The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 18 September 1902

Total Pages: 16
177 192 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 160 177 1 tn, 177 :1\ Propositions, 177 rom Crime, 177 I. All. 17--i Crowding, 17^ 178 ■i-l the I riple Alliance, 178 i ■>f Forms, 178 I durbar ;it Delhi* 178 Bui Usel< 178 Km 17--nsi< >ns, I 7 Nl WB rd Murder, 180.181 i I discovered, 1 89 Pinafore,"
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  • Domestic Occurrences.
    • 42 177 At 10b, v,,,.,, Ming Vu.-ii Road, Shanghai the wife of Wii.i.iam Harris, H B M Office of Works, of twins. s.,n and daughter. Herbert.- At Bangkok on the 6th September. 1902, the wife of Edward G Herbert, of .i daughter (prematurely).
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    • 20 177 jOHfl Rieoen, Superintendent Engineer Korddeutscher Lloyd, to Marie Appel Kamidaughter of Chr. Appel ECampof Bremerhaven. Hongkong papers please copy,
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    • 96 177 By telegram, at the General Hospital, Malacca, Char lbs Chase Currier. Penang papers At the General Hospital, Singapore, on Sept 10th. of sunstroke, T Jelltcoe. late Master of tli" ss. "Chow Phya and Singapore." Aired •> On the 22nd August, at Kobe. J M Bi citizen of the United
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  • 216 177 The last mail from h6me came by the M M Salazie" bringing letters of date Aug '2'2. whilst the M M "Tonkin* 1 took the homeward mail on Monday. The PA <> Parrauiatta" will carry thi> mail on Friday. The trial and conviction of Josef Goin, the Frenchman
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  • 32 177 Heft shall the Press the People's ripht maintain, Unawed by influence and unbrihed by gain; Here patriot Truth her glorious preceptfl draw, Pledged tc> Religion, Loyalty and Law.
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  • 693 177 One of thoe days, if the Harbour Improvement Scheme is proved by the surveys now going on to be feasible, and is considered desirable by the Legislative Council, this Colony will have to issue a fairly big loan, at least a million sterling. A similar
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  • 335 177 jn connection with the financing of the water-supply for Singapore, the Municipal President has given notice that at the next ordinary meeting of the Commission he will move. (a) That the scheme submitted \>y the Municipal Engineer for the construction of an Impounding Reservoir in the district
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  • 404 177 Freedom From Crime. (Sept 12.) The Assizes which were concluded yesterday were remarkable not only as being the smallest on record but for the unusual proportion of convictions to acquittals. Out of the nine cases tried there were only two in which some or all of the accused wore not
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  • Page 177 Advertisements
    • 191 177 -111" "Singapore Free Press' 1 rniiij» from Europe to the Straits by lilies are invited t<> send to the the name <>f their steamer and date «>f < >pies will then be mailed it various ports of call. I' VGE i i:< >.M ENGLAND T< THE kai; BAST.'. Johore,
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    • 46 177 SWEET GAPORAL The First Favourite Messrs KINNEY BROS' A LABGE CONSIGNMENT OF Sweet Caporal Cigarettes Made from the finest Virginia and Turkish Tobacco and packed in special VACUUM TINS Price per tin only 50 cents, Fifty in each Tin McAlister Co, SINGAPORE PENANG. Juu« IS ttha
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  • 665 178 Public Hialth and Crowding. (Sept 13.) The unwelcome appearance of a case of plague during the week in one of the crowded chetty bouses in Market -st need cause no particular apprehension of the disease spreading. The man was a recent arrival from India, and it is probably a mere
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  • 209 178 ALTHOUGH the sentencing to death of Josef GrOin for the murder of a Chinese rikisha coolie is not the tirsi instance in the Straits of the capital sentence being passed on a European, the occurrence is of such rarity as to call for notice. Apart from
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  • 489 178 Siam. (Sept 15.) The Siamese Question finds a place in most of the papers out from Home by this mail, the solutions of the problem of satisfying the demands of France little or nothing is said of any points with regard to Great Britain being numerous. The Copenhagen correspondent of
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  • 131 178 Laffan's Telegraphic Agency is apparently the authority for a statement that Holland intended to join the Triple Alliance and was willing to sell the Riouw Islands, opposite Singapore, to Germany. But as that statement is denied by the Ostasiatische Llovd Service, it probably only originated
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  • 116 178 The statement that the Perak Farms had l>een given to Towkay Lok Yew for a period of thiee years without calling for tenders has drawn forth a lot of correspondence in the northern papers. One of the reasons given was that Lok Yew had done so
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  • 554 178 The arrangements being made for the great Coronation Durbar at Delhi seem to be on a scale commensurate with the occasion. In some respects the function will be more impressive than the actual Coronation itself at Westminster, and it certainly will have an
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  • 389 178 Many local residents have been thinking whether a trip* to India at Christmas would not be an excellent holiday, and at the same time afford an opportunity of seeing the Delhi Durbar, which will be as memorable as that at Home, and perhaps even more interesting.
