The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 24 December 1902

Total Pages: 16
401 416 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • Domestic Occurrences
    • 77 401 Moi lsdaj.k. On the 2<»th November, at 7 Fairfield Crescent, Liverpool, the wife of W. E. )I<Hi,>nAi,K. of a son. Cakkin..t.»n At Bangkok, <>n the Itfth inst.. the wile of Dr. Paul T. CaBKIHOTOH of a son. Caintek.— On 17th instant, at 42 Anson Road. Penang, the wife of
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    • 124 401 On the 17th December, at St. Andrew's Cathedral, Singapore, l»y the Right Rev. the Bishop of Singapore and Sarawak, assisted }>y the Ven' l »le. Archdeacon Dmikerley. Arthur Henry, second sea of the late Charles Ba<;nall. Whitbj, Yorkshire, to Mary Stewart, younger daughter of John Fraser. Interardran, Oriamlarich. Perthshire,
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    • 18 401 On thf» 14th Daoamher, at Macao, m his residence, the Knight Commander Loukbnco Margies, aged 91 yean.
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  • 636 401 Hert shall the Press the People's right maintain, L.'nawed by influence and nnbribed by gain; Here patriot Truth her glorious precepts draw, Pledged to Religion, loyalty and Law. (Dec 17.) In the absence of full information as to the view the United States takes of British and German
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  • 414 401 Although out hen we do not now take muco interest m the Irish question, it st:ll bulks largely m the minds of people at Hoiijm. The contest between the United Irish League and the authorities during the past ten months has been a
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  • 1007 401 (Dec 18.) The emphatic expression of opinion of t lie Penang Chamber of GYmimerce contained m the telegram which we publish elsewhere, of the necessity" of a <;old currency for this Colony, is one of the most important annouiK-n---ments that have been made m regard to the
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  • Page 401 Advertisements
    • 473 401 i CONTENTS. LBADEBB. Venezuela Elampaat, 401 A Obeck for the 0I L. joi Solid i'ny i ;<m. 4 l I J [noonlution, 102 An Dnnavigable River. juj To Govern the Native, *«»i> The H<. Bring Prohtem, Pom. k and COUBT NfiWl The Wayanggl AAray, ;oi IThe Ooeos Islands < l
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  • Page 401 Miscellaneous
    • 456 401 THE WEEK. The las mail from Home arrived In tin M Princess Irene" on Thursday hriu^in^ letters .late Not 25. The M M v Indus" carried the Homeward mail on .Sunday and the outward II M mail with letters of Nov '21* is due here by the N V X
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  • 1105 402 About the wisdom vi inoculation for the purpose of rendering human beings immune tv> certain diseases there can be no doubtstatistics and medical science alike are on the .side of vaccination as v valuable means of preventing small-pox t 1 of mitigating the severity of the disease when
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  • 717 402 (Dec 19.) The very low tides of the last few days, occurring as people go home m the evening, have given the general public an insight into the difficulties attending the navigation of the channel at such times. Boys and women gathering shell-fish (it is hard to
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  • 1017 402 (Dec 22.) The best way to govern the native of the Orient is ever a question of interest to the white dweller overseas. The grafting ot western methods of Government on to the eastern stock is a delicate operation. The Dutch and French inclined to the
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  • 1141 402 (Dec 23.) pj Such i« the gravity of the ho« sing qiu jj| >se thrift-encou raging institutions, a building ciety. Every one has to live m some sort f a house, although the climate of this Colony such that it is possible to do with dwelling lunges
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  • 150 403 i China Moil.) Shanghai, Dec 16.— -An Imperial Edict was issued yesterday transferring the control of tbe Chinese telegraphs from the Imperial Chinese Telegraph Administration to Government. This change is due to the recommendations of His Excellency Yuan Shi-kai, Viceroy of Chibli Province, who also demands the transfer of
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  • 243 403 An Indian Currency Reform League has Wen formed m Bombay, and the statement of aims circulated by its organizers says that the grievous effects of the artificial currency system adopted by the Government of India m 18J*3 have become a source of grave anxiety to those
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  • 139 403 A Former ScOVmai Now a Source of Wealth. At one time rabbits, when there was practically nt demand for their skins or carcases, cost the Australian squatters hundreds of thousands of pounds annually to destroy, but at presenb (says the Adelaide v Advertiser men m
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  • 134 403 Sir Hiram Maxim is telling a story which is to the credit of the Mutoseope and Lady Maxim's ingenuity. Sir Hiratn and Lady Maxim were staying at a southern watering-place. When the time came to pay the bill on leaving, the landlord of the hotel looked askance
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  • 797 403 DrSCG Fox of Perak is coming out m the Awa Maru" due here next month. Sanitary Inspector Olsen has appealed against the conviction of criminal trespass recently passed on him. A Chinaman was arrested yesterday at 1 pin for breaking into a Chinese dwelling house m
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  • 454 403 Alleged Serious Outlook foe Ceylon. Mr N J Joshua, Manager of Messrs J Schrager Bros, the well-known rice merchants, disclosed some interesting facts to a representative of this (Times of Ceylon) paper, who, to-day approached him to enquire after the condition of the rice
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  • 488 403 A Perak Carnegie Towards starting a Library, Mr Chung Ah Yong has generously promised to present the Taiping Recreation Club with 200 books. _-Sfc\^iWK»*»«-iiicJsB^2ilk seller of'supplv^ tlie Lunatic Asvhim with adulterated milk was partly heard to-day, and adjourned til] next week. Mr Van Cuylenburg represents the defendant. Saya the Pinang
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  • Page 403 Advertisements

  • 377 404 Paddy Cultivation. To the Editor. Dear Sir, I see that upon two or three occasions you have drawn attention to the advisability of cultivating paddy more extensively m the Peninsula and* am therefore induced to make a few remarks upon the subject. In a country where the natural conditions
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  • 516 404 {From our own Correspondei A VI OK. < mi the 24th ult a Malay coolie named As an went 'amok* here. He had been caught the vious evening trying to sell some secondhand metal sheathing, which he admitted hay.i D K-taJ>|^'-Scl^ OHi itf the engineering works *Jtfi\ thinking,
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  • 41 404 The Supreme Court is to all -intent* deserted josi now, the near approach of Chinese new vejr doubtless having a tendency to reduce litigation. This morning there were orilv two OH the Chief Justice's lwt, one of which n m .uljourned.
