The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 5 December 1901

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 239 1 iDIUQ Arti» les. A V c»or>an Memorial, -w Q The Jabbering o f Janvion, VTq Historical Jubilee, IVL A Paere of Tanjong Pagar History, 7. £q 1 he Last Resort, ITI Boycotting thr British, o The Anglo-Briton," A Royal Tiff, f° The Garrison, o Kikisha Reform m Hongkcne. \ko
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  • Domestic Occurrences.
    • 46 1 On the 28th instant, at Spottiswoode," Neil Road, the wife of A. KtTCfli of a daughter. At A. Bungalow, Tanglin, the wife ofpRAHCIS Ppars, of a daughter. At C, Wolseloy Terrace, Edinburgh, on the3rd ok December the svifc of W. N. Mastbrton of a daughter.
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    • 49 1 On the 26th instant, at St. Andrew's Catkedral, Singapore, by the Revd. W. II C. Dunkerley, M. A., assisted by the Revd. P. W. Halnes, Ferdinand Fortescuk Faithfull, youngest son of.the late Rovd. George Faithfull, of Btorrington, Sussex, to Violet.Elkanor Hamilton, youngest daughter of J. B. Ferrell, Esq.
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    • 62 1 On the 28th instant, at No. 41 Waterloo Street, Mrs. 1\ p. Mcln j ykb, widow of the late Robert MacKenzie Mclntyre. Aged 67 years. Funeral at f> p m to-day. (Penang and Rangoon papers please copy.) On the 2nd Deo., suddenly at Batu Gaiah, Perak, Fk\nk L xliv
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  • 732 1 (Nov. 28th.) To-day there is published, by authority of the Chairman of what may be called a Provisional Committee, (Mr. KYNNERSLEV) the outline of a scheme for a local Memorial of tie late Queen Victoria. The primary form suggested by the Municipality was that a statue, probably
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  • Article, Illustration
    25 1 resl People's rifhl Mi<ikl( Itaawtd by influence and unbrike< by f»vn; Here patriot Tiuth h«r gUrlout prtt«pt« 4raw t to Relig i»n. Loyalty, and Law.
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  • 162 1 A French gentleman by name of Janvion has evidently a bad pain m his tummy, to judge from the irritation m kis comments about England m a Saigon paper. He says:— La sympathie de TEurope pour les Boer*, nest que la periphrase de la haine de
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  • 130 1 Prince Leopold Yon Hohen/oller:^, who. m 1870, refused the Crown of Spain, celebrated his jubilee as an officer of the Russian army on the 1 8th ult. This offer of the Crown of Spain to Prince LEOPOLD was the cause of the Franco-German wa: France objected to
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  • 513 1 (Nov. 29th.) A friend sends us to-cay a curious little pictorial memento of the past history 01 the port of Singapore. He says I tore it out of an old volume of the ///us- trated Linden News I found m an out of-the-way corner
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 264 1 Subscribers to the Singapere Free Press Weekly returning from Europe to the Straits by any of the mail lines are invited to send to the Manager the name of their steamer and date of arrival m Singapore. Copies will then be mailed to meet them at various ports of call,
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    • 84 1 j. M. Lyon Go's Patent Liberian Coffee Pulper A Neftective substantial and simple coffee pulper based on the principle of elastic abrasion not crushing, and thorough dissemination of pulp and parchment. Saves its own cost m a very short time, by nor breakage of beans, with lull yield. No Elevators,
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 353 1 THE WEEK. The mail from home of Nov. Bth arrived by the P. O. Valetta on Sunday, followed on Wednesday by the N.D.L. Prinzess Irene, with dates np to Nov. nth. The next outward mail is clue by the M. M. Indus on Mo«day. The last mails for Europe left
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  • 187 2 General Baden Powell and Mr. Rudyard Kipling have at least one little dea m common that is, that death is *o be preferred to surrender. It is now some time ago that Baden Powell gave this sound advice to the men of the South African Constabulary. Writing
