The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 16 November 1904

Total Pages: 16
305 320 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 334 305 He lected, .{<•:) Kidderpore Awful Bxampls/' 305 Point and Official Obstinacy, 3uG d Lansdowne at tiie Guildhall, SC6 liners in Crown Colonic 306 I of Church and State in France, 306 Pei see of Russian Aggression, 306 M .1 D Etoee's Letter and b Forecast, -106 a Coubi Nkw
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  • Domestic Occurrences.
    • 139 305 At Brighton. S isaez, England, on Oet. 12th. the wife of Ethilbibt Foi.hi.r Skebtchly, ei a BOS On November 2, al 109, Bangs Road, Shanghai, the wife of I) Wii,i.\ki> Lyon, of a son. On November 2, at 18b, Sssehnen Road, Shanghai, the nrife of C. E. Bpabkb, of
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    • 76 305 At St. Josephs Chapel, Hongkong on Nov. 7, I at *J p.m.. by the Rev. Father R. Kelly, uncle Of the bride, assisted by Rev. Father Augustine, Gregory Pail Jordan, M.D., CM.. M.R C.S.. to Makion Josephine Ormsi.y-Daly. daughter of the lat° Joseph Ormsby, of Dublin. On 3rd inst.,
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    • 107 305 Babdbll Oct. 13, at Goodwood, Beckonbam. widow of the late Surg. -Major H. L, Randki.l, Army Medical Staff, principal medical officer, St i aits Settlements, aged 03. At Kuching. on October 16th, 1904, Edmunp j Somervim.e lor seventeen years in the Sarawak fioverniuent Service. Aged 44. At Tanjong Katong,
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  • Article, Illustration
    28 305 n< dull tL- Press the I voplc's ripht naaint-io, ?w*»d by influence iiu! unltrilted by gain; patriot Truth her glorious precepts draw. L;J t.) Religion, Loyalty and Law.
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  • 755 305 Thk news ot President Roosevelt's re-elee-tion is no surprise at all, as even with so sound all <l i ll every way worthy a candidate as Judge Parker, there has been for a good while nt probability of a Democratic victory. The defeated candidate has lost
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  • 1112 305 The Kidderpore Awful Example." Nov. 11. We commend to the careful attention of the Government and of the Chamber of Commerce, a most instructive precedent as to the danger of constructing harbour or dock works that prove to be a burden on the working of the port. This case,* that
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  • Page 305 Advertisements
    • 132 305 ra DIRECTORY for BANGKOK SIAM Fifteenth Year of PmMicumion. NOW READY. Tin Directory for Bangkok ami Siam contains a and' Official List of the Government •it and the Principal Commercial House* in the country. His replete with informal i ii absolutely essential to the Merchant, the be Professional Han, the
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    • 16 305 UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITES Anew principle giving 1 acreased simplicity. Speed and Durability i WRITING VISIBLE GUTHRSE CO.
