The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 28 November 1901

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 259 1 A < onsular Misconception. 134) .m ana Kelantan, imberlain, the Foreign M Bete Noir," The Difficulties of A Welsh College, H n Tennis. Mraits v. Hongkong, iM -^6 Monthly Medal, Sullivan Memorial Concert, 741 Football. S.C.C. v. 35th Co. R.A., 345 Report 5. Municipal Commission, 33--..01 al. The lanjon^
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  • 388 1 The mail from home of Nov. ist arrived by the II. M. Yarra on Sunday. The next outward mail is due by the P.tO. Valet ta on Saturday. The last mails for home were taken by the M. M Annam on Sunday. This homeward (Christmas) mail leaves by
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  • Domestic Occurrences.
    • 13 1 On November 25£h, the wife of Mr. John Andekso.v, of a daughter.
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    • 13 1 Suddenly, at Perth, Western Australia, on the !21st inst., Ciorgb Pvtrick Lindsay.
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  • Article, Illustration
    584 1 Here fthaU thr Tress the FtipU'c right ssaiiteif L'nawed bf influence xmi onWikeJ hf fain; Hotc patriot Tr*(h Ltr glerkmc »r««ef*» draw, rvdired t« Rolif i»o, Loyalty, and Law. (Nov. 21st.) The departure of Mr. T. E. Earle from Singapore deprives the Colony of one who has, as
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  • 811 1 (Nov. 22nd.) When Lord Charles Beresford, m Singapore, first ventilated, what we promptly condemned as impracticable, his theory of a commercial alliance m the Far East, as regards the development of China, between Britain, the United States, Japan, and Germany, it was discovered that the suggestion was really
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 105 1 Bricks AND Firebricks THE ALEXANDRA BRICKWORKS f^n T fH r\RE NOW PREPARED TO SUPPLY Bricks at $15 per 1000. Firebricks at $75 per 1000. Fireclay at $27.50 per ton. Speciality m Boiler Seatings and Boiler Coversmade to order. For further particulars apply to THE BORNEO Co., Ltd., a<;knts. June i
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    • 118 1 Really Excellent Ind Coope Co. ALE STOUT Price $1.80 per doz. pints Price $11 per case of 7 doz. pints Delivered free within 3 miles radius. W. A. Wafford Co. BOTTLERS, ANSON ROAD, Sir G A PORE WE BEG TOCALL YOUR ATTENTION TO PERFECTION CURLY GUT TOBACCO In 4 oz.
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  • 294 2 Ii was the immortal Mrs. GLASSE who prefaced her recipe for jugged hare with the prudent counsel "First catch your hare. Lately we have been informed that Lord PAUNCEFOTE, for Britain, and Mr. Secretary Hay, for the United States, have concluded a new treaty which gives to
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  • 148 2 Colombo is not only a go-ahead place, but its inhabitants hae a quid conceit o' themsels," and a very proper pride m all their local advantages and progressive improvements. Says one Ceylon journal 1 It is gratifying to the inhabitants of this city to read m our Indian
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  • 309 2 (Nov. 23rd.) There is at present going on a very virulent agitation m the ports of Belgium and Holland having for its object the boy- of British shipping frequenting these ports. The idea is that the various organised bodies of dockers and stevedores shall refuse to
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  • 211 2 Ol'R attention has been specially called to the notification issued by the Turkish Consul-General, stating that Turkish subjects who fail to comply with certain regulation of residence, of marriage, or of birth of children will incur a fine of one pound (Turkish) about nine dollars. It is
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  • 258 2 (Nov. 25th.) REFERRING to the quotation from a letter m the Times on the nominal relations between Siam and Kelantan, we have some reason to understand that the question has at last been put on a satisfactory basis, and that Siam does not m the least propose
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  • 472 2 Chamberlain, the Foreign Bete Noir." (Nov. 26th.) Perhaps, m the eyes of some foreign and not too friendly nations, there could be no greater antithesis as regards their estimate of British statesmen than between the late Mr. GLADSTONE and the happily still extant Mr. Chamberlain. The former, saturated with a
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  • 852 2 (Nov. 27th.) Since the long-past days when Miss Sophia Jex-Blake and her tiny group of female fellow students strove for admission to Edinburgh University and finally succeeded m their plea, M much water,'' as the saying goes, v has run under the bridges Many
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  • 142 2 This morning at the Assizes, Choo Chi Wee, charged with theft as a servant, am causing a stupefying drug to be taken with intent to facilitate the commission of tl and knowing the drug to be likely to causj hurt, was tound not guilty, and discharge! The charge
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  • 1091 3 specially written for the Singapore Free Press by Rev. G. M. Rbith.) No. LXXII. Yesterday I saw the grave close over the Q ains of one formerly well known m pore, the Rev. William Aitken, who mister of the Scotch Church, from > 1883. His ministerial
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  • 717 3 An Hrroic Action, Much Rbsbmblisg "the Taking of Lungtungpbn." 11 Some day," said the man from Manila, when the people get ready to listen to them, there will be some mighty interesting stories written about the war m the islands, which is now over. There is
    Chicago Tribune  -  717 words
  • 844 3 The will bears date Jan. 24, 1899, with 13 codicils, of Colonel Sir George W? render, of Lochend and of Bruntsfield House, 1 .burgh, sixth baronet, who died on June 13 l**\ aged 75 years, leaving personal estate of th»- value consisting of £270,020 m Scotland, 4,121,489
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  • 129 3 "A. B.", a London correspondent of a Ceylon paper, drops, like our very own Topicist, upon the very strange person who writes m the Church Times, as being the author of an example of blatant ignorance The writer has the presumption to scold His Majesty King Edward a Catholic sovereign,
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  • 40 3 His Excellency the Governor has been pleased to appoint Monday, the 2nd December, 1901, to be observed throughout the Colony as a Public Holiday m honour of the anniversary of the Birthday of Her Majesty Queen Alexandra.
