The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 4 January 1906

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 91 1 i < l i l j i 2 if i V -> 1 I I! 12 <■ *i Pera i > H B b > i |0 |o '1: T. I 13 I < nj B A G I i i i 1 11 B I > 1 i
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  • Domestic Occurrences.
    • 54 1 •>:i 20th December, ..t Shanghai, the wife of Philip W. II issey, of n son. Bblin. At Ancrmn Villa, Confederate Estate, j _.i}...:e on New Year's day, the wife of B. F. H. Edi.ix, of a son. Smith.— At B.SO p.m.. on January, 2nd 1906, at Singapore, the wife
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    • 85 1 On lbtfa December, at Shanghai, Donalb R. McEcen, second son of the late Captain MeBnen, Captain-Saperintendent of Police, to K. U in AivDKSssif, only daughter of Capt. W, P. reen, < .i.m, Cnstoma Berrice. At St. Andrew's Cathedral, 24th December, 05, Francis Spekchlev Odou to Gertrude a xxie Clarkb.
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    • 94 1 Doxaidson. i)n t!;e 16th Nov., at Bannu, i l Caipt. J. W. E. DONALDSO-I A.» Brigade Major. Bannu Brigade, eld sob of A. L Donaidton, of Haiton Hall, Wmdle- I Si rrej, and former ol Sin --.'.pore. S.S. On 18th December, at Shanghai, Lord Yv Ke\'.. e\- Minister
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  • 935 1 C hinese Labour Importation Stopped. December 28. Perhaw no British community in the world can more exactly appreciate the folly o£ the new Radical Ministry in deciding to suspend Chinese coolie importation into th-» Transvaal, than residents in the Straits Settlements and the Federated Malay States. And we may feel
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  • 294 1 Wmh reference to the dreadf i ..-i r that has taken place at Moscow, I irdtti we should bear in mind thai tli igli St. burgistheadministrativecaptti] Btia,! co-.v is m a tar fuller sense the national sop Hence the special importance psi >] :t....j. arv movements that
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  • 79 1 Municip al Works and Loans. Ainongst the papers laid on 1 ■>■ t ;ti on Friday was thatcontaimngt! i iwmb ?nee between the Government .V ipilitvand ilie Home Government, on tin rib^ectoftlM Singapore water mpply. Tlw -e-pondeueo presents luany interarting features and fairij elearljr that IJ is Exoelieu ia itwewd
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 113 1 Fraser and Cumrr\ing. H. 7c Hntr iy Ro»d t IJka s J.-liore Bhv Bei« WOftKI H;i Timber Merchants PRIME RJ FOOD, cut iy 0 o «n inec in ti»« :»-t <it. t t r. stoaiii i«iws Lo anf WOBKKII TIIIBCUS, floaruM B<*f4i aearntt>ly pian^d, loin; •<• wmd ijy the l^est
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    • 63 1 An Anecdotal History i OF OLD TIMES In Singapore, j <jui the Foundation of the SottlOTMßt on February Oth, ibVJ, to th* Traasfoc to the Colonial Office on April Ist 1867, < with 20 Portraits Maps and Illustrations, BY I 1 Charles Burton Buckley, 1 1 in two volumes, in
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 323 1 HIE. WEEK. 1 Jreesta on Saturday au<] the 31 M L'alf.lJrt^Bn Tuesday arrived' with European ui;til>Ji' If: -'•i and advices homeward go to- !a\ l« i!e w .UK\. Chusan. M -J theMovernor, Sir John Anderson has j JWiviM'^l tti'unci. ThJ New YT^S was marked generally in a iuietßiisliii-.ii. M)n Xf\v
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  • 1040 2 scheme, and it was proposed that Government should raise the loan and hand it over to the Municipality, the latter being charged over and above the loan interest, an interest of half per cent which was to be Government's profit, the charges to be secured on the General Municipal Revenue
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  • 651 2 Renter recently telegraphed that penny postage was adopted between the United Kingdom and Egypt and the Soudan from the 1 Oth instant, and now promptly cornea the mno ineemeut \u the Postal Express tli i c ing reduction in postage on letters from this Colony t-»
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  • 274 2 There is at present a curiout silence over tlie «l«»ings of the interactional squadron that is demonstrating at Mit\ It no, ;is a nuxfc of pui ting pressure on the Sultan of Turkey to fWctlitato Micedontin financial reforms. The Sultan fieems still to bo deaf and blind
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  • 284 2 The policy of navi'l concentration, so far m the more important fighting units of the British navy Ir^ concerned, is displayed in a rearrange- ment just announced. We read "According to tlie "Standard, 91 a new naval j force i'or the defence of home waters will < ome
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  • 171 2 lireetinir and eood luck tßyo*'»BJl trieuda across the sea >^k :i vou h» mi* the w<' -j-#"-iT!; the bridge of i m M «';n vou hear our merry voices ringing* lear!v through the nij^ht. ire deck the hall with mistletoe and I lolly-berries bright Can
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  • 391 2 A regular theme of Education Department reports, of school Inspectors' report-, urn] uf Governors 1 speeches «tt prize- 'jiving, for uiauv years past, has been the exceptional itupoii mce of tlie practical study of English in i In* ii ....Is. »i" \}\i> Colony.
