The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 24 November 1904

Total Pages: 16
321 336 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 101 321 1 121 I I *>** 1 i. •1 2 2 I): i f 22 122 122 v 3 2 ilia, f -v Th P 528 S C. T l 33-1 PI g R Frade During 1903 332 Ivrival of 1 I 12 133 i I E i ij l
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  • Domestic Occurrences.
    • 114 321 Ou N..' i mber r >th. I9of at No. 4, ic,,, rhai, the wife of Th«obui r, of a On ,her 7, Macgregor Road, the rife us Huoi MacKinnon, b.s. HsinL,,^. l «s Danielson On I2tl ,at 'The Ve*,' Castle Steps, the v. I is, of a daughter. I.
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    • 247 321 M. Na;i: -Wh I iamsos. On October 20, at on. Brighton. Majoi .1 P A. McNaiilK A., CM G., late Officiating Lt. -Govern >r, Penang, I tIADi i. i:\-.v, widow of (•i vV on, M.D.. S on 'Major lth A b St. G i ni:, on the 1 lth
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    • 69 321 On August 4, at Olencliff, near Nashville. I S.A., Lewis I s<»n ot .'v. and Mrs. W. IL. Nance, <>i Soochow, 1 'wo yea'-, eight months. On Octol 7 it 1 v rille, Ti Wl son, L son Q.. ii; i \i r \\l IL Nancb, ol m. o.
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  • Article, Illustration
    10 321 H< Pre the P< I t -> t-_ I by Law
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  • 849 321 Thb reference in the telegram to-day to the ipture oi Port Ke *vanshan E not ne*s in so far as regards the cosl ot* that success in .Japanese casualti is, some 1,500. A full description of the operations on the east and north-east
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  • 390 321 It 11 I r that South African mining stock, called Kaffirs for short, j was considered as likeb e ted by two I adverse items ot news. One was the reported I intention of Lor* l Milner to retire, and tho I other
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  • 234 321 Thk Earl of Sblbobnk First Lord of tho Admiralty, in the recent l>ristol speech has said BOinething that will make people at horn think to some purpose. Referring to the great problem of the defence of India, they could not disguise from themselves the great march Russia
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  • Page 321 Advertisements
  • Page 321 Miscellaneous
    • 357 321 THF. WEEK. I" Outward mails up j > Oct 29 liave arrived by the To >u Monday and by the Pr E. Friedrich on Frid iy. The Bengal brings mails to Nov 4 on Saturday afternoon. This hon mail goes !>*• the Chusan on Friday morning, ,!i Pr. li which
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  • 421 322 At the Shaho. Nov 17. Yt-LTKKOAY we ventured on the suggestion hat perhaps the long Japanese silence along the phaho line of front might be explained by the adopt io:. a policy of waiting to induce the Russians in their turn to attack the Japanese in their now prepared positions.
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  • 701 322 The Egyptian Government and the Sue/ Canal authorities are turning their attention to the approaching passage of the Suez Canal by the minor or Baltic squadron. These ships will practically have the Canal to themselves, as during the passage no' steamers from
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  • 127 322 With reference to the forthcoming nominations to the Municipal Commission, we should like to hear that the Chinese have persuaded Dr Lim Boon Keng to take a seat on that body. It is no disparagement to those gentlemen who have already done good work on the
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  • 507 322 When Mr William Evans of the Straits Civil Service returns to England on his way back to the Straits from South Africa he will do well to extract an explanation of a very complete kind from one Mr Acgustin Honey. This gentleman, who being Secretary
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  • 431 322 Thb mail is heavily charged with press comment on the North Sea outrage. There is no mistaking tone and temper of the declarations of the leading journals. "The Times" for instance, demands "instant satisfaction, and declares that unless regret is expressed, apologies tendered,
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  • 178 322 In connection with Lord Sblbobnb's references to the need of vigilance over the protection of the Indian frontier, a <piestior which hi influencing all Lord Kitchener's army arrangements in India, we find an interesting extract from the "Moscow Gazette.' It should be read especially in association with Lord
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  • 298 322 With last night's wire from Hongkong t\ie Straits team is to be congratulate. on its double win at Hongkong over thc two Northern cricket teams. Frankly this complete "score*' was not expected. The Straits men succeeded in giving their supporters here ad in the
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  • 155 322 Seeing that the Russian Embassy iu London itself propounds tho theory of panic in reference to the North Sea affair, the Pall Mai! Gazette*** while not excluding the theorv of mat tee prejh mse, makes these observations on the blue funk supposition T!;e phenomenon of sudden
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  • 607 322 Though there may be a long way to go yet, before the object of the United States Government l>e attained, yet it is iirfpossible to ignore the public declaration of the U. S. Secretar\ of the Navy who has announced that M President
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  • 544 323 1 1 100 White Australia policy, .-ived iu arrogance and nurtured in selfis likely to die an early death. Owing .< her geographical situation Australia cannot be independent of Asiatic labour for the levelopment of lie; natural industries in the ropical latitudes >\ the continent. This
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  • 557 323 The Ceylon Polie. Nov. 22. A recent tragedy in Ceylon, m which a Eurasian named Robebtsob shot two po.licemen, Loaded thereto by some alleged police persecution or interference with a woman who il -1 with him, has brought np a severe condemnation ou all aides of Lhe Ceylon police force.
