The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 13 January 1904

Total Pages: 16
17 32 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 254 17 CONTENT S i j 7 17 I 7 M ria, 1 y OII.• North. v W I v ii Rumom s i Squadron/ I s ■>il nation Easier, 1 >-i 'hina Free Pori 10 >m B ittleships, 1>« .mk Swettenham. If. INI) COUB Dispute, -jo Buildin ■j" .t I •!g.
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  • 34 17 •y ho up to Januan 12 I I" i I"- y I 10] o U 1 1 90 J 137 pain n 1 1 2 60-J buy) $1«» I d b ondou -7
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  • Domestic Occurrences.
    • 79 17 Reks-Webbe De*-. 5, al Millbrooli H ■y. wife ol Capt. M. 0 N Biib-Wibbe, i rthamptonshire Regiment, < I s. daughter. Dec. 12th, al 2d Broadwater Down, Tunbridge Wells, the wife of Urn; v. J. W. Barlee, M i>. of Kimes, Frame, of a daughter. Berrihgton. Dec. 15, Berk
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    • 59 17 >■ w.-i. On Jan. 2nd al Rock Ferry, Cheshire, Alice, the heloved wife ol Josiah ScarratC and mother of Mis. I). Maw On the 9th January, 1904, id 8 a.m. at the General Hospital, Alex an nan If. Fernandis, late Chief Clerk of the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation,
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  • 359 17 The lasi mail from Home arrived by the P <> Malta.'* on Saturday with dates up to \>ec 19. The Homeward mail was taken by the IN 1> I. Kiautschou" .>n Monday, and this weekly goes by the 1 /.amania" to-, lav There i> again a comparative dearth
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  • 103 17 (Junuury 1 Tin 84. Gambier 12. do.. Cube No 1 17."»<> Pepper, Black (ordinary S'pore^ 32.50 do. White, (Fair L. W. 5 p.c. 51. Nutmegs 110 to the h.) 60 do. (80 to the ft.) 100. Mace (Banda) 160 Cloves (Amboina) Liberian Coffee 23. Taj>i«><a. sma.ll pearl (Fair quality
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  • 442 17 Hew shall the Press the People's riffht maintain, I'nawt'.l hv influence and unbribed by ftain; Here patriot Truth her eloriou precepts draw, I'ledyed to Religion, loyalty and law. Jan. 7. 1 i is the most hackneyed of savings t tint history repeats itself. Many will remember that this
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  • 562 17 Tin: Boers have done one real militar. ner vice vi the late war, a service v.y. prompt!, turned to good account by our Naval Brigades inside and outside of Ladysmith, ami later, h) the Koyal Artillery m rhe field. That i- the adoption of guns of considerable
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  • 978 17 Jan. With the beginning ol the year the Morphine Ordinance. XV nf 1908. was brought into force, and it seems likeh to have secondary results of considerable interest to the community, m that it affects the status of many of the local dispensaries The definition clause of
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 88 17 the '•Singapore i-'r^e Press"' I rom Europe to the Straits by mail lines, are invited to send to the c of their steamer and date ol < !opies will t hen be mailed iut i urious p' irl s <>f call. a..i; PKOM ENGLAND T< I PHE PAR EAST Johore,
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  • 425 18 To-dai comes news ol v sad disasi ou I oard one of the local Australian cruisers, the Wallaroo," a boiler explosion having eau* I the death of no fewer t^-a fortv-thr. m.-v Tl we must take it, included the whole o tin t igin)-room and stoke-hold oomplemen
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  • 90 18 It issignifirant that the United St ai inak*. ■i point inthe instructions to Adiuira L -that strict neutrality of its squadron i- sul I the integi it) of U) pro. isious. I I lint is thai Kus-uau act. on m Mauehui-'u has the substantial effect of
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  • 762 18 Jan. Viiiai is to ;une out for the world from the thering gl >m awa) m the North-East: There is t lie growing possibility oi war. Ho\. thai is to be averted, now* that things have gone is difficult iudced to imagiue. Japan lias
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  • 338 18 b disappoint men I of ;i go k! many people who went on Monday uight to the Gardens, m the expectation of bearing the baud play, it seems fair to remark that the weather all da) had Leen bad and even toa rl) late hour was doubtful.
