The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 23 November 1905

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • Domestic Occurrences.
    • 19 1 McArthck.— On the 21st November. 1905, j at M Aibnrs the wife of C. McAbthtk, of a son.
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    • 38 1 De Lissa-Philips.— By the Registrar General at Colombo, on November Muriel Ei.aini: De Lissa, third daughter of Montague De Lissa, Sydney and Fpaxk Dalton Philips, of Singapore, youngest son of P. A. Philips, late of Auckland. X.Z.
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    • 36 1 At Marseilles, on 2uth instant, F. D. Ma< tao«;art, of Messrs McAlister Co., Ltd. On the 21st No vender, at the General Hospital, Gaston Hinnek^dt, aged 17 years, last son of Madame Hinnekindt, of Woodsville.
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  • 812 1 He chall the Pre^ the Trope's right mair.U.n, Ul ::\;cd by :n!! and unbribed by gain I'c.i* patiiot Troth her glorious precepts draw, '.'i.^-.d to RcUftSoila Loyalty and Law. It will make Sir W. T. Treacher's frieu«ls a trifle uncomfortable to note the
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  • 123 1 The piecemeal references to the massacres of Jews m Russia that come Sails over the cables do not give a very dear idea of the real extent of the slaughter. But c find m, a Hongkong Daily Press telegram of the Bth inst a statement that enables us
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  • 1274 1 If there is anything the Imperial Govern- mm meut is severely punctilious about it is its caw to preserve the status of Protected State* under its jurisdiction. That fact wa>? of course not understood by those ill-inf- Tine 1 persons who thought that a
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 532 1 CONTENTS. LfcYDKR>. Sir W. T. Treacher, Diracsot :J2l Baasiaa v*i«.t«2ii*^ .321 Th^ laansrial Gosanansansl and Proleeted Sanssa 321 The State ot Bassia nso PL.nting and Denudutiou 322 SCotaajS Future 322 An Eugh-h Lady m Poland 322 fas Csaaaael Di -aster 322 atr Pertfle oai Chtsrenns 322 1 V)l 322 Mr
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    • 218 1 THE DIRECTORY for BANGKOK SIAM 1905. Sixteenth Year of Publication. NOW READY. The Directory for Bangkok and Siam contains a complete and Official List of the Government Department and the Principal Commercial Houses m tlie country. It is replete with information absolutely essential to the Merchant, the Trader, the Professional
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 261 1 THE Wafts?. Tlie N. D. L. Prim Heinrieh arrived on Friday, bringing Europe mails of Oct. '24, the B. I. Thongwa on Saturday and the ML If. Armand Uehie on Tuesday each with mails from Europe of date Oct 87. To-day's mail homeward is taken by the P. and O.
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  • 333 2 Gloomier than ever is the outlook iv Russia. The Tsar's manifesto of somewhat stinted concessions towards constitutionalism, instead of bringing the peace it was hoped has brought a sword. Where the country is not m a state of open anarchy, it lies under all
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  • 383 2 In making a plea for the acquisition of Crown lands m Ceylon for rubber-planting, the Ceylon Obserrer shows that this would m no wise interfere with the policy underlying the maintenance of Government forest reserves. Some of the remarks <juo f od below have a bearing on
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  • 176 2 No r way's Future November 18. Tin: people of Norway have done, m the circumstances, the best possible thing for themselves, for Sweden, and for Europe m selecting Prince of Denmark to be their future King. And Prince Charles has accepted the honourable task of filling the Norwegian throne.
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  • 356 2 A private letter from an English lady m Poland, dated Sept 21st, which has come to the Editor m round-about fashion, gives some idea of how things were at Vilua theu. But Poland has been very disturbed since, according to the telegrams The whole province
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  • 236 2 The sad incident of the loss of the Southwestern Railway Company's steamer 11 ill a from Southampton to St. Malo, wrecked at an unspecified point on or near the French coast, is one of the prominent features of to-days wires. The loss of life was
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  • 992 2 We have an interesting private letter fiom Mr Gh Pertile, from Padua criticising a reference to the question of exchange aud currency that appeared m the Biugapore Free Plrsss of Sept 11. Mr Fertile inclines to think the views expressed there must be tho=e of some
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  • 524 2 Imitation is not only the sintvrest f«»;i»i flittery, bnt, m the case of tlie new X N 'iway, the key-n<>te at I astnvl atyi policy. As AaVMaal haSSTaanX Faini'S ei W ou his BCrraaiiSi to the British thr m nected BSBasaU laatoricallj with the las Boynl
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  • 320 3 \n rntirefy unexpected bit of news comes tough Keuter m reference to the SingaPechs Baal Harbour. The word 4i Hartahe it, einiiot l>e assumed to imply loaahal < Mice has decided to order the .j G'Vcrnuient to proceed with the schemes 1 with the