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  • 466 178 Pm Father of aU the Russia* has tend good advice to those of },i> peasant who recently got the idea into thei, the land was 10 be theirs. :Ul t) lf himself sanctioned their Uking it. Like other good advice it is life}, be disregarded. The
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  • 763 178 The chronicler of the current year will baw no cause to complain of lack of matter forcoi ment, either in politics, monarchies, srars, the weather. Apart from all local cinumstances in regard to the last named topic, vear 1902 has l>een marked bj
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  • 273 179 of the Tanjong Pagar Dock Coming to-day is invested with more iary significance. Usually it is a limiting function, interesting shareholders. In the Chairman's he found two points of general w irning to shareholders that they regularly the bonus which '•111 tor the fall in exchange* ►uld
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  • 166 179 H M S PINAFORE." The third performance of "Pinafore 91 was played to a full house in the Town Hall last night Although the audience was hardly as enthusiastic as on the two former occasions, the various numbers were Well received. Madame Fried and Mr Keillor, as "Josephine" and Ralph
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  • 187 179 Tln> "Siam Observer's' 1 correspondent at Battambong states that recently some servants belonging to the French Consulate at Battambong marched up and down the main road beating drums and loudlj proclaiming the fact that all those who owed money to any others than French subjects would,
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  • 278 179 The German warship u Schwalbe left port yesterday afternoon for Colombo at half past two o'clock. The troopship Pentakota arrived in port to-day with Captain Gwye and 387 details, on From Bwatow and Amoy there arrived in port yesterday and to-day three boats, the Hong Bee,* 1 u Germanis," and
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  • 915 179 The Colonial Yacht Sea Belle left her anchorage to-day and went to the wharf to coal. On Wednesday next His Highness the Sultan of Johore is giving a State Banquet at the Istana Johore, on the occasion of his birthdav He was born in 1873. The
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  • 65 179 The following properties were offered for sale at Messrs Powell and Co's sale-room yesterday afternoon Land situated at Dickson-rd, estimated to contain an area of 2,380 square ft. together with the dwelling house, sold to Shaik Owar for §1,350. Freehold Building Site situated at Manda-lay-rd, estimated
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  • 270 179 Mrs Stuyvesant Fish was to give a Colonial ball at New York on Aug 22. The stately minuet and other fancy dances of olden times were to be the chief features of this function. Of course, the costumes ami accessories were expected to be historically accurate. Consternation,
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  • 302 179 A telegram io Hongkong states that the Shell Line steamer "Trocas" went ashore at Perim, but has been refloated. The case against Henri Ash, formerly a clerk in the Solicitor-General's Office, Penang, of forgery, was tried beford Mr Justice Law and a special jury on the 9th inst. He was
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  • 286 179 FRENCH GRIEVANCES AGAINST SIAM. The following is a little list of grievances which France has against Siam according to the "Indo-Chine Republicaine." "The Government has entrusted the public offices to 200 Europeans, of whom 95 are English, to the exclusion of all Frenchmen. Siam has run after our subjects to
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  • 1713 180 (Join Convicted. The case for the prosecution was continued in the Supreme Court yesterday afternoon l>efore the Chief Justice and a specie] jury. A rikisha puller said that he passed a rikisha 00 the morning in question in which there was a European arguing with the
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  • 669 180 The Summing-Up. The Value of Circumstantial Evidence. Mis Lordship, before actually summing-up, drew the attention of the .Jury to the statement of Counsel for the defence with regard to accused being an escaped convict, pointing out that it was utterly irrelevant to t hem whether OT not the man was
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  • 296 180 The King has been pleased to creates new order as a way of rewarding civil servants of long standing, U>v whom there was as yet no especial mark of distinction. The decoration is designed to be the peculiar honour of public servants who have sp.'iit vears in
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  • 254 180 An engineer visiting Niagara Falls semis some interesting details of the progress of the electric generating works there, and points with satisfaction to the advances made in the Canadian installation as compared with that on the American side of the great cataracts. In
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  • 109 180 "Would you care to buy a bicycler enquired an ironmonger's understrapper of an Irish farmer. M What sort of a concern is that r asked the customer. "Oh, it's a machine to ride about the town on, and the price is only ten pounds,* 1 said the counterskipper. M Ten
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  • 668 180 (Vi„ AnHralia.) A body of Moors attacked i Pre, i column near Ainderlell both sides. A racial riot oocuiTed at Tupelo ot Mississippi. Four whites and Uah* were killed before the disturbanc. The Pubhc Prosecutor ha* deeli, action in the London and Globe Fi„ poration case.
