The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 26 March 1902

Total Pages: 16
185 200 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 57 185 'i i> if to March 25.) On London. 4i j t/m p. and ,/qjl credits 3 m/s ilgi? •> documents 3 m/s i/ 9 .credits 6 m/s ,/,o "MCE, demand.... 7 «i ««MANV, demand 18 Vokoham demand f^pn, VA demand ,oo «N'U, demand "I?*™ 5» k °> England Rate
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  • 49 185 T (March 25. $74 25 > v* 1 rdin f ar y Spore) 30.00 »|-5O X? (Ar ;.y;;;;;;; 'i'TKaiV^v;; "'.so *c (do. do.) s4o c ar (Hair do.) 5.4P •te (Fai, d.4 1.55 4-2O 10. 1 fe:.:.... S^r a None. thousand 3^ W^ 342 i a "f 3- 80
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  • 950 185 Hrre shall the Pres* the People's right maintair Unawed by influence and unbribed by gain; Mere patriot Truth her glorious precepts draw. f "-'"-H to Religion, Loyalty, and Law. Our readers may remember that a former Chinese Consul m Singapore was discovered to have been
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  • 535 185 The Franco-Russian Declaration. (March 2 1 st.) It is a little difficult to understand why France and Russia should have put themselves to the trouble of issuing a joint-note to the other Poweis, whose ostensible object is to affirm the superficially obvious. Whatever ideas of aggrandisement France, or Uussia, or
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  • Page 185 Advertisements
    • 293 185 CONTENTS. fi ng Returning Chinese, 185 flic Franco-Russian Declaration, 185 Cab c Kates ig# Rjkista Coolies m Hongkong, 186 Mr. Kynneisley, 186 ar^ement, Ccurnment and Agriculture, 186 The Block m (he Canal, 186 Pol: I t OLRT News. A Burglar Captured, An Alleged Harbour Thief, 187 A \Ve!i- Merit d
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    • 127 185 Funagoya Tansan The above mineral water, for which we were recently appointed sole agents by Hasegawa Co. o\ Kobe, Japan, is bottled at Funagoya spring m Kuishui, Japan, and is an invigorating and refreshing drink. It mixes excellently with whisky, brandy or milk and m this respect is usually preferred
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  • Page 185 Miscellaneous
    • 275 185 THE WEEK. The last direct mails for Home were carried by the P. and O. Chusan on Friday and the N. D. L. Kiautschou on Monday The P. and O. Bengal brought out the Home mail of Feb. 28th on Saturday, and this weekly issue will be taken by the
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  • 554 186 f rivate nkishaand chair coolies m Hongkong have given a lot of trouble to their employers of late and a Commission was appointed to enquire into and report on the question last year. As a result of that enquiry, a bill has now been read t
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  • 360 186 The announcement made m another column, by tt.e General Manager of the Eastern Extension Australian and China Telegraph Company of a reduction of rates from April isi will be warmly welcomed. The new rates are to be to Europe $1.75 per word (instead of $2 25);
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  • 306 186 Mr. Kynnersley. (March 24th.) Nor for many years has a Government Offiical gone Home on leave with so marfy good wishes as those expressed for Mr. KYNNERSLRY, who sails by the Kiatschou this afternoon. Members of the Civil Service and those who were designated by Sir Frederic Dickson as the
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  • 241 186 ONE of the most important questions of the day m the Far East, m reference to the welfare of the mercantile marine, is the growing inadequacy of many existing docks to take m the big modern vessels of the great mail-carrying lines. Ships are rapidly out-growing the docks
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  • 800 186 In another column is given the majorportion of the annual report of the Selangor Planters Association for 1901. Taken m conjunction with an appendix to the latest number of the Selangor Gazette y Mr. Stanley Arden's report on the Experimental Gardens of Selangor, it leads
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  • 308 186 Ridtkk has not been very explicit m hi wires about the blocking of the Saei Canal On the 17th ho told v* that a potrolcm steamer was on fire m the Canal, whirl) would probably cause a delay of thi* daysjto vessels passing. A we^k
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  • 280 186 The third annual general meeting^ the Sipiau Tin Company Ltd. was heM yesterday at Gresham House, Battery Ro^i and Mr. Tedlie, who was present, repoctai to the shareholders as under: Monitor.— So. i has now a well graded »lu;ceol sufficient length. The output for this month. during
