The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 17 October 1901

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 356 1 i ele^ram Tampering, 241 et Seat for the Unionists, 241 Japanese Finance, 241 Par and the Tsar, 242 top Welldon's Apology, 242 Morr About Rikishas, lM 242 Boers and the White Flag, 242 Vehicles of Infection, 242 a's Predicament,! 242 Femme Chercheuse, 24? Hunting the Boer, 242 Head* or
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  • 96 1 (October i 6.> $66. ".*7_ übc Nc. i ,i 13*5° •'iac'* fdinary Spore) 30.50 White, (Fair L/YV— 5%) M 46.50 ti hoc to f.'i* lb.) 52 btstothelb) 64 '•'f Bamia) <;_ fcvts (Am'oiiia) vj iterw.nCoi'er 17.15 lapi©* r,ja!l pearl (Fair quality, 5.40 to tfakf (do. do.) 6.00 *'•>. »»nl:u«
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  • Domestic Occurrences.
    • 29 1 On Saturday, October sth, at 14 Abingdon Villas, Kensington, the wife of Alan W. B. Hamilton, Manager of tho Bruseh Hydraulic Tin Mining Co. Ltd., of a daughter.
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    • 52 1 At the Registry Office, Malacca, on the 7th instant, Charles Edward Horth, of the High School, to Marie (Lily) Magalhaeens. At the Presbyterian Church, Singapore, on 16th October, 1901, by the Rev. W. Murray, David Wood, Hongkong Civil Service, to Sophia Milne, daughter of William Boultou, cr., Burgh Surveyor,
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    • 24 1 At llerrick House, Lewisham, London, on tho 19tfa September, 1901, Mary Ann Murray, wife of George Thompson, of Tanjong Pagar Dock Co. Ltd.
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  • 81 1 (Corrected up to October 16.) On London. Bank 4 m/s l/«A demand i/n Private credits 3 m/ 5... I lI fV documents 3 m/s 1/1 if n credits 6 m/s l/11l France, demand 241 Germany, demand 195 India, T. T 143$ Hongkong, demand par. YOKOHAMA, demand 6% pm. Java,
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  • Article, Illustration
    27 1 lot shaii the Treat the Pceple'e right M*!atai< 'navveH by influence and unkriked by gain •>te patriot Truth her glaviaue precept* draw, to Ralifion, Loyalty, and Law.
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  • 633 1 Perhaps it would be reasonable to connect Lord Roberts's address at Liverpool, expressing the universal confidence m Lord Kitchener and the sedulous care of Government to completely and promptly supply all his campaign requirements, with that previous telegram which stated that the public press were
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  • 110 1 We present our readers with another instance of Reuter's deliberate suppression, m his telegrams from Bombay to Singapore, of statements favourable to British interests. The sentences m italics were not sent to Singapore, but the whole of the previous portion of the telegram was London, October 2nd.
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  • 63 1 Ii is satisfactory to see that the lates: bye-election, that for Mid Lanark, has regained the seat for the Unionists. The contest was a triangular one, Sir W, Rattigan (U) being opposed by Mr. CECIL Harmsworth (Liberal Imperialist) and by Mr. SatILUE, who represented the
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  • 216 1 We beg to acknowledge receipt, from the Imperial Japanese Consulate, of a copy o* the Financial Annual of Japan (No. I) issued by the Department of Finance, and printed at the Government Press, Tokyo. As being the first issue of this publication, it is made to
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  • 479 1 The new public rikishas m Hongkong have one feature that might be copied with an infinity of advantage m Singapore, at no cost at all. A very common incident, as we all know, is the loss of property left m a rikisha by the vanishing of the rikisha while
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 120 1 MINERAL LABORATORIUM." Rooms cue Kerk Straat. Soerabaya— Java. Messrs. J. M. KAUFMANN Co. Consulting and Mining Engineers, Metallurgists and Assayers, Experts m Mines, Minerals and Metals. MESSRS. J. M. Kaufmann Co. are prepared to Manage, Survey, value, test and report on all classes of mining properties. Messrs. J. M. Kaufmann
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 209 1 THF WFFK a\ llij vv LiLii\, The mail from home of September 20th arrived by the M.M. Annam on Monday. The next outward mail is due by the P. O. Parramatta on Saturday. The last homeward mail was taken by the M.M. Natal on Monday. This mail for Europe leaves
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  • 144 2 There appears to be an impression that the Tsar did not visit Paris as a result of the murderous attack on President McKinley. But that took place on Friday the 6th Sept. A telegram to the Daily Mail from Copenhagen dated the sth says Regarding the
