The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 18 January 1906

Total Pages: 16
33 48 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 241 33 :W t l'll Lawi :»:> > 34 nd H Salary 34 -U K 34 \i Partnerships -U 34 -a 34 p 34 MUea Meno 35 35 the < tovenssßSoft 35 •.•il 3"> EfrCWfl s ti«_'ou 36.39 I Esplanade -*7 lemplc •»< m on a Cbettj 43 n tke Boa
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  • Domestic Occurrences.
    • 48 33 At Gleogmrry, River Valley Road, the wifV of K. A. Horny, of a daughter. Lai>ds. At Singapore, on the 12th January, tli^ trifoof William M. Ladds, Pilot, son of the late Capt. William Ladds, Trinity House, I, >ndon, of son. South African and Colonial papers plonnci copy.
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    • 27 33 Suddenly at Inverness, Scotland, on the 1 5th IW, of acute pneumonia. J. R. Craddock, late of -The Raul) Aust. G, M. Co., Raub, Paiiang. I
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  • 369 33 fltiiwhall Ihe Press the Pr (pie's right :v.a../.a.n 'J>\ iw<*(i by influence and unbribed by <^ai n .'■j': patriot Troth glorious precepts drnw. to RelUdon, I."va'tv .»nJ Law. January 11. li car. bardl^ be wondered at that the Badicala art* endeavouring to obscure the real issues of
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  • 364 33 I Now ibai the case of Chapman, by whose action the death of.a Javanese woman at Aver Jenieh occurred, has been settled, and is no j Longer subjudice, it may. perhaps not be inadvisable to comment thereon. Whatever i opinions may be held about the wisdom of
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  • 332 33 A. T.P.D. Theory. It would be ft curious thing, although we do not for a moment imagine it to be possible, if the present change of Government at home take such an effect in the Straits as would be exhibited by the reprcpriation of the Tanjong Pa^ar Pock Company. Yet
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  • 385 33 VYmi.i-: most thinking men are agreed that rlKiiipnjjf international trade oosjdifioM compel a drastic recasting of our present fiscal policy, which is rather a mere negation ot fiscal policy, we bate never, wheu occasiou offered, failed to point out that reform ie just as strongly
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  • Page 33 Advertisements
    • 17 33 :hooE homewaed bound. James Campbell (SS> Co., uurt, Naval Miiil u^" Pallors N. w. H. G DISS.
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    • 41 33 KUHN and KOMOR. Great Specialities IN ALL CLASSES OF ANTIQUE AND MODERN Fine Art Curios. j Silk Embroideries, Silverware, Bronze Porcelain, Ivory, Sateama, Cloisonne etc. Goods Packed, Insured and Forwarded TO ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD. I INSPECTION SOLICITED. Mar 23
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  • Page 33 Miscellaneous
    • 434 33 THE WEEK. The B.I. Th<»ugwa on Saturday and the MM. Salaaie ou Monday, arrived with European Mails oi Dec. 22, and outward advices of Dec. 19 were brought by the N. D. L. Preussen on Sunday, The mail homeward goes to-dav bv the P.\v. O. Delta. H. E Sir John
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  • 320 34 Another Hongkong newspaper approved Mr Pollock's observations on the need of sanitary instruction for the native population It gives ntbera fuller ver>un of Mr Pollock's stats* tneat <>n this matter before the Hongkong JuttioM of the Peace in these terms Another very important p(»int which to a
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  • 346 34 January 12, It M amusing to see that Mr John Kirns, the new President of the Local Government Board, cannot look forward with entiie conti#lll1 1 r.» the prospect of retaining his seat at iWtteraea. He has a determined opponent in Mr Bum, who
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  • 337 34 To-day at Ipswich, the M first blood ol the flection battles is t<> l>e drawn. That constituency, which ou the new register of l!*0*» ukiv now number well over 12/mm) voters fit is 11,067 on the oM register) is practß-allv evenlv bsJaneed, haTiiig l>eeu represeutfd b? i
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  • 620 34 The extensive preparations being made for the distribution of electric light in the central portions of the business district of Singapore, must be causing some economic reflections in the minds of ratepayers. In the Jays when Major McCALHTM was an enthusiast for electric light, he dubbed
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  • 504 34 Januarv 18. W* teiieve that for once at least, the general community of the Colony may thank the system of administration which gives to Government majority on the Legislative Council. Had it not been for that majority there if little doubt that the bill for the
