The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 17 December 1902

Total Pages: 16
385 400 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • Domestic Occurrences
    • 65 385 O l)t ]H.L>.,nl of Noveml^r, at Kedah Honse, Ghbeh the w,fe of ('apt. Stanley S. Flovvkr late sth Furflier., of a BO n. (Bangkok para please copj). l V.vNßossrM. At BTo. 8 Weatlaadi Bungalowb, Penang, on loth mat., tl^ •rife of Th J VAN Rossi -M, Qf a sun.
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    • 57 385 uAu«u. M( aov. n>. a t Blackheath, Anne IJm^uksh. iridow of R. M.Ewen, of Singapore iiis,, of Daxoliksh, aged 80, Ciwur. On N<> v 2, ;jt Worthing (of amwndicitw), Saba, beloved wife of George Cawley of ««PPf». Hun.v R,, a a. Balham.S.W., and ekUt «i- lu jt^oi the late
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  • 245 385 (December v\ m) Bell's Asbestos Eastern Agency (£1), noin Bersawah G. M. Co. (§7.50) uom 9 2 Bruseh Hyd. E. Co. g p sl> Chindras G. M. 00. (£1) j a Clear Water Daily Farm ($100) SI OO. Fraser and Xeave ($5O) $1 OU Hongkong Shanghai Bank ($125)
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  • 674 385 Here Mull the Press the People", right maintain Unavved by influence and unbribed by gain Here patriot Truth her (forlorn precepts dra4, 5 RHi T To' on loyalty and L» (Dec 11.) The Fortunes of India were discussed m moderately animated Cushion when tinIndian Budget was
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  • 634 385 (Dec 12.) The Republic of Venezuela is showing more zeal than discretion m its resistance to the united power of Britain and Germany, backed "P, as the action of the American Minister iv uwtmg on the refe*, tf o «r subjects would ■eem to indicate, by the United
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  • 136 385 The Mriei of articles written hv our Special Commissioner oo the position m the SiamMalay States which appeared m the M Sin^a pore FW Prt« s m August last, have l^n reprinted m pamphlet form, (m response to numerous enquiries for Copts) und^r the title
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  • Page 385 Advertisements
    • 423 385 CONTENTS I-I.ADUKS. Tim Portnnec of [ndii :i Combatant of? TheSiam-Maiay^ P■• Arti( w 3 < "nvn.v Matt.., Tbefl of Boat, i j|»c m;,,,,i M,,ni.,.. g; S (< Autumn Cup, 1.7 r k C Hqntbly Meios, if „S C C riiv[ u Tour, {J>7 §0 Tlmi PpeBb yterian Church, 335 f\
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    • 28 385 H. L. COGHLAN Co. Auctioneers, Kstate Agents and Valuers Auditors. Commission Agents and General Brokers. Insurance Agents (Fire. Marine and Life) b ire Loss Assessors, Manufacturers' Representatives I
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  • Page 385 Miscellaneous
    • 269 385 THE WEEK. The P and O M Balkan* M which wived on Nitunlav brought the latest English mail dates l>eing up to Nov 21. The N D L Kiautsehou took the homeward mail on Monday, and this weekly goes by the P> 1 Zaida this afternoon. Tte currency discussion shows
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  • 926 386 (Dec 18.) Thk despatch of the Fixed Currency Petition presented to the Governor !;as already >>een announced. Jn Accordance with the wishes of the petitioner^ a irire has also been despatched to the Secretary of State, dated l>e, |o. ft reads. I have jugt r 1 ;i petition
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  • 116 386 Two thousand four hundred and six years ago the Greeks burnt Sardis, and as a result the Persians commenced the invasion of the IViiinsula, Thrace and Macedonia being first conquered. In r o 491 Athens and Sparta resisted the demands of the king of Persia and the
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  • 806 386 (Uec lo.) Thk Water Question m Hongkong continues to occupy more of the public attention than even the dollar question m Singapore. Water schemes ml Jib are proposed and objected to, and criticism of the authorities extend to the manufacture of such epigrams as "the
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  • 712 386 A special meeting of the Commissioners was held yesterday afternoon, Mr J Anthonisz. the President, l>eing supported by Messrs H I Chope, Lee Choon (hum. VV Evans, A Barker, Lt-Col Pennefather. I G P, J W Maclaren. Bills. The President brought forward bills to he passed m respect
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  • Correspondence.
