The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 5 July 1906

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 168 1 l lam i i Market* i i- 2 'i '2 I I I' J. 2 ib Oasasajs 2 I ..i i a-u 2 d 2 j Railway Y\i >-m n Book :>, Day N Revolt :> v au Haakropftcj V tt< .*> I •_s Built ii \H ••rti.i.d i\
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  • Domestic Occurrences.
    • 71 1 D'UULAXOM. On June Ist, at Hall Place, ii .ley. Kent, Baroness Emile i/Erlanger, ol 8 sou. Henry. At Kuula Lumpur, oa June 26th, the wife of W. Henry, P.W.D., of a >on. At the Grove Hotel, Tanjong Katong, on June iMtli, the wife of Thos. H. Bath, Kuantan, of
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    • 18 1 Thornk. On May 31st. Cornelius Thorne. formerly of Shanghai, China, late of Sideiip, Kent, aged 78 years.
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  • 473 1 llt\z shaJi thr Press the People's rijht rnainU n, i'nawe-d by ir.luenr* and ki. bribed by gala; SsCM p*tri*t IY»th her glorious precepts rfraw, '/.d*.et! it Rrliaion. Loyalty ani Law. June 27. Ouk readers will recollect the quotation, m this journal, of
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  • 890 1 June 28. Mr Holt Schooliuu, who \m facile princeps among trade statisticians, is a sturdy ally of the cause of tariff reform. Not long ago he had a series of able articles m the Pall Mall Gazette, beautifully illustrated by graphic statistical diagrams, dealing with
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 200 1 Singapore Free Pram weekly to th* Straits by any .»t' the Mad tothe Manager the urn and data as* arrival m SingaII tbea Kj mailed to meet tfcem at .11. 1 i i.: 11 detailei iafor- sic* a<-. ian basro a »•■»]> ol Frsnor 1 ti *»<i to tbeai aeakl).
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    • 36 1 HOEGS. Anti-Corrosive Composition. A nti- Fouling Composition. Boot-Topping Paint. Used constantly with greatest success by steatrers and sailing ships of all nations. For sub-agencies apply to:— He -CHAEFER ®> Co., SOLE AGBNT& Mar 1 »I L 3-"7
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 492 1 THE WEEK. Europe mails of June 8 were brought on Saturday by the B. I. Thongwa, and the M. M. A. Behic, which arrived on Monday, carried advices to June 9th. This week's homeward mail is taken to-day by the P. and O. Arcadia. The Hon. .1. Anderson enquired at
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  • 233 2 Tnni is still some uncertainty, even m journalistic circles at home, as to the whereabouts of Singapore. We should have thought that the Russian Beet of K.-zhdestveuskv had settled that long ago, even to the dullest of readers. But it seems that that is not yet
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  • 385 2 Yksteriuy a private telegram was received m Singapore by a gentleman who was prominently associated with the Tanjong Fagar Arbitration proceedings iv Siugapore to the effect that the Umpire (who was Sir Michael. Hicks ISeacii, now Lord St Aldwyn) stated that the award of the Arbitrators would
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  • 265 2 June 29. Bteutuodt m the Straits will be pleased to note that the birthday honour that has come j to this Colony, has fallen on so very worthy a recipient, and on so popular a man as Mr G. S. Mikray. For nearly nineteen years past he
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  • 1000 2 June 30. Now that the President of the United States has determined on the prosecution of the Standard Oil Company, we await the opening of a veritable battle of the giants. The President has behind him the resources of the Federal Exchequer, while the cause of
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  • 370 2 The annual report of the auditors of th.* Siugapore Municipality is issued m the Gazette. The assessment increase of 1005 over IMM UM $140,527, which ia far above what might have been expected from an increase of one per cent m the rates. So far satisfactory. Dut it
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  • 432 2 July 2. a There can be little doubt, we think, that the savage assault by Egyptian Moslem villagers upon a small party of British osneers Ottf pigeon-shooting not Ear from Cairo was inspired by the local agitation that wis connected with the Sinai Peninsula difficult} The more
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  • 189 2 Tm. present Route of Commaus, whi h lucks mvh the dt»tin*fi«n it* predecessors. owiugiothe iriu.>t(ou i.i auntbar "I new men o. com aant Iv mail i taumctuaJ dture, is eery li the loss id that Lawsov, al tin not much muter ball m Linen pnarance m Parli
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  • 438 2 It is represented tons I for extreme regret th m Singapore a Ratepayer* A the instances iv which ruches or; could be of raluaU public are numerous. Ihe glaring, so it is urged, ing of supplementary I 1906. Exception is hums hi hn particular. In the
