The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 12 April 1906

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • Domestic Occurrences.
    • 43 1 Von Reigek. At Breiuerfauveo on March 13th, the wife of .1. Von. Rbiokn R*q. Supt Engineer Kbrddentacher LI jd, Singapore, of ;i daught Cor* \< On the Hh of April, at Koala L impnr, the wife of C. R. Coemac, of a .son.
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    • 8 1 <>n March, at Hamburg, S. A. Korczei.
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  • 317 1 European mails of March Il* were brought on Friday U the X.D.L. Sachsou, an.l on Saturday and Monday mails from home of March lt'< arrive*! respectively by the 8.1. Thongwa and the M.M. Polynesian. Advices homeward are taken to-day" by the P. A O. Ooeana. Correspondence between Government
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  • 1119 1 The Danger in Natal. April 5. i It looks a si mil tiling, this trouble :n Natal batwecn the aitthoritiee and the Kaffir tribes arising nominally out of the imposition vi a hut tax of (jiiite a trifling amount. But this local resistance of one chief, who has taken to
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  • 840 1 The Ethiopian Movement. April 6. The nows received from Natal to-day fully justifies the serious view we took of the situation iv the article that appeared yesterday Bambaatsa, the Kantr chief who had revolted and fled to the hills and 1 hen iudulged m raiding on farms, is apparently at
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 246 1 I on is. 2j.') Su! marine 226 at 226 226 eatrc 2<6 u-i >. and 22:> 227 .iud Downing 2 7 Patron 2J7 227 I 4 Coiu--227 Nk B 228 J2^ Petitkn 228 :> j 230 231 lheL»n 232 232 231 238 j 5G.1 N .lil 227 I A•. til
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    • 125 1 NOBEL'S Explosives Go 9 Ltd GLASGOW Manufacturer* of Dynamite, Gelignite, Gelatine Dynamite, Blasting Gelatine Detonators, ALL KINIB OF Safety Fuses AND Electric Blasting Apparatus The above Explosives bemg all niaiiiiffictutx^i m Orevit Hrliain, are made u> pass the hi^'h itandard oi laletj and purity tests imp<>sed l>v the Hritisli Qoverament,
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  • 871 2 The End of the Malay Submarine Mines. It is not so often that a military uuit of a garrison ceases to exist without some fitting re« rord of an incident of such local importance. With the beginning of this month the Malay oubn.arine Mining Company, stationed at Pulo Urani, hai
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  • 183 2 Elbewhcbe m this issue is given an extract from the New Zealand Times of Fob U* which refers tv the proposal made m the Legislative Council here to create a Public Trustee suine- what after the model of the similar depart- ment m New
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  • 333 2 The Army Estimates for China and the i Straits are published m mail papers. The j figures for the military establishment of the Straits Settlements are as follows Two companies of Garrison Artillery of all ranks. 361. One company of Royal Engineers, six officers and
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  • 347 2 The question asked by Mr MacArthlk at yesterday's meeting of the Municipal Commissioners, regarding the establishment of a Quarantine Camp m SiM^ipore. together with 'be reply of the President thereon, will be welcomed by all whose l>t i^ is bo reside Lore for anj length of
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  • 304 2 On one memorable occasion whom at meeting of Victoria Memorial Hall subscriber* it was pointed out by one speaker that there was a certain danger m having a theatre m close contiguity to the Hall, the chairman deemed this a "gloomy prognostication." That sort
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  • 757 2 Mr. Pierce the Commissioner, and the Government. April 9. A perusal of tho somewhat leuglhv correspondence which lias poiocd at one time or another, between th Municipal Commissioners, their Agent m Glasgow, the Government and the Municipal Engineer, shows little inoiv than I is contained m the fail letter the
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  • 65 3 i U [t is to be I X rom M rtio- ..v. UB i id for 8 1' h coor Vesuvius has tooth] le of bad rena lined maa Monday, and the of Umberto Hill, and moving ing the line I explosions m the ■tit. A X :>-i m
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  • 260 3 The Henry McCallum and Downing Street. April 10. m Lu&i Mnes to us though the m ?lin to make I their on n rmed I n cr ive urderera is March ::•> -j ttch to which he i>f the information > i? the de dsion m i. Natal. The the
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  • 280 3 ••.nil r UMfiJtICM of UlhlSV* 1 t Sr r .h.. are n;il»k r tns outfits H.i.l Onf dramatic instance of this was the case of Mr Jaoob Snidkr whose breech-loading system for rifles was invented m 1859, presented to the British government, and finally adopted m 18*).
