The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 23 January 1908

Total Pages: 16
49 64 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 2 49 Leaders
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  • 137 49 Subscribers to the "Singapore Free Pre^s weekly returning from Europe to thr> Straits by any of the mail lines, we iuvited to send to the Manager the namo of theii steamei anl date of arrival m Singapore. Copies will then be mailed to meet them at various poits ot ctll.
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  • Domestic Occurrences.
    • 118 49 Rebsch. At Rangoon on the 24th December, the wife of Lieut. W. K. Rebsch, 92nd Punjabis, of a son. Lamhe. On December 31, at 15, Sicawei Road, Shanghai, the wife of Win. P. Lambe, of a daughter. Middleton.— On December 31. at 122, Szechuen Road, Shanghai, the wife of
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    • 232 49 Lindop— Sproule.— On the 9th Dec, at St. Mary's Church, Acton, by the Rev. G. S. de Sausniarez, Lionel Pemherton, youngest ton of the late J. C. Lindop. m.r.c.s., 1.r.c.p., to Mabel Frances, daughter of R F. Sproule, Esq., of 205, Uxbridge-road, W. Cor hack-Burton. On December 80, at
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    • 84 49 De Tunzelmann. On the 10th inst., suddenly, at Parame, Ille et Vilaine, France, Edward Waldemar de TUKULMANN, M.8.. M. B. C. S. Eng. late of Singapore, Straits Settlements. R.I.P. At the Hongkong Hotel. January 14th, 190 S. E. L. Woodin, aged 6S years Uate of the P. and O.
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  • 71 49 (OoifciecTKP uf to Jan. 22.) Bui* 4 111/ 8 i deinaiiC '2 3j^ Printe credits tf 2/4-A credits 6 ras Frasci. demand Back 292J German t, demand >.- k i2Sj India, T. T 173J Hongkong, rttntfttd 1 /o ToiOHAMA, deniaco I' 4 Java, demand 13H Bangkok, deiaauo 65 Sovbxel'Jns,
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  • 1276 49 For a considerable time lately the chief feature associated with actual or projected railway schemes m China has been the popular resolution to lely on Chinese capital for the realisation of these schemes, and m all cases where agreements had committed the Imperial Government to the use
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  • Page 49 Advertisements
    • 81 49 SMOKE ONCE THE MO-BURMA TOBACCO GO'S CIGARS AS A TEIAL. The best m the market. Our Cigars are manufactured from the Finest Burma Tobacco leaves, and we guarantee our qualities to give perfect satisfaction. A trial will amply testify our assertions. Special terms to large Dealers, Hotels and Clubs. Nos.
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  • Page 49 Miscellaneous
    • 253 49 THE WEEK. The outward mail of Dec 27th was brought by the Peninsula on Friday evening last, a supplementary ui^il OOttlßg by the Kleist to-day. This homeward mail is taken by the B. I. S. N. Co. usual weekly steamer Tara. The Pr. Kitd Friedrich left for Europe on Monday
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  • 704 50 Jan 17. There is crtain degree of mystery attaching to tha recent official notification m the London Gazette to the tffect that British Navj.i harbours at home and abroad mu 3 t be approached with the greatest caution whenever tetrohlights are seeu ia const mt operation.
