The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 24 January 1906

Total Pages: 16
49 64 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • Domestic Occurrences.
    • 19 49 Duki -On Doc. 19, at Malvern, the wife of A. H. I) i ke. Biam, of a son.
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    • 19 49 Xiven. Qn 21st January, at her residence, Singapore, Jank. widow of the late Lawrence Xiven Aged 6»> years.
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  • 117 49 Jan 23 T.n &350 G^ni^ie.- J so do. G-UNo 1 ***** do. do. No. n Pc-;par, B-a.-.k ordiniry 2o 5 do. IHrito, (Fair L. W. S f.c 3;» 50 Nutmegs 110 to tb» tt> > 33 do. i 30 to tW ft. M»oe(B*»d*) Gl'v ea (Aaiboiiift) w [jiboriafl Ooffee
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  • 110 49 I ti 49 49 f;- 4$ fi i im] l0 i. .-lion^ 50 BleeUoM 50 i 50 K Ti -le 50 \V- ed bj Enplojor 51 52 und •••< it« »r 53,54 60 60 60 51 M 51 »>4 e eg Sn ilk 54 61 H. I I 52
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  • 704 49 H«S shall Ihc Pre«s the Poo; right :na .;.U;n, Uttawed L>y inioenCT and uabribed V»y ga .:>. :!cv i-'auiot Truth her glorious prece^i irav/, t? Reliiiion, l.ov.iltv ci"d Law. January 18. Bo general has been the interest aroused by the recent warning of His Excellency to
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  • 561 49 The forenoon telegram of Renter indicates the progress of the elections at home. The Liberals, it must be admitted, have led oft' with a fine rush m the boroughs but as the county pollings come m it may be found that that wave will have spent some of
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  • 418 49 January 19. Evebtbodv who cares b red cent for the welfare of his country— (apparently some morbid persons do not. to judge by their warped intoleiance of anything like genuine patriotism) must be pleased that Mr. Chamberlain iias scored such a triumph ia West Birmingham. At the last
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  • Page 49 Advertisements
    • 53 49 r BANGKOK ft SIAM 1905. j I*nblicaHom. NOW READY. and Siam contains List of the Government Principal Cosnnw trial ll plets with inforthe Merchant) the. Man, the T. i and I 90tU HltCViil .11 Siam. .si-im contains information on the his- i the country form. It ia -BOOK TO SIAM
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    • 32 49 Cwcr.U 1 sirs* !£car or PiNicatiM* THE SINGAPORE AND STRAITS ROUOH DIARY for 1998. Prica z1.50 per copy; A few copies In handsome Cloth hindina> *2.25 c-ftvh. PUBLISHERS: ERASER and NEAVE Limited.
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  • Page 49 Miscellaneous
    • 371 49 THE WEEK. The I* O. Delhi arrived here on Saturday morning with European mails of J>ec. 29th. The mail homeward is taken on Thursday by the B. I. Palamcotta. At Friday's meeting of the Legislative Couucil, m reply to questions by Mr A. Huttenbach on exchange, the Colonial Secretary remarked
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  • 331 50 >tLer ex-Ministers have joined Mr 1> a- companions m the misfortune of 4 w I m their seats m Parliament. One ot these, Mr Beodrick, was the member for rd Division of Surrey, his majority ta l'.*o ing been the handsome figure of 2.207 [ehas been defeated
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  • 1613 50 January 2<». P.w by day the Liberals appear t<> be more than maintaining their lead, and even the more sanguine Liberal guesses at the election results made before the issue of writs bid fair to be .j. Reuter's morning wire gives these el jcti >ns tip
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  • 169 50 A uwresposnieat Lao lv observations upon the circular notifyhl ci>ion todivide the local I>: fthet of Knglau<3, whi« -h, we lentl of a considerable numb r ot the joa of the congregation^!' St. An ll appears to be that ins and of Mich interest to ..'1 th
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  • 275 50 A friend, who bai and brought witl atmosphere jus 1 r to th strongly of opinu d uaself is i 1 der) thai large pro| turing I m La > nnst Bl I'wrtl.; r stated it n hi ber of Union I declared their inten
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  • 4 50 A < > 1 1 r
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  • 1509 51 \nni ti Pwan <; x |N,; afternoon the annual pii/edisa tthe Anglo-Chinese School proved function. His the G -wrier was present with |oa the platform were Mr i S., Mr 0 Marks, Biah p aud a number ol other ladies. tors m the body i>: {Vest,
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  • 515 51 iew op Future Competition. In an article on the future of sea traffic m Far Eastern waters, the M Asahi" remarks that the late war, like its predecessor of ten years ago. has led to a large increase m the number of Japanese sea-going merchant steamers. The latest
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  • 342 51 S. C. C. v Sherwood Foresters. i hi the Esplanade on Saturday afternoon the I lub met a team of the Sherwoods, whom they feated easily by 226 runs to 38. Against the bowling of Carver, Jones and Reid the Sherwoods could do nothing, Lt. Harvey being the only
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  • 45 51 i Colonel A. P. Montanaro, c. s., formerly m Singapore (who acted for a short time as Adjutant, S. V. A.) is removed from the list ol* majors, R. G. A., on his appointment to the command of the West African Regiment at Sierra Leone.
