The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 20 March 1902

Total Pages: 16
169 184 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 112 169 n MMtMt HNNNfMNiM %73* l 'dc blC rT-M lI3S ao. Lube No. I 17.50 "Pper, Black (ordinary Spore) 30.00 do. White, (Fair L/W~ 5 52. A*!? UOS t0 thC lb 51 do. 80s to the lb) 69.50 p, cc loanda) 90 (Amboina) fl 32 U>cri an Coffee. 22 small
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  • Domestic Occurrences.
    • 48 169 Nn holson.— On the 17th mst., at Teignmouth, Devno, the wife of J. C. Nicholson, of the Hon^fcong £&nk, of a daughter. At Chindras on the 10th inst., the wife of William Hbnry Phillips, F. 1.1., Manager of the Chindras (told Mine, Negri Sembilan, oi a son.
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    • 105 169 Ker Hul. On Feb. 15th, «tt St. Mary Abbot's, Kensington, by the Rev. Canon Penne father, D.D., James Campbell Ker, Private Secretary to If. H the Sultan of Joho-e. to Jrssib Mary, widow of the laic Lieut. Lewis Duval Hall, 2nd Batt. Rifle Brigade. No cards. Wait St<>ki;s. On
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    • 31 169 B*i.'cr-\Vkrster.— On 10th March at 10.45 at tli3 Chartered Bank, Bangkok, Marian Kiniberley, the wife of George Bruce-Webster, and infant son at birth. Friends please accept this the only intimation.
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  • 76 169 (Corrected up to March 19.) On London. Bank 4 m/s i/gfj demand ....1/9! Private credits 3 m/s 1/9+s documents 3 m/s i/g£ M credits 6 m/s 1/10 FRANCE, demand 225^ Germany, demand 183 India, T. T 133k Hongkong, demand par. Yokohama, demand 13% pm. Java, demand > 109 Manila,
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  • 855 169 (March 13th.) Approaching St. Patrick's Day as we are it is a bit of bad luck to have to allude to the too large proportion of Ireland that is disloyal. It is always a matter for wonder how far, under treasonous talk, there is actual disloyalty. We have
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  • 301 169 lAiarcn 14m.; The point in to-day's South African news of the most interest is the statement, that De Wet and Steyn are moving in a direction implying an intention to join* Delarey, who has just scored well off Lord METHUEN. They, and the force with them, are
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  • Page 169 Advertisements
    • 382 169 |ADI«G ARTKLBS. Lawless Ireland, itg i Movements, 169 Jht il< utia Mint, 170 170 Fort Arthur Rumour, 170 i ecil Rhodes, 170 Xht l\it.ini Incident 170 170 ►otn 1 Coiri News. '7M73 fidence Trick, 174 175 Kwon* Woh Pit Sic, 172,173,176 hie king m Market-street, 179 s (1 Burglars, 180
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    • 20 169 K. MANJOOB, MARICAN Co DUBASH, SHIP CHANDLERS. Compradores General Store Keepers. No. 90 Robinson Road, Near New Iron Market, Siogapore.
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  • Page 169 Miscellaneous
    • 283 169 THE WEEK. The last mail from Europe arrived on Sunday by the German liner Stuttgart the French, mail by the Yarra having come m on Saturday. This homeward mail is carried by the P. O. Ballaarat. At Tuesday's meeting of the Legislative Council the chief business after some pertinent enquiries
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  • 278 170 The Government of India are again considering the advisability of abolishing the Calcutta Mint, and have invited the Chamber of Commerce to express its views on the matter. But it is considered probable that the view of the Chamber will be against the abolition of the mint.
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  • 555 170 A New Municipal Departure. (March 15th.) It is not as a rule that we should look to Indian mofussil Municipalities to teach us anything very new, very startling, or very lunrinous m Municipal methods. But we hasten to place before the highly intelligent gentleman who constitute the Municipal QryAmvsUby: <&
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  • 529 170 The Hongkong Daily Press prints a rather sensational telegram from Shanghai to the effect that Chinese merchants from Port Arthur are arriving at the place m accordance with orders to remove their families, as Port Arthur is preparing for a war between Russia and
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  • 170 170 It is a matter for deep regret to everybody who wishes well to South Africa to learn that Mr. Cecil RHODES is very seriously ill. From the telegrams that have reached India and come here by last mail from Colombo, the nature of the disease almost certainly indicates
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  • 573 170 The Patani Incident. (March 18th.) The one important point about the state of feeling m the East coast Malay States as described in-another cplumn, m reference to the arrest of the Rajah of Patani by Siamese authority, is that feeling is beginning to runhighintheindependent states further south, out of sympathy
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  • 820 170 There is a sort of lull m politica movement m the Far East, as a result of the agreement come to between Bri- tain and Japan, to maintain the grityof Korea and China. Russia, bcv^ I loudly asseverating that she too desirj I nothing better
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  • 670 171 The Japanese Government proposes to ate Lord Lansdowne and Sir Claude The Hong M oh, with 1,820 coolies for l straits, from Amoy and Swatow, arThe Russian cruiser Rasboinik is at the b rat Bangkok, having arrived there when t he Sencset left for Port Arthur.
