The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 4 August 1904

Total Pages: 16
65 80 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 441 65 1 ornecing of Kuropatk i Knight Commander" Case, I ition at Niuchwang, Battle of Taaichao, Kawauiur; rice Nod Electificatioi [nconvenien >j •be aptured Mala- ca," The Kalian V> a ol Casichfi x i ofani ry Relief*, Plehve'a Assassination, Small Poi at Brunei, Singapore's Future Water Supply, w i and
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  • Domestic Occurrences.
    • 41 65 Crcicksvamk. -At Singapore," Forres, <>n j tlj»* Jkh tJiine, the wife of A. L. Cruickshank, i ironmonger, of ;i daughter. At Grusshank Oxley Road, the wife <>i A. M Barkibs, of a daughter. Penang and Cal- cntta papers please copy.
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    • 41 65 Grkig-Wallac*. On the 1-tli of July, 1904, at Holy Trinity Cathedral, Shanghai, by the Rev. A. J. Walker, v a., Jamks Ai,ex- I anhkk Grßßio. p.b.c.s., Ed. to Isabella (Ella) Thomson, daughter of the late Michael Wallace. Esq. Leven, Scotland.
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    • 40 65 <>n the 29th July, at Singapore, Edith Josephini Baoot Haste, aged years, only daughter of Mr. \Y. Bagot Harte, Solicitor, London. i BOGAARDT On Friday. July 29th, ThVODOOB Corheljs BouAAKiiT. of Weesperzijde, s Ams- terdam, Holland, late of Singapore.
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  • 1190 65 Here shall the Press the People s rif;ht maintain, 'naweil by Influence and unbribed by jrain; Hera patriot Truth hci glorious precepts draw, Pledged u> Reli (ion, oyalty and Law. July 27. Tin; cornering of Kuropatkin is proceeding apace, and to-day there is announced another of
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  • 237 65 Public feeling, certainly m Britain, an<l to boom extent m Germany, is keenly engaged m the action of Russian cruisers against neutral skips. As regards the Volunteer Fj«*et steamers llussia has climbed down, ami this will mean that Russia will discharge all obligations for damage and
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  • Page 65 Advertisements
  • Page 65 Miscellaneous
    • 63 65 WKATUfc'N KBFORT, (An-. 2.1 T tt tm at K^tul^.j Hospital Übs^r vs. tory. i> P.M. 8 PJI. Bar »ml32Ph». J'.'.:»r» »J77 89.W8 Wk ht«iil. i', 7AM 75.0 7^.0 D.i ul \V:rid SW. S.S.W. Calm. Miij ou. a./ 71.3 M.-.\ m Sun 1 •"»«>. ."> Ttn a«i. T\ >■• 7«» H.»iM,j]i
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    • 485 65 THE WEEK. The last mail from home arrived by the M. 11. M Polyneaien on Tuesday bringing dates up to July 8, including l>«>th the M, M. mail and that taken ou from the Herman when the "Prinz Heinrich* 1 goi damaged at Colombo. The Homeward mail was taken by
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  • 451 66 Oub special wire from Hongkong this rning incidentally brings out ;i fact which ia;iv Ik* considered of particular importance, m i.'w of the possible position of the Japanese m Manchuria. It is stated that on the Russians evaluating Niuchwang tlie Guild took over the policing of
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  • 643 66 J u l y o H Coaeming the batthp at, or a few miles t<»- the south-eastwards of Tasichao we hare now the official report of General Okv. In pawing it may he observed he does not hint of an\ co-op eration of any forces from
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  • 202 66 Kawamura vice Nodzu. With regard to the command of that important ÜBJ known as the Takushan army which occupies the ami between the armies of Oku Mid KvmOKI, our private information is no»v that General Nodzu is no longer m oommaud. That officer is at present m Tokio and hw
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  • 685 66 Our attention has been invited to a correspondence m the v B. N. B. Herald m which Mr Frank E. Lease, Manager of the Bapong Estate m North Borneo, sets forth an effort he had made to have a certain published misstatement rectified, which rectification, he complains to
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  • 398 66 The Inconverience of the Captured "Malacca." I UK horrors of the present war are gradually being brought home to the people of the Straits. Report* of another thirty thousand killed h;tve*lnvu hitherto received with cynical Indifference. The loss of battta-ship* and thousands of men brought forth n> deeper remark than
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  • 687 66 July 29. Saving had Geuehd Okv*i version of the battle at Tasichao we now hare that of the' Russian side, from Gen. Kikopatkin. It will be noticed that the Rn^siau General disclaims having th<* gtr^n^th assigned t<» him by th» Japanese estimate of 30,000 men.
