The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 9 February 1905

Total Pages: 16
81 96 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 276 81 f 1 the Command of the Sea, 81 iu Singapore, 81 I it .'»n in Eiussia, 82 Difficult ea, 62 il tise, 82 Vew Ye 62 .1 Ulinson, 62 ind Mrs I ii. IV. H. B *2 Uunhn Battle, I row n Agents, 82 lermany, pleted Legislative Council, S3
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  • Domestic Occurrences.
    • 58 81 At St. Andrew's Cathedral, Singspore. on Feb. Ist, Oiivn Marks. Federated Malay States Civil Servi e. Secretary to the. High Commissioner F. M. s. and Private Secretary te H E. the Governor, ,on of the late John Marks Es of Croydon. Surrey, to VIOIBT Catharin... daughter of the Hon'ble
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    • 91 81 Ob the 2nd February, 1 }><>.•). at 27 Syed Alley Road. Singapore, the infant son of W. E. Patton and Ghrandaon of Mr. Samuel Stubbs, acted <> months. Indian papers please copy. On Dee. 10th.— At the Qeneral Hospital. Shanghai. AXTIID Enwann WlLSllllS, aged 4.') years, formerly of Penang
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  • 296 81 The English mail of Jan 14 arrived l>\ the Bengal on Saturday. Tho mail of the 17th is due by the Princess Alice 00 Friday. This homeward mail is taken for the tirst time on Thursday according to the now mail arrangements by the Paaamootta via Rangoon and
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  • 591 81 Peace, and the Command of the Sea Feb 2. \r chaJl lha Prrat the People*! ri|r_t n_.t.'AL, TcA Vy Influence un(\ unbr.WrJ by ■■■f patriot Truth her j'.ori«n«. prrcrpts :!ra\v. —cd to Religion, Loyalty and Law. Wi tiud a great deal of what seems very futile discussion in home and
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  • 978 81 The homing problem mmm touches many of our readers is not a wh*t less difficult to solve gthan it is in the case of the London poor. The European in Singapore on a salary is extremelv awkwardly placed. If he wants to live l in
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  • Page 81 Advertisements
    • 119 81 DIRECTORY for BANGKOK SIAM 1905. Sideentk rear of Publication. NOW READY. '<<</ Bangkok ami Siam contains wd Official List of the Government llt and the Principal Commercial the country. It is replete with infer. itely essential to the Merchant, the Professional Man, the Traveller and -ml is an invaluable vadt
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    • 102 81 Fraser and Cumming. Offices i 7c Battery Road. Sawmills Johore Bharu. Bbick Works Balestier. Timber Merchants PRIME HARD- WOOD, cut by our own men in the best districts, and steam sawn to any size. WORKED TIMBERS, Flooring Boards accer ately planed, tongued and grooved by the best machinery, under the
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  • 398 82 I.' 1 Q 1" t I It id i tantalising an I an irritating thing to read to lay's telegrams. The tirst instalment wa< as the dawning >>f a new and happy day for Russia, wth the Tsar's best gift to hi. distracted people, a
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  • 886 82 Host of the public consideration in connection with the weighty business of taking over the Tanjong Pagar Dock Co, has hitherto been in connection with the price to be paid by the Colony to the shareholders for their shares. This is directly of interest to the comparatively
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  • 581 82 Russia seems to have oue extremely simple principle in her political action, which she makes of universal application. It is Anything I do is right, but if you do the same thing it is wrong." Her outcoining fleets lie in one neutral roadstead after another, and coal
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  • 393 82 To all our Chinese friends a happy and prosperous New Year. The majority of Straits Chinese, with tin? facility they have for accommodating themselves to circumstances' use the Chinese characters which they interpret M Slamat Tahun Bahru" Three characters usually associated with New Year congratulations, represent,
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  • 174 82 We are sorry to hear that Singapore is so m to lose, in about a month from now, one of its best-known residents by the departure of Mr J. M. Allinson, of Barlow <& Co. Mr Allinson at the beginning of the week received a telegram
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  • 320 82 The Founding of Singapore and Mrs Maitland-Gordon. Feb 6, "A marriage is arranged between I Maitland-Gordon, of Kenmure Castle Galloway, N. B and Dorothy Trenna daughter of Charles Efoustouo C Thorington, Bsquimalt, li daughter of Edward Stanley Curwei ington Hall, Cumberland.'* It is appropriate that this ann should appear in
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  • 133 82 Many happy returns of the dij to V, i i Henky Read, c.m.q., the Nestor of the Colony, who finally retired to England eight ago. The last public act in whi.-lr VV. 11 Read engaged in was the sinking of the first cylinder of Read Bridge
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  • 254 82 As the details come 'n we can m t the Russian movement thai precipitated the l\i* days fighting on the Hunho was a really determined attempt to come south U] Liaoyang after crossing that river. 1 l mass of the fighting took j)lace within ft half-circle
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  • 156 82 I .-I. I connection w itb ihe ta Tanjong Pagar D«»ck Company's uud l»\ Ihe Colo \y, then is o pi port lit point rhal bis uot vet < upon i:iv.hit po ii ill the neti I 1 orTruel >t and as compared with the
