The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 31 October 1901

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 278 1 t»AP' N* Ahthl'-s. R kisf Collapse, 273 j l v-% Swimming, 2^^ prii 1 Ch>in 2j2 Russian Floating Inferno, 274 A Tramp'*Government," 274 motion of Agriculture, 274 H i^enaln Kliaki, 274 A Possible Fruit Trade, 274 Th- Railway Kxiension, 274 0 r News. rh« Kikisha Str ke, 277,279 Marine
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  • 49 1 übscribers to the Singapore Free Press Weekly eturning from Europe to the Straits by any of mail lines are invited to send to the Manager toe name of their steamer and date of arrival m >*nK«ipore. Copies will then be mailed to meet Hem at various ports of call.
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  • 70 1 up to October 30.) On London. nk 4 m/s */iii% demand i/ioj-;; rivate credits 3 m/s 1/ 11 documents 3 m/s 1/11^ credits 6 m/s |/ll^ FRANCS, demand 239A iN^iA, T. T 143 Hongkong, demand i% pm. demand 6% pm. demand 116} Manila, demand 5/6 pm. (to buy) #10.30
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  • Domestic Occurrences.
    • 35 1 On tho 20th inst at Krin Lodge," Orchard Road, Tanglin, the wife of M. Burkb, o£ a son. On tho Ist October, at Bangkok, the wife of C. 11 r NSLiY, of a daughter.
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    • 56 1 On the 12th October, ia»i, at St. Peter's Church, ,n the Cry of Victoria, Honyko.^, Ale\ ndir Gillan, Masler Mariner, to Eoith Amy Ch kmman. At thr- Cathedral of the Good Shepherd, 1 on 29th m Unfc by the Rcvd. Father H. Rivet, Patrick Aloysu s Ahin to Mary
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    • 13 1 On the lltth instant, at Bangkok, the beloved wife of C. IIuNSLhY.
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  • 486 1 The mail from home of Oct. 4th arrived by the If. M. E. Simons on Wednesday 30th Oct. The next outward mail is due by the P. O. Ballaarat on Saturday 2nd Nov. with English mails of Oct. nth. The last homeward mails left by the M.M. L*os
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  • Article, Illustration
    32 1 iere ir;»: the Prca* thr P«oplt's rigkt n~iaM* I n^weil by .fimtntr and r.nhnbti by f r rr F»*"nt Truth her g!ori*ui prtc^K- Wtrw, 1 -•*> to R«4i B ioa, loyalty. »mi Ia«.
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  • 459 1 (Oct. 24th.) THE rikUba strike is over. Even yesterday afternoon a tew rikishas plied about, but this morning the usual routinr of traffic began as though nothing out of the way had occurred. It cannot be too carefully borne m mind that the only persons to
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  • 714 1 It is to be supposed that the average school-boy m tropical seaside towns like Singapore, whether European, Eurasian, or Asiatic, is far more likely to be able to swim, or swim well, than the average boy m European countries. Cilmate and opportunity have much to do with this,
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  • 241 1 (Oct. 25th.) Prince Chun has after all, not landed at Singapore from the mail steamer. He is said to be indisposed, although it is not to be assumed that this is a diplomatic malaise such as that he experienced at Basel, before setting foot on German territory, upon
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 63 1 Weather Kepon. (October 29.) r at Kandang Kerbau Hospital Observatory 9. A.M. 3 P. M.9P. M. p red. 32 Fah 29.921 29.798 29 900 85.4 82.2 78.8 ;;«tJ*nlb Thermometer... 80.0 98.0 7G 5 f^WW S.S.W. S. Calm. fjtt. Temp, m shad© 82.2 2" 1 do. do. 93.0 m Son 145.0
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  • 624 2 An article m L Opinion (Saigon), published under the title v Un Pen d' Hit?nanitr t S.V.P." draws public atten ion to a case of the ternble and prolonged sufferings endured m the port of Saigon by more than ;-e\en hundred convict prisoners on hoard the
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  • 133 2 A Tramp Government." (Oct. 28th.) We have to-day some more of Reuter's assumptions, uttered to please his foreign customers. There is no moveable Transvaal Government/ The Transvaal Government is stationary, at Johannesburg, Pretoria no longer being the administrative capital. The Government that Reuter f akes it on himself to mention
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  • 388 2 The Botanic Gardens and Foi sts Department is m-iking a spurt m the practical direction by the i>sue of a new publication, apparently twt-monthly, entitUd the "Agricultural Bulletin of the Straits and Federated Malax States" of which No. 1, r ol. 1, f»r October, 1901, is now
