The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 14 December 1904

Total Pages: 16
369 384 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 357 369 Topographical Difficulty at Port Arthur, ;o, Ming the Fleet, ;;>; j, B diculoua Baltic Flaet, ::♦;<« Kipling and Joss Chinchinjooa, ;i«;:» The 5 una Canard, :»7 Malay Fishermen *.nd lolkersahni's Squadron, #> :{70 Perils to Neutral Cofomeroo, 370 disabling the Russian Ships, :;70 Geo Andi-e* and M Syretoo, 370
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  • Domestic Occurrences.
    • 42 369 Howell, On the 29th of November. IiMM, at the China Inland Mission Home, Shanghai, the wife of Gbobgi Howki.i:, of a son. Thomas.— On Deceml*r 4, 1004, at Hextabie, Kent, England, the wife of R. D. Thomas. B.S. Powao, of daughter.
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    • 126 369 On October 1, at St. Michaels-in-the-Huinlet, •Liverpool, bj licence, by the Rev. Harold A. H. Lea, of St. Michael's, William Henry, only son of WILLIAM Pitts, Esq., Superintendent Engineer of Messrs SamueljSanniel Co., of Hiianuma, Yokohama, to Rose, second daughter of Bdward Toms, late C.0.1.8.V., Toxteth Park, Liverpool—
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    • 75 369 On November 13, at Tokyo, Elizabeth Thornton, head of S. Hilda's Mission, aged o'2. On Nov. lt>, at 1 Kitanagasadori, 3-chome, Kol>e, Petkr Hefxrich Ernst Rothsprack, native of Harburg, Germany, aged 48 years. Widler. On the 2!>th of November, l>o4, at the Shanghai General Hospital, David Wipler, aged 49
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    • 222 369 0 Th<» outward bound mail of Nov lsth came by the Simla on Saturday. A mail up to Nov i>lst is brought l>\ the N. I>. L. Roon od Thursday. This homeward mail £oes by B. I. Zamania this afternoon The First Battalion Manchester Regiment left for Secunderabad
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  • 135 369 (Deo. 18., Tin 77...L* Gam vitv 9.50 do. Gobi No. 1 14.1^ do. do. No. '2 12. Pepper, Black (ordinary S pore* 28.75 do. White. (Fair L. W. 5 p.c 42.50 Nutmegs 110 bo the ib.) 46. do. 80 to the ifc. „80 Mace (Banda; 145. Cloves (Ar»iboina) „33
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  • 538 369 Topographical Difficulties at Port Arthur. Dec. 8. H<l3 chall the Press the People's right mainta.o, 'Jna.v.'ei by intluence and unbribed by gain; patriot Truth her ylorioiis precepts draw. —H to Religion. I.oyaitv ami Law Those who wish to realise the tremendously abrupt .slopes of the fortified hills which seem to
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  • 432 369 Wi: hare further details to-day of the policy now odopttd bj the Japanese artillery attack, from the north-west and north-east, upon the remnants of the Russian squadron st ill inside the harbour. The safest anchorage available is that just south of Pehyushan, which is the hill exactly
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  • 269 369 It is remarkable to see how uniformly the tone of criticism at home over the North Sea outrage has turned from indignation to contempt. Our correspondent who bears an ojd historic Saxon name writes, to a home paper: M I see in your issue of to-day
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  • 199 369 Recently Jo.-s Chinchiitjoss, wh > baa for some Vears been our principal contributor of occasional verse, and bus already published a tirst instalment of bis contributions to the "Singapore Free Press," forwarded b copy of Tenet on Britain's attitude to Mr Uudtabd Kipling. He bus now
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  • Page 369 Advertisements
    • 90 369 r raser and Cumming. 7c Battery Road. 8i u Jobore Bbavn. k VV OEKf Balest ier. Timber Merchants EUME HARD -WOOD, cut by oiir own men i districts, MidrtaMß sawn to any Tl HBSBS, Flooring Boardb moan 1, tongned iind groovf^i by the I>eBt ittdar the superintendence of an i
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  • 573 370 Malay Fishermen and Folkersahm's Squadron. BDec. 9. iikn we consider the fact that the nerves of the Admirals, officers, and men must be deteriorating the further they travel, with the North Sea precedenl before us, we are bound to admit with 1 tonial Office thai the utmost care should
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  • 334 370 Meanwhile we hope that the giillaut little Riualdo has not been takeu for a Japanese torpedo boat, and we feel convinced that the "Cres'y," homeward bound, will contrive to make it clear that she is not the Fuji or the Asahi." But still who knows when
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  • 128 370 Wi need hardly say that we do n«>t believe his Btory, originating in Paris and telegraphed to New York. Tf tlie Japanese'.had. losi another battleship there? >uld b re been a hundred direct channels through which mch news would have come. There has i•■ < itl i
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  • 345 370 Vi:i:v wisely the Japanese at Port Arthur continue to utilise their new points of artillery vantage by iu the m tin leaving \n<> town ;:lo;ie and by pegging away at the unludty survivors of the aforetime powerful Port Arthur Squadron. Survivors," however, is not now the
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  • 44 370 A Japanese journalist of high position, writes privately to us from Tokio, as follows: Everything is 'going on satisfactorily here. Our statesmen know well how faithfully Great Britain has adhered not only to the letter of the alliance but also to the spirit thereof."
