The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 16 February 1905

Total Pages: 16
97 112 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 175 97 War. I*7 w, n< 07 ble, f?8 os Possil le Throne, N i. !,v- S bsidies, 98 i iina Indemnity and tbe I Lainis, 98 ie 98 tiler Inspection, 98 olutionary Leader, 99 Far, 99 99 MB Town Hall, 99 99 i Strike, 99 99 a Atoll, 100 103
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  • Domestic Occurrences.
    • 54 97 At Koala Lebir, Kelantan, on first February, the wife of Mr. Pkbct F. Wian, of a daughter. I E lianghai, on Feb. I:2th, the wife of J. te. Dow, of a d mghter. Lmm night Feh. 13, at M Roeeneath," 4 Wilkis Road, the wife of Gnonoi W. Branson,
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    • 62 97 j I ii....... Mann.— Theodore Hiltermann, of Dusseldorf, Germany, senior partner in the firms of Hiltermann Bros., Manchester and Bradford, and Brmkmann Co., Singapore and London. Aged 7^ (By cable). On Saturday, the I lth inst., at the General Hospital. Row Lan 1 1 Taylor, 2nd son of the
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  • 252 97 The outward mail of dan *J7th was brought by the Ooeanshn on Tuesday afternoon. The next outward mail in due* bv the Malta on Saturday. This homeward mail is carried by the Simla this afternoon, At the Legislative Council meeting on Friday a short ordinance was passed enabling
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  • 254 97 Feb. 15. o 3- '3 A\ Capital. Nat Tin 110 10 IOOgOOO 7.7" swah Gold 0rd.... 10 71 75,000 12.0 Do Dof... 1" ui 40,000 SJOO Brnseh 11. Tin 10 10 000,000 3.5< Duff Development Co. 41 XI 4400,000 12.5 Gopong Tin ...XI X) atIOOyOOO 16.00 Kadana Gold ord.
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  • 1123 97 HI 5c :h_a. thc Prrj,* thr I'efcw'.e'? rieht m_inVa.n Uiuwed by influence and uabribed by p.iin patriot 1 ruth hrr [mtiame pneaaSa dtaw _-sd to Kt_u;ion, Av.d L;i\ Feb 9. A good many of the published ideas of Russian officers and statesmen concerning the
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  • 429 97 A swift search-light flash is thrown upon the moral condition of the Russian army in Manchuria by an incident wired to-day. As a result of the severe Russian defeat in the Heikoutai district about 1"> miles north of Liaoyang, the sharpest tension appears to have arisen between
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  • Page 97 Advertisements
    • 92 97 'Singapore free Press" m Europe to the Straits by are invited to send to the their steamer and date of Copies will then be mailed ports of call. ope wishing detailed inferei tc, can have a sopy of are List posted to them weekly ENGLAND TO THI PAI ICalaj State*
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  • 711 98 The event has proved the prudence of withholding belief from the assertions, telegraphed weeks ago, that the Baltic fleet had left Madagascar for the Far East. The fleet has not done so, but is reported last as lying in the channel between the main island of Madagascar
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  • 435 98 An Indo-China journal discusses the question ot a feiigon-Pontianak cable which will ..'ne ludo-Chin > direct communication with Batavia, and has just been sanctioned by the Dutch Chamber. This decision it considers of the greatest importance Up to-day as a matter fact the Netherlands Indies were
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  • 249 98 Scions of royal houses, even Royalty itself, as in the case of the King of Spain, seem to be bent on matrimony, and are touring Europe to inspect princesses and grand-duchesses i n die* pouabilitr. A communication to the Petit Journal, from Stockholm, on
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  • 532 98 Feb 11. i Using the tandem method of word formation iT3ommended in last Friday's "Topics of the Week" we may assert that the last t hing Singapore wants is to seethe "Colomhotcherv of its tine harbour by the laying down of redundant moles and out-of -place breakwaters,
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  • 221 98 A recent example of Colonial subsidies for Colonial shipping is found in the fact that Canada is willing to vote £10,000 subsidy towards an Australian-Canadian steam service if the line <>f steamers at present running between Australia and Vancouver call at New Zealand. We shall be prepared
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  • 144 98 The U.S.China Indemnity and the Alabama claims. The u New York World" says that the U. S. Government has practically decided to return to China after the war the remaining 82,000,000 dollars of indemnity after the settlement of the American claims. There is abont this an unwont ad flavour of
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  • 421 98 One Good Turn c. Feb 10. In mother column appears a plea on the part >1 tbe M Malay Mail for a .loser super. vision d F. M. S. revenues, aud what it apprehends is their deviation to exterior purposes to the detriment of the progress of the Federal d
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  • 877 98 The Government Gazette contaii and undated draft rules under the >■ I Boilers Ordinance 1887 which wen laid table of the Legislative Council i J and unless objected to bv resolul -I Legislative Council before jSLmli Mti will become operative and have iii law. The
