The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 30 October 1902

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 263 1 l.f. LDMtI. FThc Anglo-Siamese Negotiations, 273 Principal Military Adviser," 273 The Evacuation" of Manchuria, 27-1 Cash Versus Credit. 274 The Memorial Theatre. 274 The Penang Free School. 274 Copra and tlie Shipping Conference, 274 Tbe Royal Procession, 274 Singapore*! Ignorant Critics, 274 High Freights at Ceylon, 27 1 The
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  • 62 1 POSTAGE FROM ENGLAND TO THE FAR EAST. Ll'.. H ngkong, Johore, Malay States (Protected— Perak, Selangor, Negri Sembilan and Pahang), wak, British North Borneo, Labuan, ftnutl lementa errata PO«t cards. nkwspapki.s. 11. per 01 Id. each. id. per 2 oz. I !*< »ST. COML. POST. PATTBRNS. er 2 oz. id.
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  • 66 1 f(CoRECTED up to October 29.) On London. demand l/&n» P te credits 3 m/s Ifei documents 3 m/s 1/8 credits o* m/s 1/8 1. J k, demand 211', G sv, demand... 172 kono, demand 4P m hama demand 23 J pin .'•mand 101 J demand I P m v
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  • Domestic Occurrences
    • 20 1 At Seremban, Oct. 21, the wife of Alf. Lansdeel, Supt. Revenue Surveys, Negri Sembilan, Straits Settlements, of a son.
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    • 37 1 Thompson-Shepherd-Mathews. In St. Andrew's Cathedral. Singapore, on October 18th 1902, by the Revd: W. H. C. Dnnkerley m.a. Colonial Chaplain. George Thompson to Lillian Eleanor, elder daughter of John and Eleanor Shepherd-Mathews of St. John's, London.
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    • 86 1 At the Government Civil Hospital, Hongkong, on the 16th October, John Ratten bury, late master of the China and Manila S.S. Co.'s steamer Zafiro"; aged 38 years. On October 20, at Penang, William Edward, dearly beloved son of W S Dunn, aged. 14 days. On 15th Septeinl>er, at London,
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  • 32 1 Here shall tiie Press the People's right maintain, Unawed by inthience and unbribed by gain; Here patriot Truth her clorious precepts draw, Pledged to Kel'tjion, oyalty and Law.
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  • 984 1 (Oct 22.) The latest Bangkok papers to hand profess to give the results of the recent negotiations carried on by Phya Sri Sahadheb, Special Envoy to Great Britain. The two English papers give substantially the same account of the results achieved, and have doubtless derived them
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  • 362 1 The evidence given m the Secret Society Case, reported m another column, is an interesting revelation of the faculty possessed by the Chinese for organisation. "There must be no partiality or selfishness" is particularly good, but one hardly expects to see after that excellent advice: "Should this
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 54 1 WILL BE PUBLISHED IN A FEW DAYS The Singapore and Straits ROUGH DIARY hthe CHINESE, HIJRA and nii>uu __,_n. TES, corresponding with the ENGLISH or CHRISTIAN DATES as given on each page of the DIARY. Foolscap, three days on a page, interleaved with Blotting-Paper. EIGHTEENTH YEAR OF PUBLICATION PUBLISHERS Fraser
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 56 1 i WEATHER REPORT. (October 28.) 1 t Kandang Kerbau Hospital Observatory 9 A.M. 3 P.M. 9 P.M •r.tture... 85.0 83.0 78.0 v Bulb Therm 77.5 78.0 76.« D t'Wind W.N.W. S.E. Cain. Temp, m shade 87.9 iJ m Sun 147.2 rad. Ther. 71.1 ill m 24 hours .07 arks.— Morning,
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    • 299 1 THE WEEK. The last mail from home was brought by the M M "Sydney" with letters of Oct 3. The homeward mail was carried by the M M "Salazie" which left on Sunday. This mail goes by the PSi O Ballaarat on Friday morning. Last week was the Autumn Race
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  • 323 2 The "Evacuation of Manchuria. r(Oct 23.) There is nothing to surprise those who have followed the political movements of Russia m the Far East m the declaration of the "Times' Correspondent at Peking that Manchuria is absolutely dominate! by Russia. The wonder is that anyone was found foolish enough to
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  • 244 2 The Selangor Club '3 once more discussing < the advisability of introducing the cash system of payment, as it is difficult to carry on making daily and monthly cash disbursements with so many outstandings. A good many members of Clubs seem to think that they have a
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  • 181 2 J We publish to-day a further list of subscriptions to the Victoria Memorial Hall Fund, which by the help of several generous donations raises the total to $120,349. To this has to be added contributions from the Government and the Municipality, and a sum m sterling collected
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  • 449 2 (Oct 24.) With some surprise that the matter has not yet been referred to m the Penang Press we turn to the subject of the report of the Education Commission and the Penang Free School. The northern settlement is apt to take offence when at this
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  • 608 2 (Oct 25.) A week ago we drew attention to the market report of Macassar of date Sept 25, which under the head of copra, contains the statement The exports during this year up to date totalled about 250,000 pikuls against 189,000 pikuls during
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  • 205 2 In an hour or two more all London will be awake and preparing for the Royal Procession through the City, and the streets are very likely even now witnessing the arrival of a few of those enthusiasts who are never content unless they have the satisfaction of
