The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 16 October 1902

Total Pages: 16
241 256 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 248 241 The New Franoo-Siameet Treaty. 241 < Jreolea <»f Java, 241 A mii Coal Strike, 241 Cold-Storage for Singapore, 249 Ousting the Britisher in Biam, 212 mbling Fanning, 242 ru Questions, 242 The Harbour Improvement^. 242 Volcanic Weather, 242 Bad Bazaar, 242 Wei-hai-wei, 242 lll*' "Scotsman" and Singapore Adventure 243
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  • Domestic Occurrences.
    • 57 241 At "St Helen" St. Thomas Walk, ©n the 6th instant, the wife of H. C. Oliemans of a daughter. Dunn.- At Glengar House." Penang, on the fith instant. 11m wife of W. S. Dunn, of a son. On the 11 th instant, at Erin Lodge, the wife of R
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    • 77 241 On Saturday, the 11th instant, at Letham House, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Salmon d. Aged 24 day«. On the 18th September, at Tokyo, A. W. Thompson, aged 78 years. H±SLAM.--At No. 20t>,SeangTek Road. Penang, Thomas Haslam. aged 4t>. On the Oth Sept., at Enssoorie.
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  • 269 241 The hist mails from home arrived by the N D L Sachsen M on Saturday last with mail dates of Sept lb\ the M M Annam on Sunday with mails of Sept 10. The M M M Oceanieu left on Monday morning with the homeward mail. This weekly
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  • 219 241 (October 15.; Bell's As!>estos Eastern Agency (£1), nom Bersawah G. M. Co. ($7.50) mon 3. Braseh Hyd. E. Co. sellers 10 Chindras G. M. Co. (£1) 1. Clear Water Dairy Farm ($100) $100. Fraser and NeaTe ($5O) sales $91. Hongkong Shanghai Bank ($125) $600. Howarth Erskine ($100) $147.50
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  • 511 241 Here shall the Press the People's right maintain, L'nawed by influence and unbribed by; Here patriot Truth her glorious precepts draw, Pledged to Religion, Loyalty and Law. (Oct 8.) As we read the day's telegram about the new treaty between France
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  • 591 241 An extraordinary misconception of the state of affairs in the Netherlands Indies is attributed to the Colonial Party in France, who seem to be always preparing to lay their hands on lands beyond the seas. A Home paper ascribes to them the present coveting of the Dutch
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  • 534 241 (Oct 9.) The President of the United States is no doubt actuated by worthy motives in offering to appoint a Commission to investigate the causes of the dispute between the coal-operators and the coal-miners of Pennsylvania, on the condition that the miners will resume work. As
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  • Page 241 Advertisements
    • 132 241 to the M Singapore Free Press Uj returning from Europe to the Straits by themaU lines are invited to send to the iger the name of their steamer and date of in Singapore. Copies will then be mailed' meet them at various ports of call. POSTAGE PROM ENGLAND TO THE
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  • 410 242 It is understood that at uo very distant date the long talked-of cold storage company, to be called the Singapore Cold Storage Company" will be formed here with a capital of .£50,000, in £1 shares, of which 20,000 will be issued at the start and the rost
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  • 201 242 (Oct 10.) i On very good authority we hear from Bangkok that a movement is afoot to oust the British Officers employed in the Siamese Customs, and replace them\by Frenchmen. This i« perhaps a part of the policy of the party that professes to have
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  • 452 242 In the current number of the Malaysia Message Dr West writes We were informed in both Perak s*nd Selangor that the government is getting a little anxious concerning the effect of the Gambling and Spirit Farms on the health and morality of the people and has imposed such
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  • 493 242 (Oct 11.) All the local complaints about the rate of exchange and the apathy of Government on the currency question seem to lead to no practical steps being taken. Indeed it is difficult to see what can be done. That other places are also having their currency troubles
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  • 321 242 The despatches laid on the table of the Council yesterday concerning the Singapore Harbour Improvements are those between the Govern ob and Mr Chamberlain, and a further letter from Messrs Coode, Son and Matthews. His Excellency admirably sums up the position in his despatch of April 27,
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  • 320 242 (Oct 13.) The present abnormal weather is naturally a topic of conversation, particularly among sea- faring men. For a German mail steamer to be stopped in the Straits of Malacca fo^oix hours on account of mist or fog is something extraordinary. Vessels coming up fronVAustralia report the same
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  • 342 242 The anticipations we had of further financial troubles in the Bazaar were unfortunately realised last week, when two or three heavy failures were announced, involving other firms in the Bazaar. The unfortunate part of these crises is that there is no mean* of knowing where the trouble
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  • 587 242 (Get 14) Mr G T Hare La now back in the Natire States, helping t\w Government to noire tli.« many difficult questions thai arise frith ference to Chinese customs and Chirn criminals. But his report on Wei-hai-wei just been issued as a parliamentary paper comes out by this mail.
