The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 13 February 1902

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 244 1 lh About Fas nod a, 93 Improvements, 93 Patrrson, g} 1 Diffic ilties, g^ -hai-wi re, A ihe Empire, q| did Japan Allk «i r,^ v Selan^or, yo Golf. S.L.G* h.impionship, 99 i < v nese Girls School, (6 fch ot Cap: C. P. Down, gr i Hoods Ag-
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  • 77 1 (Corrected UP TO February 12.) On London. £»nk 4 m/s I0 idemand i/io t^ Private credits 3 m/s i/io£ documents 3 tn/s i/io,^ credits 6 m/s l lo i\ France, demand 231 Germany, demand 187 3 India, T. T i 3 (A Hongkong, demand pm. Yokohama, demand n%pm. Java,
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  • 84 1 (February 12.* f in $67.62* >nu>ier M j*. cube No. 1 7 5 «pp«r, Wiack (ordinary S'porc) 30.37 White, (Fair L/W-s* s*. iios to the 1b.)......_... si oc (Sostothrlb) C9..50 *J*c« (Banda) ,0 -ovft (*mboina) 2 it«rian Coffee .V.....V.' 22. r-pioca. small pear! Fair 'quality', V, S-so die fiake
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  • Domestic Occurrences
    • 46 1 On January Ith, 1902, fit the Garden House, heathampstead, Herts, the wife of Captain Hi:nry Lynch Talbot, the Commissioner of Police, Federated Malay States, of a daughter. \t Fernlei^h, Belvedere, Kent, on Jan. !)th, the wife of W. {i. Morrell, oi a son. By mail.
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    • 34 1 On the 11th January, at St. Luke's Church, Hillniarlen Koad, London, X., by the Revd. W.H.Thompson, LL.D., Fi;\nk Wilson Barker, to Mabel Alice, elder daughter of John Frei>krick Kimmll, ot Camdcu Koad, N.
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  • 362 1 The mails from home of Jan. 17th arrived by the P. O. Ballaarat on Sunday, followed to-day by the N.D.L. Kiautschou, with dates up to Jan. 21st. The next outward mail is not due until Feb. 22nd by the M. M. Ocean icn, the M. M. Annam, bringing
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  • 94 1 A Malay boy named Osnian (mi^ht possibly be now changed to Ali or other name) disappeared from my charge from 28th January, 1902. Probable cause, School troubles. Description. Age between 17 or 18 years, medium si/e, fair complexion, round face, good round eyes, walUing last and stooping.
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  • 449 1 Hrre shall the Pr^ss the P<?opJc'i right maintanr C'nawed by influence and vmbribed by gain; Here patriot Truth her pltriom precepts draw, \>\o.a.,*a to Reiigion, Loyalty, and Law. (Feb. 6ih.) IT is^a truism that when you look for something you always find something else that you
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  • 545 1 (Feb. Vth.) i In another column today is published a long letter on the proposed Harbour Improvement Scheme. It will be remembered that Mr. Matthews' scheme inv »lvt* the construction of moles to protect wha« we may call the local harbour to maUe of an area of 1,300
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  • 180 1 (Keb. ioth.) A great many people will not feel any particular sympathy with the people of Patcrson, a large town in New Jersey, which has been partially destroyed by fire, Paterson, even more than Chicago, has been a hot-bed of anarchy, more 1 particularly of that
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 36 1 A Rrmody for all Irregularities. •••i- w' d Br BitUt A W^ Pennyroyal, Ttl OufcU. *c. rw by llnt.por* Dl«pensln« Co., Ltd., »»i«c«, Slntfapor*. *i A n lllL J*r»pmtor "IN. cw^'-* b ,rl ihAMPfos r\YH AMD-
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    • 17 1 BUTTER FRENCH BRETEL FRERES D'lsigny Butt9r ID i and 2 lb. tins. John Littb ICa. Ltd. lineraDore
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  • 1103 2 (Feb. nth.) Hustling De Wet seems to have come off rather well in the last attempt to ■hustle that evasive gentleman, which appears to have proved a capital example of the value of the mounted columns and of an intelligent and successful co-operation of those units.
