The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 14 November 1901

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 274 1 LttADING ARTICLBS. The Mitylene Affair, Reinforcements forthe Cape _!_5 Li Hung Chang, F 3<>s The Roy ,l Sovereign Accident, f President Roosevelt's Hard Case Mr. Maclaren's Tour. 3^ Court News. A Marine Court Appeal, Sport. Shooting. The Inter-Colonial Rifle Match, im Cricket. 3°? The Interport Cricket, Chess, 313,315 Entertainment.
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  • 107 1 (November 13 > A"..../ $66.25 f_3mbier 14.20 do. Cube No* 1... 17-50 Pepper, Black (ordinary a'pei" 30.50 do. White, (Fair L/W— s%) 47. Nutmegs nos lo Ibe 1b.)... 52 do. (80s to the!.) 64 Mace (Banda). co Cloves (Amboina) 32 Liberian Coffee.... 19. Tapioca, small pearl (Fair quality; 5.35
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  • Domestic Occurrences.
    • 48 1 At No. 8 Sophia Road, on the 11th instant vrifo of T. D. Canning, of a daughter' On the 13th October, 1901, at GlockcmriesserrsShtSr burff the wi£e of Criß *sssr« On 13th instant, at Annandale, Orange' Grove Road, the wife of G. E. Mosley, of a son.
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    • 111 1 On Oct. 15th. at the Church of St. Michael All Angels, Bishopston, Bristol, £f* l 2£ Ed. Mortimer Vicar, Walter M_kbpbac_/o_ bingapore, to Ray, youngest daughter of the mI-A^^ andof M rs. Pitt, -Raffles Mehta Road, Bristol. es Moulsdale— Fittock.— On 17th October at Lingfleld Parish Church, Surrey Wf
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  • Article, Illustration
    30 1 «_all the Presi the People* right If Onawed by influence and tinbribed by gain; Here patriot Truth her gloriou. precept, draw. n *-*~»A to R«li g j«o, Loyalty, and Law.
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  • 310 1 (Nov. 7th.) Turkey, which may be looked upon as the China of Europe, as far as diplomatic and administrative methods go, has been subjected by the naval action of France to a very considerable loss of "face." Her territory has been invaded, her customs houses seized, and
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  • 279 1 The only news item relating to South Africa to-day is that announcing that certain specified additional reinforcements are going out to the Cape. These appear to be supplementary to the regular drafts from depots that go out every week to replace the ordinary wastage, and to
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  • 364 1 (Nov. Bth.) The death of Li Hung Chang, whose political career is dealt with m a special article to-day, may not greatly affect the course of international diplomacy as regards the Peace settlement. For several months past the health of the venerable Chinese statesma has been precarious,
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  • 294 1 The Royal Sovereign Accident. (Nov. 12th.) A very deplorable accident is reported to-day from the Mediterranean, an explosion having taken place on board H.M.S. Royal Sovereign during gun-practice, by which one officer, Capt. Spurway, and five "blue marines" were killed, and nineteen others injured, these including Commander Sir Robert Arbuthnot.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 90 1 iV Lyon Co.'s Patent (jibenan offee Pulper übstant i a and s i m pi e coffee pulper based o» t^e principU of elastic abrasion not crushing, ar» t horough dissemination of pulp and parchment. Saves its own co inavery s sorth o rt time, by nor breakage of beans,
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    • 46 1 The Singapore and Straits ROUGH DIARY for 1902 Price $1.20 per copy, or $1.60 post free to Federated Malay States and Johore. Christmas Cards A Large assortment of Artistic Cards, suitable FOB PRIVATE GREETINGS FOR CHRISTMAS and the NEW YEAR FRASER NEAVE, Limited 100, Robinson Road
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 275 1 THE WEEK. The mail from home of Oct. 14th arrived on Friday by the N.DL. Stuttgart, tollowed on Sunday by the M.M. Ville de la Ciotat, with dates up to Oct. iSth The next outward mail is due by the r. &O. Chusan on Saturday. The last homeward mail l^*>
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  • 854 2 (NOV. 13th.} About a year ago we wrote an article m this column on what we styled The Imperial Incapacity of the United States —which, by the way, Public Opinion was good enough to quote at length. The contention of the article was based on the
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  • 371 2 With respect to the news that Mr. A. C. Maclaren's team has been defeated m the first match of its Australian tour by the South Australian team at Adelaide, by the handsome margin of 233 runs, we nnw have to announce rfc~* «irangements have be^n made for
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  • 1507 2 No. LXX. (Specially written for the Singapore Free Press by Rev. G. M. Reith.) The excessively dry summer we had this year made it a poor season for anglers. No angler is ever satisfied with the season or with his luck, whatever it be but this
