The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 17 October 1907

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 275 1 |MM Hurdi»; A. Labour fantwMcOfliM ~2."> Tt> Bulj?»?t AddMv-a ["be taniVs Rec<»rl 226 fks F.M.S Kail\v*ys 226 >he F^lnra-v Cri.-i- 227 "ullia,; Question L»27 teoil«nt3 228 n :rr.9 to the Eiutoi:. The Olony'* Bud£» t 2:JO Our Expunge 235.256 ovrt Ntws. V Question mi 9kg 228 I K-mpon^
    275 words
  • 61 1 \i> r »k< n:. hot \3l lij 3tetoi (ftoteoleJ jot, Negri Seinbilau tad »'r .»!'..:>. a I >• .k, Uriii A. N. it 1: Borneo. La--u, strut nis. t > r ci bws p.^ psh p Id. «*rft 'A. por 2 o>:. ivj
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  • 28 1 {COMSCTBn K> M t 16.) i/a 2/4; noai 1 3 if 2/'U t 292 173^ V l l4 s en 139 $9. V.» 4 ■< *t% 4- I
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  • 76 1 Oetob r H 10.40 q ho ETa 9 70 JVt-. Bbdk '0.-i>». lfjo N»tme-*(11C 220 Sn\ r 30 00 \T&. 00 CBovm (Asa LibflriiaG lee i 700 r pioi W norn §9. 825 Oopn 8 pra Pontianni Opium, BtMi Rie% ITlMiliiii WLif So. I >~ 162 do. «a >r
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  • Domestic Occurrences.
    • 19 1 Buckland.— On the 19th September at Sevenoaks, Kent. England, the wife of H. W. Buckland, of a son.
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    • 32 1 On September 30, 1907, at Shanghai, Hedley G. White, eldest son of Captain White. Clyde Trust, Glasgow, to Annie, only daughter of the late John Peacock, Eso. of Baildon, Yorks, England.
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    • 106 1 On the -ith September, at riinton villa, Gloucester, England, suddenly, Robert Berkeley, aged 19. .son of 0. G. C. Addison, Municipality, Singapore. On September 20, 1907, at Shanghai, Hlnky Edwards, Electrical Engineer, Shanghai Dock und Engineering Co., Ltd.. aged 28 years. October 11. at Gimfiadalei Kivor Valley Koad, Mi-s
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  • 1466 1 keir Hardie and Labour Inconsistencies. Oct. 11. Indian pipers arrived co-da)' tell us a little more of how Mr Keir Haf.die adhered to his declaration, mide on his reaching Calcutta, that he would hare neither an nor port "m Indian politics. Mr Keir Hardif. reuiiuds us, as to this, 01
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 116 1 ••OR SALE LABUA.N STAMPS,— «areharged Stialte Settleiri^ntr'. n,7«"K)— 4 cts. on 19 ;ts. 1,800- Bet». 6 70' 10 ctd. Warned offers, er-bloc. Rtpfy to M K^a^i f> c/o Pet Office, LABUAN. ALSO, s few 25 cts.— sepermtc offer 3 mvit»d. OctS 20.10 SINGAPORE FOUNDRY LIMITED. CIVIL nOUUCAL AND ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS.
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 255 1 THE WEEK The outward bound mail steamer L)^iia brought maiif of Sept. 21s': on Friday list. This homeward mail is carried by the British India mail to. day. The Colony's Budget was laid before the Council on Friday last. His Excellency s speech ahowa that though *n excess ofe.vpendiv.ire over
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  • 997 2 Oct. 12. On the whole the tone of the Budget Address of H. K. the Governor for the ensuing year, which appears at length elsewhere m this issue, may be described as moderately optimistic. The shadows projected athwart the pathway of the Colony by its new indebtedness,
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  • 1360 2 Ojt. 11. If competition be the soul of >2;ide the Transatlantic struggle for speed supremacy is not ended with the entirely satisfactory news that we publish this morning regarding the latest world's record set op by the great n*w Canard liner the M Luiitania on her second
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  • 1167 2 Oct. U. As the perfection oi the working o! u.r arterial system is an essential condition for the healthy working of a living orga&Usm, n m the development of a new country i* iv vitality depended upon the adapt ibiiirv an" completeness of its scheme
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  • 1285 3 Oct. 16. Soniethiug like an industrial civil war is imminent m England and Scotland, a struggle that will m one way or another affect the great majority of the public adversely, m many cases disastrously, if that struggle does tak* place on the scale that is threatened.