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  • 414 2 (Oct. 29th.) A special feature m the telegrams of to-day relating to the position of affairs m South Africa is the entirely satisfactory action of Col. Gorringe, one of the most energetic and successful of the flying column" leaders, m dealing with captured Boers who are
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  • 684 2 Continuing a reference to what might reasonably considered the large commercial possibilities of tropical fruit export from the Straits to Europr an markets, >hould a satisfactory m- thod of sc eniific pre>»-rv-i--tion be discovered and applied, we find a v ry pertinent instance m iegard to
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  • 469 2 (Oct. 30th.) The main interest of yesterda) s proCfclings of Legislative Council lir. fact that the Government ha clared its intention of proct^ uh an important drvv lopment of ttv p nt Singapore-Kra<.ji railway line un ,n Bt motion. That development, whicl \< been off and on
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  • 90 2 The Russian Transport EMsri*« from Odessa left for Vladivostok yestt day evening after coaling. The outward French mail steamer £i Simons arrived from Marseilles at 9 I morning and leaves this evening at the Northern ports. The Colliers Charterhouse, ha Howick Hall^W from Japan brougM this port a
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  • 1635 3 (Vim Ceylon.) London, October 12th.— The Duke of Cornwall has reviewed 1,100 troops at Toronto. The death sentence on Commandant Lotter's has been commuted to penal servitude bf life. The Boer Commandant hotter was executed lay* I *teh from Lord Kitchener states that irench's columns have captured Commandant Scheepers.
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  • 786 3  - "THE CHINESE CRISIS. FROM WITHIN" WEN CHING (BY Edited by the Rev. G. M, Reith, M.AThe remarkable and instructive series of articles that appeared m the Singapore Free Press of last year have now been published m book form by the well-known London publisher, Mr. Grant Richards. The important feature
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 53 3 McALISTER Co S >LE AGENTS FOR The Anglo-Egyptian r Cigarette Co Ine following liigh class brands of cigarettes are always m stock SHAH, gold tipped, 51.60 per box of 50 (large size) ROYALES, gold tipped, $1.25 per box of 50 (medium size) Packed m patent air-tight tins, OBTAINABLE FROM McALISTER
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    • 486 3 NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA. (JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP Co., Ltd.) A regular FORTNIGHTLY Service is maintained between Japan and Europe by the following NEW TWIN SCREW STEAMERS. Under Mail Contracts with the Imperial Japanese Government. Specially designed for the Company's EuropeanService, lighted throughout by Electricity, provided. with excellent accommodation for First and
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  • 478 4 Bangkok papers announce the death, on the 16th inst. of Mr. G. S. Blakeley, of Messrs. Windsor, Co., of liver complaint. Among the Oflicers selected recently for service with the Punjab Frontier Force is Lieut. Gilchrist, 16th Madras Infantry, *yho will join the 2nd Sikhs. Lieutenant
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  • 54 4 The agenda of business for Tuesday's meeting of Legislative Council includes the third reading of the Final Supply Leper's Ordinance Amendment, Criminal Procedure Code Amendment and Licenses Bills; the second reading of the Supply Bill and the consideration, m Committee, of the Oaths Ordinance Amendment and the Civil
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  • 189 4 Singapore is honoured to day by the presence <>f Royalty, two Princes, of two Royal Houses, having arrived here this morn■ng by the N.D.L. Bayem. One is Prince Chun, who is returning to China after accomplishing his expiatory mission to the Kaiser for the murder m
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  • 114 4 The "Brisk Pr.ze. The following is the result of play for the BtiA prize, kindly presented by the Commandrr and Officers of that ship. Twenty couples eniered and played one rouml on October 12th, ncdal conditions, sealtd handicap. The first four pairs com-\>-\f i\ again, match
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  • 98 4 Indian Engineering remarks Certain officetsof the Bumba> Municipal Executive have I ng determined thai the introduction ot the meter systtm will ki'l all the evils of the Bombay water-supply. They have preached the gospel m and out of season m .spite of the hostile attitude
