The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 5 September 1901

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • Domestic Occurrences.
    • 20 1 BIRTH On tho 28th ins,., at No. 210LJ, Queen Street. 4h« wife of j. J, Pereira, 0f a son.
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    • 13 1 On 28th inst.. at tho General Hospital, James Aylino, aged 39 years.
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  • 309 1 jEA nrO Articles. Di-comfiture, j,Literature, Meeting, tri Trim Wanted' I4 N ival Warfare, 4 5 t<Je 146 J Venezuela, 1,5 .Mum Policy in South Africa, 146 IC Dependencies," 146 nun and the Kaiser, 1*5 S vs. r Tragedy, 144,150,155 i 4 f v. Ceylon Volunteers, 146,155 Shield Tug-of-War Final,
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  • 391 1 The mail from home of August gth arrived by the M.M, Natal on Monday. The next outward mail is due by the P. O. Palawan on Friday. The last homeward mail was taken by the M.M. Oceanien on Sunday. This homeward mail leaves bv P. 0. Massilia on
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  • 424 1 thall th« Press the People's r.gkt maiatair taxwed by influence and unbrib«d by fain; Her* patriot Truth her gloriau* precepti draw, *U tc R*!iKior\ Loyalty, and Law. v-j curses come hame to roost, so do the deeds of the Little Englander recoil, sooner or later, boonurang-like
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  • 156 1 A friend forwards us an extract from a letter, received by this morning's German, mail, written by a sister who is resident near Alice, a township in Cape Colony territory. It forms a very apt commentary on the evil influence English pro-Boer literature has upon the conduct of
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  • 167 1 Limited Liability companies have sometimes inharmonious meetings, but a Brisbane telegram of July ioth alludes to one which, it is to be hoped, is quite exceptional in the history of company enterprise in the Commonwealth A terrible tragedy occurred at Charters Towers to-night. A meeting of shareholders
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  • 611 1 "WiJfl&ndicateof benevolent philanthropists desire to bless Singapore for fifty years with an electric tram-car system, and, incidentally to that proposal, desire to retain sole control over this privilege to bless. A gentleman writes to say that the motor-car is the real thing for
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 70 1 Sub r L rs to the Singapore Free Press Weekly rom Europe to the Straits by any of lines are invited tt) send to the Manager of their steamer and date of arrival in Copies will then be mailed to meet nem ai 11 ous ports of call. G R.
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    • 52 1 Bricks AND Firebricks THE ALEXANDRA BRICKWORKS Co. Ltd. ARE NOW PREPARED TO SUPPLY Bricks at $15 per 1000, Firebricks at $75 per 1000. Fireclay at $27.50 per ton. Speciality in Boiler Seatings and Boilei Covers made to oider. For fur ther particulars apply to THE BORNEO Co., Ltd., AGENTS. June
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  • 372 2 The one thing that is certain about -naval warfare of the future where fleets composed of modern high-speed heavily-gunned ships, commanded by admirals determined to use their resources to the full, is that, with swift approach to close proximity, a very brief time, well inside of an
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  • 454 2 One of the most hopeful directions in which the Tropics may look for economic jlvantage is in the way of some possi;erfection of methods of conveying tropica. r J truits in good condition to the enormous i c copulations of the temperate regions. Wt, ja- i
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  • 398 2 An important consideration, when any disorder arises amongst the Central American Republics, lies in the possible policy j of the United States as a regulating and overruling authority. In a manner any '^itWil^^n^ constitutes bu AWr ore j occasion on wluclV Hie T^rtTTed States W^J
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  • 820 2 The McCallum Policy in South Africa. (Sept. 4th.) It is not a little curious to see, from the mail references to Lord Kitchener's recent proclamation, that the substance of that document is simply nothing more or less than a policy suggested by Sir Henry McCALLUM himself. In a parliamentary paper
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  • 251 2 The Siamese Dependencies." There is a significant sentence in a Bangkok paper, the Siam Observer, in its references to the status of Tringganu and Kelantan. It says "True that in the early treaties be- tween Britain and Siam sped^jL ss prevented Siam from obstructing V"* 8 merchants in those states,
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  • 254 2 PRINCE Chun has at last been spared the humiliation of performing the "kowtow" prostrations at the feet of the Kaiser. The Chinese Envoy is also to be relieved of the public procession, exhibited "to make a Piussian holiday." But— he is to be received at
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  • 260 2 Singapore Wins thb Shooting Match, An Easy Victory. Lieut. F. M. Elliot, S. v. R., has received a telegram from Ceylon stating that the Ceylon Volunteers had made 744 points in the match against the Singapore Volunteer team. The Singapore Vol. team which shot yesterday morning aggregated
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  • 985 3 The Secretary of the Hongkong General Chamber of Commerce has forwarded to the local press for publication the following letter The Board of Trade of the City of Ottawa Ottawa, Canada, 20th June, 1901Sir,— On behalf of the Ottawa Board of Trade, the President and Council have the
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  • 699 3 Warren Challinqb Shield Fihal Tie. S. V. R. v. 35TH Co. R. A. A VICTORY FOR THE VOLUNTEERS BY 3 GOALS to Nil. There was a large and enthusiastic body of spectators assembled last night on the Recreation Club Ground to witness the final. They were a keen
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  • 41 3 The local Secretary of the Raub Australian Gold Mining Company, Ltd., Singapore, has received a telegram from Raub, as follows Crushing finished, 3.200 tons of stone realized 1.733 ozs. of smelted gold. (Average 10 dwts. 18 grs. per ton.)
