The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 15 June 1904

Total Pages: 16
369 384 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 248 369 v m Canada, ;;71 Queer Story." 37] Optimism, -7 1 372 ited, :;7.-, 372,373 S 1001, 882 1 mm _7'l M.. 382 1 11. Baffles, 37] I Manchesb ;;7;*; .L G C Cup Play. :;?i l J utl :jti AI :*7l Late Mr Phillips, :>>;•> P ilice Force, 372
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  • Domestic Occurrences.
    • 17 369 On June n. ;!t Braemar, G 1 Road, the •nfe ol Gkoagi Brihkw Bt ui born).
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    • 106 369 At Bt. John's Cathedral, on the 6th instant, hy the l cv. F. T. Johnston, M 1 Mabkl Da*sy. youngest ,1.. f t|( H T ather Songkong, to Robert Rodoe port Glasgow, tlaud. On the 27th May. at the itLoKc Church, Port Bdward, Weihaiwei, b> the Rev. Father Hallam,
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    • 79 369 Wilson. At Butterworth P. W., on Monday, June 6th v Ann Sophia \Vii.s)n. Whakrv-Hills.- May 11. at Whitfield. C. J. Wharry. M. D. to Dorothy Clare Hills. BOOTT.— At Bridge of Allan, N. 8., Mrs W v ltk B S. dtt formerly of Penang. At the Adelphi Hotel, on
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  • 787 369 Here s.hall the Pres» the People's right maintain, l.'nawed by influence and unbribed by gain; Herr patriot Troth her glorious precepts draw. Pledged to Religion, oyalty and Law. Yesterday we quoted two military authorities, Lord Kjtchiheb and Col Alsaoeb Pollock, <>n reform m military training,
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  • 739 369 While the public must educate itself into discriminating between the improbable and the probable m war telegrams, it is, as a rule, propel enough to give a general acceptance to telegrams which announce the natural sequel of ascertained precedent conditions. And so, having m mind the extreme
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  • Page 369 Advertisements
    • 34 369 Sharpening, Polishing. 0 inform tie* public I the latest .ne most complete •tin-, sharpening and kind <-i urgical instrument-, tippers, horse clippers, hair _-.-is_-<»i> i others of e\i'iy de-M ription fal Hair Dressing Saloon
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    • 161 369 DIRECTORY for BANGKOK SIAM Fifteenth Tear qf Publication. NOW READY. Tht Directory for Bangkok and Bism contains v complete and Official List of the Government I department and the Principa I Commercial Houses m the country. It is replete with information absolutely essential to bhe Merchant, the Trader, the Professiona]
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  • Page 369 Miscellaneous
    • 243 369 T I i B XX K The last mad ir- m Hon* arrived by the P. A O. "Bengal" on Saturday last, bringing dates up to May 20. The Homeward mail was taken hv the N. D. L. v Sachaen" on Friday and this weekly goes by the B I.
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  • 456 370 The i j, d ti ion of t lie nn ns i f preset v ing law ..nd order m the Federated IMialai es bids fui d* npiUs the croakings "1 alarmists wh i va the depredations of a few out-of-work mining coolies as an indication of
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  • 277 370 g he P unz of the failure o S i a BLfl relic i■ rch, t hough Ih it n Ihe I- -g'nuiug, t -!.>n mus'. be iv iou .< >he suxi ua eagerness of the hopes built thereon. alter the V.. 1.i batl id before the
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  • 565 370 Local medical men, particularly those m Government service who have supervision of leprosy cases, would do well to read a paper m the Indian Medical Gazette" by Capt E. B. Bost, I. M.S. This paper may be looked upon as indicating a mode of
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  • 257 370 Ths Penang Water Supply question has heen settled, at all events for the present, \,y the carrying by three votes to two of a motion by Mr Gaffney to provide standpipes m the town and obtain power to cut off all private supply m times of
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  • 438 370 Although coming through Chinese channels alone, there does not appear to be any unlikelihood about the statements that severe lighting ha« lieen going ou for three or four successive days not far from Put Arthur. The rumour coming through Liaoyang speaks of actual land and sea attacks
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  • 280 370 A General Japanese Advance. dune 1 1 The real iuterest m to-day's war news :n General Kuroki s report, communicated i ugh the Japauese Consul. Prom that it is clear that after long deLll lhe .lapan. c rmy, itv centre resting ou Penghuangcheng; ig noa pushing out its Hanks wiih
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  • 433 370 Thi; Ecbopkan Poon White." Having beard so much of m. en led *md a- -tual legislation again-' the introduction of Chinese, Malays, Japanese and ..'lmi- Asiatics into Western Australia from Singapore, it will probably come as a suprisc to main |*vple to know that this Ca don i has what
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  • 247 370 SAIGON'S DOCS Accomdation. June 13. A correspondence is published ii I i v. hich bli >h t:i 11 the pi provide a commercial floating d< was lhe necessary resile of i male by M. Bodies, Lii Cocbin-China, !.i-t January. Tin' placed the Saigon Chamber a dih mma by st tting