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  • 685 2 Sir Hinry and Hrs BOss. January 2. iv b Sir IfFsuv ii U'jinu.i'-: to fc ipofce. I< is i»-w trvin- to what IrtWMUM by "Home Rule." or 1 more uraielv what ht lots Home ktefo. BMM Stirling, aad U:ivii^tiiMt.,l, 'i i over .1 at I'irtK-^ U I cm] to *=iy
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  • 507 3 f i mo h coincide i i tert a politic e \f\ lermanj t imp in, its the xit of M > ,Ji.. DtO Ol -V Of .1 J el d p.— 1 to >e > ttitw 8 wai pt 1 4 1 amis* sit vna u ,tr
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  • 1147 3 Scenes at the Settlement. fl.,htin<. in the street. From the column* of Uw "N.-C. Daily News" ot IJecember l!» we take the following "interesting details of the recent rk.ts at Shanghai The excitement which has been simmering j UM»g the unruly native elements in the Intenutmnul Settlement
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  • 175 3 Played on Saturday l-a.-t on S. P. C. Ground* Bss's Team. T. D'SiKu 1, Jan?/ 1 J. R.»An^usl h w Jansz 14 A. E. van Wulven c Gali^tan b Alvis 1 J. Gabriel b Alvis C. Hoffmann c Bub b Jansz -J2 D. Arianna Jr. c GalUtan Jr. b
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  • 149 3 The men's December medal was played for on Saturday last. Scores: J. H. I>. Jones 47 i;l 8 O. Marks 40 45 scr C. T. Hose 46 40 6 8(5 D. M Ford 45 :»1 8 88 11. Marriott .VJ 54 H <»:; Capt Chancellor <><>
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  • 305 3 Sailor Killed and ikn [xjured. A serious accident occurred on the Kiissiuu cruiser Bogatyr yesterday, iu which one sailor met bis death and seven men ami an officer wen* injured. The Bogatyr was being got under way to go out to adjust her compasses, and
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  • 115 3 T; c Ophir reports the buoy on tic Nemesis Bunk has been replaced. ri'• i morniug before Mr Seth the case I culpable homicide not amounting to murder again*! Pedro Villargas, a Filipino, came up for hearing. Mr Harris lor the defence, asked j for a postponement which was granted
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  • 723 3 {Frmt our&J&fcor respondent.) lie Kuala Lumpur Deo. 18. The Chy^it...jkmeetin.^ of the SelangorTurf Club was ojfuecjyesterdav in rather unfavourable weather. Blight showers fell early in the day and heavy rain came on later upsetting many of the races. The President's Cup. —Mr Bailey's Spelter 1, Mr Howden's Marie.
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  • 135 3 Mr Henry Button, Junior Counsel to the Treasury has l*(.»-u appointed a.lud,'eofthe li"uii*Court, in plajs* of Mr Justice Wills, reBiened. Mr Sutton w;ts called t<» the Bar in I^7o, He has for a considerable tisse been Juuior Counsel of the Treasury, and has appeared for Ihe Ci v..! in many
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  • 486 4 !n the I M>n orders appe\ lfhanotificationthal L\ n B Fnuer, A. f€ ~«.Ms placed i list >n the 25th inst. j 1 eying ship v.ui 1)..0rn arrived from R esterday She jeaves again c. the tl From Mess Behn, Meyer Co, and the C itral
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  • 139 4 A* the Masonic Lodge, Zetland in the East. a meeting was held vesterday afternoon. Wor. Bv E. J. Khory installed Wor. Bro. V. A.. K km 1 in the chair. The officers of the Lod«»e fo the rear are as follows \V. M. Wor Bro A Rickard; I.
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  • 210 4 Mr Phillips living at "Edenhall, 1 Nassim--41 reports that he Ikis been robbed of a quank' of jewellery. The jewels, which comprised n jil watch and chain, some rings, and ;i lady's necklace disappeared from ;i dressing lable in Mr Phillips' bedroom. During last night a
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  • Corresspondence.
