The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 31 December 1902

Total Pages: 10
1 10 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 205 1 lion in Kelantan. 1 H .narkong and Gold, j < < is Greeting. I Mat* ;in The Acheen War, .> The Battle of the Standards, Singapore-Kranji Railway, Perak Estimate, 7> Freights, If on> and Court News. A Quarantine Mistake. 3 The de Liu'rhi Case, :> Olsen's appeal, J*
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  • 51 1 Subscri! irs to the Singapore Free Press" weekly rd^trning from E\iroj>e to the Straits by any of r,? mail lines are invited to send to the ManajxeJ^ S 1 > name of their steamer and date of arriv'iii ijj llingapore. Copies will then \xz mailed to meetj.pKMii at various ports
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  • 65 1 POSTAGE FROM ENGLAND TO THE FAR EAST. To Hongkong, Johore, Malay States (Protected viz., Perak, Selangor, Negri Sembilan and Pahan^), Sarawak British North Borneo, I^abuan, Straits >ttienients. ILETTF 1 I'i >S TfAf. NKWBFAPERS. Id. per oi 1,1. each. id. per 2 oz. HOOK POST. COML. I'OST. PATTERNS. £d. per 2
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  • Domestic Occurrences.
    • 57 1 Scott. -On* the 2_tb inst, at Blanche Villa," Scott's Road, the wife of H. A. Scott, of a son. At Xodoa. Island of Hainan, on 6th December the wife of Rev P W McClintock, of a son. On the 16th December, at No. 15, Park Lane, Shanghai, the wife
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    • 39 1 Brown-Chapman. At the Presbyterian > hmvh, Penang. on 31oncUiy, 22nd December >.y the Rev J S McKnight, m.a., Captain William Brown, of Broughty Ferry. Scotland, to Elizabeth Chapman, only daughter of the late Captian Chapman, of Broughty Ferry. Scotland.
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    • 60 1 On the 1 lth December, at Foochow, William Pitcairn Galton aged (iS years. On 20th December, at 33. Hollywood Road, Hongkong, Muncherjee Maneokjee Mehta! manager, Messrs Tata Co., Hongkong, and a trustee of the Parsee Charity Funds aged T>7 yeai-8. Deeply regi-etted. Schofield.- At Eagley near Bolton, Lancashire, England,
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  • 301 1 The disorganization in the French Mail service gave us letters of Nov 29 which should have arrived by the M M on Sunday 21st, im Christmas Day by the Sanuki Maru The P and O Chusan" which arrived on Dec. 28 brought letters up to Dec 5. and
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  • 830 1 Here shall the Press the People's right maint_!», Unawed by influence and unbribed by gain; Here patriot Truth her glorious precepts draw, Pledged to Religion, Loyalty and Law. We learn from thoroughly reliable native sources to-day that events have taken a decided turn in
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  • 86 1 It is not altogether easy, considering the :lhnatic social anO- —yji^neiteial conditions under 1 %MJ£^%Eh^*w^Wp realisatioiToTThe wish a A Merry Christinas. Yet the old wisli naturally comes to the lip« and we express it to our readers, a Ming the hope that the disL M :ution of
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  • 486 1 The debate in the Dutch Chamber on the Java Budget last month brings up several points of considerable interest in connection the great Dutch possessions that are our nearest neighbour, The captious critic of the colonial policy is a Mr Van Kol, who holds that the
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 54 1 fhe Singapore and Straits OUGH DIARY FOR N 1903. Gives the CHINESE, BIJB& and .HINDU DATES, corresponding with the orICHRISTAN DATES on .•,iach page of the DIARY. l\ Foolscap, three days on a page, >f. nterleaved with Blotting-Paper. .3) if rice $1.20 per copy; including postage $1 .50. PUBLISHERS fraser
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    • 127 1 Fraser and Cumming Offices 7c Battery Road. Sawmills Joliore Bhaiii. Brick Works Balestier. > Timber Merchants PRIME HARD- WOOD, cut by onr own men in the best district*, and steam sawn to any size. WORKED TIMBERS, Flooring Boards accurately planed, tongued and grooved by the beat machinery, under the superintendence
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  • 202 2 The Ac heen War. As aegarda the Acheen War, which is still drawing out its weary length, the Minister announced that "he will not introduce the slightest change of the tactics followed hitherT his presumably in reply to the ragged tion to -rant independence to the Achinese chiefs? tlmt is