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  • 213 2 Lotter to Die. (Oct. 1 2th.) Now that, far too late, the very correct (ierman and American methods vi'xth franctireurs and plain clothes guerillas is being adopted m South Africa, things will move a good deal faster towards the final -weep-up. Commandant Loiter has been condemned to death and this
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  • 303 2 IT is satisfactory to note that the wholesome discipline Bishop WELLDON of Calcutta received at the hands of the public press for his political stupidity m suggesting the compulsory introduction of the Christian Bible into Government schools, has at last had a sobering effect on that meddlesome
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  • 440 2 .Regarding the suggestion made m this journal for the placing riki.l.a numbers, as m Hongkong, on the foot-plate of the vehicle, so that the passenger could not help noting the number, our attention has been called to the fact that this was tried m Singapore
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  • 233 2 There is but little news from South Africa. The execution of Commandant LOITER was the inevitable consequence of the murder of a private of Lancers who rode up to take the surrender denoted by the hoisting of the white flag by LOTTER'S orders. If
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  • 113 2 Insect Vehicles oi« Infection. Writing of enteric fever m Ceylon during the past year, Dr. Perry says While m most cases enteric fever without doubt is oaused by polluted water, as for example n Colombo, yet there is little or no doubt, though the experimental proof is wanting, that it
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  • 214 2 The main feature of the South African news to hand to-day is the evident fact that BOTHA, with the principal Boer force still extant, has got himself into, very literally, an awkward corner. His main motive for moving towards the extreme eastern margin of the Transvaal
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  • 287 2 The Topicist last Saturday quoted a Australian paper to the effect that there was a melancholy procession of 1,082,619 women m England, who, unless polygamy became a general practice, could never be married because there were not enough men to go round. The figures greatly understate the
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  • 407 2 The general trend of to-day's telegrams shows that the Boer activity is I steadily repressed by determined action extending over the enormous area of operations m South Africa. No European war has ever covered even a tenth of this area. And unless this fact be
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  • 364 2 A friend writes as follows Coul you advise me definitely, through yo paper, which side of the Straits is head (obverse) and which (reverse). This seems to be a much puted point, but I think that the side bear ing the figure of M Britannia and the
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  • 130 3 is Grange that despite the increased ice of the Police m the Tanglin strict yet another burglary has to be Ided to the already lengthy list of the Few weeks. Last night Balado," Murray Robertson's residence, was d and a quantity of plate stolen. It hould be
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  • 334 3 Ihe next Popular Orchestral Concert of the Philharmonic Society is to be given m honour of the memory of the late Sir Arthur who died on the 29th November Ust year. The nearest convenient date owing to other engagements of the Hall, is the 25th November,
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  • 1989 3 Four American Novels. CT C aY t tely been asked t0 read a great deal about the Great American Novel, and more especially concerning the methods adopted by the American publishers to push and hawk their wares None the less the Great American Novei appears
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  • 230 3 The second annual entertainment of the above troupe, m aid of the building fund for the new Temperance Club, was held ir> the Town Hall last night, when there wa present a small, but appreciative audience. Among the various items of an interesting and amusing programme,
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  • 120 3 The Russian transport Nijni Novgorod which left Odessa on the 14th September for Port Arthur, a-rived here this morning and proceeded to Keppel Harbour to coal She has on board a quantity of military stores for the Kwangtung district and will probably sail early to-morrow morning c this
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  • 15 3 The following are the handicaps m the two races below. Residue ic.6