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  • 196 3 ns ti of a shocking railway to an I merican line I m Plymouth. This an ition of the from New lurk, most of althy American tourists q The arable feature i> the exceptional I, for of .i total ol •era 24 were killed on the
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  • 390 3 July a rnaeent of Egypt, the Editor ipt, with thanks of a copy a a Mission to Europe, 1905 Flos eu, Director of the '•■v den** at tiizi, near Cairo. Mr Floweu, who is a son of the late 1 ►was if the British
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  • 397 3 Those who have frequently occasion to consult that excellent Compendium of political and geographical information "The Statesman's Year Book." which only came to hand 1 ist mail, would notice one remarkable new departure iv the subject-distribution of that work. Up till this year the book might have
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  • 691 3 duly 4. To- DAT, Independence Day, we congratulate our fellow-residents who owe fealty to the M Stars and Stripes," on the happy recurrence of their national anniversary. Year by year the good feeling between the United States and Britain continues to increase, and there is n growing readiness
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  • 512 3 A little while ago aud it was supposed Lhat the Natal revolt after Bambaatas' death was flickering out. To-day it seems to be blazing more dangerously than ever and the telegrams speak of severe lighting, which m a country with plenty of dense cover moaus warfare under
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  • 684 3 Choked by thousands of the follow* I Mohamed, Arab and Malay, v. as the somewhat dull and dreary >ne.-* where tbe wl en ler minaret of the Mesjid -o: from amid i row of mean-looking native dwellings, ram- were the portals and approaches t house of
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  • 219 3 The 95th Pegt. played the Club last night, j and a fast and even game resulted. The Club were a man short, but were lent a substitute, who proved useful on occasion, and once had j quite a run to himself. I Playing from the s-ea end the Club
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  • 125 3 The Penang Commissioners have been invited l»y Government to consider whether hi ell future ippoint inputs the rule of salaries feboul i ie fixe t 2 Ito the dollar and not 2 us m the n cent case of Mr Marsh, Assistant clv:.: imil Secrotarv. Tlie Karens of Burma uav
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  • 916 4 [nepeotor Gordon, who joined the Sin, g Police m 1882 from one of the English For es, have- for home I i-day on six months j furl annual manoeuvres will take place B thsome time, and three hundred of lb Malay States Guides will come to
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  • 541 4 MURDER AND BLACKMAIL FOR ITS OBJECT. Eight Executions. News has arrived from Sarawak of serious j trouble m that State with an influential and wide-spread Chinese Secret Society, which seems to have assumed a very menacing aspect, and to have been as promptly attacked by the
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  • 181 4 The Autouiobilists of Ipoh held a very sue- cessful race meeting on June *Ji morning at Kampong Capuiong. The course was the one mile stretch on the Ipoh side of Kampong i Ka pa long village. The oars were run m two classes, lb' Horse Power and o*
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  • 37 4 The result of theS. B. E. V. Monthly Shoot held on Saturday was as follows Sapr Hardin- 84 nloa o,<f Sapr Craik 77 plus 2o !>7 Corpl Covcney plus 5 si
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  • 52 4 The Governor of Erythree (the Italian Ked Sea colonies) is visiting Emperor Menelik of Abyssinia with special 1 onours. It pleasant to road of this cordial nutting after the bitter menu.ries of the battle of Adowa ten years ago. when the Italian troops were so terribly cut up by the
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  • 1462 4 The Sydney Daily Telegraph recently had an interview with afr Warnford Lock on the subject of Chinese labour m Malaya. While old residents m the F.M.S. will probably not endorse all afr Lock's statements, his views, representing some years' experience of this great tin-producing country, will,
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  • 139 4 Count ri ing sir A P. A is wall known her.' not oah nectiou uilh our local eontei as the able chef m the Philharmonic Orel Times has this ret Advices by the Sin spore mail i Mr A. P. Ager (formerly of th paper) is
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  • 63 4 The Koala I unpurßi bus l»een formed, with tl shares, boa* ml State of Bul properties, comprising f: a nVtntun. has ana ti pained Wtth "1 are 1. the vTardmlmtfi, baeauiir* sual is plant d with whl bal 1411 I rear. A further 1 am evnile!4s foe
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  • 24 4 llr Amen livin i M a Beturdav night stole a rug from tl living m Oxley-rd. repel from a thief wfa sppr i chaiai.