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  • 267 2 The enthusiasm m Holland and Belgium and France over the proposal to boycott British shipping by refusing all aid m docking, loading or unloading, is only equalled by the reluctance felt to put this process m pra< tice. It would be equivalent to cutting off half of
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  • 205 2 The term Anglo-Ind an" is properly applied lo tha** of British origin who have made thrir life's rk, civil or military, m India. The 1.-ua-ian." again, is the class, permanent y resident m India, m which European and Asiatic blood intermingles. But the classification of those of pure
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  • 174 2 (Dec. 3rd) IT is rather disconcerting to the wellwishers of the young Queen of Holland,— and who is not of that number to note trnt in the harmony of married life there has appeared a rift within the lute." It is quite well understood that both of
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  • 148 2 Although the relief was long ago foreshadowed m these columns it is now definitely stated by the War Office that the Welsh Fusiliers from Hongkong will come to Singapore. That will happen when a battalion is sent to Hongkong from South Africa— possibly, as mentioned before, one of
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  • 569 2 (Dec. 4th.) We learn from a Hongkong journal that the Commission appointed in that Colony to enquire into the difficulties of procuring and retaining reliable chair and jinrikisha coolies for private service has submitted a long report, containing some sweeping recommendations for reform. Chief among these
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  • 196 2 A supplement to the London Gazette has been published containing a Proclam ation" by the King dealing with the new addition to the "King's Style and Titles." I After reciting the present Royal style, m Latin and m English, the proclamation goes on to appoint and declare."
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  • 986 2 An Apfrbciatiox. Under the heading of Students of Asia," t k Spectator acclaims Mr. Clifford as one of the er writers of the day m his particular sphere-** portraying of the East— and ranks him with R Uf yard Kipling. The following extracts are from the
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  • 57 2 The Rajah of Sarawak oi 892 t< which arrived from Europe yesterday, was built at Leithforthc Sarawak Government She was brought out by Captain M< i:«ider the British flag, but it is ondcntO >d she will be transferred to the Sarawak flag to-day. The R*j*h of Sarawak will re place
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  • 260 3 Mr.J. D Richards, an employe* at the Hongkong Hotel, committed suicide on the night of the 19th inst. by jumping over his bedroom verandah. He fell 40 feet and was found dead next morning. An improvised match "Mr. Voules's Eleven v Navy was played at Hongkong
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  • 256 3 A good many of tl>ost still m the S.V.A. will be inti itsttd to nad this stirring incident m which one of their fomer Acting Adjutants (Major, now Colonel, Montanaro, RGA) played the leading part In a letter relating to the ope.ations m
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  • 247 3 A public meeting was held at the Exliange Building yesterday evening at 5 o'clock to consider the desirability of holding sports, and a regatta on New Year's l>ay, Wednesday, Ist January, 1902. Amongst those present were Messrs. r-ort, Owen, Scott-Russell, Rodesse, Mactaggart, Hunter, Scoular, Glennie, Millar,
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  • 2642 3 Mr. John Watbrstradt's Notabli Feat. At last, after many attempts, all of which have proved futile, Mr. John Waterstradt, well-known locally as an enthusiastic scientist, has made the ascent of the once supposed inaccessible Gunong Tahan and has thus set foot, where, to the best
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  • 23 3 Mr. Duke, the leader of the American Tobacco Trust, declares that the Trust is willing to lose £1,000,000 to capture the English trade.