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  • 1401 2 i2in.j We have to thank the deceased Mr. GLADSTONE for at least one thing. His action has given us. in Mr. CHAMBERLAIN, a Minister of the Empire. It was the Great Betrayal of ISSS, when Mr. GLADSTONE recanted his previous principles and joined the Irish
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  • 748 2 A telegram received to-day announce] an event that powerfully affects the future of the Far East, and more than that. It has been often reiterated in articles ir these columns that the Pacific was to be the arena of the chief political struggles of the future
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  • 747 3 i Chinaman was yesterday sent to r f o r two months by Mr. Green for 1 n f to satisfactorily account for being polesaion of a gold watcb. I Lieutenant-Colonel and Brevet-Colonel \V B. Parkin, Army Service Corps, is L c ed on jctired pay.
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  • 228 3 The heavy rain on Tuesday and yesterlay resulted in a genial flooding of the ow-lying parts of the town yesterday afterloon. Helped by a rising tide, the water rose higher than" during the floods on Jan. 9 th and loth and Orchard-rd. presented a remarkable sight, nearly the
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  • 70 3 The homewnrd P. O. mail Coromandel arrived from Hongkong at 9 this morning H M.S. Fearless proceeded to the wharf this morning to receive bunker coal. Tlie Russian war ship Yaryag atuntaking in about 700 tons of coal left tor i the Roads this morning. The Chaveurs Reunis
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  • 499 3 All friends of Mr. St. V. B. Down, Singa- j jorc, will much regret to hear of the death )f his brother Capt. Cecil Patton Down, a gallant officer of the Indian Staff Corps, employed on political service on the Northwest Frontier of India.
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  • 741 3 What the American Church has Borrowed j From the Worlds of Imstrvction awd Amusbmewt. I overheard a remark the other day that religion in America is on the down-grade, else Mormonism j could not spread as it does, or thousands confess Dowie to be the Messiah, or
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  • 164 3 Ceylon papers mention the serious illness of Major Symons, commanding the Ceylon Volunteer Artillery. Mr. F. W. Barker was to have been married to Miss Kimmet in London on the i ith January. A home paper says Another of Lady Clementine Hay's bridesmaids is going to follow her example, for
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  • 424 3 THE LONG JU-JU." This mysterious letish ot cne aiu tribe, recently discovered by one of Col. Montanaro's columns, is thus described io a mail paper The long ljuju" is a fetish or object of worship of which little is known beyond the fact that it is the fetish most dreaded
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  • 284 3 Tkb Death ot a Paksi Wrangler. It may be recollected that a few days ago Ceylon advices included a telegram stating that Mr. P. Cama, a Parsee student who came out high as a wrangler at Cambridge, had been kilted by a fall from his horse.
