The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 12 September 1901

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1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
  • 18 1 THE Singapore Free Press AND MERCANTILE ADVERTISER. WEEKLY MAIL EDITION. "thlrd series THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 12th 1901 No. 737
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  • 267 1 Ill* ARTH LBS. Ihe olour of Warships, 161 O>un'^ Mission, 161 Giants in These Days, 161 IaJ and Sept. 15th, 162 'The Coronation 162 p re si'>nt McKinley Shot, 162 1 lupe for the Resident, 162 Mr. McKinley, 162 'he Garrison, 162 Belated Reuter, 162 New Rifle, 162 Cape
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  • Domestic Occurrences.
    • 21 1 On the Dth inst suddenly, Leonard Mobssnrr, of Nurnberg, Germany, m his thirty soTenth yr *r. Dee pi y-regret ted.
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  • 726 1 Here ?hall the Press the People's right maintau 'Jnawed by influence and tinbribed by gain; Here patiiot Truth her glorious precepts draw, P|a ,*wad to Religion, Loyalty, and Law. (Sept. sth.) One point about the stay of H M. S Albion m the Singapore roadstead deserve
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  • 174 1 The Kaiser has not let Prince Chun off too lightly, for he has read to that unlucky young man a severe lecture on the events that led to the mission. Professing to believe what no doubt is true enough— the Emperor of China's personal innocence m the
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  • 366 1 (Sept. 6th.) There are giants m these days also. It will be remembered that a French nobleman left a large bequest to the Municipal Council of Rouen, which was to be expended on the endowment of persons o£ abnormally high stature who should marry mates of
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 135 1 Subscribers to the Singapore Free Press Weekly 'eturning from Europe to the Straits by any of he mail lines are invited to send to the Manager B name of their steamer and date of arrival m Singapore. Copies will then be mailed to meet hem at various ports of call,
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    • 88 1 Fraser Dcaoc ttmited Printers, Publishers, Account Book Manufacturers Commercial Stationers. Publishers [of The Singapore and Straits Directory, The Singapore and Straits Rough Diary, The Traveller's Malay Pronouncing Hand-Book, Map of the Town of Singapore, &c, &c. The Most Complete and Up-to-date Printing Office m the Straits Settlements. Fraser Neave, Limited
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 75 1 STRAITS STEAMSHIP Co., Ltd. •s. Penang Mondays at 4 p.m. for Malacca, Port Dickson, Port Swettenham and Teluk Anson. -.b. Malacca, Wednesdays at 4 p.m. for Malacca, lon Dickson, Port Swettenham and Teluk Anson. •s. Ban IVhatt Hin, Fridays at 4 p.m. for Malace«, Port Dickson and Klang. Sappho,—- Saturdays
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    • 219 1 THE WEEK. The mail from home of August 16th arrived by the P. O. Palawan on Saturday, followed to-day by the N. D. L. Hamburg, with dates up to August 19th. The next outward mail is due by the M. M. Laos on Sunday. The last homeward mails left by
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  • 504 2 (Sept. 9th.) Great will be the sense of relief at th< favourable accounts made public regarding the condition of President McKinley Happily the later details of his wounds prove that only one of these, that m the abdomen was a penetrating wound, the chest wound
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  • 137 2 Mention has been made of the fact that the essential policy of Lord Kitchener's proclamation to the Boer burghers still m the field emanated first from Sir Henry McCallum, Governor of Natal, m a telegram to Mr. CHAMBERLAIN. It may be a mere coincidence, but still
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  • 248 2 The Coronation The writer who does the literary Notes m the Globe, 9th August, has this We respectfully warn our readers that from now, and henceforward to the Coronation, they are liable to see the following lines quoted once a \veek» and to th* end perhaps twice a day Och
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  • 286 2 (Sept. 7 th.) Throughout the world there will be but one burst of horror and consternation at the shocking news of the attempted assassination of President McKinley, at Buffalo. Attempted assassination we say, but there is too much reason to fear that two revolver shots, at close
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  • 176 2 (Sept. ioth.) Considering the dangerous character of one of President McKINLEY's wounds received m the recent murderous attack the patient is going on wonderfully well. There appears to be now really substantial ground for the hope of a good recovery, for a remarkable feature of the case is
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  • 335 2 A Hongkong exchange received by German mail says The 3rd Madras Light Infantry are going to Singapore as an additional battalion, not to relieve the 16th Madras Infantry already stationed there, as stated last night." It is the view here, we understand, that m peace time no regiment
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  • 102 2 The opera of the Runaway Girl" we all know, but it is left to STEYN and De Wet to heat us to repeated performances of the Runaway Boy."^ We freely award the palm to these gentlemen for bolting from the foe. It is a pre-eminence that no one will dispute.