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  • 290 66 Tt is probable that the 7-U<\ Camatics~wil] not leave here till Janu;ir\ 1905. [1 is underStood that the regiment to come here, the '.'^th. Russell's Infantry (the old Hyderabad Contingent) now'at Bolaram, is to L, r(>t ]t> three-aud-a-halt' months' leave en matt before assembling again t<»
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  • 207 67 M \Y. K. \o\ Plshtk, the Russian Minister >f the Interior, has been assassinated bja bomb thrown at his carriage m the streets of St Petersburg. The Minister wai practically d to pi.'c^s by the explosion! one arm and both leg* being blown away from the trunk, rhe
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  • 128 67 An epidemic «»i small-pox m Brunei has called for immediate action on the part of tliH Straits Government. The population of Brunei is about Too i aiid the small-pox is so bad that there have been 2000 cases and 500 deaths. Con^equeni <»n this terrible state
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  • 882 67 .July 30. Thi meeting of the Municipal Commissionen yesterday afternoon was <>>' a much move important nature than the mere report of the proceedings may appear to argue. The chief point for consideration was the scheme for providing for thr future water necessities <>f the town,
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  • 159 67 In view *..t the telegrami indicating the grave condition of Russia, the instructive special artless m another column quoted from the M Daily Telegraph," m which it appeared tVo month's ago. will be read with the attention it certainly deserves. Count Leo Tolstoi's great manifesto, open to
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  • 286 67 Woman, apparently, is becoming a clubbable penou after all. Putting asi<le such mixed <-lul>s as the Grosvendr to which members of both sexei are admitted, ladies m London have had, all t<» themselves, the AibetnarW, the Alexandra, and «»ue or Iwo others. Now we hear of a
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  • 347 67 Q-m. Oku, whose reports have been models i of conciseness and accuracy, s<»nd< a supplementary despatch to his Government dealing with tliH l>attle of Tasichao. Having the battlefield under his own observation now. his estimate of the casualties on both Bides has, as a result
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  • 421 67 Thb three cruisers of the Vladivostok squadron hare again returned from their marauding trip into the Pacific. They have passed back through the Tnugaru Strait, apparently unchallenged, and are now m the Japan Sea. Whether they get hack safely to Vladivostock is a matter for Admiral Kamimira
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  • 822 67 The Siege or Port Arthur. It is Dot to be seriously questioned that the Japanese aruiy investing Port Arthur is now engaged m a determined effort t( reduce theRussian fortress. It seems that then has boen some undefined rumour floatiug about th-i Far East about the fall of Port Arthur,
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  • 1134 67 Thfc U*xi oflln A. K..Col.|ulu»un'a though tful and iliftripg paper on Women and ti«e Colonies giTen l)ef «»re the Koval C\>kn» i] Institute on May 31, with Sir Cecil Smith as chairman, is contained m tke July number of the Journal. The author of the paper
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  • 453 68 Aug 2. Just at 1 pui to-day arrived a Reuter which gives news of importance, not the loss important that it ii of the nature of the expected. The chief thing to be notice, too, is that the news i> of Russian official origin, from General KuBOPATKIM himself.