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  • Page 305 Miscellaneous
    • 224 305 THE WEEK. The mail of October "J Ist was brought Inthe Nubia on Saturday. The P. E. Friedrich comes in on Friday next. This homeward mail is taken by the Zamania to-day. On her "arrival on Saturday the P. A O. mail Nttbia, after Ireing tied up to the wharf
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  • 471 306 It is to be presumed thai Mr Baxroun's illness prevented him from undertaking the task of replying to this toast of His Majesty's Ministers" at the Guildhall banquet. This accounts for the very full version of |„,r liANsnowNi.'s speecch, which was naturally looked forward to
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  • 106 306 As to the Luff Point export coal depot scheme, si to which the Government of India j declare that they are only prepared to consider definite proposals from firms or companies for undertaking at their own risk and responsibility the entire scheme M Capital remarks
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  • 976 306 Foreigners in Crown Colonies. Nov. 12. 101 the subject of the status ,i* foreigners in Crown Colonies and immediately in connection with Sir Johs Ax dersox's remarks on the character of the communication from the Chamber of Commerce regarding the suggested' Harbour alterations, <u- so-called "Improvements") the -China Mail" has
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  • 630 306 M. Combes, who is now supported bv the electoral power of the French nation, has now crossed the Rubicon, and has introduced hills into the French Chamber for the separation o\' Church and State, [n view of the recent conflict as to the
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  • 594 306 Whili there is no official authority for statement that a Russ i I lo a has b ranged with German arid Dutch hanks probable euough that the information to that effect sent from Rt Petersburg toa Paris paper rests »u a foundation <-f
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  • 2254 306 Mr. J. D. Ross's Letter and a Forecast. Nov. 15. "u: readers must not miss nn letter from our old Sing pore friend John I) Itosjs, who has, we believe, settled down in a« or less permanently in Russia, an I has. i unto himself ;i very charm in tf
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  • 175 307 Nondbscbipts V. Y.M.C.A. The above teams played off a tie in the league competition on the S.R.C. ground yesterday evening, and although the ground played very slow after the rain we had had in the morning, a very good game resulted. The Y.M.C.A. were decidedly the better lot,
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  • 194 307 In the Second Court yesterday afternoon Yn _ok Sing was charged with causing hurt io one Assin by throwing boiling coffee over him, He was convicted aud lined $20, in default <> week's rigorous imprisonment. Before Mr Sproule this morning Lee Ah Chin was charged with having assaulted
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  • 180 307 Yesterday afternoon the jury found Mohamed Salleh! charged with the murder of his wife Che Wau, guilty of culpable homicide not amounting to murder and sentenced was deferred till this morning when accused was M itemed to a year's hard labour. Mr. Montagu Harris was for the defence.
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  • 129 307 The Dallas Bandmann Co. are now m Ceylon playing the Cingalee." Miss Alice Wade is fe t ifl with the Company and doing excellent work Yesterday evening while Mr MacMillan's horse was«waiting outside his office in Collyer Quay it suddenly took fright and bolted and crashed into a rikisha. The
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  • 72 307 (COBBEC'IttO UP TO Nov. 15.1 Bank m/s 1/llj ihsssun 11 1 Private credits 3 m/s 1 11-ft oredits G a/s 1 il* France, demand H4V. (>i*?rm_ny, demand... 197 broiA. T. T 143» Hongkong, demand 4', di*. Yokohama demand JMS Java, demand 117 Bavokok, demand 19} Sovereigns, $10.40 Bank o
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  • 335 307 Nov. 15. c '5 ft Capital. >, g 3 MINES. J W s J BelatTin $10 10 MOgOOO 8.00 7.75 BersawahGold 0rd.... 10 7| 75.000 13.00 Do Def... 10 10 40,000 8 Brnaah 11. Tin 10 ?0 600,000 3.50 Duff Development Co. XI XI X400,000 10.50 GopengTin ...XI XI
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  • 126 307 _an v /y.t>*_> Gambier 9.50 do. Cube No. 1 14. do. do. No. 2 12. Pepper, Black (ordinary S'pore) 29.25 do. White, (Fair L. W. 5 p.c, 42. Nutmegs 110 to the ft.) 48. do. 80 to the ft. 80 Mace (Banda) 145. Cloves (Amboina) „33 Liberian Coffee 24.