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  • 105 99 been an impression in some tl »t the name of the young Rus*bo has associated 'himself so 1 ■*'-'> *rith the Russian reform move- Gapon, as given. The founthat impression appears to lie that the Russian word for priest is But the fuel that in scores
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  • 750 99 hink themselves as to what t the war in the Far Kast now help turning their the field to the strange k Rtweia. Xo army in the maintain morale, disci- or much mora, to v ««neni to achievement, from nlessit is conscious, fi >m r;
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  • 277 99 A telegram to Hongkong states that some sensation has been caused bv the discovery of rich gold deposits in Ross-shire. It is now many years ago since there was a systematic effort to exploit gold deposits in Sutherlandshire, but these operations appear to have dwindled away to
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  • 516 99 Wk have neither responsibility for, nor sympathy with, the strangely extravagant project, conceived in ignorance and carried out in a peculiarly haphazard way, for, not converting, but destroying altogether the present useful Town Hall and placing upon that entirely unsuitable site, a theatre which
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  • 191 99 Reuter had contradicted the statement that the question of the future occupation of Wei-hai-wei bv Great Britain has formed the subject of discussion between the Chinese Minister in London and the Marquis of Lansdowne. Wei-hai-wei was leased to Great Britain for as long a period as Port Arthur remained
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  • 289 99 The neat prompting of press correspondents in the Straits by a Japanese cruiser captain, and the apprehensions of the Russians in Madagascar coupled with the ingenious surmises of a Reuter's correspondent at Mauritius, have helped to convince the Russians that Japanese war ships are hovering
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  • 1321 99 reo i» Latest advices by the French mail bring interesting matter about the workmen's movement in Russia, which has bulked so largely in our telegrams of late, and which is the one vast current which is absorbing every political democratic eddy in Russia. The workmen at
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  • 283 100 Russia is alleged to hav purehaa d from an extremely imaginary "third Power" an atoll in the Indian Ocean fer rendezvous and c »aling purposes. Now us Britain owns all the atolls in that Ocean the pretty theory goes squash like an egg on a
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  • 807 100 The Standard" states that a Siamese loan of £2,000,000 will shortly be issued in London The steamship Burma, bound for Vladivos tock with coal, has been captured by tin; Japanese. A Ceylon paper reports that a number ol Cingalese compositors left Colombo at the em of
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  • 129 100 This morning, six Javanese, one of them a woman, appeared before Mr Sproule on a charge of house-breaking and theft at the _U milestone, Bukit Timah-rd. It is alleged by the complainant and his wife that the defendants paid them an apparently friendly call on
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  • 165 100 A Bright Scene in Orchard i o. tard 'd pre ated a xery ga\ a; |ea ranee 1. from the rieh a Uy to ii", were arrayed iu various coloured and the roa I was almost blocked \n he Siva Temple, which is situated Bote! van Wijk.
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  • 341 100 7th February. ie \ov. fear was ushered Ln right 1 y far as Muar is concerned. All as suspended for 3or 4 days and, ence, tbe "Sri Muar," "Farfalla"' 3rie Wongsee," which were decorated fov ►n, bad to lie idle at tbe wharf all thai man is awaiting
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  • 800 100 F.M.S. v THE Colony. The Conclusion. I By our Special Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Monday As write, the cricket match between the C lw a d f!, s<> Skate* is a thing of the past. lerful to .elite, ii hag been brought to LUlte inclusion within the two days allotted
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  • 906 101 The general meeting of the local Football League does not seem to have been very productive in the way of legislation. After last person's experience, a number of useful inno>nt might have been made, but the aslembly, not seeming to know what it wanted, what was necessary, perhaps
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  • 14 101 PI inspection and quarantine imposed on BKapore resseh at Kobphra (Bangkok) has we 1
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  • 211 101 Oh Mr Lee Naughty Mr Lee It *eems that you've offended all the Modes in Germanee.** They seem to take the xpeech In the light that we beseech Them to come to tea with u* and Mr Lee. I have no doubt apologies profuse are on the way, I'm
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  • 140 101 Newport News, Dec. 4. -The keel has been laid at the shipyard here for a new and larger Lake submarine boat, iu which tin 4 inventor, Simon Lake, expect! to make a trip across the Atlantic, under her own power, in an effort to demonstrate
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  • 34 101 With Folk Other RnvoLUTioKAnins. An Englishman's special, dated London, Jan 90th, says it is reported that M. Trepoff has decided to hang Maximo Corky ami four other revolutionaries.
