The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 9 June 1904

Total Pages: 16
353 368 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 251 353 The I f Dalny, Tlr- M.i Mill nt-.. Rus-. r i 1 '.u..].,.'i_'n I ncertn i I 1 .nt, i nd Po ir, iritour Seheu trality, 1 Impi at. I M 9 I .;.m; Police inu c< Xkw.*Supreme Court, 7 A Pahang j Clever 8 A M i SI'ORT
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  • 138 353 Subscribers to the "Singapore rre< Press weekly returning from Europe to the Straits by any of the mail lines, are invited t«> -end to the Manager the mime of their -teamer and date of m Singapore Copies will then be mailed t<. meet them at various ports of call.
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  • Domestic Occurrences.
    • 60 353 At Tanjong X I >ng, on the 1 1 1 June, the wife oi .1 ses Pa ii bk f3d ira. John Little Co. •n. .1 me ai 17- 1 Selegie-rd, 7 a.m. the wife of 1. Elj tson <>; a daughter. At the l<*e Works, River Valley. rd,
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  • 352 353 The- laal m til from Home arrived unexpectedly on Monday morning by the B I /aida"' which brought dates upto Bfaj 18. This mail pc ted to come by tbe M M Yarra" ou Thursday, and uo notice had been aeiit from Home t<» say thai it wa*-
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  • 677 353 The Capture of Dalny. June 1. Hen _1 L 1 ,n, L'nawi and unbribed by gain Hctp patriot I rut. nrecepti raw, 1 M A-*- the necessari sequel of the decisive achievement of General Oku's troops it Nanshan, the important Russian seaport of Dalnv, the niartime commercial entrepol ot Manchuria,
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  • 372 353 Tun "Daily Chronicle" touch** >n :d Lyttelton's apologia for th,. < Ntv It is a curious reading of 'he preferential trading that a Cv.,,.. oloni is required to prefer" to patronise h< industrial resources of the United K.ingd< m before it is permitted to encourage its own
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  • 649 353 Attached to tbe report of I »_*sid< Genera] ofthe Federated Mala} States vuyy interesting sketch map of tbe peninst and its railways, actual ami Bchemed. fr nn Mr C. E. Sr seu. We have already referred length to MrTai heb's able administrative report, and now
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  • Page 353 Advertisements
    • 70 353 MARTIN'S jß6£-csdiss.i pi LLS A French R«*nedy for all Irregularities Thousands of Ladle* always keep a box of Martin s Pills In the house, ao tbat on the Brat sign of any Irregularity of the System a '..n.e.y doe* ■say be ed tain later cd. Those wbo us© them recommend
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  • Page 353 Miscellaneous
    • 96 353 PASSENGERS LEFT BY THK MAIL. June 6 Per M M Broest Simon- For Colon II Cl B Davy, J F Caddie W VV Wood, J I' Kit/nnitli. Foi Kirk. Mine. Romans, 8 alalia. Gaepar Bllia. I' London Heeen f M Ponsher, A V tiahapin, Mr and Hra J R Kicholaon
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    • 248 353 PASSENGERS ARRIVED 13V THK MAILS. Jnne 1. Perl 5 O Sardinia: Prom London. Mr C. Busseli, Mr C. Bryant, Mr J. <;. Beet, Mr W. L. Kemp. Mr A. Wilson, Mr and Mra S. L. Thornton. Lieut. H. Fuller. Mr A Taylor, Mr and Mrs .1. Kirke. From Penang. Con.
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  • 350 354 Pao Russian official Bource, General a s himself, we hear to-day of acouple of actions which appear to be of no more than importance, the result of reconnaissance it Mt force on both sides. One of them occur Monday (May 30) at Wafangku Station as the Maenchurian Railway
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  • 823 354 A.boui aeven years ago io discussing tho political future ofthe Far Bast, particularly m relation to the danger v- expansion of Russia and what we, m common with others, believed t<. 1..t he precarious position ol Japan iv of that Russian expansion, we pointed out tbat
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  • 635 354 In the Legislati re Council t x be brought up the que the borrowing < lommissi i. Th i bo h h contempl ition provement of I ial wil mon ago. sterling or calls for Municip il m of late m a flo „n revenue it m i
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  • 353 354 Kuropatkin's Scheme. June 3. The telegrams to-day are practically silent about the war, and not one definite incidenl is reported. The only point that might be considered as indicating a possibility ot niportance is that which comes from Mukden, the Russian head-quarters, tot] t that it is understood tbat General
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  • 475 354 W hen it is considered that iv w iri ire the first thing a belligerent tries tv do to make his enemy think he is about to do something else than he means to do. it i.-*, not to be wondered at that of ten the
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  • 466 355 Stackeberg and Port Arthur. June 6. I Penin. sula, vement 1 ial chan,1 i nortli of Pulai m m the m -I Jl) c md n sians rel hi le. reinforced ach ment retiriu \y lien, north "l I strong •Lip i General S i's force Wa- al ions b..(.