    • 812 386 To the Editok. Dear Sir,-—For years I have been looking on and —years ago, when I was still Hun Secretary 'of the Selangor Planters Association I even attempted to express my opinion,— but nobody would pay any attention to it, l>ut yet* I think
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  • 147 386 The usual fortni-hty meeting of the Yuan. r Men b Society iv connection with the VnS byterian Church whs held yesterday evening when an address, both interesting and m strurtive. was delivered by Mr S Tomltnaon Ihe speaker chose as his subject The Chris tian's Duty m
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  • Page 386 Advertisements

  • 1034 387 A 'Natural" Mineral Water. A ease of some general interest and of particular interest to drinkers of the famous Apolhnaris Water was decided at the Southwark Police Court before Mr. Chapman on JNov 18. The Secretary ci the Mineral Water lrades Society charged the Apolhnaris Co btd, with using
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  • 17 387 The Colonial Yacht Sea Belle" came out of dock yesterday afternoon and proceeded to the •Is. i
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  • 226 387 Shipping Men Desire Sterling. The following letter has been sent to owners of local vessels by the Secretary of the Singapore Merchant Service Guild I am instructed to inform you that at a Special General Meeting of the members of the Singapore Merchant Service Guild, held last
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  • 515 387 Tin: Philippines Cukrency. Sir Edward Bassoon asked the Secretary of State for India whether his attention has been directed t<> the effect upon Indian commercial interests m Chins <>f the continuance m the Philippine Islands of a silver standard by the action of the Congress of the United
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  • 245 387 The attention of the Royal College of Physicians Ims been drawn it sukl by the Colonial office to the ravage* of the fell disease l>eriberi, and as a result it seems likely that an authoritative inquiry will at last be made as t<» it> origin. Tht* executive received the suggestion
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  • 910 387 H M S "Creasy" left for Hongkong shortly after 6 o'clock this morning. Mr A E Buck, U S Minister to Japan, died suddenly at Tokyo on Dec 4. This accounts for Reuter stating that at Washington the hon'ble John Barrett was a likely candidate for
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  • 385 387 The P <fc O'• Paramatta 1 arrived here from Hongkong early this morning and proceeded to the wharf. Amongst her passengers is Sir Ernest Satow, H M Minister at Peking, who is proceeding home on leave. Captain Barry a d c to the Governor visited
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  • 225 387 ("Malay Mail.") The auction salt* ot' the movable and immovable property of the Bandar Bharu Tin Mining Syndicate on Saturday fosi was well attended. The bidding was on the whole rather slow, the competition lying between three or lour bidden ouiy. It started at s;>i >.(><>,) and gradually
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  • 198 387 The Imp German Mail Steamer 4> Kiaut*clum" haying left Hongkong on th.- l<>th instant ;it noon may ln» expected to arrive here on Sunday afternoon the 1 fcth instant and will probablj be despatch^ for Europe on the following day. The v Manila Freedom U responsible for the statement that
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  • 135 387 The M Daily Chronicle of Nov 6 g&jf A comfortable enginerin^ berth ia the Straits Settlements is about to fall vacant by the retirement of Mr John Callcott, the Deputy Colonial Engineer and Surveyor General at Penang, who is taking his pension after spending the best part of his working
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  • 124 388 The Currency Petition of which we published the text laBt week, advocating fixity of the dollar value, was presented to His Excellency the Governor yesterday and will be wired to London at on The Petition was signed almost unanimously v the European and American mercantile communities, including
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  • 230 388 London, Dec o. The official correspondence with regard to the evacuation of Shanghai was published to-day. It appears that Germany, m response to Lord Lansdowne's enquiries, consented to the general terms for the evacuation of the port; but m October she stipulated that the Peking Gorenuneilt and
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  • 549 388 Exchanges down to the 4th are very guarded m their remarks on the financial crisis due to the attempl of the Siamese Government to fix the rate ox the tical at 17 to the a rate subsaqueni !y amended to 20. The "Observer mentions conferences between
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  • 117 388 HM S Argonaut which has just been signalled is a first-class cruiser which was launched m 1898 from the Fairfield Yard. She is a sister ship to the Ariadne and 44 Amphitrite" and is of 10,000 tons displacement, 435 ft long, b'9 l>eain and
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  • 117 388 We li.ive very little of interest t<> report daring the Week under review, and our market remains quiet. Industrial Stocks. In Tanjong Pagan we have no transaction to report, they remain firm at B^ls. A few Tanjon<: I*au r ar 5° o debentures hare been done at
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  • 225 388 A short time ago it was statist m these Notes' the M N-C Daily News" of the 27th ult.) that news had been received from both Kueichou ami Hunan provinces that a large body of Kuangsi rebels had crossed over from Kuangsi into Kueichou, had captured a
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  • 146 388 THE KING AND THE COLLECTION." Forgotten Hia Purse. A story is told m a London paper of the King's inability to contribute to the offertory at St Paul's liecause he had come without any money, and his promise to send something is said to l>e a very close historical parallel
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  • 66 388 The membeif of the Ambulance and Bearer Co of the S V A paraded last evening under Surg-Capt Middletoii at the Drill Hall to hear the result of their annual inspection by Major Winter, ram C. The report was a very favourable, indeed highly complimentary one. It will be seen
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  • 1249 388 Lord Ampthill. Governor of Madras, states that the port of Cochin, on the Malabar coast of Madras, is a natural and perfect harbour, capable, if the entrance channel were dredged, of accommodating the fleets of Europe. He adds that the Ma<lras Government are likely to undertake
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  • 488 388 Mines and Floods Owing to the continuance of the daily Ikm rains, all mines m Negri Sembilan have >ut'fered considerably. The hydraulicing mines, Sipiau," and "Seremban" have had break, downs 0B their tali-avers, which however, were speedily repaired, only causing slight stoppage to workings. The greatest damage
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  • 168 388 Mr Justice Hyndman Jones has imrfcU judgment m the c^ase of Neo Ong H<*. (J Justice of the Peiice and Municipal Comniiv I BJoner of Malacca) against Tan Boon Teckil rhe defendant charged Neo Ong Hee witH threatening to sUl> him and bad him arrestedN He was detained m the
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  • Page 388 Advertisements
    • 195 388 LAND SALE. The following properties were disposed of by auction at Powell iV; Cos Saleroom yesterday afternoon. Land and Compound Dwelling house. No 162 Bencoolen-st, Area 8,623 sq ft. Quit rent $6. Bought by M Noordin for 810,100. Leasehold land with three shop-houses and a compound dwelling house, known as
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  • 73 389 *c N V X half-yearly ueeirngjU the -oth ult, the directofs announced iLiit the unfavourable record m freight* had Wn more than counterbalanced bj the farouimnij passenger return*, *Tbe divisible profit was/£oli,l4ft yen, to )>e distributed as follows To Rqservei j 116,598 To Service Ehcpanston Fund
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  • 209 389 A] i fl gnppoeed to be partltfrii agent rrf -"iiMii.-n-.. i.ut iroefer British tnuSltit depended on our coiisulur ijstems, wrra* Mr J i! Vnxali. M P. i,, tl,- "MM^i/in.. of ;V,,'.iiii...v..." A Bnii<l, diplomat, averaged, cosoVihe nation n< ;1 y«arj Britis), Consular/Agent
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  • 248 389 Before Mr Justice Hyndman Jones this liioniiiiLr m the Supreme Court K«' Yap Viu of chop Eng Hap LeOßg. Mr Sawders made application for the arrest of this debtor us be could not pay fifty per cent rhe liabilities were $18,640 and the assets $3,000. He thought debtor
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  • 118 389 A revised statement of the Army expenditure for 1902-1903, m view of the concltinoa of peaces was issued l>\ Mr Brodrick. The amount provided m the estimates was £39,650,000, l>ut this is less by 0000,000 than the sum n«.w required. This exeeas, Mr Brodriek anticipates, can
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  • 216 389 This morning H II G-nmberg of Nos 1 and '2 Victori;i-st appeared before Mr Wilson m m.-wer to a summons (>\ Julian Frankel to show cause why he should not l>e bound over to k»K>|» the peace t' >r six months for threatening to assault the complainant. (Trunl»erg brought a
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  • 1035 389 In 1885 duty chanced to take me to a spot on the great Ptrak river, on the western slope of the Malay Peninsula, which bears the name' of Sadang. Here I was encamped m a large native boat engaged m the prosaic task of collecting
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  • 36 389 The race between the whale boats of the Albion r and the Espiegle M took place vesterd;:y ♦•veiling OVer a 2.', mile course and resulted m a win t«» the Flagship* l»oat by about eight lengths.