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  • 134 171 On the Bth instant,at about seven m the morning a tire broke out m the Delische Bazaar, Medan, Deli, the cause of which is unknown. The fire blazed fiercely and m about half-an-hour the whole of the Deli bazaar was burned down and also the adjoining
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  • 194 171 The annual general meeting is to be held this evening at the Pavilion at 5.15 p.m. Among the business is the discussion of a number of alterations m the Rules, of which notice has been given. The annual report has the following paragraphs of more general interest.
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  • 248 171 The case against F. A. Oliveiro was continued to-day, further witnesses for the prosecution being examined by the Attor-ney-General and afterwards cross examined by Mr. Braddell/ 7*Up.r<?ase came to an end shortly after t/ffin, Mr. Braddell having made a spirited address for the defence, pointing out that the
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  • 116 171 THE EGERIA." Safe Arrival at Vancouver. London, February 12th.— The screw sin •eying vessel H.M.S. Egeria, 940 tons, four guns Commander C. H. .Simpson, which was dispatched to search for H.M.S. Condor m the Pacific, arrived at Vancouver yesterday. The commander explains that she remained at sea longer than was
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  • 99 171 A Peking telegram (27th Feb.) states that the Legation ladies were received at a New Year's audience that afternoon. Each child received one hundred dollars. We are very sorry to hear it. Diplomatic form at Peking, alter what occurred there, is of a distinctly inferior type. It is further mentioned
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  • 131 171 In addition to the telegraphed news that the telegraphic rate to India had been reduced, the L. C, Express gives the following: Notification of reduced rates to Ceylon and Burma will be made later, and we would also hope for the Straits and China at the same t ime. The
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  • 431 171 (Via Ceylon.) The annual commemoration of the participation of Australian troops m the war was inaugurated m Australia to-day. At Sydney the Premier announced that the Governmant is spending £20,000 m the erection of a Military Hall to the memory of the fallen. The latest bulletin states that M.
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  • Page 171 Advertisements
    • 258 171 HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. CAPITAL $10,000,000 RESERVE FUND.— Sterling Reserve $10,000,000") f sC oooo Silver Reserve 4,250,000 j I4l2S |OO RESERVE LIABILITY OF > Jinn nnift PROPRIETORS v. I ••—-**o.o-o.°^ Court op Directors. R. Shswan, Esq.— Chairman. Hon. J. J. Bbll-Irvimo,— Drpott Chairman E. Goetz Esq. I H. Schubart,
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  • Page 171 Miscellaneous
    • 693 171 OVER THE CHESS-BOARD. Gentlemen, to solace their wearied minds by Honest pastimes, playe at chesse, the astronomer 8 game, and the philosopher's game, which Ewhettes thyr wittes, recreates theyr minds, and s no body m the mean season." II communications should be addressed to the Chess Editor, Singapore Free Press."
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  • 881 172 Risumed Hearing To-day. This morning before Mr. Beatty the continuation of the charge against the eleven Macaus of being members of a thieves society was heard. The Sikh who was placed on duty outside the house, after the prisoners were arrested, to arrest any one who should try
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  • 293 172 Many have been the inventions to reproduce by mechanical means the human manipulation of the pianoforte, but thus far none have approached so near perfection as the latest achievement of the Aeolian. Company of New York the pianola. Mr. Sinclair, the courteous representative of the Company,
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  • 390 172 Writing a few weeksbefore Mr.Brodrick's statement m the House of Commons on the Army estimates and the increased pay of the private soldiers, the mil Mall Gazette made these observation* pn 4J&£ topic There is a rumour finding' considerable currency m military fnTTother circles to
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  • 157 172 Cjblonial premiers and other representatives gathered m London m June next will be called upon to express their views regarding the extent. if 'any, to which the various self governing colonies vJDuld be prepared to contribute towards the jiavy. Keuter mentions the spirit m which
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  • 74 172 The supposed Boer prisoner of war, who was found by the Police on Tuesday night m Neil-rd., dangerously ill with fever, and taken to the General Hospital, died there this morning at ten minutes to nine. Shortly before the man died he was asked
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  • 67 172 In connection with the Anglo-Japanese Alliance, the Emperor grants the patent of Baron to six of the Cabinet Ministers who have been hitherto without titles, commencing with the Foreign Minister, Mr. Komura, and raises Viscount Katsura, the Premier, to the rank of Count. Baron Hayashi,
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  • 181 172 Sacrificing a Doctor. That superstition and danger still accompany plague outbreaks is clearly proved by a recent event at Patiala. So far as can be ascertained, it seems certain city people remarked they intended to sacrifice a doctor m order that the plague should cease. Major
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  • 185 172 Lc Yacht, m a recent issue, deals with the year's progress of the French navy. There, also, anticipations have been disappointed, and ships which ought to have been completed long ago are still delayed m the hands of the dockyard authorities The Jeanne d Arc
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  • 300 172 A Long Jourvev. A party of gentlemen interested m liquid fuel visited the Murex at Thatres Haven on 12th ult. Thi* vessel has just completed the longest voyage on record under liquid fuel. The vessel left Singapore on 18th of December last, and on January nth reached Capetown,