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  • 303 3 While it's somewhat of a question how they'll cut While we vainly wonder where you'll put your queue When you rally round the standard against our Country's foes, Here's a hearty hand of fellowship to you. While they send the Tommies southward, while the white men Volunteer,
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  • 301 3 Only second to the splendid achievements of British administration m Egypt are its successes is Malaya. The tale as told by the Acting High Commissioner, Sir Frank A. Swettenham, represents a continuous victory over almost insurmountable obstacles as surprising as it is gratifying m its thoroughness. Malaya, which
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  • 113 3 Regarding the Calcutta Race Meeting the Asian says All the horses m Dignum's string are doing well we had an opportunity of looking at them last week. Amoni: the Sultan of Johore's lot is Sailor, of whom but little is known, but who is a good shaped one at any
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  • 672 4 H. M. S. Redpole is, we hear, under orders to proceed home next month. The number of students at Paris learning the Russian language has dwindled from 200 to 20. H.M.S. Cressy left this morning at 6.45 a.m. to join the British squadron m Chinese waters.
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  • 74 4 A Woman's Wondirful Feat, New York, October 25th.— A Sun dispatch says that Miss Anna Taylor performed an unprecedented feat at Niagara yesterday. She entered the water some distance above the falls m a barrel and safely navigated the Canadian Rapids, where the water runs
    Globe  -  74 words
  • 56 4 The Australian steamer Saladin arrived from Australia this morning. The Portuguese transport Africa bound for Macao, arrived from Colombo yesterday evening, and after coaling at the wharf left for the roads this morning. The German Mail steamer Konig Albert with the English Mails of 28th October arrived from
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  • 61 4 A correspondent of Le Courrier (V Hai\ phong writes a long letter from a smaltown m Yunnan giving information regarding coal mines m that Province. He claims to have found a smokeless coal of good quality m a Lo-lo village named Toudza or Doudzako, about a hundred
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  • 80 4 This morning at the Assizes, Samy and Mohamed Lee Chin alias Kassim, charged with voluntary causing grievous hurt, and theft m a dwelling, were found not guilty and discharged. Chin Ah Koon, charged with highway robbery, was found guilty and sentenced to 3 years rigorous imprisonment. A Chinaman
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  • 100 4 The English type of beauty which is near upon six feet m height, and the same width all the way up, with extraordinarily slender arms, long cool throats, and narrow feet m high-heeled slippers has nothing like the suggestion of vitality and almost aggressive robustness
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  • 352 4 Hongkong v. Thi Straits. At Hongkong on the afternoon of the 13th Nov. it was arranged to play of the first tennis match of the week, Hancock representing Hongkong and Green the Straits. The match took place at the North-west corner, and the court was lined by a large
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  • 55 4 According to a London telegram to Hongkong, Dr. Leyds is m Berlin. It is deeply interesting to learn that Mr. Krugers alleged terms for Great Britain's acceptance are: 'Home Rule for the Boers, guaranteed by France and Russia, under the Africander Flag, and >* cession of the Rand to Britain
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  • 413 4 Thb Visit to the East. Sir Francis Lovell, until recently Surgeon General of Trinidad, who is about t« start on an extended tour m the tropics for the purpose of making known the aims and objects of the London School of Tropical Medicine, will leave
    Daily Mail  -  413 words
  • 453 4 The Oph.r had a stormy passage across the Atlantic, and during the journey passed an iceberg. The Ophir met the Channel Fleet at daybreak on Wednesday, and steamed between the lines of battleships, which saluted as she passed. Owing to the gale, the Ophir anchored last
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  • 19 4 Messrs. Kelly and Walsh, Singapore, ask it to be stated that Mr. T. Davidson does not rejoin that firm.