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  • 282 50 Feo3l a contributor, who evidently has hi 9 p judic and gc^pticisms about Japan, we gu«! to-aaj a sketch of Count Okuma based upya an interview. We also give from the Tune* another address by Count Okuma which may be assumed to represent his more fully considered views
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  • 983 50 Jan 18. A few days ago the members of the Opium Commission returned to Singapore from their tour to Peuang and the Federated Malaj States, aud, it is understood, are now ensued m drafting their report. It is neiny six months since that Commission consisting of well-known
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  • 629 50 The Times." Through Hongkoug come one or two indication! of the influences that have been at work to cause the recent changes announced ia the organisation and control of the Time: A telegram to the South China Morning Post from its London correspondent, dated London, Jan. 9lh, says j Differences
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  • 778 50 The Late Liber al Attorney-General. J m 20. So far as the Par lii men tat y history of the Government t^oes its late AUortey General Sir John Lawson Walton, whoso sudden fatal illness is referred to m to-day's telegrams, will be remembered, outside of his professional Wai career, for
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  • 717 51 That was a historic mail that came out to us on Friday evening, for it brought the accounts of that wonderfully inspiring and affecting "Golden Commemoration" of the Indian Mutiny at the Albert Hall on December 23rd, which, at the happy instance and at the sole charges
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  • 858 51 Jan 21. There is something of the spirit of the combat of the tournament, something not far remote from the atmosphere of the duel, m the statement that comes to us to-day that m the contest for the Lord Rectorship of Glasgow University, an honorary appointment that
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  • 803 51 In the China Mail appears an article which declares that the right of appeal is m abeyance m that Colony sin] ply because, for lack of a third judge, no proper appeal court can be constituted. It mates out a strong case for its plea for the
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  • 1109 51 A U. S. Naval Cunard. Jan 22. Not the slightest credence, we should think, should be placed m that wonderful story said to be produced by the Rio de Jareiro police, stating that an Anarchist plot had been unearthed which was to contemplate the destruction of a portion of the
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  • 949 52 Jan 23. From the te'egraphed gist of the result of M» LuiEUX'l mission to Japan on behaU" f t^p Canadian Government, the two piriica. uiore directly concerned, Canada and Japan, and Britain and the Empire only a little less directly, may be congratu--1 ited on what may
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  • 522 52 What is probably the last of the legal cases m connection with the unfortunate Hogan and Co. liquidation came to an end yesterday, much sooner than was expected. It was a claim by a large shareholder for the value of his shares upon the gentleman who certified to
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  • 203 52 SC.C. vs. OFFICERS OF THE GARRISON. The S C.C. met the Offioert of the Garrison at hockey on the Esplanade last evening, and play was of a fast order. From the commencement, the Officers showed their superiority and did most of the pressing. The forwards were quick ani
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  • 266 52 List night at the Grand Hotel de L'Europe, Mr and Mrs A. P. Williams celebrated their silver wedding by an "At Home." With such well- known and popular tesidents as Mr and Mrs Williams there is little surprise that a large party of their friends gathered to
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  • 199 52 There's a steamship line we know And its M oh and oh and oh If a passage you desire for homeward going, To this office you apply, But approach it, by-the-bye, With due modesty, for really there's no knowing How you will be received For I've
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  • 69 52 The result of the bowling on Friday night for the Gold Medal (19 7), is as follows A TT Itr a. n. Withers 927 B er 927 P. E.W.Taylor 673 )31 803 J. Waddell 602 200 802 O. M. Ciaik 650 150 800 V. A. Flower 675
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  • 761 53 The output for the month of December of the Sipiau Tin Co. Ltd. is 110.38 pels. The Penang Municipal Commissioners have bought a German motor car for the Engineer's department. The reason for this is that instant delivery was required A deaf and dumb bride and
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    • 462 53 Mr Justice Fisher was busy with the bankruptcy cases yesterday. Several petitions for receiving orders were postponed. In the matter of Chia Keng Bock and Chia Eeng Chiang, Messrs Eoek and Greenfield asked for a postponement of their petitions for receiving orders. The Official Assignee did
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    • 365 53 In the afternoon, the Official Assignee examined Abdul Hathy m connection with the bankruptcy of Ebrahim bin Cas-sim My sorry, a Mohamedan shopkeeper. Witness s.\id his brother went to another country to collect debts, but had not come back. During his brother's absence, he looked after the shop.
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    • 428 53 In the public examination of Sjow Kje Yeong, the bankrupt said he lived at Everton Road. He was married and never had any occupation, bat had made a little money by gambling at Johore as a amateur. He had never honestly earned any money m
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    • 438 53 Frederick Krarup was also examined. He traded under the name of F. Krarup and Company. He was a married man and had a wife and four children. They were m London. He had been m the Colony about eight and a half years. His business was
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  • 181 53 A sad accident ended a pleasant evening spent by a number of friends with the engineers of the S3. Hopsang on Thursday night (Jan £tb). The steamer m question is lyicg at the Kowloon Docks, and on the night mentioned some friends of the engineers went
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  • 808 53 The General Manager's report on the afebve Mine for December states that the Mine measurements and assay results of prospecting work show a total of 594 feet for the period (4 weeks) under review, made up of 25 feet sinking, 134 feet of driving, 329 feet crosscutting,
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  • 95 53 A lady conip'aining to her milkman of the quality cf m Ik he sold her, received the following explanation You see, mum, they don't get enough gras-s feed this time o" year. Why, the<n cows o' mine are just as eorry about it as I am. I often see 'em
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  • 1684 54 CHARACTER SKETCH OF COUNT OKUMA. By Andrew Soutar. Count Okuma. the aged and most dangerous firebrand m Japan, breathes freely again. His ill-governed tongue led him to the edge of the precipice and while his less indiscreet followers stood agh ist at his temerity, lo a champion
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  • 211 54 FRASER CO.'S SHARE CIRCULAR. There is practically nothing doing m the market ard rate 3 generally remain unchanged m all sections. Mining. Although tin shares are quiet, rates keep very steady m most instances, and transactions have taken place m Pahang Consolidateds at 295, Tronohs 14.75 to 14.50, Pusing Lamas
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  • Correspondence.