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  • 795 2 (Oct 27.) r Later m the day than the French papers, some of the English opposition journals are beginning to wake up to the fact that there is a Kelantan question. The Morning Leader" was of course bound to take the Anti-Imperia- v list side of the
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  • 250 2 Ceylon is working itself up into a real state of excitement over tho closing of Aus. tralian markets to their teas by the prevailing high freights between Colombo and Western Australia. A correspondent to the >bservrer says cargo can be shipped by P oor other mail
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  • 490 2 (Oct 2H.) The Pinang Gazette reporter has thought t worth while to interview Vir Singh, the Sikh vho was m charge of the Sultan of Kelantan 1 body-guard." He said little that was mown here previously, but is wry definite m lis statements. His force
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  • 440 3 According to the "Pinang Gazette" a local tin 1 1 has received a telegram stating that the pome Government are taking steps for the Appointment of a Commission to enquire into Ihe advisability or otherwise of the adoption L a gold currency for the Straits Settlements. rh»-
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  • 307 3 I; lOs the election of the new Lord Mayor, N A M• era Samuel, Mr New t by, a liveryman m Shipwrights Company, asked the candiJb 1) whether during his year of office he Id abstain from company-promoting; (2) wliti Ler it was true be
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  • 711 3 N aval Concentration in China. I- "special" from Hongkong arrived too tor yesterday's issue giving a rumour that British war-ships were to be sent to-day from H'lukoug to Shanghai. A later wire of tos the Espiegle and Amphitrite no. o. alv gone; the Albion Cress v v aud "Titlhot to
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  • 234 3 The following properties were disposed of byauction at Powell Si Co's Saleroom yesterday. There was a large attendance of buyers and prices realised were considered very satisfactory. No 7 Almeida-st, area 59,640 square feet, freehold. Bought by MTA Mootiah Chitty 44 Rosemary," Tanglin -rd. area 15 acres 2
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  • 1546 3 M Beau, the Governor General of IndoChina, has telegraphed to the French Consu here that the opening of the Hanoi Exposition has been postponed from Nov 3 to Nov 16. The Siamese gun-boat Ran Ruk left here at 4.30 yesterday afternoon, bound westward, probably for Penang.
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  • 76 3 There was a good Race house at Lhe Circus last night when a capital programme was presented. The amatev~ riding contest did not come off owing to a lack of competitors, but it will be held on Thursday at the same performance as the jumping contest. The Circus
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  • 115 3 CAPTAIN 3 AND CHIEF EnGINEEUS. f Calcutta, October 8. It is rumoured that there have been several disputes between the jji Captains and Chief Engineers m the service of >n of the British India Steam Navigation Com pi* .tea. T** regards their position m the
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  • 193 4 We hear that the present staff of nursing sisters attached to the General Hospital here, is -ll to y^ replaced early next year by qualified trained I nurses from home, assisted by local hands (recruits), and perhaps it will be from the latter that the Hospitals m
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  • 806 4 A Good Show. Despite attractions elsewhere and the fact of it being a race night, the Town Hall was exceedingly well-filled last night on the occasion of the first performance of the Valdare Company, and the audience was m most appreciative vein throughout the evening. As we have
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  • 425 4 The Soi Seng Chun. The further hearing of the above case was continued on Saturday morning before Mr Beatty. The Chinese translator of the Chinese Protectorate deposed to having translated and examined the documents and exhibits seized when the Police raided the society's meeting house at Tanjong
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  • 228 4 Second List of Subscriptions Chops. F*and technicaret* %V^1 I ~Vof thjr -*4w*>lg. "We wiust 0 Yeo Tiani TWatt Tay Yong Watt ™J Joo Watt Guan Moh Heng 40 ChinHoaGuan ChyeHah *> Lee Guan Seng Yong Moh Soon Pern; Lee Tan Lee Hong Yong Hoa Chiang Gnan
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  • 1728 4 A Chinaman who attempted to steal a gold necklace from another person was fined and sent to gaol for three months. A Chinese Baba was seen by the police riding a bicycle m Bukit Timah road without a light, he was accordingly summoned and fined $10.
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  • 215 5 This morning two Chinese tongkang men were charged before Mr Beatty with criminal breach of trust m respect to a quantity of c^coa-nut oil valued at *~U r >, the property of the Bintang Oil Mills Co. iMr Outeher, the Supt Engineer of the lompany, deposed ko superintending
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  • 185 5 The further hearing oi the ease againsl the two Chinamen, who were arrested on suspicion being concerned m the burglary at No 171 Sirangoon-rd was resumed before Mr Marriott T hi> morning. Mr Battenberg, who appeared for No 2 said that as [nap Brennan had not offered
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  • 76 5 The steamer "Batavier" left yeste-dav to proceed to the assistance of the 44 Amherst at Pahang and to tow her to Singapore. Tlie Australian steamer M Australind n is exjiected here from Fremantle on the 29th inst. The Chartered P A; 0 steamer Glenshiel arrived from Hongkong yesterday.