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  • 1051 3 Oct. 17. It does* not take ruor* than a wen few years of residence m a place like Singapore whore a )o!etv ia m a. eon.-. taut state of tiax with the incessant departure* and new vals, to feel convinced that tha system of ci-llin^r is hopelessly
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  • 599 4 With reference to the telegram announcing a destructive explosion at the gunpowder mills at Fontanet, m the State of Indiana m the United States, the later particulars make .that out to have been a worse disaster than at first appeared. Indeed from what can be made out, this appears
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  • 138 4 Ca.det md Corps Ltofbction. The High School Cadet Corpn ou Thursday last had the honour of an inspection by General Bwrrott CM.. The corps under the eoraaad o! Captain Ho-.veU and Lieuterants StocVweD and Mackenzie mustered m the Police compound, their -mart turn-out and woll-eieciltad evolutions earned the
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  • 1188 4 When the hardened old tinier "goes home" he usually takes the quickest boat and cares nothing for the ports of call. He has seen them all before, and there is nothing less interesting than the merely moderately interesting plac€s that one has seen before. When the latest,
    H.B.S.  -  1,188 words
  • 218 4 At a meeting of the General Committee for the St. Andrew's Ball held on Monday afternoon. The Hon. Capt. Young C. M. G. was elected Chairman of the Committee Messrs K. Secular and J. Henry were elected joint Secretaries. Mr. C. L. Chapman Hon. Treasurer. The following
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  • 219 4 To Makry m Lon»o>. London, August 15. It is announced here that Mrs. Stanford While, wbose husband was shot and killed a year ago by Harry Thaw, will next month become the bride of Charles F. McKhn, who was partner of the slain architect. The marriage will
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  • 282 4 King Leopold*! latest move kit* aroused vehement criti* ifcui m Belgium, a.^ m the English LiberaJ Press. Early MM week it was oifickJlv announced that the Crown domr.ln m thr? Ooncjo State had D 668 made over to i company "for tbe development of the territories m
    Westminster Gazete  -  282 words
  • 895 4 A FEW <JUICK CH A\( r j s OWXEKSHII' Mr Justice Fisher m the Supreme <j, yesterday, heard a claim with sever*; r interesting features m it. This wag tion by Tan Watt Choo and the Hailin? SL Kirn Ho Hin against Kwek Poh Kee concerned a
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  • 584 5 The Hongkong Dairy Farm has paid a 4 viflend of 20 per cent and transferred •10,000, to cattle reserve fund. Mr Sercombe Smith, who comes to the <;«>lony as Junior Puisne Judge, is a pas--t-nt'er by the Moldavia, which leaves Lon:«n to-day. A Kling has been
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  • 164 5 •will Address to Mr. >«. Thom\-. A ni"*}; of a social character took I k .it tiw Am?b-Taniil School, SeranggOßg Koao. on Wednesday night, when a irewell Address was presented to Mr. N. Thomas, resident of the Association, prior j his departure for Australia The gatherum
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  • 2192 5 WAS THE WHOLE ISLAND CEDED LIFE TENURE OF SULTANS. The case of the Crown vs. G. D'alniedia m which the Crown seeks to eject defendant from some land at Kampong Glani was continued yesterday before the Chief Justice, Sir W. Hvndinan Jones. For the Crown the
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  • 756 5 FRASER CO. 'S SHARE CIRCULAR. The interest m Tin Shave- lias lagged considerably during the past week owing chietfy to the continuous declitt m the price of the metal, coupled with the fact that companies have not don»- so well a< was anticipated. The Jledhill Report and Accounts showing
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  • 200 6 The second fisheries exhibition of Japan will open at Nagasaki on Oct. 21st. The Japanese Consul has sent us a pretty picture poster of the exhibition. Mr. H. W. Buckland, of the P. and O. Company, arrived by the mail yesterday afternoon. Mr. Buckland relieves Mr.
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  • Correspondence.
