The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 24 December 1901

Total Pages: 12
393 404 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 237 393 kDIKG ARTK l kv. \n Assessment Puzzle, The Saigon Pasteur Institute, Emigration from Hongkong, .7." A Geographical Mis,,on, erilla Warfare Weakening, Wine Exclusion m Australia, *i~ Pretty Parallel, 393 French Ambitions m Hainan, Winfield Bonser, Reuterat it Again, 94 01R1 Np.W fc «*»Y4 The P««j I Tr-i^dy, rhe Captain
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  • 75 393 ran up to December j4.) On London. ra 1/10] and ...i/io/, Priv -i «Hts 3 m/s ...i/io; documeDts3 m/s f/loi% 1, credits 6 m/s i/io4? France, demand 2^l Germany, demand 187J India, T. T •••137 Hongkong, demand ..•••^7|% pm. Yokohama, demand ...ioi% pm Java, demand IXJt Manila, demand 3°£
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  • 66 393 364.7s No 17.50 rdinary Sport i 32. .'Fair L/W—s%) M 47. I to thfi lb#) 48 thf >b) 68 Jl prari (Fair quality) 5.35 A«ke (do. do.) 5.85 liutti pearl Kair do.) 5.85 ►lnWe .Fair do.) M 5.55 j unjJl n 4.20 Old None. #ens N None.
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  • 427 393 The mail from Europe oi \ov. 25th arrived by the N. D. L. Prim Heinrich on .Monday, followed on Tuesday by the M.M Caledonien, bringing the Christmas .naif with dates up to Nov. 29th. The next outward mail is due by the P.&O. Coromandel on Saturday. The last
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  • 367 393 An Assessment Puzzle. (Dec. 19th.) He the People's right maintain P nfiurnce ard unbribed by gain I -re patriot Truth her glorious precepts dray.-. Religion, Loyalty, and Law. 1 1 has been pointed out by a competent Municipal authority that the remarks made m these columns the other day as
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  • 98 393 Iris stated officially m the Indo-China papers that the Pastrur Institute at Saigon has been placed directly under the authority of the Governor-General of Indo-China. As regards administration and expenditure it is placed m the Department of Civil Affairs. Its functions include, first, thr treatment of
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  • 230 393 Further amending legislation is now before the Hongkong Legislative Council dealing with the matter of Chinese emigration. The new Ordinance has been read a second time, but it is probable that the Committee stage will see the in- troduction of numerous amendments. The general scope of
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  • 152 393 By the French mail steamer Ville dela Ciotat, there passed through for Saigon the members of an important French geographical mission charged by the Minister for the Colonies with the duty of visiting an 1 reporting upon the Far East generally. This mission is exclusively of
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  • 144 393 Guerilla Warf ark Weakening. THE siow tightening of the jaws of the vice m South Africa is having its eiie^t. Captures follow captures with daily regularity, and Boer leader after Boer leader is being made prisoner, or is rendered hors de combat, A sense of collapse fills the air, and
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  • 410 393 Asiatic Exclusion in Australia. (Dec. 20th.) A.N interesting instance ot the operation of the Australian exclusion policy again>t Chinese immigration from Singapore comes to us from F r *mant!^.. We get our information frr m a West Australian journal. It appears that ten young Chinese reached Fremantle on the Btn
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  • Page 393 Advertisements
    • 21 393 K. MANJOOR MARICAN Co. DUBASH, SHIP CHANDLKRS. Compradores General Store Keepers. No. go Robinson Road, N«ar New Iron Market, Singapore«sw NovB.