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  • 1496 243 We gave yettenUy an extended series of extracts from an article written by a Bangkok urrespondent of the u Scotsman, and as the is a paper which at home carries deal <>f weight, there is no necessity to apologise for the following criticisms which we
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  • 236 243 People in Singapore will be interested to hear that the Government have asked the honourable the Chief Justice, Sir Lionel Cox, Kt, to represent the Colony at the Hanoi Exposition. This is a graceful compliment to our French neighbours and evidences the friendly
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  • 703 243 .Lt-Col J D -Fuller-ton is granted leave of absence from Oct 16 to Jan 17 on private affairs. The Perak "Govornment Gazette" publishes enactment No 8 of 1902, "To provide for the establishment of a Volunteer Force." The Sipiau tin mining returns state that t*»e* working
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  • 123 243 A big haul of valuable property was made by a thief at Telok Blanga last night at the house of Mr C McArthur, Managing Director of the Straits Trading Company, who lives at St James in that neighbourhood. Taking advantage of Mrs McArthur' s absence somebody broke
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  • 176 243 Despite the comparatively early hour at which the German mail Prinz Luitpold M was due to leave the wharf on her voyage to Europe this morning, the landing stage was crowded with friends and acquaintances, of Mr Grigor Taylor, until recently General Manager of the
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  • 54 243 Yesterday the two Salzmann's met Capt White and Beatty in the final of the A doubles. It was found impossible to finish however and the game will be continued this afternoon, and if possible F Salzmann will play Bradbery afterwards in the final of the
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  • 115 243 We have again to report a dull week, with Vety little business transacted. Industrial stocks. Straits Traders are a slightly quieter market, with buyers at not better than $31. Fraser and Neaves remain steady at $91, though no transactions are reported. Other stocks in this market keep
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  • 103 243 The outward Spanish mail steamer Antonio Lopez arrived from Barcelona yesterday evening and leaves for Manila after coaling today. The extra M M steamer Sinai arrived from Saigon yesterday morning. She leaves for Marseilles probably to-morrow after loading in the Roads. The German mail Prinz Regent Luitpold left
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  • 171 243 Our readers will remember that some time back the Police were instrumental in discovering a secret society which eventually proved to be a veritable nest of samsengs, who undertook to waylay people and administer sound dru^ bings by way of working off grudges for the parties who
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  • 85 243 »M.t^« V* Diplomaticus/ writing in the Fortnightly Review/' "The Bismarckiaii mechanism made ff>r.<peace because it was a, coalition of the HaVea the coming comminution will be aj/ alliance of the Have-nots. Russia, France; and Italy are all Powers with grievances to avenge, with lost province to redeem, with disturbing ambitions
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  • 41 244 A world's record in cabling has been achieved "by the Eastern Extension Company. A message was sent to London from Adelaide and a reply received in the remarkably short space of three minutes. The multiple system was used.
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  • 68 244 The Bombay Municipality was asked to vote an Address of Welcome to Lord Kitchener on his arrival at Bombay. This it refused to do on the ostensible ground that there was no precedent for neb a course, but sneering references wen- made during the
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  • 111 244 No of this magazine, published by the u North China Herald M reaches us and an interacting publication it is. creditable alike to editor and printers. The illustrations are excellent, fchoee of Western Imperial Tombs particularly so. The letter press deals with non-poUtica] matters and includes
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  • 96 244 The U S Transport McLeUaA arrived in j»ort here from Manila yesterday morning flying her flag at half must the explanation l>eing contained in the fact that she is carrying the hodies ol some fifty soldiers who have fallen in the Philippines, to the States
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  • 150 244 On < >ct 1 Eteuter itartled this par! <>f the world by remarkable telegram stating that in some towns in tin* Philippines 1.000 people were dying daily from cholera. Manila idneet to hand fail to confirm this statement as up to Sept '28 from March
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  • 183 244 [t will be pleasant news to Volunteers here and in Penang ;m<l Malacca to learn that Colonel If array, 8 V C, is presenting to the Volunteer Corps of the three Settlements a silver loving cup as a trophy to be competed for annually by members
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  • 236 244 The circular issued by the Municipal Engineer regarding the proposed installation for the supply of electric energy is now issued, and is important in view of the developments in electrical supply which may take place in Singapore. The arrangement is that the Municipality buy from the Tramway Company
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  • 286 244 Further inspection of the Budget for 1903 reveals several items of considerable interest. On account of the acquisition of land for the railway extension to New Harbour a sum of $675,000 is entered, and the rent of the railway for the year is put at $40,000. The
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  • 386 244 BCHSMB OF COSMOPOLITAN CHARITY. Bomhay. Sopt 22. Mr Nowroji Maiiockji Wadia, C r k. of Bombay, lias caused a Trust Deed to be prepared in virtue of which he leaves hit entire fortune which is variously estimated at from one crore to one and a half crore
