The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 14 November 1907

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 278 1 Baaai in UrifctinV Ey> jvj I '■■Jiin^ n n Famine 2i» o liiuiu v^. im.-on Kr.M<». i>«»j -in_^ r*' in ta»- Lallan or gueen hi^ il i N.vv Appcintirn'iit v«n H _ru- W;tr C. uifr«uc«- 2*»l |«aj g l*»s»:ir Contracts I>jl I i>.« .s ui I'aiai'l liirrlidav 2<»i I
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  • 73 1 N >vembci »•> 7 1 7. 5 i Cuke No. i I®.W Cdbt Ko >~~> li L.W. r 10 SO tlOtotfceii u0 fee tfei c0 M-00 3 in Bn 0<) n ii: lak' i I 4-$' B* ll '•pra* 7 Vl) Bcmum k,.■Wl U Wa 1 162 de
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  • Domestic Occurrences.
    • 38 1 Machmjo. On the sth inst., at Sungfi Si >ut, l'erak, F.M.S., the wife of A. D. Muchado, of a son. Adams. At *'<Joodwoo«l," Penang, on the f>th inst., the wife of A. R. Adams, of a son.
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    • 145 1 BA2JDKHSON \Vi:!.i.s.- On Oct. 15, iU St. Sto{>h( i) Wandsworth, by the Rot. Ayfanci Kooae, m.\.. icar. OsOffuby Vhtor Ans j let s.\\i)!.j>on, of Paliugi Federated >lala> States, neooad Murrmiig son of the late Hev. Canou Baaderaon, t»> Fi.okkie Jani:, third dao^iier of W. D. Welk, Baq^ o| Ea-t
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    • 31 1 ROBSIGNON. At Brussels, on the 14 th October, Adrien Ant* ine Marie Joseph Leopold Rossu.von, Chevalier do 1 Ordre tie la Couronne ic, Chief Medical Officer, I Congo Free Stale.
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  • 46 1 (OOEEBCTVP u N:v. IS Bank ai/* J i Prit&tA re i-I-N credits wi/> 2/4 Gsp.ii^'« r,''' 238 India/;. 1 I"3J TOKOBAM .j JL Java, den: t3?| f» danc -3OTSBBIdN9, $r 50 Bar^ of 1 lUri r; Disc > .1 S tnoJit bf $1% M M V
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  • 1257 1 iv c.'. j i ;.r.-, !raw« i I xNov. H. I Sj much has been said and written bv 1 the diss oi persons who tiud a morbid delight in detecting the mote hi the eve of alien humanity, for instance all who are either
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 111 1 1 tuniin^ lVom Bwopa to ttH Strait- 1 1 11** m^il liii'-. ura iuvittnl f» send to 1 •1 rtha TJ4.U:-- i -t.\i:ii»u and dtttl uriv.l in Sic/aj»or>'. »i will thrn l>o I to meet th. l»: a r urioiu p« its ot call, riben ifl Bvope wishing i'tiil«'d :ufor-
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    • 37 1 Twenty-third Year of Publication. THE SINGAPORE and STRAITS ROUGH DIARY for 1908. PRICE -1.25 PER COPY; 1.65 POST FREE. To be obtained front all Booksellers in Straits Settlement* ant* F. M. S. PUBLittHERB FRASER AND NEAVE, Limited-
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 245 1 THE WEEK. The last mail from borne arrived by the 1* J 0 Malta on Friday with dates up to Oofc. 19. A homeward mail was taken on Monday by the N 1) L. Roonand this weekly goes by the L> I. Bharata to-day. An interesting mooting of the shareholden
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  • 655 2 The question of the status of the Federated Malay States in relation to the Colony is discussed by the Malay Mail at some length, as appears elsewhere. Generally, it is hardly advisable for our Kuala Lumpor contemporary to admit that practically the F.M.S. are as
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  • 1325 2 fs-v. 9. Those who, of the Tropics, only know the Straits Settlements and the Federated MaI -.j States -ire far more fortunate than they imagine, i or thei dwell in a tropic belt where the alternate monsoons, with a bene ticent impartiality, bring each their share
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  • 988 2 >'ov. 11 Ln .common with till thosa still in the i Colony who knew Mr William Adamboe prior to his retirement from ih. Straits Settlements over sevenU en j c trs ago, we are I pleased to learn by telegram that that old Straits merchant and
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  • 358 2 Singapore In The "Letters Of Queen Victoria." The Letters of tfrnees J mbbum to bo t\ f jri-s bt k was pub-is 1 I >■' i Oct'iier 16th. 1-' i; Uvd«ei»g mm it b Colorw, tfali ♦.>■•;•• in tlie Iloub'- •»H oftheT\..!;: H fcr p«tT if üb.'f-: U --i- r