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  • 219 404 We ("|Times of Ceylon recently heard, and have since confirmed, that the Collector of Customs sent round a circular some weeks ago to the various coal firms m Colombo making en" quiries, on behalf of the Admiralty, such enquiries ing to indicate that
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  • 404 404 At the do*6 of ;m appreciative sketch of the history and present condition of the Federated Mala) States, m the Daily Chronicle under the heading "A Fragment of Empire— How tin- MalftT States were built up/ 1 occurs this paragraph. All thi> however, i> Imt the husk
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  • 254 404 A Successful Mission to Singapore. Mr R D Pringle, acting General Secretary of the Young Men.- Christian Association, returned to the island by tho P <> steamer "Mantilla,* 1 after a successful mission of six weeks' duration at Singapore. Mr Pringle's visit was with the object
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  • 119 404 The French service journals are much interested m a novel apparatus l>y which rifle fire mny rendered not only smokeless, but free from detonation or flash. The France Militant sajB it is all managed by a simple steel tube fitted to the muzzle m the same way as a bayonet.
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  • 1007 404 The Prosecution Closes. The continuation of the above case was heard before Mr Beatty yesterday afternoon and after the evidence of a number of witnesses had been taken the prosecution closed. Inspector J Howard again conducted the prosecution and put m a plan of the depot m
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  • 917 404 The Pinang Gazette having published an extract from the "St James on Acheen, Mr H J Martyn writes to our local contemporary to controvert some of the mistatements m the "St James." From kf»open letter we quote the following. They are a sensible people, and have as a nation
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  • Page 404 Advertisements

  • 876 405 EASTERN EXTENSION TELEGRAPH Co. (Ltd.) I The 08th half -yearly general meeting of this company was held on 19tli ult. at River Plate Houfip EC.. Sir J. Wolfe Barry, X c presiding. The Chairman, m moving the adoption of the report, stated that the gross revenue for the halfyear ended
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  • 172 405 The 4 Sanuki M.iru." with the^ Chrifttm.iM i, left Coloinlx) yesterday and v due lion* ,f iKMin on Miristnuis Day. -I A Chinaman was arrested «>n a warrant lusi h-, .Wht for being m possession of $60 worth of pljia ;ui«l a hypodermic injector. He was urged before Mr Marriott
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  • 118 405 Our market remains much the same since our last report, and there is very little business doing. Industrial Stocks. Straits Traders remain unchanged at $29, and only a few transactions have taken place at this rate. Tanjong Pagars continue m good demand, and the rate has advanced
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  • 366 405 S C C v The Navy A match was played last evening on the S C C ground between the S C C and Fleet. Tlk« Flwt won the toss and played towards the Cathedral end. The first 30 minutes was fasl and if anything slightly m favour
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  • 331 405 ("Globe") While ii" one will grudge Sir Ernest Sato* tin' six months' k>aw to which he is so thoroughh entitled, ljis valuable services are .still bo urgently needed at Peking that his temporary absence will Leave a void very difficult to fill up. Succeeding to the post
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  • 99 405 The memorial monument t<> the lab* Gen Sir William Lockhart, .•■■}:•>. iifd m Calcutta on March 18, H»< <>. while. Cfottraander-in-Chisf m India. m mm complete, ft consists of a granite'obelisk, 35ft high, the pedestal havhj^ on one aide a brouae medallion portrait > by Mr E
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  • 456 405 HMS" Arethusa" left this morning bound for Penang and probably homeward bound. Mr Warn ford Lock, the general manager of the Raub Mines, has come down to Singapore. The German mail steamer Prinzess Irene passed Malacca at 7.15 this morning and is dus here shortly after
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  • 197 405 It is not well-known that certain parts of France are infested with poisonous serpents, against which warfare is waged by state paid serpent-hunters. They are killed m thousands and the price per head is 2 >d. There was some time ago a famous serpent-killer
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  • 376 405 A correspondent of Commercial Intelligence," writing from Singapore, gives an amusing account of French colonial methods as illustrated by the management of the colony at Saigon. After remarking on the large number of French soldiers and French officials m evidence, as compared with the civil population, he says
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  • 261 405 Six new ordinances promulgated m tin Stat ate Book of Finland, have now been published m full by the Finland Bulletin,' 1 They are calculated to do more to .-rush tlu« liberties and destroy the autonomy of Finland than any of the measures hitherto adopted by
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  • 237 405 The land New Year Sports will be Id on the Race- Course this ye r Instead of the Espianade as formerly and will begin at tiro o'clock. The public Grand Stand will be reserved exclusively for native ladies, ;.nd adniission to this Stand as to the
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  • 99 405 The ''Ordinance for the transfer to the Crown of the Property of Raffles Institution and for the relief of the Trustees of tliat Institution which is to be introduced to Council on Friday, has for its objects and reasons the enabling of Government to take over the management
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  • Page 405 Advertisements
    • 211 405 LAND SALE The following properties were disposed of by auction at Powell <fc Co'a saleroom Yesterday afternoon Leasehold land at Omar-rd and ECeng !heowst. Total area 5,690 bo feet. Quit red $2. Together with the premises thereon known as No 35 Omar-rd, bought by P A R Narainan Chitty for