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  • 392 370 Tm. curi km itioual I first appears to > "P in vim of Cunda between Commanding Canadian M eminent of Canals, seem* a pretty acute stage, to terms used hi the Canadian PdiHcussing it Led l>( soo knOW, il a cp.hle Slid rti-til perial oflicer-
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  • 380 371 Vt QUEEB Si..|!Y." .IllUe 1 J li..- heen playing upon the the "Standard'" correspondent at i-n- i i- inconceivable that mi .i should have either order- I out, or telegraphed without rrying out. the marvellous I MU. d to his authority. It t'dd to Ihe correspondent referred ii. -I Jessen
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  • 351 371 W ii i i.i. we i r 1 a naval ai j itary polic) on it- strategical and tactical r. suits, there u thing m which Russia des. ryes 80me credit, That is the MarieTapleyism of it. press, and the light-hearted 'nut way mi which it thinks everything
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  • 129 371 The annual report of St Mary's College for 1903 gives a timely reminder of'the reason for the establishment of the Institution m 1894, and a resume of its his ton ior the past ten years. St Mary's 18 (1) an Orphanage, where lo girls are lodged, clothed,
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  • 214 371 Before Mrs Cumming left Singapore for Europe she presented the Sepoy Lines Golf Club with two prizes for competition by members m mixed foursomes. 'p] j0 pj a to j.^ according to medal rules, an. a course oi eighteen hole- Seventeen couple-- entered and Mrs Waddell
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  • 184 371 THE RESPONSIBILITIES OF WEAPONS. A sentence passed recently m the 1 ,1 Supreme Court m which recourse to a rev.. l B r inder what were considered extenuating cir M„nst,u.e> caused death, might be compared with toe following, which seems severe Samuel Cross was charged at the Qlasw, Higu Court
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  • 254 371 ►1 i rdict m the Lindsay Thompson leaves matters much where they were before the inquest started, says a Sydney }r>)„ r B v the law, as laid down by the Coronal ml bearingon the question of suicide and insurance generally. .Alr Barnett said, "If the parties
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  • 377 371 Rangers Raffles School. m the absence of being able to procure a letter ground, the Rangers had iv play their return match against Ruffles School oil their und ycsterdai evening, and from the l< ugtli ot grass and jpinrsby ground on one side, the game was nat
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  • 134 371 Ihis morning hefore Mr Beatty, Dr L prosecuted a Hylam cook at the General 11.., pital for disposing of food given him to prepan «'.»r the patient- He uas fined 825 or m d. fault it month. Mr E. 1.. Brockman having returned from vacation have, resumed his duties as
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  • 314 371 On Saturday last, ilu* link- were filled to their utmost capacity when the monthly medal ami the Spring Cup were competed for. Mr A. Morrison wou the medal with the very useful score of 7.. aud it was thought probable h.r he would succeed m earning off
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  • 512 371 The seventh ord m an general meeting of shareholders m the Punjom Mining Company. Limited, was held at lion: kong on the lst inst. Mr K. Chatterton Wilcox occupied the chair. After the adoption of the report and accounts, and hearing ;i statement of the situation by
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  • 134 371 if is st ted that the subjects of 'a certain neutral Power' have heen provisioning I'ort Arthur by means of junk- (Accent on "neutral 'Ihe management of the Baffles Hote! having applied to H. k. the Governor for his patronage, Sii- John Anderson has been pleased ssent M I ptain
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  • 872 372 The steamer Carlisle arrived hen* from Cardiff yesterday with 2,900 tons of coal on board. Major A. G. Ferguson, KiH i Brigade, who was here m Singapore with the Ist Battalion, has l>een appointed Inspector of Constabulary for Scotland, m the room of Capt Monro, retired.
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  • 703 372 The Richest Tin Mines m Malata. The following interesting account of the Tambun and Tronoh Mines is taken from the annual report of Mr. F. J. B. Dykes. Warden of Mines, Federated Malay States: Tkonoh Mines. This mine still continues to enjoy prosperity. During the year dose
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  • 296 372 Yesterday evening ill dull and drizzly weather the body of the late Mr <\ Phillips was removed from the General Hospital, thesceue oi much of his work for the pasi thirty years. to his last resting place at Bukit Timah Cemetery. On the arrival of the
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  • 24 372 Yesterday the Bench Court dealt with two .rikisha coolies for breaking into a house m Waterloo.-st. one getting nine months and fhe other six.
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  • 109 372 I Yesterday afternoon before a Bench Court i Sergeant Taylor prosecuted two Chinese tor house-breaking and theft. The evidence adducj ed showed that at 3 a. m., on the sth ultimo the accused broke into a Chinese dwelling house m Bencoolen- st aud stole sundry articles of clothing.
