The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 24 October 1901

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 208 1 a v renerali 258 eral Buller, 258 07 Ntv. Si pju l rt Proceedings against the ago-st. Rioters, 269 ainments. Hatmston's Circus, 260 el Ttoups, 267 -ey, 261 iolf. I Monihly Play, 267 SCC. v. 85 Co. R.A., 264 Autumn Meeting, 270 teson the Entries, 265,266 v.. Subordinate Government
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  • 48 1 Sub<*oribers to the Singapore Free Press Weekly urning from Europe to the Straits by any of mail lines are invited to send to the Manager c f their steamer and date of arrival m pore. Copies will then be mailed to meet rn at variou* ports of call,
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  • Domestic Occurrences.
    • 33 1 At Spottiswood* Park, the wife of Mr. A, Corn ukr, of a son. At Edjcumbe Cottage, Confederate Estate, on the 22nd October, the wife ot E. F. H. Edlin of a u^nier.
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    • 25 1 On the 2 1st instant, at the Australian Horse Repository, 3 Koek Road, off Orchard Road, William Dallan, late of Hobart, Tasmania.— Aged .58.
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  • 352 1 The mail from home of Sept. 27th, arrived by the P. O Parramatta on Saturday. The next outward mail is due by the N. D. L. Bayern on Friday. The last homeward mails left by the P. O. Palawan on Friday, and the N. D. L. Hamburg on
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  • Article, Illustration
    29 1 Here shall the the right p-, itm vnawc'l by ififlitnce m J unbr;k«d by gaia I '< :c patriot Truth h«r glorioat prtMpts draw, n\mAm»A to Re*ifi»n. Loyalty. ±*l Uw.
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  • 936 1 Siam in Malaya. (October 17th.) The Bangkok Times of the sth October publishes an editorial article whose motif appears to be a consideration of the advancement of the Federated Malay States» with, as a consequence, an aspiration for similar results m such outlying States as are under the protection of
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  • 374 1 (October 18th. REUTER is quite m his best "Javaasch mood to-day. He dispenses nuts to Batavia. All South Africa and the rest of the world stands still. He spreads himself entirely over the topic m two efforts, an 11 early telegram and a later telegram. These spurts of
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 178 1 BUTTER FRENCH BRETEL FRERES D'lsigny Butter In 1 and 2 lb. tins. John Little Co., Ltd., Sineranore. MmT 13 tuf UC THE 'CEYLOft OBSERVER,, (ESTABLISHED IN COLOMBO, 1834J PIRCULATES throughout the island of Ceylon .tnd m Southern India. Its Overland Ed> t;on circulates extensively m Great Britain and Ireland, as
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    • 54 1 PAT FIT^TTPK' v^ Jr\ L^ LJ jlj Ht Vu I\. M ACGREGOR Co, Wine and Spirit Merchants (Also at LONDON, GLASGOW, SHANGHAI HONGKONG.) Price List on Application. PALEMBANG Hotel Koningin Wilhelmina' 1 A first class Hotel situated m the centre of the town near the principal offices. T G WEUYVKERK,
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  • 484 2 (October 21st.) With regard to the rikisha strike of this morning there are a few plain things to be said. The executive Government is entirely right m its action. Also entirely ie isonahle. When we consider that the streets, day and night, are thronged by nine 'or
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  • 921 2 (October 22nd.) If General Buller could only learn that one of the most important functions of the human tongue is to refrain from speech he might have kept away from the empty adulation of the unthinking, and not brought upon himself the strictures of those who
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  • 695 2 (October 231 d.) Yesterday we felt it to be a duty of conscience to deliver our opinion of General BULLER, judged by his own w rk, as a colo^al milita»y failure. The War Office has at la^t, biding its time, found occasion to act on its secret
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  • 437 2 An All-British Cable. lo TMK Editor. Dear Sk,— l am pleased to inform you that the All-British Cable between Ingland Australia, via Capetown, ha completed to Perth, \Ye>< Australia, ll is expected that the remaining secti tween Perth and Ad. la d \d and opened to the Public by
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  • 132 2 t Kirchoffs Tichni^he Blatter publishes tl ir»£ communication from a German rr.n. ng m Palestine: Valuable mineral treasures I cently been discovered m Palestine, so thai to say that the industrial awakening of ifo Land is no longer I dream. Ihe newly-di mineral deposits lie on
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    • 65 3 Gentlemen, to solace their wearied minds by nest pastimes, playe at chesse, the astronoame, and the philosopher* game, which thyr wittes, recreates theyr minds, and gtt no body m the mean season." rnunications should be addressed to the c Editor, Singapore Fret Press." Original and other chess matter of local
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    • 26 3  -  Messrs. Koh tz Kockelkorn By md -X; /4K3 P» ißik4/iP6/ t y and mate m three moves. Black (3 pieces). U'hite (6 pieces).
