The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 26 September 1901

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 236 1 A Meet Annihilated," 193 i, African News, 193 i he End of the Cobra," 194 Erratic Reuter, ig 4 |ames Mackay, 194 md President, 194 Outposts, 104 Royish Cra/e, 194 ourt News. Hongkong and Shanghai Bank Kobbery, 204,205 rORT. ipore Gas Company Ltd., 108 alive Council, 207 Salaries of
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  • 18 1 Domestic Occurrences. BIRTH. \jn tne ivw inst., at Hamburg, tn« wire of T. H. WiTTHOEftT, of a son.
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  • 529 1 A Fleet Annihilated." (Sept. 19th.) I \*t* afcall the Trcs* the Peafde'i right t. uh iJnawed by influence aid uabrib«4 by gc Merr patriot Truth aer gWaioa* yreceptt draw, "'-j.-4 to R«iiffi»i«, loyalty, and Law. The outstanding element of interest m to-day's telegrams is supplied by the reported decision of
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  • 388 1 IT will be with very great regret thai many m Singapore and Hongkong will learn, by to-day's telegram, of the death, near Utrecht m the East Transvaal, of Lieut. C. O. Blewitt of the ist Battalion Rifle Brigade. This fine young ofticer was serving with
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  • 231 1 Two "Lovers." THERE is a perennial truth m that French proverb that says il y a toujour* Vun gui aime et V autre gui sc laissc aimer. This holds good, m its way, even m political alliances, for no two allied nations ever derive from their associstion entirely the same
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 290 1 Subscribers to the Singapore Free Press Weekly turning from Europe to the Straits by any of ne mail lines are invited to send to the Manager ihe name of their steamer and date of arrival in vngapore. Copies will then be mailed to meet at varioub ports of call, THE
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    • 33 1 TASMANIAN FROM H. JONES CO. HOBART. John Little Co., Ltd. Sept 10 mwf BUTTER FRENCH BRETEL FRERES D'lsigny Butter In 1 and 2 lb. tins. John little Co., Ltd., Singanore. Mar n tuf
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 436 1 1 he outward mail of August 30th arrived by the P. &O. Bengal on Saturday. The next mail from home is due by the N. D. L. Prinz Heinrich on Friday. The last mails for home left by the P. O. Ptrramatta on Friday and the N. D. L. Sachsen
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  • 377 2 The End of the Cobra." It is a strange and sinister coincidence that the two fastest craft m the British navy, the new turbine destroyers Viper and Cobra should have come to an untimely end within a few weeks of each other. The Viper, during a fog, m the course
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  • 687 2 The Erratic Reuter. (Sept. 23rd.) FOR a wonder Reuter to-day has pervaded himself into wiring news of the capture of a couple of Boer commandoes by British columns. When the whole body of news despatched to India reaches Singapore m due course by mail, we find that always the balance
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  • 166 2 Sir James IIACKAY, who is to conduct the commercial negotiations with the Chinese Government necessary to give effect to the conditions of the Protocol, is a native of Arbroath, Forfarshire, where he was born m 1852. His commercial career has lain m India, where he was for
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  • 1091 2 It is almost certain that m the arena of political affairs m Europe there is hardly any publicist better informed, more experienced, and more likely to draw correct deductions from the information and experience at his command than M. DE Blow itz, the able and
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  • 406 2 Our Outposts. (Sept. 25th.) We read that Canada is establishing Marconi* wireless telegraphy system J Belle Isle light station (at the entrance to the strait between Labrador and foundland) for the use of shipping also mentioned that successful u ;rt;es telegraphic messages have been Cn\ through Nantucket from a lightshii
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  • 271 2 The annals of private medical practic or the ethnological study of the more savage human races, tell at times of strangel] morbid tastes displayed by individuals, or evenly entire tribes Such, for instam the eating of clay, or the devouring alive of insects or worms. So too.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 394 3 REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. THE NEW PRESIDENT. The Cabinet Remains m Office. At a meeting of the U. S. Cabinet President Roosevelt revested the members to retain their portfolios. MR. HAY NOT RESIGNED. Mr. Hay, Secretary of State, has not ,;ned. THE NAVAL MANOEUVRES Admiral Noel Annihilated," Complete Victory to Admiral Wilson.
