The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 10 October 1901

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 406 1 [mkDIS* Artulfs. The Hongkong Budget, M- 22 Jerry-Building m Hongkong, 22c t mmercia' information, t%% 22 le 22, y 4 < ..-r and C melford, 2 ?s Control of RtUishamen, t# 22^ ,rnese Finance, 22 5 TV rfnpkong (.ensus, >%# 226 Ameer, 22 6 d Raub, iM 226 A
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  • 71 1 (October o/> s»mbier" WW* d« \i,. k r dmary Spore) M 30.50 Nut (FajrL, y w-7% fcfo im Vi iios to the b.) 52 .fe he,b) =r:5 lan C0i1ec...........; 5 wnall pearl (Fair quality} 5.40 Rake (do. do.) M «.oo pearl [Fail do.) 6.00 n&kr fFatr do.) 5.60 o,
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  • 33 1 Domestic Occurrences. BIRTHS. On the 6th instant, at Southwold, Suffolk, the wife of Capt. W. J. R,wmng>on of a son. On the 7th instant, at Penang, the wife of lIUILTUK, of a daughter
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  • 116 1 (Corrected up to October 8.) On London. Bank 4 m/s 1/1^ demand 1/1 1^Private credits 3 m/s '/"A documents 3 m/s 1/1 14 credits 6 m/s i/ii{ France, demand 242 Germany, demand 1 96 India, T. T 144 HONGKONG, demand par. Yokohama, demand.. 6%pm. Java, demand 1 171 Manila,
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  • Article, Illustration
    29 1 Itottjtali tne I'tcMtfca Pwplt't ti&kmmtm LVa*» J by nfluence and unbribrd by gatej 'ere ftnot Truth her gWri— i precepts Jraw, H <\f lv lf >n. Loyalty, and Ta*.
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  • 98 1 Some time ago t c Hon'ble T. H. Whitehead, member ot Legislative Coum il m Hongkong a-ked the Government to lay upon the tab'e a return of the huu^es that ha I i oi'cp-ed m that Colony b twem 3 >th May, 1895, and 17th August
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  • 257 1 A home paper remarks M At the instance of the common ial intelligence branch of the Board of Hade, a despatch was sent on March 30 to the various Colonial Governments, asking each to appoint an officer to supply comm< rcial information either to the branch or lo
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  • 309 1 Pot and Kettle." We are indebted to the Empress DOWAGER of China for one of the most exquisite bits of genuine humour we have met for a long time, ft was the ingenious Mr. Pope, m one of his Episties, who remarked that Every woman is at heart a rake.
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  • 447 1 Vancouver and Camelford (Oct. 4 th) A writer m the Pall Mall Gazette gives a little bit ol old-time history m connection with Vancouver, the Naval Offi er who gave his name to the island now well known as being at the terminus of the Canadian Pacific Railway; and this
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 29 1 Commercial Union Assurance Co., Ltd. EASTERN BRANCH, BATTERY ROAD Accident and Guarantee Dept. EUROPEANS NATIVES Rates Modbratb. Claims promptly attended to. E. J. ROBERTSON, Branch Manager Mar 19 uc
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 380 1 THE WEEK. The mail from home of Sept. 13th arrived by the H.&O. Coromandel on Saturday, followed >esterday by .he N.D.L. KiautsrtO*,»ith dates up to Sept. 16th. The next out ward mail is du> by ihe M.M. Annam on Mo day. Th*- last mail* lett for horn. by the i\&o.
