The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 12 July 1906

Total Pages: 16
17 32 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 34 17 >ULSCW UP TO July ll 8 2 »ih! 2 tits 3 b/i 2 Ilin 1 2931 1... T 174 •■< iii-l 9}/E>dh 11: 14] 54 1' .i I- ijißg S .-V_* j 3 ft)
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  • 152 17 n IT 17 17 I 1 ,r<l IS 18 nit is 1^ nc«< in in 19 li» 19 i pjd. ia \i ao 'Ji>M>> i Claim -'7 Team 24 N u < SO j !<■«• I r.-l Au.-ti"ii- ;><>,:',() Kxa*»inft1 ion 21 ml 21 21,23 Kit ion u. ui'l-
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  • Domestic Occurrences.
    • 85 17 At Simla, on tb 10th June 1906, the wife of Ifajor C. Wanliss, South Lancashire Regiment, i i -on. < >n Ist July, at v Tretbella," Cambridge, New Zealand, the wife of John I. Philips, Esq., of Ipoh, Perak. Federated Malay States, of a daughter. McLknnan. -At Ness Villa,
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    • 29 17 At the Cathedral of the Good Shepherd, on Sat or lay morning 7th July), by the Rev. Father Rivet, Jams Harvey Mi beat, to UissHblbn Dl STIT.LFKIEI) RATIHEZ.
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    • 30 17 On the 23rd June, at Shanghai, Captain John P. Roberts, aged 77 years. At Bulvit Tunggal, Thompson-rd, Sinsjapore, d :iy o. Syed Mohamed l>in Ahmad Ax Sagoff. Aged 69.
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  • 495 17 Hei* ohail the PPQM th<» Proof's right mainU.n, L'mwpii hy ltiflneoc and tinbribed l>y caiu; d p?itfi»t Troffc her jlori precepts dr;t\v. yaei tr> Kfliciwn. Loyaitv and Law July 5 If it prove to be the fact that Sir West Ridgbwat's Commission has indirectly been the means
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  • 718 17 How fur the Secretary of the Agricultural Department of the Unite 1 States is merely locking the stable door after the steed his been stoleu, will only appear m the future statistical returns of tie American canned meat trade. But it is satisfactory to learn that that
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  • 915 17 July 6. Mk C. G. Waenford Lock, speaking with authority as probably the foremost mining expert m the Straits, wa 3 lately interviewed m S\dney by a newspaper reporter, and m the course of the interview ventured a plea for the employment of Chinese ideutured labour
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 29 17 HOEGS. -Corrosive Composition. iHng Composition. -Topping Paint. h v/fth greatest success by n md sailing ships f all nations. ncles apply to: H. SCHAEFER d Co. i I 7
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    • 65 17 NOBEL'S Explosives Co, Ltd GLASGOW Manufacturers of Uyixix suite, lielignite, Gelatine Dynamite, Hlaating Gelatine Detonators, Safety Fuse? Electric Blasting Apparatus ture«i n» '/!K»t BriUMB, are iuu It* u> jxts.-* rue pOfie^l t)v r h» r'»i J;^h oovbiainwD', aim art kfaerafore gomur** <1 to Vh» ol miprttuf i|m»bi) Utii market. The
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  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 311 17 THE WEEK. The outward mail of June K> was brought bj the }>.&<>. Delhi on Friday last. Dates up to June Is an brought by Pr K. Luitpold to-day. This homeward mail Ljoes by the B. I, Palamcotta. Two important announcements concerning the C »lony*8 finances are made this week.
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  • 129 18 In a tomewbai fuller list of honours, one of the twentv-eiuht new-made knights is Mr P. Cauri ihkrs Gould whose political services to tin Ka<!i»\t! party as the clever cartoonist of the Hfatajjufor diizettf have been of such immense value, Though his power of artistic drawing is insignificant as compared
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  • 217 18 FINIS £3,314,194. The TAJUOHti Pagar Award. July 7. A telegram was received In Singapore this morning by the Honourable 11. Fort stating that the arbitrators had fixed the price or the Tanjong Pagar award at *27. .)2 .),177. The price to be paid to the London ConsultingCommittee for retiring them
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  • 729 18 The annouDoement we are euabled to make to-day writes 4> iini^ for all practical purposes to the history of one of the most Interesting, we had almost said romantic, enterprises, Singapore has ev«r seen. To write a history of Tanjong l* Docks would mean wiifiug
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  • 310 18 There was ;i pleasant little coincidence m ft remark that fell trom Mr Bucklbi at the Empire celebration m the Raffles Girls School on Hay 29th, and an observation made t>v Bi>!iop Potter, the wall-known American preiate, :>t i banquet ijiven m his honour by the
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  • 891 18 July 9 We cannot help thinking that bard ;ts Mr Chambkhlain has worked to educate the. people m Britain to a sense of the uniuVa tion of the Empire by bonds of common interests and preferential trade— which to Sir H. Caxpbbll Bannerman are merely