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  • 166 18 bi ssia would an t i liavegol her new sj m Knglisli,orherne*A >. agency. at Shanghai, after all. We should like to know the origin of this 4 xulMrant optiuiism about peace l*iug certain. Has Russia y ci" down on her m irrow-b '""''i' all hoj- makiiig of
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  • 689 18 "s nis ropoL S. t M koh >\ A l.omh.i. t degrain (Jan oj m the Hong kong Press contains one statement that 1,11 r e fa**" uf tt is incredible. Bul if true, the matter must yen seriously engage the ittention of th.- tVledit ranean naval
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  • 518 18 A\ examination ol to-day's toletrrau ">> the whole a leaning *»f the hai wards a relaxation of i c political H»e I'.ir Gasl All wires thai affn I the result of rutin and "I und- rstaudings an t.. he v» ed great st cant ion For at
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  • 375 19 A s [nih>-Chika li.t v Poh 1 Jan. 12. From a private letter we have information a private enterprise, a new trading ud coaling station is being established on the a-China coast beyond Cape St James lie mouth ofthe Saigon river. To speak precisely, not far on the other side,
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  • 511 19 'Mi: X ii I hat the I Argentine ...i and i ught Jape ii, an i •be 1 East, I would I ious two Chilian battleships, bought by under similar conditions, and practi" eally ready for sen, should follow the cruisers out to Far East to join our squadron, under
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  • 84 19 To-day the official link that binds Sir Fkank w ktStknu am to the Colony and the Federated Malay States is severed by his resignation. But the many close bonds of personal association and friendship between the Governor and the Straits will never he broken. And we eau
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  • 311 19 If the interest of President Roosevelt's Message to American readers is mainly of a dramatic character, there are long ami important passages m it which concern Foreign Powers, ami more especially ourselves. While the President repeats, m substance, his remarks made a year ago on the
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  • 100 19 MB CARNEGIE AND CANADA. A Remarkable Letter. Mr Cam gw, in h letter to the Winnipeg Historical Society, say**: "You know that] urn a race [inperialiat. I know thai the day in coming when Canada, as u well-bebaYed younger son, will lake the motherland l>v i>i..' lian-1, and t\w rebelliuue
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  • 1624 19 The British collier "Cyrus" arrived here yesterday from Barry, with" coal for Yokohama. A Tonkin contemporary announces the death of -Lord 9 Herl>ert Spencer. The Philippines Opium Commission returned from Rangoon by the M Palamcotta this Ihe forthcoming marriage is announced of Jessie Lady Heriot Maitland
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  • 59 19 The annual bowling match between Tanglin and Teutonia Clubs began last night at the Teutonia Club. The scores were Teutonia Tamo. Diehn 823 Freeman 737 Jahns 7o* Cunliffe B uss 7P> Withers 649 Esche 702 Mactaggart 647 Kessenmuller 651 Southam Hafner 616 Darbishire... r»!»5 1249 ig The match will
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  • Correspondence.
    • 338 20 To thi Editor. Sir As one of the theatre-going public I looked forward with great interest to the visit of the Pollard Comedy Company, whose repertoire and constitution promised to give us an opportunity ol hearing several of the modern farces and come. lies given by competent
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  • 405 20 riii-: !'<:>T!\ v i >f lhas* In an ai li< le und »r I his be look" gives roasoua -how tha. Thibet, or st least Sen!, era Thibet, must lie British, remarking thai Lhe most uncompromising Little Indian or bit tie Briton will nn be able to affirm that Russi
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  • 90 20 On Jan 5, a Cantonese man, who had just arrived from Bluntok, was accosted bl a fel-low-countryman who took bim to a gambling house m Bfosque-Sl where he. was induced to join the bank m a game of "tuah." Alter an hour* phiy his partners told him he had lost
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  • 147 20 LAI Ml! FARMING ihe O mans claim have the lai >• farm m the >: ites. Iris! he I>l ranch iv the Poneji reservation. \\d is io big hat it is ne ?ss m to planl i iveral varieti >1 wheat m if. one of which ripens several days later
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  • 69 20 The custom by virtue of which the engage ment ring and all the other presents which have passed between an engaged couple are returned when the match is broken off may truly be said to he a law of society but there is little authority to show
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  • 53 20 Spanish names arc invariably mispronounced m England. Daily papei There was a young Spaniard called Juan Who daily was washed m a tarn. Til 1 his mother (from Cadiz Eloped with the Ma gui, And left him te dry m a barn. Don irlos,