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  • 118 4 At the Assizes this mornintr n, Gallop, a Eurasian, and Maria Ppan were charged with impersonating servants, and cheating. P risonp f s p>l found guilty and Gallop was sent to eighteen months' imprisonment o 7 count, the sentences to run cone and Mariappan was sentenced to months'
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  • 522 4 Some interesting facts have recently tran»iMH to show that mosquitoes are attracted by mv sounds. Mr. Brennan, of the Public Wo Department, Jamaica, stated that m respond to such sounds as a continuous whoop hum. He had tried the experiment lattK nd found swarms gather round his head
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  • 290 4 A correspondent writes to The Times to protest against the Siamese views, Ml forth m an article from its Correspondent m Bangkok, relating to 1 the extension and consolidation of Siamese m fluence m the Malay PeninsularSuch extension, he says, has for many year, been the persistent
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  • 35 4 The Italian transport Marco Mingk arrived yesterday from China with troops on board, homeward bound. After coaling at the wharf, she anchored m the roads, and will probably continue her homewari. voyage to Genoa, to-morrow.
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  • 2536 5 Ori>ina ry Mibtino Wbdnisday Novimbir 2OTH 1901. Frisbnt Mr. J. O. Anthonisz (President) an d Messrs. Maclaren, Evans, Sohst, Moses, Lee Choon Guan and Barker. Absent Messrs. Cuscaden and Wee Thiam Tew. Minutes. The minutes of the last ordinary m eating and of various Budget committee meetings were
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  • 211 5 At the autumnal assembly of the Congregational Union of England and Wales Mr. Frank T. Bullen, the author of The Cruise of the Cachalot," said he was not a politician, but it was a gigantic scandal that every bar-parlour was a Conservative committee room. (Applause.) He
    H. & C. Mail  -  211 words
  • 26 5 The P. O. Intermediate steamer Socotra left Hongkong at 6 a.m. on Wednesday and is due to arrive here at 6 p.m. on Sunday, 24th instant.
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  • 772 5 (Via Ceylon.) Calcutta, Nov. 7.— The Government of India has appointed a Commission composed of Mr. E. M. des Champs Chamier, b. 1., Government Advocate of the High Court, N.-W. Province, and Mr. A. L. P. Tucker, Political A- t at Haraoti and Tonk, to enquire into tli. uiarge
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  • 74 5 The November medal was won by Mr. J. H. D. Jones. The following are the scores IThc heavy rain was the cause of tht poor scores handed m. Ist round 2nd round H.cap Total. J. H. D. Jones 57 46 4 99 Capt. Winter r.a.m.c. 55
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  • 689 6 H. M. S. Brisk left yesterday forenoon for Penang. She will probably return here on the 22nd of next month. The Italian cruiser Lombardia left yesterday to join the Italian squadron m Chinese waters. The medical examination of candidates for admission m the Eurasian Company of
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  • 1839 6 Mr. Clifford's new collection of sketches is no unworthy successor to "In Court and Kampong" and Brown Humanity. 11 Bush-whacking, the first of the series i from which the collection derives its name, is really a record of the authors own experiences during the Pahang
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  • 1020 6 London, October J^th.-Leon C «l«. Anarchs, who assassinated President f,' th at Buffa.o, was electrocuted J™ McKi*, the State prison at Auburn, New Y o k sT'" 1 m his body was subsequently buried with n(1 cincts of the goal. hrn pre. To the last Czolgosz maintained
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  • 736 7 To-day, the Imperial Japanese Consulate is closed, m consequence of the Japanese National Holiday. The death is announced of Mr. Seymour who rowed stroke for Oxford m the last boat race. Wo 38 Company, Southern, will not arrive m Singapore from Hongkong till January. Yesterday, the
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  • 1162 7 Quicquii mgunt homines nostr .est farrago libelli. JUVBMAL. British journalists can't complain of a silly season this year. (The adjective refers S ?i/ l thC dearth of news eP»graphicable*; no compliment is intended to the gentlemen of the press). The period thus commonly described has been
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  • 317 7 11 The men who have been through this South African mill will no longer .iccept the old outworn explanations. They know too much, and it is to them we must look, when they come back, for the real work of reform m every direction."— Extract from private letter.