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  • 248 68 Those who are going m for rubber-planting should not fed m the least anxious about any prospect of the coming enormous supply orertaking the future enormous industrial demand. Not oflly even m house-construction is rubber being used for stair-eases and entrance hall flooring but the "use
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  • 546 68 A Berlin telegram to Shanghai, July 21, states that M the Russian man-of-war Tichernomoritz*ha,B passed the Dardanelles." This can only refer to the ship given m Brassey's Naval Annual as the Chernomoretz." a gun- vessel of practically the same size as the Koreetz sunk along with
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  • 266 68 WEDNESDAY, J ULY 27, 1904. The I Hitch mail steamer Oranje" arrived at Sue/ on the *Jt>th iu>t. A Chinaman who distributed letters brought id from China at a tee of 20 cents, has been tilled $100 and costs. Mrs Henderson and family wish to thank their numerous friends for
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  • 383 68 A Vkmjktta. The case m which two Chinamen are HtognH to have murdered a third, a fellow squatter the Yu-chu-kang distri.-t. out of revenge win continued m the Third Court before fir Num. yesterday afternoon. MrFarrer, Deputy Public Prosecutor, con ducted the case for the Crown aud
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  • 580 68 Presentation uk THE Asso* i.vrroN Iii Last evening the memben of the Warders Recreation Club invited a large number of their friends to Sepoy Linet to help them celebrate the opening.of new outdoor concert room, which Government has Jiad erected for their use. JVspite the
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  • 1818 69 \V c thaU not lie tar wrong if we say that the tuial race for the Jackson-Millar Cup which took pbce over 100 yds distance on Bondaj was by\ Tar the nwl interesting of the three. Che 200 yd* was named In being swum m rough water, the
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  • 137 69 The following are the official 'results up to date. Round one. 'E" Co Manchester! beat "CTCo; M H M CobMI "jrCo: 62nd B. A. bml M A" Co M <V Co beat M F" Co 8. V. A. beat B. E. Bound two. H H" Co beat
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  • 87 69 l*.»li<M» changm m the noctli; Mr J. A. D'Arc? Symonds has Home on sick leave. Miijortle Haiuel has ta,k**n over charge of the police i» tlie Province, pending the arrival of Siipt Hawtrev. now m Taij>en^. |].ulv t>u Saturday morning (16th) 11. M. S. M BcHtite^ returned to Hongkong Harbour
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  • 291 69 SALE OF JELEBU MINE PROPERTY. At Messrs (Joghian (Jo's auction rooms yesterday afternoou, the property known as the Jeleb* mining and taring coinpanys lauds etc, were put up for auction without reserve. The property was divided into three lots the first comprising about 2,700 tq. ft. of hold land
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  • 663 69 THE HARLEQUINS V. S.C.C. A friendly game of football was played between the cup-winner* and the 8. 0. C. on the Esplanade yesterday evening, before a targe crow. l of native and a sprinkling of European spectators. The 8. C. C. turned up to time; but it wns fully 5.90
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  • 748 69 It is estimated that tlie Wi;r is costing Russia 1,800,000 roubles (aboir £225,000) daily. The gs Courtfield let: Hongkong on th^ 20th for T.'.ku to ship eooliea for South Africa. St Petersburg confirms ?he newi that thn Japanese have landed 20,000 troops with "»<» gnus at
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  • 652 70 Tbe concert given last nioht by Miss Henriette Murkens and Miss Edith Merrylees, of tbe London Ladies Trio, m tbe Town Hall, provided a rare musical treat to the considerable and enthusiastic audience drawn together by the reputation of these talented musicians. From the very first item
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  • 235 70 THE MANILA FLOODS. The big storm which raged m Manila recently caused the flooding of most of the principal streets. People waded to office with u.ked up trousers or got there m bancas, whilst m one prominent restaurant the water came up to the rungs of the chairs of the
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  • 73 70 The deepest sounding ever made by any ree. «*1 was made by the United States ship -Nero while on the Honolulu-Manila cable survey When near Guaa the -N«o- 5f2 69 fathoms, or 31,614 bet only 66 bet leu than M nules. U Mouiit ETewet, ,i X hfcheet mountain on earth,
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  • 746 70 A Dallas Company Fioht. A few days ago several members of the Dallas Company spent the greater part of the day m tbe Police Court, Colombo, two of the chief actors m the drama being Mr Frank D. Pengelly and Mr Duncan Munro, the former m the
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  • 174 70 One of the most lavish orders ever received m bhetiield has been booked l>v a firm of well-known silversmiths. The order is for i suite of bedroom furniture, m sterling silver Ihe suite will include a bedstead^ a cabinet a dressing-table, a dozen chairs, three toot- baths,