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    • 279 3 lUtiful game won the brilliancy merit df the Ri*»a Chess Club. re and notes are from the Yorkshire t Xl xf' is the customary ove. B-K2 may c played. A well- justified move. If Black took the White would win by 10 KtxPch, K-Bt 11 K-Ktl 12
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    • 203 3 Wufzbur^ Originality of idea m a hlem is becoming the Utopia b!em com post rs. What is often considered 1 reality (inly a relative originality, \i^ts m the treatment of really old ideas m a and original manner. apore problemists have been favourably m cc of late. Froni
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  • 112 3 < la^ticity of the English language ro times leads speakers into difficulties, nis was once the case with Mr. Julius whose large house at Mafeking proled shelter for many during the dark a ys of the siege. He was put up for the m the
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  • 394 3 The prices qu§ted are generally these current mi Clyde Terrace Market. At the §ther markets there may ke small variations. Singapore, October Mist, igoi. Beans, Long per catty cts. 3 Do., French do# Beef Steak do. t 30 Bean Sprouts do! 2 Bamboo Sprouts do. w j
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 139 3 Nederlandsch Indische I Handelsbank, (NETH. INDIA COMMERCIAL BANK) Established 1863. Paid up Capital f 7,200,000 (about £600,000) Reserve Fund f 1,468,000 (about £122.000) HkadOificb: Amstbrdam. HbadAoency: Batavia. Branches Correspondents m Java Soerabaya, Samarang, Indramagoe, Cheribon, Tegal, Pecalongan. London Bankers: Williams Deacon's Bank, Limited. Singapore Interest Allowed On Current Accounts 1%
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    • 649 3 ffONGKONG AND SHANGHAI x BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL $10,000,000 RESERVE FUND.— Sterling Reserve $10,000,000 Silver Reserve 3,750,000 75<>,000 RESERVE LIABILITY OF > PROPRIETORS j v °<»iooe Court of Directors. R. Shewan, Esq.— Chairman. Hon. J J Bell-Irving,— Deputy Chairman. H, E. Tomkins, Esq. I R. L. Richardson B«j. A. Haupt,
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    • 616 3 The Singapore Free Press. AND Mercantile Advertiser. Cab li Address, Advertiser, Singapore. Telephone Number.— No. 61. Published at 30-3, Raffles Place, Sineap.o c. HT*HE leading English Newspaper m the A Straits Settlements Johore, tke Federated Native States of Perak, Selan gor, Sungei Ujon^, Pahang, the Negr Sembilan British North Borneo
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  • 708 4 H.M.S. Barfleur is expected at Hongkong shortly, on her way to England. H. M. S. Brisk arrived to-day, at noon, from the Dindings. Dr. Travers, who accompanied Mr. Hugh Clifford to Singapore from Selangor, left Singapore last night on his return m the S.S. Esmeralda. The
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  • Correspondence.
    • 303 4 To the Editor. Dear Sir, Next to the many miscellaneous societies established m Singapore for philanthropic purposes, I know of none more worthy of support than the Temperance Institute. There never was a time perhaps when such an establishment was more necessary than it is now. Laudable
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  • 251 4 (Sporting Times.) Informal introduciion of a distinguished Asian to a distinguished cosmopolitan on Baden race course 1 Know ra* bother? Johore Joe Pfahl Like the fine old war-horse from whose loins he >prang, the young Sultan has a keen eye for the feminine tair, and a particularly
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  • 218 4 A shocking tragedy occurred at the German barracks early yesterday morning (says the China Gazette of the 30th ult.) resulting m the death of a young German soldier belonging to the garrison. The deceased, who was one of the cooks at the barracks, retired to rest as usual on Saturday
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  • 370 4 Fine weather resulted m a large attendance at the opening night of Harmston's Circus, m fact the large tent on the Beachrd. reclamation was filled and the audience heartily appreciated the interesting programme provided by the management. Harmston's n have returned with all the old favourites, but the
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  • 202 4 Back up, Police our old old friends Are on the nightly prowl. The Burglar and the M B <y once more Are plotting cheek by jowl; Our nightly sleep is bioken up, .^nd none may rest m peace. i3v all tl c arts that ye possess Buck
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  • 251 4 A story is told by one of the Imperial troops who visited Australasia at the inauguration of the Commonwealth. At Dunedin the soldiers were billeted on somo of the householders, and the Tommy" who tells the following story appears to have fallen into good hands I