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  • 993 172 The Siam Observer makes the statem given below regarding the recent arr™ the Rajah of Patani In reference to the rumours that have be culated regarding the Rajah of Patan., we J, the following is a substantially accurate accoui what has taken place. The Rajah had placed
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  • 201 173 """IT charge of abetment of criminal •X of trust against A. J. Monteiro, b f clerk of the General Post Office has further remanded till Tuesday afternoon. An inquest was held yesterday on the 0 the Kling, found by the Police m .ianiP off Neil-rd. As
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  • 323 173 \m> Dangerous Society. r tiffin yesterday the hearing of the was resumed. Inspector Howard prosecuted as Mr. Innes, the Def Police Prosecutor had to attend the of thr case against F. A. Oliviero at the Supreme Court. No 6 said he was a boileremployed at Tanjong Pagar. On
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  • 172 173 2 Assiz this morning Kadir bin a Malayman, was tried for robat^m d e murder, the Attorney s ol tl case are that on January «st the a^sed took a little Malay > ot seven yea of age for a likisha side h0)1 hou and whilst m the
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  • 216 173 At already announced the Philharmonic Society's concluding concert of the season ending March 30th will be given next Tuesday, the 18th inst., at the Town Hall. In the first part of the programme the Choir, accompanied by the Orchestra, will give the Cantata "Liberty 1 by Eaton
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  • 335 173 Final Ties. The rain of the last couple of days rather tended to spoil the final matches of the Spring Tournament. On Wednesday when several semi-finals were played off, the ground was a little slippery but not particularly heav;^. Yesterday however the turf was decidedly on
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  • 197 173 An interior province of China h s produced one of the most remarkable curiosities m the shape of long-tailed fowls m the world. There are fou r varieties— white head and body, with feathers and tail black white all over, with yellow legs red neck and body feathers;
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  • 79 173 Yesterday evening as a private pony and carriage was going along S »uth Canal rd, some one fired off a bunch of crackers almost under »he pony's feet, causing it to bolt and overturn the carriage. The carriage was badly damaged and the pony hurt, although fortunately there was no
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  • 231 173 Disgraceful State of the Kallang and Gaylang Roads. fo the Editor* Sit:, We the undersigned residents of the rising sea-side resort of Teluk Kurow beg, through the columns of your valuable paper, to draw the attention of the Municipal Authorities to the present disgraceful state of the Kallang Road
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  • 99 173 Mr. John Roberts, the champion exponent of billiards, who arrived here by the Pin Seng is playing exhibition games at the Singapore Club to-night, and at the Marine Club to-morrow night, at 0 o'clock. Members can obtain tickets for themselves and friends, from the Manager or from
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  • 214 173 The annua 1 m general meeting was held Pavilion last evening, Col. Oakes .16 chair there being also present Jl«esjrs. Pearce (Hon. Sec), Stitt (Hon. Treas.) Yade (Capt.) Moore, Stringer, Makepeace, Robertson, Gunn, McKenzie, Crockatt, MacLaren, Simpson, Fraser, Bowes, Lawrie and others. The President said the club
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  • 152 173 This will recall to the memories of many old associations with Sin bad the Sailor," and the remarkable loadstone mountain that pulled out all the nails from ships' hulls, and caused them to founder A few interesting details have been gleaned from the Norwegian papers, as to
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  • 87 173 i A Niw Loading Birth. The Lieutenant-Governor of Bengal recentlyopened at Kidderpore Docks ihe new mechanical loading berth for coal m the presence of a number of those interested. The apparatus comprises four hydraulic cranes with Beckett buckets, each holding five tons of coal. The speed
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  • 115 173 Tne Darius is expected here from Australia to-morrow with general cargo and horses for Singapore. The Russian Transport Petersburg from Vladivostock now m the roads, will not coal here but will m all probability touch at Pulo Way on her way home. The Norddeutscher Lloyd steamer H. H*
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  • 219 173 LORD CHARLES BERESFORD'S CLEVER RUSE. In a few days Rear- Admiral Lord Charles Beresfoid hauls down his flag and returns to England— and doubtless, sooner or later, to Parliament. His period as seco tO jl m command of the Mediterranean Fleet hai jen a time of great aclivity. Lord Charles
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  • 431 173 In an editorial article on Wei-hai-wei the P. T m Times writes as follows We are sorry for Mr. Lockhart for his chance of doing much is very minute; m our opinion VVei-hai-wei is m the position of the proverbial sow's ear, it cannot be made
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  • 94 173 The S.S. Penang docks this week for her six months survey and will therefore miss her sailing on Monday, the 17th from Singapore for Teluk Anson via Ports. It is expected that s s. Lady Mitchell will be despatched from this Port on Monday taking cabin
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  • 715 174 Mr. A. Cavendish has been appointed a magistrate for Penang. There is to be a St. Patrick's dinner m Calcutta, the Commander-in-Chief, Sir' Power Palmer, presiding. H. E. the Governor has signified bis intention of being present at the Philharmonic Society's Concert on Tuesday evening. Mr.