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  • 479 4 In the report of the Southern Shan States for 1900-1901, Mr. Hildebianci writes -.—"The previous friendly relations between Captain Drage and the Frei eh officials east of the Mekong have been maintained. M.Ganesco has succeeded M. Montpeyrat, who has made Mong Hsing his head quarters. M. Jacquemart,
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  • 237 4 After holding out for three days, at last the rikisha pullers have returned to work and the strike' is already a thing of the past. Many rikishas were out this morning and gradually more put m an appearance until by midday large numbers had resumed work. This
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  • 101 4 It is generally known m society that more than one man of note has h-*d to sell part of his estates to pay his wife's d«.b sat bridge! Everything connected with t' c acquirement of money h=*s become of ab-orbing interest to a large section of socitty, and
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  • 475 4 For some time pa^t the storage capacity at the Impounding Reservoir, owin^ to a shoit »gr of rain, i> shrinking so rapidly as to cause un« a-iness to the municipal authorities. Ii ha- to be remembered that not only the needs of the town
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  • 101 4 The New York Tribune says John E. Madden, owner of "Yankee," the winner of the most important and mo*t celebrated race for two-year-olds m America, says that his fast colt will be sent to England to run for the Derby. British turfmen may make up their minds that the honours
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  • 197 4 The Week-End makes itself rcsnon^M for the statement that both the Kin* w Queen are superstitious which is upon which it hangs the following story Their Majesties have a firm belief mi n II 11 mascotte powers of one of the Qu^en'-ladies-in-waiting. This lady has the e
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  • 137 4 Pans, Sept. 26.— A report is prevalent m mi tuy circles that the Minister of War is not vn fieriwith the results of the recent western a »vres and lhatGen.Brugere, ComnMnd^-in-Chief, ha? been ordered to obtain c'ncumst »niial reports \r the brigades affected, dealing with the
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  • 599 4 The Pinang Gazette, m an editorial reference t«> the Singapo c rikisha stMKt*. or rather lock-out makes these obsetvations Now that an acute stage is reached it is to b» hoped, no matter at wh;«t inconveni uce to the public, the employment of pullers o\ sufficient
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 137 4 LAND SALE. At Powell Cos. sale-room yesterday, the following lots were disposed of.— Lot 1. Freehold cocoanut plantation at Campong Batak, area 7a. 1 r. 20 p. with small house thereon. Bought by Chan Tek Hce for $2,900. Lot 2.— Freehold building site at Campong Batak, 2 a. 2 r.
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  • 2382 5 Ordinary Meeting, Wbdnisday, Octoibr 23RD, 1901. Prbsbnt Mr. J. O. Anthonisz, (President) an d Messrs. Barker, Jago, Evans, Lee Choon ..n, and Sohst. Ab^bnt —Mr. A. Moses. Minutes. The minutes of the previous meeting were conPresident's Remarks. i^Ren Nominated a Commissioner. c President said that a letter bad
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  • 226 5 Harmston V gave an amusing programme last night, and at the conclusion Gus Burns entered the cage of the Bengal tiger "Duke" and put him through several movements. Circus-goers are reminded that Friday night's performance is for the benefit of Mr. Bob Love, who will appear as a clown. Entries
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  • 681 5 The view adopted at the Annual Congress ot the British Medical Association, that plague m man is a secondary event, dependent on previous plague m animals, and which led that body to decide to approach Government with a view to an international agreement to ensure
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  • 151 5 A batch of nineteen 'rikisha coolies, were yesterday charged before Mr. Michell with plyng for hire without the number plates on their rikishas. Their excuse was that owing to the 'rikisha strike they were afraid to ply for hire with the number plates on, as their 'rikishas
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  • 40 5 The total number of deaths for the week ended Saturday 19th October is igi a ratio per mille of 40. 2 7. Forty three deaths were due to fever, forty to phthisis, and two are reported as d~:e to cholera.