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  • 1288 406 Where Britain Easily Leads. It is not easy to discover the true feelings with which the British citizen regards his Post Office. Pride m its achievement* is uppermost one day, while on the next the good man slings at the per- manent officials such terms
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  • 270 406 The attention of the French Government is being very seriously attracted to the question of the overland route between the North Sea and the Levant, which is m danger of passing away altogether from French hands. In the old days France and Italy had a monopoly of the
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  • 346 406 Writing with regard to a statement made by the Cologne Gazette." on Russian authority, /that i»6ra:»r qiia7rer^ N hin^~~r>rol{eir "out" ktween Persia and Afghanistan on the river Helmand, a correspondent of the "Times" says The sensational statement of a Russian newspaper, reproduced m the German Pie**, that
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  • 143 406 The Singapore Phillarmonic Society propose to hold a concert on Jan 17, at which will l>e repeated the choral ballad Lord (Jllin'i Daughter which was much appreciated at j the St Andrew's Eve concert. The concert will also serve as a welcome back to Mr W Gr St Clair, the
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  • 577 406 Wanted, a native servant man with a tendency to some religion preferred no model character desired merely a natural )><>rn liar, fairly dishonest, occasionally drunk, sometimes accidentally clean m his habitß any Madrasaee or Christian tummJ not apply, as they mi^ht b*' truthful or clean.
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  • 113 406 Among Mr Abrams numerous hoists imported by the "Argus" 69 m number- is one which the importer reckons as one of the best horses that ever came to Singapore. Cadeiias is a nay gelding, 4 years, by Padlock from Tortile (dam of Portland Light) by Trenton
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  • 159 406 We quote the title, because the 4 Lanoel m discussing the cult pron ounces it a swindle pure mid simple."' The name 4 Christian Science,*" says the journal, alwaw reminds us of the celebrated remark which sv>meone made about the word blue-bottle When asked why this insect was
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  • 743 406 From private advices received m i we learn that m November last the orders 1 i the Ist Battalion Manchester Regiment wfe to leave South Africa for Singapore had Fxhmi countermanded, and that they were not i pocted to leave for another twelve month At this
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  • 178 407 f| A sensational turn has been to the wise of Inspector Hendrrx of the Philippine Oonßtabulary who was recently found wound- m the Samar jungle after* having been re. t portal U iu3. He states now that lu- was shot iro/n behind by one of his own men
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  • 428 407 Lgkok u;> io the J:ith c -utain etweeo the reI }"--:entati. tanks and ihe Financial L :ser b been conducted on |J the most fi tooting, the bankers receiving »ption and, according to the I l Siam Observer/ m the scheme m the t .the value
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  • 339 407 [n a itoceni lecture Mr E T Reed, the wellknown Punch" artisi said lie <iid ii"t i/iivy the I Chinese oaricaturist. In China, it teems, lie X was, ai a rule, humorously dismembered! the occasion there being always made a public holiday, with fireworks m the evening. To which, n<>
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  • 939 407 LABOUR MATTERS IN AMERICA. The United States Federation of Labour, which is holding its annual session at New Orleans, has rejected the resolutions submitted by the Miners' Unions, on the ground of their socialistic tendency. The voting of the delegates was close, 1.171 votes having been cast for
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  • 248 407 The news of the terribly sudden death of this sporting millionaire, Mr H M'Calmont, conies not long after the telegram which connected his name with the Governor-General of Australasia. The cause of death was probably heart-failure. He was born m 1861, and was thus
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  • 422 407 As announced yesterday, we have no French niai! this week, owing to the delay to the eVparture of the "Annand Bebio" from Marseilles m consequence of the Dockers Strike. The M M boat is not due at Colombo till the 23rd and the "Caledoniea" will not come
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  • 150 407 Amusing Intervention by Japan. The effect which it was hoped the Behring Sen arbitration would have lias been amusingly nullified by the Japanese, with the result that the United States authorities are at their wits' end to know what to do. It will l>e recollected that this
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  • 325 407 The Times of Ceylon of Dec 9 says The German steamer Serbia," of 3,694 tons gross Captain H Brehmer, which arrived yesterday from the Far East, put ashore three distressed seamen a Chinaman, a Mai iv and a Tamil- survivors of the steam laun<
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  • 306 407 Governor Tuft on Dfec received a cablegram from Vive-Governor Wright announcing that the Coaant financial plan would !>e embodied m a bill to be brought before Cougrets. The general lintj.s of the Conant plan &fl laid down m the report made by Mr Oonant to tlie secretary
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  • 214 407 Numerous stories of Lord Kitchener are brought by fellow pa few of wholtt saw him. All looked out for him at Lsinailia but he did ii' >t board. When !K\iriiig Suez a small launch ran alongsid no one knew he was on board till lie was
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  • 126 407 The teaching of scouting is to become a permanent feature aC training m the British Army, and this branch jpf instruction will l>e based on the Italian principle, one of the l>est extant. Every Infantry Mritalion will have a trained scouting company ferawn from the