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  • 861 174 Quicquidagunt homines nostrt est farrago Übtlli. )UVBMAL* Look you, Mr. Editor, when Brown and Jones agree to sit up for a few nights m the burglar-season, to prevent their neighbour Robinson's house from being broken into, what do you infer from the fact that M. dc
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  • 793 174 All thb Prisoners Convicted. Yesterday afternoon the defence of prisoners No. 1,8, and 9 who were defended by Mr. Niblett was heard. Prisoner No. 1 said he was a photographer living m South Bridge-rd. On Feb. 14th he went to Sago Lane to collect money owed him by
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  • 61 174 The Royal Navy Yacht Valhalla i. m dock at Keppel Harbour. S n °*l The American transport Bufordtx yesterday afternoon, and will come t wharf to-day for bunker coals. The Russian transport Petersburg v for Odessa this morning. le n The H. I. steamer Pentakota arr from Rangoon
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  • 61 174 Last night m the Singapore Club \f John Roberts played Mr. R. VV. Bradd the amateur receiving 650. Mr! Br a d who played a strong game, ran out when the Champion was 783, thus winning 217 points. His biggest break was -I There was a large attendance of
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  • 91 174 THE WRECK OF THE "HOCK SENG." The official report of the finding of the Court m the Hock Seng wreck states tha> everything was done to save the passengers and crew who reached Penang m safety The Court blamed Captain Perm for trying to pick up land on a hazy
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  • 112 174 A Foolish Hadjj. Yesterday before a Court of Two Magistrates two Malay 8 were charged with cheating another Malay, a Hadji* by making him believe they had entered into an agreement with him to trade m precious stones, and dishonestly inducing him to give them $400. There
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  • 437 174 Prisoner No. 3, who was yesterday sentenced to 6 month's rigorous imprisoment m connection with the Kwong-Woh-Pit-Sic, was again before Mr. Beatty this morning so that further evidence could be taken against him on the chaxra of' .gangrobbery with which he is cMar^ed at the Assizes. I The Chief Officer
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  • 2311 175 Ordinary Meeting, Friday, March I4TH, 1902. —Mr. J. O. Anthonisz (Chairman) Cuscaden, Jago, Barker, Evans, M aclaren Messrs. Moses. Wee Thiam Tew, 4 Absi st# dL eeChoonGuan. Minutes. minutes of ltd last meeting wens confirmed. Presihbut's Statement. Mr Anthonisz said that the financial statement l' e d a
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  • 102 175 Accidental Death o» Dr. Manson. A Gun-Shot Wound. We regret to hear that a telegram has been received m Singapore announcing the death of Dr. Manson, son of Sir Patrick Manson, who passed through Singapore a fortnight ago for Christmas Island, where he was going
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  • 178 175 Yesterday at the Police Court two Chinamen were committed for trial at the next Assizes on a charge of gang robbery and house-breaking. It is alleged that they accompanied by others attacked and broke into an opium shop at the seventh mile on the Thompson-
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  • 52 175 The American transport Buford left for the roads this morning after taking m about 600 tons coal. The homeward French Mail Sydney is expected here from Saigon early tomorrow morning. The Chargeurs ReunisCo's new steamer Amiral Jaureguiberry was launched on the 24th January. The local agents are Moine
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  • 78 175 The Acting Resident, Mr. Douglas Campbell, Mrs. Campbell, and her sister are staying at the Port Dickson Sanitorinm for a few days. Mr. Campbell's appointment is giving great satisfaction to all who come m contact with him on business, as he is so courteous, and approachable. It
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  • 202 175 A Rifle Meeting will be held at Easter under the auspices of this Association at the Balestier Rifle Range with the following Competitions Friday 28th March. i.— 9 a.m. Carbine Handicap for S.V.A. 200 f— 2 p.m. Rifle Handicap for S.V.R. 200, 500 600 yds, Saturday 29TH
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  • 513 175 An indent has gone home for 20 million rounds of ball ammunition for India, to be supplied during the ensuing year at a» cost of fifteen lakhs of rupees. Provision also is made m the Home estimates for one lakh of rupees for machine guns for India of such a
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  • 3003 176 (Via Ctylon.) London, March 4th.— Lord Kitchener wires that the week's operations show that 84 Boers have been killed and wounded, and 1,008 made prisoners or surrendered. Count von Buelow, m his speech yesterday, when referring to the question of the German garrison at Shanghai, said what was legitimate
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  • 65 176 At Madras, on the evening of Frb. 2}rd while some European children were pl<«. ing on the harbour beach, one littlr gj r picking up shells, got <>u> of her d> pih was being washed away, when Willie Dowley, a child of five, grasped th- situation hurried
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  • 409 176 Speech at Litbrpool. Home Rulr Abandoned. London, February 15 h. The Earlol Rosebery delivered an important speech at Liverpool last night when he stated his views on the loading political questions of the day. Pour thousand persons were present, and the meeting was very enthusiastic. Referring
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  • 212 176 The Hongkong Telegraph makes thii comment All German policy is governed at bottom by a fear of Russia Against France alon* shehas nothing to fear, but it is certain tha m the event of an actively hostile Knssia, Germany could effect little, and the ost tatious display
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  • 2535 177 TS description and History. PMbtUj st noted of all the vu sht- mtr Singapore is that of the KLborgb/' First to welcome stormI vessels to the peaceful waters of Malacca Straits after traversing the jLilent China Sea, its guiding light ablea them to reach Siugapore a minimum
