The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 6 February 1902

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 412 1 Leading Articles. Telescope Rifle Sights, 77 "The Long Ju-ju," 77 Cold Storage for Singapore, 77 The New Hebrides, 78 11 Naval" Oi!ii!£-Siations, 78 A Missing Warship, 78 A Reform Edict, 78 Revul-ion from Or. Leyds, 79 The Earl of Minister, 79 Xoukt News. Another (J iptu.e of River Thieves,
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  • 85 1 (February 5.1 ((at 9^s*s^ ambier 2C dc. Cube No. i 7 50 Prpp«r I.!!ack (ordinary S'porc) M 30.37^ White, (Fair L/\V-55% „52. NUirivs nos to the ib.) 51 go. (80s to the Ib) 69.50 M<r 'V,\i\dv.) rv (AfobciiMi).*., 32 Übt/wirCo£be 22. iapt»»r%. -cmaH peat I (Pair y. c.50 <io
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  • Domestic Occurences.
    • 39 1 On 22nd nit., at Kew Church, London, Walter j C 0 mm 1 ngs, of Si ngapore, to F R \nc 1 s El i z\ b et h, j elder daughter oi J. T. Jarratt, Kew Gardens.
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    • 12 1 At Borrelton, Perthshire, Scotland, on the 2nd instant, Jambs Malcolm Lyon.
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    • 69 1 i< ORRECTP.D I p TO February 5 »n London, B«ji« 4 aa/h */*o T 5 Remand 10^ Private credits 3 n;/a gjio^J documents 3 ra/s 1/10^ credits 6 in/» i/io* FaANCK, demand Germany, tientariii i^g India, I i 137 HnriOKCNC, Vm^tK j^ pm Y'«KO!fAMA, ilfiuami io|%pm v\, ' iij3
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  • 347 1 The Long Ju-ju." (Jan. 31st) Lord Rosslyn is at present, by dint of a system of his own, trying to attain fame as "The Man thai broke the bank at Monte Carlo." The Malay Peninsula is still the scene of the official career of the gallant officer whom a Perak
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  • 751 1 Mr. H. W. H. Stevens representing the Queensland Meat Export a *d Agency Company of Brisbane has arrived here to en<juire into the prospects of establishing a Cold Storage business, with Singapore as a central distributing depot. Competition in the Lo-idon Markets between Australia I and
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  • 708 1 I lere Bkali the Press the Peeple'f right maintaif Unawed by influence and unbribed by gain; Here patriot Truth her gl»rieus precepts draw, »i-h.,»,i to Religion, Loyalty, and Law. (Jan. 301b.) On the 30th December a reference was made in these columns to a new adjustable rifle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 33 1 JIPIOL& STEE Ii Ladies.! fl LrJLiS A Remedy for all Irr^ulaHtl— >uxmn4 at Bitter Apple, Fenny r •y«l, Coofci*. fte. >ld toy Blr.gapor« Dl»|»«n«ln* 00., LMf RafflM Plao«, Slngapor*. MARTIN, Ck»-"* SUUTUAMPTAN. BNOLAMk
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 379 1 i THE WEEK. The mail from home of Jan. 6th arrived by the N.D.L. Sachsen on Thursday, followed, yesterday by the M.M Sydney, with dates up to Jan. iith. The next outward mail is due by the P. O. Ballaarat on Sunday. The last mails for Europe left by the
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  • 155 2 (Feb. isi.) French methods in the Eastern Archipelago are not always what they should be in regard to the natives of the islands. The Wellington (New Zealand) correspondent of the Times says that a French trading vessel, in retaliation for the desertion of a native boy, went
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  • 1174 2 Naval Oiling-Stations." (Feb. 3rd.) The day appears to be approaching when even for the Navy Singapore will have become an oiling station as well as a coaling station. For some, mercanlile ships, and the oil ships themselves, Singapore if we account Pulo Bukum as Singapore is a well- established oiling
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  • 346 2 IT will be with a painful interest that the public will learn that the British warship Condor is long overdue at Honolulu from Esquimalt, and is believed to be lost. The authority for this is a telegram from New York, dated 16th Jan., to the United Press
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  • 667 2 (Feb. 4th.) The edict abolishing the class distinctions between Manchus and Chinese has long been expected. And lately, after the embioglio of 19)0, Chang Chih Tung and his colleagues of tlie South vigorously memorialised the throne to do away with such distinctions, which, they pointed out, go
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  • 280 3 (Feb. s th.) We have occasionally quoted with pleasure passages in the Continental press in which editorial efforts are put forth to counteract the torrents of published calumny against the British troops in South Africa, and to vindicate the interests of truth and justice. But for
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  • 108 3 The peerage continues to contribute its quota to the roll of campaigning casualties in South Africa, the latest instance being that of Geoff ey George Gordon, Earl of Munster. As Lord Tewkesbury in his father's life time he was a Captain in the 2nd Kiag-'a H-;..
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  • 338 3 Consul General Esehke forwards to us a description of ;i German Government school that is about to be opened in the German Colony of Kiaochou, which lie thinks may be of interest to the inhabitants of this Colony in several ways. Mr. Bschke adds lt
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  • 1831 3 Tuesday, February 4TH, 1902. Present His Excellency the Governor Sir Frank Swettenham, k.c.m.g.) I The Hon'ole the Acting Col. Secretary (C. W. Sneyd Kynnersley, cm g.) *he Acting Auditor-General (W. Evans.) 'the Actg. Attorney-General (T. H. Kershaw.) the Colonial Treasurer (F. G. P-nney.) the Colonial Engineer (A. Murray.)