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  • 584 187 OkKod Hose returned here from Penang JSTfin SentJt**ti*r. Tbr 5.a L^ ok brought 1,171 coolies \L Straits yesterday and to-day the sSi«i arrived with over $00. y rt Rizal, the widow of the Filipino rtr died at Hongkong on the 14th, illness of eighteen months. late
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  • 117 187 At 3 o'clock yesterday morning two police constables on duty m Kirn Seng-rd, neard shouts for Police, and saw a Chinaman run out of No. 5 Kirn Seng-rd, carrying something. The constables pursued a an Wh ran into the m n g r <>ye swamp off Kirn
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  • 226 187 esterday the Marine Police arrested a Chinese twakow man on a charge of fraudulently attempting to obtain 200 tins of paraffin oil, the property of Messrs Hooglandt Co., from the Serang of 1 onglsang No. 33, who states that he arrived from Pulau Sanibau yesterday and
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  • 157 187 At the Assizes this morning, before Mr. Justice Hyndman Jones, Kader Mydin was tried on charges of theft, dishonestly retaining stolen property and assisting m concealing stolen property. The Attorney General proseculed and Mr. Van Cuylenberg defended. In the beginning of the present year Messrs. J. Little
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  • 247 187 A PUNA\G VISW. There seems every probability that the Singapore Harbour Scheme will be muddled. One of the main features of any extension of the harbour facilYes has always been the provision of largely increased accommodation for oceangoing steamers, and Mr. Kynnersley m his >peech-says Hut it
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  • 54 187 Mr. and Mrs. J. J. M. Fleury are leaving by the Ballaarat to-morrow morning. Mr. Fleury is going on sick leave fcr nine months and is replaced m the Netherlands Consulate by Mr. J. J. Hulstkamp, whu has lately been stationed m London. Good health and a pleasant holiday to
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  • 1609 187 Appended are the chief paragraphs of general interest from the Report of the S. P. A. for 1 90 1. The quotations from Mr. Derry's able reports are too long to print to-day, but they are full of interest to planters and others. There are 68 subscribing
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  • 277 187 The following is a copy of an Address which was presented to Mr. Kynnersley at his Office yesterday morning. The Address was signed by numerous members of British, Chinese, Arab and Malay Communities and was handed to Mr. Kynnersley by Mr. Stringer
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  • 56 187 The homeward French mail steamer Oceanien which was detained at Colombo for nearly a week waiting for the arrival of the broken down Australian steamer from Marseilles, and was fully a week late on arrival here, will not be able to leave here for Marseilles next Sunday, her fixed date,
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  • 1369 188 A Retrospect. (2oth March, 1591.) (20TH March, 1902.) On the 20th March 1891, exactly eleven years ago, an article appeared m the Singapore Free Press of which the following is the greater part: Singapore has witnessed, m the course of its history, occasional effoits to organize
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  • 351 188 "ongkong and Shanghai papers.) Shanghai, March 14. The Chinese Court will leave Peking on the 13th April to sacrifice at the Western tombs. The Empress- Dowager does not return to Peking* till the autumn. The Whangpoa Conservancy Board meets for the first time on Monday, the 17th inst. There
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  • 1055 188 tfrom Bur own Correspondent^ His Highness, the Rajah of Sarawak, is expected to arrive m Singapore by M.M. S.S. Laos on the 28th April. The heavy rains and floods have been succeeded by a fortnight of dry weather such as is rarely experienced m the wet monsoon. During this
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  • 479 188 The half yearly meeiing was heii vg* terday, Mr. C. W. Laird m the Cl 3 there being also present Messrs. Fanjial Kirn, Tan Keong Saik, Lee Ch, ng Van Vow Ngan Pan (Directors) an 1 Messrs! j Buckley, Menke, Hube, Kh >ry, D. K. Somerville, P.
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  • 105 188 By the Catherine Apcar, whicb here yesterday evening, No. < l a Hongkong and Singapore Battalion X came to Singapore. The vessel remained out m the war anchorage during the uitflit ;imJ til** into Port this morning going a* oll the wharf, after quarantine insp*? 1 and disembarking
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  • 1459 189 '"TTTvV. H. FRIZELL, Honorary Treai the Victoria Memorial Fund, fora first list of subscriptions. A d list will be issued m a few days. The Tientsin A.D.C have played The liiistrate with great success. Preparations are under wajr m Tientsin the celebration ol King Edward's Coronation.
