The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 13 July 1905

Total Pages: 16
17 32 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 330 17 IV die nMBfl 17 B 17 < Sain 17 ttk rtf the ,I;i; an Bh 18 Pranks of the Pi- emkin 18 My-t^ry of Hand aria 18 Befon IfoU i 18 Otfi.^riu^of tlieC ieaiig Chew 18 Harbour Improvements 18 .;t!".-n laiadtd 18 bs Ammuniti n Supply 19 liovernor's Cawt
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  • Domestic Occurrences
    • 17 17 On the sth hist., at Barrfield, Grange Road, the wife of Arthur Wujley, of a daughter.
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    • 126 17 On the instant, at St. Andrew's Cathedra). by the Revd. H. C. Izard, George Alexander. eldest son of George Derrick of Southampton to Jcma Anna, daughter of the late Jacob Hutkin of Poltava, Russia. Earl-Hod<js«»n— Neave.— June 7, at Perth, N. 8.. W.E. Hodgson, to Violet Florence Macduff,
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    • 49 17 Taylor.— On June 3ri, at Changsha, Hunan, China, Rev. J. Hudsom Taylor, m.r.c.s. (Founder of the China Inland Mission), m his 74th year. Huare. On the T>th June, at Bournemouth, after a short illness, William Robert Hoare, late His Britannic Majesty's Consul at Honolulu, m his 71st year.
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  • 353 17 The indurations tLe latest telegrams give of the state of Russia, show that the country is m little better than a state of chaos. As was anticipated the greatest obstacles are being thrown m the way of the reserve mobilisation m the four latest districts selected. The
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  • 355 17 July 7. The Russians are beginning to get at the real inwardness of the alacrity of the German Government departments, and firms in facilitating Russia's obtaining military and naval ■applies, the acquisition of large transport?, auxiliary cruisers and colliers, the furnishing of guns, arms, ammuuitiou, torpedo-boats in sections,
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  • 745 17 He 1 Cfcall i!ie l'rc-.5 the People*! richt maintain, Unatved by inriuence and imbribed by gain; \w patriot Truth !icr glorious precepts draw. ..".1 to Religion, Loyalty and Law. Julv (>. Thk desperate situation of Kussia, in spite of her affectation of indifference as to the prolongation of
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 98 17 J rum Kurope to the Stmits )»y 1 iin»->, are invited to send to the tiaiiif i.f r »-ir Hteajner and date of i i>-. Copies will then he ruuiled I \ ports t»f call. il Euroj wishing detailed infor■ftflVM can have a copy of Lit lasted to them weekly.
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    • 129 17 An Anecdotal History OP OLD TIMES In Singapore, roni the Foundation oi the Settlement on February 6th, 1819, to the Transfer to the Colonial Office on April let 1567, with 20 Portraits Maps and Illustrations, BY Charles Burton Buckley, m two volumes, m paper covers, $B*so. JOHN LITTLE Co., Lti>
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  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 251 17 THE WEEK. The last mail from Home arrived by the P and O Coromandel on Friday with dates up to June ir>. The N1) L Darmstadt carried the Homeward mail «»ii Tuesday, this weekly t^(KJB by the B 1. Taioba to-day, and the Msl OQtwmid mail is due on Saturday
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  • 194 18 Wfc; have bad tins <•}•[>«, ltuuiiv i" examining a most interesting autboritai i\« m.ip t-i the battle if the Japan Sm, published aa a supplement to the ''Nitshiro S"ii^v> Ji!;Ki." a magazine history of the war. It exhibits m diagram furu; tereral succe*sivQ phases
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  • 676 18 July 10. «H all the varied items in the telegrams of Sunday and to-day, nothing is no important as tlie bcbf searci]-li<*hi Hashes of vision gtaafted t.» the pror!d as to what is goiui,' on in th»* Fa 1 Hast The mvasiou of Siijjhalieii may bj
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  • 395 18 Tbim is a fine aroma of th<* bold bftoeaneer t>t" the Spanish Main about tlie latest doiugs ofl tii^ Potemkiu, mutinous Kus>in» battleship, whi ?h s now a little naval repub'ic :>!i t» itself. That irwspousiblc < !t. 4 is ;..t brcseui ;';ig;i;;ed m dealing
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  • 471 18 The Boilers Muddle. Thkke seems a fatality of ineptitude dogging the stages of th«) Revised Rules under the Boilers Ordinance. Conceived iv the brain of an official selected and sent out by the Colonial Office m the unenviable position of a new broom, without knowledge of local circumsiances, they were
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  • 295 18 The evidence m the Marine Court of Enquiry into the stranding of the Cheang Chew on Tanjong Bolus, points to something wrong with the complement of officers and cleaiauce of this vessel. The vessel run ashore while an incompetent and uncertiticated man was on
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  • 311 18 The Harbour Improvements Scheme was again the subject of a paper laid on the table of the Legislative Council on Friday. It comes m the form of a report by Messrs Coode Son and Matthews iv reply to criticisms on their design. In forwarding the reports of