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  • 359 323 Wl alluded the other day to what we considered a Liberal political agent's publ c misrepresentations of Mr William Evans's motives for giving up the Protectorship of Chinese in South Africa. We felt convinced that these misrepresentations were deliberately invented for the purpose of discrediting
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  • 183 323 On the top of the mail which is siill seethi inn with international press condemnation of I I the North Sea outrage, comes to-day a wire describing the tiotous brawls oo shore that I have attended the presence of the Russian warships in Suda Biy. A correspondent
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  • 711 323 Although tho* reports of the proceedings >f the British Medical Association (Singapore Branch) and of the Singapore Philosophical Society are not directly accessible to the public, yet frequently matters of considerable general interest are discussed at these scientific and literary symposia. A recent paper
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  • 590 323 There'is still no news of any great events at Port Arthur, and the Japanese apparently have not yet got what they consider sufficiency of heavy siege guns up in action against the town and the forts to justify anything just now but a steady and
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  • 452 323 THE BATTLE OF DOGGER BANK. The "o\>rland Mail" gets badly home n the Baltic Fleet in ai* article full of bit irony. This is a bit of the preamble. r comment is even more lively, and we congr i late the leader writer of the Overland ill a the racy
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  • 859 324 Five prisoners under escort arrived here by the Ban Hin GrUan this morning from Malacca. A v. ire from Berlin to Shanghai says. "The Bubmission of the Hereros in German South West Africa has been accomplished by the Qerman forces." The body of a nmle Chinese
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  • 449 324 {From our own CorrtsponcUnt.) Sandakan, Nov 5. The most terrible storm experienced for many years in these parts rtiged here on Monday last, the olst ult, and great damage has been caused, with a death roll probably exceeding 50 though it is even yet impossible to
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  • 545 324 In a leading article this week under the above title the Lancet sums up the question as folios s Alcohol has been proved to be a i^od ic the sens* that when used in small quantities the energ) from its oxidation may be used for some
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  • 1281 324 There is little profit in speculating on the fortunes of the Straits at Hongkong at Cricket. Shanghai and Hongkong put up a good game, scoring being high, but the critics of each team complained that they were not strong in bowling. To get out the Straits men for
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  • 168 324 The following t i >perti were disposed oi by auction at Powells Co*a saleroom sestet day afternoon •'i'i' rs' l< asehold land a C resid il premises thereon known as No. 2«* "M >1 ae 1 Sultan Road stitution Hill, are i fc,37 i Bq ft le K
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  • 117 324 i < ifterrn i i I to >f the ont be B. I. steamer Kiatna snd >nly 1 ame il! and exhibited sums oi havu contracted plague l>r McDowell, p.c 'i 0., with Dv Brooke, Port I lth Officer, went off to the vessel and at
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  • 84 324 una Pap \\\o Russians I ive been greatly reinforced and near the Hun now number 300,000, with about 1,20') j. Berlii Nov 7. -The French Amb lor at St Petersburg,, M. Bompard, declares in the Paris Gaulois that Russia will be victorious in the present war, J apan being
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  • 106 324 'i'\. o hotel sh •in lie nami ol Robert Sha kief ord and V 11 Knox haw at to gaol for two month bj Mr B dof Penang cheating, by prel adiug that thej would pai for food an I drinks which t!ie\ got at the Sea View Hotel Evidence
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  • 689 325 This morning, on the assembling of the Supreme Court, Sir Lionel Cox and Mr Justice Leslie Thornton on the Bench, there being a full attendance of the Ber, including the Attorney General, and the Solicitor General, reference was made to the late Mr Justice Leach.