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  • 166 372 The Chief Justice and the Attorney General arrived at Malacca on dune v m the Sea Belle.*' The Calendar contains four c murder, ca death by a rash act, and two of gang robbery. Six i were charged with gaug robbery Ma-hap 0 ►rii 17 seven Chinese from
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  • 488 372 Si on Mr Justices. L.Thornton m Bankruptcy. m re M. Gforski. Mr Perkins represented the Official Assignee, the mover, and Mr Elliot defended Ramsamy chitty. His Lordship m giving judgement said this was un application on the part ot the Official Assignee, for a declaration that a certain
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  • 102 372 At Christchurch, New Zealand, recent li a new form of totalisator was introduced at the ra '*-s. This was to enable double event wagers The winning double payed £47.17 at one pound ti *kets. lesterday afternoon a Chinese coolie working at one of the Kallang saw-mills got part of his
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  • 355 372 lhese sports, which began on Tw. noon, were brought to a conclusion tine weather, before a lam nn.n1,.,--and relatives of the boys. Miss Tay] consented to give away the priz sports for the greater part ofthe afte there were many well-know,. The grounds had been hung wittgtn
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  • 407 372 The V. K. will probably a dend for the past half-year at thc p r cent per annum. Thirty-five thousaud business un sachussets have petitioned the United fc Government to eucourage re. ipi Canada and Newfoundland. With n fen ace to the charges againsi Mt F.J. Robertson of Bangkok, it
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  • 833 373 u l( „l, played hist week between the I Hub and the Rovers, was far I m tory as the one we noticed n-beu the R A. gained an unearned th. V M. C The Docker'i i fa tion though it appear- I lov er end. The ball
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  • 230 373 'lla preliminary even-- m lhe annual school sports were run off yesterdai before a critical audience of the boy- and a fair sprink*- of friends. The weather was line if rather hot. and the events wen eralll kevnlx eoutested Long Jump L Lap ie 16 \i. "li
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  • 351 373 B I C. v'K Reot. _ka it was known that th«* above teams were to meet again m a match yesterday evening quite large crow, l of spectators had lined the ropes, long before tlie teams made an appearance. The cluh ground was to perfect condition and promised
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  • 25 373 From the pr. coeds of tlie Portuguese "Merchant of Venice amateur performances, St. Anthony's (rui- School has received ftlOO and Bt. Anthony's Bread Fund *_'.V
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  • 794 373 A Kh.MAKKABI.K Ex I'KIUTIoN Mr Morrison, the London "Times'* correspond. m China, who is an Australian by birth ha% ound a rival m Mr J. Fossbmok Morri rsa, a graduate of Sydney University, wn. has just returned to the Kew South Jes metropolis, after a lengthened
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  • 124 373 THE PROPOSED BALTIC-BLACK SEA CANAL. Notwithstanding the drain which the war with Japan is causing the Russian Imperial finances, the (Var has determined to carry out his gigantic project of connecting the Baltic with tht* Black Sea. The rival syndicates coming for th»- contract, one Kussian and: other American, have
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  • 10 373 The "Kaiser YVilhehn derGrosse" has not been sold to Russia.
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  • 746 373 Gen Managers Report for month ending 21 May ]!*<)}. The measu ements, and assay results of prosI>ecting work, prepared by the Mine Manager, show a total of ->14 ft. for the period (4 weeks) under review, mads np of 19 tt. sinking, 117 ft. driving, and 17*
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  • 48 373 Tie* C ylou Observer" of May 2 is informed m Jaffna hat the District Judge of that plaoe hat 1 a notice to be made that all juvenile si kn „f .•igar- or tte* under the age if found m the act, will be severely punished.
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  • 35 373 Mr J. F. Robertson, who is charged with being an absconding debtor from B »k, wan this morning before Mr Micbell. The Magistrate ordered that he be put on hoard the first Bangkok bound steamer.
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  • 279 374 Bulls too Lajioi ron Russian (tin-. A high Hungarian naval officer is reported to have said that the steel shells furnished for the coast batteries at Fort Arthur and Vl.divostock have been found too large b»r 1 he Kussian guns then* ami are unserviceable This accounts for the
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  • 351 374 \i- «k\ s lias be di ami. Imperial rifle teh iieh took place m seve iri i ot the ;i: itish Empire mh r and October last. The winu ••> are tae Queen's Rifle Volunteer Brigade, the Royal Scots, competing teams consisted of ten men and
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  • 56 374 On the 3 .June, 1903, a Kling was sentenced to three week-' hard labour for torturing s bullock. He appealed against this decision but the appeal was quashed and he absconded his bad of S1(K) being estreated. He was rearreM^d uvsterday by Inspector Ambrose and Mr Michell sent him to
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  • 185 374 His Honour the Deputy Governor left for Kudat by the v Tringganu on the 20th inst., but is due back here sho tl In tee of Mr'fi. P Gueritz, tbe review of tl ps here was held by bi Capt. VV. Baffl as t >ffi m ISh tvj;u.