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  • 84 180 A naturalist has I making obaerou the toilets of ants of genus alta, say* and lias discovered each insect cleaning process si elaborate ssths not only performed by herself, hut ly who acts for the tune as lady »-nuua sistant starts by weening the face panion andfrom
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  • 738 181 i understood thai a letter has been sent eminent bj the Chamber of Commerce „,,,.n ee to the reported "differential accorded in the matter of imports Kelantan. win of the late Mr W A Main (61) of -g St James, tor thirty four years in Hie
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  • 1527 181 Amateur Perfomance at the Town Hall. It is always a pleasure to record the occurrence of amateur theatricals in Singapore, because invariably the piece selected is put on the stage with so much attention to detail, and played with so much zest by the amateurs as
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  • 279 181 The Frenchman Groin, yesterday convicted of the murder of a rikisha coolie in Keppel-rd on the morning of July 6th, DOW lies in one of the condemned cells in the criminal prison awaiting the decision of the Governor. He is to be hanged on a day
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  • 110 181 Last night a Chinese barber was brought to Rochore-rd station with a deep gash in his throat self-inflicted. Asked for his motive he said that his towkav had charged him with being a member of a secret society and had told him that he would report him
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  • 14 181 There were a dozen cases of water wasting heard in the Police Court to-day.
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  • 326 181 The particulars which are published as to the new German Atlantic liner, recently launched at Stettin, indicate that in her the Germans will possess the largest ocean steamer in the world, and they will also almost certainly have in her the swiftest ocean liner. Her length
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  • 336 181 The weekly edition of the Singapore Free Press was published at noon yesterday and despatched to outports. For copies going by the French mail on Sunday a supplement will be issued to-morrow. The CiijH' Town Times weekly edition of July 90 gives a fine process block showing tlie village of
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  • 290 181 TttAGic RESULT at Tokyo. An employe in the Tokyo Infectious Diseases Hospital, named Takahashi loya. twenty-four years of age. is reported to have stolen a quantity of anti-cholera serum which is prepared in the hospital. The man called on a friend named Hayakawa. an operative
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  • 2177 182 The Yangtse-Kiang. (Social for the M Singapore Free Press.") The reaches of the Yaugtze-kiang above Hankow are somewhat shallow at places, notably in the channel at Sunday Tsland, as a consequence of which goods are transhipped to to a flotilla of smaller steamers for the passage
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  • 137 182 At what hour of the day is a man at his strongest and so fitted to do hard work with the least weariness P The Question is a strange one, and probably the answer occurring at once to most persons will be, 'When he gets up in
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  • 347 182 Beneath every Russian skin a Tartar: those who believe that ami fear the result of Russian methods in China will read with some interest the appended from a story book recently published L'hasa at Last." An amusing story told of a Chinese moneychanger, who assured the Tartar
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  • 233 182 (-Malay Mail.") Ulu Langkat will erelong boast oi a splendid bridge, 100 ft span, over the Langkat river. The work of construction is proceeding apace under the energetic supervision of Mr F B Macleod. Wo hear that all the small native tin workings in the neighbourhood of the
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  • 76 182 We understand on good authority that there are no further developments to record to da\ as regards the water situation. The rain-fall yesterday amounted to 0*32 inches, the Reservoir remaining stationary. This means that the inflow of water due to the rain was equal in amount to
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  • 482 182 CEYLON AND ITS PLANTING INDUSTRY. The appended statement from M r i v I son of the "Ceylon Observer 1 summary of planting enterprise in i I At intervals during the I with much labour, compiled planting enterprise of this < the result for publication. dustry in the world, probably,
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  • 192 182 The fund started by the Officer Coi Meerut, for the Stanley Oper I several of whose meml jured in a railway accident, Mr G the able musical' director, bein^ killed. I amounts to E3,660. Thl the Company, and four of the aien I hospital in 'that station, and ar remain
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  • 2068 183 Manager's Report to August 28, j 1 tnlt my monthly report on your milling operations. The mine and assay results of pros,ik. by the mine manager, show a f v ft for the period (4 weeks, in ide up of ln7\ ft sinking. 289 ft 163ft crosscutting, as against
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  • 273 183 In view of the many enquiries locally on this subject, we quote from a writer in the" Malay Mail who has evidently studied the subject. Ordinary pleasure, business or touring cars range in price from £160 to £800, 12 h p Daimlers. 10 h p
