The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 19 December 1907

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 252 1 Mail "..ntiut 3»iO I !.;ibciii- Panic in America :J7O ran- 1 Exhibition <r Jj.;ui :>7<j Ckwaf Fraud ;»70 iirinir Prwhil'iti'-n :i7O C>. FMtc FkH :i7O N < 'ori-ti iu ti^-n :;70 I h» •»»rinan Emperor :;7ij .n >pium Cotuiuif&ioa ;^7l fl Cr Rt in P«r-ia :{7 rl Or«>:ner
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  • 429 1 Notice is lu-rehy given to all bearers of warrant- of the above Company that the subjoined resolution was passed at an x:ra ordinary general meeting of tfie above pany held on the 22nd of Octobft, 1907, and confirmed as a special resolution at an \traordinary
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  • Domestic Occurrences.
    • 55 1 Van Hoi ten At Hongkong, on the stfa iii^t.. to Mr. Mrs. I. L. Van Houten, a son. At Kiaoru Kauipoug Uahru on the 16th hist., to Mr. ;md Mrs. S. T. Brugh daughter. Waller.— On Dec. IS, at Lake Villa." Penang. the wife ot C. A. Waller, of
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    • 93 1 On December l'.»(>7. at Shanghai. Erm:st Harry DougliAS Derrick, jomgest son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Derrick of M Hollybank," Southampton, to Madhline Ethel, fifth daughter of Mrs. Limby, Shanghai. Mitchell Xeai.. On the 11th Dec. at the Preabytenan Church of Penanq, by the Rev. 11. V. Whitton, m.a.,
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    • 56 1 At "The Lake*,* 1 Thomson Road, Singapore. on the 15th inst.. GEOBGI Mildmay Dare. Aged <>7. 'China and Japan papers please copy.) Trottkh.— On the liHh inst, at 2. Durham road. Portobello, suddenly, of heart failure, David Alexander Trotter, late of Amoy, only son of tiie late John Trotter.
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  • 198 1 The Europe inail of Nov. 'I'IlH arrived by the B. I. Steamer on Saturday. That of a day later by the French mail on Monday. The mail of Nov. 29th is due by the Arcadia on Friday. This homeward mail is carried by the Dalhi. A short meeting
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  • 168 1 THE CEYLON OBSERVES (Established In Colombo 1834) Circulates throughout the island of Ceylon and in Southern India. Its Overland Edition circulates extensively in Great Britain and Ireland, us well as amongst persons interested in Ceylon resident in other parts cf the world. Ceylon Observer (Daily). Annul subscription, including postage to
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  • 19 1 Rigaud's Bocool Extract is an extra reproduction of this sweet yet powerful Indian perfume and is very popu'ar. 21
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  • Article, Illustration
    28 1 ifl tH* PreM ill* Peopie'« nsbt maintain, l*-rn\ by i»fluenc and onhribed Sy gain; \l"Tf patriot Trui'i li'-r jflonon* precepts ('.raw. Pledged 10 lit li^ion, Loyalty and Ijcw,
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  • 1349 1 Dec. 13. From all accounts the Australian Commonwealth Government appears to be satisfied with its new ten-vear mail contract with 0 the Orient Company, which is to come iuto operation in ll>lo and run on to 19-0. From the following precis of the contract one quite
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  • 917 2 Dec. 14 It was just the other day that Presiaeut BooeBTKLT in his message to Congress very gracefully alluded to the entirely frieudly terms existing between the Japanese Government and that of the United States. He further with fine tact mentioned the projected Japanese International
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  • 570 2 Still, as a consequence of the financial collapse in the United States, the melancholy taie of suicide amongst American bank and trust directors, and even agents, continues to grow. We have the rather strange position that although in the gre?»t financial ceutres confidence has increased,
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  • 253 2 Whkn it comes to craftiness the Oriental mind is not without its ingenuities. In the Indian currency there is a new issue this year of pice, that is to say quarter-annas, in appearance very like a Straits cent. The bright appearance of the coin when fresh from
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  • 280 2 Interference with the liberty of the subject in non-criminal matters never succeeds in anything exiept breaking down public morality. And nowhere is that better sesn than in those American States and towns whore there lias been in the legislature or Municipality a majority sufficient to impose prohibition in
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  • 625 2 Dae IG. According to what appears to be an official programme the Pacific Fleet of American bittleships under Admiral Evans is to leave the naval rendezvous, Hampton Roads, Chesapeake Biv, Virginia, to-day, the 16th inst, for Sin Francisco. The assembly at the point of departure was