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  • 339 244 The Siamese envoy who lately proceeded to Paris to arrange, if he could, a satisfactory concordat between his country and France, lias found it necessary to confer in person with our Foreign Ofiice. Parisian firebrands will probably let loose great indignation over this calling of England into
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  • 1557 244 General Manager's Report to Sept 20 1902 Gentlemen. I beg to submit my monthly Report on your mining and milling operations. The mine measurements and assay results of prospecting work, prepared by the mine manager, show a total of 641^ ft for the period (four weeks) under review, made
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  • 216 244 The report on the Governm ut, cinchon.i p tation in Java during (I lias been just issued. In the an a large -t-ick of well-dev< Inch several thousands were b< Contrary to what had been the in years, very Little bark had beei end of the quarter, owing
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  • 275 244 A representative of the "Manila Times an interview with a promineni tobacco iiuiiiufucturer in Manila learned thai th< trade to foreign countries had decreased derably compared with its condition under toe Spanish* Jovernment. German and Dutch cijj had become serious riyala to tli«- ch< varieties of Manila. The possible produ
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  • 920 245 ('From Our Correspondent.) Hydraulic Tin Mines. Tho latest reports of the Pantai Hydraulic Tin Mining Co are not very favourable. Then has Uvn some labour trouble, and at pnsent the only work going on there is let o ul to China— i who are working lampong." There
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  • 1849 245 A telegram from Baub on Oct 8 says Battery re-started full strength. Cyaniding commences to-morrow. The death-rate in Hongkong for the week ended 13th September was 21.6 per 1000 as compared with 37.8 in the corresponding week of last year. For the week ended 20th September,
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  • 313 245 In response to an appeal among the generous and rich Chinese, with the help of Mr H W Firmstone, while Acting Protector of Chinese, at the instigation of the Committee, the following donations have been made Tio Tian Siet 55,000 Tio Yian Hian Cnptain China of
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  • 397 245 The St Nicholas Society having ceased to exist, the work has been transferred to the Children's Aid Society, which Society has been formed out of the ashes of the late Society, and which has taken over all its liabilities. The Committee gratefully acknowledge the receipt of the
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  • 76 245 The South British Fire and Marine Insurance Company have declared a dividend of 25 per cent for the year ended Aug 31 A sum of £20,000 lias l>et'n added to the Re«er#> Fund. 2_ *oeen .jondon Mr FSB Gaffney is appoiute^ 8e p] ayH Deputy Colonial Engineer and Sur^ course
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  • 894 246 Since to-day we are chronicling the practical 1 application of scientific methods of producing I xold to satisfy gross material wants, the ap- I pended remarks of the President of the British I Association may interest some of our readers. Professor Dewar after referring to the absolute zero
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  • 201 246 A nice question of law is at present occupying the attention of the Kansas State Courts. A Kansas militia-mac was arrested for wearing his miritiii trousers while doinj' work as ;i manual labourer. The trousers belonged to the ♦State, it was argued, and should only l>e worn when the owner
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  • 429 246 This morning Peter Smith, an able seaman of the as. Deucalion," was charged in the Marine Court before Capt Boldero, r n, Master Attendant, with being found drunk on board the Deucalion on Oct 6, during the voyage of that vessel from Liverpool to Penang and
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  • 133 246 Ou the 26th of last month Bet Insp Brennan acting on telegraphic instructions from the Dutch authorities at Padang, Sumatra, arrest- e3 a Malay named Hassan in Singapore, he being believed to l>e an escaped long-sentence prisoner from Sumatra. It is stated that the prisoner
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  • 119 246 With the finish of the "A Doubles last ftight, in which the Salzmann's lost to Capt White and Boatt y, perhaps rather unexpectedly, the above tournament is practically concluded, there being but the A Singles to be finished, and this game, in which F
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  • 81 246 A special wire to the "Manila Times'" states that the Navy Department proposes to reinforce the U S Asiatic fleet with several battleships. It is also contemplated to commission a permanent gunboat squadron under Admiral Joseph B Coghlan to thoroughly police the Caribbean Sea. The campaign against the
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  • 117 246 The SB. Sumatra has been exempted from the operation of the Transit of Cattle and other Live Stock by Sea Ordinance" when engaged in carrying cattle and other live stock between Penang and Sumatra ports and vice verso during the period of the North-East monsoon. A Reuters telegram from Victoria
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  • 73 246 The following property was disposed of by auction at Powell and Co's saleroom yesterday Freehold land situate at Anson Road and the corner of Raub Street, near Tanjong Pagar Docks, area 5,526 square feet. Together with the godown premises erected there on known as No 35 Anson Road,
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  • 78 246 The French transport "Cachar" completed loading all her stores and cargo yesterday and was shifted ta the East Wharf in order to facilitate the embarkation of the troops who have been camped for the past week on the Tanjong Pagar Reclamation ground. The Camp was struck the same