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  • 267 370 Gen. Andre and M. Syveton. Dec. 10. r>iK dramatic incident of the assault on Gen. Andre, French Minister of VVar, in the Chamber of Deputies on Nov 4, has had, but a few weeks later, a tragic sequel. A wire to-day announces that If. Syvktox, the Deputy who committed the
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  • 586 370 Twas a Glorious Victory." The last resource of Governments, as of diplomats, i s the Army. When the Army fai*s all is 'lost. The local Government is an instance in point. At the last meeting of the Legislative Council two of the Official Members happened to be away from Singapore
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  • 296 370 Ik tlie Governor <>t' this Colony were to fake counsel with th^ Senior Naval Officer as to over-lui tiling eollien near Labuan, in the Malaxed Straiis, orin the approaches to Sunda Straits, we think that such surveillance until. l <L> those concerned nothing but good
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  • 320 370 If the important news contained in special wire to-day be corroborated, the d chapters of th< lefenoe of Port Arthur j has begun. We arc told thai the Pori garrison, excluding the separate forces man ning the different forts, has retired to the Li tishan
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  • 610 370 Dec. Il>. Sib Johh Fisher and his colleagues*! din Admiralty deserve well of their country. T«i day we see .unfolded a new scheme of naval distribution and control which will enormo is add to the mobility and effective cooperation of the British fleets and squadrons ;ill over \>-
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  • 366 371 Ihe following noteworthy announcements ippear in the M Gazette" The Ktnghai appointed Capt Hugh A. K t<( >" his Majesty's Consul for the rincesof Kermanshah, Malair, Hamadan, [Curdisi m, to reside a1 Kermanshah: Lieutrl P. Kinchin, i>. 8 0., to be his Majesty's Consul-Genera] in EChorassan, to
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  • 222 371 Uneast ik?s the bead that wears a crown" but «>1" all the crowned heads of Europe the if to be commiserated is theTsa,r of Russia, ►se occasional railway journeys must eaus<* immense anxiety to the railway administrate the secret police, and to the military.
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  • 586 371 The Disturbed State of Russia. Dec. 13. force 1" be nek >in->! vrith, as nioreilum, tUe Jupiuuistt hyxuh in ting Russians military ambitioas ia the Far East, is the growing revulsion amongst the Russian people against the war and its drain upon the manhood and resources of a reluctant nation.
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  • 356 371 T AT Tliu: Manchester* L.mbakk. About 7 o'clock this morning the Ist Battalion of the Manchester Regiment, which has been relieved by the Battalion of the Notts and Derby Regiment, left Tanglin Barracks headed bj t lie Band of the 73rd Oarnatic Infantry on the inarch to Tanjong
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  • 161 371 CHARGE OF UTTERING COUNTERFEIT COIN. Before Mr Sproule this morning, Haji Dol Samat, Haji Hassan. Omar and Chehel, Malays, were brought up on remand, charged with having uttered counterfeit coin. A.S.P. Whitehead said that at 4.55 pm on Nov Sergeant Reynolds handed him two sovereigns and Another five sovereigns. Sergeant
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  • 75 371 It is understood that to signalise the removed of our difficulties with France, and to recognise Hie re-adoption of Singapore ai a port of call by French warships, the officers of the squadron to arrive on the 15th will he entertained at dinner at -Government House on
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  • 622 371 The Italian cruiser Liguria left Shanghai on the Ist instant and should arrive here soon. She is commanded by the Duke d'Abruzzi who is returning home from a tour, round the world. The Portuguese gun boat Rio Lima should arrive here daily from Lisbon bound to Macco. The
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  • 532 371 We have already published in brief the report of the Straits Development Co and now give in full the details referring to Pasoh. The position as to Pasoh is causing grave anxiety to the Directors, who, while Pasoh was not transferred and the title thereto not complete,
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  • 145 371 The much- talk 3d and written about Allanton, which wlieu laden with coal was capture 1 by the Russians and taken to Vladivostock, has arrived at Singapore, coming into port at 2 pm yesterday. She was released from Vladivostock on Xov 9th, having had however to
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  • 218 371 "As u well known, pt rjurv," says a Kangoou paper, u is rife in the Courts <>f Burma generally and in Rangoon ia particular," because no form of oath exists which the Burman regards as binding on his conscience. This question haying been long discussed in the
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  • 42 371 Mrs Trotter, wife of the Deputy < tram >- sionor of Police, Bangkok, died then •srd instant. The Norwegian Bteamfe Fri U;js jus irriv©^ here from N» j w Fork with a-^argo of 40,446 caied trf p.'*r.»leum. She is bofnd for Anjer for orders.