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    • 7 1 The Hongkong I3udget. IL 1 1. 3ni
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  • 430 2 It does not appear to be yet decided wh t steps are, to be taken here to get rikisha-pullers under more control, and under improved regulations. But pending decision it is well to look at what is being done m Hongkong wheie the public chair and rikisha
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  • 336 2 Mr. Rivett Carnac, Financial Adviser and Comptroller-General to the Siamese Government, has been good enough to forward to the Editor a copy of his Report upon the Budget Estimates of Siam for 1901--1902. Mr. Rivett Carnac very appropriately remarks that the report is interesting as being
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  • 258 2 The total popu'ation of Hongkong is 102,254. The Daily Press makes these comments on the census return* Ihe European and American divisions show large increases since 1897 an^ 1891 but, as ceitain important s ciions compri ed i them, for Mimf unstated reason, were not included i«»
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  • 520 2 The Late Ameer. (Oct. 8th.) THE death of Amir ABDURRAHMAN, of Afghanistan, is an event that may well make history on North West Frontier of India, it is true tlia' «»s tar as the existence of direct male issue is concerned his dynasty ought to be .-afe, for foui sons
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  • 116 2 We have before us a copy of the Brisbane Courier of the Bth August which gives a letter signed Common Sense al'uding to a c se, not unlike that <{ Raub, m which a pessimistic report depressed the value of a mining enterprise to a degiee that
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  • 201 2 A S anitaary Warning. It is stated by the Municipal Health OmVer that there have be^n three sporadic ca^es of cholera m town since Saturday I ist. In two of these the probable cause was the consumption of ice-cream bought from itinerant hawkers on the street. Now as there is
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  • 299 2 In Sir Frank Swettenham's first Budget Address, as Governor, the figures given relating to the financial position of the Colony are to be considered as distinctly favourable. The actual revenue for 1900 was §5.386,577, the probable revenue on the expiry of 1901 is put at $7,029,098,
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  • 1114 2 Lord Kitchens*, it is at i t ,t pleasant to see, «s arranging that every aiwavj that M t> pass though di.tu.bed d l l C nye >' heside j ordinary pas ge:s,aparty of di*a* cted or Botrrs. These persons will thu. u come sort of animated
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  • 214 3 .-.iog at the two T.»pi« isiic parah is cuttous to note, m conon with the ton t»f Mr. KINLBY, how almost prophetic whs view of the rOpICIST m this a luiinmedtatelv following m tie same nn, 10 the rikisha a c dent to Si r Frank
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  • 283 3 With reference to a paragraph appearing elsewhere on road obstruction by hawkers, there is one spot m the heart of the business part of Singapore where there is a maximum of obstruction to footpa>>engers. Reference is made to that of the east side of the Square which
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  • 502 3 A n end tiger sh» < ti.ig performance by a lady j is de^cri c 1 b\ a c^rrtsp indent m a recei t ssue of The Field: M iss P. niece t > Lieu'ena t-' ien» ral George Luck wa*> the ady and
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  • 289 3 THE MODERN CHRISTIAN'S PRAYER. O Lord, I come to Thee m prayer once more But pardon that I do not kneel before Thy gracious presence— lor my knees are sore Wth too much walking. In my chair instead I'll sit at ea^e, and humbly bow my head. Fvo labored m
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 631 3 lACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY ACCIDENTAL AND ORIENTAL I STEAMSHIP COMPANY TOYO RISEN KAISHA (ORIBNTAL S. S. CO.) VIA INLAND SEA OF lAPAN AND HONOLULU. Through Passage Tickets granted to England ranee, and Germany by all trans-Atiani.c .ines steamers, and to the principal cities ol the nited States or Canada. Rates
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 78 3 a eather Keport. (October 8.) Taken at Kaodan?? Kerbau Hospital Observatory. 9. A. M. 3 P. m. 9 r. M. Bar. red. 32 Fab 29.945 29 863 29 956 Temperature W-J g* Wet Bulb Thermometer... 78.1 74 3 Dir! of Wind f- N.E. Calm. Max. Temp, m shade 84.0 Mm.
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  • 1164 4 H. M. S. Dido is ordered home to pay off. Mr Michie's article, China Revisited,' announced m Blackwood for September, will appear m the October number. The total oumber of deaths for the week ended September 25th is 188 a ratio per miile of 39 64.
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  • 29 4 A telegram has been received from South Raub stating the following- Crushing finished; 191 tons of stone realized 96 ozs. smelted gold.
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  • 29 4 The following telegram has been received from Raub to-day "Crushing finished, 3,200 tons of Stone realized 21 17 ozs. of smelted gold."