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  • 479 2 Pbom mail papen it is Wear that Uie op. ring foroes in the Straits battle of the standard*, are pretty equal at Home. The "T, and C Express" has a leader oo silver and exchange, and several letters. The Editor of n :Ah^\ C -1
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  • 1073 2 That the Currency Question for the Straits Bbpukl occupv much of the -conversation of firms at Home interested in the Straits is but natural. As we mentioned in Saturday's issue, opinions for and a^ains' ft: i*v are set forth. The arguments propound >d are much the same as
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  • 32 2 The important announcement of the opening of part of the Singapore- Kranji -Railway from Jan 1 appears in our advertising columns, together with the train service. At present the
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  • 182 2 The Perak Estimates in the Gazette show how splendidly that State is progressing. The probable revenue for the current year is $9,894,075, against an expenditure of >v, 800,000, which with the balance brought forward gives a total of 83,642,254 balance" to credit to date. The estimated revenue next
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  • 885 2 Freights. (Dec 30.) The ports „f the Straits being collecting ttd distributing centres for a large area, and or trade consisting almost entirely in the andling of goods inwards mid outwards, the uestion of freights toand from our chores is ftturallj of great in' crest. Thanks to the petitions of
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  • 238 2 Morocco is a fine wheat growing country ridged with many ranges of mountaing and rfl rich in minerals. Nature is fair, bill man is M vile, whether we take cognisance oi 1 the iv- 9 dividual or the mass. The Sultan, Mulai AuDUL Aziz is supposed to be progroßsii
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  • 378 2 in;, A passerger home by the Sochajn su v nhf m The Dublin Fusiliers are stationed at \>U ih tf* and the 2nd Bombay Grenadiers are cue mi]x Tir!| w on the Isthmus five miles away in readine 'H^ for Somali-land Before we h;r 1 gone far up the Canal
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  • 655 3 i Mr I>. Burgh Persse has received advice IBy C < l^<' from Brisbane that the drought in I iQiHvnsland has broken up. The prospects of Ha Cold Storage ruinpunv Win- ♦established w ■here an- therebj much improved. Tin- llw Leong which Arrived here this P
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  • 241 3 I l/l ie e P^^ eiJ1 r plague, which lias now bom waging at < >dessa for nearly five months, is stated, Wm good authority, t<» bare had tlie following renarkable origin An Austrian vessel arrived at Odessa last y lunnier, having on board the body of
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  • Correspondence.
    • 125 3 T(> THE KIJITOR. Sir, I fully a^ree with the opinions of Twenty years Resident," if not quite with his expressions, but what is sauce for the goose is also sauce for the gander*' and Europeans KSO not free from reproaches on the same score. Only last evening a
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  • 124 3 ITesterdav before Mr Broclanan Captain r..lleu of the M Qiang Ann was fined 920 and iosis for failing to report a case of small pox on board his vessel. It appears that on the 21 instant when the Giang Ann arrived here the Captain had the 2nd
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  • 340 3 Although the use of armoured concrete in the construction of various types of building has been known for many years, it is only within the last ten yean that the principles involved in Booh con>t ruction have been fully studied and completely understood but to day its use,
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  • 364 3 What chiefly puzzles Mr Film, however, is the problem why the English Press now talks bo repeatedly about the Great Protector,* 1 advocates statues to Cromwell, and generally tries to get him palmed of as national hero. For the H« ign of the Saints, which
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  • 936 3 Notable Career <jf the "Cannon King." Herr Frederick Alfred Krupp, tterraany's greatest manufacturer, the richest man In the country, and the intimate personal friend <>f the German Emperor, generally known as the "World's Cannon King," died Nov 28 at Essen at the early age of forty-eight.