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  • 425 5 Wth regard to the question of Mr Ambrose's i -.ition m the Siamese customs, the "Siam Observer says The Singapore Free Press" has evidently heen misled by some cock-ind-bull story oonneoted with the approaching termination of the original engagement of Ifr ES Ambrose a->
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  • 351 5 {From our own Correspondent.) Timber Trade. We hear that it has been notified m the Sarawak Gazette" that the export of timber from that country will be prohibited from the Ist of January next under the direst penalties. We sincerely hope this may be so, as the local
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  • 178 5 In the engineering section of the British Association. Mr J Brown, of Belfast, read a paper on the apparently contradictory subject of express trains stopping at every station. He brought to the meeting a large working model pf a railway with an electrical train upon it, to
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  • 459 5 The diamond originally belonged to Meshhesh, a Basuto chief, from whom it was extorted by TX'haka. the Zulu king. T'Chakas brother killed him and stole the stone. The brother came to grief, and the gem passed into the possession of a Zulu chief, who soon afterwards was
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  • 1241 5 How the Substitute for Coal has Cheapened Freights m America. Sir Marcus Samuel has just called the attention of the British public to the possibilities of the future m connection with the substitution of oil for coal as a fuel for steam vessels. The steamer Pectan."
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  • 684 5 In his address to the Legislative Council Sir Henry Blake mentioned the recommendations of Messrs Chadwick and Simpson for improving the health of the place, a bill for carrying them out having been read a first time. M Its provisions will involve a very large expenditure of money
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  • 50 5 i\f dog- 1 .k The chop Chiap Guan b^ tWu. Nove- case, which has beeen occue d The Qrr of the Chief Justice v- M Q f the Prince two days past an^. of his princip.. Counsel were r^ Toughing elusion ct m- < add V and
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  • 156 6 IM A de Bilinski predicts (m the 44 Nineteenth Century") that Russia is going to eat us all up The picture of the ultimate destiny of Russia must show her m the role of mistress of Asia and Europe, unified under the action of the Slav
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  • 703 6 Eighteenth List. Brought forward 115,987 j Thio Teow Siat 1,000 Lim Assam 500 Cheong Q wee Tiam 500 Thong Cheng Fee 300 Messrs John Little Co (2nd inst) 250 Chop Vow Tak Seng 1,000 Choong Loo Leong 40 Chop Chin Tek Hin 40 Hiap Lee Tong 50
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  • 1583 6 A French pianist played for 27 hours and four minutes and then became insane. History fails to relate whether he had any bearers, and if so what happened to them. The "Perak Pioneer" hears that Mr C Wagner, Chief Police Officer," Selangor, will retire from the
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  • 199 6 ite new Austrian cruiser Kaiser Karl VI" ed here from Trieste this morning and ored m the Roads. te "Kaiser Karl VI" is relieving the iserin Maria Theresa" m China waters she wili probably go on to China m the \e of the next few days, whilst
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  • 218 6 j The Town Hall was again filled last night i with a large and appreciative audience to witness the excellent performance given by the Valdares. I. The trick riding of the Valdares was again exceptionally good and was greatly appreciated, also the turn by Professor Lamoni, who is
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  • 658 6 PROPOSED NEW MUNICIPAL REGULATIONS. Amongst the Bills to be intiv>ducQdjnto the Legislative Council is an Ordinances ai \eiuf"" m the Municipal Ordinance of 1896. The objects and reasons are mainly concerned with the 1 necessity for the Municipality to acquire com- I plete control over all streams within Municipal limits
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  • 155 6 THE RIDING CONTESTS AT HARMSTON'S. IThe amateur riding competition and jump- < contests were held at Harmston's Cii fl last evening, and were a great sucee». In the JM former Mr Jones was first and won a liaiid- |Jj some travelling toilet case. In the latter there ,M were three
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  • 161 7 Al thi tinning of this month a Unlay was arrested b, vet lusp Brennan m a pawnshop trying to dispose of £20,000 worth of jewellery which it was suspected he had stolen. The Malay said he had received the jewellery from t Javaw c j rince, who
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  • 321 7 i: Robinson has been appointed to the Deanery of Westminster vacated by Dean Bradley. Colonel Swayne** troops are blockading the wells t he-re and placing the Mullah's tribes m a difficult position. The Crown Prince of Siam has arrived at Washington and is the guest of the nation.
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  • 45 7 The connecting M M steamer "Ln Seyne" expected from Batavia to-morrow morning, md leaves with the European mails ex the Sydney on Monday morning. The collier Lincolnshire from Australia irrived yesterday with a cargo of about 2,000 tons of coal for this port.