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  • Page 307 Miscellaneous
    • 283 307 FASSENGEKS FOK THE STRAITS. Per N D L Prinz Eitel Friedrich, due Nov 19— Mr E W Birch, C.M.0., Dr and Mrs Laidlaw and family, Mr and Mrs A P Ager and child, Mrs G S Magill, Mr E Wylby, Mr T E Fanner, Mr G Rushton, Miss Dunlop. To
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  • 402 308 Mr J. Argyll Robertson, the popular Banker of Kuala Lumpor, is leaving for Yokohama. Some of the new Griffins for Kuala Lumpor have already arrived there in charge of LowsDy. The remainder follow shortly from Singapore. The British steamer Shrewsbury arrived here from Cardiff this morning
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  • 218 308 A friend at Weihaiu ni tells us in a private letter that at that place they hear practically nothing about the war. As l> the question of the ret' We'haiwei ihey are in the same way unable to hear anything definite one way or tho other. The Commissioner, Mr
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  • 169 308 Y. M. CA. v 64ra Co. B.G. A. Played yesterday The Gunners played ten Gr Dann h Benjatield o J. W. Plnnkett bA. Mergler t» lit Congreve bA. Mergler __> <ji* Titley b Benjafield 0 Gr Ingham Ibw b A. Mergler 0 Br Anderson not out ...2 br Antingham
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  • 369 308 Special Meeting, Tuesday Nov. 8. A special meeting of the above Board was held on Tuesday afternoon to consider the Kalang contract proposed amendment. There wers present E. G. Broadrick, Esq, President, Messrs Lee Choon Quan, C. J. Saunders, F E. Jago, Choa Giang Thye, A. J. Wat
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  • 87 308 We now hear that the Ist Manchester Regiment which was to have gone to Benares and Sitapur, is to proceed to*Secunderabad instead. This is the most important military station in Southern India. The troops at present there are t lie Ist Middlesex, the Ist Lincolns, L Battery H
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  • 509 308 Consequent <>n the holiday yesterdat tiie file of ordinary cases in the 3rd Magistrate's Court was unusually heavy to-day. There were a number of disorderly behaviour cases in which lines of $1 each were inflicted. There were also several cases of rash driving and of driving without lights
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  • 942 308 Yesterday, the anniversary of the King's Birthday, dawned in genuine King's weather, bright and clear. There had been serious apprehensions owing to the recent rains, that at any moment the Race Course might become so swamped as to be impracticable. The rehearsal parade on Tuesday morning
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  • 125 308 Important Proposal. Admiral Noel, it is reported, has mad.- important proposal to the Admiraltv concern. ing the British fleet in the Far East jj suggested that the smaller vessels of the si ion and gunboat classes be sent home or put out of commission. It is expected
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  • 144 308 Yet another attempt is to be made I a struct an international language. ft has boon christened "Tutonish" bj originator, Dr Elias, and is a oompl tongue of Saxon English, Teutonic English md German words, with a small Mending of Scat navian aud Dutch words. It is to
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  • 214 308 LIFE-BuOYB vYeIOHTBO with 11.0.x The manager superintendent, and foreman St the Nonpareil Cork Works, Camden, New Jersey, have been arrested, charged with placing iron bars weighing eight ounces each in blocks of compressed cork made (of Use in life buoys. By a strange coincidence these revelations were
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  • 413 308 To MabßT a ChauMINO FbENCH L\t>. With the consent of the Minister of the Colonies, the dethroned Emperor of Ann. mi. Haiu-Nghi, who has been a prisoner <•! the French for sixteen years, left Paris a few .Ly-. ago for Marseilles, en route for Algeria, where
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  • 1808 309 Last night, as to the weather, was just as fortunate as was the whole day, which represents a good deal of luck at this dubious season ol the year. With a courage that justified itself all the arrangements had been niade on a tine
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  • 302 309 Am.k ;ki> Defalcations rv Ml A. W. Jackson. Accused R____SBD on Bail. I From our own Correspondent.} Ipoh, Nov c>. < I mlty or not guilty Mr A. W. Jackson, the ex -representative of the Cfciua Mutual Insurance Company, who is charged with defalcations to the
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  • 106 309 To-dav before Mr Howard, Mr W. C. Niblett was fined |50 aud costs for failiug to comply with the provisions of an abatement order served on him on Aug 24. The Colonial Office, in conjunction with the Commonwealth Government, is taking steps for the purpose of developing British New Guinea