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  • 89 246 The collier Calliope from Moji, arrived at the Wharf yesterday with a cargo of 5,500 tons Japanese coal for this port. The Outward Spanish Mail Antonio Lopez left for Manila this morning. The steamer Lalpoora from Moji via Manila arrived yesterday evening. The U S Army Transport "McLellan"
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  • 523 246 Hannston's Circus is doing good business here, and attracting large audiences. On Saturday afternoon the youngsters will be provided with a new programme and in the evening their elders will be similarly catered for. Cook has recovered from his attack of fever and will turn out again on
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  • 793 246 The first homeward-bound transport with troops from India will sail at the end of October or the beginning of November. Instructions have been received at Weihaiwei ordering the disbanding of the First Chinese Regiment to be suspended. Mr Lee Cheng Yan has given $3,000 towards the
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  • 94 247 Our planting friends in the Native States will read with a melancholy mutter the statement in the Hygienic Gazette" that M medical examiners for life insurance societies have added the term coffee heart" to their regular ttification of the functional derangements of that organ. Its effect
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  • 191 247 HA VELOCK -ROAD MURDER. It will remembered that a rikisha coolie bad cut in Havelock-rd last August. There vmi at first no clue to the perpetrators i.fthe crime beyond the statement made by f lie deceased a few minutea before bis death that his throat had been cut by two
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  • 382 247 According to the N C "Daily News." the ting and original article in the Chinese Recorder and Missionary Journal" for September is that on 'Our Duties to our ►Servants' by Mrs Arthur H Smith. The terse vigorous piv-fiitation of her views makes very int*Mv>ting raiding, and one
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  • 288 247 According to present arrangements, Sir M Hicks-Beach will go out to Bombay in the Arabia," leaving on Dec 5. His fellow-pas-seiigera will probably include the Earl and ''muss of Crewe," Sir Edgar and Lady Viiuvut, Lord and Lady Elcho, and the Duke ■'ii'l l>uehess of Portland. l'li«' Calcutta Englishman says
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  • 148 247 I suppose our western country has furnished more funny things in the epitaph line than all the rest of the world," remarked ex -Congressman Lake Pence of Colorado, at the Biggs House. I remember one that adorned the cemetery at Leadville in the p:dmy days of that great mining
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  • 114 247 New York, Oct 1. It is reported from Colon that the Government of Columbia refused to grant to the United States a concession of sovereignty over the Nicaraguan canal, or to give to it a lease for the property in perpetuity. Congress reposed in the President
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  • 114 247 The "Cachar" was to have left for Marseilles at 12.30 yesterday but owing to a case of cholera, the vessel had to be detained till the patient was removed in an ambulance. She left at 4 o'clock. The extra M M steamer Sinai leaves for Marseilles via Colombo
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  • 129 247 Mr Leong Fee's tin mine at Tainlnm, near Ipoh, has at present, the Pinang Gazette believes, the largest output of any tin mine in the world and is bringing in a fortune to the lucky owner each month. The total output of ore for September amounted to
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  • 233 247 Mr D D Coath. Rangoon, publishes in a local paper extracts from a paper read before the Institute of Civil Engineers by Mr Ritso. M i c E, on boring for water in Cape Colony. Since the first plant was introduced there in 1890 approximately 2,500 hoies
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  • 107 247 A "Hongkong DaHy Press special dated Oct 1 states.-— The "Glolx's St Petersburg correspondent learns from a reliable source that M de Witte's tour is connected with the raising of a loan in the United States, whose financiers at present are disinclined to make such an investment, owing to the
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  • 112 247 1. DUTIKS: Orderly Officer for the ensuing week Lieut H A E Thomson. Orderly N.C.O. do do Sergt E Wallace. 2 Strength Sergt E Wallace having reported his return from leave of absence on the 2nd inst is taken on the strength accordingly. Gun A Stronach is
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  • 103 247 1 Duties Orderly Officer for the ensuing week Lieut C V Pritchard. S V I. Orderly N.C.O. do do Sergt D Christie. 2 Drill Season There wiff be no parades (except Class firing every Sunday morning or specially ordered ones) until Dec 1 when the Drill Season
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  • 268 247 The N C u Daily News of Sept 26 says The Imperial Sedan Chair used by the Emperor on his way to the Temple of Heaven was one of many curios offered for sale by Messrs A Neubourg and Co, at 12, Canton Road, yesterday. Appeals to
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  • 438 247 The SCC lawn tennis tournament was brought to a conclusion last night, F Salzmann meeting Bradbery in the final of the "A singles and winning in easy fashion, the score at the conclusion reading 6 l, 6 l. The general impression had been that it would not have been such
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  • 929 247 Yesterday a Malay P C was charged before Mr Brockman with being absent from duty without good cause and fined 830 or the alternative of three month's rigorous imprisonment. The Prevention of Crime in Particular Places Ordinance has not been disallowed by His Majesty the King.