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  • 296 2 In battleship construction Japjn u i present taking the lead for she Li- I great ships of 22*000 tons Mtntllj building and another of tfct sime colossul -i;: sions projected. It is probably out ot a sense of rivalry for the uiisterv of the Pacific that the
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  • 983 2 D*e. 17. It is pleasant to see that the OtmMl Emperor, whoso first intent i >n just bef •> his journey to En^lan-l was not to p<i. v contemplated visit to Holland owing > ;> indisposition, his so far found hW established in health by his stav
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  • 197 3 Must people here are aware that the < >pium Commission appointed by the Governor nominally to rind certain conclusions that would 1)3 agreeable to the persons who have e^ed on the Home Government to ask for the enquiry, but in reality, as we believe, with the
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  • 1312 3 Dec. 18. It is not for nothing that the position of affairs m Persia has taken so large a place in the telegrams of the past two or three days. We have had recenily an agreement with Russia regarding various points in the Asiatic policy of
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  • 1481 3 Dee. 19, We have waited to sea the actuil text of LordCuoMKPv's speech to the members of the Unionist Free Trado Club before making ■nj definite comment upon it. Like thel)uke of Dbyonshire, Lord Gkorge Hamilton, Lord Hi'.H Cecil, and a number of other stauuch
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  • 207 4 Fill of years and full of honour, that great Master of Science, Lord Kelvin-, has at last gone to his re3t. It is with a common consent that the world of science has acclaimed Lord Kklvin as holding the highest place in scientific achievement. His career
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  • 255 4 MR WARNFORD LOCK'S MINING IN MALAYA." One notice, in a home paper, of the above work, reads us follows Mining in Malaya. We all know that the Malay produces some gold and much tin. but the fund of detailed information with regard to mining in that quarter of the globe
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  • 178 4 The Singapore Agents, Messrs Paterson Simons A Co. have sent us a copy of the half yearly general report for the half year aided Sept. 30th, It reads.— The gross profits of the Company tor the past half-year amount to Yen 2,861,896, out of which there has
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  • 120 4 Fell 60 Feet Down A Precipu-k. The li:d :m Daily Telegraph's" Aluiora correspondent describes a wonderful escape from d-ach which occurred at Binsur. A lady from Ftanikhet was riding alon<r the Daulcbhind Road when her horse shied at a narrow unprotected part. It was a sheer precipice
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  • 93 4 The final game of the 3. C. C. and the Warders in this competition will unfortunately not be played till after Christmas. It was originally fixed for Dec. 2') but the Warders being unable to turn ou', and a nearer date not being available the match has had
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  • 1046 4 11l common with parsons, politicians and editors, reporters are the m>st criticised of any class of the public that ha3 a semi-pub-lic function to perform. It is easy to see why. Any ignoramus is competent to frame a theology of his own every politician is a rascal, and therefore
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  • 698 4 General Manager's Report foi tl< f ending .'3oth November r.wii. The mine measurement and assay i. of prospecting work show a total of 430 f* for the period (4 weeks* under review rrja up of 142 feet driving and Iff f, „r o. ting, as against
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  • 38 4 The annual Ceylon dinner was hel«i the Masonic Hall. Kuala Lumpur, las' S day. Mr Spooner presided. A chinten^ ktl been sent to prison 1 three months by Mr Oit^en, second u trate, for taking twenty-five cents boatman.
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  • 124 4 It waß stated by the tttuutdi IV<t falische Zeilung that the arrival German Emperor in Knglund had e with the conclusion of negotiation* exchange of Walhsch B^tv with :L handle-like projection of Qmitt West Africa, vi hie h runs into Bhoilwn 1 far as the Zimbesi, and n known as
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  • 688 5 Tile usual Tanglin Club At Home will take place on the evening of I)ec :;lst New Year s Eve. A Chinese cyclist was fiaed $1.50 by Mr Colman, third magistrate, yesterday, for riding without a light at <».:tffpm. on'fueslav. H M. the Sultan of Turkey has
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  • 39 5 The auv.tnC' 1 ti-ures ci the export of tin ;ii Perak for November are as follows ll ject to correct i >d, Tin ">,7«"»1 pikuls 68 kati^s. i q >re 27,r4"> pikuls 2> katies. I>u*v $308,445.42 cents.