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  • 179 3 jaaanasl his nothing to take back m its on the "astonishing" telegram of rsnvf concerning the strangaallega il "Mr J. C. Inolis was appointed Manager of the Docks ssad Harbour anrtructed Singapore." After show- mm add isanlj if there was anything m a ssl on
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  • 447 3 Kit End unemployed End, v. i; h a mass meeting m ''"Uin j ia uneventful affair, UissnoVeesa m. There was vio- at land was limited to range 1 rri upon th? prooes--1 v also to the sentiments uttered m the speeches m the Park. But the demonstrators
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  • 467 3 A Patiho Ixdcstry. A paper on the v Agathi plant m the 44 Madras Agricultural Bulletin," tells us, says the m Bombay Gazette," incidentally the value of a betel plantation or vinery. The Agathi is simply grown as a standard up which tlie viue clambers, though when
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  • 66 3 The hearing of the claim by the Mercu.tiaBank of India against Mootoocarpen Cbetty for SI 000 odd which they alleged was due ou a mouev exchange contract of rupees and cMlars wis coocluded yesterday afternoon, lhe cas* had been adjourned from the > presious Tnesdas Jndgmeut was given by Mr
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  • 1287 3 The Tanjong Pagar Dock Company whilst it was m existence did a very good work, quite apart from business, m encouraging its employees to make the Company's recreation Club a strong and flourishing concern. The position now gained by the Club is certainly a good one and it
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  • 302 3 Owing to a recent agitation m some of the Opposition papers of the Italian Press against the contract between the Italian Government and Mr. Marconi, which grants an exclusive license to the Marconi Wireless Telegraph system for fourteen years, Mr. Marconi has written to
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  • 163 3 We hear that Mr Leopold Premyslav who ii now m North China hopes to arrange a meeting with his father who is a Polish officer hi the Russian army. He was wounded si the battle of Bhaho and was invalided to Harbin, but recovered and was able to return to
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  • 227 3 Our possessions on the West Coast of Africa have never received the attention which is due to them, and they are still neglected even nowadays, when France, Belgium, and Germany are developing their tropical colonies to an extent which is Che wonder of those who visit them.
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  • 93 4 During the week ending Nov 11 the number of deaths m Singapore was 188 giving a mortality rate of 38.74. There were 31 deaths due to phthisis, 24 to natural causes, 21 to beri-beri, but none to cholera, plague, or small-pox. The British four masted barque
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  • 174 4 Earl: M.k^iaoe, Prompt Divorce. Jenab lunte Ahamat is only 12 but she has been married and divorced. Her divorce came about m a peculiar fashion. Early this month the girl, a Javanese, who lived with her mother m Seat to- rd. went out shopping and met a
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  • 120 4 H. M. S. Flora v A. Company. The Flora's team aud A. Coy. Sherwood Foresters, played a game on the Raffles School ground yesterday. Play was from the c- 'inmeucement very interesting, but it was some time before the soldiers' attack succeeded at the end of the initial half.
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  • 76 4 S. C. C. v. D. Coy. Sherwoods. Played on the Esplanade last evening, both sides being fairly strong. The game was keen aud fought out at a fast pace, but the Club were the better lot and showed the more effective combination, their work at forward being very sound
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  • 206 4 According to M Commercial Intelligence," British merchants would do well to investigate the possibilities of trade m the lesser known countries of the East. Recently one of the steamers running between Australia and China took to Sydney. N. S. W., an experimental shipment of the products
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  • 122 4 The recent frequency m Europe of cases I of poisoning from eating fungi mistaken for mushrooms, brings to light the fact that there j lias long been known m France an effective an- I tidote of the simplest kind. It was first used j iv 1820 by M.
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  • 115 4 French Chambers of Commerce m foreign countries harts taken to Bounding a note of alarm on the subject of race suicide. The London Chamber has made a plea for better filled cradles, and that m Brussels has followed the example, adding the more practical expedient of ofclO each
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  • 160 4 The Chefoo Daily News is responsible for the following remarkable story Tientsin, October 22. For the past ten days the troops under Gerrnae command have been posted around and m the vicinity of Tientsin. The pretext for this action, as given out to the public,
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  • 109 4 An interesting case m which a woman revenue officer was produced m the Police Court to give evidence iv a chandu prosecution, was that heard by Mr Seth m the Third Court yesterday against two Chiuese women, elderly and young respectively, of the illicit possession of chandu.
