The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 23 February 1905

Total Pages: 16
113 128 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 261 113 Subsidies, 1 i;; Meeting, 113 a .d Shipping Subsidies, 114 111 11 Grand Duke Bergine, 11Y eSi PetersburgMassacres, 114 mcil <Ihanges, 114 aent Land Sal< 114 i g and Japanese < 'ondttions, 115 the I'. M. S. 115 rhie_ Statistics Wanted, 115 115 the P< ag 115 1 Trap,
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  • Domestic Occurrences.
    • 60 113 Rowlanpson.— On the 17th. at Merriecroft, Cranbrook, Kent, the wife of Col. J. RowLAXnsox. late the King's Own Regiment, of a son. <>n Sunday, 19th February, at No. Dhoby Ghaut, the wife of Gr. V. Hansen, of a son. Blair.— At No. 0 Hare Street, Calcutta, on Ist February,
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    • 46 113 UATE-SAVILLE.— On the 20th instant, at St. Andrew's Cathedral, Singapore, by the Rev. H. 0. Izard, Tom Erskine Gate, of Santubong. Sarawak, 2nd son of the late Robert Gate of Dewsbury, Yorkshire to Helen May, :b-d daughter of J. ,T. AV. Seville of Leeds, Yorkshire.
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  • 249 113 The mail from Europe of Jan 98th, arrived by the PA O Malta on Saturday evening. The next outward mail is expected* by the N.D.L. Xieten to-morrow morning. This homeward mail is taken by the BX Taroba this afternoon. I>allas's Open Company are continuing a snoceesful season at
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  • 88 113 (Corrected up to Feb. 22.) Bank 4 m/s 2 ovi deinami 1/11^ Private credit 4m s 2 0-£ credits 6 m's 20; France, demand 250 German r, demand. 200. 1 India, T. T. 147-; Hongkong, demand 21 dis Yokohama demand 98 Java, demand 119 Bangkok, demand 59 Sovereigns, $10.25
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  • 141 113 Tl_i 1 7*J ft_J 111 mi mi eee »»e V QambiOr ..e eee Nl do. Cube No. 1 M 13. do. do. No. 2 „13 Pepper, Black (ordinary S'pore^ 21.50 do. White, (Fair L. W. 5 p.a, 39. Nutmegs 110 to the _b.) 46. do. 80 to the ft.
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  • 959 113 H<.; shall the Prrss thr People's ri*ht maintain, Unmved by influence ai-.d unbribed by gain; ..CTC patriot Truth her p'orions precepts draw, _ed to Religion, l.o.nlty and Law. Feb. 16 It is a good thing to see public opinion at home rather seriously exercised over a very
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  • 791 113 El will be seen from our advertising columns that the Directors of the Tanjong Pagar DockCo. are calling an extraordinary mee* ing on Feb 28, in the Exchange, to consider resolutions hav iug reference to the expropriation of the Tanjong Pagar Dock Company's property, the second
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  • Page 113 Advertisements
    • 84 113 p raser and Cumming. Jlf 'CE S:_7cßatte B fi,rKVN ';^^:-Balestier. Timber Merchants j^ E HA}^-WOOD, cut by our own men k districts, and steam sawn to any FORKED TIMBERS, Floonng Boards accur iUchiSille 9* k Bgqrf aud grooved by the best *xDeri!n l7 X_? d3V tbe superintendence of an **I*nen<:e
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  • 644 114 Kb. ir. We trust that although the Governments of the Self-Governing Colonies or Federations think invariably and naturally first for themselves as against other countries, and even other portions OsV&he Empire, they may prove ready enough to stand side by side in the support of
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  • 481 114 A Router's telegram from Victoria (8.C.( says the ship Penthesilea has been chartered by the Admiralty to take a full cargo of naval supplies from Esquimalt to England. This news with the statement that almost the last of the Pacific squadron, the Bonaventmv M comes across to join the
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  • 641 114 HE Assassination of G rand Duke Sergius. Feb. 18 The miserable condition of Russia is once more responsible for another instance of the terrible exercise of political animus that has been generated by the harshly oppressive methods of Russian administration. The Tsar's uncle, the Grand Duke Serge Alexandrovitch has been
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  • 962 114 Massacres Feb. 20. Never, we suppose, did a European mail reach us laden with such a unanimity of condemnation of a political act, as that of Saturday, which simply teems with opinions that may collectively be termed a sentence of death on Russian autocracy.
