The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 27 February 1902

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 332 1 Xhe Chinese Court, I2 i 1 r ur Impovrments, j 3t Merc it tilt: Marine, 2 ita ning of the Chinebe Services, 122 I. S a\\(\ Manchuiia, 122 nt Resolutions, 122 B f-rs.'' 122 m^/ ihe Peking University, 122 Manchurian Situation, 122 11 fount ing the Chickens," 123
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  • Domestic Occurrences
    • 42 1 At Avondato, 70 Biisngooo koatl, on 2(sth February, 1902, the wife of J. Olsmbht CUFP, of a son B *Zl«*-»Al Osbornc Housr. Union-street, Aberdeen on Jan. 4th thorite of J»mi-.sß"s-ki.l B 11 e<. Commissioner of Custon s, China, of a daughter.
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    • 95 1 B azier— At Osborne llonso, Tnion street on their wedding anniversary |an. 12th Helen, wife of lAMBI Kihsbll Braziir Commissioner of Cust«ims I hina Li nsAY— At Dunph.iil lan 21st, LuDOYIC Ki>WAßr> |o» N son of the late E I. Lindsay, Chartered Bank of India, a^od 11 weeks. AsDkßs
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    • 35 1 On the 19th Instant, by the Rev. Murray, at the Pmbyterian Church, Slngmpoie, John Dv csn, Nhipwri^ht Foreman, Prye Riyei Dock, Penang, to MARO%RkT, third daughter of Ihe lato Georgi King, Basle, Buckio, Scotland.
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  • 494 1 The mails from home of Jan. 2+*h and 31st arrived by tl c P. O. Oriental and the M. M. Occanien on Saturday. The next outward miil is due by the N D.L, Bayer n on Frid \y. The last mails for Europe were taken by the I*.
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  • Article, Illustration
    30 1 ll«fC thafl the Ttc?* tht People* right maintu* UnawH by influence and unbribtd by pain; Hrre patriot Truth htr glorious precepts draw, m§ m to Religion. Loyalty, and Law. 1
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  • 777 1 China exchanges bring full reports ot the Imperial audience at Peking, at which the Diplomatic Corps resumed personal relations with the Chinese Court. The address of the doyen, Baron Czikan, and i the reply of the Emperor read by Prince CUING, were couched m the
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  • 160 1 By the courtesy of the Colonial Engineer, the hon'blc A. Murray, we are enabl ed to present our Singapore subscribers with a lithographed plan of the proposed scheme of Harbour Improvement tor Singa pore, as recommended by Messrs, Cooda Son and Matthews. The plan shows clearly the poition
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  • 340 1 Thr mercantile Marine. (Feb. 21st.) The mercantile marine officers of th-j two northern ports, Hongkong and .Shanghai, complain of the insufficiency of th-> present scale of pay, namely, £11 a uiontb for First Matf\ £8 for Second Mate, and £7 for Third Mate. The repreaentatiYe Committees are asking for £2<>,
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 94 1 EXCHANGE. up TO February 26) r >N London. m/> l/io i credit! 3 m/s ..I/10J documents 3 m/s '/10/ V credit! 6 m/s i/io, 7> «anc% demand Ao demand 187 "Ongkong, demand plr. fOKOiAMA, demand iij%pm. S^»*n«ud 111J 7***<**mA 2 P m. gVHKHIGNS, (to bt:y) jfo.So Ul v^m 3 months
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  • 285 2 THE Peking correspondent of the N.-C. Daily News writes The Russian Minister wrote lately to Chinese Plrnipotentianes as follows I have an agreement mad^ v*i h the late Li Hung-chang that no oth«~r nation shall have anything to do with any future foreign-disciplined army
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  • 417 2 T he U.S and Manch uria. A quite outstanding feature of to-day's telegrams is that referring to a distinctly powerful protest by the United States against the according to "any corporation" of exclusive privileges m Manchuria m the form of mining, railway or other concessions. The Washington Government has communicated
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  • 531 2 Government Resolutions. (Feb. 22nd.) It has been occasionally a matter of a little wonder to us why a precedent set universally m India is not, at leal has noi been up till now, adopted m tl is Crovxn Colony. Whether it be so m Gylon we are not quite certain,
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  • 681 2 British Boers." (Feb. 24th.) One of the chief features m to-day's telegrams is the announcement that Co). Park, who has done such excellent service m command of the tst Devons, at the head of three hundred National Scouts, that is to say Boers enlisted into the British service, had surprised
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  • 286 2 11 All the professors at the Peking University, including Dr. W. A. P. MARTIN, the Piesident, have been discharged with a gratuity of three months' salary." So runs a telegram to the Hongkong Daily Press. This, if authentic, is a very remarkable but at the same
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  • 655 2 The Manchurian Situation (Fe b. 25th.) THERE is a curious sub-acid flavour about tie telegram of to-d y relating to the replies <>f Russia and China 'o the Unit«d States (io eminent m regard to tie note o» t»»r Utter, protesting against the grni.t of a» y «.x. lu-ive railway,
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  • 401 3 Cunting The Chickens." It is the common-place of the Antiirn^lander of all nationalities to pretend that the Transvaal war was undertaken by Britain for gold fields and diamonds. The majority of foreign mankind being what thr v arc, believe it, or, perhaps more truly, pre end to believe it. History