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  • 331 325 This morning before Mr Justice Leslie Thornton a ease dealing with land at Teluk Blangah was begun. dalfar bin Hajeo Mahomed, Dato Mentri of Johore, executor of the will of the late Abuhakar, late Sultan of Johore, claimed possession of hind in the district of Tehik Blangah. The
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  • 369 325 Complaint bv the Chamber of Commerce. Rangoon, October 31 st.— In August last the Rangoon Chamber of Commerce submitted a communication to the Director- General of Post Offices complaining of the present unsatisfactory service between Rangoon, on the one hand, and the Straits and the Far East
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  • 230 325 As a result of the Board of Trade inquiry at Brixham into the loss of the Brixham trawler Lyra and live hands, after colliding with the London steamer Heathhank. hound from Antwerp to Barry, in hallast, the certificate of George Hilton Bernard, chief officer of the Heathhank. was
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  • 303 325 lu connection with this which was reported yesterday, a warrant was issued for the arrest of Loh Soon Heug, contractor for supplies for the Commissariat. At 2.'d) pm yesterday he surrendered himself at the Detective Station. This morning Loh Soon Heug was formally charged before Mr
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  • 38 325 Poh Hoh, S hack gharry driver, .charged with the theft of a ricksha apron, was fined sio in default 3 weeks' rigorous imprisonment, Another Chimfmaii, for theft of a ricksha bell valued at *3.50 got <» weeks' rigorous imprisonment.
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  • 816 325 H. M. S. Rinaldo arrived here from Hongkong this morning homeward bound. The German cruiser Hertha with Prince Adalbert on lioard leaves for Bangkok on the '22nd. Colonel Frowd Walker, c. K. a., the Commandant, Malay States Guides, left for Penang by the Zamania yesterdav. It
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  • 247 325 Before Mr Sproule this morning, Isar fcing, Nandoo and Mangal Sing were charged with theft of a case of wine valued at $34 from the godown of Messrs T. L Gosling it Co. Detective Inspector Dunn conducted the prosecution and the accused -ere defended by Mr R.
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  • 594 325 The Mecca or the Manchus. For the second time in less than a decade the famous city of Mukden the Mecca of the Manchus is a centre of interest in a great, war. Iu the winter of 1894 peace way concluded between China and Japan before the armies of
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  • 104 325 St Petersburg. Thursday.— -A representative of the Birzheviya Viedomosti has had an interview with Prince Khilkotf. Minister of Ways of I 'oinmunieation, who is represented as having declared that all the unfavourable reports circulated abroad with regard to the Circua Baikal railway were incorrect. The
    Reuter  -  104 words
  • 20 325 The Manager of the Bsjat Tin Mining Co reports that the output for Octobjff was Pik 3*20 of tin ore.
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  • 429 326 I The Stba: in From Shanghai. j Though the meagre first innings of 9d compiled by the Straits, and its disheartening army of five "blobs* 1 (one, however, mitigated subsequently into a 2) gave the unpleasant impression that the Straits team had found the north-east monso- too much
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  • 180 326 Am<>ng the Bankruptcy matters brought bolore Mr Justice Leslie Thornton this morning was an application by Mr Delay on behalf of John Carroll, for the sum of 2*r,i>si* to be paid <-ut of court from the estate oi J. M. Lyon. The adjudication was annulled on a sum being
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  • 220 326 This morning I efore Mr E. C. Howard, Mr Montagu Harri- was summoned by J. Con<dantine of Rafl?es Hotel to show cause why he should not be bound over to keep the peace. Mr Raine, wh i said he appeared for the •prosecution with Mr Farrer D.
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  • 103 326 Taotai Lew ifuk-lin. formerly Consul for here ami lateh Charge d* Affaires at Brussels, is aboi t to be appointed Chinese Con«ul-General i I Johannesburg. Mr. Leu, un able official, was educated in America. 110 eras reeenth deoi -ated In Kiug Leopold nf Belgium. The Range**. I < in a
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  • 761 326 100,000 Picked Men for the Frontier. Watching Russia. keady to move at any moment. Lord Kitchener's plans for the reorganisation of the Indian Army are well advanced, and a considerable grant of money has been made to him in order that he may carry out his scheme.
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  • 116 326 Mr A. T. Bryant, First Magistrate, Penang, is expected to en leave at the end of the The late Mr Juni-es Kodyk, ,*ho died on the I lth instant, was at onetime chief clerk of the Colonial Secretariat here from which he was promoted to be Secretary to the Muni-
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  • 148 326 According to the S. C. Morning Post the fate of the barque Vale of Doon is now bearing a serious aspect. From all accounts the vessel is over 70 days out from Rajang. The Chinese circulated a rumour some weeks ago that the vessel was a total
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  • 90 326 This morniug before Mr. E.C. Howard, Assistant Superintendent W r athen summoned E. Bloch for keeping a motor car without a licence and running over a Kling in Bukit Timah-rd on October 23. The defendant did not put in an appearance and some doubt arose as
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  • 283 326 The Chinese labour cry is still being well worked by the Opposition Press, and is likelv to figure at other elections besides that in the Thanet division. An instructive example of the plan of campaign is to be witnessed now, the Daily Chronicle exhibiting in its window in
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  • 413 326 Consequent upon the outcome of a recent meeting, and the probable upsetting oi a scheme for racing Arab gntlins, the Stewards of the Ceylon Turf Club one by one resigned, until at last the Club was left without any Stewards at all A pretty compliment has been paid to Mr
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  • 1737 326 The battleship Glory with the cruiser Astraea returned to Singapore from Penang this morning. Amongst the passengers by the German ami] steamer Prinz Eitel Friedrich this mornin' wa«> Mr E. W. Birch, c. H. o. The Norwegian steamer Dagfred arrived here from Coilnapatam vesterdav with a
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  • 78 327 H. M. S. Cressy vs R. G. Artillery. These teams contested a well-fought game last evening on the S. R. C. ground. Playing briskly, the sailors were the first to score but the gunners after equalizing matters, won by a penalty kick just before the call of time.
