The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 3 October 1901

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 258 1 ;e Artk les. v Garrison, >>% 2og I lhe Cobra, i#- 209 wth Anarchists, 209 S 5 «>f mssion, 210 d France m the Far East, 210 Sir Alexander S«/e*tenham, 210 amber and the Shipping Conference, 210 n ol Enquiry, #"210 I the Rii>kr," 210 r's Misleading Messages, 210
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  • 24 1 Domestic Occurrences. DEATH. On tho 27th instant, .suddenly, m Holland, Albert Blombeko, late of the s.s. S. ultan van Langka* (Java papers please copy.)
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  • 787 1 •i» t MUI the Press ihe retple'g right maintain <* i hy Influence and unbribrd by gain; patriot Truth her gloricut precepts draw, 1 to RaHgioa. Loyalty, and Law. An important paper laid on the Legislative Council table at Tuesday's meeting was that referring to
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  • 247 1 When the structure of such a craft as the Cobra is considered, with its spine the upright inside keel to which all the ribs are attached a transverse break m two is unimaginable. But bearing m mind th^ abnormal speed developed at a full-power trial
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  • 329 1 To-DAY it is announced that the infamous assassin of the late President McKinley is to be electrocuted," to use the glossological atrocity coined for the purpose by American ingenuity, or rather lack of etymological knowledge. The convict m question is to be judicially killed
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 46 1 Subscribers to th- Singapore Free Press Weekly iirning from Hurope to the Straits by any of mail lines are invited to send to the Manager name of their steamer and date of arrival m ""gapore. Copies will then be mailed to meet various ports of call.
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    • 126 1 MINERAL LABORATORIUM." Rooms chk Kerk Straat. Soerabaya Java. Messrs. J. M. KAUFMANN Co. Consulting and Mining Engineers, Metallurgists and Assayers, Experts m Mines, Minerals and Metals. AT BSBBS. J. M. Kaufmann Co. are prepared to Manage, Snrvey, value, test and report on all classes of mining properties. Messrs. J. M.
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 163 1 Passengers Arrived 26.— Per Nuddea Mr. and Mrs. Sarkies bild, Mr. Wynberg. Pin Seng: liiss Pastonrel, lira. Woodth, Mi. Whiting. .27.— Per Bombay: Lt. Buckle, Messrs, Benying. »pt, 28.— Per Penang Messrs. De Tend© and [let. 30.— Per Malacca Miss Johnson, Mrs. Messrs. Downie, Birrol, Hawes, Browne, <*. Foster, Leach,
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    • 424 1 Tup wrvuvr The mail from home of September 2nd arrived by the N. D. L Sachsen on Friday, followed on Sunday, by the M. If. Salazie, with dates up to September 6th, The next outward mail is due by the P. O. Core mandel on Saturday. The last homeward mail
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  • 211 2 In respect to Major Gough's being en trapped by a superior force Reuter's Bombay agent was careful to omit, m his reference to the capture of the guns, this, from the telegiam before him. "Bui the sight* and breech-blocks ztere destroyed before falling into
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  • 584 2 To us m the Far East one of the most significant incidents of the political conversations between President LOUBET and the Tsar is the assurance given by the 'atter (if the Times correspondent is to be believed) to the effect that
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  • 92 2 Sir ALEXANDt.R Swettenham, our late Colonial Secretary and Acting Governor, anived here yesterday morning by French Mail from Hongkong. Sir FRANK S\* ETTENHAM, who had been dining at Johore on Saturday with the P« mangku Raja, came rouml *arly m lltr lllornin< r hjf lhe .SVv? Belle
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  • 644 2 The Chamber and the SHIPPING Conference. (Oct. 1st.) In all quarters that are not selfishly interested m upholding an artificial and compulsory high rate of freight it will be considered that the Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce, Mr. JOHN ANDERSON, has done no more than comply with a high
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  • 359 2 In pointing out above what are pretty general impressions, the cau>e of very real anxiety, as to the effects, direct and indirect, ot the wovlrioe 0 f tne Conference ring it would appear, from the report of the pioceedings at the meeting of the Chamber of
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  • 114 2 The Way of the Ring.' A little case m point. A large f or eia r steamer left Singapore m May for Colomt with 3,000 tons of space still available not being able to fill up at Conference freid rates. At Colombo the vessel filled up with nearly 3,000 tons
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  • 135 2 OUR readers will note the eager minute ness wi»h which Reuter details the British casua'ti-s, even to the hypothe ical condi. tion of the missing, at the defence of Fort Itala. Seeing thai the Boer attack was be -ten back "with he <vy loss" according to the
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  • 551 2 H. E. Sir Frank Swettenham. (Oct. 2nd.) It is within two months of two years since the Si raits Settlements lost the Gov. rnor, the la c Sir Charles Mitchell, by his unlooked-lor and greatly deplored death. Since then the Admini-tr it ion has b en cairied on, first, hy
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  • 298 3 rather fancy that our pegging away at r for magnifying every little group of I) casualties and suppressing a.l notice >er casualties has taken effect at last. ire not surprised, for Reuter's agency 1 aware of the precarious position it iwn accord, worked itself into M two pa>t.