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  • 569 372 H. M. S. Creasy is coaling atf Tanjong Pagar Dock. She is bound for Colombo. We are glad to hear that it is probable some appropriate action is to be taken to. give a cordial reception to the officers of the French squadron due to arrive
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  • 101 372 A special meeting was held in the Board Room yesterday afternoon. Mr Broadrick (president) presided, and the following were present. Dr Murray Rol>ertson, Mr Lee Choon Guan, Mr J. Saunders, MrD. K. Soinervillo Mr Cboa Gfriang Thye Mr Williams, acting Municipal Engineer. Mr Rowland Allen who is laid
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  • 38 372 The transport Av .1 with the "Sherwood Foresters for Singapore in relief of the Manchester Regiment, left Hongkong last night for Singapore. This should bring that ship in on Monday evening or Tuesday morning.
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  • 162 372 This morning before Mr Sproule a Chinaman was charged with dishonestly retaining stolen propertly, to wit it dozens of soda-water bottles. He went to Ghee Soon and Co, and offered to sell the bottles at Si 20 per dozer, whereas they are Wo; Jl The negotiations went
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  • 899 372 A Visit to the Beleaguered Town. Remarkable Statement. Chicago, Nov 8. The correspondent of the Chicago Daily News," telegraphing from Nagasaki yesterday, describes his arrival at the Lian-t i-shan Lighthouse, which he reached in a boat from the Miaotao Islands. He says he was picked up
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  • 48 372 The Hongkong Amateur Dramatic Club will give a tinal performance of Dorothv on the* 10th December. Jane" and One/Summ«i's Day" are to &> into rehearsal at i.uce mth pieces w.ll io all probabilif v 1h? produc**'* in January. The Club will give'a Dor-otb V dance rm th*» 2JMh inst.
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  • 352 372 It may be assumed, says the M Pall Mall Gazette," that all the way to the Cape and then onward rendezvous hate been fixed at which colliers and supply ships will l)e in waiting to meet the needs of the ships of tlie Baltic fleet.
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  • 437 372 The seriousness with which the Russian complication with England is regarded all over the country (says the "Pall Mall Gtoette") may be gauged by the attitude which necessarily had to be taken a few days ago by the director! of the Philharmonic Society at Liverpool, when a
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  • 169 372 A short time ago, by thp carefosflnesa of the •puller, as Mrs Aveling of Wilkie-rd was coming down the hill with her child in a nkisha, she was overturned and considerably hurl. The puller has been up before Mr Hooper who ordered the towkay to pay $80 compensation t«» Mrs
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  • 433 372 MURDEROUS OUTRAGE IN PERAK. (From a Special Correspovdenf.j A cruel and cowardly murder took pla< l a *i Sunday at a small village called Sungei Bireh a few miles down river from Telok Anton party -of eight Malays having an ima^in.uv wrong against some Chinese, resolved to atta< them in
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  • 236 372 Regarding the late Mr Justice Leach "Banyan* 1 in his "Hongkong Jotting- in the "Hongkong Daily Press" has this appreciative reference The j allusion in the obituary notice of Mr Justice Leach io his interest in sport will have recalled to many old cricketers the leading
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  • 292 372 Mr Harry de Windt is about to itaii «>n lL journey in the Balkans and Eastern Kurt}". After traversing Montenegro, Mr dp Wind; proceetf to Bulgaria, Rouinania, and Bervia. From Bucharest he will travel to Odessa, thence, via the Crimea and Tanganrog, to TiHis and Kars, returning bv w.iv of
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  • 1210 373 The end of the local football tournament is in sight, and given decent weather, all matches should be decided by next week. The only gaiue during the past seven days, was the 64th Coy R. G. A. v Y. M. C. A. on the S. R.C. ground, the
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  • 702 373 S.C C. v. The R. A. After several days of continuous rain, yesterday proved fine and the sun soon dried t«*d Club ground to allow of its bol^ n played upon, although it must have been a good deal cut up the previous evening by the game of Rugger
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  • 75 373 (Malay Mail.) We are sorry to hear that Lady Swettenbam bM not been well lately. We are iuforme<l that Mrs Syers is engaged to be married to a barrister at home. Mr and Mrs Berrington 1 ave arrived here. AVe bear that they are bringing a Dureya motor-car.