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  • 55 3 This morning before Mr. Bearty, C. Oliveiro, a clerk in the General Post Office was charged, on remand, with misappropriation of certain Government money. Mr. Innes prosecuted and Mr. Bradd 4 defended. Mr. Noel Trotter, the li'St witness for the prosecution, gave evidence and
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  • 411 3 The 3rd Annual General Meeting of the Singapore Polo Club was held at the Exchange last night. There present were Messrs. Brockman, Crane, 11. Vade, R. Yade, C. W. Laird, J. B. Young, H. Payne Gallwey, Thomas, Captains Anderson, Barry, White, Taylor, etc. Mr. H. Yade took the
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  • 63 3 The Q*io*k*r**j9 Quite ike lion of the moment is 'he Marquis Ito hut after him in importance conies the Sultan of Johore, The SnKan is it tall, go<> ;-lookinir Toqitg i"' l 5 who lives :j thonughly En^lisli life, a- n is not yet so s[>oilt as the Maharaiah *>t
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  • 1496 4 e>'Serajooden Ahmed, alias Mr. jirc Superintendent of Telegraphs, t filing Islam in Burma. air A robbery at 15 Cross-street, the house of a Chinese trader, is reported. The thieves cut a panel out of one of the doors of the place, and then effected an
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  • Correspondence.
    • 440 4 To tie Editor. Sir, Out of fairness to a bodj of deserving Government servants, I beg you will kindly allow me to bring to public notice, through the medium of your paper, the injustice done to them in the filling up of the newly-created appointment of
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  • 173 4 Dear Sir, While driving in a rikisha last night at 8 30 p.m. along Anson Road between the m-w Detective Station and the market, my Panama hat was suddenly snatched off my head, and before I could get the rikisha man to stop the thief was away out
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  • 168 4 The Marine Police made another good haul of cargo thieves last week. The Police in plain clothes between 10 and 1 1 p.m. on the 2 rst inst watched, from a safe distance, five Chinese broaching a cargo of rice in a twakow and removing
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  • 30 4 The Captain of the Pentakota reports that he passed the steamer Oam, of London, near Cape R^chado, and the Captain of the latter vessel wished to be reported all well.
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  • 945 4 (Via Cemlon.) London, January 23rd.— It is explained that th Imperialist-Liberals did not vote for Mr. Cawley's amendment because they considered that Mr, Chamberlain's speech, substantially, was the adoption of Lord Rosebery's Chesterfield programme. Mr. Balfour, replying to a question in the House of Commons, said that no peace
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  • 514 5 W Ordinary Mbbting, January 28th, IQO2. P Present Mr. J. O. Anthonisz (President) and Messrs. WeeThiamTew, Sohst, LeeChoon buan, (ago, Cuscaden, Maclaren, Evans, Moses. I Absent Mr. Barker. Minutbs. The minutes of ihe two previous meetings were i :onfirmed. President's Statement. Mr. Ai thonisz said that the financial
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  • 159 5 I The gift of £10,000 by Mr. Astor to the f. National Rifle Association for the encourP agement of civilian rifle clubs throughout I the country will go ?ome way towards I giving this movement a permanent char f acter. Local iifle clubs are sure to become I
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  • 167 5 1 A committee on infantry drill hss been sitting Vt Al.krshot since the 13th of last month. The president is Major-General Douglas, who has of the First Infantry Brigade, and the members comprise two lieutenant-colonels, one major, and two captains, with Captain Marden, of the Cheshire Regiment,
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  • 549 5 As we have already mentioned, Lieut.-Colone! Agapejeff, who has recently returned from Manchuria, delivered a lecture to a large gathering of the members of the Russian Club at St. Petersburg on some aspects of the Russian occupation of Manhuria, and the position of Japan and Russia. The
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  • 472 5 {Hongkong Daily Press.) It is with feelings of great pleasure that we tarn ihat the Secretary of State for the Colonies nas expressed his approval of the scheme for the establishment of a school for the better education of European children in Hongkong We believe that
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  • 1403 5 The following is the Acting Manager's report to January 17th, 1902. Bukit Jellis Mine The spare boilers from Bukit Koraan erected at this mine are now supplying sufficient steam to cope with the water and work the winding machinery. The iso ft. South Level is now 300 ft .rom+.he
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  • 102 5 A home paper says:— Herr Max Cudel! v of Aix-la-Chapelle, and some English and French sportsmen, propose to start from Paris for Peking in automobiles, travelling vid Aix-la-Chapelle, Berlin, Moscow and Siberia. From Peking they will proceed by steamer to San Fr.incisco. Thence they
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  • 135 5 Calcutta, Jan. 6.— German public opinion has received a somewhat severe shock from the speech recently delivered by the French Ambassador at Rome on the subjtct of the present relations between Rome and Italy. The Vossische Zeitung, in hi^h-pitched articles, exhorts Italy to consider the
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  • 595 5 Edgar Wallace, in the Daily Mail, thus describes graphically the end of a Boer burgher who nut only broke his own oath of allegiance afteY su render, t.ut educed five others into also be- ;i l <:ng th/ir [parole and rejoining a Boer co mand
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  • 81 5 Another sensational bit of batting is reported from South Africa, says a spotting contemporary. The other day, it will be remembered, Captain Richards made two sepaiate hundreds in a match, and stored, in all, 286 out of 311, without iny of the other batsmen making more thy •6. Now Captain
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  • 421 6 Prize Distribution. k The Annual Prize Distribution was held at the Anglo-Chinese Free School Teluk Avpr-st this morningthe chaiv and there -ere presen D. Lun Boon Keng, Messrs. Tan 800 Liat, He mentioned that it had onlj I to fall **Jgft£L£Z make both for instruction, tin tioiu
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  • 309 6 fHE Royal yacht Ophir has been recharcredto take' His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales to India to attend the ceremonies to be held at Delhi in November next .n connection with the proclamation of His Majesty King EI.WARU 11. as Emperor of India. From the
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  • 220 6 A meeting of the Committee was held at inv louowiug gentlemen were present: Hon. C. \V. 8. Kynnersley in the Chair and Messrs. AUinson, Anderson, Angullia, Anthonisz, Evans, Graham, Gann, Jago, Meyer, Murray, Rauch, Sarkies, Seah Leong Seah, Stringer, Syed Mahomed, Tan Jiak Kim and Von Roessing.