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  • 205 189 Complimentary Dinner. Last night at Bendcmeer," Mr. Seah Liang: Seah gave a complimentary dinner to the Hon'ble C.W.S. Kynnerseley, who is going home on leave by the Kiaoutschou on Monday next. Covers were laid for 42, and among the guests were all the Official and Unofficial
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  • 262 189 A correspondent asks the Times of Ceylon to repeat the details of a specific referred to about a year ago. It is as follows: Dr. Mougeot whose investigations into the subject of a cute for dysentery have been attracting attention m Saigon for some time past, now
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  • 290 189 With the retirement of Brigadier General Lord Kingsburgh, the Volunteer force m Britain loses its brightest ornament. As Col. Sir John Hay Athole Macdonald his 16 group system of attack Won the admiration of the best continental military authorities, and it is enough to say that what
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  • 125 189 A dubious story couies from Melbourne. The Bishop of that city (Dr. Sanmarez Smith) invited his choir boys to a game of cricket, and played himself, scoring ten runs. Soon after he had occasion to look over the boy who kept the score, and remarked that he could not see
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  • 229 189 Fi*«t List. H.E. The GOVBRNOR, K.C.M.G. oq^ Messrs. Guthrie and Co 5000 Paterson Simons and C 0 tftA Hon'ble C. W. S. Kynnersley c.m.o. s (Ist insialment.) Hon'ble W. Evans loa (Ist instalment.) Hon'ble A. Murray 12 -(ist instalment.) Hon'ble F. G, Penney I2 (Ist instalment.) Hon'ble
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  • 186 189 A OHALLBNGB.0 HALLBNGB. Mr. J. C. A. Henderson, of Johnnesburg, and Sun-court, Cornhill, makes an offer, m a letter to the Times, to forfeit £10,000 if within six months any one can submit to a committee consisting of the treasurers of Guy's, St. Bartholomew's, Su
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  • 290 189 Another War Office Contract. It appears that the price which the War Office has been paying for .303 Maxim guns has varied from £130 to £50 for the same article. According to the Auditor-General, at first £130 was the amount that was paid to private
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  • 105 189 Three boys, charged with stealing golfballs at St. Andrews and convicted oi the offence, were recently sentenced as regarded two of them to receive six strokes with a birch-rod, while the third was sent to a reformatory for three years. The case was of a quite ordinary description, but a
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  • 195 190 Extract from the Manager's Report for the month ending March 12th. 130 ft. Cross-Cut. This has been driven a further 33 ft and the western lode has been struck at 121 ft. from the shaft. Western Lode, South Drive.— -Driven 18 ft., the quartz is
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  • 201 190 The annual report on the administration of justice m Siam states that the question of organising courts m the interior is conditional on men being found fitted for the position of judge. The number of law students who qualify annually is only about ten, a number insufficient for the needs
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  • 207 190 At the inspection of the East Coast Railway Volunteers General Hill, Inspector-General of Volunteers m India made the following remarks m the course of his speech I am pleased to find that the rifles were clean and bright, but many of them were very oily, and
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  • 1430 190 A Triplb Bill. Captain Wynter has done so much during the lime he has been m Singapore towards providing amusement m the amateur theatrical way, that it struck one as being a great pity that the audience at the Town Hall last evening, when the
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  • 79 190 According to the Universal Gazette the Chinese Tariff I cmmissioners have informed Sir James Mackay that they would not agree to the following four suggestions which Sir James recently made m connection with the new Treaty of Commerce, namely I. The Importation of foreign salt into China.
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  • 118 190 The general rufeting of this Association will be held m the Town Hall at 4 o'clock this afternoon. The report says During the year 20 different cases were attended to by the Nurses, extending over 388 days, an average of 19.4 days per case, compared with 23
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  • 83 190 Tokio. March 7. The House of Peers to-day adopted a resolution declaring the illegality of the procedure of the House of Representatives m permitting the speech of a member of the Lower House, who denounced tl"' Imperially nominated life members oi ihe Upper Hou»e as Ministerial
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  • 338 190 It is a Pity a full house should n J have rewarded the efforts of the amat at the Town Hall last night. As on previous evening, everything Went that pleasant swing so highly charact^ tic of performances under the able r tion of
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  • 119 190 The annual meeting of thr abo?e ciation was held m the Town Hull yei day afternoon, Mrs. Kynneraley, Mn. Napier, Mrs. Frizell, Mr. Patcbitt (Hon. Treas and Dr. Glennie (Hon. Secy, being present. The report and statement of account; for the past year, (already given) were adopted
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  • 295 190 The Burma Opium Scheme to replace farming system should be watched with interest by the Straits Settlements Government. The following are details of the new Scheme. Licenses are not m future to be farmed. The numb shops will be increased and licenses granted ie vendors selected
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  • 22 190 Mr. J. Hulstkamp il rrco^ni Vice-Consul for the Netherlands i pore during the absence on leaf* J. J. M. Fleury, the Consul.