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  • 297 7 Capt F Guggisberg, r e, is to be employed by the Colonial Office, iv connection with the' surveys of the gold fields on the Gold Coast The New "Zealand Medical Journal states that an ointment of black hellebore applied for t night will remove the stains and swelling of black
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  • 898 7 A license to conduct sales has been granted to Mr H L Coghlan. Mr P Valet is recognised as m charge of the Belgian Consulate at Singapore during the absence on leave of Mr C F van Reeth. The Russian Volunteer steamer Saratov arrived here from
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  • 1534 7 Quicquid aguni homines nostri est farrago libelli Juvenal. The alert correspondent of the Thunderer at Peking has roused the old lady into action by impressing upon her the inevitable conclusion of the occupation of Manchuria by Russia. Bless her innocent heart We all knew what would
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  • 301 7 M Myre de Vilers possesses such close knowledge of Indo-China that ignorance cannot be pleaded m excuse for the mischievous misrepresentations he has communicated to a Paris journal. Formerly Governor- General oi the French territories, and later on commissioned to arrange the Franco- Siamese Treaty of 1893,
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  • 114 7 While our contemporary m Singapore is idvocating "discrimination" m dog-killing, the Pinang Gazette appeals for greater rigour on the part of the killers, a system by which a man is employed to trace out unlicensed dogs and summon the householders on whose premises they take refuge. The indignation of the
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  • 520 8 Ordinary Meeting, Friday, Oct 24. 1902, Present Mr J O Anthonisz (President) and Messrs Maclaren. Evans, Lee Choon Guan, and Jago. Absent: Messrs Barker, Moses, Choa Giang Thye, and Lieut-Col Pennefather. Minutes. The minute.-, of the previous ordinary meeting and also of the last special meeting were confirmed.
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  • 281 8 m the number of the Revue M Donnet analyses the fundamental characteristics of the Chinese Man m the Street. According bo the French writer the most remarkable natural trait of John Chinaman is his good sense, and this m spite of the fact that he
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  • 145 8 'Che number of deaths registered during the p ist week tv Singapore was 227, giving a death rate of 50.:i< per thousand. Forty-seven deaths were due to fever and forty eight to phthisis. The N I> L Gem arrived here late yesS^ terday afternoou bringing mails of Sept 30. *On
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  • 857 8 The Members Branded. The further hearing of the charge against the 21 Hylams for being members of an unlawful society was resumed before Mr Beatty yesterday afternoon. Mr Innes conducted the prosecution. A Cantonese coolie employed at T P Dock stated that he knew the Kongsee house
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  • 88 8 The Batavia French Mail La Seyne arrived from Batavia this morning. The P Si O outward intermediate steamer 44 Shanghai arrived from London this morning. The Blue Funnel steamer Machaon left for Jeddah this morning with over 1,000 pilgrims. The Royal Dutch Mail "De Carpentier left for Batavia
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  • 54 8 Says the Daily Express of Spt 30. A telegram from San Francisco, says the ss. "Colonia,'' which is laying the section of the British Austin ban cable to Fanning Island was sighted at noon on the 23rd ms f m atitude 27.23, longitude 137.18. This point is ab^ut midway between
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  • 224 8 PLAY FOR MONDAY OCT 27 Single Handicap. Macdonald 7 v Hills 8 Court C. Laurie 10 v McKenzie ser Court A. Double Handicap. Mactaggart and Ritchie 8 v Carver and Glennie 8 Court B. PLAY FOR TUESDAY OCT 28. Single Handicap. H E Winter 7 v J
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  • 161 8 The political crisis m Victoria and Queensland seems to be somewhat acute, and the issue is awaited with some anxiety. Both States are faced with alarming deficits, and the policy of retrenchment m the direction of the cutting down of salaries, and the proposal to
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  • 269 8 L'Avenir dv Tonkin m its issue of Oct 14 has a long article over the name of M A de Ponvourville, member of the International Colonial Institute, written at the time the Franco-Siamese negotiations were pro-: oeeding m Paris. The article is too long to quote,
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  • 181 8 The amount of currency notes m circulation on Oct 10 was £12,395,000. A Latt'an telegram from New \"ork states that Messrs Wedgwood have been engaged to make the new service of china to be used on State occasions at the White House, Washington. The present service was selected by the
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  • 313 8 List of Unclaimed Letters lying at ike General' Pdst Office, Singapore. Ahmad, Mrs Hocking, A S j Bayley, F Huber Mrs R Beckett, J R Hume, James, E Benjamin, J Jansen, B J Beral, Mdlle, C Jenech, E Berry, A Jones, W Bertholon.Mad Marie Kalanter, Miss G Biggie,
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  • 231 8 PERCY -VERE SCOTT. C. B. I With acknowledgments to I Pin ti When he was at Bea a trick he j tniied For taking of ;> great big gun 01 md, He thought out the matter, and be dies the plan, And he lifted ap the Monsters of the Sandy
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  • 88 8 The Valdares Company will give only fan more performances here, as it has bees deciW to drop the matinee on Saturday on second oi it being race day. To-morrow nighl there will be a change of -programme me lading twos** tuins m a coin and billiard hall manipulator,