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  • 991 373 In reply to the question of a British shipowner the Foreign Office has stated that "it is not permissible for British owners to charter vessels for such t a purpose as following the Russian fleet with coal supplies." It will be remembered that the Government gave
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  • 166 373 The Editor, (Singapore Free Press, Singapore.) I am directed by His Excellency to «§end v«»u this telegram received this morning, with the request that you will make it public. Your faithfully Oliver Marks. Private Secretary to His Excellency the. 9 Governor, Straits
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  • 142 373 The chartered British transport Dilwara, arrived here vesterdav afternoon from Southainpton and is lying at the Wharf, section I She is bound for Hongkong and leaves this evening. She brought with her 208 non-com-inisioned officers and men, 11 women, and I<> children. The following are the passengers
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  • 477 373 Before Sir Lionel Cox, Chief Justice. In the ease of Chan Geok Neo, the widow and administratrix of Goh Tat Boon* the alleged son of Goh Siew Swee, against Goh Tat Peng, administrator of the estate of Goh Siew Swee, the Chief Justice gave judgment* this morning to
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  • 751 374 An Observatory is shortly to be erected at Seoul at a cost estimated at Yl oo,ooo, says the Daihan Tpo." In Kobe evidently they do things with an eye to the appropriate. An international walking match is to be held, and entrance fees, etc., are to
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  • 171 374 The Johannesburg correspondent of a London dailv writes I have high authority for stating that, on the whole, the Chinese imported to work in the mines are giring more satisfaction than wav looked for at first. It U true that isolated cases of refusal to work
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  • 261 374 A Marine Court of Enquiry was held this morning to enquire into the circumstances attending the stranding of the Knight of St George on the Kent Rocks, Singapore Straits on Nov 29. The Court consisted of Mr E. C. Howard President, Lieut P. White, R. N
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  • 442 374 Tan Tve was this morning charged in the Third Court, on the prosecution of Inspector Pestama of the S. P. C. A., with cruelty by skinning live frogs. When arrested he had in his possession 40 frogs which had already been skinned but which were still alive, and
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  • 280 374 As it result of the Emperor of Japan's manifesto, recalling all the Japanese reservists sojourning in foreign countries, it is understood, the Hongkong Telegraph says, that large numbers of students in the uni-' versities in the United States and on the Continent immediately returned to their mother country
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  • 292 374 A Japanese Protest. The following letter written by a Japanese appeared in a South Australian paper You Australians make great efforts to trade. Your Parliaments borrow large sums of money for the purpose of dredging harbours, building docks, wharfs, breakwaters, lighthouses, &c.
