The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 17 March 1904

Total Pages: 16
161 176 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 180 161 161 i I ii I'M 1«i 2 mi l»;j I1 2 162 L 62 162 1 ra "i" 1'..! VV D, 163 163 !<;:; L 63 163 163 D-i ted, 163 4 WB. 104,165,167,1 73,17 I l»\ lt..*i *n, l«;.", 166 166 167 Keng X tafa Case, 1 75
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  • 50 161 Singapore Free Pn ii Eur t" the SI raits bj ted f o -.'h<l tothe I eir Bteamer and <1 tpies frill t hen be mailed pori ol call. NGLAND TO THE r I BT. r Sembilan and Paha f Labuan, St i i i 2 ok. > 1
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  • 8 161 LI 1 ..n-l matterSj may J eotion.
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  • Domestic Occurrences.
    • 26 161 M Wangiinui, Se* Zealand, March 111 I wife of Bbtmeb H \m i» ol ad cable). Chini >" the 12th March, al Woodneuk, <»;' ;i da ut^hte
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    • 54 161 ■iller-urek Un Feb. 16, at Teddington, <>. Miller, of the Chartered i I [ndi I Maroari i f iio Elph* i-H t On March, 12th at St. Andrews Cathedral, Sin bj 4 !.e Venerable Archdeacon Dunkerley, Hai Klphick, iof Mrs. Dalian, Singapore, to Don"lhv Hart, eldest daughter of Mrs.
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    • 81 161 KEABBER»^ On March 13th, a1 Seremban, Ramsai yoiuigest ion of the late Rev. B P. (Ceasberry. Fbosi 1 Iti. Uarch, at -2 Wilkie Road, Pertram George, dearly loved ton .»f Mr. and Mrs. I*. L Pbosi aged 9 weeks. Found dead on the Rocky Mountains by his Indian Guides
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  • 332 161 Tbe i ist mail t'roiu Home arrived the M M Salazie an Monday with date*s \\\> to I'eli 19. The ll'ineward mail was carried b\ the M M AustraheQ'" <»n Monday, and this nreekh goen to-morrow 1»\ the P A O k* Corornandel. The news troni tlu« Nortli
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  • 75 161 Tin 1 76. Gambler 10.25 do. Cube No. 1 Pepper, Black (ordinal) Spore) 2825 do. Wi. [Fail W. 5 p.c, 48 ffutn egi Ll€ to ♦he ft.) »i 0 do to the tt>. 00 Banda) 146 Olovei A mbuina) Lil crian CJo fee J^ ;> Tu\ mm ;<. small
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  • 302 161 Artillery Re-Aramament. March 9. llerr thall the Pre*« thr People'! ri^ht mHinU?«, Unawed '>\ influence and unbribed bjr gain Here patriot Truth \\c r rtartout or«*cer>t-. Hrav, Pledged to Relifricn, oyalty and i .i\v. Not the leaal satisfactory consequence of tin- re-arming of the Field and Horse Artillery, a matter
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  • 348 161 Home Trade Statistics Although tliciv is ,t certain increase of our exports as given m the comparative statistics telegraphed, that is alarmingly small compared with the great and growing bulk of imports. These Latter show an increate over the imports of the corresponding m >nth. February, of UM):{, by over
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  • 90 161 The Woman of V ladivos >. k. Not tor a moment would v. .!l;mtlv say thai Jitstfory repeats Ltsell' m this e-ise. But thoru is a sort parilld betw< en v i i cieff*s disclaimer of serious damage b) !> Japanese bombardment <>f Vladirostoclt wliore, m the town, one woman
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  • 393 161 i: give l>elow the principle clauses of the Convention signed on the L3th February between Mr Dblcasse and the Siamese Minister m Paris. The Convention stipulates: I. The recognition of the lists of .ill the French proteges who shall l>e henceforth exclusively placed under French jurisdiction. '2..