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  • 1068 3 he business of the General Staff of «at nival or military power to have m tdiemeg, worked out m detail, 5 possible operations of war that be determined at any time by the »cy of that state. Thews schemes divided into two categories, defence
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  • 172 3 Mr. Ma. laren's team has beaten Victoria handsomely, though this win ii not so out-and-out a vi tory as tUe win against New South Wai s. The final t st match begins at Melbourne on Saturday. Four of thrse games against All Au.malia have been played, Australia
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  • 147 3 Yesterday a Kling was arrested m North Bridge-rd. for attempting to pass a false coin. He went into a shop m North Bridge-rd. and bought a pen-knife, and offered a false Mexican dollar m payment. The shop-keeper suspected the dollar was a bad one and on a detective
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  • 258 3 An extraordinary general meeting of this Company was held at the town offices, m Collyer Quay to-day, at which a resolution was submitted dealing with certain alterations of the articles of association, necessitated by the appointment of a managing director. The resolution contained clauses dealing with
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  • 72 3 hn»S n l!f 2?m f tO l i° lace lbeir mindt by mer 8 game, and the philosopher's earne whic^ whettes thyr wittes, recreates they^n^ a3 hurts no body m the mean seaEon/' .1 A" COl 2T Unica i ons skou]d be addressed to the Lhess hditor,
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  • 19 3 By M. Lissner, New York. White (6 pieces). White to play and mate m three moves.
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  • 78 3 The following position by George E. Carpenter of Tarrytown, N.Y m which White sacrifices a piece every nme for ei^ht moves, and mates on the ninth move, is interesting and instructive brq 2 r 401 /6R i/ 3 k Kti Xi /i BlKt t R2/2PP,P2/lblk. 4
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  • 258 3 An interesting k-ame from the Champioml)ir» Tourney at the Singapore Chess Club. Pbtrofi Dvfenck. White— T. R. Miles. BUck B. Efcuro. IP K4 P-K4 16 RxKt(f)! BxR 2Kt-KB 3 Kt-KB 3 i 7 PKt; Kt-Kt 5 3PQ4 PxP(a) iSPxP BxF' 4 P-K5 Xt K 5 igßOi Q
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  • 65 3 The Handicap Tournament it the Singapore Chess Club has been concluded, Mr. W. A. N. Battenburgh securing ist prize, and Mr. T. R. Miles second. In the Championship Mr. Elcum, having scored an easy victory over Mr. W. Craijj, has now to meet the holder, Mr. P. A.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 142 3 Funagoya CXllOcXll The above mineral water, for which wt were recently appointed j-ole agents by Hasegawa Co. ol Kobe, Japan, is bottled at Funagoya spring m Kuishui, Japan, and is an invigorating and refreshing drink, It mixes excellently with whisky, brandy or milk and m this respect is usually preferred
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  • 995 4 Bangkok is having a v cold snap." 56° Fahr. was the minimum on the 13th inst. The 4-cent postal rate to all British Agencies came into force at Hongkong on the 15th Feb. The German cruiser Fiirst Bismarck left bound Eastward early yesterday morning, probably for
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  • 131 4 THEFT FROM Messrs. J. LITTLE Co. At the end of their last stock-taking, Messrs. John Little Co. discovered that there were large and unaccountable losses m their stock amounting to about $8000, and on Tuesday night Inspector Brendan, acting on information received, raided a house m Market st., occupied by
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  • 341 4 (Via Manila.) New York, Feb.—The Biddel Brothers, escaped murderers, and the jailer's wife who furnished saws and revolvers and fled with them, were recaptured m Pennsylvania after a fierce fight m which the Biddels and the woman were fatally wounded. The officers making the capture were unhurt. Washington, February
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  • 75 4 The Hongkong Telegraph publishes these wires Shanghai, February 14th. Prince Ching expresses himself as being delighted at the announcement of the formation of the Anglo-Japanese Alliance for the preservation of the integrity of China and the maintenance of peace m the Far East. Prince Ching has informed
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  • 234 4 They Assault A Police Patrol. At s.^i this morning a small police patrol, on passing through Grange rd.' discovered that one of the Municipal lamps at the darkest part of Grange-rd. was out. On the constables attempting to relight the lamp they were pelted with stones
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  • 541 4 THR StCOND AIDIfcKCK. The Peking correspondent of the A".-C Daily 1 News wrote on the 281 h ult.. 10-diy all ihe Dipl< m me Body, representing Austria, the United Slates, Germany, Grtat Britain, France, Ru sia, pni Italy, Portugal, Belgium, Japan, Holland, had audience with the
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  • 198 4 France Much to Liarn. Mme. Isabelle Massieu, a well-k French traveller, m her latest woik an account of her journeys through^nd China, Burmah, the Shan States, Tonl and Laos, pays a warm tribute to Brit Colonial administration and ent er p r j