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  • 192 3 There is a report from Kabul, which so far has not been authenticated, that the Amir has ordered to be blow away from guns three men of sanding and Influence who were found guilty of oppression and extortion. If this be true, it will show that the
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  • 862 4 Prize Distribution. On Tuesday afternoon the prize distribution of the above school took place at Hill Street. The school-room had been very prettily decorated with greenery and flags by the lady teachers, assisted by some of the elder girls. And in spite of the heavy downpour,
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  • 192 4 Boers And Foreign Adventurers. Dr. YT. F. Oakeshott has returned home, after practising in the Transvaal for twelre years, during which he came to know the Boer well. As late as the second week in September he was within the enemy's lines in the Lydenburg, with Ben
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  • 290 4 Some interesting remarks are made by the British Consul at Shanghai (which continues more prosperous than and quite as British as ever) ort the (banning of the ships, particularly sailing vessels, which visit the port. He says: "The European crew? of these vessels are of the very
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  • 338 4 {From a Correspondent.} H. E. the Governor returned to Labuan from Jesselton on Sunday, the 19th, bringing the welcome news of the voluntar}- surrender of twelve of the chief rebels. These were old adherents of Mat Salleh, who escaped from the fort at Tambunan after
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  • 872 4 The festival called in Malay tahu baru cheena, which commences to-day and lasts for one whole month, is the greatest of the national holidays of the Chinese people. Though nominally going on for thirty days, the first is marked by the principal solemnities and every Chinese,
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  • 189 4 A new musical instrument has just been I traduced to London music-lovers. Mr. G v Collins performed selections on the Stroh violm the Prince's Restaurant, and ihe perform^ were heartily welcomed. Mr. J.E. Muddock s that the vibrations of the strings are conducted means of the usual
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  • 100 4 The United States Collier Ajax)tti £a*t ward this morning after coaling. The German Mail Preussen homewin brund left ior Europe at 10 this m rning, Ihe Russian Transport Khcr on left fa Vladivostock after coaling ye>terd u H. M. S. Aurora is expected In re fron Hongkong to-morrow
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  • 215 4 The following is the report to be seated to the general meeting 01 day next. The Directors have now to submit lo \oua General Statement of the affairs of the Bank, arci Balance Sheet for the half-year ending 31st De cember, 1901. The net profits for
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  • 344 4 Details o* a Huge Scheme. Rangoon, January 21st. The following is a brief summary of a scheme drawn up by the Chairman of the Port Commissioners for the improvement and extension of accommodation for shipping at the port of Rangoon, which was discu-^ed at a special meeting
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  • 809 5 m Bells Asbestos Co. send us a pictorial with plenty of views of the pre■e S mises of the Company. H During the past year the troops in South H o;, Africa have remitted £2,000,000 of their pini/'Pay to relatives. B The much-talked-of Echigo Oil Trust,
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  • 1270 5 Quicquidpgunt homines nostrt est farrago lilelli, JUVBNAL. The Topicist was grieved to read in a home paper that the ungallant male physicians of Macclesfield have prevailed against the lady-colleague whom the managers of the local hospital intended to give them. There must have been a bachelor
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  • 1280 5 Since the beginning of the war in South Africa the Government have shared the dissatisfaction with cordite hitherto existing among those most versed in the ot explosives. Practically Great Britain is now the only nation in the world using this or any M<n War compound. It has
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  • 203 5 Capt' F. S. Jackson, 3rd King's Own Royal Lancaster Regt. is on litfl way home from South Africa. F. S. will therefore be likely to be seen once more this summer, in the Yorkshire cricket team of which he was a pillar. This officer is not to be contused v\
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  • Correspondence.
    • 1652 6 To the Editor. Sir, The Improvement to the Harbour scheme reported on by Mr. Matthews has assumed somewhat gigantic proportions. If a similar one is recommended for Penang, it is, to say the least of it, a serious matter to contemplate. However, no one expects
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  • 79 6 An Imperial Apology. (China Mail corr.) Shanghai, January 29 The whole of the Diplomatic Corps was received by the Emperor of China at Peking yesterday. The Empress-Down ger was also present. The Dojenof the Diplomatic Corps, on behalf of iiis colleagues, made a short address to
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  • 1278 6 (Vta Ceylon.) Bombay, January 24th. The 2nd Battalion of the Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers, consistingjof nearly a thousand officers and men, left Bombay to-day for South Africa in the transport" Armenian.'* Sir Ernest Cassel arrived in Bombay to-day by the English mail, and is the guest of Lord Northcote. Calcutta,
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  • 477 6 The Rkign 01 Cleanliness Com mem ks. "<>iik, an< ru i- t i r^ 31 1 l)e Ihe progress which is made in replacing coa! with oil as fuel for steamers is ojvj of the most includin noticeable features of the new century, and is tx
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  • 194 6 We received a communication from the office of the Colonial Secretary. Singapore, the other day, type written on paper which prominently disclosed the fact that it was "made in U. S. A. It was we believe a very good paper, thin and tough, a.,d doubtless worthy of the
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  • 1464 7 L e ce are rumours flying about the East d^ie N.-C. Daily News) of a coming mation of the British India and U S. Companies, with Sir James L. V, k.c.i.e., as Chairman. cti been bitterly cold at Hongkong l<i .S. Vestal left for China on
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  • Correspondence.