    • 809 4 Co TUr, Kditor. Dear Sir, Vour leader of the 19th instant commenting on my letter of Boycott has interested me greatly. Ido not wish to enter into any controversy about the rights and wrongs of the ease, but would like to know, (1 i Has
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    • 85 4 There was a scene of unusual animation ;it the wharf at which the transport Dunera was lying yesterday evening, many friends and I acquaintances having gone down \>> the old trooper to bid "Godspeed" to the Sherwoods and I!. <J. A. who were homeward bound. About 200 men
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  • 82 4 The P. O. S. X. Co/a steamer Coromandel," which was advertised for sale has been purchased by M EssujeeTajbhov a well-known iron merchant and ship-owner of Boinbav. The vessel will be employed on the AdenJeddah Line. On New fear's Eve a burglar paid a visit to the residence, of diptuiu
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  • 1202 4 LIFE IN SOUTH AFRICA TO-DAV. Why Thsbi auk Chinesk UnrßM. JoHANNKSFU R<i. Nov. <i. know that many of yutind U very difficult t<> get enough boys to work yow forms, and those you hare, you have to pay rery highly. Well, undoubtedly, if all the Chinese were turned oul <<f
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  • 312 4 Mr Baud/naster I of the S i festers will n »wiu'j v. 1 >Mnj>:it!i\ for bis 3 sch K» r«H.N i\ i I'. v i- Tin ij -•••in France has bad It hai lvn-Vr-"! I icb a inusieb Men li.\t- icaroah ..<; iif-jM ■•\iniah'! tie th«\ tin
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  • 89 4 TO TURN GIBRALTAR. i'i;i; is now m 1 I what I Su s an ma! project of i jlips i s tire »i: ol ea« f an -!n j'! 1 '■> u1- Uur, or, ins u ness by iiiea i r U lie Ai' <!:■• i u. •nllllil 1,.' 1
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  • 701 5 (Ff>m our on Qsfi— jftsaiiWJ The Tkii >i *«ai. Returns. Tokio, December fUh. Military men are n v most popular in Japan Grown Prince, g |to attend the launch- the arnu>ur. cruis-r Tsukuba, the ,1 man-of-war I r built in Japan, has nh interest i Mmiuis Ito
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  • 213 5 j An extraordinary general meeting of the shareholders in the Karangan Hydraulic Tin Mining Company, Limited, was held at the < Mice 0f the Company's Agents, Messrs PaterI -n, Simons and Co., on Weld Quay. Penanc?. There were present Messrs R. Young, (Chairloan) F. O 4
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  • 231 5 The Defeat oi the New Zsalandebs. London, Dec. 16.— The twenty-lift h match played by the New Zealand Bugbj team visiting Britain has resulted in their first loss. <>u Saturday, at Cardiff, they met Wales, who put in the held a very strong representative team. Tremendous interest
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  • 326 5 FATHER X'MASS AT THE TOWN HALL. Amimng ihe Children. The annual Roman Catholic Children's treat at the Town Hull last evening was a deckled success, and the'building rarely presents such a pretty picture as was witnessed at the latest of these popular juvenile entertainments. Memben of the oltib, and n.-large
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  • 775 5 We regret to hear of the death of Mr R. M. j Little, Itesident of Kudat British North Bor- I neo. No particulars are yet to hand. The deceased was a valued official and was a son of the late Dr. Little, of Singapore. Amongst the
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  • 549 5 I 4 Plot of To-night's Play. y rporal Helbig, of the 3rd Squadron Magdefiurg Uhlan Regiment, and Klara Volkhardv, daughter of the veteran Sergeant Volkhardt, whose devotion to his child is equalled only by his devotion to his work, form two sides of the eternal triangle Lieut, von
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  • 213 5 JM U W. W. BIILKT s LOWLAWM ESTATE TO BE IVCOBPOEATBD. It has been. currently reported for sometiuie^, past, in connection with the departure of K.W. Harrison to join MrW.W. Baile^Tv the Straits and relieve Ihe latter when lie taV a trip borne this spring, that
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  • 224 5 A quiet, hut pretty, wedding lock place Sr George's Church when Mr Orlo Veuni;"-^ Thomas, elder s<>u of Uie iiev. J. Veunirif t Thomas, of Westbury-on-Trym, England, r j married ta Tnuma, only daughter of 1 1 j« hi Yezo Sakagucbi, of Kumauiot«», Japan, f The bride,
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  • Correspondence.