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  • 161 161 A i su:\i.i h w m th< Imi match I. an ample margin, c >u«i lerin^ the consistent low scoring all r the break up of the wicket, following the raia. T!i v lU i Quob Trumblb, whose fine boi ling, including m h»■ i
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  • 795 162 Russia's Ultimate Ambitions. March 10. AXTHOUOB m fighting primarily for her own existence and her own specific interests m Korea, as well M ChineM interests m Manchuria. Japan if really doing more than also simultaneously cbampioning the interoationa] commercial cause m those regions F<»r the tirsi time since the Crimea,
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  • 628 162 VVukn all men's minds are turned for the nonce to the war and its progress as detailed from day to day m contradictory and irreconcilable telegrams, it is well to be reminded that it is by the arts of peace thai this Colony as a Colony
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  • 607 162 Tin: item of telegraphic war news which most attracts attention to-day i> tin* alleged shelling of Port Arthur, no doubt )>■. the main Japanese fleet under Admiral Togo. This Si»^t has its advanced base ai theElliol [slanda only a little way eastwards from Dalny, and therefore forming ;i
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  • 379 162 Reported Japanese Advance. March 11. A; 1 lasl v.* 1 J > bi new* showing thai portion af the Japanese army i- ug iuto c- >:i I a--; \m! 1 i the Russian defence of tin 1 Yalu. .as ire before, thai the Japa iese would play tii*- 1 game
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  • 211 162 A brief r.« :n\ telegram from the S speaks ul a ll r tmoared great Japanese victory near Moukden." That will probably refer to somecollison near Feng- huang-cbeng, n must by no* re taken plice, as only h,,ur* could intervene between ;i big hindiug of aneae v.( Takushan
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  • 264 162 In Bpite oi Her] our uation to ince and i v vgard sour money, a g to tl with twelve can ckl ffoi 1 I i him: I w. ighi i uid measures men! in tl»Mr E J w.-itt b to the I v, od evidence of
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  • 247 162 Conference of Indian Chambers of Commerce. Apropos of yesterday's I me w" should like t-ni ion of naei ibera oi the <!b merce m the Colony to th< mitee of the Bengal < has been able t<> arrange for [adian Chambers of Comme L lcutta early m January, 1'" paragraph
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  • 235 163 The Short-Staffed P. W. D. March 12. psl ions w< ed m hough the 'iietlie r sat is !ii to <1 good. M r to the Public V. U man ilarlv of supen i>i'>n I m hand. m propei down ni estimate*! if ifticient >ii!iT t" Bupei I on]
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  • 382 163 it U again telegraphed from tli it the Raiiwaj fr >m 3 been destroye 1 A lon- with this we read that i ni' usion exist a on the \s ing to tli«- conges- b1 accumulate al all tbe --ia us fear thai ili«' ual i provisionI I
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  • 148 163 Vickboi Alexncff, mau »Slcia] telegram, information as to the last shelling oi Pori Arthur which supplements the telegram ti > the same effect printed yesterday. The one point of interest, seeing thai he does not allude to damage at all, lies iv this: that ire now know
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  • 226 163 The Port Arthur Action. March 14 The chief u re to-day *h news ii bhil we bave three simultaneous accounts from different sources xi' the latest engagement near Port Arthur. Thai consisted of, first, a torpedo. l»-»;it reconnaissance on both sides, resulting m a torped l">.tt action. Second, the
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  • 307 163 [t is a pity tail General K\ ;*s aide de 'amp allowed hi- tongue t«- be so the interview reported in the telegram If is impossible not I sympathise witl a ion attending General K ukopatxiu's send* off from S1 Petersburg. We bad the si me
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  • 920 163 Is it Evacuation? March 15. Ohe striking feature in to-day's telegrams is th ition which might be found in the result o! the reported visit to Port Arthur of* a pn undents' steamer, e\ lently 1'. i rom Shefoo. This steamer preached the entrance to P«>it Arthur and had se
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  • 409 163 The Russian Fleet. March 16. If the pr amer "Haimun" q her S nrday's risit to Por. Arthur entrance to h e -a look er the lie ol the land." discovered no ns of active life in the defences, the -i naval Bkirmish of Sunday it could ha. i be
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  • 341 163 All interested in rubber in tlie Malay Peninsula will iike to know that i International Rubber Planters Association has just issued the first of its new issue A Bulletins. The pros] eel us says The aim of the A ssocia 11 '"collection and dissemination ol ii iu. connection with
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  • 94 164 \V». do not thinl thai Mr Redmond has done the GoYernmeal i diaienrice by bringingaboul b division whew the Mmifrferialirta w.-r.-. it the moment, nol present m Ktrengtb ,n tlu H use T1 tfrtion of a Romar Catholic D for 1 eland is the chief tion. We
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  • 584 164 the m JVC. H 1 1: M s Bit 1 ill yea H >i on t!, :ii ins', oil I •n hem I i lie M>] i Ii 1.1 ill 'r• ,ll"lil .:1--i >v lay"* M ii!) 1 lie M 1 i- ten it for and
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  • 1613 164 Before Mr Justice Hyndinan Jones. The case of Ng Keng Kuah, who was charged with theft, and misappropriation <>i' periy, was continued yest^rdaj afternoon. ,i [nnes prosecutes and Mr Ellis and Mr Rain* defend. A rjood deal of argument was entered into regarding the admission of a statement
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  • 374 164 LHE Ti: fION fciNOINE Nl ISAN I There was another instance of the possibilities of serious danger l>eiug .-uis---l i>\ native driven traction engiues, this morning. The engine came down Hiuli si i. .w -I i Cauninj* v lopoliaing the middle of tin 1 road, when ;t ijharn
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  • 58 164 Owing to the roughness oftbe Harlxmr ye« i terday, two tongkangs [aden with rire», one with L,'enerMl lt« and v li:i-is piuu laden t.. iiliuost the waterliue with pineapples, ah well an one of the W I> barges, foundered. Thin morning the cargoes irere found Blrewn
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  • 184 164 A l; N i The S C C replayed the \t E on the 8 RC yesterday evening, tb L'liiv started soon f< Club defending the kick-off, Goldie and Gi tempi i) the militai i m their slioir while the game, and it look I win easily; but I
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  • 196 164 Propeller vnd Uasi i ie ive m ister i t 1 1 Mouji," whi -h at ri t'r. m 11.-j: ii reports Llisi the Swee Mob from itn i having lost her [>i <h\ a visit ln'iii; m; iiier, it learned charged