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  • 211 4 The Directors have submitted the following Re- port of the business of the Society for the year 1900 and for the six months ending the 30th June igoo. The net premium for the year after deducting Returns and Reinsurances amounts to $2,982,643.93. After providing
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  • 143 4 Shareholders m the Punjom Mining Company will be pleased to learn (says the China Mail) t at very rich specimens of gold-bearing quartz have recently been found near to some old workings of the Ancients, m ihe northern part of the concession These workings are very extensive, and
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  • 112 4 I he folowing reso'ution was unanimously carried at the Autumn Meeting of the Association of Chambers of Commerce of the United Kingdom Shipping Comb nations and Rebates. Mr. E Hrlm Manchester) proposed the following resolution That this association views with grave concern and apprehension the it jury
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  • 252 4 A home paper says An extraordinary trajjedy has been enacted on board the schooner Volant ot Goole, with a crew of five hands, bound from Teignmouth to Keighly, Yorkshire. At four o'clock, m the morning when the vessel was off the Britannia Pier at Yirmouth, anchored m
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  • 352 4 A Striking Japavbse Criticism. An article published recently m Ka Kuschin, one of the most influential Japanese reviews, says that it has now become absolutely imperative that the Japanese shall choose some foreign civilised country, and, taking it as their pattern and example, imitate its efforts.
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  • 288 4 In connection with the Triform Survey, referred to recently m ourr r tric4l the following is taken from the msr ns ment Gazette, under date June i 7 q 8. As the completion of the trian^^ Singapore, which was left m abeyance m n iBoo, on the departure on
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  • 416 4 Te statement made by our Calcutta corn. po d.nt that the Noith German Lloyd Sieaauhip Company p opuses to run steamers to Bombay, •m >lns the revival of a projea which has more than once been mentioned by us. So lung age as February of last
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  • 84 4 The New York World stys that Genera! Horace Carpentier is the anonymous donor of one hundred thousand dollars to endow a Chinese Professorship m Columbia 1 versity, to be known as the 'Dean L Chair,' after his Chinese servant. The set vant was insulted m America while
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  • 53 4 2,400,000 roubles have been assign** the Russian Government for the purpose of developing the Soochow coalfields i neighbourhood of Nakhodka Bay, Sil east of Peter the Great Bay, rendering th< Russian Pacific squadron independent foreign coal. The fields are estimated to ontain one and half million
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  • 3229 5 THE ENVY POISONING CASE. Vr-terday afternoon, after the adjournment f >r tiffin, Mr. Van Cuylenberg adrtrr .yd the jury for the defence. He ar^ u ,d that m Captain Strachan's diary, several important symptoms were omitted, la d heen proved. The first symptoms l( red had many of the later
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  • 313 5 The quarterly meeting of the Licensing Justices was held at the First Magistrate's Room at the Police Court yesterday afternoon. There were present Mr. Brockman (Chairman), Mr. Stewart, C. P. 0., Dr. Middleton, Capt. Boldero and Mr. Evans. Mr. Jennings represented the Opium and Spirit Farm. Mrs. R.
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  • 704 6 Major E. P. A. Tawney, Royal Garrison Artillery, has died at Allahabad of enteric fever. Capt. M. Dick, I. M.S. has arrived from Madras. This officer is m medical charge of the i6th M. I. Russia has offered 5,000,000 roubles lor ihree Chinese cruisers and four
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  • 26 6 The following telegram has been received from Batu Bersawah: Crushed 146 tons of stone, which realized 7 i ozs smelted gold.