    • 73 6 T-0 thp Kr>ir^R. I Sir. —As the Municipality have treated with j» lent contempt all that has been written in the papers with regard to that disgraceful piece of vandalism round the Kim Cheng Fountain, cannot anything be done by the Public toward* the restoration of the grateful
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  • 72 6 The mortality returns for the week ending L'ec 2'ird show that phthisis claiuyK large •:mber of nctims, the deaths for whltn it has en responsible l»eing 28 males, and 7 females —35. P^ri-l»eri has caused the death of 30, whilst 27 resulted from natural causes. There re
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  • 232 6 DANGEROrS LLNATIC IN RIVER VALLEY -RD. Teeterdaj afterm»on Sergeant Mussell re- -ived information that there was a dangerous ;uatic in the gn.uuds of the Prior v." River 5 alley-rd. He at once went to the house and 'ind that the lunatic, a Klinff, had climbed a -igh tree aud was
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  • 483 6 REASSURING Xkws. Shanghai. Dec l'O. 5.25 pin. Quietness prevailed^ in the citv last night uiid to-day all the shops were opened and business generally has been resumed. The naval pickets are. however, maintained -a case of any resumption of the disturbances. It is authoritatively stated that no German
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  • 340 6 rENAXG r*. f ERAK. The cricket match between Penang and Perak, played at Taiping on Monday and Tuesday, ended in a draw on time, which may be considered as a moral victory for Perak. Rain greatly interfered with the play which had to l»e stopped on Monday afternoon
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  • 254 6 Sir Arthur Law ley takes advantage of his removal to a sphere of official toil in Asia, to gire frauk utterance to what, in his opinion, constitutes the gravest of all dangers in South Africa. It is the growing possibility of an armed conflict between
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  • 69 6 A Chinaman named Sin Khoo had a dispute rith four compatriots in a house in Tanjoui; 5 \igar-rd last Dight.and they set upon him' and ssanlied him. One of the assailants had a taioie," a Malay lighting iron, and he frac- S area Sin Khoo's skull with it. Three
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  • 160 6 THE MALAY STATES LAND POLICY. A representative of the Times of Ceylon M as had a conversation with Mr. C. 0. Mee on I lie decision of theF. M. 8. Government that osefl of land are not to be put up by auction, bai the premium is to be two
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  • 710 6 Mine Owner's Plea for Coolil I.abolk. Appeal to Liberals. The subject of Chinese labour on the Rand occupied an important pail of the address of Lord Harris in presiding at the annual meeting of the Consolidated Gold rields of bouth \frica at Cannon-street Hotel. Lord Harris, the chairman
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  • 123 6 In the small hours of this morning I Klin^ mrgbr was loand in the Golf Club at the GtteeeoVfW. He had appropriated three straw iats, a white suit, two sweaters and four bottles >f brandy. The burglar was discovered by the a^ah who heard him
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  • 115 6 Sergeant Taj lor has found a gold signet ring rith the motto "Yeritatis Aseertor'' in pawn hop. The ring is of European maks and the woer e;.n identify it by applying -at the Jentnd Police Station. Takiug the saotto into onsideration it is obvious that no false claim eed be
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  • 581 6 ending Deo. t, lfOs. The accompanying sheet of m j ne m inents and assav result of j, r ls| shows a total of 27 forthepJod < under review made SLef 11 ft. siuj driving, and 1:«1 ft er**-«i!ti nLr total of 195 ft. for tU
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  • 56 6 By C.t.t II I! Bator, 7:'.r.l C. 1., Adjutant m<l Act;. Cj;.iniaU(Lr t, S. V. C De< 17 B. v. i. Datiei I— Orderiv OSotr f<>»" MBl week II 31 llaru. StrengtU I.— Sergt. A. G. We.sterliout and .'orpl .1. R. Voi-kltufii are stru«k o!V fcfat itMK^tt >1
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  • 170 6 CHINESE BRITISH ASSOCIATION. The aukual general meeting ot Lbs Straits Chinese Hbitish Association mis held last night at the offiAj ol Messrs Kiss Bens* a Co There nrere pteslnl Dr Urn B r m hTeng, the Pres dent, Ifr bong Ong Sianj the Son. Secsntary, the Hon. tan Jiak hTinf
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  • 16 6 Tli** Si igap >•• in 1 4 I Will teases returned the M il th i at
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  • 418 7 A telegram to Colombo states that Mr K. K. Macßride, «>!•;., late Director of Public sylon, is dead, at the age of 68 year>. mi Jan, 1, k«> money order payable iu x irill be issued locV\ .or more than lk Comtw l y, jrno wen