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  • 857 389 Mr Marriott to-day fined two Kling bullock drivers who overloaded their animals, $50 each or 14 days imprisonment. At Taipeng m the month of October 4.">.4] inches of rain fell, the greatest m one daw :*<)th, l»eing 3.945 m. Members of the Singapore Recreation Club are
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  • 774 389 The Possibilities of a South African Opening*. Mr Saburo Hisainid/.u returned on Monday by the **Tamba Mam' from an extended tour m South Africa and. Kurope undertaken at t)i»* instruction of the Japanese Government., to gather information about new fields tor Japanese trade m the west. He had
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  • 179 389 On the night of the 7th inst a Chinese fisherman went out to his fishing stakes near* Pulau Seriah off Tanjony Kling to see if every, tl ing was m order and while m the hut on th»* fishing stakes another Chinaman came m n Koleh
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  • 14 389 Mr Grnth&m Patterson m leaving for novae v M"f«!av next by the 4 Kiaotschou."
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  • 413 390 H M S "Vestal" returned from Christmas and the Cocoa-Keeling Islands yesterday fore- noon with Mr E G Broadrick* on hoard, and a Chine-.' prisoner who is charged with having murdered a fellow coolie at Direction Island, one of the Cocoa-Keeling group. The Vestal' left Singapore
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  • 72 390 Mr Chamberlain is one of that class of men for which the Continent tarnishes few or no parallels. He is an empire -builiier, na tJio EngWarren Hastings, and Dalliensie. His value and importance for the world-wide Britis!; Empire can l>est b*» estimated through the depth of the
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  • 152 390 HM 8 Argon ut ?> came m yesterday afternoon as announced, but, did not go to the Wharf for coal. She will go there on Monday morning next at 7 o'clock. The Argonaut will remain on the Straits Station for three months, probably doing BOSfte cruising up the
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  • 87 390 The U S Transport carrying General Miles and party ran on a coral reel at Latiptfpi near Manila and remained fast for seven hours. She got off undamaged however. On Nov 24 the silver rate Ln the Philippines dropped from $2.50 Mexican to $2.00 for one dollar American.
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  • 140 390 In the Special Alcohol Number oi the Prar titiouer for NovemVr, iliow thai abstainers have a somewhat i«» n i tpectation •f life thanoflmrs. As the Editor pointedly remarks, however, it is not length of davs 'that counts, but tKo work that is done before the night QMftM.
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  • 166 390 Bombay, jS'ov 25.— This morning a gang of Municipal Labourers was engaged m carrjriiig out aii interesting experiment m connection with the •lust nuisance m Bombay. A portion of t lie road iprinlrled with erride petroleum by means of tin «vns, as well as watering
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  • 257 390 One «>f my correspondents (M A P) has asked )ne if I had noticed a Dot&ble little speech which was delivered by Lord Warwick at tlie mayoral l»;m<{M»»r B week or ho ago. The speech was reported m the Leamingtou Courier" of Oct 31. I confess
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  • 426 390 CrtASED by Gunboat and Slaughtered. Information having been received m Canton that a certain ban<l of free-booters had bees making depredations on vessels and villages on fcfte North River, the provincial Government of Canton despatched the Kwong Yuen." one of the Alpha gunboats, to investigate
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  • 60 390 Hero is a problem from** home paper that will serve to exercise the ingenuity ot some of our higher form school-hoys. —An eccentric old potato-Heller has a pair of scales and four weights only, and yet he can weigh to lis customers, at one weighing, any quantift of potatoes from
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  • 1218 390 No. LXXXIV. After a miserable apology for a summer, we are enjoying, m November, which is usually associated with fogs and gloom, a spell of mild and genial weather, which, were it not for the appearance of the trees, might easily be mistaken for spring. The
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  • 70 390 Neither llr Balfournor Lord Lansdowne seei to graspe (the significance of the moment, events which are passing beneath their eyes m th^ Far East, or if they do. they are making themselves the willing slaves of delusion. It looks as though the last shred of what was
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  • 100 390 Rangoon, No v 25.— Ivlr McDougall, D s C of Bassein, applied this morning for summonses t<» issue against the Rev H Morrow, ;i Missionary of Tavoy. and Mr J S Suyder, Superintendent of the American Baptist "Mission Press/* R;mgpon, printer and publisher of a paper
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  • 111 390 The Manila Times o£ the 26th inst says i A statement prepared under the direction ojf Commissioners Henry 0 Ide, secretary of finan< shows that the exports of silver from the Philippines for the last six months have exceeded th« imgorta by more than 8300,000 gold m