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  • 287 3 Tbe Morning Leader" says The announcement of the Government's intention to legislate next session on the question of the Port of London haB been promptly followed by a notice to the effect in the Press in which the main outlines of the coming hill are sketched: As will
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  • 704 3 De Lucchi Charged. The charge of forgery against Alfredo de Luoofai, a young assistant of Messrs Pertile. Co whose disappearance from Singapore ;*ki August caused such wild rumours and who was subsequently discovered to have forged a cheque on the firm's account for $9,350 and went away
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  • 1492 4 Yesterday afternoon the annual prizegiving at the Institution of St Joseph took place. There was a very large attendance of relatives of the boys and friends, of the Institution, and a good deal of time both before and after the ceremony was spent in examining
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  • 222 4 A successful Smoking Concert was (riven last night at the Drill Hall by the Singapore Volunteers to the Navy. "Shortly after 8-80 pm the large Hall, which Mas decorated with Bags, began to till and an hojir afterwards there was scarcely sitting room to be
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  • 220 4 Some interesting facts as to the growth of the world's population in the last century were given by Major P G Carigie, c b. in an inaugural address, as president of the Royal Statistical Society. In seventy years, he said, the population of England showed a growth of
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  • 360 4 The appended letter, signed by all the pilots >f Singapore, has been sent in to Government. We, the undersigned Pilots of Singapore, have the honour to ask that an increase in the present scale of charges may be allowed. We base our application principally on the
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  • 278 4 (Via Shanghai.) Berlin, Dec 15.— The debates in the Reichstag on the Customs Tariff have been proceeded with, and the measure waa accepted on the third reading when Chancellor von Buelow, in several brilliant speeches, explained the standpoint of the united GoYernments. After lasting for nineteen hours, during
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  • 189 4 The following little anecdote of the divine Saraii," which reaches me from the North, seem* almost too good to be tnio. Once, when Madame Bemhardt was playing in Edinburgh, she hinted to Mr Wyndham, the well-known local theatre manager and proprietor, that she would like a collie.
    M.A.P.  -  189 words
  • 565 4 > cruiser Geier "left the har- K>ur, bound west, at daylight to-day. Th<, Neeri Sembilan Cricket and Football d Jms 2 to Ne^ri Sembilan bv the Sap)ho this evening. Admiral Grenfell in the "Britoinart" left Bangkok for the "Albion" which was lying ratside on Dec 16.
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  • 33 4 In the Singapore watch v. Penan* it P™* u' 10 wire of the result has U^S& .^ti Negrx.Sembilan drew with the Rural Artil ery at Singapore one goal each ll
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  • 109 4 mu- i /lass This subject ,h dealt with in a letter tn "London and China Express »x>^ The pent is made that the Wai Govern,™* v by .ssumg currency note* to the vIMf tti five million silver XIU ancfh 1 SHrv^ to the dJ^lfSw "SSSS Brii overlooks
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  • 219 5 TH E S C C CRICKET TOUR. SB 1 following* telegrams have been received j ■the results of tin* S C C team now visiting "fßiang and Perak. Thk I'knano Match. flrlius was played on a fast wicket, but the Rather was hot. Scores I* Singapore. B Dunmun Zehnder -7
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  • 195 5 ."his also was played on a fast true wicket. Sv Inmn ECenzie 1 i! ry b McKenzie bainer 0 •kins b McKonzie 9 [in b Stainer ;kley b Stuiner 16 .es b "/.ie i ii }> McKenzie »f I I Idb Stainer... r> j 1» MvKenzie M
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  • 238 5 This match was played on the SCC ground >n Thursday and Friday and resulted in a very Basy win tor the home team. Singapore occupied the wickets to such good purpose that in their innings they compiled the extraordinary score of 465. To this total Noon,
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  • 96 5 1 at Innings 2nd Innings. M Gardener run out 4 b Noon 0 Darby b Reid <> c ßolin^broke b Noon 1 F Darby b Reid 0I? Noon •Jf Si-rivener b Reid 6 not out Morehousecsubbßeid 6 c Reid b BolingWke 5 Upton c Hamiuford b Abnuua 3