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  • 881 4 The following memorandum is forwarded for publication by the Hon'ble C. W. S. Kynnersley, (Acting Colonial Secretary) Chairman of the Committee changed with the duty of preparing a scheme for a Victoria Memorial Hall for the information and consideration of the general community On 31st January,
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  • 232 4 The proposed Memorial Hall to be erected m Singapore to Her late Majesty Queen Victoria will adjoin the present Town Hall? and be on the site now occupied by the temporary Supreme Court. The building will contain on the Ground Floor, a Public Halt 120' o" x 60'
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  • 376 4 A TERROR TO EVIL DOERS— WHAT IT MEANS. Martial Law regulations to be enforced m the Cape district are published. The ordinary law of the Colony holds good as far as possible. Every person, when required to do so between midnigru and six m the
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  • 977 4 The Concentration Camps m South Airica. It is an undoubted fact that the mortality, particularly among children, has been very heavy m the tamps, says the Pioneer but if Boer mothers decline to wash their babies more than once a week, or themselves more than once a month,
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  • 35 4 The Chairman of the St. Andrew's Din ncr at Calcutta, the biggest Scottish function m the East wired on Saturday to Singapore as follow Three hundred Scotsmen send hearty greetings, hafpy evening.
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  • 661 4 The fourteenth ordinary genera! meeting o f Pahang Corporation (Limited) was held on 7 th ult Mr. E. A. Pontifex (the chairman) prwidiiJ The Chairman said The report will have shown you the causes of the very considerable diminution m the amount of our revenue which
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  • 261 4 EASTERN EXTENSION TELEGRAPH COMPANY. The directors' report of the Eastern Extension, Au tralia and China Telegraph Company states that the gross receipts for the half-year ended June 30 last have amounted during that period tc £346,336, against £313,226 for the corresponding half-year of 1900. The working expenses, iixlud»nS £28,338 for
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  • 712 5 The proposed French loan of five million yen to Corea fell through owing to the inability of the Coreans to furnish any appreciable security. The cable ship Sherard Osborne, which arrived this morning from the Bali Straits, s speaking the ship Johanna of Singanon* m the
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  • 87 5 The Daily Telegraph says A motion will be brought before the London Trades Council meeting this week suggesting to the London County Council the desirability of erecting a theatre m the new avenue between Holborn and the Strand, or m some other suitable locality, "so that
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  • 213 5 The Manila Times oi the 13th instant says We regret to announce the death, aftrr a protracted illness, of Mr. Gen. F. Armstrong, an old resident and late secretary of the Manila Club. The death took place at the Woman's Hospital m San Miguel, and
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  • 204 5 The M.M. >teanier Tibre, connecting with tfee Outward 1\ O. mail Valctta, is expected here tomorrow morning from Saigon. The txtra P. O. cargo steamer Nankin arrived from Kuchinotzu yesterday afternoon with a car^o of abi>ut 4,000 tons of Jaj am sc coal to be d schargLd here
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  • 269 5 The following properties were disposed of at Powell Cos. saleroom on Wednesday No. 1 Malacca Street occupied by Hilty Co. Area 3104 sq. ft. E. Meyer, £91,000. No. 2 Malacca Street, occupied by Lee Cheng Van. Area 2261 sq. ft. E. Meyer, £37,000. No. 6 D'Almeida Street, occupied
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  • 1282 5 (Globe) Ever since the grip of the British closed more or less firmly on the East, old Anglo-Indians have been a feature of English social life, drawn by hundreds and thousands from the uppermiddle class, not alien by birth or breeding, yet with a certain outlandish touch of thought
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  • 320 5 11 Gentlemen, to solace their wearied minds by honest pastimes, playe at chesse, the astronomer's game, and the philosopher's game, which whettes thyr wittes, recreates theyr minds, and hurts no body m the mean season." All communications should be addressed to the Chess Editor, Singapore Free Press."
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  • 306 5 We notice that the Glasgow Weekly Herald reproduces the score of the Batavia-Singapore cable game, together with Mr. Elcum's notes thereon. Referring to the much talked of Lasker-Pills-bury match, Dr. Lasker announces that No challenge has been issued." In a sense, we are glad to hear that. We
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  • 580 6 SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1901 The Hartlepool steamer Eastry is reported ashore on Sibarn Island, near Padang. Mr. Neubronner, and Mr. Nathan arrived here yesterday by the Prima from Bangkok. Mr. Waller arrived this morning by the Hoseinee from Bombay. Mr. Massin arrived from Samarang this morning by the Giang Ann.