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  • 532 3 >v. 1J Singap re friends of Mr T. Tab ak a, i- Japanese Consul hero during the g iaae of the EkUSSO Japanese war, and [uentl] n.i> moved to the charge of C asulatc at Hongkong, will be iut«rI to I" urn that while h<* was
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  • 687 3 No* that ibe fla^ue Pease Conference, which in reality has proved to Ixj m completely t Conference for, t<~> n<» tntlm? extent, the future regulation of wars, Kim come to ;;u in* ffeetual end, it is uot a little amusing to see how energetic xiiy, in
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  • 757 3 N »v 13. With :he aaiouncement made below it may l>- sii 1 that an importa .t chapter in j the history of the Pot ot Sin apore is laid out and defined for a long period to come. The adjudication of the tenders for the
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  • 134 3 'iV.Uv is the occasion of the celebration of the ■eventy-thiWl muiversary of the birthday <-f the Empress Dowager of China. On October 7th then was published t decree iu the uamo of tli3 Kmpress Djwagtc iu response to the memoriil of tl)O Ministry of Riles,
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  • 1162 3 Nov U. Calpdoeiaes may well suspect t iumptairy liU.1 lmkin? beneatll a simile in the subjoined description of the attire iu which Mr Kkik Hum uk lately en'ulged himself over the sunset horizon of Foot: Just listen "Mr Keir Bardie arrived in Pootta <u Friday night wearing
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  • 577 4 Chin ese Immigrants. KSij&KWHCBfi in to-day's issue we quote au article special! v written for the Son/A China Morning /'»>•/, frhicb exposes some of the practices prevailing in Hongkong on the part of coolie lodging-house keepers and I ooolie' recruiters in connection with the large coolie emigrant trade out of
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  • 303 4 SCCvsYMC A. These teams met last evening on the Esplanade before a small crowd of spectators, j The rain had taken the hardness out of the j turf and until a downpour came in the j second half the turf was in pretty good condition. The SC
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  • 492 4 Chinese Baba Killed bi Robbers. A brutal murder is reported from the K*Jlang raller. <hi Tuesday afternoon, 3fr Tan An Wee, a Municipal contractor, accompanied by mandore, also a Chinaman, went bv a plivate rikisha to tlio four-and-a--half mileetone on the Dukil Timah l')ad, and, leaving tlioir
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  • 1021 4 Olu:< tok Who Was Oa&uh) Back. The Acting C.J., Mr Justice Law jester- i day delivered judgment in the action, the P and 0 Company vs. Chia Chew Hock and Chia Choon Kiang, in the following terms. Mr Fort for the Company, Mr Allen
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  • 926 4 It is constantly recognized p. pie out East, that they pi a tar bat* r and perspectiTe about many hom^ matter, t bar. do people actually at home who the things pa*.siu.f under th^ir uo* J}_ truism is embodied in maty popular such as "(he Wkf-mn sees most of
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  • 578 5 It U nfmoured in London that the cruiser King Alfred, Hagship of the China Squad- 3, will be replaced by a battleship early n .Jiuatrv. it. A. H. Oott, luspector of Army i.ooU has arrived from Hongkong for the purpose of conducting the half-yearly ins>n of
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  • 208 5 iay Wlfl issued from the office ot Mm ::^.'Por»- Free Press the tirst number of a I kly new>papt r lot Malays. The title rived irorn I'tus, a meseeasjer, orauibas r*BQ that it way be f rely translated as b• M ti.iy Mercury. There arc three pejM in
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  • 22 5 output from this mine for the mouth 1 i'-'iobcr was I,lo^ OH pikuls of an aprua»e val'i of £47,000.
