The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 23 March 1905

Total Pages: 16
177 192 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 371 177 laUßi X.,.. atfsol of Toijong Pagar, 177 Currency f"r North Borneo, 177 'y. Mukden toTielin-r. 177 ;> I*B War and K'n ttfbaa, 178 .m.i Wai Plans. 178 I risgof tao M Sully." 178 r flri__gUpU*Ba«Bßß* 178 OitfeaJ, 178 mm t > mg las Baltic Fleet, 178 V as Biasttßts-Bii
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  • 115 177 t March 22 70 87_ fm aass mmw **_r» sj ..a .aa j, t\M f OaVsßsv 1 IS. p uo No. J 12. *m* Basal fsvsssasrj Spore. 2V12; <•*'*• Whits. (fsßi I* W. Ipc :58. IK In*! _a_) 46. do sm to t}*, SO H^u^) 145 fvi ..a v-*«ku
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  • Domestic Occurrences.
    • 186 177 Goldman.— On the Ist of March. 1805, at 3, Szechuen Road. Shanghai, the wife of Meyer Goldman, of a son. Loureiko. On the 2nd of March, 1905, at Wei-hai-wei (Port Edward), the wife of John A. W. Loureiro, of a son. Thistlethwaite. Feb. 3rd, at Ferring, Sussex, widow of
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    • 129 177 Goddakd-Corbin. On the Ist March, 1905, m Ningpo, by tbe Rev. E. E. Jones, the Rev. J. R. Goddard. D.D., to Miss Helen L. Corbin. both of theAmerican Baptist Missionary Union. Levy-Ezra. On the sth of March, 1905. by Sir Pelham Warren. K.C.M.G., H.B.M. Consulgeneral at Shanghai, and afterwards
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    • 76 177 Mace— On the 2nd of March, 19*5. the infant son of Willie A. Macs. L M. Customs, Pootung. aged 1 7 months. Henderson.— Feb. sth. at St. Thomas's Hospital, London, Ada Mary, daughter of Dr. E. Henderson, late of Shanghai, aged 32. DiTTiRicH- March 15th, at Mainz, (Germany) Jean
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  • 498 177 Has shall the Press the People's right maintain, LfaHWCll by influence and unbribed by gain; .'ene patriot Truth her glorious precepts draw. d to Religion, Loyalty and Law. In to-day's issue appears an ingenious and earnest, though not unainusing, letter from Expropriatee," expounding
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  • 493 177 The news oontained m our special wire from British North Borneo that the State intends to adopt the Straits Currency does not come as a great surprise. When the Straits dollar was first introduced the intention was no doubt to confine it to the Colony
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  • 341 177 It may be assumed that the situation from Mukden to Tieling presents no real change, except that implied m the day-to-day completion of the Russian disaster. More slaughter, more surrenders, and a systematic though probably slackening pursuit. For victory disorganises m some degree, as does defeat.
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  • Page 177 Miscellaneous
    • 235 177 THE WEEK. The outward mail of Feb 24th arrived by the Simla on Saturday last. The next outward mail is due via India on Saturday. This homeward mail is carried by the "Bharata" to-day. The Legislative Council has met twice during the wank, on each occasion the chief business being
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  • 216 178 Much more important is it to turn to the telegram declaring Russia's gloomy financial outlook. The ordinary inland revenue is at present entirely dislocated by widespread disorders. As to outside help, France, the willing milch cow up to now, has turned restive under repeated applications and m view
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  • 324 178 The re. is a certain trace of uneasiness m Count Von Bue low's remarks m the Reichstag to the effect that Japan knew that she could count on Germany's strict and loyal neutrality. That waving of the olive branch is a little unnecessary because
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  • 328 178 As regards Japan's intention to push home her campaigu successes until she has her guarantees fast m hand we note that a telegram (4th) to Shanghai states that the Japanese are forming a fifth army, consisting of eight divisions, with a total stength of 140,000. This
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  • 165 178 We heartily congratulate our French neighbours m Indo-China on the good news from Along Bay. The fine cruiser Sully, which was apparently hopelessly impaled on a sunken pinnacle rock, and m the greatest danger of breaking her back and rolling into deep water, has at
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  • 217 178 When the Grand Ducal party m Russia confesses that the war game is up and all is lost, as Prince Mestchersky has just done, the end, so far as Russia is concerned, may be said to be m sight. In a published article he
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  • 353 178 The Editor was surprised, and not a little touched, at receiving this morning, from an old resident, two scrap-books and this letter During the war I have been much interested m the news as published m the Free Press," especially the leading articles which have been a
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  • 546 178 In connection with the statement made r Reuter's correspondent at Antanarivo, the capital of Madagascar, that the Russian fleet had left the neighbourhood for an unknown destination on Thursday the 16th, it may be mentioned that the Diego Suarez correspondent of the
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  • 374 178 If Russia m a year has had her armies driven back from the Yalu, suffering a succession of severe defeats, the last amounting almost to annihilation if she has lost her great fortified stronghold at Port Arthur after a severe siege; if she has had her powerful
