The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 9 March 1904

Total Pages: 16
145 160 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 164 145 1 4. r > 1 i*> Arthur Attach 1 #6 1 1 I MJ l it; 146 k Transport. lit; 1 i*> P] iksin I 117 117 Eleuter, 1 j 7 1 k 1 17 1 17,150 ident, 147,150 1 17 150,158 1 59 Tournament, i:» 7 G I
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  • 70 145 to the Singapore Free Press'* ii m Europe to the Straits by ■»;nl lines, are invited to send to the nne of their steamer and date of Copies will then be mailed us ports of call. 4 I POLAND l-» THE i- m; BAS i Malay States (Protected ■mbihuiaiul Pahanc
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  • 32 145 rm dj to March 8.) 1 11 ill 7 I 11 I |i .'JJ. 1 Os un 2 d.H k... 117 •■'•I bl about <•■ I 4 h ll« a d 2fi«'
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  • Domestic Occurrences.
    • 49 145 On the 29th February, at Kuala Lumpur, the wife vi B. c Yeomans, of daughter At [poh, Perak, F.MJS on Ith instant, the wife ol A i mamikk Bosk, of son. Ahki.kv On the Bth March, at 71-l' River Valley Road, the wife B. Abeles. of .1 daughter
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    • 45 145 Macartnbi Mcir. On the 6th ir>t. at St. Philipa Church, Norbury, London. S W.. by the Rev. J H. Crickmer, Amhbrst If ai-aktxkv. of the Eastern Extension Telegraph Company, to Roberta Seaton Muir, jronngest daughter of the late K. s Muir, of Lockerbie. S.H.
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    • 18 145 Moore. On LOth February, at Shipley. Forkshire, E. Moore, aged 65 years. Father of Mrs. Tomlinson, Singap
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  • 254 145 The last mail from home arrived In the P and Simla' on Saturday with dates up to Feb 12. The Homeward mail was taken by the N 1) L Seydlitz" on Monday, and this weekly goes by the I» I Zamania" to-daj The situation m the north is
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  • 319 145 MarN f Capital >. 2 Belat Tin ...sio in 800,000 lo Bl Bersawah Gold ord.... It) 7i 75,***** L5| I»o Def... 10 L0 4J0J0O0 10 1 1 Bruseh H. Tin lo lo 600,000 si o| GopengTin ...XI £100,000 L6j LSI Jelehu Min. T. in liq. 6 B 800,000 10c
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  • 1150 145 Hrre lhall the Prpss thr People's mamtaJa, Uliawed by inriuence and unbriberi by gain; Hrre patriot Truth her elorions nrecepts draw, PMfled to Kcliyion, loyalty and Law. March 3. Owing t.» the dribletl m which war news arrives there i> a certain outside public impatience thai
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  • 197 145 I Tlic i\ wii g were the latost references In Parliamei t :<> rh« matter >f new guns f^r Mi»Royal Ki-'i' aud Royal Horse Artillery. On February 1. in answer to Mr F. Wilson m thf House of 0< minons. Mr Arnold Porster 1 *;ti«l hat the number
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  • 1154 146 Fbom one -nice and another, chiefly the accounts of various eye-witnesses a> .riven today, we b •••rin to gel a fairly clear idea of the details of the fii Japanese attack on the Russian ship- outside Port Arthur. The tor-nedo-bool attack began after
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  • 49 146 i Mb \\'ai:nfi: and his hard-working team are to be congratulated on winning ilu x fourth match, and with that Ihe rubber. As to Ihe fifth, at Mel)>ourue. the real interest will be as to whether England is t*» .\in foui of five match* s, or only t iiree.