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  • 201 18 July 11. Much interest attache* to the fact that Japanese Government direetlv br^u silence to-day by an official commun in u oerning its invasion of Sakhalin,, C.dI,,] that the bulk of the Russian .mi cepting some of the convict station on the coast, ami bearing in mind t
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  • 409 18 It *illbe recollected that we },az, opinion that Geueral Liniemtch u,. u lJ fouud short of his complement „f ari lery and artillery ammunition U laent, quoted yesterday, estimated Li> MM. W e cannot l)ut think this Ur^>\\ estimated. Itistobe remembered I successive defeats at Liaovang, at
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  • 482 18 Moke > lian one we haw litl ft!Met»tfc»fH*tfcrf Hi Sir.l-.i^ arrival m ibis c.»i<m. available ..pportnuity of p 1 lll compliment to the uui^rm I"- 1 mainUined m the pfJeeedin^ lative Council. His Kx-wlleu-s a!--the trust since then has I- .mi ju.titied. that the -<hu^
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  • 296 19 udent m Java sends a letter lnuch r publication, the point of which apl>e tliat he thinks that too much is IaMMH naval \ictory, on the T the Japanese were far superior m !»!i,'th. That is not so, according to naval authorities writing before the h*
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  • 464 19 Julj 12. Thoroughly well advised has Mr Balfoub l>een in giving expression to the <juite inevitable parliamentary reform in u redistribution of representation. It is one, to< that even Radical principles can say nothing against. For if one man is to have one vote, surely it follows that
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  • 141 19 I'hk succession to the throne of Norway, suggested m the telegrams to-day, would we should think be appropriate and popular. Prince Charles of Denmark is grandson of the King of Denmark and is thus already of S« Miidinavian royal family. He married Prince— Maud of Wal&i
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  • 266 19 The "S tores" Scandal. The latest mail advices bring extracts from and opinions on. what has bean one of the most deplorable occurrences for many years m connection with the administration of a great Government department The report of General Sir William Butlers Committee on the supply of war stores
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  • 643 19 We have already expressed very definite views about the mischievous Russian suggestion of an armistice, which would, if adopted pending negotiations be so completely to Japan's disadvantage. It is satisfactory to see that this view is also quite sufficiently understood and adopted m Japan, and
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  • 353 19 The Shipping Conference and its rates continue to vex the souls of honest merchants m Singapore, who are apparently bled to the last drop of blood for the berefit of other ports. Here is au instance that deserves to be put m special type. freight from Macassar
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  • 433 19 The Open Championship for 1905 na played ;it St Andrews, Fi<e, over v course OOtwiderai to have b:en made more difficult than any other cou'se played at St And'-ew's. )t is iseutionel that the greens were exceedingly keen and were very diftealt and a cold strong wind blowing
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  • 187 19 (From our Special Correnponrietd.) Jolo, Sulu. P. 1., June, '26 1905. Th-i report that two sons of Pala had collected a band of five hundred men and held an excellently fortified p -sition at the summit of Mt Talepau was evidently without foundation, as the troops
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  • 222 19 The bs. Hong Moh was towed to d<jck this monUßg. Her last voyage was to Odessa with X tea cai go. Recently thieves have been stealing the zinc water piping from the Anglo-Chinese Free School at. TVhik Ayor, and early this morning the mandor at the school caught m Chinanttui
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  • 822 20 For working his bullocks whilst they wore m an unfit state a Chinaman had to pay 10 yesterday. A Chinese woman was fined 8200 this morning for having $24 worth of contraband chandu m her possession. Two Chinamen were yesterday SStll gaol for two weeks by
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  • 92 20 A Useful Lesson. This morning before Mr E. C. Howard, one Ah mat bin Abdul Kadir an engine-driver and press-man, was charged with leaving his employment m the Singapore Free Press without notice. The summons was under section 15 of the Labour Contract Ordinance. The
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  • 153 20 With reference to the Renter telegram from SiiiLT.-ipore which appeared m The Times of May 1. we (-The Times") are informed bj the Borneo Company that they have received the following telegram from his Highness the Rajah of Sarawak, which I;* 4 requests them t<- son*!