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  • 91 6 A Clerk Arrested. F. A. OJm'iro, a clerk in the employ of the General Poll Office, was arrested at his house by the Police last itigUt on a charge of miiappvoprifttion of Government property. Tliirf morning the accused was brought up before Mr.
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  • 630 6 An extremely interesting ceremony took place at Freemasons' Hall, yesterday afternoon, when Admiral the Hon. Sir Henry Keppel, G. C. B D. C. U visited Lodge Zetland in the East, in which he was initiated into Freemasonary on August 25th, 1849-5-' years ago. There were in all upwards of
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  • 107 6 Second Day. (By Telegram,) The second clay's racing of the Spring Meeting was excellent, due in large part no doubt to the efforts of the new appointment of official handicapper. Still there were some good dividends, on OarltOQ $76 was paid and on Moonray The result of the
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  • 271 6 Prize Distribution. The annual prize distribution in connection with the Government English Schools at Cross-st., Kampong Malacca and ictona Bridge was held this morning, the Colonial Treasurer, Mr. F. G. Penney presiding. Mr Eicum, Director of Public Instruction, was present and in lieu of reading his report
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  • 384 6 S.C. C. v. H. M.S. -Glory." fair exposition of Rugby Football was given last night by teams mKfltiflgdN above The Club from the kick off rushed matters Robertson and Hartncli charging the Navy ihree quarters and si-oiling his return It lookt das if the Club would score but
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  • 158 6 The Hongkong Daily Press 23rd sajs We regret to learn that the German importing houses have failed to arrive at an agreement to abolish the long-credit system. This result is due, we understand, to the attitude taken up by two of the local firms, who did not
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  • 120 6 It is understood that Detective Inspector Watcham, and Sergeants Brace and Frayne are not to be reinstated at the Detective Station hero, their positions being filled by Inspector Brennan, arid Acting Inspectors Gallagher and Cahoon, Insp. Watcham <^ot's to Penang to (ill Inspector Kirk's place there, he having
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  • 69 6 The finding and order of the Marine Court ot Enquiry held on Ja;>. 2is» into the cause of the grounding of the Tkyrm at Pulau Baranti are published in the G ment Gazette. Also ncbemea for Salaries <i d promotion in the Public •iUs and Survey L)e;)ar(ment^ and a scheme
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  • 1274 7 Good First Innings yor England. All Out 388 Braund Not Out 103. Australians Make a Splrndid Start. La d >n, Jan. iSth. Ihe weather to-day at Adelaide for the second day's play in the Third Test Match was dull, the sky being overcast. There was
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  • 111 7 The following volunteer appointments are notified in the Government Gazette: S. V. A. Philip Ridsdale Warren, to be Stv« md Lieutenant, Supernumerary to Establishment. S. V. R. Second Lieutenant Frederick Mitchell Elliot to be Lieutenant, vice Lieutenant E. C. Ellis, transferred on promotion. 8. V. I. Sam Toinli
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  • 114 7 A. \V. S. O'Sullivan to be sst. Col. Sec. C. of C. E. L. Brcckman 3. D. 0.. P. W. E. G. Broadnck C. L R., and O. C. T., Malacca. R. J. Wilkinson 1). 0.. Dindings. W. Langliam Carter Asst Post-Gen. Pen;»n^. W. Petl M O O. Pro.
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  • 180 7 The Spanish mail Isi a de Luzon left for Manila at 5 p.m. yesterday. The M. M. steamer La Seme connecting with the oat ward French mail Sydney left for Hatavia yesterday morning and if due here to morrow morning. The Dutch mail steamer Japara after undockin*; proceeded
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  • 1479 7 The Boston Anti-Imperialists have sent a petition to Congress asking that Aguinaldo be sent to the United States. The Japan Times says it is feared that Japanese cotton yarn will be entirely ousted from China by the Indian product. The British revenue for the past quarter
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  • 1297 8 Qujcquid, ogunt homines nostrt est farrago libelli. I Juvehal. 1 We have seen the four new English stamps with the King's head, issued on j January i. And amid the emotions excit- I ed by ihese, the chief of which is sorrow at the disappearance of
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  • 345 8 A burglary occurred t 'Edgccumbe Cottage/ 1 TeluU K-jrau, Usi night Mr R K Pitillipps ho w»8 residing there hea'd a noise in me liousi* ?•»•>; iy imei mtxmiifin and getting up i» > 'tuttd a search. Hifound, however, thai the lliirf hid already decamped with
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  • 885 8 S.C.C. v. H.M.S. "Glory." Rbsult, a Draw, One Goal Each. The universal verdict on last night's game was that it was the best we have had for some considerable time. The play was fast and exciting, with not a dull moment in the game from beginning to end.