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  • 156 3 The Morning Po t of Raleigh, North Carolina, has a correspondent m the village of Wilson, m the «ame State. That correspondent contributed the following paragraph to the fashion column. The young ladies thus described are fairly entitled to international fame M Among the many rare and
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  • 700 4 Mr. Hugh Clifford c.M.G. has arrived at Kuala Lumpur, and assumed the duties of Resident of that State. The Hon. J. Bromhead Matthews has 4>een granted two months' extra leave of absence from his duties as member of the Legislative Council. Lt. E. L. Rolland, 9th
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  • 201 4 The mine manager's report for Sept. contains these paragraphs During the month the mill ran 23 days only, crushing 217 short tons or ***** long tons, yielding 121 02s. bullion. The average yield per short ton being 11 dwts. 3.65 grs. and the average yield per long ton 12
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  • 306 4 High Prices. There was a very large attendance at Powell Co.'s sale-room yesterday, when some remarkably high prices were obtained. A block of four small shops at the corner of Kling-street and Market-street realized, giving an average of about £52 per square foot. The following
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  • 412 4 Few people, even m Italy, have any idea of the extent to which automobilism enters into the daily life of the young King and Queen of Italy, during their stay at Racconigi. Few days are permitted to pass without an excursion by motor-car, and some of the
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  • 139 4 Mr. J. R. Ellerman, whose extensive dealings m shipping have recently evoked much interest m mercantile circles, has added to his steam resources by the purchase of the steamship Bhamo (3,127 tons gross) from Messrs. Patrick Henderson and Co., of Glasgow, whose Liverpool agents are Messrs. Lamport and
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  • 360 4 WRECK OF THE COBRA.' Details from Australian Papers. c London, Sept. 19th.— The torpedo-boat destroyer Cobra, which has just been completed m the yards at Elswick, Newcastle-on-Tyne, has been wrecked on her trial trip. The vessel, while en route to Portsmouth to test her capabilities, struck a rock m the
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  • 268 4 The P. O. Co's extra steamer Tientsin left Hongkong at 4 p. m. yesterday, and is due to arrive here at 4 p.m. on Monday (14th instant), en route for Bombay. The P. O. Co's extra steamer Mazagon left Bombay on the 7th instant, and is expected to
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  • 406 4 Gold Concissions. (Mining Jeurnal.) A good deal has been said at one time or anoth w as to the gold-bearing capabilities of Bntish North Borneo, and the Chartered Company which C o trols the mining concessions m a great part q| m, area has flattered its shareholders
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  • 324 4 Away up m the moors, where the Ayr has its. ise, and lying m the mo;t easterly comer of \yrshire, just where that county "marches' vith Lanarkshire, there is a small mining village )f less than 1,000 inhabitants. Its name is GI )uick, and its claim to
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  • 165 4 i the from the far North news reaches "^j, Daily Newt of Russian military ct,vll lL move which seems to have "g"j><* n «0* ments of troops m Eastern S*«*"V changeS lisation rather than the customary lhl for the winter. If there bto be <°""* aye be
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  • 1438 5 MUN ICIPAL COMMISSION. Ordinary Meeting, Wednesday, October oth, 1901. Present Mr. J. O. Anthonisz (President) n( j Messrs. Evans, Sohst, Jago, Cuscaden and Barker Aesint Messrs. Moses, Wee Thiam Tew, aP d Lee Choon Guan. Minutes. The minutes of the previous meeting were confirmed. President's Remarks. T_ e President said
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  • 296 5 One is only revealing a very open secret m Holland m stating that m due course an j interesting event is now confidently expected by Queen Wilhelmina, and that the whole country is agog with the hope that it will be a son and heir
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  • 742 5 Major P. B. Hanham, R. G. A., has been granted leave of absence from 14th inst., to 9th prox., on private affairs. Poor little babies The infant mortality of Calcutta is 748*6 per iooo. In Hongkong the ratio is 928 per iooo. The Corean Government proposes
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  • 207 5 No. 12 Company, S. D., R. G. A., commanded by Major J. Lewes, now at Singapore, is to leave for Malta just before the close of this month. It will be relieved by No. 25 Co., S. D., R. G. A., from Hongkong, whose officers are Major