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  • 134 114 Friday's Government Gazette, which reached us hue on Saturday, has at least two interestiug appointments. To fill the vacancy caused by the approaching departure of Mr J« M. Allinson, Mr John AnDSnsOH is appointed an Unofficial Member of the Legislative Council. And until Mr Anokrson's arrival in
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  • 281 114 The sale of Government laud in Pridl issue may to some appear remarkable. The laud in question was applied for by those who had a certain use for it. and apparently there was genuine competition for every lot put up tc auction. The price obtained was more
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  • 99 115 There wm\J be rumours of peace afloat, but ;,lle wind. Russian authorities have these a»" 1 1 i;u declared that a peace will only be an til they have got everything ready i n into spillikins. Aud Japan ■nite fool enough to throw away hard.
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  • 1134 115 1 upon our re- of i h Col >ni being ris 'a .ssistanee •he Fed< i ited Malay that now anti J iurp iea will sowing of de all will be no dis- ray the turn J ly for long years lilar good turns
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  • 667 115 Hailam House Thief Statistics Wanted. Feb. 22. Until the time comes when the Government shall, either of itself through the Chinese Protectorate, or by empowering the Municipality on that behalf institute a sound working system of registration of domestic servants, we think that it should do what little it can
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  • 379 115 With the Baltic fleet still laying on the barnacles of idleness in Madagascar waters, and only spasmodic signs of activity on the flank ou the Shaho line in Manchuria, the war, for the present, shrinks into unimportance before its great effect, the social break-down in Russia.
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  • 180 115 Indian papers to hand announce the death of one of the claimants to the dormant peerage of the Earldom of Mi 11 town Earl of Milltown. At Jubbulpore, Central Provinces, on the 25th January, of phthisis, John, eighth (Bth) Earl of Milltown, Baron Buesboroiigh of
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  • 97 115 It is wonderful what confusion a want of precise geographical knowledge will work with the sub-editorial department of newspapers Along Bay «or Baie d 'Along is always a stumper. It is of course, the French naval anchorage in the Gulf of Tonkin. The Daily Mail" could make
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  • 605 115 Leniency of the Prosecution. In reference to the above case, the result of which appeared in these columns yesterday, it might be mentioned that when the case came before the Bench Court consisting of Messrs Howard and Nunn, the accused, through his Counsel Mr Braddell, pleaded guilty
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  • 190 115 In re F. J. Robertson ex Parte Tillekt. This is a Bangkok appeal in which Mr Napier appealed on behalf of AV. G. Tilleke against a deeisioa of the Consular Judge at Bangkok, under the following circumstances. Mr Tilleke sold his business in the Oriental Hotel, Bangkok,
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  • 1693 116 There was a Russian rumour at Mukden that the Japanese Government were going to send seven million of their people to Manchuria as colonists. The Norwegian collier Peik arrived here from Newport at daybreak. She is expected to leave for Hongkong today, and has a cargo
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  • 67 116 According to a Japanese paper, it is reported in Yokohama that at the conclusion of the present struggle with Russia, warships, with several of the leading figures in the war. will be sent to Europe, America, and Australia. The ship which will go to Australia will
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  • 77 116 The case in which Mr Gibson, as Secretary of the Singapore Club, is proceeding against 33 boys for leaving the service of the Club without giving notice, was mentioned in the First Court this morning. Mr Carver appeared for the prosecution and explained to the bench
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  • 76 116 IRON AND ALUMINIUM IN INDIA. Favourable Reports. Operations, it is stated, are proceeding on u large scale for the working of rich iron aluminium deposits in the Central Provinces. The result of investigations by an American mining expert, engaged by Mr Tata, shows that there are three million tons of
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  • 110 116 McPHERSON-ROAD GANG ROBBERY. The gang robbery which occurred in Me-Pherson-rd is causing some little interest to the Police, especially as the towkay who lives at the house where the robbery occurred is credited with having left his wife and family mmediateiy on the arrival of the nocturnal visitors, though he
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  • 546 116 The Tapanese authorities are returning to Russia, to the relatives of the fallen Russian soldiers, all such personal objects as have been found on the Russian dead at the time of their burial by the Japanese. These effects are accompanied by a note which gives all possible
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  • 813 116 The annual congregational meeting 0 f tk Presbyterian Church was held last "even there being a very fair attendance in sno^ the rain. The Rev S. S. Walker presided tk Rev W. Murray also being present, with mc£ of the congregational officials. The musical items on the