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  • 157 178 The place of Rear-Admiral o*na*j*_| second-in-coinmand on the China Sution^ Admiral Sir Gerard Noel is It at taken h Rear-Admiral W. Des Voeux Hamilton J cently second-in-command of the Mediter nean Squadron. Considering that it 1 cently been a feature of our naval ,1,1*" of
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  • 276 178 A Deep- Water Port for Perak. A special telegram from Penang c. plain* why the Government of Perak has leased the isolated territory of the Dindiugs from tht Colouial Government. The idea is to make that harbour, which with a deep-water frontal has considerable latent possibilities, into a port with
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  • 489 178 Considering the very complete way m which Marshal Ofama and his able coadjutor* all along the line have effected the pulverising of Kuropatkin's erinies, no incident of importance is now to be expected for some time m the western theatre of operations. The retiring remnants of what
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  • 380 179 The Economic Value of Saghalien. March 22. item m lhe fntnre pence settlement he--rio-us Japan aud defeated Russia sill W ti change m the ownership of the island i >_;!•.. li* i. that long island off the mouth of \uvir river, which has for forty years past used 1 v
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  • 191 179 nai t.>-day announces that Gen. Lix- h's head quarters are at Sungari," ••ai' h. being but the name of the river Mowing ■pi*** Harbin, and not a town, is the equivalent Hi Japanese phrase a certain place." It he taken to refer to Harbin itself v where
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  • 414 179 -oelai of the Russian Baltic tie-*, m ar waters U explained at. last. Reuier's 1 *l toshtil at p..,t faiom Mauritius, says: The fleet is buying a great stock of stores, including large quantities of chocolate, pre--Bei7e B» Jams, wines, and champagne, at Majunga and other
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  • 373 179 A Japanese paper states that out of the 25 destroyers spoken of recently as to be added to the Japanese fleet, eleven are actually on the stocks and will be very soon completed. Among the rest some have not jet been commenced, but the materials for the
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  • 150 179 It is difficult, remarks the v Japan Mail," to piece together the fragmentary accounts reachins Tokio about steiimers caught m the ice of northern seas, but, so far as we can ascertain, there are six m all, large and small, which, by attempting to
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  • 8 179 Tougkah Ins been proclaimed a plague infooted port.
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  • 1152 179 Considerable progress has been made with League fixtures, eight games being played during the past week. In the "G" Coy v. "D" Coy at Tanglin, both sides had made alterations, and m the case of the latter company a great improvement was shown. From the start play was
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  • 808 179 On the table of the Legislative Council yesterday a report ou the proposed reservation of opeu .spaces m the lands held under short leases m Singapore when the leases expire, was laid. Signed by Mr Peirce, M. E., and Dr Middletou, it is concurred m by
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  • 45 179 The Manila "Cablenews sivs that withiu a very short time the streets of Manila will resou ud to tbe clang of th) strtet car gong and the buzz of the electria motor. The tracks of the road are practically completed on all the different lines.
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  • 349 180 Yesterday before Messrs Sproule and Colman m the Bench Court Kassim, a Javanese, was sentenced to eighteen months' hard labour for stealing some sarongs from a Chinaman. Accused admitted previous convictions. A copy of Messrs McAlister <& Co's new catalogue of planting, mining, engineering and nautical
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  • 1384 180 By the kindness of H. E. the Governor the above old established Society gave still another of its well known exhibitions of pictures m oils watercolours photos and other arts. We should like to have seen the exhibits not so crowded together. Barely standing room was allowed
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  • 1425 180 Perak, March 14th. A little mild excitement has been created by the neighbourhood of the dainty New South Wales Government yacht which Messrs Lever Bros, have hired for prospecting purposes. It has been flirting round the shores of the F. M. S., its temporary owner, the
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  • 268 180 The following Shield Cricket Matches took place at Tauglin during the past week, and with the following results A l>eat B Coy b? 9 runs ;4 F beat •C Coy by 8 runs 4 D ''beat 4E Coy by 190 runs G beat 4H C'-y b* 97 runs and
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  • 251 180 The murder case against Jawal and Abdul charged with killing one Hashim was <on eluded at the Assizes this morning, before the Chief Justice. It was alleged that the two men attacked deceased m a house m Kampong Java, one holding him and the other stabbing him The
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  • 85 180 This morning the Qsssbbjbj away Dr do Vo-.. rnoontlj uteaalunl nt Teutuuia Club and Mrs ie Vos, nho an unusually loug star iv Singapore Mi VV. A. Dewier, chief' ol the rscuuiu Cunpiuv's business. who will be BW m iti matters social, inusi-al. ;.i*d dm is j, raetieally settle 1.