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  • 311 5 The course was again fairly wet this morning, but this did not prevent some fast work. Gaylass (Martin) was the first out-looking very fit, and went once round at a middling pace, and a little faster the second time. Battlefield (Griffiths) did much the same work. This horse
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  • 84 5 D. Singles, Final. The D. Singles, the last match of the Tournament, was played yesterday between Baddeley and Tyler. Baddeley, who had just beaten Chancy, played an excellent game against Tyler, winning both sets easily by six games to one. The following are the winners of the
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  • 178 5 (Truth.) During one of the hottest of the recent spells of hot weather, a well-known baronet came across three workmen engaged on a job on his estate. One of them remarked, as workmen not un frequently do, on the dryness of the job. The heat had perhaps
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  • 1138 6 The fragment carae to the Editor m a curious way, m the form of two or three stray leaves of a book, apparently a notice or biography of Arthur Lauren son," and his studies and researches m Norse language and literature, and particularly as these
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  • 294 6 The writer of Musical notes m the China Mail says "It would really be interesting to know if the Hongkong Choral Society and the Hongkong Philharmonic Society exist otherwise than m the local Directory The Choral Society has a valuable music library stowed away somewhere m the
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  • 255 6 There has been a correspondence m the N.C. Daily News on the alleged magnetic effect of a kerosine oil cargo on a ship's compasses. The following letter by Landlubber' appears m our Shanghai contemporary If you have not yet closed further discussion regarding ships' compares and
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  • 173 6 A successful bazaar m aid of the Methodist Episcopal Church and Parsonage funds was held m the Upper Town Hall yesterday afternoon and evening. The numerous stalls were prettily dressed and the ladies m charge seemed to be doing good business, whilst throughout the evening the
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  • 1546 6 (Written for the Singapore Free Press by Rev. G. M. Rbith.) No. LVII. Inverness and the Caledonian Canal Inverness, which delights to call itsell the Capital of the Highlands, is a picturesque modern town built upon a site which, has historic associations stretching back if the
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  • 136 6 Says a home paper -.-There are those who still believe that the strain of a civil service examination injures the health of the candidate. A p of the report of the Civil Service Commission** just issued, is directed towards rebutting thai belief. ug The "menial strain may be
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  • 187 7 The pßorissioN Pairs, Final. The final game m the Profession Pairs played last evening, between Messrs. re en and Beatty representing the Civil Service, and Messrs. Reid and Hooper, t Municipaliy. It was thought that the r or me r ceuple would win, but when the re
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  • 105 7 A" WHITE BALL." ttony and Lady MacDonnell in--1 tl c Civil Service Week at Naini h a White Ball." Over 270 present, and all the Service- and nearly, if not quite, every dis- r i t in the Provinces was represented, lie when the company assembled m the handsome ball-room
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  • 511 7 It will :-ome as news tc many people that there is a person as a professional lady billiard player. however or, rather, one should say there are, for there are two of them. One of these, Miss Crace Fatrweather, whose biography is sketched m the World of
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  • 2067 7 (Via Ceylon.) London, September 27th.— Some fights are re- S ported from Zululand, m which the British lost ten. P The Boers retired. r< The London Gazette publishes an immense list of officers and men for Service Orders, Medals, E and promotions and some appointments to the l Orders
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  • 176 7 44 Gentlemen, to solace their wearied minds by nonest pastimes, playe at chesse, the astronomer's game, and the philosopher's game, which whettes thyr wittes, recreates theyr minds, and hurts no body m the mean season." All communications should be addressed to the Chess Editor, Singapore Free Press.'
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  • 28 7  -  J. P. Taylor, London j By White (7 pieces). Position:— B/4 K3/8/Q 1 Ktpk 3 /7P/383 P/3P4/8. White to play and mate m two moves.