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  • 853 309 On Tuesday afternoon a French man-of-war supposed to have been the cruiser Pascal, passed through the roads, on her return to Toulon from the Far East station. A telegram to Shanghai says that the Hereros who fled fronf German Sotfflh-West Africa into British Bechuanaland have been
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  • 1034 309 Late News. The following interesting article appeared in the Shanghai Times, on l'9th ult. We are enabled, through the courtesy of ta Continental gentleman, who does rot desire his name disclosed, to publish the following touching letter received from a relative resident in IJprt Arthur. The letter
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  • 541 310 A.N ESTIMATB. (Ffji* our own Correspondent.) Hongkong, November 5. The HoL.._.koug cricketers have been putting IB some hard practice for the Interport matches, and a str< ng team has l>een selected. This year Hongkong is particularly strong in batting, hut v. ilh regard to the bowling things
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  • 348 310 Port Arthur. London, < October 12 —Mr Bennett Burleigh, telegraphing from Shanghai, states that the Japanese do not expect to capture Port Arthur under a month They have sent two divisions to Liao-yang and one to Gonsan. iu the northeast of Co**en Another division is to follow The
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  • 1290 310 It has been known for months past that the Football Association was making enquiries into the conduct of certain League Clubs with regard to their payments to professionals, but the verdict of the special Committee came as a bolt from the blue. Briefly the case is this The
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  • 499 310 Tuk Need of Faik Play. The following resolution was proposed by Mr Caird, of Greenock, on behalf of the Greenock Chamber: "That this meeting is of opinion that his Majesty's Government should take some effective steps to bring about the ah- ition of shipping
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  • 207 310 The Singapore Golf Club celebrated the King's Birthday by holding a competition against "Colonel Bogey."' Twenty-f our members entered the lists but the 'redoubtable "Colonel" vanquished them all, the best revolt being obtained by Mr C. T. Hose who finished "one down." The scores returned were as
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  • 915 310 SOME POINTS BT MR &KNNKI BURI.KIOH. Our old friend, Major R W P. White, who was D. A. A. a. here for the unprecedented period of about seven year*, and is now A. (i. at Salisbury Plain, lends the editor a copy of the "Daily Telegraph"
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  • 95 310 Among the birthday honours gasetted i* that ofa K. B. for Vice-Admiral Arthur Dalrymple Pansh iwe, Oommander-in-Chiel Australia, who has jus! left Singapore Australia in his flag-ship the "Euryalus." Vice Admiral Sir Lewis Antony Beaumout who is also a recipient ofa birthday honour has seen no actual war Bervice hut
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  • 1971 311 No 111. The farcical nature of the situation created by the decision of the Mouse of Lords will bt apparent when the following facts are taken into consideration The dissentient minority, to whom the Lords have awarded the spoils, consists of a few ministers, variously estimated
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  • 1852 311  -  F. D. Dunne By D'ye know," said Mr. Hennessv, M ve can "o frm Chicago to New York in twinty hours''' It must be like fly in'.'' 44 It is something like flvip'," said Mr Dooley, but it's also like falfin' off a
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  • 205 311 Laurence Vaz was charged on Tuesday morning before Mr Howard with using abusive language calculated to cause a breach of the peace, with threatening to shoot one Gabriel, and with actually tiring a revolver. Mr Van Cuvlenburg prosecuted and Mr Montagu Harris defended. The evidence for the
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  • 96 311 In Bakkbuptcv: bbpobb Mi. Justici LssLin Thorn row. The Official Assignee, Mr C. J. Samsders applied to the Court for orders to destroy documents in connection with a dozen bankruptcy eases, dated from 1890-1898. Thev were ail Chinese and tin; estates had been wound up at various periods
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  • 3010 312 MEANDERINGS. No. XXII. (For the Singapore Free Press"; I am now in a position to say Kekko,' n.nd this is an enviable position, as according to the Japanese proverb you cannot do so till you have beer, to Nikko. NikkO "<> UliiOti nrhi Uil K'kl"' t<> oi Mi (Do not
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  • 26 312 The result of the work for 4 weeks ending Nov 5 is stone crushed, 3,100 tons gold obtained 530 OS average per ton 3.42 dwts.