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  • 187 355 v i eived a c >py of the repor I on 1 he pro- ivements which is dated VI) has i ime to i to-day, but it lies a series of bori undera over the area a id and s une importplificati >n» ol ihe original thr
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  • 510 355 China's Neutral. June 7. I'J UOl without reason that there is an increasing anxieti a' Sl Petersburg over the rtiou <>n th Man rliuri m frontier. But as I the attributing of thai anxiety to the atle of General Ma's Chinese troops, there does no i be an;, real ground.
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  • 701 355 I a another column v he chiei the revised scheme of Messrs and SJ \< i he improvement ;apore harbour that is to ilia* region <•.' tic port of Singapore thai incln ..p-m road-sl lad off Ih bus par! of v a While it miy (l Imitt -1
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  • 817 355 British Tactical Inefficincy. June 8. I\ tbe May an article Li I Alsagi entitled -Th.- Ta .tical Lnefficien j British Army: Im Cause ami its Remedy." ►ugh, bur that there m u r^"d ground for the assumption underlying :t obvious to I ren to think on these things. Whether C<
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  • 217 356 THI position of the Federated Mala} States is well shown m tlm statement ad liabilities on .Lm Ist 1904, atfinancial report. The excess of -lb. did, old Selangor having the eater p rtion of this, namely twelve millions. Phia a-, derab]e balance on the right
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  • 617 356 Two PaisoNERB Skntk.wkd. In the Mixed Court at Shanghai on May 2\ the last stage waa reached m this famous, but now half-forgotten, trial. Of the -i\ men arrested at the beginning of last July, four were released on the conclusion of the trial m December.
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  • 813 356 One of the companies m the Standard Oil group has a lady secretary who receives 4*2,000 a year. Sir Matthew Nathan is to leave Marseilles for Hongkong on July lst, arriving iv the Colony on the 90th. The British Bteatner Salma" arrived here from Middlesboro yesterday
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  • 724 356 Thk Far East City of I£ao9IFICMKT Futures. (Jn that old Talienwan Bay, which we used to hear so much about when Russia began negotiating with China for a M lease of the Liaotung Peninsula, the Japanese troops will find om; of the most extraordinary cities m the world. We
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  • 247 356 pn Thursday the R. E. held land sports at Pulau Brani. and a pleasant afternoon was spent by the numerous visitors, the sky being pleasantly clouded. The Band of tlie Manchester played a selection of music, and the various event- on the programme were carried ont with
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  • 729 356 The MM company's steamer Vmim m* v be expected here on Thursday about p„, The Dutch mail Oranje Mis due it pore on the 9th of Jum* abo On Wednesday next the Indn Zanibar Theatrical Company plays under the patron of H. E. Sir John Anders*
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  • 285 357 night, bef ore s full house, this com- their short season here bl rhe musical comedy Florodora, jv too uell known require des|,ii! it b uone the less a favourit large attendance and the wbich the well known songs were received The audience m .-nt husia-J ie
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  • 67 357 NEW ARSENAL L FOR KIANGSI. Arsenal at Pinghsiang, m Kiangsi, according t<> Viceroy Chang Chihplan, is to l>e much larger thai the \r-enal, and extra machinery is to ■ed for this purpose from abroad for Irsenal hi ..ther words, the scheme th.- Pinghsiang Arsenal capa le m ne of turning
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  • 422 357 little perturbation has been caused the subscribers to the Telephone Com*. r the enforcement <•! a rule that bas i.e. n m existence foi some 1 ime. no one more than t hi* subscribers d the telephone compan) receive stronger m carrying out any regulation that its object
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  • 273 357 The following is the report of the Directors to 1,- presented at the Meeting of June Bth.Kour Directors now submit ths Accounts fotie* half-year ending March Sl, 1904, being the ieoond half of ths business year Urn,} |<»04. After making full provision for bad snd doubtful
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  • 1971 357 There can be littie question but that the Race meeting just over was the most successful from the sporting point of view thrt has been held m Singapore for a long time, and that despite the fad that m> less thana round dozen <>t good horses including such
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  • 152 357 The following properties were disposed of by Auction at Powell iV Co.-* Sale-room yesterday afternoon Freehold land ..nd house known as Nos. 16, 48 ami 49 Duxton Hill, Singapore Town area 2,032 sq.feet. Bought bj T. X P 1.. Sokalinumm Chitty for $12,000 Fifty-sii freehold building allotments situate
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  • 185 357 s. C. C. vt oiiNo K. A. An exciting game of f< utball was witnessed •m the Esplanade last evening when a strong combination of the S.C.C. played the II.A. The ground was rather soft after the rain m the forenoon, bm it gave good foothold and yen few
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  • 195 357 It is announced l>\ advertisement that the subscription list for sha ivs m the above company will close on thc 1 5th inst. It is to be hoped that this will result m the adding of one more to thc numhea of successful industnes m Singapore.