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  • 228 3 When the immortal Artemua Ward first struck the British public, some forty years ago or more, the great delight of the young reader lav m the deliciously phonetic spelling, m which lurked a hup' humour of its own. And the !ue Sir Isaac Pitman's Fonetik Nuz,
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  • 144 3 An impressive article dealing >n\ the perils u»i'>'j iti'_r m Africa is printed today. I indicates, m a manner thai shows wide inner personal knowledge of the situation, that a far-reaching movement is being developed at mysterious centre m the (''Mitral Soudan under the direction of a
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  • 959 3 A -i the annual general meeting of the Hong- Ivvjn^ Chamber of Commerce held on the 28th ult the Chairman Mr E.A. Hewett touched on oneor two points of interest* to this Colony. First, as to the Registration of Partnerships, i he remarked that no
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  • 483 3 I The discriminating reader wiD not fail to I e-nielu-K from the telegraphic references to tlie reception of the Government's new Educa- tion Bill for England 'and Wales, that the religious factions m Parliament are girding up their loins and sharpening their controversial weapons for
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  • 400 3 I Penang papers to band afford tile farther Lnformatioo regarding the choler; m the ProI vinee, than that given iv our fu 1 t fe^rams o Monday and Tuesday. Dr. Lucjt nod Mr j' 1 .1. Hallifax hare Visited the »!Y- I "strict* The Pinang
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  • 181 3 Preceded by an excellent reputatioß, tfo Bohemian Male (Quartette ■ppaannfl at th"> TeutonU Club last evening, auJ mm eminently stressful m a programme present iucj many very enjoyable features. The fcudieQOQ wa^ fairly large and thoroughly appreciated tix> staging of the Quartette, which wn fairly well
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  • 202 4 A VOLUNTEER'S BEHAVIOUR. Illegal dm <>k AOOOOTBIMnm. Yesterday afternoon before Mr. Column a Chinese htte nanie.l Tan Chiang Kiat was chiir^ed with impersonating a detective and extorting nine centi from two little Chinese boys. The eridence for the prosecution wastnai on April :> two little Chinese
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  • 500 4 THE "DELI" NOT SEIZED YE T. The liearing of ik>- Pali Opium < 1 ;>" baa been again postponed till to- morrow ou the application of the Fanner's Agent who intimate*) that the\ were nol iwdt lo go on. If r. Jeuniugs ureiii ou t«> s.-iv i!ia: Mr. Hugh Fort
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  • 180 4 •j_» i b Than I K l9oi. urop m Gre*l Britain last year amounted to 58,9i*2,499 bushels, or over 22,000,000 bushels n >•<• than m IN k und larger than m unv previous year since l ft 99. Xhia ia shown m some preliminary statistics I 'v
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  • 636 4 INTERESTING BANKRUPTCY PETITION. Counsel's Strenuous Arguments. Counsel appearing this morning m the Supreme Court before Mr Justice Thornton upon a petition for a receiving order against Alma Mohamed Tambj, lately carrying on business at 295, Be* b-rd (and recently one of the parties m areoent appeal) succeeded m relieving the
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  • 113 4 A great w -r". of engineering, and one <»1 especial importance as establishing the relation betweoi* drainage and sanitation, has jusl lut-n completed with publk* rejoicings m [taly. The I enterprise really Involved 1 «1h> draining of the entire rural porti of the provinces of Blantua and
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  • 168 4 I rbere nn> beou laid before the French Academy of Medicine a discovery which, if its claims can be made good, will revolutionise the conditions oi" European life m tropical climates. MM. ViiU&rd and Dopter claim to have dis- covered an effective serum for the treatment of
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  • 1359 4 The Evolution of Ak»iaoei>i>ox. (By -Nigeria.*' In P.M.Gj Every dov and again the white races of the world are forcibly reminded by disaster^ sfenihur to that m Nigeria recently, of the element of uncertainty associated with their tenure of power amidst the 800,000,000 inhabitants of Mm African Continent.