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  • 248 2 The following is the Manager's report for month of October Main Engine Sha ft. -East cross cut south drive > No. 2 have driven 23 feet for the month -tot*/ distance 1 1 2 feet. The lode is opening out splendidly—can see good
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  • 757 3 The M. M. Company's steamer Ville-de-la-Ciotat left Colombo at 3 a.m. on the 6th inst., and may be expected here on Sunday the 10th inst., about noon. The German Mail steamer Stuttgart having left Penang yesterday at midnight may be expected to arrive here to-morrow m
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  • 55 3 The Russian Transport Kiev, with 860 soldiers on board, homeward bound, left yesterday morning for Odessa. H.M.S. /sis, also homeward bound, left the wharf this morning at 7 o'clock after coaling. The Opium steamer Arratoon Apcar is due from Hongkong to-morrow and the British steamer Calliope is due
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  • 100 3 This morning m the Fourth Magistrates court twc Chinamen were charged with the abetment of illegal importation of opium, and having m their possession on board the s.s. G. Gs Meyer on the 30th October opium other than has been purchased from the Opium Farm. 1
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  • 116 3 In connection with the recent concerts giv.n by the Singapore Minstrels m aid of the Temperance Institute Building Fund we are asked to publish the following figun s Receipts $238.70 Expenses 245.80 Balance debtor 7,10 I The Committee of the Institute desire to publicly thank Mr. Salzmann for
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  • 188 3 Four Filipinos were executed by hanging m Fort .Malate, Manila, on the 18th inst. There were about ioo spectators, admitted by card. The Manila Times, m a long description of the execution, reports After a delay that seemed as if it would never end, the men
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  • 340 3 A Correction. In our paragraph referring to the sales held by Messrs. Powell and Co. on the 6th inst. the area of the land sold at the corner of Upper Circular Road and South Bridge Road should have been 2,503 sq. ft., not 20,503. I In a practice
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  • 495 3 MATCH (1901), Hongkong Again Wins. Hongkong t Singapore o_4 Shanghai 841 By telegram received to-day from Hongkong it was ascertained that Hongkong m the 12th annual Inter-Colonial Rifle j match between Hongkong, Shanghai and I f ngapore, made 901 points, and Shang- i i 841. Hongkong thus
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  • 21 3 This successful and mirth-provoking play again to-night at the Town Hall, preceded, at 8.45 p.m. sharp, by Grass Widows."
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  • 44 3 A reception will be held of old students of the Anglo-Chinese School to-morrow evening Nov. Bth, 8 p. m., at 188 Orchard Road. Those who have been connected with the institution either as masters or students are cordially invited to be present.
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  • 1035 3 Reformer's Rbjoinoer. "Reformer," to whose letter m the Times a fortnight ago Sir Redvers Buller's amazing speech at Westminster was a direct reply, explains m a rejoinder that his purpose was not to attack the General, but to criticize the Government for the unmistakable signs they
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  • 251 4 The authorities of the Hongkong College of Medicine for Chinese have issued a new prospectus of this Institution. The College was founded m 1887. Since then there have been three Deans Dr. Patrick Manson, Dr. James Cantlie, and Dr. F. W. Clark. Down to date,
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  • 639 4 A meeting of the Municipal Commissioners was held yesterday afternoon, the President m the chair. There were also present Messrs. Jago, Evans, Wee Theam Tew, Sohst, Maclaren, Moses, Cuscaden, and Lee Choon Guan. The Municipal Loan. With regard to the Municipal Loan, the President said the Commissioners were
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  • 309 4 It is singular that such an enlightened and progressive potentate as the King of Siam should overlook an obstacle which must have most damaging effect on the sea-borne commerce of his kingdom. The Menam, the great river on which Bangkok stands, has a barrier of sand across
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  • 572 4 (To the Editor of the London Times.) Sir, Recently there appeared m the columns o The Times a letter from Herr Ballin, Director-gen-eral of the Hamburg- American Line, setting forth that the prosperity of the Germau oversea trade is m no way to bo attributed