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  • 527 146 Telegram Obscurities. March 5. To da;, yve hove another ex imple th< elusive character ol the iuform ii ion given bv telegram so Far as Korean oi Mauchurian place names arc concerned, h is annorn k ed that a Japanese force lias landed at or near Sonjjeljiu in Piaksiu Bay
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  • 155 146 Whkkkver possible Russian warships have been tiikiuir undue advantage of the regulation! of neutrality, outstaying the time permitted id a neutral port. The most flagrant case is that at Jibouti, if the anchorage was within the statute limit of one marine League. Another is the case of the
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  • 253 146 sul for Belgium iM r S i i pros] of the Uuivei lati >nal Exp >sil ion to !>•• \\M m LlH)o under the p ige of t lie Ibe honorary 'sideno '>•■ a;v dre a:«<i the [>ersoual i A lbert of Belgium. exposi iou U led
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  • 672 146 The Tragedy of Weak Transport March 7. 'Generals Janvier et Pevrier have been >• -op rat in- powerfully with .lapan, ami against Russia. Between the lines of the interesting wire from Renter's correspondent at Vinkow, which is practically at Newchang, (to which place he retiretl with three other correspondents when
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  • 512 146 I i v- il] be rem em ben d that the Jaj I Commander at Seoul, ou the I departure of i he Russian amidst certain neutral protes did not intend 1«. consider Kon That declaration now find notion. Korea, though retaining li imlep i ne-.,. protect*
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  • 101 147 »ut he where-obouts of a lea red p ssible from Port ther side of Korea. The landever it nun have is no immediate reference to main operations in the Yalu ksin Bav, in which stands Somrn j berly co ist of Korea I .lev from
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  • 536 147 March the most intelligible way of looking at posit ion of the campaign in st is to consider the Japanese led into b major and s minor engaged at the extreme Hanks action. The .Major (or A fleet, commands i he Yellow Se Korea and
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  • 258 147 Audi alterant paritm. We have from time to time gone, In a judicial frame <>f mind, for Reuter'b agency from the Boer war. onwards. We entertain our own \ii»ws. j t < 1 gave them frankly, a- to the worthlessness, and worse than that, «>i th<-
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  • 190 147  -  Juggernaut We've money by the bushel; we've gorgeous kernes afloat, turn ourlumpj harfo nr into a placid moat. We're funds thai c'en Government find it full hard to s]»p»)d. And jet 'tis an ancient story— but, listen ;«n<l perpend. We've a prying shame at our vitals that the
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  • 838 147 H M 8 Vestal arrived here this morning from Hongkong. She comes her© to replace the Al^erine." The Al>erdeen Free Press H has a portrait «»f the new Governor, Sir John Anderson, and a l»rief notice of his official career. Mr C. B. Whitehead, isp, returned
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  • 69 147 A match between the Tanjong Pa^ar Dock Team and the Pudieock was concluded yesterday and resulted iv a draw. The Pudxeock scored 136 runt tor 7 wicket* against the DockTeam's score of 106 runs for 4 wickets, the best scores were For the Pudxeock, W IfcKeen 42, Goldie 33,
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  • 136 147 Yesterday afternoon before a Bern Inspector J. Howard prosecuted Ng ug Chong for giving false i id< ;n restigation m which th< accuseds! that his brothei Ng £heog Tiong came 1- from Am >y m Jun< last year. ipector Howard proved (his statement t.> itterh Ealse from
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  • 144 147 Some bu months ago a Chinese squatter living at the sixth mile on the Bukif Timah-rd reported to the Police thai one morning early his wile disappeared while on the \\a\ to town with $100 m cash m her possession. The Police made every effort totrirethe woman
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  • 222 147 Yestndav at the Supreme Court, Li Ah Bok, the Hailam servant of a Chinaman employed m an Europ^m firm here, was charged with being concerned m the theft of over $1,700 worth of jewellery belonging lo his master and his family. The master of the house discovered
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  • 119 147 Chinaman's Li Crushed. A traction engine ml v rikUba thi> morning m Anson-rd opposite the Detective Station. About bah" s t eleven a bullock cari going wesi and a tarry coming east left just room for a rikisna to pass between them. The coolie made a dart
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  • 149 147 The following are the League Fixtures foi March. M irch 1 &J. Coy B A ys 8 V I at 8 R C 5 II X v^ Kangers at Pulo Brani. T A ys Nondescripts at Tangliu y T P D vs Blakan Mati al T. Paj^ar. 11
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  • 26 147 Thai ie trades] 'Sir i t is going m for Ceylon I growing. from the L I la and i iinpola estate Lu»fceii an ozoelient hrntirairo.