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  • Page 190 Miscellaneous
    • 257 190 A PUZZLE OF THE PORT Can you answer a nautical query Now being discussed amongst us all (Of course 1 mean seagoing people) Which we think makes us British look small. When a ship has been docked for a survey And according to rules of B. T. She is found
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  • 645 191 Abdullah bin Sultan Ali left for ngSES brthes^s. Win Seng. Chief Justice, Sir Lionel Cox, red fr (liu Malacca by the Sea Belle this TV G. 0. Meyer, which arrived here towed the Norwegiau barque 'aptain M olio, from Muntok here. The rate of exchange for
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  • 84 191 Mr. Loke Yew has arrived m Singapore en route for London, whither he proceeds by the Kiautschou on Monday next, his t lnt tion being to see the Coronation. With Mr. Loke Yew are travelling Mrs. id Master Loke Yew, Mr. Robson, (Editor of the Malay Mail)
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  • 120 191 Some days ago the Police arrested a sampan man m the Singapore River with ten slabs of tin m his boat. He said he obtained the tin from one of the Dutch Islands off Singapore. On being further cjuestioned he informed the Police that he lived
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  • 171 191 ATTEMPTS TO STBAL A POLILBMAN. On the night i6th instant a Kling P. C on duty in Market -st. saw a Chinaman come out oi a shop with two large rolls of cashmere in his hands. When the thitt saw the constable he threw down the stolen
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  • 150 191 Yesterday evening an opium shopkeeper living tit Semngoon was coining into town along the Serangoon-rd. when he was attacked by i'o u r,Ch and robbed of §000. No arrests have been made m connection with this affair. Anolher Chinaman, a hawker, reports that as he was
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  • 187 191 TO BE KXTRADITBI). In February last year, two well-dressed Chinamen entered a jeweller's shop in Bangkok and said they wanted to buy some diamonds. They examined a large (juantity of jewels and bought about §80 worth, and during the time they were in the shop they
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  • 44 191 The Pitsanulok brought 900 coolies for the Straits yesterday. The steamer P ins Regent Luitpold which is due here on the 25th April is on her first voyage to the firr east and she is routing out m the place of the Prinz Heinrich.
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  • 271 191 In an address on the trade relations between Canada and the United States, Mr. John Charlton, a member of the Canadian Government, said, at a banquet given m Chicago, that during the period of the Reciprocity Treaty, from 1854 to 1866, the
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  • 25 191 It Ims le -:i. decid-d to quarter the Colonial conii Nts who will attend m London for the CorcriatMW m the Alexandra Palace a«d Park.
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  • Page 191 Miscellaneous
    • 822 191 TOPICS OF THE WEEK. Quicquid agunt homines nostnest farrago lib elli IUVBMAL* We have been irritated of late years by the appearance m Punch of numerous chestnuts, often spoiled m the serving-up. Noah used to entertain his company with them m the tedious rainy days and nights of a certain
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    • 591 191 On the war, lie has been on every side for the war, against the war, and both for and against it at same time for annexation, against annexation, for peace without surrender, and other wonderful things. The truth is he has juggled so much with clean slates and white sheets
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  • 674 192 The Society Circus at Manila the other day realised $5,000 for tke Nurses' Home. The D.S.O. for presentation to H. Williams, Medical Officer, 3rd Madras Infantry iias arrived m India. Selangor produced 11,480 pikul of block tin and 13,165 pikul of tin ore during January, netting
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  • 958 192 A meeting of gentlemen interested m the Straits Settlements was held at the offices of the Tanjong Pagar Dock Company, London, on 26th ult., to consider what steps should be taken to ai d m the proposal to erect the Victoria Memorial Hall at Singapore.