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  • 387 101 A Gazette Extraordinary issued to-day proclaims Rangoon an iufccted port in consequence of plague. Archbishop Aguis of Kome, apostolic delegate to the Philippines, and his secretary Mgr Petrelli, have arrived at Hongkong. Australia proposes to coin her own silver money, and so make a profit of c£3o, )00 a year.
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  • 917 101 We are sorry to hear that Rev A. J. Amery of the Methodist Episcopal Church is as seriously ill that he has had to l>e sent to hospital. It is reported that Messrs E. C. Wilks and Co. have secured the contract on behalf of Messrs
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  • 263 101 Shot Because He Slept With His Feet Towards Mecca. A Bangalore correspondent of the Delhi Morning Post has obtained some remarkable details as to the recent murder of Capt Bowring, at Wana, VVaziristan. The captain was sleeping one night on the roof of his quarters, and it
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  • 618 101 Further particulars of this former LieutGovernor of Penang, who died on Jan 10 appear in the 44 Times Sir George Campbell was born in Campbeltown, Argyllshire, in 1835, and at the age of 20 became au ensign in the Argyll ami Bute Rifles. A few
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  • 76 101 The total value of the seaborne trade of Burma, including Government transactions during October last, amounted to 291 1 lakhs, as against 261 lakhs and 2571 lakhs, respectively during the corresponding mouths of last year and of 1902. The increase this year has been mainly due to improvement in general
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  • 1334 102 London, 9th January 1905. The weather here offers a problem not to be met with within the tropical zone. One week the earth is, in the words of the immortal bard 44 Fast bound in winter's iron chain the chain referred to reaching, iu
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  • 221 102 out with your heads erect, my Lords Ko doubt ye will hold them high. Ye had never had pluck to enter the Court bad ye not full faith in your lie. "The Foreign Commissioners all believe as ye full well knew thev would, And they'll clear you of
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  • 411 102 A week ago the Malayan Branch of the British Medical Association visited the Penang Municipal Abattoirs and passed main en'omiums on their working. Not many people n Singapore have had the opportunity of seeug the working of the Singapore Slaughterlouses, under Mr A. Holley, the Buperintenient, and
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  • 52 102 Our local Municipal Inspectors might make occasional bakery raids at night on these lines:— Inspector Q. \V Coysh obtained convictions agamst ihe masters of eleven bakehouses at VYancbai, at the Hongkong Magistracy, this morning, for allowing more than one man to Bleep on their premises at night. Thev were fined
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  • 183 102 That the Japanese are gaining a powerful influence over Korea is shown by the following The Chief of the Japanese Gendarmes in Seoul has issued a proclamation concerning the establishment and proceedings of societies in the city 1. Any one desiring to establish a society must apply
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  • 245 102 Mr Edwin E. A. Abbey has almost finished his picture of the gorgeous coronation scene in Westminster Abbey The final brushstrokes in this attempt by an American painter, to represent the mediaeval pomp which survives in modern England were deferred, alleges the '"New Vork World," by a
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  • 534 102 Vienna, dan B— What might be called a brutally candid opinion about Russia is to be found in yesterday's M Pester Lloyd." The writer of the article, whose connection with the Press Bureau of the Vienna Foreign Office is not disguised, savs "Public opinion in Europe is *meo
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  • 185 102 The Toyo Kisen Kaisha, whoso st*. the Hongkong, American and N'ip,„, n m l were taken off their usual run for ase L i Japanese navy, will soan l>e i n the field with three new, fast ocean liners TI <• for the liners
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  • 297 102 Saturday last was a universal holid i Chinese New Fear, and work was kn even at the huh of Singapore. Tanjoi Company's property— with the result thaton Monday there were no less than 2 alongside the Wharves and some thousands of tons of cargo ami
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  • 286 102 The Shanghai correspondent of the "China Mail writes I wonder if there is a newspaper published in Shanghai which does not regularly month seise some opportunity to rail at the chit system and attribute to it the many downfalls of young fellows who come out
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  • 131 102 One of the oldest foreign residents in < and almost certainly tbe oldest in iS has passed awai in the person of Mrs I whose death at the age ofB7ie annoi Mrs. Clifton came to Amoy in 1 U), to Canton iu 1842, and was i residents there- who were
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  • 557 103 jiwniu' to an outbreak of rinderpest in p nang, the importation, of cattle thence into p r noe Leopold of Saxe-Coburg-Gotua was arrive in Madras at the end of last •nd waa to be a uuesl of the Governor. ement that Tang-shao-yi, the nvoi for
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  • 1381 103 Friday, February 10th. Present His Excellency the Governor (Sir John Anderson, k.cbi.o.) ll»e Hon'ble the Colonial Secretary (F. G. Penney.) the Attorney-Genl. (W. K. Collyer.) the- A«t. Col. Treasurer (J.O. Anthoniss) the CoL Engineer (A. Murray.* the Auditor-General (E. C. Hill.) d. If. Allinson. W P. Waddell. >.