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  • 356 177 London, March 4th. The test match was finished to day before a small attendance of spectators, m unsettled weather. The light was bad, and the wicket a bumping one, when Mr. Jessop went m to resume his innings, with Tyldesley. The first ball was fatal
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  • 191 177 "Stand Sure," writing m the February issue o 'Scottish Notes and Queries," says An]old shepf lierd, Jwho formerly lived m the Vale of Alford, told ne the other day that De Wet who has proved himself i very intrepid and strategic general is a
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  • 157 177 This is rather a case of sitting on a volcano. At the Artillery practice camp just concluded at Bangalore two accidents occurred from shells exploding m the limber boxes. The gunners seated on the limbers escaped miraculously on both occasions. The details of one of those incidents is thus given
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  • 1374 178 No. LXXVI. {Specially written for the Singapore Free Press by Rev. G. M. Rbith I mentioned months ago, the tramway muddle into which the City Fathers of Edinburgh had got themselves involved. I call them City Fathers, but they are more commonly spoken of under a
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  • 181 178 RA Tientsin telegram of the 20th inst to c Shanghai Times, says: Yang Tsuping, compradore of the Taku Tug and Lighter Company, has b^en brought before the Tu-tung Yamen (a kind of Mixed Court) charged with instigating and abetting an organised system of robberies from
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  • 226 178 Now that the Ladies Golf Championship is on perhaps this may amuse the local fair devotee s ol the ancient gam*? There are a few stories told of the golf links here, writes a Rawalpindi correspondent. One of a certain lady who sat on the last
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  • 898 178 Half Yearly Mbeting. The half yearly general meeting of the Tanjong Pagar Dock Co. was held to-day at noon m the Company's offices at 6, Collyer Quay. Mr. J. Anderson (Chairman) presided and there were also present W. A. Greig, C. Sugden, C. W. Laird, J.
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  • 475 178 Official Landing At Johnston's p Yesterday morning M. Paul D Governor General of Indo-China h ei e by the M. M. Sydney from Sala*'.^ route tor Marseilles. Preparations had been made for cial landing and a special invitation tJ to the French Community by Comt^A bans,
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  • 205 178 Married couples are advised to read this slowly, and thoughtfully, and congratulate themselves that their lot is not that of some others upon whom Providence has lavished too great a bounty. An American paper stttes that Mrs. Susannah Pennock, 21 years old, of St. Louk Mfc has just
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  • 29 178 H H. the Sultan of Perak lias decided go to Europe next month, to be p»e^ r the Coronation. His body-guard will accompany him, being mount- d in Londoi
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  • 701 179 S. V. A. friends of Capt. G: wvbster will be very sorry to bear of Sf/eath of his wife at Bangkok. Hon W.T. Taylor c. M. G and Tavlor are booked from Genoa to CoSo only by the Konig Albert, but arc to come on. The
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  • 74 179 The fine new studio of this firm at 34 urcnard-rd., was opened yesterday, and is replete with everything necessary to highciass photography. Besides the best apparatus which, the firm have installed, the lutings are m great taste and would make even a depressed subject cheerful.
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  • 88 179 At one o'clock yesterday morning a police constable patrolling Market- st saw a Lnmaman come out of a cloth shop with two large bundles of cashmere m bis bands. On seeing the constable the thief threw down the bundles and made off. He was pursued and arrested
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  • 297 179 ILucknow, 23rd February.— A sad acciJnt occurred yesterday during the Assault--arms. A team of C. Battery, R.H.A., were competing for the Artillery Driving Competition, and had gone once through the posts all ri^ht. On taking a sharp I ve prior to going through the last
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  • 274 179 Fatal Ending. On Saturday afternoon one of the sons of Mr. A. G. Westerhout of the P. W. D was playing with a number of companions on a piece of waste laud adjoining Mr. Westerbout's residence m Serangoon-rd. Young Westerhout had an air-gun with him and a
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  • 42 179 Admiral the Hon. Sir Henry Keppel Singapore for England this afternoon m the Earl of Crawford's yacht Vahalla. Launches leave Johnston's Pier at 4 p.m. to enable those wishing to bid the gallant old Admiral god-speed to do so. F
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  • 76 179 Before a large attendance at the Marine Club on Saturday night, Mr. lohn Roberts, played his second game of billiards m Singapore, during his present visit here. Mr. J. G. Boyd was his opponent and Roberts conceded him 700 m 1,000 and eventually ran out when
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  • 255 179 RE-APPEARANCE OF AN OLD DYNASTY IN CEN TRAL ARABIA. Amber Abdul Aziz Recovers the Capital of his Ancestors. Bombay, March 3. Aden advices state that Ameer Abdul Aziz, one of the old Chiefs of Nejd, has recovered Riad, the capital of his ancestors, which the father of the present Ibu
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  • 395 179 ICapt. N. D. Cochrane,, formerly [juiant of the S.V.A and lately m South Prica, has resigned his commission. On Friday Chief Inspector McMurray the Tanjong Pagar Dock Police, procuted a Chinese store-keeper for theft two bags of rice. The prisoner pleaded lilty, and was sentenced to three months' porous
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  • 94 179 Mr. George Clunies Ross, the wellknown Chief of the Cocos Islands, arrived here on Saturday night by the M.M. Yarra from Europe. Mr. Ross went home to undergo an operation for cataract and it is very satisfactory to know that the operation has been entirely successful.