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  • 40 5 The scores I a the Ladies' December Medal \e'e as follows.— Mrs Hartscl] 50 b— 42 Mrs Siuaders 58 5=48 Kiss Tat bat 58 10-48 Mr* G.ißsloser ">- «r=M Mrb Watkins *>± IS o2 Sfin Gentle 64 10=54
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  • 986 5 LAYING THE STONE. An Intkre«tin«; Ceremony. J>ull skies, drizzling raia, a hillside broken and scarred with foundation workings, a vision of a small crowd swathed in cloaks sheltered by umbrellas, pools underfoot aud precarious plank pith ways, were the outward aud visible feigns of the ceremonv which
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  • 487 5 FEEDING THE HOKSE.V Claim of a Creditor for Fodi»kr. There were few bankruptcy cases decided by Mr Justice Fisher yesterday in the limited time at hi3 disposal. la* view of the Appeal Court's sittings and the possibility of his being wanted on tii3 other side, no contested motions
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  • 228 5 Allegations of Forgery and Breach of Trust. Goh Kim Boon was before Mr Green, second magistrate, yesterday, for preliminary enquiry into six allegations of forgery and criminal breach cf trust. The deputy public prosecutor, with Mr Gaunt, conducted the c.ise for the Crown. Mr Elliot appeared for the
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  • 168 5 Further evidence in the Tras-st Chap Ji Ki case w*s beard before Mr Colman. third magistrate, yesterday afternoon. One of the accused had been discharged. Mr Gardiner, assistant superintendent of police, appeared to prosecute and Mr Khory for the defence. The accused nonia said she wen: to
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  • 358 5 THE CHINESE WILL APPEAL Yesterday, fjt several hours the Appeil Court Justices Liw, the Acting C. J. f Thornton ancf Sercoinbe Smith, beard additional argument in the matter of the estate of T<tn Le.v Lye, deceased, between Chia Q-eok Miang and Tan Choon Tiiean vs Tan Caidp
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  • 479 5 Important Document on Which a Cask Tiknkd. Au iippsil from a decision by Mr Justice Law, was next dealt with that of \V. A. Aeria from the judgment in the action iu which he was the plaintiff and Chap Joo Seng Bhan the successful defendant. Mr Vau
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  • 96 5 The members of the burgling bratttßltj have once more turned f h^ir attention to Im Tanglin district. <>u We3nesd.iv night, two houses at TaDglin were entered by burglars. Mr Edlin's residence at Xassim Road was visited, and u-lso Mr Orunimoud's house at Paterson U ad. The thieves
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  • 525 6 NOSES AND TUNNELS. Mail papers to hand bring details of the severe cross-ex xinination of the first witness in the great Druce case, an Irish-American named Caldwell, who spoke to knowing about the tunnel and having given orders to prepare the coffin in which the roll of
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  • 16 6 SIPIAU TIN Co. Li>. The output for the mouth of November is Piculs 117.
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  • 415 6 FRASER CO'S SHARE REPORT Owing to tightness or money and the further decline in the price of tin buyers are not easily tound for the Urge number of shart^ offering for prompt and December delivery unless the seller is willing to sacrifice, and in consequence panic prices have been ruling
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  • 437 6 The results of Si-turday's Rices at Ipoh are given in the Strait3 Echo as follows. 100 Yards Flat Race. (Final.) The winners of the previous days' heats. H. D. Day, P. McCaull and Grenier. ran. Day won easily in 11 seconds, the time no doubt beinj4 due
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  • 392 6 The preparations fvu* the celebration which took place in Ay utbit had been going busily forward for some three months p^>t, and every cue who s.iv the spectacle will readily admit that the work was to good purpose, lc must have struck most people as
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  • 86 6 When the Pkmnmng arrived at Bangkok one of tbfi passeng rs named Thje Moey, a residenc on Klong I'hrakanong returning from a visit to hi3 futher'and, chose a peculiar place in which to hide from the Customs officials the knowledge Uat he had a fine new Browning
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  • 580 6 A young Chinese girl, daughter of a Shanghai doctor, has just been admitted to the Faculty of Philosophy of Berlin. President Roosevelt has signed the proclamation raising the territory of Oklahoma to the rank of State, thus bringing the number of American States up to forty-five.