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  • 104 390 Among the advantages which tahle-tenni Besses i«, the Family Doctor thinks, that oi conducing to t))e health of women who play, ly pevsaading them to give np tij^ht lacing, bi playing the LCJimo one has generally to stoop a good deal to pick up the ball from the
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  • Page 390 Advertisements
    • 274 390 l>r J) T Cunningham, FKS, m his Huxley lecture at the Anthropological Institute, held that nght-haOdness,'' or tendency to use the right hand m preference to the left was m- herited, lite the tendency bo speech m man or I Bong m birds. It proceeds from an inherited/ pre-eminence of
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  • Page 390 Miscellaneous
    • 83 390 SHIPPING NEWS. H M S "Vestal" on arrival from the Cocos Islands yesterday morning proceeded to the Wharf to coal. The Collier Lucia arrived yesterday from Kolxi with a cargo of about 2,000 tons Japanese coal for this port. The Colonial stoamer "Sea Belle" was docki <1 at Keppel Harbour
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  • 177 391 THE REAL ADVERSARY ON THE LINKS. 'he golfer's real advergary is not the man mst whom he is set to play. Imt iLayn a «mlfrin -Golf Illustrated "'a comply mtity OOmposedof the hazards -:-the green jlud the condition of the weather. Two men pF ying a match are not so
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  • 283 391 f Mr Snow's "Admini t Dependence < Putnam), though written primarily with r*far"toth<- ema which confront the I m their Colonial empire to-<l importance to English public men at a time- when LuiperiaJ Federation and t?..> treatment of the Tntll>v;l;il in^sonmehii v. The ryofthe rela England and her
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  • 380 391 lii addition to the first class battleship Bet* vi>;tn and the armoured cruisers Diax^j said Pallas which left Croiistadi a iVw daja ago for the Far East, the "NoYOsti Bare that the Ministry of Marine intends to send out unnie* lively t<> the F i Squadron anotlier
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  • 942 391 It is reported that the German Government has addressed to the Governors of the German colonies m South Africa a confidential order to prevent the immigration of Boer refugees, th<> Boer element being considered by the German Government us a very dangerous one, and likely to
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  • 1589 391 Qvicquid agunt homines nostri est farrago libelli JUVENAL. We had almost forgotten, but have luckily remembered before the last sands of the year 1902 have percolated through the hourglass of old father Time, to congratulate 6\ir lively neighbours the Dutch on the completion of the thirtieth
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  • 188 391 A PHONO- WHITER. The stenodactyle of 5l Lafanrie, 29, Rue Jean Jacques Rousseau, Paris, I typewriting machine for shorthand or phonetic writing which may l>e useful to reporters. It writes, or prints, not letters but syllables, and has no concern with spelling or punctuation, at a speed of 200 words
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  • Page 391 Advertisements
    • 16 391 5^ A fire which completely destrojoa »i\ houi^f I /I occurred at UawariLT on Thursday H
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    • 92 391 His Highness Prince Damrong, Minister of the Interior for Siam, and H E Ohow Phya Suntwongsee arrived here yesterday from Bangkok. "It is understood they will proceed to Delhi to represent Siam at the Coronation. Theßevd W H C Dunkerley, xa, Colouhil Chaplain of Singapore, has been app» 'n\^{ by
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  • 306 392 Imports and Exports Show Lak^e Advance. The trade returns of the United Kingdom for OctoWr show a considerable increase m most of the import ant items of import and export. The following ure the total valueImports £46,*****0 Export- 25,149,831 Month's total commerce £72,004,161 When compared with the
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  • 157 392 It is interesting to note m connection with the i tvnt increase of the Municipal rates here that Bombay has had to propose an increase of the -•ral tax front 10 fo 11 per cent, this beinir only one percent short of the maximum. Despite this high range
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  • 74 392 A curious £i*ievance has manifested itself m the French Army. In the marine battalions, fencing has hitherto been a compnlsery branch of drill, i'l^i us fch< use of the bayonet haa reneWed iword exercise entirely useless for practical irpoeeß, much discontent was caused. Evasion also was practised to
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  • 1077 392 Ordinary Meeting, Friday, Dec. 12, 1902. Present i HU Excellency the Governor (Sir Frank Swettenham, k.c.m.g.) The Hon'Me the Colonial Secretary (W.T.Taylor,) the Colonial Treasurer (F. G. Penny.) the Col. Engineer (A. Murray.) the Auditor-General (E. C. 'Hill.) the Attorney -General (W. R. Collyer.) J. M. Allinson. C.