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  • 245 148 In ,ii.l of the fund tw repairim; the r«x>f of the Strait* Chines* Recreation Club on Song Lim Green, the member* gave a concert and vari««tv entertaininenl on Saturday uighi before h large audience, rbiefh composed «>i' Straits (.MiineHt- Uulies and gpntlenu i The programme opened
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  • 494 148 hi th text t h I he railway s ouj| for the ite and th heuelit ot the >ple i;i the St te, the \i .d says Whai i a of the F If S ay tf that item is opei interests i -f < ti peoi
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  • 100 148 The Match between J. Ii. Robertsou's team and the Keppel Grolf Club, was ployed on Sunday morning, sit the Keppel links and ended in a win for the home Club L\ three holes. The scores were as follows O. Harks 0 p. Ferguson -j. T. F. Longmuir
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  • 91 148 The 4 Sea Belle takes a camping outfit to Malacca tor the forthcoming camp of tinMalacca < "<»v «»r the 8 V C. Thii morning when Captain Pripp of tlie Medu« went on board his tteumer li« found on.- of the Uscars,a Malay, Uwing with his box. Captain Pripp, having
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  • 1023 148 THI Bombardment oi Port Arthur. Thk DnPABTUmi 0* THI Ladies. Shanghai, February lo. Sixteen ladies who were in Port Arthur during the bombardment arrived in Hianghai this morning by the str. Gov. Jaeschke." From one of these a representative of the M Shanghai Mercury has obtained the following
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  • 710 148 (From Various Sources). (S China Morning Post). Loudon, Feb 24. The Nationalist Tarty in France is doing its utmost to break up the entente cordiale between France and (treat Britain by circulating broadcast suspicions of British designs on the Canaries and Balearic I -lands. Also by reviving daily
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  • 223 148 Flic fine <»n t his steamer is now quite out, < and there are n<> t\\ir> o? another outbreak The steamer went t«>ihe R<>a<l^ last uight siiul anchored jusl <>tT the outer fishing stakes. Lighten went <-nt to the vessel this moruin^, ;tn<l the work of discharging
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  • 592 148 If M S Vestal"' weni U} T this morning to coal It is stated that the R to Saigon by the- Pascal re Viscount Yoshikawa has Japanese Minister U>y Horn* The steamer Wilhelm Pagar to be docked this a. The British insurance upwards of €1,000,000 A
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  • 1653 149 \l l\ I lU.IATh I\. [▲NDER-Ilf -CHIEF. in ropatkin, < tammonder-in-\rmy in Manchuria is a very 1 ution. d has ex] of a div i i hai Ihe in her word, 'i ad. but th she I 'keU us I I that ria still the count ries R
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  • 231 149 Tl i Go] M s played for la>t Saturday, i sulh I in a tie between Dr Fowlie and F. II. 1" iich will be replayed a*, a date to !>> rranged. The full res wei ••> s 1 1 Poi Si plus 1 I- ii
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  • 127 150 RoTBBi ri Bamoees. V match Lfl pUyed between the above towog m the People Park last eveaiDg f enduig m an easj win for the home fide. Neither C lub wa/ fully repn*enied, b* the Bt arl the li—- attacked. r l y Rangers, howerer, kepi rhem out fairlj
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  • 119 150 I the sou of the murd im' and' tin had been buried of dun 11 1 I) he lm a this Poli I I A pec the i u un known I day night ai man took t he ff the B tkil I i-niah-rd I be
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  • 263 150 vs on t it rac! t »n engiue i the ril i custody oi the Police i of ra it drivii and ure to Mr Ve >n the I I lean has ha I j I < u era >ll. bv su lent but S t
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  • 190 150 The l'» I sauoer (Jinltaila from Rangoon arrived yesterday l»ouud for Hauila. The steamer Ainherst an<l Melita were i>itli unlocked yesterday* and i«'i'i for the Roads to load cargo. The chartered Transpori Muttra returned t«» Rangoon i sterday. The Collier Nithsiile from Barry left for the North this
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  • 147 150 The Seizure OF Islands off North Borneo. Washington, Feb 8.--With wferewe to the .Utement, recently made to Mr B. W. Bm-h. aoTemor of British North Borneo, by Gen Leonard Wood, commanding m the Southern Philippines, that the question of the seizure l»y an American warship
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  • 152 150 b the i rs creep by re im nsibh and the r i by the re i] ,*,!v direct*. r\. :M that makes the ul the il rations. Tin book ii, I use v ir spl I st m lien the st name* in* in, but the
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  • 210 150 lis in irniug before M r Set li .1 Chinaman I was charged with voluutarih causing grievi us I linam in by I ing hie nil yvith a piece ol iron. The rrosecutor, Tan ICeug, a baker, dep 11 on Feb 1 7 he yy icV on
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  • 240 150 i Befon Mr Justice Hvndinan Jones.) The Tale < Towchakg Tan !1 k .i:u% was charged with house- l>re;ikiu{^b> uightaudtheft inn I welling house P sonor was found guilty ;m«i was sentenced t>> I'our years on each charge, the sentences to run concurrently, to i>« followed by ihrce
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  • 168 150 Admiral Togo, m command of the Japanese 11h«'T. is an old Worcester" boy. The excadets of thai >!iip will l»e interested m w.itdi ing the career of the Admiral, who lias already I done so well. The China Mail ieb &l) tells this of n lucky speculator:- Dr [ronez of
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  • 334 150 The report on the Institute for Medical Research at Kuala Lumpor shows twhai a useful institution that can be made m other ways than that of enquiring into disease m human beings. The equipment of the laboratory and other buildings is m most respects quite up to date
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  • 667 150 bran a na\ ai of vi I posit ion <>f h', p in the Far E Paris >e is." O nay r ?es ri als, and at the i t ime vy ca a not h »lp r I h it he plan I
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  • 15 150 Bishop Bone arrived here by the ss. v V nang" from Teluk Anton tins morninir.