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  • 152 6 Twj Chinese, a Fojehow man and a Hokien, were before the Binch Court, Mestn Howard ;md Gibson, yes f enl ay afternoon, oa a charge of housebrbaking. The evidence for the prosecution was that in the small hours of the morning of the *2ord November, a police patrol
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  • 89 6 The following Singapore properties have recently been disposed of at Powell A. Co's saleroom. Agricultural land off Tampenis Road 7} acres, Statutorv Grant, N. V. Vanetita Pillay 3450. Nos. 91 to U4- Bencoolen Street and the adjacent Nos. 95 to 100-2 Lorong Pantei, 8307 feet, Government lease with
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  • 975 6 Quicquid agvrit homines noxfri •»f (irm u lihelh. Juvknai* The Topici6t is piwased indeed to see tha* Kudyard Kipling has been awarded the Nobel prize for Literature. What valu^ future generations may put on the writ i of Kipling may be left to posterity. Whi concerns
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  • 1323 7 < irms aky Mketixg, Friday, Dec 13. PkESBXT 9k Excellency the Governor Sir John Anderson ■I i K.\3ellen:y Major-Genl. T. Perrott, C.B. Hon'ble t :e Col. Secretary Capt. A.H. Youn<' Hon'ble the Attorney-G^nl. \V. J. Napier. n the Act. CoL Treasurer A.T. Kryant. the Act. Col. Engineer F.
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  • 349 7 ASSOCIATION SHIELD R. (i. A. vs S. B. C. These teami met in the above competition on the S. K. C. ground last evening before a large crowd. The ground wa.3 in a slippery state without being very heavy and favoured the S. K. C. The soldiers lucked some
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  • 103 7 S. C. C. vs. The Rest. A scratch game uader this designation was plavel on the S. C. C. ground and a fairly good if unexciting game eneued. Tiie Kest were not very together as might have been expected, but each side s:or:iiL* one goal the game
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  • 736 7 ORDINARY MEETING, FRIDAY, 13TH. DECEMBER. Present:— Mr E.G. Broadrick (President) Dr. Murray R)bertson and Messrs A. W.Biiley.Ong Tek Litn.ChengKern? L-e, Rowland Alien, H. L Coghlan, also Messrs J. Polglase (Secretary) R. Peirce (Eapineer) and Dr. W. R. C. Middleton (Health Officer.) Minutes. T'ne minutes of the List ordinary
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  • 66 7 Messrs Boustead Bros, of Colombo hive arranged to establish a branch of their ririu ia Sambas, Dutch Borneo. «.ud to place in ehurge of the same Mr John B. C )les, a well-known Cevlon planttT aLd visiting agent, and a member of Messrs Bjustead Brc3.' Ceylon staff. Mr Coles is
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  • 205 7 An Appeal to Privy Couvcil. Mr Fort made a formal application t i the B?nch for a certificate with a view to appeal to the Privy Council in thoeaee of the Chartered Bink vs. the B. L Steam Navi£.itior\ Ccinpany. The case had been both
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  • 751 7 A DECISION BY MAJORITY. Aeria's Appeal Dismissed. Their lordships Justices Thornton, Fislcr and Sarcombe Smith, sat a quarter of an hour before the usual time ot commencing in the Appeal Court, yesterday, in order to deliver judgment in the appeal of W. Aeria, from the decision of
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  • 514 8 And as I lay, I mused over the longsuffering and patience of the owners of this place when there appeared before me an angel holding in front a book which he opened and I there beheld hiving printed on it, letters of gold, which I read thus:
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  • 124 8 A return issued from the Treasury recently in response to a motion in tbe House of Commons by Sir Howard Vincent shows that (fovernment contracts amounting to <£"> 19,000 went abroad in the course of the last financial year, either direct or through contractors who obtained the required
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  • 262 8 A CIRCASSIAN ARRESTED BIfABT Cvptukk by DincTlfl Inspector Fkaynk. It was rumoured among the Arab community yesterday that the police had made oue arrest in connection with the murder of Syed Abdul Kader Alsagoff. On enquiry, it was ascertained that on Thursday evening Chief Datective Inspector Frayne
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  • 553 8 The market this week has presented a more business-like attitude, as operators would appear to be getting accustomed to the reduced prices now prevailing. The squaring of the December account goes on apace, and though some heavy differences will have to be met, no trouble is anticipated.