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  • 1137 392 Police Court Proceedings. Yesterday afternoon before Mr I>eatt\ a< the Police Court the 26 coolies who wen- ;irrested by the Police? on the sth instant m <-onnection with the affray at an immigrant depot m Wayang-st came up for trial <>n the following three charge* (1) Wrongfully
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  • 335 392 Tlit- Autumn Cup which resulted m a tie between Ferguson and Gunn was played off on Saturday, Ferguson winning fairly easily with 84 against Ghinn'i 91. The following handed m cards A number of players returned n<> cards. An interesting Long driving competition tor two prizes kindly
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  • 440 392 An EpXTOKJB OF his (iikts. Lei us sum up into one paragraph some of his gifts and his activities. The summarv d<>o not cover everything but still it is sufficiently f near the truth to give something like u true picture. He can talk fluently in six
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  • Page 392 Advertisements
    • 298 392 Very successful public meetings have l>eeu id m Manila lately m support of the proto establish r General Hospital there. General Cdrroaet, the new Commander- in iei" of French Indo-Chine. intends m the beginning of the new year to carry out manivres tor tin; purpose of testing the possibility <»f
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  • 1068 393 By the Honorary Skcrktary of thk Navy Leaoi'k. On August 6 I left London m the Russian Hteumer Welikij Knjas Alexander Michailouitsch," one of a line of steamer, running weekly Ix-tween London and Riga for the purpose of supplying the London market with Siberian witter. A
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  • 738 393 There is just nufficient reason m the boast of the American journalist to his countrymen that if they would hustle now they might easily, notw ith-standing fifty years British start, obtain the pick of the new trade of Swatow, to make it worth while
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  • 182 393 A report by the Uganda Railway Committee on the pro^ret<B made m construction during the year ending March 81 last is issued. Work on the heavy earthworks on both flanks of the great Mau Escarpment has been carried on with the utmost dispatch possible m
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  • 122 393 The Manila Cablenewg of the 21st ult has the following paragraph The Japanese steamer Bohilla Maru M which wa« scheduled to sail yesterday for Hongkong will not get away until 11 am to-day, owing to some trouble m connection with the contraband vegetables brought by her
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  • 350 393 The Imperial Custo Uni m, which is the common desire of Grea i -tain and the Colonies, cannot be established i mcc, but itt, eventual establishment is as s. a the emu ion of a Greater Parliament. 1 -solution affirmed by the Conference is onaqni al.
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  • 534 393 Connected with the old hostile attitude towards tli«- outcdder is the custom, which is found ;ill ovw tli" world, of dubbing the newcomer, whether to country or town, or profession, with a nickname, humorous <>r satincal. In the far west of America or Canada, be who oomei fresh
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  • 644 393 Neither recruiting, nor the popularity of the Army as a whole, says Public Opinion is likely to benefit from the story unfolded at a Court-martial which concluded at York Cavalry Barracks on Nov 7. Briefly stated, the case was this Sergeant Leonard, of the Carabmiera, waR
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  • 244 393 Until comparatively recent years, it wm the policy of the Indian Government to discourage rather than t;> encourage mining adventures. There always loomed before the official mind that terrible bogey, the mean white. whoa* poverty and misconduct would fatally lower British prestige. But that ancient tradition has
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  • 157 393 Some good monkey .stories are told m the Captain by Professor Rii Garner. An African trader of his acquaintance owns a chiinpanaee which learned how to unlock ;i cupboard having an inside latch, instead of a sliding bolt, with a piece of hardwood which lie had gnawed to fit the
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  • 3040 394 STRANGE STORIES OF THE AUSTRALIAN BUSH. BY MRS. CAMPBELL PRAED. (Author „f <« My Anatolian Girlhood" &c.) Strange stories of the Bush Fearsome indeed would these be, could the Great Grim Wild give up all its secrets. Australia is old old- m the second childhood of its
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  • 99 394 When dealing with black servants it ii necessary to be very careful iv the wording of one's instructions, for they arc sometimes taken very literally. A missionary the other day, voyaging on a river boat with primitive accommodation, was
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  • 417 394 LIST OF UNCLAIMED LETTERS LYING AT THE GENERAL POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE. Adensamer, G. Halper, Mdni« E. Albert, J B. Heijnians, H A. Banerji.Hon Mr Justice Hume, James, B. p C. Ireland, A. Bartoli, Miss R. Jenech, E. Beatrice. Miss. Johnson. Mast A V Bennett, Miss F JoMpfe, Mrs R. Bertholon,
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  • 74 394 A XGLO- JAPANESE ALLIANCE. England does not only do good business politically, but also financially, for many of the new Japanese ships will be built m England, and the greater amount of the money advanced will therefore return to English pocketb. The stronger Japan is at sea, the better for
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  • 205 394 One need not be a centenarian to remember the time v. lien the mention of a metric system merchants by the ears. code of decimalin weights and measures, as m money, regarded, even until Pec«] I y> r m^ Frencli. fantastic, and al'surd.
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  • 1110 395 Formerly it was "the first white hair" that was supposed to come as a l>olt from the lue to aw*fce the society beauty to the fact hat her reign could not last for ever. Nowaday* grey hair is looked upon with complacency as being "rather becoming,"
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  • 66 395 Alone among the nations of Europe England' carried liberty into every country of which it makes conquest. It i% generally a piece of good fortune I'or any country to be annexed by England, for she immediately creates the widest pos- civil, political, and economical liberty, while England
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  • 61 395 Apcar steamer "Catherine Apcar" arriv< (i: ii Calcutta this morning and brought ut 4<><j :->heep and goats for the Singapore Market. The bonnecting M M steamer Eridan arrival from Saigon on Saturday' and left the European mails ex the Ballaarat at noou to-day for Saigon. The Russian steamer