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  • 155 103 Accuskd Sentsnced. The charge of criminal breach of trust against Haji Omar Bin Mahamed Salleh was enquired into before Mr Howard yesterday. The accused was arraigned on three counts, firstly, that he did on or about the I lth day of Januarv 1905 at Singapore, being entrusted
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  • 211 103 Stseplbchasing with o.xen. Attempts are being made in France to train oxen for saddle riding, and several races have Keen organised to test their capacity. They have been trained n<»t only as racers on "the flat," but also as successful jumpers. A Parisian paper publishes an
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  • 139 103 Prof Carlo del LungO, Demonstrator in Physics at the Royal Lycee of Spe/./.ia, has brought out an invention upon which great hopes are based for accelerating the speed of ships. His invention can be applied to all ships by diminishing the density of the surrounding water by
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  • 79 103 In the match between Roberts and Bateman, the old champion showed magnificent form, reaching three figures on no less than twentyseven occasions, seven of which beinffover 200. Roberts also made a. great break of 595. This break is Robert's record under the new rules, his previous best having been 584
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  • 64 103 The following letter has lieen received from the Japanese Consul. Sir, I beg to inform you for publication that under date of the !*th February, the Japanese Government have added to their list of Conditional Contraband, the following articles; Clothing and materials. Coal and other fuels." The
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  • 177 103 UOINU TO TIIK StKAITS. Mr J. K. Ingleton, the Lite manager of the Adam's Peak Hotel, and Mrs Ingleton are just now in Colombo, staying at th.- <;. ;> H. Mr Ingleton started life about 50 years ago in Ceylon, and is on.- of the few
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  • 221 103 (D. Tel. Correspondent.) Berlin, Thursday. Last night, at the meeting of the Berlin Medical Association. Professor von Bergmann. the eminent surgeon, introduced a young man whom he called a M muscle artist,'' and lectured on him. In the course of several years this individual had managed
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  • 217 103 The Times of Ceylon alludes that to the Calcutta telegram announcing Trepoff s decision to execute the famous Russian author: It is impossible to believe that the Tsar will permit the hanging of Maxim Gorki, the Russian novelist. Gorki is 37 years of age, and a
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  • 248 103 am.— On Friday, the ord instant Miss B. L. Dunning of Southampton, who had arrived from Home that day by the mail boat Bengal, was married at St. George's Penang to Mr A. A. Robin, of Messrs. Aylesbury and Garland, Tapah, Perak. The ceremony was performed by the Revd. Frank
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  • 1887 104 Quiequid agunt homines nostri est farrago lihelli. Juvenal. To parody a well-known catch that used to l>e sung in the Georgian and very early Victorian days Twas vou. Sir I- 'Twas you. Sir I tell you nothing new. Sir Twai you that mulled at Heikoutai. "Twas
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  • 61 104 The Rowing Association called 44 the Seagreens Singapore is exempted from registration under the Societies Ordinance. Two Chinese lads were yesterday charged before Mr Howard with voluntary causing hurt to another Chinese about 16 years of age. The victim of the assault appeared in Court with his right eye bandaged,
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  • 1698 104 Ordinary Meeting, Friday, Feb 10. The usual fortnightly meeting of the Municipal Commission was held at the Municipal office yesterday afternoon. Mr Broadrick, the President, occupied the chair, and there were also present Lt-Col Pennefather, and Messrs D. K. Somerville, F. E. Jago, C. J. Saunders, A. J.
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  • 68 104 A Chinese named Lim Cheang San yesterday brought from Penang in charg' Police escort, and this morning charged h Mr Sproule with having murdered one Peck Ho at awayangin Club-s( on the of last June. It appears that a dispute an between the i\o. parties and tbe
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  • 50 104 m- mm The Chinese towkay who was arrests ss. Baud some days ago by Detective K on a charge of embezzlement from bis < ere at Batavia, was yesterday despal 'bed w Java in charge of Police escort. He exj his willingness to return. and thereby javeda. considerable amount <d"
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  • 658 105 v rM t of the M. S. Guides has I in Hindustani, says the r ii from Liverpool with 1660 tons arrived here yesterday. Her VI Q ('live which. put into port u the 119th Infantry _^_^_i board, bound tor MMn L m gwee Nee sras
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  • 163 105 On Friday afternoon last considerable excitement was caused by a Chinese coolie in Cross-st. It appears be wanted some monev to indulge in opium smoking, ami interviewed his towkay to that effect. The Towkay would not advance him any money and the coolie started to wreck
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  • 957 105 In Mr Chamberlain's great speech at Pres- 1 t >n yn\ Jan. 10. he made the following remarks which will interest those who know tha* I fl Switzerland is u_ extraordinarily active, cnST I getic country the amount of its trade is \-'ry I large in
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  • 37 105 On board the Ernest Simons, which arrived here at daylight this morning, a large number of the passengers arc Russian 0 beers \m\ their wive-, who are proceeding h »me. Thev are all booked hi Port Said.