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  • 622 4 "A little ready "j»it is more valuable to a than a Staff College diploma." They caught him m a kloof. His pmy pastern had been smashed by a bulltt, and couldn't f>n away. He was a mean type of man. hood. 111-clad, unwashed emaciated anri ,rh. verous. So
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  • 107 5 sreneral meeting of officers of the ong Mercantile Marine was held on 4 th inst. to consider what steps should c taken m the event of the owners ignor t he (h -mand that has been put before lr m f" r an increased scale
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  • 676 5 r. ular acMr< ssed by Liv Kung Vi, Viceroy K > X Province, to the various Consulsmd by tht-m accepted on behalf of ihe tries of all denominations, is a d -cument ii the principles therein are really practised, lore to prevent friction between domiciled and
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  • 675 5 A movement is on foot to make Kobe a free port. The Valhalla left the Roads for Johors at 8 a.m., to-day. Capt. H. R. Baker ,l3th M. 1., has arrived from India and is taken on the strength of the command. The total number of
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  • 383 5 (Via Hongkong.) Mexico, Feb. 3. The Pan-American Congress which has been holding its session here has just adjourned. The International Arbitration plan is accomplished. London, Feb. 6. An official despatch has been telegraphed from the Cape, saying Colonel Kekewich reports a most successful engagement with General De^ey's commando. The
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  • 388 5 A Chinaman, understood to be a runner from one of the Hotels, whilst walking on deck on the S. S. Ziveena^ lying m the Roads, at noon to-day, was struck on the back of the neck by ore of the slings used m hoisting and
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  • Correspondence
    • 100 5 Co the Editor. Sir, With reference to the paragraph which appeared m your paper on the 19th inst. relating to the imitation of the King's Uniform worn by Malay Syces with Asiatic employers. I and my comrades consider this practice a great insult to the soldiers stationed
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    • 71 5 A. J. Monteiro. the Chief Clerk of the G^n^ral P<<st Office, has been summoned to appear b^foie the First Magistrate on Wednesday next on a charge oi aiding and j abetting F« A. O'ivtiro, wlm has bet n sent op for trial at the next Assiz
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    • 53 5 The Collier Queen Adelaide has arrived from Moji with about 3,500 tons Japanese c«>al for this port and the steamer Tanglin alto brought from Australia about 1,500 tons Australian coals. i he Russian Transport Kiev with troops bound for Vladivostoek is expected from Odessa about the 25th and
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    • 127 5 About > p in. yesterday Assist -Saj>t, W bite head with fosse of con stables rai «1ed Mr. Scott-Russell s "boy's' quarters at M The Mount/ River Valley -rd., whey a large number of Hylamfl wor»« gambling. Five "boys" were cauglit iii the act, but the rest
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    • 255 5 A Washington despatch to the San Francis** Chronich says An American trunk line front Canton to Hankow, China the long cherished dream oi many promoters— is at last to be realised through the business daring and enterprise of a few New Yorkers, backed by the millions
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    • 193 5 The Fifth National Industrial Exhibition of Japan, will be held at Osaka m 190^. A circular sent us by the Japanese Consul says The Exhibition will present some novel and interesting features never witnessed on similar occasions m the past, to one of which m particular the Imperial
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  • 1206 6 <Specially written for the Singapore Free Press.) January Bth, 1902. Everything is looked at from a different standpoint by different people, and it may be interesting to give here the views of five men of prominence regarding the outlook m Germany for 1902. These men were asked
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  • 250 6 The New York correspondent of the Pall Ma. I Gaaettc writes: II is a simiml s itement of fact, which contains no shade of iese majiste t to say iliai the Emperor Wilnam ol Ge ma >) is much bttt i liked and understood m America than
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  • 322 6 Lord Milner'l Vision of the Johannesburg of the future is a vast and bsorbing one. Seeing how Johannesburg sprang into full being almost within the half-dozen years preceding the war, who shall deny ihe 'awn will one day stand near to Lond >n, N^w York,
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  • 1316 6 Mr. P. T. Evatt has been appointee Auditor of the accounts of the Singapore Municipality. The Marine Court, at the Marine Depart ment Buildings, has been constituted s Police Court, under section 6 of tht 11 Criminal Procedure Code 1900." The Hon. J. Burkinshaw has beer
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  • 98 6 The X P |f. steamer JafMra ft collided with th^ Jomima m Sourabiya arrived here yesterday evening and is n m dock. Her bow it damaged and thre< of her propeller blades are p irtiy broken The M. M. steamer Quadalqu > i): necting with the outward P.