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  • 667 181 i rain Hunter of the s.s. Amherst, which 1 here fr«un Billiton on the 15th, reports irnV m2O mm "n March 7 the feed pump T\ burst" and 'seal led the Serang, who died •".__.ian.ik three days later. sh lP .rhai telegram March 10, says -.—The
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  • 412 181 The following "Song on the Benevolent Society of St Patrick," composed by W. J. Donne, was sung by him on March 17, 1807, nearly a century ago, a' the anniversary dinner of St Patrick, at the Freemasons' Tavern I. From Atlantic's loud surge rose an isle m
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  • 88 181 Arrangements are being made whereby the public will be enabled to obtain a regular supply of Cold Storage articles soon after the arrival of the steamer Guthrie. Messrs Lewis and Lambert will open retail depots at the following places. At No 142 ()ivhard-rd on the market side aud
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  • 259 181 Queensland's Discontent. The Australian Commonwealth has been m existence only five years, and Queensland, the heaviest loser by tiie union, is already talking oi' separation. Not long ago there were ominous murmurs m Western Australia of secession, because the Federal Government have persistently refused seriously to consider the
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  • 171 181 The .aae against J. Branson charged with criminal breach of trust m respect to monies bohm 'ing to Messrs B.trugh and Co was withdrawn by the D. P. P- this morning. Mr Woodward said the most they could prove was .tvoss carelessness. It is understood that Riley, Hargreaves and To
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  • 1279 181 A Hundred Ykars Old To-day. Particulars are given iv the Ifo'di*)' Medical Journal of the celebration of tbe centenary of Senor Manuel Gar ia on March 17. Apart from the notice which will be taken of the occasion by the musical world,
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  • 155 181 Yesterday, before Mr Xunn, Mohamed X issim was charged with the theft of $4*05 frsan Saysmalai. Mr Van Cuylenburg prosecuted and Mr Montagu Harris defended. The evidence for the prosecution showed that on Dec. 19 the prosecutor went out m the morning, aud upon returning home fouud that
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  • 126 181 HOGAN COMPANY, LIMITED. The following is the Directors' report for the year ended 31st December, PK)S. The net profit for the year is 527,580<)r>, after writing oft' 53.881.44 for depreciation, 51,271.57 for Formation Charges, and reserving *5750 for doubtful debts. Your Directors reconuneud after the payment of 7% to Preference
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  • 171 181 The Japan Daily Mail reports that ere appear to be many spies working now- ad vs Two Chinese recently captured when at<» m, tin_r to set fire to a military store at Dalny em fusilladed, and two others caught at Ye».t i iv the Shaho lines,
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  • 180 181 French newspaper fias this thsr amusing paragraph which may have a nil interest tor lady reader**-. It seems case tor tariff reform" Fifteen tl dollars for kiss is somewhat dear. Tel I is the sum that a pretty woman of Ciu< through the law courts*
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  • 41 181 Thi- inou-ius before Mr Sprouie ths I f Public* Prosecutor said that he would I erideneo m the case against Cornelim. whn was charged with giving fake evidence m connetion with the Tressui-y forgery case. The Magistrate accordingly di-ou-ed the case.
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  • 1794 182 The Literary Society, Singapore, has been exempted from registration under the Societies Ordinance. Thirteen orders of banishment for life are promulgated against Chinese m the current Gazette. Mr C. (r. May, superintendent of works and surveys, has been granted leave of absence for twelve months. A
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  • 1151 182 Quicquid agunl homines nostri est farrago libelh. Juvenal. The Topic of the Week is the complete consummation of the great Japanese series of victories m Manchuria. With the other side of the picture, the utter destruction of the main Russian armies, and the reduction of the
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  • 418 182 Ref-obt or thi: CoMnirw an y ru Ehrnrnsj Sin Js The Commit! an plenaed to be ill te record that the Clj b a..- t aiaintaia ih satisfactory inane ial p.- i.,1i., iu*re-->** m popularity. The Balance SI tah a prsi_ ai year's working of 8.-5,41 \fk
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  • 103 182 On Feb 22nd, Mr Lyttelton stated ii. r*piy to Mr Speur. that the Federated Mala;. Stela, have not been annexed. Their ndai with His Majesty's Government are determined by treaties iv which the Sultans have undertaken to follow bhnndries af the Britssl Reaiosnli and Resident-General m all
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  • 99 182 The Belat tin mv c (Belat Tin Mmii Lei) yielded 801 p ul< of tin ore m rVhra and the Mine of t *c Knantau Svn li t* M pseeJa. At 7 o'clock yo^erlav bj »rnm_i. I fl was made at Sirnngoon Polios Station that four Chinamen had attached n
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  • 143 183 Kkipw. Mar. I"th, 1905. Present i n^ncv the «iorfetn<w 0B 61 (g*__ j.,hn Anderson, k.c.m.0.) Mending the Troopa 0 (Cosoawl Cl X. Watts.) a *r, tary (F. G. Penney.) T- \ttsrse_r--GsnL (w. K. Collyer.) t 1. Tiv;Him.'r (J.O. Anthonisz) Murray neral < E. C. Hill.) V. L. i