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  • 86 7 1 On Thursday, before a Court of two Magistrates a Macau, was charged with theft from another Chinaman of a bag containing money. He was found guilty and sentenced to one year's rigorous imprisonment, being an old offender. Mr. R. Hamilton, of Caledonia Estate, Province Wellesley, has been granted the
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  • 1014 7 A Moscow correspondent writes to the Times under date the 30th September It is now becoming possible to foresee one of the lines of policy which Russia is to carry out m her plans for absorbing Manchuria. The military arrangements have long be" riade on
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  • 122 8 The extra M. M. cargo steamer Charente arrived here from Saigon this morning, en route to Marseilles. The outward French Mail Packet Yarra arrived from Europe at n a.m. yesterday and left for Saigon, and the Northern ports, at midnight. The homeward French Mail Packet Annam y arrived
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  • 554 8 The German community of Penang will give a fancy dress ball m January next. Mr. Joseph Heim (Straits Settlements) has been elected a Fellow of the R/yM Colonial Institute. Captain J. H. Morrah, the King's Own (R. Lancaster Regt.,) is seconded for service with Mounted Infantry
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  • 1291 8 The best place m summer, and the only place m winter." Whether the above sentiments, voiced by a club habitue, will find a responsive echo m every breast is extremely doubtful, but certain it is, that to the man or woman who has endured the lonely
    Golden Rod  -  1,291 words
  • 473 8 (Through Rbutbr's Agbncy.) Auburn (New York), Tuesday. Czolgosz was executed this morning for the murder of President McKinley. Czolgosz had a slight nervous attack yesterday, but remained sullen and stoical up to the time whe: the prison closed. He saw some priests y-sterda> evening, but declined to
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  • 70 8 The returns from the mines fn month of October were as follows Sungei Lembing :-Tons of stone cr k ed 1,600 Oxide of tin produced cc h with 35 heads of stamps running Working expenses $2 1 500 The Pahang Kabang Ltd Ton c stone crushed
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  • 750 8 To the Editor of the London and China Exp ress Sir,— -I observe m your issue of 2sth inst. that m your article on the Tanjong Pagar Dock Company you refer to the proposal of the Colonial Engineer that thi Straits Government should take over
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  • 361 9 XB W CABLE TO THE CAPE AND AUSTRALIA. The important work which the Eastern 3 nd Eastern Extension Telegraph Companies have for some time past been engaged upon, with a view to improving their jable service to South Africa and Australia, has been completed. It has involved
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  • 380 9 The report for the year ending June 30, 1901, states:— During the year 26,822 tons of stone were crushed, which produced 555 tons 3 cwts. of black tin, of a value of £46,707. This output compares with 37,220 tons of stone, producing 807 tons 13 cwts. of
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  • 83 9 A correspondent at Aberdeen, Scotland, recently wrote stating that no Scottish newspaper countenanced the clamour of ihe London press regarding the conduct of the war, although Scotland's loss m men had been thrice that of England and more than double that of Ireland, m proportion to population. Mr.
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  • 232 9 Upwards of three hundred Municipal cases ire down for hearing to-day before Mr. Brochman. A Kling man was sentenced to three months' imprisonment yesterday for criminal breach of trust. During the voyage of the Zamania from Madras to this port, a passenger named F. Guinio disappeared
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  • 499 9 Several Lives Lost. Details reached the Shipping Office yesterday afternoon, but too late for publication m this journal, of the wreck at Kuala Pahang on the 17th, inst. of Messrs. Wee Bin iS: Co.'s steamer the Amherst, 108 tons, Capt. Angus. The news was brought
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  • 149 9 This morning, at the Volunt^r Drill Hall, 57 candidates were sworn i' members of A Co., S. V. I. There are y others who have been passed by the Medical Officer, but who were unable to be present. These will be sworn m at the first drill
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  • 200 9 We greatly regret to have to announce the death of Mr. Douglas J. Berwick, wellknown m Singapore, Penang and m the Native States. The Straits Trading Co. Ltd., have received a telegram from Penang stating that Mr. Berwick died there yesterday, and requesting that
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  • 100 9 The steamer Obi, from Nagasaki, arrived this morning and brought for this port about 3,000 tons of Japanese coal. The Katie has also arrrved from Moji with over 3,000 tons of coal and another collier, the Nankin, is expected here from the same port m a day or
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  • 171 9 Now that it is settled that the Duke of Cornwall shall be present at the national Eisteddfod at Bangor next March, an enthusiastic desire prevails among Welshmen, says the Western Daily Mercury (Oct. 26) that the proclamation and subsequent installation
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  • 949 9 Philharmonic Orchestra. It was by a happy and appropriate thought that the occasion of the anniversary of the death of the renowned composer, Sir Arthur Sullivan, should have been made to provide an opportunity of rendering homage to his memory by the presentation of a concert programme
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  • 1499 10 (Specially written for the Singapore Free Press by Rev. G. M. Rbith.) No. LXXI. During my stay m the Highlands this year I was privileged to witness a spectacle calculated to stir one's patriotic feelings to their depths. This was the return, and the welcome home,
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  • 216 10 The current issue of the Government Gazette contains the following announcement In view of the Introduction of the new International Signal Code, Rule 9 of the Rules made by His Excellency the Governor under section 9of 11 The Harbours Ordinance 1872," dated 12th December, 1877, published
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  • 22 10 The Aerostation Commission has decided to award the Deutsch prize of 100,000 fr. to M. Santos-Dumont, the inventor of a dirigible balloon.