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    • 65 393 McALISTER Go SOLE AGENTS FOR The Anglo-Egyptian Cigarette Co The following high class brands of cigarettes are always m stock SHAH, gold tipped, $1.60 per box of 50 (large size) ROYALES, gold tipped, 81,25 per box of 50 (medium size) Packed m patent air-tight tins, OBTAINABLE FROM McALISTER Co. Aug
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  • 233 394 Thi- Malay College m Malacca, where Malay youths are being trained to become teachers m the Vernacular Schools, was examined last week. Among the subjects given was an essay which had to be written m Romanised Malay. The boys were told to write on either "Orang Jakun,"
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  • 276 394 THE CJuna Mai! of the 14th inst. says <l There is some talk of a French railway from Hoihow into the interior of Hainan." We have so often pointed out the impossibility, from the point of view of this Colony, with its many thousands
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  • 235 394 A Ceylon paper learns on the best authority that the Right Hon. Sir John WINFIELD BONSER has received from home the following official communication 11 His Majesty has been pleased to approve your appointment to the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council under Section 30 of the
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  • 221 394 THE arrival of the German mail has put into our hands this astonishing news via Ceylon 11 The publication m the English press of Reuters statements regarding the difference between Queen Wilhelminaand her husband has created great indignation m Holland. Categorical official denials Jiave been made
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  • 1834 394 The annual distribution of prizes took place at the Rallies Institution yesterday afternoon. The main room upstairs had been very prettily decorated with flags of all nations and garlands and festoons ot evergreen, and despite the inclement weather, long before five o'clock, the room was packed
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  • 56 394 At the meeting of the Masters' and MattAssociation held last night at the Marine Club Capt. Husk m the chair, it was unanimously decided to decline the otti-r made by the shipowners m tin- form of a bonus, and to adhere to the increased sea V
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  • 651 395 A u*ail steamer passed through the port this morning from North to South. Mr. Swan arrived this morning by the Hong Moh from Penang. Dr. G. E. Morrison will leave Singapore Monday for the north by German mail. Messrs. Mactaggart, Diana, and Mr. and Mr-. Hardy
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  • 73 395 Mr. J. de Rooch reports that his residence, No. 142 Orchard-rd., was entered by burglars last night, who stole a plated tea-pot, and a few other things, valued at $10. The thieves entered the house by a door which was apparently left open for them by
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  • 66 395 Yesterday, before a Court of Two Magistrates, two Chinamen were charged with theft on a vessel, of a bag of pepper value $75, the property of Messrs. Arthur Barker Co. They were both found guilty, and No. Ij who admitted a previous conviction, was sentenced to one year's
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  • 114 395 We have ju^ been informed by theSolici tors acting for Mr. Lim Loh that they have heard to-day by cablegram that the appeal from the decision of the Court of Appeal of the Straits Settlements, which reversed the judgment of the Chief Justice
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  • 74 395 1 he story comes from Lausanne that the King of England sent six pedigree sheep to the celebrated pianist Paderewski, who has a iarm m the neighborhood of Morses, near Like Leman. Whether owing to the customs or sanitary regulations the royal sht*ep were detained on the frontier
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  • 154 395 HiKIP T*NK* TO BR BRbCTBD IT DOVER. The Shell Transport and Trading Company, ot London, intend making Hover the first liquid fuel station m the English Channel. There is now a chain of these stations extending from Marseilles to China and Japan, and it is intended
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  • 248 395 The captain of the N. D. L. steamer Nrckar who has got into difficulties over an infringement of the customs regulations in Australia appears to be a Capt. H. Har rassowitz. The Neckar is a big vessel of about the class of the Prinzess Irene or the Konig Albert, both
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  • Correspondence.
    • 116 395 Sir, I write to express the great pleasure with which I listenea I the Christmas Concert last night. It was a beautiful and artistic success, for which the community is much indebted to the musical amateurs of Singapore. It was very evident the large audience were appreciative.