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  • 459 4 "The Lesson is Plain": american version of the massacre. Mr T. P. Hearley of Canton sends the following account of the Lienchow affair Canton, November s.— Supplementing my cablegrams to the Cablenews" I send you herewith as fully as I can gather them, the details of
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  • 205 4 On Saturday, before Captain Boldero iv the Marine Court,' E. Hansen, a Finnish sailor on the ss. Battenhall, was charged with being absent from his vessel without leave. Accused pleaded not guilty and said he did not know it was necessary to obtain permission to go ashore from a vessel
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  • 239 4 The report of the Presbyterian Church of England, Chinese Mission has just come to hand. In 1905, the membership m Singapore, Johore and Muar was 506 and the contributions amounted to $3,028.73 a very fair average of $6 per head, considering that 194 children and
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  • 248 4 Volume 1, No 1 of a new Shanghai publication, entitled The Cosmopolitan reaches us. It is well printed and contains a number of interesting articles, but it must be confessed that it creates the impression that the Editor or responsible person has gone a, tilting at all and
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  • 142 4 A specially good Xmas number of the Graphic is to hand. With that is issued two excellent coloured supplements, one, a study entitled Memories by Mr St G. Hare, the subject of which is a young girl the other Got 'im a small boy lugging along
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  • 287 4 This morning before Mr Seth. a Chinaman named Koh Ah Si, carpenter on the ss. Hong Moh, was prosecuted by Mr F. K. Jennings, Agent of the Opium and Spirit Farmer, for bringing nearly $300 worth of chandu into the Colony. Sergeant Ralph
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  • 621 4 The Ceremonial opening of the German Parliament will take place towards the end of November. Although last year the German Parliament was called upoD to deal with mom. entous problems, such as the treaties of commerce and the increase of the standing annv
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  • 69 4 With reference to the CaatoavKssraeoi Bai wav, it is reported that Viceroy Shuai Chuu Hseu is still of the opinion that the BBQtaBB J the Railway m British Terni-rv aVmMl be constructed and controlled by the British, while that m Chinese Territory should be built witb Chinese
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  • 140 4 The first annual general meeting of the JeutL Limited, was held recently at the "Si asesjra Osborne aud Chappel, IfssV, as ass the Directors' Report, accounts Ife Has Report of the Directors vna as fol Has Directors have aha plsssi to the shareholders the attsssrnts d W t
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  • 71 4 Apollinaris VValer maUil.iu- \l.*r j j£ m ,L- va.» U natural U,»«"-- a *3j [tl malitiM are well known ami -1 ex;.a iat»g upou. The .prios a. V««" turns out aboiH SO mi11i.... bottle. aad •K-faraar and quite a null »o™ '""'"'L Ckurol. and mouuineut to .<: ApoHmat
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  • 1211 5 Outdoor Pastimes of an American Huntei v the nt\e of a new book which. Preside* Keosevelt is writing, and extracts from whic appear with illustrations m this month > ribner. He gives a vivid description of ;ecent trip m Colorado, m the course
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  • 217 5 Goh Kara Hoo, "the Pfeoio*.* 1 Goa Keng Hoo, who applied for his discharge m bankruptcy to Mr Justice Leslie lhornton m the Supreme Court yesterday afternoon is, or was evidently a partner after Cheng Seng s own heart if his sad little tnto to his
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  • 698 5 At Manila. Paralyzes the Audience. The following is taken from the "Cablenews" of the 31st October Those who attended the brilliant, perform ansae of Fitzgerald Brother's circus at tlie I Zorilla Theater Sunday night saw one of the must thrilling sights ever witnessed outside of the jungle. The
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  • 759 5 H.M.S. Flora went away this morning to Bangkok where she will remain for a few days. The British ship Combermore of Liverpool spoke to the British steamer Edendale m Lat 2. 48 S. and Long 107. 15. ifl., which wished to be reported to the agents
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  • 113 5 Tnnnn Men Killed. One of those unfortunate aceideuts which appear to be unavoidable where dynamite is used iv operations occurred at Quarry Bay on Thursday afternoon (9th). Some nine or ten natives were engaged at blasting operations on the side of a hill. They had
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  • 123 5 I The Board of Revenue and the Ministry of Finance, m deliberating on the scheme "for converting China into a Gold Standard country, took into consideration the recommendations made by Professor Jenks on his visit la*t yea*and were half inclined to adopt the latter a suggestions and
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  • 518 5 Bishop Hoare of Hongkong has been speakI ing at a Church Missionary .Society's meeting at Norwich, taking for his subject the Yellow j Peril."' In the course of his address he said I Most of those who knew China, and had lived
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  • 336 5 A correspondent asks us what are the difficulties we referred to last week as likely In arise m the administration of the Singapore Docks by the local Government. We cannot do better than reproduce a portion of the letter on this subject which was
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  • 1330 6 FULL STORY OF THE TRAGEDY. AS BELATED BY THE SURVIVOBS. I Samshui, Nov. Bth, 1905. The party sent up the river to bring Dr Machle and Miss Patterson down reached Samshui this evening. From them we have been able to gather the full story of the killing of
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  • 71 6 Sergeant Templar, of the Imperial bight Horse, who was a member of the Transvaal team at this year's Bisley meeting, won the Governor's prize at Maitland (Cape C >lony) with a score of 'V2\). (This is the record for the aggregate ores the King's Prize three stages
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  • 74 6 The "Times of Ceylon" (Nov. 8) sa;s: The marriage was registered at the UegistrarGeneraTa Oflice, at 11 o'clock this morning, ot Mr Frank Dalton Philips, a visitor from Singapore doing business as a merchant, to Miss Muriel Elaine de Lissa. daughter of Mr Montagu de Lissa, merchant.