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  • 62 70 During kst week there were 240 deathl iv Singapore grriog a mortality rate o 50.68 fever accounted for 65, and beri-beri for 40' lhere were no deaths at St John's. July U* provided a big jump m the daily Hongkong plague return. During the twent v Umr hours Ending noon,
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  • 106 70 At last this much talked of railway has made a start and we have much pleasure m congratulating the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation and Messrs JaTdine, Matheson A Co. for sticking to their work as they have done and quietly it through, m spite <»£ all that
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  • 126 70 His Excellency the High Commissioner reached Kuala Kaugsar on July 21, and had a short time there, devoted more to official junketings than to serious work He appeared to gain very favourable impressions of Kinta and the other places he visited, and was due at Penang on
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  • 151 70 "Engineering* 1 gives detailed time sheets of some extraordinary runs by the Great Western Railway. The Cornish Express with a load of 350 tons ran from Faddington to Bristol against a strong south-west wind at an aveiage rate of 59.9 miles per hour, the fastest speed
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  • 143 70 The members of the Bangkok Protestant Church have been delighted l>v the kindness of His Ma jest t the King of Si am, m firing them a site for a new church at the end of the Kloug Poh Vome-rd. Not only is the site
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  • 326 70 Under the title of Improvements relatiu^ to Mathematical Calculating devices the complete specification of an improved Slide- Ruk invented by Major P. J. Anderson, k.e., was accepted by the British Patent Office on the 4th February, 1904. The invention promise* to overcome the limitations which have hitherto
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  • 183 70 The following properties were di 8 po Bed8 ed of by auction at Powell Co's Saleroor,; vest, day afternoon J Seveu pieces of freehold lud, togrthw witl, the seven houses Nog 47-7 to ***** R.W. jfa* total area 7,324 square S KSg by Yeow Ngan Pan m seven
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  • 168 70 AUSTRALIAN-BRITISH MAIL SERVICE. The P.-M.-G/s Schiju. Melbourne, June 21st.— The Postmaster General (Mr Mahon) states thai be hopes shortly to be able to lay before his colleagues a feasible scheme for establishing a fortnightly mail service to the United Kingdom, toaltei natewitfa the new fortnightly V 0 sen which is
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  • 265 70 The Times is Proud of Lord DUNDONALD. Suys The Times," m a long leader on the Dundonald incident It is a matter of common, knowledge that, for a lon^ time past, politics have played far too large a part m the organitation and management of the Canadian
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  • 293 70 .A Malay lance Corporal was fined 15 for using criminal force to a stall beeper m Ha\e-lock-rd, and sent to prison f or six weeks foi attempted extortion, by Mr Hose. We learn, says the Shanghai Union," that Mr R. W. Little, editor of the X. 0. Dailj News," is
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  • 1741 71 The mon\ng of the Erst (lav's racing at Penang *as uttered ia by deluge of raifa, whirh H.HKJeiI the Race Course and upset all ,<!«'iil,itioiis. A marriage has l*^n arranged between Mi*s Janet MrLeod, only daughter of Lieutenant. General McLeod, Commanding Burma, and Mr Godferry Fell.
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  • 1624 71 :by a. h. The present war has raised vital questions affecting the settled policy of Great Britain, nnd their definite solution, which may be deferred to the termination of hostilities, 'may well be causing Mr Balfour and his colleagues great anxiety
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  • 346 71 The following tetter, to the Editor of the Asian will be read with interest \>j all concerned m musketry training Sir, Your correspondent Fleur-de-Lys" m his letter, which appeared m your issue of t-he 11th June, called attention to short range ammunition for
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  • 3658 72 Interview at St. Helena. Curious Estimate DF ni Banished Empkrok. Sir Btajifobd's Obioival Lbttbi PUBLISHED m Daily Mail." v On my nearer approach he stopped, took off hi- hat, and slightly l>o\ved. Then placing hiss hat' under his left arm. continued a string of questions which he
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  • 402 72 SUPERSTITION AND CRIME IN JAPAN. A horrible story h<is just come to hand from Susebo says the Kol>e Herald.* 1 A young woman murdered one child and attempted to murder two others simply becauae she was told that if she wished to make absolutely sure of the return of her
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  • 36 72 liv older of Admiral Skrydloff, tbe IW !);iii('l plays m the gardens of the Commandant*! residence twice week AH the inhabitant! o! VTadiToetock, are admitted free, and large crowds assemble, [t's a heart that uever rejoices.