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  • 132 150 ivU) It is understood that tl e Trio, who have beei Ceylon, ondBurm v., will pore, where the) will gr We have not heard dire do not know when I duty and a pleas un notice in anticipation of I here tun-* already some may bovi
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  • 46 150 Fr< th* st >vy ol great Bonanza n 1 2 1 1 >>:i in a ing that he had f< »un I not realise how much i brought up mine h C A 11 1, .".ne." he 3 nd. in I I the]
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  • 73 150 i ijor Powell Cotton, •an t ra veil; has >een i I I ort t hat an I l he East Africa Sy ndi< bt he Turkana trib 'sni The Maj »r. v. ho has d 1 lie ht be true. The 'i curious I he number
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  • 304 150 Mr Picl I G rnor of th the it of tl London I n .ban 20 al a dinner tauront. Mr I et !i of I he In ••>{ >oe i li I;-- to the t oast •d by the chairman, x b Iger Baid The dvi<
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  • 151 151 i boi *ai yesterdaj ienl to F nthi hard labour s<>r stealing Bench Oouii dealt with robber. The former got the 1 itter -i\ month "i morning tnere I t and For be 7 ouo i the n im i i using h n running. i
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  • 85 151 in a Paris Court in i round the question ime lady s corai ts. T i "ti a lay figure, bul the h the defence desired to so ch arly shown bv I only had a live med, petulantly, when a s one srered, I Qough I
    Dolziel  -  85 words
  • 64 151 a In Id in tho Town H iu the presei submitted other informati. a irse Miss B I in January to Ellershaw irs here. -vereatt 38 I d injj per cose, compai ling ovi 1902 continued I i an the i i ►unt rn ol cue ap:
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  • 761 151 AllL'SK Of Vu-na, Tl »smx»oi Hospitality KmmVL? ,rlv .'Vs..f.i,.., n „„,i,. warn to tk« s,. lt u bL a. rl ,:Vt I intentions. far.';.', '"TV I'" *<>" "P immm i i. V tad Mro »toclc the only port U n J»P«>««e i, "ol b»ve I :r i !it
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  • 65 151 [r E S Vii t 'ohen is an ilion of an nvention foi i ats r< hit ing ti insula* ing in i ,<i. ms ealled be. mite The Str iii Voiing .Men'.. iS0 j >u Singapore i ex< t ion urn lei i 34H*ieties )rdiu i u
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  • 29 151 Tw o Ixokicns ore in cubtod for thel worth of property from M; VV. b rn inn of Hotel ;i i'he aecu sed ore .^.c nts mi the lb»tel
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  • 1344 151 t wc\myine i no8tr j etlf f arrago i ihf>Ui Juvenal. It must add to the disappointment and dismay m Russia, to feel that, strong as she mov be. she cannot get her strength to the place where ,t ifl fronted. It is o curiously dramatic
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  • 359 151 The f x t*l it annual report to the Sh reholders .it the me. ting ou Mar 22 The working for the year under review, after charging to revenue all co?t of development. gives a profit of 84(5,215 90, against which the Directors have placed the
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  • 100 151 before phief lnB P ec1 prosecuted a C mi med < ha. i [n«i tor G >rdon m thr sent < hinaman ia The I'-!:- then ya house an 1 I I about $6 wort n beside A i u LUtity mdu dross. The the ice I
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  • 932 152 OBDnroBt Mbctii day, Mab. h IW4 His Exoollen ,vt The Hon'bletl I I nersley, < rhe H. ai i y S^i**! '..I -lines, i P.S. •>• Uaffuey i II, u I \v. j c .1 M < Si i I I i deal i I cai j int<
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  • 145 152 i\ w Mr A c i has just closed its iirst season. Eleven matches have bean played, t hese lining wins. Appended ire t he Club averages. Mr Coulcher has been appointed laptain for the ensuing season with Mr Jackson as vice < 'aptain.