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  • 113 183 The steamer M Siam on arrival from Hongkong yesterday was given pratique and proceeded to the Wharf to discharge. The Spanish mail Isla de Luzon took in about 600 tons coal yesterday, and left for Manila this morning. The "Australind" left for Fremantle yesterday evening. The Lady Mitchell
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  • 76 183 The Curator of the Selaugor Museum thinks it is a common mistake, especially amongst Malays, to consider almost every snake poisonous. As a matter of fact, the venomous species are comparatively few. In the Museum's collection, apart from the marine Hydrophidse, out of 75 species only 15 many become dangerous
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  • 211 183 The case for Colonial Preferential Trade within the Empire is thus put by a correspondent of the Daily Mail":— All that we in England want is to secure the valuable trade with the Colonies and British Possessions that we now have, then to secure all future increase, which is sure
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  • 942 183 There were two cases of cholera in Kandan* Kerbau district yesterday A certificate of naturalisation lias been granted to Aug Khoon, Singa[>ore. The leave of Mr \V I) Barnes. Assistant Protector of Chinese, Penang, has l>een extended to Feb 18 next. Mr G Q Beth, cadet,
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  • 1240 184 Qvlrqiiltl mjHht homines uostri eat farrago lihelJi Juvenal. Cultured nonconformity is a contradiction in terms.'' This is the latest dogma of the provincial prigs who write for the M Saturday Review." We call them M provincial" because they are unable to see the bearings of their
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  • 261 184 Apparently the weather this summer has not been good for the eyes. ,tnd oculists have been almost as busy as the doctors. .Many patients consulting doctors about their general health have been suprised to learn that the trouble is due to the eye When a man is feeling
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  • 383 184 Simal. Aug 30. The resolution on the work of the Imperial Bacteriologist last year notices with satisfaction the increasing demand for the rinderpest serum and announces the discovery of a protective serum \\>v anthrax. It also states that the scheme for the training of Veterinary Assistants at
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  • 902 184 Friday, September 12, 1902. Present Mr J O Anthonisz (President) and Messrs Jago. Evans, Chope. Maelaren. Moses. Lee Choon Guan, Choa Giang Thye and Lt-Col Pennefather. Absent Mr Barker. Minutes. The minutes of the previous meeting were confirmed. Presidents Remarks. Mr Anthonisz said that the financial statement showed
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  • 586 184 The annual medical report for 1%1 the pen of I) r T C Mugnston who Principal Civil Medical Officer the year To his .report are appe Of special and department.,! the hospitals, raccination qua an estimated population of 574 and deaths registered gave i 39.85, as against
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  • 126 184 Sir Frederick Abel, K i B, Oxon, I»SC Cant, whose d in the telegraphic news by tohad a distinguished scientifi 1826, by the vear 1851 he h prominent position in th< holding from then until l& Professorship of Chemi Military Academy and in l** also appointed Chemist to tl ment,
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  • 631 185 Both H M S Vestal" and "Algerine" left moorings at daylight this morning and out of the harbour to the west. I ..Tel Bigot, of the French Colonial Artilbeen appointed Conunandant of the ('ape St James at the entrance to River. h Lighthouse tender "Cheribon" here
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  • 613 185 (Fr»9t our own Correspondent.) Tlie drought with which Singapore has been afflicted seems to have l>een general at the southern end of the Straits at any rate, for despite the fact that ten inches of rain fell in the Town of Malacca during August that month was in one
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  • 118 185 There was quite an extensive fire <>n Saturday night on St John's Island. It began about si\ o'clock and about half an hour later the police at the Central Station called up the Master Attendant's office and asked for a launch to go over. Communication was
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  • 290 185 Sir George Taubman-Goldie, in a letter to The Times," having stated that the charter issued to the Niger Company was the first one granted since the days of the East India Company and the Hudson Bay Company, Mr R B Martin. M P, writes: -The
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  • 141 185 THE CHOY SANG." The new Indo-China steamer M Choy Sang built by Messrs Wigham, Richardson and Co Ltd for the Indo-China Stea,m Navigation Co Ltd of London, arrived here from Cardiff yesterday morning at 8 o'clock. She is 200 ft in length and has a l>eam of 42 ft. She
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  • 139 185 How to get thin at least, moderately so— is a question that interests many people, and these will I*' glad to read what a correspondent has to tay «>n the subject. Just now." he writes. is the season of the year when anybody can reduce his
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  • 148 185 The second stage in the S C C v Ci\il Service and Law match, in the above tournament, was on Saturday, when the latter tools their innings, their opponents having compiled the respectable total of 209 on the proceeding Saturday. The Club bowling was very