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  • 354 51 An Uneventful Meetin The annual general meeting of the Singapore Sporting Club was held yesterday afternoon m the Exchange. Mr C. Sugden presiding. There, were also present Messrs Trotter, Fort, Ma--laren, Faber, Cleaver, Perkins, Stratton, If. Braddell, 11. St. J. Braddell, Uaine, Mulhoiland, Young. Bowes, Schmidt,
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  • 382 51 LADY DRESS MAKER v. JOHN LITTLE CO. In the Court of Requests resb rd iy Mr Michel! beard a case m which M ss 's John Little and Co, Ltd, sued Mrsde Cru who wan Head dress-maker m the dressmaking department >t o recover 8150 for Breach of < tract
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  • 73 51 Islands Takes Possession oi i> ot Timor Sea. Melbourne, Dee. 25. H.M. cruiser Cambrian, now on her way io Sydney, has hoi-ted tie British flag on the Ashmore Islands, between Timor and King's Sound, on the north of Western Australia. Ti.»- Ashmore Shoal is about 2(0 from
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  • 69 51 FRENCH TROOPSHIP CAOBANG WRECKED. The Colombo agent of ihe M. M. C e.pany, has received a telegram to the effect that tfia ss. Caobang has been lost at Poulo Canton, ou the Annam Coast. All hands were, however, saved. The vessel was going from Saigon to Haiphong with troops. The
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  • 33 51 A Chinaman attempted to commit > ....Jo m Neil rd yesterday moruiug by hanging hintssll by his towchane. He is stated to have lx*m lead to attempt bis life through trouble abosst a womau.
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  • 870 52 Mr and Mrs T. Sohst are expected to return to Singapore soon from Germany. Admiral Sir Gerald Noel, with his squadron was at Labuan yesterday en route to Saigon. The outward Dutch mail steamer Koning Willem I left Sabang yesterday at 12 a.m. and is expected
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  • 313 52 The funeral of the late Mr H. I. Chope P. 0. agent, Singapore, whose death as the result of a driving accident has caused such deep regret amongst the whole European community, took place yesterday evening at Bukit Timah-rd Cemetery. Prior to the arrival
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  • 610 52 Universal Delight at British Protbctioh. A correspondent who returned to Singapore from Brunei via bTuching by the steamer B ijah of Sarawak this morning, brings some account of the taking over of Labuan from the British North Borneo Company on Mew Year's day, and some details
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  • 51 52 The outward, P. A 0. mail steamer i>.-ihi due here from Bombay on Fridayafterno .•>. is a sister ship to the. Delta and she i> on her maiden trip to the Far Fiasf Like the !>.;i:,, Devauhaaud DodgoU, the Delhi isiufenVl lor the mail and passenger itiu between IJomi ay
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  • 612 52 A TRAVELLER IN THE SOUTH SEAS. Mr Bain bridge's Lecture. Mr Bainbridge, who has been so extensively interviewed since his arrival here on the subject of various travelling expeditions he has made m different parts of the world, delivered I a lecture last evening m the Town Hall. The audience
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  • 438 52 £1,500,000 PUT IN CIECULATIOM. The strenuousness of the general election is already having tar-reaching effects on various trades and professions throughout the country, j and preparations have been male iv main j quarters to take full advantage of the benefits j derived from the necessarily great expenditure
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  • 285 52 THE LAST OF THE "CARLISLE." Blown up at Saigon. (China Mail Correspondent! Saigon. J,o. On the evening of the 3rd. instant 7 and 7.30 o'clock a fire broke out „v bst steamer Carlisle, while she was tying n the Saigon River. The fire rapid ed a good hold of the
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  • 341 52 A JAPANESE IMPRESSION OF PIANO MUSIC. A Russian lady has been playing l m Japan, at public concerts, tnl bas 1 one of her native hsnfl n I i me a I sions m poetry. Though it is almost ble to correctly translate the poet's i feeling, the following lines,
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  • 152 52 SMU GGLERS SENTENCED. On the nighti of the 12th lan X Chew were arrested m heal ofl Market, with £2,700 worth iambi ia their BsmSfSMSSSt. i I'ei'ore Mr Sot ii yesterday af ?<•:;. Kong said Lisa Chew engiu i bn Icing something ashore fr«aa l'« th irterhouse lying iv the