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  • 458 5 CHRISTMAS DAY AT THE POST office. Charles Dickens wrote Keep Chffetmti in J: own way and let me keep it in mine." ng to the strike at Marseilles the Christmas I from London which should, in the ordineourse, have arrived here last Sunday by ich Packed was despatched in the
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  • 100 5 The US S Supply arrived here yester<l.t\ ut noon from Colombo. The Supply is .in auxiliary cruiser of 4»325 tons disp&reni.'iit. 6,O(X> horse power, 12 guns, mul carries u crew of 119 officer* and men. The Supplv is l»<i\m<l for Manila, but her depart ure i> uncertain. The Shanghai branch
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  • 1295 5 There was a decided mcrease^in the number of cholera cases at Sourabaya" from Dec 7 to The Hongkong High-level Tramway proposes to pay $18 per share for the year ended Nov 30 A rikisha peon wa9 arrested yesterday for extorting money from a coolie. At 9-30
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  • 114 5 The animal installation qteetiug «>f Lodge Zetland in the Eaxi was held on the 27th ult, St John's Day, v/lun W Bro Powell Robinson was install, d Master. The other officers of the Lodge are T I* M VVor Bro Bean S W Bro E Wallace .1 W\ Bro
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  • 142 5 During Christmas week the Keppel Golf Club played for the President's Cup and a cup glten for competition amongst those who had learned to play on the Keppel Links. For the former the conditions were three rounds, (21 holes) medal play. The scores returned were Messrs Holmes, Owen and
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  • 1002 5 There was a rumour about town this morning that Admiral Sir Henry Keppel was dead. No confirmation haa l>een received, but Mr Buckle v tells us that by the last mail advices he received the Admiral was/ reported to be very shaky and confused in his mind.
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  • 392 6 I Tla£nna "M"t- Tvi V* "XT" '-3 r- j^wre uir Mynaman Jones. I J-Xie 1 cas^ or a jMPRU. Olaen. (Sanitary Inspector} v Ibrahim SljHfcoTy same on for hearing tap morning being for appellant MJ-^Napier sji&his grounds of appeal were that the eviden<tfSUf| not support a conviction, and
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  • 331 6 Mr J B Lee, General Manager of the International Banking Corporation, leaves London on 1 7th instant, for a tour round the branches of the bank in the Far East. Mr W 11 Macintyre, the assistant general manager, will accompany Mr L: 3, who will proc d \ia
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  • 1414 6 (Via Ceylon.) London, Dec 18.—Two Italian warships at Spezzia have been ordered to Venezuela. It is stated at Washington that President Castro has invested Mr Bowen with full powers to effect a settlement. This and other indications that Venezuela is disposed to yield has been received with satisfaction in
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  • 361 6 In accordance with his kindly cus" rememl)ering the children at Cl f VO! jjU Bucklev held his usual party in the To-w T on Saturday evening Everything ha' 1 H prepared for the yoiui^sters by I I many willing hands but the trc- i W il P
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  • 3494 7 JULY DECEMBER 1902. >t including this WeekVJ Leading Articles. Hi» Majesty 111, The Illness of 1871. 1 Lard < i Majesty Better, 1 The Progress of the King, 2 The I it ion Abandon' i 2 A Question of Temper at u 2 X Kin^. 2 Coi Honours, 2
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  • 1541 8 (Via CeyUm.J London, Dec 11. General Ferrer. Minister of War, with troops and eighteen guns, has arrived at La Guaira. The Allies' landing parties had previously re-embarked, after rescuing British and German prisoners at La Guaira. They passed some Venezuelan troops, but there was no collision. Large numbers of
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  • 802 9 Appended is the text of the Petition signed by Chinese and other traders and presented to the Governor on behalf of the petitioners by Mr Tan Jiak Kim. leweth that, 1 We regret to find that the continued fall the Gold value of Silver has caused loss
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  • 85 9 \l ilt of the V troy's Cup which was I Wednesday was. fa'm Tn -tonne 2. WV\ V^ sULrt<>(l at 6 1 Cretonn- at, Bto 1 2/jg tjri ime at 20—1. -C > A ing Hin arrived here from Indrumorning ami reported all V feit subsequently tne
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  • 365 9 Nkgri Sembilan v R E. Oar friends the enemy from Negri Sembilan took the field on Wednesday evening against the R E. The Club were* unable to get together a team and the R E kindly filled the vacancy. The teams faced each other as follows. R E.