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    • 412 3 THE PRESIDENTS FUNERAL. I Seventy Thousand Present. The interment of the remains of the late President McKinley took place (at Canton, Ohio) m the presence of 7 o )Q oo spectators. UNIVERSAL SYMPATHY, Simultaneous memorial services have been held, and tokens of sympathy manifested, throughout the world. SOUTH AFRICA. Capture
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    • 475 3 THE LOSS OF THE << COBRA." Probably Broke Asunder, It transpires that the destn^r Cobra sank m seven fathoms of water. There is no rock thereabouts, and therefore it is inferred that the vessel simply broke m two. London, September 24th, /#o/. I THE TSAR'S REWARD. A New French Loan,
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    • 756 3 THE TANJONGPAGAR DOCK COMPANY, LTD. Shipwrights, Engineers, Iron and Brass Founders, Wharfingers, &c. pHIS Company executes Ship and Marin* Engine Repairs ot all descriptions, m the most efficient manner, under the superintendence o experienced European Shipwrights and Engineers. Graving Docks up to 500 feet m length and 21 net on
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  • 1452 4 It is contemplated to light the Suez Canal by electricity. Col Wogack has been suddenly ordered from Japan to Corea. The Tokio Asahi estimates the Russian f'rces m the Far Fast at 130,000 men. The total number of deaths for Singapore for the week ended Sept.
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  • 67 4 The German steamer Kiel arrived from Sydney yesterday, with a cargo of about 4,000 tons Australian coals for this port. She also brought 50 horses for Singapore. The steamer Glenfallock brought from Amoy yesterday 467 deck passengers and after landing them steamed to Keppel Harbour, where she was
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  • 64 4 The following houses were disposed of at Powell Co.'s saleroom yesterday No. 43 Upper Chin Chew Street, Singapore town, area 1250 sq. ft. held under Government lease No 633 with 40 years to run. Sold for .$2400. Mo. 44 Upper Chin Chew Street. Singapore town, area 1250 sq.ft.
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  • 292 4 There is some unconscious humour, perhaps a touch of satire, m the following essays written by Chinese boys not a hundred miles from Hongkong The Queue. Once upon several dynastys the peoples were all have no cue only with the hair spinned a crest m their
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  • 304 4 The strictest surveillance on anarchists has been instituted m France, and long lists of undesirables have been prepared, who will be arrested on bogus charges before the Tsar's arrival, and will be afterwards released. Vide Telegrtm m S. F. Oh, Johnny Crapaud In the days long
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  • 117 4 The minutes of the last reneral m* held at Kuala Lumpor on the «?t h received The point of most practical V terest related to a letter, dated 0 V h 1 n 1901, from Mr. Derry, Government P??* Cation Office, Perak, J the h£s2£* enclosing
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  • 774 4 The Glasgow Herald understands that il, I has been arranged, if not actually complete c the old established City Line of steamers by Messrs. George Smith and Son,, Gla Mr. J. R. Ellerman, shipowner, Undo verpool. The purchase consideration has no been made known,
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  • 487 5 Colonial steamer Sea Belle was ked at Tanjong Pagar this morning. General Creagh is endeavouring to retain lhe Bombay Cavalry at Tientsin. t is reported that the Kaiser's Chamber- roved of the presents which Chun intended to make to the v m to Hongkong states that
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  • 120 5 reported from Peking that, owing delay of the Court in returning to Capital, there will be no Palace exnations held this year for the Chinshih and Hanlin degrees but that the or Chiijen examinations will be held this year in the city exnation halls. Apropos of the decree shing the
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  • 595 5 For Tuesday's meeting of Legislative £Su fZL lon 3L the ffnow' ng agenda of business is announced. n J hC A r C^ ng r S,° lonial Secretary will give notice of the following motion That this Council approves of a Supplementary Vote of f 161,494 to cover
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  • 261 5 The recent observations of Lord Roberts as to the usetet-sness of volley-firing coincide entirely with the experience, and conclusions of French officers. In the new book of instructions tor French infantry, just issued, the volley is dropped altogether, and there seems to be no room for doubt that it is
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  • 328 5 Russia Uroid to Sbcuri a Station m tme Ri» S«a. St. Petersburg, August 20th.— The recent estabhshment of a coaling-station by Germany m the Red Sea calls forth from the Novoe Vremya a strong appeal to the Russian Government to set to work m the same direction.