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  • 1271 53 r rtnntfmfsfsm Jrm Fnmx) Dec. 20th 1905. pjjjjsjg have been the debates m the n !h e subject of the provisional .-raivement with England pending ti()U uew commercial treaty. G rernnmnt onatmi to prolong rism br two years Count hauitz iU to reduce this period ascm that
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  • 340 53 HOTEL MANAGER AND SOLICITOR. Mi: Van SoMEnsif's Ai.tkijxa tivk. The arguments of counsel and their addresses to his lordship m the action. Chaytor v. Niblett were concluded before Mr Justice Leslie Thornton m the Supreme Court this morning. Alter bis review of the evidence. Mr Van Sosnerca for defence, remarked
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  • 84 53 i tauiination Echoes, Essay by Smith Minor on Lord Boberts: "lVord Roberts is, I think, one of the best and able generals that ever lived. When lie fought m llie Algahn War he did it with valour, be rode through the lines with his rei fbus m bis teeth and
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  • 355 53 The Hongkong Telegraph, nsting the adopj tion of a proposal to appoint a Sanitary Commission for Singapore, concludes its article m these terms Those who are acquainted with Singapore will wonder how a city, so admirably situated from a health point of view, open* to all
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  • 485 53 A Hongkong Idea. The writer of Hongkong Jottings'' m the "Hongkong Daily Press"' invites discussion on the following proposal A suggestion was made to me a little while ago which is worth ventilating. It seems strange to the newcomer that the domestics of our households are, with
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  • 54 53 'Tis said when flowers drop crushed and torn Upon some barren field, I They, as they falter to the ground A sweeter fragrance yield. So m our lives, when sorrow comes Come God's best blessings too,— And 1. with my poor broken heart Am richer far than you.
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  • 81 53 Yesterday Sergeant C mean with n party f j Revenue Officers raided ajunkoff TaujongUhu and discovered $750 worth of contraband j chandu concealed on the vessel. There were I only two of the crew aboard aud they ■•••'< both taken m custody, dud us the Pulicewere about to leave the
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  • 739 53 This morning before Mr Seth two Chinese professional morphia injectors were fined 850 each or one hundred days m gaol. The prisoners had hypodermic syringes and morphia m their possession. Marks on their Ixxlies shewed they had operated on themselves. Lieutenant George R. Graham, of the
    Malay Mail  -  739 words
  • 99 53 A telegram received by the Governor of Ceylon from Alexandria announces tbst the Brothers Island bight m the Red Sea will be discontinued after January 7th, when the new lighthouse will I completed. The light inferred to is at Eat. J. 19 and Longitude 31.15. It
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  • 73 53 U. S. BATTLESHIPS COLLIDE. Ssniocs Damaob. New York via Tokio, Januari 10. The battleship Alabams rammed the Kentucky off Station Island. The compact was a severe one, the Kentucky being badly damaged. The Alabama was launched at Philadelphia m 1893, aud has a displacement Of 1 !.••>•, tons. The Kentucky
    S.C.M. Post  -  73 words

  • 1196 54 Forthcomiv; Singapore Exhibition. In the Legislative Council Chamber yesterday afternoon, a meeting was held ot those interested m the Agri-Horticultural Society, for the purpose of considering steps to successfully arrange the forthcoming Singapore exhibition. Mr John Anderson presided over a large alienee, every seat beiug occupied. Amongst
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  • 721 54 The annual prize-giving of tlie abore School m Hill Street took place yesterday afternoon. The school house was very effectively decorated and the girls to the number of seventy were m their best sarongs and kabayas and jewels. Miss Anderson gave away the prizes which were
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  • 39 54 '11.- Russian Volunteer Fleet Bteamer Kostroma arrived yesterday afterno >v from Odessi on route 1 the north. During the late war with Japan the Kostroma was used as a bos* 1 pi..! ship and flew the Russian naval ensign.
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  • Correspondence.