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  • 81 7 Bryant iGeorge Grand•u having absconded from Cokm- x v md draft tar .i lar-o sum. it for the e\tfadition fonnalia r ■■•■•-> -I "1 pffliiig kk being ssnt hack Basa mger said h^ was at one time R bVHisI HaleL He knew defend- I r an.l assistant
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  • 124 7 THE LATE MR. ALEXANDER JOHNSTON the older generation will hear of the death in England ou 25th i Mr. Alexander Johnston, who was a resident and merchant this Mr Johnston first arrived in Sixties, o ming out theu to >1 m S\ ose A Co ol whose busi»m« and was
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  • 65 7 s C C. 6L K. C. I 1 <!•<• EiptanaJe l isl tween Ui".* >s C. SK C. r i'his U ,mm llm Si; ii is Uken "•I > mh ■ii ;t i!»al result, per--11 il'l Ritccttinb tt» Ibfl in U bi i .;r/4 muvMi. ma* 2 »i !n,,u
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  • 1000 7 At the Teuton ia Club. To witness Mr Louis Bouwmeester and his highly efficient company, the well-known •Haarlemsch Tooneel," in a Dutch version of Beyerlein's powerful drama "Taptoe" ("Lights Out!) there gathered together at the Teutonia Club last night a large audience of whom the great majority were
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  • 1405 7 Qiticquid o/jv.rd homines nostri est forroyo ÜbelU. Juvenal. The Topicist, doffing his well-worn Swettenham, and exhibiting to the eye of man a dome like a roc's egg, of which .Esop might have been proud, greets his world- wide Legeuce with a comprehensive and hearty Salamat Tahln
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  • 556 7 THE "AYER JERNEH" SHOOTING AFFAIR. Chapman BeVOBK int. I aT. This morning before Mr Brj Fr I Jai^es Chapman was charge, rith b ring caused the death of a Javanese ranoi Ba Tahsie on Dec 19. Mr P. J. Sproule, D. P. P. pr secnted an<l Mr D. Y. Perkins
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  • 25 7 T!'r' forthcoming pbootinc Uid'^h, ciiraiige^i l«l«rera <Vvlon and ilie Ffnr*j States 05 tides* v ill take place early u»'\t ssontb. 9 1 1-. r r«'.'>
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  • 6963 8 CHRONOLOGY OF THE YEAR 1905. Jan i aky. 1. Mr Mitchell, Cni4«d States Senator, and Mr Hermann, member of the House of Representatives, indicted by the Federal Grand Jury at Portland, Oregon, on a charge of conspiracy arising out of the Oregon Laud Frauds. Baron" QauUch tob Frankenthurn appointed Austrian
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  • 226 10 *-x#n this festive season the young man's fancy •htlv turns to thoughts of fluid refreshment j*«?o£re is for tbi a monosyllable that is very D'-rar. But we think that even with the feseilities offered by the existence of the Tan Kim Cheng fountain opposite the Singapore
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  • 108 10 L-i&l ui>»hl the above Club gave a most en- ib!e dauee in the bi<; room at the Boustead l ii-r i; u:*» un<] there were a large Dumber of guests present. Tbe interior .»t' i};<- room u._r»!.\ In n« tritli fh-^.in.l decorated vviili .'\«t4:v»- .v.n.j i|,..
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  • 1284 10 1905. January. 1. General Stoessel surrenders PortArthu to General Nogi. 2. Terms of surrender arranged. o. Terms or' eapit ulation made public. 4. All the forts delivered *o General Xolt ">. Russians march out of Port Arthur. 10. The Kaiser confers on Generals Stoei sel an<l Nogi the
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  • 251 10 A NEGLECTBD BRITISH MARKET. i The completion of harbour improvemeutis .t Famagusta, of which official announcement w made, should impart a stimulus to industry and commerce throughout Cyprus. With a Y »rt sufficiently capacious to admit large steamers, and Connected by railuav with Nicosia, the capital, the only excuee for
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  • 63 10 Shureholderj in-tbeDuff Derelopmeut Company are now invited to *pi! for £*o,<X»t| .u( of the fcIOO.OOO Debenture'Stock the meeting last uu»nth. The stocl u,!!}..-,,- i 6 per cent, interest, aiHi i« |wiy»i«le U% itt»ul. I menjs extending to tiieeod uf HUtetuUf n*xi Tlie report of the StrdiU an 1 Qeneral U«v«
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  • 131 10 A UmmrafQ Wnmm x (Jfr, A quorum was not present y noon at Winchester House, Collm < the general meeting of the Bfortii K-, Mining Co, Ltd, was to have I receive the report of Mr K \V R liquidator, as to tIM winding up
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  • 127 10 j The second uiaud goaenJ i abuve oomptmy v. i bold \.-v. .lV I iu the companv"s negLstered j C'olenran-st. The bfJuoe the 4 %md pr..ii? u I wii niUmittod to Ibe meetiii Jebil 1) ilance of 81,747.82. Tlie dire glad however to tvpori gubeUaf
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  • 90 10 Bv the end of |RO7 the pott of Wumb pnnun the gitrfetl losing dock in tfct i It is now under .on^iu.-ti' .i in thi Jupj Mes>r>\ Blolun ud ITom, ut Kattborg, in. lidvo u nupacitj of 35,«J ij Eta length will ba 520 it, m