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  • 428 8 The general regulations which have heretofore been adopted for the Grand Exhibition of Japan to be held iu Tokyo in 1912 are as follows (The location of different exhibition buildings and allotment of space, as well as the rules and regulations for exhibits will be
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  • 862 8 We have received from Turin the announcement of the death of M. Cavaliere Light Avalle, the Italian violinist who gave a concert in Singapore about a year ago, accompanied by Mme Avalle, who was a pianist. Old friends in Singapore of Capt. Denis Paul, Army Ordnance
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  • 439 8 Very shower y weather atteuded the )poning of the exttn3ed Club House of th* Singapore Golf Cub vn Saturday aftern.»>u The time of opening was three o'clock, so as to give good time for the foursomes match Captain's Side v President's. Just befotv that hour there was
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  • 271 8 ASSOCIATION SHIELD Weit Kknts I v> Wkm Kbvh 11. These teams met iu the above competition on Saturday on the Tanglin giound iu wretched weather. The ground was shpperv at the start and as ram fell Uter and contiftu* ed throughout the game, the playing area was in a
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  • 211 8 TEAM FOB KUALA JAMITK v^ THE REST. English Inteknai msal k»h: Sin-.h'okk A match between the Rugby XV to represent Singapore against S^langor, an«l The Rest w:ts played on the Esplanade on Saturday afternoon. The side picked to journey to Kuala Lumpur was the sain^ \l* we recently published
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  • 1368 9 It is with deep regret that a large number •I the European community here, as well as numerous friends in Japan, will learn I that Mr George Mildmay Dare, one of the i oUHfI residents of Singapore, and connected with this plica from his
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  • 188 9 Rites of parcels postage from the Colony fcr New York aud the United States generally are published in the Gazette. Mr E C.C. Howard has been appointed acting first magistrate Singapore. Mr K. Scott has l>2en appointed Commissioner of the Court of Requests. Mr F. Pears takes Mr
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  • 170 9 Unfortunately the inclement weather went far to prevent what would probably have been a very full house to seethe final performance of this little play by the Singapore Dramatic Committee. As it was however quite a number braved the wet and assembled in the Teutonia Club on
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  • 114 9 Singapore, Nov. 15. The dulneas in the export trade and the stringency in London have led to the local exchange falling to 2s. 3*d., which is the rate at which the Government are wi. ling to sell to the banks in order to maintain the rate
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  • 1017 9 London, Nov. 15. Tie naval spectacle, organised at Portsmouth in honour of the German Emperor and Empress was a failure, for owing to dense fog nothing could be seen but on Wednesday, when the Royal Visitors passed through London on their way to the Guildhall there was bright
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  • 33 9 The New York Engineering News has an article on filters and reservoirs of the Far East in which a short section and a couple of photographs are devoted to the Singapore filttr beds.
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  • 144 9 On the morning of Nov. 18, at Eveshaiu, England, two branches of the rNyal H »u»e of France were uaited by the m^rria^e ot Princess Louise de France and Prince Charks de Burbon. The scene was very impressive, and the dresses and wedding presents upon a magnificent
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  • 149 9 Club vs. KG A. A team swimming race between the Ciub and the R.G.A. was the attraction at TmJong Katong on Sunday morning. Thi* bv the way is the last aquatic event fLe gunners, or the present lot at least, will take part in before their departure.
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  • 176 9 The Swiss Consul at Tokyo, Dr. H. Bitter, reports that great progress is being iii^de by Japanese merchants in displacing foreign imports, in consequence of a protective tariff. Two interesting examples of how home trade is being benefited are related by Dr. Hitter.
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  • 135 9 A correspondent writes to a home paper that Sir Matthew Nathan, the new Governor of Natal, who has succeeded Sir Henry McCallum, is winning golden opinious in the Colony. He is held in great estimation by the Imperial authorities, and he has greatly pleased the Colouists by
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  • 214 9 These references to receLt promotions and changes appear in mail papers Second Lieutenant Leg;ird. (Queen's Own Royal West Kent Regiment, attached to th^ Ist Battalion, Dover, ha3 been promoted lieutenant (vice Lieutenant Searight, who is in extra regimental employment), and joins the 2nd Battalion, Singapore. Captain
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  • 864 10 The tender of Messrs H >warth Erskioe for the construction of six steel lighters for the F M.S. Itiilway has been accepted. Oi I> "C. 0 the dollar was qinted at Hongkong Is- 11^ L, the lowest since October, 1905. It is two years einca the
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  • 653 10 (Contributed.) From the shaping of events now forming in connection with the Docks at London it would appear that shareholders in Tanjong Fagar can heartily congratulate themselves that the Directorate had the foresight, grasping and mercenary though it may have been, to hava acquired during the
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  • 198 10 Goh Kim Bud, an elderly Straits-born Chinaman, was again before Mr Green, second magistrate, yesterday afternoon, for preliminary enquiry into allegations of forgery and criminal breach of trust. Messrs. Sproule and Gaunt conducted the prosecution and Mr Elliot defended. Iq reply to Mr Elliot, Mr Moses said
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  • 61 10 The p.unujl Christmas entertainment of the Singapore Catholic Club for children, will take place in the Victoria Memorial Hall, on Saturday, 28th December. Members desirous of obtaining tickets of admission for their children, must apply to the Revd H. Rivet, giving the names and ages of the children, before the
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  • Correspondence.