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  • 247 2 (Sept. nth.) It is no good at all pretending to be indignant with Reuter's agency for being so often a day after the fair." It does not betoken a breathless enterprise to vend news by cable at so much per word that has already reached Sing apore by
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  • 455 2 PE Newcastle Daily Ch*« >, s that "the War Offi c 'f^ red a rifle that wiil,«,^H are concerned, be far m advance nfle that has ever been issued Tl M sight is round, and the back-sfetai T a] ed to scale, are made move/ f e
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  • 117 2 A Saigon paper publishes a few note* M about Cochin-China, written by the late j Prince Henri of Orleans just before h death. Referring to the defences at I St. James he says Higher up (above M. Doumer's country house) are the batteries. The defence of the
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  • 50 2 Excxlennt news continue the public as to the cond »on o sident McKinley. Not only provement steadily maintained >• ing complication.^ convalescence is declare rhgn ac, )y certain. All thi, well inside <>f a week from the dac wounds, is ol the happiest prt»« President's early and complete re to
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  • 2577 3 HE HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANK ROBBERY. The las l sta K e n s most important and one mos t interesting cases that has occurred m n apore for many years was commenced at the sizes m the Supreme Court this morning, before J ls Lordship Mr. Justice Hyndman Jones,
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  • 214 3 Batavia Crickbt Club vs. Mr. Binglby's Prbangbr XI. This match was played at Batavia on 31st August and was won by the former. Scores Mr. Binglby's XI. Ist Innings. 2nd Innings. F. G. Eyken b Turner 11 b Turner 21 de Groot c and b Burt 2
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  • 145 3 The utter indifference of the Boer to the value of naiive life and property is no new trait m his character says the Daily Chronicle of August sth. On the island of Ceylon, where so many Boers are now confined as prisoners of war, evidenceot this callousness was given m
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    • 29 3 Position m Forsyth Notation I KKtO 4/ 2 P2kpi/4ripi/iPpKtPipi/2P3Pi/582f sbpp/ s Rir. White to play and mate m three moves. Black (10 pieces). White (n pieces).
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    • 434 3 BGame interesting partte played recently m the >est Chess Club. The score and notes are from the Deutsche Schachzeitung. (a) An old. little-known continuation of the attack the usual move is 8 P-Q3. to which Black has available a very ingenious defence, discovered by Paulsen. (b) P-QB3, followed
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  • 119 3 We get an occasional laugh m this dark region, writes a Cape Coast correspondent to a home paper. A little while ago the Gold Coast Government sent out a circular to the Europeans, urging them for their own protection to volunteer for the Maxim gun detachments. As an extra inducement
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  • 624 4 The two oil tankers Murex and Sal 0 Hadji are both m dock at Tanjong Pagar- H.M. S. Albion, Capt. Hewett, left for Hongkong at 8.20 this morning. The Russian Volunteer steamers Yaroslavl and Kiev are both due here from Odessa on the 7th and gth
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  • 52 4 See Ah Wah and Wong Ah Jin, who m the Supreme Court yesterday, *ary> received three years' imprisonh. Chow charged with attempt •d causing grivous hurt with proved guilty and sentenced rigorous imprisonment. J the trial of Tan Ah Wye. *?lt homicide, was com\tiue Law, Mr. Rowland v
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  • Correspondence.
    • 206 4 To the Editor. Sir,— There appeared m yesterday's issue of the other paper an article by Ignoramus on the work done on the course on Tuesday morning last. Whilst appreciating the endeavour of Ignoramus to keep the public informed of what is going on, it would, I think,
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  • 179 4 A very pleasant afternoon was spent yesterday on board H. M. S. Albion by a large party of Singapore residents, including many ladies, at the kind invitation of Captain Hewett and officers H. M. S. Albion. The after barbette with its couple of big
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  • 386 4 Pair-oarbd Handicap. Last evening racing was resumed under conditions m every respect favourable. For the first heat Darbishire and Whetham met Burgess and Robertson, the latter crew conceding two seconds. Both crews got away splendidly. Darbishire gaining half a length's lead from his handicap. At an early
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  • 14 4 The Flamingo, on arrival from Bengkalis went to Keppel Harbour where she docked yesterday.
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  • 187 4 The 3RD M. I. Rblibvis the i6th. The 3rd Madras Infantry, Lt.-Col. R. K. Teversham, D.5.0., commanding, is to leave Hongkong on the 10th inst, for Singapore to do garrison duty here. This points to the immediate relief of the 16th M.1., which will probably return by the
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  • 347 4 The outstanding feature m July Trade Returns is the continued shrinkage of exports. We have before us figures for the first seven months of the year, and the exports show a total decline m value, as compared with the first seven months of 1900, of
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  • 249 4 The man-eating tiger of Port Weld has been dispatched. The news ought to be very welcome to the wood cutters, whose operations since the appearance of this brute have been limited to close villages. The tiger fell to the redoubtable hand of Manap, who claims to have
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  • 44 4 It is hereby notified that Government Notification No. iooi, dated Bth August, 1 90 1, and published m the Gazette of the 9th idem, by which Telok (or Lho) Seumawe m Sumatra was declared an infected Port on account of Cholera, has been withdrawn.