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  • 359 3 IHE second instalment of to days iegram indicates the determined nature i the Boer attack on Fort ltala and th heavy losses suffered by the Boers m repulse Two entire days were occupied m the removal of the Boer iead and wounded, under an armistice eed
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 363 3 REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. SOOTH AFRICA. BOTHA INACTIVE. General Botha has been inactive since the reverse to Major Gough's party of mounted infantry. NO INVASION OF NATAL. Rivers In Flood, The Buffalo and Tugela rivers are flooded, this preventing any serious invasion of Natal. "bHAMROCK" v. "COLUMBIA," The Time Allowance. The Shamrock
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    • 398 3 DRASTIC MEASURES WITH REBELS, He desires that capital punishment be inflicted upon rebels instend t f short periods of imprisonment. MARTIAL LAW IN CAPE COLONY. He also asks for better seasoned recruits and the institution of martial law throughLondon, September 28th, /go/. SOUTH AFRICA. SEVERE DEFEAT FOR GEN. BOTHA. Boers
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    • 812 3 SOUTH AFRICA. |l Boer Leaders Killed at ltala. Commandants Potgieter, Scholz, and Oppermann were amongst the killed at ltala. The Fighting at ltala. Lord Kitchener's Report, Lord Kitchener reports that the Boers were removing their dead and wounded all through the 26* th (Thursday) and 27^ (Friday) round ltala Fort.
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  • 689 4 Chief Justice Law returned from Malacca by the Sappho last evening. Mr. and Mrs. Bland are returning to the Straits by the S. S. Sado Maru, leaving London on the 25th of October. Major Keatley, R.A.M.C., died at Watson's Hotel, Bombay, on September 6th of ptomaine
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  • 1418 4 Yesterday afternoon the hearing of the above case was continued, and His Lordship Mr. Justice Hyndman Jones concluded his summing-up. He carefully weighed the evidence of the prosecution and of the defence, including that of the risoners themselves, remarking on the latter evidence at
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  • 315 4 The above case vvas heard m the Supreme Court yesterday afternoon, before His Lordship Mr. Justice Hyndman Jones. Of the two accused Keong Kin and Yeo Soon, one only, the second, appeared. The bailors for the first prisoner were called up and the recognisances, §3,000
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  • 57 4 At Powell Co's saleroom yesterday, about 65 acres of agricultural land m the District of Bedoh, abnut 7 J miles from town was sold for $760. Building allotment iff Thomson-rd, area 13,632 sq. ft., fieehold. Sold for $450. Thirty prefeience shares m Hogan Co. Ltd.