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  • 338 4 Although the attendance the i la«t 11 1 _r 1 1 T iraj mi "i l>'i.»v. what t concert deserved, it atari »e s.i t lience were v. M.til.iwif R'-m-r boraelf a towerof n t.» roj prograamams, t i ;i!l ber coi »»«'ie narked by tLai lady's
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  • 453 5 ON THE COAST OF WEST AFRICA. n M. PIXKTS IN THK Bay La i^ iiMroastmbfed three ol Groat esi and noit up-to** fleets. s i c ht for an Englishman m it watch the great lies battleships an<l theseeond si uaersqwadroi intk battleships, then iron, the Mediterranean 1 forming thfl
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  • 521 5 FRIDAY, APRIL 6, 1906. The Sherwoods Troop the Colours. ♦i <>n i^ p I ril >hh 1812 ilfter three sieges by the allied forces operating m Spain against .Napoleon s army the British troops of the third, tourth. hfth Divisions, and the Light Division, issisted by the Portuguese brigade
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  • 364 5 Who can depict tby beauty or thy grace, The glory of thy form, thy shining hair, Encircling, like a halo, thy dear face. Thy lovely eye§, like twin-set jewels rare, Thy perfect brow, sure sign of noble race, < Hi my beloved thoo art wondrous fair. Wh<> '-an
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  • 1291 5 Disturbing Factox m South Africa. (Doily M'it'l Special CoawiiseUmer.J Johannesburg, Feb. 12. No C'.imtry m the world lias to solve a satire i problem so bristling with diftculftief as that which j faces s.nith Africa. The path will i»<« render- ed many tim<-.s more hard if m
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  • 700 5 i New Zealand is bappily free from auy acutej racial problem, such as afflicts South Africa, the I uitfil States of America, and other oooutrios: for M tori and pakeha are one people,** and the proportion of Asia! id m our popul*tioD, which is not
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  • 1086 6 SHERWOOD FORESTERS BOXING COMPETITION. AjtMT COHTBBT Finals. A Boxioff competition which comprised t lie light, middle, and heavy weight finals of the Army Boxing Contest here was held at Fort Canning last nielli I>v :he kind permission of" Lt. Col. Wright, IX 8. OOf. f C. B. A. Besides the
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  • 224 6 When it rained, it might almost have paid j the subtenant of No. i', Passir Panjang "to j have placed a pail under the rents m the roof and caught some trifling l>ut useful part of thedeluge. When it was fine the same struc- j tural
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  • 323 6 Growing Dem v.n!> And Sj ionart ;>i;> ply. Latterly petrol has incn ised one halfpenny a gallon m price, and it is confidently expected lhal is linn 4 i^oes an there will he a steady increase m the price of the lighter grades. Uuless new sources ire
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  • 90 6 we are iniorinea mat <>n i!!« 4 s.iiv Una week a serious lire broke out at night m Bangkok involving a number of larg< Chinese mercantile establishments. The outbreak oct'lired m what is described as Llie thickest piwi »i' the Chinese business quarter. Mauv ;;in.s j
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  • 91 6 Tlie intervention of the "god*" m st affairs i>» Bjmetimes as electrifying as it is capricious. At a matinee performance of CJynibeli Manchester, the other day. there was an amusing instance. It was at the moment when tint Italian* te" villian lachimo corner back io
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  • 155 6 A Trip t<» Japan. I v the orders issueil by the G. i' t,.-div appears a pdrasrraph iinnouncing il».t: >fajor General Entgo, C. V. (j. j; i i |*>aye shortly for Japan. Ha will b away n \< from April mli to the 15tli May
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  • 517 6 The transport Ascot left for Odessa vester- day. H. M. S. Heola left for Colombo yesterday. •She is homeward hound. i The Jelier hydraulic tin mining co's returns for the month of March were 4*4 pikuls. I A twakow owner reports the theft of six bag!
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  • 282 6 SINGAPORE NURSING ASSOCIATION. The annual general meeting <>f the Singapore Nursing Association was held m the Municipal Health Office yesterday afternoon, at o'clock. The business before the ineetiug iras t«> receive the repoH of the Committee au«l the statement of a. counts, and to elect a fresh Committee for the
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  • 308 6 One cannot pA m IBfi of Parliati^ij- T greatest interact of i loeart? My say i never to r«;t«l t1... but now ribt ij.'v,.,!. of luiu'l ii c.iiiiin when you o usi.L-r at whirli the new 11.,,I 1 riied the payment of school children Transvaal a.M
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  • 74 6 Tl.«> ;m. i. mm. "l D tfl M ilUontheHtHl trchfi m «lrv dock om »li- Wjli :nnm:i'!«.ll of kJI6 hkl\ I i)«-. •<•>>.( r\ Ih 'li■ do 1<» r.-ni! ii t<> 1 1 1 1 _r i i i P In-i..- x.-»'. si I "■<'.!.• Hfi'l M Kontlit
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  • 756 7 e*f j'.n'rmjo lib* IH .h VKNAI „i blithering and pestifeEngland is hearing with s heralding the dawa of II a i i speech of Mi East Ham "The man j the s t Lobshoe pinno shoes at all, has I what ii required has 1 cities."