    • 148 7 A Place of Darkness." To ti'.e EditorDeak Sir, It is about time notice was taken of the total darkness Oxley Rise is in at night. There is not one Municipal lamp on the rise adjoining Tank-road to Oxley-road that comprises a distance of about 450 yards, on which about ten
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    • 126 7 To THE EDITOK. Sir,— lt is to be hoped the suggestion of "C. B. B." will receive the attention it deserves about the necessity of continuing the line on the sauae level from Orchard Road to Syed Alley Road. The level crossing should never have been allowed, I
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    • 214 7 SNGAPORB V. SbLANUOR. This match was commenced on Feb. 7th at Kuala Lumpor, in brilliant and extremely hot weather. SINGAPORF. First Innings. C. R. Barkshire c Voules b Codirane W. Latham Carter b Cochrane 4 F. H. Gram b J. GWsford Capt. Aiublie cJ. Glassford h Co-.hrane 10 G.
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    • 84 7 The Hanoi correspondent of Le Courrier d' Haiphong telegraphs on the 22nd ult. announcing the sad death of Mme. Lemire. It appears that M. Lemire (bandmaster ot the Col >nial Kegiment) and his wife became suddenly ill en the previous night. In ihe morning, ih-y were taken to hospital, where
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    • 162 7 correspondent writes On Saturday a picnic party consisting of Mr and Mrs G.W. Strips and child, Mr. H. D Jan.z, Mrs. James, Miss Jan.z, Mr. P. forest, Mr. C. Gienier, Miss Grenier an*i Miss Busk went by launch on a trip to Johore. While on the rtturn trip to Singapore
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  • 135 7 The Championship of the Sepoy Lines Golf Club was brought to an end last week by a closely contested match between Dr. Gilmour Ellis and Mr. J, D. Monro, Re. Dr. Ellis vras the winner. The contest was a very close one throughout. No less than
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  • 857 7 {The Times, January II.) It was only to be expected that German Anglophobes would derive encouragement fr m the tone of the Imperial Chancellor's statement in the Reichstag on Wednesday las'. Accordingly, and not unnaturally, a cerUifl Herr Licbermann von Sonnenberg, whom our Berlin Correspondent
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  • 490 8 Manila Times Special Service] The Panama Route. Washington, Jan. 20.— The President has sen 1 the supplement il report of the Walker Canal Com mission to Congress. This report is unanimously in favor of the acceptance of the Panama Company's offer, and the construction of the canal by way
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  • 1103 8 THE MATRIMONIAL WISDOM OKA SAVAGE Obendaga is a West African Chief who resembles Solomon, fiisi in lining a large number o wives, and, second, in the fact that he is the author of some proverbs, his true ihrse aphorisms deal entirely with women and are rather cyni al in tone
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  • 133 8 As Sir Thomas Ja<*ksoti retires from the management of the Hongkong a nil Shanghai Banking Corporation in a tew months, when he loaves the Colony, the Directors, we {China Mail) are informed, have appointed Mr. J. R M. Smith to succeed him aa Chief Manager here.