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  • 448 3 m Gentlemen, to solace their wearied minds by honest pastimes, playe at chesse, the astronomer s game, and the philosopher's game, which whettes thyr wittes, recreates thrv, minds, and hurts no body in the mean season." All communications should be addressed to the Chess Editor, Singapore Free
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  • 30 3 Problem No. 306. Black (8 pieces). Position in Forsyth Notation r i kt 5 8 b 4 KKti/4p3/3pk^ 3R4/ 2Qp 3 P/2bKt4. White to play and mate in three moves.
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  • 202 3 The following secured first prize for brilliancy in the second tourney of the Baltic Chess Association. Notes by the Rigaer Tageblatt. Two Knights' Defence. While Th. Germann. Black S. Lurie. 1 P-K4 P-K4 i6Kt-K4 P-KB4(d) 2 K1-KB3 Kt-QB3 i;PxP(e) PxKt 3 B-B4 Kt-83 i8QxPch K-B2 4P-Q3 B-B4
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  • 329 3 i The match between Lee and Teichmann was a well-fought contest, the final score being Teichmann, five Lee, two and one draw. The stubbornly fought match between Messrs. E. O. Jones and Mortimer at the British Chess Club last stood E. O. Jones six, Mortimer four, and one
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  • 210 3 A correspondent writes As much feeling was alleged to have been raised by Missionaries in China interferring in Civil affairs, several representative boards in the United States have very closely enquired into this matter with the result that there have been distinguished more clearly than
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  • 280 3 The Court, Oh the Court: Treat it with the dread decorum that a law-abider ought, As he gazes at the lawyers sitting there and making sport: As he gazes at them juggling with the Justice of the Port. i i^**\ The Court—Oh the Co»v t*i_. XH~^ ~^~*^n w
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  • 106 3 'The Onlooker" in the Malay Mail says —I see Mr. Clifford's new book is meeting with a very favourable reception at the hands of the reviewers. The Spectator sums up its review with the words. All the sketches are finely touched and deal with the nobler and subtler aspects of
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  • 718 4 Mr. Kenny, P.W.D., left for Malacca yesterday afternoon, to take charge of the department there. Additional duties are to be imposed upon bounty-fed Italian sugar imported into India,, with effect from the 15th instant. H. E. Sir Frank Swettenham, K.C M.G is expected to arrive at
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  • 236 4 A serious affair occurred on board the S.S. Benmore yesterday afternoon, while this vessel, which arrived that morning from London, was taking in cargo at Tanjong Pagar wharf, the second officer Mr. R. W. Jones being stabbed to death by one of the crew. It
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  • 441 4 STRANG! and Dramatic Scene. Some months a£o three Indians of the Sioux tribe were condemned to death for having raised the standard of revolt. They ask d that they might look death in the face go to meet it on horseback, with thtir faces painted
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  • 123 4 Captain Strong, for whom Lady Francis Hope, nee May Yohe, had left her husband, has resigned his commission in the United States army. It was accepted. Had he not done so, he would have been courtmartialled owing to the scandal his escapade caused. The Sia?n Observer achieves a humorous though
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  • 703 4 This further examination of Sir Thomas Sutherland before the Shipping Subsidies Commission contains many points worth noting: SHIPPING CONFERENCES QUBSTIONS. As to the Shipping Conferences, witness said that prior to the arrangement of 1897 competition existed freely at Singapore, and freights fell to zero.
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  • 55 4 At Powell Co's. sale-room yesterday three out of the fifteen Government building allotments at Stanley and Cecil Street were disposed of. Lots 1, 2 and 3 with a total area of 8946 square feet were bought by Mr. G. Prrtile at the upset price of $3 per ft.
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  • 85 4 The outward German Mail Preussen from Hamburg arrived last night and anchored outside, She proceeded to the wharf at 6 this morning am! leaves for Hongkong and Japan to-morrow morning. The Collier Auchenarden was docked at Tanjong Pagar yesterday. The new German coasting steamer Pitsanulok of 1,189 on
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  • 965 4 The Cry For Min. The August number of the Fortnights contains a striking article on the politic and the cry for men. England has r^J"* limit of empire, says the writer, and her need is a Hadrian who would recogni^ L^ and strongly attempt the policy to
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  • 1824 5 Obdinart Meeting Wednesday, A- (.ist 28th 1901. I» i Mr. J. O. Anthoniz (President) and rs< Iv Barker, Moses, Sohst, Cuscaden, 1 hye, Lee Choon Guan and Wee ew. :he two previous meetings were Rbmari I ioi rnoi in I 1 unand reduction of I nt submitted at
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  • 384 5 THE COMMONWEALTH AND THE EMPIRE. Melbourne, July 25— In the debate on the Defence Bill in the of Representatives. Mr. G. 11. Reid strongly favoured the volunteer and cadet system, which was everything that could be wished for. He would like to sec children of four and five irs
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  • 176 5 It has been pointed out that a paragraph in yesterday's issue referring to a decision by xMr. Justice Law in the Supreme Court regarding the above Estate, is incorrect. It is erroneously slated that the vendor was not entitled to succeed in hi.application, whereas, as a matter
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  • 302 5 WARREN SHIEL D TUG-OF-WAR. final Contest. I2th Co R. A Agvin thb Ch-smpions. The find-pud between 12th Co., the previous holders, and the 35th Co. for the above trophy brought off before a large number of spe« tators at Fort Canning last ning, when the 12th Co. R. A.