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  • 1018 4 THE EMPEROR OF CHINA AT SI-NGAN-FU A Chinisi Dbscri PTlOn Some months ago The Globe m n of thePalaceat Si-ngan-fu, which l»Z^ n home of the Emperor of China, the R* Dowager, and the Heir.A Pparent Th f^ newspaper Sin-wen-bao" gavp r details concerning the Emperor and Tl V Dowager,
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  • 4281 5  - A HALT ON THE KING'S HIGHWAY. By Hugh Clifford f n educed by kind permission of the Author.) r Blarkwood's Magazine.] The mighty tracks which nowadays lead an d down the world are set at intervals ,übes of call, we name them coaling- —which nt; serve the same purposes the
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  • 139 6 A number of Singapore amateurs met at the Town Hall l ast night to discuss the of the advisability o f forming «in.t«. troupe here. It J as decided ffah a Illiii p'°ee™: of wl r s e d b time the ous charities
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  • 1314 6 The Chinese Court is trying hard to ston the fortifications at Peking and get the railway turned our of the city. Mr. Stewart, Acting C. P. 0., goes away today on a fortnight's leave. During his absence, Assistant Superintendent Wathen will act as C. P. O.
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  • 255 6 The Guides barracks at Kuala Lumpur have been the scene of another tragedy. Two Sikhs had an altercation, m the course of which one picked up a cudgel and hit the other with it on the head. The other sustained serious injury and went into hospital, where
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  • Correspondence.
    • 161 6 Sir,— You are quite ri«k* me that the ChinC gS 'll SUp P*the.r fellow-countrymen 8 S' y re B*rd Chnstians as having thereby Con aliens. But the question y beeo ">e should it be so q The rt^ 1 5 «5 ber ame Buddhists or
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  • 168 6 Acting Inspector McNamara ,k police officer wiH b? L local mysteriously disappeacetl/m l36 his successful arrest of 0 h aTr g ifter pean, now awaiting trial m« i. Uro forgery and who .L ll'i* ed at Hongkong and chaSd wUh 2* tion, arrived here from
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  • 186 6 "Veteran," ivho does the "Sporting Notes m the Hongkong Daily Press! f writes 14 With regard to the corning cricket weuk,' I hea^- Shanghai have a very strung eleven and Singapore is bringing up a stronger team than they brought before. This does not look bright
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  • 249 6 One of the results of the khaki 1 war m South Africa has been the revival of the question of the visibility of colours m uniforms and there are apparently people m every nation m Europe ready to recommend the adoption of khaki or some neutral colour
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  • 40 6 Alluding to the fact that the explanatic of Prince Chun's recent Vlay at Basl alleged indisposition, the Daily Ni respondent says that the delay was due political reasons, the Kaiser declining* receive the Mission until the Protocol hac been signed.
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  • 1067 7 i uniCROUS Blunders m Submarimb TELEGRAMS. {Pall Mall GatttU.) Many a laugh— and unfortunately many a tear be«n caused by the blunder m a telegram, screamingly funny have been the mistakes dc with cablegrams that have come under the te r's notice. Just as the message by land
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  • 41 7 A telegram has been received from v Batu Bersawah as follows: "Crushed 178 tons of stone which realized 99 ozs. 14 dwts. of smelted gold." This gives an average of slightly over 11 dwts. 4; grs.
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  • 110 7 Few men have been more consistently dogged by misfortune than General Baratieri who died last night. As a boy he was expelled from the grammar school at Meran, and though he won sufficient popularity m after years to be selected as Foreign Minister, the Ministry with
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  • 244 7 Sir George Luck, the lieutenant-general commanding the Bengal forces, who is about to come to England on leave, is an officer little known to the general public, but m the army there are few men better liked or held m higher esteem. In the steel curb shoulder-protection which
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  • 315 7 (From the Japanbsb Papers.) The Cologne Gazette, according to a Japanese telegram, attributes the Corean Government's demand for the closing of the Japanese Post Office at Seoul entirely to Russian machinations, and declares that Russia is resolved to free Corea from Japanese influence. The Russians are preparing to
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  • 101 7 The German occupation of the Farsan group of islands, m the Red Sea, besides being; a thoroughly accomplish*- 'I Tact has all the appearance of being i manent Houses, and other buildings and works which are being rapidly constructed, are entirely changing the appearance of
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  • 907 7 A Check on Tapping. The problem of controlling the wireless telegraph's loquacity and confining its remarks to the persons for whom they are intended presents many difficulties. Mr. Marconi claims to have succeeded, and has shown his system m experimental operation but how far the end has been
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  • 710 7 Mr. Go Bocn Koan has been granted a certificate of naturalisation. The Colonial Auxiliary Forces Long Service Medal has been awarded to Second Lieut. C. V. McC. Pritchard, s.v.R. At 1.20 p.m. yesterday, the Master of the Tibre spoke a British barque (H. Q. N. C.)