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  • 220 105 (Malay Mail.) From all accounts Mr Ebden's undoubted abilities are wasted in Penang where he has alxmt the same, or rather less, magisterial power than a junior magistrate in the F. M. S. where Mr Ebden was formerly Senior Magistrate au appointment which now carries with it tbe
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  • 577 105 The Chinese New Year Sports, which were held on the ground of the Straits Chinese H Recreation Club, Hong Lim Green, on Satur- day. were unfortunately marred by very wet weather, which prevented them being the success win ii the efforts of the Committee deserved.
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  • 136 105 Early yesterday morning, a theft was committedat No 14 Rallies Quay. The thief, a Chinese managed by some means or other to get into the house and make-off with various articles of clothing, perfumery etc, valued at $302. The watchman, a Kling, was unable to give any information
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  • 18 105 The homeward bound French mail steamer Ernest Simons arrived this morning and goes oc to Europe this afternoon.
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  • 711 105 Malay Mail") The old order changeth for the new. There was a time when it could truthfully be said that all the revenues of the Malay States under British Protection were devoted to the development of the Sultans' dominions. Then came federation, which
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  • 181 105 From San Juan, in the island- of Porto Rico, now belonging to the United States, Major Seaman, the special sanitary commissioner of the 94 New York Herald," sends an alarming report to that journal, in which he states that the island is ravaged by a disease caused
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  • 140 105 St Petersburg, January 4, A new play by Maxim Gorky, entitled 44 The Rustics." was recently produced here. The following account of its reception was published in the Journal de St Petersburg. 4 The piece came to an end in a scene of uproar. After the
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  • 1407 106 No. CIV. Thk Pentlanus. continued.) The man on the bicycle or on the motor ear must go from Carious to West Linton by the turnpike road and, if it is his first visit to these regions, be will not be able to restrain a little gasp
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  • 171 106 TSAR'S ORDERS NEVER PAID IN FULL. The following remarkable story is ire d mg m artistic circles iu Copenhagen feasor Tuxen, the celebrated Danish p ois well-knowu in England, has just ffom St Petersburg, where he ad purpose of banding over to t •■/d > '»f bis Large picture of
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  • 179 106 Bitter von Benanld, an ex-Colonel of the German Army, who is both a Military financial expert, publishes an estimate of the probable cost of modern European war J, from the experiences of the Franco-Prussian War, the write- concludes that the present cost oi a great European
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  • 191 106 Pkbnch Cesw On Drums *nd Canvot lb a m UUfl O. 44 Express" Correspondent. T Bros*, Tuesday, Jan 10 Extraordinary scenes attended the saitinir'of tne Prench Uttleehip Guichen, which should have started tor the Far East at four o'clock on Saturday afternoon. When the roll was called only
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  • 1340 106 From a National and Imperial Point of View. I have followed with intense interest the I many able letters and editorial comments which I have appeared in M Fairplay upon the present I Suez Canal and its directors. No less keenly I have I perused the
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  • 517 106 ANOTHEB LJOOB I LOSED Bai lA/N. Endignation is growing in tr lin K ci. i Australia at Germany's exelusu i M 'i shall [stands, ,s bich lie coast. Not satisfied with doubli fee ou British Bhips, the at posed a new import duty ot Copra carried by vessels'
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  • 525 107 M n impokiam Despatch s. 01 rn« [MM-niAL JmM i mkn i B «< HUSB -ND'S DISKEGAUD I\STR nos Ami mt I :i ,v 30th.- Colonel YoungB toll dated tbe I Bth Septem- |< mnity arrangement, B -able in B dd have still left a sense
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  • 607 107 «-*i n. to A LOVE AFPAII on nn: Monooua. A match transpire,! on the present outcaning trip of the P. fc. Bt Mongolia, which Mt ;Y n **^*My romantic and somewhat :,li 1 equel at Yokohama. Such matches like summer resort are things of the I V'"