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  • 127 20 Attempts to wreck the trams occur daily. Yesterday the Police arrested a Chinaman with a bucket full of stones which be was placing on the rails. Mr Tandy himself had just by m a car when the arrest **as muie The tram will not be a safe means
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  • 521 20 ll:s S]\/«'lio!i'.*v tin* Governor starts bis tour through the P. M. S. ending u:;i. the opening of lite Penatug Agricultural show, on AiiL r I Oth, <»n the 1-Vli [oat. T.i of Malaya" Imim a lieuter'ti wins published on .f iN !>. Dr vv C. Brown, >\lm presided sit tiu*
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  • 214 20 (From ovr Correspondent.) July 5. The two Americans who bad returned to Singapore after visiting the Ulu here, have come back. This time they came armed with a ticket from Johore permitting them to select laud for agricultural purposes. The extent required is pretty large. Rumour says they
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  • 719 20 After quoting a report of the nfimondimfls m Legislative Council on the above subject the M Malay Mail" goal on to remark as follows It will thus be seen thai the maiu reasons tor this proposal are that it will be to
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  • 76 20 Y.-ierday morning we had a vi-sii from :.ij>: T.M. Whiteheadof the s.s. Thoa_c«;i. of t!i* travelling i>cmt i im ot the llt«v«iitil« II Serrioo Association, «rb*i 1iar.1..! iik i quarterly report. The A«tticitfi*Mi. m *<4\ known, aims at bringii^ r««^eUwr a!! .>.:.!♦» -i«i with the mercant i)c inuriiM% rtthl -tr~»
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  • 443 20 Yesterday afternoon the Licensing I sat m the First Magistrate's Court t< r., n the list of applications for nt>w li, v transfers for the ensuing -junrter Th present Mr E. C. Howanl, Presides i R. C. Middleton, Mes.-* Thompson H. Vade and Alex Ge.- Mr W. A.
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  • 289 20 The "Times-' Literary lOfftaßMOt J M, reviews three hook- >\ th« HK I ii—Him jMii of Mr l^imHi Hurl- Maurice Barm-, Mr r\ A Bklmv inir so t he critic- coinmeuN vcr\ sefl r» ou Mr BurleL'h's "cumbrous ill -ass Bag ooiioiiim It k iejejeooftfe that the
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  • 5 20 l.,nl«>l.ip of h-.. *»<>«• i« I
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  • Correspondence.
    • 169 21 _\Y.mM it I* 1 encroaching too much on „f the British steamer Saint Helena, rfived Bongfeeag to proceed to ..ntri^'-iii -1 OB account of 'he sudthe lialtir Fleet, were there 1i,,v..v.». was caMed hosjM ami n 'ip l»y Ihe "Daily M til" n-u!t that, am the
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  • 316 21 R w Aivcrvr. iwsblad "t Jwm has i ii.i! of the arrival of the 1 rvk there the Russian steamer Theresia <>t" the Hamburg >man4ttv Paacrofl arrived m She is a ship of 7,300 tons 18 officers and 4i»-> men, and ol 16 guns. The
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  • 127 21 I6J T. GodboSd of the Manchester resigned his commission tin constructor of the 8. \V. of the Colombo Hiirlnmr wsjrfc >> died at Dover, where he v the irreat admiralty vorks trip the ss. Piu rieng bera and Penmng will gu into relieved on the ruu by r«»h 3
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  • 193 21 {From our own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, July 5. The following are the results of the first days' racing at Kuala Lumpur. The Maiden Plate. Mr Howdens. Convoy (^7) 1 Mr Yap Loong Bhoon's, Banzai (^.7) 2 Mr Yap Hon Chin's. The Viking (9.7) 3. The Hekngor Stakei. Mr
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  • 718 21 A Fkemh Report. Aooording to a report of Mom N. Cordonnier robber cultivation (Vn,,! and Finm eUutiea) is extending rapidly m Malawi, principally m the F. If. State.- ftnd also m the Province Wellesley and the Dindings, small plantation MC also l>eiug Bade m the neighbourhood
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  • 407 21 Last evening the Committee of the Singapore Swimming Club and several others entertained Mr F. J. Pooles to a farewell dinner at the Raffles Hotel. Mr T. de M. Braddell presided, and Mr Thomson was m the vice chair. After the loyal toast, Mr Braddell
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  • 440 21 The Conviction Quashed. Judgment was giyen on the 4th instani by Mr Justice Thornton m the ease m which Messrs McKerrow were convicted and fined $25 for obstructing the verandah-way of their godown No 25 Boat Quay witl fifteen bag* of pepper. The judge said lie had
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  • 115 21 The Foreign Ships and British Regulations Committee has l»een reappointed, <>n the niotion of Sir A. Aeknd-Hood. The object of the inquiry is to ascertain to what, extent th* 1 statutory requirements Applying t<> F.ritish ships iiv.'liiiL,' to and from port! m the United Kingdom should l>e made applicable to