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  • 180 10 "ACLUI ii MH.K*. I. A .liscovery of rovHuitac Utenurt iir.-r.--lieea mde by Itr A. T. KmgcU in BriUt \tVica. While en #l^l in the survey «.i Lake vA*na -and itt HWet In fowid th»- hitb kuowu outlet of this fie>h-v.ater;e iar^e subterranean river. Übe Naiv.^l about
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  • 131 10 OEVKRK Fh.UilN... The Elder Dempster liner bTjmki arrived at Liverpool from \\V>i Ah. briegi details of kmm mere ti _-h t i u Kthiope Kiver with the Kwale tribe, in 'j'/ut a hundred of Un latter w.-»-,. killed British bm had I narrow atoap A •hum, some
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  • 66 10 We (O^loa fWim n rj h« ir I :-'i I ftfter) <-;iii <.! llm Ull r, v i 4i;«r«li .i..- ftj tM at —j7<* .hi.l .i\. I i.iwai.i, Kill j,.,.!..l ii (*«.|i ijui'v v I, Jt| -I. <> <i";ii>i ir |V ,1.; v- in i!',-i,i •<< i. m ''t J^
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  • 711 11 lm.iry meeting of the Municipal hel-l vesten'ay afternoon in the Mr I V>lglase*( Acting Municipal presided, and there were also preDr Murray Robertson, Dr Boon Keng, PviH-v. Cotrhlan, McArthur and W. with Mr Peiroe (engineer). Board's Finances. Btml statement ihewed $86,034.86 iht-. in-1 m lied deposits. -mi.
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  • 969 11 An Interesting Interview. Since the events of 1900 China has shown a Oesveto introduce long-needed reforms. In the ease of the Army this is seen very clearly, for I China possesses now all the makings of a real a < rmy or^ ini^d and drilled on the
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  • 707 11 The German warship Fuerst Bismarck cxme in from the eastward this afternoon. Capt C. Windhant, R.N., is appointed rearadmiral. Pedro Villargts, a Filipino, is in custody for causing the death of a fellow-countryman m High-st. He ii alleged to have struck a blow which ruptured deceased's
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  • 163 11 Smokers of Burma, cheroots might like to read the follow iuir- note sent t > Rangoon paper by a correspondent Burmese manufacturers of cheroots are not us careful as they might be of the quality of. the paste they use, and the cheroots suttVr in consequence. Sago or
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  • 783 11 At the Tectonia Club. Last night "De Koopraan von Venetie," under which unfamiliar title Shakespeares famous play was announced, was given at the Teutonia Club by Mr Louis Bouwmeester and his very capable company. There was a good audience although it did not include so many
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  • 191 11 The premises of the Singapore Tr.nnwav. Company were charmingly decorated on New Wu's Ev<> with flags and bannerettes, the p trer station, car shed, vard, engine rotmt, aud offices all being transformed for the au- J -picious occasion, the native employees of the Company
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  • 504 12 One A the bravest rescues at sea ever performed by a British Merchant ship was that vhieh took place some months ago, when the Booth liner "Augustine"' effected the rescue of the greater part of the crew of the Greek .-•.earner Clementine." According to acornmimic at
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  • 371 12 Confirmation of the reported disturbances at Harbin has now been received. The Moji correspondent of the Asahi sends the following particulars, which he obtained from Russians and Chinese who arrived at that port on Sun2;tlay night: t Serious disturbances have taken place at Jlarbin, but the
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  • 72 12 The trustees ofthe Hewawitarane Industrial Education Scholarship (Ceylon) have just beard from Japan to the effect thai no accom. jnodation is available in the Universities at Tokio and Kioto for tiro students ivom Ceylon The nnivwtities are full of Chinese and Indians! A letter hai ben teal
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  • 631 12 THE SEA SPORTS. The celebration of the last of the usual holiI days which crowd so thickly on us at the close of each year, was begun" yesterday with the customary exhibition of sea sports. Fortunately the weather at the start and during must of the morning
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  • 66 12 Major General laigo Jones, C. 8., the General Officer Commanding the Straits, at 6.90 this morning inspected the Sherwood Foresters at Tauglin, and expressed himself very well pleased with the appearance of this smart Regiment. The General presented to several of the men
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  • 231 12 Once more, the Egytian Budget is atriumpli for the skill and patieuce of Lord Oromer an. l his able subordinates in replacing financial instability by its opposite. It has been, no doubt, a labour of love to then throughout but none the less does the obligation rest oii