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  • 2000 18 Fiu 5 .n.-i..l H with such I thoT.n.;!-!'-" I ,m|,.,. i liefore tfci 1j i .r,,.,-n! -ii.-l w: millions <>f i 1 1 1 tUi iting If v. !,o 1 P I ;h 1 ie id iii I C4o€ t can [vent new i ».::."»,oi»(> £75, 01)
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  • 736 19 July 11. We reuaeinber several years ago invitiug any r»f the local :_rentlemen, reverend or otherwise, Ifho had what tIIHV considered < onscieiltiouB object ious to the opium revenue (l>ut who wvie quite prepared to make use of.* proportion of it m *;rants-in-aid for schools and s<»
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  • 263 19 Two little matters that have lately engaged some attention locally are naphtha BxplosioM m the Harbour, and the occasional difficulty of reading the necessarily much compressed text of telegrams. A pretty example of tbe two combined comes to us by the mail. First we give the actual fact
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  • 385 20 Thmi was no finer congregation, and no mure useful sermon preached, than the assemblage of U.OOo that gathered to hear Mr Cham bi:k lain speak last Sunday, and the substance of hit birthday message to his fellow, townsmen, to the nation, and to the Empire .it
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  • 195 20 Mr Buchanan Smith has been kind enough to look into the matter of the Mr George Lyon wbo started work m Tanjong Pagar m 1863. He bail not known of the Daniel Lyon we alluded to. It now appear! that George Lyon i'ame to Singapore to
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  • 239 20 We are informed tbat the dividend of the Netherlands India Bank tor the year 1905 iet 10 1 5 per cent. The Sea Mew returned from Malacca this uioruiug with Col. A. Murray, Colonial Ea£iß*er. The terminals of the Fneifie Mail line «tt San PnuMawo, and
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  • 286 20 Our Report Confirmed. By the "Sarawak" Gazette arrived from Kuching to-day, we >cc that our exclusive report of a few days ago, concerning the existence of an important Chinese Secret Society m Sarawak is confirmed. In all it appears that three Chinamen were either murdered
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  • 151 20 Yesterday afternoon Mr Scott was engaged with a case m which three Malay Policemen stationed at Pasir P*njang are arraigned on very grave charges. The evidence for the prosecution, given by three Chinese vegetable planters and a woman, is that policemen from Pasir Panjang Station regularly
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  • 77 20 The April number of th^ Agricultural Bulletin is to hand. Mr Ridley's revien of Mr Wright's work on Para Rubber contains s<>mt* sti^^estive discussion on the function of the latex, and Mr Ridley's verdict <»n the book is ••til*' whole work is good, useful and full of information.*
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  • 282 20 A week ago Mr. Q-onneratne of the Siamese Consulate had a Singhalese Ayah before Mr. Cohnan for absconding without fulfilling lier contract. Mr. Qponeratne said be lia«l had a good deal of trouble with ayahs so be s»'iit to Ceylon tor one. As a m-uk the
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  • 173 20 New Zkalanj) Tradk. Mr Devlin, jM.P ami Mr Donov.ui. t lie d«le£ates of the Iri»b NatioWilist partj to Australia, were among the guevla MtAdiuner f^iTen bj the Federal Ifiuutrjr m bokoor i»f Mr Sed«loti. Tlie Prenier of New Zttfcmd dedarod tlmt he had rend with exquisite phfHmira
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  • 868 20 MOHAMMED\V WIDOWS CLAIM. Before Mr Justice Law iv the Supr Court yesterday afternoon, a claim, which pr >- mises to produce a very interesting bearing, was brought by ;«n eldarly Mohammedan whose name was given a* Xai Tahadjar binte Sai against Haji [smail and X. Omar,
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  • 215 20 From Mr ('hew Cli.Hi'_- Y mi.:, tin* F, lit or. «»< have mvive.l No 1 «f monthly nig^iiii called Tim Frisml of Hiius a mm|(.*ium for tlie tfuci<il tid njotai pr«i|ftYM <»l i lie Stivti>> OllhleSf. Til<- fii>t MV |»»m'S ftf« ill It -I*l :l 1 1 1 Mhlav of
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  • 270 20 ST MICHAELS ST GEORGE'S CHAPEL. A i the Lrr- Cb ipel of the Ord«r <;.>»•/". ii. 9l P there we* memtierfi or the I II Sir W ij I nii> Preouuitle, S I Admiral Wallace, C M U •■i Knights Grand Crws ami Qaaaral sir Ch trt O'Mallay, sir L
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  • 143 20 EtetanrMg i> trtidfl iaour MOB, ami the estimate uf fMB| Aivouutuut as to the Av. ,ifl. the same was uearer the mark thtfte* m aJditiou to |Jm twmvl >'-7. 1 1 I.'.1 177 li the (ii'vernment Mist pa) •t) tlw i.ssih's of th<> comji.tiiv, n; V J.