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  • 1756 248 Quicquid agunt homines nostri e§t farrago libelli j JUVKNAL. Very few readers of this column but have had at some time or other to carry through a little transaction with the curio men who fasten on to the new-comer in Singapore. After a little experience the
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  • 94 248 On the authority of the Japanese Foreign Office it is now stated that the Chinese Government has decided to establish a camphor monopoly office in Fohkein. placing the monopoly and sale of camphor under the control of the Japanese. It is not correct, however, to say that
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  • 124 248 The Navy Department will soon call for bids for a huge floating dock to accommodate a 16,000 ton battle ship, to be built in the United States and floated over to the Philippines, says the 'Washington Star." This will be one of the largest floating dry
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  • 1462 248 Ordinary Meeting, Friday Oct 10, 1902. Present Mr J O A nth on is/. (Chairman) and Messrs Evans, Moses. Choa Giang Thye, Lee Choon Guan, Chope, Maclaren, and Barker. I Absent i Lieut- Col Pennefather. Minutes. The minutes of the previous meeting were confirmed. The" Finances. Mr Anthonisz
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  • 335 248 S C C v H M S "ARETHi -x The Club began their football season with n match against the "Arethusa" and after a tough fight proved victorious over the Naval men by cue goal to nil. Matches should now be began punctually at 5 o'clock otherwise the
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  • 117 248 The Gharry wallahs itrike at Rangoon continues. The Mohammedans mous against getting photographed, t gious grounds, because a prohibition pressly stated in the Koran. The Kunici^ President thought the objection **J valid as several Mohammedan now" had allowed themselves to be photo The drivers have however withdrawn tm objection to
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  • 5230 249 K pi>\ry Meeting, Friday, October 10. Present Hj. txoollency the Governor (Sir Frank Swettenham, k.c.m.0.) E the Officer Commanding the Troops (Col. E. Oakes, r.g.a.) Ih« H<.n'Mo tho Colonial Secretary (W. T. Taylor,) the Attorney-General (W. R. Collyer.) the Auditor-General (E. C. H. Hill.) tho Acting Colonial Treasurer
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  • 360 250 The "Economist'' declares that the movements in pig-iron of late have been the most remarkable in the history of the trade, and, to the ordinary onlooker, most bewildering in their complexity. It is probable that this year more iron will be smelted in the world than ever l>efore
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  • 223 250 j*£rdeaux 'Court of Appeal has recently "given judgment in a forged cheque case of a very far-reaching character. The comparatively scanty use of cheques in France involved the use of arguments which would not be raised in a similar action in an English court, but the main
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  • 1310 250 BILLIARDS IN INDIA— "UP COUNTRY." In the World of Billiards Mr George Cecil writes very entertainingly under the above heading, his article having some capital sketches of billiard players -the station crack, of Indian extraction: the Maharajah (the anglicied variety) plays the Aryan marker, &c. He says India is said
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  • 705 250 The Elderly German Official and ma Young Wife. j^m The Lohning case seems to hare attracted bnt H little attention amongst us in England ;jH it H throws such a flood of light on the habits in! I ideals of the Gernmn bureaucracy, and is rating H
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  • 1897 251 I Entries for Autumn Meeting. Tuesday, October 21. 1. The Maidhn Plate. Value $U 0. A Race for Maiden Horses. Weight I por scale (10 st). Entrance $10. Distance, R C Tsui Hap Leong Comical. j Mr H S Tann— Biinester. ('r«»}»ley Sharavogue. T Sarkiea Bluejacket. Nirvana
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  • 228 251 The output of tin from the Malay Peninsula is mainly dependent on the prevailing market price, and there is no immediate prospect of any sensible diminution owing to the exhaustion of mineral deposits. Although the best known shallow workings are gradually being worked out, new mining centres, rendered
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  • 74 251 A sergeant was drilling a number of raw militiamen at camp at Buddon, but his efforts seemed to meet with small success. Finally, their attempts to dress up in a straight line so exasperated him that he addressed them in the following strain Canna ye stan' up in a straicht
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  • 175 251 Yesterday a Mr Smith reported to the Police that the residence of Mrs Knocker, 171 Sirangoon-rd, had been broken into by burglars on Thursday night and a large quantity of jewellery and other articles, valued at over $1,100 had been stolen. On Mr Smith describing some of
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  • 322 251 Some Interesting Figures. An interesting Parliament my paper was issued recently giving a return of the military forces in South Africa from 1899 to 1902, and a detailed table of the reinforcements sent to the Cape from the outbreak of the war until the conclusion
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  • 489 251 The attention now being paid to the subject of rifle shooting at Homo is bound to have a good effect, if we hare, as Mr Chamberlain thinks, to rely ultimately on voluntary service. A correspondent of the Spectator Bonds the scores of a team of nine men firing
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  • 426 252 The editor of the Echo de Chine has just made a voyage to Japan, going in the French mail steamer Polynesien," and returning in the German mail steamer Prinzess Irene," and he publishes in his paper a comparison between the two lines. The service on