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  • 776 8 Quicquid mgunt homines nostri est farrago Libelli Juvbkal. The Saturday Review, after the Superior Person's fling at other suggesters of titles for the King— a propos of the Royal Titles Bill—proceeds to suggest one of its own, which is a trifle worse than any of the
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  • 817 8 I Training may now be said to be m full swing, and there were a fair number of horses out for exercise this morning. Orpheus (Kirwan) was sent round at a little above a canter the first time, and was urged along the second. He moved m fine
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  • 149 8 After the severe thunderstorm m Kioto on the 13th inst. (says the K.b* Herald), a safety valve box of the electric light attached to a pole m Inokuma, Sanjo, was discovered to be out of order, and two men from the Electric Works were sent to put
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  • 643 8 yfFrom our Correspondent.) .E. The Governor has postponed his to Labuan being busy at Jesselton and Beaufort. At the former place, offices and bungalows have been and are being erected, the railway begins to wear mor! and more the appearance ot "un fait accompli, roads
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  • 64 8 Mr. Mathews, m the proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, maintains that the Australian aborigines arrived by way of the Malay archipelago at different epochs. The last to come were superior to the first, and of Melanesian type. The descendants of the .first, as modified, were the now extinct Tasmanians,
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  • 166 8 on reaching the Market t^J Cre *3 almost level. From thic boals w». had matters p rett y 'toT" hands, the other crew his o* gf«f.-d on passTnf r g w t" S Darbishire and Whetham Wat «'-pi» fu»y three lengths t^T- l*^ tame, Darbishife and VVhethf
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  • 634 8 A remarkable Unionist demonstration took P»ace on Saturday, roth fast., at Blenheim Palace the residence of the Duke and Duchess of Marl' borough, "to celebrate the third victory ot the Unionist party at the poll." There were present representatives of both sections of the Unionist party from the
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  • 318 9 j T is now settled, we hear, that Mr. jj Merewether, Resident Councillor, Malacca, will go to Selangor to act as ResiMr. Dacres Wise goes home from fcgn Sembilan on sick leave, Mr. HUGH ■,FFORD, C.M.G., taking his place at Seremban. Mr. Clifford will be relaced
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  • 180 9 The Singapore Change Announcbd. A Simila telegram dated 28th August, published m India says: The Madras Native Infantry Regiment now doing garrison duty at Singapore will be relieved by the 3rd Madras Infantry, which will be landed there on its way back from China." The Pioner
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  • 237 9 There will be much regret, not only amongst the German community, but amongst Singapore residents m general, at the announcement of the death of Mr. Leonhard Moessner, of Brinkmann and Co. This sad event took place last night on his vay home to his
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  • 1609 9 We translate the following from the Universal Gazette which, on the other hand, translated it from an English copy sent by a correspondent at Clause i.— An Imperial edict shall be issued ordering Prince Chun to proceed to Germany as Special Ambassador to apologise for, and express the
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  • 202 9 A Selangor Government Gazette Extraordinary notifies that Port Swettenham shall be a port as from the 15th day of September. The limits of the port are as follows From a beacon set up 011 the south bank of the Sungei Aur ia a straight line to a beacon
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  • 290 9 Referring to the possible distribution of germs of disease through the medium of the aundry, the Lancet says the great danger is the manipulating and sorting of dirty linen m the presence of clean linen, the distribution of germs from the one to the other. Laundries ought
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  • 596 9 Count von Waldersee arrived at the Hoe a Kaiserhof, Berlin, on 12th ult., after having paid a flying visit to his home m the city of Hanover, where he was welcomed by the civil and military authorities. He made two of his somewhat iheatrical speeches m reply, and