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  • Correspondence.
    • 203 8 ro the Editor. Dear Sir,— The German Mail s. Prinz Heinrich leaving as she did yestt day, without, to my knowledge, any piv vious notice in the Postal Express of hfi intended departure, beyond that si would probably leave on Jnday, h caused not only to myself,
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  • 85 8 There has been very little business in the share market during the past fortnight. The industrial market continues fairly steady and some shares in Fraser ano Neave's, Howarth Erskines and Strait Trading Company have changed hands but prices have not varied much. In mining shares very little has
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  • 100 8 THE EDUCATION AND SHIPPING COMMISSIONS. The names of the gentlemen selected sit on the above Commissions are givc'fl j the cur-ent Government Gazette. The following are thr Education 'Jon missi ners: H n. C. \V. S Kynntrsle C M.G., Hon. Lim Bcon Kent 1 MB. Hoi .W. J. Napier and
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  • 204 8 'From out azv.i CorresfOiUtcitl.t vS T\\< Adeh tame back from Brooketc B? on thf 14 «»f Jiiiii-uy, having tnkeii fo days on t hrr voyage, instead of the usu I two SI»C Mislair»edjS^in«' damage toon I k f l\~r paddles ihrougfl the vio'e.:ce of tl M weather. The Rajah
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  • 145 8 Under date 26th January, the Manage reports as follows: Work in all departments is progressing favorably. A gang of Chinese diners haa been working on thn bill section, near the oM mine, since 2ot It inst. with good results My sluice and skids are also
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  • 48 8 The total am >ui t of ore exported l>> the tributars on tie lands o! th< Royal Johore Tin Mining Coy, during llit mouth of Jai uary, is 43^ l»ag?, tqual to 324 )>'\y u!s* The it cent heavy ialns art lit* cause 01 fiis sn all output.
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  • 777 9 I The 25th ult., Burns' Night," was celeI brated with great enthusiasm by the Scots I of Bangkok. The St. Andrew's Society at Hongkong gave a Scottish Concert on the 25th Jan. the anniversary of Burns's birthday. Pingee- Pongee is the name given to this popular
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  • 59 9 A Chinaman and his wife living in Serangoon-rd. have been fatally poisoned through eating fish. The fish in question was purchased at one of the numerous native bazaars, taken home, cooked, and a meal made of it, and a fhort time afterwards both husband and wife expired.
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  • 86 9 Third Day. The third clay's racing on Saturday was good, although there were some upsets. Dividends paid were good, Sheila paid $197; Cutaway §122; Highborn $61 Sandy $44 and Rough Diamond $17. The following are the results. Larrikin Cup. i. Sheila; 2 Zoroaster. Pbnang Sr. Lbgbr. i. Scotchman
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  • 571 9 1 HB SI'IFRAGB SoC[ETY REVOLTS. (Paris Corr. P.M.G.) The Woman's Suffrage Society has again mide its voice heard in the land. After iis famous declaration on the subject of Madame and Mademoiselle, in which it was laid down that an invidious distinction was made between
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  • 48 9 At house in Beach-rd. was broken into last night, in connection with which one man has been iirre.sted. The Directors of the Bombay -Burma Trading Corporation recommend the payment of a final dividend of 18 per cent., making a total distribution of 30 per cent. far the year.
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  • 250 9 The adjourned annual general meeting of the Singapore Chess Club was held last evening in the Town Hall, Mr. Elcum, the President, being in the chair. There were also present Messrs. Banks, Battenburgh, Chittenden, Cordeiro, Craig, Miles and P. A. Reutens The President, referring to the balance
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  • 82 9 On Tuesday last at Powell Go's, saleroom, 1,500 i emelong shares realized §3.05 to §3.25 each. Yesterday the Government Light-house tender Horsburgh was bought by the Tanjong Pagar Dock Coy. for §3,100, and the stable know as No. 4 Canal Road, held under Government Lease with 17
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  • 78 9 The outward Spanish mail steamer Isl a de Luzon arrived here from Europe this morning. The Silesia arrived here from Moji this lnorninj^vitTi a cargo "ift a£)OuT^2,oo'j ions of Japanese coal for this port. The Collier Emma now at the wharf brought about 5,^00 tons oj Japanese coal
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  • 260 9 The London legal correspondent of the Pioneer criticises both the new appointments to the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council. Sir Andrew Scoble's age, 70, is against him, and he held no judicial appointment in India. As to our late Attorney General and Chief Justice, (now
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  • 112 9 ••The Rev. W. G. Knox-Little, canon o* Worcester, in a setmou on a recent Sunday, advocated the driving oui of the traitors at home and rxbroad whose language has prolonged bloodshed." Single passage-tickets for South Africa wanted for ••methods-of barbarism" slanderers, and permit to
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  • 141 9 ARRIVAL OF A FAS T CRUISER. The Russian first-class cruiser J% which arrived this morning on her wlv the north, is claimed by the .Russians c be the fastest warship afloat, as she steams' 25 knots an hour, and also that she carrier sufficient coal for the direct run fro
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  • 462 9 The New Manager. An extraordinary general meeting of the members of Tanjong Pagar Dock Company was held at the Company's office at Collyer Quay, at mon. There were present Mr. John Anderson,. (Chairman) add Messrs. Laird, Sugden> Graham, Thomson, F. D. Mactaggart, Maclaren, Von
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  • 245 9 The ships launched during the year which is now closing will form a larger addition to the British Navy than those floated in any preceding year, says Engineering. The thirty-two vessels floated, embracing every type, from the submarine boat to the leviathan cruiser and
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  • 990 10 r B y one Who has Just bbbh T»mi. The following tetter to the Financial Tim.. shows that all that glitters is not gold ,n North 8 s"r'-On my arrival home a day or so ago from !he territory they are supposed to govern.