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  • 70 8 The Spanish stamp factory is about fc work on the new issues for use m Spaniah po*" offices m Morocco. The Heraldo," ot Madrid. states that they will the same as thoae iv m Spain, except that they will be inscribed wift the word Moi-occo." They "'.tt lx-
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  • 1610 9 HV DR MILLER MAQUIRE. The 44 Journal of the Royal United Service Institution" for the 15th of last month contains J. he report of an extraordinarily interesting paper tied on Military Education m England from a ational and imperial point of view by
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  • 204 9 In "Harper's Magazine" for August Professor Kenyon explains why so vei-y few of the works of the great writers of Greece and Rome have come down to our times. Of the classics we have no original autographs, nor any copies nearly contemporaneous with them. The plays of Eschylus
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  • 190 9 The official organ. Russki invalid," recently published some interesting details concerning the shooting capabilities of the Russian soldiery. The chief inspectors of musketry say that the firing results obtained by the cavalry and infantry at ordinary target practice, m which the distances were known accurately,
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  • 39 9 This morning Assistant Surgeon Mitchell .Rationed at St Johu's Island appeared before Mr Brockinan m answer to a charge of receiving an illegal gratification from two Chinamen. Mr Braddeil, .for the defence, applied for a postponement which was granted.
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  • 2285 9 44 Well Syed Ali have they come vet "No Tuan, but His Highness" said they should be here to-day, and I have sent Mahmoud out to the keepers' hut and certainly they will come soon." So once more I was fain to confess myself beaten and as resignation
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  • 1295 10 A Study m Natural History It is popularly supposed that an eel rather prefers being skinned alive. Students of natural history are aware that it is not singular m this respect. There is an animal called a shareholder who literally gloats over the process, and resents the interference
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  • 603 10 Natural Resemblances. In the Zoological Section on the 18th inst Mr Nelson Annandale said that there were certain facts which he had observed and of which an explanation by the theory of natural selection was extremely difficult. There was. he thought, a tendency to take the theory
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  • 76 10 The future historian of twentieth-century femininity will cite the cult of the complexion as one of the characteristics of the period, and comment upon the curious circumstance that an age which has witnessed the emancipation of woman should also be an age whm the desire for
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  • 89 10 An order was received by a large shoemaking firm m Cawnpore from the Middlesex Regiment for shoes for the men. The manager passed the order over to the head baboo and told him to see it was attended to at once. The baboo read it
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  • 770 10 So long ago as Oct 2 Reuters London Agency learned that the negotiations recently carried on by Phya Sri Sahadeb, Siamese Vice-Mini ster, and the British Government m regard to Siamese matters and the States of Kelantan and Tringanu had been practically brought to a conclusion,
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  • 295 10 The "Daily Mail" of Oct 2 contains Heappended statement (which we are told is sub- i stantially correct) of an understanding between the British and Johore as to the railway. The formal sanction of the Colonial Office is now practically all that is required for the settlement
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  • 303 10 The Singapore station of the Easter Extension Telegraph Company is experiencing just now a situation it has never before had t.. face m the shape of a breakage of cable connection which cannot be determined. The breakdown occurred between Friday and Saturday all the northern wires
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  • 193 10 There was a bumper house al the Town Hall on Saturday night and the audience waa i enthusiastic as a good race-night audience can be when it is m the humour. The Valdares were m excellent form and encores were freely demanded and given. Fne more one sees
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  • 131 10 The Journal of the Society i Legislation" has an article on Malacca U» tormary Lands by the Hou W I! <-'" The measure is worthy of notice iicr.i one of the few enactments of the G ing with and confirming institutions wl> their root m a state of things which
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  • 3304 11 AUTUMN MEETING, 1902. First Day. Tuesday, Oct 21. Stewards. Judge J C D Jones. Asst. Judoe and Time-Keeper. A Robertson. Handicapper. H Fort. "tarter. D D Mackie. Xt/LBBKS OF THE SCALES. W E HOOPER and J D Saunders. Paddock. -A G Faber, Capt White, J G Mactaggart,
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  • 2274 11 Second Day. Thursday, Oct 23. Once more it was a case of grey skies and threatened rain yesterday, but the conditions were pleasant enough for the spectators for whereas the early morning seemed to promise a hot and rather trying afternoon, actually the sun hid itself, and at times it
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  • 615 12 the work, and Pierbux rode him a nice race and won easily. Lamplighter ran well considering that the trainer has had a lot of trouble m keeping him on his pins at all, why he received such a weight from the handicapper we can't quite understand.