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  • 260 357 before Mr Justice S. L. Thornton i morning, m bankruptcy. Re-Hiiches. ia this case the or ler had been made m 1899 and the applicati -ti for a discharge was aot opposed lv the Official Assignee. The application was granted, apI plicant being ordered to paj win tever
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  • 742 358 The Chinese Volunteer Club, Singapore, is I exempted from registration under the societies ordinance No cattle are to l>c exported from Malaoca wntil June 28. The See Belle" goes to relieve the Horsburgfa Lighthouse «»n Baturday morning. The Singapore mortality returns for the weekended Maj 21,
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  • 161 358 The House of Lords has recent lv given an important decision m the que*tion\>f aucit-ut lights. The owner of a tenement on one side of a street 10 feel wide sought to restrain ihe owner of the tenement opposite from raisin* the height of his house by an addition which
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  • 113 358 On the 23rd of last month the house of an Arab named Syed Omar was broken into and a diamond ring valued at 8400, as well as a gold hair-pin stolec. The affair was reported to the Police but no trace of the thieves could be found.
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  • 125 358 Calcutta. May 11. A fatal accident of a ghastly character occurred on the Hugli on Tuesday evening, lt appears that the steamer "Gibraltar" had anchored m Garden Beach, and the pilot had given over charge of the steamer to the assistant harbourmaster on the bridge.
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  • 193 358 SOU DAN DXV K I.O T M K\ T A gigantic scheme for the development of the Soudan has l»een evolved by Sir William Wilcox, who pro}, ses to utilise the power of the Sixth Cataract, commonly called the Shabluks Cataract, for irrigating with the aid of
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  • 566 358 The World," writing on the War m the Far Kast,' says The Japanese have given from the exploits of Kchruary situ to those of April 12th proofs more than enough of a courage and a skill equal to the most desperate enterprises. They have shown that from the
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  • 301 358 The Pioneer Shipmeni Referring to the first departure from Hongkong of Chinese coolies for the Transvaal per ss. Tweeddale which left that port on May 2o the China Mail" says*. Never before, perhaps, has more interest beeu manifested, at all events m England and the
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  • 677 358 It is the aim of the Australian Labour party to clothe long-suppressed popular aspirations with the force of law." 1 hiving unexpectedly secured control of the legislative machine, they will certainly attempt to give logical conipletness to their policy. The coercive character of the onciliation and
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  • 95 358 rhe disease which has been prestiatin* many horses here and which nn. the same as the dlness which i Penang Government Su clare the Griffins there diseased bas apni »^ns run its cou,-.- which have succumbed far understand, Blunderer. Belat, I. Recue. whilst Blue Jacl
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  • 287 358 Kitty Orey." a modem mus with something of a reputation ed house to the T. wn Hall last d audience was enthusiastic and great b encores, judiciously called for. i principal songs. 'rhe play deals with a love affair ot Binfield Prank Cochrane, who a pretty but
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  • 460 358 Tuk Pai skn t Si n aj roa Sir Alfred Lyall presided on Ith ult meeting ofthe Central Asian Society, aud a paper <m "The Political Situation m C, and Eastern Asia." In the course of his paper, Sir Alfn At the present moment they
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  • 222 359 Ths A- i sbd Cohtici bd. I the other two r barges :igainst late Treasury clerk, Pahang, occupied Bench Court allvesteruay forenoon and st oned till this morning. An-. .1 boatman from Pahang. said he •U6< 1 The accused left m his i sides his luggage tw..