    • 694 54 "The Scarlet Mr. E.'s." A Personal Explanation. To Thb Editor. Sir, Your readers probably will remember that a Company styling themselves "The Scarlet Mr E.V"The Scarlet Mysteries," and under the management of Mr Edward Branscombe, lately visited Singapore. In connection with this, I should like to make public the following
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    • 300 54 To the Editor, Dear Sir,— From time to time a list of the books newly acquired for Raffles library appears m your columns. The volumes of fiction en the latest occasion number twenty, and a liberal estimate will not allow that there are five good authors
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  • 592 54 Mr Scott O'Connor's book on" Mandalay is also largely the record of decaying palaces, fallen temples, and deserted cities, and so somewhat melancholy reading. The Burmese kings were content to stay m the capital city of their (usually) murdered predecessors, and after general
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  • 299 54 Richard Vicars Boyle, c.5.1., whose death is announced was the originator and the chief defender of the fortified house at *rrab, Ben gal, m the Indian Mutiny. Here m 18.")7. a dozen Englishmen, with 50 Sikhs, held out for eight days against 3,000 Sepoys.
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  • 1512 55 By G. E. Raink. The Malay, m fiction, has been cruelly ealt with— except by Sir Prank Swettenham and Mr. Hugh Clifford. They hare tailed with him, shot with him, hunted with him, and have been alone with him m the great waste places. The Soul
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  • 390 55 Round thb World Service. The China Mail m connection with the arrival of the S3. Malte," of the above company, refers thus to the all-round-the-world service of that line i Tbe round the- world-trip is a most interesting one and to those who can spare tbe t
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  • 71 55 Extensive Repairs Completed. London, Jan. 10. The extensive repairs to the White Star Australian liner Suevic, which was wrecked on the English coast and only the after-half of the ship salved, have been completed and she was berthed at Liverpool to-day. The salvage of the Suevic and the
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  • 1325 55 We have received a copy of the speech delivered m Tokio by Count Okuma, president of Waseda University, and ex-president of the progressive party m Japan, on the occasion of the first meeting of the In do- Japanese Association, of which he is
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  • 588 55 THE FINANCIAL POSITION. (By a casual correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, loth January. The financial position iv the F M.S. is daily becoming worse and it wou'd seem there is nothing to be done but sit still and hcpe that the price of tin will rise. Every day has its
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  • 46 55 Router wire 9 from T«jkio that Count Okuma emphatically repudiates as a mistnnslation the English version of his tpeech at Kobe. He says India offers us a fice field for trade and consistently to enter the fi^ld m fair competition, friendly to England that is all."
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  • 855 56 The Chinese Press laws will be presented to the Throne on the 6th January, and compared with the British and Japanese press laws the Chinese Press Laws are severe on arguments and lenient on news items. It is reported that the Hongkong press laws have also
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  • 1047 56 Quicquid agunt homines notirx esi farrago libelli. Juvenal. Tariff Reformers have no need to wear long faces, and Unionists have ceased to talk about their regrettable divisions. The high old mandarins and stray Liputans who used to be numbered with the party, the rusty crusty old
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  • 485 56 POOR SINGAPORE A recent visitor from the Philippines has this to say m the Manila Times of Jan 9 th.— From a business standpoint things m Singapore are m a depressed state, says Harold Mackenzie who has just returned from that port, and a considerable number of failures have taken
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  • 239 56 IS SINGAPORE ENERVATING The Esplanade yesterday rooming was the scene of a desperate struggle for supremacy as regards the athletic powers of two respected residents of Upper Tanglin, whose counsels cxrry great weight m places where men do talk. Sjon after sunrise a motor lorry drew up smartly at the
    Teetotaller  -  239 words
  • 62 56 A Filipino Member of the Assembly has introduced a bill prohibiting the exhibition m foreign courtries of non Christian tribes of the islands. It will also prevent their exhibition m the Philippines and is believed to be a blow aimed at the desire of some of the Carnival Committee who
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  • 931 56 THE SHIEL9 COMPETITION. SC.C. win thb Final. There was a Urge crowd of spectators on the Esplanade last ereniig. when the SCO met the Warden m the Shield competition. A win for the Club meant that they secured the trophy and a tie that they would have to meet
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  • 1052 57 Ordinary Meeting. Friday, Jan 17. Present :—Mr E. G. Broadrick vPresident) and Messrs H. L. Coghlan, Rowland Allen, Win Macbean, A. W. Bailey, Cheng Keng Lee and Ong Tek Lim, also R. Peirce (Engineer) and J. Polglase (Secretary). The m.nutea of the last meeting were cot firmed. President's
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  • 346 57 Further Details of Record Team Shoot. In the John Ball versus South Australia contest, the 10 Britishers compiled 1,002 points (out of a possible 1,050) against South Australia's 971. Four Englishman got possibles at 200 yards, three at 500 yards, and one at 600
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  • Correspondence.