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  • 68 164 I m v* I urna from i hfl I i M iu»?s i. i m< >nt h c»l i.-v- 1 1 .:>"< I, -.\ i»f lin pptilii 1 m- ■,mm rum \\'-'i k':iu expenses Prtliau« KalKint! Icnifclipfl 4 30, oxid« of lin with 10 li.- ■■•]> of statin
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  • 37 164 \1 I Mr G P. li <•• I lit* IV\ l«>n Itail^ iv, i i t.. Miss Bost^k, .l.n.Jr Ili-lllv-IVJiJM-CtiHi Clnrl lit* Engineer, ai < Jo] uulm PIh 1 1U f.. 1 pi. i ..ii li- li M H
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  • 1323 165 So the ashes are to return to the shelf in England after all, and Warner can congratulate himself on having accomplished what many critics thought impossible, aud almost all improbable We bell the view that the fifth test. match would prohahh he the crucial point, but the team
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  • 171 165 The followiug properties were disposed of by Auction it Powell and Co*a saleroom yesterday afternoon leasehold hind, area 46,322 s«i feet, together with tin 4 shophouses, rice mill and oil mill 340 Nv.'ili Bridge-rd, held under leases for 99 vc.ns from Fen 1 1841. Bought l>\ Lim Peng
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  • 120 165 Before Mr Justice rlvndnian Jones. The case against Ng Keug Kuah was continued yesterday two witnesses for the, defence being examined. At this stage the case wasadjourned till Friday. Axleged Attempted Murder. A Chinaman was charged with attempted murder. The At {unify General prosecuted for th* Crown, and
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  • 139 165 A Gazette Extraordinary was issued yesterday, containing the King's proclamation of neutrality, which does not appear to differ from that already published in the local Gazette, and iu our issue of Feb 12. The following telegram from the Colonial Office is added Russian declaration as to Contraband as
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  • 72 165 Reminder; the Manchester Regiment Entertainment to-night atTangliu Barracks Theatre. H.:!o pm. A serious lire was averted last night in New Bridge-rd through the promptness ot the Police at New Bridge-rd Police Station. A lamp in a house just opposite the Station upset and the furniture in the room caught fire
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  • 900 165 The steamer "Ban Foh Soon," which arrived 1 here yesterday from Pontianak, goes into dock for her half-yearly surrey to-day. Capt Minaogue, formerly here with the West j Yorks, is going up to Tibet as a special service officer The Pinang Gazette states that H H
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  • 208 165 Pluckily Res* ukd by thk Dolphin's m Seran<;. This morning before Mr Seth a Chinaman naine<l Tan Sai lfoe? was charged with arteinpting to commit suicide by throwing himself into the sea off the Master Attendant*! pier yest<M<lav t'oren»><>n. The accused sai«l be arrived from Klang. He
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  • 198 165 S^uattkk's Hit Burnt. At 7.:J<» o'clock last night the alarm was given that a fire had broken out at Sirangoon n»'ar 1 lie Tan Took Sent? Hospital, and the Fire Brigade under .Mr F. K. Jennings with the Superintendent Engineer, Mr F. \Y. Webbe, at once hastened
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  • 119 165 What might easily have developed into a serious carriage accident occurred this morning Hist over Canvenagfa Bridge near the Post Office. A rikisha coolie who was rushing along to Bqueeze through the congested traffic on the Bridge ran into a carriage, bui fortunately the horse was an extremely
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  • 363 165 Lie its Knox, Dann, and Hovell, Manchester Regt, have passed their qualifying examinations. The ss Waihora," which arrived here this morning from Penang, has nearly "250 Chinese passengers on board who are returning to China She will also take a large number from Singapore. This morning a collision occurred in
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  • 2017 166 The aunual General meeting of the Chamber of Commerce was held this afternoon, Mr I \V. H. Frizell m the chair. There were also present Messrs Alliiison,G. 8. Murray, Stringer, Becker. J. C. Nicholson, Bomenij, Sugden, Waddell,, Plumpton, Hasenl*lg, Hafter, Saloman, Stahelin, Van der Stadi,
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  • 473 166 Hotel Proprietor Fined Yesterday before Mr Bfichell, W. Listermano of the Hotel Cecil wa> charged with intentionally insulting Inspector Branagan, by using foul and abusive language, intending to provoke ;j breach <»V the peace Inspector Branagan deposed that >>n Mar 2 at 6.30 am the accused came
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  • 387 166 Tanjong Paoaii va Bi.ak.w. Mati. This League mutch was pla\ed „n the ground oi the dockers yesterday afternoon, before a good attendance, including a number of ladies. The ground was hard, and the grass dry and slippery. The Artillery played facing the sun and with a slight advantage given
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  • 21 166 From the Government Printer ire acknow. ledge reoeiM of the hound volume of the PmceedintrH off the Legislative Council for 1908
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  • 61 166 The health returnn for Singapore duru first week of March show*.] 179 deaths to ratio of 87 39 per thousand. There two cases of Bubonic plague, t)\n deaths ring m Singapore apparently since tbev ai noted as happening at St John's, no choler cases Wire notified,
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  • 73 166 We would surest to the Post M ral the desirability of sending h claimed letters t<> the Tan Tock Seng where there are some Europ nothing whatever of the arrival o! whicb inav come to them. There Hopton, who lias been an inmate I for over a year with a
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  • 50 166 At the meeting of X itz Brothers it ci<lt-(l to pa) L 3 per ceui dividend on j and deferred shares as a result ..t' last v< working. A sum of $11 5,000 was added reserve fund, which now stands &1 9 A sum <tf Wl carried forward.
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  • 155 166 tln the Bth m *tanl thi neae living Pulo Obin got into a small kolefa to Ohaugi. >w the) wen from the shore ihe rougl r the alarmed them and the) turned their craft round to make for the shore again. Just as the koleh swung r
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  • 153 166 Singapore is to be congratulated on the absence of any serious crime for some months now. This pleasing state of affairs is said to l>o due to the deportation <>f a large number ol habitual criminals, the heavy sentences offenders Lave gol through the prosecution of
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  • 356 166 In connection with th»* rather impru< threat made by the Russian Government that, if we were found hampering Russian inte she would ivt;ili;ite \>y ;i military demonstration m the direction of India. The following ferencee t<» a distinguished Russian visitor to the North West frontiers will bave
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  • Correspondence.