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  • 247 359 ii Rangoon are much more serious thau m Singapore, for m M PaddyviUe/' inetimes called, the common use o! i house construction sometimes caui siderable areas of the town to be burnt On this subject the Ran} Times" g about things municipal, it is satis* record,
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  • 137 359 said b\ many observant travellers and umber of special foreign investigators who studied the matter, writes a New York "ii. il. that the Japanese, m consequence of pf euliar and superior system of physical hive become the healthiest and men m tlie world, and have attained t
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  • 131 359 icipal Gas Department might keep pon this reported new illuminating I' is stated that as the outcome peri ment, an apparatus has been l»\ a Newcastle mechanic named th. assistance of Mr Richard M.--S and Thornton Empires, ls may i>o economically produced for ling and heating
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  • 837 359 The mortality returns for Singapore for the week vuded May 2« show 279 death-. ratio 1 per mille of population of 58-BH. [n honour of the Prince ot Wales Birt about tive out of the many steamers m Harboui dressed .-hip A sad accident happened at
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  • 718 359 R u Duchess* of Bai.swater a Co/* Been of Auveronb." st night, at the Town Hall, a Company ot dramai i.- amateurs, appeared m the above two) amusing one-act pieces, before a good audience. The Duchess of Bayswater Co." is really a farce of slight structure, being intended
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  • 215 359 A Notewouthi Aeticlb. St Petersburg, Monday. The Novosti," tiie leading Liberal journal m St Petersburg, m an article to-day, rebukes those journalists who, m season and out of set -on, preach the gospel ef enmity with regard to England. Why (asks the writer) do we not like
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  • 17 359 A gentleman said that a notorious borrower was tme of the most promising men of his acquaintance.
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  • 598 359 RUMOURS AND REFUGEES IN SHANGHAI. Rumours and refugees are the current products of Shanghai. There is no duty on them, and tlie market is overstocked. Shanghai is the focal point for two new fields. Kussian Press agencies flourish like the green hay-tree, and you realise that the (b.wrniir i r
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  • 250 359 News having been brought by mahogany cutters to the Governor of British Honduras ot tlie existence of extensive ruius deep m an impenetrable forest. His Excellency requested Dr Gann, a Colonial Surgeon, to visit and report on tho remains. So ne of the results of the investigation
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  • 109 359 A Newcai I !oi resp >u< tn I>aih Telegraph that he ofßci ally informed that a torpedoboat troyer s l ich is under course of construct! n at Palmer's Works at Jarrow-on-Tyne teinc watched by the Hoard of Customs, it has aot been seized by the Admiralty heen
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  • 195 360 HOIST WITH HH OWN PKTARO An amusing incident happened some years ago m Pooiia. when the fortUM of thai popular meeting were being guided by au officer, since risen lo the highest ranks m the profession of arm- Keavj lotteries were m full swing (and m
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  • 119 360 The most extended tour tbat M. Paderewski has yet ventured upon has just been arranged, and be will sail from Naples on M.m 29 for Melbourne. After visiting the principal cities ol Australia and Neu Zealand, h. will give recitals at Hongkong and Shanghai. Japan, which he
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  • 90 360 .^J^^A^papers appeared a question which Mm Morrell had addressed to the Ch Hll celloroi the Excbeouer. Could he state, approximately, asked Mr. Morrell, theamountof indirect taxation carried by a -lass 0 f lffh < I—raiida half-pint cup of tea of moderate strength ••I fear il is impossible," replied Mr. Austen
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  • 540 360 Soliloquies m i vi: I'tN A G (>AZI That the Sporting Club's Spring Meeting, which finished on Saturday last, was i distinct success from start to finish w ithoul Bay iug. Tl «is chiefly due to 1 tine weather, 1 tie icton ellines. and eotisequentlj large ti
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  • 740 360 The usual meeting of this Board v.-- held yesterday instead of to-day. Di W R. c. Middleton preside.!, and there were als.. present Messrs K. Allen. A. J. Watkins Lieut Pennefather I. O. P., Dr M. Robertson, Choa Caing Thye. A. Barker. Minutes. The minutes of the past
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  • 158 360 ■-«\vlou has heen mi \hu ye, 7 brink of a social ranse c'Vbre, but an amicable settlement has staved oft some mysterious revelations. Ime paper says, m leaded type too, at the top ot n column We are very pleased to be able b state, on authority, that the action
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  • 568 360 Trie Times of Ceylon m alluding to the Crown Agents systems as an anomaly and an anachronism declares that al ready is the writing upon the wall P says The case for the abolition of the Crown Agents system has been demonstrated over and over again and