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  • 606 252 The report on the Straits Settlements for the year 1901, which is signed by Mr W T Taylor, Colonial Secretary, has been issued as a Parliamentary paper. It comprises a synopsis of the Tarious departmental reports concerning the trade, finance and industry of the colony which have already
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  • 106 252 In compliance with the proposed alterations and additions to the works of the Mount Morgan Mine, a 65-ton shovel has been ordered from America. This enormous implement is intended to remove waste rock and overburden by the ton, where it is now moved by the pick. It
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  • 229 252 A pardonable ignorance of the conditions prevailing in the Dutch East Indies has led many an industrious journalist into committing himself in dealing with the supposed future of Dr Leyds. It has come to be widely accepted that the arch-schemer will eventually settle down as a judge
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  • 131 252 More Dual Capacities. In proposing this measure lx?fore the Civil Commission at M;inila, Judge Ide characterised the existing conditions as intolerable, the bill was an attempt to remedy these evils. The charges that are now imposed for lighterage, he said, are excessive and unreasonable. The present system,
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  • 504 252 The M Sovereign" has l>een jumping on the "Daily Mail" because it has been talking about the difference between the American and English styles of lawn tennis, taking as its text the results of the recent matches in America. The M Sovereign" says a good many sensible things
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  • 422 252 In the middle of the Colorado desert, a little to the north of the Mexican border and 264ft below the level of the sea, lies a field of crystallised salt more than a thousand acres in extent, presenting a surface as white as snow, and beneath
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  • 523 252 The prospect of an American cable to Manila and China within two years calls the attention of the newspapers to tie rapid development of the Pacific. The British Pacific cable between Canada and Australia is expected to be completed and in operation before Christmas, our isthmian canal
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  • 54 252 Among the ecclesiastical petitions down for hearing before Mr Justice Hyndman Jones in the Supreme Court this morning were those in the estates of the late Mr J Hassner the petitioners bein^ Mrs Anna Hassner and Mr Rudolf Schmidt, and the late Mr A H W Stephen, the petitioner befog
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  • 134 252 The A Class medal was played for on Saturday by a large number of members and wa.s won by Col Oakes with 81 net. The fol lowing handed in cards Three cheers were given for the win i ;wi<] twice won the PresiWr^is on tin IhirM attempt
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  • 234 252 The correspondence published laal reel between the Christinas [gland Phosphi e Co and Government officials is, in a sens., mow amusing than official correspondence l y since many hard knocks are admin, O u both sides. The conv sp on,l,,nv extend from Sept 1901 to July I<M>2, and
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  • 513 252 The first South African War thufl we have heard of to come to Singapore is thai of Mr T Baird, who went out in romiM-ii..]! With the Soldiers Christian Association MM Baird was in Pretoria three davs aft 1,..r.^H Rol)erts, haying previously Ven with I, ><■ Methuen. The S
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  • 651 253 |rj"he Russian transport Kazar'' left for ■Luiivostock on Saturday. IWe hear that Mr J M Fabrin has been fared and hM accepted the appointment of ostinaster General of Johore. Mr K She wan lias been re-elected the Amber of commerce representative on the jgwlative Council at
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  • 1758 253 There was a good attendance at the Race Course on Saturday morning in anticipation of the usual galloping previous to the closing of the entries. The work however was disappointing, for a great number oftyxfa Griffins were tried privately the prevvu^ Say as well as several of the
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  • 315 253 The New GK>ybrnob General of Indo-China. M 'Beau, the new Gov< rnor General of IndoChiiui, arrived here yesterday afternoon by the French mail steamer "Annam' from Marseilles. He was not met officially at the Wharf, but Cap! Barry a d c, was there to ascertain when it would
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  • 418 253 The Dutch Budget wa* delivered on Sept 18 by the Minister for Finance. The expenditure for the year is estimated at 164,500,000 florins, *nd the deficit at 8,000,000 florins. F C V Lane, the Sydney swimmer, put up a record at Bolton by swimming 150 yds in 1
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  • 408 253 Despite attractions at the Teutonia Olub and tbo Town Hall there was a large at ten. lance at Harinston's on Saturday night, and the excellent programme thai wai presented was most appreciatively received. The feature <>r the evening was the reappearance of John SVelby Cooke, the jockey artist,
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  • 65 253 The connecting M M steamer La Seyne arrived from Batavia yesterday morning and leaves with the European Mails ex the "Annum" to-morrow morning. The Russian steamer "Rossija", from Odessa, arrived yesterday evening and left this morning for Vladivostock after coaling. The Apcar steamer "Lightning" is expected here from
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  • Page 253 Advertisements
    • 55 253 On Saturday morning a Malay named Dassim engaged a rikisha at Johnston's Pier and on arrival his destination left a bundle of sarongs valued at $20 in the rikisha. On coming out a few minutes after to pay the puller he had decamped, but he has been arrested and charged
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    • 14 253 TheMessageriesMaritinie« steamer "Annam" is taking out an organ for the Catholic Cathedral of Peking.