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  • 460 83 ish I changing I his o\ ers. I i relie ill I really is I to I extent •a ival power in th. I I of i factor ol I \dmiralty a-thinking. I I is I naval I I us, I number I I retu*e France, thai I I Admiralty
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  • 1134 83 Feb The home-going season is shortly to deprive the Legislative Council of the services of the I Hon'ble W. .1. Najmkr, while the hon'ble I J. M. Allinson leaves next month, probably not to return to Singapore. The Bill for the I acquisition of Tanjong Pagar
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  • 235 83 Appeal Cases. i i'.. for Sir Lionel Cox. A case was h< ird this morning in which Chua Ham appealed against a. ion r oco -1 him in Ihe lower courl of tl thefl of lo- dozen empty soda-water bottles presented to be the property of Messrs Fraser
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  • 449 83 .MUN TolMiol.lUvXHKKo. Que ot the prettiest weddings that have H taken place at the Jewish? Synagogue n Waterloo-st, was celebrated there yesterday afternoon when Mr Alfred Montor, son of Mrs Mont »r, of Vienna, was married to .Miss Anna Qoldeuberg, eldest daughter of Mrs R- Golden- berg-,
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  • 82 83 In ".Cassell'i Saturday Journal" for Xo\ 2, 1904, there, is on article on M Presents made to Bridesmaids: the Gift of the Bridegroom." A greal many inatanc sr%e given of ingenuity and apropos'uv." it we may venture on the word in tCe selection of gift*. A 1 1 l fereuce
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  • 190 83 I The twy's quarters at Radin Mas, Kampon_r Bahru, were broken open while they were busy serving dinner. Clothing valued at $41 was stolen, but no trace of the thieves could be found. Mr Cobb, of Eagle House, Killarney-rd, reports to the Polic that a pair of gol
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  • 186 83 Tkiai. Kr\ of a Lou Built Stea i A t rial ruu of uiil< sof t \e vi"><i'i, a pi m Tanjong Pagar Dock Company, took la< o Saturday morning. The Sri Id vas built for the aulio.a Ma U B itong, at Keppel Harbour S
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  • 350 83 V. M. C. A. v Police. I This match was played on Saturday Last ar 1 I ended in a draw. I F. J. Benjafield not o 1* A. Coulcher o Pennefai irbMassey... 12 J. Paterson o McLean b Wylly 7 A. Ifergler c VTathen b llassej 35 I
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  • 898 84 Bishop Oldham and Mrs. Oldham arrived here this morning. Quarantine restrictions against pigs in Province Wellesley has been removed. The Sunday Sun at Manila is now a bilingual production, having its eon seats printed ,n Both American and Spanish. The Governor-General of the French Dependencies in
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  • 104 84 The oee_eHl v the F. li. S. Fc* this match> the following teams have bees selected to do battle at Kuala Isumpor on Saturday and Monday The Colony —Messrs Dunman. Cleaver. Reid, Hoon, Bradbery, Hannaford and Treadgold from Singapore Cater, the two Muglistons, and Bradbery from Penang Mr E.
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  • 83 84 A posse of Police under the direction ol Supt \Y allien. Mr Bailey and Mr Barnes of the Chinese Protectorate yesterday evening raided a bouse at 49 Club-st, with the result that *JS rich Chinese towkays were taken into custody. They were conveysd to the Central Station
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  • 178 84 Be V MAX Persons In.h ked. At about 4 a.m. this morning a Chinese named Chua Ah Poo, who keeps a small spirit shop at 81 Lavender- st, was aroused by some thieves who had broken into his place, and as he showed resistance to the intruders they
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  • 187 84 A Proposed Increased Tax Canton, Jan 5. The depleted condition of the provincial exchequer will account in some measure for the agitation now on foot here to increase the duties on native opium. The provincial authorities are discussing the adviaibility of placing this added tax on upon the
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  • 260 84 America has faken over, according to agreement, the control of the finances of the Sauto Domingo Republic. A Hylam boy from the General Hospital was to-day charged before Mr Sproule with voluntary causing hurt to another Chinaman. He received four weeks' rigorous imprisonment. Choo Kai was charged in the Second
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  • 159 84 28,000 TONS C4EITING CAPACITY. The Great Northern Railway Co's (U. S. A.) cargo and passenger steamer Minnesota is shortly expected in Pacific waters. She is the largest steamer on the Pacific. Although there are five longsr vessels on the Atlantic, she has, owing to her unusual
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  • 186 84 A Crown Witness Assalltei*. For a greater part of this morning, Mr Howard was engaged hearing a charge of assault preferred by Joseph Pereira against Francis Cornelius, Mrs Cornelius, Albert Cornelius, Francis Bodrigues and Mrs Rodrigues. It appears from the evidence taken today, that considerable ill
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  • 164 84 Personnel of the Team. When the last mail left Australia the Selection Committee had practically completed their task of choosing the players to represent Australia in the next eleven against England. Thev detiuitelv decided that the ten following players be selected:— (N.S.W r M.A.Noble, V Truniper, R.