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  • 254 5 Mr Eimv.vkds' Stablkr BnurßO Our. Shortly after three o'clock yesterday morning, it was discovered that the stables of Leonie Cottage, Leonie Hill, were on fire. Mr K. C. Edwards of the Hongkong and Shanghai 15 ink, the occupier of the house, was just in time to
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  • 221 5 C. C. vs. K. G. A. i>n tlie Esplanade last evening. A fast and interesting gimo was seen. The Club had a fairly strong team out, being well represemed. partk-ularlv in the back division. The K O. A. tieided a useful side. The first half favoured the Club, but
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  • 136 5 The Monthly Modal for November wmi played tor on the 2nd and ord, the winner being Captain A. H. Young. The scores were very close, and the handicapping reflects great credit on the Handicap Committee, there being as many as seven scores within two strokes of one
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  • 73 5 ]U'i:.\s ash Moib to Meet. A telegram to ud Australia]] paper, dated London, October <>, states that a boxing J matoh to deride the cbamptonthip of the wotld has been arranged between Tommy Barns, oi America, peseut bolder of the title, and Gunner Moir, of England. The
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  • 61 5 The following a*e the remaining fixture! for 1907:— Nov. 16th, Opening Handicap fora Cup j and 1> tier's Priz 'pemu^ Diy Not. 29'b, :iOth,B,ml>av Silver Medal; Dec 13b, 14th, PaaaagMedal, Dae. 21st to i>-">tb, < >p a u Handicap at Bjurackpore for the "Asian" Cup: Dec
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  • 71 5 Another old randan! of Singapore pus^l away on Friday Bight in the person of Mr John JVriera, chief clerk of the Chartered Umk. Mr Periem was wsll on Friday aad played billiards at the Catholic Club in the evening. He died suddenly at his residence at Race Course Koad from
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  • 490 5 The i unsettled state of the metal market, financial troubles in America, ami a drooping tendency in the price of rubber, have been the principal caiw-8 of the inactivity experienced during the week under review, Eadog. j trials have claimed more attention, but the j sales reported
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  • 296 5 FRASER Co.'s SHARE CIRCULAR. A fail business has been transacted during the week especially in Industrials which keep film, but Rubbers and Tins have rather ;i drooping tendency although a good number have changed hands. MIKING.- -Fahang Consolidateds have kept steady and now close Him at -)H spot nnd 4o
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  • 138 5 In the course <»f a published letter Mr Arthur ">hippey, of Shippcy Urothers. 18. King -treet, Cheaptade, declares that he is the original inventor of rubhtiiue, and has spent several years 1 bald \\ork in exploiting his procss. which ho has publicly demonstrated at the Agricultural Hull. Messrs
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  • 68 5 Tho Huudre^l Yards race in coanectiou with the Swimming Club was beld yesterday at Ta&joog Katonsf. The water was smooth i and the competitor-*, of whom nine started, had the advantage of a strong tide *ith i thfcui, which made a fast race. The winner was found in Miller (scr)
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  • 856 5 Mr Huttenl>ach has been advoiting the gradual federation of the F. M. S. and the Colony. No doubt this would be an excellent thing for the Colony, but what advanta^s j vvould accrue to the F. M. S is not so i rent.
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  • 202 5 The Malay Mail publishes wbfti aroapp.trentlv the official iniuutf s »>t" the meeting of the Malay States Mining Association iitiM on November >. The meeting hud :*een called to consider iuomihi to f>« adopted to alienate the difficulties felt through the depressed maiket in tin. Mr U Tm
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  • 450 6 Mr J. H. Williams is appointed Manager an'3 Kagineer, Singapore- Kranji Railway. A Bill to amend the Police Force Ordinance gives the police power to deal with intestate estates up to a value of s*2oo instead of $103 as at present. Gazette appointments are Mr J.
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  • 403 6 A MPHITKITK*B H AkKITAL. H. M. S. Amphitrite, which is bringing j the Kent's new crew, arrived yesterday, and went to the wharf to coal. The M Amphi- trite" is a cruiser of 11,000 toni and lti gVW. Her coinwauik-r is Cipt. E. F I'irueii. The
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  • 2234 6 THE BUDGET FOR 1908. A special meeting of the Municipal Commissioners was held yesterday afternoon to resume consideration in Committee of the President's Budget for li>oB. Mr E. G. Broadrick, the President, occupied the chair, and there were also present Dr Murray Robertson and Messrs Rowland Allen, A.