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  • 138 6 Gaemsos v. Bbeswood Forestees. This match was played last evening on the Esplanade, the rain made tlie ball greasy and very difficult to pick up or hold. The Sherwoods nearly all through held command of the hall m the scrum and let itout. The first try was scored
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  • 124 6 Kow Soon Kiat, and three others are concerned between I hem cheating and abetting m cheating of a chetty, Pona Keena I'ernal, of slo,Uooon Sept. 27th. One man has yet to be secured however. Mr Braddell, who mentioned the case this morning to Mr Seth m the
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  • 264 6 For Those Bitten by a Dog Supposed to be Mad. A correspondent writes to the Calcutta Englishman n Those who have the misfortune to be bitten by a dog which, being ill, has the appearauce of a dog about to no mad, are naturally m a state of
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  • 934 6 The usual meeting of this Board was held yesterday afternoon iv the Municipal offices Mr E. G. Broadrick presiding. The other members present were Dr M. Robertson, C. Macarthur, Cheng Keng Lee, A. W, Bailey, W. Macbean, H. L. Coghlan, H. I. Chope, Dr Lhn Boon Keng, R.
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  • 819 6 Rejected Addressks. Iv connection with the questional fan dresses to be presented to the Karl \t the Viceroy -elect uf ludia, on Li* n that country, the Bombay u«i.t> the two following addresses s*n ufths which will not be presented to Kx'.r" though if tVy
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  • 1085 7 The sad accident on Saturday last which resulted m the death of Woods tho well known ,tralian jockey, cast a gloom over the paper m au 1 aaaj, though it is to be hoped it will deter Basse from taking part m the sport hile It was one
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  • 122 7 The final meetiug m connection with the winding up of the Tebrau Planting Co. was h^ld on Nov. 7 at the office of the liquidators Messrs J. 1). Humphrey* and Son. Hongkong. The report stated that there was a net balance of capital after paying and presiding
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  • 184 7 A MISTAKK WITH AWKWARD CONSEQ ENCES. The town of St Jacques, near Verdun (Frcice), was the scene of intense excitement last month owing to an oversight on the part of the Mayor. Punctually at noon the town-crier appeared m the market square, and, amid the ro'lin^
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  • 120 7 Mr Walter Carr, of Loudon, read a paper at the Institute of Marine Engineers m which he explained the details of an invention which he has just patented for the pneumatic propulsion, of ships. The chief advantages which ho claims are security from breakdown by injury
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  • 294 7 Although it has been generally known for some months that the Government had decided to take over the Tanjong Pagar Docks at Singapore, the "Observer" supplied yesterday some interesting information respecting the details. So far as can be judged, the whole arrangement, proceeds on right lines. with
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  • 984 7 The Inconceivably Little— A New Guide for the Seaman— Gold Plated Sheep Teeth— The Life of Radium Cells— Pure Barium— A Jsew Wood Polish Taming of Fishes Sunniest Europe— Electric Fire Engines. The mind reels m the effort to comprehend the vastness of star distances, and now the
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  • 51 7 T]ie British ateinnr Fesonia bra arrived here with 8,703 tous of J a panose c -> Captain de Pledge (Sherwood Foresters), is granted three weeks' leave from Nov 18. Major Ritchie, is granted leave from Nov lf» to 27. aud Onptain Whitehead b o.a. six months from December to
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  • 1004 7 Bewildering Display at Haeti.epool. Hartlepool, October 11th.— This afternoon at Hartlepool the New Zealanders dazzled a crowd of nearly 20,000 Tees-sides with the most brilliant display of Rugby football ever witnessed m the county of Durham, or, for the matter of that, m any part of
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  • 42 7 Ifr A. Asmus art ives from Penang to morrow by German mail aud with Mr. ivalenkamp, goea on to China and Japan for a brief tour before it suming duty with Kehn Meyer Co, the former ia Singapore, the Utter iv Penaug.
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  • 886 8 M. Pokotilow, the Russian Minister at Peking! has returned from America to bis jost. The annual Teochew, Macao, Kaik and Hylam Chingav processian took place thia morning with the customary ceremoay. Competition for the contracts m connection with the new Russian Fleet is sufficiently strenuous. There
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  • 1145 8 Quicquid agunt homines nostri est farrago libelli. JxrvßNAx. If Russia as a combatant m the Far East no longer provides food for topicismg on, as a nation m the tortures of a political regeneration she is daily before the eyes of a wondering and dismayed world.
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  • 352 8 T ANJONG PAGAR DOCK COMPANY. A meetiug of the Shareholders of the above company was held m the Exchauge to-day to pass a resolution to the effect that a sum of .5220,000 be accepted from Governmeut without prejudice to a claim for the balance of £891,075.02 claimed by the company
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  • 239 8 A meeting was held m the Exchange yesterday afternoon to make the necessary arrangements for holding the customary New Year Sports. Mr W. E. Hooper presided and there were also present Messrs. Gh P. Owen, Cogblan, Pietszker, Tessensohu, Millard, Zehnder, Moseley, Ess, J. G. Mactaggart, J.