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  • 671 395 Chief Detective Inspector Perrett arrived here on Saturday from Marseilles with de Lucchi, a young Italian formerly employed m Messrs Pertile's here, who forged a cheque for 59,240 on the firm's account sometime ago, decamping to Penang by the Calypso," from wheuce he took ship to
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  • 795 395 HMS Argonaut went to the wharf at 7.: U) this morning and started coaling. H M S Blenheim it is expected will l>e leaving here shortly, probably on Wednesday. The Deli" which arrived here this morning from Bangkok brought 151 bollocks for this market. Mr .1
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  • 147 395 The heavy downpours of rain on Saturday and Sunday completely upset all outdoor arrangements. A start was made with the cricket match between S C C teams but play pas soon stopped and eventually abandoned.* The downpours yesterday kept'all but the bravest away from the Swimming Club, and
    147 words
  • 105 395 The steamer Anglia," of the Telegraph Construction ami Maintenance Compai h has l>een efcgagM m laying the Pacific c lirived at Sydney on Nov 23. Captain Le;ieh stated that the cables stood exhaustive tests, and that everything is working satisfactorily. He said that on one occasion tile
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  • 114 395 I understand, writes the London correspondent of the Manchester Guardian. that the new treaty between Great Britain and Siam m regard to the Siamese Malay States will not be published for some time, as it i- desired that its provisions should be fully explained to the
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  • 553 395 The tapioca plantations lately advertised £?r sale at Malacca were disposed of by Messrs Powell Co, on Saturday for the sum of •583,000. The properties were bought by Mr Lee Keng Liat. The Government of North Borneo have had printed m bst form a compilation by His Excellency thy' governor,
    553 words

  • 496 396 ARRIVAL OF SIR A RF DORWARD. The New O C T. The P O outward mail Ballaarat arrived here on Saturday morning and went to the wharf about half past one. By her there arrived Sir A R F Dorward, r e. who comes to take over the command of
    496 words
  • 503 396 1. A C Express.* 1 Evidence is continuing to be taken by the Colonial Office committee on the question of the feasibility and desirability of establishing a gold standard of currency m the Straits Settlements and the Federated Malay States. There seems to be some little difficulty,
    503 words
  • 2110 396 (Via Ceylon.) London, December 2. The result of the rural elections is that the Greek Cabinet has resigned. The Boer Generals have published a list showin*; the English subscriptions to their fund, which amount to £25,280, including Mr Phippa' donation of 120,586 and three other subscriptions of £500. Mr
    2,110 words
  • 53 396 Calcutta. 2nd Decf^mher. Arrangements have l"'<'n sanctioned for the despatch of the lofclj .Madras Infantiy to Singapore, m relief of. /the 3rd Madras Infantry. The two extra Jemadars. to accompany the Regiment, m place of those left at the the Depot, will be drawn from th«> Battalions
    53 words
  • 452 396 {From our own Correspondent.) On Saturday morning, Dec 6, ;i telegram from H E the Governor reached Labuan, announcing the sad and sudden death of Mr F <; Atkinson, District Officer of Jesselton B X B, and desiring all preparations to be made for his funeral that evening m
    452 words
  • 85 396 Jj»» MJ rtßlitv returns for Singapore dxJ h tbolirstweekof December showeda tota* 8 -J 1 deaths, giving a death rat« of 53.40 ttsve m .l^atl.s uere attributed to fever and 3U I'hthkia. There were three deaths at Hi JolftJ Au Odessa i.-U-.m,,, ,U-spaU-]ie.l un the (£1 art states Al,.«srs Mantacheflr.
    85 words
  • Page 396 Advertisements

  • 969 397 Boflooi ay Tbofical Medicine. Sir Francis Lovell who, 1 few months ago visited this part of the world on a collecting tour on behalf of the London School of Tropical L Medicine has ieni us the following list of subscription and donations ooUected therein m 1901 and
    969 words
  • 318 397 On Sunday, December 14, at St Andrew's Cathedral m the presence of a large congregation, the Rev \Y H C Duukerley, M a, was instituted and inducted Archdeacon of the Archdeaconry of Singapore! which comprises the Straits Settlements and the Federated Malay States, m succession to the
    318 words
  • 129 397 In M Animal Lite" we ha\f a striking illustration of the manner m which evil communications corrupt good nmnnpn In an Indian timber yard an elephani was employed m moving loirs when the bell rang the signal to < oease work. Onh ..ue log remaned te 1m« nored, bat the
    129 words
  • 821 397 H M S Blenheim" left for Hongkonyesterday afternoon at 1 o'clock. The Argo" naut" finished coaling yesterday afternoon and returned to the Roads. Mr Percy Hinderer who went home as sergeant of the S V R Coronation Contingent and who was m the employ of Messrs
    821 words
  • 387 397 A tin g of the Committee was held m the b C C last evening to consider the details of the Christmas cricket tour and to pick team* It was arranged that the team shall leave Singapore on December SO by the -Calypso,' 1 arriving at Taipen
    387 words
  • 209 397 The qualifying round, a handicap Bogey Match, for the President's Cup, was played off <>n Saturday last The following eight returned the host scores Dr Bowes 7 -down. Col Qakes... g) Lt-Col Teversham 6 d Wll Dr Fowlie 6 A W Stiven 10 j down< J M
    209 words
  • 246 397 A special assize lias been fixed for Friday of this week presumably for the trial of the Cocos Island case which Mr Brodrick recently went to investigate. Two nvmits for the European Contingent of the Police Force are due here In the German mail »n Friday. One of the men
    246 words

  • 102 398 Gentlemen, to solace their wearied minds by honest pastimes, playe at chesse, the astronomer's game, and the philosopher's tfame, which whettea thyr wittes, recreates theyr minds, and hurts no body m the mean season." All communications should be addressed to the Chess Editor, Singapore Free Press Original
    102 words
  • Article, Illustration
    429 398 This game from the Hanover Tourney introduces a novel defence m the Ruy Lopez. The notes are by th. author of M The Chess Players' Compendium." Ri'V LOPSZ. White— Ovnsberg. Black Doha. I P-K4 P-K4 K> P>-Kt:» (h) P-Q:J I'Kt-KB.J Kt-QB:: hi KR-K1 B-K.; :JB-Kts P-l^R:j 17Kt-B4
    429 words
  • 91 398 Writing on tbe 2b'th ult, the Cunton eorresjundent of the Shanghai Times mjM -The eutire foreign force en*raped m the CantonHankow railway has left »Shaineen. Railway Work has l>een pushed ali«td bo well that the i reign settlement is too fi r distant from the Ft .'lie of presen: >j>ei*ations
    91 words
  • 22 398 By Otto MbxbUXO, Copenhagen. White to i»l«t v ;m<l mate m three mores. Black (1 piece). White (6 pieces,).