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  • 202 116 A fatal accident occurred on board the steamer Shahzada in Hongkong harbour at an early hour on the 9th. At about 2 o'clock a fire broke out in the vessel's hold and whils working at it the Chief Officer, Hr IV. B Laird, fell down between decks (a distan about
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  • 1448 117 pi,,- undoubtedly one of the very finest for it develops all the qualities that -l^e a man— courage, resourcefulness, promptitude of decision, good horoe- ..,,,1 on. But it is also a game for and nol for the many. There are aits the Premier Club, ror, which came down
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  • 91 117 Ms Ankkrsmitii Hi:.\vily Fined. When Mr Howard took his seat on the Bench in the First Court this morning, Mr Ankersmith appealed to answer a charge of driving his motor OUT at a furious rate along i the Esplanade on the afternoon|_»f Jan 19, and ul*) on
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  • 486 117 The m Stephan" in the Roads. Lying out in the Roads, just beyond the Pishing Stakes and about 300 yards to the westward of the cable ships Patrol and Restorer, is the third largest cable ship afloat. Her name is the Stephan, and it is interesting
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  • 450 117 The retirement is announced of Mr Howard Gwyther, who. after n period of forty years' service in the Chartered Bank of India, Australia, and China, has resigned his appointment as Chairman and Managing Director. The soundneaa of his views and the value of his opinion on the
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  • 196 117 We hear that a telegram arrived yesterday in Singapore from Saigon, announcing that the French armoured cruiser Sully, a fine new ship of close on 10,0O<) tons, has been stranded on the Tonkin coast probably in or near the Baie d' Along, which iatheregulat naval station near
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  • 229 117 A retire. l Straits man writes from Croydon Panjong Pagar expropriation U the topic of the moment. I think the price to be paid by the Government will be larger than most: people think. I was impressed bj the figures given me by a director abou eight years
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  • 526 117 Annua 1. GENERAL MEETING. The meeting of the S. P. C. was h- I I in the Exchange last evening (14th) at 5.15 pm. Mr ES. L. Brockman was voted t> the chair md among those present were Messrs J. B, Y< ig, C. S. Crane, Major
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  • 871 118 The German gunboat Seeadler left here this morning at 8.30 am. bound for Java. A home paper, in referring to Mr Buckle's recent wedding, utters rather an obvious remark when it says "it is not every dav that an Editor of the Times is married." Another
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  • 192 118 The war between Russia and Japan unhappily continue- via Router's Telegram Ac King's Speech. Gentlemen, hush There is news in the making Reuter is cabliug news items to-day Things that the I test advised never had dreamed of. Guaranteed news and not merely thev say." Gentlemen, hush for the
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  • 160 118 On the loth instant Government held an auction at the Land Office of agricultural land. Instead of selling the land on the bonus, the bidding was on the annual quit-reut the upset rent being fixed by the collector of land revenue. The purchaser is entitled to a
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  • 403 118 Owing to the continued evening engagement of the Town Hall by the Dallas-Baudmanu Opera Company the Philharmonic Orchestra will rehearse onThursday afternoon at 4.40 pm. Full attendance is requested. Mr Sehllibher will play Chopin's "Grand Polonaisa" with Orchestra, the Overtures "Don Grovanui" and "Pigue Dame" will be practised,
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  • 453 118 A Brief Visit to the Scene. A brief visit was paid by our representative yesterdav afternoon to the large block of buildings fast approaching completion in Mac-kenzie-rd, which is a no less important place than our new Electric Power Station. The visitor to Singapore to-day is
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  • 302 118 The Pains of Notoriety. Mr E. Emerson, an enterprising journalist, sent to the Zoruzu au account of an "interview" with Geul. Stoessel, which was published iu that paper on Jan 17, and copied by other Japanese papers. Gen.l Stoessel has challenged the accuracy of the
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  • 78 118 An Improbable Story. London, Jan 29.— A St Petersburg correspondent wires via Hongkong that the newspapers there, which have commenced republication after the suspension occasioned bv the strike, to-day publish a wire from Paris, which the Censor has allowed to pass unaltered, to the effect that the Russian
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  • 74 118 The coolie steamer Court field left for Durban at 9.80 this morning. The dispute among the esobes was satisfactorily settled bv Mr Barnes Protector of Chinese. A telegram from M. Jadot, anginser-in-chief oi the Peking-Hankow railway, to Brussels on January _nd, said that the line i> now finished as far
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  • 1013 118 KICH lOW K ATS .BEFORE THE CoUft As previously mentioned in these col a raid was made on a Chinese Club h„ a 49 Club-st on the night of Feb I,'witT i result that 34 Chinese were arrested whom are amongst the richest towkavT f Singapore.