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  • 2218 6 THE SOUTH AFRICAN WAR [All Rights Reserved. THEN AND NOW. By Edward Dicey, c.b. There are few people, I suspect, either amidst the advocates or opponents of the South African war, who can look back with tho«ough satisfaction on the views they expressed at the outbreak of the conflict. Mote
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  • 120 6 Yesterd ty aftern »on i n ihe Chin, se Recreation C ub <, m connection wtn h- >\ were presented by Mr. I a, Hu President ol the Club. I the winners Championship.— Qua Hoo presented Ly ilie Club to be he id till n
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  • 304 6 Mr. Dooley, the Chicago philo-.*,, ruminating on yacht racing, w to ihe disputes between Mr. Lav C> ppcr King, and the Commill York Yacht Club, who want to kenterwg his yacht as a Cup defend r. "When I waso yachtsman/ said "all a man needed
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  • 90 6 According to a Foochow di turning of the colleges m that cii of We t-rn Learning m ol cent edict, certain officials and g< b'^un to establish *x'ra scho under their own immedi p pense-thtse extra schools to lo by the gentry and supported b) amongst themselves.
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  • 568 7 Major J. S. Purvis, R.E., has been disu(l from hospital m South Africa to This officer is a son of the late Mr. Purvis, of Singapore. K thing is known at Simla with refeto Keuter's statement that His the King will next year be crowned of
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  • 95 7 text of a Bill to make further provi1 01 the protection of the estates of d persons and to provide for the •ointment of Official Administrators is dished m this week's Government ttc, with the following note: Before troducing the Bill into the Legislative < il the
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  • 1263 7 Quicquid agunt homines no str i est farrago lib elli Juvenal. One of the most important legal decisions recently made, one that will have a great influence on the industrial future of England, was that given by the House of Lords m the Taff Vale Ralway
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  • 285 7 THE FIFTH CHII DREN'S CONCERT. The fifth o r i series of a free Chi Id re ns 1 Concerts whi h hav< been given from time 10 time, took place at the Town Hall, 'esterday afternoon, when despite the ncleroent weather, the building was filled viih a crowd of
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  • 124 7 HUMG Si SPENDRD 2,000 FeBT IN THE Air ior Eight Minutes. Hillsboto, Ohio, Aug. loth.— Sianley Hopkins, the 1 2-year old son ot Grant Hopkins, a prominent citizen of Lynchburg, became entangled m the guy ropes of a balloon which made an ascension at the
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  • Correspondencs.
    • 365 7 Department of State. Washington, September 3, 1901. f<) THE E&CTOBL Dear Sir, I beg to call your esteemed attention to a matter of International importance. This letter is unofficial and is intended merely to break ground for your valued interest m the great International Exposition,
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    • 199 7 The Scotsman of Aug. iGth has the following Mr. James Innes, the last surviving son ot the late Professor Cosmo Innes, principal clerk of Session, died yesterday at his residence, Dunkintie, Inverness, after a long illness. Mr. Innes, who was m his sixty-seventh year, was
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    • 185 7 The Argentine training-ship Presidente Sarmiento arrived here this morning from Australia and was accorded the usual salute from Fort Canning. The Presidente Sarmiento is built of steel, wood-she^thed, and was completed m 1898 at Birkenhead, to replace the old 800--ton training ship Argentina. Her displacement is 2750
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  • 746 8 The first locomotive constructed m Japan has just been built at Osaka. Lieut. -Col. R. S. Watson, Ordnance Department, has been promoted to BrevetColonel. Col. Watson, when Major m Singapore, was the second acting adjutant of the S.V. A Major Brooke Hoggan feeing the first, (1888).
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  • 42 8 New York, Sunday, Sept. B.— Miss Willard, a professional swimmer, attempted last evening to get through the Niagara Rapids m a barrel. She was pulled out m a half-suffocated condition, and died before medical aid could be obtained.
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  • 63 8 A Manila telegram of the 30th ult. says: Thirteen survivors, bearing with them eleven wounded men, reached the coast garrison of Souther Samar, P.I. Th^y report that 400 bolomt n rushed the garrison consisting of 72 men of the gth U.S. Infantry, killing or
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  • 79 8 Singapore, Sept. 9. Considerable unrest, which may assume more serious pioportions, exists among the Rajahs and people of the Malay States on the East Coast of the Malay Peninsula. This is due to certain attempts lately made by Siam to acquire the revenues and administer
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  • 125 8 It has been notified to the Northumberland Fusiliers that Lord Methuen h is written expressing his high appreciation of "The Fighting Fifth." His Lordship says: -"I do not suppose m the s ervice there is a battalion possessing a body of officers of a higher or more
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  • 192 8 PUBLIC Mkbting at Kuala LtMi'L'R, A public Meeting to consider the advisability of asking the Government to introduce an enactment for the registering of domestic servants was held at the Selangor Club on Saturday, with Mr. Justice Jackson, K.C.i m the chair, says the Malay Mail.