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  • 323 360 Ina conversation with a Press representative ii ''..10mb... Sir Francis Lovell mentioned iv connection with his mission to the Straits Settlements, tha* he was very fortunate m getting yen material help principally from the linese m ho, he said, thorough b appreciate the i its of the
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  • 96 360 Aii amusing feud between the Bench and the Tress ha- arisen m Melbourne One of the loca] morning .journals alleged thai the court hours were too short altogether, and that public inconvenience thereby resulted. < Justice Sir John Madden read that statement, and staggered counsel by sittin- until six •»'<-lock
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  • 302 360 There is a consensus of opinion newspapers that I general Bussiai especially as far as Harbin, must with reserve. If General Kuropatkin roes to I must march there. If.. entrain his troops, since ti;.. ;il reserved to bring supplies. Aire scarce ;«t Mukden, where the ddiei hean ca
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  • 204 360 V ANJONG PAOAB VS RoVl The above teams met on the Ans ui-rd last evening m line weather. The I were wit h..ut Noble who has lefl foi and the Rovers were trying a nea* centre ms-. le right who have re sntly arrive Colony. The -round was
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  • 231 360 Writing m the April number oi tl uightli Review," the authority on i; ipiestions who bides his identity undei d >nvin (Edipus, i that thou mestic situation m Russia is not likel ihe war, yet the war may well affe mestic situation. War is al least
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  • 1392 361 rhe following isa letter from the London ilting Committee ofthe Tanjong Pagar •••■•l* Co, m reply to Mr John Andei sal he l leneral Meeting 120, Fenchurch Street don, 2nd May 1904. th.- Shareholders v the Tanjone' Pamir Dock Ltd Ladies and Gen! y, this copy
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  • 103 361 The Kaiser had a singularly narrow escape from ;i seri. >us injury during bis visit to Strasburg. The authorities conceived ihe idea of firing the salute ttf loi guns on the Kaiser's arrival from four seventeenth century nuns, recent 1\ unearthed near the site of the old
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  • 112 361 Mr Leng Soon, a Penang Baba we fancy, settled m Rangoon m business, had recently to vindicate his character before the Additional Magistrate of the hitter place, by charging the native manager of a public press known as the Fryer Press' 1 for having printed, published,
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  • 213 361 Women Gvabdias of Secbets Worth MILLIONS. Cue of the ablest financiers m America is a woman, Miss Katherine Harrison. During the investigation m New York into transactions between Mr 11 11. Rogers, of the Standard Oil Company, and Mr Thomas \Y. Lawson, the Boston capitalist, it waa
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  • 264 361 M.»- i Obstixati Resist an c by ih Eni hy. i 'alcutta, May 23. teh fr< nn lyn dated May -Jo says: Thi aing Coloi B render led out fonr ,> panics Pioneers and two guns to clear the villag* the rear k* cupied by the enemy.
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  • 313 361 TELEPHONE CALLS." i Vide <ih do vide the Singapore Free Press* 1 of Isi dune i Bon down, bow down to tbe Telephone <<irl Read, mark, and indigest. That the time <»t' the busy Telephone Girl, Is not :ts the time of the rest l-Yot not, fume not at the
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  • 46 361 The last performance oi the short season of the Dallas Company takes place thi 4 evening at 9 pm when M A Chinese rloneymoor will be produced. The Star Ferry Company ot Hongkong pay no less than 22 per c mt dividen I for the year
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  • 814 361 It coiiies as a somewhat remarkable coincidence that tie* ti rst issue of dune 188- should contain tie* detail- of an outrage it Kawang m Borneo, which >>hly a couple of months a-'o was the scene of another outr which we gave details iit the time.
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  • 205 361 The Kuss". a Si. Petersburg journal, sj amusing m this guileless wai "Our forward movement, m Western A- lakes b'ussia southward beyond those grand, majestic, snow-capped mountain ridges whereon we lean to-day, draws her on t.. search f< l* the bright sun and the boundless *-\panse of the. lark blue
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  • 2031 362 Ock-xn Monopoly. Ekolavd's Captvbi of tuk Momoxa COMBINK. (From v Daily Telegraph' 1 Special Cor.) Now V.. r k, March do. -Shall Britain «>r America rule the waNe.s of the broad Atlantic It was simply a question of money, sad the Yankee financier, who placed his faith
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  • 633 362 The despatch of the Kussian Baltic Fleet to the Far East is still too problematical a question to render it worth while seriously considering how it is to oet there. There is, ot course, no insuperable natural obstacle to prevent warships from making the fifteen thousand mile