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  • 224 119 (from a Correspondent.) 14th February. Vkhsrto IbefU of pepper up-river have been Loiient so much so that a certain 1 n OW offers reward of .5300 for every K ."lint! to conviction. The thieves, it is irr 7 ,'ih-nt well-armed and in large num- "I'/.n,,- the reward is
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  • 121 119 THE BOOKMAKER IN AUSTRALIA. Millionaire Swkip m PaoMoma. In an article dealing with bookmakers in ■aba and tlieir gains, the "Globe" says the bookmaker K in the Australian Commonwi Federal and State Ministries may rise and fall, but h<* remains secure on pedestal o publi favour. George Adams. rigiiiah ratteraall's
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  • 107 119 A I BESTED ON TUI B.S. SIMLA. When tl.t' s v Simla came into port yesterday morning about 6 am. she was met bv Detective Tvrre) and Chief Detective Perret, v. h i boa- (led the vessel aud instituted li fora Spaniard named Tuau Moutamer, who
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  • 96 119 Mr. .1.11. Davy, who has been stopping at the Hotel dea Lades for some little time, locked a trunk in his room yesterday evening before going out of the Hotel. When opening H 00 his return the sum of $35 out of a roll of *50was
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  • 121 119 Commenting on Lord Brassej*a speech at the > Club, in which he stated that British had lost their supremacy as the builders "t the cheapest warships in the world, the Engineer," following on the lines of the article abashed in M The Daily Telegraph of Thurs•l
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  • 113 119 N* Maria Rickmers left Botouto on Jan. IS, *cargo of 135,840 cases of Iwrosine oil Shanghai. She is expected to call at ngapore for coal to-morrow. acknowledge with thanks London papers lll -h'l and 24th inst, from Messrs r h,Hs Md (Jo, Dutch mail agents, per K< M»Dg Willem I,"
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  • 672 119 (From Our Special Correspondent.) Jolo, Subi, P. 1., Jan. 28, 1905. This quiet little settlement was all agog this morning over the theft of the twenty-ton, two-masted trading schooner of Mr Edward Schuck, which was cut adrift from her moorings two miles below the town at some time
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  • 131 119 Sincere sympathy >\ ill be extended to Mr Chamberlain In the heavy bereavement which has befallen him by the painfully sudden death of Mrs Whit more L. Richards, his youngest daughter. Mrs Richards went to Switzerland in quest of health, accompanied by one of her sisters. She
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  • 113 119 All classes are iu despair at the prospect of the increased burdens which will be imposed to meet the war expenditure. It is understood on good authority that the middle classes, in addition to the higher commercial taxes already announced, will have to pay 80 per
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  • 44 119 It is believed that the sth Royal Garrison Regiment will return to England from Halifax in March next. Their artillery will be transferred to Hongkong. The troops of both arms will Ins replaced by Canadian detachments. A similar arrangement will be made at Esquimalt.
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  • 2075 119 XIX. Chuzenji in the summer months is too full ot Lords and Ladies and the Mias O'Gradys," otherwise the various Legation folk and the fashionables from Tokio and Yokohama, to be available for the poor tourist who has passed not unscathed through the temptations of Kyoto shops, apart from
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  • 42 119 The Times" marine insurance orrespDiident points out that the arrangements extending over several months to supply the Baltic war vessels have, to all appearances. ium to an. end, and that these vessels have no Jonger a chain of storeships ahead of them.