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  • 798 179  -  WEN CHING «BY Edited by the Rev. G. M, Reith, M.A. The remarkable and instructive series of articles that appeared m the Singapore Free Press of last year have now been published m book form by the well-known London publisher, Mr. Grant Richards. The important feature
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  • 706 180 The Chief Justice and the Misses Cox left for Malacca by the Sea Belle yesterday evening. Bishop Fee and the Revs. Brignon and Fancillon arrived here yesterday by the Carlyle from Port Swettenham. The total number of deaths registered m Singapore during the month of February
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  • 360 180 The following is the Director's Report for the second year of the Company's existence, ending Feb. Btli The amount of Ore obtained during that period., was 5 29opicul.s, against 3.952 piculs m the preceding year, with an average labour force of 700 coolies working
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  • 63 180 Two Chinamen were arrested at Mount Elizabeth by a police patrol m the small house of this morning for not being able to give the police a satisfactory accbunt of themselves. I he men were fuur.d hiding m a ditch and are supposed to have b^en reconnoitring
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  • 160 180 Before Mr. Marriott yesterday the hatsnatcher who was arrested m Ooleman-st. was convicted and sentenced toone month's rigorous imprisonment. y A Eurasian named A. J. Anson, for house trespass m Victoria-st. was yesterday sentenced by a Court of Two Magistrates to a year's hard labour. Ihe highway
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  • 89 180 The outward German mail Stuttgart left for China and japan at 4 p.m. yesterday. The steamer Glenlochy after discharging her explosives at Pasir Panjang proceeded to the Wharf yesterday to discharge cargo. The La Seyue with the European mails ex the Yarra left for Batavia yesterday morning at
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  • 144 180 Mr. Depew, the U. S. Senator, recently gave to an interviewer his opinions on the visit of Prince Henry of Prussia to the States. He f 1 does not think that the Kaiser contemplates any breach or defiance of the Monroe docuine, still he insists that he has learned from
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  • 965 180 THE LONDON SCHOOL OF TROPICAL MEDICINE. Yesterday there arrived m Singapore Sir Francis Lovell, C M.G., Surgeon-Gene-ral of Trinidad, who has been through India and Burmah, and now visits the Straits Settlements and Federated Malay States, on his way to the Far East, on a Mission m connection with the
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  • 292 180 As the most important movement o f a Symphony is to be played this eveniJd the Philharmonic Orchestra this r t f cr S to it will be read with interest by the T musical portion of the Singapore t j! m what appears to be a
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  • 334 180 According to Comte d'Abbaus, the French Consul here, the recei i vi.sit of M. Doumer and Admiral dottier is likely to piove of profit to both this Colony uj French Indu-Chiua. Whilst at Government II >v un Sunday, M. Doumcr discusser) u.iiiiy lestions ot interest with H.
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  • 107 180 A private letter from li;dn gi\e> s further dec ills about the sad death of Mulliken at Calcutta. A slight attack dysenteiy turned to abscess of the li^ anJ, alter ihr operation, pleurisy deve cd. It is urderstood that his illne^ vl brought on by sleeping out m the veran
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  • 103 181 DEPARTURE OF ADMIRAL KEPPEL. i <ir Henry Keppel left SingaCraY vlit tlie Valhalla, and before held a farewell reception j\ w Admiral has been here 17th of November last, and his Imvd a pleasant one for him, to tbe appreciation he expressed vof the kindly way m which he lin
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  • 219 181 ,i!r,tumon the 11th of before Mr. Justice Hyndman terday a curiooi incident transaccused denied the charge and )llt c inese detective No 11 who arbim had a spite against him. ((transpired that there had been two one at the hospital which en given m evidence, and a m
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  • 302 181 Its Extbnsiom To K^lantan. Further news regarding the trouble m P,:.i over the r- cent abduction of its R ih > brought to Singapore by a Eurojust arrived m Singapore from Kelanl m lates that the Kelantan version of the abduction is, that recently Siam, through
    302 words
  • 69 181 Glenlochv arrived lure yesUrLondon, bringing as a passenger p.' gapore, Dr. Dodd*. who goes on to i **H by the /?•/«,<, on Friday to relieve I (tl l J '> who has been for so long m 1 (1 srge of the Pahanj4 Corporation Su n k ei Lembing. Dr.