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  • 523 395 THE CAPTAIN OF THE BROUWER" FINED. This morning m the Fourth Magistrate s Court, Captain Ponssen of the Dutch steamer Brouwer, was charged with bringing ten ponies from A^ahan on board the S. S. Brouwer on the 18th instant, without the proper fittings necessary under the new Ordinance for the
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  • 112 395 boR the Straits Settlements. Says the GUbe of the 15th November It is stated that M. Constant, the eminent French artist, whose portrait of the late Queen has just been purchased by His Majesty, has received a commission to paint portraits of
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  • 20 395 Messrs. J. Leith, VV. Harcman, \V. Gowe, A. Carries, and G. Robertson arrived yesterday by the Pin Seng from Penang.
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  • 103 395 A meeting of members of the Masters* and Mates' Association was held at the Marine Club, on Saturday evening, m connection with the question of an increased scale of pay. A reply received from various local ship-owners was discussed, and it was decided, unanimously, that their
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  • 80 395 800 Houses Dbstroyed.— 2o Lives Lost. A tire broke out near the Customs Club at Honam about midnight on Thursday the 1 2th, and destroyed upwards of 800 houses. The area destroyed by the fire covers half-a-mile by a quarter of a mile. Various estimates arc
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  • 136 395 Religion bridges great gaps, says the P. T. Times, a remark which has been well illustrated this week on the entente between the Mussulmans of the Chinese City and the Punjabis and Hill-men of the Hongkong Regiment. During their fourteen months m the North the Tientsin
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  • 148 395 The Peking correspondent of the N-C. Daily Nc:9s telegraphed on the ioth inst: H. E. Lv Chuan-lin, reactionary member at the Grand Council, conscious of his own unpopularity, is anxious to resign, and has recommended Lv Jcn-hsiang and Vi Ko tD Yung Lu's patronage. The Emperor
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  • 185 395 Der Oszaiatisdie Lloyd, j Berlin, December fr-The German Reichstag received to-day the Bullet of Kiaochou for 1902-03. It shows expenses amounting to 12,528,000 marks, rendering necessary an allowance of 12 168.100 marks f the treasury of the German Lmp»re the revenje of ihe Colony itself being
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  • 1250 396 Ordinary Meeting, Wbdnbsda> Present. Mr. J. O. Anthonisz (President) and Messrs. Moses, Evans, Maclaren, Sohst, Barker. Absent. Messrs. Cuscaden, Wee Thiam Tew, and Lee Choon Guan. Minutes. The minutes of the two previous meetings were confirmed. President's Kkm arks. The President .slid that there was a balance m
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  • 487 396 THE ELECTRIC TRAMWAY. The Ordinance. The President s.iici that h« had received .1 copy ol the proposed Ordinance with regard to the Ele< trie Tramway. He thought copies had been distributed amongst the Commissioners. It would now be as well to appoint a Committee to consider the details of the
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  • 55 396 Messrs. Coghill, Archer, Ryan, Moule and Johnson arrived this morning from Fremantle by the Sultan. It has b<*en represented to us that the illustration on which assessment was made to increase rental was leally due to a tenant's inadvertent misstatement of a consolidated rental of more premises than one upon
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  • 1564 396 November 20th, 1901. The protest meetings against Chamberlain's allusion to the war procedure of the Germans m 1870 were of a most enthusiastic and almost violent character. That held by the students and their professors, though formally called m by former students, so as to make it
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  • 67 396 The M.M. steamer Art Seym, connecting with the outward French mail Caledom is expected from Batavia to-morrow uior ning. The new steamer Joc/ioii, built this year is expected from Europe early m-xt week on her maiden trip to the Fir East. The Colonial steamer Sen Belle It-it tor
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  • 758 397 A friend writes as follows:— I have lately had the pleasure of meeting a gentleman who has been travelling for business poses m China, Corea, Japan, Manchuria md the Amur district, and, as the nature of y,js business has brought him into relations with
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  • 608 397 ne«o S /n K nt Roosevelt h appointed a negro to be a magistrate. Why does February March The answer ia obvious— because April May. Mr. De Witt and Mr. Fox arrived this morning from Palembang by the Ruby. Mr. Michell, the 2nd Magistrate, goes, to
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  • 91 397 The Geman steamer Patani, which arrived at Manila on the 3rd inst., from Singapore, reported having encountered severe weather. After leaving Singapore, she called at several island ports, and while m L. 9 25 N., L. 119 41 E. on December i, ske was compelled to cast
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  • 1125 397 The Case ior the Prosecution r< osed. Yesterday afternoon, before Mr. Br. the enquiry into the charges of assault anu -using hurt to extort confession against several members of the Detective Force was proceeded with. A copy of the Singapore Free Press, of