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  • 1894 10 (Via Ceylon) t a Unuarv 1 8th. —The statistics in ref er^e°o't J e Conjuration Camps >n December I s t,ow that the total white were ..7,0.7. and deaths 2,380, includ.n K 1,767 children. 1 Up to the (."sent 4,0 o Volunteers have resnnnded 10 the recent call.
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  • 135 10 The Befongor Polo Club has ordered twelve polo ponies from Singapore. An error in yesterday's account of the visit of the Hon. Sir Henry Keppel to Lodgo Zetland in the East 1549 as I the QJtc of Sir Henry becoming an honorj ary nv mh^r of the Lodge. It should
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  • 104 10 NARROW ESCAPE OF THE RAJ OF SARAWAK fa December a fire broke out at OaM J ar oused Jj, Ur f,. ul fall of smokef cation, to nna n proceeding 1 and sounds of a iimediatell underneath ins room. bi oonl spiral staircase that c ((f on J with the
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  • 483 10 DOMESTIC SERVANT REGISTRAR TION IN BURMA. committee some lime a K o recommended the inl ht dS of res, ,c,ions ,e K ard,n« the of unregistered domtsti:».and a dvls Hn<i| (or registering domestic •ervants. II e reply jg, tl,cir legal advise states that it would be pre i ,We .hat
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  • 169 10 A certain high court jud^e who is re- 1 ported to dm in the habit of sleeping on theiO Bench is rousing the indignation of the*. m vigilant Max who wiites to Capital, olr m Calcutta financial and mercantile o-; ij«» W temporary, to say A K
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  • 58 10 M r James McClymonr, Poit Dicksor. is interesting himself in ichtme fur the establishment o! ;i in the Federate! Malay Stairs it would be a long way to the kirk f o many of the Native State* Scon, ui a- p-i baps it wanted n a Dfrip^tic minister who
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  • 32 11 THE RAUB AUSTRALIAN GOLD MINING COMPANY, LTD. The following telegram has been received from the Manager of the above Jompativ at EUtub. Crashing finished 3,200 tons of stone 1,300 ozs smelted gold.
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  • 41 11 Tlie following telegram lms been rerived from fche Manager of the above Joinpanv at South Ilaub. "Crushing finished 281 tuna of stone teal i zed 123 ozi smelted tjold." Average 8 dwt. 18 gr.
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  • 311 11 (Via Hongkong Majority Senate Committee recommends duction of twenty-five per o-nt. Dingley riff on imports fn.m the Philippine Isnds, also a re luction of amount equal to e export duty collected in the Philippines. Joint Congressional McKinley memorial vices are to bt* held on Feb, 27 when
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  • 233 11 (According to a report from Kaifengfu, Hiinediately after the Court's arrival at Peking tW Empress Dowager wired to Kaifengfu to the effect that Pa Chun LtaouM remain at KaiiVngfu and should F>ceivi- '('ls. 1 0,000 from Provincial TreaLirer of Honan as another t^ift from Her Ma
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  • 89 11 A Mussulman correspondent writes to express pleasure that Sayid Achmat Alkoif is placed on the Victoria Memorial Comjmittee. Me suggests the addition of ihe Jollowing names on the ground that adding jto the General Committee will strengthen the pow< r of raising subscriptions Kali JVlohaimd Youssof, Sarang Youssof, Sultan iHadji
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  • 455 11 An Important Government Resolution. An Official Reply to Critics. Calcutta, January 17th. A long and controversial resolution is published in which ihe Government of India replies to its critics, and especially to Mr. Dutt, in connection wiih the existing system of Land Revenue, at the
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  • 393 11 HOME TRADE AND AMERICAN METHO DS. A Huge Contract. With reference to the contracts by which British iron and steel plants are to be modernised by a Philadelphia firm at an expenditure of more than .£1,000, c00, a Philadelphia correspondent of the Sheffield Daily Telegraph says The work, which is
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  • 46 11 Two impudent street robberies occurred on Saturday night. The victims, in both cases Chinamen, were attacked by others of their country men and robbed of ringl they were wearing. In one instance the finger?) were bitten to tear off the valuable* Three arrests have been made.