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  • 98 6 The following telegram from Hongkong was communicated yesterday to a few representative Scots m Singapore To President of St. Andrew's Society, Singapore:—Chief Whitehead and brither Scots greet you. David Wood, Secretary, To that, this reply was forwarded Kindly greetings of Chief Whitehead and Hongkong brither Scots
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  • 81 6 The Russian Transport Nijni Novgorod homeward bound, is due here from Vladivostork n<- xt' week. The M.M. steamer Tibre arrived from Saigon this morning, and will leave after the arrival of the outward mail steamer Valetta. The Russian steamer Mercury is expected from Odes^a shortly. The outward Spanish
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  • 510 6 To-day is St. Andrew's Day and right worthily was it usheied m by the Marine Club Ball at the Town Hall last night. That the Ball was a success, hardly needs to be related, festivities ot this nature on a public scale are not so frequent
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  • 59 6 H.M.S. Blenheim has now followed the example of the Albion battleship, and has put on her new coat of black and grey. We understand the change is made m accordance with instructions from Home, the idea at present being to keep one cruiser, and one battleship on this station under
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  • 1495 6 Quicqutd agunt homines nostrtest farrago libelli. Juvemal. A poetical friend has been rhyming m your columns on the Chinese Volunteer," m glowing Pyrrhic periods. But the Topicist has not found himself able to divine, on such internal evidence as the poem itself affords, whether the rhymester's
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  • 140 6 In the Weekly Trade Review (Di I Matt, Oct. 30) the following note is givei The federated Malay States to-day best witness to the proportions the tra< the Far East must m the near future obuw. Twenty-five years ago these States wer I unknown land, m which few traders tured,
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  • 476 7 Fleur-de-Lys" writes to the editor of the Asian as follows trouble m cleaning a rifle barrel after cordite has been used m it, is due to two causes, the very high temperature of explosion, and the acid fouling, The fouling left by cordite contains oxygen, and
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  • 327 7 The convenience of a short memory to its possessors is strikingly illustrated m the attitude of our neighbours m Holland towards the South African war. Their orators and journalists appear to have entirely forgotten the Dutch wars for supremacy m Atchin, though they bulked so largely
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  • 226 7 The half-yearly Directors' Report for the six months ending Sept. oth, 1901, states that the nett profits (or the half year amount to $410,481. 53 which, including $85,812.25 brought forward from the previous account, leaves $496,293.78 for appropriation on 30th Sept. iqoi. The Directors recommend That
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  • 217 7 Continued Resistance is a Crime. The Rev. J. F. Botha, minister of the Dutch Reformed Church at Richmond, Cape Colony, has issued for circulation among the members of his church, a statement concerning the commandos m Cape Colony, and the Boer refugee camps. Of the former
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  • 579 7 A correspondent of a home contemporary, writing from Kieff last month, said Shortly after the truth of the massacre of the Chinese natives m Blagovestschensk by Russian troops last Autumn became publicly known to all Europe, and was demonstratively confirmed and proved by
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  • 147 7 The following is from an American v Sassicty paper: Lady Curzon of Kedleston is the best dressed woman m the East^ about the only one of any conversational ability m the whole of Hindustan, and the handsomest who has ever ruled at Government House, Calcutta. That she must be terribly
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  • 417 7 (From our Correspondent,) With reference to the new Customs Tariff brought out last month b; c Government here, public opinion ha& I I some little effect, for the Gazetted the i nh inst. notifies the country that (a) n The Export Duty on Salt Fish is hereby abolished
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  • 485 7 g(Daily Chronicle.) Sir Frank Swettenham's name is so well-known m literature that its signature to an official report is guarantee of greater human interest than such documents usually possess. This expectation is abundantly borne out m the Report of the Federated Malay States, which has just been
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  • 266 7 A new York despatch of the 13th ult. says > Mr. Knox, the Attorney-General, had a long conference with President Roosevelt on Saturday regarding the application of the Pacific Commercial Cable Company for authority to lay a cable between the United States and the Philippines. Mr.