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  • 663 5 THE WRECK OF THE ISLANDER." Passbngbrs and Their Gold. Some graphic particulars of the wreck of the Islander off Douglas Island seven hours after she had left Skagway with 176 persons on board, including many Klondyke diggers, with gold to the value of £55,000, are given by the Victoria correspondent
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  • 584 5 T, e Asterisk contributor of the Pall Mall Gazette of the 21st Aug. has these references to the Brooke dynasty His Highness the Raja of Sarawak has, I read, arrived m London, and "descended" at somebody's hotel m Dover-street. I wonder to how many of the
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  • 223 5 Sympathy 01 Singapore Americans. The U.S. Consul-General has been good enough to forward the text of these resolutions, adopted at a meeting held at the Consulate on Thursday forenoon (yesterday). Whereas. By an inscrutible Providence the honored and beloved William McKinley, President of the United States,
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  • 63 5 A Government Gazette Extraordinary states that, owing to a leak m the gaspiping of the lightship at the mouth of the Deli River, the lightship was on the 14th instant temporarily replaced by a gas-buoy with a flickering light. In the place of the flickering gas-buoy a vessel with a
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  • 707 6 Mr. S. Katz is officially recognised as U.S. Consul at Penang. H.M.S. Rosario returned this morning from the Cocos Islands. The honble T. H. Kershaw, Acting Attorney General, arrived from Port Swettenham by the Ban ll in Guan this morning. Mr. J. Graham has been elected
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  • 245 6 There will be very general regret, m the Straits and m Java, not only amongst the Dutch community, but amongst the European community at large, at hearing of the death of Mr. M. G. Vanden Burg, of Daendels Co., Singapore. This sad news was brought
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  • 605 6 {From Our Sand ak an Correspon<icn' A very interesting presentation has recently been sent to our late Governor, Hugh Clifford, C.M.G.j m the form of an address, enclosed m a handsome Silver Casket. As must be generally known, after the very strong efforts that were
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  • 929 6 Quicquid agunt homines no str i est farrago libelli JUVENAL. It is with deep and respectful regret that the Topicist lays his modest funeral wreath at the grave side of the late President McKinley. The hopes that the strangely confident bulletins of the medical men had
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  • 115 6 Anniversary MtEl i The twelfth Anniversary o f",i Association was celebrated m room of the Town Hal Dato James Meldrum of ll* the chair, and after SJfcj cises a very enjoyable pto opened by a well-played PUnr by Misses Aitke'na'nd Phi rt the various items, especially
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  • 91 6 The following telegram received froi Secretary of State on the 17th in st published m the Government G 1 protocol signed 7 th September Po, consented to Chinese import duties placed on treaty basis of effect; on maritime imports including ar hitherto free, with exception of ri<
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  • 377 6 SINGAPORE GAS COMPANY (LIMITED.) An extraordinary general meeting held on 29th ult. at Cannon-street Hotel, to consider resolutions —fi) for windi the company voluntarily and appoint'Chairman and Mr. R. M. Christi liquidators at a remuneration oi guineas (2) authorising the liquid to adopt and carry into eliect ditional agreement made
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  • Page 6 Advertisements

  • 3556 7 Ik (A Confidential Contribution.) f arrived m Singapore exactly two years I with all the faith m human nature and ng grace of a good example I nicely educated English girl starts believed m kindness and m the ius devotion of Orientals to really leratc masters. I
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  • 689 8 Capt. and Mrs. A inslie have arrived from Kuala Lumpur. Mrs. Ainslie goes home to England to-morrow. A Chinese Government Lottery, to enable the country to pay off the indemnity, is advocated m a Shanghai contemporary, the lottery to be managed by Sir Robert Hart. Capt.
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  • 1140 8 The Acting Manager's Report to 17th September 1901 Bukit Jellis Mine. Th« 150 ft. s«uth level is now 259 ft. from the crosscut. The reef has widened to 6 ft., and there is a little improvement m the quality. In the rising stope above this level, the reef varies
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  • 1216 8 (Written for the Singapore Fret Prtss by Rev. G. M. Ruth.) No. LVI. The holiday season has come round again, more welcome than ever, the season when a man unstraps the burdens of his soul, shuts them into his half dismantled house, blocks his windows with
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  • 488 8 KING MATCH MAKER DESPITE HIMSELF. Crac* to Sbr Him f American Girls ro Set Tut for English Lords. Cash Will Not Bi v a Only Way to Gbt Into Wsstmivstii Abb by on That Grbai Dai Is to Bblomg to the British N bilitv. {New Y*rk World.) London, July 20.