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  • 2396 183 Pa r Bill. •.-■-it. tbe day was the Lgar I>e/-i; 11 i obtained C* hi ucil. nd Mr E. C. nd band. The C it _ble his been d m the form of the Vess are duly gratere w a fair chance to I tl
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  • 200 183 The Sea Belle with Captain Boldero, Master Attendant, is due here to-day from Penang. The M. V. has been away on Lighthouse inspection duty. At the practice of the Philharmonic Orchestra last night Herr Friedenthal was present for a part of the time, and was good enough to play three
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  • 178 183 RILEY, HARGREAVES Co. The Directors' Report for' the year ended olst December, 1994 m. The net profit for the year, after paying interest on the Debentures, deducting depreciation and cost, of improvements to Buildings and Plant, writing off bad debts, reserving a further sum for doubtful debts and including $-0,936.2*4
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  • 243 183 Yesterday an Arab cook reported at Utah i Ird Police Station that a Hviam v boy emoloy. i ed mar where be works iv Steven';- ;d had tired at him with a rifle and that the bi. had struck a wall and fallen at his
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  • 288 183 The adjourned hearinjr of the Arab-st Fire case came before Mr Sproule yesterday. Messrs liable and Greenfield appeared for the accused. Mr Woodward. D. P. P., conducted the prosecution. Mr Katz an assistant m the firm of Katz Bros, said that the shop was insured by two
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  • 180 183 Sir Henry Tich borne, who has been pa v i i a visit t<> the Native Btatee, with Capt and Mrs Locock, arrived here by the MsJaecai th morning. Profeaior Dnrck also anitod le I same vessel. The German Steamship Company's bon i Bremen report- that m 1904 the traffic
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  • 895 184 Mr W. Buchanan Smith, who has not been home for 36 years, has left for England by Chargeurs Reunis steamer. The Secretary' of State lor the Colonies has approved of the scheme for a Straits Medical School at Singapore. Dr Freer, the Dean, is to have
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  • 389 184 H. R. H. Prince Friedrich Leopold of Prussia, (son of the late Prince FrederickCharles, so well known m the war of 1870—71) is to arrive here on Thursday morning by German mail and will leave the same afternoon for Shanghai. His mission is to join
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  • 222 184 Yesterday afternoon a European seated m the verandah of his house m River Valley-rd was attracted by tiie curious action of a rikisha coolie. The coolie appeared to be very kindheartedly feeding a number of fowls, but on the gentleman watching him a little longer he saw
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  • 77 184 The results of yesterday's racing were that m the A Class handicap Pullar was first, Lloyd second, and Hansen third, the net time of the winner being 3 mm 10 sec. There were only three starters but the men finished within a couple of yards. In the
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  • 268 184 Lord Hawke, playing at Hongkong for the Club, against the male representatives of the Ladies Recreation Club, went m first and was out for 2, bR. Hancock. Although the first three wickets were down for 7, the innings closed for 248. fo Tic^ re i is a case for conB
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  • 167 184 Le Oourrier Saigonnais" states that on the night of the 11th Saturday, the "Donai" on her way to Saigon from Bangkok met, about four miles from Pulo Obi, four large Japanese warships and a squadron of destroyers and torpedo-boats. "It is believed that these ships are on
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  • 437 184 These was quite a good attendance at the Drill Hall ou Saturday evening to witness the 10- round Boxing Contest between Jack McAuliffe and Artie Tully. A strong committee with Major C. J. Davies S. V. A. at the head, had charge of the arrangements, the important position
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  • 127 184 Captain Morier of the ss Avagyee, which arrived here yesterday from Penang and Port Swettenham, reported that on the voyage dow n he sighted v vessel flying distress signals 20 miles north and 76 west of Pulau Pisaug Lighthouse. Captain Morrier bore down on the vessel and
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  • 165 184 Loudon wires to the "Hongkong Daily Press say It is reported from Dover that an official communication has been received that fhe Baltic fleet returns via the English Channel. Lord Rosebery has repudiated the policy of Home Rule for Ireland. i It is stated that the Selangor Volunteers are to
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  • 355 184 Visits Local Firms. Mr P. J. Burgess, the Straits rubhe arrived m Colombo by the P. and OB T ru Xpenand left for London by the P andO \r to-day. He spent the interval asho'r*^ ing a number of local firms dealing m "V?*
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  • 268 184 We much regret to announce the death which occurred at Wai mer on the 21st Fehruarv of Mr Reginald A. Law, late Director of Post* and Telegraphs, Federated Malay States Mr Law came out to the Straits earh m I*9l and became Private Secretary