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  • 1538 120 LONDON TO MELBOURNE BY RAIL." The 44 Daily Express" having received a telegram fron. Singapore about the expropriation of Tanjong Pagar (this is put at j£1,000,000 sterling) proceed on this scanty foundation to build up the vision of world travel quoted below. We note that it takes the route via
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  • 220 120 Chbss Cham pi os Plats Winnimg GKambit. The members of the Chess Club will agree that there would no hint of M stale mate in this bridegroom's game, distinguished for its smart capture of the .jiieen Mr Frank J. Marshall, the United States chess champion who has just
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  • 102 120 Of the rolling stock* found at Port Arthur. 80 locomotives and 300 carriages are said to be serviceable. The guns in the forts on the sea face are. it is Stated, quite uninjured, but those in the forts on the rear are damaged. With the exception oi
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  • 54 120 It is said in Hongkong that the battleships at [.resent on the China Station will shortly be withdrawn and replaced by fast first class cruisers. The butfcl ships would likely join the Channel fleet. But nothing of this, of Course, until the end,* one way or the other, of the
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  • 221 120 HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANK. The seventy-ninth report of the Court of Directors to the General Meeting, Hongkong, on Saturday, February 18th is as follows.— The Directors have now to submit to you a General Statement of the affairs of the Bank, aud Balance Sheet for the half-year ending :U>t December,
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  • 124 120 Views of Viscount Hay as hi. Interviewed by a reporter of the Standard/ 1 Viscount Hayashi. discussing the prospects of peace, said Of course we want peac We wanted peace before war broke out, and have continued to de-ire it ever since. But it takes two
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  • 165 120 It is always sad (says the "California Journal of Medicine") to see the taking oft of a strong, valuable life in its early vigour. If the untimely end is due, either wholly or in part, to the use oi tobacco and alcohol, we naturally feel
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  • 244 120 Professor Richard whose dossier is carefully preserved in the archives of the New Castle Police, and a copy of which is held in reserve in this office in case of any possible second tour through the Far East on the part of that astute and unscrupulous person,
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  • 147 120 Tul Atstralj.w Standpoint. In a paper read before the Colonial Institute bv Mr Hardy, a visiting member, he contended that closer political union between the Motherland ami the Colonies was inadvisable, while commercial union was both feasible and desirable. Any colonial preference given on the basis of
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  • 279 120 Decreasing Supply from Burma In their annual report Messrs Dennv' U and Dickson write that the salient t the market for teak has been that standing the restricted consumption 11 by high prices and depression la th building trade, such consumption h theless steadilj exceeded the import
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  • 217 120 Lt was mentioned in these columns a >me three weeks ago that though the price of i risen in England consequent on an extra having demand from Germany, it was not nntici pated that prices would be permanently ai ed and such has proved to be
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  • 367 120 M Send your energetic sons to Canada, and you will never regret it," said Lord Minto receiving the freedom of Jedburgh theother day. Mr B. A. Thorpe, Manager of the In Department of Messrs Boustead Bros, Colombo, committed suicide on the 3rd inst The last case listed for hearing on
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  • 456 121 ""m iivMail" irivcs a very satisfactory 1* fTowkaj boke Yew from a process ■I g Lppended the history of "the mmm w huii is 'U 1 .1 __r a h M w men m the M S. H ug lU a i K ila Lumper is
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  • 1090 121 The New Boiler Bulks. lo THF KOITOR. IU'J, lh f «1,0 Steam HoUm Ordmauoe rules will h»Te the effect O calling oata*! attention to this .übiert. none,. ende-Tour to iota the problem uLZ T,, K ""i' I'"'1 u-taM it hM been dictated l.v om »„thori Being •nlnter-jted .i only
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  • 768 121 CLunm n oivi Nones Barons Lnv [HO Kmj'Lovment. A case which has created a great deal of interest since it was first mentioned before Mr Coleman in the Third Court on the Ist inst, ,s *be in i lid Mr \Y. A. Dowley, Manager of the Vacuum
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  • 162 121 DR CATTO DISCOVERS A NEW PAR AS ITE. All \h- Catto's friends here will be interested to read, quoted from an Aberdeen paper, this reference to the "Discovery ot afNew Parasite by an Aberdeen Graduate The discovery of a hitherto unknown parasite which causes inflammation and ulceration of the human
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  • 112 121 SCCCESS OF AN ENGLISH PLAYER. On the Tollynu^e Links, at Calcutta, the annual competition for the Golf Championship a r> l3a ff ml t],H EaBl has J^ been won by Mv B. Andy Collins, a prominent member of the Aldeburgh Club (Suffolk). Mr Collins only went
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  • 143 121 HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANK. J ;i *ncial column of a home paper a !'i following reference to the nbove popul ium ;ial institution ought lo be satisfii with the p turn shown by the balance. sheet, 1 ls it is, U the wise intenl ons of the > l1 Iter
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  • 344 121 A JAPANESE VIEW OE STOESSEL'S SURRENDER. A Japanese private's letter in the "Japan Mail" Bays:- "On the 3rd instant I entered the old town of Port Arthur, in company with one of the committees appointed to take over the forts aud then- appurtenances, we being the -hst ol tii- investing
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  • 359 121 We reproduce the following from the 4 N.-C Daily News" Whilp the German Kaiser has evinced all along ry natural feeling of henevolent neutni :< ward Russia in the present war, and the oi d. nd semi-official papers in Germsny bave dto trim their .*ails accordingly,
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  • 1462 122 Quicquid agnnt homines nostri est farrago libelli. Juvenal. Since the beating back of Gripenberg's advance across the Hun-ho curiously little news has coine from the region of Mukden. There are references to artillery activity on both sides, but perhaps the fact that frozen ground canInot well
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  • 54 122 At the annual general meeting of this Association, held yesterday, the Committee's report and accounts for 1904 were approved. The following Committee was elected for the current, year Mrs Waddell (President), Dr. A. B. Simpson (Hon. Sec), Mr C. McArthur (Hon. Treas), Mrs Watkins, Miss Anderson, and
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  • 95 122 Another peril to a well-known item of Straits produce, Singapore black pepper, to wit! We see that a spurious pepper, called by the name of erviop," is now sold It consists* of the seeds of pisum or lathyrus which are like black pepper. Insipid of themselves,
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  • 260 122 The Dramatic Section of the S C. R. C gave a very successful Concert and Variety Entertainment on Hong Lim Green last night to the members of the Club and their friends. It looked as if the heavy rain iu the afternoon would spoil
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  • 19 122 His Highness the Sultan of Selangor is taking up mining md. Prospecting rights have tflivatjy been grented to him.