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  • 572 8 The Volunteer Camp at Keppel Harbour which closes ihis afternoon has been successful and instructive. The arrangements were very complete in all respects, increased accommodation having been provided on account of the participation, for the first time, of the S.V.K. the latter being located on the slope in
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  • 135 8 THE NEW PEIYANG ARM> (N.-C. Daily News.) Peking, January 2Gtb. The Russian Minister wrote lately to the Chinese Plenipotentiaries as follows: '1 have an agreement made with the late Li Hung-chan** that no other nation shall have anything to do with any future foreign-disciplined army of the Peiy&ng, I ain
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  • 100 8 The German cruisers Hertha and Bu> sard, the former flying the flag of Vice Admiral Bendemann, arrived here yesterday from Patavia, and after exchanging salutes with Fort Canning anchored in the roads. Admiral Brndemann landed officially ai ii o'clock this morning being received on the Pier by the Hon'ble C.
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  • 427 8 Total Loss or the Bmuwdah: Foul At Sea. #*t£ The Captain of the G. G. MeyerY)*'^ been i arrived here on Sunday morningf G that on the evening of the sih5 ih hd 5 v '°«n up from Banka Island the ChieK^ Mr. Roos, the
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  • 431 8 OIL FUELON AN N.D AUSTRALIAN LINER The Sydnty Mail >^-s some intc-i t:sr ><||Br of S S(>".ooo< about he 2,< oo tor. NxtlJ <• *«eamr.r '/^w^ficredit of the recently arrived t SporW burning RoiiiM t i en stan( j leum in place of i-ohL .^B 11 >'■* P u;ll P
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  • 194 8 The Ajax, ;i United SUtei \V *^oda of 3,000 tons, arrived Iter.* y^.^i^r.l y fft-tion Cavite. Sbe is bound for Kttngoon, wl»ip uare sh»* proceeds for a cargo «»1 :l."i* c ma turning to Cavit*. Cr Theß Kherson of 8 fheds I tons, arrived here yestt*rd&! from Odd
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  • 468 9 TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 11,1902 my iC S C.C. Cricket and Football teams Hrted from Selangor by the Carlyle |L( ut 2"»0 people, mostly hawker.-, were ■■nil. mini: fined sums ranging from $5 I; IV Mi Brockman for Terandah I; R Sheffofd read a paper at the I et\ cvn the 14th
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  • 174 9 An Important Reform. roe following letter hag been received lr om the Col Dial Secretary's Office Singapore, 11th February, 1002. -I am dhveted to inform you that uwa t aivanse)] w|th the Hritisb ndia ni Na ig a ti on Company to send a \v" a V:i
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  • 1338 9 (Specially written for the Singapore Free Press.) January 16th, 1902. 1 nree cheers for Chamberlain's British backbone It is a commodity that has been strangely lacking in British politics since Disraeli's days and foreign countries, whose avowed intention it is to destroy us commercially, and take our
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  • 1249 9 Patriotism or Commonwealth Parliament. SrtßCßtl by Ma. Barton and Mr. Kkid. In the Federal House of Representatives on 14th of Januay, Mr. Barton said lhat he would, after the Standing Orders had been postponed, move the folio ving resolutions (a) Tlmi this House takes its first
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  • 170 9 The steamer Anglia, with the cable which is to be laid in connection with the all British scheme, has sailed from England for Australia. Work will be commenced as soon as the ship reaches her destination. The southern section will be completed first. Starting from Brisbane,
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  • Correspondence.