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  • 267 11 Kitling's Appeal to thb Nation. Mr. Rudyard Kipling contributes a poem entitled The Islanders," to the Times of the 4th ult. It is a stirring appeal to the nation to bring up its youth prepared for the work of war. The following are some of the lines Ye
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  • 129 11 The Oaths Act, 1888, provides that if any person to whom Ihe atli is administered desires to swear with uplifted hand, in the form and manner in which the oath is usually admi isle red in Scotlai d he shall be permitted to do so It is
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  • 757 11 it is current report in ecclesiastical circles in America that Cardinal Martinelli, present Archbishop of Montgomery, Ala, U.S. A vvil! be appointed to the Archbishopric ot the Philippine Islands His mothei vva-^ a Spanish la<ly, and he naturally aks. Spanish J^^Jsm. r r iS-r.l^SSSfeffc* ed that tie fulure bishops of
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  • 343 11 Singapore t February 3rd, igo2, Beans, Long per catty cts. 04 Do., French do. 14 Beel i-er und 24 Bean Sprouts per catty 2 Bamboo Sprouts do. 3 Blachan do. 14. Brinjals do. 5 Cabbage, Batavia .i\Qrv Do.,~l^hina do. 8 L/C, o.tltCtl CiO. 6 Catrots, Imported do.
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  • 612 12 A Ping-pong Club has been inaugurated at Hongkong. Mr. Max Schluter, who is described as "a brilliant young violinist," has been giving very successful concerts in Shanghai. Major Hanham's Company R.G.A. is not to go to Rawal Pindi after all. No. 104 Co. R.G.A. is to
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  • 111 12 This morning 1 Mr. Morrison, of the Straits Aerated Water Co., charged his bottle collector before the third Magistrate with criminal breach of trust in respect of a case ot* empty soda water bottles which was taken from the house of Mr. Powell liobinson and not accounted for.
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  • 251 12 Remarkable testimony as to the possibility of combating malarial fever by modern scientific methods is afforded by a letter which Major Surgeon Gorgas, the Sanitary Officer of Havana, has written to a member of the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine. After the annexation of Cuba by the
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  • 118 12 B. M. S. Mutine which arrived this morning from Sheerness to relieve the Redpolc, is an unarmoured twin screw sloop of 980 tons. Ihe Mutine is quite a new vessel. She was built at Lairds at the beginning of last year. Her armament is composed of
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  • 46 12 The Russian transport Kherson from Odessa with troops bound for Port Arthur is expected here about the 7th instant and will go to the wharf. The Collier Benvoirlich has arrived from Moji with a cargo of about 4,500 tons Japanese coal for this port.
    46 words
  • 279 12 (Pall Mall Gazett.J The Vienna paper* relate an idyllic story of romance which had its origin in the terrible disaster of the Ring Theatre, on December 8, 1881, when among other ▼ictims a Mme Steigler, the wife of a merchant, perished. The merchant himself,
    279 words
  • 44 12 Yesterday before Mr. Oilman a Hylain lad was sent to the Reformatory for four years, for stealing a watch and chain. Yesterday before a Court of Two Magistrates, a Chinaman was found guilty of housebreaking in Sa^o-st. and sentenced to one year's hard labour.
    44 words
  • Correspondence.
    • 531 12 Why "To the Editor. Sir, Having in the course of a long series of travels, visited all the British Colonies, I find myself at a loss to understand, why it remains for Singapore and Penang to differ so much from them in the following things Why is it, that an
      531 words
    • 113 12 I o the Editor. Dear Sik, I notice in yonr issue of 10th January, under the heading of Labuan and B. N. Borneo," that your correspondent commences his letter with the remark that Labuan begins the New Year with a very long face," and speaks about taxes and
      113 words
  • 165 12 H. M.S. FEARLESS." H M. S. Fearless which relieves the Brisk, arrived here this morning from Eng land and anchored in the roads. The Fearless, which has been refitted at a cost of £25,000, was commissioned at Sheemess on the 26th Nov. by Commander J. I. Graham with a complement
    165 words
  • 79 12 "THE CHINESE CRISIS. FROM WITHIN (BY WEN CHING) Edited by the Rev. G. M, Reith, M.A. The remarkable and Instructive series of articles that appeared in the Singapore Free Press of last year have now been published in book form by the well-known London publisher, Mr. Grant Richaids. The important
    79 words
  • 710 12 Times Vigorous and lucid English. The book is extremely interesting in many ways, but mainly for its sketches of the wire pullers in the Palace intrigues of the last few years. Athenceum. This is an interesting and instructive work. It is interesting as containing much information which could
    710 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 32 12 KOMEYA Co. 24 HIGH STREET, SINGAPORE. HAVE JUST RECEIVED Varieties of Jinrikisha THE WELL-KNOWN Sapporo Beer, Yamatoya Crepe Shirts. The Morita's Hotan ALSO Nicest Flower Pot Stands, &c Jan 17) u. f
      32 words

  • 2995 13 Hf Australia's Fine Win. Hu By A. O. Jones. le second test match has been played, ■Australia has wiped out the first defeat. E one game to the credit of each side, Bnterest in the other tests will be natu■H more intense, and it cannot fail
    2,995 words
  • 641 13 Heavy Losses, But Still Sanguine. Lord Rosslyn and his companions havo been playing at Monte Carlo for four days on the toujours montant system— a very old one— siys a correspondent. He started with one inch's on red orbhek, adding one unit to the stake
    641 words