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  • 853 4 (Pall Mall Gazette.) When the cable announced the ether H the peace negotiations m China had tedly been signed, Englishmen audible sigh of relief, congratulated that at last an end had come to the drel of diplomatic discussion. They ,mapin nese trouble, at least m its crude
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  • 44 4 A Cape Town telegram say- burning a loyal Dutchman's farm at Riverdale recently, the rebels appointed a mock chaplain, who read extracts from the pr prietor's bible. During the singing of a hymn, the building was drenched paraffin and fired." How sweet of them
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  • 1428 5 (Written for the Singapore Free Press by Rev. G. M. Rbith.) No. LXVIII. Writing of the Caledonian Canal m my t letter, I mentioned that it was subject a m volcanic disturbances. Since bat letter was written, the whole neighourhood of the Canal, and a considerable
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  • 395 5 A correspondent, signing himself Puzzled," writes to the Indian Daily Neivs as follows Perhaps you will be good enough to insert the tallowing which 1 have copied from one of tha home daily papers. It may interest your readers to know that 1 have tried the
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  • 55 5 Yesterday evening a game of hockey was played on the Esplanade, Vr*ween a military team, and an S. C. C. > m. A rather good game resulted, m whiJi the Club managed to score the first goal, but their opponents soon equalised and then put m two further goals,
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  • 601 5 (Ti> of Burma.) At a meeting of t v »c Municipal Committee of Rangoon, yesterday. it\6 October) Mr. Watts' proposition to m^ke Cie registration of domestic servants and others compulsory, was, we are glad to renort, carried. Tnis is an excellent step m the right direction i
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  • 139 5 A German scientist (says the Family Doctor) has measured the time occupied by a wink. He used a specially-arranged photographic apparatus t and fixed a piece of white paper to the edge of the eyelid for a mark, He found that the '.id descends quickly and rests
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  • 92 5 The local mandarins (says the N.-C. Daily News) have received dispatches dated about six weeks ago, from Kueilin, the capital of Kwangsi province, reporting the passage through that province of a large body of Annamese (so-called) navvies/ led by a proportionate number of Frenchmen en route for Yunnan 'to construct
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  • 719 5 The Singapore Minstrel Troupe gave another performance m the Town Hall last night. Captain Boldero left early this morning for the Horsburgh Lighthouse, on a visit of inspection. On the 16th inst. a native died of cholera on board the Giang Ann, which arrived here from
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  • 704 6 SALARIES OF THE SUBORDINATE GOVERNMENT CLERICAL SERVICE. By direction of the Acting Colonial I Secretary, the following memorandum on the question of the salaries of the Subordinate Clerical Service has been forwarded to the Editor, with the object of clearing up certain misconceptions that have led to an inadvertent misrepresentation,
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  • 8 6 Kentraugh, ear v h C^ tors dw at
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  • Correspondence.
    • 269 6 To the Editor. DEAR Sir, Under the above heading there appears a paragraph, m your issue of the 16th inst., where it is asserted that I was sued by the Colour Sergeant, on behalf of the Officer Commanding S.V.C., for the sum of $25, being the capitation
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  • 512 6 A Profissob ot Chinim at Owens COLLRGE. Ih< following important announcement has been published. It aligned by Mr. H. P. Hibbert, chairman of the Technical Instruction Committee of the Lancashire County Council.- Mr. John Riomson, president of the Man hester Chamber oi Commerce a..d Mr. Alfred Hopkinson,
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  • 90 6 Mr. \V. Bloxam, Acting Professor of Chemistry m the Madras Presidency Col- recently delivered a lecture before the Madras Sanitary Association, on The Chemistry of Materials now m use for Purp< s< sof Disinfection.'* He remarked that nine out of every ten disinfectants that were put on the market for