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  • 746 152 A View of thb State Procession. < Written for the Singopore Free Press/*) Ii would be difficult to imagine a more leplorably wet doy than that which marked yesterday's pageant. The early morning wa fin bv an overclouded sky, accomponi by a dull haze of mist, turning
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  • 38 152 ANOTHER CUP LETTERS. I -at mini 1 i.- Th irda j i •i The' v A Fox Jr., J d'MII < '< HllO. rtarl md, JCei ••i a. I I M 1 ion ►I i i ii, U., Th< Art
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  • 6 152 FOOTBALL G ►f special or- I
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  • 122 152 j an cellei I hai trapezefjin which h stakes one i m on th i goesthrou II i rubber I in int ric de ki over inotli r p ch. e mi Iget i does wond A nto on I wire, md Mi gract ul riding h
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  • 72 153 The < >Pirj m 1 \ku \-> i> Ch m Dnooes! 1 i I'r h i the interest of the poor of this col 1 for the co era* M ai frust hi- < ipium Formers, du drosi Led with water manufii I tndu. 11 i e able to
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  • 154 153 I U I i I in an the ol han Ui •rsin. K i Polh I!- ►u 1 i U. hat '2 up 1 of ch to > in i ailed I a 1'ii ng, •tuall.v > !> > l 5 to thorit war, aud nee
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  • 30 153 The copra from the Glentuiretf 1 waa sold 1a Messw Powell and Co, this morning and [Relied from 8390 to $5.40 pikul;^hl eonsido/mg the present price ol U* mil
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  • 1032 153 The opening match in the League was i success in ever} aspect except one. and that the disparity l.-t ween the teams. The V M C A were at full strength, but Tanjong P _ar unfortunately had some of their best men away, andothen had been workingoll day
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  • 222 153 From Y.irion^ Sources. yokobain i. Feb Hundreda of Russian troops bave entered O.w treaty port VViju, aud are now marching to the cit\ of Phongyang, which li< a about half-way between Se< »ul 1 iho n< t froni ier of iwiva. The French G >vernment has replied to
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  • 251 153 IS OUB NAVY IN DANGEB It is difficult to imagine any act ol' national improvidence greater than ourpresent unrestrict- i e ort of Welsh Bteara coal for the ase of foreign navies, and every attention end support ought to be given to Professor Boyd
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  • 47 153 correspondent de S M writes confirming the witm of P L W as to the state of the drains in Buffolo-rd and Komoong Glara side of the town. Our correspondent urges the I Sanitarv authorities to pay attention to tin drains in this pari «»f the town.
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  • 900 153 Turn Sea As a Batiik Qkouvd. BY FRANK T BUI.I.EN. Few .1- ere tie* people who can imaf battlefield "11 shore, they are w.-tly fewer who COH picture with any C3itainty the f a naval conflict In the 'hi}- "V sail and woo i there was
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  • 2503 154 I For the M Singapore Free Pret»s.") Just a> in Europe Holland is separated from England by the narrow arm of sea that flows betwi -a. so in tlie Bast, dwellers in Singapore have onh to undertake a comparatively short see royagein order to find themselves in
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  • 578 154 Who Bboins the Xkw Vi;ak Well. Fob Maw Months Lam Ykar Bhi SufmiD as so Many Womkn Do. But Now Shi is Healthy and Strong DR. WILLIAMS PTNK PILLS Mrs. Tan Kim Chye is fortunate in having a hnsbmd who reads tlie newspapers. "It was through seeing
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  • 749 154 r Russian Navai. Peosfei rs Before the outbreak of war, the ft j correspondent at Odessa «vrote as follow Odessa, Jan 14. I have received the Ml ing communication from a Sebastopol:— In Naval circles here the) a lliit anxiety evinced with regard condition of a considerable Duml