    • 758 10 To the Editor, Sir, In reply to your criticisms of Dec. 12th upon my alleged remarks at Kuala Lumpur during Mr R. Laidiaw's visit I beg to say that my address was not correct lv reported. My remarks atnut the Farms were misquoted. I did not Scty "No
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  • 52 10 The following is the statement of cultivated rubber exported from the Federated Malay States daring the year 1907 November. Previously. Total. Perak 26,1<351b5. 193,58 1ib5. 224,7461b5. PeUngor 106,561 965,911 1,072,472 Xegri Sembilan 52,267 409,675 461,941 Pahang nil Total 184,993* 1,574,16 7 1,759,160 Excluding Pahang Export
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  • 93 10 The Kiuta, Captain Daly, arrived from Port Swettenbam \esterday with the police ttig ftjUlg. Ssrgtant Urortton went on board with a couple of marine policemen and ascei taited that during the voyage a Chinese passenger's box was broken open and *170 in notes and two cheques stolen.
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  • 204 10 S. B. A. MEETING. Keppel Harbour Miniatukk IJa.n.,k. Over thirty entries have been received for each of the six events which comprise firing in all military positions, rapid firing, Wautage, runuiug deer and attack. The first event has just been concluded ard con. sisted of B shots at
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  • 250 10 WIN FuR THE WEST KENTS II Another tie iii the Shield competition was played last eight on the Recreation }lub ground, the West Kem* II pUjtSg and beating the Recreation Ctu!>. Needless to say the ground was very b*MJ and a Ami y of rain that fell before
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  • 268 10 This clever billiard player, vfao has an-iv-ed from Hongkong, has been IIMVMg remarkably good form in his |HMI in the Northern Colony, all apparently against that excellent amateur. Mr E. H. Hinds. This is a considerable contract with Stevenson, the Champion, who never seemed to get going
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  • 89 10 Dr. Russ?l Wallace's individual views n the relation of our world to the rest of the solar system are well line \\u. It was Lot to be expe<'*t<l tbat he woull accept the th»<>ries of Mr L)*ell concerning life in MartHe has replied to the American astroii«'Uier in a book
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  • 1643 11 TWo IMPORTANT POINTS OF LAW. Thk CmsmrtMQ th Opium Ordinances. Thj Appeal Court' resumed vesterdav, their lordships the Acting Chief Justice! and Justices Thornton and Fi3her announcing that judgment w<,uld be given in the CttOO Ang Chei app3al from a decision by Mr Justice Srjrcombe Smith to-day
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  • 132 11 STRAITS AND MALAY STATES. November 22nd, At Auctions about 27 tons of Straits and about 7 tons ot Ceylon were offered and. meeting a very Mat Market, only a small proportion sold at a decline of Id. g Od. per lb. The following were the
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  • 28 11 Telegrams from Mcnte Carlo state that Vere Goold has been sentenced to imprisonment for life with hard labour, and his wife to death for the Monto Carlo murder.
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  • 47 11 The 8.1l iat reduced in the French Chamber of Depuiies by M. Briand, Minister for Public Worship, tor the transfer to the communes, for the benefit of the poor of all ecclesiastical property unclaimed by the Public Worship Association, has been passed by 33*2 votes to 218.