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  • 700 12 Half way through the proceedings at tfa annual Newjyear land sports, the race course was in that happy condition when a flat race or one portion of 'the turf, and a swiinmmi match on another could have been decided wit 1 equal facilitv, jet this circumstance
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  • 288 12 Last night Mr Buckley gave his annual Christmas treat to the children of Singapore and it is needless to say the youngsters enjoved themselves as only youngsters can. In all there were nearly nine hundred children ptesent for there is not a child in Singapore that does
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  • 668 12 e j Keamstk Fikk Disim.av I The first annual aeemmetitioa end i the Singapore Fire Brigade was h^fj J .Raffles Reclamation v<-,n i mencing at; 10.30 ain and n t the shower of rain which, the Sports were a distinct sijivk, I M Pettcan well hence
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  • 162 12 Exbibitiok m C A ChiiKiinan mk was charged In Colauui i!ii> norning i i 'i ragraucv id was i)..t u beggar but irata pugilist fu of this lie wo•,:■'{ sj.,.\v v < abilities. H<< w,-;ik i«d im bat :i di Btootti M >!i->w tbe < v. i<
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  • 11 12 Keatn Brinlnnann A Co i i«- Liverpool, fjQfKkwt, uu'l i\(
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  • 328 13 p a i mail steamer Oceana on the Ist Mr Xool Tmtttr goes home on leave, w o. Ben win lS ter General Mrhasi Cartel left by the Armand Monday aftemoosi and Mr Ralph iip h\< duties as Collector Knights ui the list of II n
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  • 85 13 T i»* ur'a E?© entertainineni 1 »-wnt'i iilv a private iking portion oi it t v attende i bj n*>t less v members and Qerniiig waa a irreat 1 tin* proceedings, iss, ;uk and the p This wmi follow.- 1 a laroe M Bforitz whk I] un.» ladjf amateurs
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  • 273 13 The Assizes opened this morning at the Supreme Court ljefore the Chief Justice Lord Sir Lionel Cox. There are 16 cases to be tried and ±> prisoners to be arraigned. There is tie or nothing sensational in the calender, the charges being of the usual kind -house breaking,
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  • 622 13 Rl SSIA. Plot Aoainht the Czar. AKKKST OF COUNT IGKATIEFF. i London, l>ee. 14. The annoucement made a lew days ago, to Ibe effect thai persistent rumours were prevalent at Si Petersburg thai the authorities were planning a counter-revolu-tion, an 1 would act a1 once it*
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  • 1258 13 L>etails of the Christmas Sport at Kuala Lumpur prove to be verv interesting. It was the tirst time that the Straits Settlements Gulf Championship had been played for in the Federated Malay States, and* it was disappointing that owin;,' to the inability of Penang to send a team,
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  • 570 13 li E H SAL TO A PP< I N I AN A.M B VSS ADO I Over and above the absorbing caret earned by the troubled state of the interior, the new Cabinet has to devote considerable attentiom to certain international questions which, without involving immediate
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  • 178 13 THE HER RERO RISING. Dying in Thousand F-rov Thikst. An official -report pn rated to the German Reichstag on tin* revolt <>f the Herrerot in German £toutb r West/ Africa, states thai the Ti- i\u<-\ In j.V rtorjfhern provinces of -the j.-^rl^JTttr "li'iVo" besiT'^racticaH ext rininated. 'L.tUcs ri d tiefore
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  • 2171 14 THE RUPTURE OF THE UNION BETWEEN NORWAY SWEDEN. Axi SIOHTfI Reserved BY 8 I BSHKI SeT'N-KaRR, C.M.U., M.l\ L'he afiun the Scandinavian Peninsula Mi or should 1 e of much interest to the inhabitants of the Empire. But there if one striking difference l*>tween the two countries, united until recently
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  • 1224 14 That the boom in rubber has commenced in Malaga is patent from the fact that each inaii bring us news of fresh companies projected for the planting of Para rubber trees in Malaya, or to take over existing estates. That rubber has come to stay in
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  • 524 14 DEVELOPMENT OF INTERNATIONAL STRATEGY On Nov. 29. lUj r4 a. Baden- P. .-.v.-H pi v sided at a lecture gtwea bf Dr. Hitler IU the Royal United Service Institution. Development of International Str .t.-.-v •1871 and its present condition.'* The pointed out that since ti.e date of the <■ tlie
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  • 32 14 W<- mml to hear my Butler of the Sol r»' Haaje itki plaoe oa Soadaj ait i I'ti iljti*. ]>, tl-kaowu i i f** P°P«l«i uif!» the h iuneral took pkoo oo nJ
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  • 314 15 „.i t Ikeif wsssisd ssindi by Uy «i f the astronomer's in.-, which whettes Is, mA hurts no ,!.l il!r 1 to tho Pbbss. Oriffiaal itter oi local lay H 11, in k-l > h.iii'l .i ilk invited, Mr K. B. Col man is Acer to Malacca.