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  • 479 7 PUZILINO ANTICB OF THE CONTORTIONIST COS IH CTOB. Creatore, the M contortionist conductor,** i surpassed himself at the Queen's Hall. Man) and yariotia were the involuntary f imitations he gaye of wild beasts, jiu-jitsu wrestlers, acrobats, and yentrilof|msts. The enthusiasm oL the audience was intense. for musical
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  • 205 7 An elephant was on trial m the Dublin Law Courts. As it was found to l*» bigblj inconyenient t-> bring tin* animal before the Court, it was penned up m the courtyard, where ir «-«>od model of propriety, whUe its character was i'^ini; (liscusse«l The animal had
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  • 659 7 OFFICIAL BLUE PAPER ISSUED. A Council paper has l>een issued to-day detailing all the correspondence which has passed on the question of the resignation of the Municipal Commissioners, m consequence B refusal of Government to sanction for tin Municipal Engineer, the salary he desired. The
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  • 221 7 THE "IK BAL" CASE. Officers Pined. The Captain and Chief Officer of the steamer Ikbal were charged before Mr Bryant yesterday, with assaulting Charles Lloyd. A. 15. on the hiuh on Feb 15. Lloyd said that on the day of the assault he wis working coal. The Chief Officer
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  • 974 7 The usual meeting of thi* Boird. was held yesterday afternoon m the Muni-ipil Offices, Mr E. G. Broadrick presiding. The other members present were I>r M. Roberteofl and Messrs R. Allen, W. Macbeaa, A. W litiley. Ching Keng Lee, C. MacArthur, II L CogMaa. Minutes. The minutes of
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  • 289 8 The work of living the cable that is to conuect Manila direct With Shanghai, is almost u.-mpletecl ThtF.M> Yacht Meran hr.s arrived here from Port fcfwettenhum with Mr and Mrs CaulReid who are bound for Pahang i\i B*rtk Frew suggests giving public m emphatic testimony of
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  • 206 8 A n Aristocratic Witness. A Chinese witness m the Police Court this Uiuruiug who described himself as a towkay h:\ 1 finger nuils which irould have easily 'atrivalled those of Nebucadnezzar. The talons oa the left hand were particularly long, being |uite fire inches m
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  • 331 8 When the mail left three weeks ago a win for Cambridge m the Varsity Boat race wai mot anticipated, although the prospect of improvement was considered good. The late ti sm was t- this effect Ihe Crew 19 nut at all a taking one to look 3i
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  • 162 8 Thk "Interesting Bankruptcy Petition.' To the Editor, Sj r My attention has just been called to a report m your issue of the sth instant of a legal battle of giants m which I was the subject of some animadversion. Mr Xanson appears to have given currency to a
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  • 505 8 Elow a Settlkmem was Arrived at. We Bhould caution r>ur readers against accepting too readily the following, which seems to be a a ingenious effort of invention by an American correspondent, not, however, without a eertaiu pretence to plausibility, m view of the Moroccan settlement reported bj
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  • 203 8 Uu Saturday before Mr Scott, Sanitary Inspector J. Dragon was charged with receiving an illegal gratification ofso from Liin Tek Joon of the M Half- Way House. Accused pleaded guilty. Detective Sergeant Tobias Leonard said that on Friday morning at 6-20 lie received instructions to go to
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  • 1131 8 1,150 Lives I>st. The most terrible colliery disaster on record Iccurred on March 10 m the coal district of be department of the Pas de Calais, France. 2volving about 1,150 victims m the Courrieres line, 20 miles from Lille. At about half-past six m the morning ii
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  • 613 8 Ml.' i. CftAKUMB llO 1 lira. Craigie, known t.. ti,». John Oliver II < »l > guest of the Political and i; the National Liberal Chili she gave i-]jarniiii«r addres [mprestaons, gained durin United StatM from which ed The following arc points m bar address H bi
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  • 1640 9 p AI a St.. i. as Heavkn. mvead itself lavishly lU d fit up an Kn^lish meadow Spring was here.- high m the heavens proI earth; and so the aIl ,l repeated to urn h wind blew them wnt- above was umelooded tterflweand blue hotter- honei
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  • 1654 9 (From Our Special Correspf/ndent.) London, March i*. On ihe Twkf. 11 Turfites will soon be m the thick of their favourite sport and the Lincoln Handicap, which is the first big event of the flat racing season, bids fair to prove a remarkably open race. Mild weather
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  • 305 9 Fkom a Diplomatic Correspondent. (P. 11. G.) Sufficient has baopme known m the official quarters during latterly to show that the Imperial and the Commonwealth Governments are engaged m an endeavour t3 reconcile the estimates of the home and the Colonial experts as to the cost
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  • 1354 10 The Industrial Demand. Possible Effect upon ihe Ribbek Planting Business. The question as to whether plantation rub\?r companies are likely to suffer from the £?ilr attendant on the over-production of the commodity is one which has been incidentally referred to m these columns during the past few mouth-
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  • 466 10 Africa's Illimitable Supplies Available foe Exploitation. The very remarkable developments m the use i of rubber and its kindred products, balata and j gutta-percha, look like inaugurating an immensely profitable business to those who are fortunate enough to engage either m the preparation of t lie raw material, or
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  • 98 10 By going without food for 45 days Socco, the German at the Italian Circus, has surpassed lie feats of the Italian Sued, irbo fasted for days at the Westminster Aquarium lo or L 6 years ago, and of I>r Tanner. Sacco's fast began on Jan.