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  • 461 327 Engineering, describing the new naval shipbuilding yard of Messrs William Beardmore and Co., at Glasgow, frefers speciallv to the system of shipbuilding berths. The design of superstructure, and especially the arrangement of cranes, seem to satisfy all the requirements dictated by experience. It is
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  • 185 327 The patience required at a hospital is exemplified by an instance published in the current number of Our Hospitals and Charities Illustrated." M What is the matter with you, missus r an oft- repeated question. Well, sir, it's all come «>n since father died," is the somewhat
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  • 163 327 Beoistras Marriks Bearers ok An amusing story is brought by the last West African mail steamer of the blunder of a Belgian official at Boma, in the Congo Free State. A European missionary having died at a small up-river station, a Swedish lady and gentleman who had
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  • 35 327 The small steainor Artsadvng which recently went from Penang to Bangkok to engage in the coasting tra le r has beeu wrecked near Bandon on No*/ ;>. iShe, was under charter to Chin Chun of Bangkok!
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  • 1177 327 From an excellent and concise article in the August Agricultural Bulletin by Mr P. J.. Burgess, Government Analyst here, we extract the following: The Rubber- Washino Machine. This machine .consists essentially of two steel rollers which revolve on horizontal axes parallel to one another, the distance
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  • 636 327 This morning liefore the Bench Court, Hadji Salleh master of the small steamer Aing Leong was charged with overloading his vessel on Nov 1. The owner of the vessel was ajso summoned in connection with the same charge. Mr R. J. Farrer, D. P. P. prosecuted for
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  • 132 327 The Empress Dowager of China has issued a general order to the «bfferent Viceroys and Governors not to memorialise the Throne unless on very important business. Mr Charles Walter Sneyd-Kynnersley, Ot M. G., of Moor Green, Wore ster, son of Mr Thomas Clement Sneyd-K un rsiev, D.L., J.P„ of Mgor
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  • 860 328 H. M. S. Glory is expected to leave for Hongkong on Thursday next. On the return vovage from the Glory called at Port Swettenham. Major H. A I -gulden, Derbyshire Regiment, posted t< the Ist Battalion on absorp- tion. is directed to proceed to Singapore
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  • 168 328 ("Malay Mail") It is said that Mr W. Eyre Kenny, at present Acting State Engineer, is to be in charge of the Electrical Department of the P. W. D. and that Mr H. Spearing will relieve him. The Luke Yew Syndicate has secured the Selangor General
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  • 236 328 Joseph Samuel, a Jew, was brought up a remand before the Bench Court, (consisting of Messrs Howard and Column) yesterday, charged with having falsely stated in his evidence before the Supreme Court that he had not received $25 from J. Elias, the defendant in the case. EJias proved, however,
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  • 423 328 Preliminary Enquiries. Examination or Witnesses. {From our omit Correspondent.) Ipoh, Nov. 15. The case against Mr A. W. Jackson was begun on Monday morning before Mr Dyson. This is only a preliminary enquiry as the sitting magistrate has no power to deal with cases of the
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  • 71 328 Dr McClosk; has delivered an address before the Literary and Debating Society of Kuala Lumpor. In that he mentions' the various equivalents ol the maximum amount of alcohol to be taken daily. This was taken bf the lecturer as two ounces of absolute alcohol, which equals one of the following
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  • 1724 328 Quicquid agunt homines n-ostri est farrago libelli. Juvenal. The Japanese armies on the move again, up Mukden way. That is tho latest news and no small news either. And we are on the edge of beholding another of those Titanic fortnight-long struggles compared to which the
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  • 135 328 Thero is nothing ho fearful in the world as an idiot or a lunatic. Our opponent, the Russian, must be an idiot, if not a lunatic. If we are to judge his common senaa by our own, he should this day, of his own accord, bow
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  • 28 328 A Javaueso was lined $3 bv Mr Sproule this morning for wasting water from a standpipe. Two K lings had to pay £1 each for a Simitar offence.