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  • 174 15 I a v V 1 1 Sllul 1.1) DO THE l LATI< >nsi>l"i J>!>- avtiviry in the as small r»l fadicate3 opeiafc.•_v!..n. .nil Brazil during recast Kahbef cuHhratioa lui>. lor many jears, *"»-y ir.|.r..tit;iMo, lmt th« OOSlinodity BOW t.l v. -ry lii«jh price, an- 1 good results are
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  • 1259 15 f From our o>ra Correspondent.) A SHANGHAI TRAGEDY. The Result of Jealousy. Hoagkoog, 1.25 pm. Dec. 28. A man whose name U given as Holger, late Captain of tta is. Feieliing, murdered a Mrs Hartwiir, boarding house proprietor, at Shanghai \vstordav afternoon and then committed suicide. JealoQsj is given
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  • 865 15 Sudden Collapse at Moscow. .Dec. 31 0.15 pm. .The revolution at Moscow appears to have collapsed with extraordinary suddenness. •It is impossible as jre* f-o estimate the extent of the dainaiv or the numbers of killed and wounded, but •it is. expected that the lirst estimates oi!
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  • 90 15 Jan i > p.m. Twenty-six of the member- Um Ulttfllilu tarist committee who have h-.^i: tried IB Paris have been found guilty. Professor Herve,ihe apoti le of no no i.emerit, has lieen sentenced to four years imprisonment, and Urbain Gohier a prominent Drejfotard to one year. Others
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  • 451 15 Jan 52) pm. At the New Year rezepti"!? H»e Biyaee» Baron Tornielli ou behalf of I plgiatilia i voiced the general stti.sfaction at the KussoJapanese p^ace, and the advance of the international peace movemeut. Presideut Loobel concurred in these remarks, and said that he deduced
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  • 422 16 t'mmU.i Issue Paid n Lj Capital Valuc uptQ Company. Buyers Sellers MINES. $300,000 $10 1m Belat Tin If. Co. Ltd $115,000 10 10 Beraawah QoM K. Co. Ltd 840,000 10 I<> Do Do (Deferred) $600,000 10 10 Bruaeli Ifydrnilk- Tin M. Co. Ltd. £'400,000 fl I Duff Development Co.
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  • 89 16 T I t:_•• Gaml" m 7 95 do. OitU) So I >#> J do. do. Xo. -I 1 Pepper, Bl*ek (ot-diiifit-y8 |mm«« do. Wmte, (Paii L A 5 p*. do t m\ ro r.n<* t (> I tf we h«.,vi*, n| T«|Miva. «mm r«.i ,u rt «r i« 10./
    89 words
  • 49 16 (Corrected up to Jau. t.) B.iuk 4 m s demand Private credits 3 i m credits C> m s Fkance, dtinaud Geumany, deniaud... India, T. T, lloncjkonq, demand I V«»KOiJAMA, d«HiaU«l 1< Java, dei&aud IiAv;K(»K, immmA •SovKiihi.;\s, fUmk of Kn^!ai:<l Kftit discount niohtli^ I, ill.- T> Stiver London
    49 words
  • 84 16 PASSENGERS LEFT BY THE MAIL. JaSl 1. IVr M M AmniHid II.Gervate, Mr Ungftuu Caster, Mi lerk, Mr T. Bantnet M R as, sir M i yisfi Robe n. Mr G .A T M r es*, J«n 2. Nr M II Celsssssssa M< T. Ilatctsssuna, M/ IT. W. HBag'assfl UrC?
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 353 16 C L B A K A N O E S December 27. •Janet Nio.ll. Brit, str. llorier, for Bangkok. Hebe. Brit Btr, Inkster, for Penang and Deli. Balsngor, Brit. Btr., Daly, for T. Anson \i;i ports. Xijni NoTjjorod, Rot. Btr., Boubnoff, for Odessa. Waibora, Brit, str., Brown, for Penang. Cunera,
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    • 818 16 Ruhj, Brit, str., Morris, for Palembang. Maha Vajirunhis, Dut. str.. Steenborg, for Padang via Penan^. Sultan van Lingga, Dut. str., Samoa, for Bingkep. Betsy, Dut str, Bojeng, for Bagan ria port?. Manila, Gar. str., Minssen, for B ngkot. Sumatra. Brit, str Bruce, for Hongkong, SI mgliai and Japan. Pin Bong,
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