    • 236 10 To *hb Editor. Sir, In your issue of 7th inst. reference was made in a letter by "C. R B." to the level crossing at Bukit Timah Road. The line at, and for some distance beyond, the Stations must be level, and if an overhead bridge were
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    • 143 10 Singapore 1 lth February, 1902. THE FRENCH MAIL On ing io a mishap to the s.s. Annam, the French Mail steamer riu« wi.h th- next outward mail after U\*t xpected by the N.D L. Kiaufscheu on Tb»n>chv. this mail will nut arrive in SingHpu»c ur.ul Fehtuirv 2ist or 22id. Prom
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    • 197 10 t public r-:,, V ft^j,..,^,;.. Uyon d and predicted cvei.tua j Vi;M popul The January report «»r Mr. aicuihh ".m v *ays that th«- i"«le, cnrrjiiits liteift g«»lq* ia 4ft wide in th«'»*aat rut N<». 2 »lrive south. In th«* oumwpptiftiiig west cros»--«:ut there is o
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    • 217 10 The Russian garrisons in the Far Kast, at Vladivostock and Port Arthur, are being considerably augmented by large drafts from Russia. The Volunteer Fleet steamer Petersburg, which passed through recently, outward-bound, took 1,300 troops and the Kherson, which arrived on Friday morning bouud for
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  • 247 10 A caae of housebreaking is reported from No. 44 Cecil-st. Burglars entered the house during the night and stole $8 in cash and some clothes, but as they were making off the residents awoke and managed to capture one of the burglars. Herr Marquardt and Mme
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  • 70 10 H. M. S. Aurora, Captain E H. Bayly, C. B arrived h^re from Hongkong this morning en r; ute to Plymouth. The cruiser, which left Hongkong on Feb. 6ih, had a choppy time of it in ihe China Sen,' but came though all right. The Aurora
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  • 129 10 SThe Mine Manager's report for January states j at stoping is toeing on in \N js. i, 2 and 3 lodes various levels. No. 2 lode, going east, has iched to 1 ft. in the no ft. level, but looks ,-<s if vould wide" out again. The poppet legs
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  • 117 10 A Chinaman was this morning lined $25 (or selling spirits without having a licence. A Chinese shop-keeper was ihis morning fined §50 for bein^ in possession, of false weights, and measures. This morning" before Mr. Oilman eleven shop-keepers were fined $5 each for circulating prohibited coin. Yesterday befoie Mr.
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  • 199 10 Yesterday at noon a Chinese woman, who lives in Orchurd-rd. was passing through Tank id. in a rikisba, with her little child n-ged four years <>ld, on her way to a friend's house, when a Chinaman whom she identified as formerly living in Orchard-rd. ran up behind
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  • Correspondence.
    • 537 10 To THE EfMTOft. Sir, There is an old proverb that fays fools and bairns should never see fealf finished work.'* Therefore why should I your correspondents "C. B. B. f Public Good," and L.," already start criticising the game of Railway Building, now being
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  • 238 10 In the consular report about the trade with Singapore the Consul, Mr. Reelfs, draws the attention to the necessity of extending business by the establishment of more Netherlands firms. Besides the two Dutch import-houses, there are also Messrs. Daerdels and Co., agents of the Royal Packet Company, the
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  • 326 10 {JTr&m *»r mn Corrtspondtni\ R The annual New Year Sp., r f>, f were postponed from the 2nd Ja n 'Jij account of the wat, were brought cessfullj on Monday. The w, atlJJ very favourable, a breeze teni| )Ar jj™ heat. The attendance whs one j* largest known, and
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  • 394 10 I The Surveyor (Syd\b\.) In our last issue readers will have not ;td vertisemcnt stating the requirement o; the S*.! vey Department of Xegri Sembilan, one dM Federal Malay States, for four surveyors a: of about £300 6-year. By the courtesy < W. Allworth, Chief Surveyor, Department ,i
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  • 188 10 Discussing the commission i?b «3 the London Argent of the Penani: M' lt 9 pal Cotniuttision. the Pinang Oat 3 commends an inquiry whether in* g man is necessary in placing large oxM B Bach as theelectric lisrhtiri" <»t* IVn g Our contemporary says S To us it appears lit
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  • 1255 11 The following references to Wei-hai-wei, n n g which station Lord Onslow the important statement in Parliateleerapbed yesterday, are taken '.-Chint and the Present Crisis," by ifWph Walton, M P. (hili ah of Wei-hai-wei is on the d and it is on the inland side of the island ('tau
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  • 1038 11 The December number of this journal maintains its interest. Dr. Lim Boon Keng writes the first article on Consumption, in which he says. Consumption is therefore the most important disease which demands the serious attention alike of the State and the individual. The total amount of fatality
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  • 323 11 if ram evr own ucrrcspsudtnt.} Labuan is at present full of budding proconsuls eager to play football. The great match Labuan v. B. N. Borneo comes oft on Saturday the Bth. The Sandakan band arrived liy the S S. Bor?ieo and remains over the Chinese
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    • 32 11 (Special to Singapore Free Press.) Penang, Feb. 7th, 2.7 p.m. A fire occurred last night in Cannon Square. The Seh Khoo Kongsi Joss and building, costing §200,000 was destroyed.