    • 698 6 To THE E PITCH, Dear Sir. I have read m your issue of this morning a statement of the principal headings of the Supply Bill of the Colony for the year IMOB, and m doing so notice that the" heading M Public Debt Charges stands at $400,000,
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  • 892 6 Qfiicquid agunt homines nostri est farrago libelli. Juvenal. Mr. George R. Sims, who occasionally diverts his attention to serious things from trifling with sport, and pushing the sale of Tatcho, has written to inform the Daily Mail that Socialism will no more abolish the inequalities of
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  • 717 6 Another Day's Hearing. Before Mr Justice Fisher, m the Supreme Court yesterday, the case of Proctor ye. the Robinson Piano Company continued its weary length. The evidence for the defence was continued. Gillespie, tuner employed by the Robinson Piano Company, said he was on a five years
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  • 181 6 In connect ioa witn the appeal fur a fund of a quarter of a million sterling on behalf of Oxford University, Lord Curzon states that c£s6 f 7OO hus Wn subscribed. Summarizing the more pressing needs of the University, Lord Cur/on suggests professorships m Frencli, German, and the Romance and
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  • 745 6 SINGAPORE PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY. Bj the tMW^v of thn cnuoi -.J members of the Teuton.* Club, ihe pore Philharmonic < >rchestra last ni^ht at another of their popular orchestral conoer to a fairly numerous and appreciative au ence that listened with pleasure to tb* varied and well-selected programme that wa« pl^
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  • 18 6 Sir Frank Sweeten ban: hn* J>.* r a visit to theDulr and l>uch-- lan«\ it Donrol i -♦>. 3«tbe?kart
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  • 1866 7 6ki>inart Meeting, Friday, Oct. 11. PRESENT n.r Excellency the Governor Sir John Anderson, Itms Hon'Me the Gol. Secretary Capt. A.H. Young. H Hon Me the Attorney-Genl. W. J. Napier. the Act. Col. Treasurer A.T. Bryant. the Act. Auditor-General G. A. Hall. the Act. Col. Engineer F. J. Pigott.
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  • 753 7 Friday, 11th October, 1907. Present MrE. G. Broadrick (President), Dr Murray Robertson and Messrs Rowland Allen, A. J. W. Watkins, A. W. Bailey, Ong Tek Lim, Cheng Keng Lee, C. I. Carver and H. L. Coghlan, also J. Polglase (Secretary), R. Peirce (Engineer) and Dr Middleton (Health Officer).
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  • 336 7 ESTIMATES FO R 1906. EXPEHDITimE TEH MILLIONS. Revenue Nine and Two-Thirdr The supply Bill for next year was publish* ed as a Gazette extraordinary yesterday afternoon, and detailed estimates of revenue and expenditure are attached. Full explanations will be given at to-day's Council meeting, but the following particulars can be
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  • 107 7 A rikishii coolie wag charged before Mr. Hoope r registrar of ha:kney carriages and rikishas. on Thursday, for endangering trafliz. Mr E. C E His prosecuted. He said he was motoring along the corner near tb* Ladies" Lawn Tennis Ciub and saw the coolie drawing bis rikisha
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  • 97 7 EL ii. ;> rs. S. C. C 1 'ii the Esplanade la^i evening. The tazf wa-5 m good condition and a fast and game was by a fairly laru^ number of spectators. Poth sides w*irf fairly representative. The S. C. C. werv trying a new left back -nd
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  • 95 7 A. Croquet tournament will be btU ftl the Ladies 1 LftWß '.ennis Club binHUAg on tb^j 2rth i tatober. EatriM wiU clo&e oa the2oth Octoljer. Th'ire will be the foUowiag events ChAßoioDthip Sißgks, Single.-; (hrinJicdp;. .in»j Mixed »oubies i handicap). The Oha:npionship .Singles are open ana
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  • 31 7 iue export 01 tin from Perak for September 1907. (Advin% £gures liable to orrection) ie. Tin p^uis 1 catties. Tn-ore 28,181 pikule 41 citties. Duty ...f-K>- M 3 86
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  • 4802 8 THE GOVERNOR. AND THE OUTLOOK. The following is the address of His Excellency at yesterday's meeting. Hon'ble Membkrs of the Legislative Council. The first reading of the annual Supply Bill will be moved to-day and I desire according to the UMial custom to address you on the
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  • 424 9 PALATIAL PASSENGER ACCOMMODATION The travelling public is day by day asking for and getting more luxurious accommodation, especially on ship-board, and shipping lines are not only meeting demands but anticipating them. The Nederland Steamship Co, or Royal Dutch Mail Steamship Co, is less well-known by passengers homeward and outward from
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  • 171 9 S.K.C. vs OrnciM ok Oabbisok. This match was played on .Saturday on the S.K.C. ground resulting m a win for the home Club. Gakkison Officers. Mr Clarke b Coelho 0 Mr Bailey c Oehlers b Coelho 4 Mr Hewitt c and b James 12 Mr 1 >resser b James
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  • 738 9 Mr H. C. Sells is appointed assistant postmaster general, Penang. Manila is declared an infected port, m consequence of cholera. Mr C. I. Carver is appointed a Municipal Commissioner for Singapore vice Mr Graham Pater son. Lord Balfour of Burleigb, m a letter to the press,
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  • Correspondence.