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  • 60 6 The Adjutant General of the British Army issues to military stations abroad telegraphic instructions, dated 17th October, to the following effect Fire usual Royal Salutes King's Birthday gth November birthday Queen Alexandra Ist December. No other military ceremonies to be observed. The above makes it quite clear
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  • 99 6 The Deutsch-Australian liiw Laeisz w'vh a cargo of about 4000 ton. of Austi ]i a 1 coals for this port, arrived yesteid«y aftctnoon. The Russian ta- s|»ot Nijni Novgorod. with mili! ry st«.r t for the K*angtung district, let fr Port Arthu- and V divostock yesterda) afternoon nfter
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  • 648 6 (Moulmem Advertiser There is, perhaps, no matter on which depends the comfort of domestic life m Burma the character and qualifi a ions of the staff of dom, stic servants employed by it, and every on. int sled m the pro blems of life
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  • 775 6 We quote below that article b* Bangkok Times of the ah Or T th < which we made certain c<^ !7* day. We have italicised one or tV e r P TH tS M h at W o rC dealt With vest, r d,: f l
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  • 167 6 Always New. An Express telegram from New York says The rivalry of the shopke» pers m Newport, thf summer resort of America's richest and n fashionable society, has this year led to t h< ir employing the prettiest girls they could fi id to dispense their wares
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  • 265 7 second reading of the Pacific Cable Bill, b y iority of 124, is not so much a victory for the mment as for the Empire. Telegrapkic ication under British control m its entire san absolute essential of Imperial unity. ,er be the form which Federation is destin-
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  • 311 7 THE DISCONTENT IN CENTRAL CHINA. kei lium Nanking emanating (says i v U m a perfectly reliable confirms the news published m these coy« terday, and stuesthat the Yangtze high i .»ve possession of reliable news of an 1 simultaneous lising throughout Kiangsu, nd Ilupeh provinces amongst the discon- ulace,
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  • 239 7 examination of the play bills at the forty-five theatres now open affords an instructive view of the tastes of the modern playgoer. Sixteen theatres, that is 30 per cent are devoted to drama, ranging from "The Great Millionaire" and "Shetlock Holmes" to old favourites like 'The
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  • 22 7 Lieut. F. G. Hendley, A. li. P., leaves Singapore for Hongkong by the Parra»iatta to-morrow, on completion of Ms tour of duty.
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  • 607 7 Mr. C. F. Green is appointed a Passed Cadet. The Police have detained several Javanese and Malays on suspicion of being concerned m the recent Tanglin robberies. Rules for the examination of officers of the Civil Service originally appointed as Cadets are published m this week's
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  • 147 7 The following announcement appears m the current Government Gaaette In exercise of the powers conferred on him by "The Post Office Ordinance 1879," Section 21, His Excellency the Governor m Council is pleased to make the following rules regarding the cancellation ot adhesive stamps, to take effect
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  • 1431 7 Quicquid agunt homines nostri est farrago libelli While Rudyard Kipling lay at c point of death m America, we topiciseu <»n the singular lack of delicacy evinced by the American journals, which daily published revolting pathological details connected with the progress of the disease. That English
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  • 287 7 (Pioneer A distinctly odd sounding yet circumstantial story reaches us from Ceylon. It is to the effec: that a considerable body of Boer prisoners, with a due proportion of Field Cornets and subordinate officers, have arrived at Colombo en route for a camp-of-exercise m the south
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  • 43 7 The handsome oil portraits of the late Sir Charles Mitchell and Admiral Sir Henry Keppel, the latest additions to the historical collection of portraits m the Upper Town Hall, were privately inspected yesterday afternoon by His Excellency the Governor There was no ceremony.
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  • Correspondence.
  • 340 8 The Crew. The Admiralty has issued the following list of the officers and men on board the Cobr* at the time of the disaster Lieutenant A. W. Bosworth-Smith. Thos. J. Wood, boatswain. J. G. G. Pcrcey, chief engineer (saved). Francis K. Barnes, r.0., first-class, O.