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  • 719 10 (Continued,) {From A Contributor.) The native trade of Singapore is centred m the eastern portion of the town, and the chief resort of the Bugis and Malay is clearly what is known as Kampong Java, m the middle of which is Arab Street. Formerly Boat Quay courted the
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  • 68 10 The Royal Dutch mail steamer Van Diemen, after receiving the European Mails from the Konig Albert, left for Batavia yesterday evening. The opium steamer Lightning is expected here on the 25th instant. The German mail steamer Konig Albert left for Hongkong and Japan at 11 this morning. The
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  • 289 10 The history of the umbrella can be traced k* yond the classic ages'.of Greece and Rome iZ>v dim and doubtful twilight of Chaldean ant,W, Layard, m his excavations on the site of Nin v of which so many trophies are to be seen i British
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  • 368 10 At last The Times has announced that the Beihel- Balmoral action was not a reverse, and the old-fashioned people at home will, we sup] breathe more freely. Apropos of the recent desperate onslaughts by the Boers m which have suffered so very
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  • 164 10 Result 01 Intebmarriages. In his interesting annual report to Western Australia Parliament, the Protector of Aborigines m that State suggests the need of legislation for the further supervision of those employed m the pearling trade on the north-west coast of the country. Some light
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  • 102 10 Fairplay (Oct. 1 7th) quotes from Frietkd ly Leaves, the organ of the Girls' Friencfliy Society, a little poem by a Miss M. Bramfcton, on the subject of the cover-design m the latter periodical and its inner symbolic^ signification. It is pretty little six-verse poem, entitled Our Cover A Complaint
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  • 114 11 This morning, at the Assizes, the charge of murder against Tan Ah Jiow was amended to culpable homicide. The prisoner was found guilty on the amended charge, and was sentenced to five years' rigorous imprisonment. Lim Swi Chue was also charged, m the same case, with voluntarily causing
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  • 370 11 Gentlemen, to solace their wearied minds by aonest pastimes, playe at chesse, the astronomer's game, and the philosopher's game, which whettes thyr wittec, recreates theyr minds, and aurts no body in tlie mean season.** All communications should be addressed to the Chess Editor, Singapore Free Press." Original
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  • 214 11 A special general meeting of the members of the Singapore Chess Club is announced to take place m the Town Hall this evening at 5.15 p.m., the business beintf the consideration of the proposed amendments m the rules governing the Championship contest. Solving, says Gittins, is eminently practical,
    Mason  -  214 words
  • 2273 11 (Via Ceylon,) London, November ioth._ Admiral Caillardwill probably proceed to Syra and remain m Greek waters for some time. He only landed sixty Blue Jackets m Mitilene. The Governor protested m writing and removed 500 Turkish troops elsewhere to prevent a collision. Fourteen more Boer leaders have been bani
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  • 713 11 Times Vigorous and lucid English. The book is extremely interesting m many ways, but mainly for its sketches of the wire pullers m the Palace intrigues of the last few years. Athenceum. This is an interesting and| instructive work. It is interesting as containing much information which could
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 104 11 "THE CHINESE CRISIS. FROM WITHIN 71 (BY WEN CHING) Edited by the Rev. G. M, Reith, M.A. The remarkable and instructive series of articles that appeared m the Singapore Free Press of last year have now been published m book form by the well-known London publisher, Mr. Grant Richards. The
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  • 2122 12 Professor Dr. Hams von Dblbruck. (For the Singapore Free Press.) In the October number of the Preussische Jahrbucher, there is a memorial article by Hans von Delbriick, tutor to Prince Waldemar from 1874 to 1879, and for many years on intimate terms with the Crown Prince's family. In
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  • 1380 12 The Acting Manager's Report to 17th November 1901 is as follows Bukit Jellis Mine— The 150 ft. south level has been extended 12 ft. and is 287 ft. fom the east crosscut. The reef m this drive is very broken at present, there being only lode formation interspersed with