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  • 139 184 The ss. Selangor arrived here this niernin_, with the body of the Very Revd. Father Vignol who died atTaiping on Friday. The steamer wa_* met by Boarding Officer Pestaua m the Government steam launch Gwenneth, courteously l''-*t by the Master Attendant, and at 7.30 o'clock tbe
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  • 109 184 Before the Chief Justice the ossj m which Cheng Peng was charged with the murder of his brother, an e^ merchant m Garden-st. bbsb com bided this moruiu-r when the accused was found guilty unanimous!' On being asked if he had anything to sa\ mkf sentence oi death
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  • 87 184 The banal of the mother of Mt*^r» Liang Seah, Song Siah and Pe-k Siah *»f I Quay, the late Mrs K**ah Bn <^bin. v. h died two months a_ro at a very advanced a_f»*. takes* plana on the ll*th day of lhe Snd bssob. I 'ri tbe 24th instant, ifhe
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  • 1284 185 iMmmm 10th Feb., 1905. m 0 t nations it has been almost Ti n ted that the crisis produced the W.h-urot Kussiahasarrivedaudwith tT T Ti the p»rsou of M Witte. to whom nle are now looking with newly There is every indication that i>
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  • 155 185 ASSAULT ON THE KING OF ANN AM. Laoy Retainers Illtbeatkd. Mail advices from Hue, the capital of the French colony of Ananas, report a rather serious incident which occurred there on December 27. Three intoxicated French soldiers, belonging to lhe Colonial infantry stopped the carriage of the King of Anna
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  • 319 185 (JVnej Our Special Correspondent.) Jolo, Sulu, P. 1., Feb. -24, 1905. The Sulu named Pala, who is believed to be the same one who was the leader of the mengamok at Lahad Datu, near Sandakan, has been summoned to come iv and report himself to the Governor here
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  • 1779 185 On Tuesday Parliament was opened by the .King m person amidst scenes of great pomp and splendour. The day was fine but,* towards middle day, dull and cloudy and the temperature was not too low for comfortable sight seeing. Crowds of orderly but enthusiastic
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  • 122 185 Entertaining stories are hidden away m the Law Reports." Discussing the rights of tramcars on highways, the Justice of the Peace cites a case of obstruction. There was an incline leading to a bridge. A tramcar halfway up encountered a dray coming m an opposite direction. The
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  • 126 185 Many, indeed, are the curious casatoaaa connected with the Russian Army (--ays the M Penny Magazine.") For instance, none but nysnta are allowed m the Preobrashenski bca__fgsard regiment. To the -BBMllowili Regiment none but fair men are admitted, while a turned- up nose is the qualifying adornment
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  • 3192 186 THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. 11. By Alleys e Ireland, Author of "Irofical Colonization Sec. The blindness to local conditions and the neglect to proQt by the eaperien -a of others, which caused the war between the United States and the Phiiii ppine Republic, have played
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  • 262 186 Hast of thai sassr*. -J* l bees of bum. of Pnddiu ton Grean, am 1. and bar eh inve-i igatton. v 1 Danblane wai iand-J > > it* •c. i >:• .-'i j, a ato wed ark '■■>■ a ■yckms 44 Oh. my poor KcJlie i
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  • 245 186 Bni n Fne i i Wiiunuawar. The intention of tl m*nest British troops bresi ths i uuanim uisdy condemned hv West India Committee, win yesterday under the ra*esid"n< v v vm m i Lnbl A mb-committec waa app repraasntatiieß trmm sacs of the islands, which will meet
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  • 31 186 Mr ttibson, well known m Kuala I.umpor, as a popular < li offl-da!, has arrived Crow Bstacia i*e the branch at Bhangbai. Hi* ,W,M htbtete i :<1 not be rorgatlea li mr
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  • 484 187 hr r being satiated with the mt >vin Ver-inemising claims of i Rvalue a hermit, and sought f (ir iul haunt Far from the f 1 1 all Ihrongh the long i enriched itself, and Al i vet,- and yet •s, t. -Id desire for r I
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  • 642 187 The half-yearly meeting of the shareholders was held 'm the Exchange on Saturday at noon. Mr J. R. Nicholson m the chair. There were also present Messrs Somerville, you Bousing, Waddell, Romenij, Shelford, Haffter, huplen Directors) Messrs Warrack, T. Braddell Macdonald, Pahncke, Diez, Scott Russell, X
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  • 121 187 Another long continuous run was, the "Shipping World says, added to the list of the steam turbiue's performances during the St. Louis Exhibition, one which is said to be a record, and for large machines it certainly is: but some years ago, if not still, there was a
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  • 142 187 The pilgrim steamer Agamemnon arrived here from deddah this morning with 097 pilgrims on board Capt Day reports five deaths from various causes ou the voyage while live easea of small -pox have been landed at St John's Island. Some of the results of the Deli Mooting on the aeeond