    • 365 9 To The Edit r, Dear Sir, There is perhaps no expression m our language for which I have a more wholesome loathing than I| told you so but I must confess that I feel very tempted to make use of it myself when I come to contemplate the
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  • 316 9 Dr. J. C. Willis gives the following details m the Tropical Agriculturist of rubber tapping experiments now being put m hand on the rubber plantations at Henaratgoda. under the supervision of the Director, Royal Botanic Gardens, and the Government Chemist. 1. To determine whether
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  • 145 9 Chief Detective Inspector Frayue bro'j^iit a young Hylaro before Mr. Green, Mmd magistrate, on Saturday < v jLllegati^n- ->: theft and criminal breach <»i trust. Mr. Muhliagbaui <>f 88 bistitntioii Hill said he missed i new leather belt about 1 fortnight a^o. The l>elt was Eoood
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  • 59 9 Couiai.4.ndai:t Je La joiiuu," r»-. j o urcLi+-olofi;k-.'tl explorations m I'ren h la.: Cbin;i are wvQ kaOWB, long |o ottin,tbe sam*' m Siu:/. The Bfco^fc Govpm::i"iit La» expr^sfd ir« de-»re to cot tribute ro tbt expense of thi<, expiormt:oti ly putting a vim of 50,000 biAOf
    Courrierd Haiphong  -  59 words

  • 1475 10 AN INTERESTING REPORT SOME BIG FIGURES. Amongst the papers laid on the table of Council on Friday was the report, of Messrs Coode Son and Matbewg, on the Penang Harbour improvements. This report which has been looked forward to with some interest, is a fairly lengthy document and
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  • 251 10 Tekms of the Navigation Bill. A Navigation Bill, consisting of »J7O clauses, was road a tirst time ill the Commonwealth Senate on Sept. Il\ It is on the lines of the last Bill, but includes amendments suggested by the recent Navigation Conference m London. Its administration is placed
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  • 124 10 No matter how roughly life may treat you, fight desperately hard against allowing yourself to grow hard and bitter. A woman's sweetness *nd gentleness are her greatest charms and her strongest weapons. To be hard and bitter and cynical is to lcse all lovableness. You may have the hardest kind
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  • 824 10 German naval contracts have been let m private yards to the amount of .£7,350,000. Mr P. T. Allen, the A.D.0., Matang, is, according to a contemporary, going to exchange duties with the D.O. of Christmas Island. It is proposed to draft pupils from the Residential College
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  • Correspondence.