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  • 647 12 (To the Editor of the London Times." Sir,— As the Russo-Persian question seems to be assuming a more acute stage than usual, I hope I shall be allowed to write a few lines on the subject. More than ten years ago (the date is immaterial) I
    London Times  -  647 words

  • 636 13 Mr. Noyes, who is leaving the Selangor service, will be starting shortly for South Africa. Shanghai representatives beat Hongkong men both at golf and swimming. Hongkong won the lawn-tennis by 3 setts to 2. An engineer m the employ of the Mitsui Bu>san Kaisha, who recently
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  • 249 13 At the close of the play m the Hongkong bhanghai cricket match at Hongkong, an interesting ceremony took place on the Cricket Ground. Mr. T. Sercombe Smith, addressing a large number c t cricketers and spectators who ruul assembled m front of the scoring pavilion, said that
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  • 744 13 A Royal Pick-A-Back. I hear a pretty story of the Duke and Duchess of Cornwall, who, walking m the country nncra r Sandringham a few days before the beginning of their present journey, came across a woe-begonj little boy sitting at the roadside crying
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  • 264 13 S. C. C. v. 35TH Co. R. A. Again these old opponents faced each other on the football field and the S. C. C. once more proved their superiority, winning by 5 goals to nil. At one time the games were more closely contested, but the R. A.
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  • 388 13 The prices quoted are generally those current at Clyde Terrace Market, At the other markets there may be small varittiins. Singapore, Nove?nber 25th, igoi. Beans, Long per catty cts. 3<\ Do., French do. Beef do. 20 BeefSteak do. 1% 24 Bean Sprouts do. Bamboo Sprouts do. 4
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  • 279 13 The first morning after my arrival m Stockholm I rang the bell m my room and asked the man who answered it to get me a bath ready. I c disappeared, and some ten minutes later another knock woke me from a gentle doze. I opened my
    Sketch  -  279 words
  • 81 13 (Corrected up to November 27.) On London. Bank 4 m/s 1/10& demand i/io t V Private credits 3 m/s l l lo documents 3 m/s 1/10/^ credits 6 m/s 1/10J France, demand..* 231 Germany, demand 1871 India, T. T 137 Hongkong, demand pm Yokohama, demana.. g% pm JAVA, denr
    81 words
  • 113 13 (November 27.1 1*«".... 169.25 Gjunbiei 14.20 do. Cub* No. i 17#50 Pcppei, acV (ordinary S\ ore) 30.50 do. White, (Fair L/W— s% 47. 00. (Bostothrlbi 64 M.\cr (Ban Uj 50 Qovtt -\rpijoma, t M 32 Liberian Cofte> iq. Tapioca, small Kriir cji:^' 5»35 do. do n</*.. fdo. at 5.85
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 58 13 LAND SALE. At Powell and Co.'s saleroom yesterday, the following property was disposed of Freehold land containing an area of 24,123 sq. ft. being portion of grant No. 67, together with the European resident con known as No. 10 Selegie-rd., *u«i also the shop-house thereon known as T o. 9
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  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 207 13 (November 26.) Ttttn at Kandtng Kerbau Hospital Observatory 9. A. M. 3 P. M. 9 P. M Bar. red/ 32 Fah 29.966 29 820 Temperature 80.0 82.9 Wer Bulb Thermometer... 77.0 78.0 Dir. of Wind N.E. N.W. Max. Temp, m shade 83.5 Mm. do. do. 74.0 Max. m Sun 132.5
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 941 14 THE TANJONG PAGAR DOCK COMPANY, LTD. Shipwrights, Engineers, Iron and Brass Founders, Wharfingers, *c. *"THIS Company executes Ship and Marine Engine Repairs ot ail descriptions, m the most efficient manner, under the superintendence o experienced European Shipwrights and Engineers. Graving Docks up to 500 feet m length and 21 net
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    • 577 14 N. Y. K. (JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP Co., Ltd.) A regular FORTNIGHTLY Service is maintained between Japan and Europe by the following NEW TWIN SCREW STEAMERS. Under Mail Contracts with the Imperial Japanese Government. Specially designed for the Company's European Service, lighted throughout by Electricity, provided with excellent accommodation for First
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    • 647 14 JJORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD BREMEN. TJAMBURG-AMERIKA LINIK HAMBURG. j 1 IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL. linL h lm S ur d n known Mail-steamers of these ment^^^^^ ab <>^ OUTWARD. HOMEWARD. r, IQOI 1901 Prints Irene Dec. S Bayer n Dec. 2 Preussen Dec. 19 Stuttgart Dec. 16 Keen'% Albert Dec. 1902 PrxnzHcinrxch Jan.