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  • 301 4 Thi Season's Prospbcts. (Englishman.) Now is the time when Golfers, on record making intent, carefully peruse their Badminton on Golf," and other books of instructions and guidance, whose name is legion, with a view to the reduction of their scores m the forthcoming competitions. And a veritable Solon is
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  • 736 4 The Universe a Very Small Affair. In the Physics Section of the British Association m Glasgow, Lord Kelvin read a paper on The absolute amount of gravitational matter m any large volume of interstellar space.' At the outset he remarked that he might say with absolute
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  • 797 4 Eis Multiple Matrimonial Arranqd,^ The late Abdur Rahman Khan mi n Id recently published autobiography, his very fully detailed the matrimonial provision h made for his eldest son and successor Habibullah Khan, the present Ameer This is the catalogue As the throne is practically m the hands
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  • 135 4 The Russian Volunteer steamer Kostroma is expected here about the 13th inst., bound for Vladivostock. The R.I.M.S. Clive is due to arrive here about the 14th with troops on board. The outward German mail steamer Stuttgart arrived from Hamburg this morning, and leaves for Hongkong and Japan tomorrow
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  • 673 5 A new Orchestral Society has been formed at Colombo. Three ladies are on the Committee. A Ceyloa planter, Mr. H. P. Marshall, has been struck dead by lightning. Mr. G. P. Owen is a passenger to Bangkok by the Deli this afternoon. Capt. S. J. B.
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  • 1991 5 An Appreciation. (Specially written for the Singapore Free Press.) His Excellency Li Hung Chang, a Plenipotentiary Minister representing the Chinese Emperor at the Peace proceedings m Peking, has at last died. His death at the present juncture is very unfortunate. Although he had of late taken
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  • 660 5 Men and Women of the Time.) Li Hung Chang, General, ex- Prime Minister of China, was born at Ho Fei Shieun m the AnuHuei province, Feb. 16, 1823. In iB6O he cooperated with General (then Colonel) Gordon m suppressing the Taeping rebellion, being then Governor
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  • 1198 6 (Via Ceylon.) London, October 26th.— The columns operating for six weeks to the south-west of Rustenburg returned to Klerksdorp on the 17th instant bringing 250 Boers and a quantity of supplies captured m kloofs and other hiding places. The Daily News states that the day on which Lord Rosebery's
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  • 262 6 Apropos of the recent discussion as to whether "Britannia" is the head (or obverse) of the dollar or not, tin. following is of a certain historical interest Whatever alterations may be made m other d.rec ions, v has been decided, says the Manchester Guar-dian, that
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  • 199 6 I) judge from the entirely full house witnessed last night's,— the third,— >rmance of this amusing comedy arley's Aunt has distinctly caught ith Singapore play-going audiences, as evident that the piece was going r than ever, as it ran along with a and a sparkle that were undeniable,
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  • 1561 6 Mr. and Mrs. G. Bruce Webster have postponed their departure for Bangkok larly next week, r. E. VV. F. Gilman has been appointed :t as Fourth Magistrate for Singapore effect from the ist instant. Reuter's telegram to Bangkok says:— is understood that General Buller is ng the
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  • 1144 7 Quicquii agunt homines no str i est farrago li belli JUTBNAL. The Topicist, on this auspicious day, rises loyally, and, baring his head m respectful devotion, joins gladly with his fellow-sub-jects all over the world m every good wish for the welfare and happiness of King
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  • 177 7 In a pleasant paper on Popular Quota* tions" m the Nciv Liberal Review Mr Chut ton Collins shows by what curious channels ot error and misconception many so called "quotations have become household words. The saying "Curses, like young chickens, always come home to roost" fell from the
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  • 186 7 The latest mail papers to hand state that Mr. Herbert Gladstone and Miss Dorothy Paget were to have been married last Saturday. The following pretty story is told of the way m which the introduction •f the happy couple was brought about Miss Paget, Mr. Herbert Gladstone's
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  • 95 7 At Powell and Co.'s Sale-room yesterday the following properties were disposed of Freehold land situate at Mount Elizabeth, Tanglin, area 20,199 square feet, together with the European residence thereon known as Tyrie. Bought by Eng Seng Guan for $10,000. Leasehold land at the corner of Upper Circular Road,