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  • 483 7 Those who perchance have passed by a eriain anglr- of Fort Canning of late may ive noticed a somewhat curious embryo ](tU!e> not far distant from the Flaga{ 1 ;n a north-easterly direction. may not be aware of the fact that ructurc m question is
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  • 147 7 very enjoyable "At Home" was given l; irc!) al Government House, LaFeb. 10. The inhabitants of the n > had the pleasure of listening to the Dr. Harrison of Sandakan. An m P l 'lance followed the musical Saturday Bth Feb. a football match between teams representative
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  • 48 7 w« Hanoi, dated 9 th Feb- I U v Opnuo»,oi :Sai R on, says:--d diiecteurdu AV«* <c matin a Ibopital s 8 ««e« d« la dysenteric." that Mr. Lillie, tthmao, was a strenuous 1 ,a m. n v the cause of French [1(i b| cochaggrcMioo.
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  • 2109 7 Quicquid agunt homines nostn est farrago libelli. JUVBMAL. Although the Agreement between Britain and Japan will prove a pretty potent force when the pinch comes yet its influence »n the meantime is of a moral character. When the police patrol is on duty the thief lurks
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  • 146 7 The Prince of Wales tells a good story of how a morning service was spoiled on the second Sunday's voyage of the Ophir. There being every prospect of a dull afternoon, the Duchess of York suggested something appropriate from the phonograph, and the instrument was put through
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  • 226 7 Here is a story told m The Navy and Army Illustrated," redolent of the quaint, humor and ready wit of the sentry con cerned, which may please those who have memories of Keppel Camp. "A friend, an officer m au irregular corps, found it, necessary
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  • 710 8 Mrs. Campbell left yesterday for Port Swettenham m the F. M.S. Meran. A game of water-polo atTanjong Katong yesterday between a Swimming Club team and a team of the R. A. resulted m a tie, two t^oals all being scored. The Town and Volunteer Band will
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  • 475 8 Yesterday (Sunday) morning the Siamese Royal Yacht Maha Chakkri with the King and Queen of Siam on board, with several of their family, and a large suite, arrived m the Harbour from Bangkok, under salutes from H. M. S. Fearless, and the Siamese gunboats m port.
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  • 353 8 1 I 1 Johore, teb. 23rd. Johore residents have been greatly interested by the visit of the Earl of Crawford's beautiful yacht the Valhalla, which came round from Singapore on Friday, arriving here at 2 p.m. with Lord Crawford and Dr. Walker on board. On entering the port a
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  • 242 8 ifrom 9ur own Correspondent,} The dull and showery weather prevailing after the floods, improves the prospects of saving the young pepper vines that have been submerged. Reports continue to come m of the damage done by the heavy rains. In places, bridges have been carried away, and heavy land-slips
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  • 162 8 Thrbk Mkn Reported vUirdprrd. A Chinaman who a rived here 011 S iturday reports to the Ma me Po ice that he and thre»* other Chinameo formed the crew of a junk which was on voyage to one of the Duti.-h islands. At 8 o'clock on ttr.
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  • 391 8 An advance copy of No. 1 of the East of Asia reaches us from the North-China Herald Office it is issued simul'aiieously with the German Magazine Der Feme Osten and is intended to increase the general knowledge of the Rust of Asia." Politics are to be
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  • 992 8 The Valhalla left for Batavia yeat^d^ The Ulahrand arrived here from M f yesterday with a cargo of Coal ami 2* chored m the Roads. The Siamese gunboat Ran Ruk left Wf i ward at 1.30 p.m. yesterday, an«l latertk French transport Cholon cleared for |r, seilles.