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    • 647 14 AUSTRIAN LLOYD'S NAVIGATION COMPANy AM Umdrr Mail Contract with thi a GOTIRNMINT. US7R Ug HpHB following are the dates on which tfc X Steamers may be expected to sail from I Q 1 Vtndobcna Dec. 7 1902 Uec 24 China Jan. 6 m Trieste Feb. 6 [China i a 2
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    • 39 15 Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman, speaking at Plymouth, said that he despaired at the peril facing the country m South Afrit? being overcome so long as Mr. C v -rlain and Sir Alfred Milner retained their present offices.
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    • 12 15 The re-assembling of Parliament is definitely fixed for the 16th January.
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    • 7 15 The Columbian insurgents have captured
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    • 16 15 A hundred American blue-jackets have occupied the railway station at Colon.
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    • 20 15 Kitchener's Scouts have killed ix Boers and captured 54, including two fie i ornets. London, November 21st, igor.
      20 words
    • 30 15 It is stated that one of the methods by which the War Office proposes to increase the strength of the Army is by raising new militia battalions.
      30 words
    • 24 15 BOER ARBITRATION APPEAL. The Council of Arbitration at the Hague has decided that it is incompetent to deal with the Boer appeal for arbitration.
      24 words
    • 29 15 Mr. Chan.^ erlain's reference to the Franco-German war, m his speech at Edinburgh on the 25th October, has produced an extraordinary outburst of Anglophobia m Germany.
      29 words
    • 28 15 The semi-official Norddentsche Zeitunfr commenting on the speech, describes the agitation as a justifiable resentment of inconsiderate and offensive words. London, November 22nd, igor.
      28 words
  • 16 15 ANTI-BRITISH ANIMUS IN GERMANY. The papers comment on the seriousness of the German agitation against Britain.
    16 words
  • 43 15 The Times reminds Germans that we claim an equal right to defend the honour of our gallant soldieis, and to resent accusations founded on the most hateful and poisonous calumnies disseminated with a persistence inexplicable m a friendly nation.
    43 words
  • 32 15 The Bank of Liverpool announces that defalcations have been made by an absconded book-keeper to the amount of £170,000^ The stability of the Bank is declared to be unaffected.
    32 words
  • 43 15 The Tunes urges that it is necessary that there should be worthy representation of British manufacturers at the Osaka Exhibition of 1903, seeing that our trade with Japan is now as important as that with China. London, November Jjrd igor.
    43 words
  • 18 15 The offer of Canada to raise a corps of 600 more mounted men has been accepted.
    18 words
  • 16 15 Eighty men of Ackerman's commando have been captured m Orange River Colony.
    16 words
  • 168 15 The death of Count Hatzfeldt, for many years German Ambassador ii> London, is announced. [Count Paul von Hatzfeldt Wildenburg was born m 1831. His mother was the Countess Sophie von Hatzfeldt, the patroness and companion of Ferdinand I^assalle, the Jew philosopher and social democrat. In 1862 Count
    168 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 189 15 ii m. ft 4B rraser <x ivieave, Limited, i- _m: 'DTSTTTTFPQ' E^-3 SPECIAL LIQUEUR ifl Highland Whisky 12 YEARS OT n Thiv Whisky is bottled specially for Export iH lition, andjis the result oi a l<-n- experience of M fl^Bl^M What Wvli niatured aud absolutely pnv.- „nd mWmtnwUr'JWfc reliable
      189 words
    • 463 15 UONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL Sxooooooo RESFPVB FUND— *x 0,000,000 Sterling Reserve $10,000,000') Silver Reserve -i.tco 000 1 J 3»750>000 RESERVE LIABILITY OF > PROPRIETORS fi0.000.000 Court of Directors. R. Shkwan, Esq.— Chairman. v c."^ 0 J Bkll-Irving,— Deputy Chairman. H, E. Tomkins, Esq. R. L. Richardson Esq.
      463 words

  • 14 16 Three field batteries are returning to India from South Africa.
    14 words
  • 17 16 Lord Kitchener's weekly report brings the total of Boer losses for November up to 1,287.