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  • 2356 329 r Friday, November 18th. Present Hb l-Lxcollenvy the ilovemor (Sir John aadsffsan, Tlim Hon'Me the Act. Colonial Secretary (F. G. Pcnney.) the Attorneys on l. (W. K. Collyer.) 1)).- Act. Col, Trent-Ore* J.O. Anthonisz) the Col Engineer (A. Murray.) .1. M*. ailinson. Tan Jiak Kim. W I'.
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  • 417 329 OnDivani Mkktino, Friday Nov 18th. Present: E. G. Broadrick, President, Messrs Rowland Allen, Murray Robertson, C J. Saunders. D. K. Somerville, Lee Choon Guan, F. E. Jago, Lt-Col Pennefather, A. J. Watkins and Minutes. The Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Nov 1, the special meeting of 28th
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  • 162 329 A marriage* has been arranged between Captain K. N. Fisher, the Manchester Regiment (West Meon Rectory, Petersfield), only son of the late Venerable E. H. Fisher, Archdeacon of Southwark, and Georgina Mary, elder daughter of Mr W. M. Hammick, of the Close, Salisbury. i A small duty in all British
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  • 960 329 Trade Dueino 1903. Singapore, Sept 10.— Singapore has not been exempt from the wave of commercial depression which has become almost world-wide, and it says much for the business acuuten and caution of its merchants that so far cases of failure to meet liabilities have been confined
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  • 13 329 x H. M. S. Kinaldo left homeward tiound at 9 am this morning.
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  • 2304 330 (From Our Enolish Corkesfondknt.) Thk Turk. M. Blanc's Strong Hand London, Oct 21. The back end of the ratting season will be remembered for the prominent part Preach horses have plaved in connection with English events. The defeat of Pretty Polly was startling in the extreme. Following
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  • 615 330 Sir John Fisher came iuto power at the Admiralty on October 2\. and it was believed that a revolution in naval administration would be instituted when the new First Sea Lord >ek up his duties. Several of the old and powerful officials were depart, and
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  • 79 330 Owing to an outbreak of rinderpest in Be-mbau, the Negri Sembilan Govt has prohibited until further notice the movement of pigs iuto or out of the State. Amongst other Birthday honours are: Ambassador Bertie to be Grand Cross of St Michael ami St George. Mr M. de C. Findlay, Secretary
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  • 217 330 The "Lancet" brings to a close a loneditorial on "The Hygiene of thc Barber" with these recommendations: "It is essential that the hands at least of the hairdresser should lie free from disease, and he should hav* no contagious skin disease of anv |„,,t of the
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  • 197 330 The s.s. Torridge arrived on the 3rd inst at Colombo with a case of Asiatic cholera ou board, and there was one death shortly after it entered the port. The body was taken out to sea and buried. Two other cases showed themselves by noon. These
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  • 455 330 An Explanation oj ihe Resignation Denial. Loud 'uazos's Pobii ion. From a well-informed source we (St Jauies'e Gazette) have received an explanation with regard to Lord Miluer's position, which mav reconcile both the declaration that his lordship will shortly resign the post of High
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  • 48 330 Two Chinamen were charged yesterday with being in possession of contraband chandu. but •he ca«e was withdrawn as the chandu proved T» be Farm chaudu. The Magistrate ordered that the Farmer pay each of the accused S r > ,is inpeusation, ior the inconvenience they hot been put to.
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  • 743 331 Mr J. H. Williams is appointed residentengrnser, Singapore Kranji Railwav, from Sept I. letters of naturalization have been issued to Mr P. A. Flak, a native of Norway. Th steamers Uganda and Trocas have arrived here from the North in ballast. A movement is being made
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  • Correspondence.