    • 249 167 p,i hi Km i «>k Sir, In your paper ol \h* !>th hist I rea«l that Mr Buckley's election for Kallang Wunl lid not go through became the requisite tv ratepayers did dol go to the poU. It WSi9 undoubtedly the duty of his supporters
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  • 283 167 The Tangliu, tiw resi- ,;.il M rs John Anderson were »>t. -Pi* brilliani v\;ih colour and life, the )cc«4*ion being H fete m which the active ators were children 1m then- prettiest :o>tume«j .in»l ;im»l other vehiciea i with flowers the little ones were the ion to
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  • 97 167 The following is the re oil* of the March monthly medal, played last Saturday rnigeour 51 vn 3 v Dorward 19 50 M s: VV. "VY. McMillan W i" Dr Fowlie 39 13 plus 9 s E. 1) rlewan v l0 I P Bowes 50 17 11
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  • 141 167 "Straits I' r*grei I o hear thai Mr Saw Keid, th<! Muuicipal Engineer, who »»>»lv returned from leave a short time l>ack,haa lieen ■i« K-l to tingl&nd l>\ hi> medical advisers. Mr Lhmn, who a«ted for Mr lu i i<l during hit ii-t-ii. is n..w iiwiiv on leave and beoce
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  • 939 167 Before Mr Justice Syndmaa Jones this morning. A Bit or China. The case against Ng Keng Kuah charged with misappropriation and theft of grants. The witness Tan Hock Seng was CTOSS-eXSJnhv ed by Mr lnnes. He spoke to being detained at the Central Station bv Inspector Howard from
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  • 1273 167 History Repeating Itself, a comparison htwhi 1804 and 1904, In order that Lord Rol>erts might be present the lecture which Dr Miller Maguire should have delivered yesterday Feb 8,) at the Royal United Service Institute on the development of the Powers around the Pacific Ocean was post poned
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  • 79 167 The American warship "Isla de Cuba arrived here yesterdaj evening from Cavite, Philippines Islands, and anchored m the Etoiids The Esla de Cuba," which left Cavite on Mar is a vessel of 1,030 tons displacement, 2,000 horse power, 1 crew, and four 6 pr Hotchkiss rapid
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  • 57 167 The Outward German Packet "Hamburg* 1 left Colombo at 1 (> am on the 7tli instant, and is expected here to-morrov afternoon. The Outward French Mail M Salazie" left Colombo at [>ni on the 9th instant, and is due here about noon «>n Monday. The homeward French mail
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  • 163 167 THE MANCHESTER'S ENTERTAINMENT. The Dramatic Club of the Ist \\u Manchester l»Vu r gave an entertainment at the theatre Tanglin Barracks la^t evening, under tin- patronage of Lt-Col Yi/,ir«l and tbeofficers. There was a good audience of the military, and ;i sprinkling <>f civilians. Unfortunai iv the projected 1»'»\ and
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  • 342 167 Alleged Leadeb Captubed. On Wednesday, a Malay named Matreh was arrested at Tanah Merah on a charge of piracy on March 5. ft is alleged that the prisoner with a gang of masked men attacked a Chinese lishing boat oft Tanjong Katong at 7 o'clock last Thursday, and
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  • THE WAR.
    • 1757 168 Kbutek Contradicted. Tiie British collier "Oriel" arrived here this morning from Barry, which was left on Jan 30th, and went alongside Section 1, Tanjong Pagar, to tak»- m bunker coal Tim i Oriel." which is under the command of Captain Maddreli. has 4,582 tons of Welsh on
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    • 119 168 It i> understood thai Mr s. Leslie Thornton who has been m the West h;die>. Is coming to Ihe S ttl >nts 9h < p]ace rV,. Justice Leach, who apparently is not coming out again aft< r all. Mr Justice Byndman Jones is due for leave shortly,
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    • 1244 168 Long Ranoe Bombardment, the terrors of invisible war. It may be assumed that by this time Admiral Togo with his fleet has completed the first part of his programme, and driven what Russian ships are left intact within the harbour of Port Arthur. The next
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    • 586 168 The "Scotsman*' of Feb 6, contains a 1 notice of the death of Mr Jam- haps the most eminent actuary id his day soma of whose song hive been well-1 the Straits. His daughter also n here about three years ago. The well-k estate
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  • 143 168 it is perhaps worth remembering that iniral Alexeietf, the Russian Viceroy iu th< Far Bast, declared his intention to stop Chinesf entering Eas1 Siberia from Manchuria, except workers on the railway, and to impose u pollt i\ of 810 on Chinese mcrcha. ir* already in the country. Singapore C merchants
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  • 101 169 ianetng Lord Cur/on for blood in applying coercion to Thibet. Englander usually finds solace in from the rusty deep* of his re hundred millions of Buddhists st the insult put on their It ludicrous misoon- I Ihina, Japan, Barman, in, the chief Buddhist countries. held in t
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  • 216 169 ct liable in a w< <u g i- da pe, in the Line of i >u t he intui q ing music, setting u»id< s. lints and relics, he hi i 1 1 irchia Sattolica he stands ile in the old Leo XIII. waa 3rd Why
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  • 257 169 THE ANGLO -FRENCH COLONIAL TREATY. USFACTOBT P&OOBE88 F.l. 1" \Yhil» public attentkMi ii the \'av Eastern conflict asd the attiEngland m a given eventuality, if is I v\ Lord Lansdowne *;m.l M otlior preoecupatiooj <-t' a tnntaaJ v as to regulate all outstand- -till proceeding between the Offices I have
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  • 1291 169 The usual meeting of this Board wa. held yesafternoon in the offices, Dr Middleton presiding, the other members present being Choa Meng Thye, C. J. Saunders, *R. Allen, Lee Choon t^an, A. Itarker. Dr T. M. Rol>ertsm,. Minutes. The minute, of the l :i t meeting having been
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  • 530 169 MR J. R. INN ES'S PROMOTION. We understand that on the conclusion of the Assizes, Mr J. R. lnnes will not take up his substantive post of Secretary to the Government of Perak, but will go to Kuala Lumpur to ad as Senior Magistrate of Selaugor and the Negri Sembilan.