    17 words
  • 267 16 NOVEMBER 27th 1901 Quotatiom. Paid. Dividends. Bank of China and (apan, Ltd. £i Nominal. £4. Deferred. £s*s/ £1 Bell's Asbestos Eastern Agency Nominal. £1 Bersawah Gold Mine Co. $4*75 Sales. $5 Clear Water Dairy Farm Ltd. $100 $100 7 Fraser and Neavc Ltd. $96. Sales. $50 lo for
    267 words
  • 33 16 There has been an extraordinary fanatical outbreak amongst students at Athens against the proposed translation of the Gospels into modern Greek. This is regarded by them as a profanation.
    33 words
  • 26 16 THE LATE GERMAN AMBASSADOR. Count Hatzfeldt's remains were conveyed from the German Embassy m London, toVictoria Station, with the fullest military honours. London, November 27th, 190
    26 words
  • 17 16 NEWSPAPER OFFICES ATTACKED. The rioting students have attacked the offices of the newspapers recommending the proposed translation.
    17 words
  • 23 16 They afterwards retired to the University, from which they fired on the troops and police surrounding the buildings.
    23 words
  • 16 16 Seven men were killed and thirty wounded on both sides. London, November 24th, /go/.
    16 words
  • 19 16 The German Press has now assumed a normal tone (m regard to Britain), although Anglophobia demonstrations continue.
    19 words
  • 13 16 Pastors throughout the country are delivering Anglophobia homilies (to their congregations).
    13 words
  • 518 16 Men-of-War Flag and Tons Commanders Arrived From For When Tamiang Dut g.b., 200 Dominicus Oct 26 Djambie Uncertain Other Vessels Flags Tons Masters Arrived From Consignees Fo- When Anoewar Dot 60 Sin T jaw Not 25 Sinkawang Keng Ho»ig S.'ikawang Nov Banka Brit 127 Backliouse Nov 15
    518 words
  • 14 16 Athens is now quieter, but cavalry still occupy the streets.
    14 words
  • 8 16 The Greek Cabinet has resigned.
    8 words
  • 38 16 Commandant Buys has attacked and captured a patrol of ioo Railway Pioneers near Villiersdorp. Major Fisher was killed and two officers wounded. There are some prisoners. The Boers lost ten men. London, November 2jtk, iyoi. m
    38 words
  • 9 16 M. Zaimis his formed a new Greek Cabinet.
    9 words
  • 24 16 The German agit uion against Mr Chamberlain has nor the faintest echo m AustroHungary, which looks askance at the German tariff.
    24 words
  • 20 16 A combined movement of various columns near Reitz has resulted m 39 Boers being captured, and some killed.
    20 words
  • 28 16 In a despatch Lord Kitchener states that the bulk of Fishers forces (the Railway Pioneers who were attacked by Commandant Buys near Yilliersdorp) have been released.
    28 words
  • 13 16 Col. Rimingtonhas pursued and scattered the enemy, capturing eieht.
    13 words
  • 20 16 The U. S. Government has prohibited the Colombian Government from attempting to bombard the town of Colon.
    20 words
  • 34 16 A force of American marines has en trained at Panama, and has gone on to clear the railway and maintain transit. London, Ntvember 26th, /g#/. 1 4
    34 words
  • 35 16 A report by the U. S. Secretary for Agriculture states that the tea-growing m the. States has proved successful. The product ;is equal m flavour and aranaa to the best tea imported.
    35 words
  • 18 16 The Cape Gazette announces that the Colony resumes the control of Colonial forces m certain districts.
    18 words
  • 11 16 The Warquis Ito has arrived at St. Petersburg,
    11 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 688 16 Deucalion, Brit., Keay, Cor Hongkong, Shanghai and Japan. November 21. Chow Phya, Brit., Jellicoe, for Malacca and Port Swettonham. Giang Ann, Brit., Follett, for Batavia, Cheribon and Samp rang. Charterhouse. Brit Joslin, for Penang. Singapore, Brit., Cray, tor Bangkok. Hebe, Brit Inkster, for Penang and Deli. Konig Albert, Ger., Polock,
      688 words
    • 770 16 PASSENGERS ARRIVED. S PABBENOBBB LEAVING. Nov. 20. Per Borneo: Mr. Sclnir, and Mr. I Nov. 27.— Per Lightning For Feoiag*— Mr HoUowmy. I T. White. I'er Ophir Mr. London. For Calcutta.— Mr. and Mrs. 1. s. Sarkics. Nov. 21.— Per Saladin Mr. Sprang, Mr. Croft M P« Sjfw&tt Hin Mr.
      770 words