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  • 315 362 A Bio Onmcn. A hig emergency order for coal was recently placed by the chief quartermaster of the division at Manila, with the Mitsui Bussan Kaisha. This wa-; the order for 11.000 tons whioh is now ;in iving and lias been coming m on colliers from
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  • 29 362 Charles Dawson at Kew< istle won the second "test billiard match of l8,00C».up against i H. VV. Stevenson by 870 point*, notwithstand mg the tatter's remarkable ipurt, c lieat
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  • 761 362 TWKNTY PkKSONS KlI.I.KI) IH A ]_lSn. kK PnOCBSSION. Tokio. May PJ. -The defeat of the Ru forces at the Yalu River, ami the RUbseqm occupation of Russian positions at Kni and later at Feng-hwang-cheng, have combin! Ed to cause tie- people of Japan i their heads. In
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  • 200 362 OERIOI s 'hak.,: V'esterdai afternoon before a Bench Courl Loh Ji Mm, late Treasury clerk, Pahang, was charged with criminal breach of tru a servant ip respect to two sums ..1 m ►ney, and further with criminal breach, of trust m respect to certain property, and falseli
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  • 10 362 rhe K. are re opeuin; *> tnth the -Kanagawa Mam ,:J,
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  • 1517 363 THE TRAIL OF THE BOOKWORM The Five Nat. ons" U b'udyard Kipling. I Methuen's Colonial Library.) This companion volume to "The Seven Sena" red m the Colonia] Edition almost simul. eouslj with its publication iv England, as ig that tbe mass of the material leals with Greater Britain. Mi Kipling's
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  • 358 363 Si Petersburg, March 2d. The war .-ame upon Dalny just at the moment m which the work of building tin' new town was coming to an end, ami when thanks to the opening up of regular ami rapid communication by rail, great commercial activity had begun
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  • 68 363 Berlin, April 15. At I special of the l'uiiGermau League held hers to-day s resolution was passed calling upon the Imperial Chancellor to take immediate steps to secure coni]*en■ation from France m connection with the change m the "status quo" m Morocco. the hinterland of wliich
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  • 1267 363 Trbii Mbthods am. Theii Moealb. From the text ofthe battle at Kiuliencheil« or Ai-ho alter the passage ofthe Valu. many nave been the expert estimate*, formed of the comparative methods and morale ofthe Kussian* and Japanese as exhibited on that occasion. hen the new. of the reat
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  • 684 363 lit ssiAN Defence m Liaoti s According toa lei ter from Newchv i the 24th third moon (9th inst) we learn that Ta Shi Chio being a very strategic poim and forming the junction uf the three raiiwa net from Port Arthur, and Monk den, the Russians have
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  • 42 363 The new launch "Hygeia," built fo e Port Health Department, underwent hersteai trials yesterday making seven knots halt knot, over her eon-tract spend. She wil officially handed over by the contractors Monday. Tlie coht of building the laun uh wen Sl 6,500.
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  • 774 364 Signor Giovanni Gaggtno, founder and head oi the well known ship-chandler} firm ofl Messrs Gaggino A Co, will probably arrive by tie- "Yarra" on the .'th instant He has been m [tah for some time and is now returning m order to enable his younger brother
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  • 52 364 afti moon the (Voluntei r Cadet <;,,1 'l- rgeol Mr Hunt. Raffles Institution, went to Balestier and fired -c.c. -a<-h at Khj and -Joo yards four {cores were Pr. V i ouu -r <■<>. p v --v 51, Sgt Rich rds Sl. Pi s- I'm N'oiil ronnei im
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  • 225 364 A fatal railway accident happened on Wednesday evening at Tanjong Pagar. From the facta that can be gathered it appears that a number of trucks on the Tanjong Pagar Dock Coy*B private railway Hue were being shunted when the engine driver noticed a Chinese coolie standing rather
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  • 312 364 So says l>r J-;. .1 Dillon m his article on Foreign Affairs m the April Contemporary." He writes One of the worst effects which the present war can have upon Russia*? finances is the driving td' gold out of the country and the return of
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  • 237 364 A correspondent writes: It is gratifying to see. after so main accidents which nave happened ol kite, that a -reat deal of precaution is being ever -ised h\ the Police m regulating traffic and compelling vehicles of all description to keep to the correct side of the
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  • 198 364 Ai r v k oh v Plantation Brisbane, May 8. Among the passengers by the steamer Prinz-Sigismund, which arrived lrom Singapore to-day, was a German planter named Rudi Watleni of German New Guinea, who Btated that on February 24, about 500 natives on Durana island, where