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  • 511 374 The following is the report of tie Directors to be presented at the ordinary general meeting on Dec 17. Your Directors now submit the Accounts for the half- year ended September 30, 1004. being the first naif of the business year 1904—1905. After making full provision
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  • 709 374 (From an Occasional Corre*poii<lrnt.) Tokio, Nov. 28. It is often said that Japan is not treating Korea as a truly independent nation, despite all pledges to preserve the pledges of the IN»dinsular Kingdom. The plain fact is thai when a man cannot or will not stand bv himself somebody
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  • 244 374 The Seoul- Fusan Railway was completed on the 10th instant. The entire line will be formally opened to traffic on the Ist of January next year, but arrangements have )>een made to open it provisionally before that time. The Sanyo Railway Company has decided to establish a
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  • 3238 375 A New Machine on an Anoient Principle. That Threatens to Make Scrap-iron op Existing Stkam Engines. By BmOTOHTOa Brandenburg.) The man who has built a steam engine which w!l render obsolete all existing steam power plants, railway and marine engines, sat on the i er
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  • 701 375 The Military Contribution in ISO4. (Times of Ceylon.) To those who are accustomed to the quiet humdrum ways of the Legislative Council, to the want of cohesion and lack of energy among the unofficial members and to their ready acquiescence in all Government measures. chapter
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  • 89 375 REPORTED DEATH OF GENERAL STOESSEL. Tokyo, Nov 27. —A London telegram was received here during the night of ilie 26th November to the effect that u St Petersburg telegram to London via Paris says General Stoessel of Port Arthur was killed on the 25th November by a Japanese shell during
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  • 86 375 Her Majesty's refusal to receive presents was not interpreted too strictly and H. M. received overTls. 13,000,000 in money alone, the biirg^st offering from outside the capital l*»ing H. E. Yuan Shihkai's contribution of Tls. 400,0)0. The French cruiser Descartes escorting a. flotilla of tive torjiedo l>oats and two destroyers
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  • 1574 376 (from the "times" tokio correspondent.) The patriotism of the Japanese is a quality t tested hy all observers and proved by many practical illustrations. There came, however, not long ago within my own personal observation a very significant example. The Seventh Division has its headqumters in
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  • 466 376 A list of honours conferred by the King ou the occasion of His Majesty's birthday was issued on the Bth alt The Treasury list announces the appointment of one Privy Councillor, the conferment of five baronetcies and 14 knighthoods, and a number of promotions and appointments in the
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  • 1017 376 Count Benckendorff comes of a family which belongs to the wealthiest nobility of Livonia. The Ambassador's uncle, Count Alexander, rendered the greatest service to the Emperor Nicholas 1., notably in quelling the military revolution which broke out on that monarch's accession, and afterwards as chief
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  • 1064 376 Jack Wynter's luck was phenomenal, ther- fa no other word for it. It followed him in un swerving favour through Harrow to Sandhurst through Sandhurst to the 50th Hiusars. and after he had been eight years in the Service still smiled upon him. Did he play cricket,
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  • 750 377 Jackson CoMMirtKn to the Sskior Mac.istratk's Court. Bail Fixed at $2,000. mi Wednesday Mr Jackson appeared before \li Dyson OB a third charge of Criminal Breach of Trust this time in respect of $371.50. Inspector Wilson prosecuted and Mr CHbb iratcbed the case on l>elialf of
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  • 177 377 Cktlom vs Sihgapobi Thk Lattbi Yu'Toiuors. The annual ■hooting match between Ceylon Singapore took place on Saturday at the ipitiya range, and reeultedin twin for Singapore team by 85 points. Singapore inir 751 points ami < Vvlon 71<*>. Though eylon team were supposed to be a
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  • 451 377 Formal Charge Aoainst the Republicans* London, November 7th— Mr Alton Brooks Parker, the Democratic candidate for the I nit^d States Presidency, denounces the Republicans for accepting *the assistance of the Trusts on l>ehalf of President Roosevelt's candidature. He asserts that the Democrats refused to accept Trust
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  • 127 377 St Andrew" s day in Penang was celebrated by a ball, which" the "Btraitf Echo" says will long be remembered as one of the most successful functions ever given Penang." It was attended by all Scotsmen in Penang and the province of Wellesley. Many ladies
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  • 336 377 The sun and his family quorum rnagna pars sumus n are moving womeufkert at the rate of about twelve miles in every second of time. We may well be excused an iiitimute interest in t he question whither ?Is the solar system, for instance, travelling in
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  • 1352 377 One of the most amusing chapters in "The Golden Butterfly," is that which records the sumptuous dinner given at the* Langham Hotel to the representatives of Art, Science, and Literature by Gilead P. Beck, the millionaire, whereat many of the most notable clebrities of the day were
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  • 338 377 Has it Fulfilled Expectations r The Melbourne "Argus" dolefully writes: Making all allowances, it cannot be said that Federation has fulfilled the reasonable expectations of its friends, expectations founded on knowledge and sobered by experince. It was hoped, for instance, that the Federal Government would be stable, us
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  • 165 377 Ten^ Client and 5 others were charged with taring onaathorisedly administered morphia injections, and with having l>een found in possession of a hypodermic syringe and more than 5 grains morphine. Sergeant Major Bloloh. who .searched the first accused*! house, found on his person a syringe and two packets,
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  • 33 377 The Empress Dowager wmm m»< .ined that the strictest economy should i- observed in the celebration of her birth kv a( Peking, aud tho doit has accorctingty been reduced to twelve iiiillioa Xaeh.