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  • 1957 11 HOW THE STATE WAS FINANCED Continuing the extracts frcm the report of Mr Hart the official adviser, we devote this section to a consideration of the revenues of the State and the condition into which they had fallen. Jt will be Ken that though Kedah was
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  • 161 11 )n Saturday two Chinese women and a China man were arrested in Sago Lane for keeping a common gaming house. Yesterday thev appeared before Mr Colman third magistrate. Mr Gardiner, Assistant Superintendent of Police who appeared for the prosecution, said that Chap Ji Ki was beicg carried
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  • 1184 12 What healthy young man has not read with a large measure of envy and admiration that magnificent book of Rolf Boldrewo<jd describing the adventures of the men who m ;de life in the gold-rush days of Btndigo second only in intensity to those of T« xis or
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  • 823 12 There are few better stamp centres than Singapore. In addition to the Straits and F.MS, close at Land lie such interesting countries from the philatelist's point of view as Sarawak, Siam, Dutch Indies, Libuan and B)rneo. It is notwithstanding a mournful foot that the Singapore S:ainp Club is
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  • 864 12 He who has not awaited the magic words has not truly lived, for the arrival, the waiting, the call, the operations, and the fiaal dismissal are a part of modern life. You alight from your rikisha, possibly worried with business, certainly not altogether happy in appearance, and you
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  • 1027 12 It is not what it was. Not nearly the same. The little frosted scene of the hedjre rows and the lanes and country cottages, in their whitened mantles, or the city's streets of driveti snow, once .the inevitable, io now the very unusual. In these aavs the
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  • 705 13 The R «r HC. and Mrs I ZA rd are coming •■tl by the X. I). U Kleiit, duj on Jan Homeward bound troop* will be embarked oa the Sicilia on the 2o"th, but will be rationed on the station for that dav. The commmd of
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  • 119 13 BOUGHT IN AT AUCTION. There was a very fair attendance at Powell and Couip toy's salerooms yesterday afternoon, when the British steamer Hon^ Wau, which has been regularly running between Bmmvmm and MiTnitr, was put up to auction". The Hong Wan is of 110 tons net, and
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  • 1703 13 DEVAWONGSIE'S" ILLICIT CHANDU. Another and Similar Cask In the matter of the King on the prosecution of the Opium Farmer, respondent, Jacob Bruhn, master of the German steamer Ddvawongsie, who was heavily fined for allowing chandu to be smuggled into Singapore, Mr Ellis yesterday morning, on the
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  • 112 13 Dr Murray Robertson's House Visited. Notwithstanding the precautions taken by the police, the burglars are still active in the Tangliu district. Sometime during Tuesday night or the early hours of yesterday morning, the light-fingered gentry paid a visit to M Bilado," L^onie Hill, Grange Road, the residence
    112 words
  • 50 13 London, Nov 25. Major- General BadenPowell, in the course of a lecture at Scarborough expounded a scheme for the voluutary military training of 1,750,000 boys in the United Kingdom. The lads were, the lecturer stated, now drifting, and cnaDy of them were going to the bad.
    50 words
  • 600 13 R.G.A. BEAT WEST KENTS I. Fortunately the weath»-r proved favourable last evening, and a large gathering assembled on the S.R.C. end of the Esplanade to witness the game between the R G.A. and the West Rents I teim in the competition for the Association Shield. Mr Fyfe of
    600 words
  • 194 13 There has been some approach to a market on the Trials and Cup ani the quotations against those who have been io receipt of substantial support are losing that elasticity that is apparent when there is no solid money to warrant them. The feature of last week's betting
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  • 86 13 Negotiations are at present proceed ing between the directors of the Bristol Hotel Colombo and the Array and Vftffj Stores, London, which, if carried to a successful conclusion, will res It in the Bristol Hotel becoming the property of the London Company. It is well known that the directors of
    86 words

  • 1212 14 We sincerely hope that the Committee of the Singapore Cricket Club will place at the personal disposal of members, in the same way as it does with regard to the tennis tournament fixtures the cricket fixtures etc, copies of the new bye- laws which have been drawn up
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  • 405 14 A meeting of the Licensing Justices was held in the senior magistrate's court yesterday afternoon. Mr Howard, senior magistrate, acted us Chairman, and the Board consisted of Mr A. W. Bailey (Secretary), Dr. Middletoo, Municipil Health Officer, Captain R idcliffe, Master Attendant, and Messrs. Alex. Gentle, W. E.
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  • 273 14 INMAN vs. WILLIAMS. In the fine new saloon of the Raffles Hotel last night lovers of tho game had an opportunity of seeing Mr Melbourne Inman, one of the best exponents of the game and a corain<* champion. He was matched against Mr C. R. Williams, giving the amateur
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  • 301 14 The Trade returns for the third quarter of 1907 show that there was a substantial increase in the exports over the corresponding period of last year. The increase in export values is given at $4,035,354 or sterling .£470,792. The total value of the export trade during the
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  • 281 14 The following are the dates of the various events at Kuala Lumpor. Monday, 23rd, 5 pin., Rugby Salingor vs. Singapore. Dinner to Singapore teams. Tuesday, 24th, First day of races. Wednesday, 25th, Hockey Selangor vs. Singapore. Thursday, 26th, Sacond day of races. Friday, 27th, Soccer Selangor vs.
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  • 223 14 Inspector Nolan prosecuted three Chinamen before Mr Colman, third magistrate yesterday for counterfeiting coins in a temple in Tiongßharu. On November 23rd the Inspector received certain information, and on g.ung to the temple aceoinpained by some constables and detectives found the front door of the
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  • 30 14 Detective Sergeant Mulcojk prosecuted a Chinese pawnbroker before the senior magistrate, yeslerdaj, for not reporting a stolen chain which he received in pawn. His worship imposed a fine of $25.