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  • Page 407 Advertisements

  • 231 408 The "Pinang Gazette" hears that His Excellency the Governor will spend Christmas at Penang and expresses a hope that he will take the opportunity to examine the swamp which the Municipality want to abolish with the $16,000 vote which the Governor declined to sanction. He will
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  • 626 408 'I'm.. Chief Justice's Decision. The special A -size for the trial of the Chinese coolie Lim Keng who was charged with the murder of a fellow coolie on Direction Island towards the end of November was resumed to-day. The Attorney General represented the Crown and Mr
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  • 376 408 The M Malay Mail of Thursday contains long reports of two meetings held to consider the currency question. The Planters Association favoured gold and passed the following resolution. That m the opinion of this Association, fixity of exchange is now desirable m the best interests of
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  • 264 408 The Novoe Vremya," tliat leading journal which baa been attempting to stir up Russian feeling over Afghanistan, has also given birth to an alarmist nunourooncerning the Russian Volunteer fleet According to that paper the fleet has baootne a commercial nonentity passengers have fortakea the Bea-lOpta from
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  • 276 408 The prize giving at St Josephs Institution will take place 011 Tuesday afternoon at half past four. On the same day at five o'clock prizes will be niven to the successful pupils of the Telok Aver Chinese Girls School m Neil-rd. New York telegrams to Manila state that the first,
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  • 1504 408 QuicquiJ agunt homines nostri est farrago Xihelll Juvenal. We be^ to offer our respectful sympathy to the Pro- Boer Press of England, m particular to the Daily News V and the Manchester Guardian, for their grievous disappointment m connection with Mr Kruger"s memoirs. They anticipated, scarcely
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  • 106 408 tli A special general meeting of the En#ineern*ai was hfld last ni^ht m the Marine Clul> when tj letter from the following firms was read, th Straits Steamship Company, Synie and Com pany, the Tan Kirn Tian Company, Wee fiuw< and Company, which firms signified their will-a^
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  • 93 408 A puWieim-etintfin connection with the Chinese New Year Sports was held yebterday afternooi at The Library Club/ Cecil-st. There was a large attendance over which, Mr Sect Liau hi Kenjg presided It was decided to hold th<L Native and Subscribers sports commencine a t c 10.80
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  • 70 408 The Sngapon mortaUtv retunw for tl *<** a,1,,l jSat,n,l,v. Dec 13, show a deatfch rate ol 4.,.;)/ p,.,- „,i]|„. Quanmtme Station. ..v1,,., v .Lreo leatlis •••.nv,.. Tl, t,,t,,| IIIIIIIU .r ..f wS^'L Tl^ N- v'-.n1. .......thly statement ■leatks a ratio per .aide of 48:;<», -86 at t Quarantme
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  • 21 408 nation festivities m London t» lne <#isi; Ms municificeneetothe citv.,f w T^ 1 BritiHl, Government »n&5 u ko ?8 i p
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  • 780 409 Ordinary MkAinw, Friday, Dec. 19, 1902. l'KESKNT His Excellency the <i<»v«-rnor m. (Sir Frank Swett»'nham, k.c.m.o.) ine Hon We tho Colonial Secretary W. T. Taylor,) the Colonial Treaswer <; Penny.) t1l(> C6L Engineer (A. Murray.) tli<- Auditor-funeral (K. Hill.) tin- AttonMj-Genera] (W. R. CcUyer.) •f. M. Allinson. C
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  • 111 409 Htr Uodore Aronson, m <>, of Chicago OpKlini.' College and Nr*w York Skvasropir Bl»^»*, is dow in Singapore at the Rafflrn H*i*'l passing through on a tour round the ■rid. li» i Ls <t Bpecialiit on defective vision Ml a practical manufacturing ocaUst-optician, *»y Bryiiii; with him
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  • 2232 409 RAFFLES SCHOOL PRIZEGIVING. The Governor Speaks for Honesty and Industry. Last evening the annual prize-giving at Raffles School was held in the big school -room upstairs in the presence of the hoys and a large numl>er of friends and relatives. It was a case of "the old order changeta and
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  • 328 409 The largest vessel ever built on the Wear was successfully launched on Nov 15, from the shipbuilding yard of Sir James Lain-, Limited, Sunderland. She was built to the order of the British India Steam Navigation Company, is named the "Yamuna,'' and marks a new
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  • 384 409 A Point of Law At a special Assize this morning before the Chief Justice, Sir Lionel Cox, a Chinese coolie mimed Lim Keng was brought up to be charged with the murder of another coolie whilst engaged in erecting buildings on Direction island, in 1 he
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  • 36 409 Ytisr.iMav the Police seizqa a quantity of property folonging U> a small shop lx**ause tin r ()<>«ls liatl all been ij^mjx*«l with Kim Cheu^ and Coy's trademark owners will !><• charged if li usin^ a fal V
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  • 535 410 The usual meeting of this board was held m the Board room yesterday Mr J Anthonisz, presiding, supported by Messrs Lee Choon Guan. W Evans, A C Moses, H I Cliope, J WBMaclnren, Lt-Col Pennefather i g p. F E Jago. Minutes. The minutes of the last meetings
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  • 128 410 To Visit Biw6apore. The business agent of Mr Robert Brough writes to us from the Theatre Royal, Calcutta, that the Company will puss through Singapore. en route to Hongkong on Monday, Feb !>, and will give one performance of "Are v< >u a Mason," a successful farcical
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  • 2844 410 A copy has come to hand, by the courtesy of the Acting American Consul here, of an act recently passed permitting the issuing of special licenses to engage m the coastwisetrade of the Philippines until July 1904, to vessels not entitled to general coastwise-trade licences under the