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  • 1464 378  -  Rev G. M. Reith (By No. V. Matters have been moving slowly since my last letter on the subject. A series of abortive conferences has been held between representatives of the United Kroe Church and of the Irreeoncileable Remnant, conferences which seemed intended to pass the
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  • 247 378 Despite the somewhat wet weather yesterday, the openintfof the above hotel was a success. B? the 12.35 train ;i number of guests arrived at the Holland Boad Station and proceeded to the hotel, which U immediately cio<«> i>\ the station from which a private road, about
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  • 278 378 First Annual Smokek. The Drill Hall, kindly lent for the oocanon by the Commandant S. V. C, was comfortably filled last evening when Mr Whitehead, who occupied the chair in the unavoidable absence of the League President, Mr Quacaden, C. P. 0., rose to call order
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  • 1514 378 (Special for Singapore Free Press.") For many years medical practitioners could not make up their mind whether typhoid fever was prevalent in the Tropics or not. The medical authorities in India, whose opinions naturally carry great weight in matters connected with tropical medicine, had for a
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  • 176 378 The following torrospondenoe ia published at Hongkong by the Hongkong Chamber -t Commerce Colonial Secretary's Office, Hongkong, November ]■> Sik. lam directed to transmit for your information a copy of a telegrom which His Bxce lency the Governor address to tlie Secretary State for the Colonies with
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  • 285 378 PrAiN-Sri'AKiN.; hv an Ex.PsMfMS Mr \V. H. Irviue, the ex-Premier of Victoria, in the course of a public address, at Hoi-sham (Vic,) »id that when he got to England he was amazed to find how extremely unpopi Australia and Australians were. It was stated i that Australia
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  • 161 379 H. M. S. Cressy left for Colombo at 845 this morning. i The "*aM,w feft the rotd. this morning 1..r llic wlmrf to coal 8 The Nojembor output of the Tronoh Mines M »u 3,770.89 pikul value 517<K092.-2<» i;»hop liarillonis going to Kuala Lumpor day MM
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  • 241 379 Cheannua] general meeting of the Binjzapore Branch of the Straits Settlements Asso ciationtook place to-day at noon at the Ex. change Booms. There were present the Hon'ble \V I Napier, Messrs W. If. Friiell, A. Bean C I <;.n;vcr K. F. H. Kdlin, W. G. St. Clair,
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  • 439 379 Entries for the coming meeting at Solan -or mu>t be somewhat disappointing to that Club, lor they are inferior both in numbers and class to what might have been expected, although probably a slight improvement on the June meeting, entries for which were very poor indeed. Prom Siugapore
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  • 1224 379 Quicquid aguni homines nostri est farrago Übelli. JCVENAX. When the Topicist read the Colonial Office's instruction (via the local Government) to the sampan and coleh communities of these waters to spend their substance in riotous li'ditinc he could not forbear a smile. Don't Rojjv "and b
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  • 495 379 The Troopship Avoca, No 7 came in this morning from Hongkong and China and took up her berth at Sect. No 1 Tanjong >Pagar, where she has lain during the day, suffering from the inconveniences incidental to coaling in rainy weather. She brings
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  • 112 379 King's Own Reoimkkt. We much regret to hear of the death of Lt Edward Frederick Thrupp, of the Royal Laucaster Regt, the sad event taking place at Calcutta 011 the 4th inst. Lt Thrupp was ]po%rn to many friends here during the stay of the Regiment
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  • 31 379 The German steamer Kudat left on Saturday for Kobe with a jjeufciitl cargpfpt Japan. She has been soM by the Norddeutscber Lloyd of Bremen to Messrs Bufterfield 4 Swire of Hongkong,
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  • 95 379 The British Transport Avoca arrived here this morning from Hongkong, and is expected to sail for Calcutta on the lUh inst. She is King at the wharf. She brought the following passengers: Lieut Col C. N. Watts, and Mrs Vatts Capt T. H. M. Green. Capt (Brevet
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  • 188 379 A European named Johann Kabuski was this morning, before Mr Nnnn, char-ed with trespassing at Tanjong Pagar Dock. '"He was fined si, m default, a dav's imprisonment The accused could not pay the fine. This morning before Mr Nunn a Chinaman was charged with having been found in