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  • 885 21 The Shanghai Cricket Club has asked Yokohama and Kobe to send if possible separate teams, but if not, a combined team, to play her m September next. There is living at Recife, near Pematnbuc* a child of five and a half years of age, who i*
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  • 251 22 THE MEDUSA" CANARD. A report was curreut m Town this morning tlutt the steamer Medusa which left here on June 14 for Kobe, is overdue at the Japanese port and gnOTe tears were entertained as t<> her safety. The Medusa, which is well known here, was originally the Blue lunuel
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  • 421 22 Impressions From Madras. A Hindu correspondent writes to the Madras Mail: Mr Sandow's performances of feats of strength remind the Hindus of the strongest man of the Maliabharatha, Bheema, one of the brothers of Dharm imja. On seeing Sandow's exhibition of strength which proves the human
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  • 111 22 "South China Morning Post n quotes m traordinary case of a hoodoo ship l The i is the 6,000 ton sailing ship Atlas, and onei wgefioiu BUo Francisco to Shanghai no ss than six of \U* crew died violent deaths In Shanghai i new mite eonmitted suicide
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  • 179 22 Slbmakinks avd Tobpedo Boats to be Sent to Baigon. The Minister of the Marine has just informed the Maritime Prefect of Toulon that it has lven decided at the last Ministerial Council to transport U> Saigon by the torpedo depot >hi|) Poodre both the submarines
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  • 248 22 A London telegram to the Hongkong Daily Press,' of June 23, says that Earl Percy announced m the House of Commons that the Government had urged upon the Chinese Government the importance of an early settlement of the Canton-Kowloon railway question. On this subject a writer of
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  • 401 22 Two Convictions. The four cases of attempted tram-wrecking came on before Mr Marriott this morning. Mr Ellifl for the Tramway Co asked that the accused be all charged under Section (c) of the Ordinance for endangering life. Mr Marriott said that he thought tlis s«vl.ioD WHS ieau\
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  • 282 22 Cassell's Saturday Journal his a rather amusing article on the criticisms of the Bench and on those judges who are, never guilty of any frivolity. This it is said only flourishes m the King's Bench Division. Mr Justice Buckley the distinguished judicial brother of our townsman,
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  • 260 22 The winners of the races at the second day of the Kuala Lumpor meeting were as follows Selling Handicap. (Distance six furlongs.) Mr Yap Loong Shoou's, Banzai, 1 Mr Yap Hon Chin's, Viking 2. Won by three lengths. Time 1 mm 20$ sees. Dividend |9. Horse Griffin Handicap.
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  • 510 22 Pulo Brani Wiis en fete yesterday, irben that popular .uuiual fixture, the Royal E!u£ioeer Sports took place, m the presence of mvat ni] tber »f i■ c ili i V Tlie Recreation Ground, where the Sports were held, (which is an example of what cm be done with
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  • 177 22 Mrs Baker reports to tin Police that ber ice-cream culV m Victoria-st was broken into last ui^ht. The burglars wrenched tin* loci oft' tlie front door and entering the place carried off the safe, which contained $150 m Bud s<»me jewellery. The Colonial Office does not seem rery bappy
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  • 238 22 Special Meeting Frii.av. 7lf A special meeting of the Com n held yesterday to wmMm I 1,..'. Tram way CV m pan y will) lations MltVMer tin Ti i There were present Mr President Meosn II i BaHer, Dr Hurray B and \V. M:j«-Ii«" -m. Mr J. PolgUwe.
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  • 229 22 <iItIKYAN< KS Ol i'.i.: Sn.\,^\, The rYesjuen t tin mu\ <i, wealth ami New \\w Colonial Secret iit to send renief if possible <>i' th< t o.niVivn vat I Tl» n.v.'ssitv for tl;i~ i«" th*» lawi n v ii 1 vi theee Colonies reUi i merduun Tbe
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  • 30 22 t- X be C!'il'" s iti ippe Jonnultiti J ]nil-ii.-iii!i'_r Mo >liij-~. prow T 1 IWO ih-.-u 1a! *l f«rtl H STAshiou Im miI»1h? bifoiti Ik
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  • 448 23 KITCHENER'S COMMAND IN INDIA. Xl iikmknt m Simla. UN from Simla, te**he "Times ;",v. thai the'festmaj there when HoUM < Jovernmeut on the ff. A \t vis known was intense. The h»*n* m luililarv n«-w- :>?i! H-»m»\ and there is a WCH of the C«'Ul--:r» futuiv i practically ?.»i v
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  • 1023 23 The London season is m full swing. So sud•lenly did it come upon us this year, that the parks had barely time to receive thier full complement of flowers, or the window-boxes to blaze into a wealth of colour before the old routine began. Dame Fashion, however,
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  • 13 23 '!>,. lifiiW* Mal.iv »»«>vs hay« been untested at pilttiv^ llorej M the tram lin»-s.