    • 146 57 To the Editor, Dear Sir, I was much pleased to read Mr Butler's letter m this morning's 'Free Press and to see that somebody takes an intelligent interest m the R^ftlts Libraiy. But he would much have improved his letter by a few tacts, c. g. by a
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    • 47 57 The Government Land Bailiff at Bukit Mertajam has been fined £100 for attempting to abet the commission of au offence of receiving $10— an illegal gratification. It was m connection with the examination for probate of the estate of accused's wife. Notice of appeal has been lodged.
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  • 208 57 Important Arrest* An important arrest was made last night m connection with the murder of the wealthy Arab, Syed Abdul Kader bin Abdul Rihman Alsagoff, who was shot while at prayers m his house m Bukit Timah-rd last year. This is no less than the arrest of
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  • 365 57 By a Tamil Congregation. The N Parsonage" Kuala Lumpur, the residence of Revd and Mrs Thompson, witnessed a pleasant function on Tuesday, the 14th instant, when the members of the Tamil congregation of St. M-iry's Church, mustered strong to bid farewell to Bishop Hose on
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  • 138 57 Mr A. Divies is appointed an Assistant Superintendent of Immigrants under the Indian Immigration Ordinance with effect from the 9th inst, and the appointment of Mr A. Proctor, as Treasurer, P;esb>terian Church, is filed. Leave of absence has been granted to JJc W. G. Ellis, Medic il Supeiintendent
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  • 44 57 Mamma still going strong. The death has occurred m the Lambeth Work-house of Mrs. Mary Ann Moore, at the age of one hundred. It is stated that her mother is still living at Berwick -on- Tweed, having reached the remarkable age of 118 years.
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    • 329 57 S. C. C. vs Tme Gakkioon. The Club plajed the Garrison m the cricket tournament on Saturday, on tbe Esplanade. The Garrison went to the wickets first, and batted to such excellent effect that 245 runs had been secured when the side was dismissed late m the day,
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    • 201 57 On the S R. C. side of the Esplanade on Saturday,Travers'eleven winning by lOruiit*. Oehlers* for the S. R C. had the capital bowline: average of 7 for 32. Joynson on the other side was no less successful with the ball dismissing t>
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  • 146 57 Lim Siew Hock, a cashier m the employ of the Holland Trading Company, who was alleged to have absconded with from $12,000 to 817,000 belonging to his employers, was arrested on Saturday at Tiocg Bahru by Chief Detective Inspector Frayne. The accused was brought before Mr Green,
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  • 556 58 Sir Marcus Samuel, the pioneer of the oil trade with the East, has retired from business. When charged at Brentford with begging, a little boy named Bennett said he had tfiven the name of George Washington to save his mother from disgrace. A Chinaman was severely
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  • 314 58 A meeting of the Peralr Planters' Association was held at the Ipoh Club when members representing upwards of 40 estates were present. Th-^ replies received m answer to the 'ircuiars issued last month on the tubj?et of Puadaj names, and m response to personal canvas^inc, showed
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  • 1531 58 FURTHER DEVELOPMENTS. SYED AGIL CHARGED WITH MURDER. There was scarcely standing room m the third matrist rate's Ou-t on S.iturday when To'*fik, Sulong and Syed Mohamed bin Yahya bin Agil were charged with murder by causing the death of the late Syed Abdul Kader bin Abdul Rahman
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  • 162 58 There was a very large attendance at the Swimming Club yesterday, the attractions being an exceptionally good tide m the forenoor, and a team race bttween the Club and G-. Company of the West Kents. The tide had turned before the team race began and those swimming westwaid
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  • 55 58 The New York Pilgrim Mothers and Mrs Elean r Glyn, the author of "ThreeWeeks have had a slight difference ThW regard Three Weeks as about 20 days too much. The authoress retaliates m dainty style, by calling the Pilgrim crowd, a "lot of flit chested, slab-hipped, pancake looted frumps," with