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  • 48 9 isaal monthly medal handicap comtook place h\*t Batarday with it thai Mr. \Y;»lker k.k. headed the list 46-38-€ 78. The Hon'ble Col. made a good second with 79, other competing were Captaina and Winter Dr. Ellis and Bosatiqueij IVaroe, Gaffney, Jones, Newmarch, and Carver.
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  • 82 9 i Malay named Mahmoud Bawah living i« Albert-st. rtpotted to Inspector Hart [ulan^ Kerbau Police Station last night, that jewellery to the value of §1,300 bad teen stolen from his house. Inspector Hart at once investigated the matter '1 that the jewellery had by the man's
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  • 62 9 native miners were at work md Mergni tin mines during ut j>\it was 2," 78 cwfc. valued ,001. Mr<srs. Hem and Money, aye been granted a lease of nearly miles at Maliwun m the district, propose working tin bj luicing, obtaining water hy 1 <-n the Maliwun
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  • 86 9 China Times says Several Vice ot ernors of Provinces have taker tie n -organisation of their forces -kai las led the way by his vi for the enrolment of ioo,oo< the Capital Province, and the reor »tion ol the notthern fleet. Th< ol S*>an-hsi has now announce! to
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  • 941 9 The following are the entries and handicaps for the above, which commences on Wednesday. Profession Pairs. Municipality.— Hooper, W. E. and Anthonisz, J. O. Soda Water.— Foreman, VV. M. and Morrison, A. oanks.— Keddie, J. F. and Marshall, N. D Brokeis— Mactaggait, J. G. and Kerr, D.
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  • 189 9 C Singles. A. H. Low scr. v. R. Thompson scr. VV. Kirrscr. v. Stitt rec. 15. de Courccy scr v Fraser owe I. Downie scr. v. Dcnniston owe 1. I Chit enden scr. v. Miller owe I. Tomlin scr. v. hieeman rec. I. Bohnen owe 1 v. O
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  • 178 9 Norrie owe 3 v. Sharp rec. 3. Mansfield scr. v. Sharp rec. 2. Pearce F. owe 4 v Edlin rec. 5. Perkins owe 4 v. Peirce R. rec. 2. Ruchwaldy scr. v Knox rec. I. Kose owe 2 v Scon rec. 2 Brown scr. v. Emerson owe 3.
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  • 122 9 Another survivor from the wreck of the unfortunate s. s. Rerandan is reported Captain Vos, of the G G. Mcyc> which came m o port yesterday, brought as passenger a Malay named Patail, who was handed over to him by the Dutch authorities at Bulu
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  • 476 9 This morning, His Majesty the King of Siam, who with the Oueen arrived m Singapore on Sunday morning m the Royal yacht Afa/ia thakkri, fulfilled one of the principle objects of his visit here, by seeing His Royal Highness Prince Paribatra, one of h s younger
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  • 128 9 At two o'clock this morning a Chinaman living at No. 302 Tanjong Pagar-rd f awoke and discovered a burglar breaking open his box with a hatchet. He at once attacked the thief and m the scuffle he wrenched the hatchet away from the burglar and struck
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  • 940 9 I h's l«alf yearly meeting was held on U»e 15th insi I'hr CI. iman, Mr. K. Sifwaii, m ihe tomt>e ot his address isaid Tht- accounts admit «f t c u-u «1 Dividend of £1 l< p« r bh.ire and a Bonus <»t u>/- wi h
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  • 129 10 r Yesterday morning at n o'clock two Ma- .a women were returning m a h lush a from tie Chinese grave-yard at Tiong Bahru, when three C i <-c, supposed tv be Mac. slso, ru-iu ,>p a »».l unc of them seized and held ihe iiki ha
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  • 121 10 Last nifjht a number of the members of the Rowing Club eutertained Mr. ScottRussell and the members of his mess at dinner at the Raffles Hotel, to wish bon voyage to Mr. Russell, who leaves for Europe within the next few days. About tweuty-five members sat down,
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  • 79 10 fhe entries m the above Tournament have closed. Thr numbt-r is quite op to theavtiMgt. In Single Handicaps" no le>«s thin ninety-two names nrt* down and for ih Double Handicaps" fi'iy couplet have ent< red. Most inter, st iri'l be centred m t h^* Championship Play a"d
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  • 189 10 Mr J VV. Gibson, of Broome, Western Australia, m a private letter received m London says There ii great exeiteme< r here m consequence of the finding of what is probablj th<> most superb "ami wonderful pear) the world has evnrs^n. All the old pearlers m Broome
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  • 322 10 Two interesting matches between H. W. S evenson and J P. Mannock were played at the Hotel Victory, Norihumberland-avetuie, on Monday 14th J.'.n. Ihe games aroused special interest owing lothe introduction of the new crystalate balls, which are said to be an admirable substHue for ,vory,
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  • 36 10 The Russian torpedo steamer Yenesei left for Port Arthur at eight o'clock this morning. It is understood that the Yenesei is to be employed at Port Arthur m laying down torpedoes and submarine mines.