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  • 805 6 Mr. Wolmarans declares that Mr. Kruger is slowly growing weaker, and that his mental condition is unsatisfactory. The dreaded bubonic plague has made its appearance at the port of Rio Janeiro, the capital of Brazil. Bishop Welldon, owing to an attack of malarial fever, has, it
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  • 524 6 CPVtftft our 9m* CtrrufoH&nt) The Hon'ble E. M. Merewether, with Mrs. Merewether, left Malacca on Thursday morning m the yacht Esmeralda forSelangor to take up his duties there as Resident. During the time Mr. and Mrs. Merewether have been m Malacca the hospitality of the Residency has been more
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  • 166 6 Australian society still recalls with much amusement an incident that occurred when the Duke of York, then a young midshipman, first visited the colony. A big ball was given m honor of himself and his brother, and Prince George, tired, doubtless, of ceremonial introductions, took
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  • 34 6 On Sunday next the use of the Sepoy Lines Golf Links is reserved for a match to be played between two teams of the Sepoy Lines and Singapore Golf Clubs.
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  • 80 6 Mr. Diaz, of Calcutta, while serving as a Volunteer m the Mutiny, was severely wounded m the leg. The wound never healed properly. Diaz carried the bullei for forty years till m his old age it was found necessary to amputate his leg. The governmentall tins time refuj-edto entertain Diaz's
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  • 1280 6 fPinmng Gazette,) Mr. Francis Stewart, a Scottish advocate, has just published m London (Sampson Low and Co.) a little book containing the biographies of Francis and William Light, father and son, the former of whom founded Penang and the tatter Adelaide. The memory of the son
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  • 785 6 Liblt.-Col. David Porter Hiap, Corp, oi Engineers, U.S,A., m the Cosmopolitan. In 1836 Edmund Davy, an English chemist secured a by-product to the production of metallic potassium which would decompose water with the evolution of a fas containing acetylene In 1862 Woehler announced that calcium carbide, which he
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  • 1211 7 T w o fine coal seams have been disovered at Dover, m Kent. 1 he Bukit Kirn Cheng Noraman Football j u h i> exempted from registration under fhe Societies Ordinance 1889." iday, November nth is appointed Public Holiday m honour of His Majesty :;e King's
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  • 163 7 Yesterday afternoon, before a Court of two Magistrates, seven Chinese were charged with being members of an unlawful assembly, the common object of that assembly being, first to overawe by criminal force public servants m the execution of their duty; secondly to commit mischief; thirdly to commit
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  • 138 7 Night Prowlers at thb Tomb. London, September 30th.— A dastardly attempt has been made on the life of a sentinel on guard at the tomb of the late President McKinley m the Canton cemetery. It appears that two night prowlers stealthily advanced m the darkness
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  • 1776 7 Quicquid agunt homines no str i est farrago lib elli Juvenal. It is ancient history now, and bably the easy-going Londoners had t /otten it ere it came to our knowledge, Lut we regard it with no small alarm as a sign of decadence. The Topicist
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  • 701 8 Mr. Powell Robinson returned yesterday from a visit to Japan per SS. Laos. He is much better m health for the trip. The Russian budget for 1902 provides 5,200,030 roubles for the completion of the defence works at Port Arthur and Vladivostock. The request of the
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  • 334 8 Mr. H. Bell is staying for a few days m Penang before finally saying good-bye to the Colony where he has done such admirable service m the highest grades of the Police Department. It is a great pity that so much experience as Mr. Bell takes
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  • 263 8 »h Sir Somebody This and Sir Somebody E'sC an' Mr. de Whatsisname. An Madame de That an' Mrs. de Nob an a whole lot more ot ihc* same They was togged out fine, were the Gran' Stand toffs with a badge pinned on to each Coat, An' tie
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  • 204 8 The capture of Lotter's commando, and the crushing defeat administered to the commando under Van der Merwe, combined with the death of the latter should have a good effect m the Cape Colony, and apparently, has had some on the South African N*WS t which now admits
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  • 59 8 With the close of the current year, the Perak Branch of the Colonial Nursing Association will have ceased to exist, says the Perak Pioneer, and Nursing Sister Miss E. Swainston will be returning to England. All private nursing will then be taken up by the junior nurses m Government employ,