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  • 2041 73 hu IJissiav Position .m Manchuria. prom M '^vllent article m the M Journal of United Service Institution" (May 16) E. del* Poar Beresford, late Mili- li,. n. M. Embassy, St Petersburg, an importani section that cnabka realise the defensive position at Port about seven months
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  • 1593 73 I will set down here, as closely as I can remember them, says the Tokyo Correspondent of M The Times," the words used to me by Captain Arima, the officer who commanded the first and second blocking operations at Port Arthur As a fighting machine
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  • 233 73 Dr. Laloy describes m La Nature" (Paris) m curious circumstance m connection with the human roice. He says, m effect, that we never hear our own voic* as othe** people hearthem 1J ;i ncison records uu a phonograph a fPjw aentencea pi*onoiinced l»j himself, together with otberu
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  • 252 73 An Indian Schkmi io Galvanize Lira into the Industry. A correspondent writes to an Indian extfbanges'l^es iiig a new scheme for reviving the coffee industry. He urges the search for foreign markets to relieve London. He does not txilieve that production can be cheapened,
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  • 916 74 Of the two imported cases of plairue at Aden, on 25th June last, oiie died on 30th ultimo. The passengers were per steamer M Moshtari from Bombay. It has been discovered m Kussia that Greneral Kuroki's s^rn father was a Russian, and the 4 Japan Mail
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  • 1759 74 Quicquid a>junt h»xiinp* no*tri **t farrago VhcUi. Jcvknal. As well as Japan Russia has her censorship. But that is Dot applied, as m Japan, to the upholding of the national safety. It m diiwied to the suppression of the mil life of Ru&aia, her interest, lier
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  • 126 74 BADVANTAOEM BnJOYKD BY THE Si i; mis PLANI KB. Mr F-. II ]•<•< h iii Bkrine seudti to a Ceylon papera long le<4er on the qiH*»lk>uof the iiuuigraiion routes lie traverses the history of the question, aud recall* what I<"1 uptoHU<l what sticct»'-:«'.l the Comniisktiioii of
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  • 61 74 Sir John Anderson arrived at Peuan^ <>v Monday evening after his long tour through the Peninsula. Hw was received with alt the usual bt*a*»urH and next morning received at the vpveraor'g Room four a«lilivsy>es of welcome, to wbfcb Ka replied m suitable terms. Other than as
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  • 802 74 The usual meeting of this Board yesterday after, oon m the Municipal OfBc« M E.G. Broadrirk presiding, the other Mnii? present being Messrs F. E. Jago, K. A11..,,' A 7 Watkins. Dr M. RoU'.tson, Lt-Col Pennefati I. (x. P.. L. J. Saunders, Tiee Choon Ghiaa F. J. Benjaik'M,
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  • 79 74 Tin? totoj imiounl of ore eiportwJ l»t Im»' 1 i il.i,}»-rs i MI lite !;m 1m «»t" tin* Rovtfl Jol Tin Mining Coy L*(l< <iurii\'_r tin 1 iivn*' July irufl 338 1 m-'-!*. (Hituil t.» ii<;^."»<» pikuN 1 V*>.t*T(};i v nftortionn n rowiKviiriwl tlu- P». f. ■t«uiner Pumtai/* Ivin^al Thi
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  • 470 75 KITKAORDINARY WahTE. We have received a copy of Mr Toinlinson's* oq the Penan X Water Supply. The r t concludes with the statement 'that for u:m years there has never been a mouth m th,- total supply has been less than 155 n lions, equal 1o 50
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  • 275 75 14 Lairknck Hope." It took Anglo-India, which had more u*t£»nt things to do, a century or two to produce, m Kipling (Thackeray can Ifardlv be counted), a .story writer with an utterance ■Mich as to command the attention of the world. It 'k yvt longer to
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  • 113 75 .\.'u N'.ifk correspondent of the M;iu- riiardian ssjs that the income of the *t<»liiiigton Government is falling off at a tine For the month of Bfaj alone the deficit arlv 1 1.000,000, \\\A it looks as if the focal nin end on the 30th insl with a deficit
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  • 12 75 uainan was sent to kmol tor three s for lj«tt snatching yesterday.