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  • 1628 122 Annual Prize Giving. This pleasant little ceremony took place on Saturday afternoon, in the presence of H. E. the Governor, Hon'ble F. G. Penney, Hon'ble W. R. Collyer, Mr C. B. Buckley, and many friends of the School and parents of the scholars. Miss Tarbat, acting principal,
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  • 90 122 President Roosevelt ins issued »n directing the secretary of commerce snd to have the lighthouse board prepare estiO for the erection of suitable light*, ll r houses or lightships, at Mi lu i\ islasdi n Pacific Ocean. Who iava that all is not well nit! ti«Ui army*? The Artillery are
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  • 609 123 a iteame* Median lately owed by ThP W c ■W'".* lmK l>een Bold to a Japanese Vational Anthem, which enters Bll !^ramineofthe Alhambra Theatre I li;Vin1 i ;Vin London, wai SO violently hissed Petersburg massacre that it has n from the programme. u transnort Himalaya arrived
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  • Correspondence.
    • 834 123 To thp. Editos. Notwithstanding your editorial note that now the attention of engineers and mill-owners has been drawn to the imperfections of these new rules it can be left in their hands, I venture to ask you for a little more space. If tints subject is not
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  • 137 123 The case of Tam Cheng San, a tire brigade man, charged with the murder of Cho Poh Ho, was heard yesterday morn iug by Mr Sproule. Mr Woodward Deputy Public Prosecutor, prosecuted. Tan Choon Kim, Hon. Secretary of the Chinese Club was examined, and in his evidence
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  • 41 123 The Pe lerated Saw Mills Co Ltd has resolvled to go into liquidation. In nine months 920,000 have ben lost. A victim of an unexplored oonceesiou and of the Chinaman with a rusty snw, who will work all and •.•very
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  • 1641 123 Inquest on Saturday. As notified in these columns on Saturday last a shooting accident occurred at Raffles Institution Buildings in the room of Mr Hunt, the previous evening, whereby a Chinese youth lost his life. An inqiest on the body was held on Saturday afternoon at
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  • 398 123 Saturday's Proceedings. The hearing of the charges against the towkays and a Sikh for being fouud in a common-gaming house at 49$Club-st, and with assisting the management thereof, and with resisting a public servant in the execution o£ his duty, was continued on Saturday last. The
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  • 152 123 Capt M. in, of the ss. Papan, from London has reporte I it Hongkong that at 0 44- pm on Bth inst, in Latitude 15 deg. li* sec. 30 min. N. Longitude 112 deg. 38 sec. 15 min. E he passed a spar or mast, covered with barnacles, projecting about
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  • 770 124 rGHN. Manager's Report. For month ending 28th Jan., 1905. The mine measurements, and assay results of prospecting work, prepared by the Mine Manager, show a total of 315ft. for the eriod (4 weeks) under review, made up of lift. sinking, 54ft. drivh and 250ft. crosscuttiag, as against a total
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  • 1169 124 I ITS POSITION AND PROSPECTS. (By a Naval Officer.) Thanks to the friendly, though irregular, connivance of the French and Portuguese Governments, the voyage of Admiral Rojestvensky's squadron has been rendered comparatively easy. A stay of no less than elve days was spent in the magnificent harb
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  • 217 124 ing 1 Discoveries. I am this morning a fire broke the corner of Arab-st and I rd. The- flames had got rery little 1 itbreak was noticed I the police, :;1 the alarm given, with the nil Brigade was quickly on the scene rge of Supt Petts
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  • 214 124 A Full Court of Appeal assembled this morning, ed of the Chief Justice Sir Li ►uel C VlrJustice Law, Mr Justice Thornton and Mr rust ice Hyndman Jones. There was also a ill attendance of members of the Bar. S »me little time was spent in discussing
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  • 252 124 Mr D. Gr. Campbell is acting as Commis sioner if Lands and Mines, F M. S., from Feb 18. The Governor has been pleased to appoint Mr. A. W. Bailey a Municipal Commissioner for Singapore vice Mr C. J. Saunders, resign-)-l ;-t Rigyo, in the Taipeh Prefecture, Formosa, burst into
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  • 84 124 Visitors ano R ESIDrv M. Harris, W. Petts, Miss Ri Nicoll, Miss William,, Mis. 1 Ch:nv Stewart, J. Ronalds, E. C. Bte*_rt*_!, i I J. Kirk, S. Robinson, A. K A Thoney, C Chaytor, E g W Ahrams, J. M. Aiwat., A M, J. Chaytor. G. V.