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  • 69 8 The French rrawport Calmb*. troops, arrived from Saigon al M 5 morning bound for Marseilles The steamer Warritr, from Moji yesterday, brought r-r th. p about 5,000 tons Japan coal. The Russian Transport Odessa after coaling y«»erd»y *> r The German transport tf«i«««ie»> day evening and the Hospital
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  • 490 9 Major Vanrenen and Mr. George Max--1 knocked up 120 couple of snipe a few ays ago at Bagan Serai. j be \j M. Company's steamer Salazie e ft Colombo at 8 a.m. on the 24th Sept. 2nd may he expected here on Sunday, the i.^tant, about
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  • 258 9 The Ostasiatisi he L'eyd of the 6th inst. has a ngthy article on the mission of the Dalai Lama ibet to the Tsar, and shrewdly remarks that, ling to the old axiom, Qui s* excuse s'acc'ts> iss;a\ re'uorated official assurance i hat the >ion has merely a
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  • 785 9 A fire occurred m the Malay kampong of Kuchmg m the early hours of the 9 th inst. At 3 a.m. the gun and fire bell aroused the town to the fact that a large house, owned by one of the leading Malays, was well ablaze. There being no
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  • 90 9 A Marine Court of Inquiry, consisting of Mr. L. Brockman, Lieut. Severn, H. M. S. Brisk, Capt. F. M. Darke, and Capt. H. Hinsdale, was held m the Marine Court this morning, for the purpose of examining the circumstances of the wreck of the British steamer
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  • 790 9  - "THE CHINESE CRISIS. FROM WITHIN" WEN CHING (BY Edited by the Rev. G. M. Reith, M.A. The remarkable and instructive series of articles that appeared m the Singapore Ftee Press of last year have now been published m book form by the well-known London publisher, Mr. Grant Richards. The- important
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 51 9 McALISTER Co SOLE AGENTS FOR The Anglo-Egyptian Cigarette Co. The following high class brands of cigarettes are always m stock SHAH, gold tipped, $1.60 per box of 50 (large size) ROYALES, gold tipped, tx.25 per box of 50 (medium size) Packed m patent air-tight tins, E OBTAINABLE FROM ALISTER Co.
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    • 901 9 Singapore Sporting Club. PROGRAMME FOR THE AUTUMN RACE MEETING, 1901. October 22nd, 24th and 26th. FIRST DAY. Tuesday, 22nd October. First Race. The Maiden Plate.— Value $400. A Race for Maiden Horses— Weight as per scale (lost,) An allowance of 141 b. to ex-Griffins imported into the Straits Settlements or
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  • 141 10 Other Powers Involved. There are not wanting several significant indications that the rupture between France and Turkey springs from causes more deeply seated than has yet been made public, and that the present situation really affects more of the European Powers than the two immediately concerned. It
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  • 111 10 Apparently m close connection wilh the rupture between France and Turkey, there has been a strong revival of Russian aggressiveness m the Balkan States. Great military activity (is being manifested m Bessarabia, south-west province of Russia, separated from Roumania by the Pruth and the Lower Danube. At the
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  • 685 10 STorr.uiß at Baslk. A telegram from BAle, date 25th August announced that Prince Chun, accompanied by General Richier and Colonel von Rauch, arrived there m the afternoon by special train from Genoa. His Excellency was met at the station by Major-General Hoepfner, who was accompanied
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  • 72 10 The extra French mail cargo steamer Adour arrived from Saigon at 9 o'clock this morning en route for Marseilles. The steamer Orestes which arrived from Hongkong yesterday braught for this port a cargo of about 3,000 tons, Japan coals. The following colliers are due to arrive here with
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  • 218 10 Berlin, August 16. Several warships are now stationed off the newly established German coalingstation on the island of Koumh m the Farsan Archipelago. The choice of the island referred to by the German naval experts is regarded as being extremely fortunate, especially from a strategic
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  • 350 10 Thb Improved Armambmt. It is an undoubted fact that some of our newer cruisers are undergunned. Perhaps the most notable instance of this is furnished by the ships of the Diadem type, which carry nothing of bigger calibre than a o-in. gun, while the Eclipse class
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  • 192 10 m Major F. J. Greig, R.A.M.C. formerly of Singapore, was, when the mail left, about to proceed to Arundel, as Senior Medical Officerjat the camp of exercise held there. Though not wholly unexpected, the demise of Captain A. M. Bisbee, for many years the Harbour Master at Shanghai, came as
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  • 154 10 At the instance of the Committee that was formed two or three months ago to consider the question of a Memorial to Her Late Majesty Queen Victoria, the Hon'ble A. Murray, Colonial Engineer, has designed a Memorial Hall, to be erected alongside the present Town Hall,
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  • 650 10 iFrsm our »ian C*rrsip9nieriis The Malacca Assizes were opened on Tuesday last before the Acting Chief Justice, Mr. Law. The first case called on was that of Lim Bun Lip, charged with bigamy. The Consul General for China m Singapore gave evidence as to the Chinese law on the
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  • 119 10 Lady Frances Hope and \W mr D Strong, U.S.A., are now ftLS latter, interviewed by a rerJ!. P T h' the Japan Advertiser, m YotlT "All this nonsense which ha about us m the San Francisco JRC York papers is absolutely false n conceal my identity.