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  • 527 75 The "Matlock Guardian" of June 25 contain* the following reference to what it styles the remarkable career" of the late Mr John Fisher, foi-merly of Singapore Death lias at last laid low one of Matlock's oldest inhabitants, one who lived \->:\-^ and robustly, m Mr
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  • 330 75 The writer of M Hongkong Jofctingi m the Hongkong Daily Ptom says It is highly satisfactory to learn that H3> Majesty tho Kin<_j bus «_;iven hi* us-^m to the Ordinance passed by the Leiri.slativf' Coancil m April last iv<*»rvin«_j to the Europeun popnlation the Peak
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  • 115 75 Perhaps toe most interesting of new vtataels plying the Ohio, Illinois, and Mississippi rivers, BATS a writer m the Scientific American, is one built Upon ;ia extensive scale i'or use as a floating theatre. The seating capacity is for 1,000 people, ;ni'l there are boxes Cor the
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  • 41 75 "When your dealer triea to \udm off tin imitatkmof Rigaud's Kananga Water or* 44 any old thin^" whi«-h is not what you want, then is the time to throw* little "hot air" into him and keep iiwav from liis stove. S
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  • 493 75 Sequel to a Sanitary Case. The case m which Inspector J. Harfleet of the Municipal Sanitary Department prosecutes six Chinese for defamation of character, by alleging he was the recipient of brills from' them, came up for further hearing this morning. Mr C*. E. Eaine prosecuted and Mr
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  • 208 75 Llieren a little spot I know of near a little Kentish town. And cherry-time is round Again, with branches weighing down, Will you come and find the cherries that are dropping from Ihe tree. Will you let me help to gather, and come ■Jld pick with me I know
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  • 109 75 Owing to the fact that the armoured cruiser Sully," now m Hongkong, was despatched from France to the Far East before she was ready for the voyage, the engineers and stokers experienced terrible sufferings, especially between Jibuti and Saigon. In the absence of ventilators, says the
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  • 27 75 An old Municipal servant, Mr J. IVreira. keeper of the Town Hall, died yesterday evening at f> pm. The funeral takes place this evening at 5 pin.
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  • 875 75 The Left Hand Not Knowing What the Right Hand Doeth. .Dr Dillon has an article on the above topic m the "Contemporary" and we quote thi& resume of it from the M Hongkong Daily Press" J The way t<» speak of Kussian stat j >m msnip, with its
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  • 78 75 At the annual general meeting held last night, the following Committee was elected: President, Mr E. Tessensohn Vice- I'ivsident, Mr J. Pereira Honorary Seeretan Mr 8. Mo we; Captain, Mr Stanley ZehndeF, and Mesafi P. If. Chopard, H. C. Hogan, I). M. Martia, E. L. Seth, K.
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  • 35 75 Another Russian Governor aAsaftfuoato I. A Berlin telegram to Shanghai, ("Oat- lie Lloyd") says that Vice- Governor A. of the district of Jelissawetpol, m the Train Caucasus, h;is been assassinated, apparently owing to political reasons.
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  • 2153 76 tn mukdkreo m. de plkhvk. Thk Secret Service Fund Internal War. In connection with the assassination of M. de Plehve, Russian Minister of the Interior the following examination of the disturbed m- i ternal condition ot Russia by an occasional correspondent of the M Daily
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  • 237 76 Old Oriental writing from London sends tlie<e A well-known gentleman m society who wears a glass eye is said on o visit to the Highland! to have retired to bed m rather advanced state of sobriety. Cries of distress issuing from his room, a reserve party was
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  • 290 76 CROWS AND THE RANGOON MUNICIPALITY. Commissioners Offer to Shoot Them. The following is a portion of the report of proceedings of the Rangoon Municipal Committee on July 5: There were b'3r> young crows. 156 nests, and 748 eggs destroyed by tlie Health Officer's Department m June. The nesting season, the
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  • 273 76 Rangoon, June 30. -The total value of the seaborne trade of Burma during Ma\ amounted to 381 lakhs, as against 290 lakhs and >;U lakhs respectively <lurin^ May, I .•<>:;, and 190s, thus, showing an advance on the figures <>t' tho previous two yean.
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  • 8 76 UieuT, Here rei)i4>\>*tl i'roui si.«k |t«l fin u«iav.
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  • 532 76 HEJAPANESE NAVY AND ARMY Liider the auspices of the Japan Societ, v Arthur Diosy, riee.pre«idenl of tlie s gave a lecture m the St. James's Hall „v uit., on "The Japanese \av. ;ill nn aid of the Japanese tailors' and families, and the sick mi- 1 wounded I a large
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  • 307 76 Before Mr Justice Thornton. ReYeoTiaii L\e. The Official Assignee tojk debtor through his public examination, hi answer to questions h<* s>iU he was employed si* Manage of < Jhop Ju Ilin on a salary «»f 850 \»-i mensem, with a share m the profits, of i or certain amount.