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  • 160 8 The Tongkin correspondent of a Hongkong paper writes The Independance Tonkinoise has just received a despatch from the Laos country, announcing a violation of tl«e frontier by four well-armed Siamese contingents under their officers, who are i.i pursuit of some Siamese officials who have fled
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  • 330 8 The Pinang Gazette has this useful suggestion While we cannot fail to notice what ungailant journals term a melancholy pe'ticoated procoision of a million odd women m Great Biitain who can never hope to become brides, simply because there are not husbands to go round, our observations
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  • 214 8 A Washington telegram of Sept. 4th says An interesting report showing the work on the British trans Pacific cable lias been received at the btate Department from Consular Agent Ro* binson at Norfolk Island, tinder date of 20th June. The report states that on the passage
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  • 95 8 In view of the melancholy fact that there are a million and a half women for whom there are no husbands m this country, and taking into consideration the growing dearth of servants, it is not surprising that cry has arisen for a new kind of domicile
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  • 85 8 11 Harmston s" showed to a full house on Saturday night and numerous encores testified to the impression created by the long and interesting programme. To night is the first of the last four nights and on each of these occasions, seats should be at a premium. On Wednesday night,
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  • 73 8 The result of the match at the S<> Lines yesterday was as follows P y Singapore G. C. Srpoy Lines G C Vade +1 Ellis Bowes Middleton Gunn Winter Crosbett Barry Grant Carver Ferguson +1 Lewis Jones Col. Oakes G "ftW &mi. S ll «van Williamson
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  • 343 8 On thb LftS«OKS O> the War. General Sir Cha- -s Warren contrib >tes (o fh» October A Uonal Review a striking artid lessons of the war. He holds that En» failures wee e due m gn,i part to he cv svsicm, which crushes ojl individu .litv duces
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  • 424 8 What the Germans Would Ha\e IJovf A German field officer on the active li-t v an interesting letter to The Time, from which the following is#an extract What specially induces me to request the publication of these lines is the charges which have again recently been
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  • 19 8 A draft of a new mining code for < Philippines is being prepared by me of the bureau at Manila.
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  • 691 9 Governor-General Doumer arrived m Haiphong at 5 p.m. on the h inst. He met with a very cool recepfoO being welcomed only by the civil and i;tarv authorities assembled by order. poumer will stop there some six or lays. Th e beautiful weather was responsible i
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  • 899 9 A Marine Court of enquiry was held this morning, composed of Mr Brockman, President and Lieut. Severn and Captains Uouglas and Pe-jtney, assessors, to enquire into the circumstances attending the loss of the British harque Bowman B. Law of Yarmouth, Nova S< otia, which was burnt
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  • 37 9 The Siniaenpao learns that the Chinese plenipotentiaries had a conference wiih the various Foreign Ministers at Peking on the Bth inst., to consider the question of the evacuation by foreign troops of Manchuria and Tientsin. (Manchuria? Hum.)
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  • 1766 9 The History or Sir Richard Calmady. Here at last is a great Book A book strong, logical, merciless, intensely human a book to read with care line by line, to dwell upon as the sequence of its narrative is worked out with all the deliberate
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  • 5496 10 AUTUMN MEETING, 1901. First Day: Tuesday, Oct. 22ND. Committee-. C. Sugden, Esq., Chairman; H. Payne Gallwey, Esq., H. Fort, Esq., J. Graham. Esq, A.G.Wright, Esq., Col. Oakes, r.a., G. H. Stitt, Esq. Stewards:— Judge, W. E. Hooper, Esq.; Asst. Judge and Timekeeper, C. E. Velge, Esq. ffmndtcmpper,
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  • 2185 11 The weather for the third day's racing was sunny, yet coo), for overnight heavy rain lell and consequently ihe g»ound was extremely wrt and the course was heavy. Tlit- attendance was about the same as trut of the second day and, for an Autumn Meeting,
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  • 321 12 r J h <r/°] lowin R horses ran and were not placed. The Afghan i, Lord Mathew i, Vanitas 2, Parramatta 2, Kia Ora 2, Keswick 2, Orpheus, 2, Firestick 3, Ashgrove 3, Temelong 3, Alaric 3, Lincolnshire 3, Somersetshire 3, Kingston 7, Atherton u I.