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  • 96 5 The Rangoon Municipality have been authorised by the Lieutenant-Gi r to borrou a sum of Rs. 074.000 and the Bank of and K 1,. w iH invite tenders as follows A R s 374,000 against debentures, re le on the 15th Octol er, 921 a loan'
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  • 229 5 Edinburgh 1 as so many statm s -landing in the open air "—to use Lord Rosebery's phrase at the Si v< n^.n memorial meeting— that there is diffii nip, si singly, in getting sites for any mor lhe committee in chargeofthe Edinburgh memorial to the late
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  • 181 6 Mr. H. C. Belfield is leaving for Europe on September 24th. Mr. Hugh Clifford, C.M.G., from Pahang relieves him. Sir Frank Swettenham will be at Kuala Lumpor about the 12th September and will probably return to Singapore about the 16th. The British transport Umta, .Vo. 4,
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  • 81 6 lhe Becond general meeting of the Members ot the above Association were held at the Town Hall last night, when there was a large attendance, Mr. Seah Liang Seah occupying the chair. Ihe report of the Committee was rt ad and unanimously adopted. The only change
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  • 61 6 IHE PARSEE THEATRICAL COMPANY. The Par>cr New Elphinstone Theatrical Company opens here to-morrow evening ill the specially erected theatre on the Victoria Hotel compound site. The Company, well-known in Singapore, and iivleed in mo>t of the large towns of tin* Ea^t, ar." .-ure ol lu arty support from patrons here
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  • 82 6 The correspondent nf the Journal at Toulon relates an incident of the French naval ma oeuvres which, though amusing, throws a curious light on some of the possibilities of wireless telegraphy in naval tactics. The cruiser, while oil Gibraltar experimenting with its wireless telegraphic apparatus, got into
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  • 79 6 A return match between the S.V.R. and the Rest was bowled at the Tanglin Club last night, the S.V.R. winning by 34 points. Scores S.V.R. Fhe Rest. Pte. G. B. Stratton 720 A. A. Gunn 690 Pte. P. Cunliite 716 W. C. Southam 663 Pte. J.G. Mactaggart 666 Capt.
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  • 166 6 The U. S. transport McClellan, with the American delegates who are to enquire into the administration of the Philippines, arrived at Singapore yesterday afternoon. The delegates are Senator Hon. A. O. Bacon, of Georgia and the following Congressmen Hon. D. A. Dr Armond, Missouri, Hon.
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  • 1790 6 In connection with the sad occurrence on the Benmohr on Wednesday afternoon, whilst that vessel was lying at Tanjong Pagar and which ended in the death of Mr. R. Jones, the second officer, as reported in the Singapore Free Press yesterday, an inquest was held
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  • Correspondence.
    • 547 6 r<J Tilt EOdOR. Sir,— In your edition o f \V, f r last your football reporter remarklu?* 1 part of the Recreation Club, no or?. I had been made on their ground etc °J I should like this statement adjuj The facts were as follows. TheS.C.r had kindly placed
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  • 188 6 Dr. Dimopoulos, a medical praet.t. town of Kutahia, in Asia Minor, send journal particulars of an "epidemic arnor-tf w of the town, which has probably no p dem experience. About three y■• woman became subject toa form the crow of a cock, which resisted treatmer after,
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  • 707 7 (Contributed.) In this City of Sink-o'-poor I saw a Strang* an<J wonderful sight. The inhibiChins, but they are of two distinct or races. One they call Tou-lang, m thc Chin language signifies and the other Kah-lan%, or .men. The first have the
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  • 86 7 rii am Bradley Strong is a kr on the "Nippon Marc." SCO, July 17th.— Captain Putnam Strong and Lady Frances Hope sailed n the Nippon Maru. The offi- steamship company have been mysteri- the departure of the couple, but On to know to-day Captain "panion
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  • 1669 7 "X" Fleet Defeats B Flebt. Perhaps the best account of the engagement in the English Channel during the naval manoeuvres is this, given by the Daily Chronicle correspondent on board the Amphitrite: The E.vemv Sighted Early in the morning, Sunday, 28th, we obtained our
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  • 447 7 Annual Regatta. Yesterday afternoon the preliminary he. its of the "Scratch Fours" was pulled off under favourable conditions. The crew rowing in the first heat got away with an excellent start, Robertson taking the outer course, but after the first dozen strokes or so Darbishire had gamed
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  • 660 7 About a score ot Dyaks from various parts of Sarawak, were recently brought down to Kuching, charged with having joined a head-hunting expedition with the intention of raiding the Tutong district, part of the Brunei territory. It appears that these people were in the Limbang district gutta-hunting, the
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  • 466 8 The German yacht Eberhard left for Colombo on the 29th. Lance-Sergt. Mudditt, of the ColoHial Police Force, has been dismissed the Government Service. Port Swettenham is to be opened for good traffic on the ist Sept. Mr. Moody, is to be the Station Ma-ter in charge
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  • 131 8 rhe Directors' Report, for last half-yean stales that The net amount for the half-year available lor ation, including §265,000 brought forward from last account, is |722,000. The Directors recommend that a sum of §200,000 be added to reserve for New Dredger, Wharf Extensions and Developments,