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  • 162 169 The prizes in the git; of the Journal of Tropical Medicine* 1 for essays on subjects con* j nected with tropical diseases have been awarded as follows: The Belilioa Prize of 610, pre- sented by the Won E. R. Belilios, c n q. f. r i the best article on
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  • 769 169 PORT ARTHUR JUST BEFORE WAR. The British collier Hartley which tx>ok a consigment ut 4,500 tons of coal to Port Arthur and left there on Feb 6, the day Japan commenced hostilities, is now at Singapore and was docked at Tanjong Pagar yesterday. A representative of the M Bingapor Free
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  • 98 169 THE BOILERS BILL." The repoH .1 the Select Committee of the Boilers I ill was lai<] before Council yesterday. cxi mined eighi witnesses and reported That the Ordin mcc I liougli >■ ible m >• '.i pointH of amendment lias I i'herto worto d wi l thai there has beei
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  • 48 169 'I i 8 crHtary, Mr I, I ieudfl us Mi b M S (livil S^rvi< has il tn iision, Col< li <>r the information v J but the ji; ndii containj some matti 1 nor* general intert at The List is of coniiderablt vulut' i.«^r n* i reuce.
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  • 2483 170 < FY«.m .i I»»-!i lorresuoudent.) (For the v Singapore Free Press/) What will be the reruli of Mr Remrev's report r What further action, if any. will the Government take m I lie matter: About four yean ago, the Dutch-speaking world was thrown mi«» L*oiiBternatiun by the
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  • 76 170 i statement that Sir Williaui Macgregor, k m c i{. Governor of La^. >*. intends to i from the Colonial Service at the expiration of hiw leave i> incorrect Notwithstiindin^ li'ih of service as Governoi m i\ tiialarial •iiiti.t!.-. an«l i.i if liia recent severe illness. v
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  • 109 170 Behar't) test bachelor, Mr Watty Ross, gave a pigetick at Burtarpore on Saturday, wlii<-)i were present Mr ami Mrs T. Barclay, Mcssi-h Meyrick, Fraser, Ross, Barclay juuior. hii«l *****1--iners. Although cut alt day, only one v 1 Imar wae acoouuted tor. but :i small
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  • 128 170 noted a fey» -lavs ago the fad that Mr L. P. CoMns i.;i«l scored ii doable centnry m the Gurkha Brigade cricket match against Unihalla. [n the further tour of tho Brigade Mr Collins has achieved a feat which is not only unexampled m India, but probably
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  • 111 170 A couple of youthful Japanese pacing tlirou^li Calcutta vri route to their own country require! a small draft on fokohtma. In v casual way, says the Tn-lian D.«ily News," i rtain office m Council House Street was pointed oui tv them aa a place where
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  • 84 170 VVt suppose the appended pira^rapli from v northern contemporan is all n-!,t, t!»,..,■•!, ii iva. Is curiously. We offer our contra tuition* fo The M Contracting parties "OnSunday last the Bonnsof marriaiw were Wiled tor the first time m all 5.,i,,i. M,n-l, between Miss*. Charlotte Elit chuth Pavlor tlte gber^
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  • 617 170 Un March U the matter I ,l of the French warship which more details had been last issue, came up for treai appeared now, that not only had tl coal from colliers almost within rl Of the port, but the whole th arranged by the Free
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  • 129 170 bt O.I Mackenzie Poss, w\ ing and exploring on the went through Colombo claims with his party ■•> eng'n located large deposits those of the Straits Colonel ihe opinion that even < 'i> il for < Colonial sen ic should of geologi and mineralogy, and p 1 the School of
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  • 346 171 W fde American warship "Isla de Cuba 91 was Sf- Keppel Harbour yesterday to U> \\i\\." which arrive] here this LVluk An-. i). brought down a tli »'!«-\.:i prisoners rerman mail steamer Hambunr" Penang vesterd iv at 3 |>m may be t\ .i T aboul 7