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  • 215 7 The following "airy game" we borrow from Checkmate, whose editor very innocently attributes it to an M exchange.' Piano Opbnino. White— Kirke. Black—Smith. i P-K4 P-K4 10 Kt-Kts Kt-R3 2 Kt-KB3 Kt-QB3 v Kt-QB3 Castles 3 B-B4 B-B4 12 Q-Q3 P-Kt3 4P-OKt4 BxP 13Q-R3 KrKt2 5 P-S
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  • 114 7 As announced last week the Solution Tourney resulted m favour of Mentri," K. being a good second. The full scores are as follows Mentri," 41 X., 38 Capt. Cobb. 24 J. B. Elcum, 22 ;S. Rosenbaum, 21 and (Edipus," 16. Bacillus," a non -competitor, made 32. The scores
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  • 821 8 Dr. G ennie is appointed Deputy Coroner, Singapore, vice Mr. A. L. Stewart, who has resigned the appointment. The text of an extradition treaty with Servia is published m this week's Government Gazette. Mr. G. M. Dare, Major Hanham, R.G.A., and Mr. C. Crane are to
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  • 1461 8 Quicquid agunt homines nostri est farrago lihell JUVIHAL. The European and Continental presj have been able to get over the silly seasor without calling m those handy annuals, the Giant Gooseberry and the Sea Serpent The murderous assault m President McKinley, last month, must have been
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  • 257 8 1 Rochester, (N. V.) August 29.— At 3.08 this lorning the Vacuum Oil Works, located m Exchange Street, was discovered to be on fire y Stanley E. Shippy, the Company's watchlan, and an alarm was immediately sent m. »efore the Fire Companies could reach the scene, owever,
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  • 261 8 SHIPPING SUBSIDIES Glasgow, Dr B. W <2S t^t^ 1 on Shipp,„ g Subsidies p -any and Russia, he said wer?i G creasing their supply of hJh rge, steamers. This country shf~'T, ed 0c gress m this direction ?nd I tX Utle Si vessels built for Britis rec wtre not equal
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  • 265 8 British Sh.powkbrs will be Severely H,t i Ihe South Russian journals announce on I parently semi-official authority, that from]! I ist next the lastage dues on V, _n ft J^2 trading to Russian ports will be increased twS I fold (one last represents two tons of the
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  • 375 8 ELASTIC EDUCATIONAL INSTRUCT TIONS. The revised instructions which have been >ued 3 by the Board of Education for the elucidation of 1 the new code are lemarkable for the spirit of free- I dom and elasticity which runs through the whole I compilation. Thus, m allocating the two of
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  • 136 8 According to a Tojkyo paper, the attention^ foreigners le being |_ttracted t3wards the r. industry in\ Japarl, and several of these :ndivi- duals are Aid to/ be willing to supply caprt* for the imjJbveifaent of the business. On ac- g :ount of the\inij»nveniences commonly endured
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  • 1767 9 ENTRIES FOR AUTUMN RACE. Tuesday, 22nd October. Thi Maidbn Plate.— Value 9400. A Race for Maiden Horses— Weight as per scale (lost.) n allowance of 14-b. to ex-Griffins imported nto the Straits Settlements or Native States at a subscribed price of not more than $300. And 71b.
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  • 364 9 A Warning to Salad-Eatbrs. Advocates of vegetarianism have been wont to plume themselves on the supposed immunity of their dietary from the parasites which a flesh diet is apt to contain, and which the latter is often a means of introducing into the human system
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  • 161 9 Telegraphic advices have been received from the South (says the N.C. Daily News to the effect that a very long memorial emanating from the principal gentry ant literati of a number of the larger cities o the Two Kwang provinces, has been sen to the
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  • 768 9 The Crown Prince of Siam, accompanied by his brother, Prince Purachatra, and attended by PhyaRat, one of the bodyguards of the King of Siam, is spending the week m Gloucestershire, as the guest of Mr. M. W. Colchester Wemyss, of Westbury Court. On 19th inst. they had some
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  • 218 9 The new rifle recommended by Lieutenant Colonel Hopton's Special Committee has come well through a series of severe tests. The rifle I is an improved Lee- Enfield. The magazine rifles of the world are m the main of a common merit, and the value of the arm
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  • 1322 10 Lieut. J. H. Morrah, Lancaster Regiment, is promoted to be Captain. The receipt is acknowledged, with thanks, of the Blue Book for 1900. The Brisk arrived at Penang from Port Dickson on Thursday. It has been decided (so a Simla telegram says) not to reduce the Hongkong
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  • 124 10 I A stonemason once prided himself upon the I leculiarly suitable inscriptions which he inscribed ipon tombstones. On one occasion a widow m leepest black came to him and after some discusion she agreed to this very affecting sentence: This sorrow is more than I can bear.*'
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  • 107 10 A water polo match was played at Tanjong Katong yesterday, between the Swimming Club and a Garrison team captained by Lieut. Gainsford. There was a very strong current running and the Club faced this the first half. The Garrison opened the scoring, but Napier then scored twice for
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  • 485 10 An extraordinary general meeting was held on 19th ult. at Cannon-street Hotel to confirm the resolutions passed at the extraordinary general meeting held on 29th ult. Mr.S. Spencer presided. The Chairman, m proposing the confirmation of the resolutions, said the company was created m 1862, and
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  • 460 10 CHINBSB ARMING EXTENSIVELY.— A PEKING resident's STATEMENTS. A resident of Pekin, who has just arrived m Calcutta, has been interviewed by a representative of the Englishman. He affirms that there will be another gigantic rising m China, compared to which he recent troubles will be a trifle.
