The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 4 June 1908

Total Pages: 16
353 368 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 250 353 LIADIRS. The French Fre-ident m London 353 Australia and The U.S. Navy 353 Tht* Union Jack, Empire Day, and Mr. A? uith ...354 Weights and Measures 354 The Tiiumphant March of Tariflf Bef°'*» 354 A Tropical Beer Scheme 355 Indian BtAU n and Iri-h American Complici'y 355 Cable i
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  • 74 353 Subscribers to the "Singapore Free Press weekly returning from Europe to the Straits by any of the mail lines, are invited to send to the Manager the name of their steamer and date of arrival m Singapore. Copies will then be mailed to meet them at various ports ot call.
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  • 65 353 To Hon^kon^r, Jufcoiq. Malay States (Protected— viz., FmS, Selansjor, Nes^ri Sembilan and Paliar.j;). Sarawak, British North Borneo, Labuan, Straits settlements. LITTERS. POST CARDS. NEWSPAPERS. Id. per oz Id. each. id- P^r 2 oz. BOOK FOOT. COML. POST. PATTERNS. 4i. per I oz. \d.
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  • 129 353 June I Tit i Gambiar Gambier Cnbtj No. 1 10 70 G&mbier Cube No. 2 95( j i Pap^r Black (ord'n. S'pora) 11.47^ Pepper, WhJte f*irL.W. 5p.e., buyers l?.2O Kntaiegs (110 to thB IV)^ 7.00 Nutmegs (SO tc the 1».) I 8 5 Mace (BuadA^ norn Cloves (Axc-oina) T"
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  • 25 353 The French Medical Profession rely on SanUi Midy to cure chronic bronchitis kidney and bladder trouble, as well as discharges from the urinary crapma 1'
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  • Domestic Occurrences.
    • 51 353 Rietmann.— On the 29th ult., at Burnbrae, No. 1, Anderson Road, the wife of G. Rietmann of a son. Nathans.— On the 30th ult., the wife of Max Nathans of a son. Miles— On May 23rd, at Mentmore," Logan Road, Penang, the wife of E. L. Miles, of a
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    • 76 353 Marriott— Smith.— On 2nd June at St. Andrew's Cathedral, Singapore, by the Rev. H. C. Izard, Hayes Marriott to Alice Smith. Reiss— MacEwen.— April 29, at St, Paul's Church, Knigbtsbridge. by the Rev. Andrew Jukes, M.A., Rector of West Hackney Church (uncle of the bride), assisted by Rev. J.
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    • 126 353 Taylor.— April 22, at Woking, Isobel Kathlebn Taylor, daughter of the late James Taylor, of County Wexford. De Cruz —On the 28th inst., at 15, Burmah Road, Mary De Cruz. Funeral at 4-30 p.m. to-day. Fyfe. At tbe General Hospital, Penang, on May 35, 1908, David Fyfe, son of
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  • 75 353 (Corrected up to Jans 2.) B.iiik ui/s m «/4 demand B/£l| Prirate creditrj 3m 2M T V credita 6 m/s i/4| Franci, demand Bauk. M 291 GimMANT, demand 2f6| Iwdia,T. T, 17J^ HoHGKOHd, demand M 22 j% Yokohalia, demand w 113| Java, demand 139^ Bangkok, demind 64^ SoYßftiiONa, Bank
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  • 28 353 I have used Morrhuol Creosote extensively m diseases of the chest, especially Bronchial Catarrh, with splendid results." (Unsolicited) William Thomas Owen. k Hartford, U.S.A., 20 May, 1904. 8
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  • 950 353 The French President in London. May 29. fora whafl the Press the Peool^'s r'trht maintain Unawed hy |n#aenoe and unlwibtd by grain; H«re patriot Truth her sj'oncii.s precepts draw. Pledged la Reli^iori, Loyalty am' I .aw. While some allowance must always be made for the popular desire to see and
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  • 793 353 When Mr Deakin, the Premier of the Australian Commonwealth, made his historical appeal the other day to the manhood of Australia to accept his policy of universal military training, he practically -reminded his failow-countrvni2n that Australia having es yei no vebtigo of a Davy,
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  • Page 353 Miscellaneous
    • 249 353 THE WEEK The outward mail of May 9th arrive! by B. I. Steamer on Saturday last. The French mail delivered a fast despatch from London on Sunday. This homeward mail is carried by tbe P.\fc O. Malta. An important legal point regarding the rights of the Crown m suits has
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  • 514 354 The Union Jack, Empire Day, and Mr. Asquith. May 30. It is sad to learn that the Government of this C\ bny, m common with the Governments of every other Colony, has been guilty of a grievous lack of discipline it might even be termed mutiny m regard to the
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  • 608 354 A correspondent writes to us about a recent conviction for using false weights, and claims that as the daching m question had been m use for five yea :s without being examined, it had not been wilfully tampered with. He says. The age of the dachings aloue
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  • 1730 354 The Triumphant March of Tariff Reform. June 1. When Sir John Brunner at the great meeting of the Liberal party at the Reform Club, exploded his bombshell against that principle of Free Trade tint is its very life and soul, the principle of leave trade alone," it was plain to