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  • 212 84 Yesterday, before a Bench Court consisting of Messrs Howard and Nunn, Eta in Bin Abdul Rahman, a bill collector employed by Geok Teat and Co., was charged with criminal breach of trust in respect of $510.99. Mr Farrer, Deputy Public Prosecutor, and
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  • 161 84 At the Police Court this morning a European named John Banuerman was charged with soliciting alms, and found guilty. It appears he is au old offender, and to discover the extent of bis previous convictions, Mr. Sproule postponed sentence till to-morrow meruiug. About '4.1b a.m. vesterdav morniu"- a Chinaman attempted
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  • 332 84 MfrnKnva-Mnaarxnns. Last svening Miss Murkens and Misi u A lees of th© London Ladies Trio, ass _tedt_ several local amateurs, gave a v*r concert at the Teutonia Club, to sn 2tk siastic audience of music lovers, which im His Excellency the Governor and Miss AnS? son,
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  • 268 84 A Tokio message to tke Maiaichi itstet that it is generally believed tkat tke situation on th* Shaho has been changed owisg to the fall of Port Arthur. The left wing of the Ruenaa forces has been concentratisg near Sichuenlinr and Kinteyoku. There were previously
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  • 222 84 Important Commercial AxinXEME! An agreement was signed betwei Sir Charles Hardinge and Count Lamsdorff, precisely smilar to the one concluded betweSß Russia and the United States of America <-' summer. It provides: 1. Joint stock companies and other cornmercial, industrial, or financial associations domiciled in either
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  • 17 84 Id Col Wat s. Ist Bberwood I 'ten leaves by the mail for Penan,' I spection duty.
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  • 2232 85 MxiK- Murray. :r largely attended wedding I afternoon at St Andrews Uiionof the marriage of to the Bigh Com- v States, and Private i; Governor, and Miss I the I Coloni I tin..--a H vemor ac- I Sir Arl >rward, j^H I 1 I I I
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  • 134 85 The utility of the finger-print system of identified i ui of criminals has been demonstrated in the Colonies lately in eonnection with several large robberies. The homeward bound P. A: O. steamer Coromamlel came in this morning at daybreak, having left Shanghai on Jan 23rd. She sails for Colombo and
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  • 664 85 (From our Special Correspondent.) Jolo, Sulu, P. 1., 14th Jan 1905. H The American troops are expected back from I the field to-morrow, not having met with any mm further resistance alter the capture of the I "kota" of Laksamana (Jsap and hi- death mm with that of
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  • 192 85 THE SULTAN OF JOHORE'S NEW YEAR. Over a thousand guests sat down to supper on Saturday night (31st ult.) at the Savoy Hotel, and the whole of the foyer adjoining the Balls a manger had to be annexed in order to provide tho requisite number of supper tables. It is
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  • 174 85 The chief eunuch Li Lieu -ying is very ill at Peking and the Court is in a state of panic. The Japanese Minister has complained to the Minister of Board of Foreign Affairs of the passage of Russian arms and ammunition, etc., through Mongolia. He points out that this is
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  • 1326 86 To sav the least of it, the result of the I Soccer match last evening was a curious one. I The disparity between the teams was so groat I that it is inconceivable that the Sherwoods I should have been defeated. From the kick-off th.' Regimental team forced
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  • 273 86 The present war between Japan and Russia is certain t.> have wry important results on tradoand industry. It will, indeed, open a new chapter in the history >-i tho Par East, if not ot* the world. Meantime, we simply note 1 1 1«--effects v>n Japan<
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  • 273 86 Judicial Commissioneb F. M. S. There will be great regret throughout the Federated M ilay States, and in the C >lony, al the news of the death Mr Lawrence Colvile Jackson, k. c lately Judicial Commissioner of the F. BlfS., and the first to