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  • 243 254 THE SR E V ANNUAL INSPECTION. The annual inspection of the Singapore Royal Engineers (Volunteers) was held on Saturday at Erin Lodge, the Inspecting Officer being Lt-Col Fullerton, b e. That there was a good muster of the Corps may be gathered from the fact that of a total strength
    243 words
  • 292 254 On Saturday afternoon a number of the S V R fell in at the Drill Hall to participate in field exercises. The men under Major Broadrick and Lieut Glennie were inarched up Orchard-rd and into Government House grounds where they extended into skirmishing order for
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  • 356 254 Two Malays Charged with Manslaughter. This morning before Mr Marriott, the two Malays, named Umbi-bin Noneh and Sainat-bin-Che-nah, who were arrested on suspicion of having caused the death of a Chinese on board a tongkang off Changi, were charged with manslaughter. Mr Whitehead prosecuted, and Mr
    356 words
  • 55 254 A clerk in the General Post Office was today fined $25 and costs for giving false evidence to the )>olice by saying that another man had beaten a third party to death and left his Ixkiy in the drain near the Hindoo Temple. The Dvputy Public Prosecut r (Mr Innes)
    55 words
  • 716 254 I His Excellency the Gorernor leaves in the Sea Belle this afternoon. Mr B W Hullett, m a, Principal of Baffles Institution, returned from long leave by the Sachsen." Mr and Mrs W P Waddell returned by the Annam on Sunday, as also did Dr de
    716 words
  • 183 254 Th*Af here Mr BSt Konigsberg which oJAred f roin v..~*^ l Kon Septeinj)er 33 lor Havre and Ham"xjxiigy vm^Fenang, put in at Sabang (Pulo Way) on the sth inst, fire having broken out among the cargo in No 2 hold. A portion of the damaged cargo
    183 words
  • 454 254 AcS \>V*fc v»^ne Court this morning w^ V 3a^rhll serve as an example to Chinese traders in Singapore and certainly as a warning to European -firms who are in the habit of supplying Chined^rms with goods on long credit. Early in the present year a receiving order
    454 words
  • 425 254 Mr Nelson Ann* llQ yp?' son contributed -rfag-W d ndale and Mr H C RobinCiyilised Rac^' t 1 a i oint paper on The Wild and by Mr Robin>°n« JS of tne Mala y Peninsula," read British Assist &o^ in whi^h he described to the visited by thril^ktion graphically
    425 words
  • 432 254 From the views of a number of literary men "North American Review" we eitract two views, commencing with Mr W D Howells"lt is imperishable. Wherever two human beings or twenty, meet, it springs up and nourishes f rom tb talk> Ifc t8 P soms from stems
    432 words
  • 274 254 The Preliminary Trial. After tiffin yesterday the Hy Jams whose arrest was chronicled in these columns list week, were charged before Mr Beattv frith being members of an unlawful society. Mr Innes, the Deputy Public Prosecute *M prosecuted, the prisoi^^^K>^l_jLij^pi* l r4 iif E*seGt t -~-*a£°» P®>
    274 words
  • 225 254 The Cape Times hint- that Sir J K Ridgeway. Governor of Oy]<>n. W »H r 'W B Lord Milner. It may l*> premature t<> 'li-fl Lord Milner's successor, but it is not at ;>ll likely that Lord Milner may, now th;itl broad lines of the South
    225 words
  • 34 254 Mr J Stewart Black. who ivm_. IK Vice-consulship at Bangkok. Iki> l' u office under the Minister of Jiwti«v tKe Appeal Court.) He was call^l to the^» •it the Kiddie Temple in ll'<» I
    34 words

  • 1956 255 Under the above heading the Scotsman of Sept 16 publishes an article from a Bangkok correspondent which professes to give a clear statement of the actual state of affairs." The Scotsman in a leader says His opinion *uGe& not be taken as representing all sides
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  • 102 255 Thi» morning Malay clerk in the employ of a solicitor was charged before the Second Magistrate with trespass in the Detective Station. The prisoner stated he went to the Station to see his grandmother, who, he was informed, had been locked up. He obtained pentifsftion'
    102 words
  • 959 255 The Crown Prince of Siam left Southampton on Oct 3 on the "Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse" for New York. H B H will spend some weeks in America, and will probably return by one of the Empress boats from Vancouver. In Japan the Oown Prince will
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    • 74 255 The British no Longer Enemies. De Wet speaking at Brussels denied that he had come to Europe to seek a vain support in efforts to regain independence. What he wanted was help in repairing the ravages of the war. He should remain faithful to the new country
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    • 108 255 Provinces Ceded to France. The Mekong Basin. A Treaty between France and Siain has been signed at Paris. Siam cedes the provinces of Melouprey, and Bassac and also the territory on the great lake between the rivers Rolnas and Pickkompongl France evacuates Chantaboon and Siam may keep troops,
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    • 185 255 Sir Thomas Lipton's challenge for the America cup was signed at Belfast yesterday. The American demands are pausing a serious rise in the price of coal in England. Scotch coal has risen four shillings a ton. The whole national guard of Pennsylvania has been
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    • 151 255 Manchuria, south of the Liao river, was restored to the Chinese to-day in accordance with the Manehurian agreement* The Kaiser and the Boers. The semi-official Norddeutche states that the Kaiser on the eighteenth of September intimated to the Boer generals that he was prepared to receive
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    • 25 255 John Kensit the noted an ti- ritualist who was severely stabbed at Liverpool on Sept 27 died to-day. London, October 9.
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  • 41 255 A meeting of the Society for the suppression of the opium trade was held at Lambeth Palace. The Archbishop of Canterbury, who presided, stigmatised the trade as a blot on the English name and an injustice to China.