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  • 103 10 On the 13th ult., m the House of Commons, Mr. Pretyman, replying to Mr. E. Robertson, said that the ports at which coaling facilities were to be provided under the Naval Works Bill were Devonport, Portland, Portsmouth, the Medway, Malta, Gibraltar, and Hongkong, and, if tfeere were
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  • 732 10 The opposition to coloured immigrants, whether Chinese, Indian, Japanese, is very strong among the working men of Australia; but the Immigrations Restriction Bill, which has just been introduced intD the Commonwealth Parliament, will operate almost as strongly against European nations as Asiatics, if it is rigidly
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  • 219 10 The London correspondent of the Glasgow Daily Record has this CHINISB BUT BRITISH SUBJECTS. Many Londoners have opened their eyes of late to see two Chinese gentlemen m frock coats and top hats, their hair close cropped and their general appearance bespeaking affluence and
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  • 668 10 (Via Ceylon.) London, August 26th —149 treason convictions M VC taken P^ CC at Bur K hersdor P j n two daysMost of the convicted have been disfranchised. Forty political prisoners have been convicted, or are awaiting sentence, at Middleburg. Li-Hung-Chang has intimated that the Edicts by the
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  • 1162 10 Tins morning at the Assizes, Ercole Laura, the Italian seaman who is charged with the culpable homicide not amounting to murder of Mr. R. Jones, the second officer of the Benmohr, on August 31st last, was tried on this charge before His Lordship Mr. Justice Law. The
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  • 696 10 The half yeaily general meeting of th h holders s held at the Company, noon to-day. y wmc There were present -Messrs. |oh,, Anders™ (Chairman), C. Sugden, A. P. Adams 7 RauchC. Stringer, A. von R^W A Gre.g M Meyer, J. Graham, j. Gun,,*
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  • 956 11 THE MASONIC SMOKER." B was a crowded house at the Masonic Bj rmC n Saturday evening, the occasion B s^oking concert, presided over by fl[ iOg Bro. Ge0 Brinkworth, D.G.S., and I' Masons and their friends had been Hp 'ted I a programme and a lengthy H opened by Messrs.
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  • 1701 11 "Thi Column." This is a remarkable book. The name of Mr. Charles Marriott is quite unknown to me, and I believe that I am right m supposing that The Column is his first essay m fiction. If this be the case, then The Column is
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  • 151 11 Here is a little story of King Edward which will be new to most people. He was out on the prairie m the neighbourhood of Chicago, far back m the fifties ot last century, when Chicago was a village of unfinished streets. The Prince *n'l
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  • 81 11 An amusing slip is reported from the New-castle-under-Lyme County Police-court during the hearing of a claim by a farm servant against his late employer. The solicitor for the defence, m tt.e course of an eloquent passage, stated that on one occasion at the farm, when the plaintiff absented himself, there
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  • 502 11 The Paris correspondent of the Times has had a visit from a Frenchman "just back from The Hague, where he has bean *m close relation with Boer leaders," having seen Kruger, Leyds et He is a pro-Boer, but seems to have returned disillusioned. His report, writes
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  • 318 11 The following is the monthly report of the Company's working for August, 1901.-— During the month the mill ran 27 days 9 hours io minutes crusting 354 shoit tons or 316 long, tons of ore producing 116 ozs. 14 dwts Bullion averaging 6 dwts 14
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 68 11 McALISTER Co SJJLE AGENTS FOR The Anglo-Egyptian Cigarette Go The following high class brands of cigarettes are always m stock SHAH, gold tipped, $1,60 per box of 50 (large size) ROYA^ES, gold tipped, $1.25 per box of 50 (medium size) Packed m patent air-tight tins, OBTAINABLE FROM McALISTER Co. Aug
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  • 618 12 The new trotting record has been made m America by Crescens," time 2m. 02 J sec. The Pemangku Raja of Johore is giving a dinner on the 17th at the Istana, to celebrate the Sultan's birthday. Mr. W. Brown, second officer of the Asiatic steamer Nizam,
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  • 116 12 A bill was recently introduced into the House •f Commons for the construction of a pier at Berehaven, on the coast of County Cork, Ireland, m connection with a scheme to establish a line of steamers to cross the Atlantic m four-and-a-half days.