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  • 1200 23  -  ARNOLD WHITE [All Right Kesbeved.]* BY {Author of" Efficiency and Empire," rlr.) If what has been, will V»e, a Dew Asiatic irruption into Europe is certain. The centre of the world is not London, Paris, Rome, St Petersburg, or Washington, bat spot somewhere m
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  • 792 23 The Consular Difficulty. Mr. Johan Sverdrup Hoi; writes to the Cftf/fcu Daily Newt m part as follow^ As to the question of a separate consular service for Norway, this matt.".- fa so clear that it scarcely needs any comment. The commerciaJ flag of Norway is firing m
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  • 704 24 Wo are able i«» state <>n unimpeachable authority that the reconstruction of The Malacca Rubber C«>mpauy, thai owns the great Bukil Asah&n s': m? it Las been carried now to I stage m th i negotiations which gives e?ery hope that before long we shall see
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  • 239 24 Baron Koinura, the Japanese plenipotentiary, left Tokio for Washington yesterday. By the Ga/.e'te Mr Valentine Hill of the F M S service is appointed acting District Officer, Diudings. Mr J. W. Lawrie is appointed to act temporarily as Inspector of Marine Surveys, Straits Settlements, from July
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  • 2531 24 Ordinary Meeting, Friday, July 7, 1905. Present His Excellency the Governor (Sir John Andurson, k.c.m.g.) The Hon'ble the Acting Colonial Secretary (E. L. Brockman,) the Attomey-Genl. (W. R. Collyer.) the Act. Col. Treasurer J.O. Anthonisz) the Auditor-General (E. C. Hill.) the Col. Engineer (A. Murray.) John Anderson. H.
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  • 286 24 According to 1 uper, t.- wliu U9 <>\i\- 1 t lie Mm. l B Japan is y-rv HHd Ml lr Urn blom of tii- war, at.- aal mbl potittnal ofr.-n.-e>, ariaaaefv <•' t aafafej k»j't -I! maiiiliiiHl. ii »-t I v v the mines of Siberia.
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  • 7 24 »««i I iv iii^\ i\.»:v attacked I»v
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  • 915 25 Thk Sk««»ni' Anniversary. eeUniii its second anniverUj evening iit the Town Hall, which ,v ;iu lience lx>th large and reH K. the (Governor presided lii in im tin* Hon W K. GotM i: G Hill. H«.n \Y B Shot S. S Walker, H. C I/ard,
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  • 259 25 A Tic ron Plaoui Rspbsssiok. The authorities of Leitb Are uuquestioiuiblj on tlu.' right tnu-k m directing t hoir efforti for the •uppreasion of plague against th»; rats. They sjugbt md it Dseful to try a method which has been used with great success m some City
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  • 170 25 The death is announced rt the age of 7;>. »f Baba Sir Khe.v RllfGß Bki»i, K.C.T.E., the high priest of the Sikh community and its representative at the Kind's Coronation. He was the 11th spiritual head of the Sikhs by direct descent from the founder
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  • 447 25 On the invitation of the owner we Tinted the Ghent Road mine at about 3J miles OB the Pudoh road, at about half-past 111 yesterday morning, the object of our visit being to inspect the new and improved "puddler" for which Mr Lii Tet Loke m conjunction
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  • 1687 25 Quicquid agunt hominex Msfri etJJtnrvm§§ libelli. JUVKNAL. While the Japanese are carrying on enormous preparations, including daily fighting here and there, for the final envelopment of the Russian army, they manage to let next to no hint leak out as to what they are about. The
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  • 244 25 The Government of India have approved af the following rules for dealing with soldiers who run amok (1) "When an armed soldier British or native; lias broken loose m the manner commonly known as running amok, and is at large threatening or purposing to
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  • 21 25 The British c>llier HiNglen arrived her* this inornirg fro n Penirth with Welsh coal fo:- Singapore. She came ria the Cape.