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  • 836 397 The Empress-Dow agee's Return. For the Empress Dowager to be actually on her way to Peking, and for preparations to be made for an honourable and even exultant reception, is m many respects a most striking event. She fled m the midst of danger; she
    N.C. Daily News  -  836 words

  • 833 398 Last night, before a crowded audience, at the Town Hall, there was given, as appropriate to the Ckristmas season, a choral and miscellaneous concert whose chief feature was a selection from Handel's Messiah. This included four of the most familiar choruses, and airs and recitatives for solo
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  • 665 398 The Hon. R. N. Bland is appointed a Magistrate tor the Settlement of Malacca. Messrs. Hamilton, Maneng and Waters arrived this morning by the Penang from Teluk Anson. Messrs. Dupiny, Ficher, Hormel, Collet) Earle, Morgan and Dutton arrived this morning by the La Seyne from Batavia
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  • 451 398 It may be as well to call attention to the fact that the S.S. Islander which is on the berth to go to-morrow to Christmas Island will also, at the instance of the E.E.A. Telegraph Co.,
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  • 129 398 The steamer Lightning arrived iron, Calcutta via Penang tins morning and brought over 800 head of cattle for the Singapore Market. The Batavia French mail steamer La Seyne connecting with the outward M. M. steamer Calcdonien, arrived from Batavia this morning. The new French steamer Amiral Exelmans, the
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  • 166 398 (December ijth.) Major Vanrenen left for Penang yesterday, to arrange tor the transfer of the Company of the Malay States Guides which is to be stationed there next year. We understand that Mr. E. H. Bratt has been offered and has accepted the post of Official Handicapper to
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  • 194 398 A valuable report, just published by the Sty cal Department of the Chinese Maritime Custom* on the trade of China during the past year is es pecially interesting at present, m view of the forwan commercial policy which British merchants contemplate. One point stands out clearly— though t\
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  • 279 398 ACHEEN NEWS. (Pineng Gazette.) In the Locortftief of the 4th instant, news received from Acheen with regard to the the date 24th November, when it was rumoi that Polim was m the neighbourhood 0 Koeli, but that ht seems to preter to let nothm, heard about his doings there. The
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  • 292 398 The pro-Boer assumption that there is un mity among the peoplo fighting to be fre favour of continuing hostilities to the bitter enc has no foundation m fact. A considerable and increasing number are volunteering for military service against the irreconcilable-, as th< and quickest way of
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  • 80 398 Yesterday, at 3 p.m., Mr. Rodrigur Boarding Officer, 'larine Department, ar rested eight Bengalis and one Klin* board the German steamer Singora \o\ attempting to leave the Colony without 1 certificate from the Superintendent ol tlu Indian Immigrants. They were charg* as above, before Mr. Oilman, the Fourth Magistrate, who,
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  • 1672 399 ■Jagunt homines nostrtest farrago libelli. Juvenal. Mr. Reed m Punch has neatly hit off, prophetically, the position of things m the Radical party now that the Little MinisLord Rosebery, comes back to the while the elders look on with conair.,; feelings. Sir Henry Fowler and Mr
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  • 1143 399 An Ami sing Lecturb b\ Dr. M^CNAMARA, M.P. For an hour of uproarious mirth few things can compare with ;a bare recital of Children's Witticisms," and Dr. Macnamara, M.P., from the time he himself was a pupil-teacher, has been peculiarly well placed to gather from his schoolmaster
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  • 370 399 It is due to the Singapore Municipal authorities to say that they do not fail m the endeavour to keep rather ahead of public needs as to our water supply. In the Northern Colony things are otherwise, a fact that induces the China Mail to come out
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  • 207 399 A most interesting ever' occurred the other week near Budge Budge im Bengal, m connection with a young elephant which was brought across from Burma last march. The elephant was owned by a Zemindar, who w~>s having it trained to the howdah. The keepers d d not
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  • 174 399 Despite the fact of the 'cute, if rather unsportsmanlike, incidents attending the capture of the famous Filipino guerrilla leader, Aguinaldo, the war m Uncle Sam's new colony, observes the 11 Navy and Army," appears to be burning as brightly as ever. For over two years the
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  • 1017 400 r Important Spebch by Mr. Hay. Mr. Choatb on thb British Charactbr. At the annual dinner of the New York Chamber of Commerce at Delmonico's recently, the reply to the toast "Our Diplomacy," originally assigned to Mr. McKinley, was responded to (telegraphs Reuter) by Mr.