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  • 133 86 Jack MacAulifiVa fight against Bellew at Shanghai is off, the latter having failed to come up to the scratch. It is probable that a boxing exhibition will be arranged for here shortly, possibly in the Drill Hall. The contests will include ima between MacAuliffe and Drummond, who is now here
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  • 367 86 We have much pleasure in reproducing I below a free translation of a letter received by last mail from South Africa from one of the coolies who enlisted as a Chinese policeman, and who acted in that capacity during the voyage, an well as on his arrival
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  • 601 86 fhe Needles, >1 Glasgow, and a French steamer i issed through the port to-day, while three others showing no colours wore also sighted they wee all proceeding west to east. T« i Ee Pah, a Hokien, was to-day charged in the Second Courl with enticing away the wife of one
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  • 307 86 A Dutch gunboat pasted the i a.m. to-dav, bound east to m Mr Rennet Burleigh, war mA the -Daily Telegraph.* wa, ■eager by the P. and 0. ss. C The Portuguese Cruiser, V with Capt de Fha Gata on h from M id this morni ig
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  • 146 86 This of course will n >t convin t idly opaqne brain bu it a d the already mount iin as cairn mbje< 1 Tt is from the Sh mgh of t Ik* Chin Mail It is e sy to talk .1 »u< t
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  • 200 86 i steroay t laao o, I >!ud-v Ghaut, about mid tr .1 probably the oldest resident the oldest pensioiu r i I i« < Jooper was I Mini Feb 118 onlv IWO da s sh<-, nt' b Ho' was th.- son «>! lat I Malacca,
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  • 1277 87 un themtnet uuxtri est farrago libelli. Juvenal. patien. has al hist outworn And to the latter army just to keen itself from ...I frostbite. The result of the telegrams do not give 1,,;., en another Russian r.iu-i.' battle I a la of making. means I M.HIV
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  • 81 87 A Pioneer special, dated London. 1 tli Januarv, says It is unofficially reported that England will retain Wei-hai-wei, holding that the Russians maintaining a claim to Port Arthur constitutes the theoretical occupation sufficient to satisfy the terms of our lease. [Months ago the "Singapore Free Press" pointed out that
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  • 128 87 A. Cornelius and K. Oliver© appeared before Mr Sproule this morning charged with forgerj in respect of $2,850, also for abetment of forgery, and using as genuine a forged document. Mr Braddell defended, and Mr Farrer, l> P. IV. prosecuted. Witnesses called were \Y. Clarke, chief clerk
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  • 374 87 Some Stray Notes. fßy Belmont/. Speaking generally the Penang Meeting has l>een a great success and the balance sheet should read financially well. The concluding day proved wet and floppy and consequently times were M off." The surprise of the meeting was the win of Radium,
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  • 214 87 A letter of Count Tolstoy's to the Tsar, which wis written when the great Socialist believed himself to be dying three years ago, has been made public. It is addressed: "Dear Brother/ 1 and this daring tone is maintained throughout. It bears closely and directly on
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  • 130 87 A Chivalrous JUSTIFICATION. A Tokio message to the "Mainichi" states that General Nogi is said to have sen* a private letter to the Tokio authorities, to the following effect: The conduct of General Stoessel in ordering Ins men to destroy the warships, while negotiating
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  • 149 87 PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT AND THE STANDARD OIL CO. A despatch from Washington states that President Roosevelt has ordered the Department of Commerce and Labor to thoroughly investigate the petroleum industry in the United States, so as to discover whether the Standard Oil Company is an illegal combination, in restraint of trade.
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  • 46 87 a».^ i'he Bteamship [llawarra, wdiich was beached after being in c dlisi >n off Q-ravcsend on Christmas Bve, bad been temporarily repaired^ and floated. The [llawarra was outward bound fronwLondon to Adelaide and Melbourne, and wis tot down to the water's edge by the e dlisiou.