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  • 436 10 English Experiments. A system of submarine fog. signalling somewhat similar to that tried m Boston Harbour last year is to be the subject of experiment off Egg Rock, Lynn, where a bell is being fixed so as to be rung about fifty feet under water. The bell is
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  • 483 10 An Amusing Incident. An amusing story i, told m McClure's i r reference to a curious incident which once occurred m an American theatre during the performance of "Othello." The writer says:-The actors had reached ihe last act. The boJ stood Ul the Centre of a shallow alcove,
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  • 137 10 THE MISS KITTIES." A West Indian paper presents its reader s wit)) a true and circumstantial account of a letter written to his mam ma by aCornishman working m the gold-placers of British Guiana,* and of the old lady's misunderstanding of its meaning. "Do wat I will/ wrote the youth,
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  • 195 10 A curious point of international postage law is now bein^ disputed between France and Sweden. The amount at issue is only 405., but the prin< iple involved is one m Which the general, and especially the trave li.i X put»li« has a considerable interest. A re^i.-teu
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  • 207 10 A nveting of the Directors of the Ma- layan Transport Company was held at Kuala Lumpor on Saturday night. It began a' 9 30 p.m. and ended at 1-15 a m. I on Sunday morning—the occasion being the making of fin d arrangements for t) c starting
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  • 239 10 I he China Mail contain* an interesting two-column account of an over land tramp by three Europeans from Canton to Kowloon. These were Mr. H R B Han cock, representative of Messrs Shewn., Tomes and Co., Mr. B. Twyman, H.M.s Vice-Consul, and Mr. B. F. H. Dell,
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  • 472 10 lv -n. London, February i 4 th.-~J n and before acrowd of 12,000 peopfc tost match was commenced on the S day. The wick* was perfe* ln again won the toss. The English m previous test matches, Xf M Gahey is included m place of Bar
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  • 210 10 The Chinese New Year Sports for 1902 took place on Saturday at Robinson-ri, commencing at 2 p.m. Excellent arrangements had been made for the Sports, which were carried oat bj a strong Committee, who ably seconded the Secretary, Mr. Lino e k Wee, m entertaining the
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  • 86 10 A crick H match played on s. d j between a team selected bj Dr. GleniiM and on* by Mr. Barkshire resu ted win for the former by 14 runs. For Die's team Sharp and ButterwortJi mwto 17 runs each. (ile«lhiil mad« tip for Barkshire'a team. i>illin-s t,, »k
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  • 3172 11 Via Ceylon. February 4th.— Lord Kitchener's usual terrier t accounts for 225 Boers killed, telegram from Brussels says that the SuL'ar Conference depends upon the i the delegates to obtain a reduction m among the Powers interest d, including 4 uniform rale of five francs. i CommcßSi Lord George
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  • 436 11 The death is announced at Bangkok of Dr. Prtt r Gowan on the 19th in-t. who went out to Bangkok as assistant m< tlical officer of the British Legation m 1871, two years later becoming phystci n to the Kir g. Sul >eqii«-r»t y hr started
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  • 156 12 A Eurasian named Rodrigues was charged yesterday morning before Mr. Beatty with cheating two rikisha pullers of their fare. It appears that both on the 15th and 16th inst. he engaged rikishas, and instead of paying them off, gave chits with a false address on, telling them
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  • 168 12 The British tank steamer Mexican Prince (Captain Penrieo), which arrived m Hongkong yesterday (16th) from Singapore, reports speaking the barque Evie y Ray on the 1-th insr m hit. 14. ->o* N., long 119.49 E. The barque, which was >nilii»of under American colours, was flying signals
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  • 399 12 [•MeC. Daily N*W* Service. Thb Anglo lai'ankms Agrkbmbnt. Kohe, February 12. Viscount Katsura, Premier ot J <|>an, announced m the Huu*e of Prerst ;-day the ratification ut the An^loJapanec Alliance wl>'cU was <. o:\cluded m London on th 30th ot January. It provides fur common Action m the evrnt
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  • 89 12 The Diamond Shoal light-ship off Cape Hatteras *ill m future, m addition to the usual lights, use a new electric searchlight. By the use of a mirror a pillar of light is projected skyward, which, it is expected, will be seen forty miles off. This is
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 45 12 4 lAr HITE JtxvJJrvoJii WHISKY. As used by the Red Cross Society during the Boer War. TO BE HAD OF ALL DEALERS. GUTHRIE Co,, Sole Agents Oct 8 tths B. WALLACE Bronze Medalist British Horologalic Institute. Watch Maker and Jeweller. Pp«*air«i m all Rranch^s. Guaranteed.