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  • 232 400 Ifravi iur •wn Correspondents The Public Works Department have been busy during the last month surveying and be-flagging the harbour, and taking the rise and fall of the tide ready for the visit of Mr. Matthews, who arrived on Thursday last m the Sea Belle, A line of piles
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  • 87 400 Gentlemen, to solace their wearied minds by honest pastimes, playe at chesse, the astronomer s game, and the philosopher's game, whick whettes thyr wittes, re*, -eates theyr minds, and hurts no body m the mean season." All communications should be addressed to the Chess Editor, Singapore Free
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  • 22 400 GIM, competing m La Strttigr. Black (1) pieces). White (7 pieces). White to play and mate m two moves
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  • 413 400 Here is game worth keeping. It was played 111 the Midland Division of the Twentieth Century rournament <>f the Pilisbury Correspondence Association, between C. C, Hunt, lowa, and Mr. Voss, Kansas. The value of it is the tine defence. Notes by F. P. Wildman in the R.C.U.
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  • 143 400 The Manila Times of the sth inst. says The excellent work that was accomplished by Commander Marix, Captain of the Port, while m China and Japan, on the mission for the civil commission to lay bids before the ship-buildingconcerns of these two countries for revenue
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  • 787 400  - "THE CHINESE CRISIS. FROM WITHIN" WEN CHING (BY Edited by the Rev. G. M. Reith, M.A. The remarkable and instructive series of articles that appeared in the Singapore Free Press of last year have now been published in book form by the well-known London publisher, Mr. Grant Richards. The important
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  • Page 400 Advertisements
    • 612 400 The Singapore Free Press. tAND Mercantile Advertiser. Cabli Ap dress,— Advertiser, Singapore. Tblbphonb Number.— No. 6i. Published at 30-3, Raffles Place, Singapjo T^HE leading English Newspaper m the A Straits Settlements Johore, the Federated Native States of Perak, Selan gor, Sungei Ujon^, Pahang, the Ne gr Sembilan British North Borneo
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  • 610 401 LA old bracelet, lost at the Convent iar, awaits an owner. From Tenang comes news of the death of Dr 1.1 Carnegy and of Mr.D. Ross Smith. A similar movement to that m Singapore ased pay to engineers and to massi and mates is reported from
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  • 105 401 bo^nd V v est erda y> as the homeward bound French mail steamer VilU de La dirfni nean g Sin e a P° re fr °m Saigon, during a dense fog and a strong gale of wmd, she 1S alleged to have run of been
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  • 179 401 One of the Sempan men, proceeding to Kuala Kubu with cheques m his possession, has been murdered near the Gap. A European prospector is said to have attempted to commit suicide at Semenyib the other day, by cutting his throat. He is now m Hospital. During a riot
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  • 145 401 1 he above Company, which arrived here on Saturday, from Australia, by the S. 5. Sultan, oprns next week at the Town Hall for a short season. It has a L;ood reputation, according to the Press, and includes a strong combination of artistes, all well-known
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  • 199 401 S.C. C. Pbrak. This morning the opening match of the week, the S. C. C. v. Perak was to have been commenced. Despite yesterday's heavy rain, the ground, owing to* assiduous attention, was considered lit to play on providing the weather remained fine previous to a start
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  • 39 401 It has been arranged to hold pubi c meetings m the Town Hall from Janu* y 1 2th to 19th, on Christian topics, to be addressed by the Colonial Chaplain and all the local Ministers. Every evening at 8.30.