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  • 150 8 Before Mr Marriott m the Second Court Inspector Jones of the S. P. C. A. charged four Klings with cruelty to four bullocks. Mr J. Me Murray gave evidence, stating that the offence took place m Kirks Terrace. Defendants were firm 1 I days each. Since the cancellation of the
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  • 185 8 THE NEW MILK SELLER' S REGULATIONS. Important Alterations. Regulations for the licensing of milk B*ll were first published m the Gazette of Oct V? In to-day's issue these rules are amended important particulars. Reports of infect;, 111 disease existing— either human or anima dairies etc, will have to be made
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  • 160 8 Unusual Figures. It is interesting to note from the Return of inquests and views made m the (Jolonv during the third quarter af lfm:,, aVajaat increase iv the number of views held j Singapore during that quarter. In bbsbssl quarter of 1905. 101 views wore held, mbV
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  • 189 8 October, 1805— Octobee, 1905. I. Not to exult, iv braggart vein. Over our gallant foes. Nor boast of victories on the main. Which Heaven alone bestows Vainglorious clarion, clamorous drum, For which the vulgar crave,— Not these, not any such, l>ecome The Wardens of the Wave.
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  • 182 8 (From oar os <' '"'J The Bulau Puasa is being ratli-i l*g observed by the natives iv the llu. At oiner times the river is quite lively with b»iui bnasiug produce of all varieties for d^ l if ever, are noods a, epir.. -thmucji below the rsssnaj
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  • 75 8 The steamer Vidar running bet pore and Kelantan is reported tou due. She left here on the .:Ii« L via ports and should have tfol 1* insr. lam Vidar is BSrnad BJ Guan Co of Penaug. I 1 Seasa time ago it was roa»»i%e i eldership of tbe Presbyterian Ci<
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  • 2995 9 hh.inaßT Meeting, Friday, Nov. 17, 1905. I'RKSBXT v Excellency the Governor n (Sir John Anderson, k.c.m.0.) h n'Me the Acting Colonial Secretary (E. L. Brockman.) the Attorney-Oenl. (W. K. Collyer.) tlu« Act. Oai, Treasurer J.O. Arthonisz) the Auditor-General (L. C. P 1.) ST P. Waddell. John Anderson. H.
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  • 1122 9 Rubber Seeds and Foreign Countries. With these headlines (says a Ceylon paper) we published an editorial on the 1 5th July giving the views of Mr M. S. Parry, of Selangor, and of the United Plan tors' Association of the Federated
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  • 899 10 A Football Match was played on the ground of the Straits Chinese Recreation Club on Saturday last between the Straits Jovial Club and the C. P. A. The latter team won by 2 goals to nil. Mr Seah Cheng Joo acted as referee. Mr Bouwmeester a
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  • 405 10 A match was played on Saturday on the S. K. C. ground between Married and Single: Single. S. Zehnder c Bogaars b Jansz 16 J. R. Angus c Oliveiro b James 2 G. Armstrong c Thomasz b James 1 0 A. E. Coelho c Ahin b Valberg 1<» A.
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  • 183 10 A Study m Colours. The Chengay was m full blast and glory on Saturday morning, and verily the gods should be pleased with the gorgeous pageant, a huge and rather imposing panorama of vivid colouring, trailing aloug the principal thoroughfares, and heralded by much clashing of cymbals and
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  • 189 10 A pleasant aud unique function took place at the C.E.Z.M.S. Chinese Girls' School. Government Hill, on Saturday m honour of Miss Ryan's golden jubilee m the school. It is not ofteu that oue is called to share iv a rejoicing over such au event of oU
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  • 25 10 The Fire Brig ide had a successful wet drill yesterday morning wheu a jet of water was thrown the height of the Memorial Hall tower.
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  • 602 10 The Japanese Fleet for England. The Emperors Birthday. {From Our Japanese Correspondent.) Tokio, November 3. To-day marks the fifty-fourth birthday anniversary of the Emperor of Japan, and it is being joyfully celebrated by all his loyal subjects. Emperor Mutsuhito's life and reign came providentially at an eventful
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  • 326 10 Chinesb Coolies Bring Prosperity TO THE P.ANI). The following is the labour position m the Transvaal On the gold mines there were employed at the end of August 100,00 natives and 44,600 Chinese, applications sad l>een made for 12,*'»00 Chinese and 9,000 natives the latter wre not
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  • 247 10 The hundred years have passed, and h. Whose name appeased a nations fearl As with a hand laid over sea To thunder through the foeman'a ear Defeat before his blast of fire Lives m the immortality That poets dream and noblest souls d ii. Never did nations need
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  • 476 10 On Saturday night Mr Buckler lectured before the V.M.C.A. on The Great Mistake Mr Polglase occupied the chair and there \\'i< a large turn out of menibera together with lew lady irieuds. "The Great Mistake nssssn] to 1* the old uotiou that the earth ia the centre
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  • 64 10 POPULAR ORCHESTRAL CONCERT. The attention of members of the Philhi nic Society and of the music-loving pi invited to the advertised details af th' P ro gramme of the concert to lie given iv tln-'I-jwu Hall next Thursday night. By general request the impressive An IrnsnTcbaikovskvS sth Symphony will be;
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  • 111 10 The Cadet's Bungalow on Qssjern H was visited by a burglar daring 1 The burglar got m by a bath inBBB I ■ana had been left open and annexed aei of boots, an umbrella,aud some sit'> bc'onfianj to Mr Martian Prom II room be took all the white suits hecoiil
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  • 2084 11 Why Not an Entente P Bt A RrssiAN. Within the inmost penetralia of Russian OMc0 M ct alcloai 'here is a whispering of peace— of that is to be striven for at the price of -jpjVnefntac ambition. Do not affect surprise, v am aware that it
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  • 1609 11 Light on the Government's Plan. By FrsiLiEß." Light is gradually being projected upon the Government's plau for providing an Army. It is not now very difficult to discern the method that is to be pursued, and as one by one the blanks m the pattern are filled
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  • 142 11 A curious golf problem arose m a recent big match at St Andrews. Taylor had a putt of six feet for 79 his ball ran past the edge of the hole aud lay a few inches beyond he reached over to it with his putter and tapped
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  • 124 11 The self-sacrificing and devoted young ladies, who are entrusted with the task of nursing the patieuts at the General Hospital here will read the following with a satisfaction that springs from a sense of the appreciation of others: Pretty nurses were approved by Lord Derby
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  • 39 11 The P. aud O. passenger list stages that amongst the passengers for Singapore per ss. Himalaya and Malta from Colombo are Lady Dickson aud two Misses Dickson. Lady Dickson's numerous friends here will be please i to learn this.