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  • 24 124 rhe an takes pi I T|i says thai the b risen From S theendo th activ, i Mr F r1 idedtoth.
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  • 68 124 Ceyl One of i m oued t quest at who found iti te to put The con ►ntee Post, iat ,j< mei d ers oi 'I that thev s it con Id l e r is a i i torn in Engl j 0 urn jury Bervici
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  • 463 124 The Yo i ii* i Bant has b■ ed permb n .tablish d branch Art ho.-. Mr ffyndn I Judicial Comm F. M S. aud 1 dge, _.< Mrs Hynd:n Lumpoi on du n lay by the Sappl part ui tli. >_ App al They at the A j Hotel.
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  • 628 125 r-— w v itcl. and Mischenko were ffl* 5* in? at chfnchieh P a the .wtlenien called to the bar at «r*V _26th ultimo wasNai Tina IJJ^J Kiuu-'s Coll. Camb. a.. c, formerly in Singapore, :H,yrl .i, i Hospital Train in South ria.l'^ flfpfocM feci there
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  • 977 125 Some Stray Notes. (By Belmont.) 1 hear on pretty good authority that there is to be formed yet another Race Club in the F. M. S. The Seremban folk are seriously thinking of the matter, and quite right too. I notice by Penang papers that Felspar
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  • 75 125 The R_v W. Murray will conduct service in the Johore Church on Sunday next, at 8.15 am. Dalny is to he known in future as Tai ren, Japanese form of Talien. A small bi-weekly paper in romanised Malay, with the promise of larger things as process is recorded, in the
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  • 113 125 The monthly medal of the Club was played for on the 11th inst. The following memberreturned cards The tie between Messrs Sime and Paterson was played off on the 12th inst, and resulted in a victory for Mr Robertson, who accordingly wins the medal. Mr W.
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  • 98 125 This afternoon Saug Heng Guan, farmer of Clyde Terrace market, was before a Bench Court of Messrs Howard and Nunn. Accused pleaded guilty of offering an illegal gratification of $80 to Mr W. E. Nash, supt of mains and services, on Feb i, with the motive
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  • 152 125 The M Japan Herald," speculating on the condition of Japan after the war, predicts that there will be a boom in her commerce and industries. The country has been brought prominently before the world in a way that it has never been before, in spite of
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  • 147 125 A Range of Four Milks. A special London cable to an Australian paper says that the new British 18 pounders field gun, with a charge of l_lb of improved cordite, will drop 15 rounds of shrapnel a minute a distance of four miles. The effective range
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  • 373 125 The Bangkok case in which Abdul Rahim appealed against an order of the Bangkok Consular Court confiscating certain arms, on the ground that he could not prove they had been lawfully imported, was concluded this morning. The Court allowed the appeal with costs against the respondent. Mr Elliot
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  • 24 125 A special general meeting of the Engineers' Association is advertised for to-morrow, at 8. 45 pm. and will he held in the Marine Club.