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  • 479 401 We wish all our readers a Merry Christmas. Launches will leave for the Swimming Club at 9.30 a.m. on Xmas Day and at 10 on boxing Day. The German Budget for 1902 provides for consulates at Nanking. Ichang, and Chinanfu. \1 E»A ITT-,,. Mr. I- ltz-
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  • 235 401 THE ADVENTURE OF THE FRENCH MAIL. From a gentleman who was on board the French mail Ville de la Ciotat on her trip from Hongkong io Singapore, we learn that that vessel, when she lost a couple of her propeller blades, had a very much narrower escape of serious injury
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  • 790 401 F.M.S. v. R.G.A. and R.E. This, the first match against our visitors, was played under either unfavourable climatic conditions yesterday afternoon. Ihe ground was wet and sodden making it difficult for players to keep on their feet. Notwithstanding this dis 1 vantage, the game was a capital one,
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  • 53 401 Fox-hunting and ice-boating are to be revived m Tientsin this winter. The mail for China by the German mail S.S. Prinz Heinrich will close to-morrow The P. &O. homeward mail Chusan left Hongkong at i p.m on Saturday and is due to arrive here at 6 a.m., on Thurs- the
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  • 5154 402 CONTENTS JULY— DEC, 1901. Leading Articlis. Cable Extension, I A Scheme of Attack, I 14 Through Green Glasses," I The "Tong Yen Kok," 2 A Peer's Trial, 2 Live Stock m Transit, 2 Admiral Seymour, 2 Live Stock Transit," 17 Heat Mortality m America, 17 The Success of the Sousmarin,"
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  • Page 403 Advertisements
    • 211 403 J. M. Lvon Co/s Patent Liberian Coffee Pulper AN effective substantial and simple coffee pulper based on the principle of elastic abrasion not crushing, and thorough dissemination of pulp and parch mem. Saves its own cost m a very short time, by nor breakage of beans, with full yield. No
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  • 9 404 The Johannesburg Stock Exchange has been opened.
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  • 14 404 The DMagoa Bay railway line is now open for civil traffic.
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  • 25 404 The Morning Post correspondent at Washington states that the Administration will prob ibly ask Congress to repeal the duty on Chinese teas.
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  • 50 404 Mr. Lloyd (ieorge, \i.i»., was compelled to abandon his speech at a pro-Boer meeting at the Birmingham Town Hall. An immense crowd broke all the windows. The police charged the crowd and many p< ople were injured. Mr. Lloyd George escaped disguised as a policeman.
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  • 40 404 The Captain of the Norddeutscher Lloyd steamer Ntckmr was fined £25 at Frem.mtle for contravening the new customs law, by breaking, while toyaging between Australian ports, the seals placed on the ship's ©tores by the Customs officials.
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  • 20 404 The tine was not paid and the accused has been committed to prison until it is paid.
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  • 33 404 more militia regiments have heen embodied. Two thousand Yeomamy have b^cn ordered to be raised immediately and will be despatched to the Cape m January and February. London, December 20th, iyo/.
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  • 16 404 The trial of Scheepers (who was taken prisoner when ill) ha< begun at Graaf-
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  • 18 404 There are thirty charges against him, of murder, arson, train-wrecking, and cruelty to prisoners.