      45 words
    • 861 12 "THE CHINESE CRISIS. FROM WITHIN (BY WEN CHING) Edited by the Rev. G. M, Reith, M.A. The remarkable and instructive series of articles that appeared m the Singapore Free Press of last year have now been published m book form by the well-known London publisher, Mr. Grant Richards. The important
      861 words
    • 587 12 The Singapore Free pj^ AND Mercantile Advertiser Cable Address,— 4^,,,^,, Telephone Number.-^ pOft > bUbhed Raffles at', Phi' Jl T-HE leading English Newspaper, 1 Straits Settlements; joh or l£< Federated Native States of p cr ak g gor, Sungei Ujon^, Pahang, the Sembilan; British North Borneo SaNetherlands Indies. Java
      587 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 393 12 MARKET PRICE LIST. Singapore, February 24th, igo2. Beans, Long per catty cts. 05 Do., French do. 14 Beef per pound 18 Beef Steak do. t 20 Bean Sprouts per catty 3 Bamboo Sprouts do. i% 2\ Blacban do. 16 Brmjals do. 4 Cabbage, Batavia do. Nil Do., China do. 10
      393 words

  • 612 13 T future of the R. E Officers' "At next Saturday will be a regatta. Ml membew of tlie Philharmonic Or- I gre reminded of the practice to"l evening at 8.30 p.m. sharp. UK' 1 l v I The Maha Chakkri, with H.M. the King Siam «»n hoard,
    612 words
  • 2202 13 Tuesday, February 25TH, 1902. Prbsbnt His Excellency the Governor Sir Frank Swettenham, k.c.m.g.) Ihe Hon ble the Acting Col. Secretary (C. W. Sneyd Kynnersley, cm g.) n the Acting Auditor-GcnemHW. Evanb.) 11 the Actg. Attorney-General (T. H. Kershaw.) the Colonial Treasurer (F. G. P nney.) .1 the Colonial
    2,202 words
  • 417 13 New York, Feb. 7. Admiral Sampson has filed a brief with President R osevelt m answer to Admil al Schley's appeal m which he claims to have been m command at Santiago. Secretary Long has issued an order retiring Admiral S impson, and accompanied it by a laudatory
    417 words

  • 1621 14 Acting Managers Report to 17th February 1902 Bukit Koman Mine: —The main engine shaft has been sunk 12 ft. making the present bottom 50 ft. below the 240 ft. plat, and 290 ft. from the surface. 240ft. Levels:— Ma, point 485 ft. north from the main
    1,621 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 633 14 VHE TANJONGPAGAR DOCK COMPANY, LTD* Shipwrights, Engineers, Iron and Brass Founders, Wharfingers, &c. T^HIS Company executes Ship and Marint Engine Repairs ot all descriptions, m the most efficient manner, under the superintendence of experienced European Shipwrights and Engineers. Graving Docks up to 500 feet m length and 21 net on
      633 words
    • 605 14 LJONGKONG AND SHANQHAI I BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAP1TAL..................... .....f 10,000,0 c B RESERVE FUND.— Sterling Reserve $10,000,000 > t crt Aft Silver Reserve 4.250,000 S^ AlSl c RESERVE LIABILITY OF PROPRIETORS J |xo ooi i Court of Dimmer oms. R. Shewan, Esq.— Chairman. Hon. J. J Bbll-Irv ing, D*pvty Chairman.