    • 658 331 Cm the Edi to*. Dear Sir, —I read with interest in to-day's paper (15th) your, leading article and reprint of a former one, and was stuck with the assertion therein that u right there is none in politics," and it is only the deliberate nincompoop that
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  • 218 331 Our forebears took their drives abroad. With scythes tied to their chariot wheels The which their enemies beheld. And forthwith took unto their heels. But though since then have rolled away. Full many a hundred years of grace We, in these so-called peaceful times, Hav» just
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  • 71 331 Mr E. W. 1 Oilman is granted 2J monthi leave and Mr A I. Single twelve months. Lieut d'Oplinter and 'Jl Belgian soldier; for the Belgian Legation Guard at Pekiu- r passed through on Friday by the Prinz Kite Friedrich from Vi. twerp to Shanghai. Oi the IMb ins: tiie
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  • 342 331 WINKELMANN-DIEZ. On Saturday afternoon at 4.30 pm at the Presbyterian Church was celebrated the wedding of Mr Heinrich Winkel niann (of Menck Sehultz A Co, Bremen) to Miss Marga I>iez, daughter of Mr and Mrs Armin Dies of Singapore. The church was completely tilled by a large gathering
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  • 514 331 Silby Kerr. A very pretty wedding was that of Miss Mary Gibson Kerr to Mr Robert Passmore Silby, which took place at the Presbyterian Church in the presence of a large number of friends The Church was prettily decorated aud the bride was given away by Mr Emslie l»en/ie. Her
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  • 82 331 er Tatlock, late Agent of the China Mutual insurance Company at Ipoh. was arrested in Devonshire-ru, on the evening of "the i^th inst on S warrant issued at Kuala Lumpor charging him with criminal breach of trust, [i will be re me mix. 1 red that A. \V. Jacks »n,
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  • 983 331 (Iron snr own Correspondent.) Hongkong Nov 12. The iirst two day's cricket are over, and although the match has not, as yet l>een concluded, yet Hongkong's victory is assured By the time you get this the result of th»match will be known to you, so no
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  • 214 332 Autumn Cup and November Monthly Medal. Owing to the heavy raiu which prevailed on the first Saturday in the month, play for the Monthly Medal w as postponed until last Saturday when the competition for the Autumn Cup had been arranged to take place. There were thirty-four
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  • 363 332 A MINOR FIELD DA Y. The S. V. I. No 1 Company had a most enjoyable and instructive outing, leaving Singapore on Saturday afternoon ami returning on Sunday afternoon. On arrival at 11. It. the Sultan of Johore's bungalow at Tanjong Katong the men soon settled down, and after a
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  • 128 332 The S. C. C. played h\ A. and R. K. on the Esplanade on Saturday, a draw resulting. Scores.- H. G. A. ,v V. B. Corp Dowling b Jones a Mr Phmket c Sproule b Maetatfgart 2L Corp Hayward h Jones <; Bom Hurley b Mactaggart 1 Capt Cunninghame
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  • 25 332 A telegram has beau received from Colombo that the Ceylon team tiring agiinat the Singapore Volunteers has made 701, this leaving Singapore an easy victorv.
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  • 91 332 ARRIVAL OF BISHOP BARILLON. The Right Rev Dr Barillon, the new Catholic Bishop of the diocese of Malacca (which includes Singapore) is to arrive on the M M ss. Tonquin this afternoon, and will formally take possession of the See at the Cathedral of the Good {Shepherd at 5 pm.
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  • 241 332 "PhoebS: Where can she pe r The ringed planet Saturn has long been known to have eight satellites or moons. Six years ago it was suspected, from exananation of certain photographs of the planet taken in America, that there was a ninth, but of this
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  • 369 332 This morning Mr. Sproule dealt with an unusually large number of obstruction cases, inflicting small tines in some cases In one case iu which Sergeant Taylor prosecuted ■even Chinese hawkers for having caused an obstruction in Mew Bridge-rd by placing their baskets along the sides of the road.
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  • 196 332 mm*mmm> After the evening fete on the Hongkong cricket ground on the 12th inst ladies" were admitted to the Hongkong Club to supper and dancing. Oue lady contributor who deals with the whole festival from a feminine p tint of view writes in the China Mail About IO.'JO pm, I
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  • 226 332 (Caspar Whitney in October Outing.) The process of elephant catching in India as well as in Siam tends to raflier undermine one's settled notions of elephant sagacity, and to create instead the feeling that a lot of sentimental tommy rot and misleading, iguorantly conceived animal stories, have
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  • 176 332 PRINCE ADALBERT AT GOVERNMENT HOUSE. On Saturday night, H. E. the Governor gave a naval and militarv dinner party to meet H. E. H. Prince Adalbert of Prussia, who is a !_.ud Lieutenant on the German cruiser Hertha. Amongst the guests were, besides the roval guest^ofthc evening, 11. B. Vice-Admiral
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  • 383 332 Visit of Puincs Aoalbebt. I>n Friday evening at the invitation of Messrs Helm Meyer Co, a good number of Singapore residents, including almost the whole of the German community, visited the fine new N. D. L. mail steamer, the Prinz Eitel Friedrich before her
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  • 118 332 m~.—mt The Baltic Fleets, both of them, mav now lie called, for short, "B. I"s. It is quite laconic, and perhaps out altogether uudescriptive. The Admiral-iu-Chief is. naturallv, Soger. The Veutsky may be thrown lo tiie winds of heaven as a redundancy. The Brockville Evening ItecorvW <• mtains a long
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  • 1022 332 Mr. W. Turing McKenzie who is well-know., in Ceylon, Sumatra, and Singapore as a planter of experience and has been a frequent eoatri butor to the Singapore Free Press" sends tin. following letter to the Pall Mall Gazette'* the subject of Chinese Labour Sir, Some months ago you
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  • 40 332 The steamer Chow Sang, which brought Ha rmston's Circus to Hongkong, received i good deal of attention from Japanese oruisers on her voyage. Three times she was followed bv men-of-war but after particulars hid Ineti given was allowed to proceed.