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  • 185 12 The Colombo Team. The last mail brings the constitution of the Colombo team that was so out-classed m the recent rifle match with the Volunteer team at Singapore. The Ceylon Observer says As we announced some time ago the Rifle match between picked teams
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  • 347 12 The Lambeth baths and the Royal Aquarium are old friends of Miss Cora Beckwith, who is at present performing swimming feats at the Buffalo Exhibition. On September 25 next Miss Beckwith has promised Americans that she will try to swim the rapids
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  • 282 12 Thb Ports Comparbd. Mr. T. C. Tchokoff of Messrs. Stcherbatchoff, Tchokoff Co., Colombo Agents of the Russian Volunteer Fleet, talking to a representative of a Colombo paper on the action of the Indian Tea Association m approaching Singapore for information regarding freightage to Russia, says:—
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  • 665 12 In the course of a long letter to Ths Times, Sir Edward Sassoon directs attention to the laches of the Colonial Office m cable matters within its jurisdiction. The first point arises m connection with the Cape to Australia cable, a work fraught with great
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  • 55 12 THE BENMOHR" TRAGEDY. Ercole Laura, the Italian sailor, convicted yesterday before His Lordship Mr. Justice Law of causing grievous hurt under grave and sudden provocation to Mr. R. Jones, the second officer of the S.S. Benmohr, whilst that vessel was alongside Tanjong Pagar Wharf, on Aug. 31st, was this morning
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  • 107 12 A startling statement m regard to the French navy has been made by M. Camille Pelletanmemberof the Chamber Deputies for Bouches-Du-Rhone, and editor of Justice, which he founded m 1880 with M.Clemenceau. M. Pelletan declares that the cruisers Jeanne a" Arc, 11,27a tons, and Chateau Renault
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  • 70 12 Emulating Funston, Lieut. Hazzard enterfd. a Filipino camp disguisrd as a Filipino, accompanied by another American and eight Macabebes, and captured Arthur Howard, an American deserter, a private of the Californian Vulunteers who disappeared mysteriously m August, 1898. Howard used to boast that it was he who killed Genera! Lawton.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 558 12 Nopaaeutscher^^^ °OAST LINK Bangkok 123? Xe Jp Qt Sintora 1223 D^ongl ll 'S Patam 6o? Machev> ULa C *> 1011 M s^ 590 Kong Bens 5? Wa'rr 458 w Sinoapori-Bangkok. A sttamp- ~.i every three days. Cr ?als aabutt >ut S.s. Z>e/£ with splendid arcomm^A^first and second class p^ here
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  • 729 13 Indo-China and Yunnan Railway has now been formed with a Cotnpf n > f c o o,ooo. Baron Hely d'Oissel capital otM-o q \V. Butt, of the Hongkong and Bank is about to go on leave. Sh* n 2 ber o f his private friends are to
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  • 695 13 S. V. R. v. A Garrison xi. When it was finally settled that the S. V. K. were the winners of the Warren Challenge Shield, Major Sutton thought it would make a good sporting match if a picked team of the Garrison played them, hence the match last
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  • 41 13 The German Mail steamer Prinzess Irene left for Europe at 8 this morning, and the Russian Transport Kiev left for Vladivostock yesterday evening. The Collier Vauxhall Bridge, now m port, brought for discharge here about 5,000 tons Bengal coal.
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  • 37 13 The final of the Pick-up Tournament, which had to be postponed last Monday, will be played to-morrow (Thursday) atternoon. The teams are Capt. White' (Capt.) oun X (CapU) McDougall v a*-;^ Ma Addic Walker, R.«.
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  • 112 13 An interesting Chancery decision has just been given which affects the fortunes of a young officer at the front. There was so much ambiguity about the will of the Ute Mr. Hamar Bass that it was not known whether his son, who now holds a lieutenancy m
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  • 262 13 Final Scratch Fours. Yesterday evening saw the final race m what has been a most successful Regatta. The conditions as regards weather and sea were ideal and the competing Fours, stroked respectively by Scoular and Darbishire, were sentoff by Mr. Johnston from the starting point opposite Fort
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  • 492 13 (Globe.) Sir William Karcourt's attack on the policy which dictated Lord Kitchener's Proclamation was characteristically reckless. His allegations as to the wearing of distinctive badges were clearly not m accordance with fact, for, as Mr. Chamberlain pointed out, no such distinction existed, but that is not a
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  • 895 13 {Liverpool Journal of Commerce, August Bth.) The evidence of Sir Thomas Sutherland before the Select Committee of the House of Commons on Shipping Subsidies was as complete and convincing as the most part of that gentleman's public utterances, for the chairman of the P. &O. Company is
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  • 35 13 We received a special telegram from Hongkong after going to press yesterday afternoon confirming the sailing of the Nevasa with the 3rd M. L. I. It says: 11 Third Madras sail to-day Singapore"
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  • 25 13 A telegram has been received from South Raub reading: 11 Crushing finished, 2ig y tons of ston realized 12*1 02s. of smelted gold."
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  • 242 14 The September Medal was played for on Saturday and resulted m a tie between J. B. Robertson Lt Walker at Bi, Robertson's being a fine round from scratch. The following hapded m cards A Profession Pairs Handicap Medal olay, two rounds of the Links Optional #i, sweepstake
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  • 562 14 Drastic Remedies fok Rbbbllion. London, August 13th.— Fora long time past lawlessness, marked by cold-blooded murders and outrages, has been rife m the disaffected districts of Cape Colony, but dvi ing the past mouth the increased vigilance of the military authorities and the execution of several rebels,
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  • 16 14 have grown scorbutic o hers T! the course of the g g aj,e). S6a VVater m
    16 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 21 14 COALS AT GALLE. or Steamers' bunkers NDU < Ba a! despatch currenl ra Quick CLARK, SPENCE Co. June i E COATBS Co.