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  • 352 192 A much larger and very appreciative audience attended at the Town Hall Theatre on Saturday night to witness the last performance of the Triple Bill prepared by that energetic and capable amateur Stage Manager, Capt. Wynter. The pretty littlepiece of Jerome's, n Sunset" went very well, the feminine
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  • 456 192 The annual inspection of the Singapore Volunteer Rifles was held on Saturday afternoon, the inspecting officer being Major Tuite 3rd Madras L. I. The Corps fell m at the Drill Hall at 4 p.m. and was inspected by Major the Hon. A. Murray, Commandant S.
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  • 109 192 The total number of deaths for Singapore for the week ended March 15th is 175— a ratio per mille of 38.71. At the Assizes this morning the case Lv Choo, charged with murder, was heard before a special jury. The accused, who is alleged to have murdered a young Chinese
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  • Page 192 Miscellaneous
    • 768 192 OVER THE_aisslßo^^ •i Gentlemen, to solace their wean^ honest pastimes, playe at chesse il min <Üb» mer's game, and the philosopher*'* tatro a©. whettes thyr wittes, recreates thevr c> w *ich hurts no body m the mean season.'- minds **4 All communications should be addr M Chess Editor, Singapore Free
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  • 183 193 CAMBRIDGE EXAMINATIONS; LOCAL SUCCESSES. rrtje Colonial class lists for the Cam- Local Examinations of December JToHbow that m the preliminary examitj n seven boys passed from the Victoria *titution Selangor, one of whom gained n d class honours. There were four from the Anglo-Chinese school here, h<> from the Anglo-Chinese
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  • 190 193 II entries for the events m the Easter competition of the club, close on Wednesday at noon at the Drill Hall. Lieut. FJli»tt [S. V. R.) is the honorary secretary. times of the various competitions are as follows. Carbine competition S. V. A. Fridtj at nine o'clock
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  • 333 193 (Ch na and Japan P pers.J the Peking correspondent of the ■< -lt-praphs that re is credibly informed that i<mg-chang ratified various concessions jWKaftoeielusive righ s for Russia m Manchuria, iluseot, and that the negotiations with Chines R.nk have been devised to hcod*»k *c Powers, Q reluctant to giant
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  • 2120 193 n«P pupping, Import, and Export O ffices will be closed on Friday, but open on Saturday and Monday between 10 and 12 noon. Yesterday three Chinese, for tfie theft of some copper plates and brass screws from the "njong Pagar Dock Co, *ere sent to gaol,
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  • 93 193 The Apcar steamer Arratoon A pear which arrived from Calcutta yesterday brought for Singapore Market over 700 goats and sheep. The Collier Gulf of Ancud arrived yesterday from Australia with about 3,000 tons coal for discharge here. The Dutch steamer Japara after remaining m dock for about a
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  • 62 193 The final games m the Spring Tennis tournament of the SC.C. were played off yesterday, when somewhat contrary to general expectations Beatty owe 1, beat Darbishire receives two by 9-7, 6-4, m the "A" singles. Beatty's line placing was his most effective stroke. In the
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  • 135 193 About a year ago, the steward of a mail-boat that was parsing through the Suez Canal, who had succeeded m stealing a sum o £7,000, tied it up m a sack an threw it into the Canal, evidently intending to return one fine day
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  • 1677 194 (Specially written for the Singapore Free Press.) Feb. 13th, 1902. I have just come from a meeting of the pro-Boer Frauenhilfsbund, which was held under the auspices of Fraulein Helene Lange, one of the most prominent and enlightened women m Germany foremost m every v^otk for the
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  • 497 194 A special meeting of this Council was held yesterday afternoon the members present being His Excellency the Governor Sir Frank Swettenham, k.c.m.g.) The Hon'ole the Acting Col. Secretary (C. W. Sneyd Kynnersley, c.m.g.) the Attorney-General (W. R. Collyer.) the Colonial Treasurer (F. G. Penney.) the Colonial Engineer (A.
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  • 292 194 Reuters telegrams via Ceylon referring to Lord Methuen's reverse, too clearly confirm the statement of the Malay Mail that there was reason to tear the death of Lt. Yenning R. F. A. in that action. Lt. Venuing and a fellow officer were killed while serving
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  • 16 194 The Mahsuds have paid ful) y f, blockade raised. The reserve for,., withdrawn.