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  • 192 355 Yesterday afternoon the marriage took place at St Andrew's Cathedral of Miss Alice Smith and Mr Hayes Marriott. The contracting parties number many friends m Singapore, the lady from her services at the General Hospital, anl Mr Marriott from his connection with the Sepoy Lines Golf Club, and bis
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  • 308 355 GROVE PROPRIETORS V. JOHN ANDERSON. Tbe continuation of this case before Mr Justice Sercombe Smith yesterday morning saw Mr H. N. Ridley m the box again as to the value of tha Grove Estate for rubber, cross-examined by Mr Carver. Witness said that he had been again
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  • 105 355 More evidence was recorded by Mr Colman, the third magistrate, yesterday, m the Cross street murder. A young Kling P. C, an inmate of the General Hospital, deposed to finding a wounded Chinaman m Cross street at <J. 50 p.m. on January lt>. He was attracted to
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  • 832 355 Wednesday, June 3, 1908. The mineral production of Canada during 19C7 wag over $86,000,000 (£17,200,000) m value. Twenty years ago the output was valued at $10,000,000 (£2.000,000.) Miss Hastings, the daughter of General Hastings, C. B, arrived on Monday by the French Mail from Shanghai to take charge of Su
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  • 384 355 The Eaely Worm." Dear Editor,— l should like to follow up the satirical review of "W. M." on this little Book. Even m this climate it is not everybody's opportunity or privilege to st:>p m bed and go out when the streets are aired. If our kind friend could
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  • 122 355 ESCAPE FROM QUARANTINE. About 6.20 yesterday morning Mr. Edwards, Senior Boarding Officer, picked up two Chinese clinging to a raft m the harbour. The men told Mr Edwards that three of them escaped from St. John's ishnd m the early hours of the morning, but that one of their number
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  • 257 355 CLUB V. WEST KENTS. Although a little uneven m quality, there was some good and lively play m the match, the S. C. C. v. A. Team of the West Kents, on the Esplanade last evening. The turf was soft, but that was infinitely better than the bard grounds
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  • 102 355 Lucknow, May 2Ut. The editor cf the Watai, Lahore, has remitted the twentysixth instalment for the Hedj*z Railway, amounting to R8..000. This brings the total remittances to R57,972. Only 100 kilometres remain to be completed north of Medina. Between Mecca and Arafat a triple live will be
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  • 945 355 There was nothing of a particularly exciting nature before the meeting of the Singapore Football Association, held last week, and very few representatives of the various Clubs attended. The officers of the Association, with the exception of the Committee, were elected, and the bod j again has the
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  • 1671 356 In the matter of the Petition of Khoo Scan Tan and Khoo Slew Jin to. The Attorney General, This was a Summons for discovery filed on behalf of the Plaintifs, which was adjourned into Open Court for argument before Law, Acting C. J. The action was
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  • 236 356 May Make Manila. Terminus. It is believed that before long Manila will see here the crack steamers of the North German Lloyd's fleet, such as the Prinz Eitel Friedricb, Buelow, Prinz Heinrich, Kleist, and others. The cause for such step on the part of this ocean controlling
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  • 67 356 Two leading Chicago physicians claim, says an evening paper, to have perfected a process whereby human bodies can be lnetalised into gold, silver, or bronza statues. Here is a chance for the unemployed who have to walk between the boards for a few coppers a day. How will you take
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  • 839 356 The arrangements f*r the application to India of the new royal warrant which substitute! cash allowances for clothing to British officers are now being worked out. We heir that tin mining operations, says the Manlmain Advertiser, are likely to be opened near Tavoy, now that the
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  • 614 356 A SUCCESSFUL D±Y. Once a year, on the occasion of their b port s, the police, both European and native, thoroughly enjoy themselves. Everyone who can poftiblj be spared from duty hurriei off m mufti to participate m the fun. At the sport* yesterday, everything went oft successfully
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  • 271 356 PLUS A DRESS REHEARSAL. la Mr Sireyd Kynnersley's recently published book of anecdotes and stories mostly relating to school life there are seme quite good things. It is a Yorkehireman of the author's acquaintance who is responsible for the following A discussion arose at the Red Lion
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  • 43 356 A telegram has been received m Tokyo to the effect that H E. Jonkheer J. London, Minuter of the Netherlands m Tokyo, haa been appointed Minister at Washington. (Another case of an official of Scottish origin m the service of a foreign nation.)