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  • 124 8 Thus the Malay Mail of Augusi 24 Those who were at the Lake Club last night were witnesses of an amusing incident The latest motor car on the road jibbed obstinately and refused to negotiate the mild descent. Every effort to start it signally failed, in
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  • 985 8 Quicquid agunt homines nostri est farrago lihelli Juvenal. The House of Commons must have come to a pretty pass when Mr. Swift McNeill deems it necessary to be a guardian of its honour. The closing weeks of the Session were marked, as usual, by an Irish
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  • 118 8 The weather last night was almost perfect a: d consequently the attendance at the open air perlormance by the band of the i6tb M. I at the Botanical Gardens was very large. The vanous selections found so great favour with the public that a couple
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  • 171 8 DESTRUCTION OF THE VIPER." The naval mai oeuvres, which bi gan on Sunday, July 28th, and were concluded on Kug. 3rd, were not cirried through (his year without si rious ac< ident. T e 1 ishap by which the torpedo I No 81 was wrecked off the island of Alderney
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  • 454 8 ork on the ci urse this morning commenced with Contadina (M. Khan), who was sent round it a good smart pace once from the top. She was not so excited and moved in line form. i ord Bobs (Native), followed by Snoozer (Pier Bux) about three lengths behind,
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  • 109 8 A Naval Conierrnce Suon mtß At a meeting of the council 0 f tIV ern division of the National Union London on Friday, the 26th July ar „fi. ,fi was unanimously carried "Ththe rapid development of malithn. power by foreign States, and having 1^ totheever-.ncreasing magnitude of M
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  • 84 8 burto .Id bdr 1 a con.; tbe prize in a hor..e -r fat J of h once. church of Clont nf. and m my >enrs' duiati >n inal |>n' pose. in t>e Clontarf Pari of r b1 ind ricMy embossed in representing M no
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  • 523 8 THE MARVELLOUS PROFITS OF PLAY-WRI TING. If you want to mak i really good pi I a well-known i I can assure >ou you nee I n i of v as you live, b able duty of reo iving and signing i corns such I ihis .ire not pi year;
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  • 111 9 During the fortnight embracing the Fair Holidays in Glasgow no fewer than seventy rreguUr marriages took place in the the couples appearing before tor warrant to resister, instead l r j married according to Church lorm of marriage is becomommon in Scotland. Besides publicity, an irregular
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  • 166 9 R Owingl liner ii tai n B th I 1 Fort ill ther, the d til tl jth, which tl Da rup his stroke and rapidly winning ther fa t the n the j I v B the On i each ing hi i ;w were 1
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  • 253 9 SINGAPORE ROWING CLUB ANNUAL REGATTA. irday, two he lica* decid beti t a mile The first heat in ar.d er and W !he former crew having to El iu.h.l second boat v lengths al cad befor< When pa the Rodesse mho\\ as then thi hind, put on a spurt and
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  • 409 9 Yesterday was S. Partridge's Day. The constabulary uniform in the Philippines is to be khaki, with red facings. The news of the Russian proclamation of suzerainty over Newchwang is reported IU the Japanese papers to be confirmed. Commander Frederick M. Wise, C.S.N. of the Monocacy, died
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  • 87 9 The Russian transport Petersburg, with troop-, left lor Odessa yesterday after coaling. The outward French mail Natal arrived trom Marseilles ven this morning and leaves lor S .igon this evening. m£m The steamer Arratoon Apcar arrived Calcutta this morning and brought about 1,300 head of cattle for
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  • 134 9 The New Elphinstone Parsee Theatrical Company gave a drama entitled "Khoon-E-Naneh" (Hamlet) a^ their first performance at the Parsee Theatre, recently constructed in Beach-road, and judging from the crowded house on Saturday night, the season bids to be more than a fair one for this excellent Company.,
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  • 939 9 Choral Concert—" Ruth." On Saturday evening, before a and appreciative audience, Mr. Alfre haul's melodious Pastoral Cantata Ruth was given by the Society's Choir, supported by a portion of the Philharmonic Orchestra. This was followed by a short selection of miscellaneous items, the concert closing with commendable
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  • 693 9 Study oi British Methods. I mentioned, a short time ago (writes the Berlin correspondent of The Standard) that the reorgas nisatton of the entire Colonial and Consular system cf Germany is under consideration, now that Baron von Richthofen, who, during a long service abroad, had many opportunities
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  • 174 9 The New French Concession. The following are the principal conditions in the convention just signed for the extension of French railways in Indo-China into the Chinese province of Yunnan, between M. Doumer, Governor-Gen-eral of Indo-China, on the one side, and thc Bank of Indo-China, Comptoir d'Escompte. the
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  • 936 10 This morning in the Third Magistrate's Court before Mr. Sarwar, further evidence was taken relative to the charge against the Italian sailor, Escale Laura, of committing murder at Singapore on August 28th, by killing the second officer of the Benmohr, Mr. R. Jones. The first witness was