      21 words
    • 864 14 Singapore Sporting Club. PROGRAMME FOR THE AUTUMN RACE MEETING, 1901. October 22nd, 24th and 26th. FIRST DAY. Tuesday, 22nd October. First Rack. The Maiden Plate.— Value $400. A Race for Maiden Horses—Weight as per scale (lost.) An allowance of 14th. to ex-Griffins imported into the Straits Settlements or Native States
      864 words
    • 458 14 NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA. (JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP Co., Ltd.) A regular FORTNIGHTLY Service is maintained between Japan and Europe by the following NEW TWIN SCREW STEAMERS. Under Mail Contracts with the Imperial Japanese Government. Specially designed for the Company's European bervice, lighted throughout by Electricity, provid-d with excellent accommodation for First
      458 words
    • 541 14 The Singapore Fi^T?^ Mercantile ah«Tel.phon. Numb.r m j Published at 300 Rnff W k J 3. Kaffles Pi ac HPHE leading English v A Straits Vt^^'d Federated Native s^ Semb llail;BritlshNort g ,the N^ N-harlands ndies Java £Jj| Also Wld ely circulatc(J Rd Japan Cochin-China, Ce ylon Far East generally.
      541 words

  • 753 15  - "THE CHINESE CRISIS. FROM WITHIN" WEN CHING (BY edited by the Rev G M Reith, M.A. f^e remarkable and instructive series articles that appeared m the Singapore press of last year have now been hKshed m book form by the well-known lon publisher, Mr. Grant Richards. The imp ort nt
    753 words
    • 25 15 Boer Threat Against Colonials. The Boer leader m Cape Colony territory has issued orders to shoot Colonials m arms after the 15th September.
      25 words
    • 38 15 Why the Kowtow was Waived. A semi-official statement explains that it is impossible for Germany to insist on China begging forgiveness, as that would imply that the Chinese Government had abetted Baron Von Ketteler's murder.
      38 words
    • 24 15 The indictment against Krause (for high treason) is en route to England. Nobody is aware of the nature of the
      24 words
    • 21 15 Incriminating Letters Seized. The mails addressed to certain suspects 1 have been stopped, and important correspondence has been seized.
      21 words
    • 138 15 Details of the Interview. Flain-spe^king by the Kaiser. The Kaiser received Prince Chun, remaining seated on his throne. He beckoned to Prince Chun to approach. The latter bowed thrice on arriving and Prince Chun handed to the German Emperor a letter expressing the regrets of the Emperor
      138 words
    • 25 15 A Japanese Steamer's Performance. The S S. Tosa Maru has arrived at Vancouver, making a record voyage m thirteen and a-sixth days.
      25 words
    • 30 15 No Lascar Crews. The Australian Commonwealth Parliament has adopted an amendment to the V Posts and Telegraphs Bill," limiting the mail contracts to ships manned entirely by
      30 words
    • 15 15 The American yacht Columbia has been chosen to defend the America Cup."
      15 words
    • 22 15 Active Clearing Operations. Various columns are actively harrying the fragmentary Boer commandoes. Commandant Scheepers is proceeding London, September 6th, igoi.
      22 words
    • 29 15 The Tsar's Visit. The Times correspondent at Paris says it the expected result of the Tsar's visit France will be the signature of a treaty commerce.
      29 words
    • 19 15 I Repulse of a Boer Commando. Commandant Fouche has attacked Herset and has been repulsed with loss.
      19 words
    • 14 15 Mr. Merriman has been liberated on role and is now at Capetown.
      14 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 122 15 11 MINERAAL LABORATORUIM." Roo>^ cue Kfrk Straat. Soerabaya Java. Messrs. J. M. KAUFMANN Co. Consulting and Mining Engineers, Metallurgists and Assayers, Experts in Mines, Minerals and Metals. \fi KSSUS. J. M. Kuufmann Co. are prepared iV1 to Manage, Survey, value, test and report <■- oi mining properties. J. M. Kaufmann
      122 words
    • 842 15 THE TANJONGPAQAR DOCK COMPANY. LTD. Shipwrights, Engineers* Iron and Brass Founders, Wharfingers, &c. TTHIS Company executes Ship and Marine Engine Repairs of all descriptions, in the most efficient manner, under the superintendence of experienced European Shipwrights and Engineers. Graving Docks up to 500 feet in length and 21 net on
      842 words
    • 30 15 ATTEMPTED ASSASSINATION PRESIDENT McKINLEY. SHOT TWICE AT BUFFALO EXHIBITION. WOUNDS SUPPOSED MORTAL. President McKinley was shot twire in the stomach while visiting the Exhibition The President's wounds are believed to
      30 words
    • 425 15 We have also, a few minutes later, a special press telegram through Hongkong giving the above news, and adding the words u Unlikely to recover last night." SOUTH AFRICA. An Entire Boer Commando Captured. Col. Scobell has captured the who*e of Lotter's commando at Petersburg in Cape Colony. THE BOER
      425 words

  • 18 16 He declares that he had no accomplices m his attempt on the life of Mr. McKinley.