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  • 522 8 S. C. C. v. 35TH Co. R. A. Again last night the above teams strove f#r mastery on the Football Field and after a fast and interesting game, neither side could claim the victory, the result being a draw, no goals being scored. Taking the play as a
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  • 270 8 From a Constantinople telegram m a home paper we learn the details of the kidnapping of Miss Stone, an American lady, by Bulgarian brigands One of ihe companions of Miss Ellen Stone, the missionary who was captured by brigands, is now at Banjsko, and tells the
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  • 992 8 (frsm m Cornsfindtnt.) The British North Borne§ Herald for Oct. i, 1901 publishes as a supplement the census taken m Jan. of this year. It makes the total population at 104,527. Of these 195 are Europeans, 40 are Eurasians, 12,282 are Chinese. The number of
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  • 692 8 Manila has just bee rob! Ed of another 0 many industrial schemes proj. cttd account of the worthlessness of the Filipino J laborer, and *he law* which exclude the and other peoples who can and will work. S weeks ago, says the MmniU Times,
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  • 143 8 A schoolboy's essay .—The kangaroo is a quadruped, but two of his feet is only hands. He is closely related to the flea family, an' jump-* like him, an' has the same kind of resemblance. Hi is Australian by birth an' has a watchpocket to carry his children
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  • 527 9 Butlin rode four winners m Deli. father probably "wishes he was twins." r >taia Hubner, of the S S. Asa han, re- in* seen a white Buoy marked P. iU V 2 55 N. and Long: 100.44 E. Arrangements are, it is stated, m a ,tate
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  • 135 9 We regret to have to announce the death I Mr. William Dalian, of the Australian lorsc Repository, Orchard Road. Mr. Dalian, it appears, had sustained ome injury to the spine and m March last .vent to Melbourne and consulted with Sir rhoma> Fitzgerald, who decided
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  • 751 9 It was a curious sight last night to watch the weary workers returning home, afoot, after their hard day's work. The natives seemed to enjoy the novelty immensely and felt quite exalted to be trudging m the company of the orang putehs. Every available carriage, hack carriage,
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  • 100 9 "THE ROAST BEEF OF OLD ENGLAND." Being very fat, the King ol Portugal ,s forbidden by his physicians to eat much meat^ He calm y dLbeys the doctors, however, and h>s especially Lnd'of beef, of which he eats great When he visited England a few years ago he was
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  • 805 9 (From a Spirting Correspondent.) The Maiden Plate. It is satisfactory to see such a good entry istand it would be m the interests of sport f a larger proportion of the horses imported were maidens instead of winners. At any rate, experience shows that the winners
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  • 51 9 The agenda of business for the meeting of Municipal Commissioners to-morrow includes consideration of the report of the Special Committee on the water supply and of ihe questions of the raising of Cavenagh Bridge, closing Syed Ali-rd. and the landing steps at Tan jon£ Rhu. Also of electric
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  • 368 9 Studying Natural Scievoi. Within a few weeks at most, there will apply for admission to the State University, a Chinese woman who is going to America to take advanced work m natural science. Her family name is Hseuh, and her father is possessed of an independent fortune,
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  • 610 9 Russia's fleet m the Far East uses foreign coal to the yearly value of about 1,000,000 roubles. W ih a view to make the Pacific Squadron independent of this foreign coal, the Ministry o* Agriculture and Domains, acting m conceit svith the Ministries of War and
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  • 823 10 Once again Singapore is experiencing a nkisha strike and though it commenced only this moraing, the discomfort caused is being widely felt. Few residents had any idea of the existence of such a strike and were accordingly not a little surprised at being unable to find vehicles
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  • 463 10  -  Flemington The Maiden Plate. Bushranger and Lord Matthew although r%; reC^ c I4lbs »''™ance, being Gnffins, do not think will be at all m the ,n this race, as the other horses 1 n h er f f rC VCry much better c'«s animals s nce A
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  • 251 10 1 1'"""* 1 G °> "Zhling, Water Supply c Con, pan ,es,- on March 25> lB6a< it J^^J thataprospccus had been issued oUhe Sil shares of each a ,,d tl,e works were first Kg I, ed up on May 2 <, 1864 Slnc£ *«ed pany have
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  • 892 10 Se P c 26th, igo i. As other folks are tempted to besrin their letters with I," your Berlin corrls pondeHt is always impelled to begin with the Emperor." It is the same fhing-he is to the German nation what I" is to the individual. Well, the
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  • 63 10 The children's nntir, afternoon wps largely n Satu rdjl various items were L l >nd the juvenile, KoJSSl 1 the double riding b y a r goats, which dicittd ro L efl b y a '"go audience p.^ramme me. with To-night is the fi rst gframme, which wil
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  • 79 10 FAREWELL DINNER TO MR. E. H. BELL. V Saturday evvci;, Mr. c. h. ars Straits Settlements P o |j him to dinner at the Raffle Ine hosts wcie c Seah Lee Cheng Van, Khoo Lee _Choon Guan, Lim Ah S Siak and others, Mr. Ta. the Chair. In proposing M,.