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  • 23 194 Plagcr Oiucir, Major Evans, Plague Officer at pore, has been murdered by villa^ attacked him with hatchets and jj^
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  • 27 194 The half yearly Genera! Meeting o f ik members of the Singapore Club, held m the reading room of the Club tod at 5 p.m.
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  • 47 194 It is rumoured that the Government I India has vetoed the order of the Be Government, forbidding the employ of barmaids, as interfering with t of private contract, such a radical refo! involving financial responsibly needing prior sanction of th< authority.
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  • 84 194 London. February 27th. —The Prim of Wales had a narrow escape Iron sen at the Agricultural Il.i I, at Islington,The stallion which won the Challenge C ip Horse Show, becoming excited by the cheers, knocfcJ its owner, down and the pri/«- Cup
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  • 329 194 The prices quoted are general iv at Clyde Terrace Market. At the other here may be small variations. Singapore, March Jfth, rgoj. Beans, Long per catty ...cts. 5 Do., French do. 14 Beef per pound 18 Beef Steak do. Bean Sprouts per catty Bamboo Sprouts do. Blachan
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  • 2974 195 (Via Ceylon.) March 9th. Wales scored a splendid ie r Ireland at Dublin yesterday, winning by 15 po« nts to No score was made interval. Wales proved superior m the and was able to prevent the forward i of their opponents. The threelite out-classed the Irish quartette. Ives were
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  • 245 195 Two Wombs Injured. At half-past seven this morning a Bugis, a Government pensi< nt-r, ran amok. He had just recovered from an attack of fever and was sitting quietly m his house m Palembang-rd., when In- suddenly sprang up seized a kris m one hand and a
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  • 272 195 The S. S. Fuh Wo arrived here from Langkat yesterday with 13,000 cases of kerosene oil on board consigned to Messrs Katz Bros. It is interesting to note the smartness which has characterised the settling up of the insurance business m connection with the wreck of the Hock Seng. The
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  • 277 196 Sir Howard Grubb, whose name is known tl every one interested m astronomical and optica research, and who has just built the new telescope for the Radcliffe Observatory, Oxford, is embarking upon quite a new line of invention. He has designed a form of
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  • 212 196 Launching Thb Kaiser's Yacht.. New York advises that Prince Henry of Prussia has become a great favourite with the American people, and his visit is mad; the occasion for endless festivities. Yesterday President Roosevelt accompanied the Prince to Shooter's Island, where a distinguished company witnessed
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  • 470 196 Anoccasionalcorrespoudent ofthe Twies, m an admirable article on ihe administrative work being done m the new colonies, says But the supreme instrument of unconscious reconciliation is the system of free education admirably or^nni/ed and indefatigably carried out under the sup ;rvision of Mr. Sar^anf, the very able
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  • 403 196 Am'.Uhdicided Jury. At the Assizes yesterday afternoon, before Mr. Justice Hyndman Jones, the trial of Lv Cho for murder was brought to a conclusion. After a short deliberation the special jury delivered a majority verdict against theprtsonet. His Lordship, however, refused to accept the verdict
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  • 240 196 Second List, Brought forward $10,159 Meyer Brothers I^soo S. Manasseh Co. on A. I. Hlias Ban Seng Soon 400 Ban Hong 400 Gu*n Whatt Chan 400 '*ong Lee (Jhan mo JooVn Ch*n 400 lan bay Le« 400 Seng Lee Heng 200 TyeLoong 200 Sim 800 leng 100