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  • 776 357 A Tamil has been am sted on a charge of «nt icing away the wife of a countryman of his. A Chinese oolie has been arrested on a charge of criminal breach of trust m respect of SI 88 belonging to hh towkay at Beach Koad.
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  • 780 357 POINTS FROM THE GKOVE ACTION. Tbe Grove Estate action still goes on, and Mr Justice Sercombe Smith yesterday heard more evidence for the defence. Mr Cirver if appearing for plaintiffs and Mr Ellis for the defeuce. r Ridley yesterday continued under examination, and said he was prepared
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  • 77 357 Lieut Colonel G. W. S. Hiwks, Mh Deccan Infantry, is granted privilege leave of absence on private affairs from tbe sth June 1903, or date of departure, to the sth July 1908, inclusive, to proceed to Java. Through tin kindnes3 of Mrs W. P. Waddeli.the children attending the Presbyterian Church
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  • 360 357 POLICEMAN CHARGED BEFORE MAGISTRATE. P. C. No. 63, Kader, orderly to Assist.Supt. Savi, was chirgel before Mr Green, the second magistrate, yesterday afternoon, with attempted murder. Mr Haslings-Rhodes, the Deputy Public Prosecutor, conducted t ha case fo*r the Crown, and the accused was undefended. Abu, a gardener living
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  • 93 357 It never rains but it pcurs. There is a local prospectus m circulation for a St. Georges Brewery m the Sirangoon district and there is also a pi m of the British Beer Breweries, an important English company, to establish branches at Singapore, B.*tavia, Bangkok, and Hongkong. As to
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  • 306 357 Messrs H L. Coghlan and Co. have recently dispose 3 of the following properties Freehold Building Land Orchard Road adjoining Dhoby Ghaut, area (3,964 sq. ft. $4874. Leasehold Property Nos. 13, 14 and 15 Mackenzie Road, area 9,900 iq. ft. 83,300. Pineapple Estate, Upper Bodoh, held under Statutory
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  • 84 357 "Careful Cookery." To the Editor. Sir, I have read with considerable interest the very able contribution under the above heading by Makan Ada." Certainly the usual tiffin basket is not a very inviting sight, but may I suggest that there is &uch a thing as a "Thermos fhsk" whereby
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  • 319 357 MONEY LENDOR vs. PRIEST. Mr Justice Law, the Acting CLief Justice, was occupied, yesterdty afternoon, with the claim fcr $2,000 damages brought by a Sikh named Natta Singh, a money lender of Mosque House, Victoria, Libuan, against Sheik Hussain Tuan Imam, also cf Labuan. Mr Gaunt appeared
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  • 347 357 SEVEIiAL SHOP-KEEPERS CONVICTED. Mr Fitzgerald of the Weights and Measures Department had a number of cases before Mr Thunder iv the first court yesterday. Chua Hong Pang of 01, Merchant Koad was charged with possession of a false daching. The case was not pressed as there was not
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  • 146 357 Some time ago we mentioned Sisjnor Gaggino's "maxims and sentiments which were publish*? 1 under the above title as being well worthy of perusal. The demand m Italy has been so warm, that Signor Gaggino has now published an edition m French, which will re j .ch a
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  • 57 357 A fine of $10 or foutaen days' hard labour was imposed en a twikow man hv the third OMgittrttab r Colman, yesterday for smoking cbun-lu and refusing to pay the value of it. The defendant's story was thit he paid for the chandu before smoking but the complainant forgot about
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  • 357 358 ANNUAL MEETING. The annual meeting of the Singapore Football Association was held last evening at the Cricket Club, previous to arranging the draws for the foithcoming cup competition. Mr McKenzie presided. There was little of any great interest m the meeting. The minutes of the last annual
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  • 240 358 S. C. C. ts. THE WAKDERS. On the Esplanade last evening. The Clul> weie tgaia only poorly represented, though the Warders were able to place a fairly strong team m the field. From the commencemeni the Warders pressed, and though several good efforts came from the forwards and
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  • 211 358 FRASER CO.'S SHARE CIRCULAR. Our market has again settled down to a state of inactivity and calls for practically no comment. Mining. Pahang Consolidated seem to be the only shares that consistently withstand the present depression and small transactions are marked down at 2s s at which figure they keep
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  • 706 358 MALAYS DISTURB EUROPEANS' SLEEP. Mr H. C. Paxon claimed to be tried, yestsrday, when charged with wilful trespass bj entering the house of a Malay named Kasaini at Gaylang. Mr Lowell, who appeared for the defence, siid the case was really brought because the Malay womenfolk
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  • 100 358 The Conference Committee of the Rubber Exhibition has been appointed as follows Sir W. Treicher Professor Duustan, Messrs J. L. Shand, W. Bnans, A. O. Devitt, H. K. Rutherford, Xorman Grieve, C. A. Talbot, Alex. Thorns m and others. The Raception Commitfeß are: Sir E. Noel Walker,
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  • 67 358 > < A pick -pocket relieved a rikisha coolie of thirty cents m the Police Court compound yesterJay afternoon. Some attempt at keeping order should be made with the large crowds of Chinese who flock into the fourth magistrate's court every day. L iwyers have some difficulty m pushing their
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  • 778 358 Plaoks valued at $15 have been stolen from the Royal Engineers at Pulau Brani. A Chinaman has been arrested for stealing 410 poles valued at $31 from the Bochore market. Three Hylams were captured on the river on Thursday night for stealing $30 worth of rattans
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  • 834 358 CASE S IN COURT. Mr Justice Sercombe Smith sat m the Supreme Court yesterday to deal with bankmptcy. In the matter of Chia Keng Chiang, Mr Evans applied for the petition to be withdrawn as the debtor was dead. The death occurred on April 2nd and
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  • 34 358 A rikisha coolie was fined $20 or one month's rigorous imprisonment by Mr Colman, the third magistrate, yesterday for taking a quantity of fighting sticks m hia vehicle to Club Street on Thursday night.