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  • 525 87 The"Kriegstechnische Zeitschrift" publishes a long article on the Trans-Siberian Railway. The best portion of the line is that wdiich pisses through Manchuria, to the improved ment of which £9,500,000 was devoted in 1898, and since the opening of the Kbiugan tunnel of two and a half miles
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  • 526 87 The Japan Daily Mail has heard it reported that Gen Kuropatkin has breached the walls of Mukden in order to facilitate his military operations, and this ia spite of Governor- General Tseng's refusal to consent to the act of destruction. The big wall has been breached through a length
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  • 1469 88 John White's annual shipping review for 1904 contains the following: The past year has I. pen repetition of its predecessor in the unprofitable employment it has on the whole inpplied to shipowners, ;*ml it is to be Isaied also to shipbuilders, although the latter have received :i considerably
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  • 101 88 JAPANESE EMIGRATION TO JAVA. The Shanghai Mercury says that there is evidently a prosperous emigration business carriecUon between Japan and Java. The Japanese laws which regulate emigration from that country have hitherto allowed only 364 persons (about one-third women) to have for Netherland Ludiesoneach regular steamer, but now emigration agents
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  • 250 88 A Debating Society, to which Asiatics and such other nationalities as may be proposed and successfully balloted for will be admitted, was formed at Penang lasi Sunday. The .Society is the outcome of Dr Gnoh Tuck's efforts. Col Newuhum -Davis baa a bright article in the M London Magastne" on
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  • 1385 88 The Status of their Wombs That the Japanese have opened the eyes sf all nations by their general conduct and marvellous success in the present struggle with the Bear, will nowhere be denied. In fact, their advancement and claim to be ranked with tirst-class nations of the
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  • 349 88 I >ne-Half Grain pek ton l J The Brisbane 1 1 I til's >ro gives the following accou t oi economically winning the golJ be c intai d in sea water —A n process of wino in Id is I mented with on the beich
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  • 81 88 Mrs M isterton, who resi A I lei rd, rejiorte 1 to the Po that during last night i stolen fv<>\u a building in her Mrs Douse, of i.'i I her toilet table yesterday wli I converse wit it u Iri t\ 1 in r »>iti When she nel mU-«i»ig
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  • 1028 89 (from Our Sj><cia( Correspondent.) Jolo, Sulu, P. 1., Jan 9, 1905. Il u pacification of the island of Sulu seems j u.iv off, though the slaughter of thousand Sulus a year ago has kept ,1 tranquil up to the present month. \merican settlement here is shrouded
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  • 100 89 The representative cricket team which is to visit the Old Country next sen son has been practically selected as follows New South Wales. M. A. Noble (captain), V. Trumper, R. A. DulT. J. J. Kelly, Gregory, W. P. Howell, A. J. Hopkins, Cotter. Ernest Waddy, Johnston. Victoria.
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  • 218 89 An Bx*PnnMinn*e Vibws. Speaking in the Commonwealth parliament on the subject of preferential trade, Mr Watson is reported to have said that he believed there was a desire on the part ol the people of Australia to support preferential trade. For wars he had looked forward
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  • 336 89 From Native Sources. Rich in Minerals. The mineral resources of China being so rich and plentiful, a certain Minister is of the opinion that one department, such aa the Board of Commerce, is insufficient to deal with the mining affairs of the Avhole Empire, and lias memorialised
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  • 388 89 130 Batteries of Field Guns Ordered. We ("St James's Gazette") learn, since commenting upon the report regarding the rearmament of the artillery that the action of the Government is more important than the statement indicates. From a source which may be regarded as official we are informed that
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  • 138 89 This event took place Saturday evening, and was won by Mr A. H. Withers with the excellent score of 925. This is the highest score ever made on the Tanglin Alleys, the previous best being 91S, made by Mr J. G. Mactaggart some years ago, not
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  • 355 89 ("Cornish Times Dec 90.) Considerable interest was evinced in a pretty wedding, solemnised at Looe Parish Church on Wednesday (Dec 28). The contracting parties were Mr William Joseph Ryan, of the Chinese Protectorate Civil Service. Singapore, aud Sybil Elsie, second daughter of Mr and Mrs Bailey, of
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  • 867 89 Admirals' Views on Officers as Linguists. (Daily Express). The article published last week pointing out the insufficiency of linguistic knowledge among the officers of his Majesty's Navy has created wide-spread interest iii naval circles, as the many letters we have received on the subject testify. We
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  • 39 89 A shooting competition between lady tßCiu* Iwrs of the IVrak and Selangor Rifle Assocwrtion*, has been won by the latter teaui by 11 I points Miss Grey, of the winning team, was I the highest individual scorer, with 47.