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  • 1272 12 Where he will oo and What he will See. j It is thirty years within a few days since our present King Edward, then Prince of Wales, visited India. He left London on October 11, 1875, and reached Bombay on November 8, just one day earlier than
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  • 360 12 Cairo, October 8. The incident of the Chatham, with its chain of circumstances involving the possibility of danger to a portion of Egyptian territory, besides danger, loss, and inconvenience to the shipping of all nationalities, has provoked an interesting question iv Egypt. This refers to
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  • 122 12 With reference to the rumour that a truce had been arranged between the Shell Line and the Standard Oil Compauy, and that the Shell Line was to lie acquired by the Standard Company, on a basis of £2 per share, the Glob? is authorised by Messrs M.
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  • 147 12 Here m the East Mine eyes are wearied with glare and do sty heat, Mine ears with the multitudes of hurrying feet; My senses loathe the heavy scented air And marvel that they once found all so lair. Patient as toiling bullocks with their load. Day after day I
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  • 73 12 The Ibu^kong A. I>. C. is going to produce M I'riiu-ss 'J'oto," comic opera, early m the year. li. bearsala roininennj this week. Mi. .Tamos Lryce, M. P., who is at j resent vinilitti! M t.edouiai i«s president of lhe Balkan CoiUttU lo i^ lasVg regarded with a. gt»««t deal
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  • 467 12 The following cable news is taken from the Torres Straits Pilot. The Charters Towers Queen Cross mill engine-house was recently blown up with dynamite. The engine was^ wrecked by the explosion, the ironwork being strewed all over the locality. Two watchmen and the manager and his
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  • 259 12 THE DUFF DEVELOPMENT COMPANY. "The City column of the "Daily Mail,*' Oct. 16th, contains this: A correspondent signing himself M Perplexed protests agaiust inadequacy of information about the Duff Development properly, the shares oi' which he bought at comparatively high prices. "All we know is that the company, having exhausted
    259 words
  • 137 12 Ch plain John Straehan, the owner af the ivavy, who figures a great deal iv Australian Hud Kunt Indies waters, was a passenger south by ii:.- Au^tralinn, says a. Thursday Island aa* |a»r He j- iecd lhe steamer at Port Dirwin, at a hie 1 1 pl-ico ho
    137 words
  • 14 12 The iuclemeut weailier has prevented th»* sailing of sevorai vessels of the niosojsnto Beet.
    14 words
  • 404 12 '•Gentlemen, to solace tivir w<*ri«i honest pastimes, playe at oh.-*, the game, and the philosopher* «r Hn W ,~T n r thyr wittea, recreates theyr inindj body m the mean season." Ut t« n* All communications should 1* addiv Chess Editor, "Singapore Fret Pw»7'' problems, games and
    404 words
  • Article, Illustration
    22 12 By H. Wall ■■■IMS BTBBUI Biack r; BBSUS White 6 pi" White to ilay and mate m 3 move*
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  • Article, Illustration
    18 12 -l*y Paul kanst B. Mack I BBSSaS. White 'A pie*** White to play and «m
    18 words
  • 52 12 The Chinese press passant that < the Japanese Minister's coiuiiiuuic.v »v <#tb lo the Waitrupu. stituu' tl* it Komi ia is expected shortly al I*«*u ir -f tiatofa*ths Mauolnoi.u aanaars, I Government ha« notified <he a|»p Prince Ching, Ni Tung. Yum S!i o ha Lr Shun as p!onij«»teu*i me» ten*
    52 words

  • 376 13 n^ement of Dr Irwin of Tientsin to .^lien daughter of Sir Walter HiUier, ia I<e s panic m Kwangsi m consequence of f the French fleet m the Gulf ..ratios for raising the "Novik" have .landed until the return of war-,-hrr. as *hau tifteen hundred invitations
    376 words
  • 273 13 -mull hours of yesterday morning a wred with blood staggered into Keshan Police Station and fell gasparound and it w r as then noticed he t t bivkeu spear sticking iv his right Ins; ector Sullivan was at once called rendered first aid to the injured man
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  • 808 13 DEATH OF MR P. D. MACTAGGART. It is with deep regret that we have to record to-day the unexpected death of Mr F. D Mactaggart, director of Messrs McAlister and Company, which occurred at Marseilles from fever. The deceased gentleman's Singapore career was commenced as long ago as 1886, when
    808 words
  • 110 13 We have received from the publishers, Messrs Kelly and Walsh, B copy of the new issue of Sir Frank SarettenhftnTa Malay Vocabulary. This i; the Luglish-Malay section, the one which will be the more useful of tbe two, to the ordinary European here. The vocabulary has some
    110 words
  • 31 13 The steamers Vidar, Flevo. aud oanet Nicol are still overdue to-day. It is thought that the weather has necessitate 1 the vessels Usingup aoaaewhere on the Knot coast of tho Peninsula.