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  • 1430 364 Qnicqnid agnni kotnines nostri tst farrago libelli. JUVENAL. The one over-shadowing Topic, the great war m the Far Bast, has not yield 1 any event of note, during the past week. What activity there is has been displayed by the Japanese who are steadily pressing, not
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  • 126 364 AT HOME" AT GOVERNMENT HOUSE Miss Anderson was "At Home'" last night i mi num tier of guests and a pleasant evening v ;i- spent. Tiu re was dancing t<> the excellent music ofthe Manchester's hand, while not b few of the non-dancer.- -iood on their Bridge till midnight/ 1
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  • 340 364 Ml IB E IMiiui j. rj j Nagasaki, May 19. A number of the fore correspondents who accompanied the i Army < Jorps, and were present at i lie series ot engagements on the Valu ami lieyond, have returned to this country within the last fey* days Thei
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  • 103 365 Tm Evil Imi Ed of a I'm. bdekt. I Hi KD!T OR The latest member of the under 50 yclept the Kian Ann M Ims. m direct iion of the Ordinance relating to her an owning over her shade deck. I tn Still therefore use the -hade pi menade
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  • 69 365 peformance I be Du< md the Rose of Auvergne" Saturday night i^' who marked their appreci- rl dialogue and clever 1 applause. The n j],,'. joyed, and the hou! .1 hitch. ihe Rose of 11 com] hands aa Mrs Brown and Dunman, going splendidly Mr Whitefield rendered ■nd
    69 words
  • 84 365 1 do nol iro v trade at any a nation from attaining and mainthe highest industrial nci is the -dr J S Jeans, secretary of tbe 1 I le A ciation. I? hservation of German and Belgian and Btatemenl on the conditions uf the:' pared for the
    84 words
  • 149 365 uii'c-s je hampinoynat, who hi eared a1 Antwerp, i- the talk ol BelI'he critics ronounce her to he an Phis ext raordinary girl i Paris m .M;i rch sth, l -ml' A. t five Bhe had read Moliere and Victor i had written several short poems
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  • 98 365 IM V I M M hsM I •ll hel ween the ahove team- Saturday on the Esplanade the •\<t- w inning. M UNI H ESI 1 i •at a I Allen M :U b Perkins 17 rd c Bvatt l- Perkins Z I aey bßd 0 Perkina 5 May
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  • 71 365 Ph ide ol the S V A at i.|,i\ m irning vvas uot I pi Davies v* as m comma nd ell m at tbe Fori al 8 30 A iuspi ,'i-d officers :he i 'liurch Parade followed i I 1 thedral, whither also wen* the I ni t._ The
    71 words
  • 216 365 s.m vim Arrest bi Imspbctob Con nob. This moruing hefore Mr Seth thirteen Cantonese appeared on ;i charge of being m possession ot >I.MM worth of contraband chandu. Mr 1- X Jennings, Agent of the < tpium and Spirit farmer, prosecuted. Inspector Connor deposed that at 4.45
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  • 217 365 On Tuesday last Inspector Hartfeet prosecuted two Chinese for keeping filthy cattle -tahles, drain obstruction, and excess number of animals m stables, m Seranggoon-rd. Mr Carver defended. Inspector Harfleet save evidenceas to visiting the places on April 20 and the state m which he found them, and the
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  • 379 365 I The Bea Belle" goes to Malacca on lighthouse rebel duty to-morrow. The Collier Puritan M arrived hi re veeter jaj Iron, Port Natal with 6,000 tons of, ior Hongkong. The German steamer Nubia" arrived here r „J v irt yesterday with Is,ooocases f osine for
    379 words
  • 1586 365 Thc Revised Plans. The arrival of the full report of Messrs Coomb Son and Matthkws on the proposed Harbour improvements of Singapore once more brings to the front one ol the most important questions of the day. Theoriginal rep.-.; ..t 1001, (with that, the present report, wa-
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  • 210 365 The pua'.ah pulling at lhe Cathedral would be all the better for agoneral overhauling, and better supervision. For some reason or other the west punkah Ins no! beeu pulled at the evening service for many months. There can be no particular idea m this, as far as
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  • 178 365 W VV Pearce, Municipal Health Officer of Hongkong, m his report, indicates serious risks 'onuecfed with the insufficiency of the er <uppli iv thai < lolonj IJ -.1 'I h ii s rarcity of water i- a matter of the LH-- ite-j hygienic importance, inasnneh as ,|li
    178 words

  • 629 366 -T 'mmm Joi BHAL. Po Tii ro* Sl[ j. lV D anted (Corresponding Meml»ers" to 4ii "Army Journal >d tbe British Empire." we are desirous through your courtesy, to bring hefore your readers the aim and of the Journal to invite >t Se ea to contribute n j: without
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  • 492 366 i Little from the scene of war to-day save m< ntion of a skirmish at some obscure point J.teen miles west of len *-huang-cl N< t ;i woid of Stackelbeuq's advam h far. And nothing further from the area of operations near Port Arthur. A soldier
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  • 69 366 This ui< ruing i appeared bei Mr >n a ch;r h r The evid- ence sh >w«d 'ha! iho n*i> I ti v ar Johnston's Pier with a tiu c llecting box, on which ls v ritten m T imil. for the Mosqu sat ;ore m m.