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  • 353 7 The trial trip of the new stern-wheel steamer took place on the 26th ult., when the owners entertained a party adies and gentlemen from Kuching, /eying them as far as Busau and back m th. afternoon. A start was made at 12.30 and m a very short time it
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  • 198 7 Dr. Heron, a middle-aged man, was recently found dead m his bed at Monkstown, County Dublin, and over the head ot the bed was pinned this note m his hand -writing Notice. Do not bury me, I am not dead. Don't mind the doctors. Unless
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  • 125 7 Messrs. J. Maret Co., Colombo write to a local paper that "the French Steam Navigation Company Chargeu'rs Rcunis have commenced lunning a new line of their steamers between Dunkerque, Havre, Bordeaux, Marseilles Port Said, Colombo, Singapore, Saigon, Haiphong, direct without transhipment. This service commences leaving Dunkerque
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  • 156 7 Latest particulars of a fracas at Bangalore between the 2nd Madras Lancers and the Remount Depot men show that 60 of the latter set upon an armed picquet, severely injuring two of the party. Lancers m undress coming up, a fight ensued, and three of
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  • 183 7 This is a subject of deepest interest, and, according to an actuarial correspondent m The Times the second year of the war has been entirely different from the first year, and the losses, both m actual magnitude and as regards rates of mortality
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  • 654 7 The German Army is about to adopt a quick-firing gun which only fires eight shots a minute, whereas the French have one of 24 shots a minute. At the great autumn manoeuvres Germany is to try a new rapid-firing field gun made by the firm of Ehrardt.
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  • 2113 8 (By a Passenger.) If there is one institution m which European dwellers m the Far East are specially interested it is the Peninsula and Oriental Steam Navigation Company, at least m one of whose vessels they have all probably made a voyage. This Company, too,
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  • 68 8 Gentlemen, to solace their wearied minds by honest pastimes, playe at chesse, the astronomer's game, and the philosopher's game, which whettes thyr wittes, recreates theyr minds, and hurts no body m the mean eason." All communications should be addressed to the Chess Editor, Singapore Free Press." Original
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  • 20 8 By A. Ada ma, Palembang. (From the Java Bode:') _r_ v Black (5 pieces). White (5 pieces).
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  • 83 8 An interesting partie from the Deutsche Schachzeitung. Ruv Lopez. (a) Here KtxKt would give Black the better game, as after gRxKt, P-QB3 and White's development is cramped. (b) The deciding error. White— Max L*nge. Black— H. B aun. 1 P-K4 P-K4 8 Kt-QB3 B-KB3(a) 2 Kt-KB 3
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  • 309 8 M. Janowski is about to make a grand tour m Russia, calling on his way at Munich and Vienna. The death is announced of Mr. Charles Mossop, well known m the Chess world as the proprietor of the Westminster Papers, which flourished years ago. A big correspondence match
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  • 92 8 A Tokio telegram says The Indemnity Committee to attend to the payments will be chosen by the Powers from various bankers. It was reported to the Government that Russia has appointed the representative of the Russo-Chinese Bank at Shanghai to the committee, and Germany the Manager of
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  • 92 8 Burning 01 the Bowman B. Law." A Marine Court of Enquiry composed of Mr. Brockman, President, and Messrs. Severn, Pentney and Douglas, Assessors, held on the 29th October, have found that the Bowman B. Law was lost by fire on nth October igoi, at Tegal m
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 851 8 THE CHINESE CRISIS FROM WITHIN' (BY WEN CHING) Edited by the Rev. G. M. Reith, MiA The remarkable and instructive s.ri.c of articles that appeared m the Sing*.?* ur £T* v° f aSt year have «<>*& published m book form by the well-known London publisher, Mr. Grant Ri^ds The important
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  • 365 9 mm On Saturday, two Chinamen were each fined ?4o for bringing unstamped letters into the Colony. A telegram from Hongkong to Singapore about the cricket match describes the Straits bowling and fielding as excellent. Mr. Marshall, the Ceylon planter w h 0 wa s killed by
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  • 17 9 The Autumn Cup will be played for at the Race Course on Saturday next.