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    • 38 11 (Special to Singapore Free ressj Hongkong, 10th Jan. A German Mission Las been destroyed by Anti-Christians in the province of Kwantung. The Missionaries had a narrow escape, but finally got safely to Canton.
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  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 697 11 CLEARANCES. February 5. Hong Wan, Brit., Hudson, for Muar and Malacca. Carlylo, Brit., Mugford, for Tart Swettenham. Malacca, Brit Daly, for T. Anson, via ports. Rajah of Sarawak, Sar., Baker, for Sarawak. February 6. Borneo, Brit Robinson, for Bangkok. Brouwer, Dut., Ponssen, for Deli, via port>. Ansgar, Nor., Hamiestad, for
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  • 18 12 Maclaren's Team have won their match against New South Wales by an innings and 128 runs.
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  • 21 12 The King has accepted the offer of six Militia Battalions to serve outside the United Kingdom.
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  • 44 12 A despatch from Lord Kitchener states that Colonel Byng attacked Commander Wessels near Reitz and recaptured the two guns lost by Colonel Firman, also De Wet's last pom-pom. Eleven Boers were killed and twentyseven taken prisoner. London, February 6tk 1902.
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  • 10 12 The newspapers approve of Lord Lansdowne's reply.
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  • 22 12 Th»* Earl of Ouslow, Under-Secretory Stuto for t!ie Colonies, Male**) a statpment in flip House of Lords «>:i Monday concerning \V«M-hai-wei.
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  • 54 12 Lord SvOisbury, speaking ;it the Junior (Constitutional Club, stated that there were more important questions than that of South Africa. The most vital was the maintenance of the English position in Ireland. Jf efforts to this eftd. flagged, the Empire would he brought to the
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  • 18 12 RUMOURED CESSION TO GERMAMY. ThB Westminster Gazette lHftnti*>llH ;>. rumour of th. 1 cesstoti rtf W«m --lini-w.'i to iormanv.
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  • 62 12 Major Leader's colnOin killo,! s*»v«»n ind captuivd ISI of l)< j l;uvy's Commando, including Commandant Alberts, Majar H. P. I. "rider bonnes to the 60i Dr*« rmnn Clm^rd^ (O»rahtmeT« (i,t Phtl |»P»«w" t public sptech i« i»»« c llv horses and muled t irf' -rj nrttf'T I*-1 lj
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  • 43 12 Mr Balfour stated that eppww of the •orre.pondence with the !3ui«h < SovemHUftfc has been mailed to Sir Alfred Milner on tVb. Ist, and he would b^||iiiBtriicted ask Lord Kitchoi^r to with|the Boers in thejteWU London, Feb. Bth, ig<> 2
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  • 13 12 The' Cruiser Ampkitrit*. bontftwui-d bound, is ashore in 8n« Bay.
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  • 16 12 Five have been killed *nd 274iijttifd by a collision bekw^n urmonr^ trains ne;ir Burirhersdorp
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  • 9 12 The Amphitrite lias been refloated. j
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  • 26 12 Commandant Lane at St. Helena has offered his services to the British with a Commando (of his fellow-prisoners). London, Feb. gth 1902.
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  • 14 12 The rebel Commandant Marais was captared on the 31st nit.
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  • 37 12 SOUTH AFRICA. DE WET IN DIFFICULTIES. De Wet on the »itb February was within an enclosure [cordon] of onr inonnted m*u, bat realising the danger ot liib petltMm, he ordered bis men to d.sperse and aeek safety.