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  • 376 13 The September number of the Straits Agricultural Bulletin" has just come to hand. It contains a number of interesting articles including a report on the Penang agricultural exhibition with list of prize winners, rubber m Sarawak, market report and export lists. In the Exhibition report it is noted
    376 words
  • 198 13 FIRE AT BARUGH CO'S. Shortly after 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon the Fire Brigade received a call to a fire which was reported to have broken out at Messrs Barugh Ce.'s premises m Bras Bassah-rd. Superintendant Pett aud his men with the big steamers from Police Bahru and Cross-st. Fire Stations
    198 words
  • 105 13 The following properties were sold by auction at Powell Co's saleroom yesterday afternoon Four shophouses Nos 1 2 and 3 Churchst aud No 25 Philip-st, Singapore, 1,654 sq. ft., lease 999 years. Monthly rent 5230. K. A. Somasuudarum Chetty 325,000. Two shophouses No 243 Telok Ayer*st aud
    105 words
  • 107 13 Mr Kent wins the medal and Sweepstake. Messrs Gahagan Kitchiug,Gunn. Woollcombe, Page, Tongue, Beau, Murray, Forster, Paliisser, Dunn, and Cox, also played but returned no cards. The November monthly medal has resulted as follows N. E. Kent. 49 42 10 81 W. 8. Barrett. 46 47 11
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  • 87 13 The new Police Offices have been completed and the building is a fine imposing one. The Court of Requests has already been removed to the new building and the Police Offices will be transferred there within a few days time. Two weddings took place m Penang on Wednesday, when Mr
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  • 697 13 The Bulan Puasa or fasting month of the Mohammedans terminates on Tuesday next which is Hari Ray a, a day devoted to feasting and visits to the mosques. The steamers Flevo and Janet Nieol, which were overdue, both arrived safely m port this morning. The vessels
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  • 43 13 The local steamer Thaiping was sold byauction yesterday afternoon at Messrs Coghlan <fc Co's salerooms. There was a large attendance and bidding was brisk, the vessel being eventually knocked down to Towkav Somr Kee Lian of Market-st for *3,600.
    43 words
  • 121 13 The Right Kevd Dom Joao Paulino d'Azavedo c Castro, Bishop of Macao, accompanied by 5 European priests, arrived yesterday afternoon from Timor Dilly by the Dutch mail steamer Gouverneur Geueraal Daendels. On t lie arrival of the steamer, the Bishop aras welcomed on board by the
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  • 110 14 THE HARBOUR QUESTION. NO ABANDONMENT. Government's Attitude Unchanged." Seen this morning by a representative of the 4i Free Press," and asked for information upon the Government's intentions on the Harbour Improvement Scheme, m view of the numerous rumours as to the abandonment of the scheme and the future outlook, the
    110 words
  • 48 14 [Frcta Ottr mum CorrcsJw'Jenf.J Penang Nov 22. 12.55 p.m. m accordance with your cabled instructions af I have had an interview with Colonel A. Murray. Colonial Engineer. He states that he knows absolutely nothing about the asserted abandonment by Government of the Singapore harbour scheme."