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  • 143 107 COMMERCIAL MORALITY IN SI AM. No one Skbms to Pai Amtthiho.*' A few dayi ago r Siamese sued an Indian diamond merchant, iuthe British Court for Siam, to recover Tcs. 3,500, the value of two diamonds sold and delivered by his agi nt to the accused; in the alternative, he
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  • 153 107 The Japan Daih Mail*' save that M Takahashi, Vice-Governor of th" Elans lapan. who went to England last spring, companied by air Pukai Eigo, has just n turned to Japan. He says that whereas the first .Japanese loan was >üb>cribed bv onb few capitalists, the second found
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  • 1224 107 Speaking at Queen's College Hongkong, H. E. Sir Matthew Nathan delivered an instructive address on the value of Mathematical training. He said Ladies and gentlemen, Vou are probably by this time suflieientlyjamiliarwith my methods to anticipate that [shall pick out the weak subject of tie-
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  • 112 107 On Saturday night, half an hour after midnight, as the K. P. M. steamer van der Para was coming in to her anchorage, she passed across the bow of the Telegraph Steamer Patrol. Apparently the tide Bwung her closer than she knew for the bow of
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  • 137 107 TOBACCO RING'S LOVE MARRIAGE." Mrs Alice Webb Duk who was recently married ti* Mv Brodio Duke, the tobacco magnate, declares that tbe marriage was of pure love. She says she owns tobacco plantations in Texas and wanted to develop them. What was more natural than to communicate with Mr Duke,
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  • 112 107 A punkah puller at Government House has lately developed a taste for good weeds," and consequently purloined a large number of His Excellency's best Savannahs and also added to his collection a quantity of Egyptian cigarettes. Not contem with enriching himself to this extent he though
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  • 356 107 The A. MiiiALiy Expbmmext. For some time the Admiralty, as already announced, have had under consideration the question of the due recognition by the mercantile marina of signalling between his Majesty's ships and British merchant vessel*, with special reference to the importance that this matter will assume
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  • 1052 108 Court Intrigues to Capture the Emperor. It is not one battle that is now raging at the Russian Court, but three battles, nay, more, and each for a different cause. First there is the battle between Prince Sviatopolk Mirski and the reactionaries, ths subject of
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  • 813 108 Ous WoHhiNo CJAPAOITI Diiawino Made Kahy m.m a uiaiM Product ChbMistkv of Hai h IIMAt'T. POWII tttOM Capillarity, M\piiiQuoiiMmii BlbcmiOALLl Imiiioveo K1...1 a, Tin. Slowest Heart. The new lolenos of "psycho mechanics*' has received attention in France fi«» m Ur Charles Feic. Be timlH that a man icm
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  • 115 108 The Habhour at Emden. With a view to enlarging the harbour and to making new sea-sluice at Emden, which is on ths piece of water known as The Dollar! on the North-West Coast of Oldenburg, the Qerman I Government has drawn up a project which will cost
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  • 79 108 r f;. c Pmlli I»«. who was chief emrineer on the King Arthur when she was captured bv I the Japanese, is a passenger homewards bv the l,ivern M which left this morning. He speaks highly of the treatment he met with at the hands of both belligerents and also
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  • 284 108 Col. YouNojiiJNitANn Accused of DISOHKDIKNiK OF ORDERS. A voluminous Blue- Hook on Tibet has appeared, the period being from April 13 to Nov 1 7, 1904. After a lengthy correspondence between Mr Brodrick and the Viceroy, regarding the terms and especially the amount of the indemnity.
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  • 504 108 tleihachiro Togo, tlie great naval comman- der, whose genius has played so large a part in the siege of Port Arthur, and who received in Tokyo the thanks of his Sovereign and country, was born in 1857, and educated at the naval school, the Heigakuryo, where, amoe bis
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  • 134 108 Berlin, dan 10. The British mission to Cabul attracts much attention here, as it is felt that its success or failure will powerfully affect the relative positions of Russia and England in Central Asia. Praise is bestowed <»u Lord Curzon for his selection of the present
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  • 28 108 Tbe British steamer Pontianak left Natum Islands on the 7th inst. and arrived here earlv this mornmg. It is not certain when she will return to the islands.