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  • 543 185 Tin: Transmission of Disease In the course of his report on the medical department of the British Central Africa Protectorate, Dr G D Gray gives some further information on the transmission of malarial fever by mosquitoes. He says that the endemic malarial fever of British Central
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  • 91 185 The grab dredger, which has been employed at Malacca for some time past and which used to work in the Singapore River, has been brought back here, arriving in tow of the light-house tender "Johore yesterday. The dredger was replaced here by the "Mudlark," but it has been found
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  • 98 185 Literature has been asking for translations of Paul Deroulede*B famous poem La n\ est vaine. The following is the famous little morsel and the translation to which the palm is given: Peu de Chose. T La vie est vaine In peu d amour, Ln peu de
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  • 692 185 The return of the Contingent is thus referred to in the L C Fxpivss of Aug •J'2. The Straits Contingent, under Colonel Murray, will embark to-morrow on the PA 0 Bteamer "Java" in London. The returning force will consist of three European officers and 48 non-commissioned officers and men, and
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  • 832 186 H M S PINAFORE." The first night of II M S M Pinafore* was undoubtedly a sue. ess. Of the second performance the onlv tiling to Bay is that it was a great e- .> ue. Principals, chorus and orchest ra alike seemed to have settled down to 1 heir
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  • 163 186 Engineering," writing on the subject of mechanical tabulation, says the necessity for a calculating machine arose at the United States census, where the papers are not the simple affairs we are used to here, for no less than SO questions are asked regarding each person, and if any
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  • 29 186 The "Malay Mail" hears that a wealth v local resident is proposing to present a Maxim tfun to the Selangor Volunteer Corps and another one to the Perak Volunteers
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  • 2204 186 Colonizing Kelantan. By Our Special Commissioner. In my last article I gave some rough details of the manner in which the Siamese first came into Kelantan. I propose to show now how thev final lv established themselves there and what line of conduct they adopted to show
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  • 58 186 The Apcar steamer "Cathenn, Calcutta arrived here this m over 600 sheep and goats for th< market. The learner "IndrawadV built tl at Glasgow, is expected here a fortniirKt 1 The "Armtoon Apcar "arrived fro kong yesterday. H The M If steamer La Sevne, v With the OUtward
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  • 220 186 Next, week Singaporeans mil view of South African Troops who gaged in the late war. for the s s Mvll with the Ist BattelionoftheSherwoc* era, is due to arrive here on the 241 The^erwood Foresters, who way to Hongkong to relieve the R Pusihers, hold a proud
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  • 223 186 Probably the greatest performance, is<b sheer run-getting, thai has ever been dou< brrespective of class of cricket, iras the I out of W Hyman, who has played for v Betshire, for Bath against Thornbury at Thornbury. The latter club is. of coarse, world fani owing to
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  • 251 186 Value of the Newspaper. There is no phw where a newspaper comes in more handy thai an (yen car on a wet day, especially i* one an end seat. One can sit on the paper and kee from getting wet. "The Norwich Bnllel The Dutch Government ressel I and the
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  • 780 187 M S "Algcrine" returned to port last njjig, about nine o'clock, but left again this unnj on board the Purnea has just tenced to two years' imprisonment at for stealing f<>ur balls of opium, part consignment ahipped ;it Calcutta for i \s something particularly touching in
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  • 1538 187 Commercial Kelantan. [By ouk Special Commissioner.] In purr ions articles I have tried to show bow the Siamese have attempted step by step to gain a hold over Kelantan, in this one it is proposed to explain to what extent British industry would l>e checked should Siarn's
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  • 1043 187 Appended is the full list of addresses and presents from this part of the world to T R H the Duke and Duchess of York on their Colonial Tour last vear. 10 A Star-shaped Box. of unalloyed gold, entirely embossed and chased with conventional flowers, set
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  • 96 187 A fine new steamer of the Paketvaart line arrived here this morning from Batavia. The vessel, which is named the Van Biebeck," is a boat of o,°«><> tons odd and is well fitted for passenger accommodation, having room fordo or 50 lirst and second class passengers,
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  • 125 187 The Collier "Queen Eleanor" from Moji arrived at the wharf yesterday bringing for this port about 4,500 tons of Japan coaL The homeward French mail "Tonkin" left for Europe at 5 pm yesterday and the outward French mail M Salazie left for the north about the same time.