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  • 1149 5 PITIABLE PLIGHT OF THE LOWER MIDDLE CLASSES. Thammnothing new* m the fact that the <yper, the clerk, and the struggling r «eper, who may be takeu an wer middle class, are b. For long they have been md municipal outlaws. heed to them, and every ■tnnmuthenito be lair game for
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  • 202 5 From Canada we United Service Gazette) j learn that Sir Charles Rose, the inventor of the new Rose rifle, is at present engaged m conduct- ing a series of experiments with a new cartridge, which is intended for use with his new rifle. The j new cartridge
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  • 88 5 Api'eai. and Cnons Appkajl. Mr \V. J. Napier appeared m the Supreme Court this morning before Air Justice Fisher and asked his lordship sitting as a Court of i Appeal,' 1 for leave to cross-appeal to Privy 1 Council m the bankruptcy matter of Khoo Syn
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  • 385 5 H. Bl S. Diadem is not going home she is to tiuish her commission on tbe China station. On the 25th inst. she was go to Japan for i three mouths 1 visit. On the arrival of the steamer Fortunafus i here, a passeuger from Australia named Hermann Home was
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  • 1328 5 Compared with other football "disclosures'" the recent enquiry into the affairs of Mancbnster City reveals abnormal malpractices, if mm may judge by the sentences. Briefly the Club is fined 4250, the Chairman secretary j and manager are suspended for life from taking J any part m football management
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  • 313 5 Ruonr Platers v.. "Soccer" Mkv. Yesterday evening on the Explanad-» the Club Ist XI. played the Rugby footballers at Association and an interesting game resulted, the Rugby men showing very creditable form, though now and then there was evident inclination to tickle an opponent round the waist or
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  • 173 5 Thi: Association Ccp Commit: f» I A meeting of this Committee was held *ast evening, Mr. Scoular m the chair. The fo '.lowing teams were represented Sherwoods, R.O A S C. C, Y. M. C. A., the Dutch team, W iruern, and S. R. C. All have entered a
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  • 202 5 I Harmston's Circus has finished its season iv Penang aud has gone to Deli. Air C. E. S. Baxendale, resident manager of the Jugra Estate Ltd., writes to the Malay Mail H as follows 'As some confusion has arisen through thu similarity of the title selected by the director* of
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  • 836 6 Six Ceylon jungle fowls have been purchased at Xewira Eliya too to the Straits. Twentvfive rupees was the The Dewey left f r Manila towed by the tugs Brutus aud C sar y. sterday afternoon at 3 30. The Ir! a :ii r and Wompatuck accompanied
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  • 254 6 Sir George B. Murray. The Sultan of Selangor, K.C.M.G. Mr Oliver Marks, private secretary to 11. E. the Gove; nor, forwards with the Governor's compliments a copy of a telegram, dune 28th, 1 90t>, rending. Birthday Honours. From The Secretary of State for the Colonies, Lond« m. To
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  • 268 6 Mr. Justice A. G. Law m the Supreme Court yesterday afternoon was occupied m solving a problem presented by a Chinese building claim. SeoGooTan, luu Kee and Tau Chee sued George Anthony Pernandez, an architect aud surveyor, for a sum oi $1,\!00 balance due ou
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  • 249 6 A HIGH OFFICIAL." This morning before Mr Qolni&n an American named Alexander Gillan was charge<l wiJi being drunk and disorderly m Northoridge-rd and assaulting a rikisha coolie after refusing to pay bim his tare. Inspector Nolau informed the Court that accused was very disorderly when he was brought to the
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  • 115 6 I John Roberta, after an exciting gitne, h**nt Diggle m ihe great farewell m neb. j 'one tl ii** the Maticheater player l'.o m. 18,000 teDiguVs 17,394. hurta/ the fi.ial evening Roberta madn .t break ot Irlo. A scheme has lioen formulate<i to \h» amalgamation of the brew^riex of t