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  • 1037 90 No. VIII. The gloom of the ecclesiastical situation in Scotland has been sensibly relieved bv the action of H M. Government in appointing a Royal Commission to investigate and report. It is banl for those at a distance to understand how we feel in Edinburgh on
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  • 539 90 oi |d.;.,,, belc«giM to the former I 1 n ,l,yt. nan Church has also heen lost to '•'-I- ri „r,h the .unui spent in ,nlar^ire feAMomhly Hall, New Colle^. «,d tISTcbSSg ■Etion nn r i t i VhK h *K United Presbyterian m^now n£,^ w «MWa The.- bttildSS its columns
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  • 272 90 A Bsconn ros Years. According to Colonial exchanges a tremendous heat wave has been passing over Australia, one unparalleled in the history of several States. The intense heat, 122 deg Pah. in the shade, has been registered at more than one inland town, and as an
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  • 208 90 What may be regarded as an epoch-making event ,n the railroad and transportation indus W t- c c unt! T. occurred at Schenectady, X.. U. B. A., November 12th, when the new electric locomotive built for the New York Central Railroad, by the General Electric Co
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  • 1349 90 ***M m Coastwise cross seas round the world I and back again Kudyari Kipling. (Special for the Singapore Free Press Not exactly round the world, but at least half way across, lies the route from SingaI pore to London, from the unknown to the known as far
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  • 622 90 SIR MATTHEW NATHAN ON EDUCATION. At tne pn/.e-giving of th- Belli School (for girls) Hongkong H thew Nathan spoke as follows: Ladies and gentlemen fi some hesitation that I acceded to the su", I?' f Inspector of Schools tit include this school amongst those was to present prises this year,
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  • 125 90 We are sorry to hear thai the Chiu "settling day" prior to tbe closing of I accounts, is not to go off as happily ai had been hoped. Crodi( is a delicate plan'', withering under the breath of suspicion, and irith do desire to accentuate difficulties we taereh that several
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  • 477 91 S flJe Etinaldo, sloop, Com. D. St. A. Wake, i Plymouth on 10th Jan from the girived si naSUtion. telegram to the Hongkong Daily Press" a announced that the King will q .l Uexandria earlv in February. detective al Ipoh, a Chinaman j j Soo, a
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  • 348 91 Captain Davies, of the steamer Oceana, which arrived at Hongkong on Thursday from Delagoa Bay, reports that on January 13, in Latitude Odeg. 57 N, Longitude 95.39 E, he passed a derelict awash, evidently the wreck of a large wooden vessel and extremely dangerous to navigation, being
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  • 178 91 The Vienna Chamber of Commerce and Industry, in view of the pending renewal ot* the State contract with the Austrian Lloyd, recently made inquiries] to ascertain the views of the Austrian export traders. The results of these inquires liave been embodied in s report addressed to the
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  • 205 91 Then were seventy-five Buiiian officers on board the Homeward bound German Mail which left this morning. They joined the Bayern at Shanghai, where they were sent to await a steamer after being given parole. The Bayern brought 280 officers and men from gasaki to Shanghai and disembarked
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  • 191 91 The following case is recorded by the "Temps." AM. Jean Hougier, of Puy, who who is 54 years of age, and. in 1887, lost his faculty of speech after an attack of typhod fever, was overcome by the cold oue Monday, while working in the fields. On recovering consciousness, he
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  • 1416 91 F M S v. the Colon?. An Uphill Task. {From oar oivn Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. Changes had to be made in both the teams for this match between the Federated Malay States and the Straits Settlements. In the former side Talbot and T. R. Hubback were unable to
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  • 238 91 The Impetus or the Wak. The M New York Commercial," dealing wri Japan's trade relations with America, thus speculates ou the probable effect of the war on the trade of the two countries -.—The Japanese themselves are remarkably alive to the fact that the present war
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  • 150 91 An extraordinary general meeting was held on 9th ult, to consider a resolution authorising the board to reduce the capital from £305,000, in shares of £1 each, to £76,250, in shares of os each, cancelling capital to the extent of 15s per share. Mr A. Gaussen, who
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  • 152 91 A rather nasty accident occurred near the railway bridge in Orchard-rd about pm, yesterday evening. A carriage and pair collided with two rikishas and a Chinese girl, in one of the latter vehicles, was hurled some distance, on to the road, falling on the side of her head. She was