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  • 36 108 Tanjong Paoar Dqci (V (Snoonn l A cricket match was pi Tl i Pagar last Saturday between team and the 8. R. c. s Vi scores were S. K. C. 74 the i. 15). D
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  • 154 108 Stranoe Story of War K ►Statements bv Liberal member of the b some weeks Germany has war with England are Qerman journals. Th conversed on political m Bulow, and declared lations were in an in H The correspondent in 1;.. Post "telegraphs that hi several weeks
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  • 167 108 Regulations fob i VT; The Chinese authorities in g decided, it is stated, to si j of seven regulations which i to the preservation of good crews of the Russian eessel gist of the regulations tectiug these Russi inssli Taotai; that the place wb< re shall
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  • 225 108 The future of Port Arthur is t! by the M Yorod/u." a Japam t v> ever happens, this time ire must I not lose Port Arthur, b sit i B necessary to hold the fort I in order to secure lasting peace is I Once
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  • 115 108 We regret to have to inform the gentleman, employed on a 11 gar in Java, who requests it to beadvei he wants an educated Japanese to mind his household, and p" self willing to pay travelling e*peu arrange other conditions bv corn that this journal cannot be th•l of communication
    115 words

  • 386 109 t H 1 Shipman of the Armv Ordnance •,;niv ah,n..,vthoP r U).Malac taken on the strength or the command. I a will arrive in Bangkok visit about Feb 20, after a ir m Minna. n eof the popular in oi the Royal Bangkok 1 on ri
    386 words
  • 184 109 An Insurance Case. Th*!"! m n R Mr Justice Leslie Ihornton the case of Yong Joo Guan and Co R -r, P 7 m S n6 Insurau <* Co the North British and Mercantile (for whom Mr E C KUis appeared) and the New Zealand Ins Co (represented
    184 words
  • 230 109 In the Supreme Court yesterday afterm u the appeal of A. Mitchell and Dorine Mitchell against a conviction for enticing away Mrs >denough was heard by Mr Justice Let 1 nornton. Mr Farrer Baynes appeared for the appelant sand the Attorney .General (the lb'n'ble U K. Collyer)
    230 words
  • 129 109 Sakuria Ef usoki, who was arrested by Dec. Ser--. Nolan on d.\n 30th, for having attempted to cheat Chin Si Kow, a pawn-broker, and whom he had previously defrauded, was w sterday convicted and sentenced by .Mr. Sproule to 3 months rigorous imprisonment for each < die nee.
    129 words
  • 406 109 Speaking of the need for specialisation in tbe Government service the "Malay Mail" says. Whv should the doctor or the engineer be a specialist, ami not the Inspector of Schools by should the lawyer be properly trained and not the Magistrate: Does not' the head i<\ a great Department such
    406 words
  • 1046 109 m What on earth is she doing now P N 44 Oh, never mind. She often turns her desk out, poor old thing. That card has been there for years, I expect, for she never throws anything away. Come over here and look at these patterns that came
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  • 536 109 (By a Naval Officer.) (Globe.) The statement that a Japanese squadron I has arrived at Diego Garcia, in the ChagOS Archipelago, should be accepted at present with a considerable amount of .eserve. The islands are situated at a distance of 3, 3 50 miles I
    536 words
  • 82 109 Tokio, Jan 29.— 1t is announced that a warrant officer and six bluejackets were killed, i and a lieutenant, two warrant officers, and three bluejackets wounded, by the explosion of a drifting mine, on the 22nd inst. The authorities have issued a warning to
    82 words
  • 223 109 S. Et. 0. v li. G. A. A cricket match between these earns was played on the S. K. C. ground on Saturday last, the 11th inst. The weather was unfavour- able for cricket. The S. K. C. Captain having won the toss, wisely elected to bat as the
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  • 161 109 On January I the Japanese on the Shaho j flew a kite bearing a picture of General Stossel and General Nogi shaking bands, with an explanation in French and Russian of the surrender of Port Arthur, and advising tie*. liussians on the Shaho to follow this example. When the string
    161 words

  • 1247 110 rfFmrn Our Correspondent.) Perak, Feb 9th, 1905. Chinese New Year finds us dull. Trade which brightened so promisingly last November has lapsed into commercial coma again, ami no money to speak of is being made by Europeans. Even the Chinese are far from brisk. There is
    1,247 words
  • 110 110 Mr Ruchwaldy, of Messrs Swan and Maclaren. was yesterday morning fined by Mr Howard S."> in each of three cases of assault preferred against him by as many Chinese lads living at Emerald II ill -Yd. The case against the defendant was that the lads were talking amongst
    110 words
  • 302 110 The Company's eighth ordinary general meeting will be held at the Company's office, Gresham House, Battery-rd. on Monday, the 20th inst, at noon. The business of the mooting will be to receive the Directors' report and accounts to Dec 31, 1904 to elect Directors and to
    302 words
  • 303 110 The result of work for the Sipiau Tin Company for January is: tin ere pikul 17t>.41; sold for *****%!-. The war is already having its influence on local house nomenclature. There is a "Togo Terrace on Kennedy Road at Hongkong. We shall perhaps soon see an AlexeiefT Avenue, a Kuroki
    303 words
  • Correspondence.