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  • 1499 6 As part of the celebrations connected with the 50th anniversary of the founding of the a private dinner party srd -'ance WUS given last night. A newspaper m German, f 0 f interesting topical matter, has also been d. and from it we are permitted to translation
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  • 92 6 i etion with tl into a free port and M South Ismmhurian Rai it ited lhat the fl reriuneot mauta to impro% the jett additional ehim>ing facil mpeuditum is esUumn \j;^ Neill, an Beronaui M ,mimi lune7 Horn i audciog an aaceut at l« store,, n aCCfoVnl OCCII iWssult that
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  • 262 7 i 1 th* if I I the Mr .1. i.e. the fpoh I De X I illy n Kil to, I ir. i of t >i set I i board a const* i was much itniu > I nark i some of the n One w
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  • 471 7 1 meeting of this Board wash Jjf imc,# P pni a yesterdaj afteruo Broadrick presidii g 1 1 V>\ 11 ol- KengL< j. \v. B. hi Bail y, J. Polglase (Seen tan w (\ast. Engine tr). Hinuti lia meeting whi ulated wi re 1 ua read and p
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  • 187 7 Tbe prospectus id this local company, with I il of $250,000 m £10 shares has been issued, the directors be iv g Messrs van de Stadt, C. L. Gibson, E. Scott Russell, G. A. Derrick, and A. I>. Allau. Tlie company is formed to take over from
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  • 30 7 We have the pleasure of acknowledging the underuoted further subscriptions Already received $140. \V. L K. S 10 F. il. D. W 8. B. 10 Total *rl
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  • 48 7 *"»»m> dollab rinn. ft fore Mr Michel! yesterday a batch of sil milkmen were dealt with for having added water t-» their milk. One, a repeated offender, waa fined $500 or three months m jail \shil>t Lheotbers were fined sums ranging up to $75.
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  • 16 7 fjettera Patent have been issued appointing <'.;.' Arthur Hindeison foung, i w.0., to be Coiouial S cretary.
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  • 1251 7 Q luidagunt homines nostri Ju\. i. ally there has been one r i"" the eek which lio s overs] li I th t, as eveyb ly knows, w rati nof 'lie Teutoni i Club. to h i rat ion of costumes for ti' itself, that waa
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  • 659 7 Sup. Capt. 0. C. Niven, n. o. a., (formerly of Siugapore) is promoted C plain. Tuis officer has been stationed lately st Barry as adjutant to the Ist Forfarshire Artillery Vols. The steamer Rhipeus has arrived herefrom Sai 'onwith a'cargoof rice for Liverpool. The Kb i peu s is one
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  • 1110 8 Oki>inaky Mketino, FuMDAT, June lit*. Pnueunr Hi- Ezeelleney the Qoveruor Btr John Anderson. K.C." Hi- i. be General Officer Commanding the '1: l»Major-G U'-ra! InigO Jones, C.V 0.. C.i;. The Doa'bta tbe Colonial Secretary Capt A 11. Young. act attorney-Oenl. J. R. lime.-. Lct.CoLTressnrerJ.O.Anthonlss. t act. Anditor-QeoenJ AT.
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  • 160 8 'idie uukiud weather yesterday had some effect ou the members at the Third Children's Concert iv the Town Hall last evening, but there was a very fair attendance of the children aud their parents. The programme was so appreciated that several encores were asked for, aud the little
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  • 320 8 Last night a number of the friends of Mr F. 0. Woodford met at the Warden* Concert Hall which was very tastefully got up for the occasion, at a smoker given by his brother warders iv his honour on the eve of his departure for Colombo and
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  • 164 8 Chan Ah Pooh who has brought a claim m the Supreme Court against Wong Mau Poh and others for WOO damages for the burning of his house, also claims slot) m three $50 notes. This money he says was hidden m the roof at the time of
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  • 35 8 The French steamer Breiez Irani has arrived here from New York with 163,460 cases of petroleum for Amoy. The B. I. steamer Thongwa from Madras this morning brought down a consignment of cattle for Singapore.