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  • 131 171 I we that considerable ;i made m connection urith Qstallation for Singapore. i hard at v...i k, in.l I, is straliau materials for a start arrangements Faci and il cornea to learn that the Prim.- Miuister lms granM thommedan butchers 1 into Australia, it. <--mwork
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  • 2093 171 O«DWAmt Mbktiho, Kkidat.Mar 11,1904 I'KKSKN T HiR K¥oeUanoy Urn Ottcc* Ad. thederi TVu» ii mi i (W. T. Taylor, cm ih* Hoo-ble the Act Colonial fecratery nuHoaito Utorney-Geneml (W ETcoliyir.) t^ <■>]„m ;i i Treaaur©] (F. <i IVm tli*.\,-t Col Engineer (F 8 \>. .^tfn^y. the Au I,'
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  • 114 171 luegreai nre m fenang, which destroyed Ah Kwi's buildings, the Pinang Gazette 1 Press, Cornfield's and Howarth Ej-Hkine's among other establisLmi nts, i.> the largest m Penang for inaj ,j mH^ b mc 1 mated ai J(5 f.OOO To our long telegraphic account h littln to 1
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  • 150 171 Tl»e M M Cos steamer "Australien" will leave Saigon at 4 pm, to-day, (instead of 11 ami and n»a\ be expected here on Monday about '1 pm. N nkio Tani. a Japanese wrestler, made his first appearance at the Tivoli on Ist Fel>, and gave a display of the Japanese
    150 words
  • 385 171 SK I ri'Ki; Sa\ ID IM hi EW. Captain James Saundi ikipper of the Peep </ Ihiy. ba- related his experiences to a journalist. He begun: "A sail cr knows when he may be run down m a or cast upon rockbouttd coast
    385 words

  • 1323 172 t±n* v r,d aauni homimet faoafri te* farrago ItbetH The war. like John Browns soul, goes marching on, and non our attention lies on land, not see, I >ver the eonfnsed hill country of South Manchuria the battles will be won bv the legs of the
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  • 1298 172 Writing on the actions the military correspondent of The Time says It is only natural thu bhe striking success id the Japanese torpedo flotilla should have pro- J dueed a great impn i»n. There is no doubt that the jevm ecole in Fiance, tlie school of the Lite
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  • 321 172 Ir !■> very much u> be desired i!n! «N'tin'" regulations should be issued Uy the Brilisli Admiralty, laving down the conditioua under which foreign warshipn are to Ihj jcr!uitr»'«l t>» use our naval coaling stations. rht»re are circumstances under which it might Us highly undesirable to lin<l n lai-_' foreigu
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  • 639 172 Twknty Blocks B n Billows OF Firr. 200 rr K A Natiowai r AIVM Y H; ''H Baltimore. Monday Feb < here is assuming the propoi calamity. At thr~> this u raging fiercely, and was thn iteninV perty where much raluahle At that hour over twen
    639 words

  • 870 173 THE BIBLE SOCIETY CENTENARY. LABI K\ J I.N-.\ Mki I i\.. 1:t>!< vv endance m the uppei (l evening, v hen he uldic meeting m connection with cele!»raf ions of t pied by Mr W II I" .1 amongst ot hers Archdeac m 1 i B i <-\<. and i'»
    870 words
  • 510 173 Received ihN morning earl> from the 'oreigu < >ftiee, Toki >. \<huiral 'l'"v-> reports IMi M tr.ii 10 v. i Port Arthur an previously arranged. Our two flotillas. A and :n_r <•! i >rpedo <]•■>: rovers, resi rhed the harbour .it tniduight. N<> enemy was I dawn
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  • 34 173 The P M S r;^«•ht "Meran" arrived here thi.^ morning frojn Port Swettenham with Mr a Mrs Vaue an.l Mr a Mrs Spink and children. The Yacht goes back to Port Swettenham to-morrow morning.
    34 words
  • 503 173 A Campaign [dka. I > I Hi. J*. Ml OK. Deab Sir, It' the rumour of a great land victory I>\ the Japanese near Mukden is true, then the Japanese plan of campaign stands revealed. It is a bold conception and if the Japanese army is equal to the
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  • 30 173 I'iic case against Mg Keng Kuah was «'.»ncluded yesterday, and a verdict of guilty ol criminal breach of trust brought iv. The Judge sentenced him i > >;\ months imprisonnwiit.