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  • 479 181 ANOTHER WRECK ON PAHANG BAR. The s.s. Aing Hin m Capsizes. Pahang Bar is again the scene of a shipping disaster. A short time ago the Amherst was wrecked whilst trying to cross the Bar m rough weather, now the Aing Hin has capsized at the same place. The Aing
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  • 173 181 The Universal Gazette, discussing the An sjlo- Japanese treaty and the joint protection of China and Corea, says :—Formerly Corea was our feudatory. She called herself one of little subject kingdoms. But now China and this despised Corea are put on one level. They must both be protected it seems.
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  • 241 181 This, which has been reproduced elsewhere before, is worth any golfer's perusal. It was written for and recited at a County Golf Club dinner m the Hotel Cecil m London Now all the world is Golf. And all the men and women wculd be payers,
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  • 1355 181 Tuesday, March iBth, 1902. Present His Excellency the Governor Sir Fiank Swettenham, k.c.m.g.) The Hon'ble the Acting Col. Secretary (C. W. Sneyd Kynnersley, c.m.g.) > the Colonial Treasurer (F. G. Penney.) the Colonial Engineer (A. Murray.^ the Attorney-General (W. R. Collyer.) the Acting Auditcr-General (W. Evans.) J. M.
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  • 244 181 Members of P^iliament who happen to be Volunteers welcome the action of Judge Emden m absolving a juryman from service at the Lambeth County Court on the ground that as a citizen soldier he was already giving his time voluntarily for the benefit of his country.
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  • 663 182 The case against Mr. A J. Monteiro, Chief Clerk of the General Post Office, has been discharged. The SS. Robert Dickenson arrived here yesterday from Nagasaki with a cargo of oil consigned to Syme Co. Sleeping after eating is condemned by a German physician, who has
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  • 158 182 An invitation has come from the Colonial Office to the Strait Settlements, asking the I Colony to send representative bodies from the Volunteer and Federated Malay States Forces, to take part m the Coronation celebrations m London. J The contingent to be sent may number one
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  • 132 182 At the Assizes this morning, the trial of Leong A Shin, for murder at Christmas Island, was commenced before a Special Ihe Attorney General prosecuted and Mr. Stuart defended. According to the evidence it appears that the prisoner committed the murder to a certain extent m
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  • 459 182 Mr. E T. Reed m this mail's Punch has a caricature of Mr. Grant Lawson m P., playing a triangle, tins allusion having been made by Mr. T. P. O'Connor who convulsed the House with it. T. P." thus refers to the incident himself m
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  • 116 182 To-morrow is the first evening of the theatricals by Amateurs m the Town Hall, a triple Bill is to be given, the thrte pieces being "Sunset," a play by Jerome K. Jerome, The Crusader and the Craven a mediaeval operetta m one a^t and v A Pantomine Rehearsal," a musiral
    116 words
  • 973 182 SINGAPORE PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY. Presentation to the President. The last concert ot the season was given m the Town Hall last evening, before a Urge audience, despite the proverbial Philharmonic rain of the afternoon. His Excellency the Governor and Sir Francis Lovell were present, and there was a full attendance. v
    973 words
  • 349 182 A report on the woiking o f the Curreoq^H Note Issue for 1901 states that the fjg urei for the 3 years of the issue combined shoi a debit balance of $30,549. The chief e,.j pendilure rus been on the initial cost d notes, safes, etc.,
    349 words
  • 69 182 The steamer Argus is expected I Australia via Bat a via to-m«rrow. She has horses on board for Singapore. I The Russian Transport Veroncj,^* for Vladivostock, is due here from Od ssi about the 22nd instant. I The steamer Indrasamha which h to be put back m Jany.
    69 words
  • 60 182 To those knowing the East it has often beeM I matter for surprise ..hat <he l, C ht and i rikisha ha, never been introduced into tfmco I w ,,ere it should become as popular a™">- I „d tourists as H is m China. Japan a
    60 words
  • 100 182 w .Hcatioos from varies p* Numerous apj M a\ N received k by Mr. world have fre.n &irdens «hD.«ctoro' ehe I j,^^. Settlement,, for »cv o w ich „id ca S.,matrana,-th e q{ hi» J t .ficfor the cure n mer )i ,s k««««. >
    100 words
  • 77 182 Says a home paper:— ie or;iIlg .out*' The m^t-rious deaih of a fik w** 22 from ihe Settlements he Bro^, ves.itf ted m the •'Zoo* 1 at I c hin^ja York. Ih.- microbes which tfav re trai were at hist unrecognised, but we ei«l t»a eiant tortoisp, which had l1(^;
    77 words

  • 227 183 nrrespondent writes to the L. C. Express ou ever noticed the entertain**** photoKing of Siam and eleven of his sons r* ph jo Buckingham Palace-road? There tary precision about the grouping which I re lief after the laborious reposefu'ness liberate informality to which photographers the last
    227 words
  • 413 183 Singapore, March ijth, igoj. "Kfea, ~r* t*& £f| c P«r pound 20 Beef Steak do 24 Bean Sprouts per catty 2 Bamboo Sprouts do. 4 g lach^ n do. ,4 onnjals do. !Ji Cabbage, Batavia do". Nil Do., China do. 6 Do., Salted do. 5 Carrots, Imported
    413 words
  • 642 183 A NEW RANGE-FINDER FOR INFANTRY. (From a Correspondent,) Rat l tr late m the day, but still, perhaps, m time :s value on active service, Professor George Forb*s has completed the range-finder on which he has been at work for some years, and has started »i:h it for South Africa.