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  • 171 34 Sir Wilfrid La.w«os it a Teetotaller of the most case-hardened tvpe, but even Ik* can iuebriate himself with the Radical e\ul>e ranee of his own verbosity. It would take many mixed drinks to produce t!>i> sort of thing from the ordinary orator: Speaking at Carlisle on J>ee. 1«»,
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  • 535 34 Januarr V< Jt must be admitted 1 1 in t n<> shrewder Imiw ooold haw ben Btrvcfc at the fortunes <>f the TTmonist pa.rt v, coming 10 early in the election fight as it has come, than tin* dofeat of its Leader, Mr A. BILFOCft, in his own
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  • 537 34 1.HJ1:.;.; I♦> One question that m MftlM ol lDimy who are MUfNti totafai .ukaitlfle of the rapid rush int < rubl«*r M vMnH swift extension of nibb-r-pLi^-d are multiplying now in almost nil tr «i p<»ns, will m-i mob brag do** prut* that will give no m«.iv t
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  • 73 35 11 we' athlete n ji;-t had h.s name crysnen ted C wap iny, •mi mtCo. Ltd,* 1 which i iblishineni near i by others iu vaI experimental i !> ...k M Whut I,• orge Newnea, wiji. i .i i» elements. t he c mnot Ily v
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  • 435 35 au.irv 17. i rears -i opposition the ting >m tltt» signing nnuriag up obiiga- r trotted allow them >•-'■.. P urtieularlv as reto be re kd together, the I, tn«l w»> cm gee i it to pat < >tl s«» eusi'v b*i dun. < Hie item i> of
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  • 628 35 Yesterday it waa generally stated that business was bung up altogether, the alleged v\iu>»' Kmu-jt the uncertainty as to the inIntentions of the Governmi n% re_£anlinL r the <*uri renew Those intentions are of course unknown, the i»st meeting of Legislative Council the Governor delivered little
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  • 278 35 It seems that on the vital point of fiscal reform Lord Robert Cecil is unsound, being of the views of his brother Lord Hirou Cecil, but unwilling to commit himself so far as to say so. He only declines to give satisfactory assurances as to support of
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  • 570 35 It is with deep regret tbal we have to record i lie death, which occurred at five minutes past one o'clock this morning ai his residence, Cree Hall, of Mr H 1 Chope, from pneumonia, following upon a recent serious accident of which he
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  • 35 35 Tbe newly-appointed BritisL Cousul to llie Kedali tikwerment, Mr. Bltodowfl Frost, w;i-> ;t passenirer by the mail train nu FriJ;iv to PrtiMlitf, whence he will |>roc6«d lotake ;if> bw •iif.t««. miiic <luties at nn ilnte.
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  • 457 35 The New Svsidi Bru«. Advices from Washington 'lated Dec 0' state that the supplemental report tad revised bill of the Merchant Marine Com miss on was presented in the Senate, by Chairman Oallinger, of the Commission, and in \h*t House of Representatives by Kepresen'atr*- Qtowaor. The
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  • 299 35 The following is the comment of the finincial correspondent of a London paper on the favourable outlook for rubber. Although ili.' Malay or Ceylon rabber OOMpany which UaSea its estimates of profit! upo» the present uiuket price for the raw com. modify produced in these regions has yet
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  • 188 35 The Japanese have thorough reinstated the <loek at Port Arthur, wj wjH u<>w take in vessels up to i»,000 U>n<. Mr. William Reid, >-.'..- lt^ r o f t^ Hon^konjr and Shanghai K±:j«. 1a Singapore left for Colombo by !a&t Fr^uoh mail, to take overcharge of the branch there from
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  • 612 36 H. E. TVo- Kuanir-chuau, lately Minister to Corea, lias been appointed Secretary to tbe Waiwupu. A telegram iu the Mainiehi Tokin, says < that 100 European! mn wwwded in a- not at Alexandria, in the Caucasus, OO the 10th inst. i The -Suwm," n "FokitJuV 1
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  • 202 36 Nearly Half a Crown. Tbfl course of Exchange during the past few weeks has l>een so steadily upward, that it conies perhaps as no particular surprise to-day to find banks buying at three months at 2 ~> to the dollar and selling four months at 2 4 |-J
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  • 685 36 THE SON OF TOWKAY SAIGON." Allkued Impersonation and Cheating. At the Assize Court this niorn in g, before the Chief Justice, Sir Lionel Cox. three Chinamen, Chu Ang Chu, Wee Kay Hock and Kow Soon Keat, were in the dock, Xos 1 and 3 charged with on or about Sept