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  • 1077 359 Quir quid a<juid homines nostri eft farrago Melli' Juvenal. Our good friend Scottie, who is on view at the S.C C. Pavilion every evening, seems to have lost confidence m his country and m his countrymen. He has baen dejected of bit disj iskit is his
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  • 365 359 BILLS OF SALE VOID. Yesterday afternoon Mr Justice Law, the Acting C. J give his decision m the cinematograph interpleader action. His lordship did not deliver a written judgment, using his notes to save time iv order .to secure that any appeal that might l>3 intended could
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  • 128 359 The Boys of the R itfles School have formed a league with seven teams m it and g( od progress is being made with the competition, the pri/>3S for which will be given at the School Sports. Yesterday the Vlth were to have played the Vth, but
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  • 81 359 Chua Neo Chuan, a young; Chinese baba of Bain Street, appeared before Mr Green, the second magistrate, yesterday, on a charge of theft m a dwelling of a silver bracelet and a pair of diamond ear-ric^ valued at $202, the property ol a Javamese woman named
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  • 66 359 At the wedding of Mr Edward Ward Grenadier Guards, son of Sir Edward Ward, Permanent Under-secretary of State for War, to Miss Lois Jefferson, at the Guai\ls Chapei on April 29th, there were three elder bridesmaids, and two children, one of whom was Miss Melvill Simons, daughter cf Mr H.
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  • 370 359 The following is the report of the directors to be presented at the meeting of June 6th, at noon: Singapore, 28th May, 1908. Your Directors beg to submit the Company's Accounts for the year ending 31st March, 1908. During this period piculs 4,916.34 ore have
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  • 452 359 A party of Japanese commercial men numbering fifty six, representing almost every branch of industry, arrived at Liverpool from New York May 1 on the White Star liner Cedric. The party, with are three ladies, intends to remain about a fortnight m London. The object of the visit
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  • 18 359 A Teochew has b?en arrested for robbing and molesting sshool boys near El^ia Bridge. More arrests are expectel.
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  • 831 359 EXPERIENCE OF A SURVEYOR IN AFRICA. Map-Making Feat. The completion of the surveys of the Gold Coast Colony and Ashanti by Major F. G. Guggiaberg, RE who recently returned from this little known part of the Dark Continent, has called attention to the fact that at the
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  • 144 359 The Brigade hive had several calls to fires lately, but all thesa have just demonstrated their readiness aud speed m turning out, and there has been no real work for them to do. Yesterday ab)ut half past six the Brigade was summoned to a fire m Fras«r
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  • 760 360 It it understood that Mr Edmund Robertson's title will be Lord Lochee of Gowrie: (This i* a first addition to the list of terrors to the Southron, of which the chief already are Camlachie, Ecclefechan, and Auchtermuchty.) S±ys a home humourist Cricketing is the newest recreation
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  • 67 360 A Hindoo named Krishna sainmy was before Mr Colman, the third magistrate, yesterday afternoon, on a charge of enticing aw.iy a married woman. The woman m question said that Krishnagammy promised to take her to see her husband but instead he took her to his house.