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  • 1202 58 London, Dec 1907. Dear Exile, We have been suffering lately from many inventions. First the electric light, a very nice clean thing no doubt, but certainly sub ject to whims. We were going to have an At Home, I tried to light up one of those
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  • 754 59 B shop Hoae arrived from Telok Anaon by ibe Kmia yesterday. Mr T. H. Moorhouse proceeded to Johore ▼eaterday afternoon to take charge of the Tampoy Rubber Estate. In British North Borneo territory there are now thirteen tobacco and ten lubber estates. F. M. S. Merlin
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  • 473 59 CASES BEFORE MAGISTRATES. A Hylanc was arrested m Nassim R >ad by a detective constable at 3 50 on Sunday morning for being m possession of a bundle of clothing. When he saw the detective, the Chinaman dropped the bundle and fled, but was captured. It was
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  • 243 59 Mr Justice Sercouibe Smith continued th? Assize Court yesterday. The first prisoner spoke Hinwa, a dialect of the interior of the Hokien, and professed not to be able to understand the Hokien interpreter. The case stood down for one to be obtained from the police court. Gan Tiang
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  • 119 59 Mr Lionel Willis, was arrested on Saturday night on allegations that he in December fraudulently transferred to one F. Dreyfus certain interest in the Albambra cinematograph to prevent such interest from being taken in execution cf a deciee of the Supreme Court. The case was
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  • 357 59 THE SINGAPORE HUNT CLUB. The Singapore Huut Club began its season m October and has had two meets per month since, eight altogether to date. There have been three paper-chases and five fol-low-my-leader" rides which have all with one exception, when the occasion was marred by rain, been very successful
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  • 137 59 Shooting Incident at Chua Chu Kang. A Chinaman was before Mr Green, second magistrate, yesterday afternoon, charged with mischief by shooting at and wounding a bullock belonging to a neighbour of his. Inspector Wilson conducted the prosecution and Mr Kcowles represented the defendant. The owner of the
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  • 130 59 A Bengali watchm-m employed by Sir John Jackson, Ltd., was charged before Mr Colinan, second magistrate, yesterday, with voluntarily causing hurt to a rikisha coolie. The coolie told a sad story. Detective Inspector Frayr»o said that at 8 o'clock on S.iturday night he heard a great commotion
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  • 174 59 Hongkong papers announce the death of Mr E. L. Woodir, who was for some years m the employment of the P. and 0 Company there as Agent. That connection was terminated under circumstances recorded at the time, and some time subsequently Mr Woodin was
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  • 51 59 An affray took place at Minto Road on Sunday night between a number of Cantonese* and Teochews. The scene of the fight was about a hundred yards from the Rochore Police Station. Inspector Conner made six arrests. The combatants used sticks and hammers, and broke open the dor oof a
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  • 421 59 8. C. C. vs. The Garrison. On the Esplanade last evening. The S. C. 0. side was rearranged somewhat, the brothers Cuscaden playing half. The Garrison were unfortunate m having to commence without Lts. Hewitt an<J Pagett, the absence of the former meaning that there were only three three
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  • 168 59 S. R. A. MEETING. The following events were shot oft" at the Miniature Range, Keppel Harbour Event No. 5. Running deer, the target to appear for one minuto only Range 50 yards Bulls eye 5 Outer 4— Wiener E. A. Leggatt. Event No. 6. Attack competition. A running
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  • 65 59 "Play for the January Medal resulted as follow 8 JH.D. Joces 76 10 66 E. G. Jollie 71 4 67 G. R. H. Webb 80 10 70 H. S. Hauxwell 86 15 71 H. Tongue 87 13 74 H. B. Salniond 90 19 77 A. M. Sellar
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  • 22 59 Capt Young beat E. L. Talma by 1 up cc Saturday m the Tie for the Club's Gold Medal.