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  • 576 374 Peking. May 19.— The Russian troops which ra entered Rewehwang were dispatched for Kaiping. before yesterday there were about 10,000 Russian troops concentrated to hold the Japanese for a time while preparations '-an l*e made for the defence of Liaoyang. Tokio, May r.h- It is reported that the
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  • 114 374 borne excitement was ca t sel at tbe drawing ofthe Penang Griffins on Friday by the announcement that the Government Veterinary Surgeon had examined th.' horses aad found them Buffering from a disease lie could not specify. The dub surgeon could only find that some were
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  • 207 374 The Dutch gunboat M Eli left for Rhio yesterday afternoon, and the cruiser Kon ingiu Regentes" went to the wharf this morning. Sir Henry Blake is suffcriug fro ri a bruised b.ot.the result of a mi-hap ou the Nuwara Khya Golf Links. Senator Dene w recently called at the hous,.
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  • 263 374 The Police are taking advantage of the holiday to-day m honour of the Prince of Wales birthday one of the few holidays they get to hold their annual sports. Excellent arrangements have been made for the Sports and the Kaffles Reclamation Ground, on which they are being held,
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  • 166 374 Dv tM. i bri Swob >t from 1 1 rHE STUFF BBBVED ie ro THE NAI IVK B I v The native newspaper reader m Colombo siys the Times of Ceylon") has to put up with some fierce reading m the way of war
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  • 231 374 There was a capital audience m the Town Hall last evening when the Dallas Company gave a representation of the musical comedy A Chinese Honeymoon.'' As m most others of this class of musical trifle, the plot is of the slenderest, consisting m this case of the
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  • 205 374 The advantages of acquaintance with a .Indue was peculiarly demonstrated m one of the Manila Courts lately. A number of natives were up for bandolerismo amongst whom was Adriaii<» Lucio. Judge Crossfield recognized tins man as having been before him on a previous oeeasam on a similar charge,
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  • 65 374 1 >uring the manoeuvres and mobilization troops will be allowed to parade m shirt sleeves Before the Marine Court on Thursday last a sampan coolie was fined $20 or fourteen days rigorous imprisonment, for insult ng Pilot H. 8. HauxwelL Before the same Court twelve seamen on the ship "Troop"
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  • 155 374 A telegram from Pingyang thai ISthult tl, Russians ffi 3 Hamheungm Hamkieung-do Korea) but the Korean I them outside the city. fight than two hours. Both sides 1,. hilled, whereupon the ku < hangtsmg where they burnt the nat deuces. This is the! Korean army has had any
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  • 148 374 A. D. Asht m. one i I i>|,. ers and corre -nt out i.. Japan Collier's VV T kly, arrived ...i i from Sokoham ted with wai til go to tbe Bcene of t by all the pr i i IM others may >xj ec ed
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  • 243 374 A Soi [mplicxted. Calcutta, May 2" At the < Calcutta Pol Court to-day, William Smaller, alia* Will Williams, e/Mv Mm Craster, vas charged at the instance of the Crown with chcatim respect of 1-5,00 I The accused put iv written confession eh 1 1 Cowie,
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  • 104 374 There rum »ur the Uuasi in** t to s -ud "'it h 125 war ves*e the Far 1 I will lie divi led dii i-i ■-n-. placed under I id ot four The fieet i- t arrive n b w iters m 3e] iext, is ihe M« r.nean.
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  • 20 375 t work for May Stone crushed Gold obtained 232 oz 15 <i wts 12 dwts 17 grs
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  • 60 375 7.30 ik t v petty I M S went to a mm :n North Bridge-rd m.l m ilc 11 1 bar- c bn) men the th 1 Id re tin d m th. I MIM. but 1 it ol 1 ad tor I 1 aspe ot rived
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  • 458 375 f. Lm.v m Londo hition m I "i the H tl of v v v of a pnotist d i seat upon a raise I dais md m irkuble-h and dram,ired at I lie reflection of the tni ror until the pupils dii f< 11 fo ll united
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  • 26 375 liH Main ,yv\\ud ni Brem. a, which I -man soldiers lie- men were allow I a ppe ired to be a imars I lhe M.-.ii.' continute
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  • 1019 375 tor the mght com*!, wh^n no nan I a:; lho cycle oi prosperity which now for soveral year- has rolled along on sm. oth -died wheels with only slight occasional interrm,. tmn, has reached a Mage U required order to remove the extraneous particles uud
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  • 186 375 'lie Rev F. ii. Gillingham, who bas b I Cricket/ played his I, j crick. m d ipau, whee bis Eather helped t kei club .it Kobe. Two 0 t bis I,r »ne 1 the X the Club, and brother i« ill captain. "Laal Mr Oillingham, "Alfred
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  • 215 375 Two -ames of billiards wen played on the 25th ult. one hefore and the other after dinner, at the Hongkong Club, b^ Mr John Roberta and Mr E. H. Hinds. In the first game 660 wis coined, i io fluids, and the local champion red