    • 237 54 SIR —Comment on the Christie-Smith match is almost needless, as it was neither a fight, nor sparring exhibition, but I would ask your favour for space to express my opinion. The foul claimed on the first night should not have been upheld, as no foul blow was
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    • 457 54 THE SMITH-CHRISTIE GLOVE FIGHT. Decision ro Cheistib. There was again a large crowd at the Alexandra Hall last night to see the return fight between "Baby Smith of the K.G. A. and Jim Christie, styled the "champion of China.'" Before the main event there were two preliminary bouts— Day sparring
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  • 157 54  -  Kohe Herald It is stated that the Japan Shipowners 1 Association has for some time post had ender contemplation the formation ot a shipping combine. The scheme was temporarily dropped during the war m consequence of the ships I having beeu chartered by the Government, but
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  • 73 54 The annual bowling championshi j ■<■'.- ded at tho Tangliu Club yesterday evenin there being 7 competitor?. The result was* win for If. A. Mason with 744pointf, A. j Flower being a close second v ith 78-1. The Bcores did not approach tl > fine ore of 925 with
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  • 815 54 THE CHAYTOR-NIBLETT ACTION. Plaintif r Sea. nana. In the suit Chaytor v. Nibl.-tt, M, j Thornton delivered judgment yesterdaj noon m the Supreme Court y viewed the evidence given bsfon his lordship proceeded that the cU i clearly that the relation of g client* existed between th- pi.,,,. fendaut. His
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  • 41 54 A daili ptpef h i itor "Had Ihrogniorti iw bind t]. m. The i vitb gesture i -M w«'ht up, ev« I he MtWI PM ill rt Lbe br gfct ikh bin Thank Q I. he added, w it h btti
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  • 2380 55 w > H>w Thkv Mapk Christmas, Vj i Kfoarri Ki>krvki>..* KVKbVN KVKKKTT-tJRKFN I/, ri L< daserertoa, Me.}, „,H u d see my Ki^mas twee I vii kname the dauntless |h| when the calamity oed with ruin so mauy ■h; and it told most and small capitalists, thus
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  • 220 55 Concerning the new cruisers for the China j Squadron, the N. and M. Record writes as j follows Tlie drafting department at the Royal Naval Barracks, Devonport, has received orders to prepare drafts for service on the China station, and it is understood that the Ad- miralty
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  • 647 55 Annual Prize Giving. The annual prize distribution of the above school took place at noon to-day at the school building at Teluk Aver, when the Hon' hie W. R. Coilyer gave away tlie prizes. Mr. Ho Yang Peng, president of the Board of Trustees, and Mr. R.
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  • 287 55 The immediate environment of such larm cities as New York and Philadelphia is simply a complex of smaller cities, and m the case of New York one can say that from the oolosssl I metropolis to Albany m one direction, alon^, I both sides of the
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  • 85 55 As early as FalstafTs time at least, a pieco of toasted bread or biscuit m sack eras considered to improve the flavour. This is Ihe origin of the "toast-drinking"; also of the tale tola iv i the old Tatler{* of the beauty's iMthing Bath m Charles ll.'s time, the dr
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  • 1843 56 No. cm The Pentlands (contiinoj). Of all the seasons for walking on the Pentlands, I like the winter best. When the hills are clear of snow, or so lightly powdered therewith as not to embarrass the pedestrian, they standout invitingly against the pale light of the
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  • 2038 56 ADMINISTRATIVE REFORM IN THE TROPICAL COLONIES. !t was not only m relation to the aelf*g ivernmg colonies, that Mr L\ Helton's tenure of office as Colonial Secretary was to be distinguished by a movement m tlie direction o'i consolidating the administrative unity of the i Empire. A new and interesting
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  • 69 56 llenars \V akman. Cm Isnnchcd on Wh N >v ;,t twin-SCreW steamer 11 ileroph-c. EW b^n IOSEWISS^Sad Is* tha Ot* Company, Limited, uf l.ivetp has a gioss tmssntm sf Esswarsw is mm of four that ere b mg b class for these EWnor< The j' neiv. constructed by the lei
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  • 2221 57 \i i R* hi- RmmnvTO. i;v pi BON. SW CHARLES* DILKB, i:\hT, MP r Government member, ausmortsd his alar. i,v referring to reports concerning us of Russia m Central In < ancil far yielded lea India with large buai I and the building j: itremc
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  • 465 57 To Go to Stotsexbeeg. The war department at Manila has decided by a cablegram received by General Corbin that the two new infantry regiments which will leave the United States m February and March, will be stationed at Gamp Stotsenberg. Thi 3rd Cavalry which
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  • 477 57 Bmilumg Time*' Dee l< The capital of Siam has recently oeen provided with a modern electric trams ~y. BE it might perhaps more properly be called rUI s light railway system, m which one feat re of special interest is the arrange e.-nt for
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  • 441 57 RELATIVE VALUES OF MEXICAN COINS. Answering a correspondent, the Spr ng Republican thus describes the r lative values of Mexican coins under the change effe -c" thro gb the recent adoption ot the gold gtai 1 I The Mexican gold dollar, or I is composed of 26.11 grains of gold
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  • 98 57 Viceuoy Rejects Oompbsteati Oi A Shanghai message to the Main: a:, dated dan 1, states that the British Consul baa claimed compensation for the Cldu'?--} Qovnrn« ment for the damage orraiiossld m the recent disturbances. The Viceroy of Liang* ang ban I rejected the deuiaud. on
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  • 707 58 Mr Edlin's name is added to the list of visitors to the Lunatic Asylum for 1906. Government exchange compensation calculation rate is fixed at 2 3 for January. The homewaid bound flotilla of River Class destroyers will arrive here about Feb. 3rd. The senior officer is
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  • 205 58 Jim Christie asks us to state m reference 10 the letter of ex-amateur champion, that there is no question that Smith's injury was genuine enough, his hand at present being m a very bad state. Moreover when Smith fought Newman up North his baud went m
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  • 714 58 Quite apart from the rise m local dollar values due to the continued operation of restriction, the present stiffening m bar silver prices is the subject of frequent comment m the financial articles at home. The City column of the Sunday Times (Dec 17) has this:
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  • 251 58 As Emasculating Religion. His Highness the Rajah of Sarawak looka at religion from a point of view which most people would call "worldly," but the conditions of his state, which is governed m a more nearly patriarchal manner than any other state m the world, gives
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  • 42 58 This morning Mr Bryant took further evidence m the case m which a Chi m man was murdered by a blow on the head v itli M tehpi" a Malay fighting iron. MrSpoule. I> I\ P. prosecutes and Mr Montagu Harris defends.