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  • 826 360 The Engineers Association have been moving m the matter of the proposed modificationof the Sunday Labour Ordinance. The question has been raised' m the House of Commons, by the folloing question and answer. Mr Summerbill, To aek the Under Secretary of State for the Colonies, if he is
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  • 85 360 A movement, originating m Philadelphia is rapidly extending throughout the States, to set aside May 10 each year as Mother's Day." Every man, woman, tad child, according to the New York correspondent of the Daily Telegraph," pledge* that day to weir a white carnation, "In hocour of the
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  • 74 360 Yesterday morning a dressing of a new dust-layer called Hermanite, was run over Beach rd., between Middle and Bras Bassards, by Mr W. E. Nash, by way of experiment. This tew composition is supposed to be a disinfectant, and it so binds the surface, that a few
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  • 1141 360 London, May, 1908. Dearest Exile, We have just come sadly back from the country. Our first week there was spent m the midst of driving snow storms, whirling before an east wind. Men and animals weie froz9n to death, and roofs gave way under the load
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  • 138 360 P. B. Clarke is granted the exclusive privilege of makiDg, selling and using an invention for improvements m apparatus for handling material m bulk. A month's leave of absence is granted to the Colonial Secretary, Capt Young, commencing from the 29th. A batch of appointments appears m the
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  • 141 360 In his annual report on the working of the Registry of Joint Stock Companies. Singapore, for the year 1907. the Kegistrar, Mr V. Gottlieb, states that fourteen Companies were registered as against 10 m 1906. The nominal capital of these Companies amounted to $1,880,000. The amount
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  • 100 360 The police have succeeded m bfMkJßg up a g?ng of Cbines9 hooligans who h;.\rt f i some mouths been mok-sting nzd rcbliL^r school bojl and rikiifca cooiies. On Saturday, Mr Colaian, the thiid magistiate, sentenced two of the MCBtti six months' rigorous iuiprisounze it f< r theft
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  • 92 360 An old Cheltoniau, of whom there are several m Malaya, passed away at tfce European Hospital, KvtU Lumpur, am the ciorniiig cf the 27th, m Mr BdvarJ Palmer, who arrived m Solar, go r about two years ago and went to Baiv Ua jor Estate, subsequently
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  • 104 360 The "City Notes" column of the "Globe' says The directors of the Meicintilo L>ink <i India are to be congratulated on the results of the last financial yexr, which gives a record profit of irSO.t.w. A great deal has happened m thu way of strengthenicg the
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  • 129 360 The construction is now m progress of what is claimed to be the lougest cable ropeway m the world. It is being constructed by a German firm, and :s intended to connect the collieries of the Societe de l'lndustne Charbonniere et Miniere de Turkestan, situate about £0
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  • 303 361 S.C.C. va. WEST KENTS. The S.C.C. met the 2nd West Kent Regiment at cricket on the Esplanade on Saturday and secured a fairly easy victory. The West Kents batted first and were dismissed for 88, Sept Milh, 22, being the top scorer. For the S.C.C. Joynson, Cantrell and Noon
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  • 245 361 THE PRELIMINARY IX THE WARREN SHIELD. The preliminary contest to decide the teiins to fire m ihe final for the Warren Shu 11, took place on Saturday. The conditioLs of tbe shoct were the same as those ie the Ger.eral's Cup at the recent S R. A. HuetiDj/, s
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  • 78 361 Penang scon 3 for the Daily Mail Empire Cup are. Sergt. H. A. Xeubronner 31 80 94 G. B. F Soatham 34 31 20 «4 Pte. F.X.Bell 29 28 23 80 Ser K t. J. W. Hunt 30 20 78 Captain J. H. G. Marriott 24 26 2,
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  • 14 361 We congratulate Capt. F. M. Thrupp EGA. on attaining bi^ majority .dated April 3rd.
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  • 1622 361 (From Our Special Correspondent.) Ttjkf Notes. London, May 1. It is remarkable how superstitious many 41 Turfites "are and plenty of usually levelheaded individuals have expressed regret that Perriorran m theForty-Ninth Biennial Stakes at Njwmarket. This solely for the reason that horses which have won the race,
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  • 124 361 ALLOWED TO REMAIN IN SINGAPORE. The sik f y Chinese refugees wbo bavo bet?n det.iir.ei by the police since thtir arrival from Saigon were released, yesterday afternotn, by Mr Colman, the third magistrate. They had, on the previous day, signed bonda at the Chinese Protectorate to keep the
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  • 103 361 The Empire day cup Match. The remarkable scores which have been put up during the recent practice shoots for this event gave Ipoh good reason to hope that this year's team would be able to show an improvement on last year's, but it was not
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  • 19 361 > < Capt. C. E. P. Sankey, R. E. f is appointed an assistant instructor at the School of Military Engineering.