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  • 246 8 When the East retaliates on the West by sending missionaries to convert her from her Christian ways there must be a rubbing of ecclesiastical eyes. Though Buddhism cannot be said to be a strictly aggressive religion, being far more philosophic than dogmatic, its high priests have
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  • 491 8 The writer of Notes and Comments M m the Pinang Gazette has this I see that the Singapore Free Press has again lashed out against the unblushing Pro-Boer cast which has characterised Reuter's telegrams from the very beginning of the war, and that you, too, Mr. Editor, have
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  • 457 8 Abdulrahman or Abdurrahman Khan, Ameer of Afghanistan, is a Barak/ai, and was born about IS3O. He is the eldest son of Afzul Khan, and nephew of the late Ameer Shere Ali. During the civil war m 1864, Abdurrahman played a leading part on the side
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  • 1005 8 (Pall Mall Caeette.J A slender little figure, clad m blue cott shaven head with the long pigtail— naked I feet, beating with a movement that was not i tai upon the muddy rice field-a human eil at random from the book of life's smaller tra But
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  • 2612 9 I r p|j 5 Excellency Governor Sir Frank I Addr^ s anc Swpttenham, k.c.m.0., at a Meet--1 the Legislative Council, held on Tues--1 jay °the Sth October, 1901. 1 t he meeting of Legislative Council f fternootl His Excellency the GoverI rank Swetienham, K.C.M.G., thus i Council:—
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  • 78 9 Bangalore. Sept. 25th. The death occurred here 1 night of Second-Lieutenant Harold B!\the ibinsun, 17th Madras Infantry, son of Mr. G. Robinson, of Beverley, Yorks, of enteric, aged The death also took place, this morning, of Mr. 1 tries Leonard, Principal Assistant and Pro;sor of English Central College,
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  • 36 9 In our paragraph yesterday regarding ie Rin Lode there is a correction nt cestry: M 884 tons for 83 tons 6 cwt. n lould have been 884 tons for 13 tons cwt." of Tin Oxide.
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  • 395 9 Singapore, October 7, igoi. leans, Long per catty ...cts. 5 Do., Fiench do. 14 Jeef do. 26 leef Steak do. lt 28 \e<in Sprouts do. 3 Jamboo Sprouts do. rt 2a ilachan do. 16 Jrinjals do. 3 Cabbage, Batavia do. Nil Do., China do. Nil Do., Salted
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  • 995 10 As an instance showing the character of the work b'-ing done by the flying columns again-t the Boer commandoes, the case of Scobell'* capture of Lotter's commando, 114 strong is helow Capetown, Saturday. A telegram to the Cape Times from Graaf Remit gives the following
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  • 266 10 Owing to the heavy rain we had yesterday, added to that which fell during the night, the course this morning was very wet, and consequently work was not quite so fast as otherwise might have been the case. Gaylass (Martin) was the first to come on. She trotted,
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  • 683 10 Ifiem mr ovn Coi re •cfetit.i As the s.s. Poh Ann lay m Malacca II rbour on the joth S ptetnber an affray occurred between a Mala) named Ali bin (^mar, and some of the Chinese ii emen, which resulted m the death of one of the latter, and
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  • 836 10 {Via Ceylon.) London, September 24th.— Since the i6th instant 45 Boers have been killed and wounded, and 398 made prisoners or surrendered. It is reported from Ladysmith that the Boers have derailed ten trucks between Standerton and Volksrust, and that six men and thirty horses have been killed. A
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  • 122 10 The Ostasiatizche Lloyd of th, article on Russia a.d England )r the recent disturbances and r government at Teheran werr- d ment negotiating for a loan from not think we are very far wrong m concluding that these riot,' between British and R UBSlan continually taking p h
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  • 49 10 RICHEST GOLD MINES IN THE WORLD The U.S. State Depa. (sa, Mc: di denom and that these deposits persistent Russian immense territory. '< some British m churian gold mines, but was of tie instability «,f. consequence the mm by Russians, and the a a being among the rich si m