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  • 90 7 Writting from Moscow, a correspondent remarks:—The "awakening of Islam," to which the Russian Press referred some time ago, appears to receive confirmation from the fact that of thousand of Russian Mahomedans who get across the Turkish frontier on pretence of making the pilgrimage to Mecca, not ten per
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  • 421 7 Though born free from microbes, according to Dr. Elie Metchnikoff, man soon picks up a pretty extensive flora. Germs from air and water lodge m the follicles of the skin and on the moist mucous membranes, and within four hours after birth several different kinds of
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  • 78 7 The s.s. Redtng, with Captain Nielsen as master, is the new boat of the East Asiatic Co., Ltd., which takes the place of the S.S. Maha Vajiravudh on the run from Bangkok to Singapore via the Siamese ports m the Peninsula. The Japan Mail says the conditions that have been
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  • 1478 8 A Tbrriblb Chaptbr m Ambrican History. [By Prohssor Scarborough.] As a people, ihc United States has reached the high water mark m all that nations covet. It is prosperous above all others, and it has secured that which men seek most— the plaudits, the approbation of the
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  • 538 8 For a number of years the question of women riding astride has been discussed In Anteric i. Some time ago an Efimprfomg pUyionl culture teacher, with an eye to gratuitous exploitation m the newspapers, advtttJfiAd thai she would mount her hor*>e man* fashion and make the
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  • 416 8 In view of the late President McKinley's likeness to Napoleon, so much commented on m his later years, it is an old fact that Czolgosz's Judaslike method of killing the man who held out to him the hand of friendship has a distinct parallel m an attempt
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 144 8 NOBEL'S Explosives Co., Ltd GLASGOW MANUFATTITRFR^ OF Dynamite, Gelignite, Gelatine Dynamite, Blasting Gelatine Detonators, ALL KIKDS OF Safety Fuses, AND Electric Blasting Apparatus The above Explosives, being all manufactured m Great Britain, are made to i>ass ike high standard of safety and purity tests imposed by the British Government and
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    • 765 8 THE TANJONG PAGAR DOCK COMPANY, LTD. Shipwrights, Engineers, Iron and Brasa Founders, Wharfingers, &c. TTHIS Company executes Ship and Marine Engine Repairs ot aril descriptions, m the most efficient manner, under the superintendence experienced European Shipwrights and Engineers Graving Docks up to 500 feet m length and 21 net on
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  • 686 9 Mrs.Goldenberg and two daughters arrived on the ist instant by the Calypso from Deli. The P. O. Intermediate steamer Japan left Hongkong at 6 a.m. on Friday, 6th instant. Capt. W. A. L. Lethbridge, Royal Lancaster Regiment, is a passenger to England from South Africa, The
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  • 659 9 Every effort to prosecute art m a climate which is quite against continuity of study, owing to changefulness of light, and against successful technique owing to too rapid drying of water-colour washes, deserves all the moral support that a sympathising public can give. It is so easy
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  • 143 9 THE BATAVIER AGROUND. Tl c s S. Batavier, of 216 tons, Captain Mellor, owned by Messrs. Wee Bin Coy, ran ashore on Tree Island, just beyond the Raffles Lighthouse, at 2 o'clock yesterday morning, during a thick fog* Thr Captain, however, was able to get the vessel afloat again m
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  • 238 9 Extensive changes among the British warships on the China station are being carried out, and several ships are shortly expected from England on the way to China. The despatch of th« armoured cruiser Cres yof 12,000 tons displacement, to take the place of the
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  • 484 9 \frtm eu* own CorrisfiQHSMnt.j On Friday the H>n. C. W S. Kyrnersley and Mrs K.nmrsley, who aie sta/ii.g at Tanjo'-g King for a week, the Hon. < S Penny, who has come on inspection duty, the Hon. K. (i. Blami and Mis. Bland, the former of whom becomes Ag.