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  • 1038 92 A correspondent of the "L. a C. Express" gives an account of the Straits in IPO4. The following passagr-s mav p^ (jUO ted as of some interest: As veari go on, the importance of Singapore Island and its dependencies becomes more apparent., even to the casual
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  • 1157 92 Details of the Meeting, (•'standard" special correspondent with general nogi.) Port Arthur, Jan 6 via Tien-tsin, Jan V). The meeting at Sui-shi of Generals Stoessel and Nogi, of which I have already sent you a briof account, was of so very interesting a nature, both in its
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  • 234 92 Mr Cowie, a Calcutta Solicitor, was lately sentenced by the Supreme Court of Bengal to six vears' hard labour for fraud. The occasion has brought the Sultan of Johore to the frontal the benefactor of the widow- and the orphan. A writer
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  • 188 92 Sir George Campbell, k. c. m. <;., formerly Lieutenant Governor of Penang, died at his residence at Wimbledon on Jan 10, from pneumonia. Sir George William Robert Campbell was born at Campbeltown in 18:35, his father being in the Honourable. East India Company's service. Beginning
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  • 217 92 It may be remembered that it has been urged in this journal from time to time that it would be good policy for all companies producing tinned goods,* to have the date of packing stamped on each tin. This would give confidence to the consumer, and would
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  • 158 92 At Ivanova-Vosueseusk. which is in Russia, though the story which follows might make one fancy that it was in America, an enterprising burglar went a-burgling. He opened a safe, and was collecting the spoil in what Mr Bernard Shaw would have called his heroic riyht aud proper manner, wheu the
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  • 859 92 Position of Australa> m Mr H. F. Wyatt read a paper reeentlv \mt a meeting of the Royal Colonial |n!;7 held at the Hotel Metropole, with Ad. i N.Bowden Smith in tbe chair, on T,T\ n and the Empire "giving irganmat against the colonies contributing
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  • 160 92 Three fatal accidents have occurred on ths F. M. B. Railway within the last three daj* the last at Sultan-st, Kuala Lumpor, ehere the ticket collector slipped off the footboard between the train and the platform H« in a few minutes. Says the "Straits Echo." That hair raising intelligence about
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  • 617 93 b- father Nain from Seramban is Zvjou on a visit to MgrMosard. Portuguese cruiser Vasco da Gama, morning for Lisbon on return from y Ooven eeat l'i inter sends us the bound partment reports for 1908 l]v literary annual of heads of departj. steamer Thyra arrived
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  • 51 93 The result of work at tbe Company's mine 2?lit n S iVi as foll^:-Stone crushed, WOtHM; Gold obtained, 118oz Bdwt; average, ll.Hdwt.perton. There were further water troubles in the mine during the first half of the month, which account for the small qua* titv ot stone
    51 words
  • 104 93 An Absconder from Batavia. ♦i/\^*?T lay n,ornin K about 540 am as the Dutch mail steamer Baud dropped anchor, Detective Kelleher ascended the gangway and instituted a search for a Chinaman named Ong Boon Hong, who was wanted in Batavia on a charge of embezzlement of some
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  • 86 93 Ihe train tuned to leave Johore at 6.10 pm on Sunday last did not depart on its journey untU 7.80 pm. and arrived in Singapore at pm, l>eiug nearly 21 hours late. The delay was caused by an accident to a train running from Singapore to
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  • 517 93 Malaya Branch. The Annual Meeting of the above Branch was held at Penang on January 31 and February 1. The Officers elected for the coming year were as follows President Elect, Dr D. K. McDowell Vice Presidents, Singapore, Dr D. I. Galloway; Penang, Dr T. C. Avetoom
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  • 113 93 As Ipoh has become the Railway goods centre and the half way house, so to speak, of the through mail train service from Prai to Kuala Lumper the "T. of M says that a competent assistant is shortly to bo appointed to strengthen the hand of the present Station Mister
    113 words
  • 1195 93 The Seizure of the Kino Arthur Mr T. C. Phillips Interviewed. Mr T. C. Phillips who was born at Cardiff. England, in the year 1876, is well-known in Singapore and the Straits, as besides being a member of the Marine Club, he was engineer of the Ban
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  • 149 93 A Tokio message to the Mainicbi states that the Russian officers from Port Arthur have only been temporarily allowed to retain their swords. The terms of surrender cannot be interpreted as meaning that the officers are to be allowed to have their swords while detained
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  • 135 93 The Returns for 1904. During last year the output of tin from the F. M. S. was 850,238 piculs being an increase of 25,590 piculs on the previous year. The increase from Selangor Was 16,747 piculs, Perak 7,2f>4 piculs. and Pahang 2,194 piculs. Compared with
    135 words