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  • 241 6 DftDnrjutY Mki-.tin.., FiMi'W. V« i 11l Excellency the G n not Sir J< 11 A Ji s r.K*ell n y Ifftjor-QcoL T. I'.-r i i n»Ho**bfet < C.'l. (.-."tiiryi A I! H.n'Me tl.e Am. -..■•>■-< m"i:l. Vv. J. S r- the A-.-t. C<4.'.:. r I B Hm
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  • 72 6 A '1 l:\IN DeftAIUCO am- C*l Kuala fillfg. N<"- m-..n train froui IV!i«.k AIM j met w'th un Meidißl I wir. lo tln uUentfrom his poll. Tb,- i: tender ran olt the nib :tL«I MM were no cas.;aiti*> 'u utjh tn«» Vt fireman were brui^d. Ihe pi?
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  • 2398 7 1 )?partioi» from the procedure of last year, tbeannudl lull v'iven Wf His Excellency in cfclebration of the aJffMiJ of His Majesty he Kinv? wa^ hold List evening in the ball r*K)in at (Jovernment house, and was attended by a lari»e and reproaeutitive tratberiDf ..r the residents
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  • 1007 7 Quieqmid ayihd komiue* uodri tst farrago libem. Juvknal. la full accord with all good men and true the Topicist doffs his wide brimmed cavalier hat, places his hand upon his heart, and ones more offers his loyal aspirations for the lifting health and welfare of cur
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  • 346 7 A public mooting wu hel 1 in the Chamber of Commerce last evening to consider the matter of holding the Ne\" Year .Sports. There w»;ro presort Messrs \V. K. H-oper, Leslie Dunman, A. A. Gunn, J. B >berison, F. Ferguson, H Lsa, H. B. MairiuU, WJL Ctaseadeo,
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  • 131 7 The- programme of the Straits CiutMpioßship meeting to be held at Christmiis by the Singapore Goif Club, is as follows Wed. Dec. 25th. morning and afternoon, B.)gey Competition (handicap) <>pea priz3 presented by Capt the Hoi Arthur Voung. Thurs. Dec. 261h. morning, Stroke Comp3tition (handicap) open to those
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  • 53 7 la t he tie for Sir William ;i:j.j lt*d\ Hvndman Jones' prizes, Miss Smith ■:n<\ Capt Chancellor were ftr*t and Mrs Lemon auri Mr Mtcwillan were boommL The Sjpper'^ Cup will be plavedforoa 220J, -*>rd aij.l 24th •>£ this m-jntb. Condition! of pl o .y fcw
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  • 198 7 Ii has been laid thai the flanlt of i Dutch is giving tco little &nd .-ki»i^ t< i in This does not appear to j-.j i»ly to Lbe la*» Rubber Plantationa' deal, on tba aov rate. The nsw (Xinp ny, to icb subreriptkMM an* invite], acqftim
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  • 4303 8 SI.M MARY OF THE OFFICIAL Regulations. (Special /or thr Bi*g&pore Free Press.) The new Bchool system of China may be regarded as the very heart of the Government's scheme for modernizing all its institutions, a determination which dates from the collapse of the Toxer movement of UHX).
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  • 219 9 \ln- it over oe<mnd to the genemJ render woold happen to Lancashire if Um lerieaa cotton eropwerc a failure for .-d. Malt Anidra of the uttt r helrk-sness of the a .my and of the commercial rum which would smmeean be gathmwl bean Thj feeiMSllilll Cotton I»idu^try.'
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  • 24 9 The o'Uteamer Euplectela, which baa <m board 4.8h0 tons >f faffWM and IW OnUM ot bec/iue, MfOTtt l stowaway on i -i m P»omKiv.
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  • 1565 9 Monday, Nov. 11, 1907. THE TRUTH ABOUT THE TRANS-SIBERIAN ROUTE. (Bndcial worn m Bdioafoki Free Pbem). .Judging from tbe fact that when I ><-t out to try and i^ct some personal information about tbe TranH-Sibcrinn route to tbe Far j Kast I could gel nothing but unreliable, second- baud data,
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  • 350 9 lu Hue weather the annual meeting of tbe Singapore Volunteer Artillery Rifle Club wan opened on the Bileetier Range, a.uJ judging from iha number of entries ami the initial events, there should be lome good •hooting during the coming month. The results to date
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  • 153 9 Chrirtwaa Parcel Mails: Parrels intended for delivery in the United Kingdom tor Christmas should bo putted not later than 4 pm. on Wednesdaj, the 20th instant. Souie of our mure perfervid Caledonian friends would be incline d to say that the Salvation Aimwia at last about to justify it* existence.