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  • 457 4 The Singapore Volunteer Ball »t. i held m the Drill Hall last night was it deserved to be, a great success l d of J! v hundred guests a tt, nd including His Excellency, Sir Frank Swet tenham X C.M.G., who was received by S V A*
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  • 68 4 List 01 Han on us. Carr, A. Darke, Darbishire, Noon, Sc at< h; \V. ods, Cross, Catto, Bell, 5 Sees Webb, Elphick Thomson, \V. Darke, Bedford, Fre mm, Jackson Hannaford, Brown, Orcher, Gultch, to Baddeley, Von Berg, Goldie, Thorn on, Vo Katie, Dick, Harrop, Riley, Doughty, Passmore
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  • 237 4 LOST IN THE BREAKERS OFF MALACCA. Captain Wilson of the s. s. Vidai recounts facts of a recent unfortunate accident at Malacca On the 22nd inst., the Vidar left Port ham at 5.30 p.m. and soon encountered a strong wind, heavy seas and a blinding rain. At midnight the wind
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  • 52 4 The Loral Brand, of the Chartered Hank of India Australia and China ha* to-day received a telegram from lhe.r Head OM« advising that at the ■pproachmg me. ting of shartho'ders the Doctors w« recO* mend ad.vid-nd for the past h.ll-ye*r at the rate of 10% per annum, fr. c of
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  • 1030 5 5 Ordinary Mebting. i W'iPSESV^, SIPTIMBER 25TH IQOI. p geirt —Messrs. J. O. Anthonisz (President), I Wee Thiam Tew, Lee Choon Guan, Sohst, I Cuscaden and Barker. _Mr.Thoa Giang Thye. MINUTBS. the last ordinary meeting were |S read and confirmed. PRFsinßNT's Remarks. ry t President mentioned that there
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  • 287 5 (A Trci Story.; Exactly were it 'append I am t agoin' to say, It was either up at Canning or round Pulo Brani way. An' w'en you've 'card my story I'm sure that you'll allow, They was 'arder on poor Tommy than they was upon the
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  • 164 5 The bacteriologist's latest discovery is that the straw hat is a sort of playground for germs and bacilli. Those who have had the privilege seeing a lovely woman fasten on her hat, says the Birmingham Daily Mail, recall the fact that sometimes she holds her hatpins
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  • 20 5 A report of a recent Masonic ball at Rangoon says v The electric light did not go out this time/
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  • 1172 5 Fullbr Details. (From Australian Papers.) London, September 6fch.— A great sensation has been caused throughout the United States by the news that President McKinley has been twice shot at Buffalo. The President was on a to the great American Exhibition which is now being
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  • 109 5 A New Valub for Press Cuttings. The South German detective police are engaged m tracking the perpetrator of a clever swindle. This person deposited wiih a well-kr.own Stuttgart banking house a bulky letter, the value of which he declared at three thousand four hundred marks, and received a
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  • 80 5 In the Gtove Estate, Tanjong Katong, three s des have been made by Mr. H. A. Crnne, consisting of sea frontage lots at 7 cents per sq. foot and back lots from 5 cents to 3 cents p. r sq. foot. One lot, sea frontage, to Mr. S.
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  • 115 5 A terrible railway accident has occurred m Montana, m the United States. A freight train was climbing a steep gradient when the couplings about the middle broke. The released half of the train ran back for 16 miles, gathering a fearful impetus as it went. At the
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  • 318 5 Armaments Compared. The Strength oi the French Army and Navy. The French army on a peace foo ing numbers 598,675 officers and men, with 143,667 horses, and 428 batteries of field artillery. The active army on a war footing, is estimated to number 2,350,000 officers and men.
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  • 435 6 Arabi Pasha left Ceylon for Egypt on the 1 7th by the Prinzess Irene. Two months extra leave of absence has been granted the Honble W. J. Napier from his duties as unofficial member of the Legislative Council. Mr. Conway Belfield, Resident of Selangor, goes home
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  • 104 6 A Wuchang dispatch states the Viceroy Chang Chih-tung has ordered the establishment of a Government Translating Bureau at Wuchang, where all important works of western authors may be translated and printed to be used as text books m the colleges and schools of Western learning throughout
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  • 235 6 One does not nowadays hear quite so much of the intoxication of golf. The pleasure is no longer new, and true Englishmen that we are we are getting to take it sadly. A few years ago the golfer forsook wife and family m his wild enthusiasm for the
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  • 2826 6 Interesting Despatch by Sir Frank. Swettenham. The following is the despatch of H. E. the High Commissioner for the Federated Malay States to the Secretary of State for the Colonies (Copy.) Federated Malay States. No. 244. Government House, Singapore, ist July 1901. Sir, I have the
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  • 144 6 EASTERN DOCK AND SHIPPING GRIEVANCES. {The Financier.) Singapore, like London, has its Hock disabil ties and grievances. The Singapore Free Press suggests that the po icy ol the dock company may involve the c! cauYnt of one of the greatest trade cent«e-> of the Empire, and calls upon the Colonial
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  • 650 7 To day i* th e anniversary of the birthSys of the King and Queen of Portugal. The M Class firing for A. and B. Coy's. commences at 2 p.m. to-day at Balestier Range. Mr. E. C. Howard, Third Magistrate, Singapore, is appointed Acting First Magistrate and
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  • 860 7 Quicquid agunt homines nostri est farrago libelli. JUVIHAL. Ihe fraterni*ition of Autocracy, and its negation, the Republic, m the persons of the Tsar of Russia and President Loubet ol l< ranee, has been celebrated on Gallic soil m a gorgeous blaze of enthusiasm. 1 his alliance
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  • Correspondence.