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  • 132 36 ProgbJLmmi of nkw Construction. Three first-class battleships of a; least 18,000 tons displacement and eighteen knots speed three scout cruisers of 5.000 tons displacement one gunboat of the Helena" class, ami four other gunboats of light draught, tw.» for use in the Philippines and two for
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  • 167 36 The following is rather au amusing parallel to our illustration yesterday of "Strephou in loiawtke being a fairy down to the waist and a mortal as regards the remainder, in conneclion with the election candidat>es of hybrid view* half of whom a voter mi^lit support, while !i« j would refuse
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  • 1350 36 HOW RUSSIAN WORKMEN LIVE. Kearlv all the way the road runs close be«ide the .reat stream of the Neva, stil pouri£ down° in flood, though full of floating ice. It" is the Schli.sselburg road, leading from St. Petersburg along the whole course of the rimr up to that
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  • 222 36 The Donoa md Biator G— ettetofc—4 ;v gtsf daring Had d«'l<'rmin»'d ;itt"iri}»l I i down th<' left v.inu- of BM Hajftatf'l P Bceter and to ooajiatH taicide dm mm ,',,in'-t oa Saturday. The prom] which the outi'ivuk v. .1 disc arrival of the Iwter Fife Bri*
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  • 151 36 A BRITISH CONSUL FOR IN DO-CHINA. Mm-h more importUMi Umiii i iij.|Hiar ■tfciJM I to tli»' ;ipp" i i i UUKMUMed, Of a British (>MM H capil tl «»i Tonkin.; flo* ymum p«-i I Diplomatic Comtpoadtfri L >< :..n J :i!) the British as w.-li M tfafl U.-ui, .mi I
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  • 157 36 Although the EUijtli rfGo* has u..t x<* raptured, the em-riret i<- jmnmA hytli* troops semis not i<» have Ik«.mi ai'lv infonMd the QtiMMHik that ti»»- t had Un'll >t;iyinir 111 iifi ÜBTTtUWJ Kiare Um mi'<Ml<- «»f Deopnilier, tluit tVM Imn'll so au l't»-i«»ii> tl I r
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  • 517 37 Mkmbers ot C -B.'s Cabinet Amu>* Thkm.-ki.n h h :.;w.n.i Gmj, t':- Foreign Secretary, was .lay amateur champion at tennis. |*fcs a very good ruan to Wat him at g, ,1, game now. Of recent Tears Sir nSBI BMW of Ms leismv Imm in .idl,'jnrt, and he U
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  • 131 37 I g <•!' th Sin^;i{> tre I ?bess it reniagin tbeTown H ill. Mr esidedoYera amall attendance *srs Cordeiro, Craik, Got IsG S Reiitens and Smellie. Mi Craik, remarked] with I -Mil't'i -ship being stiil small, A they would be str»*.ngth- r»f iif.v members during ■ri -how,.]
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  • 9 37 Mil i i Ted at' m» from Ita Cla >
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  • 141 37 1 aptaiu Allen, of the M. NiDgcbow, reports Ike ugh! on the Cyrene Shoal to be out of order. The body of the Chinese child which was drowned in the Victoria-st drain has not been recovered. The corpse is thought to have been washed out to
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  • 215 37 THE HISTORY OF NORTH BORNEO. The following historical notes regarding North Borneo may l>e i»t" interest iu connection with our correspondent's letter to-day. The State of North Borneo is equal iu urea I Scotland, and its history appears to d.ite I; in the discovery of Brunei in 1322. Bruuei appears
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  • 581 37 THE BENTONG-KUALA PILAH ROAD. Under this heading the Malay Mail says We understand th;it good progress is being made in the construction of this highway which is t<> link up Pahan^ with Negri Sembilan. We have already been able to inform our readers that that section of it which lies
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  • 552 37 Australian Creates a Disturbance. Thin morning before Mr Setb, an Australian named William McCormick, was charged with creating l disturbance at the Esplanade yesterday evening, damaging two rikisha9, and assaulting a police constable. Accused pleaded guilty on the first two charges but said he struck the
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  • 414 37 Blackmailing a Priist. It will be remembered that on September 24 last year the Police were called to t 1 o T< Ink Aver Temple to arrest five Chinese whom tL s priest charged with robbing him. The prie i told the Police a queer
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  • 72 37 Yesterdaj afternoon Ifr Bry.inl waa occupied ii bearing the case in which Negapan stands charged with ihe murder of Mother Kliog The evidence was lo Ihe effect Ibaf accused and deceasfti h »*1 u dispute. They resorted lo blowsaud Negapan di«w n pea kniffi aod stabbod liis oppoueut in the
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  • Correspondence.