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  • 1076 9 I L -ii-K'n, Oct. lf^7. Dearest EiuV, I've just Urea to I)rurv Line to e TLc Sins of Society." When 1&o there I never can attend properly to the play of the moment as the place is haunted by the £rbo3t* of quite another company. On
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  • 172 10 The comparative statement of the value of the imports into aal exports from the I Straits Settlements (subject to revision) for the third quarter of the year, are publinbed in the Gazette. Compared with the corresponding qttlrtef of last year (and exclusive of treasure) they are. Imposts.
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  • 231 10 Played oa the KspUnailo on Saturday ;m<i gaTQ au tvitinu' finish, the Coloni.iN kcsuig i'v l >o runs oalj, l&rgsta due to R«il. »vir> scored 74 aai'l took 4 wickets for 5M 'i: s. Ouitii getting :> > for '27. CaatreU ai ;> »ye<l a rood inaingi of (>7.
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  • 381 10 Incidents at Bosokoho anj> Shanghai. Qsptaia Alexander Maodouga] Romervilte, mister mariner on the "'hina Station, Bought a from his wife, Katie Lilian, on the ground of her misconduct with Jamea C. Logan, ;.t our- time in the employ of an i nsuiMtic t company
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  • 607 10 PAR IDE OF THE GARRISON. The usual parade in honour of the birthday of His Majesty the King took place on the racecourse on Saturday, and commenced at o 1"> pai. insteid of in the heat of the BOrnißg as previously. There was a very Urge attendance, the
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  • 101 10 Tie following miue out pit's for the month of ()jtol)er are sent in. The B -lit Tin Mining Co. Ltd. 450pkls. TheKuontan Tin Mining Co. Ltd 270 pk Is. Octobeb Export of Tin from Pikak. The following are the advance figures liable to coiiectiou," of the tin export
    Times of Malaya  -  101 words
  • 79 10 A HVlam "boy" employed by a resident of Syed Alloy Road was arretted on Saturday eTeniog for being in fraudulent possessiou of :i g<)ki watch and chain. Wheu the 4 boy's" quarters searched, illicit opiuin valued it .SGOO wat disooTerod. The Hylam vas brought before Mr
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  • 257 10 The marriage of Staff Surgeon Penry GarnoDs Williams, of H.M. ship Alacrity, with Teresa Mary, second daughter of tibt late Walter Pike Esquire of Cambourne and Plymouth, took place at the Roman Catholic Cathedral, Singapore, on Saturd-ty the Oth November. The bride was given away by
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  • 648 10 THREE JUDGES SIT. A Btll ok Bale. Mr Justice Sercombe Smith, one of tie t wo Junior Puisne Judges, sat yesterday for the first time, when he took summonses in Chambers while ihe Acting C. J., Mr Justice Law dealt with a number of opposed motions. Previous
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  • 532 10 ARRIVAL IN PEN AM; His Siamese Majesty Kir^ < rn of Siara, who is returning home .ft,; i to Europe, arrived in Penan* with hi, by the X. D L. bteamer $a*-l. o'clock on Wednesday. His Majesty was accompanied >>y i[ fj Prince Nakon Bmmk, K
    Pinang Gazette  -  532 words
  • 94 10 The statutory meeting ot t. 1 i j.itijuiai Hydraulic Tin. Ltd., mis h< }<\ t 1 I*< uan^ office of the company on th< Led inst. Mr. F J)ouglas Osborne. who pr» side I. submitU'<l the following fsgurog to Bh Bflfll inf? Capital $4."»,000 divided into
    Pinang Gazette  -  94 words
  • 130 10 Eastern Aanited Water Oowpu;y« I :>>> Victoria Street, wis again h» -n<-\) Court, Hesssi llicnoll ted Gribnui <l;iv ifttmona, wu ;mi a!i'-_ tiud NVavo's leans S. Ctrw eon Iveted tW prow half l lf«wra Fras» r m4 N Lowell <!t iVii'le 1. yellow l^l>^)s from