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  • 1093 187 When the Russian Serfs Were Emancipated. m By David Soskice, Editor of "Free Russia." Forty- four years ago, on 19 Feb., 1861, a great sigh of relief went up from the endless plains of Holy Russia serfdom, the curse of centuries, was at last abolished by
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  • 561 187 MR ALEO CUtftflNa ON ITS KEMAKKABLB EXPANSK Just now there ig an abnormal ent of trade iv the E st, and tha shipping eoinp;n**s thereabout have recently been sorely taxed m their endeavors tscope wit i it. Mr Alex mder Cumming, I he chairman oi directors
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  • 351 187 Berlin, February 14. T!ie M KolruseheZeUung N Learns from Pekiug that by the aid of Japan plans have been drawn up with a view to creating a new Navy for China. Prince Pu-lirng, who represented China at the St. Louis Exhibition, is said to be the oritrinstor
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  • 1127 188 Takjonu- Pa-jar. To TUB EOITOR. Dear Sir, As you have resisted the temptation of being nasty" m your leaderette of yesterday anent T.P.D. dividend of 20 per cent, and have treated same from a somewhat philosophic point of view, you will probably have little or no compunction m receiving
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  • 399 188 The Japanese squadron anchored to the ■astwcrd of the harbour moved out at pm yesterday punctually* the order of out being the Amerika Maru, the Kasagi, the Chitons, and the Yawata Maru. Search-lights were gleaming as the vessels left, but probably ••no lights" would be the order
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  • 339 188 Tuk Most Lucid Expositor m England. Daily Mail Mr Justice Buckley is oue of those meu who have never strayed far from the law, with the result (whatever scoftiug laymen may say) that he is one of the most lucid expositors m Eng-' land. Everything he says
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  • 108 188 Why. asks the "Japan Mail'" don't more pro- fessing Christians attend public worship This is a question which certain Japanese Metho- dists have beeu asking of late. The ausw-rs given, which have keen publithe-d m full iv the Methodist organ, the Gokyo, may be summed up m a sentence. The
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  • 135 188 JAPAN AND AMERICA." a A SUGGBBTED ALLIANCE. In the House of Representatives on Feb 25, Mr Kunpei Matsumoto, of the Seiyu-kei, m the course of an interpellation of the Government m regard to its foreign policy, said^ that Japan was deeply indebted to the United States of America for the
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  • 96 188 Lmg Bfa Kiah was ch-rg-. before Mr. Sproule this morning with the theft of tweutyoue watches, value<l at $1*50 the property of Messrs Whi! ea way Laidlaw ft Co. The accused broke into the firm's godowus m Stamford- rd on the night of March 1, and was arrested
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  • 123 188 This morning at li o'clock a police patrol on rounds at High-st saw two Chinamen carrying two big bales. Ou seeing the police the men threw down the bales and made off. They pelted up Fort Cuming Hill pursued by the boiice, aud one was arrested at
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  • 184 188 Before Mr Sproule yesterday Captain Radford oi the Sherwood Foresters charged his Hyhun "boy" with theft. About three or four days days ago Captain Radford lost the key of his despatch-box and yesterday he looked inside the despatch-tax and found an envelope containing a cheque for st/1
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  • 58 188 'E* v D' Cot. Ist S. F The above match was played at Tanglin on the 14-th inst and with the following result 'E'Ooy 7: 'D'Coy 1. E' Coy were by far the superior te; m, and they should take a good place ou the list
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  • 1037 188 NO. CV. Ts Pen j; ns, Cox ti n d kj».) West Linton I bane alluded to many a time m previous letters; for the simple reason that I am so often there. After hunting up some of these references, I have found that they deal
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  • 138 188 ••I"*..- 1 Us W!ti-rvv-.rk.- »•*»< v ••.run -agM oi completion, I- r I rvne It-eena heavy burden .pa\.'r_a.andlik-*a-vc-r>-thiii-,' '..u::cii ian BBS B han-1 t I**! Hv muddled. The etjr h»« i th.-*. -an ...*y tu.i'lll" and -..n.liinr j*** of the tan nsara ago. uv Town uncl ,o gift of £l<
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  • 526 189 to explain the possession tor not oe C4K)liet> W ere sent to gaol by i yesterday afternoon for six and motor car licences are now ready Application has to be made to Mr m rF O. and the cars have to „r lli >pectiou. of the
    526 words
  • 108 189 in_r the Vampires met St gee match on the Old Gaol ■nuleal 0.10 and St Joseph's rash, >ome neat passing by asl] up to their opponents' bseha cleared but the ball and the school pressed n minutes, but without asapir s' forward tine then got l, several likely
    108 words
  • 123 189 The Singapore Volunteer Corps had an enjoyable moonlight route march lent night. The parade assembled at the Drill Hall at 8 30 p.m. 21 h ilT r de a l uarter of an hour nin i hy the Town the Volunteer f^T' pi YOU^ WaB alon Waterloo-st
    123 words
  • 77 189 Tins morning E. Wilmot, Municipal Sanitary Inspector, and Samiappen. his peon, were charged on the allegation that they. beinpublic servants, had obtained an illegal gratification of s_> lot showing favour m the exercise ot their official duties to one Frank Lee. Mr T. de M. Braddell, retained for