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  • 37 10 lhe final game n connection with t» StfoitsChini s. National Challenge Cup lfl pay. cl yesterday at Tanjong Pagar be Uii n theOuul Afiah and Pathol Karib Ciub- lhe former won bv 4 goals to 1
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  • 219 10 In a recent letter by Mr. A. R. Colquhoun, published in the Morning Post, writing on the subject of the Manchurian Convention, he states that Japan M has now discovered that all that these Powers {i.e., Great Britain and the United States) wished was to push her into
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  • 535 10 A mail paper gives the details of the death of the Empress Frederick un the sth August The news of the death of the Fn. press Freeh rick came as somewhat of a shock. Of course, ii has long been understood that the Empress was suffering
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  • 85 10 The result of the play yesterday for the Medal at the Sepoy Lines was as follows Capt. Winter 84 5 79 Earle 8s 5 m 80 Dr. Ellis 86 5 81 Col. Oakes 94 12 82 Dr. Middleton 94 10 84 J. H. D, Jones 90
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  • 1284 10 The report on the Trade of the Straits Settlements for the year 1900 by the Registrar of Imports and Exports states, that towards the close of the year 1900 it became apparent that the trade boom which had existed more or less since
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  • 252 10 Navy v, S. C. C. This match, played on the Esplanade resulted in a draw. The Club comi 151 runs, when they declare! their innclosed with live wickets down, Reid retiring for a tine innings of 66, Stronach being caught lor 38 and Billings not out for runs.^
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  • 196 10 The Gopeng Tin Mining Company (Limited) has been registered by Robin Billing and Co., 218, St.and, with a capital of ,£lOO,OOO in £1 shares, with lhe of acquiring the business of th en Tin Mining Company, Limited (incorporated in 1892); to adopt any agreement with the
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  • 1333 10 The S.S. Ernest Simons, of the 1 geries MaritimesComp ny, which ducked in Bombay lor>o to replace a port, n the prope ing which had hacturcd, pleted these repai s. V Times of India o the 19 ran a trial trip in the harbou. stability of the new work -r^c
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  • 65 11 Forty-four Killed. The clearing away of the debr .used by the house collapse in Cochrane .-etis finished, only one more body having been found, this making total of 44 dead, 23 injured and 5 unhurt, or 72 in all. All that now remains is the pulling
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  • 65 11 The Spanish Mail steamer Alicante, homeward bound, arrived from Manila this morning. The M. M. steamer Natal left for Saigon ami Japan yesterday afternoon. The collier Fallodon Hall arrived from Ca cutta this morning and brought for discharge here about 4,500 tons Bengal coal. The M. M. steamer
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  • 126 11 fhe C. P. R. steamer Empress 0/ India, before leaving Hongkong, was specially luted up for details of a i-pounder Maxim Battery, comprising one officer and eighty men of the Royal Artillery, who are to make the trip home via Vancouver, the trans-Canadian railway to Montreal and
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  • 201 11 News has been received at Hongkong by wire of the death at Home (in London it is believed) of Mr. C. J. Holliday, late of the well known firm of Holliday. Wise and Co.. ol Hongkong. The deceased gentleman severed his connection with the
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  • 157 11 1 he following official intimation has heen sent to the various hi^h provincial authorities by the advisers of the Empress Downger at Hsian, concerning the future movements of the Court As already announced to your Excellency, their Imperial Majesties the Empress Dowager and Emperor have decided
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  • 131 11 Alladin or the Wonderful Lamp was excellently produced by this talented Company last night before another large audience. The performance, which might be curtailed with some advantage, was a great success, the artistic scenery and elaborate Chinese costumes elicitinggreat admiration. Miss Mohenee made a very graceful Princess
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  • 199 11 SlNGAPORB VOLS. V. CEYLON VoLS. This match, postponed from Saturday, was fired this morning at Balestier range, in not a very clear light. The Singapore Volunteers totalled 859, counting in the best ten out of twelve, or an average 850 per man. The shooting was at the reduced
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  • 571 11 These passages from a private letter, received by a Singapore resident last mail, will interest local volunteers I have had just too ripping a time at camp for words. The only jar is getting up at 5 o'clock in the morning, as it is
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  • 112 11 General Mei is once more in Tientsin, writes the correspondent of the Mercury, and has paid official visits to the different commanders, who have returned his calls at his present quarters, which are in a pawnshop in the native city. The efforts of the Chinese
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  • 364 12 Si\L ight thou tunds in refined gold the plunder which his rewarded an unknown number of clever robbers far three months of patient, skilful work. (Sv. writes the San Francisco correspondent of the Daily Mail.) The thiei dug a tuan J from a railr.