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  • 176 12 About eighty men of the S.V.A. and S.V.R. assembled at the Drill HaM at 8.30 p.m. last night, and afterwards, under the command of Capt MacLennan, S.V.R. marched via Orchard-Rd. to the top of Paterson-Rd. where a halt was made for ten minute s. The S.V.A. W<
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  • 318 12 11 K. O. R. Challiwoi Cup." Ihe final for the above cup was played oil yesterday afternoon before a large number of spectators including H. E. Sir Fiank Swettenham, The teams were The Civilians. Civil Service. Mr. Young (capt.) 3 Capt. Barry (capt.) 2 Mr. Crane 1 Mr. Bos.mnuet
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  • 204 12 The acting Curator of the Museum, Mr. M. Hellier, has been fortunate enough to obtain from one of the Bugis boats that annually visit Singapore at this season a specimen of Anoa depressicornis, a somewhat rare animal, which has probably never been seen m Singepore before. By
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  • 213 12 The Ceylon Standard of the 17th instant states that the Hon. Ahmed Attaoullah Bey Effendi, Turkish Consul-General at Singapore, is at present m Colombo, on his way to Singapore, whither he will proceed by the next P. and O. steamer. He has travelled
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  • 319 12 There has been some correspondence lately m the Call utta papers as to whether Lord Ro< crts wis or was not a Eurasian. One Who Knows writes a very interesting note on the subject to the Statesman Lord Roberts is not a Eurasian but his half-brothers and sisters
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  • 328 12 A Canadian "Train 1)k Ll t \b." The train which has been placed at the service of the Duke and Duchess of Cornwall for their Canadian tour is one of the most perfectly-ap-pointed trains ever constructed for the Canadian Pacific, or any other railway. It is 730
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  • 139 12 The following is the Cricket M;, u f —November to December, i, JOI ist XI. ♦Nov. 9.— Elliot's Team (F. M Elliot Team (Rowland Allen) sYr Nov. 23.-S. C. C (E.F.H.Fdhn s* (J. A. R. Glennie)S.Cc X Dec. 7.-Over 5 Years m the East fP 1 d
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  • 115 12 This is not very agreeable reading f Or coitee-planters A correspondent of the Tropical Agriculturist writing on the over production of coffee say Will the whole sale adulteration of coffee continue when Brazil has dispatched her twelve millions of sacks I remember a nice old German
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  • 312 12 The prices qusted are generally those *t Clyde Terrace Market. At the §ther there may be small variations. Singapore, October i )lt Beans, Long per catty Do., trench Beef do. Beef Steak do. Bean Sprouts do. Bamboo Sprouts do. Blachan do! Bnnjals do. Cabbage, Batavia do. Do.,
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  • 281 13 H M S. Dido and H. M. S. /sis will be passing through Singapore m a few days n their way home from Hongkong, having finished thicr commission on the China noted that the first performthe ever popular farcical comedy .< Charley's Aunt," comes off next
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  • 60 13 art- sked to say that ('aj)t. Martin and Oilier- H.M.S Brisk will be 4l At hone" <o th< ir friends at tl»e Kai c Course on Fri< a) ihc isl m- 1 tiom 3 p.m. to (> p.m. Dii 1 c occasion of the Brisk Sports
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  • 192 13 With n^ard to tie lamented death of Mr. i] der Burg, lately ag^nt of tie Scheepa- ntuur, lormerly J Daendels Co., Singapore, the following panicu ars have now to hand On the 12th Sep'ember, he was the guest of Mr C G. Birk off,
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  • 174 13 Nr^ttrrday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. John Haffenden entertained a large number of friends at M Letcomb," Gilstead Ruad, to ommemorate the Jubilee of Mr. Haffen<len's arrival m the Colony. Mi. Hdffentlen who for the last twenty years has been the Agent lor Malaysia of the Briton and
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  • 400 13 (L. and C. Exprcs.) We may sympathise with the idea that suggested the Bill to amend the Law for the Protection of Chinese Immigrants introduced into the Legislative Council of the Sraits Settlements. It contains *V>e proposal that After the commence* ment of this Ordinance
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  • 291 13 (L. C Express.) The Gazette of i i t inst contains the annouac< mt« tj dated tie same d*y, that "tie King has Leen pleased to appoint Sir Frank Athdstane Swetlenh m, X C Tat present admirUtering the Government), to be Govtrn »r and CnmmandeMii-( hief of