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  • 62 9 A cricket match played on Saturday between Mr. Elliot's team and Mr. Edlin's team resulted m a win for the former by 2 runs. For Elliot's team, Hose was the highest scorer, making 22 runs, and Bradberry took 3 wkts. for 14 runs. For Edlin's team, Mansfield was top
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  • 65 9 Breslau journals make a most sensational statement m connection with the recent failure of the great boat-building company. The managing-director committed suicide after the crash, and m his house, according to the local journals, were found concealed the jewellery of a woman who was murdered m
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  • 167 9 Spec ial Pbri ormancbs at Popi l._ Prices. We hear that the Amateur Company that has recently been giving a highly successful series of performances at the Town Hall of Brandon Thomas' most amusing farcical comedy Charley's Aunt," has kindly consented to give one and possibly two later
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  • 191 9 I (By Cable.) The match Hongkong w. Singapore w?aK Sterdayf rCnoon m g,orio cricket s_S_^ g _7°" he toss and wen Singapore taking the field. The following was the Hongkong score Hongkong.— rs t Innings. H. R. Hancock b Sharpe Lt Chfton Brown r.n. c Wright
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  • 554 9 At a dinner given by His Excellency The Governor, Sir Frank Swettenham, X.C.M G., at Government House on Saturday, November 9th, to celebrate His Majesty's birthday, the following guests were invited The Hon. Officer Commanding the Troops and Mrs. Oakes. The Chief Justice and
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  • Corresspondances.
    • 657 9 To tmb Editor. Sir,— l was at the Hotel de .'Europe yesterday, playing billiards with a friend of mine and casually observed a lady, whom I afterwards discovered to be a French passenger, passing through Singapore, looking at some of the wares which are exhibited there
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    • 200 9 THE MARCO POLO." The Italian cruiser Marco Polo, Commander Botti Paolo, flying the pennant of Rear Admiral Palumbo Luigi, arrived here at mid-day on Sunday, and after exchanging salutes with Fort Canning, anchored m the Roads. The Marco Polo is bound for Chinese waters, but the date of her departure
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  • 738 9 The annual half-yearly meeting of the above Company was held at the office of the Company's Agents, Messrs. Syme and Co. at noon to-day. There were present Mr. A. Barker (Chairman) Messrs. J. Graham, C. J. X VanAalst and G.J. Nathan, (Directors) and Messrs. A.
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  • 145 9 The Assizes were opeDed this morning by His Lordship Mr. Justice Law. The calendar includes twenty-six cases m all, the most important of which is that of H. A. Leslie Orchard, on bail, who is charged with forgery and cheating, the trial having been postponed from last Assizes.
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  • 1007 10 (L. C. Express.) The question ot the wharfage and docking facilities at Singapore Is of national, as well as local interest, so that we may with propriety take the opportunity afforded by the half-yearly meeting of the Tanjong Pagar Dock Company— a report of which
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  • 751 10 An extraordinary general meeting of the Char* tered Bank of India, Australia and China, was held on 16th ult. at Cannon-street Hotel. Mr. J. Howard Gwyther, presided. Before moving a resolution regarding the interim dividend, I desire to inform the shareholders that we
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  • 193 10 We are asked to announce to the Straits Chinese British subjects who some few months back, signed a petition to H. Ms. Secretary of State for the Colonies praying to be allowed to become volunteers for local service, that His Majesty's Government has received with much
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  • 1339 10 (Via Ceylon.) London, Nov. i.«— The papers publish articles welcoming the Duke and Duchess of Cornwall, and dwelling on the Imperial significance of the tour. The Times comments on the repeated proofs which the tour has afforded of the extent to which the justice and reasonableness (of the British
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  • 336 10 Chinesb Volunteers _ok the Defbsce 01 the Str its. (Daily Mail,) The Straits Settlements have thoroughly caught the war fever, particularly the inhabitants o( Singapore, where militarism is now the order of the day. Xut only have the Volunteer regiments omposed of Englishmen and Europeans receive 1 new
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  • 547 11 Messrs. Jaeger Co. forward two neat calendars for 1902, and a diary note-book. Mr. and Mrs. G. Bruce Webster left this afternoon for Bangkok per s S. Machew. The Swedish steamer Oscar was lost off t he Island of Yezo about the 10th instant Of her
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  • 259 11 An Appbal. This morning before Capt. Boldero, the appeal of P. Nielsen, Chief Engineer of the t uerman steamer Tritos was heard. Mr. Elliot appeared for the respondent and Mr. Cuylenberg for appellant. The Captain of the Tritos went into the box and on being cross-examined by Mr.