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  • 41 59 The Ipoh Ladies have won the Mills Cup beating Taipicg by one point m firing the tie. The scores were Mrs. Douglas 32 M Cooper 32 44 Kellar 29 44 Armstrong 28 Valpy 27 44 Hannah 23 Total .171 Taipiog 170
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  • 1024 60 Not long ago the story was told m this column of an old Irish Magistrate of Singapore, noted alike for his humour, sense of justice and popularity, who had what most psop c called the fad of having his monthly salary washed, before he would receive it Whether
    W.M.  -  1,024 words
  • 1072 60 This is delicate ground to touch upoD, and were it not that the subject admits of argument, one would be tempted to leave it alone altogether. "An old maid's field-day," was the contemptuous definition of an anniversary recently given to the writer and though at the time the words
    O.M.K.  -  1,072 words
  • 921 60 Due perhaps to great extent to the confidential nature of the greater part of their duties and daily round, it is probably unlikely that there are many classes or professions who enjoy greater scope for strange incidents and tales at the expense of their seniors than
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  • 970 60 They met at Mrs Riman-Scan's evening for the furtherance of the study of last lines m Limericks. He was tall and had an air of empressement which distinguished him from the rest of the Word Hunters the bump of Limericsus was developed to an extent which promised
    H.B.S.  -  970 words

  • 638 61 According to a Manila p&per an epidemic of smallpox is reported from Kobe. Hundreds of deaths are said to have resulted from the scourge. Dr P. Fowlie has been nominated for the vacancy on the Municipal Commission (Tanjong Pagar) caused by the resignation of Dr Murray
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  • 140 61 AN INTERRUPTED DINNER. While tbe occupants of Roselani, o2 GAM Road, were at dinner on Monday*e was beard Messrs \f and L Hinnekindt went up by b&erent ways and a Hvlam was discovered m Mrs Hmnek.cdfs MM. Tbe man made a despirate *S >* to
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  • 2038 61 ALLEGED FAXSE REPRESENTATIONS. MR. A. E. BENZIE SUED- Before the Acting Chief Justice A. F. Law. The Procureur of La Societe des Mission Etrangeres and another vs. A. Emslie Benzie. In this case the claim is for $44,800 for the Procuieur and $1,400 for Aueustinha de R zirio.
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  • 669 61 EUROPEAN POLICEMAN SENT TO PRISON. H. E.s Consideration. European Police Constable No. 37, H. F Tuxworth, was charged btfore Mr Colman, third magistrate, yesterday, with the theft of a bottle of claret valued at SI, the property of His Excellency the Governor at Johnston's Pier, and also
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  • 53 61 The comparative statement of cultivated Rubber exported from the Federated M*ky States during the year 1907 and 1906, issued by the Commissioner of Trade and Customs is Export Export T 1907. 1906. Increa8 Perak 250,5301bs 149,6401bs 105,8901bs Selangor 1,198,751 681,040 517,741 Negri Sembilan 530,004 198,112 331,892 Pahang
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  • 1494 62 The result of the Association Shield game on Friday conformed to general expectations, the S. C. C. eleven disposing of the Warders m a manner which left no room for doubt on the score of superiority. The Club take the Shield, but the fight for it has been
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  • Correspondence.