    • 195 10 To thk Editor. < Sir, Your Correspondent <jold bebm s to have got an idea into his head that i>ov. eminent should resort to unusual devices to keep exchange at the fixed rate of 2 4, thug placing Singapore on a more advantageous footing than any other country
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  • 294 10 SIR W. HYM>MAN JONES' LEAVE. Mr. Jtrsncs Law to a«i. There will shortly be several judicial changes m the Sjpreme Court. The Chief Justice Sir W, 11 Hyndman Jones will relinquish his d:ties temporarily, bis lordship going home on a well earned holiday, on the 24th. His
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  • 185 10 Elk Excellency L'-rd Li. Chinese A t&dor to London. arrived from Hongkong by the German mail steamer Goeben la** evening T.ord Li was met on boar<3 b;» Captain Stockley. I>. C. to H. E. Governor. The mail was due between four and live, but it wag
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  • 90 10 PkOM 4 C^BBABPOM»KMMuarOct. 13th VMRx: fcs. i*'aie. iii' 2 BifWM wWoti once ownod by H H. The Sultan of fwk** have bees Itlito Towtay Ah \h>ct. M:jur, lor $4^ r >,ooO, for running up and I the rivet. The 14. Pul^i mad» h^r rirst rL on tho Is:
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  • 40 10 > < The death ha?- occurred at lUrra.v; of Mis^ Stephen, on** of 'he very Kiiiili oi Anglo-Indian ce3 ten iriane. Sh»» v.\i< puted to be 116 years oi age and reni«i.« :c fall poM«*eßai«>n of her facultiee to tb* 1 »*n
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  • 1029 11 THE HAN DI CAPPER'S LOT. Ki.r Ifcm vbo follow sj»*^«l oiiteatg, it nw:-rs '.r-ieiii whit onuca of s^rt, and Kv~ the time to do it thoroughly and the knowledge to fu'.ly appreciate the importance of small circumstances, there is no branch of sporting work more fascinating than handicapping. True the
    Mayo  -  1,029 words
  • 1035 11 One day m the earl y eighties, there was i^fit pxntement m th« Square at Singapore. The iwad of a well- Lao wn German tirui had disappeared m a mysterious way. The police were informed and an officer was detailed to investigate the affair. There were no
    Old Singaporean  -  1,035 words
  • 733 11 Out* la not surpii^ed to read that the fan had its origin m the East. What mure likely than that Nature's broad, spreading palm leaf should suggest to Art its imitation r But m early days the fan was employed rather as a symbol of power and sovereignty
    E.F.H.  -  733 words
  • 970 11 A very eatitnable laJ a to lived m Louden onoe toM the writer that tha creates* pleasure she had m life sbe was not joung was m reading the faces of the people she saw m the streets or trams or trains. It was not necessary
    W.M.  -  970 words

  • 1083 12 The answer to the question Can there be a plethora of wealth? U an emphatic No. You cannot possibly have too much of the weal or well things of this life. This is a bit of a quibble. The stevedore who was buried under the rich
    W.M.  -  1,083 words
  • 858 12 Not to know something of betting m a community like that of Singapore is to confess to a neglected education. You may not bet yourself but if you want to take an intelligent part m conversation at certain periods of the year you must at least know
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  • 943 12 JUDGMENT YESTERDAY AFTERNOON. An Eviction. The Chief Justice, Sir W. H. Hyndinan Jones, yesterday afternoon delivered judgment m the Kampong Glam land action, the Crown vs. G. D' Almeida., and the Court was filled by those interested m the decision, chiefly members of the bar. This
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  • 277 12 This depended upon whether he had er^ ed the buildings and made the improve ments bono tide m the belief that he bad estate m. fee simple or other absolute esut^ It was stated by the Judi:e rhm the?> was no evidence offered that the land
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  • 130 12 A curious «tnd intAjrestiuq matter «;::me before the Chief .lustice yesterday afternoon, m an application for an injunction by Mr* Larsen, the administratrix of E. C. liirsen, who s^uie time a^» invented a machine to extract gutta percha from leaves and twin of a certiin tree. She seeks
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  • 308 12 There was a very large attendance of the little people of Singapore las* ni^ht at the Victoria M-juional Hall m th«.- occasion of tbe Fourth Children'^ Concert of the season 1907. The chief burden <>£ the proijr^mme lay on the members «>i the PhilhiniDDOrchestra, who acquitted themselves
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  • 50 12 If the application >f tie death s^nten almost unsustainable from the phi!o»ophi point of view, it it* jtber <•» in :-mV\ the guillotine ba* e;->e I to opera^ in P- r the crimindi ;irmy .'.a- increased in mm and the auda-ity of misdoers bm Petite R'pub!i.,"
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  • 34 12 Hen Jd.n Kubehk. tiie oelebra'ea vio nist, will make a tour of Australia ;in<i N*' Zealand next jear commencing ai of May, and IS conwrts. H* 1 engaged >!'•«?• Enu Mueller, voci'ist, i toup.