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  • 1738 12 Third Day Saturday, Oct 25 Although the morning of the third day of the meeting dawned bright and fair, it was not long before ominous clouds began to bank up m the South-West and ere it was noon rain commenced to fall, the sharp showers causing much comment as to
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  • 111 12 The open Griffin Handicap brought »«Vr runners which included the three^ iry Lil, Lebir and Victress. The latter with** pounds the l)est of the weights trom Lei twelve the best of it from Lil got M"» e crossing Lil badly opposite the Lawn. I don't think it affected the
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  • 260 13 [all the way as she liked m about the same time as last meeting. We were not surprised the Klimbo didn't win but we were much surprised that Sweet Erina was not there or thereabouts. Snoozer was not himself or he would have l>een further up, for the time was
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  • 502 13 The following ran but were not placed Blair and Bellona (4) Melody, S V I, Tansan, Aouiline and Livelier (3), Empreza, William the bird, Hock Lock, Batteiiherg, Contadina, Kevnote, Cossack, Kiff Raff, Grass Widow (2) .nid Gipev Girl, Boss, Gayluss, Felspar and is Plaoui Horskb. 1st
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  • 780 13 The ss. Amiral Exelmans M left Marseilles on Oct 15 en route for Singapore. During the second week of October only one case of plague was registered m Hongkong. During the second week of October there were 96 fresh cases of cholera and 62 deaths at
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  • 55 13 The following races have been added to the programme of this meeting provided there are at least five entries. On the first day a handicap for all Griffins imported into the Settlements or Federated Malay States including winners, and on the second day a handicap on the preceding
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  • 65 13 To-night's is "positively the last performance"' of Harmstons Circus this visit, and rt will be a particularly good show. His Excellency the Governor has promised to attend, and a very strong programme will l>e presented including the ballet "Damen Kapel.'* The Circus does not leave here till
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  • 97 13 Yesterday afternoon the "Takasago," one of the two Japanese war vessels which represented Japan at the Coronation festivities, arrived here and at once went alongside Tanjong Pagar to coal. This morning the "Asama,*" the other and larger vessel, steamed into the Roads, receiving a salute from the
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  • 154 13 The ss. v Cheang Chew which left Singapore on the 16th inst for Hongkong, returned here yesterday owing to a serious breakdown having occurred whilst she was en route to that port. Two days after leaving Singapore the Cheang Chew had the misfortune to break her crank shaft
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  • 548 13 There was a good attendance of ladies at the Philharmonic Choir practice last evening, when 44 Lord Ullin's Day.,. V_* over, m vW nf a crm- houla he a fresh assessing., .Yt ?LL f the most UShtly rated towns m Kbin, i.nere--«nr_ax-erx, ±__c Orchestra meets on Thursday evenings at 8.30.
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  • 563 13 The speech of the late Chancellor of the Exchequer at Bristol on Sept 26 contained signific- ant remarks. He desired to direct attention to a matter which for the last seven years had engaged his most anxious consideration, namely, the rapid growth of the
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  • 84 13 The Apcar steamers 4< Arratoon Apcar from Hongkong and the 4 Catherine Apcar from Calcutta are due here on the 28th 30th respectively. The Austrian Cruiser M Kaiser Karl VI coaled m the roads yesterday taking about 400 tons from lighters. The B I mail steamer 44 Zamania
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  • 99 13 After describing the bag of grouse of a nice little party of eight m one week on the moors of Denbighshire, the said party being the guests of a Mr Wynne Corrie, the "I P G proceeds as follows At one time Mr Wynne Corrie
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  • 254 13 Statue at Cape St Jacques. The admirers of Prince Henri d'Orh'ans have decided to erect a statue to the memory of the courageous young explorer. A dinner has also been established, which will yearly assemble the personal friends of the Prince, and serve as a rallying point for
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  • 1492 14 A Flourishing Institution. Its Past and Present. If there is one flourishing institution m Singapore to-day and one that seems likely ao flourish for a good many years to come it I finances are m c, its roll of one, to which being added, list will afford
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  • 1633 14 »*«fc mm.^***.' J*m**m. A 1 JLI __L JL^ 1 UkAT V J-J At a special meeting of the Municipal Commissien yesterday afternoon the President, Mr J 0 Anthonisz, made his 1903 Budget Speech, m which he said I may state that the Estimates as framed are only sufficient
    1,633 words
  • 237 14 It is not often that one has to ree >rd three H deaths almost simultaneously amongst the H sparse numbers of our European defenders, H military and naval, who are .stationed here, but such was the case yesterday, two of the H Royal Engineers who died at
    237 words
  • 68 14 Russia has no essential interest m t.iking i»<"" session of Tibet, for the roads leading from Til** H to India are narrow mountain paths, which a* quite impassable for an army. Furthermore, it is known m China that Great Britain would stij H port to the utmost
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  • 1427 15 A large number of Hinder bullock cart drivers have been prosecuted lately for working their bullocks m an emaciated condition. Garrison orders notify that on Nov 10 the King's Birthday will be celebrated by a General Parade of the Garrison on the Race Course m j
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  • 392 15 This morning, early, the Aratoon Apcar*' arrived here from Hongkong, having on board the officers and men of the Hongkong Regiment, which is now leaving Hongkong for India, where it will be disbanded. The regiment is m the charge of Major Berger, the other officers with him
    392 words
    • 45 15 Four hundred and sixty Bombay Grenadiers have been ordered to Somaliland. The Evacuation of Shanghai. Sir Ernest Satow is protesting against the German stipulations for J tbe evacuation of Shanghai, which Prince Ching accepted with out consulting the other Powers. (.Cater)
      45 words
    • 77 15 In a Tight Place. A sensation has l^een caused by the publication of letters from a member of Col Swayne* s force anterior to the latest despatches, m which »is stated that the force had had numerous ;hts and had lost most of their camels.