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  • 995 361 American Linen A Cap That Cheers Spare the Birds The Varnish of Stradivariub .Pure Nitrogen New Chromium The Moon Without Effect on Clouds— Metallic Ferments A Pocket Telephone. Though flax is grown on 4,000,000 acres m the United States, only the seed is utilized, and millions of tons
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  • 856 362 The Times of Malaya says. We much regret to hear it reported that M r Herbert Welham, E litor of tie Pinang Gazette, ia laid up m Penang with typhoid f A Court of Appeil open* m Singapore ne x: week, aud Mr Justice Braddell and
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  • 869 362 B. B. B It will interest people m the Straits to know that the Brewery Company now commencing operations at Tanjong Pagar, Singapore, under the style of The British Beer Breweries (Far Eastern Syndicate) Limited is part of a large scheme, with many branches already opened or opening m Egypt,
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  • 65 362 No. i of the Motor Car and Atnletic Journal appears punctually with the beginning of the month. The front picture this number is the group of the winners of the Singapore Football Association; and the sportsmen of the month are Mr Claud Sugden and Mr Hugh Fort. There is a
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  • 354 362 Mr Justice Sercombe Smith sat on the esclesiastical side yesterday morning and took applications for probate. Mrs Isaballa Helen Vierra applied for probate of her husband's estate. He died March 17th 1908 at 136 SeraDgoon-rd. Mr Upcott for the petitioner. Petition granted. Re Mrs Khoo Kirn Seek, who died
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  • 123 362 SERIOUS ALLEGATIONS AGAINST POLICEMEN. Three detective constables, Ang Ah Kee No. ("48, Oj£ Chwee No. (340 and Suboh No. <J32, a Malay, were before Mr Green, the second magistrate, yesterday, on serious allegations. The charg.-s were robbery of £12, the property of Puun Ah F*tt at 2.15
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  • 92 362 ATTEMPT TO INTIMIDATE THE FKENCH CONSUL. B de Splinter, an elderly man, descrilei on the charge sheet as a Frenchman, appeared before Mr Cclman m the third magistrate's court, yesterday, on a charge of criminal intimidation by threatening the Count de Bondy, the French Consul, with injury
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  • 68 362 Monthly Medal, May 11*08. R I). Keith 41 45 10 70 W. Gh Bell 52 49 22 79 J. A Delay 49 51 18 82 F. M. Baddeloy 50 53 20 83 G. G. Wilson 45 50 12 8:] G. D. Freer 48 4(3 10 *4
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  • 125 362 Shooting m the Daily Mail N Over Seas competition took place at Kirg's Park Rmge, Kowloon, on Saturday afternoon, (23rd) when members of the Volunteer Reserve Asscci ition did their best to uphold the honour of Hongkong. The day was not favourable, the glare being rather trying on the
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  • 58 362 In the interpleader issue Messrs Madden and Dreyfus v. L. F. Willie, A. Maclean A Co., intsrpleiders, Mr Kitovitz on behalf of the claimants, applied for an extension of time for filing the memorandum of appeal. This was agreed to by Mr Keek, who acts for A. Maclean Co., and
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  • 276 362 Mr B. O. Stoney writes m "Twentieth Century Impressions*' as follows Uhe future of the Malay race m British Malaya is a question about which opinions differ considerably. It has often been asserted that the Malays are too indolent by nature to be able to
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  • 194 362 The following are the returns for Ja.n April, with a comparison with the corresponding perio<l last year. HQ& 1907. Increase. Perak pikuls IM£BO 137,31*0 |&Mi Sekngor 1*5,113 *5,1H 1,995 N. Seinb. 22,7(31 23£84 dec. 523 Pttoag 10^47 10,4<:2 384 It will thus be seen that
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  • 266 362 In spite of the severe decline m the price of rubber during the latter part of 1907 the Anglo-Malay Rubber Company, m its second year of operations, has been able to earn 22 per cent, on its capital, and will pay a 20 per cent, dividend
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  • 226 362 Ax Explosives Bill Under Consideration. Simla, May 20th.— The Government of India are now considering the introdution of an Explosives Bill on the lines of the English Act, and I am informed on high authoirty that it will be introduced by way of an Ordinance, that is
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  • 702 363 Sir, The enclosed extract from a letter I have received from a friend, an old Liberal, who is travelling m the Far East, may prove of interest to your readers. Comment is needless the facts, unfortunately, speak only too eloquently for themselves. Yours faithfully, J. H.
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  • 267 363 Mr Hay asked the Under Secretary for the Colonies whether he could now state the names of the persons who would constitute the ccminittee to irquire into the organisation of the office of the Crown Agents for the Colonies whether he would undertake that some
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  • 23 363 The CEZM.S. Chinese Girls' School fancy sile will take place m the Victoria Memorial Hall on Friday and Saturday June 20 and 27.