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  • 147 9 The Consul-General for Siam communicates that he is in receipt of advice from His Siamese Majesty's Financial Adviser to the effect that the :^old standard scheme recently introduced into that country has been thoroughly established and is now working most smoothly and •atisfectorily. At the same time
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  • 156 9 The Austrian steamer Yindobona arrived here on Thursday from Hongkong and berthed at Tanjong Pagiir. On opening the hatches the next morning it was discovered that a fire had broken out amongst the cargo, in number three hold. The work of getting out the cargo which
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  • 221 9 The German cruiser P&rtha arrived here from Batavia this afternoon. A Bristol gentleman, who had occasion to advertise for a cook, and also for a teacher of music, received nine replies to the former advertisement, and no fewer than 38H to the latter. No wonder that Bristol holds a musical
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  • 1612 9 The Board of Trade are taking measures to improve the means of obtaining systematic inform* on on trade matters from certain of the self- governing colonies. In connection, with the Atlantic Shipping Combine, on The 1 Pierpont Morgan paid over 44 million^ cash in London to
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  • 126 9 The mails from London for Singapore of the 12th instant were despatched via Bombay and Negapatam and may be expected to arrive here on or about the January 5 by the Contract Packet Zaida." We understand that when it became apparent that the strike at Marseilles
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  • 121 9 The Duuera and the lonian have each taken away some 800 Boer prisoners from Ceylon, and there are now only about 50 irreconcilableB. Each of the departing quests was furnished with a slb box of Ceylon Tea from the Ceylon Planters' Association. The charge of forgery against de Lucchi was
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  • 1406 10 rTKK Gkeat Month of Fasting. wbole monta of fasting by many millions people en<U to-morrow. (Although most Western writers persistently say Ramadan, those who have sojourned in the East know that Rani azan is the real word.) As the months in the reckoning are lunar, so the great East
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  • 469 10 Lvwuy UxDEit Canvas. Lard Northcote* camp differs from others m that its designer, Captain Boileau, has recognized the fact thai the mornings and even mga of the JMhi winter are distinctly cold i Y** M oo*«deratian was the comfort and health of the guettte. The State
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  • 73 10 Simla, December 16th. -Snow deeper than has been known so early in the season for a quarter of a century is reported in Further Kashmir. The Assistant to the British Resident at Leh had a narrow escape on the Ladak side of the Yojila Pass last
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  • 56 10 The American Asiatic Squadron will cam o it its winter manoeuvres in Subig bay. A large body of the Manila police ami con stabulary have been engaged in rounding u\ the Ladrones in Rizal. The Imp German mail steamer Darmstadt having left Colombo yesterday at 10 am, ma be expected
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  • 356 10 Robert Scott, an Irishman, a second class passenger on board the Glen steamer Glengyle bound for Shanghai, was charged before Mr Beattv this morning with theft of a purse containing two sovereigns on board the Glengyle between Penang and Singapore. Inspector Dooley of the Marine
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  • 516 10 (From the London Corr Times of Ceylon/') The point was put to me the other dav that toe terge plantings of rubber in the Straits mh^ttZ P re J« ai ™l e**t on prices When the estates there came into bearing, which thev wil U-int o
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  • 100 10 Last iliglit a Javanese went to a Kling money changer in Arab-st to change t\\«> guilders into local coin and while negociathkg the rate of exchange three Chinamen came up and accosted the Javanese offering to give him a more favourable rate if he would accompany them to a certain
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  • 747 10 The annual dinner of the North Borneo Company was held in the Great Hall of the Hotel Cecil. Mr R B Martin, M P, presided over a large company, including Lord F Blackwood, the Right Hon. Evelyn Ashley, Gtofesß Taubman-Goldie. Sir Charles Jessel; Sir John Jardine, Sir
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  • 110 10 (December 1*0.) I i k Tin Gam bier do. Cube No. 1 Pepper, Black (ordinary S'pore) \vas do. White, (Fair L. W. 5 p.c.) Nutmegs 110 to the Jb.) do. 80 to the ft). 1 Mace (Banda) Cloves (Amboina) T Noi Liberian Coffee >to M Tapioca, small pearl (Fair
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