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  • 1618 8 (Fkom Our Special Correspondent). London, June 1. International Athletics. Year by year international athletic competition assumes greater imp. -l'tance and the outlook for tbe coming season is particularly bright. A very interesting struggle was seen between the representatives of the Racing Club do France and the
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  • 192 8 Iv the Supreme Court this mora R. W. Braddell, moved before Mr Fisher that an order made In Mr Thornton on Dec 19 i r the I Yonir Soon and Beau Bmm C ed, aud the bonds entered iut< be cancelled. The ground on order was made was that
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  • 3532 9 I rVmu.) I aershuwas nwrahed upou j burly 1" iking s .man, I I rella little np Hospital alone, nil i. Nt lue I i ih 1 fi ITS OU and I -ie■lig rl be m se eing p rhaps be h istily down on ime
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  • 247 9 An interesting, and at the same time weird" rehash of a little fact aud much fiction appears m a London morning newspaper When, it says, the young Sultan of Johore can make up his mind to flee the delights of this country and return to his own,
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  • 133 9 lii consequence of information received the police have been taking considerable precautions to secure the safety of the Chinese Prin c Tai-tse, while m Singapore. Supt. Cuscaden m plain clothes rode with him m his carri i;.-. Inspector Tyrrell followed m Capt Stock 's gig and a number of police
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  • 793 10 A cement pavemeul i g put down under the t J ihnnton's Pier. imer Ellerbek has arrived Island with a cargo of phosphate. Iv the visit of the Chinese Com mi- v g 8 to-day. G. Maxwel ppointed ral Pen;: ted that .o pr paring i
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  • 424 10 AnnrvAi Lt SnrroAPonn. By the Fn nch M ril steamer Armand Behic fi m Europe this nooning, there arrived the members of the Chiuese Travelling Commission who are now homeward bound. The head of the mission is His Grace the Prince Tsai-Tse with B E. SI ar,
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  • 427 10 The London corn spondent of the Thru ol Ceylon gays The seventh annual report of the Selai Rubl r Company, Limited, was issued ; morning (Thurs lay hand must be a satisfactory document to shareholders. As cabled to you a dividend of 20 per cent, is recommended, and
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  • 120 10 The P. O. Homeward Mail Arcadia left Hongkong at 1 pm. on Saturday and is due here at 2 pm. ou Wednesday. The Outward Mail steamer 44 Delhi" left Colombo at 11 pm. ou Saturday and may be expected to arrive here at daylight on Friday. When }lr Baring-Gould wanted
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  • 785 10 The third annh iryof the Young -den.-, Christian Association w is col brated at Zetl md House on Saturday night. The President, I Hon W. H. Shelford took the chair and after tt devotional opening Mra Balzmann rendered a song with her usual charm. Capt
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  • 197 10 A waggish occupant of the gallery m B London theatre, shouted recently to a pretty but m!- distinct lady artist 4 Dou't be nervous, my dear: it's only me!"' At another theatre one of the "gods" calleddov.n to RU actor who had jii6t finished making
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  • 46 10 i OWBI A T al t a j- int rej tO ha a al W East latl to ex and her Chh militar ;.i' r j tion, China lit le n tablish i Const itablish i d th ipn bi 8 con
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  • 162 10 Bai LLI LVT Fl Thel illiard i ti sis I'll, m 1 i H oi' will i v I who will non competitive c a iaut, v us a billiard pi n 1 bit buds, just aa Im hi more shota I more y* m tl :hl.
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  • 163 10 The Cricket Tow I all the playing aaemberi 1 play up to the pn Duited Bi n su wicket*, a; scored. Ou l" com ai cv a i had i i th- la p of I 1 a 1 1 1 i ti.- i its hV is
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  • 14 10 i I The exports nl n■• btif.tmurendina \'> uajpinel 97*J« ing period of last JUUr.
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  • 1516 11 a, but tl Onrj i foil And y a there ap ill j t in inns. Jap »n a an lud Use q artillei corps, i s anu I a rrease cm "UCare b- takr a i 7 regards t .a won n j i
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  • 1466 11 \JFrom our own < orresponacnui Dearest bxile. There was a great cron I at Grosvenor House yesterday. M Uo to the rijzbu t m bure J. hope you'll get it. 1 wa edsthus on my entrance into the big room with its long windows opening on
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  • 324 11 The Polo Club 4 at If oine Gymkhana on Saturday was a bright and pleasant little function, held on the polo ground at Tyersali, which was m fair condition, considering the rain nt tun oi the previous night aud the little rolling it gets. The afternoon was
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  • 90 11 The men's June medal was played on Sa' day afternoon. Scores. B. D. Keith U 45 89-1) r.» E. Oolmau 52 48 luo— 3o \V. (I Ellis 46 41 90— 9 Bl Messrs Ha!!. Everett, Kerr, Pursier, Bttren. Hewan, Draper, Nathan, Finlaysou and Rodess*? also
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  • 193 11 A native postman on the Gold Coast after bathing sent, says the "County Gentleman**** the following letter to his post master Dear Master, M 1 have the pleasure to regret to inform row thai when 1 go bath this morning a bill remove my trouser. Dear Muster how can go
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  • Correspondence.