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  • 787 196  - "THE CHINESE CRISIS. FROM WITHIN" WEN CHING (BY Edited by the Rev. G. M. Reith, M.A. The remarkable and instructive series of articles that appeared m the Singapore Free Press of last year have now been published m book form by the well-known London publisher, Mr. Grant Richards. The important
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  • Page 196 Advertisements
    • 45 196 Raneegunge Fire-Clay AND Pottery Works. Manufacturers of every description of Glazed Stoneware Drainage Pipes Surface Drains. Ventilators Roofing Flooring Tiles Tesselated lavements Stable Bricks Fire Bricks Fire Clay and Boiler Setting Blocks Large Stocks always on hand SHRAGER BROTHERS Singapore. Sole Agents F b mm
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    • 606 196 The Singapore Free 5 4MD \M Mercantile Advertiser I Cable Address,— Advertiser s% I Telephone Number.-^ I billed Raffles at 3o.3,ce,P Us n^ I -THE leading English News P an er X Straits Settlements; Joh! r Q^| Federated Native Sutes of P era gor, Sungei Ujong, Pahang, the Sembilan British
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  • Page 196 Miscellaneous
    • 67 196 Weather Kepurt. (March 24.) Taken at Kaadaog Kerbau Hospital Ob»erv«t, ry Bar. red. 32 Pah 29.943 *****' i>9 9^! Temperature 84.5 88.0 78 0 Wet Bulb Thermometer... 77.0 80.0 74*«.» E«r. <rfWind W.N.W. W X.W. Calm. Max. Temp, m shade 88.9 Mm. do. do. 72.0 Max. m Son 137.0 I
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  • 914 197 PROGRAMME FOR THE SPRING RACE MEETING, 1902. MAY 20th 22nd, and 24th FIRST DAY, Tuesday, 20th May. First Race. The Governor's Cup.— A Cup presented by v F Sir Frank Swettenham, k.c.m.g., with $200 money.— A Kace for Maiden Horses and that have run as Roadsters, Subscription
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  • Page 197 Advertisements
    • 475 197 N.Y.K. (JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP Co., Ltd.) A regular FORTNIGHTLY Service is maintained between Japan and Europe by the following NEW TWIN SCREW STEAMERS. Under Mail Contracts with the Imperial Japanese Government. Specially designed for the Company's European Service, lighted throughout by Electricity, provided with excellent accommodation for First and Second
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    • 829 197 G. Bu Lambert Co. PHOTOGRAPHERS. BEG TO INFORM THE PUBLIC THAT The New Studio AT 3a Orchard Road IS NOW OPENED FOR SITTINGS Week Days from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sundays from 8 a.m. to noon. Mar 17 mwf. THE BANGKOK TIMES. Cable,—" Times Bangkok." The Leading Newspaper m
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    • 692 197 Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen. COAST LINES v Steamers of the Coast Fleet. Toms n.r. Tons n.r Stettin 1582 Sandakan 1374 Paknam 1283 Kohsichang 1291 Tanglin 1280 Pedjaburi 1 189 Bangkok 1237 Pitsanulok 11S9 Korat 1323 Rajaburi 1189^ Singora 1 123 Chow Tat nl5 Nuen Tung 824 Wong Koi 1 1 15
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  • Page 198 Advertisements
    • 714 198 XT O Office. Telegraph St. AT Wharves. Keppel Harbour. O STEAM NAVIGATION Co. Steamers for CHINA, JAPAN, PENANG, CEYLON, INDIA, AUSTRALIA, ADEN, MARSEILLES, GIBRALTAR, MALTA, BRINDISI. PLYMOUTH AND LONDON. Through Bills of Lading issued for Persian Gulf, Continental and American Ports also for China Coast. MAIL LINE. OUTWARD HOMEWARD 1902
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    • 225 198 The Singapore and Straits DIRECTORY FOR CONTAINING r\IREGTORJES of BikoaPobk, PIHAM, Province Wellkslev, Ualav.qk; th^ Federated Malay Statks Pkkak, Silan cior, Negri Sembilan and Pahano; Johobi. Labuan. British North Bornko. Sarawak. Sumatra (East Coast), \VKSTKK?f (Dutch BobNEO, RIOUW AND Dfil'EN I»KN('IE*. Sak.mN IHI SIAM; VfITH AN APPENDIX Containing a largo
      225 words

  • Page 199 Advertisements