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  • 109 20 laud market ill.- i..|i,.u;- Hem H. L. Cogltta I.JV, ;«IV ill >!«'.]. Hito" ovrifiUvin- '<'''! ■parked. In all *4 pr f: winch oO wn* J.tual prJTM UT m l«i;:riV 2 :;:> 10 .mi II Que€ Steu Lii 110,000 N Lm^C, Jail Kvwv W X QIHO Ltllsl. IMI
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  • 55 20 pr.i.-f i' M 1 1- s tIM W.inl.'.s «hi-li Uli I H Ti,-ru,n „,1 wi«rml i'-^ >•"" tlw I t 1 v pUjfww wmM M«Uf i 111 H rkM >i>">, Ael 1 hv<{U"lit!\, tl)«- tin: I i; (I^,x pkjren n.i I'h B I. 1...,-. *ii "7
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  • 349 21 Attac* si Cm :s i n ajnoy, J 2. t tbii -i- tii»- i I n we i I start- > < m Pasfr; ire i I- ie- f.nably "vMM'li- nd Dr M< b a to us bat, arrii ing at they d cided d and !•>
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  • 98 21 Blaci retired I.v after tui'Mt I it is j to vote b re n i i >.- I w< rk he bat i'j- -int 2i»-i» t I ispector Uta < \e j i k* 8 I ■c I V. k ;i^ ;ujn It v. ill be n
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  • 14 21 I l PI ill- iv DOrl "«1; M ,1 lie birth of tlei^aodi b
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  • Correspondence.
    • 906 21 i :ii Kijitor. >::- il long time the opponents of harbour improvement* m Singapore quoted, aa 'Ul-,: pro r of the iticompetenc) of M md M tttbews i ugineers, the state l «e harbour of C >lombo. Most of your v>;i| ljtV( I thai port
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  • 70 21 liohamed Roos alias Kistnasamy was ia the doi ii»is morning on the charge of criminal broach <•*' trust iv respect of bicycle. Tie Attorney Genera', Mr limes stated that accused west to the shop of a Chinese dealer m cjiles, who hired out machine*. He took one
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  • 1299 21 (From our own Correspondent.) Tokio, Julj 17th. Diplomatic Circles. Baron Komura, G. CM G., appointed Ambassador to the Court of St. .1 im< i, will leave Yokohama on July 20th by the i press of Japan f<» r Vancouver, to -d > London via Canada. Mr Sato,
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  • 211 21 The mail papers are full of the exposures of »lio Chicago meat scandals and similar charges \v>'iv made against London firms. To investigate this sweeping charge a M Daily Mail representative called upon several of the largest firms m the trade. M Will you let me
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  • 333 21 VICTOR I AN WINES. After examining raiious samples of wine*, dry and sweet, of dHY -p-i.- Vi.-toriau viut.u— placed sit our disposal !»v Mr J. If. Sinclair, the Vicioriao Gtoveruni >m Ygeni ia Singapore. we have bo liesitaiiou i;i commending thes<* to tli<» attention of dealers w*«l private consumers m
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  • 106 21 '1*1 1 public eiainination ira b( gun >>n June 1-i m tic BttuklUptcy Court of Sina^ei BfOthtfl, w\h c rried <m 1 usinc.-? ;it Uojd*«-aventM^ E.C., 1»;«<] brancbetal CuJcuUa, AJeiaidria, Colombo, and Singapore. Mr <.\ril B'iniinr i t ilif firm's atjim.l turnover av.-r. /.I f OO0 OOi) and
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  • 859 22 Sir John Anderson r> expected m Taipeng m the third week of the current mouth. Tn« steamer Glendhu has arrived here from Calcutta with ti cargo of coal eoasi^ued to Bebn, Meyer and Company. Mr. S© t yesterday a Chinaman who wash' I Standpipe found he
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  • 566 22 A meeting of the General Purposes Committee was held yesterday at 5 pm. m the Exchange Rooms, Mr John Anderson, Chairman Committees presiding -There were also present Messrs C r>. Buckley, Jiak Kirn, Veow Ngan Pan, Scott Ru«sell, F. Hilton, E. F. H. Bdlin, W. O. St
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  • 304 22 Mokl: Naphtha Ablaze. The steamer Aucheucrng arrived here t bis j morning from New York with a cargo of 53,000 cases of petroleum and 500 drums oE napbtha, the voyage round the Cape having taken 64 days. Before going to the wharf to dis- i charge
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  • 89 22 The Government Gazette notifies that tenders for the opium and liquor farms of the Colony fur the period li»07-ll>0i> will be received up to August The Arcadia, tearing list evening, look awjv not only Mr E. L. Brockman, our Lte acting Colonial Secretary, who is going o 1 1. aye,
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  • 1295 22 ENGLAHD EEOAIKfI Blue Kibash of the Atlantic. World's Bickhwt Ships. Is England really mistress of the seat? Though most thiu-s m heaven and earth have had to "bear our question," m a sceptical age which takes little or nothing fur granted, Britain's absolute possession of naval supremacy
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  • 166 22 TbU moniiog looking il;.ii,-:i -b 9 I having itolen Ml from Mr > v the Commercial tJnioa Aj September last year. Mr Sinn laid' that he was it v tide, Ghrmnge-rd, irben the affair tool hi the night ot who vaa bu boj laid out bw dochw