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  • 515 379 A Selection Evening. On Saturday night, there was a full house including H. E. the Governor and partv to hear several of the principals who have before visited Singapore in connection with Signor Balzofiore's Italian Open Company. Naturally the performance was limited to such scenes as could be
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  • 26 379 It U probable that a ship loti on tl, coast at the end of Angort i* the OolliiiwU, a compost, ;Pj ?f 7f)H Singapore t<> ShaniAai
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  • 4329 380 Friday, December Dth. Present His Exdfcllency the Governor (Sir John Anderson, k.c.m.0.) The Hon'ble the Act. CVonial Secretary (F. G. Penney.) the A ttornoy-Genl. (W. R. Collyer.) t be A a. <\>l. Ttmmtm JO. AnthomVz) 1 1)^ Col. Knginnnr ft Murray.) W. .1. Napier, d.c.l. H. E. the
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  • 784 381 The r...MSt of the polling at Horshaa was laredonlfitb inat, when Lord Tumour was innounoed to have been elected, the (bran. Lord Tumour (C). 4,388 Mr Erskine I. 3604; majority, 784. At the last eon. b, which occurred in 1893, the Conservative had a majority of 1,484 L
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  • 114 381 The #t Sinnutt Roche* 1 reference in Ktiiier pTOTef not to be B lawsuit but to refer to a Mr SinnKt Roche, a member of Narrows tirrn, who i« fumnboDed to 15ow Street in connection with 'lie departure of the destroyer concerning which his linn had
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  • 800 381 A certificate of naturalization has been issued to Tan Kee Peck, Singapore. Mdlle Maria Torchi an operatic songster of considerable merit, has, just a concert at 1 enan^, assisted by amateurs. Perak RihV Association has* joined the N. K. A. and so will have its own
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  • 192 381 Johnston's Pier presented a scene of animation at 2 o'clock on Saturday afternoon, when a large party of members and friends of the Association met there to take a trip to Raffles Light, in the steam tug Bangkok. Blakan Mati was rounded in a heavy
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  • 247 381 The majority of the matches in this competition forapriie presented by the playing members of the Polo Club were keenly con^ tested anjl the winner is to be congratulated on her hard fought victory. The conditions were match play, under special handicap, preliminary rounds nine holes each,
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  • 1192 381 Lieut Jensen, late of the Siamese navy, died at the St Louis hospital, Bangkok, on the 3rd inst, of a nervous disorder. A successful bazaar" in aid of the Alexandra Home for Women in Penang has been held and realised over a thousand dollars. Kinta Flint's for November turned out
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  • 830 382 The Medical College in Peking is sending «-i^ht studeutv abroad to study medicine for seven vears. The Government House and Criminal Prison Guards will be furnished by the Ist. Sherwood Foresters from Thursday, 15th. instant, inclusive. The Chuchou correspondent of the C.N Daily News,'" after an
    830 words
  • 203 382 A Phantom Vessel With Mines. In our issue of the 10th ult., it will be remembered, we ("Straits Echo") published the following u special from our London correspondent London, Nov 9, The Manchester Guardian" hears that the Tsar has been warned that a vessel laden with mines
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  • 153 382 CHINESE LABOUR IN SOUTH AFRICA. The Transvaal Chamber of Mines has apparently inaugurated a weeki}' series of Chinese labour returns. For the third week in succession the London office announces the receipt of a telegram from Johannesburg. The latest, dated 11th inst announces that since the last message, giving the
    153 words
  • 593 382 Ik km any's Am hi ti on > More than a decade ago the late Mr (i. VV. Sttvvens. with rare perspicacity, forecasted the growth of tile United States as a naval Power, and averred that when the Republic shed its colossal pension harden there would be
    593 words
  • 1387 382 No. C. The Pentlands, Continued. From Flotterstone Bridge we have a stiff pull up the road rising 300 feet in little more than a mile. If you are on a bicycle, you must come off and foot it. But the stiffness of the pull is compensated
    1,387 words
  • 144 382 Decembbb Monthly Mbdal. There were thirty entries for this oompeti* tion played on Saturday and ►Sunday last, plav haying been postponed from the previous Saturday on account of the heavy rain. The medal was won by Mr C. W. Spriggg, the '•Swoop" going to' Mr A. J.