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  • 59 10 A J«' \.01.11U bat). hei'ore Mr I, MBOOi ti-i-' terday, on i charge <»t erimioal bretcl trust in PMBMt of jewellery \u\ t $13 It is ftttqgei f h:it sheborrowo«l Hh jtmSon fMM <'<»<mtrv!n:tn <t bin i* 1 H**i lliyn dud r!. li. i-.'tura it. 'J i.~ c .•>
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  • 818 11 IN A SAM PAN. eea l.t\ L .-> bee-i m >re u usiuithe nettj anaujanecs v. i.^h are i i li parcel of a business life, when esssstaat interruptions have exasperated an klitoallj even temper when the telephone seems to hive b»*n ptid to rin# and the tasml w pninr
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  • 1065 11 The study of comparative history i^tue geology ofl human progress in the mititr of what is called, for lack of a better word, civilisation. As ain ttter of argument the word civilisation owin^ largely to the bigotry of the human iuind contains but a poor
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  • 1207 11 Ic m is early i.^ Sunday afternoon wh^n my *A-*, who had h"-)U i»ut nearly a y^tr, suggested we should fiait the Sailors Home. She had been at the morning service, she informed me, and the beautiful hymn "For thoe-e in peril on the had struck
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  • 379 11 TiiU Company has i*een farmed, tad w in 1 i'lll working order. Aj the neuibert of i baa been known as the Bangkok Syndicate hold l" f 'oo shaie* in t t» Company, and as IS< sujtifs iv changed band* In Bangkok this week privately,
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  • 417 11 When the application reach the in*. -on-. nient total of twenty tunes the munber of shares avalhiMe, the directors bavß to t;ik»* some arbitrary course dxro^pointipg to mi rv. Whan the over-rabacription is on moderate scale, they c.iii «!!t Dtzsimuni ennibcr oi shares
    T.L.  -  417 words

  • 1758 12 (Froin Our English Cm rojiQSJsTgjil A Valuable Propkrty. London, Oct. 1907. It is not so very long ago that H.OOO sovs would have bought Velocity, but it is now understood that 21,000 son has been refused for the *uu of Speed- Hillast. This is another example of
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  • 99 12 Wo regret to have to aonoanoa today the death of Dr. Adrien R^ssignou, a distinguished Belgian savant, whose extensive investigations into tropical diseases made his name familial 1 to all engaged in that region of scientific rcs3areh Dr. Ros^i^non was a brother of Mrs Jauion oi'
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  • 1069 12 Decision by a Court With no Jurisdiction. The decision in the Singora tongkang action was delivered yesterday afternoon in the Supreme Court by Mr Justice Fisher, who found in favour of the plaintiff Tan Watt Choon, and gave him hack the ship which had been
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  • 147 12 A meeting of the Government I'liinL'itti«»u Couiiiiitt'e wa« held at Kuala Lumpur on Nov. t The Chairman *ai.i tlit it wavery doubtful it* it would Ivuetit tfm iuuniUiu<\ U) iiic!u<le S;i.^up.ii v ;J> it would cost '24 rupees to send coolies To »Siugapore from India against K»
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  • 97 12 Tlie rust liin; pal in trei*s tMttdia^ Vr llm sands, I iko slender woodland nvmj.Ls .if %nattu\ height. The sun fonhpouriug golden bflftdc, < >ver the shore, of r if I^'ht, The rippliu* oi tho wavelets elf<Bd ritli ioani, Tbe silent fffHiigt of tho pliiL mi
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  • 43 12 lu the Cfoqvtt TournamfLi duMpias* ship, Mr (ireeu bf j at Mrs BiUDit?r.s. Tl)e match Mrs Law v 3lr .f :hn AndertM PM UQlicished. PLAY FOR THURSDAY CuAMPloN'snii'. Capl Youug v Mr Elcnm. ]\Fr John Anderson v Mrs I.iw. b linish.