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  • 312 410 Geisha," th M J&pan. is no means to .jfl Goiui/i." f The word reisba r rally tueani] lay or enter! iii !i;'. mean* >n. The what actor to :u<v to entertain by dancing and imaen and koto, the usual m lsical 1 1 s^lit en and th". ai converseagre
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  • 3 410 KE^sSsSi Pit -'.T'f
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  • 1049 411 THE TRUE VIEW OF THE DELAGOA BAY QUESTION j Dr Maurice Ernst.] h y few arc aware that the "Alliance" f 0 reat Britain and Portugal is not merely ntional and convenient expression of their I ill and the intimacy of their So- is, but solid fact based on solemn
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  • 371 411 11l the course of his report on the trade of China m 1901, Mr J W Jameson. British Commercial Attache for China, gives some details of the importation of opium and morphia into th;it country. Notwithstanding the steady increase m the cultivation and consumption of native
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  • 77 411 The recent report on the American mercantile marine states that it amounts now to nearly 6,000,000 tons, anft like our own, it is remarkable for the increasing si/.e of the steamers, says Lloyd's correspondent of the London Times/ The American Government, realizing that these large boats are much
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  • 191 411 The Port oi' London Bill which is to l>o introduced by the <J< >\ e^uinent next Session will propose the establishment and incorporation of a Commission as the Port Authority, m which will be vested all necessary powers for the contul. management, improvement, and*preservation of
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  • 237 411 Like its great neighbour India, the Isle of Spices has latterly reached a condition of the highest financial prosperity. Although large aiune are annually spent on railway extension and other reproductive works, the surplus revenue continues to grow by leaps and Ixmnds. It is a remarkable change to
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  • 354 411 The son of a Singapore resident sends to his father the under-noted extract from Boys of our Empire with an enquiry Is this true After reading it one is inclined to ask whether the second syllable of the writer's surname should not consist of the three letters
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  • 453 411 If Japan is to occupy the place to which it aspires m relation to the commerce of the East, and t<> become the clearing-house for general trade, it must make such commerce easy and inviting. The customs tariff was not devised with that view. Its application
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  • 126 411 I Absinthe was originally an extremely harmless decoction. It was a French physi ian who first used it at the close of the l*th century. His favourite remedj was a certain elixir of I absinthe, of which he alone had the secret, which he bequeathed to hia housekeeper, and
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  • 468 411 A sporting correspondent of the Times of Ceylon" writes The air is full of rumour concerning action by the MCC m the matter of experiments with some of the laws of the game next season. I am taking a, personal interest m the question of a lighter
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  • 251 411 The reply of Colombia to the proposal of the United States for the negotiate. ~> ln **> the Cans 1 Treaty on the linea. of .the Spooner Act shows ipffM^rvr'Tu^dYe^er^iie protocol (on which itnF* proposed to base the treaty, aud wants at least 10,000,000 dollars. The original
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  • 269 411 JM Jean Finot, editor of the "Revue des Revues and a clear-sighted writer, publishes am article, from which, says the Paris correspondent the "Times," I quote a passage so opportune and practical that it will produce a great impression on every mind sincerely interested m French international
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  • 87 412 THE KING AND THE FIRST RIFLE BRIGADE. The First Rifle Brigade, which arrived at Portsmouth on Nov 5, after three years' service m South Africa, has received the following mesaage from the King, through Colonel Mends From His Majesty the King at Newmarket Oct 29— The King, as former Colonel
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  • 172 412 According to the Moniteur Officiel dv Commerce (Paris,) the French Commercial Agent ;tt Irkutsk, m a recent rer>"'t. draws attention to the importance of the :ur 1 le of Central Siberia. The province of Irkutsk tnd Kamtchatka are the richest m wild animals, the most
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  • 700 412 Globe." The dwarf Bushmen, or Bojesmans," of Africa have also been driven from the rich lands to take refuge m the waterless Kalahari Desert, the inaccessible heights of the Drake, nsburg. or the depths of the Equatorial forest*. So little do they resemble human beings that the Dutch farmers
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  • 73 412 In consequence of the coal strike m the United States, some collier* of heavy tonnage have }>een loading m the Tyne recently. Among these were the Marquette and the Manitou, one of them taking m all 10.000 tons of coal. The Coal Merchant states that colliers loading at
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  • 108 412 We are informed that the method of treating the road surface with oil has on further trial turned out most disappointingly. Extensive trials have l»een made m different parts of Cairo, but it is found that the splendid results obtained are ephemeral and
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  • 117 412 A correspondence \iu< been published m a. London paper concerning the plethora of music and the lack of cooks and this notwithstanding the fact that cooks get comparatively higher wages m England, and. at least according to the ideas of the housewives, occupy a rather too independent