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  • 1075 58 Quiexrmid annnt homines sesfn est/anmgo UMU. 1 9 Jl VENAL. Old Barbarity and his Job Lot are evidently astounded with the good luck that is coming to them by the arbitrament of the ballot-box. We have been reading, with entertainment combined with profit, various estimates of
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  • 237 58 SIR WILLIAM TAYLOR'S DORMANT The following Poises El Conn published iv the Greenrnssent teresting m tv i particulai first time Elgin is signal I ment. m the Straits is I the issuing 1 1 1 rm int hsj iif not I novel 1 folloWß r ;i, the G < ted
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  • 159 58 The Daily Mil luts i general < lee of its own, and lish final re.- n\U of the exh gui; thai ll ire I :.iide ia >■ constituencies iv the three kingdom*. I predictions have been obtained a care, every element m each const ing upon the
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  • 185 58 Ail the friend- ot Capt Fan Nitty Jane (that is not sjsnm wl lower deck calls their gallant ship. will serve) will lie pleased to cruiser has eosne <»ut t<»p he the sum burns of the China Station: The return of the gunlaveis BSStI just published by
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  • 40 58 Yesterday evening on the X pian Coy of the Shorwoods m l UW I S. C. C. at "soccer." The J the tirst to score, but iv the second Club equalised and almost dded another goal to the. E
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  • 2292 59 v MebTTEO, Fkii»ay, Jan. 19, 1906. Pnssaurr: r v t mo» (Sir John Andssaon, k.c.m.g.) j c-1-aiial OSElUtsry hi B faun.) v r-Ocsd (w. B. OaQyer.) isurer(J.O. Anthonisa) nd i B. C. Hill.) Bf .Mum B I (m. W p, Waddell M if. A -.I ..J K. Birch.)
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  • 155 59 "JOHN LITTLE'S AT HOME. Tho European staff of Messrs John Little and Co. Ltd., were at home last night to a large number of friends at the Town Hall, which was tastefully decorated for the occasion. It was m every way a pleasaut social function and the interspersion of the
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  • 346 59 In a letter to The Times noting the changes respecting Labuan and Brunei, which have already been announced, M Sarawak pleads that Brunei should be handed over to the Government of Sarawak. He says local opinion is practically unanimous m demanding the incorporation of Brunei, with or
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  • 438 59 Lecture by Mr C. B. Buckley. On Saturday night Mr Buckley delivered another of his popular scientific lectures before the members of the V.M.C.A. The Ber. J. A B. Cook presided over a large audience of young men. A few ladies were also present. The subject of
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  • 117 59 The Tyrnnnosaurus liger which has b en discovered ia fossil form m Montana is 8,000,000 years old, and weighed thirty tona when alive Never before m the history of the world, as we know it," aays Professor Osborr, "hare there been such remarkable land cenes as wrere
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  • 47 59 To-day being King's f> a j (1 signal staffs on Fort Canning Bill at. d Mount Faber were covered with b n At the close of the service at St Andrews i ba yesterday the congregation sang the N'ataonal Authem. A Royal Salute was tired at noon.