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  • 301 20 [t will be no misfortune, from the standpoint of Asiatic tranquillity, if the account given of a catastrophe to the Orenburg-Tash-kent Railway by a correspondent of "Tillies" be confirmed. This long and cos line was almost avowedl*. planned as a menace to Afghanistan and Northern
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  • 503 20 There were many obstacles to the success .I Pollard's Comedy Compan. m their performance uf Charley's Aunt" lis night at the Adelphi Hall. There is no proper stage ami the management had to rig one up at short notice. The space is limited and the company worked
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  • 428 20 Remarkable Discovery by Sir W. I.amsay. Sir W. Ramsay delivered an .important lecture on the properties of radium before the London Institution recently. Prefacing his lecture with the remark that the price of radium has gone up tenfold within the last m\ months, until vow it is
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  • 155 20 THE OKHLA" OVERDUE Some anxiety is liemg caused amongst local shipping circles owing to the British India steamer Okhla'' being six days overdue fit Singapore. The steamer left Moji for Manila iv December arriving there safely, ami loft again on Dec 20 i^>r Singapore. The okhla" should have arrived la-re
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  • 171 20 1 his morning before Mr Colmau, i Michael of Michael an I Co, Photographers, i li iv^od a Eurasian named D'Souza with using criminal have to him George Michael deposed that on Dee 2 D' Souza came up to him m Orchard-rd and challenged him to fight,
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  • 215 20 GHARRY AND RIKISHA REGULATIONS II E ii.. Acting Officer Administering t1,,. Government has given to Mr Hmmer the Kegistmrot Hackney Carriages „j m ilar magis. enal powers m respect ot gharrien, to those he ...ready has with regard to jinrikishas la > consequence complaints cat. now i... j him and
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  • 584 20 The capture of Schmidt. clever bank note forger, io called attention to the skill bring to bear m forging valuable and the devices adopted li prevent false notes beiny unable to give ani particular j^^bi- the straits Currency Corns but as forgers have taken m hand
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  • 210 20 A QUESTION OF CHURCH III Sl< Plain Chant writes welcoming the mentioned m this paper the ..the. about to be instituted lo the Pope, standardisation ofthe music of the Catholic Church. But he goes <.n tocotuttieui on certain recent musical services Koman latholic < !hurcl i any I hu do
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  • 52 20 LAPSE OF LOVE lM'i;i;i> Pure Boinanee ;>n.[ the nlcl-fashioned l«o v siorv seem to occupy a smaller relative with each advancing year. Tbere is doubt, s growing tenclenci to subordinate love interest m novels, or at aus rate I > H no larger place iv fiction than it \u*bU life
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  • 91 21 The Hiina Mail lias this wire Neuter's »rre«ponden1 at Peking cablet \i Lestsar, the Russia*] Minister at r.-kiiv_ r baa informed tin* Wai-wn-pu, the I reijjb > 1 1 i of China, thai no further it icuatioD "i Manchuria can take ng to t !,<•
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  • 105 21 RUSSIAN OFFICERS FOR THE KOREAN ARMY. Li ialk, :»i of icting under insi wit] M. Pav] I." I on «»n !>ic 9. is, the <lt I Korea will ei Ai-mv officers 1 u mergt ncy in the Art. 2. The Russian!) A rt, 1. will strilMitod among ili« i
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  • 100 21 Tlu* Japa rvettea Katsuragi, Yamato Musashi," felifi gunboats "Takao, Mava, Vtu and Chokai," the despatch l>*\it Vavoyama," and the i;>:-;.»"]<> cruiser "Toyo--lii lia ome ol»solete by reason o\ make good the decrease in t 1 1« strength of N"avv, the authorities have, it is reported, to
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  • 134 21 \> Cliauvel. inilitar eon-inspector, laid bel'oVe the Academy of Medicine ;i <»t appendicitis in ?li<- French Army, wlii«-li hi;i\ have some iuteresi for British lers i-.i-i year, the inilitar} hospitals of it iio'.i).- and in the dependence 3, with 508 uses of appendicitis. < >t" were
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  • 159 21 follow ing proper! ies were dispose I if uction at Powell I Saleroom *et iii 1 house thereon know S .2 Singa pore Tow n. Area I .o«'.<> held under ..ease for 99 l ears Bought bi l.c Cl i. -use tin >n kno jro v o. 24
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  • 783 21 The -Sea Belle" goes to Pulau Undau Lighthouse to-dai on relief duty. The output of tin ore from the Tronoh Mines for December was *****2 pkl of the value of 984,011.19. Admiral Sir Cyprian Bridge was to bave d m Hongkong to-day on his return to