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  • 62 312 The Hon'ble W. R. Collyer, I.S. is due here from Hongkong by the German mail on Sunday next. The Committee of tlmjtonglong Coronation Fund have decided e*to spend the $15,000 balance in erecting /x statue of Queen Alexandra, and if thfc amount is sufficient, to purchase a statue/ suitable to
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  • 644 312 Our men try conclusions with the Hong, kong team at Hongkong to-morrow, and with, Shanghai on Monday. The following is of interest in connection with the latter match. THE SHANGHAI XI. "Old Bowler" writeado the "N. C. I) News as follows Few will be found to say that
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  • 330 312 By a Grass Widow. Mrs Camdingtown spoke with emphasis., and with a sniff, as one who had read the letters in the papers, but was prepared to maintain her own views in the teeth of all that had been written. She spoke as one who, in
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  • 1758 313 The 64th Coy R. G. A. played the Nondescripts on the Esplanade yesterday evening rl h League match and won easilv by four poal.l to nil. The German cruiser Hertha on board of prhich Prince Adalbert of Prussia is an officer. uil! arrive here from Hongkong
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  • 396 313 Fridav, November 11th. Present His Excellency the Governor (Sir John Anderson, k.c.m.0.) The Hon'ble the Act. Colonial Secretary (F. G. Penney.) the Act. Attorney-Genl. (H.H. Hudson the Act. Col. Treasurer (J.O. Anthouis/.) the CoL Engineer A. Murray. the Auditor-General (E. C. Hill.) G. S. Murray. M J. M.
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  • 98 313 WARSHIPS CHEAPER THAN WAR. Lord harles Beresford, speaking at Newcastle at a banquet to the officers of the Channel Fleet, said that an efficient and sufficient Navy was imperative for the welfare, peace, and safety of the country. People sometimes cavilled at the number of battleships that were being built,
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  • 137 313 Capt. Jellicoe. C. 8., will be rememl>ered in Hongkong as commander of H.M.S. Centurion, and in China generally the spirited leader of the Naval Brigade te the North in 1900. It is nowhinted that he will succeed Sir John Fisher, the new First Sea Lord,
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  • 199 313 The Htipeh correspondent of the "N. C. Daily New s" gives t fie following quotations from a book published there. M Alas alas They have come Who P The foreigners! Evil! evil! All is evil evil for old and young, rich and poor; officials merchants, artisans, all classes
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  • 651 313 That the time for the British invasion of Tibet was most skilfully chosen is not to be denied. It came as a surprise to the Tibetans, and their friends the Russians found their hands tied by the war had they wanted to assist them. Whether the enterprise was, to
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  • 117 313 Too soon, beloved, we have reached The parting of the way. With smiling lip but aching heart, Goodbye, farewell, we say. And yet one earnest heart-felt wish Is mingled with the pain, Before another year is fled, Our paths may cross again 'Tis not vouchsafed to all to
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  • 138 313 The Sarawak Estimates for next vear show *a revenue of $1,051,140 and an expenditure of 81.270,497, but of this over $200,000 is for new waterworks and is therefore of the nature of capital expenditure, fctill the outlook cannot be regarded as over encouragiu. unless the revenue comes to more than
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  • 1879 314 Quicquid agnid homines nostri est farrago libcUL Juvenal. Port Arthur is on the brink < f falling, and a nuinl>er of its chad' defences have tumbled over the edge already. Like the Encyclopaedia Britauniea," it is being dealt with ou the instalment principle. Th" point is
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  • 75 314 The next Spanish mail steamer from Europe is the C. Lopts y. tapis, which is on her maiden trip to the Philippines. She is owned by the Castle line of steamers running to the Cape, and whilst underthe British fUg was known as the Lismore Castle, she is under charter
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  • 1722 314 The hon'ble W. K. Collyer. Attorney-Gen-eral, has returned from his trip to Hongkong and was in Court this morning. H.M.S. Cressy, which was to have returned to Hongkong from Singapore, will proceed home direct from this port and pay off. After the Nubia left Colombo a
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  • 534 315 Taniono Paoar Murder Case. y-Ms morning before the Chief Justice/Sir |.i,.nel Cox. and a special jury, the Tanjong pagar Murder Case, in which tliree Chinamen charged with the murder of a compatriot, ikon. Mr L P. Van Cuylenberg, wbd prosecuted the Acting Attorney General, briefly exj aed the
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  • 314 315 In the 2nd Court this morning Palawan, a Kling cart driver, for having used two bollocks, with sore necks, was fined $6. The bulls ordered to be sent to the Infirmary. Pestana oi tie* s IV C. A., prosecuted Eighteen Chinese, ricksha pullers, were each $2.50 ior publicly
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  • 34 315 iterj buVrlar of Ipoh has visited Mr Horace Martin seven times. ision getting clear awai output iom the Tronoh Mines, fed, tor October, reached the large ►1 2,863.1 l pikul of the value of
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  • Corrrepondence.