    • 191 12 A Sporting Suggestion Io the Editor. Dear Sir,— As there are so many who know that the Award m the great and only Arbitration will not be more than so and so per share may I point out that I think you have missed a <*'reat opportunity
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  • 355 12 THE LATE Sir WILFRID LAWSON. Sir Wilfrid Lawson, Bait M.P., eldest son of the late fc ir Wilfrid Lawson of Aspatria, Cmnberland, and of Caroline, daughter of Sir James Graham of Netherby, was born Sept. 4. 1829, and succeeded to the title and estates on his father's death m J967.
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  • 45 12 We. mentioned the other dty Col. Maxwelle lututefueut from the Mnssnhrater Kegt. and from im Army ami Lt-. Col. Vizard's tnkiug com■naaal ot the battalion (now at Seciuide*rahad), Qspt. P. W.A. Audi rsou is prontHtferi .Mijr m succession to Major and Brev. b Uol. Vizard.
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  • 353 12 We much regret to note the death at Hamburg, on the 14th June, of Louis Andrews, late Manager of the British BombayTrading Corporation, Ltd, Rangoon. Mr L. Andrews was connected with Burma for over twenty-six years before his retirement to Germany "some'six years ago. The
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  • 1228 12 (For the Singapore Free Press). May 30th. The Beichstng has been prorogued till Nov. 13th. Lt has been a rather chequered session and while tiio Emperor was able to send a message of thanks on the passing of the financial reform bill, he bad the deep chagrin
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  • 157 12 V. M. C. A. vs The Dutch Cluh. These teams met for a practice game m view.! of the Cup ties, on the KdhTes school ground on Saturday and a fast game was seen. The Dutchmen tit first defeuded the school end aud played with determination Davies and Brock
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  • 192 12 With the object of showing a boy of twelve years what terrible things were m store for the wrong-doer, a Higugate magistrate adopted a singular course. The hoy had Ireeu brought to the court by his mother, w*ho unfolded a story of his misdeeds, and asked
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  • 543 12 Mr Chung Thve Phiu's Mine at Jriautah. near Gtopeus;, is reported to yield a moutbly profit of $10,000. M TaiU»ring seems t<» be a I<o percent, profit business," remarked Judge Bsndeu at Lambeth Couuty Court. The evidence shewed that for a suit ir.ade to measure for £8 12*. dd. a
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  • 494 12 A ramus hTum i:xa.m,.v,,.-. Ihe annual n the CTraunical Eian Bengal, is the s •mianr from the] hTospitale, Bengal, h favourable matt to Im wn effi tent nmnt The Chei at- kept busy all analysing for vari. u s p-roducts which cow i It is m
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  • 85 12 The final game i" tourninieiil was pla\ i when F. Jenuiuu^ l v'! D. 11. Dent nud V double hMi.di.-ip I rosurmd m a nmforJ v.- mat aeang I bat af amass f.dl *>«: Ommtmnknt* w at by r. ftsiiiar 1 1 t* i
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  • 14 12 »VI ck !l: ).r,,eeM, n.p .1 l» ...,-.d f.oai m mneetrd 11 about p
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  • 460 13 I with < itj last nt was I. I J. p cl ;n P T.M. i cattle al I -m 1 h, till Mai ii W ul.) I d Handful md n be remon ll id— "You I must be md. i cuer* Dab on
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  • 833 13 Widespread grief has been caused at eg the native communitiea of Bingapore tl nmrning bj the newa ot the death of 8 Mohamed Al igoff. The deceased baa ba ill tor aome tone and died early this morn i a 4 his residence, Bnkil Tunggal,
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  • 108 13 Judgmenl was given m the Supreme Court yesterday afternoon iti the claim by Yeo Ghoo lard two other Chinamen, against G. A. Forj .tide/ for $1,200 alleged to be due as the bal« an. a ou the building of a house at Tanjong Katong. There was a
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  • 105 13 The expiration ol the Hall patent for ihe manufacture of aluminum may have some effect. sa\s the Tinos. m inducing attempts to provide new source- of aupply for a metal, the growing seareiti of which is having an appreciable influence <m trades where light mechanlca! adjuncts are a necessity. The
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  • 1050 13 Judouxkt To-Dar. Considerable interest was displayed this moiuing m the Judgment which it waa notified would be given m this important land ca- The case has been heard at length by Mr Jusl and the Counsel engaged wei M< irs: Nan son, Elliott and Allen
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  • 452 13 The Saturday Review" says: An action m Ci anoerj against Mr Arthur Walter has lieen begun by some of the proprietors of parts of shares m the Times,' an I will ihortl; :ird Ifi c Warrin rton. "Tl plaintiffs co tin that, wl h liability ia
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  • 167 13 BILL COLLECTORS BEWA RE. Yesterday before Mr. Colman a Chinese bill collector was charged with criminal breach of trust m respect to §300. The story for the prosecution wrs that accused, who was employed iv a Chinese firm, was sent to another Chinese firm to jollcct n debt of $300.