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  • 823 125 The new disposition of the Papan Mine machinery was completed last week. Shares have hardened somewhat accordingly. Mr J. Gilfillan, late detective-sergeant in the Shanghai Police Force, has joined the Federated Malay States Police as Inspector. A novelty in the way of enjoyment is to be
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  • 2726 126 Second Performance of the Cinoalee. In spite of the ir clemency of the weather last night, another crowded audience was present at the Town Hall to witness the second performance of the "Cingalee" and judging by the frequent enc- "es, there was no lack of
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  • 264 126 First Day. Lulworth Wins th Perak Dnnnr. (Special to the "Singapore Free Pre Batu Gajah, Feb 22. Ihe first days races under the auspie^s of the Kinta Gymkhana Club were held here yesterday and passed oft very successfully. The course was in good order and though the fields
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  • 51 126 An inquest was held resterday before Mr Gentle on the body of the Boyanese who died from the effects of a wound "inflicted with a knife by some other Boyanese in Laveuder-st several davs ago. Alter lour witnesses had oeea eaimuied the inquest was adjourned till 1 0-m rr >n
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  • 270 126 On Wednesday raornin- i„ i por Bishop Oldham of the Missionaries of 'I v r n_ Clmr,h of America ih'i 1 been assembling at Kuak r ot various parts of their -ir; n K Oldhan,,\vho ca-HafrS? Wa years ago as the first. niK.;,',, i,: dist Church to
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  • 135 126 SiuoAPoni v. Batavia The Chess Match by wire between and Singapore which commenced months ig >, terminated to-div b wiring "Resign; Compliments." that the ga ae has goue against then it is useless to continue further. match 1» cen Batavia and Singapore, took pla about three ream
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  • 126 126 Three iv lings appeared before tliis morning in connection with having' caused the fire which occurred at prei Arab-st 01 Monday morning Last- ps of which ippeared in these columna Tbey were .imply charged, and a ren for by the Police, which wasgiante w;is allov. -1 in
    126 words
  • 113 126 The Chinaman named Cheah Ch who has been wanted by the f v October last on a charge of murder, *a fc day brought over from Batavia bi c irporal and two Malay policeman I remembered that the prisoner bsd with bis brother, because the tters advance
    113 words
  • 55 126 Count Soyeiima, a distinguished statesman, died on the 30th nit ofBe was 77 years of age. In I^' 29, Jim was tppoiute 1 a StatPoor years later he was sent as eni sia to tiettle the question of the boundaries, and on his return bxains for Foreign Affairs. He ens
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  • 1092 127 nterest iu racing may be relied _fitsl of rl lb puts forward its S^^Xswi-nnS. This coinr h,ce those who are not vet rs and have no inducethe j r natatory powers by handicapping com--Bhali be eligible for B J W ill be held, when each medal For the
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  • 291 127 Renter's Atjencij.) THE WAR. Despatches from Russian correspondents say that the Japanese are energetically pursuing sapping operations, breaking the ground with dynamite or thawing it. Renter's correspondent at Tokio says that 9,000 Russian cavalry with artillery appeared thirty miles to the west of Lino\nng, attempting to cross the Hunho
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  • 2955 127 Genera] Gripenberg has arrived at St Petersburg. General Gripenberg has been interviewed and has declared that Kuropatkin was fully aware of the projected attack on Sandepu and himself fixed the limits beyond which he (Gripenberg) was not to advance. Had General Kuropatkin sent reinforcements at the critical stage when
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  • 282 128 Feb. i2. 1 p, Capital. 4C, wn fa 3 MINES. BelatTin $10 10 300,000 775 Bersawah Gold 0rd.... 10 74 75 000 1100 -o i?£ m Def 10 40 000 W» BrusehHTm ...10 10 600,000 3.50 Duff Development Co. _ei £1 _>100 000 I*s) Gopeng Tin ...£1 J>loo,ooo 10XK)
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  • Page 128 Miscellaneous
    • 388 128 SPECIAL SERVICES Hongkong, Feb 21, 10.15 am. The Japanese at Newchwang anticipate a Russian attack and are hastily constructing defences there. PASSENGERS ARRIVED BY THE MAILS. Feb Id.— Per P& O Simla: From Shanghai Mr A W Prior. From Hongkong Mr Fong Hong Chew, Mr C M Phillips, Mr F
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    • 929 128 VESSELS IN PO t 5 :0: Men -of- War Flag and Tons Commanders Arrived From Thetis Brit cruiser 3400 Awilkinson Jan 11 Hongkong Serdang Dut 1040 Guspis Feb 5 T. Bali 5 1 Sea Mew Col yacht 375 Murphy Feb 7 O. F. Bank Other Vessels Fla*s Tons Masters Arrived
      929 words
    • 465 128 Poh Ann, Brit, str., Robertson, for Teluk A_. via ports. Mena, Dut. str., Hoosain, for Batu Pahat. Sappho, Brit, str., Turner, for Teluk An ports. Betsy, Dut. str., Bojanj, for Bagan via mfc Hong Wan, Brit, str., Phillips, for Mmr Malacca. Saga, Nor. str., Moe, for Bangkok. Nord, Swed. str.,
      465 words