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  • 149 10 A Lament. Bark from the burning East! Meagre and sallow. Frf nds, when they see rt— visibly paling. Some recognise us- not Nor can we bhme them We are but ghosts of on- Back from Gehenna. Gone is the hair from our head Y one o^r
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  • 196 10 Consular. Assistant Carlisle, m his report on the trade of Bangkok for 1900, points out that tin* increase m (he total value of foreign import! and exports ha^ bee The writer then goes on to deal with the question of German competition m his district, and the
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  • 139 11 ft er the title of "Fables and Folk f r nm an Eastern Forest Mr. Skeat ved a delightful little volume, full rrs t to the dwellers m Malaya, and to find n Qt ViiHe appreciation oi he Mr. Skrat explains that are the merest gleanings from an
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  • 166 11 MITTIBB v. The Rest. match wa> played on SaturI following result. Ml b BcnfafieUi 3 1 ire b Benj <field 2 S Frank Swetten ham b Darbishtre 3? Bradberry 8 lUtrry O shire 6 irksh i 7 ,1 h Birkshire 9 I if* Id b Uarbishiie 1 c Edlin
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  • 392 11 THE P. O. FARE. ;n« -Sick," writing* the Pioneer, drrw* I m »o .-in Agent's Passage Circular for which is printed ir. cr. r ed letters acrt^s ling with passage rates, Plus 10 per a foot ntte explaining that owing high price of coal, a primage of 10 per now
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  • 1334 11 (Vim CeyUn.J Calcutta, October 9th.— The death of the Amir is confirmed. The Afghan officers at DuUkha and Jallababad have received expresses informing them of the event; and have officially announced the fact. No excitement is reported from either place. The Government of India are awaiting intelligence from the
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  • 89 11 Ihe third performance of th<- Minstrel Troupe was t>iveu 111 t lie Town Hall on .Saturday ev< ing before a fairly lar^e and appreciative audience. An additional attraction was a serifs of lightning sketches by Mr. Ross, who drew creditable portra ts of eminent p< ople of
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  • 138 11 The Rtsult of play for the October mrdal at the abov^ Club on Salurday was Kynnersly, J. H. D. Jones, Wathen. Anthonisz and Gentle returned no >cores. Dr. Ellis having won before, Pearce takes the medal. The following racers have arrived from Penang by the s.
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  • 834 11  - "THE CHINESE CRISIS FROM WITHIN" WEN CHING (BY Edited by the Rev. G. M. Reith, M.AThe remarkable and instructive of articles that appeared m the Singapore Free Press of last year have n«.\\ een published m book form by the well-known London publisher, Mr. Grnn 1 Rulia.ds. The important feature
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  • 154 11 Cable,— Times Bangkok." The Lrading Nbwspapkr i* Si am md widely circulated \n Malaya, Cochtn-< hina bin the Straits Settlements arid Burin.". A Daily Newspaper with a weekly Mail Edition (20 p.p.) Subs ription, Daily (portage extra 1 delivered free locally, $30 a year. Weekly, Post Free
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 83 11 McALISTER Go SOLE AGENTS FOR The Anglo-Egyptian Cigarette Co The following high class brands of cigarettes are always m stock SHAH, gold tipped, 51.60 per box of 50 (large size) ROYALES, gold tipped, £1.25 per box of 50 (medium size) Packed m patent air-tight tins, OBTAINABLE FROM McALISTER Co. Aug'.3O
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  • 529 12 Mr. E^ tL Bell leaves for Penang tp-day by the Zatdm, where he goes to settle up his affairs, prior to his leaving for home. p. barl «t. Wood °f t^ sth Fusiliers, A n r he K Ch nese Regiment, is now AO. C. to
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  • 477 12 The "Temperance Institute." f« tub Editor. Dear Sir.—l was pleased to see a letter irom U P. m your issue of 17th inst regarding the Singapore Temperance Ins' titute, and would ask you to be good enough to grant space for a few facts about that Institution that C.
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  • 171 12 i f Ea^ y HJ? mornin g 'he remains of the Bukit T,mah-rd cemetery, the funeral cortege arriving there at 7 is The Rev VV. H.C. Dunkerley was the officiating clergyman, and the coffin was borne to the graveside by Messrs. H Mr r \V.
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  • 168 12 In a French journal some details arc Riven of thi, shocking affair at Genoa, which does not appear to have been recorded m the English mail paper A grave disaster has occurred at during gunpractice. A charge not having exploded, the artillerymen fdesired to ascertain the cause
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  • 1324 12 (Written for the Singapore Free Press by Revd. G. M. Rbith). No. LXIX. An extension of the W^ef w;~wi Railway, from Fort- William" 0 "s ft? was opened this summer; and as it the unanimous opinion of all who travelled fhV V" V* thC fiOeSt P
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  • 355 12 The athletes of H.M.S. Brisk are going to have their Sports on the Ist November the locale not yet beini; fixed, but we beHeve it is proposed to hold them on the Kace Course. The open events are Tu£ of-War; 440 and 100 yards Flat X and Throwing the Cricket
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  • 227 13 Mr. Hugh Clifford, is, we are glad to hear very considerably better. \j r Townley, District Officer of Temer- O h Pahang, is here for a short visit. A new-born native infant, still living, nd m a swamp m Zion Road this those who bore Mr.