    69 words
  • 291 366 A MURDER M ystery. h will be remembered 1 hat ome timi 1 1hinaman went to Orchard- rd I lice Station, and told thc Police Inspector thai some months ago ho had seen tw ;< and murder an <Id ;i y,,. ehu-kang-rd, and then hi ;n c jungle and he
    291 words
  • 599 366 regret to have to record the death ol Mr Charles Phillips. Superintendent of the Sailor.-' Borne, and for many long \u,.rs a respected resident of Singapore. Forsome mouths past Mr Phillips's friends have known that he was unfortunately suffering from thai dread disease cancer, an
    599 words
  • 134 366 Mi.-t ion at Powe jfi emoou Land and h I ir-rd, B,BUO m ft. held under Govern 99 years from v .bruary I* A land fronting Keng Chow- I an 1 adjoiui ahove land, area 1 890 mi. held und.- I nmcm for 99 yeai-8 from 1 ruary
    134 words
  • 87 366 This vill be bdd on Saturday, Jun.- 1 eni ries rune Bth at 7 pm, r five-a-side F tball, wbich I <l pm. Til-- cv cuts a re. i Yards I -h. Pn.u dump. P-" V Lrds H v dicap. Throw the Cri kel Bill.
    87 words
  • 55 366 ion vv is received to-day '"> I Hon'! .1 M. Allinson that Bliss Eugenic D'Almeida, the eldest unmarried daughter -f the iat" Mr JoSe d'Altueidu of l>ore, died iv England on May VI i.v friends of the Lite Mr and Mrs D'Almeida and Pi. ir family will regret to
    55 words
  • 52 366 A Prophet bas unon^si and terribli Witb tli oak of the coaly bl the intillating fire and I i thing equally I He spr, la himself ov< inefl to Not hil. rotten and rain. VV ti bing on Wil i >r M id. half a m cucumbe future dont
    52 words
  • 96 366 M i r m ►vv onlj i las placed on ij .vhich Dr. havi \crmn. ul I he, and then cure m I he following woi i have lived m 1 1 ff m t io bad that I v« •al. 'iii" Uot walk but tn
    96 words
  • 44 366 A n in<| iudiguati loudi h ir >m the upper yard the mi Kori m it hicli i foi v---- 'Is v ihe npiter rar 1 >v n foi ye (onn P. th.- Official is] it i vc I -unci <•..:: expluiu
    44 words

  • 331 367 Interesting 1 uteuvikw. jj r i -Japanese Minister to Rui red by the M Jiji*u Mr Kn ft St Pei Pebruarj 10, and after a latter cit ;...i tl( of an ther week, t o embark on the 1 lenb irq Prior to had h ir -haft
    331 words
  • 115 367 m this morning a lire, which have assumed serious dimensions, mpi ival of the Fire Brigade, p and dwelling aal-rd. Tbe out break was M ussell who vv.:.- on er, and i his officer tel* il Police Station and gave the arrival ut the Brigade hose
    115 words
  • 2971 367 TELEGRAMS. THE WAR. Renter* Agency.) Two hundred and iixl eight J r p iOnen hay.* arrived at Vt Disk lh'-> are largely nai il m m aptured trom the Port Arthur blockii tamers. a will receive fifty aonth, aud the men sixb rpris -i rs rme < Oku re] lX
    2,971 words

  • 477 368 SPECIAL TELEGRAMS. Hongkong, May 31,8 pm. Tlie Russians at Vladivostock have hanged a number of Chinese who were caught signalL ing from a neighbouring mountain to the Japanese fleet. Hongkong, Jnne 1. Mr Soper, an English engineer m Russian employ at Dalnv. left there m a yacht with two Russians.
    477 words
  • 343 368 J,m S 3 g Capital. >. 7 MINES. J I b*>*\ iln |10 10 800,*****1 H*| lo BeraawrahGoldonl.... LO 74 75,000 ii 15* Do De*... lo to 40,0007] 11 Brneeh H. Tin ...10 lo 600,000 71 81 Gopeng Tin ...XT AT XKX),OOO |«J 16J Jelebn Mm. &T. m liq.
    343 words
  • Page 368 Miscellaneous
    • 970 368 VESSELS IN PORT en-of-wM* FUc and Tons Commanders Arrived Krom v., Talbot 11 M.S.. cruiser SCOO Bayley May 10 Penan- nl Koningin Regensss Dut cruiser 4950 Calmeyer May 28 Sabang n™ SirhM Brit cruiser 3600 Moore June 6 Hongkona fW ™^V«* M»T«n mesne*. Arr ,ved From OmStsmn PWIS Albom Bnt
      970 words
    • 278 368 Breiz Huel, Vv. str.. Andriti, f< r Pen OUtta, Boston and New York. Pin Seng, Brit, str., Davidson, for P tenham via ports. Calypso, Brit, str., Lowry, for Pen i Will o'the Wisp, Brit. str.. R dph, for 1' Malacca, Brit. Mr.. Mugford fo P h tm via ports. Glenogle,
      278 words