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  • 512 21 Cotton Cultivation. lo i us ..i.itok. Dkab Si h,~ My letter concerning cotton cultivation has provoked a deal of criticism. The critics have expressed m English prose (of quality ranging from bad to worse) and m Latin and English verse (not without merit) opinions which would add weight to
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  • 132 21 The Port Arthur correspondent «»t the Asahi," one oi the best informed of Japanese newspapers, sends the following deeply interesting message to his journal Admiral Alexeieff. the Russian naval commander, addressing his staff, said that if Russia had three docks at Port Arthur and two at Dalnv, she
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  • 179 21 A recent home paper mentions an incident, I which should not be overlooked m the records of woman's bravery and presence ol mind m moment. s of emergency The story of the rescue effected bl two nieces of Major-General Smith-Dorrien on the wild coast of the Scilh Isles
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  • 140 21 THE OKHLA" SIGHTED. Messn Boustead aad Co, Agents of the B I I S N Coy. received a wire from their Agents m Hongkong ibis morning, to the effect that li I steamer Okhla, whose non arrival has I caused some anxiety here, wassighted and by the German mail Sachsen
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  • 138 21 YEOMEN OF THE GUARD." The Yemen of the Guard" was given again last night for the seventh time, by amateurs to a large and appreciative audience. Thepla*. went better than ever, as from the long run it has had. the actors have obtained lira.- confidence m themseh and it can
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  • 190 21 We should think the Pollard Cm has seld pi yed under, such dispiriting conditions, as have prevailed during the two nights they have been here. "Charley's x at "onWednesday was followed last evening by "Tom Dick and Harry a piece of broad farce, which boasts little plot, but
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  • 233 21 Buyeb and Sbllbb Suroicallv Sepabatsd -Pally Mail." Philadelphia, Wednesday Dec 2.- DrNeldon brought from Philadelphia to-day the man who paid 21,000 for another man's ear, and privately showed him to two physicians and a Press correspondent. The man who bought and the man who sold ii were
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  • 212 21 Southern Cross," m th Time-.'" protests against the suggestion that the Australian Governments denied the Chinese labourer free ingress to Australia chiefly on thc ground that the white man's w ages would h« reduced and his field of employment would lie interferred with l.y Chinese competition
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  • 185 21 Some months ago Municipal Building Inspector Young, found that a building m Cecil-si owned by a Chinaman was m a dangerous condition and likely to fi li at any moment. The l?owkay was ordered to earn out alterations to the building conducive to safety, but took no
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  • 1170 22 Thk Sui ..,..n Discussed. The T<.kio correspondent of the "Chins Mail" writing on the 19th alt, produces an estimate of the political situation that givea a clear idea .he position produced by the unsatisfacton course of tbe negotiations with Russia. It includ is the following passages: l.t
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  • 158 22 UiV,r>Y FOOTBALL. Iwo bad accidents happened cesterdai evening, whiles game of l.u.f-;. Foot ha 11 w ,> Ikuiij^ played at Tanglin, lietween a team of ■he Man Chester's, and a tifteen from th.> Ivlenheiin The yam st iv ed rather lat so it was decided to plai only 2t) minutes
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  • 164 22 BRITISH TROOPSJIIP DILWARA. rhe chartered transport Dilwara arrived >'r".-i> this morning from Southampton, and wenl I o Section 1 Taujoug Pagar. Tiie 4 Dilwara left Southampton on Dec s and had an k'entful and quick passage out. She is to wl ai Tanjony J agar alter which she goes ou
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  • 232 22 ,x »n« ling called at the instance of ihe Warders Football Club, was held m the y M C A last evening to consider the adi ability of forming a football league amongst junior clubs of Singapore. The chilis represented were the Warders, Police, Raffles Cricket Club,
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  • 196 22 M Mis I A«. A INs, THE CaXADI IN Pai rric Compani to a telegram received lately l»i air 1). E. Brown, General Manager of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company,' the Court ingbai, which dealt with the ca#e arising mit ot the collision between tbe
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  • 1135 22 Before the Chief Justice, Sir Lionel Cox this morning. j r A Fononni Cask. Sung Chug Chiang, who was charged with forging a chop and using it to induce another man to deliver him a number of bags of rue. was found guilty and sentenced to eighteen mouths
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  • Correspondence.