    • 317 37 Co T»«L EOfTOSL Dear Sir, —I regret that sickness prevented me from calling your attention to a small slip in your fine essay on the United States and Morocco"' of the Bth. iust. Speaking of the Barbary States, before the splendid exploit of Decatur in 1804. You
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  • 702 37 An Ixtekestino Letteu. At 4 pm ou Dec 27 His Excellency Sir T ..hii Anderson, k. c. m.<;., ami staff embarked on board H. M. S. Flora to carry out a mission which was to add another colony to the Emphv, or perhaps it would be
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  • 1897 38 THE CONFOUNDING OF POLITICS. i Sott'i'l'iy Review. Our enemies, if this country hits any enemies, must surely find delicious entertainment in watching us fulfilling iu <»ur own persons, the kindly prayer we are fond of singing with so much fervour for their benefit The curse has certainlv cme home to
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  • 286 38 Mr Chops Badlv 1J urt. The l*i u'tuls of Mr 11. I. Oliope will i>e sorry t<> bear of im accident in winch lie figure*! lsJ evening, und which wns of bo serious a n;' ::»> he is, as a result, in boi with
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  • 848 38 A Promising Bbow Smith Wins On a Foul. There was <[uite a good attendance at the North Bridge-rd Theatre Hall last evening, to see the much advertised boxing match between Christie of Shanghai and Smith of the K. G. A. The hall was the only suitable one
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  • 152 38 THE HONGKONG COLLEGE OF MEDECINE FOR CHINESE. At til-- clo«9 <>f ;jsi arti ou me<l.c il Bclio >i tip- ii Dickong Duiiv Press n uisu*k« A !t i ii:_' 1 ;i t, gckol4rslti|tfl ■a^m utuUl, I the i u-.-ii: Ijj no luesilia Lj-ni-iy, ;:j.i:» ft til tli« une^aUii^ lliat
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  • 655 38 The report of the director* I .J. ine j slates that during the year 21 were crushed at the battery, p r ,,j tons of black tiu, of a value of t the previous year 22,770 t.» n > which produced 452 J t. U s -t .rgj
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  • 107 38 fietlerdaj tftaraooa b t me U 1 lice cmi.-i.ti.!'- wt» irke wiih being atlei j» Ut!*i i\ IUCTT-rd Mid !<':!< r UMPI i later Uour. I* r |>l Q.rtt «-ii;n lt-> ;ii;«i ■<»! u:iil: 1 i|>peUNßd *I*: 1 1 .i Sikli en j mi ll Lltcrf-rd found
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  • 26 38 It is prooooeJ l.\ Lite I title of im Impel ul i- n1 »>i uit.-i dltrrior Tibet/ to lb«l L rliAllge <•!' fUtMI I MS lu.ri 1-
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  • 986 39 9 ual ordinary meeting of the above II held in the Board room Testetdai m ipd there were present Mr J. Pol- President and the following re l>r Murray Kobertsou, Messrs lei 1! L OogUaa, Kemg Cheng Lee, v v J. Waftkm* and C McArthur Presidential Remarks. 5
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  • 1837 39 Ffi>it> Our Sperial Correspondent. London Dec l r > 05. Diamond Jvbilki Sold. Many people are commencing to ask how much longer England and [reland will enjo) tlie distinction of l>eiug the bome of thoroughI t> Is. Foreign buyers took the plum :*t the recent Newmarket
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  • 377 39 "THE SO N OF TOWKAY SAIGON." The case iu whicb Cliu Chit, Wee Kay Hock ami Kow Soon Kmi, are charged with impersonal iou and false reprcftentati n, was continued in <h Assife C mrt yesterday afternoon before the Chief FuHtice, Sir Lionel Cox. Messrs Bit' i< j ll
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  • 49 39 11. M". S. Flora an \-i ii Hnuwi earlj thii m«»ruin^ *i r j ia u Person, Mr Caiopb J C*p( in s k|,. v 11. E. looked at s 4 r»J iru met on i)i« j ier by tbc lion E. L B t.i u», ibe Dt*putj Gk>v-
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  • Page 39 Miscellaneous
    • 251 39 THE WEATHER, Chilo Drown eu in I>k.un. Yesterday 's heavy dowi ponroi rain combined j with the' rising tide, Ho* ded the low-lying parts of the town to a considerable depth. Kling-st was turned into a river, the water lapping into the shops on either aid i of the street
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  • 2130 40 From fl<>- Ft'enrh uj M. Amjn*tin Fibnt. A lady told me tbe other day a little incident which had thrown her into great perplexity. When I go to Paris" she said, 44 1 usuallv stay at a. fn ».<iua nour the Trocadero which is much patronised by
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  • 52 40 •It i« utrpriaog thai ftlitterat nr c4 M. PSion't talent ai«<l ?!t*iirir\ should tiruMj oommiif hinin-if 6> uii.-takc h,» ««^re^i<»iif.. EHokCQDS <ii« 1 t <i;i^lshili. Ktaii liar, s«»nii? bUosmmi !•> ""tfce <'h.«Jpf. t h«» hfMis»t •iMirt whi'P) DickCM di«i m<».st of bu vri Ing Jit, (jhick^ lull, must hnv»i Budad
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  • 1511 40 No. XXI. (For the Singapore Free Press.) We lett Ikao for Karuizawa at 8 am. on Awn* 27th in a clearing drizzle. The wonferful illuminations over night had been the mountains' farewell to us and no one was m view to see us off. The rikisha coolies ran us