    77 words
  • 400 189 The funeral of the late Rev Father Vigno! Vicar General of the diocese of vicar of the Church of St Peter and St Paul took place yesterday afternoon amidst ex pre* sions of deep sorrow from all the Roman Catholic community and others. At 4.30,
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  • 169 189 Three Chinese alleged to have been implicated m the Pulo Tekong gang robbery were before Mr Sproule this morning. Mr Woodward, dp. p.. conducted the prosecution and the aeeused were not represented by counsel. The evidence showed that on the night of Jan 12 the shop
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  • 149 189 Ou the motiou ol Mr Wee Theam Tew, m the Supreme Court yesterday, Mr A. Cooper Abbs was admitted a member of the local Bar. Concerning a M Birth notice appearing today the v China Mail says The first white baby to be born m Liaovau_r since that place lias
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  • 874 189 (From our Correspondent.) Mineral Syndicate. The Government received a very welcome telegram on the Ist inst, to the effect that the Mineral Syndicate who sent prospectors all over the country some months ago when under the name of the British Borneo Syndicate, Ltd had succeeded m forming the
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  • 112 189 This morning Mr. Howard lined the manager of chop "Chin Watt Hin" §100 for keeping more kerosine on his premises than allowed by his license. Mr Cleaver prosecuted for the Municipality and Mr Emerson defended. It is reported that followers of the Tsai Li society have established themselves iv Shanghai.
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  • 961 189 A European living at No 3 Orchard-rd reports his unregistered boy and $50 missing. The boy and the cash are supposed to hare gone together. To-day a Chinese pawnbroker was fined J*so and costs for having taken m pledge stolen property consisting of a basket of
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  • 100 190 The returns of imports and exports for the last quarter of 1904 are now to hand. The recapitulatory statements give the following. 4th Qr 1903. 4th Qr 1904. Simgvpore 5,547,377 6,156,269 $59,97 1 ,665 $63,548,602 Penang 2,216,658 2,044,997 $23,9^3,887 $2 -,109,651 Malacca 84,125 I 19,298 909,462 1,231,456 Totals
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  • 204 190 f Co Sherwoods v The V M C A This match was played sn the Old Jail Site yesterday evening, before a large crowd of spectators, and after a very evenly contested game the soldiers won by a goal. During the first half the V M C A
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  • 103 190 •ir v'F'Coy. The match took place at Tanglin on Monday last. 'H' Ooy winning by two goals to nil. The all round play of lhe winners showed a decided improvement, and they are naturally very proud of their place ou lhe Shield League table, as m having
    103 words
  • 124 190 This morning before Mr Howard. Lt.-Col Pennefather, I. G. P., summoned Mr von Rossing for keeping dogs which were a danger to the public. Mr. Edlin appeared for the defence and asked that the summon*! be altered to Mr. Sehudel's name as the dogs belonged to him and
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  • 79 190 To-day, the case against Lim Cheng San charged with the murder of Cho Pek Ho, while at a wavang m Club-st was concluded. The defence was an alibi, on the evidence of a witness who said accused went to his house after the wayaug. The jury retired
    79 words
  • 203 190 Yesterday before Mr Howard half-a-dozen Chinese shopkeepers were fined $20 each for tampering with their weighing instruments. The title of k< Champion Pigsticker of the World is claimed by an employee of Messrs Harris A Co, the famous bacon curers of Calne, Wiltshire. This sportsman has killed ..,000,000 pigs m
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  • 1281 190 Friday, Mac. 20th, 1905. F_.KB_"NT His Excellency the Governor (Sir John Anderson, k.c.m.0.) The Hon'ble the Colonial Secretary (F. G. Penney.) the Attorney-Genl. (W. R. Collyer.) the Act. Col. Treasurer J.O. Anthonisz) the Col. Engineer (A. Murray.) the Auditor-General (E. C. Hill.) W. P. Waddell. Tan Jiak Kirn.
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  • 177 190 The Venality of Grand Dukes. Never has the corrupt state of all grades of Russian society become more apparent (says M Vanity Fair") than m the last few months. One startling revelation follows the other. At a recent performance m a Russian theatre the following incident took place.
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  • 309 190 Mr A. Cumming, a member of the mercantile firm of McAlister and Co, of Singapore, was a passenger by the steamer Guthrie, on a business visit to Australia and New Zealand, m the interests of his firm. In the course of a conversation on board yesterday (Feb
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  • 107 190 "We get manuscripts at the rate. of nearly three every working day iv the year," said Mr John Murray to a writer la the first number of the "Literary World" an a mid-monthly. The figures show at what a rate l>ooks are being nia^le. even if they are not always
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  • 170 190 We commend to Tariff Re for periences of a correspondent J*? Telegraph," which are detail* ia S to-day. Yesterday 1 bought," ha J** *m black jet buttons, and when I* got h on the card, 'Beat Austrian malce^V^ pencil to write m my account book had' U.S.A.'