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  • Correspondance.
    • 491 10 T« th« Editor. Sir,— The Government suhr been with breathl ess rd nates M know whether anything woulA"*'^ to the "«"t Council Meeting as UUnd n »«at would be paid their sanctioned S salary, but they were d„* ncre **s 0 f Colonia.Secreta y r y
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    • 296 10 "Thb Kaisbr Bittbrly Disappointed." German soldiers have not been sparing m their criticism of our conduct of the war m South Africa, but it does not seem a* if they had very much to be proud of m the mimic battle they fought on 17th inst. at
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  • 1045 11 Cavalry m Trouble. 11 Ambushes and traps seem to have laved a prominent part m both the German nd thc Frencn manoeuvres. The laser's Blue Army," defending Danzig, *f we see the operations with the eyes of •wo well-known South African war correspondent., made a
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  • 747 11 Loss 01 67 Lives-Dramatic Scenes and Incidents. The sad lews was received yesterday (l$ Sept.) that His Majesty's torpedo destroyer Cobra, which was being taken fresh trom the contractor's hands at Newca.Ue-on-Tync to Portsmouth, had L>een wrecked m the North Sea, and that there
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  • 1254 11 (Via Ceylen.) j London, October 4th.— The Duke and Duchess of Cornwall rode on the cow-catcher of a train for a portion of the journey eastward yesterday. Two physicians. Sir Francis Laking and Sir fames Reid, have been attending the King for several days for an attack of lumbago.
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  • 322 11 The Nijni Novgorod left Odessa on 14th inst., for Port Arthnr, having on board a quantity of military stores for the Kwa^gtung district. Considerable speculation har been caused at Odessa by the announcement that, instructions have been received from St. Peters org countermanding the ordinary sailings
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  • 339 11 The foolish reports circulated as to revelations of inefficiency m the British Fleet during the recent naval manoeuvres are regarded by serious journals m Brussels, says the Times correspondent, as the re-echo of a sentiment which tends to decry everything British at the present
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  • 771 12 The Hon'ble E. M. Merewether and Mrs. Merewether are at present on a visit to Singapore, from Malacca. The Singapore Minstrel Troupe give their opening performance at tbe Town Hall to-night under the patronage of H. E. the Governor, Sir Frank Swettenham, k.c.M.g. The Very Revd.
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  • 923 12 Special for the Singapore Free Press.) p The Russians with the quiet persistence which distinguishes so much of their most effective work are gradually developing their mercantile marine. It will be information, to some of our readers at least that the Russian Steam Navigation and
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  • 171 12 Legislative Council Nomination. A Special General Meeting of the Chamber of Commerce was held at theExchange Room yesterday, the members t present being John Anderson, A. P. Adams, Hon'ble J. M. Allinson, E. M. Alexander, S. Behr, D. Brandt, H. I. Chope, A. Diez, Hon'ble T. E.