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  • 50 154 1 1 Canton, Feb 25. the n Ihe i upwards nt at five o'clock ai d a ai n troying over five hundred iucluding the d >tels and g .ace. The damage is est aa ed it one million The Hacheongtong District is west English bridge
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  • 430 155 Church Bftnui po er Knn os Sib, The Papal letter on Sacred Music in la Churches which contains regulations I n issued, and coming, d talented musician as Pope Tins it prill not onlv prove deeply ting to Catholics but will also be hailed hi bj all I vers
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  • 191 155 The Directors of the V M C A entertained be uiemlers and their friends m tbe Associations ue* residence, Zetland Hou Armenian St. lii Tins drawing r*»ra, which is i \vn Kjvicio apartment, was sr&ily l>e-fligged tr.«l lie-flowered, and presented a very prettj me ent Hon W R
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  • 649 155 A Broom Situation. The situation m Namaqualaad is much more serious than the German authorities are willing to admit The rebellion \m> spread all over the country, the result, ii is said, of the a.c: of one German soldier who. because he believed himself to bave been
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  • 57 155 Tlie Commission appointed at a rec< til meeting of Legislative Council to c insider 1 1 question of the (tbo?c, sat yester lav alternoon and took evidence. The witnesses called wen Mi<sis Xrowell, ifouug, Wilson (from Province Wellesley), Sanderson, (Riley Hargreavee) Nicholson (Tanjong Pagar Dock Company)
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  • 294 155 The contracts for the construction of the two battleships for the Japanese Navv were definitely signed on 30th nit. by tlie representatives in London of the Jap. me-" Government. One of these is to be fault by ICessrs. Vickers, Sons i and Maxim (Ltd. ad the
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  • 666 155 At the end of 1908 Russia had but 2U ships of all elassess in the Pacific, mounting i»7!» guns, and with 8,400 officers and men. When it was decided, in December, 1902, to reinforce this sijuadron, "20 more ships were despatched, bringing up the total
    Times  -  666 words
  • 330 155 U is very g 1 news that the ueg tiatioiu between Paris ami Bangkok for the creation of more friendly relations promise a successful issue. No blame attaches to al. DelcasSt' for the delay that has occurred in coming to an arrangement; the year before last, he
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  • 35 155 There being no objections to the nomination of Mr C. li Buckley as Commissioner for Kallang Ward, and no other nominations, Mr Bucklcv becomes Commissioner for tlie Ward in the place of Dr Pooirs resigned.
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  • 663 155 THE CURRENCY QUESTION IN THE PHILIPPINES. The following important communication «.ppears in the Cahleuews (Manila) of the 22nd January. Manila. January. 1904. Editor Cablenews. Sir.— We the undersigned Bxchange Banks consider it our duty both to ourselves and to the public to remark on the amazing misconceptions uttered by the
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  • 142 155 li is generally admitted that dancing is less in favour in most of the great cities than it was a generation or two ago. Probably that U due to our modern multiplication of amusements, and, especially, of form- of physical exercise. There is one European
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  • 125 155 According to a report published by the Committee of Construction of the Silierian Railway forthe ten years' period from 1893 to 1903, the cost of construction of the line not including the Manchurian Railway), a total distance <d 6,665 versts, waa 432,5*20,9 2 roubles, or 64,894 roubles
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  • 1213 156 Thk Wrestlivg Ohampiovshi? <u. thk WOBLD. Ax A STH [8HIK0 Si ia: T\N.p herculean men in .1 i'ren/ued grapple made lensattonal entertainment for 10,000 delirious peo] Jat irday night Tt wa a ti spasm H brut and fa ower." dan prejudi' e decide i he rorld.