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  • 64 12 A tire i» racing *t Patewon, New Jersey, mid twenty six blocks of bnildinea have been already destroyed, including many public buildings, the entire|busmess section and the lighting system of the town. The city is only illuminated by the flames from the banting buildings. The inhabitants
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  • 28 12 He himself succeeded in breaking the block-house line by rushing cattle at the wire fence, and escaped mixed up aiaongst the cattle.
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  • 15 12 On this occasion 283 Boers were killed, wounded, or taken prisoner. i
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  • 27 12 Seven hundred horses were captured, and a quantity (of cattle) killed or taken. TRIFLING BRITISH CASUALTIES The British casualties were very slight.
    27 words
  • 29 12 Lord Onslow, Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies, has stated that carefu enquiry showed that Wei hai-wei was only capable of fortification at great expense.
    29 words
  • 40 12 The idea of fortifying and keeping a large garrison there had been abandoned. But it would be an extremely useful place for small-arm and naval ijun practice, and might be used as a military and nava sanatorium.
    40 words
  • 18 12 The Chinese Regiment would be disbanded, and replaced by police raised locally.
    18 words
  • 13 12 COLONIAL OFFICE JURISDICTION. The Colonial Office took over the Colony on Jan. Ist.
    13 words
  • 30 12 He believed that under Lockyer [Mr. Stewart Lockhart] the revenue would in- i crease largely and that the place would become an important commercial port life* Hongkong
    30 words
  • 20 12 There was do intention of surrendering Hie place, nor of returning it to China. London, February rtth, igoj.
    20 words
  • 10 12 „4..-...» conii.atvjli n,; u last, vreek w^ j-
    10 words
  • 32 12 c A British convoy of sixty waggoni was < captured near Fraaerburg. J Reinforcements arriving, tbe enemy was defeated. Two officers and 1 1 men were killed, and IS wounded.
    32 words
  • 8 12 Seventy-one Boers were killed and wounded.
    8 words
  • 25 12 The euemy rushed a detachment of 100 men at Calvinia by ni^ht. Three officers and sev^n men were kiMed, and 17 wounded.
    25 words
  • 14 12 Immense patriotic demonstrations have taken place at Sydney and Melbourne.
    14 words
  • 14 12 Resolutions have b<*en passed repudiating the Continental slanders on the troops.
    14 words
  • 10 12 Admiration W De Wet's exploit is universal.
    10 words
  • 17 12 The papers recall the escapes of H»" nibiil nml other classic literary parallels.
    17 words
  • 19 12 AN IMPORTANT ALLTANCE. An agreement between Britain ami Jft pan was signed om the 30th January.
    19 words
  • 21 12 Its objects are to maintain peace in the Bast and to preserve the integrity of Korea ami ('hina.
    21 words
  • 26 12 U also sruarantees cooperation in the event of either ally being at war with more than one power. London, February 12th, jqoj.
    26 words
  • 309 12 SHARE LIST, FEBRUARY 12th 1902 Quotation P AID Drrr DtKl>S| Hank of China and Japan, Ltd. L* Nominal. Deferred. £5*5/ 7. Bell's Asbestos Eastern Agency, Nominal. i» Bersawah Gold Mine Co. *V>o ?f 0 Chindras Gold Mining Co. Ltd. £i Clear Water Dairy harm uia. *ioo *J°° <* Fraser and
    309 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 1011 12 VESSELS IN PORT. Me«i-oi-War Flag and Tons Commanders Arrived From For Wjm Fearless Brit cruiser 1580 J. J. Graham Keb4 Colombo rtongk Plover fJiit gun boat 7;V> fones Fob <» Labnan Plymouth F Thetiv Her cruiser 2(>00 Van Semmen Feb 7 Calcutta China Feb FC\i'<\ Bismatk < Jer cruiser *****
      1,011 words