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  • 281 173 THE CABLE STEAMER SCOTIA." A.BHORE PHILIPPINES. Telegraphic information was received m Singapore *>n Saturday evening reporting that the Cable steamer "Scotia*' which left here <|iiit<' recently, was ashore west of the Philippines. There areven t'«w details obtainal>le but it appears that the "Scotia* left lit'i-f at the »mi»l of January
    281 words
  • 59 173 1 Messrs RiU'ir" «v Company forward us v coloured lithograph map of the seat of war which they are issuing. The map !m> been carefully prepared, ft large number of names have been inserted, an<l Hags accompany l\ which ran l>«' stuck m the map to indicate the position of
    59 words
  • 725 173 Mr 1»\ [lines leaves for Koala Lun p>t day to act 3e »r M tl Mr I' living ai Chancery L eporta the loss of .t valuable pipe from lti~ whilst h" v\,i^ m town on Friday A < Inn nnui was r >bl >untrymen In
    725 words

  • 202 174 Tlu- marriage oi Mr Barry Blphiek and Miss Dorothy Hurt, daughter of Mm D. X Cowan, took place a1 the Cathedral on Saturday, m Iho presence of a large number of mends, despite the season of Lent ;t» l the ruin that came down just before the time
    202 words
  • 244 174 i Russian Official version. receive*], by the courtesy ol '<■• 1 ky, a f r i— i .ij official telegram f>n t'ie:i. r ?hed to Viceroy Alexiefl i office 'i be telegram un^ »v the sixth of March a Japanese squadro i »bip« appeared
    244 words
  • 121 174 At Assizes which came to an end on ernoon, nineteen persons we re ohari^etl rent offences and «>t' these eighteen ted. it is wife to &l\ that this j ti« »v of convictions forms a record I ol tli; world. The pi isoner w ho s charged
    121 words
  • 138 174 This nearly an exhausted topic, l»ut a correap udent draws attention to another Bourw »nsidei*ablc annoyance which denot i 1 is a frecjuent j»im<-i ice of rit pullers to dump their vehicles at a '.i«l and keep al«»«»i watching for b who could be fleeced." This naorj
    138 words
  • 275 174 Coi.mkks Held Up. The British steamer Benrortich fl armed here yesterday from Moji with 4,400 tons of Japan coal consigned to the M Bi Coy. The Captain report* fine weather on the voyage. The British steamer \l salic" arrived here jresterday from Kuchinotzu with 6,000 tons of coal
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  • 110 174 Russian Befugees ai Colombo. The steamer "Jsam Sang/ which it will be rciiit-nil' •■(>'(! took to x < !i'i)il>«) the Russian refugees picked up b\ H M s "Talbot" at Chemulpo after the fight between the liussian warships Varyag and Coreetz and the Japanese squadron under
    110 words
  • 107 174 HOGAN CO LTD. Hogan v^ Co Ltd, thi old Company, hasbeeu reconstructed and n>>\\ issues its prospectus. The new Company will acquire tho present business as a i_r< »i n^ concern, and the principal reason lor the reconstruction is. to acquire v latter working capital r-> embark m more ex
    107 words
  • 100 174 Prom t lit* Shanghai Mereun we have received a copj of "The Upheaval m Par Oathaj l>\ Ng HingShang. As a novel after the Western Style by a Chinese it p<»»esses some interest but it is oneof those unfortunate books that intermingle jalap and jam—reformation m China
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  • 287 174 Captain Stratton of the British steamer l Bullmouth,*' which arrived here this morning from Palembang, reports towing the IJHlisli steamer "Miirex" i<. Singapore from Palembang. A fire broke <>m m the engine room of the Murex aud raged f«.r some time doing
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  • 306 174 Mr Heintze has arrived to succeed Mr Geisendorff as Vice-Consul of Germany. Admiral Sir Cyprian Bridge, Conimander-in-Chief, China Station, {retires to-day from the service, on age limit. Tie* Sea Mew left for Malacca yesterday evening with the Chief Justi e, who goes there to bold the
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  • 65 174 The output of tin ore of the al>' \<> mim for to month of February wasaboul 36piculs, »'l which 27 piculs were sold for 81,182.68, The reason for the low output is given as the monitors having oul into ;i run of wiv poor ground, loss
    65 words
  • 218 174 Dhbough T&affic Stopped. There has been another accident on the <i wernnient railway, this time nearb at the Johore end. It appears thai early this morning somewhere alnmt half past eight o'clock a ballast train proceeded along the line from tlie Singapore end, and wheu near
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  • 300 174 The following interesting story is not vouched for, l.iit is given on irhat Beuter would describe us "a high diplomatic authority." Mr Innes, late Deputy Public Prosecutor was sent to Kuala Lumpur as senior magistrate, pn tory to proceeding to his Perak appointment. Tins i: appeared,
    300 words
  • 57 174 The pew batch of Qriffitu Arrived t>. Australia to-day by the LrmiB 1 i landed all apparently m fme condition lot the horses look better than usual ai price tin. time will 1,, MOO do/5. l>\ the >.im.- boat thai brouehl came Al.--.ius' purchases Idler, Q
    57 words
  • 67 174 The retain bowling ami -I. I representing Veterans 0 v ungsters" book place las! Tanglin Club AlWs, and resuil i tor i ii. 1 v eterane Veteran*. Over 35. J. Anderson :W, E.L Hui W\A.Cadell 215 li. Pori 271 A <i Qtl LB9 A.. Cam W E. Hoop
    67 words
  • 286 174 Directors' report, to be meei ing on M irch Vour I); "ectors b g to submil accounts, duly audib d. for the h I 31st December, 1903. The net amount for the half year able for distribution, including the 1152,946 20 brought forward fn m
    286 words
  • 192 174 Negligee i Dbi\ his morning before V Vfichell, a Javanese syce employed bj >« me ono li\ ii m O Grove-rd, was charged with negligeni driving on Cavanagh Bridge E. P.C.Taylor deposed thai .it i> am, 01 the Lth infant he was ou duty regulating ilm> traffic on
    192 words
  • 56 174 .ill be ago the P ili iv i of i ai Ch id chu-Kaug. i man ,-i- „i a ,v.| I tv. ootl the bo !v buried it m tl ceeded m nrres ,ni greal difficulty m tniciug the i»tln; whose n tin lis T.ii Boon 4
    56 words
  • 10 174 Th >• w due bei r>m .M m i.• will cotii
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  • 66 175 The British collier Zambesi arrived here >ni Moji with 5,186 tons of Japanese The 0 Tanglin," which armorning from Bangkok, brought Singapore. Mi HOD mnell, VV« st Yorkshire Regiremem f re 1 here, has l n ipp >nd-in-t 'omiD m of the 2nd Bat C ib
    66 words
  • 492 175 THE QUESTION OF CAVENAGH BRIDGE. I a 1 1 d present I 5 I n Thye, Lee C-ho m ders, t* i I .o\ f he in died I i*. an i Wa' :u Colo > was put a toad' in he K is he ueii brid I le, iusten
    492 words
  • 2003 175 REUTERS TELEGRAMS. THE WAR. The construction of the railway from Seoul to Wlju has begun. < Most of the inhabitants of Vladivostock are 1 removing their families inland whither the •eh< <»ls are also removing. The price i^' foodstuffs there baa risen to an exorbitant rate Marquis [to has been
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  • 526 175 SPECIAL TELEGRAMS. THE WAR. i Special to the Singapore Free Pn ss Hongkong, March 10, 5.55 pm. It is rumoured that the Japanese have gained a great land victory near Mukden. Hongkong, .March 12. 10.43 am. The rumour (regarding an engagement near Mukden) has not been confirmed, and can therefore
    526 words

  • 40 176 Ar.ti. chief permitted to nsil Aden writh followers arrived with 250 armecl jeil to reduce bis escort, which I ul\ and menacing. l/., lt promptly paraded the B iitry and ry. and ijuit U c kplied.