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  • 203 11 crilket P S_ I H ng n e the Interpol! v Ch yesterday w s somewhat scored c y f ra,n Hon kon g batted and scored 254 for seven wickets. The following are the scores H. R. Hancock Lt. Clifton Brown, r.n. C.S. P.Franklin, r.n...; Z
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  • 144 11 CHARLEY'S AUNT." There was another full house last night at the fourth perfoi roance of Charley's Aunt and Grass Widows." Both pieces went well, and the audience was quickly responsive to the nnmeious points made. As a special mark of appreciation, at the final tableau of Charley's Aunt" even the
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  • 268 11 And doth not a parting like this make amends." We are leaving you at last, Singapore Our stay with you is past, Singapore 3ut do not let that fret you, You can bet we won't forget you, Where'er our future's cast, Singapore. Though at times you made us
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  • 52 11 T^ c French steamer Maritta which ar"ve<|' yesterday brought over 200 pigs for the Singapore market from Saigon. The Siamese steamer Maha Vajeravudh after docking, cleaning, and painting, has had her name changed to Medan. The steamer Calliope, with liquid fuel from Batoum, bound for Yokohama, left yesterday
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  • 830 11 China. The Chinese authorities at Canton are watching for the arrival of a London vessel with dynamite, arms, and ammunition, which, it is alleged, have been consigned to the Chinese reform party. The names of the shippers are unknown. An Imperial edict which has been issued enjoins the
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  • 354 11 ENGLAND AND RUSSIA IN THE FAR EA T. Mr. A. R. Colquhoun has written for the Monthly Review a valuable article on Manchuria m Transformation. The extent to which the great northern province of China has been Russianisd already is little appreciated m this country. Russia has now, says Mr.
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  • 341 11 Reuter's Washington correspondent states: Mr. Knox, the Attorney-General, on nth inst. presented to the President and the Cabinet his Report regarding the application of the Postal Telegraph Company for permission to land and lay a cable betwee. San Francisco and the Philippines. He was of opinion that,
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  • 170 11 The Colliers Ras Rowa and Pinna have both arrived with a total cargo of about 11,000 tons of Japanese coal for this port. The M.M. steamer La Seyne sailed; for Batavia with the Europe mails ex the Villa de la Ciotat at 10 this morniug. The Russian transport
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    • 25 12 Admiral Caillard's Action. Admiral Caillard has telegraphed to the French charge d'affaires at Constantinople that he has seized the Customs at Mitylene.
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    • 24 12 Tammany M Discomfited. The returns of the New York ward elections indicate a complete defeat of the Tammany candidates.
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    • 15 12 It is believed that a battery of artillery is proceeding from India.
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    • 27 12 France has notified the Porte of various additional demands, stating that a settlement of all of these must precede any renewal of diplomatic relations.
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    • 39 12 The Porte Paying Up. The Porte has sent to the French Charge d'affaires at Constantinople a note enclosing monthly drafts on the Customs m payment of the French claims. The note has been referred to Paris.
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    • 21 12 Further Relieving Drafts. Seven hundred mounted infantry have been ordered to be m readiness to embark or the Cape.
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    • 12 12 His Death Announced. H.E. Li Hung Chang is dead.
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    • 19 12 The offer of a strong Canadian Cavalry contingent will probably he accepted. London, November jth, igoi.
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    • 33 12 No Conquest Intended. The Daily Te/rgraph correspondent at Vienna states that France has explained to the Powers that she does not aim at any conquest m her dispute with Turkey.
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    • 27 12 Rear-Admiral Burges Watson (lately Superintendent ot Malta Dockyard) sue" ceeds Lord Charles Beresford as second-in-command m the Mediterranean. Rear-Admiral James L. Hammet replaces Rear-Admiral Watson.
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    • 21 12 A French circular declares that the permanent occupation of Mitylene is not ntended. London, November Bth, igoi.
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    • 42 12 Boer Losses Near Bethel. Lord Kitchener, m a despatch dated the (_th inst., says that the Boer loss m the recent attack on Col. Benson's rear-guard was 44 killed and ioo wounded. The Boers took nothing except the two guns.
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    • 23 12 H. R. H. the Duke of Cornwall and York has been created Prince of Wales and Earl of Chester.