    • 147 22 The i re Eno ioemkn h i*O THE EDI POR. I 1 Sir, It ini^ht w« I] I... i done by your Com ipondeni llm.-l:,; V Free P onwl, f v was the theatre ser] I i the Puhli,Singapore durin ;,r)v t\ w w lo t «son? [f it is
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  • 70 22 The Kobe" from *aki !s a cargo of Japan cals y hj port Th.- Zweena came to the what awaiting to be docked. The French steamer Haiphong docked at Keppel Harhour vesterda. au. now at Borneo Wharf loadingcargo loi The collier Helene R X *ppel Hari The Edward
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  • 152 22 A yo.ul story is going the round of the Ed burgh Infirmary at the Burgeon, who, m receiving out-patients, emu l- ■> !he methods of :he protot \pe ot Shei lock Holm, s i Pr. Bell, to wit i An edd woman entered the out
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  • 54 22 1»- I \XI» SAL1 ■v any proper! ie. w< re di 1 i at Mr H t Irani Lemoon Land, and Ho ■■■•->•'. area 1 .22 I s.| ft. uudi monthly rental K2O il 1 I for <7- $00. m i House No lilit Tanjong X V.rea 29,80._ sq ft
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  • 229 22 M< >RG SHORN I >F I! is P< >\\ Ki; v York despatch of Ibe IS*I h ult I X R >eki teller's heavy band Fell up. T i! Pierpont Morgan to-day. and rom the grip of the .Master mani| 1 l *h s more 1 han >i 2,1KX., sion
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  • 693 23 The troopship "Dilwara" left for Hong- r quarter of this year the rate of for Crown Agents accounts will be '"■..a bei ire opening a Bchool, ►ur standards, under 'die nai f c John's Institution at i\ i Lumpor. i .uncil under I lie P. t
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  • 1257 23 QntopuT. agatU homtiues nosiri ed farrago Übeftt. 1 Juvenal. The New Year hows itself m surrounded by -.phalanx ot Topi.-s that are not to be merely -a the At home the Chamberlain fiscal 1 leaven is fermenting fineli throu *h the eon- stituencies. and the
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  • 139 23 The Collier Lennox after putting out her cargo of coals left for her loading port Rangoon yesterday. Steamers m dock at Tanjong Pagai Malacca. Browwerand Sultan Van Langkat/' At Keppel Harbour IVsitanaj* and llaipong." The steamer Pal tincotta from' Rangoon arrived yesterday with a cargo of rice. The
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  • 463 23 l>ou'l worry. Don't hurry "Too swift arrived as too slow." "Simplify! simplify simplify your diet Don't over-eat. Don't starve. Let your moderation be known unto all men." Court the fresh air day and night. "Oh, if you knew what was m the air!" Sleep and
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  • 755 23 In.-.kv.lw With Bishop llrknt. The Philippines Opium Commission, consisting of Bishop Brent, Major Carter and Dr Albert, a Filipino of note, returned from Rangoon by the steamer "Palamcotta" en Wednesday, and yesterday afternoon i representative of the "Singapore Vro. hVesa waited on Bishop Brent at the
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  • 120 23 i Ai Interest. n<_ Income Tai Decision Some little ti it will be remembered that it was di .led by the General Commissi mere of i Cii y of L >ndon, that rea m the present Ht I»•ri l< pnienl t v Ltd received by
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  • 81 23 .i. iut< uberg Schmidt Co. a couple of handsome khaki calen rs f advertising the materialfl made b\ K. 8 Qer v\. < !o, Mane 1 1 i ster iu*\ Bombay. Capta d H;>! !ii-K Liinoi theSiiune^ imei Cl:ukf.tlili«tn_'. which arrived 1 > tltis morning Erom Baiigk >k, j.-;.t-r;s thai
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  • 138 24 1 late i.0,-d stanley of Alderle. was m many ways a very remarkable man, whose abihta-s 111 his youth mad i a -reat impression upon Lord Palmerston. lb- was a great travelleivand i.s „,d to have been one of the fim Oriental scholars of the .j ;iv
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  • 33 24 Mr .1 imes Bergen, of tJrauv ille. fl 8 W is authorised to file the specification of an invention tor apparatus for automatically lighting I id extinguishing street and other gas Tamps". s>
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  • 155 24 HE THAT HATH EARS too." With reference I the late story alxjut the surgical transfer, for t lie sum of 01,000 of a righl e.r from a poor man to millionaire who had lost that organ, ami -in ipiteofthe very full details of tim operation that have appeared m American
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  • 234 24 >\: LGAR IN GAOL. te, oi vn hich i>r Kiy t hs thi it re, befell dur the DJ lord. The H fordshir lolds its pr.i v te ci ening reh i' unp m cc, w lieu I I; use If ba] ;I■ be >as ing on his wai lo
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  • 284 24 KIN DWARD'S DIPLOM \< I I ll SE*\ All sorts of thiuga have been said as to the real reason \\n- and results from the recent visit of the Kirn.: to foreign ruli rs. but (_3eoi It. Sims gives us a new thrill by a reason winch be mentions with
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  • 459 24 Efforts to Overcome -Difficulties. With the launch of the Amethyst a step m advance m the development of turbine propulsion has l>een made and only time can show how far the adoption of the steam turbine will be carried m our Navy, or indeed m ships