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  • 13 176 LAS T MONTH'S TRADE RETURNS. X Pebrnai I !>34 I I with < r;
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  • 64 176 Artill tkei wouM »x--luw during th^yeur I 1 eld Lruns coutii thp .i p !l>1 1 w .ill 1 anyhow wishe I ilia, vvl -ilv p] In i wh s Url full,: I) {o RBS to tudiu practically the «rh *\v of g«n.s I during the com India
    64 words
  • 146 176 Mi Balfour, speaking m the House ul Com said it was not intended to deal with the p lie) m the present parliament [n the debate on the motion of Mr Pine, the mover principally attacked Mr Austen Chaml^erlain, whom he called upon to choose
    146 words
  • 58 176 The Last Test Match. istralia won the Fifth Test Match b\ -\> runs. A RACE CONFLICT [N AMERICA. A- an outcome of lynching a negro, a race conflict lias l>r. k»*i i out at Springfield, Ohio. Two thousand whites have invaded and ignited the negro quarters. Tw»*nt\ tenements were destroyed.
    58 words
  • 145 176 CHINESE LAHOUR FOR THE TRANSVAAL li i officially announced that it i^tlu 1 King 1 pleasure not to disallow the Transvaal Labon Ordinance, l>ut \\\\< cannot l>e brought i n t i >peral ion at present h is understood ilut il)i> means pending tb completion of th< negotiations with China
    145 words
  • 75 176 In ]\w disciiHsion on the Arm i Estimates, Sir 11 Campbell Bannerman declarsd that t!,<^ burden of Diilitan expenditure had become le. The countn wraa sick of a j><>]irT i in<l '.ir*v Mr Balfotir repudiated the assertions -*j ►le trend of circumstj j iv thj Far Kukl
    75 words
  • 90 176 Sir John, replying, said the prosperity of the Btraiti Settlements waa largely due to the patience, industry, and intelligence of the Chinese. The position of Governor of sucu a Uoionj was enough I t.i\ the energies of any man. '•i'-'. i tnn re^terdav even* W:n-|ii'-i
    90 words
  • 27 176 The Times" computes that thw year's deficit H'il] be two million poundi and next veara expen liture 6142,376,067. Theproepeci for the taxpayer it aol cheerful.
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  • 17 176 Sir John Anderson, thenew Governor of the 81 r .if- SettlemeD on M v 24
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  • 27 176 jj^ 1 1 1.-!:: i; i Sultan of Johore paid a 01l i'm iii Secretary, the Rt Ron A [jvttiei tlm Colonial Office.
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  • 30 176 The Governor* f Dam iraland tele p phs that there 00 B rei h .11 under arms, i Governing ked the Reichstag to .t- measure
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  • 92 176 la the [talian lhamber the Foreign Minister has announced thai negotiations are aom proceeding with a to purchasing Benadir, whirl] is iii pres I le;i -"i I rom Zau A Rensiition has h eu paused m the 1 1 m hj \hv 1' '..n Minister stating thai the
    92 words
  • 13 176 England has beaten South \ustrann m nmt' j w U'kets.
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  • 26 176 < hi a motion h\ Mv Redmond to reduce the Irish Education vote the Government was defeated m a scratch <li\i>i.>n I>\ 111 t«< 18(>,
    26 words
  • 129 176 Specially compiled for the 4 Singapore Free Pn Date of passing Anjer Nationality end des- cription of vessel Captain's name; Where and I when sailed. Destination. Feb. 29. Brit. str.. Amberton Williams; Barry, Jan. 5 H« mgkong. Mar. 1. Dut. str., Salak Sharp; Rotterdam, Jan. 2 I
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  • Page 176 Miscellaneous
    • 355 176 PASSENGERS ARRIVED BY THK MAILS. Mar FJ. Per P. O. Palawan: From Lon- don. Mr J. C. Darby, Mr B. C. Cool,. v. Mr 1!. T. Nicol. Fro... Malta.— Capt. Packer, Mi T. Tilmont, Mr J. Mussel, Mr McCabe, Mr A. Hughes. Mr F Ross, Mr A. Massy. Mr E
      355 words
    • 1294 176 VESSELS IN POUT. HUn-of-War Flap and Tons Commanders Arrived From Pr, r w K( y H.M.S. cruiset 5600 Stokes Feb 5 Hongkong Vestal H.MJ3.gnn boat 980 Stuart Mar 3 Hongkong Sea Belle Ool yacht 500 Aim. at Mar 12 Malacca Adamastor Port, cruiser 1993 Ribiera Mar 16 Mile Other Vessels
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