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  • 67 10 The United S arrived from the Phillippi, morning at 9 and proceeded where she is now CO ling. The homeward v Izla de Luzon fr erday morning and the outwar here to-morrow. I he M. M. st her mails from the P. mandel left for Saigon ai 11
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  • 361 10 The mail conlr; In America hope: are k press ture the head of the Republic will be safeguarded from the possibility as tha» winch has left President M Cmli almost i > death. One result crime promises to be tl c cvi complete abandonment, ol the rooted
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  • 34 11 In.- result of Saturday's shoot by Mem*l Cq S V. R. for Capt. Macbean's (i W.Sharp 31 32 31=94 ard 28 31 29=88 29 32 26-87 Murray 32 29 25-86 was favourable for
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  • 38 11 I, -ing Rin Lod* Report has telegram from the ran 29 days m September for R3 ton^ 6 cm ts. of \V- are now crushing only ■p I of the Rin L de fa one a^ hitherto.
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  • 572 11 il is rumoured m 1 les) are about to take 1 .\<<r h Borneo. Mr. ting esident m Labuan jih tnd the i-1 «nd is to an Officer-in-Charg g t- that she is a Crown G rnor derives his consequently she b< ars der the insults leaped
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  • 1589 11 1 Thb Omniscience of the Pimple." (We are none of us infallible, not even the youngest," said the great Master of Trinity, whose name, men said, was easier to whistle than to spell, but Lord Macaulay established the immortal Schoolboy on a kind of pedestal
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  • 317 11 Towkay Loke Yew's new motor car has arrived. Mr. Reginald Watson is now acting as Secretary to the Resident of Perak. Mr. R. Walter, a Perak cadet, has been appoint, ed to act as Asst. Commissioner of Police, Larut. Next year, Selangor is to have a museum
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  • 992 11 A propos of the visit here of the Presidente Sarmiento the following account of the vessel from the Brisbane Courier will be found of interest. This paper says In strik ng contrast to the grim bareness of the modern fighting machine, the Presidente Sarmiento carries the lofty
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  • 125 11 The materials for the conduction of the new Japanese cruiser Tsushima recently arrived at Kure from England, and building operation-, have just commenced at the shipbuilding yard bel »ng- pig to the Admiralty there. When completed, the new third-class cruiser will be of 2,600 tons
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  • 563 12 (Brisbane Courier.) Vo t»if Km tor. Sir, -The slump m Chiilagoe shares is instructive, if not amusing, and m connection with this matter a few points m ihe history of the company will not come amiss. The existence of copper lodes m the Chiilagoe district has never
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  • 333 12 We are asked to say that the Balestier Rifle Range is closed till further notice. The residence of Mrs. Sayers, at Mount Elizabeth, was broken into last right. The burglars entered the dining room, and stole §20 worth of plate. Mr. W. H. Phillips, formerly of
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  • 289 12 Gentlemen, to solace their wearied minds by honest pastimes, playe at chesse, the astronomer's game, and the philosopher's game, which whettes tbyr wittes, recreates theyr minds, and hurts no body m the mean season." All communications should be addressed to the Chess Editor, Singapore Free Press." Original
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  • 265 12  -  J. E. Herbert By Black (8 pieces). White (7 p eces). Position 7 Q 1 b 6 B Rkts X p I B 5 /2 k I Xt 3 I b 3 p 2 4 Xt 1 p 1 4 kt 3. White to play and mate
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  • 278 12 Mr. Jacobsen won the championship of New South Wales with the fine score of 7^ wins out of 8 games played. The Manchester Evening News column announces that Mr. Pillsbury has really challenged Dr. Lasker, so the report seems to b« authentic. Mr. Pillsbury says he wants to
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  • 420 12 A good story comes from Pretoria illustrative of the rigid economy exercised m the Seats of the Mighty, the truth of which I am enabled to vouch for. A certain E— t P -e has lately occupied his leisure hours with making a collection of Transvaal birds.