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  • 202 12 Owing to the great difficulties m the way of Native States men getting leave, the bulk of the Straits team for Hongkong, quite contrary to all precedent, will have to be supplied from Singapore this year. The cricket team for Hongkong will be constituted as
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  • 462 12 The following is the Mining Marager's Report for the months of August and September. Engine Shaft 150 ft. Level South Drive.— -This drive is now m 80 ft. from main cross-cut. At 65 ft. m a large make of stone was cut which prospected about 10 dwts. gold
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  • 354 12 Who was Exicdtid Last W. Johannesburg. Sept u-Th XXI begun to-day of Corneris Brotks'ml"" v* SS h andformerly Public ProsecutS Z of breaking the oath of Ju^ treason. The president of the Cour In< Ball, of the Welsh Regiment. W S Col^ sisted
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  • 665 12 The following is the Rin Lode Report for the month of September No. 2 Lode at top of incline. Driven 15 ft. total distance 305 ft. This drive has been stopped, as the reef is much broken up a rise was then put up 38 ft. to the level
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  • 82 13 -r^g residence of Mr. Sharp, at Tanglin, visited by burglars last night, who JJL successful m appropriating some W _ckery-*are and whiskey. the fifth or sixth burglary m the trict within the past few days j•« 'n0 arrests have been made by j lC e, who are
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  • 81 13 The collier Vulcan, from Barry, now at >\* wharf, brought about 5,000 tons of I coal for this port. steamer La Seyne, after receiving Is from the Annum, left for Batavia tl is morning. homeward mail Natal left for Eurterday inornii»g and the Annam, Saig< n, Sec, at
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  • 648 13 Correspondent of the Standard follows: '-ian Government has for some time ncouraging those of its subjects who ned losses m consequence of the war to full retur s of their claims. It is to be as from time to time the date of Peking Protocol w.i- put
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  • 252 13 The Siam Free Press says Our Straits contemporaries are commencing of late to take a keen interest m the coming fate of the Siamese Malay Provinces, and not without reason, as their destiny would appear to seriously affect the ports of Singapore and Penang. It
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  • 732 13 In a little court off Chancery Lane there throbs the working model of a turbine engine which its inventor confidently believes is destined ultimately to revolutionise locomotion on land and en sea. The inventor m question is Lieut. J- Weir Graydon, late of the Lnited States Navy,
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  • 687 13 We are glad to learn, on enquiry at the General Hospital, that Mr. Clifford was a little better this morning. Lieutenant H. A. Williams, Indian Medical Service, is appointed to the officiating medical charge of the 3rd Madras Light Infantry. A Commission has been appointed at
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  • 226 13 Thi Funeral. The body of the murdered President was interred m the cemetery of Canton, Ohio, m the presence of an enormous assemblage of people, and amid manifestations of mourning which may be said without exaggeration to have extended over the whole civilised world. More than
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  • 630 13 CFrom our oiun Correspondent.) Malacca has been fairly dealt with thi& year m the estimates as published, and several needed improvements are provided for. Amongst these, the improvements at the mouth of the river may be said to rank first, and to be most needed. The necessity of something
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  • 934 14 {Sy a Straits Sportsman novo at Home.) A beautifully clear and starlight night on Tuesday gave promise that we should have fine weather tor the first Leger of the New Century, and Wednesday morning broke bright and warm. Under pleasant circumstances the work on the course was
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  • 514 14 The Field of August 17th contains a capital article on M Trees m Towns," which might be read with profit by the officials of the Municipality. It remarks:— "One of the practical effects of a hot and dry summer is to make us all appreciate the fresh
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  • 487 14 Its Relation to tub Condition oj the Right and Lbit Kyhs. It is a well-known tact (says the Optician) that the stronger activity of the nerves of the ri K ht half ol the body (>r not only the hand is concerned) must be ascribed to a
    487 words
  • 81 14 To-day, before Mr. Brockman, m the Court of Requests, Private J. Patterson, S.V.R., was sued by Colour Sergeant Sharp oa behalf of Major the Hon'ble A. Murray, Officer Commanding the S.V.C., for the recovery of the sum of $25, the amount ol capitation grant, due under the
    81 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 557 14 JJ° NGK ONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION, PAID-UP CAPITA! Sioooo,™ RESKRVi* I UND.Sterling Reserve $10,000,000 "> Silver Reserve 3,750,000 i I 3»7.So,ooo RKSKRVK LIABILITY OP 3 PROPRIETORS I•• S 10.000 or* Court of Directors. Shewan, Esq.— Chairman. Hjve j J.,— D.pvtv Chairman H, E. Tomkins, Fsq. I k. L.