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  • 570 333 1/ Cunningham R. G. A. goes home in a two, to join the Army Ordnance I)e--lie little church of Thorpe Salvia, Notts, are lady choristers who v. surplices and m-o t -Bhante] lurch, C .M.< left be- l>,,rt the yacht Earner l 11 .;•> this bas
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  • 220 333 -s»> Syme and i^\ courteously inform us, a regard to the accident to the I Len< of which they are Agents, th 1 "1 left Christmas Island on Nov 11, an< rtly after the ballast tank aft was found to be leaking badly. The vessel put into
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  • 351 333 (Int Shina Papers B rlin, Nov. 12. Visconnt Hayashi, Ja Ambassador at London, ir is alleged in the Rngliah Press, las declared that Japan does i sider coal as contraband of war. H supplying of coal would not be a violati neut ralit It is rumoured a1 Washington, London
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  • Correspondence.
    • 238 333 To THIt Kditok. Sia,~rl would like through the medium of vour column') to draw the attention of tie: he Lth authorities to a dangerous unit in which is being perpetrated by the Mi r.. cleaning coolies, whether with or ix th Municipal officers knowledge J am u
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  • 595 333 SWETTENHAM v. SWETTENHAM. In the Divorce Court on Oct 85, before Sir I ranc^i Jeune, President, the petition was heard of Dame Constance Sydney Swettenham. ro>e Holmes, for a decree of restitution of conjugal rig! i gainst Sir Frank Athelstane Swet liam. r... >i o. Mi Barnard >;:id that the
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  • 415 333 The Admiralty Council, sitting as Buj r Prize Court, assembled at the Admiralty at Petersburg on 22nd Oct to consider tic decision of the Vladivostock Prize C urt with regard to the seized British steamer Allanton. AvellaU presided, and the other seven members of the Council included
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  • 90 333 A quiet wedding took place al bael's Church, Colombo, on Bth inst (then Mr W A. B Hamerton of Batang Kali selan- <r, el lest son of the late Rev. W ll srton lof South Devon and Cornwall, was m ied to Miss Mary Knapmau. of Burleigh, 1 orquay. Mr
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  • 41 333 A special meeting of the Municij oinmissioners will be held in the Munici board room on Friday, the 2 th inst, at 2.30 pm, to pass the budget and resolutions re rate and taxes for 1905, and to consider Joan proposals
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  • 787 333 A Careful Comparison. Now that the Baltic Fleet has made a start L r the Far Ea nay not he without interest to try and arrive at some sort of estimate of how it compares with the hostile titis 'haps <! stined to meet.
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  • 751 334 Mr Balfour's "Peace with Honour h Speech. Saturday' papers by the mail bring the full report of the stirring speech of the Premier at a meeting of the National Union oi Conservative Associations at Southampton on Oct 29th. It is a speech probably unprecedented from the
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  • 242 334 A Fresh Hnanrao. This m .ruing in the Marine Court the ennuiry into the stranding of the coolie steamer Swanky near Sernia Island came up for the adjourned hearing. Mr T. de M. Braddell appeared for Captain Dawson and Mr R. J. Farrer conducted the case for
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  • 512 334 Good Work by Mr Cuscaden, C. P. O. Shortly after 8 o'clock this morning the alarm was given from the Tanglin Telephone Officer that a fire had broken out in Messrs John Little ti Co's furniture factory in Cavanagh-rd, and Kramat-rd, but the Telephone Office for some
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  • 472 334 The Right Rev Bmile Barillon, the new Bishop i^i .Malacca., arrived yesterday afternoon from Paris via Marseilles by the Tonkin and he was received aud welcomed by the Very Revd Fat berVignoi, who has administered the Diocese of Malacca since the death of Bishop Fee, the Right Revd
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  • 163 334 Houses Levelled and People Killed. Tainan, November 6. During this year Formosa has been visited with one or two rather severe earthquakes, but by far the most disastrous took place on Sunday, ♦Jth inst, at 4.27 In Tainan city itself little or no damage was done, bnt
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  • 272 334 Japanese Views of the Settlement. A re- it issue of the Yorod/.u" contained j the following interesting comment with regard !to the X th Sea incident: We are very glad I that the r I tt ons between England and Rnsnia, which a one time threatened to
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  • 235 334 Full particulars are tc hand of the entries for the Calcutta Races commencing on Saturj day, Dec L'lth. We note among the entries for the trills. Mr R. W. Dud's The Idler, Capt U. L Talbot's Essington, and the Sultan j of Johore L Johore. In the
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  • 176 334 A magnificent picture of the Coronation Cere- mony is viven away with this year's Christmas Number of the Graphic. The plate, which is an admirable specimen of colour work, is from the Academy picture by John 11. F. Bacon, a.r.a.. j and lepresents the ceremony of M
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  • 79 334 An unfortunate accident happened at TanI jong Pagar on Monday afternoon by which an engine-driver named Maeleod lost his life. Tim j deceutfed's locomotive ran off tne rails and i turned over, and Mr Mud 1 was thrown under it and was most severely scalded. He
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  • 41 334 t lhe reason why th«' Tonkin came in on i Monday afternoon instead of the mo ning *v,h tipiX two d *yn after leaving Colombo she met with very 4>ad weather in the Bay of Bengal >'.h lasted ab'tut 80 hours.