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  • 493 375 A Pahang correspondent writes to the M. V. bs follows The gradual increase m the output .>t tin ore m Pahang since IB9ti is undoubtedly >\nito the better price of tin, although a more complete system of supervision has been the main factor, while transport is also
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  • 305 375 "Fais Play" ami Pass Tbadb. fn rui' Km j or. Dear Sir: With reference to the letter of "Fair Play, m the M London and China Telegraph,' 1 on "Free Trade iv Singap it will be of interest to you to knov that the G unans are doing everything
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  • 225 375 Mr A. Wallis Myers w rites of the f amous tennis players a Cassell's Magazine for May: A word as to tne metho I- of the redoubtable brothers. Do t hey smoker Yen little, and never while training for an important match. What do they drink, and
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  • 231 375 {From our Special Ctrre*pon tit. J Jolo, Sulu. IV May It, 1904. The two Sulu thieve*, who murdered Sheik Salim. the Arab trader of Singapore, at this place three weeks ago, the particulars < d' which crime were furnished to the readers of the "Free Press*' at that
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  • 163 375 MADRAS WANTS A SERVANTS' HILL. Madras, May 18 The servant difficulty is becoming very pronounced on the Nilgiris, enquiries having shown thai a large proportion of the crime committed m the towns of Ootacamund, oonoor and Wellington has been committed by domestic servants, and that residents are largelj ..t the
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  • 2957 376 To guard tha spoils ->i bloody Spain Pin tie :8p ue.-li uaiii.'-t i o ..oi- and tear*-. v QUI 1 > Bid, But I li vael I r p the eyes m sleep. v\ v ink to u-a\ them Al hel i •d.
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  • 332 376 As to the Russian siti U v tary expert m a London daih are uot surprised I i hear that patkin has ab indoned all th >ught th-' road, and o near Liaoyang. h I fl i a million v thosi army by a j H 1 thai
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  • 97 376 The British India steam I here this morning ibout d i, for her. tire*! ii iinouncing her arrii Lhe wharf wail ►ut and psed be mail md it i* p lay lice was the i t ;<- i»t the I c that I his L i. c
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  • 2281 377 llt Samukl John r J lie "Singapore Rree Press") [nth; -mokmg r<M(ni „t t CußaH mmmg bound lor New York, a small group of En*. men were listening to what an Am.-ri.-.u, Seuatoi had to say about the expansion of the "T^popula thewholc he world explained tb.
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  • 478 377 From Na; ii c Sources. The Peking .vernment has issued secret instruct ions to the city officials to diligently search all then 1 ools and colleges for revolutis uists and suspicious individuals. The Central Governnien t is < gly anxious about the safety of Mongolia and Hi,
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  • 18 377 Ths Imp. German mail steamer M t ddenburg may be expected to arrive here on Thursday 7 am.
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  • 394 377 To His Imi'kriai, Majkstv the Bmpvbob OF Japan. My Dear Emperor of JapanYon appear to he having an excel. Wav down on the Yaln river There has l>een fierce fighting. And you've whopped 'em. I »f your general Exploit Since the bi -inning of tie- Wet It is not
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  • 380 377 This is what the London correspondent has to m the Jud April about the state of Harbin. Russia's new base m Manchuria The thaw has come. For this marshy town. without pavements, without sewers, without anything which is necessary to the health of cities, a thaw is the Bignal
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  • 1645 378 H.M. S. M Vestal arrived hen* this morning from liat avia. Wiih tne arrival of 8.M.8. M Iphigenia we have three P.ritish cruisers iv port. Calcutta consolidated municipal rate i- Pc per cent There is still a margin of 2} per cent still I* riable under
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  • 673 378 Serious Allegations The case m which Inspector Harfleet charges two Chinese shop-keepers with breaches of the Sanitary Regulations came up before Mr Michel! this morning. Inspector Mayhew prosecuted for the Municipality and Mr Carver defended. TanClioot accused No. [2 continuing his evidence said that m his ledger
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  • 75 378 TALBOT'S RELIEF ARRIVES. 11. M. S. [PHIOBKIA." 11. M. S. Iphhgenia arrived here from Europe yesterday evening, having called at Colombo, en-route and left there on dune d. The Iphigenia, which has been on the China Station before, is a second class twinscrew cruiser uf 3,600 tons displacement, 7.<><>o horsepower,
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  • 209 378 Tlie case against the two Malays charged with gang robbers was j roceeded with. Tlie prosecution allege that on Mai 12 1904 the accused with ab, an }<> other Malays broke int.. a Chinese Bangsal at Kampong Pulow, 2o mile froni town, at midnight, and stole property to
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  • 20 378 The "Den of Seiton." bound to Bombai with coal and Government stores, has sunk after collision m the Bristol Channel.