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  • 498 10 The Gunners have returned to Tai from Pangkor on the conclusion of artillery course. It has been a sorrow return, owing to the unfortunate ac ~il already^reported. The injured men ared well at Te luk Anson, and an inquiry «l 0 held into the
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  • 173 10 On last Saturday evening the memb< and friends of the Singapore Rowing Club met at dinner m the Singapore Club, the use of which had kindly been granted I the occasion. Covers were set for tifty-r and there were very few vacant president, Mr. Scott Russell, oc<
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  • 791 11 i -TTLB Army ok the English Rajahs O) Sarawak. Bi a Sarawak Resident. {Express.) news of the successful expedition underj Mr. C. V. Brooke, the Rajah Muda of lie, against the head -hunting Muruts (not as m the papers) may make a few words rce which he commanded
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  • 74 11 terday, at about noon, a small tire broke out m the back premises of a ese biscuit factory m South Bridge i. a short distance from the Central Police Station. The fire engines from the Police Bharu and Cross Street Stations, were promptly on the scene, and made iiort work
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  • 125 11 Gentlemen, to solace their wearied minds by honest pastimes, playe at chesse, the astronoZEZJFSSI n thc Philosopher's game, which Wc fH l hy i Wltt 8 recrcat theyr minds, and aurts no body m the mean season." All communications should be addressed to the Chess Editor, Singapore
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  • 165 11 Black (5 pieces). Game No. 292. A pretty game played recently by a well-known problemist at St. Petersburg. The score and note-> are taken from La Straiigie (a) Both here and next move he should have played Kt-Ki or Kt-Qa, followed by P-KB4. (b) Fhe same reply
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  • 202 11 Pillsbury (American champion) contemplates a prolonged visit to England early next year, and a match with Lasker may possibly be arranged then. The German Chess Association have arranged for a meeting at Hanover next year, with a masters' tournament on a large scale. Other masters' tournaments will take
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  • 65 11 The Russian transport Saratov arrived from shanghai with 1,500 troops en route for Odessa and there also arrived yesterday the German vessel Wittekind, from Taku, conveying 725 soldiers to Hamburg. This morning the German transport Bahia arrived on her way home with close on a thousand men, and
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  • 140 11 The British steamer Anapa passed through the harbour from West to East at 1 1 a.m. yesterday. Mr. T. H Hill, who now superintends Indian Immigration into the Federated Malay States, has interesting and congenial work to do, and plenty of it. In the first six months of this year,
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  • 900 11 The new battleship Vengeance is to be ready to undergo her gunnery and torpedo trials by Sept. 16, after which, if they are successfu' c will be prepared as quickly as possible for imiMJOll. It is expected that she will be ready by the end of
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  • 54 11 w^^n i Those who were responsible for the arrangements connected with the St. Matt- hew's Festival Celebration on Saturday, m thanking the ladies who so generously sent cakes, etc, would like them to know that all that were left over were sent to the Chinese Girls' School, St. Andrew's House,
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  • 394 11 Some Striking Figures. A Consular report states that 3,441 vessels, with 282,194 passengers, passed through the Suez Canal m 1900, the total net tonnage being 9,73B, 152 tons. Of these, 2,407 were merchant ships, 1773 mail steamers, and 261 warships and transports. The number of British vessels
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  • 400 11 Singapore, Serronber 2s, igoi. Beans, Long per catty cts. 3 Do., French do. 18 Beef do. 20 BeefSteak do. t 28 Bean Sprouts do. 2 Bamboo Sprouts do. 2 Blachan do. 1^ Brinjals do. 2 Cabbage, Batavia do. Nil Do. t China do. 14 Do., Salted do.