    • 474 7 fo THE KDtTO*, Sir, I notice m your issue of yesterday a strange error m the despatch of the High Commissioner for the Federated Malay States to the Secretary of State for the Colonies. In connection with the triangulation of the Natives States
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  • 263 7 11 M. Grandidier, the manager of the Anarchist Journal v Libertaire." 11 A lecture delivered by a Miss Emma Goldman at Cleveland, m which the lecturess declared that all rulers should be exterminated.', Vide Telegrams m S. F. Press 27th Sept. It's useless calling him a brute, And epithets
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  • 765 7 £so,ooo to £30,000 Laid Against Shamrock. (Daily Mail Correspondent.) New York, Friday, Aug. 30th.— The largest wager ever made on a sporting event— fifty thousand pounds to thirty thousand pounds— was made to-day m the Waldorf-As ria Hotel. Mr. W. F. Mustin, president of the Pittsburg Stock
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  • 176 7 Melbourne, Sept. 3rd.— The federal Hag and seal competition exhibits were inspected to-day by the Countess of Hopetoun, and the exhibition was declared open to the public. Mr. Barton explained to the crowded gathering which was present, that the Commonwealth Government had invited designs
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  • 420 8 H. M. S. Brisk leaves this afternoon for Penang. Raub is to have a new Club-house, and the Government will probably present it with a billiard table as a New Year's gift. In the Police Court this morning before Mr. Gulam Sawar a Chinaman was fined
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  • 38 8 The Finlayson Shield Competition, with carbines at 200 and 500 yds. was won yesterday morning at Balestie-r Rifle Range by the team (five men) from No. 3 Subdivision, Central Section, m charge of Sgt. Frost.
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  • 116 8 K. O. R. Challenge Cup. The following is the result of the draw tor the first round for the above cup Garrison "A" team, versus The Civil Service. Capt. White, (Capt.) Capt. Barry, (Capt.) Lieut. Barne, r.a. Mr" Bosanquet. Capt. Lyne, 16th m.i. Mr. Brockman. Lieut. Gilchrist, 16th
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  • 104 8 H. M. S. "Brisk" v. C. S. p. After the swimming race at Tanjong Katong yestetday morning a game of water polo was played between a team fromH. M. S. Brisk and a S. C. team. In the f,rst half, Napier scored two goals for the Club, the
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  • 79 8 The handicap race for tht challenge cup, presented for competition by Mr. P. H. Upton, was swum yesterday morning at Tanjong Katong. There were numerous entries and the race was a thoroughly successful one. Doughty, with fifteen seconds start, won easily, Cross (five sees) being
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  • 143 8 A NEW RAJAH OF SARAWAK." On September 2nd, at Leith, there was launched a steel screw cargo and passenger steamer, built to the order of the Borneo Co. Ltd., for trade between Singapore and Sarawak. The vessel is 230 ft. long, 34 feet wide and iG feet moulded depth. She
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  • 206 8 The Acting Governor has received the following letter from Lord Curzon, Viceroy of India, notifying the closing of the fund and conveying the thanks of the Viceroy for the aid received from this Colony {Copy, j Viceregal Lodge, Simla, September loth, iqoi. Sir, The labours of
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  • 53 8 rhe first public performance m Singapore of the Band of the new Madras regiment, the 3rd M. 1., was at the Botanical Gardens on Saturday evening, when a large and appreciative audience listened to an excellent programme, capitally played, and, at the conclusion, made
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  • 204 8 There was launched yesterday forenoon, from one of the building berths of the Tanjong Pagar Dock Company, Limited, a powerful Steam Self-propelling Dredger, which is to be employed for improving and extending the berthing facilities of that Company. The dimensions of
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  • 3775 8 A general meeting of the Chamber of Commerce was held at the Exchange at 2.15 yesterday afternoon. There were present Messrs. John Anderson, Chairman, S Behr, A. Carmichael, C. A. Rauch, W. Hasenbalg, W. Kessler, C. Stringer, F. E. Jago, J. Graham, A. von Rossi ng, S.