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    • 75 15 The American Miners Convention have declared that tbe strike is terminated. Why Sir Ernest Satow Protested. The Norddeutche m an article on the evacuotion of Shanghai, states that Germany proposed to China that she should bind i herself not to concede to any Power on
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    • 33 15 The ''Morning Post" says that the publication of the text of the Chinese Treaty deepens the sense that Sir James Mackay has rendered a great service.
      33 words
    • 43 15 Further native troops are being sent from India to Somalibv nrobably go. the rates be considerably" El "*j_re should be a fresh assessment. of the most lightly rated towng jn^ V The Eresulnii. hafßu^ can Evacuation M 3 Means.
      43 words
    • 101 15 The Times correspondent at Peking describing a journey through Manchuria testifies that the country is absolutely dominated by Russia, which has built up a population and thriving cities along the whole of the railway. Russia is faithfully executing her promises of evacuation, but this means
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    • 31 15 Mr Ritchie, Chancellor of the Exchequer, said m the Commons that it was not intended to introduce the Transvaal Loan Bill into Parliament this Session.
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    • 43 15 The Boer Generals have returned to London. They state that it is not intended at present to seek an interview with Mr Chamberlain, who himself will certainly not take the initiative. De Wet sails for South Atrici on Nov. 1
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    • 56 15 The Pester Lloyd had received a letter from Karl Inger showing that he is at present m Buda Pesth. [This is the Karl Inger mentioned m Col Swayne's despatches as having been m communication with the Mgl Mullah m Somali-land. A hundred Soudanese and a hundred Sikh
      56 words
    • 60 15 Col Swayne' s force has arrived Bafeiy at Bohotle. Brigadier-General Manning, Inspect or General of the Military forces of the African Protectorates, telegraphing from Berbera <»n Oct 22 says Swayne" s force retired to Bohotle unattacked. The situation consequently more satisfactory, but do not
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    • 51 15 (Still Later.) The Consul General at Hankow has demanded the execution of the Military official immediately responsible for the death of the Missionaries m Hunan and adequate punishment for the other officials. [This confirms our special wire from Hong- kong which we published yesterday.] London, Oct
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    • 80 15 The Peking correspondent _of the Times says that Germany's conditibns for the evacuation of Shanghai intimate that Germany will participate m any reoecupation and stipulate that China shall not grant to any other Power any preferential political, military, maritime, or economic advantages m the
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    • 50 15 The person who alleged that he had rece'ved letters from a member of Coi Swayne' s forcenow avers that they were invented with the object of hoaxing the Pro-Boer organs. The hoaxer is a London barrister and says that he is heartily assumed Ci ashamed) of himself.
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    • 64 15 A Public Nuisance. The Irish Members of the House of Commons appear to be following a scheme of J studied obstruction and disorder. Yesterday they occupied the bulk of both sittings by different devices. V The Government organs are showing increas- I ing exasperation and say that a
      64 words
    • 27 15 7,*-^ Committee _of the French miners on f T f^?tt<m3m%Tmte.rhm* Ute rryniei* Tthat they will accept arbitration. ~V a r. _f
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    • 62 15 Why Germany's Conditions are not AcceptableNot Open Door Enough. Reuter's Agency understands that the British objection to the Franco- German conditions as to the evacuation of Shanghai, are based on the fact that the stipulation forbidding preferential advantages to be granted to any nationality ref ere
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    • 15 15 liord Hopetouns's new title has lieen gazetted as Marquis of Linlithgow.
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    • 48 15 A Successful Function. Their Majesties State Progress through London on Saturday was carried out success I fully m warm weather. i The King and Queen left Buckingham Palace at noon, under a Royal Salte. At Temple Bar they were met by the Lord
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    • 45 15 At the City Lunch c a at the Guildhall, the Lord Mayor presented an address to His Majesty, who m reply, stated that he was deeply touched by the congratulations offered him on his Coronation, and on his recovery to health.
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    • 35 15 South o f the Thames. The Royal Procession traversed tbe main streets and went south of the Thames, returning to* Buckingham Palace at half past three. The Route throughout was decorated and lined with troops.
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    • 34 15 A Flank Attack m Thick Bush. Reuter's Corresp indent at Aden wire* that the enemy suddenly charged the right tiank .of Colonel Swayne's force while advancing through dense jungle on Octol>er <».