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  • 154 9 The extra cricket match (l Voules's XI v. Navy is thus humorously commented on m the China Mail The fielding was sometimes brilliant, Mac taggart especially distinguishing himself at r>lip, mostly owing to his large leet. Barkshire outshone himself m the outfield, with his throwing m. The bowling of Mackenzie,
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  • 214 9 The new first-class cruiser Amphitrite, which has only just returned from the Mediterranean whither she had been dispatched to carry reliefs for the battleship Illustrious, has been selected for further trooping service. Her nexi d-uy o, this nature is stated to be a voyage o
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  • 108 9 And thb Penaltibs or thb Position. We regret to hear of the continued indiposition of Lady McCallum, who is still confined to her room. Lady McCallum must have had rather a trying time since she has been here, m connection with the Royal visit and other
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  • 320 9 S. C. C. v Mr. Bladbs' XI. A match between teams representing the ahove was played last evening on the Cricket Club ground. The game, which was the best fought one we have had for a considerable time, ended m a draw, neither side scoring. The scratch XI
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  • 169 9 Yesterday was observed as a public and general holiday m honour of the birthday of Her Majesty Queen Alexandra. All Government offices were closed and most of the business houses. The flagslaffs at Fort Canning and Mount Fabcr and the ships m the Roads were gaily dressed with bunting and
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  • 3552 10 (Via Ceylon.) London, Nov. 17. Mr. Maclaren's Team arrived m Melbourne during the week and began the match against the first Eleven of Victoria on Friday. The Englishmen shaped ever so much better than at Adelaide. The Englishmen won the toss and, going m first, scored 166 runs. The
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  • 681 11 WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1 90 1. It is said that a Federated Malay States Agricu tural Show is to be held next year m Kuala Lumpur. J Sir \yinfield Bonser, the Chief Justice of Ceylon, returned to the island on the 24th ultimo. A Rugby football match has been arranged
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  • 65 11 We are informed that it is proposed to hold a public meeting to consider the nature of the proposed Memorial to Her Late Majesty Queen Victoria m the Town Hall, on Thursday, December 12th, at 430 p.m. Should the consensus of the meeting be I m favour
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  • 36 11 The Local Secretray Raub Australian Gold Mining Company, Ltd., has received a telegram from Raub, reading Crushing finished 3,600 tons 0/ stone realized 7,55* ozs. smelted gold. (This is nearly 8£ dwts. per ton.)
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  • 46 11 The Revd. C. J. Izard, B. A. Oxon, has been appointed Colonial Chaplain ol Malacca ac»d is expected to arrive here early m January, 1902. lheschtme for the raising of a Volunteer Rifle Corps for Malacca has been approved by the Secretary of Slate. »,i ■<
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  • 334 11 {Black and White.) This weekly gives a good portrait of H. E. the Governor, m Pall Mall tenue, accompanied by this quite complimentary letter press A Strong Man m thb East. Nobody has been surprised, bui al! have been glad to hear of the appointment to the
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  • 303 11 THE FORTHCOMING VISIT OF THE PENANG AND PERAK CRICKET AND FOOTBALL TEAMS. Although it is early yet to write of Christmas, it will doubtless interest many to know that as regards the visit of the above teams to Singapore, to play here during Xmas Week, the following programme has been
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  • 1106 11 (Continued). (From a Contributor). For many reasons the Singapore River should receive the greatest consideration iv the way of improvements. It is satisfactory to notice that these are already m progress— the mouth of the river is being deepened and the reef of rocks— which has been a
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    • 35 11 A sensntion has bf en treated m Paris at the disc! »sur- of a confidential report by General Voyron, acxus n* Fr-mh missionaries, also Legation ladies, oi v ematic looting at inking.
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    • 24 11 Maj-Gen. Knox has captured 36 Boers, including Commandant Juubcrt and two Field Cornets. Practically the whole of Joubert's commando is accounted for.
