have succeeded, by
    H.M.R.  -  947 words
  • 1083 412  -  Philanderer She is a cousin of mine, Aida, pretty and exasperating at times, but my fair correspondent possesses, and insists upon, a style little short of wonderful, though her spelling generally leaves somathing to be desired, just in the same way as many of her 11 confidences,"
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  • 1074 412 The variety of "ba 4 u besi," ironstone as the Malays have it, found in Siugapoie is of grey inclining to gl stening white, and very dazzling it is wheu newly worked for buiieicig or ro id making purposes. Granite, of course, does not grow. Stalagmites and
    W.M.  -  1,074 words

  • 674 413 TIMBER FROM PULAU BULAN. Mr Louis Herment was before Mr Thunder, the acting fourr.h magistrate, yesterdav, on tha following charges (1) cheating Jean Chaff on jon in making a contract and A. W. Wcserhout in making him believe that ji o were a partner in tie business,
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  • 99 413 The Bangkok Times has this para- B"''i>o haWrtaat Continental tirms trading n fcW*p£e h»^»J« Singapore corresP ndent, f.iled for over 1,000,000 dollars. Um said that all the Singapore banks were interested parties. dM French Mail vesterdav. May 30. Mr H, _,v Keswick, of Messrs. Jardme. Mathe- r. r A left
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  • 357 413 The Dirul Adab Club has removed from Race Course-rd, to its former house, No 5 Short Street. Mrs George Mildmay Dare was a passenger to Genoa yesterday by the German mail. The Sultan of Simpang and suite arrived here yesterday from Pontianak with Capt. Hunt.r of
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  • 219 413 Three Ciiineae squUtera, a woman and two men, appeared before Mr Green, the second magistrate, yesterday afternoon, on a charge of theft of seventeen chickens from the Tanglin barracks. Mr Lowell appeared for the defence of the ire r*. Pte. Pcarce of the Royal West Kents said he
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  • 104 413 An explosion occurred yesterday in the engine room at the Government Printing Office, duo to an engineer's oarelosiuoss. The causa was the igaition by the ttimes from tho vapouriser of the tank of od some of which bad been allowed to run down the sides of the tank
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  • 94 413 Lee Swee, the Chinaman who was detained bv the polio a on Sunday on suspiciou of having poisoned his wife anl another man at thw house at Waterloo Street, made a confession before Mr Thunder, fourth __av ajetrate, vesterdav. It ia alleged that he admitted 'putting the juice
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  • 784 413 Mount Elizabeth Road. To The Editoe, Dear Sir, So much has been written and talked about this roid, that the subject has now become a matter of public gossip. I was led to bebeve that the Municipality were acquiring rights, at the beginuing af the year, to compel all
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  • 172 413 A meeting of the Licensing Justices was held in the senior magistrate's court, yesterdav afternoon, to consider tha list of application! for renewals, removals new licenses. Mr Howard, District Judge, presided and the Court consisted of Dr Middleton, Health Officer, Lieut Cator, acting Miis'er Attend int, and
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  • 751 413 WEST KENTS 11. BEATEN. Those who may have entertained an idea that the two West Kent teams would be figuring in the later stage j of the competition for the Singapore Association Cup were somewhat out in their calculttions, for on tbe Esplanade last evening, before a
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  • 91 413 Twenty Mali? football claba were represented at ihe Darul Adah Club on Monday night t3 discuss the dispute in the draw between the Bushdiah of Kampeag Malacca end Fathol Karib of Kaadang Kerb u. These teeeas drew twice in the C ilasaa Shield coaptti iuu. Oa the second
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  • 58 413 Hongkong papers announce the death of Mr Tan Lm-kuk, who wai an ex-chairman of directors of the Tung Wa Hr.siital. Among the European community Mr Tang was better known by his connection with the Hongkong Milling Co, Ltd now in liquidation, having held with the Hon. Mr Wei Yuk a
    58 words