    • 490 315 The Navy League, 13, Victona-st London, S.W October 20, 1904. To i m Ron on. Sin, In the present state of inter-national relations, no apology is needed for attempting to bring to the notice of our fellow countrymen, the misleading character of the figures contained in Parliamentary
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  • 31 315 The Nelson monument is beautifully and appropriately decorated to-day. Conspicuous among the wreathe ia S very handsome one from the Singapore Brunch of tne Navy League." < )i.i> Obibhtsx.
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  • 59 315 oo Links Lost. News has been received at Hongkong that the Chinese-owned steamer, the Cheung On, 110 tons register, commanded by Chan Sat Tai, and trading between Hongkong and Kwangchowan, foundered on the 2nd inst, oil Kwangcho wan. The steamer went down in deep water, ami of
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  • 184 315 s. C. C. v. "Cbbssy Played on the Esplanade on Sat unlay. The Club had six wickets down for l<h and eight for 47, when Cleaver and Carver saved a bad performance. a r* f* o. C \j. Col Vizard c Kelly b Toulmin 0 WL Langham Carter b
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  • 1595 315 Before Mr Justice Leslie Thornton. in the case of the Attorney General v Lim Ho Pi iah. The owner of the s.s. Hong Mob, the Attorney General and Mr Rowland Allen appeared for the Crown, Mr Napier and Mr Elliot for the defendant. The Attorney General
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  • 199 315 ACCIDENT TO THE P O MAIL. Those who waited in Singapore on Saturday evening for their mails had rather a weary time of it. The ttd'j;* went up before four o'clock and tin* gun at half-past. At that rate the vans should have arrived at the Post Office by about
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  • 207 315 Rangers v Rovers. After a spell of inaction in the above com petition, partly due to unsettled weather, the above teams played off their second game. before a fairly large crowd of spectators, on the < )hl Jail Site on Saturday. A hard fought game resulted in adraw,
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  • 72 315 On Saturday four Malays were charged with the import, Li. D into the Colony of 1,30S British and 109 Mexican dollars. The case was ren ted toa Bench Court. The friends of the Rev W. T. Cherry, of the American Mission Press, will be sorry to hear that he lias
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  • 1502 316 (By the Mail.) Japan can give many points to the civilised world regarding the organisation, equipment, and service of army medical corps at the front. This testimony is borne by Dr Louis Seaman, of St Louis, who narrated the result of his i personal experiences and observations to
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  • 1642 316 PnOPESSOB MSTCHBIKOFFS ExPEKI MENTS Views of an Bbolish Bioixioist. Few names are greater on the roll oi modern seieutitic research than that of Professor Blie Metchnikoff, of the Pasteur Institute. In a most interesting conversation, published in the "Pall Mall Magazine for October, he announces his
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  • 122 316 Some of the junior members ol tic- pore Philharmonic Society's Orchestra like to see this A pretty story, of which the Crown P and his fiance*', are the central figures, is the round of German society. His Imp Highness is an accomplished violinist, and th,. other evening
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  • 142 316 After protracted legoti&tions extending two years, the (J nan Telegraph Company for Eastern Europe haa succeeded in obtain concession for th laying and working cable between K istenji and Constantinople. The city of IJ I and the Turkish capital will thereby be »nne d by
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  • 299 316 M Whkx No Man Pi rsui ph." These few refer- uces from mail pap. waj help to explain, though not to excuse, the Russian fears for the Baltic fleet Copenhagen, Friday, Sept 16. Great excitement prevails in the Scandinavian coast towns, where hired steamers with Ruse