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  • 829 26 The Sea Mew wi h the Governor and part? returned this morning. There will not be a meeting of the Presbyterian Church ladies 1 sewing meeting this Month. Two Chinese were iiwd slo and $10 respectively oa Saturday at th*- Police Court for bringim_^ un>tiniipt<l letters
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  • 1279 26 A Leader of the Community. It would be difficult to give an adequate idea of the numerous ways m which the late Mr Charles Stringer did c?ood service to, and earned the grateful thanks of the Singapore community. Outside of the responsibilities attaching to tho direction
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  • 252 26 Singapore Exhibits. The exhibition of the F. M. S Art Club at Kuala Lumpor t>n July sth, was notable event to lovers of the painter's :ur. prodi* ing nearly -30 pictures, m oils, water colours, and black and white, m addition to many fine
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  • 449 26 Thi Late 11b 0. T. IVathkv. The funeral o£ tin* late eh. tiles Trevelyn Wat hen, Assistant Superintendent «»f Police, who died .it the General Hospital .it 11 .»'<•!< ><«k ou Friday night, took place on Saturday rwn- >.!!■.:. beu, besides the whole of the availalile r.»h.o.
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  • 117 26 ll is MUMMiuced from A iihti that the I-i!i-tuiaii Canal Commission, reoetttlv iv-op_; j»iis« -I by flit* President, will pntchftiv m >uppli.-» m the <*h«-ape-t nfirketat whether ilotm**tic <••■ foreign. Tins is ruusing bitter op|ioftit4«Mi ftnm fiie interestfl suppose*] i«» U» iffpct^d, «.l u«* Ipm t<» tJje ;ic!u;jl pllll llMtit
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  • 54 26 The July monthly modal ol th* cI U, was played for on Saturday ;,t Tan -1 following cards were returned. C. I. Carver %mm \t\ j Maj Wilson FE. Worsley Taylor |mj A. M. Ho^'ir ;<•» D. T. Boyd J. Armstrong !>•.. Maj Romdolph R. T
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  • 66 26 The fifty yifd% rw» I r•' ii i« [mm, i-.. v N terd .v dm i Xi U dm 11 competing. j'i .t, the k »v,is i.-.v 'i MM for fal i cau^hl i:is fiel I m 39 teeonds. A batvl pUoe Bdmona on Cuthbert (5)
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  • 225 26 (Our fhn t iUI [Mil J The third day*f r tciu tag w..v beM .»u Satani i m miiiv i; taaoMfc good. The v.. ih«' attendance Li. Thk Son* R. C.) |£r W. \V:« !>!.-.. I h Queen Anno. 2: M r L 57 j sees. Dividend j
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  • 251 26 THE P. O. Not before v w,i* m mt< i I*. juiiv is setting m 1:<»...1 earned on its Far Eastern Line very <■""■' of real'v tiist-r! liners. A sa,vs: Up till vow tii.- I*, ft 0. C .ii'.iii> 1 ed troM the lad tiiat tbeir •!<! r.:nl Hen ]i;iv^
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  • 21 26 Th<'i arc «Vf(l..iri<»ns m U.»\;t!TnMMir\ In liif.nuositit «i T< Tkm ;«ss'«st;uit <lit. cutl 1 i; ii.uf Im*« 1 1 at st*«!
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  • 688 27 PJBjn I>ISTRIHUTION tIOTKBVOft*! :-VM PATHETIC RLFERENCES iff« ..i th.* S. A. 1<»0"> Bswsj ■> r i\ .it \\w Balestier Range tation shooting. This was c **pei itioa by Mrs ited 1/ Phillips Lt Flower, m Babi K'llis. being a dose while Cap! Baker, v ide S 4.
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  • 808 27 Pavilion Scheme Appsotkd. Postkbitt i<» Pat. The special meeting of the members of the S. CC.1 1 > pas 4 resoluti >na 1 > approving of a scheme for enlarging the Pavilion (2) raising the subscription to $2.50 a month to provide the cost; ;n»<l (3) appointing
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  • 34 27 The Sekoag Estate of the N« rth .Borneo Tndlßff Co. h;is now ♦>7, < mm» rul<l i er trees, and Governor (Juerit/. tji^fx^d the first tree on June 21th. heueuth the monocle of the bioscope.
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  • 1082 27  -  Ernest Townley How the Twelve- I'eae-Old Composer Kehearses. By Florizel von Reuter, the twelve-year-old vi- linist, com poser, and conductor, is* one of the most versatile of musical prodigies. There ijj special interest m the following pen picture of the boy conductor at a rehearsal. The blender
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  • 760 27 General Obsebtatiovi from the Blue Book. The outbreak of war between Rus-i I and Japaij on the Bth February was not without effect on the shipping trade of Hongkong. The percentage of British to total tonnag' entering and clearing which had fallen contin"- a ly from 75
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  • 58 27 Th-i Ladies 1 medal for Ju'y iras phjped for and resulted as follows In tli- fin;»l of the men'g fowonea P Fowlit iiii<l Mr Stivea ivat lfessn flose m. Mn Nicholson 18 Mrs Hartaell w Mrs Langbaa-Oartefb... W Mrs Walker «G 54 Mm Caseadan ...75 Mrs
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  • Page 27 Miscellaneous
    • 31 27 The Imp. German Mail Steamer M Prinz Hcinricb' 1 kutTtog left Colombo on the 7th »l I<> j'. m mat be expected to arrive beit od Thunoat at 7 a.m.