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  • 556 378 On the question of a modification ot the amount paid by the opium ami spirit farmers Disinterested writes to tne "Straits Echo It is the common talk among the smokers here I being one of them that a certain Government official will be hep- shortli probably this official
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  • 309 378 From Native Sourcj The Board of Foreign Affairs has telegraphed to the different provincial authorities iuforming them that the collection of likin will cease from Ist January, 1905. Ii is reported that m view of the critical state of affairs m the North the Centra! Government has
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  • 28 378 Perak played Selangor on dune and woi by 168 run*,. T..« gc ►res were P- rak 117 and 220 Barrett 90, Pox 1 1). Sel 12H and 41.
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  • 517 379 18 ToKHBns" OH THE In. kkask. When the Government, originally perhaps from motives ot economy, and latterlj it is to ed t rom pure obstinacy, determined to m n the Colonial yacht Belle from 337 tons to 49, thereby enabling her to -ail with oative ;;-rinch
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  • 158 379 i p..iice have made two arrests m connection with the Yu chu kang murder. It appears that Ibe murdered man liefore in* succumbed to his wounds told his wife timt he was attacked by three Chinamen, one of whom tired at him v. j... [j,. gave the names
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  • 46 379 In the small hour- of this morning a Police patrol on rounds io Tai-joog Pagar-rd saw two China mau lurking about ins suspicious manner. «m aeeinir tlie Police the? ran away ■Hit one was caught and a large auger and a lock-saw found m his possession.
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  • 990 379 The Chinese Minister mi n Pans has denied, according to the Temps, that any popular nn.;. -ment was imminent m China* and said that the Chinees Government was well able to guard the frontier and to maintain order m the interior. •iapan'- hrn bubmabihb. A New Fork telegram
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  • 1568 379 Ordinary Mkkting, Friday, Junk 1«» th. I'I'F.HKNT His Excellency the Qorernor (Bir John Anderson, k.c. m.0.) lhe Hon hie the Colonial Secretary W. 'J. Taylor, cm. a.) Ih the Colonial Treasurer |F. O. Peni the Auditor-General (E.C.Hill.) the Col. Engineer (A. Mnrray.) E aman ling idier-Gen. Sir b.
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  • 353 379 Before the Chief Justic Sir Lionel Coy. The Battebt-bp Buildino. Mr Allen on behalf of Cheang Jim Chuan moved for leave to mortgage some d' the property left intrust by the late Cheang Honi Lim. Prom the petition it appeared that some time ago the Court had given
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  • 848 380 Admiral Skrvdloff has hoisted his flag on the *B isia." It is -'Mcd that a sum of 62,400,000 STU Onh the l'etropavlovsk" when she was Mink 1... A. Severn, a. well known here, is appo i ti It- the- Revenge" for navigating duties A. f o
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  • 650 380 An extraordinary general meeting of the Tanjong Pagar Dock Company shareholders was held to-day at noon m tlie Exchange, Hon. W. P. Waddell presided and there were present. Revd. Father Couvreur, Hon J. M. Allinson, Jas Sellar Manager, Messrs P. Haffter, E&obf Little, A. Ron Boessing,
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  • 259 380 Happy Bangkok The telegraph line was interrupted and from dune 1-3 no Renter's Telegrams were received. There are tive lawyers m Malacca at the present time m connection with the Assi/.es and .i\ il eases. A regular legal mobilisation. The IhifHes Institution School closed up yesterday afternoon for the mid-summer
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  • 1520 380 Qmeftnd agunt hommei moMri est farrago libeUi. Juvenal. Never m history was there over such an illustration of the adage M Bri.U- shall have a fall than that now exhibited to us m the war m the Far East. The holiowneefl if the unbounded Kussian arrogance
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  • 290 380 A Chinaman Injured In tiie sm.ili hours of this n fin broke out m a building m Bali Lane and the Tire Brigade under Mr F. K. Jennings, witi the police und". Mr W. A. Cuscaden. soon on the spot, hose being brought through. from the Beach-rd
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  • 94 380 m_m H M. S. left homeward bound this morning aud 11. M.S. "Iphigenhi Eastward. Artesian b rii m Bangkok to a depth ol 400 feet have i -und m easi fio i gall, -ns a dny 00 I dr.nk: H. E tin I ef h ia the M .Grog y
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  • 667 381 The Police Administration report for 190-i, by Colonel Pennefather, deals with several Hereof general importance The authorised strength of the force Ks 2195 of all ranks, the actual total strength 2004; but of this deficit t P.M. no less than 17 are Europeans, who bt to number
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  • 62 381 THE BRITISH SQUAURON IN THE YANGTSE. The Shanghai mandarins have received an intimation that Admiral Noc-1, who had gone up the Yangtse with a squadron of battleships and cruisers, intends to call on Viceroi Wei b'uing-tao at Nanking Hist and then upon Viceroy Chang Chihtung al Wuchang. Iv both cities
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  • 69 381 results of tl saminationa held la>t by the Chamber of Commerce for commercial certificates, is that certificates will be grunted t.i bin. Koon Tye (First prise) Msasi'a Guthrie and < '<». o c b..;, (Second pri /c) St Joseph's Institut ion K. J., Straits Steam Ship Coy.