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  • 366 60 On Saturday on ex-kebun of Mr R. A. J. Tiidweil got three months hard labour for returning to the house and stealing someclothing. Be wai arrested by the other servants. The F». B iteamer Palamcotta arrived here from Amoy this morning with 850 Chinese immigrants As
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  • 613 60 Betas m Singapore. Engaged up«»n a tour that will take him practically round the world, Mr William .lenniii_rs Pry an. the famous American orator and politician, McKinley 's opponent, with Parker (against Roosevelt) m the strenuous recent battles for the Presidency of the United States, was on
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  • 366 60 The Excess of Work Calls for Separation. A circular is being sent round Singapore containing information regarding a proposal for the division of the Bishopric of Singapore, Labuan and Sarawak into two sees. The various paragraphs of the document recite the following points: that the die>cese
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  • 200 60 Sin, —I am instructed by the Committee of the shove Fund to enclose herewith, for your information and favourable consideration, a statement of the circumstances leading to a meeting which was held m Government House. Singapore, on Thursday the 11th of December. 1905, under the presidency of Sir John Anderson,
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  • 179 60 A Kedai lleld UP. On Saturday night at eight o'clock a very daring gang robbery took place m Bukit Timahrd not far from Wayang Satu Police Station. At this hour a party of sis Cantouese clothed m black and armed with knives held up a spirit shop
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  • 182 60 One hears much from returning travellers about the ruinous cost of living m Russia, "but," writes a Chronicle correspondent, "mv experience is that the tourist can, under normal circumstances, live well, more cheaply m Russia than m England. During a month of the past summer— before the present outbreak, oi
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  • Correspondence.
    • 359 60 To the Editor. Sir,—On Thursday 14th of December a meeting was held in* Government house of apparently specially invited members of the Church body of St Andrew*^ Cathedral, to consider the desirability of dividing the Diocese of Singapore, Labuan and Sarawak. At that meeting certain
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  • 456 60 On October 12th. the King signed a decree establishing a National Library for Siam m memory of his august father King Mongkut. The inception of the scheme goes back to the hundredth anniversary, m Oc tober, 1001. of King Mongkut, w hose memory the King wanted
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  • 197 60 Sikh Jaoau Locked Out. Whilst Sergeant McLean wason rounds m Fiulayson Green at 2.30 this morning he heard the Sikh jagah at ihe Straits Steamship Companys offices calling loudly for mata." The sergeant hastened to the premises and found the jagah, outside the main door trying to get
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  • 679 60 THE ATTORNEY GENERLA'S APPROACHING DEPARTURE. A Presentation from the I About mid-day on Saturday an unusual particularly interesting function took the Supreme Court, when nearh all the n bers of the local Par eaeembloJ Lad I table at which he has for so lo his capacity of Attorney General. pres<
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  • 168 60 A DISHONEST SERVEN T. Thia morning aensm Mr S-tn I I rent at the Hotel de la Paix was c criminal breach of trust m reape t tot p.. un'l- of ice. hthN HUs Kalke said ESSEI ftd I to fetch ice team the les ITefhs iv lestion he was
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  • 20 60 The German chartered t: i anal Ivans arrived here fi i v> yesterdai morning with boms m troops. The\ si
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  • 1910 61 iSsto bnmrvnom muual pr./e giving at St Joseph's Insti- bold on Sal irdaj atternoon on the <es m tine if threatening weather. 1 occasion before this year to com- e S s of this school, and the Y e r onh strengthens the sound edueaiiosml
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  • 610 61 Cape as Strategic centre. FEESH S<iIEMES FOB THE COLONIES. The reorganisation of the military command m the Colonies is now engaging the attention of the home authorities; and some developments advancing the general plan of defence will be secured this year. The Committee of Imperial Defence have under
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  • 105 61 The mammoth steel floating drydock Dewey, which has been constructed for the use of the j American Navy m the Philippines, was got under way on 28th inst. from the Patuxent Biver. It is being towed by the tug Potomac, i and is accompanied by three colliers,
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  • 22 61 Ou Saturday at Strsngooe a luige huftilo tried conclusions with a tr«m car and .-nee -ft' second best, though not severe!} hurt.
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  • 426 61 On the night of the loth D ec :nder tne> auspices of the Northern Conunan anduasier the presidency of the Lord May Mr. L. J., editor of the X*' tonal X- tin cteuvcred, at Sheffield, a lecture on The E:r -pe. n .Siturtion,'' m whick he
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  • 380 61 Tins rnon Ages Messrs. Lewis and Peat publish .n interesting report on Plantation rubber during 1905 They state that about 45 tone were sold, lather more than half coming from <.'eylon. The weights of packages varied from a few pounds to e| cwt.. but <me two
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  • 101 61 The January medal was play-", for on Saturday and Sunday last and resulted m a tie between C. A. Leggatt and C. 11. FoDettwdmen scorns are as follows C. A. Teggatt 9$ C. H. Follett I'd 73 When this tie has been decided -he final results of
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  • 96 61 Maj«»r Everett had marked out .n exceedingly good course for the Hunt 0- ttb run ou j Saturday, and it is a pity that the thoOJfjr of rain just before the time of the meet delayed same and kept away oi tiers. H iwawnr a small hehl
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  • 864 62 Yesterday Mr Colnian fined three morpbinomaniacs $200 tab fur being m possession of morphia and hypodermic syringes. Mr H. F rsaakin, Principal of the Kulang800 College, Amoy, and formerly Headmaster of the Anglo Free Scb< il here, is on a abort visit to Singer ne. Sir
    864 words
  • Correspondence.