    • 629 199 fIOKDDEUTSCHSK LLOYD, I H AMBURG HISBSk XK G A LIMIB IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL. fhe fast and well-known Mail-steamers of these pcs will leave Singapore on or about the undercentioncd dates* OUTWARD. HOMEWARD. 1902 4 1902 King Albert Mar. 28 Kiautschou Mar. 24 PrtKzeiSjrene Apl. II Bayern April 7 sf> Lu.'pold
      629 words
    • 506 199 HOf sSffiKB« A ,s£ SHANGHAI RESERVE pund—l*'*********"*""***"***'* l0 *****00 Sterling Reserve*. $10,000 000 1 PROPRIETORS $10,0 0,000 Court of Oikbctou. Honq^oh^^ THOMAS JACKSON. M AN AOIl SHAManAi-H. M. BEVIS, Esa. London 11^^, Cou|(T¥ Ba||kim Company, Limit to. o« II,NGAP1 I NGAPO A RK -INTBREST ALLOWED On Fihd Deposits:— f!^ i*
      506 words
    • 561 199 REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. PARLIAMENT. A motion by Sir Henry CampbellBannerman, calling for the Government to institute an enquiry into the army contracts m South Africa, has been lost by 346 to 191. J [The following wire to Shanghai indicates that Sir Henry Campbell- Bannerman's notice was originally for a vote of
      561 words
    • 492 199 MR. CHAMBERLAIN AND MR, DILLON. TRAITORS In a debate m the House of Commons on the Consolidation Bill, on Mr. Chamberlain mentioning that 3,500 Burghers were fighting on the British side, Mr. Dillon exclaimed that they were traitors. 'AND A GOOD JUDGE, TOO." Mr. Chamberlain retorted that Mr. Dillon, was
      492 words

  • 535 200 March 2". Prosper, Nor., Christiansen, for Hongkong. Chow Phya, Brit., Jellicoe, for Malacca and Port Swettenham. Hong Wan, Brit., Hudson, for Mrar and Malacca. Hok Tjioe, Dnt., Hubert, for Samarang and Cheribon. Van der Parra, Dut. t Schmitz, for Pontianak. Kian Yang, Brit., Shimmeii for Muar Malacca. Van der
    535 words
  • 149 200 Pcf V n NG,ER^ -ensvan W, PabSt'^ r- F *"•«•>•• M K. D. OetFekz 'JK I™',1™', *aro" and Barents von dor f> I.L and OoTWM M«-- and Mrs. D. «Lf™^ r lMr a"<l Mrs. S. Gad, Mr. C Gau* Per MM. Indus, due Mar 31.—Mr. J.
    149 words
  • 310 200 Quotatiow. Paid. Divioii^ I BanU of China and Japan, Ltd. ii Nominal. £4 Deferred. £5-5/ f Bell's Asbestos Eastern Aeency. Nominal. 4 Bersawah Gold Mine Co. *3-S° /j> Chindras Gold Mining Co. Ltd. £i *> n Howarth Erskine Ltd. *»38 Sales. f ioo Jelebu Mining
    310 words
  • Page 200 Advertisements
    • 141 200 NOBEL'S Explosives Co., Ltd GLASGOW. MANUFACTURERS OF Dynamite, Gelignite, Gelatine Dynamite, Blasting Gelatine Detonators, ALL &JMDS Or Safety Fuses, AND Electric Blasting Apparatus The above Explosives* being all manufactured m Great Britain, are made to tass the high standard of safety and purtt} tests imposed by the British Government and
      141 words
    • 51 200 THE STANDAKI> TIMK BALLS. A Time Ball at Fort Canning, and one at P& Brani fall every day at 1 p.m., Singapore v&* time (Greenwich mean time 6 hrs., 4 tain., 35 »«Cfl being hoisted five minutes preriou^ly. If either c# the balls ghould fail, the flag W will be
      51 words
  • Page 200 Miscellaneous
    • 565 200 PASSENGERS BOOKED HOMEWARD. P. O. April 4. Per Oriental For London. Mr. A. J. Macdonald, Mr. A. A. Earle, Mr. J. A. Webster, Mr. Justice and Mrs. Law and two children and nurse, Mr. Voules, Lt.-Col. and Mrs. Whitley, Mr. C. S. Crane, Mr. W. G. St. Clair, Mr. Whitley,
      565 words
    • 880 200 VESSELS IN PORT. Men-of-War Flag and Tons Commanders Arrived From When Fearless Brit cruiser 1580 J. J. Graham Feb 4 Colombo Hongkong Mar Margaret Am. yet 138 Weder Mar 9 Colombo Hongkong; Mar Other Vessels Flags;& Tona Masters Arrived From Consignees For Wh« A. B. C£Brien Brit bq., 1037 O'Brien
      880 words
    • 219 200 Per Reael Mrs. Mueler, Mr». Gerla* Messrs. Korad6ffer. Rens, Smidt, Kri^ell Matsen, Doorman, Joosten, Taggat, Kcucheu'« Witctxhka, Gerlac, Bassilay, SchwarUi w& i Visper. Per Landaura Messrs. SiihauandCamiicfcae! Mar. 24.— Per Carlyle Mr. and MiMr, and Mrs. Fraser, and Messrs. Bes !erk,and Farmer. PASSENGERS ARRIVED BY THE MAIL. Mar. 20.— Per
      219 words