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  • 428 14 They do things well in Bangkok occasionally. The King of Siam recently opened the new shop premises of Messrs Badman. Mr P. Nolze of Behn Meyer Co. leaves for Penang to take up the* management of the shipping department of that branch. Mr Nolze will stay
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  • 446 14 We much regret to learn that a telegram has been received by tLe Singapore Dispensary announcing the death of Dr. Edward de Tunzelminn, who retired from Singapore about three mouths age, not in a very good state of health. It was Dr. de TuDzelmanu's intention
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  • 895 15 A Dimulacotk Road. T«» the Editor, No one passing along Orchard Road at an* tOM during the day or at night will fail to observe that it is about the best thorougnfare that can ba found anywhere in Singapore. It is all that one can desire with respect to
    895 words
  • 65 15 The confessions of a well-known City mm— a bachelor living with his widowed mother :-His speculations were always ianre and sometimes it was all right and somVtinH* it was uot. The old lady one morning pet a friend who congratulated her on her son's apparent success in life M Ye*
    65 words
  • 2171 15 (By Submarine Telegraph) (Reuter'n Agency.) Rec. Dec, 12 10 50 a.m. At Quebec the manager of the local branch of the California Safe Deposit Company mentioned on Dec 10 has committed suicide. Congressman Fowler, the Chairman of the House Committee on banking and currency, has made a peech in
    2,171 words
  • 277 15 Per.aEg. K*. I>'C. 12, 8.10. am The prospectus of the Anglo-Sumum*. Rubber Company has been issued to the investing public. The authorised capital of the propose! company is £'I*o,ooo. The present issue is however for only <£80,000 of this and the capital is assured. Amongst those who take
    277 words

  • 784 16 Capital Capital Issue Paid Issaed paid up Valoe vp Comply. Q u ******> $300,000 300,000 10 10 Belat Tin M. Co. Ltd 7.75 $300,000 225.000 10 10 Bruang Limited 6. $600,000 600,000 10 10 Bruseb Hydraulic Tin M. Co. Ltd 14 bo £400,000 350,000 £1 £1 Dnff Develooment Co.
    784 words
  • 67 16 (Co*»BCT»r> fp tc- Dec. 13.) rUns 4 xu's 2/44 demand 2/B{| Private credits 3 m/i 2/4^ credits t* m/i 2/44| FsANCX, uenuind Eank... 292{ Gekmany, demand 238-1 Ivdia, T. T 173a Hongkong, demand l^V%nom Yokohama, demand 1 14 Java, demand 394 Bangkok, deinund 65.] SovRjKRiGNe, Bank Rimru $8.55 Bank
    67 words
  • 126 16 December 18 Tm $58 87* Gambler 6.60 Gambier On be No. 1 M 9 85 GarnVierOTibe No. 2 8.50 Pepper Biack (orcL**:. S pore; 13.00 Pepper, White (fairL.W. Ip t buyers 20.25 Nutmegs (110 to the lb.) 23.00 Nutmegs (80 to the Jb/> 2 1 00 Mace (Banda) 80.00
    126 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 663 16 CLEARANCES Dec 13. Tringganu, Ger. str., Remcer, for Iloilo via port9. Piinz Eitel Friedrich, Ger. str., Malchow, for Hongkong, Shanghai and Japan. Giar.g Ann, Dut. str., Moss, for Samarang via ports. Ban Hong Liong, Brit str, Rush ton, for Bangkok. Isabella, Dut. str., Choet, for Singkep via ports Reynst Dut.
      663 words
    • 553 16 Hebe, Brit, str., Andrews, for Penang and Deli. Kistna, Brit, str., Lcarmont, for Port Swettenham and Penang. Van Riebeeck, Dnt. str., Smit, for Segli via ports. Kinta, Brit, str., Daly, for T. Anson via ports. Hainam, Brit, str., Philips, for Muar and Malacca. Ruby, Brit, str., Morris, for Muntok and
      553 words
    • 390 16 VESSELS IN PORT. Men- -o f War Fla. and Tons Commanders \rrhred Prom *m <*'♦•. Bedford Brit. cru. 9800 Ersline Dec 18 Penang Hongkong De Ruyter Dut g'boat lu oo Smaas Dec 18 T. Priok Sabang Sea Belle P.M.B. Yacht 400 Ahniat Nov 24 P. Swettenham P. Swett. Sea Mew
      390 words