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  • 99 22 Before Mr Justice Law I A matter iii whkh tiMpa.; tbaa Cbettt and another J U M"™ oih«.,-s wasar-.i-l.i! > Vaii Someivn slid Mr E B Livwts en-a-. Thee** ofeome property for si-< ><•<• t, was brought uti for furl ran? the Registrar's ceilifi ■V.Luv.l the sale l
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  • 36 22 Tl>. refuraf I Vt J l: W.u.l.Mi iif II rt> J«a-Mav Him pikul ot t,n ;.n.l il V ilih duty f n— tii r irttli llaeeomtpoi l l! fear, i!. i is i oecn
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  • 106 23 rat tnd h .< Offlrers dined .;i ilasl night. 1 1 si i his arrived d of Penang has d under the t pas I. mi tiii-mine month I st was l,- (>: > m ite v i! I $64,000. w Presgrave has been ap- tbe
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  • 270 23 g} <, Ton.!, w- Ami, 1 j i% Ij.'^v "o.* drums discharged from the Auchenira<' took tir* 1 m a rfl the ship. The li^litrilj till late ia the evening, out to sea and was lost s irning. [t i that a twakow was also tilt)
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  • 302 23 1-. I? mi Sri'RKM 1 Coubt. Iship Mr Justice Law expressed hii •n i..f Quhim Mohamed yesterday after- iDresae < -'Jit, m i manner which ups avlmii (it he i* a liar with amour,") was justified. He claimed ainrugaja IMlay $1,875, which bealleg-h.i-1 loot on three pikuh
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  • 1421 23 Q>"< '/«'</ a<jitnt homines notiri cttfarrmfo Übelit JUVKXAI.. "At the eleveuth hour," or at least about 11 am to-day, Tarious reputable citizens were en i,'oin^ about the Square and Collyer Qu.iy, wearing, like the immortal Mrs. Fezziwig, "a \;ist substantial smile.' TheM hippy souls were all
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  • 330 23 Three Constables Sent to Jail. The case against the three Malay policemen from Keppel Harbour Station who have to answer to charges which practically mean blackmailing vegetable-sellers and planters m the district for money, came up before Mr feoott again yesterday 'afternoon. Mr Batteoberg, I who was
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  • 81 23 A sad accident happened on the 19th June, on board tlio CrommeU m Madras Harbour, which resulted m the d^ath of Mr Alfred Viuier, the second ofieer. The deceased was luperintoßdia^ the a\%charge of cargo when a bnge girder jammel m the combing «>f the vessel, and
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  • 831 23 A Commissioner for the Straus. From Sept 13th to 17th there uillbe held iv Peradeniya Gardens, at Kandy. Ceylon, a, rubber exposition showing the growth, manufacture and disposal of rubber from the tree to the latex, and exhibits dealing with a!' senions included under these liuini
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  • 191 23 Li"ut. Edward C. Bolton, 17tk [efaatrv, U. S. A., Governor of the District of ba.\af-, Moro Proviuce P. 1., was inurdored tm ||m 16th Jane together with ;m American plaster who had accompanied him are the nip inspection lie was making, by a beathon cnie tain named
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  • Page 23 Advertisements

  • 2386 24 HARBOUR AND RIVER IMPROVEMENTS. THE GOVERNMENT POLICY. NEW TAXES TO MEET THE CHARGES. LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL Obdikab? Muting, Friday, July 6. I'KESKNT His Excellency the Gtoremot 1 fciir J«.>hu inderson, Hii Excellency the General Oftoet Coaunanding fcbe Troops Maj"r-<M'ii« ral R. InigO Jonet, C.V <>„ c.r..
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  • 346 24 ASSOCIATION CUP. FIRST RO UND. SCO vs Dutch Tkam. These clubs met m the first tnatcli •>! the Singapore Association footliall cup last (H'enitlg ou the Esplanade, before .i good attendance. The club had a strong team out and the Dutchmen had about the best lot available. The <'!ul» won
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  • 172 24 A telegram li;i s been rweir^l m Singapore giving 1 1 to following partiru'ars r»f tlii* il-.ia-t ton. m which ii will U-* rewmwberad Mr B-tilev and Sir George Murray arw concerned. TIm 1 proxprCtUtf \s;»s i>s»j< j <l i>|| Jtllv l-tli, the «*ipi!.»l
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  • 581 24 LOCAL MOVE AGAINST THE OPIUM HABIT. Pbkb Hosi I HI. lii our issue ofl II Chis* ie by the Chinese C serious itq smoking amongst the and through subecripli hospital where tl, up the halm ire takeu ii medically treated To obtain details o) tative of the Sin-,,, Mr Ping
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  • 93 24 Tlm hi ill who to Ij:.> 1 i'j liouie aii'i m the Coloiimh •r t<» lie m<>r< i wtpwH/u tbe Joseph ClnilwtkMi M J' oelebnite, mJ !>■■■■ CuUHv his -•^n Mr-i will onttmiMttifltfy j«»t« ulfh l: in-. Urn l.irtl..l.iv. Mr C inn uf ige, wrf H" l "l
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  • 378 25 am "» steamer IViuz I left < folombo on Ba--1 1 t> arrive j about l pcs t'n" outward Spanish I pel from Manila and the eelona are due hen •i i 19 instant. asp oi Urn i visiting m Ibe Malay »ntlj and is due
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  • 137 25 I I RTHI I I*A J i 1 i< I LARS. \y o( British troops ffM BMUwlußg II .>n«iria. live of its officers ennear to shoot piteous. < l it« the villagers tosurround nt deprive them of their gUSMMI 4 tlif I— wlillian, Dvai<'X>ns. U oSoOTI