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  • 139 76 Tin* small iJritiftl) steamer Bat u «i ;«!riv.«l l»ere this morning m tow of the it* B i jShijj." and the Dative ikipper ilni sli.' !»*t't Baroo, one the i>!ui<l- m Durum Straits, resterdity and hah" irnji t Kiinfi broke, the propelwr falling Iwcknivl
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  • 781 77 Sister St Join, m charge of th<? Convent X i!;i Lumpor, died on July 29. She has for n«Nirly M) years m the 'sisterhood ten m Spain, 22 m lVnaug and two m Lumpor. She was greatly respected. !V llls 0*» unfortunate outbreak of pesl m the
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  • 742 77 Governor's Cup: Cambridge Cup. On Saturday, and _yesterday the fourth annual meeting of the 'Singapore Rifle Association was continued the weather conditions being hardly so favourable, on each occasion a tish-tail' wind blowing down the range, varying m direction and str»*n#th. The First BtagC of the Governor's Cup,
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  • 278 77 The outward b«»und mail steamer P »lvnesieu," which was expected to arrive here this morning with the Europe mail of July 8, met with an accident on the way from Colombo. A telegram was received yesterday from Olehleh that the vessel had signalled to say that her
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  • 42 77 Sinter Katherine Irishes toconrej her most grateful thanks to t he nnmeroufl !iin«l Criencii who have fcipneiwed their sympathy (hiring the heavy b/rvavenu-nt which luts fallen upon herselt aii'i > f Miin's College, m comoqngaw ot the lamented death of Miss Hagot Barte
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  • 168 77 The members of the Tanjong Pagar Recreation fclub organise! a smoking concert at their rooms on Saturday, to give an opportunity to the organisers of the S. V. A maxim section, to- make known the aims of the section and its advantages. There was
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  • 537 77 Mr Tan Tek Soon delivered his lecture on Chinese Labour uo Saturday night before the members of the Chinese C. Association, Mr. Song Ong Siang, M. A. presiding. The speaker addressed the house for nearly an hour and was listened to with attention and interest.
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  • 177 77 BUKIT KIT ASAHAN RUBBER ESTATE. Advices are just to hand re a panel of Kubber from the above estate which was shipped to London for sale. The parcel consisted of. I<IO 11* of v biscuit M and M cake," and 37 lbs oi scrap. It will be very encouraging to
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  • 11 77 JU/The Yen. Archdeacon Dunkerlev returned from Peuang by the Kiatca yesterday.
    11 words
  • 857 77 Further transports are leaving Germany for South- West Africa m August. M. Roudanovsky, the Russian Consul, returned to Singapore from a visit to Saigon by the If. M, steamer Tonkin" yesterday. The German collier v Luise arrive 1 here from Barry yesterday with 4,6frS tons of
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  • 94 78 Outlaws m Sam ar have again risen and towards the end of July attacked the small pueblo Taviran. They killed a number of persons and committed considerable damage by fire, amongst the Sjodowns reported to have been fired bein^ those of Warner, Barnes and Co, and the Compania
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  • 48 78 $he Polynesien after her breakdown was expected here this morning at 7 a.m. She was not, 'however, signalled till about 11 a.m. and not till afternoon did *he come into New Harbour attended by two tugs. The vessel got along the wharf after two o'clock.
    48 words
  • 241 78 Runaway In Jukbs FlTl Pcbsons. Details are, to hand this morning of tho serious oarriaage accident reported yesterday as having occurred late on Sunday evening m Bras Bassah-rd. At 8 pm on Sunday the horse attached to a phaeton, m which there were three Chinese nonias
    241 words
  • 495 78 PRICNE P'U LUN. HU Imperial Highness Prince L m who is fatiguing through Singapore by the M 11. P'tlviu 1 :i is one of Chain's kable ineii. Be is claimed I*\ ».i :v^r Iv ill* rightful heir '•> the iiin>uv. lie ir> n<■ > >u• i' the Emperor Kuimg-sii, who
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  • 49 78 Yesterday vthile a Klin^ mau wa« piekinj rambutuns at Bukit Tiiuab the branch he wl on broke and be fell to the gr»*ound. and was s< «enoii»lv hurt tkit he tad to be sent to Hospital He died one hour after Wing admitted rnt< Hospital from a fractured skull.