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  • 66 40 A itp.w fauiilv .-'aim. uu<l hav t-. rt tfi- ir claim. \k»* 1 1 j part of the !an<l ««|hui win-'. N kHlil Tk* v;ilu«* <»r this |»i..jh- It N I lit wuigtimldl Am-i<M. l I bilM||h' sixty-five sumvs '"'-I i >! j N'an.i Mr J. U
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  • 121 41 I .\!».len»«»n 'ivtunie.l ivm Uantroon by a i ve-tiiiJ" i- r.v»r_riui/v.l as CoiisulCfciM 1- •■•!!!> fn«lin^ U« arrival 3 t?'a Exequatur. inora friends, including IhePok? to luMitliat Major Terry, ged to Miss Bois, a H imilt 'i. r.ii the 13tfa be expe !-l hew on j
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  • 18 41 HONGKONG AND SHAGHAI BANK. wires subr half ar SI lo 0 Ufediosifa rres i t i I Wil
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  • 143 41 *terd i.v ught i wit »se name liog student co oparas lie ia a s tciety, the K\v il to S j and 1 geifl now L ►n*lou India ing portionj VI ie«». Austr.iliti, New 1 is] ind groups e Philippines, tj, it tour iie has us
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  • 175 41 MURDER WITH A TEHPI." M r Bryant three Chi- v. r!i having caused the iiputti D 28. D.P.P., proee ted and Mr Ilirria deffviHkil lesi I; appeared Uie mur--1: u hoti« i i raojong Pagar-rd 28, l'»tir men came to the house i ,n i dree »i t beae wejna
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  • 1258 41 Q»''c'juul m§uni homines mtthri at farrago libell!. Juvenal. The ehUMM »>f Government does not seem to have created us much excitement at home as we should have expected. Even with Mr Baliour's explanation, some don't see why the late Cabinet should not have <joue on for
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  • 649 41 American and German- Capital Attracted. Rubber plantations are now established throughout the Malay Peninsula— from Johore in the south to Perah in the north and are being added to every week. Rubber is also being planted in Borneo, whence a very Bmall quantity is
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  • 291 41 The Parliament whose days ate uow past, has broken the record iu beutf the very first Parliament in our history whose existence bae been oßfJfeeted b? tlie demise of tbe Crown. It has sat from* tbe death of Qneea Victori* under tbe provisions of
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  • 363 41 The T> f Dec. 20) says American Consul-General at Singapore expreHses the <>i> ni-->n. iu a repoH recently published, thai the time is approaching when American production will overbalance the demand f<>: oonsumption, and that the American manufacturer will Vj consequently compelled to seels an
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  • 160 41 The reconstructed Chin* Squadron will be <v very powerful OD6 when all the alterations |bout to be made are effect.'!. 01 conn* it will uo^ be so strong u m hen f included a battleship division, but as a cruiaer squadron it will ba thoroughly up to
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  • 156 41 < >q Dec. '2$ the Emperor 01 IftfMUl prooeeiei to the House of Peers ml formal!? opeuel tlie Uiel, and in the OOOrte of the Miudofe roeedivai expressed the Imperial pleasure that the war was brought to a glorious enu. and at being able to mume friendship witii Russia. Hia
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  • 4263 42 LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. REGISTRATION AND CURRENCY. THE GOVERNOR ON EXCHANGE SPECULATION. Omhhabi Mxetihg, Friday, Jan. 12, 1906. I'UESENT His the fctoremor Sir John Anderson, k.c.m.< ITie Ilon'bl*- lbs Commanding the Tr<.. (M;i i- r-O';ul- Ini^o Jone3. Fm-) B the Colonial Secretary (K. L Brockman.j the Attorney-Genl. \V. B. Collyer.) the
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  • 49 43 CHINESE IMPOSITION ON A CHETTY. .;>;._' i«l tll€ an i falsa repn sent- Ulw *hu Ang 1 I Kov H K«at, i niiuuteH in retireinenl •lii'l i is. 1 >«««»h<l pn- I liar oilier two —nii ii- ii u_ I l»i t lie .11 ;»ll«t > '!l K»Mt \V«"«' r-1
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  • 871 43 Mr J. E. Nathan has been appointed a magistrate. Captain Buldero R. N. Master Attendant, irrived from Peuuuj,' in the Sea Belle this i morning. A Chinaman was tined 5250 or in defiult >ix months <»u Saturday for beini* in possession of contraband cbanda. The 8.
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  • 975 43 AN ENGLISH LADY FUGITIVE FROM VILNA H<>w the Baltic Provix<-i; Troubles Arose. Revolvers Ready for Any Emergency. Preparing for Flight ixt«» Germany. (From a Private Letter.) From an English lady in Polish Russia, one Of two of whose letters have eoine already through indirect channels into the hands of her
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  • 58 43 It. i? stated that tlie Chinese Government is determined to establish a Navy Uoard ritbout delav owing to the urgent necessity lor uu imperiil navy. Priucd I*un will he appointe I Tresideut of 'ins Board, and it is pro. posed to at once order thirty- two fa«i p.ot«v;<-l pruiaerj f