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    • 21 11 Jubert was one of Gen. Brandt's best commandants, it was he who captured two guns at V.akfontHn m September
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    • 30 11 AUSTRALIA N CRICKET. New South Wales has beaten Maciaren's English eleven by 53 ru.»s. Marquis ho had an interview with Count Lamsdorff yesterday. He is also to see M. Witte.
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    • 3 11
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    • 47 11 Official quarters m Petersburg are confident that these interviews will do muchto end misunderstandings between the two countries. Marquis Iro's visit is alone proof that the relations of Russia to Japan are more cordial than is supposed. London, November 2sth igoi*
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  • 36 11 The Times correspondent at Pretoria says thai there are stPl seventy recognised Boer commandoes m the field. Of these there are 26 m the Transvaal, 31 m Orange Colony, and 13 m Cape Colony.
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  • 22 11 The task of capturing these would necessarily be slow, as Kitchener's striking arm consisted at present of o-ily 45,000 men.
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  • 57 11 Mr. William Cowir. speaking at the British North Borneo annual dinner m London, stated that he was more hopeful of success than ever. Mr. R. B. Martin said that British North Borneo had set an example m the abolition of slavery within its territories, and he
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  • 12 11 There have been ten cases of plague at Honololu.
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  • 41 11 Reported Death From Exhaustion. A report has jeached the Turkish authorities that Miss Stone, the American lady missionary who was recently captured by brigands, has succumbed to the hardships of her captivity. The band ot brigands has dispersed.
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  • 12 11 The French Chamber has passed the China indemnity loan.
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  • 18 11 MAE QUIS ITO'S TOUR. Marquis Ito has had a special audience of the Tsar. Count Lamsdorff was present.
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  • 69 11 Mr. Ritchie, speaking at Croydon, stated hat Lord Salisbury's pronouncement that no shred of independence was to be left to the Boers appears to have been misunderstood. We were unable to offer to the Boers again the terms they had rejected, but if the Boer general accepted
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  • 13 11 Four more Militia battalions have been embodied. London, November 2fth, /go/
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  • 50 12 It is announced m Paris that the French Minister at Bangkok has had a prolonged audience of the King 'of Siam, m which questions affecting France and Siam were discussed m a friendly spirit. French Consulates have been established at Angker and Battambang. London November 30th, igoi.
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  • 27 12 The Tsar has conferred on the Marquis Ito the Order of St. Alrxander Nevsky. Marquis Ito had a most flattering reception on that occasion.
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  • 17 12 The Russian negotiations with China respecting MftHChur»* h*ve biukcn duwn owing to Japan's objections.
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  • 24 12 No person without a permit is to be permitted to enter Cape Colony or Natal after the ist January without a permit.
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  • 28 12 There are persistent reports of a serious division between Queen Wilnelminaand her husK-.nd Prince Henry has now gone to Germany. London, December /st, /go/.
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  • 20 12 THE GERMAN TA RIFF. A Socialist petition against the new German Customs Tariff ro»>tains over three millions of sign itures.
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  • 24 12 ANTICIPATED PARL IMENTARY RESISTANCE. Violent debates on the Tariff are expected to occur m the Reichstag, but the Tariff will probably come into law.
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  • 12 12 Marquis Ito will probably remain tor some time at Petersburg.
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  • 39 12 The Russian authorities and the newspapers are gratified at Marquis Ito's visit as tending to convin.e Japan of Russia's goodwill and to prepare a rapprochement of the two Km pi res. London, December jnd, 1 90 r
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  • 12 12 An orderly pro-Buller demonstration has come off m Hyde Park.
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  • 35 12 The Morning Post correspondent at Brussels says thai the latest reports received by Mr. Kruger from South Africa show that there is an increasing want of ammunition, arms, a«d provisions amongst the Boers.
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  • 55 12 Sir Gordon Sprigg, the Premier of Cape Colony, speaking at Capetown, stated that the Colony's own army m the field numbers 18,000 men. The Colony had incurred a considerable debt m maintaining these troops, but the prospect was not discouraging, and he was confident that
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  • 16 12 The Coronation of King Edward is fixed for the 26th of June, 1902.