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  • 47 25 3. V. a k. a R .i» nu Sund.iv moming d ..t" the K. <J. A. team, l>ut The -_f line was m good •ted, md iv the result the c bare marg|n of a single t.p resented by Llojd J Ni-»l WaiTT, Btockwell I
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  • 964 25 London, 15 June. I had t'verv intention of tellin" you how I ITS ■peal Whitsuntide, motoring all over Anglesey and vi>itin_r the romantic castles of Beaumarii nu\ Carnanron m the most glorious rammer weather. It ia indeed a treat for the jaded j Londoner to stand m
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  • 685 25 The following acapa of information will probably be found interesting, m view of Saturday's announcement. well-known local pilot probably now sadly regrets those forty shares which he sold out recently at §500. lie would bo $8,000 better j off to-day. It Is interesting to
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  • 138 25 PUTTING IN THE BROKER." Last week a Chinaman obtained a distress warrant against a man who owed him money and the bailiff and an ex-lawyer's clerk went out to Kallang to sei/.e the debtor's pi^s. The debtor had however got wind of the expected visit and with his coolies was
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  • 25 25 The Chinaman who wat m c'large of the twakow of naphtha which expl »dfd whilst anchored oft" Tangong lt'i'i eann>l be fouuJ l\ the Polios.
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  • 1048 25 The New Vnlcanology A Game Clock Ant Agriculture What Is ;i CM Bui Fruit— A Decorative Metal- Singular Transference of Energy The Twentieth Century Engine A Bivalve j' The mystery of volcanoes is being gradually cleared up by the investigations of radioactivity, if the conclusions of Major C
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  • 1047 26 [From our o'vn Correspondent.! Peuang, July 3rd The Municipal Presidency. At the meeting of the Municipal Commissioners on Friday last i letter from toe Governor was read refusing to accede t«> the request <>f Mr J. W. Hallifax, President of the Municipality, for an increase m his salary
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  • 648 26 I spent the week-end m Kedah arfd was much impressed at the progress which i«* being made m the little state. The opposition to the new regiwu so successfully inaugurated by Mr Hart h;is quite i died out. It was led at iirst. by a relative of the Sultan,
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  • 258 26 The exlraordiuarv blittdneu of the Singapore merchants to the interests of the p«»rt, can only he paralleled by the case of those who per- littently oppoee the improvemeat of theshippiiig facilities at Aden. The dock equipment of the port is old -fashioned and iucouvenieni and the charges
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  • 89 26 THE AGRI-HORTICULTURAL SHOW. la connect iou with tin 4^ri-Horti«ultural Show exhibiioi-s of bortet&nd d«i^i nn* reminded tliat etttriec close on July 28, l»ur entriei for all other MofioM on Aiigusi BihilHta IU agricultural pTildlKK, Mock unH Jairv produ e, naiivo indaxtrien, »i(iieiilt4inil implemnnf^ an«! uiiM'^ll iiieous will noi liq jv.-
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  • 734 26 Vrnied with a card of introduction from Mr Tauaka, H. I. J. Majesty's Consul, it was BOi b matter of difficulty to visit the cruiser Hj» hidate, flagship of the Japanese training squadron, king far out iu the mauo* war anchorage The journey i*
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  • 138 26 FREEMASON RY. At the anuual installation meet iiii; «>t tim IXiih«>usie Royal Arch Chapter hist evening it was announced tliat a Supreme Grand Chapter had been sanctioned for the Struts, with the J)istrict Graud Master, the Hun \V. .1. Napier, as Ghnand Superintendent. He was preasMl and announced the formation
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  • 121 26 LANG EN RUBBER AND COCONUT CO. The procpaotui of tliis eampamy luu ii«»vr been iMiied. Capital f1175.000 iv fl£so, <4 wlii.-h -k>o A tbttret out of 540 are boh <>fi'»-iv,|. I 0 B shares are issued to 1 1 \«'ii.l.,rs us fall* paid. l)'»«*ctoi>», Noel Binglev, A •I*' V«»w, (Java)
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  • 480 26 CEYLON IN THE MALAY STATES. Nor,. N v El Tlw if* tbiag U Hag if'- KLjii- i rubber- ;nd for raM ft rtmg b i 1<; tnita of rubb r bo tbe iiae Su: m KW m beeriejg ;md i«- t yoanger clearing*, i Line for tbree eulei gong fcbead
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  • 79 26 TWfWtotan#ftl» luttrated Weekly" an;, 1. ,-m ol Mr Wiili--.... I work In- Invasion ..fl' odiiut of the Siege «j I chapter, by hTW. Wikj* This vivil ;tiid raw»i-IMI au IWIIJH s,>ns:ui..u m I have beM mW am.-i' eormpAodMflt *Wi i fa proUt^le dfecl ibroid. 1
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  • 26 26 |„if:i.-llllli^. m- Ktsi^ter, m IT«« O«ri«K la fcW> I (il.«.lsi..iw. klaa H-" 11 >,,,.r.,;i.ti of m- |Vi f ,,,l liM if II- I
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  • 2457 27 'Joi Pahah it b sleep. t h iitua d kii I X tin nst tl I me may I r m i !'i p.* 1 i i, <i be hu rbour oi Singain seas* v* an a~}» i( residents have j o f