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  • 146 13 A brisk crusade is being oouducte I by Inspector Maybew against milkmen who sell adulterated 1 milk. This morning before Mr Michell a Iviing milkman was fined $25 for selling as milk is mixture of buffalo aud cow milk to which 22% of water bad been added Inspector
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  • 147 13 A Sikh was charged before Mr Colnian this morning with being drunk and disorderly m Duxton-rd and assault ng the constable who arrested bim. The constable said that the defer; lard was ry drunk and, as the interpreter I put it, M blew his nose." lie produced
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  • 53 13 Chequ -have been issue 1 for the payment of interest under the Tanjong Pug-tr I)o-k Ordiuaiiee l£o6 for tin, 4 half year ending d<>th dune lo Ihe shareholders of the Tanjong Pagar Dock Coin pi my. l>rafts to home ahareuoldera will follow by the mail on Thursday
    53 words

  • 153 14 John D. Rockefeller has given the world a on covetouanesB m tlie course of which In the writu n laws gii an t> yond the ndmenl art one law 4 b- mb rests me. may be summed up m the question "Ami my brother's keeper V*' If 1
    153 words
  • 176 14 RU MOUSED TUANSFEB TO k DUTCH OIL CONCEEN. The Imperial Dutch Petroleum Company, which recently decided to double the amount of its ordinary share capital, is reported by the Kolnische Zeitung to have m contemplation a scheme of fusion with the Shell Transport Company. By reason of
    176 words
  • 644 14 Newa baa been n ived by telegram that Mr J. Watt Jameson has successfully floated the as Dumbarton, stranded m l>c Castries Bay, Siberia Mr Jameson's salvage si earner City <d Bireningbam is convoying the Dumbarton to Nagasaki, m which, place the Dumbarton will be ducked. This
    644 words
  • 563 14 A pleasant trip home to Mr E. L. Brockman wdio leaves by the mail to-morrow. Mr Brockman has been Acting Colonial Secretary since the retirement of Mr F. G. Penney, and has filled that res] »nsible post with great tact and ability. Mr Brockman will h
    563 words
  • 149 14 The follow ing are the Range fixtures for duly on the Ballestier Rifle lbrnge. 7th Ladies' Practice Shoot :!;!opni Bth 200, 500 and 600 yards 7.90 am Bth 800, 900 and 1,000 yards 2 pm 14th 200, 500 and 600 yards 2 pm loth 200, 500 and
    149 words
  • 164 14 At Powell aud Company's auction room v. tenia v afternoon the two steamers Abbotsford and Pontiauak were put up for sale. The Abbotsford is 257 gross tOnnaee classed 100 Al, and has been granted Imperial, not local, registry, and is ready for sea at any moment. Being
    164 words
  • 1188 14 It waa with considerable pleasure that we learned after last Thursday's meeting m the S C C Pavilion, that both the b. ii- C. aim the Dutch football., rs had decided to enter U am for the Cup. Tlrs ahows a sporting spirit, especially on the part of
    1,188 words
  • 314 14 I' LMOCS M iW* An intcte-tiuu sight m 1 P I arrival f th< .1 under X 6 The three ships tl ltsukushima. and Matsusbuna, I from Australia via Bat known at Singapore forthei w< the War. )n comin hor ia o'-war anchorage this ■somin'j saluted "th*-
    314 words