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    • 23 15 the African Rifles thai they swung round towards the centre and left, which had been Overlapped by the transput, owing *jo the
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    • 72 16 The transport line was thrown into confusion and as a result the firing line was broken, and a Maxim captured. Major Phillips was shot while gallantly attempting to rally his men. Lieut Everett was shot while attending him. The disorder spread to the centre, where Captain Angus
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    • 21 16 Sixty-two of the enemy's dead were counted. We lost seventy killed. London Oct 26. mm*, mmt
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    • 32 16 The force then got into Zareeba. In the afternoon they made a sortie, chased the enemy and recaptured many camel loads. They were unable to recover the Maxim gun.
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    • 14 16 The strike riots and losses therefrom are -using concern m France.
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    • 40 16 The Thanksgiving service for the restoration t«» health of the King took place yesterday m St Paul's Cathedral. The service was short and was specially arranged for the occasion and was most solemn j« nd impressive.
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    • 20 16 Their Majesties will entertain a number of Koyalties including the Kaiser at Windsor about Nov 8.
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    • 67 16 An official statement says that Mr Chamln-r--laiu will go to South Africa m the latter part Of NovemW, to examine the problems prelilted by the termination of the War and the settlement of the affairs of the new Colonies. The visit is universally approved and
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    • 20 16 The Boer Generals have only collected X-> 2,000 m Holland. Belgium, France, and Germany. London, Oct 2*.
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    • 13 16 tlie Horse Guards Parade. The weather was fine. f
      13 words
    • 43 16 Sir Nicholas O'Connor, British Ambassador at Constantinople, has complained to the Porte oi violations of the Aden frontier by Turkish roopi and has informed the Sultan's Government that if it is continued Tudian troops will be requisitioned. London, Oct 28.
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    • 25 16 Owing to the unusual importation of arms and cartridges into Ireland the Chief Constable of Birmingham has issued a notice warning manufacturers.
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    • 84 16 The London Gazette" states that General Fukushima and Admiral Ijuin have l>een made Knight Commanders of the Order of the Bath, and Colonel Shiba a Companion of the ■ana order. General Fukushima is now m India, recovering from a severe illness which attacked him while going
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  • 91 16 Specially compiled for the M Singapore Free Press. Date of passin- Anjer Nationality and description of vessel Captain's name Where and when sailed. Destination. Oct 18. Dut. str.. Soerabaia j Engelmans B i tavia, Oct 18; Djeddah via PadanOot V). Brit. str. Lincolnshire; Singapore. <>t 20. Brit.
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    • 177 16 British Action. (Special to the Singapore Free Press Hongkong, Oct 23, 11.50 am. Mr Fraser, Consul-General at Hankow demands the dismissal of Taotai Tsai of Hunan, the decapitation of the Brigadier at Chenchow, where the recent murder of the missionaries occurred, and the payment of an indemnity
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  • 165 16 (Special to the Singapore Free Press.") Hongkong, October 28, 11.58 am. The China Association at Shanghai, after many hours discussion yesterday, passed the resolution of the Committee by 53 votes to 45 approving of Sir J L Mackay's treaty (provided that the terms were honestly fulfilled),
    165 words
  • 72 16 novv tht 1 way wr«L ition and the Raffles H^telV^ Free Preys.') J3 The nvtS^V^ 8 D 50 P m warships have been ordered to proceed to Shanghai from Hongkong to-morrow. Hongkong, Oct 2.- 0.50 am. HMS M Espeigle sailed for Shanghai yesterday, and the M
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  • 22 16 It is supposed here that the despatch of the warships is due to the Shanghai evacuation troubles.
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 328 16 PASSENGERS ARRIVED BY THE MAILS. Oct 24.— Per N D L Gera From Southampton. Mr and Mrs Chancellor, Mr John Heal. Mr P Wilson, Mrs C Phillips, Mrs Batchelor. Mr Wallace, Mr Campbell, and Mr Ch. Avton. From Genoa. Mr F A Warnefcke, Mr I B Ait ken. Mr and
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    • 886 16 VESSELS IN PORT. :o: Men-of-War Flag and Tons Commanders Arrived From For Whe-i Vestal Brit gun boat 680 Farquhar Oct 7 Penamr Sea BeUe Col 500 Maddock Oct 18 Kelantan Road* Other Vessels Flags Tons Masters Arrived From Consignee. For Wham Arratoon Apcar Brit 2931 Stewart Oct 29 Hongkong Pat
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    • 529 16 Sultan, Brit, str, D'Cruz, for Muar and Malacca Shanghai. Brit. str. Spieer, for China and Japan. October 27. La Seyne, Fr str., Meinnier, for Batavia. Princesse Marie, Ger. str, Berent/.en, for Ton-kin. Kian Ann, Brit, str, Hudson, for D jam hi... Kelantan, Ger. str. Littmann. for Bangkok. Prometheus, Nor. str..
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