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  • 696 12 "THE CHINESE CRISK FROM WITHIN" (BY WEN CHING, Edited by the Rev.Q. M The r.markahle and instruct of articles thai appeared i„ t he c Free Press of last year havl I* published m hook fori by t; v Lond.-n publisher. M r Grant tr 0 1 The imp,,rt,nt feature
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 217 12 NOBEL'S Explosives Co., Ltd GLASGOW MANUFACTURRrVJ O* 3 Dynamite, Gelignite, Gelatine Dynamite, Blasting Gelatine Detonators. LL KIKHF OV Safety Fuses, Electric Blasting Apparatus The above Explosives* being all manufactured m Great Britain, are made to bass the high standard of safety and purtt} tests tmposed by the British Government md
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    • 45 12 Compania Genera, dt Tabacos The Finest Brands fIGARS From this Celebrated Facnry, Comprising Incomparables, Imperi iU. Reg. Lopez, Perfectos, Brevas, Bouquet Royal, Culebras, Londres, Princes*&c. May now be moderate and guaranteed m sound coodition. SOLE IMPORTERS Messrs. GOSLING Co. 4 BATTKRY ROAD. July 13
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  • 1151 13 i Mr Frank Finlay (Business Manager of 1 fa Zonilla Theatre) and Miss Virgie 0^ r r (member of the Australian Vaude- e Co.), have been married at Manila. Admiral Seymour was received at an audience by His Maj siy the King, and wa personally in?e*ted
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  • 83 13 The 29th November, b^ing the day fixed for the Marine Club Ball m the I own Ha I, the Philharmonic Orchestra will be unable to chose that date the anniversary of the death of Sir Arthur Sullivan, for its projected Sullivan Memorial Concert," the programme to
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  • 125 13 October Monthly Mbd\l. The above Medal was played for on Saturday and was won by Ptarce with 44 1=43 *>7 7 Bo, Gun being second only one point behind, having done the best gross score of the afternoon, 45 -+-40=85. The following handed m cards Pa H.
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  • 190 13 Thieves have been very active on Mount Elizabeth recently. Within the past month they have entered the house of Mr. Newmarch twice, carrying off valuables each time. On Monday night they entered Mr. Fry's dining room carrying away nearly every thing of value m the room the
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  • 3147 13 Tuesday, October Bth, 190 i. Present j His Excellency the Governor (Sir Frank :Uenham, K.C.M.G.) The Hon'ble the Acting Cot. Secretary (C. W. Sneyd Kynnersley, cm g the Actg. Attorney-General (T. H. Kershaw.) the Colonial Treasurer (F. G. P nnev.) the Acting Audi tor-General (VV Evans.) the Colonial
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  • 213 14 To make the historical situation m Afghanistan a little clearer from the point of view of the dynastic succession, these details are given. Ameer Dost Mahomed had several sons. Of these M thorn *d Akbar and Ghulam Haidar, the two heirs-designate m succession, died before their father.