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  • 824 9 McGann Sbntbnc;ed. Before Mr. Sarwar at the Police Court yesterday morning, William McGann, an Irish Ameri. can, a sailor, was charged on remand with voluntarily causing hurt to Shaik Ahmatsah, the Sikh watchman at the Sailor's Home, on the night of Sept. 17th, by stabbing him several
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  • 16 9  - "THE CHINESE CRISIS. FROM WITHIN" WEN CHING (BY Edited by the Rev. G. M, Reith, M.AI
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  • 709 9 Times- Vigorous and lucid English.... The book is extremely interesting m many ways, but mainly for its sketches of the wire pullers m the Palace intrigues of the last few years. Athenamm.—Thi* is an interesting and instructive work. It is interesting as containing much information which could only
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 33 9 Compania General de I The Finest Brands jtl Comprising Incomparables, Imperial*, Reg. Ant. Lopez, Perfectos, Birevas, Bouquets, Royal, Culebras, Lbridres, Princesas, May now be obtained at nibderate prices and guaranteed m sound cYiridHion.
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  • 2494 10 (Via Ceylon.) London, September 13th. The Mikado has received the Chinese expiatory mission, and has accepted the apologies offered. The French Colonial troops leave Tientsin for Tongking to-day. The Russian Minister If, Lossar, has arrived at Tientsin. The London Gazette publishes a despatch from General Gaselee, mentioning additional officers,
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  • 416 10 The festivities m Conner*;,* birthday of His High_esstS v i,h > were interrupted by the sad J. *H late President of the United f ,h < continued yesterday and to-day <£ > The Boat Races, which are? n ture ,n all johore Sports, wert f^'V interesting this year, a
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  • 326 10 The Pinang Gazette says Wegieatly regret to announce the dfath of Dr. J. H McClosky, for many years m the Straits Medical Service, which occurred on Tue?day (24th) at the Seamen's Hospital, Albert Docks, London. It is only some four or five months since Dr.
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  • 31 10 Sir Frank Swettenham while at *J* Lumpur recently had a ride on i i^ e *|l f motor-car as far as Seremban. In age speed was over 13 miles an ho--
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  • 1365 11 1 l j etter to The Times, Sir Rowland Blenf ha<saettwrites. fol lowing up the letter of Far m previous issue:_t There is wide-spread and deepening anxiety 1 en of light and leading m this nation, 1 n g m the idea that the foreign policy
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  • 1674 11 The reception took place on 41 h inst. at Potsdam, instead of at the Palace m th-* capital, and was shorn of much of the embellishment by which the Emperor originally intended to make it of historical significance. Outside, a company of infantry and a detachment
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  • 90 11 The following is the result of play for the Medal on Saturday:—* Major Jones 81 scr. am 81 O'Sullivan g6 12 84 J. H. D. Jones 91 4 g 7 Col. Oakes 107 12 oi Dr. Ellis 9 g 5 4 Wolferstan 16 10-96 Capt. obinson
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  • 614 11 Owing to the severe rain we have had lately the course was very wt t, but, notwithstanding, the outside track was thrown open for work. Battlefield, (N^amut Ullah) cantered slowly round the first time, going a little faster the second. He has been doing a good deal of
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  • 10705 12 This case was commenced m the Supreme Court yesterday afternoon before His Lordship Mr. Justice Hyndman Jones. Mr. Fort appeared with Mr. Emerson for the prosecution and Mr. Van Cuylenberg defended. Mr. Fort m his opening statement to the jury said that the present case had
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  • 103 15 PRODUCE. (October 2.) un as mm G^bier.::::;;:;:;;: w- ult. do. cube No. i l$ z? ■"•fper, (.Mack (ordinary S'pore) 30.50 do White, (Fair L/YV-5% 45-75 Nutm«*s uosto the \b.) S2 do. (80s to the lb) 64 Nac(Banda) 7 9 t '\mboina) 7 Libcrmn Coffee ti 7 •apoca, small pearl (Fair