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  • 221 13 S. C. C. v. 35TH Co. R. A. These old opponents met once again m rivalry last night with the result that the Club again showed their superiority this time by 2 goals to nil. The Club of course have the advantage of continually receiving new additions whilst
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  • 5571 13 Tuesday, October 2o,th, 1901. Present His Excellency the Governor (Sir Frank Swettenham, K.CM.G.) The Hon'ole the Acting Col. Se:retary (C. W. Sneyd Kynnersley, cm g.) f the A ing Resident Councillor of Penang (J. K. Birch.) the Acte. Attorney-General (T. H. Kershaw the Colonial Treasurer (F. G. P
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  • 779 15 Via Ceylon.) j dn. October 19th —A Johannesburg Mine Gu.i'l lis°° i> tron ha* been dismissed, and the idcd with work m the mines. rran^ements have been made to pay, partially, the arrears of returned >'• »rd Collins has been appointed Mast-r of t »d Sir JaiMS has
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  • 250 15 Not all France is m love with the Tsar and the Russian alliance. On the 13th ult. the Aurore, m a violent article, called upon the Republican citizens of Paris to shout Vive Tolstov\ to prove that the real moujiks are not m France. M. Urbain Gohier,
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  • 256 15 11 Owing to the de*r price of live ox, are r e*ret to info m you that chickens, eygs, mutt >»i d fl »ur will be dearer m price." Compradore's Nottjica- Dear Sir,' so my compradore's Utter ran, 1 We're exceedingly sorry t stae
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  • 109 15 (October 30.* Tin,,, $65*25 Gambicr........ 13.50 do. Cube No, 1 17 12^ Pepper, Black (ordinary v 'no* 30.50 do. White, (Fair I Nutmeps 110s tn t. 2 do. (80s to the iV 64 Mac* (Band*) >o Cloves (Amboma).. Liber inn CofFe/* 19 T^piora. small p^ar! fPnii M 5 0
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 283 15 Referring to the scouting operations during the Volunteer route march on Monday evening, it is mentioned to us that the report communicated to this paper was inaccurate, because based on insufficient information. It is admitted that four S.V.A. men weie captured m River Valley Road, but the gallant S V.R.
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    • 610 15 The Singapore Free Press. AMD Mercantile Advertiser, Cable A»dkess,— Advertiser, Smgapsrt. Telephone Number. No. 61. Pabhsked at 30-3, Raffles Place, Singapjo t. THE leading English Newspaper m the Straits Settlements Johore, the F-derated Native States of Perak, Se!an jor, Sungei Ujon^, Pahang, the N^gr Sembilan British North Borneo Sarawak Netherlands
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  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 633 15 L X A R A 77* CT M "Ok. ic October 23. Dalnyvostock, Rus., Vorontsoff, for "Hongkong and Amoy. Nankin, Brit., Ben ton, for Hongkong and Shanghai. Octi ber 24. Chow Phya, Brit., Jellicoe, for Malacca aad Pert Swettenham. Flevo, Brit Ainsworth, for Kelantan, via ports. Asama, Brit Bemenf, for
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    • 53 16 Endorsed by Public Opinion. Except the Daily News, the newspapers consider the decision regarding Gen. Buller's supersession m the Aldershot command as inevitable. There was no alternative without ruining the discipline of the army. They express a personal sympathy with Gen. Buller, and deplore the inglorious close of
      53 words
    • 13 16 Lord Salisbury has returned home after his visit to the Continent.
      13 words
    • 25 16 A State Ceremony. His Majesty thr King opens Pailiament m state between tlit* 23rd and 28th January. London, October 2j.tfi igo/.
      25 words
    • 32 16 Suggested Incorporation with Greece, The Temps states that four of the Powers have decided m p inciple to >atiction the incorporation of Crete with the Kingdom of Greece.
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    • 18 16 A Boer Party Captured. Mr. J. W. Colt nbrander and his Scouts have captured forty-two Boers.
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    • 25 16 An Alleged Loan, It is stated from Russian sources that Japan las gi anted to Korea a loan of seventy-five million dollars.
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    • 15 16 Lord Salisbury had a long audience of the King to-day.
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    • 13 16 There will be a meeting of the Cabinet on Monday.
      13 words
    • 16 16 The King has received Major-Gen. Hildyard ami Ins A.U.C, Capt. Hildyard.
      16 words
    • 23 16 The Marquis Ito has l\ad coi.fe re upon him the decree of L. L D. of Yale University.
      23 words
    • 22 16 The two guns captured during Major Gough's reverse m the East Transvaal have been recovered. London, October 25th, ujoi.