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  • 406 13 The Governmeni Firm. [n m Mr. Hooj er to-day that the I tl>«- intervii w yesterday been the Governor and ha owners, as comm iiated to I quite corn ct. '1 he farts of the th a His Excel l< nc) practically lisi uss the matter, merely
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  • 1136 13 Thirty-one Chinese rioters arrested m Sago-st. at midday yesterday by the Police were charged at the Police Court this morning with unlawfully assembling m a public place and attempting to overawe public servants. Mr. A. L. Stewart, C.P.0., prosecuted. The piisoners were a
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  • 1296 13 The Acting Managers Report to 17th Oi tobrr, 19 n Bukit Jelhs Mine— The 150 ft. south level has been extended 16 ft. and is now 275 ft. from the cross-cut. The reef m the present end is. fully 8 ft. wide, of which 2 ft. on the footwall
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  • 191 13 We understand that Messrs. Behn Meyer and Co., who have been the General Agents of the Temelong Hydraulic Tin Mining Co., since the Company was ormed, have resigned the agency and itf has been transferred to Messrs. Syme and Co. The rikisha strike is affecting everybody more or less, but
    191 words
  • 124 13 (October 23 Gamoier i 2 87 .i do. Cube No. 1 16.25 Pepper, Black (ordinary Spore) 30.^0 do. White, (Fair L/W~ 5 46.50 Nutmegs 110s to the Ib.) 52 do. (80s to the lb) H 64 Mace (Banda) 50 Cloves (Amboina) f 32 Liberian Coffee n 172^ Tapioca, small
    124 words

  • 2892 14 r AUTUMN MEETING, 1901. First Day*. Tuesday, Oct. 22ND. Committee: C. Sudden, Esq., Chairman; H. Payne Gallwey, Esq., H. Fort, Esq., J. Graham. Esq A. G. Wright, Esq., Col. Oakes, R. 4., G. H. Stitt, Esq. Stewards Judge, W. E. Hooper, Esq.; Asst. Judge and Timekeeper, C.
    2,892 words
  • 54 14 (Corrected up to October On London. l *aj/^ «an* ....1 'its 3 m/s 1 1 ents3 m/ 5... 6 m/s „'j 1i 1 H Gki inu l Y > JAS Man la, demand o pm SO ELR JGNS, (to buy; ..ifloV Ba land R.Ue 5% Discount 3 months bills
    54 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 316 14 NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA. (JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP I TD .j A regular FORTNIGHTLY Service tamed between |apan and Europe by the foil r NEW TWIN SCREW STEAMERS. Under Mail Contracts with the Imperial Japanese Governm Specially designed for the Com| \totm Service, lighted throughout by Electricity, with excellent accommodation for Kirsi
      316 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 838 15 MUNICIPALITY OF SINGAPORE. IsS ue of Municipal Loan 1901 amounting to $1,000,000 Th Mnnieii: 1 Commissioners of the Town of Singapore havinn- H*^; I^l ,rUnt public worki _v acting heroin with tho Slon o?t Jio Ut Certain .its Settlements, and under tho provisos oit hi M Zt? c r ?fV
      838 words
    • 798 15 IHE TANJONGPAGAR DOCK COMPANY, LTD. Shipwrights, Engineers, Iron and Brass Founders, Wharfingers, *c. X HI i? Company executes Ship and Marine fengme Repairs 01 all descriptions, m the most efficient manner, under the superintendence o experienced European Shipwrights and Engineers Oraving Docks up to 500 feet m length and 21
      798 words
    • 19 15 E: WALLACE Bronze Medalist Briti h Horo oxalic institute. I Watch Maker and Jeweller. Repairs m all Branches, Guaranteed
      19 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 852 15 <*LEAR A N G X S October /7. Han Yang, Brit., Wavell, for Port Arthur. Amara, Brit Mattcck, for Bangkok. Austialind, Brit., Rogers, for Fremantle, Tia ports. Ban Seng Guan, Brit., Lyons, for Bangkok. Giang Seng, Brit Rawlingson, for Bangkok. Chow Phya, Brit., Jellicoe, for Malacca and Port Swettenham. Ban
      852 words

    • 8 16 Commandant Wolfaard has been shot.
      8 words
    • 12 16 Botha's main body is still m the neighbourhood of Pongolabosch.
      12 words
    • 59 16 The Foreign Office has announced that Sir Alfred Bateman and Mr. Alford, late Chairman of the Shanghai Chamber of Commerce, have been engaged for some time m revising the Chinese Customs (tariff) m accordance with the (new conditions laid down m the) Protocol. Messrs. Anderson and
      59 words
    • 27 16 THE LOSS OF THE COBRA." The Court-Martial. The* verdict m the Cobra courtmartial states that the loss of the ship was attribut able to structural weakness solely.