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  • 153 412 The manufacture of artificial rabies, winch m appearance are as good as the natural atones, is now an accomplished Cact. A demonstration of this achievement was given to the members of the Academic de^ Sciences. Some years ago artificial rubies were placed on the market, but a microscopical
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  • 250 412 It i.< remarkable that the tense of smell ialways much moije acute m fresh than m stale or polluted air. A pipe of tobacco is mneft more fragrant m the upon air than it is m a close room, and this is especially remarkable when a
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  • 96 412 French trade fell off seriously last year. Mr IngUs, the British Consul-General, m his latest stitement of the Foreign Office, records that there was a decline m exports and imports amounting to t*27, 360,000 compared with the previous year, but the total exceeded the average of the
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  • 94 412 References to the Malays of the Cape are not infrequent and General Ben Viljoen mentions m an- article the word soebat the meaning is not definitely given as a Kaffir word. The word is frequently used m Taal, hut is said to be of Indian i.e. Malay or I Javanese
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  • 491 412 L'lmpartial of Tientsin says that there is some talk of introducing foreign capital into China Merchants S N Co. Mr W W Bailey, of Klang, will be returning to the Straits about the middle of Feb next. Dr Or E Morrison, the Times celebrated Peking correspondent,
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  • 383 412 The Malay Mail" is sorry to have to record the death of Mr James Walker at Raub «>n ruesday, after a very short illness. Mr Walker was lately employed by the Sfillins and Mining Co. He was a very old resident of Uaub, being one of the original employees of
    383 words
  • 80 412 The result of play for the December Medal on Saturday was as follows JCH Darby 39 41 17 63: H Owen 42 89 17 =64 ACM Weaver 39 :*8 9== 68 CR H Webb 41 W 18 =69 W H Sugden 45 49 24 =70 H B
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  • 103 412 A telegram of date Cebu, December, 8 to the k Manila Cablenews says This morning at nine o'clock two Chinamdß, engaged m a stabbing affray, overturned ;> tan which resulted m one of the most sfjious ir.-n--flagrations that has over visited this <-i,y ;tnd wliich destroyed
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  • 183 412 THE PROPOSED MONTHLY SWIMMING RACES. Rules have beeu drawn up and printed re- gulating the monthly Bwimming competitions S at the S C S. It is propose<l to start the 1 races m January and to hold them on the first m Sunday m each month, iabjeel to alteration the
    183 words
  • 464 412 H DON T BUY GEMS IN COLOICBO. Mrs Colquhoun, wife of the gifted Antrlo- jj> Indian engineer and author who has written on I half the countries of the world, baa jttsl pub- Xj lished. through Heinemanns. ;i bricrl d J| volume with the above title.
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  • 1345 413 I Some Reasons for the Change. Cobtbibtttbb. Owing to the alarming and practically oonjtinuous drop m the value *>f silver during the ■fest few years it became apparent that the D-overnnuMit must find some means of facing Bthe situation. For not only was trade reduced fto a
    1,345 words
  • 210 413 n may interest the Sporting Community here to learn thai on ten summonses the proprietors of tlit- Sportsman have been proceeded against by the Ant i-(i ambling Ijeague for publishing a betting advertisement from Flushing, which is alleged to contravene the Betting Act. This was the advertisement which
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  • 500 413 Largest Vessels m the World. Borne particulars of the new Atlantic linen which are about to be built for the Canard Company m accordance with the Agreement with the British Government have been furnished br a Liverpool correspondent to t be" Glasgow Herald." Tenders have been already
    500 words
  • 63 413 Three subdivisions turned out for the musketry competition for the Finlayson Shield of the S V A, the conditions of which are seven shots at 200, 500 and 600 yds with carbines. Sergeant Wallace's subdivision team consisting of Sgt Wallace, Corp Baddeley. Gr Darke Gr F Darke
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  • 96 413 The trooper dive arrives m Singapore about Jan 7, bringing the 15th M I. She will stay here till about the 11th and then takes the" 3rd M L I back, half to Outtack, and half to Viziauagram. The news we published from a reliable Source on Friday,
    96 words
  • 183 413 THE FRANCO-SIA CIESE TREATY DEVELOPING. i A Havas telegram of Dec 13, says an explanation of the causes of the Siamese Convention says that Siam since tlie signature (of the Treaty) has decided to institute a public drainage system under the direction of French engineers, to create at Bangkok a
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  • 217 413 Mr B W DutT. of the Duff Syndicate, arrived here on Sunday by the Boribai from Kel mtan, on his way home. It appears thai work on the Kelantan and L*beh rivers is progressing capitally, and everything looks favourable. The gold dredger, which as was
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  • 356 413 A question of considerable importance to the public m relation to Stock Exchange transactions recently came before Mr Justice Kennedy m the ruse of Gill v Shepherd and Co." Air Gill employed the defendants. Messrs Shepherd and Co. who are brokers on the London Stock Exchange, to
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  • 320 413 The fifteenth Annual Report of the Vancouver Board of Trade, showß that the gold produced m the Canadian Yukon Territory m 1901 was over .£4,000,000 m value. A Government Assay Office has been established m Vancover. It commence* I business on July 29, 1901, and there is now
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  • 158 413 A Moscow Correspondent writes Unit the St Petersburg Gasctte gives some interesting figures about the Japanese Arniy. According to these figures Japan has almost trebled her Army m the past ben jeuxa. Counting m us available for war both her First and Second Reserves, the total