    48 words
  • 3716 14 Six Months' m Gaol. Wong Shook Tan was yesterday afternoon sentenced at the Assizes by the Chief Justice, Sir Lionel Cox, to six months' rigorous imprisonment for setting fire to a house, 214. Kacgoon-rd, on Sept 19th. Alleged Gang Robbers. Lee Sip, Cheow Kiew and Lim Nyee Sip
    3,716 words
  • 83 14 Ha) Registrar of llacknev Cnrriasns iufthe Police that I gharry aye* has aef gold bangle at the Mi Mhvaal oal states that on Sunday issuing i W; gentleman engaged Irs gharn and after' had left it he found lim bang*?, f* U can identify the bangle a' Mr Hoope' -a
    83 words

  • 172 15 (Reuters Agency.) j AFFAIRS IN RUSSIA. Another Strike Begins. .St. Petersburg news is to the effect that the Workmen's delegates ha c resolved on another general strike to-day owing to their employers refusing them an eight hours day, but it is intimated that the object of the strike is
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  • 957 15 TH E RUSSIAN REVOLUTION. The Vladivostock Troubles. At St Patsmhtirg it is stated that m the I Vladivostock there was fierce fightan betsreee the rioters and the loyalists. Soldiers and Bailors are taking part on each Bad i greet part ol the BSSTU is m flames. i'he mutiny was finally
    957 words
  • 328 15 IMPERIAL APPROVAL OF JEW-BAITING. Indignation and alarm have been caused is the south of Russia by two Imperial ukases which commend the Governor of Bessarabia whom the Jews hold to be responsible for the massacres at Kishinev and elsewhere, and thanking the troops at Odessa for their exemplary couduct duriug
    328 words
  • 532 15 (From our mum Correspondent.) Tokio, Nov 19. mutiny has broken out amongst the Russian prisoners on three of the Russian transports which are now lying at Nagasaki. THE KING'S ACCIDENT. The King s general health is excellent, His Maiestv is most cheenffl. Numerous messages%f sympathy have
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  • 541 15 Arbitrator and Manager. Mr Ingiis Appointed. Mr Ingiis, the General Manager of the Great Western railway, has been appointed General Mann ger of the docks and harbour to be constructed in* Singapore. THE FRENCH ARMY. Senior Officer Under rrest. The French Cabinet has ordered Commander m Chief Brugcres
    541 words
  • 641 15 (From our mum Correspondent.) Hongkong Nov 22. Order has now been restored at Vladivostock md ships are again unloading. The Japanese to Protect Korea. The Emperor of Korea has issued an cdi< !B expressing satisfaction at the Japanese protectorate of Korea. A Welcome Agreement. The British and
    641 words

  • 402 16 Capital spto Company. Buyers Sellers l!, MINES. $300,000 $10 10 Belat Tin M. Co. Ltd $115,000 10 10 Gold M. Co. Ltd l.» $10,000 10 10 Do Do (Deferred) $600,000 10 10 Bruaeli Hydraulic Tin M. Co. Ltd. 10. £400,000 1 t 1 ME Development Co. Ltd. £100,000
    402 words
  • 145 16 ,Nov. 22 Tin 82 62* Gambier M 7 95 do. Cube. No. 1 Jl37\ do. do. No. 2 11, Pepper, Black (ordinary SVorea 23 50 do. White, (Fair L. V7.S p.c, 33 50 Nnfcmega 110 fco the Ih „33 do. 80 to tbe 59 Mace (B*nd»> 145. Cloves (Aniboinai
    145 words
  • 64 16 (CottKECTEI) I m TO N"'" Bauk 4 m s dem.'ind Piivi.t credits :5 m s credits 0 ui/a Fuaxce, demand TiERMANY. demaad iMiIA, T. T, Hongkong, demand j Yokohama, demand Java, deiuand Bangkok, demand Sovereigns, Basal of England I .'ate Discount 3 months bilU n Bar Silver London Soultine
    64 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 59 16 An Anecdotal History OF OLD TIMES In Singapore, i •cm the Fotiudation of the Settlement on Februarj 6,h, 1819, to ihn Transfer to the Colonial Office on April Ist ISO 7, with 20 Portraits Maps *nd Illustrations, ny Charles Burton Buckley, m two volumes, m p:«]en overs. $8.50. JOHH LITTLE
      59 words
    • 30 16 MARTIN'S •mum* nrwmmmu FimHy Urn all In«calarttl«ft. mmj to *4>nta st«»*4. Thorn who a-* A rT Hi ffiSni .JITS ■IIK. 090**00*0 mml%. 11 CaiMUtt n< a***** m** w^r' naTsaTiaTSMm. ca*^a?^aST»aOTialarsaa^^
      30 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 421 16 %m\ mm PASSKNCiEKS AKKIVBD. Nov. 10.— Per Malacca Mr S. E. Wilde, Mr M. Sarkie3, Mr A. Sarkies, Mr A. Gligaor, Mr C. Beer, and Mr R. L. Leigh Clare. Per Singapore Mr E. A. Smith, Mr F. G. Baar, and Mr P. R. Henderson. Per Nam Yong Mr J.
      421 words
    • 671 16 C L B A RANGES. November 16. Haliotis, Dnfc. str.. Van Rijn, for Balik Papan. Terrier, Nor. str., Nilsen, for Bombay. Banka, Brifc. sfcr., Rushfcon, for Anambas and Natunas Is. Penang, Brifc. sfcr., Olsen, for Port Swettenham via ports. Hok Tjioe, Dufc. str., Hubert, for Batavia and Sourabaya. Will o'fche
      671 words
    • 603 16 VESSELS IN PORT. .O: Men-of-War Flag and Tons Commanders Arrived From p Flores Dut gun boat 550 V. B'wytoria Nov 16 Siak J* Other Vessels Flags Tons Masters Arrived From Consi*ne#c p nCen Anghin Ger 1001 Reimers Nov 22 Bangkok Behn AWr v Wh Babalan Dut 339 Swart Nov 19
      603 words