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  • 210 24 ■>!• THE EYES OF BRIDES. 'I 1 is is i] toted for the ipe dal bern lit of those yomi^ ladies w In- within thu year pas.l have put into the saf. haven of ma tri nony. Thei H be sure Io sympathise with sister brides who have" found the
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  • 278 24 roua TO PIECES BY LIONS El AN KN.a.lsH MAN S HeKOISAI. The Berlin >rrespondent of the Daily Express "states tliat a well-known lion-tamer, Mmc Fischer, was 0 n Sunday tosn to pieces -0 v bens which she was putting through tricks ma memigerie at Dessau iuAnhali she entered the lions*
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  • 43 24 ro. Alexieff stoutly denies any probability »f blows between Russia ahd Japan and threatens to punish anyone found spreading su h reports. n A smack ..I the pacific about this. As to spreading of reports," made m St Petersburg see Reuter passim.) n
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  • 1430 24 The second test match is now over, including i even the shouting, and the result reached us on Thursday. Speculation with such a team as Warner has under him is a very fancinatinir but withal dangerous occupation. We are inclined to think that the English eleven may
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  • 243 24 Thc M Sin Wan Tao i- inform, d In chow -i b tbat to, cm! n X over a thousand m number. crossed the v < River into Lingkiang I ."is. ri cl i ritory i wh'" had I n com m kinds ot depredations, as
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  • 157 24 The Loudon World nays 1 P Louise of S 'hie*.. ■1 1 ia rim *v. i i arrive,! at i ..tomb,, y. -.pern' Ceylon, attended bi Miss Man i! d. be away until the end of April The following is from the Ladi Pi. -Princess Louise of Schleswiir-H. Ihe most
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  • 3345 25 XVI. We started for our I-<* trip on July 27th on an appallingly hot day. which did not make rhe prospect of a ten hours railway journey trticularli alluring, 'lie- fares were as usual ridiculous!) low we practically hired a train for the dai ;<t about sixpence an hour.
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  • 652 25 Reported Terms. I MPOB IAN 1 RUSSIAN < JON. BSB] The Tokio correspondent <>t' the Mainichi" gives the following as the gist f the Russian Government's reply to the Japanese proposa i relative to the diplomatic difficulty. Russia will to a certain extent Batisfy the Japanese
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  • 180 25 It is reported that a new large dock 1^ non ready ut Vladivostock, and will be opened shortly. 'It has been built by the Russia Admiralty to meet the demands arising from the large increase m ihe number of Russian warships m the Far Bast. Por the same purpose another
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  • 1818 26 American Astatic." m Commercial Econom* The AtlauicC nst and Pacific Const Relation to Btraits Freight ;tn d Trade Complete Exhibits on Export snd Imports ami Cargo Movement —Miscellaneous Interesting Statement-. A subject which must be of continual paramount interest to the shipping and mercantile world
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  • 2228 26 The 16th ordinary general meeting of the shareholders of the above company was held at Winchester House, B C, on Dec 10th Mr Cosmo G. Paterson presiding. The secretary, Mr Arthur (.iffard. having read the notice convening the meeting and also the auditors' report, the Chairman
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  • 1720 27 The next International Maritime Congress will be held at Lisbon m May, 1904 Among the publications already arranged for volume on*' Further India-" h\ Mr Hugh The imer Scot u arrived here this mornin r from Tanjong Pandan. She y,.. i at ;m early ite. '1
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  • 333 27 S. C. C. vs A Service team. A match was played on Saturday on the Esplanade between the S. C. C. and a team comprising a numl>er of the Bleiiheini officers and officers from the Manchester Rcjz ment and the R. A. The S. C. C. batted tirst and
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  • 239 27 M. Paul Yillars brings an accusation of laziness against the British mau of business. He declares m the "Gil Bias that for many years past our commercial magnates have been working less and less, and taking large overdrafts m tbe holiday season. if you tell the Britisher," says
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  • 249 27 The tinal perform;'. nce of the Yeomen of the Giiard by amateurs" took place on j Saturday night, the theatre being again packed. Either the experience of the seven previous performances, or perhaps the feeling oi irresponsibility engendered by the tact it was the last,
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  • 34 27 Tiu lonia Tanglis Diehn 1,528 Freeman 1.399 Esche 1,481 CunliJEe l.3t*| Hesseuinullcr... 1.4*21 Maetaygart 1,316 Reuss 1,488 Soul ham 1,307 Jahns 1,507 Withers 1,213 Hefner 1,236 Darbishire 1.17". Teutonia won thus by 543 points.