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  • 2635 188 Via Ceylon j London, August 31.-1,000 more prisoners have left St Helena on their return to the Cape. The Porte has refused Russia's request to allow four new unarmed torpedo boats to pass through the Dardanelles, on the ground that it would be a breach of the Convention. Twenty-five
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  • 161 188 Mr R Love, the genial Manager of Harmston's circus, arrived here by the M Van Riebeck from Batavia this morning. The show is now at Cberibon and will be on at the Dutch }>ort until the 21 st. Mr Love has engaged a special steamer from the Straits
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  • 75 188 The active principle of the pineem line, but owing to its instability t commercial preparation baa to f proved unsuccessful. But a pari f r r an aid to digestion. Bays "Science e has a powerfully solvent action ap<m crescences similar to salicylic acid somewhat slower in
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  • 151 188 The British North Borneo Coronal tingent will arrive here from home on V the 26th inst, by the N D I The contingent will toanahip i n f 0 the local X D L boat's running i. and Sandakan. As the Singapore < will probably arrive bv
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  • 4 188 fgfg
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  • 445 189 j. a emigrant coolie named flennasee T.niore died of cholera on the way to 1 1 1 4l „v uid was biineil at sea this morning. i I: N happ) returns of the day to BisHighr- Sultan of .Johore. who was born Sept II s Highness
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  • 115 189 lers will remember thai last month nine days wonder was caused by thedisirauee of an Italian named Lucchi in the i«|»b»\ of Messrs Pertile Co. It was found er thai a cheque of the firm for a sum I v bad been presented and cashed at Hongkong and
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  • 125 189 home papers we learn that Admiral guest of the King at the Coroua- w at Spithead. The gallant old Addown from London to Portsmouth '-fore the Review and stayed on board val yacht with Bis Majesty that night, I' -berts and Kitchener, amongst other Anguished visitors, joining the
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  • 2380 189 Half Ykarly Meetino. The usual half yearly meeting of this company was held this morning in the Town Offices Mr John Anderson presiding over the following the lions C Stringer, W J Napier, J M Alliuson and Messrs P HatYter, W A Cadell. F G
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  • 542 189 Preparation for the Autumn Meeting has been going on briskly for the past fee weeks and the extensive new stables and paddock present a lively appearance of a morning. Accommodation for over a hundred horses in. nice roomy stalls is now available, and when the coming meeting is
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  • 167 189 The Contingents from the following I I aies have been transferred from the Alexandra Palace Camp to Aldershot, says a Homo paper, for a course of instruction Straits Settlements, Northern Nigeria, Sierra Leone, British North Borneo, Jamaica, Ceylon (part of Contingent), Bermuda, Trinidad, and Hongkong. It is probable that these
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  • 1275 190 [Contributed to China Mail."] The murder of the two missionaries at Chenehon wiil bring into the troubled arena of politics the whole question of missionary enterprise in China. That there is need for reform of both OUT policy and our method of dealing with missionary work is
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  • 279 190 A atorj is going the rounds shout William C Whitney and one of his negro hostlers Mr Whitney had noticed that each time he visited his stable, this man Watched every move he made, and. apon one pretext or another, managed f<> keep near
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  • 402 190 The Lidgerwood Manufacturing Co. New Vork. has recently installed on the V S battle ship Illinois" the Udgerwood-MOler Marine Oahleway for coaling vessels ;lt sea. The merits of this system are fully indorsed by Admiral Dewey ami the late Rear Admiral Sampson. The complete equipment is now
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  • 206 190 Last night the harbour was illuminate for nearly quarter of an hour by the electric searchlights of H M S "Algerine." alrrfU* reCeUt i B*le <>f CUrum iu L<>ndon, native I W oftered for sale. Tin- native skulls, io traffic in which is now stopped by the Government, realised from
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  • 238 190 (September 17.) Bell's Asbestos Eastern Agency (£1), nom Bersawah G. M. Co. (st>) 3 Bruseh Hyd. E. Co. Be ll ers n". Chmdrhs G. M. Co. (€1) j Clear Water Dairy Farm ($100) §100 Fraser and Neave ($5O) buyera $8:5 Hongkong Shanghai Bank ($125) $600 Howarth Erskine ($100)
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  • 72 190 (Uokected up to September IJ.) On London. Bank 4m5... i Q 1/3 M demand \iq Private, credits 3 m/a js'" documents 3 m/a ls> credits Gm s ]}>'.* France, demand 21 o' Germany, demand... 17* India, T. T. u 7 Hongkong, demand i pm Yokohama demand 21 pm Java,
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  • 133 190 (September 17.) am bier t 14 do. Cube No. 1 22 5o Pepper, Black (ordinary Spore) '35 do. White, (Fair L. W. 5 p.c.) 52* Nutmegs 110 to the ft.) aq do. (80 to the ft.) 80 Mace (Banda) qA Cloves (Amboina) '30 Liberian Coffee I<l Tapioca, small pearl
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  • Page 190 Advertisements
  • Page 190 Miscellaneous

    • 26 191 An America-Asiatic steamship company bee l>een formed in New York. It will send steamer^ monthly from New York to the Far East.