    • 97 62 To the Editor, Dear Sir, People often complain that either the Police or Chintings give great trouble or even extort money on e^ods on arriving here. The recent case of Tuxworth is an Eye Opecer, for if H. E. the Governor's tjoods are not safe theie is
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  • 321 62 Oq Sunday last Bishop Hose paid his fi-iev I cii visit to Malacca, preaching to a good congregation and afterwards holding a confirmation service. Almost exactly forty years before, the Bishop, then the R3V. G. F. Hose, commenced his labours iv the East as Colonial Chaplain, Malacca, and
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  • 621 62 (From our own Correspondent.) SECOND DAY. For the second day of the Penang Meeting fine weather prevailed. The course, however was rather hard. There was a good attendance of members and visitors. The Try Again Stakes.— (Distance one mile and a distance.) Orion (10.8) 1 Maintenance (9.10) Chevalier
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  • 485 62 EXISTENCE OF THE BENCH COURT. Four Cantonese were brought before Messrs Howard and Gibson, sittiug as a Banch Court, yesterday afternoon, on a charge of voluntarily causing hurt. Mr Savi of the police conducted the prosecution. Mr T. Dudley Parsons defended three of the accused
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  • 117 62 About eiajht o'cWk on Monday night thepolice at Orchard R>ad Station teceivel i telephone message repotting a gang robbery at the twelfth mile KiaLJi Road. Inspector V\ r ilson and E. P. C. Nicol proceeded to the scene immediately ani ascertained that a serious fight had taken
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  • 155 62 The Hapag has arrived here from Honsrkong under her own bteam. She was buiit at Hongkong to serve the double purpose of a steam launch and towboat of the Hamburg American service at Singapore. It is reported from Kansziwa thut at eleven o'clock on Wednesday moving, Jau. 1, a floating
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  • 674 63 AUSTRALIA VICTORIOUS. Bowling Too Good for the Englishmen. Wanting 279 runs to draw the match, and with five of their best batsmen already disposed of the Euglish team resumed the game with but little hope of averting defeatThe Australians' bowling was too good. The overnight not outa
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  • 2056 63 (By Submarine Telegraph.) (Ibuter't Agiuy.) K9c. Jan. 16, at 10.13 a.m. Sir Edward Grey, speaking at Alnwick, said that if foreign naval programmes were carried out m their entirety, further increases m the British Navy would undoubtedly be necessary. From Johannesburg it is reported that 116 Indians who have
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  • 134 63 {From our rum Conespomlent^ Hocgkoug, Jan. 17th, 3.15 pm. The steamer Yeksang ha 9 become a total loss m f«.g on the Brothers Islets near Swatow. She was on a voyage to Japan with a cargo of coal. The Chief Engineer and five Chines? are lost. Hongkong, Jan.
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  • Page 63 Miscellaneous
    • 179 63 CLEARANCES Jan 16 Japara, Dat. str., de Vries, for Batavia and Billiton Tr'gonia, Dut. str., Ro:>3, fjr B ilik Papan. Jin Ho, Brit, str., Griaadty, for Malaeoi mi Mnar. Malacca. Brit, str., Smderson, for Port Swettenham via port 3 Edend-ile, Biit. str, Dunlop, for Samarang via port.'. Hong Wu, Brit,
      179 words

  • 726 64 Captu! Capital isaac Paid Company. Qiotatioc Issued paid op Value ap $300,000 300,000 10 1" Belat Tin M. Co. Ltd 919 $300,000 225,000 10 Iv Brnang Limited 125 $600,000 600,0C0 10 10 Bruseh Hydraulic Tin M. Cc. Ltd 14 M» £400,000 350,000 £1 £1 Duff Development Co. Ltd 175
    726 words
  • Page 64 Advertisements
    • 422 64 THE STRAITS TRADING Co, Ltd. 1. Notice is hereby given to all bearers of share-warrants of the above Company that the subjoined resolution was passed at an extraordinary general meeting of the above Company held on the 22nd of October, 1907, and confirmed as a special resolution at an extraordinary
      422 words
  • Page 64 Miscellaneous
    • 714 64 Jan 18. Chowfa, Ger. str Spiesen, for Sai<3n. Peiho, Frch. str., Cazal, fo: Antwerp via ports. Pocahontat, Brit, str., Cox, for Banbary. Cheang Chew, Brit, str., Shepherd, for Hoihow, Hongkong and Amoy. Ban Whatt Hin, Brit str., Morrell, for Port Swettenham via ports. Yugala, Siam. str., Larsen, for Bangkok via
      714 words
    • 539 64 PASSENGERS. Per Freya i Sifter Elisabeth. Per Shirala Revds J. Pages and Pelletier, Mr J. Boyd and Miss Zehnder. Per P& O Delhi Mr Clouet, Mr H. D. Angus, Mr M. Marshall, Mr Van der Voort, M. R. Ezakiel Mr Mak Shak Pang, Mr Mak Shun Ming, Mr Li Sun,
      539 words
    • 286 64 VESSELS IN POiiT. Bangkok Ger 1237 Klimmet Jan 9 Bangkok Behn Meyer BugoL Camphuys Dut 1696 Arnold Jan 20 Batavia 33 Capri 1ta***** Pedone Jan 20 Hongkong Behn Meyer *«»>*** Calypso Brit 339 Bannatyne Jan 21 Deli *J anB^ pl^ntle Charon Brit 1600 Bell Jan 15 Fremantle Mansfield Fremantle .5
      286 words