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  • 244 27 In t lie Supreme Court this morning, before Mr. Justice Law, a good deal of argument upon points of law was heard from If r. VanSoineren and Mr. Koek m the part-heaid ease Saminathan Cbetty v. Isaac Raphael Belilios, concerning the question of the sale of property
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  • 69 27 Cbolera bat claimed another rietUnitfl Bingkok, tbe death baring occurred ii)wi<* <t Mr Herbert Drewitt, manager of llm Um^kok Dock Ct»inpuiy, Ltd. Tm deceased geuileumii liiiilt'i from Bristol and li«ul only boeii iv tha Siamese city for about five montlis. l]<* was ou'v lifll of ii I^'", and 1
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  • 578 27 "Gentlemen, to nla their wearied Mtafti l.y h .I?--; i .-tiiut'S p*aje ;;t .t.'ij.-~-', iL<- astronomer's game, ar<l the pillosopbeVl whk-h irhettM thvr v.' tes, res I t'->-yr minds, and hnrti n^ body in the netn season." All should be addieaai I totibi Chr-^ Editor, r Singapore
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  • 415 28 Ton s age of Bach Nation. We have made a careful compilation of the api ffereni nationalities entering the p ort pore d i the month of June Uiat has just spired This bI eni she.- the number and ton- r mereani resteh orer fifty tons mddoesnoi
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  • 153 28 The Bench (Joint was \esterda\ occupied itith another chapter of the Kelantan cattle »a>eaud at its close lir H. A. Crane, auctioneer, informed the Court that he had sold the cattle hy auction bat when the purchasers went for *bern the people m charge at the Municipal
    153 words
  • 200 28 A 4 free and easy smoker was lieKl at the Police Balmi last night to bid farewell to Chief bwpectof Black who retires from the Straits *\>liee after over twenty years 1 meritorious erviee. Col. LVunefather, [.0.P., was m the Chair and was supported by
    200 words
  • 327 28 The following report of the directors, dated Singapore. 4th July, 1906, will be considered at the ordinary meeting on July l±h, at noon.— Your Directors ii«>w submit the accounts for the half-Tear ended 31st March last, being the second half of the business year 1905 1906. The
    327 words
  • 233 28 ADMIRAL SHIMAMURA VISITS HIS EXCELLENCY. i This morning Rear- Admiral Shimamura commanding the Japanese training ship squadron which arrived m port from Australia yesterday, landed m his official capacity and visited His Excellency the Governor. There were not many present at Johnston's Pier to greet him but a half company
    233 words
  • 251 28 At the las I meeting of the Penang Municii p.ilitv, Mr Ha) lif ax read a letter from the 1 Acting Colonial Secretary m which he said 11. E. t he Governor was unable to see his way to re-appoint Mr Hallifax President for six
    251 words
  • 101 28 On July 4, Inspector Hait with a party of constables raided a hot m the jungle off Alexandra-rd. and arrested a one-legge 1 Chinaman m the act of making spurious dollars. The house was securely barred and the Inspector had to break his way m and m
    101 words
  • 899 28 THE STORY OF DICKENS'S DEATH. The story of Charles Dickens i death has often been told, but never so pathetically as m the June number of the "Pall Mall Mn-a/in- There Mis Perugioi, the novelist*! younger daughter, takes up her pen to disp se of several foolish theories which have
    899 words
  • 172 28 An amusing story is (old of how tbe late Mr R. outmatched an Australian Premier m connection with bis scheme for a universal I penny post. Nol long tjpo, comparatively speaking, Iffr Seddon established m New Zealand the system of universal penny postage. Every country io
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  • 30 28 The large portrait of Mr \V. Efanpeam, M.A., pretested u> the IVnang Free School i few months a^*>, lius been stolen (torn its plant m the school, during the holidays.
    30 words
  • 284 28 The Mail brings r.m the death of Uii tlj.- < Ihineae < i Hallid s\ U sell, r to tin* < Jhi su«l lei lea X i only tii Bioßthi dist ingui ii< matic meal i miles from I parochial school Em 1 mod au«l
    284 words
  • 211 28 Mr Kvan of Ceylon, *bo i\.- to them i. coming rubber exbil m September, retui ila ;in«l leaws lor Ceyl ■peaki enthn«ia«tic4.llj I I rtviveJ m the Stales, and very«.;iral>k' ÜBpraeionof I Our of the chief p ordinal ilv g iod growtL of trees
    211 words
  • 69 28 HwwilUmslmm proved toa Suiitb. i t WTarn i ptrtatr m t li -L «d B ntt' of Smith, r.ivji last iged .m'Wii 1 j Keren, Ui beiog ei2fi,765 Otberl ■on m Hi*- gnwip »f origio m tl I f buKioew of Tl I.Bm 174»O, Imvt' I» ''it \hom
    69 words
  • 19 28 Mr mi 4 Un ten led pw*pti n r B (OMH Aun.nt. >!;:»'•' JjpMMweTmNMftft SquaOi il.ivo.,ral.lnuMtl»«-« tl 1
    19 words

  • 594 29 squadron bade fan afternoon and left the rain squall j Mela m port to of junks got mer Zieten, which Ight f ..n Chaise c of 1 fr» .in risil to iiy bad .i < Thinaman Court for tres] the Canning. A fine <>f 810 D
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  • 14 29 Minin-Cu. Ud^ For June \*h Muuag Ca Lt.l For .lane Hi
    14 words
  • Correspondence.