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  • 213 43 The Evd of the Butting Buck. It is stated thai an exciting hunt which resulted in the slaying ot a fine buck took place on St John's Island yesterday morning. The animal was one wh is -1 to be kepi with others in thegroundsof G
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  • 248 43 Bold Attempt at Kidvjlppivo. An extraordinary <-ase of kidnapping baa. been severely dealt with at the Penang Aidtt It appears that in November a Chinaman named Lim t'lm Ki wont to a Lodging bouse of ;i man named Wong Kiang in Penang street The keeper
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  • 226 43 Some of the remarks b« IV Qilmore Ellis <>ir the subject of morphine indu'gence au<l opton* smoking in the Straits Settlement! appear (says the British Medical Journal* 1 of 16th alt.) to have been misunderstood by a portion of In* auo!ieii<-e at the last meeting
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  • 117 43 i A trim I ,:i \\oww writei privately J " 1..11 by an ;i»-.|u;uiitauce, a new ivla'i >j of tlte late Sir V. Uarcouri thai 'C.-B. .it Marieuliad whs littler better a gottipj oM dowager retailing all Um Little gossipofllM places. He lih.«l net lain Lbere. V bottav prime
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  • Page 43 Advertisements
    • 131 43 SALE OF A YACHT Bsmkkali a Sold you $o\700. This afternoon at Messrs H. L. Coghhus I Co's Mart the Selangor Government Yacht Esmeralda was put up for auction without a reserve price. There was a large number of buyers present and bidding opened with an offer of 2,000 from
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  • 1274 44 AWAY FROM THE BEATEN PATH. BcmmFicALU -Tkampinu 1 thi VV«»rli. Away frcm the track of the ordinary traveller, in odd and little knows oountriet of the world, fcii<»vu only to the average individual by tbe Tecuvl> left to history and ience l»y the very f**w mi vl hu e risked
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  • 63 44 Kesulk> oi the play for the Monthly Medal which took place vesterdav Han Yap. Total O.Marks 81 bct 81 Major Wife d st: 4 D. T. Boyd 92 l^ k \A Brownrigg 105 18 87 J. 11. Jones > 8 *7 J. Armstrong P* 10 8^
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  • 93 44 Additional Race Entkies. The following entries for the January Race Meeting are additional to those published Thk GovEBNOB*B CcP: Goldseeker and Fidelitas. Thk Si'kin*; Grovb Cup: Goldseeker and Fidelitas. The following horses have to be deleted from the list already published, as they are not qualified to
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  • 177 44 S. R. C. \s S. 0. 0. This match was played last Saturday on the S. C. C. grand. S. C. C. \V. Dunman retired 19 Lieut. Clarke hit wicket 1> Alvis 2 O. P. Griffith-Jones b Janus 2J R. T. Reid b James 31 H. M. Cantrell st.
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  • 179 44 A match was played between a team from the Singapore Chess Club and the Chess Members <.i' tlx- Strait- Chinese Recreation Club at the Pavilion on Saturday evening, l^th inst. and after a very pleasant evening the match resulted in ;>. win for the visitors by SI
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  • 1599 44 The Welsh princes and *4 medttftral times are apt to be depicted b* English historians as wild, lawless, uncivilised characters endowed with brave and stubborn dispositions, but certainly not as persons possessed of many accomplishments. The ordinary reader whose study of Celtic history has probablv been of
    1,599 words
  • 83 44 SINGAPORE RIFLE ASSOCIATION. The Monthly Handicap Shoot for J I off yeeterchy tAmtmm t the Rifle I{ .im<- with the follow in*: m A. C'i UM. -v Esosg H. e plus v Bang Chin Eng 82 1-!' J Lon_r iiliiB. I LI U. W. C<> aw u pi".-. J T.iy
    83 words
  • 32 44 The Mtnu wu|mj Prii ii bold *1 Ll lav Rod >.'';! U\ 1 Irf folloWi \V. I. K.ii.p J V. O K Urowa 610 plu« 585* II M Ikrd
    32 words
  • 6 44 Tlic I -1 .1*1«;.::!.
    6 words
  • 28 44 TlmU*< 'ti... !.<!', bU tin Swimau EaTouniblo cin u t li»* iiit-ii i:: MMttf *<:.'. 1 Miller Ih?iu u I a i*« l i' 1 mw t'"- 1
    28 words

  • 283 45 i tinier Cardinal has arrived b |\kiu- that the Russians rnr out enterprises in M hv means m| force. I v iritll Mr Chow Kit of on Thv.\<-liy afternoon by i Hail to Barm*. ,p] ,t months. D OM Of thrill lopperaad "chopEd to be sent
    283 words
  • 58 45 LAUNCH OF A.P. AND O. STEAMER. i!i« i I Vv.tnliii, luis been I 3he is .>Mt* of four I -< i m tor.s m it-i its liir i.ft ttiat I'li^s?' shipM nmII lift mpl.»\>Ml in tropi.;tl in^: ami <••.•. >n.| <*!.tss. wfi,:: ar.- KBOWU as I'fie !><',-,, 'ii« lirs; .»l"
    58 words
  • 870 45 In T I kmi n i Act i > n lu the Supreme Court this morning before Mr Justice Leslie Thornton, an action brought by C. C hay tor manager of the Hotel de I' Europe, against W. C. Niblett, advocate and solicitor, was commenced. Mr
    870 words
  • 125 45 on the Esplanade yesterday erenin?, the Kugln encounter between thew teams was productive of excellent plav, notwithstanding that the -round was rather hard. In Wh ball the w..s fast and keeoh eeatesfted, the baj** Ml liotli wdwplaving capital combined 1,-;,! i. iv of
    125 words
  • Correspondence.