    22 words
  • 399 398 Singapore, December 15, 1902. Beans. Long per catty 3 do. French do. 10 B^* per pound 20 Beef Steak do. 22 Bean Sprouts per catty 2 Baniboo Sprouts do. 3 Blaclian do. 15 Brinjals do. 2 Cabbage, Batavia do. nil do., China do. 12 do.. Salted do.
    399 words
  • 241 398 The Government rate of exchange for salary compensation for this month is fixed at 1 (ij to the dollars. Although the Chinese coolie works pretty hard m the mines, under his own countrymen, lie can get into quite a nasty temper at times. Says the "Perak Pioneer." About 500 of
    241 words
  • Page 398 Advertisements
    • 34 398 iJBIQL i »|f i p B u A Remedy for all Irregularities. Superseding Bitter 4p,>!e, I'ennyroyal. Pil Cochia. ftc. W >ld by Singapore Olspenslng Co., Ltd >; RatTles Place, Singapore. PttVrtttor i MABTIM. «UUTItAMPTON. BNOLaflsV
      34 words
    • 604 398 THE "Singapore Free Press" AND MERCANTILE ADVERTISER Cable Address— Advertiser" Singapore. TELEPHONE NO. 61. Published at No 30-3 Raffles Place, Singapore The leading English Newspaper m the Straits Settlements Johore, the Federated Native States of Perak, Selangor, Sungei Ujong, Pahang, the Negri Sembilan British North Borneo Sarawak, Netherlands Indies, Java
      604 words
    • 400 398 Fraser and Cumming, OFFICES 7c Battery Road. Sawmills Johore Bharu. Bbick Works Balestier. Timber Merchants PRIME HARD-WOOD, cut by our own men. m the best districts, and steam sawn to anj size. WORKED TIMBERS, Flooring Boards accurately planed, tongued and grooved by the best machinery, under the superintendence of an
      400 words

  • 941 399 PROGRAMME FOR 30th DECEMBER, 1902, AND Ist AND 3rd JANUARY, IWB, MEETINGFIRST DAY Mil iP? MaiiiKN P|^ 1K -Valu.. $:uk>. I EUoe for Maiden .how.*. Weight as per Milt (K).st). Enror an hows Imported into the st, ttiomnte or Indented Malay State* as griffltis. on 2 ThiGallowai
    941 words
  • 143 399 Action against Venezuela. The Fleet Seized. A telegram dated Caracas Dec 9 says that the combined English and German fleet had seized the Venezuelan fleet of four warships which was lying m the harbour of La Guaym. [The Venezuelan fleet, a section of which h;:s been taken possession
    143 words
  • 134 399 All the English subjects m Caracas have l>eeu arrested. Marseilles Strikers Determined. The Marseilles strikers have refused to negotiate any further either with the masters thie (Joverninent. They have resolved to continue the •truggle to the bitter end. Safe m Prison. Satisfaction is expressed m London at
    134 words
  • 108 399 The Government has placed an embargo on the British and German railways. [There are 529 miles of railway m o]>eration, that from La Gtaaira ttt Osraeaa being >m extraordinary one from an eJUjineeriiii: point of view. An English company Ts m charge of the telephones m the settled
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  • 33 399 All the Veuezuelan warships, except one which was claimed as French property, have been sunk. Resisting the Powers. General Ferrer with 1,200 Venezuelans is marching on La Guavra.
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  • 36 399 President Castro has issued a manifesto describing the act of the Allies as barbarous, ignoble, and treacherous, and has summoned all the States to join m defending the sacred soil. London, !><v 12,
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  • 44 399 Prisoners Rescued. The rest of the prisoners at Caracas have been released. General Ferrer's force with eighteen guns has arrived at La Cfuaira. The landing parties from the British and German ships re-embarked after rescuing the British and German prisoners at La Guaira.
    44 words
  • 13 399 There was no collision with the Venezuelan forte*.
    13 words
  • 26 399 Excepting the Indefatigable the Brii> warships tare left La Guaira, it is believed m Mibrch of the rest of the Venezuelan fleet
    26 words
  • 22 399 Tbe sinking of the Venezuelan warships which has hitherto not been explained has !**>:;) adyeraelj criticised and irritates Amerir:in ppinion.
    22 words
  • 28 399 xenerril Castro is enforcing the levy on all fcgea between fifteen and fifty, Ar.-Ulvsh^p Castro has incited the Revoiut»' m ftite agaiiwi a cominoo foe.
    28 words
  • Page 399 Advertisements
    • 156 399 THE M CEYLON OBSERVER" (Established m Colombo 1834) L Circulates tbremghoirt tha island of Ceylon and 30 Southern India. Tts Overland Edition circum&'&k fo^ extensively m Great Britain and Ireland, as k -jr. iia amongst persons interested m Ceylon > r m other parts of the world. The yearly Ceylon
      156 words
    • 647 399 Pacific Mail Steamship Co Occidental and Oriental Steamship Company AND Toyo Kisen Kaisha (Oriental SS Co) VIA INLAND SEA OF JAPAN AND HONOLULU. Through Passage Tickets granted to England France and Germany by all trans- Atlantic lines of steamers, and to the principal cities of the United States or Canada.
      647 words
    • 483 399 Compagnie des Messageries Maritimcs de France Telegraphic Address.— MESSAOERIE. The mail steamers will leave Singapore on or about the undermentioned dates. OUTWARD HOMEWARD Caledonien Dec 21 Indus Dec 21 1903 1903 Salazie Jan 5 Tonkin Jan 4 Oceanien Jan 18 La Jan 18 Ann?m Feb 2 Caledonien Feb 1 E.