      605 words
    • 888 14 Singapore Sporting ci^ programme7or thp SPRING RACE MEETINr MAY 30tk, 22nd, and FIRST DAY. Tuesday, 20th M a y First Race. The Maiden Plate.— Value 1^ Maiden Horses and horses that hat Ri *i* sters, Subscription Griffins and m rV ln *W to horses imported as Subscript,^ Weight as per
      888 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 470 15 *TORDDEUTSCH ER LLOYD, N BREMEN. .tiMBURG-AMERIKA LINIE ff A HAMBURG. Ix. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL. The last and well-known Mail-steamers of these lnes will leave Singapore on or about the under OUrWAKD. HOMEWARD. Vm** Keb 28 uchsen Mar. 10 Mar. 14 Kiautschuu Mar. 24 M *uvern April 7 r rt A
      470 words
    • 738 15 p Jfer JJ? cc T «ic«'*pb St. OU Wharves. Keppel Harbour. O STEAM NAVIGATION Co. CRWnV f ?L£ HINA J Ap AN, PENANG, Erv£? N iM^' AUSTRALIA, ADEN MaY^' »^??.i ILLES GIBRALTAR LONDON. PLYMOUTH AND Through Bills of Lading bsued for Persian **"lf, Continental and American Ports, also for Lntna
      738 words
    • 470 15 REUTER'S TELEGRAMS, SOUTH AFRICA. Two of Elliott's columns engaged De Wet with a considerable force, on the 16th, thirty miles to the northwest of Keitz. They captured ten Boers. THK BARCELONA STRIKES. Frequent encounters are taking place between the troops and the strikers at Barcelona and there has been fierce
      470 words
    • 425 15 SOUTH AFRICA De Wet and 400 men have brr»k*a back northward through the blockhouse line to the west of Lindley. GOOD WORK BY BRITIS* BOKRS Colonel Park and 300 of the National scouts surprised and captured 164 fcoers. NO CASU LTifcS. We had no casualties. TERRIBLE FlKm7 NEW YORK, A
      425 words

  • 68 16 PLAGUE ON A MAIL STEAMER. Two Fatal Cases. (Special to the Singafore Free Press.) Hongkong, Feb. 25th 1902. Two Portuguese have been found dead of plague on the Ballaarat at Woosung. Several sick have been sent to the Quarantine Station for observation. On disinfecting the ship many dead
    68 words
  • 94 16 Six Killed, Many Wounded (Special to Singapore Free Ptess.) Kuda Lumpor, Frb. 25th. There w;is rioting on ihf night of the 23rd, amonj; Chinese at Rawftng and R*sa. It v\a* quelled by the p »ii v alone, bu fifty (mides v\ert sent yesteiday as a
    94 words
  • 564 16 P O. Mar 7. Per husan For London. Mrs. Reid and infant, Mr F Weld, Mr. Ogilvie, and Luii\ Uovvena Paterson \ar 21 Per Ballaarat For London.— Mr. D. Nitnino, Mr .nid Mrs. Fleury Mar 2.> Per Bombay For Colombo.— Mr, md Miss Meikle. For London. -Mr.
    564 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 113 16 STRAITS STEAMSHIP Co., Ltd. s.s. Penang, Mondays at 4 p.m. for Malacca, Port Dickson, Port Swettenham and Teluk \nson. s.s. Malacca, Wednesdays at 4 p.m. for Malacca, Port Dickson, Port Swettenham and Teluk Anson. s.s. Curiyie,— TVi ursd ays for Port Swettenham, direct. s s. Hyt l^eonfr leaves Penang every
      113 words
    • 713 16 CLEARANCES February 20 Giang Seng, Brit Rawlingson, for Batavia, Tegal and Samarang Chigwell, Brit., Under hay, for Colombo. Hong Wan Brit Hudson, for Vl uar and Malacca. Chow Phya, Brit., Jellicoe, for Malacca and Port Swetteuham. Bezwada, Brit., Willsher, for Kobe. Camorta, Brit., McDougall, for Penang and Negapatam Hong Wan
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 1107 16 SHARE LIST. FEBRUARY 26th i 9oj t Quotation. Paid. Dii^ Bank of China and Japan, Ltd. Nominal. £4 Rell'< Asbestos Eastern Agency. Nominal. £1 Bersawah Gold Mine Co. *3-5° T** Chmdras Gold Mining Co. Ltd. £1 l I Gear Water Dairy harm lav. moo yoo Praser and Neave Ltd. lioi.
      1,107 words
    • 218 16 Feb 2").— Per Hobe Mesava, KlteaiafilB 111 do Brenjer, Von Zeyn, Lamer. -md Kantff P«*r Chow l*hya Mr>. Kerf Feb. 20.— Per Ban Whatt llin Mr. < >-' Per Maha Vajiruuhi- Mown, (k U Burke, Qoldberg, and Wakemu PABBBNOKRB ARRIVED Bl PHB MAI Feb. 19 —Per P. and O. Parramatta
      218 words