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  • 275 12 Thc China Hazette, ot the nath inst., says: Death and disaster have been remarkably busy ot late amongst shipping men, and almost ev ry other day recently we have had to record some fortune amongst sea-faring men. On Saturday afternoon, the steamer Warrior arrived at
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  • 364 12 Anticipated Bbtwebn Shbll Co. and the Standard Oil. The first steamer of the Shell Transport and Trading Company has arrived at Melbourne (writes the Melbourne correspondent of the Financial Times) b nging over 5,000 tons of bulk kerosene from Batoum, of which 720,800 gallons has
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  • 307 12 The September Assizes were opened at the Supreme Court this morning by His Lordship Mr. justice Law. The calendar is by no means a heavy one, but it is a far more interest than usual, four of the cases to be tried being of great importance. These are,
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  • 709 12 Times \ng. Sib.) rhe Kelantan question grows considerably in interest now that Mr. I);. I take* t pof making public what exactly it is, th». dipli mats are diseubsm^. Tne statement of his claim which we reproduce bom thi Press c f the 23rd inst.. is presumably
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  • 1074 12 {Via Ceylon.) London, Aug. 22nd. The Duke of Cornwall has been installed as Chancellor of Cape Town University. The Duke of Cornwall has laid the foundationstone of the new Cathedral at Cape Town. Replying to a farewell telegram from Lord Kitchener, on behalf of the Army, His Royal Highness
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  • 447 12 CHINESE IMMIGRAION AND FOREIGN SHIPPING. The Hongkong Daily Press writes lows:— Our German contemporary in Shanghai complains ot what it calls the actii itish Colonies, and especially ot Sing .p^ to suppress the rising powei ol G< ping, and proiesses to 0e rem ,on of a saying ol Spinoza: Unu
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  • 463 13 a M.S. Rosario left for the Cocos at 9. 0 this morning. e British transport Chin%-Tu, passed 1 .arbour from West to East last tver Y^terday,- before the first Court, there mt about 300 Municipal cases There moie pending for next arc j| a a Kling
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  • 119 13 wa< a crowded bouse at the Parsee i ight to witness the produc-./ar-E-Neky a popular play To Europeans, quite rdu, the acting was rendered >1« by the excellent interpre\arious parts. The staging ily good and the scienic effect asing one. Gulzar-E-Neky 1 oi opera drama and though
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  • Correspondence.
    • 142 13 To thb Editor, Sir —The authorities in the Federated Malay S'ates have done well to make Kuala Lumpur one of the centres for the Cambridge University Local Examinations. The F. M. States Scholarships is rightly to be confined to bona fide successful candidates of the F. M.
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  • 655 13 C6 T«.. I\L>iTOR. Sir, In your issue of the 28th August, I observe that you treated your readers to many interesting items of news under the lii g c N tes from the States." Mention wis made of a rifle-club to be statted in Seremban,
    655 words
  • 264 13 ifo the Eoitor. Sir, In a summary account of the Congress on Tuberculosis, in tl e London Times Weekly Edition, I read that u the mortality from phthisis has bt en reduced in this country lower than in any other. A remarkable and progressive improvement has been
    264 words
  • 1365 13 SISTP.R TkRBSA." Even wb« n Mr. George Moore jests cumbrouslv with Mr Archer about w^ at he is pleased to c ail The Brixton Empire," and deel r« s his melancholy iut< ntion of banishing hints- If to Ireland from a sense of what he
    1,365 words
  • 312 13 General Frederick D. Grant, son of the former President of the United States, has jus. passed through Vienna en route for the Philippines, and to the Correspondent of The Times he said in conversation The situation in the Philippines is. very promising. Active hostility had practically ceased before
    312 words

  • 30 14 The composer Charles Camille SaintSaens has died at Paris. He was born there in 1835, and was since 1881 a menber of the French Academy.
    30 words
  • 59 14 Yesterday, before Mr. Justice Law, two Chinese named Tan Low Soo and Hong Joo Tee alias Sim Nguan, charged with robbery, were acquitted. This morning his Lordship sentenced Tok Hai to two years rigorous imprisonment for theft in a dwelling, and the next case heard was that of
    59 words
  • 21 14 The total number of deaths for Singapore for the week ended August 31st, is 210 —a ratio per mille of 44.28.
    21 words
  • 403 14 *t rf rt 5 generally those current m t Clyde Terrace Market. At the other markets there may be small variations. Singapore September 2, iqoi. Beans, Long per catty cts. 4 Do., French do. 20 Beef do. 25 BeefSteak do. v 28 Bean Sprouts do. 2 Bamboo
    403 words
  • 90 14 (September 4.1 Tin...,.,,, $66.75 p^ I€^-no:7::::::::::::: Pepper, Black (ordinary SWT J^ White, (FairL/W- s *"g Nutmegs ,10s to the lb.)L S' 5 *o. /80s to the ib) Mace (Banda) 4 Cloves (Amboina) .V.V.'V *1 Siberian Coffee.. 3 Pearl Sago, small 5 7 do. Pomianak.... 7- 60 Opium, Benares New
    90 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 686 14 PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY OCCIDENTAL AND ORIENTAL STEAMSHIP COMPANY AND mOYO KISEN KAISHA (oriental 3. a. co.) VIA INLAND SEA OF lAPAN AND HONOLULU. Through Passage Tickets granted to England France, and Germany by all trans-Atlantic lines of steamers, and to the principal cities of the United States or Canada.