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  • 122 10 COMPENSATION FOB Injury. The German Government iriU introduce into the Reichstag n Uill dealing w 1 1 1 1 the careless driving of luotc.a at high speed ulong the roads. The measure provides tliat every owner of a motor car wbicb, through i egligent or careless use.
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  • 661 10 The following account of upcountry sports m North Borneo is supplied to the North Borneo Herald, and makes interesting reading Excellent arrangements had been made for the sports, which' boasted an attendance of quite five hundred people. The Pegalan and Ulu Padas rivers were well represented by
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  • 151 10 THE BANK OF C ALCUTTA. I A Tkansi i:r t<» ihi; Mkj:< amii.k Dank. Mr. David Yule has Addressed a letter to the following effect to depositors m the l>.mk of Calcutta M I beg u> ;id\ i><- von that, from :!lsi March, 1906, the business of the IViuk t&
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  • 172 10 The American military Authorities bare d« j cided to adopt for the coast artillery a device known as tho Elliott ear-drum protector. This U a small ball or bulb, made of celluloid, so fitted with a stem that it may l»e easily adjusted and held m place
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  • 297 10 How The, AR i. S hSI The general apent m Ausi North German tAoyd, Xi examined m Sydney last Federal Mail StWie* nished information re^p MMJSjd by hi> t<m\ n vernment. a subject, Kiilel nod deal I q Altogether, lu^n-l.t many paid m m iil bulh MMuadr, and
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  • 124 10 The cabletlttp 8 Commercial Pacific-cable compim"* ween Manila iu«l Shanghai, irui m M i nil. i net ut\y The work «»f ing (I Menced tl oooc and th« cable «'ii.l will b taken from i!<- ;i;\ i 1 i.i 1 cable house Cool of Cfelle Seal, Ifd
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  • 123 10 There it match dwtatisfactiou tin European contingent «>t the Police ment's reply that they are unalilet the pi liiiun teal m by tUe European P general rise of jm \H m [uq vardt. Tfce m. n are of opinion thai o* the reductioa \m llwir nuriei
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  • 106 10 Jin ;> [*OU>WOCI I TkUmornitij*. before Mr S•. M H A S. IV, r!,;,;-.-! li v M Clftineee witli running c n Mr. Haut.v, nu4 t!,.,t ie> In stwnlaiv. crowd m Jab S wproelied a.:! nw rid ll*' hku -i two -i-nu-IH. into Court J i
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  • 407 11 By a Cui-'Mal. U ti AM»M at the present time tl of liberal writers Iki affairs of his country is .1 l.y turns at the surprising oditioM diaflajed by those smt and suggestions for „f the Soutli African wtwM bi the dominant that every foolish ror-laden article
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  • 398 11 M*. .1. PuUtPOKT BfOBGAX's Ail. ami. Syndicate Wound Up. OntofLhe greatest financial bubble of modern times has burst. Prom New York comes a message that the syndicate organised byj. 8. Morgan ,v Co. "iv V.ny2 to Hoat :i <) > worth oflnternati >nal Mercantile Marine Company's stock will
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  • 183 11 Jiij uiedi al authoril ica claim i bat taken internally is a valuable antidote iv> poison, and caii be used successfully i:i an} gastro- intestinal trouble. The French i physicians baTe taken the matter up and claim success m neutralising strychnia, Fowlers solution, cyanide of
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  • 245 11 la its annual report to the Secretary of War the Philippines Commission haa the following to aa? <>i" the general industrial conditions here: With the exception of disturbances m <>ue or two provinces, quiet and order have geneprevailed throughout the archipelago, and", on the whole,
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  • 1659 11 THE BONGKONG TRAMWAY CASE. DISSENTING SHAREHOLDERS WIN. Hie following ia a, resume of an important and lengthy judgment delivered m Hongkong, which affects so many who are interested m companies that there is no need to apologise for the length. The resume omits all the judge's reasoning
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  • 333 11 LASCARS' MARTYRS." Weird Celebration m the Tii bust Docks. An extraordinary spectacle was witnes- t Tilbury when th^ nathe crewa of three P. :md 0. vessels spent six hours m marching round the clocks celebrating the Muharrnm, :i Mahometan national mourning m honour of two martyrs. There was little to