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  • 140 316 The famous little motor-boat Napier Minor has added another lino achievement i» itrecord when it successfully pursued i VVVsi Indian liner in Southampton Water. On board the liner, the Orinoco, wa* 1 v maid, just as the vessel was moving remembered 1 but she had
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  • 46 316 H. M. S. Bspiegle left homeward bound ■•>• terdav iuornin«' o The death is announced at the Bur«>p*ui Hospital, Kuala Lumpor, of M. Stan- < Bforatt, engineer of ihe Federal Autno d»ilMail Service Co., who came to the. Bust the De Dion Koutou firm just over a veji
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  • 536 317 ling General sir A. K. i\ Oorward, K.c.n., D.8.0 and Major Kverett, D.A.Q.11.0. wtf] proe• 1 to Penang and Taiping on the 16th inst, to inspect t\te Malay States (rubles. Admiral Si,- Lewis Beaumont who ia appointed British Commissioner <m the North Enquiry at Pan-, was
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  • 118 317 In the S< nd Court this morning, E. V. Rodrigues, chief clerk of the Commissariat Office, s rosecutedon a charge of cheating Major Wilson of Pearls Bill. It appeared trom the evidence that the Military Surgeon had sen! an iudenj to the contractor for
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  • 203 317 Orchestral Soibkk Musicale. A private musical entertainment will be -L'o-n by kind permission, at the Teutonia Club, •ii Friday 25th inst, by the Philharmonic Orchestra. This will be the last occasion ou kvhieli the Orchestra will play, as con- ir -Led with the leading wind players of the
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  • 2273 317  -  John Dill Ross On thk War, Press Commkxt, ano Si ndky Othkr Topics. 15 v Sir, —I am sorry to quarrel with mv friend the Topieist but I feel that lhe day has come when I can no longer permit him to disseminate error in vour
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  • 82 317 At Messrs. H. L. Coghlan Co's Sale-rooma yesterday the following properties were disposed of. 15,630 s 4 ft. freehold land ofl Bavelock Road, sold to Ong San L *>ng it 5J cts. per foot. Three houses; Nos. 31,32 ft 33 Jalan Besar area 3,900 sq.ft., held under 999
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  • 44 317 The Monthly Medal was played for on the 12th inst. The following returned cards; P. Ferguson (Medal) 80pln*2 B2 V. E. CM ears LOO 22 C:\pt Woodride 95 Q su R. T. Reid q «,:> A. C. Padday 113 10 103
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  • 98 317 A Slight Slistai i •Where Only Man Is Nile." The Times of Ceylon" says:— The Worca>*r.-shire Regiment, which arrived last night in the Avoca," have, we are told, a fine Band and it has been playing during the voyage for the benefit of the officers. As
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  • 389 317 i La n ada TO An n x the OSi.0 S i kd States. There was recently published in a Canadian newspaper, the M Ottawa Journal/' a letter from MrF.W. t'len. a well-known Dominion politician, wdio stated that in l^Oe, a number of prominent Canadian Liberal politicians
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  • 30 317 Government is prosecuting Mr. S. C. Peu^v, j editor of the Times of Malaya," foi au alleged defamation of character in connection with comments made on trie Tapah murder trial.
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  • 873 318 The P kt Arthur Operations. The Japanese are endeav< airing through the medium of Chinese messengers to inform the garrison of (General Kuropat kin's position. Both sides are using balloons. The Japanese •tre able by this means to view the inside of the city, and they declare that
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  • 51 318 K ined £5 by Mr Nunn this U»Ug for I'; io working an emaciated re the -anc- Magistrate a Bengali sum i. v working a bullock i Ich reports that the Belgian Genera l Hongkong has dispatched Yunnanfu, the capital of Q lo establish a Consulate „J" I• Belgian interests.'