    • 184 110 To THS EOITOR. Sir, The rain has disappeared, the days are hot and sultry, the roads chokingly dusty, and the water famine is on us again. The poor are the greater sufferers when the water supply is cut short. In Waterloo Street at present much inconvenience is felt
      184 words
  • 102 110 Barney Oldfieid, the holder of the World's Track Championship, has succeeded in further reducing all automobile records from two up to nine miles with his Peerless motor at the Agricultural Park track, Los Angeles, California, a few days ago. The new records are as follows Two miles,
    102 words
  • 68 110 A Chinese lad was, at 11 a.m. yesterday, arrested by Serg. Murdoch for the theft of a red belt from a stall in the market at Beach-rd. Accused appeared before Mr Sproule this morning, and was sentenced to two weeks' rigorous imprisonment. An Englishman, who had formerly resided
    68 words
  • 62 110 Mr Hewan won the Monthly Medal and also the Gold Medal for 1904. Ladie's Monthly Medal fok February. Mrs Fowlie 48 scr 48 Mrs Waddell <'•_ 10=52 Mrs Allinssn 02 10=52 Mrs Watkin 69 I<>=s3 Men's Monthly Medal roi January. E. D. Hewan 88 4=84 Dr Ford 9(J 10=86
    62 words
  • 127 110 Brisbane, Nov 30. The American writer, Mr Poulteney Bigelow, who is engaging in a practical study of the comparative colonisation methods of the different nations, arrived in Brisbane on Oct 29 from Manila and German New Guinea. Speaking of American administration in the Philippines, he said that
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  • 281 110 February Monthly Medal. This competition, which took place on Saturday last, was well attended, there being forty entries, play being possible both morning and afternoon, owing to the holiday. There was not much inconvenience caused to members by overcrowding on the links. The medal was won by
    281 words
  • 2865 110 Ths Country Girl. Second Perforxanc k. From the first notification that the Ij*]j Bandmann Opera Coy were to pav us a rh we felt sure that Mr Dallas meant to heen hn word given on the occasion of his rinit goi two years ag.) that
    2,865 words

    • 331 111 General Gripenberg and his staff have arrived at Irkutsk en route for St Petersburg. Current reports are to the effect that Gripenberg is going to St Petersburg for the purpose of accusing Kuropatkin of leaving him in the lurch by his general inertia. The Japanese captured an eminence
      331 words
    • 1691 111 Reuter's correspondent at St. Petersburg states that Father Gapon is known to be in Switzerland. General Trepoff has summoned the Curator of the Education Department and informed him that he is determined to put down academic anarchy. If the Professors sympathised with the students, education in St Petersburg would
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  • 27 112 SPECIAL TELEGRAM. FRENCH CRUISER STRANDED Hongkong. Feb 15, 12 noon. It is officially reported here that the Frencir cruiser Sully bas stranded on the coast of Annam.
    27 words
  • 89 112 [Bl CovnnsT of Mb Takaka, H. i. J. AI. Consul. Russian Dead Near Heikoutai Received at 10.80 pm on Saturday. Marsha] Oyama reports L'p to the 10th -nst we had buried about 2000 Russian corpses founj in the direction of Heikoutai. Feb 14. Per M M Oceanien
    89 words
  • Page 112 Advertisements
    • 67 112 MARTIN'S a_n§E_l_7___ PILLS rr mncb »«™»ay for aU Irregularities w l l °i a,w »T" k «*P ook of Maatin Pills in the house to on tho first sUtnol any Irregularity of €be System a tiumly do«e may be administered. J hose who u^e them recomm.nd them, henoa m B^.^"*^-*
      67 words
  • Page 112 Miscellaneous
    • 200 112 PASSENGERS ARRIVED BY THE MAILS. Feb il.— Pei X D L Prinzess Alice: From Hamburg.— Air Palata. From Antwerp. Ali^. L Hoying. Mr F Hofd't'elmann, Air v. Bracken Foch. From Southampton Air C S George, Alt S Knose, Mr 11 Kelson, Mrs H Avails. From Genoa. -Air D Diehn, Air
      200 words
    • 820 112 PASSENGERS LEFT BY THE MAIL. Feb 11.— Per N D L Prinzess Alice For Hongkong. Mrs Hurke, Mr T C McDonald, Mr W F Hackman, Prof. Dr W Detnier. For Shanghai. Mrs Rosa Katz, Mrs B Bardlet, Miss Mina KohMer, Miss Anna Muzerba. lor Tsingtau via Shanghai. Mr H H
      820 words
    • 1409 112 VESSELS IN PORT. :o: Men-of-War Flatf and Tons Commanders Arrived From Fe- a7 s Thetis Brit cruiser 3400 Awilkinson Jan 11 Hongkong Uncertain Serdang Dut 1040 Guspis Feb 5 T. Bali Rhiow Sea Alew Col yacht 375 Murphy Feb 7 G. F. Bank Uncertain Seeadler Ger cruiser 1430 Puttfarcken Feb
      1,409 words