  • 99 13 From a wedding card received tl is morning, we gather that Mr. Archibald Alison, the prolific prose and verse writer on Borneo and Singapore, has been married to Miss Jane Curran and the address f the happy couple is Janecot, Drumchapel. An extraordinary golfing accident is reported from Scotland. A
    99 words

  • 273 14 WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 5 1902. H. M. S. Daphne left westward this morning, after coaling at Tanjong Pagar. Owing to pressure of mail and Council matter we are obliged to hold over until to-morrow the report of the Chinese Girl's School Prize Distribution. The mail papers announce, we are sorry to
    273 words
  • 495 14 The Avenir dm Tonk'n of the .oil. ins!, d V ,i lit leading article loan c x.> *,iti of iO s tu n It s O s, in di a.- Httherto only im .d *ite«i, pls ha Ve been made to
    495 words
  • 155 14 According to a Shanghai contemporary, Dr. Timothy Richard and seve r nl other members of the Society for the Diffusion of Christian and General Knowledge among the Chinese are busily engaged in the translation of text books of various kinds for use in the new College
    155 words
  • 177 14 The Gold Medal for 1901 and the January and February Senior Medals were competea for on Saturday, with the result that Walker came home a very easy winner of the first two with a very good gross score mVI L err securi "g the February Medal with
    177 words
  • 450 14 S. C. C. r. 50TH Co. R. a. Late 3 8th It looked as if there would be no footjNril bat rveniiitf, owing to the unfavourable weather. However, shortly after five the ram eeued and the Sanie was proceed the oOU.Co. K. A. on the football field here
    450 words
  • 176 14 Under ihe will of ihe late Sir Walter de So«z 1, about tweikty laUhs of itlpe^t await appropriation to t'in ol>ject ihe test^or *Mci in view the benefit of indigent H rs. Indiat)s. The AdminisuaioiGeneral, as the execulor and trustee of the estate, has this
    176 words
  • 218 14 A telegram has been received from Scotland announcing the death of Mr. James Malcolm Lyon, well known and respected in the Far East for so many years. Mr. Lyon^s age was 67 and he had been in the -tar East for about 35 years. Coming
    218 words
  • 94 14 H M. 8. Vestal arrived here this morning from England, and will probably leave tor China shortly. The Vestal is a steel-sheathed slooo of I T*i S i ie u Wils built ilt Sheemess and launched in February 1900. Her speed is 100 knots, and she
    94 words
  • 68 14 to 3 W c rBbip proceeded to tie Wliarl, Section No. i, yesterday aTd'rv 0 t 1 sh< ■••■-^£33 ann we II worth a visit. The new steanur JVassovia of 3 S S B :«ns gross in lgo ar ived fr)m $J* I™ yesterday morning and left
    68 words
  • 295 14 tragedy in The following refarence tV o f shootinsj Australia bears on the subjec^i^ las fl l armed burglars, a subject wlii( .-rft>y under discussion lately t<*m* Sydney, January 5. Eaily yeslrrd.iy inorivn^ 1 a young man named Buckley, \v!io had forcibly entered ihe railway s/.;ition office
    295 words
  • 169 14 Before Mr. Oilman yesterday, one of the Tauiong Paga* Dock Inspector! was fined $5 for Striking a Kling hackney carriage driver with a rattan. Singapore is sorry indeed to lo*e the Brisk and hrr popular ship's company. Out of her present c6mmi.«sion ih- Brisk has <?ore a whole y< ar
    169 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 442 14 N.Y.KJ I (JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP Co., J A regular FORTNIGHTLY Service is J tained between Japan and Europe by the follow NEW TWIN SCREW STEAMERS. Under Mail Contracts with the Imper Japanese Government. Specially designed for the Company's Eurr Service, lighted throughout by Electricity, pr( with excellent accommodation for First
      442 words

  • 52 15 Dewpt's Commando is now in the north east of the Orange River Colony, where it is allowed no rest, the object being to preventing it w>ncei*trat:ng. The Casualty Lists report that Colonel Du Moulin and eight men were Wed and seven wounded, all belonging to the Sussex Kegt.,
    52 words
  • 28 15 The British reply to the Dutch Note reaches the Hague to-morrow and will not be published till next week. London, January jist y I^o2.
    28 words
  • 22 15 It appears that Col. Du Moulin's party were attacked at midnight. The Boers were repulsed with loss after severe fighting.
    22 words
  • 24 15 Mr. Brodrick, in introducing a supplementary army estimate, stated that the army in South Africa on the ist January numbered 237,000.
    24 words
  • 29 15 Three la-rqo >od;es_of .the enenvy con sisting of 2,000 men eacV,, name'y those under^ De Wet, Botha, and Delarey, remained to be dealt with.
    29 words
  • 27 15 Besides feeding the men of the army, they had to feed 208,000 horses and mules; 27,000 prisoners and 150,000 of the Boer population.
    27 words
  • 16 15 The monthly expenditure was now reduced by a million. London, Feb. rife i9 02
    16 words
    • 15 15 The House of Commons has voted the supplementary Army Estimate (of live millions sterling.)
      15 words
    • 29 15 210 Japanese commanded by a Major left Aomori to practice marching in the snow. They lost their way and all perished of cold but one.
      29 words
    • 19 15 A satisfactory tatari of the situation in the Transvaal is the increasing popularity of the Natioual Scouts.
      19 words
    • 21 15 It is announced tbat four Japanese officers and seven men have been saved from the snow at Aoraori.
      21 words
    • 23 15 De Wet's bodyguard attacsed the South African Light Horae at the Wilge Rirer. The enemy were heavily shelled and were repulsed.
      23 words
    • 51 15 The new contingent of New Zea..»n<ier* for South Africa had an enthusiastic sei.cloff on their departure from Auckland. Stirring Speech by Mr. Seddon On that occasion Mr. Soddon, the Pi* mier said that New Zealand would cheer fully* send a twentieth contingent 1 required. London, February 3rd,
      51 words
    • 14 15 It is generally believed that the Diru proposals ha?e been rejected.