    • 184 29 "HOKOUB J<» WHOM HOIfOUB. is DUE.* 1 I i iii. KOITOR. Dbab Sib, I would like to put you right about the origin of the Tanjong Pagar Docks. Fhe gentlemen whose names you mentioned on Sitt m .lay cauie upon the Mene only after the idea had
      184 words
  • 218 29 A JOUHg Javanese went to the Arab-st Mosque on Friday ostensibly to pray but the word should be spelt with an "a" for he lurked round near where the Mohammedan mendicants sat awaiting alms. Apparently he got his opportunity when old Mohammedan named Abdullah, a cripple, began
    218 words
  • 208 29 A Singaporean at liome, who must now be rejoicing over his few hundred Tanjong Pagar shares, sends the Editor a copy of the tirst 1 issue of P. T. Mr T. I*. O'Connor's new weekly, issued as s result of his retirement from any connection with M.
    208 words
  • 115 29 B*miatbttii, a Kliog milkmao, was before Mr Michel! tins BHMTDUIg for selling adulterated milk and a nice little story was told about him. It appeared that on June 25 Inspector Glass met him at IVojoOg P*g*T and took some of hiK milk, which on analysis proved to
    115 words
  • 94 29 Wk (tkaham's Cup Competition. The bowls cup presented by Mr James Graham was competed for on the 4th, 6th and 7th of this month. There was 32 entries and the leading ©cores were as tollows. R T. Reid 771 plus 124 W A. H. Wither* S51 plus 0
    94 words
  • 47 29 Tlie Ladies' .July medal was played yesterday al'r**fiio«u>. ScOTrti: \lrs. Qaaakwec s(> J\' Vrs. I'eir.-,- jl 4; Mis. MN-ir g Mis, Sinhh 1L 2 Mn s ott Ku—ll 12 JJ Mrs. s. s Walker t)O Mrs. Lmml H Miff I' aUo played Iwtretamednc
    47 words
  • 22 29 A CNimwu h»« foued il an expeßair© j«t j tAtipn puKonman fo| ynst^nl.ty he w« iaeo sl'*> for tfiting ii constable 11.
    22 words
  • 476 29 The usual quarterly nutting of the Licensing Justices was held at tlie Police Court yesterday afternoon, and there were present, besides tli^ Preti&nt Mr AY C. ICichell, Messrs Bailey and Macbean. Mr W. A. Cutcaden, C. I. O. and Licensing officer was also present. Mr Keu«' Lowell represented
    476 words
  • 260 29 I The .lulv Monthly Medal was played for on Saturday and Sunday, 7th and Bth. Abundance ot water on the course reudered the game more than usually difficult to many. There were 40 entries and *2t> members returned cards. The Medal was won by Mr Jollie with
    260 words
  • 100 29 One Chinaman charged another before Mr Coiniau this morning with stealing a dog valued at $50 from him. The owner of the dog said it was a very valuable one and added that he had l>een tiued three limes for import- utg it into Malacca so its
    100 words
  • 45 29 According to the Aineric m Consul at Viennit a Hungtriiu cheniit li ts perfected a prjceu by which huge •ptiotl lenses, formerly costing i £850, and taking several yens to mftkft, cau 1 now be turned OUC m a few weeks at v c^st Uj
    45 words
  • 944 29 At (ha age of I<M- a captain m iudian Army lias just died, baring drawn half-pay fet seventy-seven years. The Mitsu Hislii Dockyard at N <-'»- has decided to construct another floating-dock, to accommodate Bteamffffl of 1 1 ,<m<» tone, for Kbbs. The new floating-dock is
    944 words

  • 1400 30 Tli*' first of the Association Cup matches played on the Esplanade ground last Thursday, <li<l doI attract a very large attendance though 4ln were present saw a decided!) interesting game. Tin Dul :h team, which with ihmen 1 1!!-- spirit entered the competition, had to ■Met the S.