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  • 39 255 Practical Measures Concerted. A conference of the representatives of the European railways was held at Paris yesterdae to consider the arrangements for the servicy on the new overland route to China via the Trans-Siberian railway.
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  • 23 256 The new Japanese loan has been largely applied for and it is understood that it is already well covered.
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  • 18 256 The Japanese loan has l>een closed. It was covered about three times. London, Oct lt>.
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  • 24 256 Seventy thousand out of one hundred and twenty thousand French miners have ol>eyed orders for a «reneral strike.
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  • 218 256 The Turl ish force* have dispersed the bund of Bulgarians in Macedonia. Another Kx M P Committed. Mr Dennis Kilbride, late M I* for North (lalwav ha--, been committed for trial at Octhlone on a charge of inciting to murder. [Mr Kill-rid*' is an Irish tenant fanner
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  • 41 256 At the Conference of the Unionist Party ai Birmingham on the Education Bill Mr Chamberlain said thai the Bill would not be withdrawn. If it was defeated, which he did not think was poaiible, the Government would resign.'
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  • 25 256 The first meeting of the re-constructed Cabinet was held to-day. The principal subject of discussion was the Education Bill.
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  • 100 256 The advent of the cold weather and the dearness of fuel are causing great suffering among the poor of Montreal. There is a marked increase in the mortality rate of children. English Coal to France. Numerous shipments of English coal are bein^ made to France owing to
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  • 38 256 Movements of troops are observable in all directions in Northern France, converging on the strike districts. There is much talk in the mining centres of a monster march of the strikers on Paris.
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  • 23 256 Active operation! have l>een resumed in Somaliland. Colonel Swayne captured 5,000 camels and 10,000 sheep in the Hand country.
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  • 43 256 The Cediundene conveying a bronze statue of Gordon i\>r Khartoum lias been sunk in a collision in tbe Thames. The vessel has since been refloated and the atatue has been transferred to the u Lesbian. I >ndon, Oct 12.
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  • 18 256 Lord Roberta and Lord Kitchener have been presented wit h the freedom of Liverpool.
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  • 71 256 The result of the protest of Colombia to the United States, with regard to the action of Admiral Casey in preventing the Colombian troops crossing the isthmus of Panama, has been that the Admiral has been instructed to avoid any infringements of Colombia's right of Sovereignty
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  • 37 256 The Turkish troops have had desperate encounters with Bulgarian bands on the eighth and ninth at Petrich. Three hundred Bulgarians resisted the Turks for tw r o days, losing forty killed and |sixty wounded.
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  • 102 256 Rosebery Indifferent. Mr A W Black, M P for Banffsbire, lias written a letter to Lord Rosebery in which lw asks if the latter considers the differences between himself and Sir Henry Campbell Bannerman are so vital as to prevent their eventual cooperation
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  • 65 256 The Boer Generals arrived at Paris fc this morning. The Nationalist leaders welcomed them and M IMcasse received, them unofficially.! The Boer Generals were entertained j^at dinner vesterdav evening at a restaurant in Paris. Cheering crowds stood outside and Municipal Guards wore also present to
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  • 46 256 The Brazilian Aeronaut Debradsky, and his assistant Morning navigated Debradsky's airship across Paris, manoeuvring it easilv. As they wore descending near St Denis the stool ropes supporting the car broke. The occupants fell 350 feet and were killed. London, Get 14.
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  • 23 256 Petroleum, coal and iron concessions covering sixteen counties in Szechuan have been granted to separate French and English companies.
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  • 41 256 The civil war in Venezuela seems approaching a decisive stage. An engagement has been begun at La Victoria between President Castro and 4,100 men with 15 guns, and General Matos with 6,000 men and 22 guns.
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  • 11 256 Mr Kruger has left Utrecht for Mentone.
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  • 13 256 The German Reichstag and the French Chamber have reassembled.
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  • 18 256 The French Budget provides new taxation amounting to 207 million francs to meet the deficit.
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  • 26 256 The battle between the opposing Venezuelan parties is still raging. President Castro has removed the capital to Lostiques. London, Oct 15.
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  • 20 256 (Special to the "Singapore Free Press.") Hongkong, Octol)er 10, 5.12 pir. Taomu, the ex-Viceroy of Canton died today.
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  • 75 256 (Corected up to October 15.) On London. Bank 4 m/s 1/SJ demand 1/8 T Private credits 3 m/s 1/B.] documents 3 m/s 1/8^ credits m/s V B H France, demand 211.] Germany, demand... 172 India, T. T. 125^ Hongkong, demand \pm Yokohama demand 23 pm Java, demand 101 Manila,
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  • Page 256 Miscellaneous
    • 1349 256 HESSELS IN PORT. \cas^£_War Flag and Tons Commanders Arrived From For When Cm^K Brit cruiser 4300 Startin Sept 20 Pulling r <;\TV Brit gun boat 680 Farquhar Oct 7 Penang Asaaff" B Jap des. 380 Horinouchi Oct 13 Portsmouth Yokoriuka If Other*? Flags Tons Masters Arrived From Consignees For When
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