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  • 1127 363 Agriculture and Mining. The following is extracted from Mr W. A. Graham's latest report on the State of Kelantan. Agriculture. A luve number of inquiries concerning land for rubber planting were received during the year. These led to further negotiations with many parties, some of which resulted m the
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  • 508 363 The Attitudr of Hongkong. The China Mail, naturally resentiDg the insult implied m the peremptory instructions to Sir E Iward Lugard, quite reckless of the difficulties entailed on the financial position of Hongkong deals with the inconsistercy displayed m the treatment accorded to a k yal Col.
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  • 279 363 Applications are invited at par for 18,000 shares of £'1 each m the Glenshiel Rublar Estates Company, Ltd. The company, the prospectu3 states, has been formed to acquire the Glenshiel, Sungei Tankas and Guesdon Estates, containii g a total area of about I,<> 20 acres, and to
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  • 23 363 Capt. F. P. Braithwaite, Northumberland Fusiliers, has been appointed aide-de-camp to Major-Gen. T. E. Stephenson, C. B commanding the Second Division at Aldershot.
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  • 141 363 (SONO.) On his set course, the Sun Has sought the West and soon To his fierce rule succeeds Night's gentle Queen the Moon. Stars drown m Luna's light, Cicadas cease to trill, (j'.) Comes the sweet hush of night. And all the world is still. The sea
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  • 393 363 Tis a time of deep depression, there's retrenchment m ti.e air, There's a cutting down of prices and of wages every w hare There's a turning of old garments, and a patching of old punts, And a tendency to cotton to one's wealthy maiden aunts. People say that we
    393 words
  • 58 363 Returns for 1907. Shanghai, May 23. The returrs showing China's trade during li»07 have been issued by the Imperial Maritime Customs authorities. It is shown that the imports amounted to Tla 429,071,602 and the exports to TU 277,050,990. The figures iv regard to Hongkong show that the imports
    58 words
  • 80 363 Order from the Secretary of State. For the information of the Editor Times of Ceylon with the compliments of the Colonial Secretary. The Press is hereby informed that the Secretary of State for the Colonies has ordered that the publication of the Report of the Opium
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  • 959 364 la these wise later days, when we flitter ourselves that the mysteries of nature are unfold* «1 to our view, aad a plausible reason can be fcuud for everything, it is curious how we fall back oa illusions to amuse us. "When the conjurer really dealt m the black
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  • 1015 364 In the days that are invariably described to us of the present generation as having been good and old," the adjective 1 chivalrous was used on every possible occasion as giving a comprehensive description of the character of the hero of every tale. No other adjective, m facr, was
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  • 938 364 In a book just issued at Home, he is depicted m the beak of the Early B.rd. The book itself sets itself to tell all the good that comes from rising at five m summer and six m winter. With a singular want of logic well, not
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  • 1186 364 HAND-SHAKES PAST AND PRESENT. What is to be the next a la mode shake of the hand We have temporarily exhausted our stock m hand no pun, dear reader and must look out for something fresh something new and piquant, crisply tormenting as the hunch of the shoulder, winningly arch
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  • 733 365 Elsewhere m this issue will be found a reference to a new enterprise, that of brewing, which is to be started m Singapore immediately under important London auspices. There are various reasons wbv the Government should look with favour upon such a scheme acd
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  • 538 365 We cannot profess to be m the le ist surprised at the statement m the telegram that "it is said m New York that British detectives are there shadowing Indian revolutionaries m New York, several of whom are m close tcuch with the Clin-na-Gael
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  • 785 365 The Eronomist of May 9th which came by the French mail yesterday, has an interesting article on the position of cable companies. The volume of business that passed through the Companies' hands m the twelve months was m most cases maintained at its old level,
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  • 1102 365 In a new Indo-Chinese journal, L'An-nam-Tonkin," there is an inti rest ing article which, m effect, very directly impugns the sincerity of the Chinese Government m the measures which it is at present professing to take within the Chinese empire for the suppression of poppy
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  • 584 366 Loud Ronaldshay |i 0113 of the youuger members of the House cf Comuious who hi 3 made for himself a claim to be lnird on Imperial questions. Although now but thirty-two years of age te has visited Ceylon and travelled through India. He devoted the years 1900-1901
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  • 831 366 la tie deith of General Sir Redvers Buller Lis Country bses a soldier whose naino is int'ui ttely associated with the principal military acivit'es of the Britisn army during the last half century .of the Vict jrianera. H|s first active service Ity m the
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  • 840 366 Until the dentist has decided that it is absolutely necessary for a tooth to come out, there is no advantage m contemplating the operating chair and the shining forceps. If, however, the probabilities are that the tooth has to be drawD, there is no particular harm m saving up
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  • 378 366 A QUESTION OF HUMANITY. A rather strange incident, that appeirs to reflect on the reputation for huminity of the French mercantile marine is described by an eyewitness. It seems that on Monday as the French miil "Yarra" from Hongkong was proceeding to the quarantine ?n--chorage at St.