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  • 446 413 A Shanghai contemporary heads a wjre from Bgypt of I>-r 9 "And Joseph spake unto Pharaoh.* 1 The largest steel ship ever launched ai Hongkong, the "Kwong Chow." took a trial trip on Dec I*2. She is specially designed tor the Canton River trade and is of 1475 tons, with
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  • 865 414 Four new Cadets have arrived to join the Civil Service m Perak. Yesterday a Bench Court sentenced a Chinaman to six months for housebreaking. The Negri Sembilan Cricket and Football team is due to arrive here m the v Hye Leong" to-morrow morning. The Zamaiiia which
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  • 515 414 Unmitigated Nuisances. To the Edit ok. Dear Sir, Can you suggest to me any place within easy reach of the Town, where an invalid can be safely taken for a quiet drive I ask this, as yesterday afternoon, I tried the Esplanade but was forced to clear out after
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  • 285 414 Thk Civil Servant- India, Africa, The Colonies. Gentlemen, charge your glasses glasses Flushing with welcome, brim to brim, Oft to JOUT heroes have ye drained Glasses. I ask, ye charge to him, Who to the end of your Britains beareth Jewels, the best your Britain weareth Order of
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  • 92 414 A plant 'of the Mangosteen (Garciuia Munyo* tana), a native of the Molucca Islands, introduced to the Botanic Station at Dominica, fruited, for the first time last year, and has again borne a few fruits this season. The mangosteen was also introduced
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  • 1032 414 Currency m Relation Thereto. (Contribution No V.J I had not intended writing further on this subject but the different complexion which has been put upon the qnestion owing to the adoption of a gold standard by Siam and toe amount of misconception which still exists regarding the pretended
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  • 64 414 The following is the result of the ties fo the Presidents Cup. Ist Tib*. Bowes rec 6 l>eat Ellis rec r Teversham rec 11 l>eat Oakes rec 8, Williams rec 5 beat Allinson rec 5. p'owlie scr l>eat Stiven ncr. 2nd Tiks. Bowpa l>eat TererehtTO. Fowlie beat
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  • 253 414 A Missionary's Statements. The Rev Henry W RuntzelL a Met! Episcopal missioning sent out from Chica to Choaung, m Southern China, has just re turned to the States after two yea at station, broken m health iuid well-ni-. :> couraged by tho depravity m the par;
    253 words
  • 386 414 The "Kobe Herald" of tlu« st| gives t lief ie following account of the death of Colonel BueU. J tlie American Minister to Japan Intelligence was received here hi^t night of I the death of Colonel Buck, U S Minister t>«>l Tokio. The news was
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  • 223 414 The system at present m vogue for loadi/^v nev< and discharging coal lms every prospect ll l» being superseded by a patent apparatus 1>e(1 Hiit^d- m Rangoon by Commander G Holland. Principal Port Officer, of Burma, lan^evel Mr Henry Johnston, Chief Engineer
    223 words
  • 34 414 Ti»- Nippon Viis,:, Kaisha has 7u sl l c<t of of 221,-71 tons and l^W^-^ V«# 1>;-n,t. There are Xiv st^aniers vmder coT la<l>M tio.j with a total of U\2oO toaa f a Wl>
    34 words

  • 1269 415 I Silver has dropped to a record price, Is 10. id and of course all interested m India or China or Spanish America are shivering at the They cannot help fearing that such a )<♦ value of local currencies, as against gold, the world currency, must
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  • 121 415 1 DITIES: Orderly Officer for ensuing week Lieut Glennie, S V R. Orderly N.C.O. do do Sergt Guest. 8 PABADEB Tuesday 30th, at 5.15 pin Thursday Jan 1, at 5.15 pm S BBmiitB dnlL .8 Stkenoth -Pte H G Pennefather having left the Colony is struck off
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  • 397 415 Singapore, December 22, 1902. Beans. Long per catty 4 do. French do. 10 Beef per pound 20 Beef Steak do. 24 Bean Sprouts per catty 2 Baniboo Sprouts do. 3 Blacfcaa do. 15 Brinjals do. 2\ Cabbage, Batavia do. nil do.. China do. 10 do., Salted do.
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  • 189 415 Why the Venezuela Fleet was Sunk A German semi-official statement says that the Venezuelan vessels were sunk because they were so ungeaworthy that they would have hampered the movements of the warships. Arbitration Favoured by the U. S. It is understood that the proposal for arbitration is strongly
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  • 46 415 Secretary Hay is pressing for a reply to the arbitration proposal. President Roosevelt and the Cabinet discussed the Venezuelan question yesterday but arrived at no conclusion modifying the attitude hitherto taken up. The Senate afk-r a temperate debate commended the attitude of the United States.
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  • 24 415 Reuter's correspondent at Peking states that Russia is pressing China to assent to a Russian customs aud postal service for Manchuria
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  • 107 415 Mr Half our lias stated that he sees no reason to defer the ratification of the Sugar Convent ion. We shall ratify it on the distinct understanding that it rests with us only to penalise <»ur Colonies. He should regret to see any Colonies grantbig bounties, but
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  • 35 415 The U. S. do not Object to War. It is announced at Washington that America will not resist the blockade of Venezuela if the Powers enforcing the blockade will recognize a state of war.
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  • 50 415 Owing to pressure of work on Mr. Bo wen, the American Minister has instructed Admiral Dewey to send a competent officer to Caracas as Assistant Minister, on board a destroyer which will serve as a despatch boat m the event of the cable being cut.