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    • 97 191 Summonses under the Crimes Act have I>een served on the Editor and Publishers of the M Irish People in Dublin. The charges are of intimidation and criminu t «ous pi racy. [The -Irish People" ii the organ of the N.t tiomdists. and Mr W O'Brien is the
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    • 65 191 Later. Result of the St Leger. The result of the St Leger was as follows 1 Sceptre Captain Killirk the commander of the "Crete a Pierrot remained on board the ship to fire the magaaine, and perished when the si ip sank. Boer Generals in Holland. The Dutch Premier M
      65 words
  • 178 191 Numbers of Russian troopa and unmigranta are arriving in Manchuria. M Leaaar has advised the Russian Commander to expel th*^ British employees of the Chinese Customs \sl. > were sent to resume charge of the post fa service. The Press on the Boer Conference, The papers generally
    178 words
  • 140 191 Two French railway employees hare b»«**n robbed and nearly killed by Chinese between Peking and Paoting-fu. Bad Weather for the Harvest. Heavy rains have blighted the harvest Acres of grain have been ruined. The potato disease is spreading. A hail storm on Wednesday wrought enormous
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  • 32 191 The result of the late rains is that tie* harvest in England is the worst since 1800. A considerable rise in the price of wheat s expected.
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  • 50 191 The Dublin Corporation has adopted a. resolution protesting against the outrage and insult to the citizens of Dublin by the proclamation of the Crimps Act in Dublin, which the resolution deecribea as the most crimeless City in the world. London Sept 13.
    50 words
  • Page 191 Advertisements
    • 478 191 N Y K n r. A MAIL STEAMSHIP Co., Limited FORXSIGIiTLx Service is main- J;ij. h: ai d Europe by the following M.W TWIN SCREW STEAMERS. VI ail CowTa acts with thk Imperial .1 L PANES! JoVKRNMKNT. igned for the Company's European I throughout hj TOOI Ii u \\i jw
      478 words
    • 612 191 THE "Singapore Free Press" AND MERCANTILE ADVERTISER Cable Address Advertiser" Singapore. TELEPHONE NO. 61. Published at No 30-3 Raffles Place, Singapore. The leading English Newspaper in the Straits Settlements Johore, the Federated Native States of Perak, Selangor, Sungei Ujong, Pahang, the Negri Sembilan British North Borneo; Sarawak, Netherlands Indies, Java
      612 words
    • 821 191 ITALIAN MILK M /(^*P DC an?^^a^lLJf4(^tf^aal cc aaL^i M aaVl Gianelli Majno's Milk PURE NATURAL AND UNSWEETENED. Absolutely free from all germs of dise ase and fer mentation. The only reliable Milk for children and invalids. Unexcelled for culinary and all purposes. It is a well known fact that the
      821 words

  • 32 192 Lord Milner has started on a tour through the Western Transvaal to gain a local knowledge of the progress of the settlement. He will afterwards visit other regions.
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  • 125 192 American opinion is enormously increasing in favour of President Roosevelt's renomination to the Preaidency. The latest Republican State Convention has unanimously enthusiastically adopted him. A ipecial telegram t<» Hongkong says: The campaign text -book of the Democratic party in the United States aecnaea the Republicans
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  • 21 192 The trade returns show that the use of tea is steadily growing in France. London. Sept 14.