  • 210 93 Messrs Kawabara, Sudzuki and Hamada, members of the House of Representatives, who recently landed at Moji from the Manshu Maru, stated that they visited the old and new towns of Port Arthuron Jan 9th. The damage to many of the forts was indescribable. Even the
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  • 262 93 Order having been fully established in Port Arthur, the Japanese troops made their entry into the place on the 18th instant, and on the 14th there was to be a grand funeral service for the men who perished during the seige. No statement is yet published as to
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  • 3116 94 The Philippine Islands. 1 By Alletne Ireland, author of 44 Tropical Colonization," Sic. In the series of articles which I have been contributing during tho pist two years to 44 The Times." it, has Ik-cu my aim to present some of the leading facta
    3,116 words
  • 684 94 The Country Q IEj A Fine Oram*, x KIrT The initial production i. Dallas Baudmaun Opera c' at once classed as a great si, V and enthusiasm the audience desired, the gods being exc aud vociferous, and there seat in the reserved part of It was an
    684 words
  • 45 94 That imitati in ia the fl kttery is once more ill' t ha.' sine tbe issue of the O tl.. Daib Maih- the P in its familiar scarlet Cto familiar frontispiece ef w Oil her shoulder, and instead pi title C doiit <l E Ittion
    45 words

  • 424 95 British steamer Woodford of London rou^h the port to-day, bound west to Qon has retired from tne managej [poh M irble works, and Mr A. A. the Straits Police, WAI on Feb 2 t Miss Jessie acting as beat man. I rs, •be < Unci d
    424 words
  • 83 95 CHARGE OF CHEATING A PAWNBROKER. '••''•liv, a Japanese named Kichi* waa arrested by the empted to cheat Van Soo The a. !,it is said. un of base metal wash- t i, V' nV V" r »«adethe him sioo upon it. it prisoner had on a former complainant by n simi-
    83 words
  • 606 95 S. C. C. v The Sherwood Foresters. A large crowd of spectators assembled on the hsplanade yesterday evening, to witness the return match between these teams and although the Club, the usual favourites with the Singapore public, lost in the end bv two goals ti. nil, everybody seemed satisfied*
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  • 93 95 At 7.d0 hist night a robbery was committed at No. l!> Hokien-st, by a gang of five Chinese, who were armed with pistols and knives, and attacked the occupants of the house. They threatened to kill two Chinese women, and a man if thev refused
    93 words
  • 212 95 Mr Farrar-l>a\ nes, who came down here from Penang some few weeks ago suffering from ill health, has now decided to remain and practice his profession as a barrister and solicitor in Singapore. He was formerly in practice here. Mr Carl Marks, a passenger who arrived at Colombo from Singapore
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    • 425 95 The correspondent of the 44 Telegraph" at Tokio says that the Russian casualties from Jan 25 to 29th are now estimated at from 36,000 to 42,00J and the Japanese losses as 7,000. Sakharoff estimates that the Japanese prisoners are over 800 in number. Kuropatkin, wiring on Jan dl
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    • 1573 95 At St Petersburg the police yesterday surprised a meeting of the strikers at a tavern and tired into the meeting, wounding four men and killing a girl. A supplementary official statement says that at St Petersburg on Jan 22, -R> were killed and 388 wounded, of which 82 died
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  • 232 96 [Bi CounTßst or Mi Tanaka. li I .1 M Consul. (Received at 10 pm on Feb Ist). Marshal Oyama reports that on the 80th the Russians on the Japanese right centre bombarded him, while small detachment* attacked in various directions. All these attacks were repulsed bv the
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  • 84 96 SPECIAL TELEGRAM. Special to Singapore. Free Press]." Kuala Lnmnor, Feb 5, 1905. In the match between the P. M. S. and the Colony commenced hereon Saturday, the States made 364 in their first innings, Barrett making the fine score of 158. At the close of play the Colony had made
    84 words
  • 148 96 (Feb. 8.) anm 76 75 •*-ttbi«r M 9.12_ do. Cube No. 1 13. do. do. No. 2 12 50 Pepper, Black (ordinary S'pore* 26 50 do. White, (Fair L. W. 5 p.c., „39 75 Nutmegs 110 to the ft.) 46 do. 80 to the ft. m 8 o Mace
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  • Page 96 Miscellaneous
    • 932 96 ANJER SHIPPING REPORT Specially compiled for the Singapore Free Press" Date of passing Anjer Nationality and description of vessel Captain's name Where and when sailed. Destination. Jan 27. Ger str., Bielefeld Krause Batavia Jan 27 Amsterdam. Jan 29. Nor. Bq Catharina Christoffersen Fernandina, Sept 28 Anjer. Jan 30. Dut str,
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    • 964 96 VESSELS IN POH t .0: v»en-of-War Flagr *nd Tons Commanders Arrived From p* Thetis Brit cruiser 3400 Awilkinson Jan 11 Hongkong w Serdang Dut 1040 Guspis Feb 5 T. Hali m* rtain Edi Dut gun boat 820 Bauduin Feb 7 Tanjoru,' Pinens Sea Mew Col yacht 375 Murphy Feb 7
      964 words
    • 483 96 Alicante. Span s r, A res, for Manila Jason, Brit str, KhWn, for Hongkong. Eridan, Fr. str.. Pur > I. for Baigon February 7. Swazi, LB.-it *tr, Bobbs, for China and J Lawathan Castle. Brit str. Lightollsr, York. Sirocco. Brit str, Williamson, for Tokoku i Quinta, Ger str, Fr don,
      483 words