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  • 965 13 Lomln; .Sep\ I i«O7. I»!SKi- ilxil W** ll.Ve, IW, just Baiohtd littkl holitia-j bo long lockta forwl u>, and ho dreadfully quickly over. Lorn; on Vnt a bit nice, the streets are up, everyone is away, and the 6unny days are not at their best when
    M.O.M.K.  -  965 words
  • 77 13 > < A MOHrt Colonial Office report ebuwi tkftl the terrible rtliitj among Europeans miflf t in c< rtaiu parts of tie Gold Coast lories m West Afncu still Wimntl ♦hat region boin^ «IM the wbite man's mm" L-ist jmar there wmi itotul Aimge i jbuut 10U sick out of
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  • 635 13 The Y. M. C. A. lua^/ine has just Uqa t k n cer by the meuib&rs themselves ai J a cop} of the first mi inter has been sent ua. It contains a good deal of Association news and is excellently printed. Mr. W. B. Stephens,
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  • 208 13 TLo only oat. taken bj the Chief Justice, Sir W. H. lived man Jouos yesterday mornini,' va? oiio m which Snraya Tambj Man* ctu claic.ed §2.918 doe on two promissory notes for the price of Roods delivered, from Shaik AH bin Hvderu. Mr Delay lor plaintiff and
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  • 491 13 Higher Mktropolitax ami Proyin«:!al Personnel. In view of the recent political up-heavals and Ministerial changes m Peking, the following data are of interest Grand Councillors Prince Ching, President Tei Liang, Na Tung, Shih Hsu (Manchas); Lv Chun-ling, Sun Chia-nai, Chang Chih-tung, Yuan Shih-kai (Chinese.) Ministers
    S.C.M. Post  -  491 words
  • 348 13 The first of the new British battleships is to be laid down early m October, and the others as soon after her as possible. They are to displace 19,250 tons not quite the anticipated twenty thousand, though very near it or 650 ton 3 more than the
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  • 49 13 »>*.r JToog Wan, n Teochew shopkeeper oi Khng Street, wai need 1860 by Mr. Co) man,' third niac'lhtrate. rwteccUv, for moviog dye 6MM of brand/, valued at $45, from a bonded waTehoUM itLo-t ruarkii them for eipori. He had v pre-Tioud ccnviction for a nmilsr Sen T^ bnutdy wai
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  • 998 13 The Association footrw, matcu oet^.f i the B. G. A aL«I the Cluo on Friday last, which was by accident Mpwfted I win for the soldiers whereas it wa& m reality a draw, showed that some of the men are a bit stiff after their long rest from
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  • 818 14 The mortality returns for the *eek ended Oct 12th for Singapore show 223 deaths a ratio per mille of 13.82. Malarial fever and phthisis 32 and 29 are still the chief causes of death. Bari-beri caused 19 deaths. Mr. A. Fleming, who gave his address as
    British Weekly  -  818 words
  • 717 14 CLUB B. TEAM vs. THE TELEGRAPH XV. The Rugby season may be said to have opened m earnest locally yesterday evening, when the B. team of the S. C. C. met a fifteen of the Telegraph C Jmpany. In the Club team there were several new men, and it
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  • 246 14 The Lusitania and her sister have been built with the pecuniary aid of the British people. In early 1902, when the Shipping Trust was formed by Mr Morgan, the control of almost all the fast liners ou the Atlantic passed to a foreign combination. The Cunard
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  • 968 14 There is much good sense m what is said below by the Manila Cablenews on the subject of Filipino education. The Education Department of this Colony might find m the following a useful hint or two. It is the preponderantly literary education of India that has proved
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  • 28 14 Mr W. Nicboiis, the SeLui^or veieiau has left the State for home He was entertained at farewell tiffins and many kind wishes wore expressed for bh future welfare.