      27 words
    • 61 16 Tests at Barrow. A new submarine has been tested at Barrow. It was placed lor three hours on the gridiron, not m the water, for the purpose of testing the breathing capacity of the crew, with all apertures closed. The test was very satisfactory, and the vessel
      61 words
    • 22 16 Bands of rebels from the Calvinia district are advancing south under Boer commandants, looting and recruiting as they go.
      22 words
    • 20 16 Upon these being reinforced by a squadron of the 16th Lancers, the Boers retreated, with slight loss.
      20 words
    • 20 16 Complete confidence is felt m the ability (of the local forces) to cope with the raiders.
      20 words
    • 11 16 Parties have reached lloperield and Saldanha Hay.
      11 words
    • 20 16 Fighting has taken place near Piquetburg, about forty miles from Cape Town. Boers attacked the district troops.
      20 words
    • 18 16 Capt. R. W D. Bellew, of the Lancers, and four men were killed. London, October iSth iqoi.
      18 words
    • 32 16 Botha's Designs Against Natal Abandoned. His Force Scattered. Botha, finding tbe invasion of Natal to prove disastrous, has dissolved his force, leaving the units to escape as best they can.
      32 words
    • 20 16 The first draft of re-enlisted Yeomanr his sailed for South Africa. Loudsn t October 29th, ifoi.
      20 words
    • 15 16 J. Kruger and Lieutenant Breda have been hanged at Cradock for train-wrecking.
      15 words
    • 11 16 Botha, with a few men, has gone north.
      11 words
    • 35 16 An Agreement About Afghanistan. At St. Petersburg it is declared that a complete agreement has been established between Russia and Britain, averting all danger of quarrel regarding Afghanistan. London, October igth, mjoi.
      35 words
    • 18 16 Rumoured Death of De Wet. There are persistent reports m Nata^ that De Wet is dead.
      18 words
    • 22 16 A Successful Completion. The Duke and Duchess of Cornwall have arrived at Halifax, and thrir tour is now completed.
      22 words
    • 16 16 Canadian troops have surprised a Boer laager, killing three and capturing four.
      16 words
    • 20 16 The enemy abandoned everything, includrig quantities of stock, food and ammunition. London, October 21st, iqoi a.
      20 words
    • 14 16 Capture of Commandant Marais. Commandant Marais is amongst the recent prisoners captured.
      14 words
    • 22 16 The United States has asked China to recognise its right to a Municipal Concession at Tientsin.
      22 words
    • 34 16 Strong Measures Imminent. In regard to the Turkish difficulty France has determined not to wait much longer, and holds that a resort to coercion against Turkey is warranted by the circumstances.
      34 words
    • 48 16 Proposed Joint Action against Turkey. Macedonia and America. France and Russia have addressed the Powers discussing joint representations and eventu action Ibr the purpose of obliging the Sultan of Turkey to execute the provisions of the Treaty of Berlin reijardin£ Macedonia and Armenia. to H
      48 words
    • 19 16 The representations to the Porte will possibly also insist upon guarantees for the execution of teforms
      19 words
    • 17 16 At the same time the question of a fresh settlement regarding Crete will be*raised.
      17 words
    • 20 16 Commandant Scheepers, with eleven others, has been banished from South Afiica. London, October 22nd, 1901.
      20 words
  • 276 16 2 3rd Igo i I^uotatioh. Paid. Dividers 4 i Nomina!. £4 Nominal. £1 $5. Sellers. 8s >ioo |j OO 7 Eraser and Neave' $84 0 frt <y r 6% Debs. Par. r year 'Q OO Hongkong and Shat.-hai Hank. $618.25 $125 Uyear" 10/ bonus^i2/o Jelebu Mmmg and
    276 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 85 16 T M. Lvon Co's Patent Libenan Coffee Pulper A N effective substantial and simple coffee pulper based on the principle of elastic abrasion not crushing, and thorough dissemination of pulp and parchment. Saves its own cost m a very short time, by nor breakage of beans, with full yield. No
      85 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 1117 16 VESSELS IN PORT. Men-of-War Flag and Tons Commanders Arrived From For When Brisk Brit, cruis,* 1770 Martin Oct 17 Dindfaiga Uncertain MahaCkakkH Biam g.b. 9 2200 TrolU- Oct 19 Bangkok Uncertain Other Vessels Flags Tons Masters Arrived From Consignees For When Athesia Ger 3631 Wagner Oct 22 New York Behn
      1,117 words