    18 words
  • 28 16 President McKinley has taken no nourishment since he was shot. The physicians declare this to be unnecessary, as the patient has plenty of reserve strength.
    28 words
  • 10 16 Thousands of telegrams of sympathy have been received.
    10 words
  • 20 16 The Chinese Protocol has been signed by the Ministers at Peking. London, September gth y igoi.
    20 words
  • 79 16 (CORRECTED UP TO September i,,) On London. Bank 4 m/ s ii demand «j 1 Private credits 3 documents 3 m/s 11 credits 6 m/s V* tf France, demand f/u Germany, demand 243 f India, T. t.... 1 97 i Hongkong, demand.'.'*'' /i 5 Yokohama, demand.. T Jt<v pm
    79 words
  • 19 16 PRESIDENT McKINLEY. Wound Giving Trouble. Mr. McKinley is now suffering considerably from his wound, but is sleeping fairly well.
    19 words
  • 16 16 LATEST REPORTS FAVOURABLE. The latest bulletins state that the conditions of the patient's care are satisfactory.
    16 words
  • 63 16 Good Progress Towards Recovery. Distinctly Hopeful Views. A bulletin issued at 3 p.m. yesterday afternoon States Mr. McKinley's case is showing steady improvement, without pain or unfavourable symptoms. The temperature of the patient is ioo°. All the doctors m attendance take the most hopeful view of Mr.
    63 words
  • 28 16 Clearing the Country. Flight of Steyn and De Wet. De Wet and Steyn fled from Reitz on the approach of Colonel Rimington. London, September 10th, /go/.
    28 words
  • 22 16 Still Progressing Favourably. "^esterday evening a bulletin was issued stating that the condition of Mr. McKinley continues to be favourable.
    22 words
  • 14 16 The Natal Command, Lieut-General N. G. Lyttelton is to command m Natal.
    14 words
  • 26 16 Cable News Older than the Mail, 'Admiral Grenfel! succeeds Admiral Bruce as second-in-command m China. 1 [See yesterday* Singapore Free Press for fuller particulars.]
    26 words
  • 23 16 An Excellent Report, Mr. McKinley's condition is pronounced to be eminently satisfactory. Unless complications occur, a rapid convalescence may be expected.
    23 words
  • 48 16 The Treason Case. Krause has again appeared before the magistrate at Bow Street. The Treasury, who are prosecuting, have announced a fresh charge of incitement to murder against the prisoner. Krause has been remanded until arrival of documents from South Africa. London, September Ilth, /9 0/
    48 words
  • 100 16 (September u.t i»n Gambia **>.75 4^ Cube No'i 11,25 *yr«. Black M^SCST do. White, (Fair I /W~ s £J? •io. (Bos to the lb).. iv Mace (Banda) Cloves (Araboina) '1 Überi?n Coffee "ft Tapioca, small pearl *i&^jj£; do. do flake (do. do.) Jjc do. medium pearl (Fair do.) ceo
    100 words
  • 220 16 SEPTEMBER r7?r ""i too, yuoTATio* Paid .-..H.0, Mpi i,, V, „„„,>„„,. D,v, Bt Jeie-ted. .'c c/ °s. Bell* Asbestos Kastem t <*n. v. Nominal Bersawah Gold Mine Co. $4 2^Se iers Clear Water Dairy Karm ..cH. |t^ 5 beUerS |5 Fraser \nd N'eave Ltd. «3 4 Io 7
    220 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 446 16 C I K A K X N G ft S Singapore 4. Benlawers, Brit., Sarchet, for Cuddalore. Cassius, Ger., jQerlach, for Saigon. September 5. Chow Phya, Brit., Jellicoo, for Malacca and Klang. Hong Bee, Brit., Peters, for Hongkong and Amoy. Nam Yong, Brit., Smith, for Macassar, via ports. KianYang, Brit.,
      446 words
    • 570 16 VESSELS IN PORT Men-of-War and Tons Goosanders Arrived gf lsk Brit g.b., 1770 Wrey s,. u T F r Whei > Flamingo Dut g.b., 120 jJekL.. S?S I lon S ko "S UnewUla Other Vessels Flags ii Ton S Masters Amved From r Bc glralis n «*«i" Agamemnon Brit
      570 words
    • 182 16 ANJKK SHIPPING RKPOBT. I (Specially compiled lor the i Frtek I Date of passing AnJer; NttKmality and (leeI eription of vessel Captain's name; w 'horo and J when sailed. Destination. I Aug 20. Duf. str Nierapi Udem *«i Haiavii Aug 21. Brit. itr.. Duke of DefOßSfcirej Malrepeace Batavia, Aug 20
      182 words