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  • 289 27 The Kin;,' arrived at Sandringham on 12th ult. with the Marquis ds Soveral, Captain Holford being m attendance. His Majesty offered personal congratulations to the Queen and the Hon Charlotte Knollys on their fortunate escape from th<- outbreak of fire, and also com* pliniented Miss Knollys
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  • 433 27 The preacher at St Andrew's Cathedral last evening, was the Right Reverend bishop Brent' of America, who is staying here preparatory to j proceeding to Manila, where m conjunction with the other members of the Philippines >pium Commission he will make the report on the
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  • 232 27 The Siamese Royal Yacht "Maha Chakkri M arrived here yesterday from Bangkok and anchored m the Roads. The Yacht brought Prince Chakrabongsee I Krom Khun Pitsanuloke) to Singapore to join the German Mail steamer Kiautschou" ;is he is <>n his way to Russia. The Prince Landed from the
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  • 3044 28 Thi Whiti C'hkktah. A SIoKY Ol THI Si HA ITS S...TI.KMKN Is. Jolly glad to ms yon, Blake.* 4 There was no doubting tin-' .sincerity of the r unalloyed relief and welcome shone m ij tired, feverish t'y.-<. and m the smile that lighted np his worn, haggard
    3,044 words
  • 236 28 The British n dia steamer Palamcotta lett Yesterday, it is understood, to lo <k for ti, disabled steamer "Okhla." The Okhhi," it will be remembered, was sighted bi the Ger. man mail Sachsen M m the China Sea wit A certain energetic and greatb respected old Singaporean who recently returned
    236 words
  • 146 28 I A snd accident occurred on board the II liner -Kiautschou" which arrived yesterday from China. It appears that abonl hall past twelve o'clocl yesterday, the Cl Engineer of tho vessel was coming out of his cabin, when through seme unexplained ca a ventilator fell
    146 words
  • 723 28 n Percy Pi m as Cunynghame, te baronet, ol the Sarawak Government Sen was married 16th m I .J,,. dral to Maud, only daughter .j M Selwyn-Payne, of Badgeworth Court. A tional interesl remonv U reason ol the i that, ing marria dignitari. [th the cathed |T ww firs! wedding
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  • 747 29 Elijah Dowie, it is said, is going to build a /ion cit. m Chin;., where he claims .to have 1 500 followers. The sii Japanese warships ivhich left Sasebo for a cruise on I>e< 23 have not been -eon by linen arriving at Nagasaki from the
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  • 997 29 Ife Hongkong llaili Press* 1 has a London telegram giving some further details of the dreadful the it re disaster, which was ace.iratel. telegraphed iv the first ins tarn to T h;.t paper, not hi l.cuter A lire o unci at a matinee performance of he pan
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  • 1009 29 Educational Methods and No Methods. ro thk Kditor. Dear Sir, I bave not been so long m school work here as many others, but the very condition of things and the general method of imparting instruction, as well as the results obtained and the dissatisfaction of the public, have
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  • 229 29 Before the Chief Justice, Sjr Lionel Cox. Thk Coin mo Cask. Wee Tian, who was charged with coining iiud being m possession of false coin and materials. The prisoner maintained that the house m which be lived No ll Boloman-st, was occupied by several other persons and the
    229 words
  • 108 29 H M s "KARRAKATTA: At daylight this morning the British gunboat "Karrakatta'' arrived her, fro'mAusti having called at various ports en route, Sourabaya being her hist port of call.] The Karrakatta" is a twin screw torpedo gunboat of the first .-lass, for the protection of the floating trade m Australian
    108 words
  • 577 29 The .January Medal was played for on the '.Mb and loth insts. The following phi vers did not return cards Sir A. R. V. Dorward. Col Maxwell. ilon'bles T. E. Earle, F. Gk Penny, C. Stringer, Messrs F. Ferguson, 0. Marks, VV. P. Waddell, Captains Rynd,
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  • 2042 30 BANQUET AT SANDAKAN TO GOVERNOR BIRCH. We have to thank our Saudakan correspondent for a very full verbatim report of the proceedings at the farewell public banquet 2 .en by the North Borneo Community. The function is described as a brilliant gathering of 68 ladies and gentlemen, the largest number
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  • 150 30 A match under the Association Code, was played on Saturday at Tanglin Barracks I*.--t ween the Army Temperance Association F. C. j and Rilv Ilargreaves F.C. The game commenced shortly after five o'clock, the military kicking off, and at the outset attacking. The visitors 1 defence pioved sound howei