      22 words
    • 16 16 The Government would give Lord Kitchener all he asked for for that purpose.
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    • 33 16 Speech by Mr. Wyndham. Mr. Wyndham, speaking at Bradford, declared that the policy of the Government would continue to be to finish the war at the earliest moment.
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    • 19 16 The Radical press is striving to excite the country m favour of General Buller.
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    • 22 16 A French loan of about 200 million francs is impending. This loan will be secured upon the Chinese indemnity.
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    • 20 16 The Marquis Ito has sailed from New York for Europe. He will visit France first of all.
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    • 40 16 Three Victorians who were at first sentenced to death and had this sentence afterwards commuted to twelve years' imprisonment for mutinous conduct, have had their sentences quashed. The men have been released. London, October 26th, /go/.
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    • 36 16 The Clearing Operations, Columns that were operating during six weeks past to the south-west of Rustenburg have returned to Klerksdorp bringing m 250 Boer prisoners and a quantity of supplies. London, October 2jth, 1901.
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    • 17 16 More Boer Leaders Deported. The banishment of thirteen more captured Boer leaders has been promulgated.
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    • 32 16 A Conference with Schalkburger. General Louis Botha, with a few followers has gone to Amsterdam where Mr. Srhalkburger and the movable Transvaal Government is temporarily locate. London, October 2Sth tqoi.
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    • 19 16 Three Boer Laagers Surprised. Col. D^wkins has surprised and captured three Boer laagers m the Nylstroom district.
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    • 15 16 The prisoners included three field-cornets, the ex-Landrost of Pretoria, and fifty others.
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    • 22 16 Shooting the Masque raders. Col. Gorringe has summarily tried and shot some Boer prisoners wearing British khaki uniforms.
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    • 23 16 The Cabinet Council sat tor two-and-a-half hours. It is understood that the case of General Buller was a leading topic.
      23 words
    • 37 16 Sir Brooke Boothby, Secretary of Legation at Rio de Janeiro, has been transferred to Tokio, vice Mr. J. B. Whitehead, who is transferred from Japan to the British Legation at Brussels. London. October 29th, /f#/.
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    • 24 16 TRADE DEPRES SION IN GERMANY. A Gloomy Prospect. The commercial and industrial depression m Germany is steadily deepening. Factories are restricting their production everywhere
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    • 8 16 The Bourse was further depressed yesterday.
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    • 9 16 Large iron-works m Saxony are closing.
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    • 29 16 ■Another Boer Repulse. Stiff Fighting. The commandos of Delarey and Kemp attacked Major Von Donop's column, belonging to Methuen's force, at Marico river. There was severe fighting.
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    • 13 16 Forty dead Boers were left on the field, including Commandant Oosterhuysen.
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    • 23 16 Our casualties were 2 officers and 27 men killed 5 officers and 50 men wounded. All behaved with the greatest gallantry.
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    • 22 16 Czolgosz, the assassin of the late Pre sident McKinley, has been executed by electric shock. London, October 30^/1, /go/.
      22 words
  • 285 16 OCTOBER 30th 1 9 0. 'iUOTATIOM. PAIO. DlVina Bank of China and Japan, Ltd. Nominal. £4 E »os. Deferred. £5.5/ Bell's Asbestos Eastern Agency. Nominal. Zi Bersawah Gold Mine Co. $5. Sellers. $5 Clear Water Dairy Farm Ltd. $100 $100 Praser and Neave Ltd. $84. «r rt v
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 102 16 ANJER SHIPPING RKPOKT. (Specially compiled for the Singapore Free Press.) Date of passing Anjer Nationality and description of vessel Captain's name Where and when sailed. Destination. Oct. 12. Brit, bq., Hamburg Caldwell New York, June 25 Anjer, f o., o i. Soerahaje. Oct 14. Brit. schr.. Cavan j Christensen Delagoa
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    • 1140 16 VESSELS IN PORT. Men-of-War Flag and Tons Commanders Arrived From For When Brisk Brit, cruis,, 1770 Martin Oct 17 Dindings Uncertain Sugrib Siamg.b., 650 Backe Oct 29 Bangkok Uncertain Other Vessels Flaps Tons Masters Arrived From Consignees For Whet Achilles Brit 4483 Williams Oct 30 Liverpool Mansfield China Nov 1
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