    • 314 45 To tup. Kimtor Dear Sir,—Id yours of yesterday in the interview written by one of your representatives, it is stated that Mr Oliver Bambridge made some surprising Jewish discoveries at Kyoto. It will no doubt surprise you and many others to know that these discoveries were made
      314 words
    • 218 45 Co the Kdhok. Dear Sir —In reply to a recent correspondent re rose grafting may state that budding is better than grafting for this purpose, I being* more easily done an-1 usually more ij cedsful. Tbe mode of procedure is ;is follows: On the. briar st»»m on which
      218 words
  • 184 45 Mr A C. H. Potts sends the following share report from Yokohama of date De<\ 28. During the past week business in shares lias been eonfined within narrow limits and there is little change in the position generally. Kirin Breweries I remain quiet, and a few shares
    184 words
  • 222 45 Yesterday afternoon before Mr Setha polite lance-corporal named Ali was charged with receiving an illegal gratification of *1 to refrain from taking action against an unlicensed bil- lard saloon in Duxton-rd. The prosecution alleged tliat tlie table was being tested when the accused came upaad demanded money
    222 words
  • 556 45 The General Manager's Monthly Report. The accompanying sheet of mine measurements and asnay results of Bttwpecting work shows a total of 361 ft. for the period (4 week?) under review: made up of 7 ft. sinking. 52ft. driving, and 302 ft. cross- cutting, a« against a total
    556 words
  • 359 45 Iu our issue of Saturday appears the announcement of the birth of a sou to Mr (Pilot) William Maclear Ladds, son of Cap'. William Ladds, one of our tine old navigator*. Master Mariner, passed in steam Sept 1856, Lieutenant K. N. R. 1875, who died recently a
    359 words

  • 691 46 The buoy at Brani Shoal has been replaced. Quarantine restriction! against Saigon have been withdrawn. On the 7th iust. Prince Arisugawa opened at Yokohama, with gnat public ceremony and before a largB crowd, tin* htrire ;t naval dock in Japan. It is no less thao 540ft
    691 words
  • 170 46 Objects tu m haed labour." •This morning before Mr Seth a beachcomber naned Thomas Jones, was charged with being urunk and disorderly in Stamford-rd vest en lav evening. Inspector W.i.tu informed the Court that accused was a "professional* 1 beachcomber. He bad been .m the beach in
    170 words
  • 1373 46 A very interestuig feature of Monday's Rugby match l**.ween the S. C. C. and the Garrison, was the excellent form shown by several players new to Singapore. It is some time since a better game was played on the Esplanade, and it is a matter for congratulation both
    1,373 words
  • 356 46 As Unsuccessful Alibi. Yesterday before a Bench Court a Ch nese hawker was charged with causing hurt t.- n:>other Chinaman with a knife. It appeared that the men were trade rivals and had a dispute and Hocused picked up a butcher's clearer and gave his rival a
    356 words
  • 291 46 S. C. C. II Euni v. S. 11. C. This match was played on the Esplanade testerday* evening before a lar^e crowd of spectator*, and resulted iu an easy win for the S. C. C. second eleven by 3 goals to 1. Proa the start it was evident that
    291 words
  • 902 46 I Diamond Carving— A Swi«s Uim of W ei j t Moving Pictures in Medical Stud\ njatic Welding— Electric Insulation I < —New Paper Material -Moths Cloud Bombardment— An Efficient Slag Paving. Engraving on diamonds lias l»een developed within recent ye;irv his own invention, liordiuet. th.< \Ur^ j,.
    902 words
  • 26 46 TiNNler* tor t}»»> >> \^.i, tfactxnM jf>ri»\<-i!i.'!)i Ki |«1 ,1 .si- i..uav. .1 i'-. lOtli in r.<.i».l ?i. bn iii'inMi«?' be i I.*. Son ftui] 1 Kfvt.