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  • 744 30 Sir Thomas Sutherland presided at tbe sixtythird annual meeting of the Peninsular and Oriental Navigation Company, held Dec 11. In moving the adoption of the report, be referred wit h satisfaction to the year's work. He said the directors declared tbe usual dividend, with a bonus,
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  • 217 30 The summaries m the trade returns for the ord Quarter of I*. which have just been received from the Government Printer, give the following, exclusive of treasure. Decrease m dollars. >:...»:.. ,917 Increase m sterJii li 190,1 IS. It will be noted that a comparison between the 3rd
    217 words
  • 344 30 Miss Tarbell has published m BfcClur* Magazine the first really sane and oompi bensive examination of the methods by which the Standard Oil Trust hits built up j ?5 gigantic business, the great,-- and most perousin the world. Previous critics hay. a rule, either been so blinded by
    344 words
  • 631 30 HINT FROM THB RECENT WAR. If Russia lights Japan, ;.s at present seems extremely likely, both sides should profit by tli* objectdessons taught during the recent AngleBoer Win*. A valuable hint, ior instance, irs*. recently given by Nicholas Potgieter, a Trailvaal burger who served through the
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  • 56 30 A Record Roi MrT. S. Forrest. Hongkong and Slianghai Bank, <>v Sunday m .ruing mud.- the ree forthenew arrangement of holes at the b» Course Links. Th.- score, certified by Dr llfarles-Thoma* II M S. Robin, l 3,5,3,4,3 34. This is one better than Di Fowlie*! previous
    56 words

  • 3146 31 PIC-NICKING IN PENANG, People talk of a chequered career* 1 a> hough it were something objectionable, but variety is tiie spice of life and personally I like im life, like my bacon, dreaky, and love namenna friendships. The social I md the jungle lean were appetizingli mingled or me on
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  • 69 31 "The finest abattoirs 1 bave ever seen" a*as the verdict of a competent authority who has recently inspected, for the fi st time, the Penang establishment. The buildings were designed by our Municipal Engineer, Mr Et. Pei ree-, when be was at the Northern Settle. ment. The opinion of tbe
    69 words
  • 1065 31 {From our own Correspondent.} Dec 1 7. It is surprising to what an extent the Americans have got hold of the trade m Eastern Siberia ami Manchuria, although this surprise will probably lessen gradually. What will make it lessen will be ihe disappearance of the Americans, one
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  • 680 32 PREPARATIONS IN HONGKONG. Hongkong, Jan B, 1.11 pin. Considerable activity is I iing ev»iced m military and naval circles \un-i'. It it rumoured that 250 of the Sherwood Foresters will embark to-day The Authorities refuse any information, but is believed they will sail on the Humber"' r -r
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  • 28 32 SOMALI LAND. A successful engagement m Bomaliland has resulted m a thousand of the eneniy being killed. Two lb-it ish officers have been hilled an« eight severely wounded.
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  • 22 32 Death-roll 43. Bl au explosion of the boilers of HMS Wallaroo*" at Syduei bl men have been hilled.
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  • 46 32 THE SECOND TEST MATCH. (Special to the Singapore Free Press.") Hongkong, Jan o. 3.54 pm. In the second test match the scores were. I t First Innings 315 I England -fa i r 41a Second Innings IUo First Innings Second Innings 1 1 1
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  • 73 32 (Special Telegram* The Singapore Entries for the races of the Penang Turf Club dosed at noon to-day. Tbey iire 5. Club Handicap. Lutworth, Pawnbroker, Bssington, Blunderer, Sweet l-.rina. Plena you. Juindo, Bauester 7. Hn.l Cue: Benedick. Wedlock. Mil.., Duchess, Coat oi Arms, Starlight, Carlton, Felspar, Spes Patria.
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  • Page 32 Miscellaneous
    • 538 32 PASSENGERS ARRIVED BY THE MAILS. Jan? 8, l\n- P. A Simla From Singapore to Marseilles. Mr Selige Khrenpreis. From Singapore to Brindisi.— Mr M. Rubin. From Singapore to London. Mr Hugh Francis. Capt. Underbuy. Mrs C. B. Brooks. From Singapore to Bombay.— Lieut J. I). 'row dy. From Singa {.ore
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    • 1479 32 VESSELS IN PORT. :o: Men-of-War Flag and Tons Commanders Arrived From For When Blenheim H. M. cruiser 9000 Stopford Dec 11 Hongkong Uncertain Maha Chakkri Siam ycht 2600 Schioniny Jan 10 Bangkok Bangkok 15 Karrakatta H. M. gun boat 755 Corbett Jan 12 Sourabaja England 14 Other Vessels Flaes Tons
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