      686 words
    • 345 14 MINERAAL LABORATORUIM." Rooms che Kerk Straat. Soerabaya— Java. Messrs. J. M. KAUFMANN Co. Consulting and Mining Engineers, Metallurgists and Assayers, Experts in Mines, Minerals and Metals. MESSRS. J. M. Kaufmann Co. are prepared to Manage, Survey, value, test and report on all classes of mining properties. Messrs. J. M. Kaufmann
      345 words
    • 474 14 PAID-UP CAPITAL.... ORAT >0», RESERVE FUND.— 1..J Sterling Reserve.. Silver Reserve.. 000 1 1, RESERVE LIABILItVor 000 1 3oo *J PROPRIETORS.....* F Court of Dimmctorm R. Shewan Esq^Cu" Hon. J J.BELL-IRviNoZn HA,t H, E. ToMKiis, Esq. V? 8^ Cha IMai A. Hauit, Esq \v R,c hard»o»£ j D. M. Momc
      474 words

  • 81 15 "THE CHINESE CRISIS. FROM WITHIN" (BY WEN CHING) j Edited by the Rev. G. M. Reith, M.A. The remarkable and instructive series of articles that appeared in the Singapore Free Press of last year have now been published in book form by the well-known London publisher, Mr. Grant Richards. The
    81 words
  • 698 15 Times —Vigorous and lucid English. Th© book is extremely interesting in many ways, but mainly for its sketches of the wire pullers in the Palace intrigues of the last few years. Athenxum —This is an interesting and instructive work. It is interesting as containing much information which could
    698 words
  • 872 15 Sporting PROGRAMME FOR THE AUTUMN RACE MEETING, 1901. October 22nd, 24th and 26th. FIRST DAY. Tuesday, 22nd October. First Racb. The Maidbn Platb.—Value $400. A Race for Maiden Horses—Weight as per scale (lost.) An allowance of 141b. to ex-Griffins imported into the Straits Settlements or Native States
    872 words
  • 25 15 An Inconvenient Delay, Prince Chun's delay (at Basle, under a plea of illness) is inconveniencing the who is unable to to Kiel.
    25 words
  • 14 15 The Kaiser may possibly be compelled to modify his demands.
    14 words
  • 8 15 General Gaselee has arrived at Vancouver.
    8 words
  • 20 15 A Useful Reform, The Committee on Naval Rations has recommended modifications entailing an additional outlay of £187,000.
    20 words
  • 22 15 No Alacrity to Visit Berlin. Prince Chun has recovered but there are no signs of his proceeding to Berlin.
    22 words
  • 16 15 He has sent several long despatches to Singan-tu (the present Imperial capital)
    16 words
  • 11 15 The retiring Chinese Ambassador has arrived at Basle.
    11 words
  • 21 15 NO "CHIN-CHIN TO THE KAISER. He left Berlin suddenly and unceremoniously, without bidding farewell to the Kaiser. London, August 30th. 1901.
    21 words
  • 35 15 A Favourable Solution Expected: Hostilities Impossible. M. Constans, being interviewed, stated that he hoped for a favourable issue to the difficulty with Turkey. The eventuality of hostilities was out of the question.
    35 words
  • 39 15 A New Departure. A Low Freight Fleet, The Northern Pacific Railroad Company are building two steamers for the Pacific trade. These are the nucleus of a fleet intended to carry freight at half the ordinary rates.
    39 words
  • 24 15 Alleged Retirement Next Year, The Pall Mall Gazette states that it is now pretty certain that Lord Salisbury retires after the Coronation.
    24 words
  • 27 15 Terms of Address Prescribed. The German papers state that the Government made representations to Prince Chun regarding the tone of the address which he reads.
    27 words
  • 17 15 The Kaiser also insists on a modified form of kowtowing to His Majesty.
    17 words
  • 14 15 The Kaiser has received the Korean Minister. London, August 31st, 1901.
    14 words
    • 23 15 Firm Attitude of French Government, France has requested the Ottoman Ambassador at Paris, who is on leave, not tt return.
      23 words
    • 37 15 An Indisposition to Order The German press is sceptical as to Prince Chun's indisposition, which, it is believed, is due to objections entertained by him to the arrangements connected with his reception at Berlin.
      37 words
    • 78 15 Stringent Measures, Against Boer Outrage. Mr. Brodrick in a despatch replying to Lord Kitchener regarding the Boer shooting of the British wounded (at Vlakfontein), says he should proclaim that all captured Boers convicted of being present at such outrages should be held guilty. The leader of the Commando
      78 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 619 15 The Singapore Free Press. AND Mercantile Advertiser. Tabli Addriss,— Advertiser, Singapore. XiLlPHONI NUMBIR.— No. 6l. pushed at 30-3. Raffle" Place, Singapjo THE leading English Newspaper in the Straits Settlements Johore, the t federated Native States of Perak, Selan or Sungei Ujon*, Pahang, the Negr Senibilan British North Borneo Sarawak KVherlands
      619 words
    • 54 15 McALISTER Co S -I.E AGENTS FOR The Anglo-Egyptian Cigarette Co The following high class brands of cigarettes are always in stock SHAH, gold tipped, §1.60 per box of 50 (large size) ROYA* ES, gold tipped, §1.25 per box of 50 (medium size) Packed in patent air-tight fe, OBTAINABLE FROM McALISTER
      54 words

  • 271 16 SEPTEMBER 4 t h TglP^ Quotation, Pai». d Bank oi_ Cmna and Japan, Ltd. Nominal. £4 iVidb wds. Deferred. t-5-5/ 5S Bell's Asbestos Kastern Agency. Nominal. Xi Bersawah Gold Mine Co. 13-75 Sellers. $5 Gear Water Dairy Farm Ltd. Sioo $100 Fraser and Neave Ltd* $84 $r o
    271 words
  • 22 16 A Mystery. The Times correspondent at Moscow states that the departure of the Thibetan mission is shrouded in mystery.