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  • 264 12 la BOUMCtioa with tht? p;* i^v J-er-in^ the- cl >ck «luriut^ p-.irt oi the TOUT u M to givrt more time for daylight, thd following letter appears in the Spectator Mr WilKn's proposal for iiitcrtc:ait; viritb the clock, quoted in your issue of August 3rd, i^ a reform
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  • 137 12 Tiie r.':;f-;,[» 1 s of Ih^ Pdß I w.i\s p^;- MOHth .ivorat/e «,000. Sir Jihn .1 jkson'.s v?rp t the Sit>&4| which arrived ben a'»-Mit a mttl Booth Africa, I;:* i r iflio have bar Jinij'j'-i pwpcthr i Tlm British cruisers Koafl bXMj Aui| vhitrite, the Sea Mew iiu^l
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  • 946 13 Wednesday, Nov. 13, 1907. THE BANDMANN OPERA COMPANY. Bkllb oy Mayfair" at thk Tnwvosru The Bindmann >pera Company uro pav,u,' another Hyiog visit to Singapore, having armed trim 4^e n>rth yesterday by the IV A BetnSJO. They opened last evening ;it the Te-itonia Club" with "The ttello of M.ivi'iii.''
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  • 2344 13 ALLEGATIONS OF SALTING. I TnK CIfAIkM.YN'K SI'ORTING OfKKK. Yesterday afternoon a meeting of Tuugcral Tin Mining Company was held in the Adel phi Hotel and wai largely attended. I After some preliminary discussion Mr A. M. Sarkies was asked to take Ihe chair he being a director. The
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  • 286 13 t The R. W. K. TonmimrtH lus? night opened with a good exhibition of the poim of the boxers of. the Regiment. Mr Uea^lsj worth acted a? referee and Mr P. 5 B Jennings as Jud^e. In the first round of -hp tournament Pte TTannuford met I'te
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  • 154 13 V'dior*' Mr Colauw Ycntttiay, tiie id journed C4S6 a^:*-iD.'t Otnag Kww fbf tht* attempted mmder I Wong Aij Chok vat heard. At li>7 Soutb bridge-rd *>u October J- U Wong Ab Chok wan found with bib throii* cut. lie was Utken to }>o«pittil and l»r Weil gave
    154 words
  • 21 13 Bt&NV Mr Colmau, third ■flftittimttiwY**terdav atternxm, a Chinaman wa*» Mid 5)1^0 iuT Lringiog iltiett rplmu ',lr-j-> t»j *i train from Jooore
    21 words

  • 1025 14 The rices for the Cwsngmai cup proved to be more than ordinarily interesting and also to be surprises to thosa who had attempted to nnko any estimate of the ability of the dVWS. Both heats were won b>- iito non-favourites and Beaity's four, who pull a very strong
    1,025 words
  • 30 14 A gold curb chain bracelet was found at Government House after the Ball ou Frid y And can be had on application to the A D V at Government House.
    30 words
  • 1153 14 A SMALL CALENDAR. The Assizes commenced at the Supreme Court yesterday t>efore Mr Justice Fisber aud a common jury. There were only eight (3MM on the list. Those inoiu le one charge of murdar, two or" gang robbery, cue of housabreaking and theft in a «WelHEp\ forgery crupinti
    1,153 words
  • 566 14 Wkst Kknj> II Team vs VYakdeks' Club. A Shield lixttirc? was played off at Sepoy Lines last evening between the l*oy;il West Kents II team and the Wai dew' dob. The latter team included threo of the K. K>., odo Army Pay Department man, and a imelter from
    566 words
  • 64 14 The Hon. A. U. Adams and Messffe ''"i. Martin and G. If. Stilt hiixe boon a.rjpoint' d re reseDtatives ot' P';^ Turf Club on the Straits Racing Association fo» tlie yc ur 1908. His iiixcoliency tlio Governor ha>: i resented a Cup for the January Race Meeting
    64 words