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  • 9497 12 The case for Abdul Kader was closed shortly *fter the resumption of Court after tiffin yesterday afternoon. Mr. Van Someren then opened the case for Nina Mahomed, who gave his evidence on oath. He stated that he had been m Singapore for twenty-three years
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  • 200 14 A Company, with a capital of #50,000 has been formed m the Negri Sembilan to run «<. motor car service between Seremban, Kwalla Pilah and the chief mines there. The beginning of this week was very unfortunate for the Malacca Post Office. On Sunday the Chief Clerk, Mr. Felix,
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  • 154 14 A sale oi useful and ornamental articles will be held m the Town Hall on Thursday, ioth October, m aid of the funds of the Methodist Church and Parsonage. H. E. Li Hung-chai'g told Mr. Oda Tokuno, an eminent prie.-t of the Shin Sect, that the Roman Catholic missionari ?s
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  • 496 14 Czolgorz, the President's murderer, on being arraigned at Buffalo, refused to plead. The new steamer Pembrokeshire of 5,000 tons gross is expected here from Europe next week The Colonial steamer Sea Belle after docking and repairing left this morning for her anchorage m the roadstead. Receipt
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  • 156 14 WRECK OF THE PAKAN." A Marine Court of Inquiry into the circumstances attending the wreck of the British steamer Pakan was held m the Marine Court yesterday, when Mr. L. Brockman, Chief Magistrate, presided with Lieut. Severn, H.M.S. Brisk, Capt. F. M. Darke and Capt. H. Dinsdale, as Assessors. Mr.
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  • 485 14 It has been decided by ft. Urn that the medical test for v,s, 0n Yeomanry and Volunteers, iha for Re g ular troop,. Hitherto the s forces has been only U p t0 300 yard to be raised to the standard 0 f 6 00 and Volunteers,
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  • 65 14 (Corrected up to September On Lonuo-. Bank 4 m/s demand i/ 11 l Private credits 3 m/s documents 3 m/s credits 6 mh n France, demand 2 43 4 Germany, demand J 97' India, T. T Hongkong, demand Yokohama, deman Java, demand Manila, deman d SOVEREIGNS, (to buy; Bank
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  • 97 14 (September 25 }:"-y. (^mb'.er Jo. Cube No. i.. 5-..; I vpper, I-ilack (ordinary > i do. White, (Fair L/W-^% Nutmegs nos to the lb.).. > do. (80s to the lb) Mace (Banda) Cloves (Amboina) l.iberian Coffee Tapioca, small peaii (Hair quality do. do flake (do. do. do. .medium pea.!
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  • 3263 15 I administering the Government (Sir Frank Suettenham, k.c.m.g.) Acting Col. Secretary (C. W. Sneyd Kynnersley, c.m.g.) Attorney -General (T. H. 0 the Colonial Treasurer (F.G. P*nney.) n g Auditor-General (\V. Ev.ins.) Engineer (A. Murray.) T Burkinshaw. Lim Boon Keng, m.b., cm. 1. y nty. ABSENT. C ommandinj? the
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 523 16 W0 i CLEARANCES. Si pt ember ig. Kntaang, Brit., Robert Bradley, for Saigon. BcnaUler, Brit., Mcintosh, for Colombo. Chov Phya, Bait., .lellieoe. for Malacca aud Port Bwettenham. Pekin, Brit., Fox, for Bombay. Parramatta, Brit., Cook, lor Bombay, inaba Maru, Jap Bainbridge, for Hongkong and Japan. Sri Wongsee Dut., Nacodah. for
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    • 609 16 The Singapore Free Press, AND Mercantile Advertiser. Cab li ApDßiss,— Advertiser, Singapore. Telephone Number.— No. 61. Published at 30-3, Raffles Place, Singapjo c. THE leading English Newspaper m the Straits Settlements Johore, the Federated Native States of Perak, Selan gor, Sungei Ujon*, Pahang, the Negr Sembilan British North Borneo Sarawak
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    • 1062 16 SHARE LIST, SEPTEMBER 25th 5! •Juot4tjo» Paid. '•nnL China and ipan. U«J. 41 Nomina?. r A WiD t| Deferred, *F\ Rell's Asbestos Raster* Wen v. Nominal. 7, Bersawah Gold Mine Co. $4,15 Buyers %r Clear Water Dairy Farm \xa. %IQ o f IQO Fraser uq MeAec Lrd, *«i P Debs.
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    • 264 16 ;31 Tjilatjap K. Teek Pye i ncertam Passengers Leaving by the M Sept 'JO.— Per P. 0. P I Penang. Mr. \Y. Down jr. For Bombay.- Mr. (J C. Xi ink. For London.— Mr. and Mrs v W. Butt, Mra. Millward Reerea and Higgins, Sappci i Sept. 21. -Per P.
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