    26 words

  • 133 47 n) |i,.vKKSMKNr Action A«.ai\st Fnoimn Tmam. Knd.v. IVc.I.V It :s reported M ,d l;t of fWmdah has been found to in the murder ol Major Donaldr.tuuu Brigade, on November 1«. g rtainetf that the crime was ..]v phoned out el imengefnc punish- a n certain men who
    133 words
  • 107 47 Russians ar- itcamcr Mongolia, ear 1 is Angeles, have Dferenoes with Gofemoff i, i 'iier J. 1> Cistle r planters, regarding There are about i pen ma \v;mt to be cane- .i their v^n honsesl sads. ,i iof s figorons murement irers, eligible to
    107 words
  • 153 47 HyTUK V Ti'.KK. informs us that Uuue deer the only sp'»ji to be gol "ii St iple or so Team ago wild tble there, and several lm^e 1 t>\ i well-kuown Iscal I i tiger iis reported to I** -on Captain Crawfuid, the then rts aan
    153 words
  • 63 47 nan Church l;t-; evening an bf members I the Young Society am: the Chinese n Association tookplaoeona resolution j t inna -h'nJu be abolishrs s. >. Walker and .1 A B. u and Mr (> lell ipported ui-1 the speakers oo the opposite Alexander and
    63 words
  • 127 47 i and Katori the ;v Den Japan--3 n a o mpleting in England are '•n Japan u«-\t Aug tsl So thai Ihe pleasure ol seeing these during their l»r: <-- »i r, at Sin- di'-tioiH'.i e htijiL,' leh r.iil'.vay an*] j.<-".^- station A tip hen for the Straits. Goreniment for
    127 words
  • 709 47 (Reuters Aaeuau.J (Bv submarine cable.) INDOCHINA'S LATE GOVERNOR. Presides Over the Freneh Chamber. dan. 10, 5.50 p.m. Tbe French Chnaber has reassembled. M. Doumer has been elected President of the Chamber Jan 11, 1.15 pm Each party in tho French Senate interprets the results of the elections favourably to
    709 words
  • 553 47 .Lin. 1 1. 3,50 p.m. Baron Hajashi sails for Japan at ih»><'n<l of liarcn «»n leave *»i absence. Fatal Hotel Fire in America. Eleven peraona were killed m.u«l oianT injure 1 in a liotel fire al Minneapolis. Mr i>»vl«l><»n, I ibe Uonaol for Manehnriu, was rescued
    553 words
  • 314 47 Received 4.35 pin Jan 12. The Temps says that French bonks have decided to advance to Russia two hundred and sixty-six millious francs at 5| per cent. This does not involve the export of £oid, the capita] remaining in the banks against Russian drafts. The Elections. Rowdyism
    314 words
  • 309 47 Liberals Gains a Hundred Per Cent. Jaii 14. i 1 am So tar there have been elected 45 Lil lemk and 12 Unionists. TJie Liberal gains number 22. Flood Tide of Liberalism The Unionist clubs recognize thai the flowing tide is with the Liberals an* 1 are
    309 words
  • 260 47 Lafjour ote Increase. Jan 15, 4 pm. Au analysis of the voting in the hom<elections shows t l>;i t there has been a remarkable increase in the Socialist and Labour votes. The figures total 63,692 compared with *20,7^1 for the same constituencies in !,900. The nett Liberal
    260 words
  • 360 47 Liberal Successes. One Hundred to Thirty. .Jan 16 (> -\~>. DM. The number of Liberals returned no far is Labour members total 14 and Dnioausta 29. The Ministerial gains bo far amount to 50 ;md the Labour gain* to 11. in Bristol South Mr Sowell Da
    360 words

  • 464 48 Capital a S j U o C c Company. Buyer, Sellers 1900,000 31b 10 Belat Tin M. Co. Ltd |.:,o $115,000 10 10 Bersawah Gold M. Co. Lti 840,000 10 10 Do Do (Deferred) $600,000 10 10 Bruseh Hydraulic tin M. Co. Ltd. P 10 1100,000 £1 1 1
    464 words
  • 135 48 riiouiiijiu '*''ni- lD s:r: 'M Gambier 95 do. Cuba No. 1 ,113*4 d d°-No-- [IPepper, Black (ordinary S po.o' w 2350 do. White, (Fair L. vv. 5 p.o. 3350 Nutmegs (110 to the ft.) .3:5 do. (80 to tbe ft.) .59 Mace(Banda) 9 U5. Oiovea (Amboina; 33 WianCoffoe Tapioca,
    135 words
  • 42 48 (COBBSCTBD Ul' IV 111 If Btak^M/t m de\mu«l Pritaiecredit* 3 m/i credits C>m < *H 11Tr| flgiißil 2* (tatMAKT, demand I\my T T HMnwimo!*mmJT Yokohama,dMtnd 112 Jata. daw«d I 1 IUMGKO^ dtettd 8OVBEBI« Bank of Enirfund Eaie DtfOOUllt 3lionth« bUli fUr'sfcJ UmS<*
    42 words
  • Page 48 Miscellaneous
    • 484 48 CLEAKANCES. Janatiry U>. Btrombna, 3-'t -tr.. Stock, for Samboe and Dover f.o via Cape. January 11. lj'ghtaiaj, B^'.t. str., Spence, for Hongkong On Saa;, Br:t. str., Davies, for Penanu and Calcutta Eteyniersz, B-,t str Everdingeo, for Billiton. Brit. >tr.. Packham. for Penanu. Rangoon md Calcutta. AaQ'ral liaison, Fr. str.. Juliot,
      484 words
    • 816 48 Hong Wan, Brit, str., D'Cruz, for Malacca. Poh Ann, Brit, etr., Robertson, for Teluk Anson via ports. Ban Fo Soon, Dut. str., Odink, for Sambas,. TtingffamL Ger. str.. Reumer, for Sangir Is. via ports. January 16. La Seyne, Fr. str.. Magnen, for Batavia. Verona, Ger. str.. Dobronz. for Manila, Yokohama
      816 words
    • 464 48 VESSELS IN PORT. :O. Men-of-War Flag and Tons Commanders Arrived From j., t Wfa Fiora Brit cniiser 4006 Dmfcoa Jan 11 Jesaelton DasnjSJ Sea Mew Col. yet, 500 Maddot-ks Dec UU| r B Esmeralda Fed. yet. 171 Long Dec II Port Su.-.,, g Other Vessel- Flags Tons Master- Arrived From
      464 words