  • 568 414 JUDGMENT OF THE ACTING CHIEF JUSTICE UPHELD. The Appeal Court yesterday delivered judgment in a bankruptcy appeal argued before their lordships last week an appeal from a receiving order made by the Acting Chief Justice against the appellant, A. R. K. M. Ramasamy Chetty, the Tze Hai
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  • 362 414 In the Supreme Court yesterday, before Justices Fisher, Sea-combe Smith and Braddell, in appellate jurisdiction, the last cinematograph appeal, from another interpleader action, A Maclean Co plaintiff, and L. Willis defendant, F. Dreyfus, claimant, was proceeded with. Mr Ellis was for Mr Dreyfus, the appellant and Mr
    362 words
  • 655 414 A Japanese has been arrested for bringing $1,115, prohibited coin, into the Colony. Lt. Sutton, R.G.A. leaves for Calcutta by the Palitana, on the 25th. Durians valued at $9 have been stolen from a plantation near the Alexandra Eoad police station. Mrs. Bone, residing at Raffles
    655 words
  • 140 414 We are informed by the Colonial Secretary, Straits Settlements, that the Government of the Colony has decided todisccntinue the publication of the quarterly Trade Re; urns in tie form in which thev have hitherto bo en issued, and to publish them in a Shortened form giving the total
    140 words
  • 1566 414 A MORAL AND A BANKRUPTCY DIFFERENCE. Yesterday in the Supreme Court Mr Justice Sercombe Smith dealt with an important and interesting motion arising out of the recent bankruptcy proceedings in which Harold Latham, formerly of Latham Co, brokers, recently figured before his lordship. Mr Emerson appeared
    1,566 words
  • 259 414 FURTHER CASES YESTERDAY. On the Court of Appeal resuming yesterday in the Supreme C< urt, the Acting Chief Justice, the Hon'ble A. F. G. Liw, and Mr Justice Fisher aud Mr Justice Br_d_e:i heard on appeal from a bankruptcy order, in re Lee Chin Auc, Chop Eng
    259 words
  • 33 414 A Chinaman who was arrested bv a school boy in Beach Road on Tuesday evening for stealing a brooch from an elderlv Chinese woman, has been sent to the General Hospital for observation.
    33 words

  • 1453 415 H wLong? ]3 l tnlippines Carnival Associat'on 13 Duff Develo: meat Co. .23 Kubb?r Growers and Government 24 Singapore's Synagogue 41 The Jehosormat Mine Case 43 Malay Peninsula Rubber 43 Sea Pajeant 43 1 in rma Revenues 43 Pirates of the Indian Seas 43 The Indian Train Outrage 44
    1,453 words
  • 56 415 BATAVIA. This first class Hotel, patronised by the English Community of Batavia, and situated in the Centre of the most healthy and best residential quarter of the Town, offers a good Table, Wines and Accommodation to Travellers. A runner attends all steamers, and English ia spoken. G.
    56 words
  • 1186 415 There is no greater pest to the neighbourhood in which she resides than the woman who cannot keep her foot from her neighhour's house, who is perpetually on the trot up and down tbe street, and who is to be found, in season and out of season,
    O.M.K.  -  1,186 words
  • 327 415 The Employment of Sinking Girls. At a meeting of the Po Leung Kuk Committee held on the 22ud Apiil li'oB the following resolution was unanimously passed (1) That the practice of employing girls under 16 years of *gi as siuging girls commonly known as pi-pacdiai is
    327 words
  • 172 415 TOOK MONEY AND FOWLS FROM HAWKERS. Malay Corporal No. 5 of Kandang Kerbs u police station was charged before Mr Green, the second magistrate, yesterday, wi-h extortion and ieceivic_: an illejrtl grst _i3atiiu. Dc-teethe Inspector Frayne prosecuted, and Mr Gaunt defended. A Chinese hanker said he had
    172 words
  • 180 415 SERIOUS CHARGE -VGAINSI CHINESE PRINTER. Tia Ek Y w, a Chioese printer of Cross Street, was agniu before Mr Colman, third magistrate, yesterday afternoon, on charge of dishonestly retaining aerated water labels belon-i-iug to Me-s s Fraser and Heave, Ltd. Mr Gr. S. Carver pr sscatadl
    180 words

  • 3505 416 JAN- JUNE 1908. Leaders. Crown Colony Associati n ..1 No C rds." 2 Poh ic> in Portugal 2 J^.l M >;ta'ity 2 Tits Ke_i tration Ciisis in Na'al 2 T e Drue Puzzle 3 T loi -armament Insincerity anl After 3 < inn^ 1 md Birrell 3 The D.uce
    3,505 words