    144 words
  • 295 382 Hadji Salleh, described as a "pilgrim broker," was- charged before Mr Sproule thii morning with having cheated Murto Bego ol 318 Dutch dollars, the cost ol sii pass) g* tickets from Singapore to Jeddah and back •The Deputy Public Prosecutor conducted the case for the
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  • 122 382 The late Senator QiAy, who iraa afflicted With insomnia, one day announced that he bad Pound .-i cure i<>v it Ij you pjo to bed and find tli ii on can not si said be, ••the thing to do is to gel up and take a
    122 words

  • 180 383 BSDDBI Mr JutTlOl Lkslie Thornton. The Teluk lilanga lain] case was again taken in this Conn, evidence being called for the defence. A Urge number of the Kampon<' men continue t<> attend court. Bbvobi thk Chief Justice. Mr Ait k.»n appeared for the alleged trustees .it ;in old
    180 words
  • 730 383 THE JAPANESE SOLDIER'S OUTFIT. rl) brought back wjth ber'the [h a soldier of the Japan [mperia] Guan), presented to her by General Terauchi, r of War, together vvil>: tea I -I supplied to the soldier n By the i f of Miss KcCaul, we Brii -1. Medical Journal") have 11
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  • 803 383 THE WAR. Reuters correspondent at Mukden says that there was tremendous cannonading yesterday morning round Putiloff Hill and the railway from siege guns, of which the number is constantly increasing. It is supposed that this portends important development?. Russian correspondents at Mukden constantly refer to the activity ..ft he
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  • 168 383 SPECIAL TELEGRAMS. .Excluding the garrisons of the Forts, the Port Arthur forces have retreated to Liaotishan, the final position. The Japanese works for the attack of the forts at Sungsushan «re progressing rapidly. The forts at Taivangkau are commanded bv 203 Metre Hill. All the ships in Port Arthur are
    168 words
  • 675 383 [By Courtesy of Ms Tanaka, 11. I. J. M. Consul.] Received at 9.40 pm on Wednesday. The Poll Arthur Annv reports The enemy ou Akasakayama were unable to stand our plunging fire from 203-Metre Hill, and evacuated it entirely upon which we occupied the hill on Tuesday.
    675 words
  • 1791 383 Sir Edward. Fry ban been appointed legal adviser to Admiral Beaumont, the British representative on the Xn!i!i Sea JEn 1117 Commission. Mr H. J. o Beirno, secretary to the British Embassy at Paris, to ho the British Agent. The exports for November show .;i incr. k of three millions
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  • Page 383 Miscellaneous
    • 75 383 WEATHER KKPOHT. (Doo. L2 Taken at Kan.lanj Kfcrb;».u Hospital Observatory. 0 \.m. 3 J m. 9 p.m Bar. rsa 82 Pah. 29.W9 29.7^ 2f.WO T^mperaturo 80.2 7M 77.0 W^t Rulb TWro 77. s 76 8 76.0 Dir. ofWina N.W. NK CWm. Max. Tmp. in e«^de 83 s Min. do. do.
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  • Page 384 Advertisements
    • 31 384 SIAM IN THE MALAY PENINSULA A Short Account of the iDosition of Siam in the States of Klantan, Patani Legeh and Sai. Re-printed from the Singapore Free Press. Price 50 cents.
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  • Page 384 Miscellaneous
    • 679 384 FASSEN(^EKS AKKIVED. Dec B— Per Q Meyer Mr Sims. Per Malacca Mr J S McCrasen. Mr Lock and Mr Craigton. Dec o—Per0 Per Sumatra Dr Ankers* •hmidt. Dec 9. Per Kennebee Mr and Mrs Xaylor and l>oy. and Mr Barges. Per Bangkok Mr Hansen. Mr Potger, Mrs Modder and t\#>
      679 words
    • 990 384 VESSELS IN PORT. -Q-IVIen-of-War Plaff and Tons Commanders Arrived From Ko** tTs.. t Astraea Brit cruiser 4360 Tufnell Dec 3 Batavia Uncertain Hertha Ger cruiser 5660 Schimelmann' Dec 9 Bangkok BangkokLeviathan Brit cruiser 14,1 CO Kirby Dec 9 Hongkong Malti Other Vessels Flairs Tons Masters Arrived From Consignee* For When
      990 words
    • 407 384 Indrasamha, Brit. str.. Craven, for Manila Hongkong and Shanghai Indrawadi, Brit. Btr., Hill, for New York via ports Resident Schiff, Dut. str., Sudiu. for Rhio. Sultan van Lftiggu. Dut. str Saman, for Singkep. Amherst, Brit. str.. Hunter, for Teluk Anson ria ports. Sn Wongaee, Dut. ttr., Unas, for Muar and
      407 words