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  • 23 12 General Elliot has raptured twelve Boers, 000 horses, ioo vehicles, and 300 cattle, to the north of the Orange River Colony.
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  • 20 12 Mr. Goudie, the book-keeper of the Liverpool Bank, has been arrested. Londen, December 3rd, rpo/.
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  • 44 12 Mr. Roosevelt m his message to Congress, deprecates any change m the tariff, but he recommends reciprocity so far as is compatible with the interests of home industries, admitting of a more liberal policy required to secure wider markets.
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  • 29 12 Naval Power. Mr. Roosevelt strongly reasserts the Monroe doctrine, and urges the necessity of steadily increasing the Navy m order to secure respect for that policy.
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  • 29 12 The message dwells upon the benefits as well as the evils of trusts, aud advocates legislation empowering Government to inspect their workings before restrictions are imposed.
    29 words
  • 39 12 Mr. Koosevelt urges the adoption ot stronger measures for the exclusion of undesirables. He asks for measures to foster the mercantile marine. He asks for the ratification of the Canal convention and its speedy construction.
    39 words
  • 26 12 The message urges the framing of a great policy of full and fair intercourse between China and other nations on the footing of equal rights.
    26 words
  • 17 12 It also advocates the "Open Door," including access to the internal water-ways of China.
    17 words
  • 47 12 The destroyer Salmon has been wrecked m a collision with a mail steamer m Hardwick Harbour. Two stokers perished. [The destroyer Salmon was of 264 tons and 3,580 h.p. She was built at Hull m 1895. |Her •ipeeJ was 27.60 knot*.] London, December jt/i, rgoi.
    47 words
  • 106 12 THE CHINESE IMPERIAL SUCCESSION. The Heir to the Throne Disinherited. (Special to the Singapore Free Press.) Hongkong, December, 2. An Imperial Edict has just been issued which disinherits ru oim.., a*. n~:. j^ r parent as being unworthy to succeed to the throne on account of his father's
    106 words
  • 75 12 (Corrected up to December 4.) On London. lt demand l >'9i'z Private credits 3 m/s 1/9* 4ocuments3 m/s f /9fi credits 6 m/s i/"f* France, demand 226 Germany, demand 183J India, T. T 1344 HONGKONG, demand 1% pm. Yokohama, demand 11% pm. Java, demand 10 9-4 Manila, demand 3%
    75 words
  • 135 12 (December 4/ llflt«*»«««*« mmtiMimnMiiwiumwi 507 75 Gambier 14.20 do. Cibc No. c 7.50 Pepper, 'I'^cV rdina»-- Spore) 30.50 do. Wvr-. l«V, r L/'.V— 5% 17. I Nutmegs fl4»j o 'hr ll.» 2 do. (Bo> tv lit b).... f N r-4 Mace (B.M.da) o Cloves 4 Vi^'r.). 3a TJberian Cc
    135 words
  • 275 12 DECEMBER 4th i 9Ol Qvot4tiow. Paid. DmntNns. Bank ff Thina and Japan, Lid. L r l Nominal. £4 Deferred. ,65-5/ 4 1 Bell's Asbestos Eastern Agency. Nominal. £1 Bersawah Gold Mine Co, 94-75 J 5 Clear Water Dairy Farm Ltd. Jioo »ioo Fraser and Neave Ltd* $9«. S5O
    275 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 1007 12 Men-of-War Flag and Tons Commanders Arrived From For When Tatnlans Dut g.b., 200 Dominicus Oct 26 Djambie Uncemin Other Vessels Flags Tons Masters Arrived From Consignees \inara Brit 1566 Mattock Nov 20 HongVong Boustead Java 1). < 4 Asahan Ger ltsl Schultz Tor? 2 Asahan Behn Meyer Asahan Dec Australind
      1,007 words