    • 634 62 M r. Huttenbach and Government Servants. SO THI EdITOEDeae Sir, I was very much surprised at Mr Huttenbach's .juestion at the last Meeting of the Legislative Council "Do the Government intend to consider whether it would not be just to grant compensation to the sterlingpaid members of the Civil Service
      634 words
  • 356 62 For once the swimmers who tool ia the I Serpentine Christmas race did nof deserve the name of Spartans, and when they isseuibled m the morniag at daybreak there was some talk of postponing the event to more seisouable j weather. However, the thirty -five competitors i
    356 words
  • 233 62 This match was to have come of yesterday. The Ftmea of Ceylon says It is stated m certain quarters that our iriends over the seas are not as formidable a combination as either Singapore or Hongkong at the present time, but it is a
    233 words
  • 96 62 H. M. S. M Flora Smgaj >re morrow for Hongkong, Japan, and the P SI ition. C ncerning the Colombo I sch Sir W. Mitchell has been inten on the subject and I\a± given this 1 irkabli opinion At present there is no necessity for it. I am certain of
    96 words
  • Page 62 Advertisements
    • 364 62 i European Agency. INDENTS prompth executed a< lowest cash I iv m driees f«»r all kinds ot British and Continental goo ds, mc lud i g Boot s, Sh< and 1 sather, Chemicals and Druggists* Sundries. China, Earthenware and Gl Iss ware, Drapery, Millinery and Piece Goods, Fan<-}' Goods, Perfumery
      364 words
    • 372 62 THE "Singapore Free Press AM. meucantiij: aiai;u, Ni> Cable Aodkess "Ad..-; TLLFPHOM; N,, C Published at No 30-3 Raffles PPal a The leading En^iM, a Settlements; Johore, the Fed States of Perak, Panang, the Hesjri Bemb Borneo; Sarawak, Net and Bunsatra. A China, Japan, Cochind the Par East Ily. A
      372 words

  • 25 63 THK (ANTON-HANKOW RAILWAY. British Proust. tn 1- 2.40 pm. M j I •*-]< In _r hai protested l» linst the failure to pro!i < untoo aud
    25 words
  • 161 63 of Re r the Presidency, 416 i Douui i 18 11 45 am |c Pn si h nt oi M.J > m.. s In Russia com nes, h been this n Al rican Rising. j., n baa been ito tl It m Eas i I.ions. i till
    161 words
  • 112 63 Jan 1 v 550 pm. c tie- pollen intense, leading Mr t Chamberlain a ith a tremendous el an was mafficked all to the electors Birmingham. My own m them. v election 7,1 7 d. OuthL ibour Members, ntson t heir Help. nd Sir
    112 words
  • 127 63 Jan. 19, 11.20 am. Mr Brodnch and Chaplin have l)oen defeat- I ed at Guildford and Sleaford. The Liberals returned now number 17*. the Labour members 27 and the Unionists 7*h The j Liberal total now 91, The Cretan Difliculties The elections for Mayors of Crete
    127 words
  • 242 63 THE TWO PREMIERS. "So Near. And Yet- Jan 19, 7.30 pm. Sk Henry Campbell Bannerman and Mr Balfour travelled b\ the same train, but separately, to Inverness. Labour Party Welcomed. Speaking lasl evening Sir Henry welcomed the laboi ml The Chinese m tho Transvaal. The ki IT' m the Case.
    242 words
  • 338 63 Jan 20, 1 pm. The Liberals now bold 225 seats, Labour 35, Unionists 94 and Nationalists 70. Tne gains are Liberals 123, Labour 28 Nationalist 1. The State ol' tlie Parties. .bui 20, 7. d<> pm. The Parliaim ntan figures now are. Liberals 232, Labour 34, Unionists 96,
    338 words
  • 314 63 A Socialist suffrage demonstration passed off quietly at Berlin resterdav. Ninety-two meetings were held m different parts of the city. Jan. 22, 2.45 pm The papers discuss the question of the reconstruction of the Unionist party. The Morning Post desires tlie leadership of Mr Chamberlain, the Daily
    314 words
    • 113 63 Heavy Loss of Lite .lan 23, 0.45 pm. The magazine cd' the Bra ilian ironclad Aquidaban exploded whilst the ship was menBio de Janeiro. The ship sank m three minutes aud the commander and lour rear admirals, who were accompanying the Minister of Marine on a
      113 words
    • 21 63 The election figures neo. are. Liberals 27-1, Labour 34, Unionists 115, Nationalists 79. The Liberals gained five seats yesterday.