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  • 140 12 Irwell Bank, Cross Roads was the scene ot oue of the best attended meets so bi held by the above Club, and mdmtalr iat this branch of sport once so popwr here, has returned tostaj m Singapore. Tbeninwas one of the old faYOurite*, and was suggested ana napped
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  • 207 12 Sele< mn<. rHE Singapore Team. On Saturday a second match was pUyed ou the Esplanade id order I > complete the eou■titution of the team for E tster cricket. Tho game resulted as app< nded. Fortheir respective tides Bruce took 7 wickets for 32 runs. Byford 2 for
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  • 148 12 Team Raoixo md Poi «>-, Sun lav m »ri ing a! Rtnjong Katong a m I •*n the Club und Garrison \rtillerv represent itives, aud a pol° ma tc] J were arVauged, and Llj f irh crowd oi members witn Uenl rfornmnces. lie racing mmencc 1 almu
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  • 210 12 At the annual general mooting of the Hongkong Chamber of Commerce, the Chairman after referring to the overcrowding <>f the Harbour as the natural result of the wise policy of attracting shipping by low taxation and the absence of vexation, restrictions, went on to say Prosperity, however, brings
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  • 159 12 The Hampshire Observer (March 10,] says: Wo regrel to aum unce the death, whh li occurred at six o'clock ou Saturday morning, of Mr Samuel James Gardiner Jellicoe, c»f Portlandterrace, SouthamptoD. The deceased gentleman who was m his eighty-third year, hud <u»W !>• en ill about
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  • 591 12 At the fifth meeting of the Liverpool Go •graphical society the lecturer of the evening was the Key W H. Abbot, M. A., whose extremely interesting address was, for the greater part, founded on personal experience and observation the rev. < n 'eutleman having been tor
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  • 235 12 In an article entitle! llie •';.>.- South Africa or the Danger of Eleeti veering Promise," the "Figaro" strongly condemns the action of the Liberal majority m the matter of Chinese labour m th° Transvaal. Islanding the employment of Chinamen, the 11 Figaro M saya that
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  • 175 12 Mrs Howell ktndlj sends the Editor a pliotoLjuipli of the choir of St A^nes Church, Cirberr?, Manitoba, the chief point <>t interest m which, to ol<l Singaporeans, is t 1 i;». a reoerable white bearded gentleman, on 'lie left, m i^ surplice is her broth* r,
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  • 256 12 CONSULAR CHANGE AT CANTON. Mr James Scott Retires. The China Mail says:— Iv a very short time Mr James Boott, the popular Consul-Geiieral m Cauton for Great Britain retires on a well earned pension. Mr Scott has had 34 years' experience m the Service m China, and stoce 1 A»2
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  • 307 12 As will W seen from the rubber ibara market report, considerable dealings bare j token place m Ihe shares >>■ the Fetmk Rubber Plantations. The wwnpany acquire* a completely equipped rubber plantation m Lbc Federated Malay States, and, owtug to the fad that over 1
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  • 449 12 With s> capital of £100,000 m £1 shares, of which 85,000 are bow oftered for subscription at par, the Laagkon North Borneo Kuiiber, Ltii.. has been formed for th»* purpose of acquiring from the British Nortli Borneo -mpMJtjf a concession of 12,000 acres «»i U»«J m
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  • 165 12 THE LABOUR RIVALRY OF TEA AND RUBBER. Olancing at the pr... planting industry, the 7\ catesasasourceof steadily mrm—ing >l- :I provided by the rush -i 89'iuent enhancmeut lalj r 4 says The one s^iull cl question of th.' pn audit ispossi't!-* ih ii t.. getting beiw>r Market the tarataed proftt
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  • 367 12 Tbe enter] ie I T-'V > X i^' X t bey irere iug 1• v t line to S of post generally i concerned t follow I regular Uoe< to tbe 8 nth S kftUk. Th:«t i> to bfl MMBttd bH <\ i poiv, by w,.v n
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  • 341 13 TUES DAY APRIL 10, 1906. ti Q&cnm leaves for Penan g s i. Co. Wv^s by the i*>th inst I ji rope on user Delhi left Colosnbo nib expected to layligbt, the lUh been ad- II m the Acting I 'ill v t!;-- jnncD »»h 1 k on i E.