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  • 629 381 (A Special Report.) It was indeed a fashionable party which congregated at the Mairie, Avenue Henri Martin, Paris, on Thursday the llth May to witness the marriage ceremony which united Miss Kitty Nathan, only daughter of Mr Ezra Nathan, of Singapore, 'to M. Gaston Billot te,
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  • 273 381 In the Brisbane Assembly a bill haa been introduced to reduc tin* salaries of future Governors ol Queensland to £2,000. The French steamer Hoihao" which went ashore on Hainan. Island, neai- Hainan, is now a total wreck. The U. S. 8. "Tacoma has been sent out to look for a
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  • 1535 381 Major P. B. Hanham. r g a, who has been Stationed here, has been promoted Lt. -Colonel vice Col R. A. Ri^g, placed on half pay. The British collier "St Cuthbert arrived here from Norfolk, Virginia, on Saturday with 6,462 tons of coal for Japan. The
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  • 127 381 Submarines ros Saioox. Yesterday a large French warship and t*n French transports passe.) through the r from West to Kast. One ..f the transp was the torpedo transport '•Foudrf* 1 wbich is conveying two sobmariues, th" "Protce'* and "bvn.v," to Saigon. After disembarking these two submarine- at
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  • 235 382 N ATI vi Shi ew kSTsms '1 i KB KniTOR Sum We note your remark re Force ot Example and IS tonner.-.' We agree with you that -hipping is not run on sympathetic motives, but like your own, and the business of other firms, for the purpose of making
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  • 268 382 <• c. 2nd XI v- M C. A. The S. C. C. put a strong eleven mr.. the M-l-1 on Saturdai against the Y. ftf. C. A. including two inter- Settlement players, and tin* game which wa- played on the Esplanade resulted m a disastrous defeat ofthe visitors who
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  • 298 382 The Assizes are continuing. Thi**. m. ming (Thursday) three Malaya were charged witb causing the death of a Chinaman l.v furious driving. On April 15 two Chinese were walking along the IVinggit id when two bullock carts came racing along' behind them One of the ('hinese was crushed between
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  • 86 382 June Silver Medal Play, Results. C. V. Miles S4 2 Medal. A. C. Padday 92 9 *'d Sir A. R. P.Dorward 93 9 84 Major Tf. J Everett ...101 17 84 F. Ferguson 84 plus 2 86 Commander Farquhar v 7 Ser s B. I) Hewan
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  • 312 382 On Saturday on the Old Gaol site tlm pupils ol Si Joseph's Institute ladd their annual sports Severa] marquees had been ere and the ground wa- j^.iy v.ith streamers and a great crowd of relative- and friends of the hoys, lb E. the Governor .ml Mi.-.-
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  • 518 382 A Celebes Boy's Adventure. On Saturday Captain Lawler of the ss. cho.. n Shau called on Detective Chief Inspector Perrett with a native boy about 12 years old. and said that four months ago when m command of the "Tai shan" while passing through Maca-sar
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  • 832 382 The outward bound mail steamer took a million dollars to Penang this trip. Sir Lionel Cox, Chief Justice, is expected to arrive here by the Sea Mew from Malacca to-day. Mr Paget, British Minister at Bangkok, arrived here from Siam by the Medusa thi> The opening
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  • 528 382 An Appeal to thk Tnoian Govkknmfn n The Honorary Secretary of the Imperial Anglo-Indian Association, lais addressed the following letter t<. the Secret ury to the Govern. ment of Bengal, Judicial Department Sir,— l am directed by the Council of tie [mperial Uiglo-Indian Association to solicit
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  • 134 382 The Philippines cattle trade, which has hitherto seemed to be a virtual monopoli Songkong, hold- m prospect tht' possibility ot competition from the Australian Colonies. W« learn that a Colonial tirm has taken a preliminary plunge m tho pur.-iiase of fifty head of cattle fr.mi Delamere
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  • 102 382 Captain Kit-liter of the s.s. "Wilhelm," which arrived her.- trom Macassar I hia m. -ruin-.. reports that on the voyage from Macassar ts Sourabaya an old Jewess, named Mrs Ezekiel who was a passenger <m the Wilhelm fell overboard bi some unaccountable means. Th. engines were stopped
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  • 45 382 EXCELLEN! PEII We are informed that transactions have beei put through to-day, m Tara i übber, N quality, from the Native States, at $310. pe picul, a rise of $30 on previous transactions Also that scrap rubber has realised 8260 j* picul.