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  • 17 404 Mr. Asquith, speaking at Wolverhampton, unreservedly endorsed the political views declared by Lord Rosebery.
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  • 10 404 The captures of Boers continue daily.
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  • 9 404 The Marquis Ito is at Brussels.
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  • 17 404 The Uganda Railway has been laid to Lake Victoria Nyanza. London^ December 21st, ryoi.
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  • 27 404 THE AUSTRALIAN CUSTOMS CASE. The Captain of the S.S. Neckar has been released the agents having given a bond that they will pay the fine and costs.
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  • 29 404 General Dartnell, a Colonial Officer, engaged De Wtt near Langberg m a fight of four hours 'iration. tThe Bee h A-ere driven off. London, December 22nd, /go/.
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  • 15 404 The French China indemnity loan has been covered twenty-four times over.
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  • 12 404 Two hundred burghers at Standerton have joined the National Scouts.
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  • 18 404 War is expected between Argentina and Chili over the boundary dispute. Londtn, December 23rd, 1961.
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  • 16 404 The Australian Federal Government has decided to send another thousand men to the Cape.
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  • 37 404 The Daily News correspondent at Volksrust says that the Boers have apparently resolved to continue the war. The real object of recent meetings was to make plans for a summer campaign. Ltndtn, December 24th iqoi.
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    • 47 404 I Tries to Commit Suicide (Special to Singapore Free Press.) Hongkong, 24th Dec. Prince Pu-Chun, who was recently deprived of his position as Heir-Apparent to the Thr< ne, is reported to have made an attempt to commit suicide at Kaifengfti. The attempt proved unsuccessful.
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    • 50 404 The Manchurian Treaty. Small Hope of any Modification, fhe prospects of the terms of the Manchurian treaty bein^ changed m any material respect, art- ot the very smallest. It is understood that M. Lessarj the Russian Minister, will insist on maintain ing the conditions accepted by Li-Hun^-
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  • 35 404 Russians Insistent. Other Powers Make No Sign. The Chinese Commissioners wish to i^ain time but are unable to resist the Russian demands because apparently other Powers art- unable or unwilling to interfere.
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  • 35 404 Russia the Supporter of China. The Russian demands will therefore probably be accepted with a few minor modifications, Russia, in turn, promising her support to China in any possible future complications.
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  • 273 404 Quotation. Paid. Dividends. Bank of China and Japan, Ltd, I Nominal. i £4 H Deferred. £5.5/ A Bell's Asbestos Eastern Agency. Nominal. £1 Bersawah Gold Mine Co. $4. Sellers. Clear Water Dairy Farm Ltd. $100 $100 Fraser and Neave Ltd. £8. Buyers. $50 lo \,c
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  • Page 404 Advertisements
    • 41 404 DRINK ARABIAN COFFEE HIGHEST QUALITY THE WORLI> PRODUCES Price 1 lb. Tins Yellow Label fiO cents. Hb. ("Red Label 75 In absolutely air tight tins without which Coffee cannot retain its aroma. On Sale at all Provision Dealers m Singapore ws
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  • Page 404 Miscellaneous
    • 134 404 ANJBR SHIPPING REPORT. (Specially compiled for the Singapore Free Press.) Date of passing Anjer; Nationality and description of vessel Captain's name Where and when sailed. Destination. Dee 0. Brit, str Thyra Dunning; New York, Oct 11 Indramaiae. Dee. 9. Ger. str., Bieleleld Hamburg, Batavia. Dec. 11. Dut. str., Merapi Udema
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    • 1090 404 VESSELS IN PORT. Men-of-War Flag and Tons Commanders Arrived From For When K'gin Wilhelmina Dut cms., 2620 Versehoor Decs Batavia Bat Brisk Brit g.b., 980 Martin Dec 13 Penang M Other Vessels Flags Tons Masters Arrived From Consignees For WJiem Ajax Amer3000 Hutchinson Oee 22 Norfolk U. 8. Consul Um
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