      21 words
    • 21 63 The L. C C. .lan. 23, 1 pm. Up to the present 27 London County Councillors have been elected foi Parliament.
      21 words
    • 28 63 More Arrests. It is stated that forty non-commissioned ofl&cers will be court-martialled at an early date m connection with the War .Stoics scandals. i
      28 words
    • 59 63 Mr Cremer, the labour member, m an interview said that there will be two Labour parties m Parliament, his numbering about a score which will include men Like the Rt. Hon. John Burns, Broadhurst and other old Labour members. This party would nol identify i elf
      59 words
    • 45 63 The Japanese budget for the coming year shows a net deficit of 7iXi million }<>n though the ordinary revenue and expenditure show a surplus of ten million. The deficit will be covered by a loan, war taxes and Russia'a payments for prisoners.
      45 words
    • 43 63 The Socialist meetings throughout Germany have unanimously pissed a lesolution sympathising with the t£us*ian revolution, and demanding reform of the miserably inadequate franchise m Prussia. All the meeting were most orderly dv to the excellence of the party's organiz ition.
      43 words
    • 27 63 The Daily 'i'-'eeraph teporta that Frince Louis of Batteube g ai 1 short y be appointed second Sea Lord d ti e Adu baity.
      27 words
  • Page 63 Advertisements
    • 33 63 SIAM IN THE MALAY PENINSULA A. Short Account ot* the position o Siam m the States of Kelantan, Patani Le^eh and Sai. Re-prlntcd from the M Singapore Free Press." I Price fiO cents
      33 words
  • Page 63 Miscellaneous
    • 775 63 VESSELS EXPECTED Giving port ot departure, and (whefi known) date due here, and name of Agent! MEN-OF-WAR. Fox, H.M.S., Hongkong due Jan Hogue, II. M.S., Hongkong, due Jan Juno. H.M.S., Chatham, due Jmii Sutlej, H.M.S., Hongkong, doa Jan MAILS FROM EUROPE OR INDIA. Jan 26" X 1) L Zieten Jan
      775 words

  • 405 64 Singapore, January 22, 1906. BwM»LQDg per catty 5 d.» E m h do 14 Beef P«r pound 18 Beef St<M* do. 20 Bean Sruov r, per catty 3 Bamboo 5p ti do. Blachan do. 16 Brinj.-iiH do. ffcliWf. ftaHTJn do. nil do, Chim do. 12 do., Salted
    405 words
  • 65 64 (Coreected up to Jan. 23.) Bank 4 m/s 2/4^ demand 2/4] Private credits 3 m/s 2/41 credits 6 m/s 2/4? FiiANCE, demand 294 Germany, demand... 2391 India, T. T, 173^ Hongkong, demand 11 dis Yokohama, demand 114] Java, demand 140 Bangkok, demand 54.1 Sovereigns, $8.75 Bank of England Rate
    65 words
  • 420 64 Capita! i iS Sue, ue Pa l d Company. Ust wpua 1 Value up to 7 Tr*n MINES. Buyers Sellers tiont* §300,000 $10 10 Belat Tin M. Co. Ltd 1.5" $115,000 10 10 Bersawah Gold M. Co. Ltd 15 $40,000 10 10 Do Do (Deferred) §600,000 10 10 Bruseh
    420 words
  • Page 64 Miscellaneous
    • 272 64 PASSENGERS FOR THE STRAITS. Per PiO Nubia, due Jan 25.— Mr and Mrs D. Brown and children, Mr A. C. Cutter, Mr and Mrs M. G. Bell, Mrs N. K. Passmore. Mr H. Lee, Capt. and Mis Leveson Gower, Miss Other. To Penang— Mr J. F. Richards. Per P*) O
      272 words
    • 611 64 CLEARANCES. January 17. Singapore, Brit, str., Robinson, for Bangkok. January 18. Batavier, Brit, str., Morris, for Anambas and Natiinas Is. Ophir, Dut. str., Koenig, for Palembang. G. G. Meyer, Dut. str., Vos, for Muntok and Palembang. Achilles, Brit, str., Thompson, for Hongkong, Shanghai and Japan. Siak, Dut. str., Griffin, for
      611 words
    • 750 64 VESSELS IN PORT. :O. Men-of-War Flag and Tons Commanders Arrived From For F1 ra Brit cmiser K'OO Diireton Jan 11 Jesw-lton ll'« K k<», o ii Col y<t 500 Haddocks Dec U Malacca I T** SLeraTda Fel ye^ 171 Long Dec 11 Port Mi. Banka Brit 127 Rushton Jan 2"
      750 words