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  • 349 14 The Forest Service of the Department of Agriculture at Washington send* out tb* following regarding the future of '«dar wood for lead pencils The load pencil is one of the most cam. inon art;c)es m erery-day use, and neariv 320,000,000 pencils are manufactured m the United
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  • 248 14 Only a few years .igo Miss Rooie Boot* 1 the Gaiety Theatre, was the rage of Louden m her famous song oi Maisie," which was m one oi' the WMiotl comedies of l'.*ol. aal everyone rememt>er how her sudden elevation to the peerage by her marriage to
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  • 196 14 t"UV-*sl.*Js **r If Ml i.v foue >>:• The iiiuib.iy of Fin.ur.e report* that it M onit? v.nable to supply the Ministry of Vf arin^ with the enormo'ia sum of £17 ,000,0« 0 for NMNh| Russia's S^ry, and therefore th* latter Ministry b:^a drivn up Budgflt on an
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  • 157 14 i have taelj ba ig' S• a itarrtiftg bolow problem I• pr *r It •,jl<- nn'r uji\ MWtifioi hr*i wbeiber they like it or nc traliaa pe'-pie -*j.'l ie al! probib: 1 ti biark. rb»* v'.hor of tkil ifl-Wrf I tnlift tbaory— -hiaeett w vi nlv:,: a vrlii 0 A.sti..'ia-
    157 words

  • 781 15 t .*►,«.».!> t"H entifio himicl i* b traye»l n.r". t<rf> fa* «»u i-f'tioii. which 9fMll anb- iki.l > falsify, bouie iifty jeaia ago a •»roup of the mo^t prominent scientists of the tiuie were engaged m discussing the future industrial development of electricity. Looking back now over
    Englishman  -  781 words
  • 32 15 MMfa to th« person ot Mw. i Hill afMf a ihOti BtaMi- sh e tD j feitw of the S..p-eme Cc;irt. icb j nenJ uSbu piM« -I--.-
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  • 4 15 dUb not or-o^i r
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  • 2513 15 (!W SuWarx.' Taiegrapk.) {Renter's Agency.) There bare been fresh torrential rains causing floods m the basins of the Rhone and Loire. House* have been washed away and five persons were killed by the collapse of a hotel at Lepouzin, Ardeche, and nine elsewhere. The trains from Paris to Marseilles
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  • 291 16 {Fro;;: our OWM CnespO/ldent.) Hongkong, Oct 14th. Iq the Intorport Rifle Match Hongkong has made a total of 938. At 200 yds the total was 312 at 500 yds 311 and at MO yds 315. Shanghai has scored 943 and wins the match. Shanghai has now won this
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  • 53 16 {From cur OWM GniYsJtoMdntf.) Hongkong, Oct 14, Rec. <J>ot. 14, 7.41 pin. Ch« proceedings m the uaval court-martial ea^pillßg into the groundiu^ of the cruiser Flora, whilst m Hongkong harbour some while ago, have been promulgated. Captain Nugent WM reprimaule«t and ordered to be more careful m the future.
    53 words
  • 678 16 Capital Capital Issue I'ald r— Issued paldapValoe up Company HaoutK->» $300,000 300,000 10 10 Belat Tin M. Co. UA 13. $300,000 225.000 10 10 Brnang Limited $600,000 600,0C0 10 10 Bruseh Hydraulic Tin M. <Jc. ltd 15. £400,000 350,000 £1 £1 Duff Development Co. Ltd 250 £90,000 3WY> 1
    678 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 324 16 PASSENGERS Per Sea Mew from Malaooa.— -Mr Latbury. Per Socotra fvom Manfla.—Mr W. P. Thomson. Per Chieu^oiiii from K-tu^kok. Mi A.rdon. For Banee Meaan Van Brenkeleii and Limber Par Hye Leoog Mr B. Mannheinier, Mr T. H. Btowart Per Pont:iin:ik afeatra W. H. Sutton, Jaa Po. bet and T. H.
      324 words
    • 655 16 CLEARANCES. Oct. 10. Benvenue, Brit, str., Kroble, for Calcutta. Freya, Nor. str., Christiansen, for Bangkok. Janet Nicoll, Brit, str., Lyons, for Bangkok. Resident Scbieff, Dut. str., Unus, for Batu Pahat. Singora, Ger. str., Lenss, for Bangkok. Bombay Maru, Jap. fitr., Keith, for Antwerp via ports. Rinenfels, Ger. str., Krippenen, for
      655 words
    • 498 16 VESSELS IN PORT. Men-or-War KUc and Tons Commanders Arrived From For m h Zeeduif Dnt 197 Ykerma Oct IG Rhio Rhio Sea Mew Col. TacLt 500 Murphy Oct 11 Malacca Uncertain Ship Flasj ft Tons Master Arrived from U>nstsjnct Kor Wk Antenor Brit 3563 Huzeland Oct 13 Hongkong Mansfield London
      498 words