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  • 1327 318 A Pro-Russian View Chefoo, 11 October, 1904. In the midst of the howling Dervishes, principally British, hoarse from shouting Hanmi it comes as a relief to one who can view the whole Far Eastern situation without canonising every Japanese unpaid Bombardier, to record a few facts, and
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  • 1101 318 The Vai.lky o\- tuk Hun -ho. The following description of a journey up the valley of the Hun-ho, eastward of Mukden, undertaken in former years before the outbreak of war, may be of interest at the present time It is from the London "Times.' Leaving
    1,101 words
  • 604 318 Mr Francis Willing Wharton has a ston in the current "Harper's" of a music teacher wh. had the experience oi letting herself in wit Is her latchkey into what she believed was hei own Hat Instead, it turned out to he a man's, much cosier
    604 words

    • 1657 319 At Washington it is stated that it is settled that Admiral Dewey is to he offered the post cited St.nes representative on the Enquiry Commission as soon as the official invitation t<> ippoinl a member would !»<• received. Admiral Fournier Would pr bably represent Prance. A Russian Imperial
      1,657 words
  • 353 319 SPECIAL TELEGRAMS. Hongkong Nov i I 9.0$ am. I-t is stated that the Japanese have again ceiled with the Russians with negotiation*! reference to the surrender nf Fort Arthur by In Stoessel's reply he asked for time to consult his officers. It is stated that provisions are still plentiful but
    353 words
  • 82 319 Hongkong, Tuesday, Nov 15. The Straits oommeuced their match against Shanghai this morning and batted first. Thev only sue-ceded in putting on 93 and were all OUt before one I ►'clock. The scores are. Hubback 5, Whitley 11, Bradbery.o, Wyatt 16, Barrett U), 11. L.Talbot 0, Stronach
    82 words
  • 1049 319 The Forte is delaying the ratification oi the Aden Hinterland Delimitation Agreement, seeking for a. modification. Britain declines to accede to the request and insists on tin acceptance of tie- Commissions line ddie Porte ioniplaiued of Britain's nomination of hidia, as the Indian Government Agent at Koweyt is infringing
    1,049 words
  • Page 319 Advertisements
    • 57 319 An Anecdotal History OF OLD TIMES In Singapore, j Iron the Foundation of the Settlement on Februnry Oth, '.Sl.*, to the Transfer t<» the Colonial Office or. A j. rii Ist lSw7, with 20 Portraits Maps and Illustrations, Bl Charles Burton Buckley, in two volumes, in paper covers, $8»5o. JOHN
      57 words

  • Page 320 Advertisements
    • 605 320 atubcrttscmenta. a THE "Singapore Free Press" AND MERCANTILE ADVERTISER Cable Ali* es Advertiser*' Singapore. TELEPHONE NO. 61. P-blishcd at No 30-3 Raffles Place, Singapore The leading English Newspaper in the Strait Settlements Johore, the Federated Native States of Per/-*:, Selangor. Sungei Ujong, I'liiang. the Negri Sembilan: British North Borneo; Sar;
      605 words
  • Page 320 Miscellaneous
    • 946 320 PASSENGERS ARRIVED BY THE MAILS. Nov 10 Per P O Coromandel From Shanghai— Mr J O Vouck, Mr B Wybrandi. From Hongkong Mr A H Cobb, Mr F Singian, Mr S C Tin, Mr M Osencia, Mr W T Stebbing, Mr Chan Sing. Mr Choo Won Lum, Mr Choo Wai
      946 words
    • 1470 320 VESSELS IN PORT. Mcn-of-War FUe and Tons Commanders Arrived From Yo* W.>, Fearless Brit sloop lo Ho Dewes Sow 13 Hongkong Uncertain Other Vessels Flaes A Tons Masters Arrived From Consignees For Whto Ban Liong Dut 275 Flak Oct 18 Bandjermasin Ek Leong Chan B*aas*in 1 Banka Brit 127 Backhouse
      1,470 words