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  • 66 415 The King's Speech. The Japanese Alliance. The King's speech proroguing Parliament mentions the agreement with Japan, by which the two Governments have bound themselves to assist one another m certain eventualities for the defence of their respective interests. His Majesty l>elieves Ufot the agreement will be to
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  • 48 415 The Speech also mentions the commercial treaty with China, which promises to secure not only to Great Britain but also to the commerce of the world some provisions of great value which, unlike others, do not require the assent of other Powers. London, Dec 19.
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  • 161 415 Pre-eminence for French Claims. France has notified the Powers that anj provision for a settlement [of the Venezuela Question] must recognize the pre-eminence of French claims. President Castro Disposed to Yield President Castro has invested Mr Bowen with full powers to effect a settlement. This and other indications show
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  • 96 415 Sir Philip Currie his resigned the Embassy at Rome m consequcuce of his health. [Sir Philip Currie has been Ambassador at Rome since 1898. He is now sixty-eight years of age and has a distinguished career m the diplomatic service. He was one of the British delegates
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  • 245 415 A communique from the Russian Foreign Office declares that the settlement of the frontier of Afghanistan wa^ Arranged prior to the Boer War. V A "Diplomatic" X^ii^ion. Great Britain, but simply notified her uceire and intention to eutoMnto direct relations with Afghanistan Japanese m British Colombia. In
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  • 112 415 Her Royal Highness the Princess of Wales: has been delivered of a son. Both the Royal mother and her child are doing well. [The Prince of Wales' family now consists of Prince Edward, born June 23, 1894 Prince Albert, Dec 14, 1895; Princess
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  • 51 415 It has l>een suggested to President Roosevelt that he should arbitrate the questions at issue. The suggestion has been transmitted to President Castro who has accepted it. Three Venezuelan _Vessels Seized. Three Venezuelan schooners have already been seized by the British under the blockade. London, Dec
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  • 191 416 Marconi has established wireless communication between Cape Breton and Cornwall. A number of inaugural messages were transmitted, including one from Lord Minto to the King. This is the first time thai messages, as distinguished from tingle tetter** have been transmitted. A Warship Aground. The British warship Fan tome" one
    191 words
  • 103 416 The Standard's Shanghai correspondent states that General Tung Fu Hsiang, who was sentenced to be executed m connection with the Boxer trouble, is raising a force of 10,000 troops m Kansu for the. purpose of exterminating the foreigners m Shensi and Kansu. Prince Tuan is acting
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  • 18 416 The Italian third class cruiser v Giovanni Ikiusan n has captured a Wiuvuelan'srliooner.
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  • 62 416 It is estimated thai 16,000 houses have bsjM destroyed au<l 2,500 people killed at Amljian. Rumblings still continue. The excavation of the ruins is proceeding. <+ Despite Government assistance, the inhabiliank Failure. The oid-staading bank of ,1 W Pease of Darlington has made an
    62 words
  • 45 416 PENANG AND THE CURRENCY. Gold Basis a Necessity. Penang Dec 17, IW)2. At a meeting of the Chamber of Commerce held to-day it has been decided to telegraph to the Currency Commission that a gold basis for the Straits Currency is a necessity.
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  • 47 416 HONGKONG CURRENCY. Hongkong, Dec 19, 1902. The Committee of the Chamber of Commerce meets on Tuesday to consider the sold standard question. There will probably be a general meeting convened. The Committee are not prepared to suggest any change unless China alopts a gold [standard.
    47 words
  • 119 416 (December 23.) 85.75 Gambier l^ioj i do. Cube No. 1 22 Pepper, Black (ordinary Spore) "36 50 do. White, (Fair L. W. 5 p.c.) m6l Nutmegs 110 to the Ib.) '$1 do. 80 to the ft>. 100 Mace (Banda) on vlovea (Aniboina) go Libenan Coffee 22 Tapioca, small pearl
    119 words
  • 97 416 t (Corrected up to December 2* L On London. J4n f 1 -mi Bank 4m/5 fie it us demand iv live ii Private credits 3 m /s 'J'hrv documents 3 m/« uar 1^ ia credits (J m a France, demand Ctermany, demand. /^Mtiiix)! India, T. T. 1 icel 5
    97 words
  • Page 416 Advertisements
    • 61 416 INDIAN PATENT STONE CO. PREVENTION AGAINST PLAGUE This stone is excellently adapted of paving Courtyards, Dwelling Houses, Surface Drains, Stables, Servants Quarters and other "Out houses. It is absolutely damp proof and nonporous, being laid plastically it is jointless and easily cleaned. Sanitary Experts recommend it as an ny» Suable
      61 words
  • Page 416 Miscellaneous
    • 701 416 PASSENGERS ARRIVED. Dec 16. Per Rajah of Sarawak Mr and Mrs Neubronner and family. Mr G P Stubbs, Mr J Zehnder, Mr B Howe, Mr A Ireland and Mr Robertson. Dec 17.— Per G G Daendels Mr Joachim, Mrs Wety, Mr Lohman. Mr and Mrs Gerhens, Mr Neuman and Mr
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    • 1258 416 VESSELS rN^TOILT. ;O: Men-of-War Flag and Tons Commanders Arrived From For Espiegle Brit gun l>oat 1070 Barton Nov 20 Hongkong Uncertain Argonaut Brit cruiser ***** Charry Dec 11 Hongkong Uncertain Geier Gei* cruiser 1700 Bgrger Dec 14 Saigon Uncertain Other Vessels Fla^s Tons Masters Arrived From Consignees For Whe« Australind
      1,258 words