    170 words
  • 510 190 Iv an interview with the ;sb*v.-- -iiajjjjA ed artillery oaaVaer the Times Carki the following Vii-wt aVnofn Intaos. General Slades view* oa the questioß the abandonment of Trine un-hast tn t\ immediate importance to us, ani, m given without reserve, they should the more weight. I
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  • 124 190 The village ol* tfaudersbeim. >J* has bnsn celebrating the success _-d hens. The eeleliration was on a fc- tj scale, and its oc*ci-i"»i »a* lue _*.|r.j hen m *i nest ion had laM iu> .w^tM The owner of .-he hen gather^ around him. including all 4tf m nitaries, dressed m
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  • 443 191 f the following communication has -°ppr. r ii l 0 His Excellency the Governor ,_*3 r ir _c •,1 and unofficial members of j _J1 tbe official am ■■.>-■- 'v^. 13th March. 1905. I t hc close interest that the Poisons In tne Council has with our
    443 words
  • 169 191 lv Hl Si'LL. OWI OF THE SERVICE. --WlssßSßhi have laid down the rule that useful for piitrol work m time 5 not oni\ useless but worse than ia mat of war. it it possesses neither F >wfr nor spent. It is merely a ship *t*j to embarrass
    169 words
  • 24 191 X --> y_ X._K L« n 1 11 V 11 < tr 248 i 202" 14G' I4cmi g 118 581 51AO-, (l* __j 2\ asti
    24 words
  • 2136 191 (fieuter't Agency.) The Japanese are now endeavouring to drive the remnants of the Russian right and left wings north of Tieling. They have captured most of the foreign attaches at Mukden and sent them to Japan. The Japanese are confronted with the serious problem of transporting their prisoners to
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  • 267 191 [By Couetest of Mr Tanaka, H. I. J. M. Consul.] Received 3 pm on Thursday. Our advanced troops, pressing the enemy everywhere, occupied Tiehling at 0.20 am on Thursday. Rec'd 9.45 pm on Thursday. Our detachment occupied Hingking March 13. Received at 3.20 pm on Friday. The
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  • Page 191 Miscellaneous
    • 126 191 PASSENGERS ARRIVED BT THE MAIL. Mar 18.— Per P &O Simla: Froau London. Mr J F Roy, Mr J D S Baily, Mr Bpeaeer, Mr C Emmerson, Dr J Kirk, Mr W< tester. Mr and Mrs Blphick, Mr E T Gil'. Miss Cowan, Mr T B Hodgson, Mr J B
      126 words

  • 171 192 SPECIAL TELEGRAMS. (Special to the Singapore Free Press.") Sandakan, March 15th, 1905. The British North Borneo Co. intend to adopt the Straits Currency. Hongkong March 11. Yesterday Mr Veruay the bullion broker committed suicide, and to-day Mr C. E. Fiske, representative of the American Tobacco Co, also killed himself. It
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  • Page 192 Advertisements
  • Page 192 Miscellaneous
    • 705 192 PASSENGERS BOOKED HOMEWARDS. p o Mar 90. Per Malta Mr and Mra Evstt, Mr ECU Wooli'c, Mr C W Darhiahire, Mr Freeman. Mr Downie, Mr Le Fevre, Mr and Mrs F Wan-ash, Mr J G Birrel, Mr B E Henderson, Mr G W Henderson, Capt Radford, Mr J H St
      705 words
    • 854 192 Per Selamgor i Mr Mclntoah, Mr Jack, Revd. Ruondel, Mr A C Van Dek, Mr Velgi, Mrs Cropley, Col. Whittall, Mr E Cropley, Mr Gibaon, Mrs J Smith, and Mr Rozario. Per G G Meyer Capi Miles, Mr Schanzer, Mr Ryksen, and Mr Ritter. Per De Kock Mr 3 Ah
      854 words
    • 967 192 VESSELS IN PORt"'ar Flasj *ad Tons Commander* Arrived From rp/hetis Brit cruiser 3400 Wilkinson Mar 8 Malacca I Hertog Hendrik Dut cruiser 4872 Hockwafcer Mar 21 Tanjorg p r ok r a< Noord Brabant Dut crniser 3969 Calmeijer Mar 21 Tanjong P,iok p" Other Vessels Flajs Tons Masters rr,V
      967 words
    • 372 192 March 20. Fortunatus, Brit, str., McDonald, for i Sambia, Gar. etr., Luening. for Haaik-.: ports. Indrasamha, Brit, str., Craven, for N via ports. Haiphong, Fr. str., Boco-_rnani. for Saig.'.i Port Tewfik, Brit, str., Fletcher, for las Fuh Wo, Brit str., Tadd, for Langkat Carlyle, Brit, str., Perm, for Mab< Dickson.
      372 words