    22 words
  • 18 16 It is believed that it is returning overland escorted through Mongolia by a Russian force.
    18 words
  • 19 16 RUSSIAN INTELLIGENCE OFFICERS. OFFICERS. This force is understood to consist largely of intelligence officers serving nominally in the ranks.
    19 words
  • 32 16 A Train Derailed. A train has been blown up on the 31st August South of Sannas-Kraal. Two hundred and fifty Boers immediately rushed the trucks and set them on lire.
    32 words
  • 18 16 Capt. Vandeleur, D.S.O. of the Irish Guards w is killed. The other casualties are not reported.
    18 words
  • 32 16 Dr. Leyds has fai ed to obtain an interview between Mr. Kruger and the Tsar on the occasion of the visit of the latter to France. London, September ist, 1901,
    32 words
  • 16 16 CASUALTIES AT SANNASKRA4.L, Besides Capt Vandeleur nine men were killed and «e\v Qteen wounded.)
    16 words
  • 19 16 A telegram from Basle states that there is no sign of a settlement of the Mission dispute.
    19 words
  • 25 16 The Chinese Officials declare that they would rather die than perform a humiliating Kowtow oefore the Emperor. London, September 2nd, 1901. P*
    25 words
  • 15 16 Turkish Ambassador Leaves Paris. The Turkish Embassador, Muuir Bey. has left Pari
    15 words
  • 12 16 Hostilities Imminent. Hosttlttii are imminent between Venezuela ar*d Colombia.
    12 words
  • 20 16 Nine thousand Venezuela' Regulars an maned on the Frontier r. ady to as-ist th. Colombian Revolutionists.
    20 words
  • 13 16 Turkey has solicited Germany's mediation in her difficuhy with France.
    13 words
  • 37 16 The Clearing Operations. The commandos under Herzog and Late gan have been driven back into the Orange Colony. The Middelburg, Cradock, Graafreinet, and Steynsburg districts are nearly clear of the enemy. London, September 3rd, 1901.
    37 words
  • 37 16 A Treasonable Charge. Mr. Krause, the ex-Governor of Johannesberg, who has been residing in England for four months, after swearing allegiance has been arrested in London on a charge of supplying information to thejenany.
    37 words
  • 36 16 CHUN^¥ Chinese Envoy Scores His Point. Concession by the Kaiser. The Kaiser has wai^v^rThis demand that the Chinese mission should perform the 1 Kowtow also the' matter of the public procession through Berlin.
    36 words
  • 19 16 The Kaiser has consented to receive Prince Chun alone at Potsdam, accompanied only by an interpreter.
    19 words
  • 18 16 Chinese mission accordingly has left Basle for Berlin in a special imperial saloon train.
    18 words
  • 19 16 The German officials and the public are surprised as the attempt to revive the obsolete n Kowtow."
    19 words
  • 30 16 Charged with High Treason. Mr. Krause will be charged with high treason in the Transvaal. He has been remanded for a week and bail has been refused.
    30 words
  • 12 16 Prince Chun has arrived at Potsdam. London September 4th, 1901.
    12 words
  • 58 16 Corrected up to September 4«J On Loni> Ba« i- i ra/V demand Private credits documents mr credits 6 m/s. l France, demand... Germany, demand India, T. T... .i 5* Hongkong, demand... r Yokohama, demand.. ?AVA, demand m Manila, demand V o y Sovereigns, (to r-uy Bank of England Rate
    58 words
  • 43 16 The Standard Time s Balls. A Time Ball at Fort Canning aL^porei** Brani fall every day at 1 p.m.. time (Greenwich mean timo D hr»., being hoisted Ave minutes p»«W -g If either c£ the balls should latl, the flag be hoisted. J
    43 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 31 16 COALS AT GALLE. TXTE areprcpared to supply best newly arrived Cardiff Coal and India* (Barrakur) or Steamers* bunker*, at current rates Quick despatch CLARK, SPENCE& Co. E. COATES Co. June uc
      31 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 587 16 CLEARANCES. August 2$. Highlander, Brit., Dawson, lor Rangoon and Jars. Shukuiio Mam, Fujita, for Shanghai. Speolmau, Dut., Van Rhce, for Palombang. August 29. Chartorhouse, Brit Field, for Nagasaki. AuchenaMen, Brit., Peat, for Batavia. Chow Phya, Brit., Jcllicoe, Top Malacca and Klang. Ban Whatt Hin, Brit., Forbes, lor Klang, via ports.
      587 words
    • 900 16 Men-of-War Flag and Tons Commanders Arrived From For Wh Albion Brit b'ship, 12/J50 Hewett Ang 27 Colombo Brisk Brit g.b., 1770 Wrey 8% J^ 45 FUMo*, [hit g.b., 420 Dekker Septa I;..;. Other Vessels Flags Tons Masters Arrived From Consignees For Wh Alexandria Ger 3660 Korden Sept 2 Hoagkong Behn
      900 words