      483 words

  • The French Mediterranean Fleet.
    • 36 400 No Compensation for the Banks. The Siamese <4 o\ eminent has definitely rei'lsed to consider the claims of the Foreign lwtnks for compensation m connection with the i irn-ncy reform. London, Dee 12.
      36 words
    • 41 400 The Venezuelan liovernnieiit has aoked Mr Boweo to propose to Great Britain and Germany to submit the mutters m dispute to arbitration. It is unlikely thai the Allies will agree to tiii.> course at the present juncture.
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    • 20 400 Iwo more British worships hare left Heruiudu jind gone to Venezuela. Italy is ■failing two warshipt there.
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    • 72 400 Lt appears thai only the Germans sunk the warship thej captured! tin- British utilising the ones they took possession of. Further Operations. The German 2nd class Cruiser "Vineta" 3 captured the Venezuelan punboaf Bestaurador.' 1 The mob at Puerto Cabello seised an English steamer, the Topace," on
      72 words
    • 23 400 The U .S. Not Involved. President ftoosevelt and Mr Secretarr Hay agreed that the United States an- not !ved. unless serious developments t^k,place
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    • 36 400 Alleged Settlement; The foreign banks at Bangkok have settled i the Government an approved scheme for feting tioiils on a gold basis ft is expected that business will be resumed t the goneraJ satisfaction.
      36 words
    • 71 400 A^tba dmiu»r of the Union Oinii y the B el Cecil, Lord Unsdow^e Mid thai closer acquaintance with our new Ally, since t conclusion of the alliance with Japan, I 1 i'-. ami he hoped also Japan, m form a ger reaped for each other. tThe more
      71 words
    • 39 400 The rumour thai the Mullah had bees murdered is soon, ngfy disproved b) the receipt arrogant letter from him suggesting peace, but on conditions conceding him a port and llowing him the fate importation of anus
      39 words
    • 28 400 After an all-nigh* debate, which b unpi* .■plented I m Uermanv. tl,, Reichrfag 1,» the Tanft Bill by 2*>'2 to 1<«« London, Dec 15.
      28 words
    • 60 400 The President Climbing Down. IVsident Cast,-.: Ims 7han „,l hi. attitude -1 wh.lsl til] protest uams( ol die Powers has „r ;l reprisals W>M H»- has restore the British and German wlways auc! teleplnmea tod baa visited the wife rf the German BCnirter who is iviu ill kl
      60 words
    • 22 400 He sent a memga to Puerto Cabdlo orde bg the authorities to ,i,, the «tbfoctioa t]l Ul(W| Mrfwd
      22 words
    • 18 400 Mr Griscom, the American Muurter to eon*, has l«n appointed to Japan.
      18 words
    • 43 400 *evem I;,.;,;.), ColomWaa Act. wfcting the ««,,10,- Ul en, of Japane.,. i,,,,,,,!^ the Coa S Ku n ati(111 Mj the Jmw nif been<iisaii >w ii hei They will hi, lllu ioul,t,d;v i, c d riu X comini; session.
      43 words
    • 26 400 The Chinese Regiment to he Retained. MX Brudericl sai.l it T Wli •1«-|«1«1 tore ta, B .luH.'Jnaes, R^ent -Hdn^of four (.^,.om,, a 1i "ii<l«n, Dec Iri.
      26 words
  • 51 400 A Time Ball at Fort Canning, and one at Pulau Brani fall every day at 1 p.m., Singapore mean time (Greenwich mean time 6 hrs., 4 mm., 35 sec.,) being hoisted five minutes previously. tlf either of the balls should fail, the flac W I* hoi«ted.
    51 words
  • 81 400 (Corrected up to December 1G) On London. Bank 4 m/s j If demand J/Pri vate credits 3 m/s 1 J- v documents 3 m/s credits 6 m/s 7 Prance, demand )i Germany, demand... i.,,,' India T T IOo l LISJJIA, 1. 1. J4)) Hongkong, demand l Yokohama demand if
    81 words
  • 126 400 T (December l(».) Gambier 84.7/ i I do. Cube No. 1 li>7 I Pepper Bla^k (ordinary Spore) SL, I do. White, (Fair L. Wsp c "2* Nutmegs 110 to the ft M 2?" do. (80 to the ft "hl Mace(Banda) l °o, /loves (Amboina) "9 iiberian Coffee •32 Tapioca,
    126 words
  • Page 400 Miscellaneous
    • 783 400 PASSENGERS ARRIVED. j Dec 10.— Per Tringganu Messrs Hirst, Smith, Dobbie. Rueff, Jones and Gek Seng. Dec 12. Per Pentakota Mr and Mrs Rudge, Mr Norton, Mr Rich. Mr Stauss, Mr Peacenik, Mr Donough and Mr Paik Huan. Per Khalif :Mr Samuel. Per Bangkok H E Choni Phya Surawongsee and
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    • 884 400 VESSELS IN POET. :o: Men-of-War Flag and Tons Commanders Arrived From For When Espiegle Brit gun boat 1070 Barton Nov 20 Hongkong Uncertain Sea Belle Col 500 Chamberlain Dec 3 afakooi Dock Arethusa Brit cruiser 4300 Startin Dec 8 Penan- Uncertain Argonaut Brit cruiser 11 000 Charry Dec 11 Hongkong
      884 words
    • 257 400 Deceml>er ]fi. Emilie, Dut. str.. Latib, for L'liio. Siak, Dut. str., Schuur. for Ghenbon. Shimosa, Brit, str., Chaplin, for Manila. C. Apcur. Brit. str.. Belson, for Hongkong. Hebe, Brit, str., Inkster, for Penang and Deli. Farfalla, Ital. str.. Trylor, for Muar and Malacca Batavier, Brit, str., Mellor. for Cotie via
      257 words