      31 words

  • 1044 28 Stoliht Waters, by Lucas Cleere. Ths Canon m Rkhidknck, by Victor L. Whitechurch. Grain oe Chaff. The Autobiography «f a Police Court Magistrate by A. C. Plowden. Mm of the North Sea. Tales of the Dogger Bank by Walter Wood. Thkxk Dnm by <J. Ystridde. (All iv L'n
    1,044 words
  • 1087 28 The "Cheng Chew" Stranding. On Saturday morning a Marine Court comprising Mr E. C. Howard. President, Captain Boldero, r.n., and Captains Dunmall and Fyfe sat to enquire into the stranding of the Cheng Chew off Tanjong Bolus on June 20. Mr P. J. Sproule, D. P.
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  • 1042 28 Mr Evans and the Cry of Slavery." A Blue-book containing copies of further correspondence relating to labour m the Transvaal mines, the period covered being from May 28, 1904, to April 22, 1905. was issued the other day by the Colonial Office. Writing on March
    1,042 words
  • 659 28 Many men not otherwibe fool»L n ltfr they Lave to write a telegram on X importance, will take infinite p uns <j ambiguity, rather than cx<- -1 wliicli BMI ht sent for six pen, twelve woids cm V- sent the composition of a telegram against an
    659 words
  • 122 28 This BMMC MM M (<l!ilman was fined SK» for l**ing 256 bottki if kmrmi l ti: Merchaut-rd lU—PJilf with** the Farmer The BjMT u,^ Farmer The I'olicvaredoin-aM in<r OUmm who ft alxxit at never known to do a Ktroke turday two <,!" these mm u\>\» lice Court and as they
    122 words

  • 481 29 hour this forenoon a telegram was }v M-"--'” Paterson Simons and Co L adofl Oft n living the sad news M JliSngW died on Thursday Mr StrinctT had not l>eeu well v. i^ u>>i k.'i'.vn that anything was v.»»nt t<» liwmilfl about ■alora, ml j'jst
    481 words
  • 95 29 j Imm '»e*?Ti laude at i»»Mie K«M rj «n4 Ridley to the eft^-t tamed into the cont!iil>aTt<l I^d^e and concur ol "k »iMy m cotton eonting»*nt !<*k _'..:n>!; tlio owner •rm- :tr»« *»iMtled to wage! l.iii: m the Inited Kingdom ji-to faHntved through the t The i;«fetiea
    95 words
  • 787 29 A tambv m the employ of Messrs Hooglandt and Co has been arrested for stealing a new bicycle valued at $155 from the firm. The British steamer Florida arrived here from Calcutta yesterday with 4,000 tons of <-oal consigned to Messrs" Uutbrie and Co. Polo is
    787 words
  • 1714 29 A Brief History. The history of the formation of this great Company affords us another illustration of how big things grow from a very small beginning. As usual, m all undertakings, the enterprise owes its existence and success to the foresight and energy of one man.
    1,714 words
  • 202 29 A \ery interattuig diving was lieM on Sunday m the swimming buths at Tanglin barracks. The competition was for a, cup to be won on poiuts by the Company showing tho best score. There were about 16 men entered and two classes of diving allowed,
    202 words
  • 200 29 A parallel case to the on* 1 which happened a considerable time ago m which a, nainpan coolie who was charged with fraudulent possession of an anchor and chain, declared he v found it fiVu,*.in£ about the harbour," is now m the hands of the det
    200 words

  • 364 30 R. A. vs S. C. C. The second game m the Association Football Cap was played off last evening on the Esplanade before a good attendance. The ground was m good condition but the hot sun made the game a particularly exhausting one. The R. A. faced
    364 words
  • 66 30 li. Cos, of the Sherwood* met at Tfaaglia list evening and fast j^aine resulted. E. were the first t<> aoore, and both side- played better after this, but first before half time E. came aw.;/ aiid scored agtin from a good centve^ Towardi the elowe of the second
    66 words
  • 101 30 The Fneaefa rtewM Emile arrirad bwethia ■mniDg tivin Saigon iv builast. I» l»- Supsvwe Court yertenj., afte ra ,,,,n. Si, i.ion.l om;4m Om Judge of Awize ,iis •kug^d (Hib.. Malay, f,,,?,,,! Tfce death „f CVlonel Moore-Lw», ChM 1 Souti.-K^.tea, j.isiric, i, w2 from au Meidmt ■wUined m iiimpin» from a
    101 words
  • 398 30 Jui.l Monthly Medal. Spring Cup, and Qualifying Round for the Vade Cup. This competition, which took place on Saturday, Ist inst., resulted m five members returning the same scores, and on playing off Messrs Corbett and Masterton again put m So as their score. At the third
    398 words
  • 408 30 Second Lieut D. R. Davidson R. A. is placed on the sick list. The British steamer Grafton has arrived here from Middlesbro' with pig iron for Kobe. Mr P. Slater, purser of the ss. Umta, reports the loss of a silver watch and chain from his
    408 words
  • Correspondence.