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  • 630 334 H. M. S. Glory left for Hongkong this non mg I The Pelayo on her arrival down here fr Shanghai reports having sighted two mines ofl the coast of Shantung. The German cruiser Hertha with Priao Adalbert on board left for Bangkok- resterdai at 2.30 pm.
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  • 47 334 There is a chance ottering to some one iu India. A Resident Agent or Manager in warned for the electric, tramways now und. a construction in Singapore. Experience in tramway management is not necessarily required, but a knowledge of Eastern condition* is essential. Indian Engineering/'
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  • 165 334 In the "2nd Court this morning, Inspect") Pestana of the S. P.C. A. prosecuted a Chi nese carter for having driven a lame bullock The accused was fined |4 and the anim ordered to be sent to the Infirmary. Kannoo, a carter who had been previous!) convicted, was
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  • 804 335 Gem. Manager's Report for the month ending November 5, 1904. The mine measurements, and assay results of prospecting work.jnepaved by the mine manager, a total of 27) ft. for the period (4 weeks) mder review, made up of 56 ft. sinking, 82 ft. driving, and 189
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  • 56 335 zase against Oliver Tatlock, who s 1 with criminal breach of tnist, was ided itill to-morrow. Detective Inspector nho applied for the remand, produce-d i\n received from Tpoh, in which it was •liat Mr Sp'nU, the Asststant Comier -I Police, who would arrive he e on
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    • 2035 335 Router's correspondent before Porl Irthur reports that the Japanese made a sperate attack on Oct 80 and gained the powerful bast heik wan Fort, giving them t kev to tne Eastern fort ridge. Their casualties were 1500. A later report says that the Japan, failed to take the
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  • 762 335 Earl Selhorne, speaking at Bristol, said that the just demands of Grtat Britain had been complied with. The Tribunal would settle the responsibility upon the offenders and would apportion the blame. The Tsar had undertaken to deal with those responsible, according to the finding of the Commission. Referring to
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  • 224 336 SPEICAL TELEGRAMS. Sin 9." ti v. Shan; hal. VV< h N I I 'hr i made 2, nd not oas i yesterd i j* t» »r 11 Rees took 2 v. 3 wickets for 15 itt 2 wii ke j for 1 .il■ icket for 13. Going tond time t
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  • 381 336 For the Straits against Hongkong the following is the state of the game. Wvatt 24, Stronach 5, Barrett 36, Bradh ry 26, locs 9, Hubback 19, Whitley 2. Talbot 0, Parsons not out 2, Perkins «>, extras 5 Tot 128. Dixon took five wickets for 22 securing
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  • 63 336 < Bv Coubtkst. op Ma Tanaka, H I I VI (J I N SUI i rhe Commander of the Port Arthur reports that the bombardn e it of th g the naval guns caused an < *Bian powder magazine near the The works to attack the forts
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  • Page 336 Miscellaneous
    • 159 336 PASSENGERS ARRIVED Bl TIIE MAILS. Nov 20 Per X D Prinz L. Yokohama -Mr Leonard. From Kobe— Mr S Matsuda From Shanghai- Miss Roas, Mrs ttansicb, Mr > Ivochelow. F; Hongkong— Captain Sheldrake. Mr and Beckmann, Mr Berhi, Mr Reimers Mr *<*»">*. Mr and Mr, .1 G Mactaggart. Mr
      159 words
    • 1129 336 VESSELS IN PORT. *en-of-W*r P'a^ anti Tons Commander* Arrived Prom Fr<v Brit cruiser 12,000 Tudor Nov 2 Hongkong Roads B« •**> Brit gun boat 980 Wake Nov 1 7 Hongkon 5 En-! m d ARtraea Brit cruiser 4360 Tufnell Nov 18 Port SwettenhamBatkvia v trcrV23sels Fla >'v Tons Masters Arrived
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