    1,400 words
  • 571 30 V.MI.A. Beatbn bt EGA. On the Esplanade yesterday evening the V.M.C.A. met the B.G.A. iv the second tie for the Association Cup, but the morning's lieavy rain bad bo wetted the ground that the game I degenerated into a general scramble for the lull. Tlu
    571 words
  • 117 30 We have received from the Revenue department of the Government of Burma a copy of the regulations iv force there regard to the granting and leasing of lands for the cultivation of rubber. A further chapter of the Kelantan Oatde C\ise, iv which a Kling named Mooua Pathu is
    117 words
  • 1019 30 MALAY WIDOW AND "LANDAU'S LAWS" A Trial With Utterestikg Pbati i yesterday afternoon iv ilu* Supreme Court the bearing was continued of the claim bi by the old Malay 1 idy Nai Tahadjah binte Bai to share m the extensive estate of the I Haji Osmao, upon the ground that
    1,019 words
  • 171 30 Aii cdi ri th and the h paeaengi r§ out t Micbell this mo I mini], t". Su. without a licence. who pffosecuh chartered ♦nun |[< v bj the defend tnt i dock J)< wejr, wim--sevenj. ston's Pier. 0 K;unpn, iL r <;',,. h ((1 that
    171 words
  • 157 30 The report for 1905 of tin taer Bend states ilj.m j.v i,. June the total }».ii«l i:i w.«j The engapeuieuU were 1:>I a* U«, r.*U-4, Init i lie Hum Mount* I S rOiUu c. <1 with s:> 453 57 perfonaaacoi w.-iv tailing off m lubf m
    157 words
  • 51 30 out mishap. Mr Will ur, tin An.. kitnllj infuraN u> tkmH \m to thA rtr-vt t|j:it (Jk -I -it 1! w ii ielivwted ;n its pin.*- v ]iv Morning. 11 <l;i\"s ■«<] L 8 houri im Hw pore, thus J.riimiiii U I tan most ivnmrkiil»l»* tow.-
    51 words
  • 58 30 Af the Ik. lf vv;\ ij ■ciberi ..fth.' Dahil A l« ni-ht at !k-|,,!. bouse, B following were Mipoti ''-1 jrear ending 3Ul I> oember S. A. Banthui; Vi-- i KottBeeraUrf II M Uh I A. Mfaa; 'Committee Ab.lullah.A M P«t»H s I.. A. Hibmau The ■mmbera
    58 words
  • 75 30 Here i* si suggestive note I i a Kofi loom British School Tli«'i seems mch U tli"> 1 1, V whm for Be •tii>li U routine id I w«'i Ix A h" girls ii!\ mpoitant tli-it ii'-tij-vj di •tcrtev will. He »<•-. Hit -r»» is irlmps i lin M
    75 words

  • 65 31 {From our o~jl)i Correspondent.) y I SHIPPING ACCIDENTS UP NORTH. Hongkong Rec. July \i, 3 mi H. If. 8. Alacrity has been .v collision with the si earner Chinkiang off the north ea»t pr<»--e nt. n!.-i v an<l has sustained dania^« to her lx>\v>;Tb« sfHijmer Athenian C(»lli«le«l with
    65 words

  • 141 32 (July, llj Tin buyers S St. Gambier buyers 7.1*. do. Oube No. 1 11.25 do. do. No. 2 Io 25 Pepper, Black (ordinary 8poi« buyers 2037| do. Wdite, (Fbir L. W. 6 p.. 27.87J Natme^s 110 to the lh.» 31.50 do. HO to tv« a. i 52 Maoe (cJaqcUi
    141 words
  • 426 32 MIXES. Capital Capital Issue Paid Issued paid up Value up Company. Quctut $135,000 11(MVM) 1 <( 1" Ber»ii wall Gold M. Co. Ltd $40,000 1" Mi Do Do (DeiV $600,000 6UO.OO0 10 10 Bnmh Hydraulic Tin M. Co. U I $200,000 o 0o0no 10 10 Kadana Gold M. Co.
    426 words
  • Page 32 Advertisements
      90 words
    • 7 32 DYSENTERY AND DIARRHOEA. ti Miss Beoir*, «;i.-''-
      7 words
  • Page 32 Miscellaneous
    • 789 32 FASSKN'iEKS AKK1VKD. Per Lindula From Rangoon llessn Pi MCI, Zoomkarala, T A. Kadir, Bozwhowoki, Bibbing, Pen Mway, Si Ghow, beoog Foot K»-\ Bocl Si :i Han Seng, L'?e Li Googori Hurakhow, Mrs Jordon. From Penally Mr A. C. Jackson and lervt July 5.— -Per Bajafa of Sarawak: Messrs Shaw, Pawle.
      789 words
    • 531 32 Hel>e. Brit str. Inkster, for Penang and Deli. Resident Sehirr, Dut str. Sudin, for Khio. Malacca, Brit, str., Ols^n. for Port Swetfenham ports. July 8. Isabella; Dut. str, Chote, for Singkep ria ports. Ban Liong, Dut. str.. Winters, for Cotie via ports Cachar, Proh Btr., Orespel i'or Saigon. Babalan, Dut
      531 words
    • 389 32 VESSELS IN P 0 R T~ *s Mcn-of-Var Flag and Tons Commanders Arrived From Sea MW CoLjBt.,500 Murphy .1 :iy V- ssels FIa*s Tons Master Arrived m Aj;:\ Brit4478 Batt July 1 1 fokohmu AJtixig Dut 704 K< uykman July s B'j AJala Brit 2040 Farmer Jm>- I Anchencrmg Brit
      389 words