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  • 319 14 The Championship. The final round of the Tennis Championship was reached last evening when S. Reid met C. H. Green. The day had been wet and the ground which was heavy and slippery, seemed to trouble Reid considerably. Green opened the service and won the first game
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 21 14 BUTTER FRENCH BRETEL FRERES D'lsigny Butter In i and 2 lb tins. John Little Co.. Ltd., Sinsrauore. Mar I* tuf uc
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    • 282 14 W. Dalian. The Australian Horse Repository. 3, KOEK ROAD (off Orcha.d Road). Livery Training Stables, FORAGE CONTRACTOR. Horses carefully shod under direct European Supervision. Horses and i aniages on hire, by the day, week, month or year Harness of every description made to order and repaired on tie premises, by
      282 words
    • 845 14 Singapore Sporting Club PROGRAMME FOR THE AUTUMN RACfe MBBriNO, lQftt October 22nd, 24th and: 26th. FIRST~DAY. Tuesday, 22nd Octeber. First Raci. The Maiden Plate.— Value %a 00 a w Maiden Horses-Weight as per scl An allowance of i 4 lb. to ex-Griffin L° into the Straits Settlements or Nativi St
      845 words

  • 84 15 SHOOTING AT HONGKONG. (Special to Singapore Free Press.) In the Imperial Rifle Match the Hongkong team scored 943, as follows:— Cross 95 soo yds. lio by a raiher obscure R fie Club m Australia Club," with whit motive does not appear. vides that team wiih a than :e
    84 words
  • 121 15 MORE MISSION OUTRAGE IN CHINA. 'fi Another German mission has been destroyed fin South China). [R girding the previous attack on a Germ an M ssion ihe Key. G Gussman, of the Basel Mission, Hongkong, has sent the following to the on^kong press Du« ing ihe night of Sat rday-Sunday,
    121 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 703 15 TANJONG PAGAR DOCK I iH COMPANY, LTD. j chiowrights, Engineers, Iron and Brass Founders, Wharfingers, Ac. THIS Company executes Ship and Marine Engine Repairs ot all descriptions, m the most ni manner, under the superintendence o #filCl v ienced European Shipwrights and Engineers. Graving Docks up to 500 feet m
      703 words
    • 474 15 REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. SOUIH AFRICA. NATAL VOLUNTEER POST SURPRISED. r- A strong force of Boers surprised a Volunteer post on Tarana Hill on the 26th. AMERICAN JOCKEY WARNED OFF. The license of Lester Reiff, the rider of the Derby winner, las been withdrawn and he has been warned off the course
      474 words
    • 509 15 SOUTH AFRICA. Casualties Amongst Boer Leaders. Commandant Pretorius has b^en killed and several notable Boer Con i.«a tdants have been captured. SOUTHAFRICA. Three Boer Repulses. Kruitzinger made three desperate efforts to cross the Orallge River into Cape Colony. These attempts wert all repulsed. TOTAL CASUALTIES The total British casualties during
      509 words
    • 250 15 MINERAL LABORATORIUM." Rooms che Kerk. Straat. Soerabaya— Java. Messrs. J. M. KAUFMANN Co. Consulting and Mining Engineers, Metallurgists and Assayers. Experts m Mines, Minerals and Metals. MESSRS. M. Kauimann Co. are prepared to Manage, Survey, value, test and report on all classes of mining properties. Messrs. W. Kaufmaun Co. can
      250 words

  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 863 16 VESSELS EXPECTED, Giving port of departure, and (where know date due here, and name of Agents. Men-of-War. Cressy, H.M.S. Portsmouth, due Oct D. Entrecaoteaux, Toulon, due Oot Ilnfernet, Fr., Toulon, dno Oct Mikasa Jap. Portsmouth, due Oct Mutine, H.M.S., Sheerness, due Oct Peresvel. Rus., Cronstadt, due Oct Vengeance, H.M.S. Portsmouth,
      863 words
    • 734 16 Satsuma, Hongkong, due Oct Pat. Simon? Bchilka, Vladivostock, due Oct —;R.V. Fl Stettin, Sydney, due Deo 16 Behn Meyer. Btiathord. Philadelphia, due Oet Sultan, Fremantle, due Oct 18 Mansfield. Sutherland. New York, due Oct Twsa. Oreenoek, due Oct Tantalus, Manila, due Oct Mansfiel 1 Telen*, Batoum due Oct Syme a«d
      734 words
    • 1426 16 ,t. 8 HAR a LIST, OCTOBER ,th tTTT^^^ Quotation. p AID Bank of China and Japan, Ltd. f Nominal. f A D!v ">i»*bs. v Defen-ed. AS.**/ 7? Rell's Asbestos Eastern Agency. Nominal. Jf. Bersawah Gold Mine Co. Sellers 4% Clear Water Dairy Farm Ltd. jS? bcUerS Fraser Neave Ltd. 184
      1,426 words