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  • 115 13 A Questic/x. T« the Editor. Dkar Sir, I should be much obliged if any ot your readers C<mld inform v* a whether the Proprietors of Raffles Hotel have any rfebt to use the Royal Arms of En-land which they have been doing for some weeks past m their advertisements
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  • 608 13 m- Sib, A: the last v c i the v i ipal Board notice that Mr. Macßean asked \\!i! had been done with regard to the proposal for the planting of trees round the unt lin. The President said thai the idea had been to place plants m
    608 words
  • 238 13 AS EV£XTI IL OTAOE, April, 9tb. On her voyage hither on Saturday last the Sri Wongsee encountered a violent storm and almost become helpless. She i« said to have shipped water freely and a good deal of it found its way into the hold and the engineroom. Luckily,
    238 words
  • 208 13 The n* rst annual report of the Inspector General of the Australian Millitarv Forces has recently been issued by the Department rrf Defence Witin^ on the efficiency of the Codffnoa- wealth troop the Inspf'ftor tleueral emphasises i the i?<>od work accomplished by the schools nt instruction m
    208 words
  • 57 13 The ladies 1 April medal was played yesterday afternoon Scores Mrs. Peiroe ~>4 t- 50 Mrs Gansloser 60 10 ~>U Afiss Gvutle <i'» 12 58 Mrs. Scott- Russell 1^ Misa Boulton 72 12 '> ]\Ii^> Sil/.m.nin 70 8 «»"2 Ahss Coleclougb 12 7i Miss McNair, Miss
    57 words
  • 678 13 i Spe \t; C n vi- ted. This morning, before Mr Scott, R. A. Spear was charged with cheating Mr Endo, the proprietor of the \;:w Hotel, Beach-rd. Mr Sproule, D.P.P., prosecuted .-ujd Mr Bat ten berg defended. Mr Eudo said accused came to the hotel
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  • 399 13 H. E. the Atg. Governor p^id a visit to Rajah Brooke on the Zahora this morning. For refusing to pay a tram fare of 3 ct» a Chinaman was n'ud S:{ at the Police Cour. this morning. By the Hve Leong this mornii:g t'roin Telufc Anson
    399 words
  • 486 13 An mm. Me Ei CV>l. Pennefather presided ai t] c iinn i i u;e< j ti:i^ of the Polo < 'In!-, held ytxter ;v afternoon ;i( tbe Exchange, and tbnre .•■>• tlm» present Mr A y \>. Barney Lt. Reattie to* Hawtrey, Mr Nutt, Mr Scott, Capt
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  • 1084 14 An Exciting Voyage to Muak. T<> 1 »>K KdiTOK. Sik, We should like to record our experiences m the public press, of trip we made from Singapore to Muar m the Sri Wong See, a steamer running under the Dutch Flag, between Wai ports. We boards! her on Saturday
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  • 1059 14 As we predicted some six months or more ago, the Lawn tennis championship of the S. C. C. has once Again been won by Sal/.manu. Looking all through the ranks of players here, one can think of no one who could beat trim presuming be was at his
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  • 670 14 Mr. PEIRCE'S RESIGNATION. I The Commissioners' Reply to i Government. The following letter was scut iv oil Monday morning to Government. We have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 90th nit. The Commissioners fully appreciate difficulty which H. E. the O. A. <i. womid tin
    670 words
  • 285 14 The following properties an<l a life interest were sold i.v auction at Powell <$ (Vs Saleroom vest^nla ttfternoon: No. 84 i'elok Aver Street N Stanley Street, Singapore, 3,310 iquara feet. Quit nut $8. K. M. X Ivalunkappi, Cbetty sl:{.im»i. I Moii tli l