    642 words
  • 77 183 il the Marine Police arrested a Jan *it New Harbour with four 1 11" >' m his possession. On be--1 ''<1 he was unable to give a j} reason for bating them. Oi\e has been identified as beine: •P^rty of Messrs. Gilfillan, Wood °wnerahave not yet been found !s »J?r
    77 words
  • Page 183 Advertisements
    • 134 183 Funagoya Tansan The above mineral water, for which we were recently appointed sole agents by Hasegawa Co. of Kobe, Japan, is bottled at Funagoya spring m Kuishui, Japan, and is an invigorating and refreshing drink. It mixes excellently with whisky, brandy or milk and m this respect is usually preferred
      134 words
    • 452 183 REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. MILD MEASURES FOR IRELAND The Eight Hon. George Wyndham, Chief Secretary for Ireland, summoned a Cabinet Council yesterday. It is understood that his recommendation to defer extreme measures m Ireland was adopted. BUT NO ROYAITviSIT THIS YEAR. It is announced that the King by the advice of his
      452 words
    • 492 183 SUEZ CANAL BLOCKED. The Suez Canal is blocked, and will probably remain so for three days as a petroleum ship is on fire m the Canal. London March ifth y /go 2. CECIL RHODES WEAKER, The latest information about Cecil Rhodes says that he is weaker. southTafrica. Five thousand reinforcements
      492 words

  • 132 184 PASSENGERS ARRIVED BY THE MAILS. Mar 15.— Per M. M. Yarra, M. de Gelpke, Mr. and Mrs. Schiff, Mr. J. Koory. Mar 16.— Per N. D. L. Stuttgart From Hamburg Mr. Louis Davidson, Mrs. I. D. Reese and child. From Southampton. Mr J. C. Grcer. From Genoa.- The Hon W.
    132 words
  • 63 184 PASSENGERS LEAVING BY THE MAIL, Mar. 16. Per M. M. Yarra For Saigon. Mr. A. Komyn, Mr. J. Ehrmann and R. Father DeligFor Haiphong Mr A Villate. For Hongkong.— Mr. G. G Peters, Mrs. A. Boa*chier, Mr. F W. Bickel, Mr. H. Mehtas and child, Mr B P Mehta. For
    63 words
  • 122 184 PASSENGERS LEFT. Mar. 17.— Por La Seyne For Batavia. Mr. Clunio3-Ko9s. r. J. Smissaert, Mr. Juit, Dr. Ch Otto (4eli»ho Mr. H. A. Geisendorfer, Captain and K. K. Keller, Mr. W. D. Graham, Mr. A A. de You^h, Mr. R. A. van Santen, Mr. Trousset. Mar. 18.— Pc:r Tanglin For
    122 words
  • 635 184 Mar. 21.— Per Ballaarat For London. Mr. D. Xiuimo, Mr «md Mrs. Fleury. Mar 26. Por Bombay For Colombo.—Mrand Miss Meikla. From Penang. Mr and Mrs* W. Hargreavcs and child. April 4.— Per Oriental For London. Mr. A. J. Macdonald, Mr. A A. Earle, Mr. J. A.
    635 words
  • 698 184 March 12, Lawada, Brit-, Lee, for Rangoon, and Coromandel Coast ports. Uganda Brit., Black, for Calcutta. Zaida, Brit., Grier, tor Penang and Coromandel Coast ports. Nassovia, Ger., Hildebrandt, for Calcutta. March, jj. Glenartney, Brit., Frakes, for Rangoon and Port Said 1.0. Skuld Nor.. Berbon, for Bangkok. Petriana, Brit., Snape,
    698 words
  • 327 184 Quotatiom^ Paid. Diriotw^, I Bank of China and japan. Lid. Li Notjjfal. £4 I Deferred. l I Bell's Asbestos Eastern Agency. Nomj^il. £r Bersawah Gold Mine Co. r 5 I Chindras Gold Mining Co. Ltd. *to Clear Water Dairy barm Ltd. jf^°°c IO Fraser and
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  • Page 184 Advertisements
    • 30 184 COALS AT GALLE. TXTE are prepared to supply best newly arrived Cardiff Coal, and India* (Barracks) for Steamers' bunkers at current rates. Quick despatch CLARK. SPENCE* Co U. COATES Co
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  • Page 184 Miscellaneous
    • 1123 184 VESSELS IN PORT. Men-of-War Flag and Tons Commanders Arrived From For When Fearless Brit cruiser 1580 J. J. Graham Feb 4 Colombo Hongkong Mar Margaret Am. yet 138 Weder Mar 9 Colombo Hongkong Mat Other Vessels Flags St Tons Masters Arrived From Consignees Foi Wbtn A. E. O'Brien Brit bq.,
      1,123 words