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  • 219 156 Felcphoue Girl m the J\>s< Offi. Sen i,-,-been dismissed for talking ovor the Wires." iftema of [nteresi Dailj M i] Lisa strange strange world, mi masters, W bere no electric light, Whirli reniaineth dark as the vi ■m. With ;i farthing dip m our hand, \N hich be
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  • 1016 156 At a great Conservative meeting at Swansea on J in 27, at which the chief Speaker was the Home Secretary, Mr Akers Douglas, and Mr C W Laird, formerly of Singapore, also spoke. The Cambrian reports thus: Rousing Re< bptioh fob Candidati Laibd, Mr
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  • 33 156 Tins will have a soien u fl memliers of the Singapore V ra mission. Or seven di narked the chairman when the Torquay Corporation w< lined 15s the otherday forbreal own by-laws. 1
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  • 174 156 The Resident-General of the P Iff A 1 making enquiries as to the all ring Of Malays m earth wni-l. M minute* Ih we worked Mala; numbers, but it is w or expedient to do bo. The success m this matter are a m trusted by the
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  • 142 156 i am Bachelor, 1 have no cheer mj lif< The girls I m are pit on Ana b >ugh <!■ j (ne, I can« a wife. 1 heard that L sap-year ba it that m I bat v« or alone. A girl may bravely on v
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  • 116 156 t Linming at scliool ol rat her t han smoking, i- I y2<-^ > bh for b y >' lack of talitv, naid L i' A.shcroft, presiding over the Birmi lists' Trade m< riahiy rel urn '1" 3 ii unhn Feb perm > 7 1 7 o f w 1
    116 words

  • 825 157 The Kin^r nas beeo pleased to approve of Mr L. Dossagneas C<»usul -General of Belgium m the Straits Settlements. Selangor tin estimates for January and h\h, I B hon h decrease of 642 pikuli from that o f t he corresponding months of VMM. r lhe
    825 words
  • 494 157 The B 1 steamer "Tara" arrived from Rangoon on Saturday with a full <-argo of rice for Singapore, and the H Taroba" of the same line after discharging sfooo5 f 000 tons of rice here has gone back to Rangoon for a fresh cargo. The collier M Bernicia
    494 words
  • 125 157 The Championship tinal> wrere played <>ft' on Saturday m lovely weather. There was a very large attendance hut the games never touched a very exciting point, though there was some good play. Alter the play Miss Taylor kindly distributed the prizes to the winners. Championship,
    125 words
  • 165 157 Late on Saturday evening the V o mail steamer Simla arrived here out wan 1 bound amoungst the passengers passing through by her was Admiral Sir G. Noel, the new Com-mander-in-Chief of the British Fleet m Par Eastern waters Other Naval passengers on board are Captain Pakenham, Commander
    165 words
  • 45 157 The Sekagor Gaiette" conUini tf»« formal notification at Mr B. W Birch's appointment as British Resident, Pw»fc (from Fe»» lOth, 1904.)' MrD. G. Campbell becomes British Besklent, Negri bembikn fnun Fel» 27). Vikl Mr K. (i. Watson, Federal Connnissioner <>V Miws from Nov 14, IJWS,
    45 words
  • 378 157 Kick Cargoes. The Norwegian steamer M Dagmar arrived here yesterday from Bangkok with a full rargo of rice and Hour. The M Borg," which also arrived here yesterday from Bangkok, brought a lar^e consignment of rice for Singapore. The M Itinda which arrived from Rangoon, has s l>i^
    378 words
  • 602 157 Skbmons m i vi h Churches. Preaching a1 1 1 I%* Cathedral last evening the Xt Rev the Bishop of Singapore chose as his tc\f the passage front the Epistle to the Romans. Whatsoever was written aforetime, >\i^ writteu for our learning." The} were asked that
    602 words
  • 880 157 The annual general meeting of this company was held m the offices No "> Read Street, at noon <>n Saturday. The following directors and shareholders were present. Messrs C. E Sanderson chairman, E. P. 11. Edlin, J. M Aliinson, E. C. Ellis, <;. A. Resting, J.
    880 words
  • 49 157 Archdeacon Sharp Ikih sont over a collection 1 of ]>vrk curios, tpears, hats, b* lmets. &c. They arc on view at tl«*' V M C A WWI fqff sal«» :iu«l the proceeds will l>e devoted to mission work among the Dvaks. A substantial redaction is offered during thitf mouth.