  • 62 14 The following auction al Powell r afternoon. So 16H 1.571 aquai< < A I" M pore River, 5,68 M. ra| ps Cliet i *.<».-' menU off Bukit 1 way station, 73.M1 So kpramani ment adj :J4,7495qu ii 6 ipramanian < I! alland-rd. C-nM* yd. were h being
    62 words

  • 2852 15 egraph.) B ler'eA r i iE EDUCATION BILL. rentordny'a division on the laded 70 Nationalists, -7 Liberals §sa je of the Bill ia now be Education 15 to 138, ..,ti\". urge the Governsaent to rhich will become a d bill admittedj; I and the Jews I "bin 'bmeu arc
    2,852 words
  • 144 15 (July, 4 Tin buyers BB.lS£ Gauibier buyers,, 7.20 do. Qahe No. 1 11.25 do. do. No. 1 t, P*aa»s Pepper, Black (ordinary Spore- buyers ,21. do. White, (Fair L. W. 5 pc, 28. Nutmegs 110 to the ft.) 31. 50 do. 80 to the lb. 52 I Mice (Bands;
    144 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 54 15 10, Charnley Grove, Bl ckpooln^ B. Doan'e oiutnient cured me of piles m 0< t. I 189 J. [t is now 25 months sin c the BUIU, atn% 1 want to aajf I have had no return of th'B a.n- i uoying complaint (piling the periol (Signed) lira th ovarlh
      54 words

  • 426 16 MINES. Capital Capital Issue Paid Company. Quotation Issued paid up Value up $135,000 nonftn W 10 BefMwak Gold X. Co. Ltd $40,000 l «*t«W ]0 w Do Do (l)(i < riV< $600,000 000,006 TO 10 Bru<>h Hydraulic Tin M. Gfc Ltd. S200.000 10 16 Ka baa Gold M. Co.
    426 words
  • 83 16 Specially compiled tor the Siugapore Free Pre*S.' Date of passing Anjnr; Nationality and des eription of vessel Oaptain*a name; V here and when sailed. Destination. June 23. Mnmehol de Castries. Frch. >l<ip; Carbinais; New York, Fell 19 Hakodade. June 23. Hermes, Nor. Bq. Tellefsen Algoa Bay, Bangkok.
    83 words
  • 67 16 (Connnornu v- j i<» J<>!\ I.) Bank -i m/s 242 demand 2'i.\ Private credi is 8 na/s i' 4 j N credits 2/4} J France, demand Bank 29SJ Germany, demand... 280} India, T. T, 174* Hongkong, demand «i° f > Yokohama, demand H4j .Tata, demand |4] Bangkok, dom.-t.iid 4
    67 words
  • 68 16 I li.-«l a »e*rare cold thin -jrhtforaud ivcomnoAtrded t«» tiv m l>,»ttl^ <.i' Oliii»ilm t!:t v*« (\.^o, Renedy. It thoroughly cured no nud m future wl=ei f\. v i get n fold 1 idi 1 I*l* Ut* ►am* rein««i%.
    68 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
      60 words
    • 10 16 MARTIN'S A .-.en-., e.-^r Cismp '•t. ButiMiu iH *f***' *J£]%*mr
      10 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 704 16 CLEAKANCES. June 28. Singapore, Brit. -tr.. Robinson, for Bangkok. Ischia. it: i str, Davers, for Houguong. Resident SehielT, Dut. str Unus, for^Rhio. Deucalion. Brit str, Jackson, for London, Amsterdam and Antwerp. Telena, Brit str, Starkey, for P. Soesoe and Calcutta. Zaida, Brit str, Rait, for Penang, Rangoon and Calcutta. Bharata,
      704 words
    • 566 16 Resident Schiff, Dut. str., Unus, for Rhio. Selangor, Brit, str., Daly, for T. Anson via ports. Betsy, Dut s f r. Bojeng, for Bagan via ports. Giang Ann, Dut. str., Moss, for Samarang via ports. Kistna, Brit str., Learmont, for P. Swettfcnhana a Penang. July 5 Zambesi, Brit rtr, Rooney,
      566 words
    • 372 16 VESSELS IN PORT. •fy Kea-of-Wftf Flajr and Tons Commanders Arrived F- ■T. si. Mite I-TJ..1 M.S ib J«]y j i; Itoakfuhima H I.J > &J 1 T.ucbtjj I Blateushima H.IJ.M.8. 4291 Okunomi/j Sealtew Col. jet, 500 Murphy July 2 M Vessels Fia?3 Tons Masters Arrived From Arcadia Brit3513 Cooke July
      372 words