    285 words
  • 290 14 THE S.C.C. LAWN TENNIS TOURNAMENT. SaLZMANN tmnW f Socially the Chaiimj,, Ml S. C. C Lawn Term 'm!,,? j ed success. Thanks i,, tin, thoughtful ItWlfHuaiU of T r carried out bf Mr <>„.. D6OMBO h pIftMIHB. dance of 1.. mi one of wwlmi of the Cluh a final of
    290 words
  • 352 14 Tbe directors* report «>l tfie nWre i states 1 bal until llif mid of mlv nr«M c >ued <; :-i i iiifii! with Ah Seng, mi ni ih^ '><■_- December uwiug t«» UlxmrtrouM upon Aii Seng's i.iiinv to j i\ \\.i_ r in- Company hi i of
    352 words

  • 445 15 «i bnmrine cable. ||KI ()IKk"iKKKS DISASTER. Miner- Buried Alive April 4 2.1 pm. m taken place m the French mrrieres mine. 1 i^puties made speeches m I 1 the Company Dsibility for the fim. .1 full enquiry Couip mv were proved !i.i\«- t^- forfeit its s v Wad Conference
    445 words
  • 2198 15 1 he Reverend Lord Compton is dead. The King's Yachting Town Stoimstayed at Marseilles. Their Majesties the Kin? and Queen are ■tana hound at Marseilles, and their departure tor their Mediterranean fftcfcting trip has been postponed. Con naughts Arrive. The huke and Duchess of Conftauffht and Princes* Patricia have
    2,198 words
  • 703 15 VISIT OF THE KINO AND QUEEN April 10 £.90 pm. Their Majestic* the King and Qneea <>f Italy pud a visit to Vesuvius. The journejr proved t<» l>e perilous m tbe extreme. The air was darkened with the whirling cloudi I" cinders and sand, and respiration
    703 words

  • 193 16 April 9. —Per M II Tonkin: Mr and Mrs Garrnthen and two children, Mr P. CFllericki Mr W. Cameron. Mrs and Miss Rodcltffe, Marquii Albert Theodoli, Mr Chas. G. Grarrard, Mrs Caolfeild, Mr A. Svojsik, Mr and Mrs P. Ola ke and two children, Mrs
    193 words
  • 850 16 SERIOUS OUTBREAK. fjFfOM oar men Correspondents There has been a serious outbreak of cholera \m Province Welleslej near Nibong Tebal. <_~p to the time of wiriag, nineteen cases had recurred of which no less than seventeen had pn red fatal. FURTHER DETAILS Three K lings die
    850 words
  • 323 16 Men-of-War Fl*e nd Tons Commanders Arrived From Sea Mew Col. yet., 500 Murphy \\>\ 3 M;ila< t^ Zahora Sar. y rt 1O Xandoi Apl Ihm Other Vessel- FU*s Tons Master- Ki om !>-%l»j Altin Dut 704 Danck Apl Sourabaya D; Asahan Ger 161 Peters Apl 9 A
    323 words
  • 389 16 Capital Capital Is^uc Paid mv Issued paid up Value up Company. Q, $135,000 Urt(lf 10 10 $40,000 IWfWU 1<« 10 Do Do (Mml) $600,000 t>oo,ooo 10 lo Bruhcli Hydraulic Tin M. Co. Ltd. $200,000 anAAftn l 0 10 Kadana Gold M. Co. Lt<!. $100,000 tIU tUt 10 10
    389 words
  • 141 16 April, I 1 To v n Gambler do. Oubt) No. 1 11. do. do. No. 3 Pepper, Black (ordinary S'pcm?» n To" do. White, (Fair L. W. spj t> 125 Nntuie^a 110 to the ft.) 3:1 do. 80 to the ft. 59 Mace (Banda) „1■? Oloveß (Aniboina) „SB Liberian
    141 words
  • 40 16 Bank 4m5... demand Private credits 3 credits <> m I France, demand 11. Germany, demand... India, T. T, Hongkong, deuiaD<l Yokohama, dein JATA, JeLLUh'l I»A\GK(.K, iflMISd SOVERKK.NS, Bi&k Ikttk of Kiijliii.l lUuDisoooat 3 montlis bill 0 t« Bar Silver London
    40 words
  • 71 16 Last v inter 1 ooati me to my ifUullMifiifl* I trouK-. Mr. Peak, our < of Chau.K-rliiiiTs Coujr». dm bottle M AM ""<- filuetessitj. Tb- Yours faithfully. J. B. V. .S. H. (Vc/ c1 Dispensary, General Agent- Printed and fublisked Ur uk» Fr«pneUra, by W. G
    71 words