    49 words

  • 110 158 Owing to the strong breeae blowing to-day and the consequent roughness of the Harbour, two lighten —one laden with rice, and the other with petroleum foundered. Mr W. Petrie Watson, who was on the staff of the Kobe Herald" for some years, has written a book
    110 words
  • 819 158 V Jus! ice H adman .!"i Lee All Hiang, v found guilti oi the I■ mi d of a Chinese woman, towards the close of last r 1 vas sent t'» prison for eight yeai Chong \:i Sam, ivho since 189? Lad been more oi m trouble was
    819 words
  • 1222 158 The first of the public meetings m connection with the centenary of the British and Foreign Bible Society was held m the Town Hall last evening, there beins: a large attendance. H E the Officer Administering the Government, the lion W. T. Taylor. C M <;, took
    1,222 words
  • 142 158 Tlii> morning before Mr Michel] a Chinese I baker named Ah Yon of Middle-rd was prosecuted by Chief Sanitary Inspector Mayhew foi several breaches of the Bakerj Bje Laws, the principal of which were having his utensila i m 11 filthy and unwholesome condition, and hanging dirty
    142 words
  • 172 158 s. C. C. v Cetloks. A tnatcb was played between the above teams on Saturday on the S C C. ground, ami ended m a draw. Carver hit nim> fours, scoring 16 m one over. James to>k four wickets t'.-r 49, Carver :> for 13 and Reid 3 tor
    172 words
  • 327 158 Things have come to a pretty pass, when Shanghai, the home of the bunder,' can refer to Chefoo war telegrams as Chefooleries Lieut P. 1*. Langdon, half-pay, Royal Artillery, is plaeed on retired pay. It will be learnt with satisfaction (says the u N-C Daily News" of the 25th ult.i
    327 words
  • 606 158 There v. as jubilation, somewhat nixed sarcism, m tlie writing of the Editoi \n^' issue of the first week of March 1885 f formation had oome oat thai the fortifir of the place were to l>e commenced [mv lv. The sarcasm was caused l>\ the m»,
    606 words
  • 159 158 The Singapore VToluni *?r v I llerv went to Taojong ECatong vesterda) morning foi firing practice with the hem l<> }>r>. a ful battery turning <»ut. Tin* guns were dismounted ;m<l disjointed at the Drill Hall and put iut• > tongkangs, whicli were towed across to
    159 words
  • 118 158 The Colonial steainei for Hilaiacca to-dai (>:i liglithouse She v> ill take as] il m:ttl Major-General Pr a I S ipole arrived a1 Harbin, mm md a I' rim brigade against I lie Jap n Yesterday, at Messrs H. t. Coghla > an ticii mart. the i*oasl int ra M
    118 words

  • 3130 159 The court of appeal commenced this morn* the Judy is sitting being the Chief Justice. Lionel Cox, Mr Justice Law and If r Justice id man Joni Tin. BANGKOK JlWILLIBl Case. li a an appeal bj Mr A 1'. <> Tilleke Siam Observer, and Mong Ong, his
    3,130 words
    • 1260 159 General Kuropatkin starts lor Manchuria on March 12. Five Russian t< rped boats have left Port Said for Algiers. Ir is reported that thev have been directed to way lay and search vessels in the Mediterranean for contraband of war. Japau has issued a repl\ to the Russian
      1,260 words
    • 56 160 as -iiition condemning t'l.* Su^ar Conrention moved m the Souse of Commons, Government majority fell to 4<>. The resolution was reject >d by 202 to In:*. Mr Austen Chamberlain, Chancellor of tlie 1 [chequer, receiving a deputation, stated that 1 could bold out n«» h..;.r of the
      56 words
    • 17 160 England Ims won the fourth tesl match at S hi'-v IV \')T iiiiiv.
      17 words
    • 30 160 i!''.' n harm i»f the I•• fus tse baa r»e--liu 1!.« ourl oi (!as«a( 1 Tlie r^renrh public its enti el\ unc »ncerned i I! mat ter
      30 words
    • 21 160 SOMALI LAND. Keulei b »rrespondenl Aden says that ?.v Hullali ..1 the Ogaden tribe has hoisted I »1 indard i»f rei<»lt.
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    • 17 160 Count (Valderaee, the eummunder of the A lied Force- m China iv 1900, isdettd
      17 words

  • 368 160 SPECIAL TELEGRAMS. THK FOURTH TEST MATCH. Hongkong, Mar 4. England in its second innings made 210. Lilley ♦">, Rhodes 2\>. Warner 31 not out, are the scores in addition to those sent yesterday. hi bowling Cotter took three wickets for 41, Hopkins two for 81, and McLeod three for 42.
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  • Page 160 Miscellaneous
    • 259 160 PASSENGERS ARRIVED BY THE MAILS. Mar. 3. Per P. O. Malacca: From London. Capt. and Mrs C. J. Blunt. Mr A. V. Cuttebert. From Penang. Mr E. E. Sykes. Mar. 3. Per P. O. Chusan From Hongkong- Mrs Valpy, Mr W. D. Braid wood, Mr and M a Whitehead and
      259 words
    • 1447 160 VESSELS IN PORT. :o: M of War Fia* and Tons Commanders Arrived From For Ws, r Fpl n«o Brit cruiser 5600 Stokes Feb 5 H.m«kon X S^m^w Col yacht Murphy Feb 25 Peoang I: v '._k i Brit gun boat 98<> Stuart Mar "> Hongkong I'n. Other Vessel Piaes iSL
      1,447 words