    • 419 30 S*O THF. KDITOK. Sir, Your leader m yesterday's issue of your paper, on the casting vote of the Governor is assuredly to the point. The Boilers Ordinance (juestion is a vexed one, and the enclosed passages from the private journal of Samuel Pickwick, Ksq, may help
      419 words
  • 1483 30 It is with considerable pleasure that we hear there is a prospect of a polo match and swimming race coming off between the Sherwood s and the S. 0. S. On pre\ious occasions it has been suggested that the Club might find worthy opponents amongst the men of
    1,483 words
  • 1313 30 In the gang robl)erv MHMMUm^ win gaii yesterday, bis lordship, reviewing evidence, said there must have been B<>m» n\m for such extraordinary eicitement iv tb* Kampong, but they did not know what These Chinese turned out apparent!) Mt* attacking the two Hylams and Captain I Tan Gob Chu,
    1,313 words

  • 169 31 It appears thai Mr Stringer, Consul at Chieogmai, is not related to the late Mr C. Stringer of Singapore. Bat it is understood thai Mr Beckett, Consul at Bangkok for many yearly was boweyer a relative, —a cousin or mm >nd cousin. The slip is thus easily accounted tor. An
    169 words
  • 2460 31 {RmUer** Atfsncy.) The work of clearing up the debris at Odessa has begin. The strikers are returning to work ami the ships have recommenced loading. The coasting service has been resumed. The situation m Odessa is improving, many of the troops have left, though they remain within easy reach.
    2,460 words

  • 323 32 Hy Coikiesy of Mk Takaka, Impsbial JaI'ANKSK CONSTL.] Received at 7. >0 pm on Monday. The army intended for the occupation of Saghalien occupied Korsakov early on the morning of July (S without much resistance. The Russians burnt the town of Korsakov aud retired to a position
    323 words
  • 300 32 0> July ll\ o I A Capit*!. MINES. I Be**t Tm 110 10 300,000 7 Barsa^ah Gold 0rd.... 10 7* 115,000 12 Do Def... 10 10 40,000 8 Bruseli H. Tin 10 10 600,000 4 Duff Development Co. £1 £1 j&100,000 10 GopengTin ...^1 jBI £100,000 ((5 h %danH
    300 words
  • 132 32 rjnly 10 Tin ***** Gauibier 8.80 do. OuUNo. 1 12.87^ do. do. No. 2 12 25 Pepper, Bburk (ordinary S'port*» 28.50 do. White, (Fair L. W. 5 p.c, 38. Nutmegs 110 to the ft.) 35. do. (*0 to the Ib. 80 Mace (Baada) 145. Cloves (Amboina; 33 Liberian Coffee
    132 words
  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 27 32 SIAM IN BB MALAY PENINSULA 4 Short Account ot the posiUon Siam m the.StaU><>^ Kelantan, Patani Leech aiut W-Re-printed from the Singapore rrc Press." I'rioo 50 csontft
      27 words
  • Page 32 Miscellaneous
    • 638 32 FAHBKNGBKB AUUIVBD. July 5. Per Zaida Mr Zachariadis. July 6. Per Rajah of Sarawak Mr Richardson, and Mr Miller. Per Pin Seng Mrs Gibson, Mr Laidlaw and Mr Chill. Per Sri Muar Mr Drabble. Per Malacca: Mr S E Van Dabrowadsky, Mr S H Moorham and Mr J M Scully.
      638 words
    • 1301 32 VESSELS IN PORT ;o: •Vlen-of-W Flac and Tons Commanders Arrived From y Sea Mew Col. 500 Maddocks Jnne 10 Penang Other Vessels Flae* St Tons Masters Arrived Prom x>nsleoec« p' Alting Dnt 704 Baasbank July 3 Coetie Daendels p* Amherst Brit 135 Scott JuV 11 P Swettenham W^ Bin Anghin
      1,301 words