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    • 44 12 The Conduct of the War. Sir William Harcourt's Opinion. Sir William Harcourt, m a letter to the limes, indicts the Government's policy m tbe conduct of the war. He declares that banishment, and the confiscation of Boer property are unconstitutional and mischievous.
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    • 126 12 Speech by the Premier. T Salisbury, speaking at the Guildhall -ii .v: said that it was a matter for conratulation that the peace of the world was > little disturbed. FRANCE AND TURKEY. The cloud over the Mediterranean had passed away. SOUTH AFRICA. NO CAUSE FOR PESSIMISM.
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    • 32 12 Tacit Approval by Britain. Britain does not intend m any way to interfere m the Mitylene affair. She regards the French action with no disfavour. Ltndon, Navember oth, /go/.
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  • 28 12 The Difficulty Adjusted at Last. The Sultan of Turkey has acceded to all the demands of France, and France resumes diplomatic relations with the Porte.
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  • 9 12 The French fleet is leaving Mitylene.
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  • 51 12 Charge Prematurely Exploded. Six Lives Lost. Fourteen injured. Owing to the imperfect closing of the breech of a big gun on board H.M.S. Royal Sovereign during gun-practice six artillerymen were killed. The Commander (Sir Robert K. Arbuthnot) and thirteen blue-jackets were wounded. London, November nth,
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  • 48 12 The Situation Not Realised. The newspapers generally express disappointment that Lord Salisbury's speech contained no indication of greater vigour m hastening the end of the war, thus leaving unremoved the feeling that Government even now does not realise the nature of the task.
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  • 46 12 The Supposed Cause. Regarding the disastrous accident on H MS Royal Sovereign, it is believed that a smouldering remnant of a previous misfire ignited the cartridge, as the explosion occurred before tht* breech was closed. The gun was of the 6-inch type.
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  • 30 12 The Commander Hurt, Captain Spurway of the Royal Marine Artillery and five men were killed. Nineteen were injured, including Commander Arbuthnot. London, November 12th, i§a/.
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  • 27 12 Further Cavalry Drafts. All reserve cavalry squadrons are ordered to prepare drafts as strong as possible to reinforce the cavalry regiments now m South Africa.
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  • 20 12 The casualty lists show that the total of Benson's casualties amounted to 86 killed and 216 wounded.
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  • 21 12 Boer Casualties Last Week. Since the 4th November 168 Boers have been killed and wounded, and 149 taken prisoners.
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  • 10 12 Lord Methuen is moving against Delarey and Kemp.
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  • 30 12 British Columns Advancing. Boers, under De Wet, have been recently collecting m the northeast of the Orange River Colony. Columns are moving to disperse them.
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  • 23 12 Defeat m the First Match. South Australia h;is beat Mr. Maclaren 's team by 233 runs. Lendon, Nov. 13th, igoi.
    23 words
  • 25 12 LI HUNG CHANG DEAD. (Special to the Singapore Free Press.) Hongkong, 7th Nov. His Excellency Viceroy Li Hung Chang died at noon to-day.
    25 words
  • 301 12 Quotation. Paib. Divin tM1)8 Bank of China and Japan, Ltd. £i Nominal. £4 Deferred. £5.5/ Zi Bell's Asbestos Eastern Agency. Nominal. £i Bersawah Gold Mine Co. $4-75 Sales. $5 Clear Water Dairy Farm Ltd. $100 $100 7 Fraser and Neave Ltd. $91 Buyers. $50 ,0
    301 words
  • 65 12 '{fWRCT *.m UP TO November 13.J On London. Bank 4 m/s -I*° l I demand i//°# Private credits 3 m/s l/H documents 3 m/s /X credits 6 m/s c France, demand 2 3° Germany, demand *93 India, T. T *4M Hongkong, demand V^J^ Yokohama _>_£P»'AVA, i 'JJ* V,_..,...V pm.
    65 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 1037 12 VESSELS IN PORT. ■a__________i Men-of-War Flag and Tons Commanders Arrived From For When Brisk Brit cruis., 1770 Martin Oct 17 Dindings Uncertain Sugrib Siam g.b., 650 By eke Oct 29 Bangkok Uncertain Marco Polo Ital cruis., 4289 Poalo Nov 10 Colombo Uncertain Other Vessels Flags tk Tons Masters Arrived From
      1,037 words