  • 93 14 The troops were paraded tt Penaiig oa the King'i Birthday a ynnil>er cf paople turning out to see the parade. Mr L. >] I'. Wolferatan represented ihc Resident C< ':i?clijr and wai At the Saluting P**t. Th* 'rorps numbered 7&M<t]ay Bteiai Uuide«, 52 Sikh P.l*ce t 39 P mutr ITcfauteera,
    93 words
  • 844 14 Thursday, Nov. 14, 1907. CHINESE EMIGRATION. How tiik System j~ i Th^ system of Chines owijv Hongkjug leaves much to In-, deaired T MJf not have <>«'.iirred to th" ntl. traffic baJßg p;i; ti:illy rrju l -t.-d bj t nese Emigration A.-t. <«t ]-:<:*. hr; )>w in^ f:i«-ts from :i
    844 words
  • 50 14 ou (Jet. 29th at. the Ku»g od C ;i. m. I rridk jr e took place iMtWMH Mr 1. Dock, of 'ho l>'»iul>av BatVM T« fj'-u' Cot pewit I— Ltd., M ndalav, a;i<i If ihi Wu l>trt<n, who rrived fro»u Koglaai bj 1 1. UiwWdtoAirf a few -lavs l>*»t r
    50 words

  • 2692 15 Ii; Subin^irine IVle^raji.) {Mmdmfi Agency.) Received Nov, 7. 10.55 am. Thi aatnmm tlecHoai in th** Cfnited States ure prtH^ediDi,' quietly. T'n*. Repub'icuns hav# bntsi notublv deI ited l the ejection of the QvmnarMn .t Nerv Jersey and thai for the Mayorahv I Cleveland. Onio. Die Tammrtnv Can- i dasVUe
    2,692 words
  • 166 15 {From our Pdoai g, Bac. N jr. 7, Hi w. King Chulalongkoru of SLuu .r-i. Penang on Wedocsilai er«uirs on board the X I> L Biefcaee. II was iirrt in tbe >rtb cb*nu<\ by three Siamese _v:l boats. O-i li:> i v iv*] Ni t i.i.- harbmr Hl«
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 429 15 THE STRAITS TRADING Go., Ltd. 1. Sotioc in hereby given to aD bearerf; ol Bhare-warrantH ot the above Censpnay that the subjoined reeotntion wp> p:\KBed at au extraordinary general meeting of the abov«Company laid on the 22nd of October, 1907, and confirin d r.s a special resohstfoa ll in extraordinary
      429 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 197 15 Passengers for the Krafts PerM M Tonrane, due Nov 18.- Mi Harrison, Mr and B*ra Janin, fir Opterne on, Mr and Mrs Opter and > hiidren. Per? A: 0 Delta, due Nov 23— Mr tad Mrs Barbadette, Bev. W Hurray, Mr C. S. Crane. To Penang— Mr and Mrs G.
      197 words

  • 750 16 MINKS. Capital Capital Issue FaiJ Issued paidupValoe up r,ssB»SBf. «a~c*t*t* $300,000 300,000 10 10 Boiat Tin M. Co. Ltd 12.2~> $300,000 225.000 10 10 Bruang Limited 7. $600,000 600,000 10 10 Braseh Hydrau'ic Tin M. Co. Ltd 14 75 £400,000 350,000 1*1 £1 Duff Development Go Ltd 2 25
    750 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 687 16 CLEARANCES Nov 7. G.ilavale, Brit str., Seearf, for Nagasaki. Banka, Brit, str., Donald, for Andoibas and Natunas Is. Speelman, Dut. &tr, Everdingin, for Billiton via ports. Teesta, Brit, btr., Willis, for Penang, Bfeganatam ?tnd Mu<li-as. Waih. r Brit str., Rutter, for Calcutta. Palitana, Brit, ntr., Maefadaa, fot IVmrng, RMsgOoal and
      687 words
    • 810 16 Sabine Rickmera, Dut. str., Watson, for Batavia and Tjilatjip. Orwell, Brit, str., Frame, for London. Lightning, Brit, str., Fey, for Penang and Calcutta. Brouwer, Dut. str., Bouman, for Djamhie. Kifitna, Brit, str., Learmont, for Port Swettenham and Penang. Edendale, Brit, str., Dunlop, for Samarang. j Nov. 14. Bni How, Ger
      810 words
    • 439 16 VESSELS IN PORT. Mcn-oi-W»r Klae and Too« Comxnaadert \rHved "rom o^h. Kent Brit cruiser 980<> de HorBey Nov 7 Hongkong Unwruiu Ainphitrite Brit cruiser 11,000 E. F. Brnen Nov 8 Plymouth Plymouth 1* Sea Mew Col. Yacht 500 Murphy Nov 4 Malacca Uncertain Shtt> *\*v Tons Master Arrived Krcm For
      439 words