    49 words
  • 587 78 TientMin is to have eWtric light within a ▼ear, 2,500 lights and power for domestic use. Major Terry, Manchester Regt, is granted leave on private affairs from Aug 2 t<> Feb 1 1905. Major R. W. P. White, Welsh Regiineui, for several years D. A. A
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  • 308 78 The committee's report of the S C. C. makes uo startling statements. The membership has increased ami now numbers oGO, whilst the finances show a balance of assets over liabilities of no less than nearly eleven thousand dollars. The working of the club during the
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  • 1881 78 HOW A SIEGE IS CARRIED OUT. A Swflb Explanation of thk Method The Japanese May* Adopt at Poet Arthur. The predictions as to the leugth of time Port Arthur will hold out vary considerably, but if we consider what it means to take a bravely-defended fortified place by sie<je, it
    1,881 words

  • 598 79 POP! LAI ORCHESTRA], OOVOBBT. yrt night m the Town Hall there was mm i. the Orchestra of the Philharmonic Society it of the series of Popular Orchestral' unli which Urn public have been r r«»r no* abo«il ;i dozen joan pa <t Orchestra numbered S7, perhaps three
    598 words
  • 211 79 lie sudden death of Mr W. H. Brownridge, E. ES. Telegraph Co, has cast a i^loom the European community of Malacca. ad Uvn ailing for a few days, bnt not ialy, it supposed. On the morning ist 1 he went to office as usual, but was ii _i
    211 words
    • 2028 79 Telegrams to ohanghai from Ntuchwaag, state that the Japanese <lrove 8i) t 6oQ Hussians from the heights of Tashihehao after fourteen hours 1 desperate battle. Renter's correspondent at Yokohama states that the crew of tbt "Knight Commander*' were given ten minutes to escape before the Russian ships sunk
      2,028 words
  • 273 79 SPECIAL TELEGRAMS. (Special to the Singapore Free Press.") There was a battle at Tashich u> ou the 24th. cannonading lasting from daylight till dark. The Russian! retreated, and evacuated Niuchwaog the same evening. It i< supposed this wai m consequence of! a disaster ill .the North. The Guild is policing
    273 words
  • 985 79 By Courtesy of Mb Tanaka, H. I. J. M. Consul. I (leu* Mai oku reporti Our Army on July 24, comment. <l attack of the enemy posted on Tapiiv ,nul other einin»*n<:es ue;ir Tashikiao, ii. titmng def^rnr works. The enemy's Line of operations extended *en miles from
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  • 323 80 President X ruler's body bM Arrived at the Ha true. It has been conVeyed t<» the cemetery pending the removal to South Africa. Queen Wilbelmina sent a wreath. There \wmv three Cabinet Minister*, and a number of Dutch and ex-South African officer! present. The result of the Stewards <'up
    323 words
  • 325 80 m.m-,.. i, i.l „i.. 10 7} 75,000 131 It n.. i>-t... 10 io km mo N Jiiu.^n v. iiu lv K» 600/1003 1 OopeagTiM -ti Xioo.ono itH |H| .l»>li»bu Mui. &T. iv liq. 5 5 3<X>,i)oo Kadana Gold ord. 10 10 200,000 1 5 Do Pref... 10 2 20,000
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  • Page 80 Advertisements
    • 64 80 MARTIN'S yiPI OL& ste c l A%lfarLadies.[ f^l LLJ A French Rm«dy lor all Irr^ul»rlU«4 Baaundi of I^dlM alwtjri k«tep m bos of Martin IMU I A on the first st«n of anf Insularity of the HjiUk* '•< ■Wf b« «4nilnl«t«»«d. ThoM who umi than ri-omiwnl I iWr aoormotts Ml*.
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  • Page 80 Miscellaneous
    • 185 80 PASSENGERS LEFT BY THE MAIL. July J7.— Per N D L Roon For Penan- Mr and Mrs D S Carmichael, Mr C C L Fit/wiUiams. Mr Lim Mob Blati*r. For CJolomlx). Mr A E Krum. Mr A Francon. Mr E Francon, Mr Mathiiu M;uius. For Genoa. Mr E Kinck, Mir
      185 words
    • 896 80 VESSELS IN PORT. *».i Klae and Tons Commanders Arrived From k Of *m t irUlW f'ol yncht s«f> Ahmat July 12 Malacca n, Sirius H.M.S. cruiser 36vfl Moore July 15 p. Swettenh;im u -*h^ v'^.eu ion,« Masters Arrived Krom Consienees Pr> r Wh. Altin« Dut 704 Xeiirs J u ly
      896 words