      14 words
    • 31 15 It is stated at the Hague that Holland intends to remodel them and offers to renew diplomatic representations with Great Britain. The negotiations are likely to be prolonged.
      31 words
    • 21 15 Viscount; Cranborne states that the Russian Government has not receded from its intention previously announced to evacuate Manchuria.
      21 words
    • 18 15 It is understood that negotiations about the evacuation are 3till proceeding London, February 4th, 1902.
      18 words
  • 39 15 Though appreoia.liiu Holland*! motives of humanity, it was decided that negotiations must take place in South Africa and not in Europe, and between Lord Kitchener and the Boer leaden. London, February, S'h t rgo2.
    39 words
    • 48 15 A Diplomatic Reception. (Special to Sin^ttpore Free Press.) Hongkong, Jan. 29th, 4.16 p.m. Yesterday the Emperor of China received tli<- Diplomntifl Corps at Peklk^d The Doyen el the Corps gave an address. prince Chiug thererpon read the Emperor's reply to the address of the Diplomatists.
      48 words
    • 17 15 The Dowager Euioress subsequently expressed her regret at the events of the summer of 1900.
      17 words
  • 36 15 First Portion Paid. (Special to Singapore Free Press Hongkong, Feb. 3rd. The Chinese have paid Ibe first instalment of the irdemTVcjr, amounting to 1,820,000 taels, through the Taotai to the International Bankers' Committee.
    36 words
  • 38 15 Reception of European Ladies. (Special to Singapore Free Press Hongkong, February 4th, 1902. The ladies and children of the Legations had an audience with the Dowager Empress, the Emperor being present, at Peking on Saturday.
    38 words
  • 38 15 i Foot-binding Discountenanced. In connection w- oh this, an Ed ct has been issued by the Dowager Empress allowing 3 the marriage of Maocbus wi.h Chinese, and recomending them to abstain from foot-binding.
    38 words
  • 31 15 An Edict of the Emperor orders the I members of the Imperial Clan and of the Noble Families to go aboard and make an acquaintance with Western education.
    31 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 826 15 k TANJONG PAGAR DOCK COMPANY, LTD. Erights, Engineers^ Iron and Brass ■Founders, Wharfingers, &c. Company executes Ship and Marine P»gine Repairs ot all descriptions, in the most manner, under the superintendence of liced European Shipwrights and Engineers, ling Dockb up to 500 feet in length and 21 Lrf Frontage one
      826 words
    • 606 15 The Singapore Free Press. AMD Mercantile Advertiser* Cable Address, Advertiser, S.ngapor*. Telephone Number.— No. 6i. Published at 30-3, Raffles Place, Singapore, THE leading English Newspaper in the Straits Settlements Johore, the Federated Native States of Perak, Se'argor, Sungei Ujon^, Parian^, the Neg i Sembilan British North Borneo Sarawa) Netherlands Indies.
      606 words

  • 621 16 January 2Q. Pelens, Brit., Asquith, for Loadon, via poits. Terrier, Brit., K?infjord, for Bangkok. ToW, Nor., Kallevig, for Bangkok. January 30, Patroslus, Brir., Dickens, for Liverpool, via 1 Easti-y!"Brit., Carr, for Padang, Delaware ?reak- I Sambas, Ger., Busche, for Pontianak. Nuen Tang, Ger., Schmidt, for Bangkok. Deli, Ger., Cassens,
    621 words
  • 336 16 SHARE LIST, FEBRUARY sth5 th 190 a QnoTATro*. Pai«>. D.vm«*ns. I 5aP v u« '->»'i* i |a{>ao L»d, 4 1 Momma*. £4 Co., LI Deferred. 4 1 1 ".eli Ast>esto-> (Usiero \^ih:v. Nominal. Bersawah Gold Mine Co. $35° *5 U^r r f -r.M -,nrJ-'<S™,.J- ia i H-inU. #>20. l'2S i^y
    336 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 121 16 ANdER SHIPPING REPORT. (Specially compiled for the Singapore Free Press.) Date of passing Anjer; Nationality and description of vessel ;t ptain's name Where and whcu &uled. Destination. Jan. 14. Brit. &tr., Doke of Argyll > Cundy. London, BiUavia. Jan. 15. Dut. str, Salak,- Sharp Bataria, Jan. 15 Rotterdam. Jan 16.
      121 words
    • 1018 16 PASSENGERS LEFT BY THE MAILS. I Jan. 31 Per N. D. L. Saehsen For Hongkong. Mrs. Wa^aga, Mr W. H. Barham, Mr. I and Mrs W. Maxwell. Capt Pakenham, r. I (H. M S. Daphne) Mr James Powell, and Mr. I Nielsen For Shanghai.— Dr. J. Saenger, and Mr. Sassoon
      1,018 words
    • 1190 16 VESSELSINPOKT. lh bt M Men-of-War Flag and Tons Commanders Arrived From For v£. Redpole Brit g.b 805 Cor' ett I > 1 Sarawak Plymouth tainedH Mutinc Brit sloop 980 Plenderleath Feb 4 Sheerness Hongkong M a j] (m¥ Brit 1580 JJ. J. Graham Feb 4 Colombo Hongkong ni T^ Varyag
      1,190 words