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  • 67 382 A notice mariner- has been issued that information has been received from the ter of the bs. -'Van lmhoif' through tie Consul Gem-ral for the Netherlands that a wreck is all. ut m the .1 I mngl deg. 5 mm. S. lit lob de mm. E long It
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  • 30 382 m We are informed that Mr Arnold Abraham Jewish gentleman, has left for Rangoon, under the auspices ot Buddhist Mission at Havelock Koad, Singapore, to .-nte:- the Buddhist Priestno I
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  • 98 383 ommentmg on the very heavy losses from disease .luring the German expedition against the Hottentots, the British Medical Journal" XV 8 •M 8 lition is the sort ..f military iperation which ihe British army i- constantly rying on all over the world, and we are certain that
    98 words
  • 102 383 1 i v ■<- < i vernnent 1; rough>ut C. Daih N up by* the Era ly >win at war m A the luestion ot under the cii P* mi] ardour tj 16 that t Presidents md Vice-Pi ft c Bo trd 1 i
    102 words
  • 209 383 THE BRITISH SOLDIER'S SAVINGS. The British I ig n so well irks i er,' 1 th it a thrifty man ein -,;ve (!> j guia m iX ii i. i- a single man m har: i fam.. id.. thrift i- kcrcised red l»y tho i ig ue of a G.
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  • 395 383 There w. re b<»l cases of plague admitti -i into the [nfectious Diseas Hospital m Hongkong m 1903 and 1 76 of these died. The mortality from 27 Europeans was 7.4 per cedt, as compared with 56 per cent *m' Asiatics, bhowing that the better-ted European, brought up and living
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  • 2288 383 TELEGRAMS. THE WAR Bswfsi Agency A Besides the gunboat destroyed <»n June 6, it is stated at Tokio that a guuboat ..f a similar type wa- destroyed about the same time a mile i uff shore. Reuter's correspondent at Tokio states that four gunboats engaged ma reconnaissance of Peit Arthur
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  • 155 383 JAPANESE CONSULAR TELEGRAM. Hv COUBTESV Ol Mi: T\n IK I, 11. I. J. M. < Jener il Kuroki reporl A detachment of our troop* lupied Sui- machih on June 7. Our casuaft were three men killed, 24 men wounded Th* eneun left I 23 killed on the field, be-id* officers
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  • 259 384 SPECIAL TELEGRAMS. i Special to the Singapore Free Press.'*) Hongkong June 8 10.30 p.mThe Russians sustained a reverse on Saturday morning at Wa-fang-tien. General Stackelberg's brigade has retired on Tashibchao. The Russians sre employing carrier pigeons between Porl Arthur and the Consulate at < too [t is believed there are
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  • 71 384 (Corrected up to June I 4.) Bank 4 m/s 1/11 xV demanu 1/1 1 J Private credits 3 m/s 1/11-/^ N credits 6 m/s 1/11| France, demand 242 J Germany, demand... 197 India, T. T 144 Hongkong, demand 5 dis Yokohama demand 95 Java, demand 11 5-j Bangkok, demand
    71 words
  • 339 384 June 14. Ca P itol b= 11 MINES. JC I Belat Tin $10 10 300,0005J 10# lo Petseweh Gold ord. 10 7.i 75,000 15. 15$ Do Def... 10 10 40,000 7 11 Bruseb 11. Tin 10 10 000,000 7} SJ QopengTin £1 je 100,000 i«;j 101 .lolelmMin.&T. inliti. 5
    339 words
  • 139 384 (June 14. j Tin 71.50 Gambier v -jq do. Cube No. 1 M 14.75 do. do. No. la •>.-, Pepper, Black (ordinary Spore- „28 :;."> do. White, (Fair L. W. 5 p.e., „43 Nutmegs 110 to the ft.) 43. do. 80 to the 26. „90 Mace (Banda) 145 Cloves
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  • Page 384 Miscellaneous
    • 500 384 PASSENGEKS AKKIVED. June 8. Per Paknam Cant. Dandelin. and Mr McMillan. Per Wai hora Mr and Mrs Laurie. June lb Per Denbighshire Mr and Mn Black, and Mr Swan. Per Rajah of Sarawak Miss Beattie. Per Sri Muar: Messrs W. H. and J. B. Williams. June 10, Per Tara Messrs
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    • 200 384 AN JER SHIPPING REPORT. S]>ecially compiled for the Singapore Free Press" Date of passing An jer Nationality and description of vessel Captain's name Where and when sailed. Destination. May 26. Brit. ship. Langdale James Clyde Feb. 19 Hon gay. May 27. Norw. bq., Gerd Kramstad Mossel Bay, April 21 Bangkok.
      200 words
    • 1440 384 VESSELS IN PORT. Man-*-*- I Flag and Tons Commanders Arrived From For «fs. Koningin Regentes Dut cruiser 4950 Calmeyer May 28 Sabang Uncertain Sirius H.M.S. cruiser 3600 Moore June 6 Hongkong Uncertain Vestal H.M.S. gun boat 080 Facquhar June 10 Batavia Uncertain Utrecht Dut cruiser 4033 Reinders June 13 Sabang
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