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  • 169 366 A good many of the lesidents m the Straits who may feel m ceed of a complete change of climate without the loss of much time are not properly aware of the remaikable advantages to be gained by a visit to Java, which beautiful island
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  • 49 366 A private telegram received m Calcutta on Saturday gives news of Mies E. M. Titterton a victory m tbe ladies' open £ol£ championehip played at St Andrews on. May 19th and 22nd. Miss Titterton is a member of the Musselburgh Golf Club. Miss May Hezlet was last year's winner.
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  • 708 367 There were two well -contested matches on the Esplanade yesterday, to fill up the day. The Club, through a fine innings of Cantrell, defeated the Garrison, and a scratch team of the Club were beaten by the Recreation Club, after a close finish. 8. C. C. v Garrison.
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  • 85 367 A Masonic trowel of silver .s on its ™y around the world has reached Poidand, r y where it was received with the ceremony y a commits of a brethren of The trowel which was startsd from »ew York will go to every Masonic jurisd.ct.on m
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  • 614 367 The financial crisis which has been hovering over our heads for the past ten months is just beginning to make itself keenly felt m the commercial world m these parts. The canse —and only one— must be attributed to no other agency than the slump m the
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  • 232 367 POINTS FROM THE PENSION SCHEME. Pensions of ss. a week, and to begin at the age of 70. Applicants must be British subjects, or, if naturalised, have resided there for 10 or 20 years. Pensions to be national, not local. Criminals, lunatics, and all persons actually m receipt of poor-law
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  • 84 367 The following officers have been selected for appointment to the Supply and Transport Corps and are posted as stat2d Lieutenant Wood, Liverpool Regiment, to Bihow Captain Hendrson, Leiceßterahires, and Lieutenant Buchan, Ist Manchest3rs, t> Lahore; Lieutenant Messenger, East Surreys, to Quetta Lieutenant Duval, 38th Battery, R.F.A., to Lucknow;
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  • 1843 367 (By Submarine Telegraph) {Renter's Agency) Received May 28tb, at 9.7 a.m. President Fallieres has paid a visit to the Guildhall. Brilliant sunshine prevailed, and the French President was accorded a splendid reception, being everywhere heralded by continu jus roars of cheering. The police say that th9y have never dealt
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  • 145 368 {From our o:<'M Correspondent^ London, via Penang, May 28th. Rubber is dull on profit taking. There is less American bu\ ing and receipts are slightly larger than the estimate. London Via Penang, May 30, 3 54 p.m. The rubber market is displaying a better tendency, and there is
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  • 380 368 Per Sappho Messrs R. Hodgson, Morrison, F. A. Dale, A. Stuart, A. M. Lawrence, Mr and Mrs St. V. B. Down. Per Laurens Pit Mr Van Rintsel. Per Bharata Mr R. Kczhevar, Mr and Mr 3 Wanklyn, Mr Jacob, Mr G. Sonohara, Mrs Yamada, Mr J. van Lohuizin. Per
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  • 36 368 "Clark's Li3t of British Scholars undertaking entire charge of Indian and Colonial Children" will be sent post free to all applicants, from Arthur W. Clark, 29, Wellington Road, Brighton England. Oct 21 8 26-10-C8
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  • 663 368 May 28. Chowfa, Ger. Btr., Spiesen, for Saigon. Deli, Ger. etr., Lenss, for Bangkok. Isabella, Dut. str Sulong, for Lingga via ports. G. G. Meyer, Dut. str., Griffin, for Muntok and Palembang. Kleist, Ger. str., Meyer, for Hongkong, Shanghai and Japan. Verona, Ger. str., Dobranz, for New York via
    663 words
  • 407 368 Ship Flag Tons Master Arrived From Consignee For When Amherst Brit 135 Scott Jane 2 Pontianak Ban Lee Heng Pontianak 5 Bharata Brit 1957 Swanson June 3 Rangoon Bou stead Rangoon 4 Ban Hin Guan Brit 248 Hunter Jane 3 Pontianak Ban Lee Hong Pontianak 5 Bingo
    407 words
  • 739 368 MINES. Capita! Capita! Issot Paid Issued paldapValoe up Company. Qu.t*r«c«. 1300,000 300,000 10 10 Belat Tin Mining Co. Ltd 6° > $300,000 225.000 10 10 Bruang Limited (j 50 $600,000 600,0C0 10 10 Bruseh Hydraulic Tin M. Cc. Ltd 11 £400,000 350,000 1 1 Duff Development Co. Ltd 3
    739 words