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  • 393 15 The Italian second class cruiser Strombolt arrived this morning from Hongkong, homeward bound. The Ben liner Benlomond which arrived from London yesterday has a quantity of explosives for the Hongkong Government. The collier Frieda which arrived from Muroran yesterday brought about 4 000 tons Japan coal
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  • 272 15 Pagoda Cur" On Friday twenty six couples competed for the M Pago a Cup presented by the bachelors of the Club, and a very dose and interesting competition resulted m a tie between Mrs. Sa'zmann and J. L. Crockatt and Miss Salzmann and A. Hose, each with
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  • 82 15 (Corrected up to October 2.) On London. Bank 4 m/s 1 11 i n demand 1/11^ Private credits 3 m/s i/ii t^ documents 3 m/s .....1/1 1 J credits 6 m/s 1/1 i-f-France, demand 2434 Germany, demand 197! India, T. T 145 HONGKONG) demand 1% pm. Yokohama, demand 5£%
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  • 1957 15 Tuesday, October ist, 1901. Present H. E. the Officer Administering the Government (Sir f Frank Swettenham, k.c.m.g.) The Hon ble the Acting Col. Secretary (C. W. Sneyd Kynnersley, the Actg;. Attorney-General (T. H. Kershaw.) the Colonial Treasurer (F. G. Pnney.) the Acting Auditor-General (W Evans.) the Colonial
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  • 30 15 Q M. Sgt. A. W. Noon, of the Imperial Yeomanry, m South Africa, has received a commission as lieutenant. He is a brother of Mr. H. W. Noon, of Singapore.
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  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 55 15 leather Keport. (October i.) r ar_ar.i Kerbau ffos »ral Observiiory E_r 9- A. M. 3 P. M.9 P. M 29.912 29 791 29 902 85.0 86.0 80 5 .nometor... 79.0 78.5 77 5 1 SE. S.S.K. S.E. ii, '"P. m shade 88.5 „J do. 74.3 I*"* 144.1 J ,7- 71.8
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  • 322 16 This morning at 6 o'clock the bodies of two native children were found floating m the sea off Johnston's Pier. The Officer Administering the Government, Sir Frank Swettenham, K.C.M.G., will be At Home on Tuesday next, the Bth inst. at 5 p.m, The Hongkong papers pay
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  • 96 16 The ffth of the series of children's concert will take place on Friday afternoon at the Tomi Hall Mr. F. Whitefield lia^ kindly consented to look after the secretarial duties previously discharged by the late Mr. Jenkins. Tickets are being sent out to heads f schools
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  • 372 16 Those who have had the privilege of seeing a lovely woman fasten on her hat, says the Birmingham Daily Mail, recall the fact that sometimes she holds her hatpins between her pretty lips. This characteristic has been noticed by the bacteriologist &c. &c. Vide S. F. Press. Oh
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  • 193 16 Gentlemen, to solace their wearied minds by honest pastimes, playe at chesse, the astronomer's game, and the philosopher's game, which whettes thyr wittes, recreates theyr minds, and hurts no body m the mean season." Problem No. 309 (Adama) is solved as follows I Q-87. K-O5 2 Q-R6,
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  • 56 16 Black (12 pieces). White (9 pieces). Position m Forsyth Notation kt Rr 2 b 3 Kttßp/ipPipKtlp 4k?K 2p2pP 1 8 3 QP3/q 2 b 4. V\ hue to play and mate m three moves. Unless m rhe event of a tie for first place, the above is
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  • 283 16 The following bright little odds game is a specimen of Belgian chess. The game was played recently at the Cercle des lichees." at Brussels, by Count Schaffgotsch, one of the strongest players m Belgium. Remove White's OR. Alluaibr G\mbit. (a) P-Q4 is a stronger move, and constitutes
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  • 403 16 Pillsbury, it is once more announced, will abandon professional chess m a couple of years, and thereafter study law m earnest. Judging by the events of the past quarter of a century chess as a business does not pay. Lack of solid financial appreciation has led to one
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 1326 16 SHARE LIST, OCTOBER 2nd iTT.^^^ Quotation p AID Rank of China and Japan, Ltd. 1 Nominal. £4 UlVlr) «Mi>s. Deferred. £s*l Zi Roll's Asbestos Eastern Agency. Nominal. JS Bersawah Gold Mine Co. $4.75 Sellers. Clear Water Dairy Farm Ltd. $100 $i OO Fraser md Neave Ltd. $84 «r 0 7
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