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  • 44 192 A meeting of twenty thousand peraona haa been held in Phoenix Park, preaided over by the Lord Mayor of Dublin, at which the proclamation of the "Crimes" Act in Dublin waa denounced. Beeeera Dillon and O'Brien made violent M't-eches.
    44 words
  • 34 192 The French Ambassador at st Petersburg, the Marquis de Montebello, lias returned to Paris where he has been interviewed. Ho confirmed the statement that he had been re-called against his will.
    34 words
  • 50 192 Tin' Boer Generala are expected in Berlin next week. The Pan German Party is making great preparations to welcome them. Alarm is felt in official quarters a* the prospect of Anglophobe demonstrations. Tin 1 semi-official journals dwell strongly on the impolicy of such an attitude.
    50 words
  • 75 192 (Later.) The Father of His People. A deputation from six governments assembled at Kursk by command of the Tsar, who addressing them, referred to the peasant troubles of last spring. He said that such disturbances would not be allowed in future and exhorted them ti> continue in honest labour and
    75 words
  • 45 192 A Militant Marine Minister. M Pelletan, French Minister for Marine Affairs, recently visited Ajaccio in Corsica, where he emphasized the necessity of fortifying Corsica in order to consolidate the French position in the Mediterranean and as aiming full at Italy's heart.
    45 words
  • 39 192 (Later.) Another Shamrock" Challenger. Sir Thomas Lipton has finally decided, to is-ue a challenge for the America Cup. Shamrock 111 the challenger, will be named, and it will resemble its predecessors, but will be built on less costly lines.
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  • 19 192 It is reported that M Delcasso is much annoyed at the speeches. London, Sept 17
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  • 55 192 M Pellet an has now gone to Bizerta, where he made another remarkable speech. Speaking of the French ramparts of Bi/.erta and Corsica, he said that there was no desire for war with England, but it was their duty 1» prepare for a holy war for
    55 words
  • 53 192 (Special to the "Singapore Free Press.") The Tariff Treaty. Hongkong, Sept 12, 12.42 pm. The Shanghai Cheaper of Commerce has been convened to-day to discuss the new Treaty. The general opinion is unfavourable, since the exact terms have become known. Telegrams from London indicate that there s a
    53 words
  • 93 192 The Chenchow Missionary Murders. Some Reparation Made. [Special to the M Singapore Free Press." Hongkong, Sept 17, 12.55 p. The Investigation Committee, which has returned from Chenchow, reporta that the murdered missionaries have been properly buried and that the mission house has been repaired. The local authorities are
    93 words
  • 219 192 Sept 10. Per Per Sappho Mrs Pape, Messrs Hills. Yamathita, La Brooy, Jacob, Danus, Newman. Plunketi and Edward. Per Sri Wongaee Mr and Mrs Van Ryn. Per So;. Belle: H E the Governor, P S, A D 0, and Mr Brocknian. Sept 11. Per Borneo: Mr Piper. Per
    219 words
  • 120 192 Sept 12.— Per D L Preussen From Rotterdam. -Mr H Kainpen. From Southampton. Mr A Hagedom. From Genoa.— Di; G Otten. Mr A Schulze. Imperial German Yice-(\msul. Mrs A Pahnke. Miss Marie Appelkamp. Mr J W Buckley, Mr James Miller. Mr von Brake! Buysch. Mr and Mrs
    120 words
  • 47 192 Sept 13. Per N D L Preussen for Hongkong. —Mr Jonnicke. Mr J Wandres, Mr Quang Tan. For Shanghai. Mr and Mrs Wilson and four children. For Nagasaki. Mr and Mrs S Kirk wood, Mr K Ossaso. For Yokohama.— Dr B Behein.
    47 words
  • 101 192 Specially compiled for tl e u Singapore Free Press. Date of passing Anjer Nationality and description of vessel Captain's name Where ami when sailed. Destination. Sept 1. Brit. 4in bq., Lyndhnrst Panarell New York, May 16 Hongkong. Sept 1. Dut. str., Ardjoeno de Boer; Rotterdam, Batavia. Sept
    101 words
  • Page 192 Advertisements
    • 32 192 iT%ltor Lddlesl Pi I****' A Remedy for all B:tter Affbi ÜBJI L t«tl F>ld by Singapore Dispensing t Raffle. Place, Singapore. I*TOV* „r ,n AjS* atABTIN. «k— euUrWASttWN i Vr^e
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  • Page 192 Miscellaneous