      557 words
    • 14 14 TASMANIAN JAMS I X. L. FROM H. JONES CO. HOBART. lohn Little Co., Ltd.
      14 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 592 14 October 9 Se^ig Loong, Brit., Unumaaii Bwoon. gmaßrj ***o^ October i t Chow Phya, Brit., .Tellirv* tm f Port Swettenham. ,009 i ,ot Mala^ Kian Yang, Brit., Taylor inw, saa-SSttafccft ports. r lit?r Warrior, Brit.. Mill*. n i ■tt*afift___S Shanghai and Ja,,an. f,>r I Zu.ho.Brit> drod.. M0Ue,,,,,. f«, Kw r
      592 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 558 15 The Singapore Free Press. AND Mercantile Advertiser, C*i-» Asdssss,— Advertiser Singapore. TiLir-ONB Numbir.— No. 61. P ,biis- ed l 30-3. R-ffles Place, Singap.o c. THE ieariing English Newspaper m the Straits Settlements Johore, the federated Native States of Perak, Selan ,0: Ujon^, Pahang, the Negr Sembilan British North Borneo Sarawak
      558 words
    • 866 15 THE CHINESE CRISIS. FROM WITHIN (BY WEN CHING) Edited by the Rev. G. M, Reith, M.A. The remarkable and instructive series of articles that appeared m the Singapore Free Press of last year have now been published m book form by the well-known London publisher, Mr. Grant Richards. The important
      866 words
    • 839 15 THE TANJONG PAGAR DOCK COMPANY, LTD. Shipwrights, Engineers* Iron and Brass Founders, Wharfingers. ftc. "PHIS Company executes Ship and Marine Engine Repairs ot all descriptions, m the most efficient manner, under the superintendence o experienced European Shipwrights and Engineers. Graving Docks up to 500 feet m length and 21 net
      839 words
    • 665 15 JJORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD, BREMEN. IJTAMBURG-AMERIKA LINrE HAMBURG. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL, The fast and well-known Mail-steamers of these hnes will leave Singapore on or about the undermentioned dates OUTWARD. HOMEWARD. I 9° l 1901. Bayern Qct 24 Hamburg Oct. 21 Stuttgart Nov. 7 s"ac/:se« Nov. 4 Kcentg Albert Nov. 21 Kiautschou N-v.
      665 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 460 16 REUTERS TELEGRAMS. LORD ROBERTS ON THE SITUATION. Lord Roberts, speaking at Liverpool, declared that Lord Kitchener, who possessed the implicit confidence of all, never made a single demand for men, horses, or stores that was not immediately complied This would continue to be done. He asked the nation to show
      460 words
    • 408 16 rTHE ABDUCTED LADY MISSIONARY. Captured by Bulgarian Bandits. There is growing excitement especially m America concerning the safety of Miss Stone, the American lady missionary, who was captured by bandits m Bulgaria. The American are offering a ransom of £25,000. London, October 12th, igoi. SOUTH AFRICA, An Ambignous Capture. A
      408 words
    • 32 16 KOMEYA *Co SINGAPORE Are now unpacking a larg Japanese goods, suitable for X'mas Presents From successive *hipments The First now being unp»< l- a 1 An Early Inspection is [nv»teOct 12
      32 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 1064 16 SHARE LIST. OCTOBER 1 6 1 h TgTTT^^ «_UOTATIOM. P 4 ID. DlVin. Ban* of <:\,in* and japan. Ltd. if Nominal. £4 Deferred. c5»5/ £1 Bell's Asbestos Eastern Agency. Nominal. £1 Bersawah Gold Mine Co. $4.75 Sellers. gc Clear Water Dairy Farm Ltd. $100 0 o Fraser and Neave Ltd.
      1,064 words
    • 239 16 October 14. -Per M M. Natal: F Sir Alexander Swettenham, Mr. tt. W, Mr. Virobeyer! Mr. -lean P.^rot. Oc toljer 14.- -Per M. M. Annam '> Rev. Fat he* ignol. For Hongkong. Mr. F.. Mey< rh Passengers Arrived by the Mails. October 151.— Per M M. Natal koug. Mr. Platan
      239 words