  • 159 417 Joseph, a Kling overseer in the employ of the Municipality, was before Mr Thunder the fourth magistrate, yesterday, on a charge of allowing a ferocious dog to be at large He claimed to be tried R a !t° said a do belonging to the fill 111 rushed
    159 words
  • 116 417 A European woman, Airs King, stewardess en board the ss. Paroo," was robbed hv a Clr.nese ncotw at Tanjong Pagar on Monday night She was walking al mg the srhnti locking for a rikisha when a Chinese coolie shouted loudly and clawed at her fane. Mrs Gag
    116 words
  • 112 417 T.70 Straits born Chinese women named OnsjGeok and Oag Boon appeared before Mr Colman, third magistrate, yesterdav, ou a charge of assisting in the management of a aCh>*p Ji Ki lottery at 57-13 Rher Valley Road. Mr T. Dudley Parson, appeared for the accused. Mr Henson,
    112 words
  • 100 417 Xatta Singh, a Sikh, was ordered by Mr Howard in the Di.tiiet Coiut, yesterday IHi raraijsj-, to be handtd ever to a police escort from India to Le taken back to the Pur jib. Detective Sjrgeant Bonne had charge of tbe case. The accused was arrested in
    100 words
  • 304 417 Officer Injured. All bis old North Borneo friends will be sorry to hear of a serious accident to Cap\ Reginald V. K. Applin, D. S. O now of the 14h Hussars. He wert to South Africa as a militia officet and did a good deal of staff work,
    304 words
  • 72 417 Per P O Marmora, dae July 10. Mr Mundell, Mr F. D. B. Openshaw, Mr J. E. Bishop. To Penang— Mr F. J. Weld, Dr R Deuman. Per P m O Syria, due July 9.— Mrs W. Cumuiing* and child* en, Mr S. Trust. Per P&
    72 words
  • 2009 417 (By Submarine Telegraph) (Reuterg Agency.) Rec. June 18th, 9-50 a.m. Mr. Asquith, in a speech closing the debate on tiie Old Age Pensions Bill! said ho had no doubt that the resources of the country would be equal to the demand made upon tnem, if iree trade were continued.
    2,009 words
  • 75 417 OPIUM SMOKING IN CHINA. [From < mr ou n C >>vs/n m asaC Hongkong, June 18th, 1 40 pm. Mr C. Clementi, Clerk of the C ua_ils iu the Hou_rl-*oug Government, has laid on the table of the Legiela vo Cmucil au official return which ihowi that only t'.vo per
    75 words
  • 97 417 (From our uun Correspondent^ London via Penanar, Jnne 20th. Tiie B:*i*isii Suuoatri Rubber Esta f es his been issued with a espitil of J2150.000, the preaent issue being 58,000 six per cent participating praferenee shares. Tie object of tie concern is to acquite Serbadjadil, Bsndara Kuala and
    97 words
  • 58 417 (Connncmn up to June 2_ ■*"-■■'< I A-\ demand 23J Pris i >_. i 2/4^ dlts to/a i| aaitdl ink.., 291 i M 2£«tt I h > MM i.« L I HoiTG* 113^ -a- a id __i I 19$ if B 3uj r j >*, i 54s 21% I
    58 words
  • 130 417 Juno I 503.62} .v. m« huyors 7.. 5 daer tic. 1 ifc4 11 37} Q ai ier iba No. *J „s 10 Poppex Black ori'a S'pore) 11.P2_ Pe| ■.>■_:*, '.^>os,) 18.55 > theft 17 50 Nutmegs (80 to t1 It 50 aXac-e (Bands) I^ i nom Cioyai Lmbo m
    130 words

  • 782 418 for and Capital Capital Issue Paid IssaeJ psidcpVaios «p Company. Qa^tfoo $300,000 300,000 10 10 Belat Tin Mining Co. Ltd 5. $300,000 225.000 10 10 Bruang Limited 5. $600,000 600.0C0 10 10 Bruseh Hydrauhc Tin M. Co. Ltd 1 1 50 £400.000 350,000 1 1 Duff Development Co. Led
    782 words
  • Page 418 Miscellaneous
    • 839 418 PASSENGERS. Per R. of Sarawak Messrs Hargreaves and Young. Per Perak Messrs Browell, G. D. McLennan and W. D. Barnes. Per Carlyle Mr J. Buchanan. Per Lady Weld Mr H. Edmondson and Lee Keng Keat. Per Amherst Mrs Muda and Miss Gladze Muda. Per PA O Delhi Miss F. Sutton,
      839 words
    • 646 418 CLEARANCES. June 18. Darius, Brit, str., Wilsen, for Sydney via ports. Putiala, Brit, str., Farquharson, for Penang, Rangoon and Calcutta. Koning Willem, Dut. str., Potjer, for Batavia. Gwalior, Brit, str., Ramage, for Hongkong, Amoy, and Swatow. Solfond, Nor. str Hassen, for Penang and Rangoon. Nerite, Dut. str., Westers, for Palembang.
      646 words
    • 488 418 VESSELS IN PORT. Ship Flag Tona Master Arrived From Consignee For When Adana Brit 2178 Park June 11 Saigon J. M. Wood Liverpool Airlie Brit 1492 Wilson June 22 Sydney Boustead Sydn y27 Amherst Brit 135 Scott June 24 Sambas Ban Lee Heng Sam bas 26 Augsburg Ger 2763 Paulsen
      488 words